首页 建筑施工现场环境、卫生标准



建筑施工现场环境、卫生标准建筑施工现场环境、卫生标准 中华人民共和国行业标准 建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准 JGJ146-2004 1 总则 1.0.1 为保障作业人员的身体健康和生命安全,改善作业人员的工作环境与生活条件,保护生态环境,防治施工过程对环境造成污染和各类疾病的发生,制定本标准。 1.0.2 本标准适用于新建、扩建、改建的土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道工程、设备安装工程、装修装饰工程及拆除工程。 1.0.3 本标准所指的施工现场包括施工区、办公区和生活区。 1.0.4 建筑施工现场环境与卫生除应执行本标准的规定外,尚应...

建筑施工现场环境、卫生 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 中华人民共和国行业标准 建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准 JGJ146-2004 1 总则 1.0.1 为保障作业人员的身体健康和生命安全,改善作业人员的工作环境与生活条件,保护生态环境,防治施工过程对环境造成污染和各类疾病的发生,制定本标准。 1.0.2 本标准适用于新建、扩建、改建的土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道工程、设备安装工程、装修装饰工程及拆除工程。 1.0.3 本标准所指的施工现场包括施工区、办公区和生活区。 1.0.4 建筑施工现场环境与卫生除应执行本标准的规定外,尚应符合国家现行有关强制性标准的规定。 2 一般规定 2.0.1 施工现场的施工区域应与办公、生活区划分清晰,并应采取相应的隔离措施。 2.0.2 施工现场必须采用封闭围挡,高度不得小于1.8m。 2.0.3 施工现场出入口应标有企业名称或企业标识。主要出入口明显处应设置工程概况牌,大门内应有施工现场总平面图和安全生产、消防保卫、环境保护、文明施工等 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 牌。 2.0.4 施工现场临时用房应选址合理,并应符合安全、消防要求和国家有关规定。 2.0.5 在工程的施工组织 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 中应有防治大气、水土、噪声污染和days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 改善环境卫生的有效措施。 2.0.6 施工企业应采取有效的职业病防护措施,为作业人员提供必备的防护用品,对从事有职业病危害作业的人员应定期进行体检和培训。 2.0.7 施工企业应结合季节特点,做好作业人员的饮食卫生和防暑降温、防寒保暖、防煤气中毒、防疫等工作。 2.0.8 施工现场必须建立环境保护、环境卫生管理和检查制度,并应做好检查记录。 2.0.9 对施工现场作业人员的教育培训、考核应包括环境保护、环境卫生等有关法律、法规的内容。 2.0.10 施工企业应根据法律、法规的规定,制定施工现场的公共卫生突发事件应急预案。 3 环境保护 3.1 防治大气污染 3.1.1 施工现场的主要道路必须进行硬化处理,土方应集中堆放。裸露的场地和集中堆放的土方应采取覆盖、固化或绿化等措施。 3.1.2 拆除建筑物、构筑物时,应采用隔离、洒水等措施,并应在规定期限内将废弃物清理完毕。 3.1.3 施工现场土方作业应采取防止扬尘措施。 3.1.4 从事土方、渣土和施工垃圾运输应采用密闭式运输车辆或采取覆盖措施;施工现场出入口处应采取保证车辆清洁的措施。 3.1.5 施工现场的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 和大模板等存放场地必须平整坚实。水泥和days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 其他易飞扬的细颗粒建筑材料应密闭存放或采取覆盖等措施。 3.1.6 施工现场混凝土搅拌场所应采取封闭、降尘措施。 3.1.7 建筑物内施工垃圾的清运,必须采用相应容器或管道运输,严禁凌空抛掷。 3.1.8 施工现场应设置密闭式垃圾站,施工垃圾、生活垃圾应分类存放,并应及时清运出场。 3.1.9 城区、旅游景点、疗养区、重点文物保护地及人口密集区的施工现场应使用清洁能源。 3.1.10 施工现场的机械设备、车辆的尾气排放应符合国家环保排放标准的要求。 3.1.11 施工现场严禁焚烧各类废弃物。 3.2 防治水土污染 3.2.1 施工现场应设置排水沟及沉淀池,施工污水经沉淀后方可排入市政污水管网或河流。 3.2.2 施工现场存放的油料和化学溶剂等物品应设有专门的库房,地面应做防渗漏处理。废弃的油料和化学溶剂应集中处理,不得随意倾倒。 3.2.3 食堂应设置隔油池,并应及时清理。 3.2.4 厕所的化粪池应做抗渗处理。 3.2.5 食堂、盥洗室、淋浴间的下水管线应设置过滤网,并应与市政污水管线连接,保证排水通畅。 3.3 防治施工噪声污染 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 3.3.1 施工现场应按照现行国家标准《建筑施工场界噪声限值及其测量 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 》(GB12523~12524)制定降噪措施,并可由施工企业自行对施工现场的噪声值进行监测和记录。 3.3.2 施工现场的强噪声设备宜设置在远离居民区的一侧,并应采取降低噪声措施。 3.3.3 对因生产工艺要求或其他特殊需要,确需在夜间进行超过噪声标准施工的,施工前建设单位应向有关部门提出申请,经批准后方可进行夜间施工。 3.3.4 运输材料的车辆进入施工现场,严禁鸣笛,装卸材料应做到轻拿轻放。 4 环境卫生 4.1 临时设施 4.1.1 施工现场应设置办公室、宿舍、食堂、厕所、淋浴间、开水房、文体活动室、密闭式垃圾站(或容器)及盥洗设施等临时设施。临时设施所用建筑材料应符合环保、消防要求。 4.1.2 办公区和生活区应设密闭式垃圾容器。 4.1.3 办公室内布局应合理,文件资料宜归类存放,并应保持室内清洁卫生。 4.1.4 施工现场应配备常用药及绷带、止血带、颈托、担架等急救器材。 4.1.5 宿舍内应保证有必要的生活空间,室内净高不得小于2.4m,通道宽度不得小于0.9m,每间宿舍居住人员不得超过16人。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 4.1.6 施工现场宿舍必须设置可开启式窗户,宿舍内的床铺不得超过2层,严禁使用通铺。 4.1.7 宿舍内应设置生活用品专柜,有条件的宿舍宜设置生活用品储藏室。 4.1.8 宿舍内应设置垃圾桶,宿舍外宜设置鞋柜或鞋架,生活区内应提供为作业人员晾晒衣物的场地。 4.1.9 食堂应设置在远离厕所、垃圾站、有毒有害场所等污染源的地方。 4.1.10 食堂应设置独立的制作间、储藏间,门扇下方应设不低于0.2m的防鼠挡板。 制作间灶台及其周边应贴瓷砖,所贴瓷砖高度不宜小于1.5m,地面应做硬化和防滑处理。 粮食存放台距墙和地面应大于0.2m。 4.1.11 食堂应配备必要的排风设施和冷藏设施。 4.1.12 食堂的燃气罐应单独设置存放间,存放间应通风良好并严禁存放其他物品。 4.1.13 食堂制作间的炊具宜存放在封闭的橱柜内,刀、盆、案板等炊具应生熟分开。食品应有遮盖,遮盖物品应有正反面标识。各种佐料和副食应存放在密闭器皿内,并应有标识。 4.1.14 食堂外应设置密闭式泔不桶,并应及时清运。 4.1.15 施工现场应设置水冲式或移动式厕所,厕所地面应硬化,门窗应齐全。蹲位之间宜设置隔板,隔板高度不宜低于0.9m。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 4.1.16 厕所大小应根据作业人员的数量设置。高层建筑施工超过8层以后,每隔四层宜设置临时厕所。厕所应设专人负责清扫、消毒、化粪池应及时清掏。 4.1.17 淋浴间内应设置满足需要的淋浴喷头,可设置储衣柜或挂衣架。 4.1.18 盥洗设施应设置满足作业人员使用的盥洗池,并应使用节水龙头。 4.1.19 生活区应设置开水炉、电热水器或饮用水保温桶;施工区应配备流动保温水桶。 4.1.20 文体活动室应配备电视机、书报、杂志等文体活动设施、用品。 4.2 卫生与防疫 4.2.1 施工现场应设专职或兼职保洁员,负责卫生清扫和保洁。 4.2.2 办公区和生活区应采取灭鼠、蚊、蝇、蝉螂等措施,并应定期投放和喷洒药物。 4.2.3 食堂必须有卫生许可证,炊事人员必须持身体健康证上岗。 4.2.4 炊事人员上岗应穿戴洁净的工作服、工作帽和口罩,并应保持个人卫生。不得穿工作服出食堂,非炊事人员不得随意进入制作间。 4.2.5 食堂的炊具、餐具和公用饮水器具必须清洗消毒。 4.2.6 施工现场应加强食品、原料的进货管理,食堂严禁出售变质食品。 4.2.7 施工现场作业人员发生法定传染病、食物中毒或急性职业中days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 毒时,必须在2小时内向施工现场所在地建设行政主管部门和有关部 门报告,并应积极配合调查处理。 4.2.8 现场施工人员患有法定传染病时,应及时进行隔离,并由卫 生防疫部门进行处置。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow
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