首页 2015社团文化节闭幕式主持稿改



2015社团文化节闭幕式主持稿改2015社团文化节闭幕式主持稿改 “缤纷社团,青春校园” ----2015年宁波职业技术学院第 十五届社团文化节闭幕式主持稿 一、 观众入场,主席团和会长红毯秀 二、放映晚会短片视频 卢:青春在社团激扬。 杨:梦想乘文化起飞。 李:红色旋律跃动青春 汪:缤纷社团秀出精彩 卢:尊敬的各位领导, 杨:各位来宾 李:敬爱的老师们 汪:亲爱的同学们 合:大家晚上好。 卢:欢迎大家来到“缤纷社团,青春校园” ----2015年宁波职业技术学院第十五届社团文化节闭幕式暨“志成?社团之夜”的现场,我是主...

2015社团文化节闭幕式主持稿改 “缤纷社团,青春校园” ----2015年宁波职业技术学院第 十五届社团文化节闭幕式主持稿 一、 观众入场,主席团和会长红毯秀 二、放映晚会短片视频 卢:青春在社团激扬。 杨:梦想乘文化起飞。 李:红色旋律跃动青春 汪:缤纷社团秀出精彩 卢:尊敬的各位领导, 杨:各位来宾 李:敬爱的老师们 汪:亲爱的同学们 合:大家晚上好。 卢:欢迎大家来到“缤纷社团,青春校园” ----2015年宁波职业技术学院第十五届社团文化节闭幕式暨“志成?社团之夜”的现场,我是主持人卢腾。 杨:我是主持人杨丹, 李:我是主持人李建 汪:我是主持人汪隽珏 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 卢:青春就像是五彩的画笔,勾勒出绚丽的人生 杨:青春就像是悦动的音符,谱写出灿烂的年华 李:社团,是承载着青春与梦想的舞台 汪:社团,是充满着活力与希望的家园 卢:下面请允许我为大家介绍出席今晚闭幕式的领导和嘉宾,他们分别是 杨:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导和嘉宾的到来。 卢:从社团文化节开幕到现在已经度过了四十五天,四十五天里,各个社团百花齐放,展现各自社团的文化魅力。 杨:四十五天中,学术科类比赛授人以渔,体竞科类比赛紧张精彩,兴趣类活动趣味横生。 李:精彩活动的背后是无数个周密的策划 汪:周密策划的背后是社团人的努力与汗水 杨:在这里要感谢志成户外拓展公司、一根面馆、声远文化传媒有限公司、以及苏宁易购和玫凯琳对本场晚会的大力支持。 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 卢:现在我宣布“缤纷社团,青春校园” ----2015年宁波职业技术学院第十五届社团文化节闭幕式暨“志成?社团之夜” 合:正式开始。 【第一篇章: 我们 】 卢:在歌声中我们共同留下回忆 杨:在旋律里我们有过欢乐和梦想 李:那些我们共同爱好和拼搏过的日子,是摇滚里闪亮的音符,现在来进入我们本场晚会的第一篇章“我们” 汪:下面掌声有请吉他协会为我们带来《致我们的摇滚》 李:在咱们宁职院里,有一个队伍的名字让人非常耳熟,他们不仅参加过众多比赛并获得优异的成绩,也多次为我们带来令人震撼的传统表演 汪:要说起这个队伍的表演,我得用一个夸张的词来形容,那就是龙腾虎跃 李:一点也不夸张,接下来掌声有请舞龙协会为我们带来表演《龙腾》 李:你的家在东南,我的家在西北。紧靠着天柱山,中间是黄河水。 汪:冥冥中就开始心灵约会,梦中的孔雀总是向着东南飞,哎李建,我们这干巴巴的念着实在是没有那份韵味啊 李:那就让戏曲协会的同学们用悠扬的曲调为我们倾诉动人的《孔雀东南飞》 卢:在咱们宁职院,非遗文化一直以一种古老而沉静的方式熏陶着每一位同学 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 杨:非遗文化也成为我们的名片,是传统文化中不可或缺的魅力所在 卢:那么非遗的传统与现代的时尚又会碰撞出怎样的火花呢 杨:接下来掌声有请非遗科类、时装协会、主持人协会共同带来《非遗版的秀》 第一次颁奖 第一次微信抽奖 抽奖后感谢赞助商:在这里要感谢志成户外拓展公司、一根面馆、声远文化传媒有限公司、以及苏宁易购和玫凯琳对本场晚会的大力支持。 【第二篇章:正ing 】 李:我们正在路上,正在享受清风和雨,享受艳丽阳光 汪:我们正在路上,正在经历酸甜苦辣,感受人生百态 李:我们正在用历练换取成长,我们正在用美好舞动青春,现在进入我们本场晚会的第二篇章“正ing” 汪:下面有请街舞协会为我们带来《舞动青春》 卢:杨丹,你听说过音乐沙龙协会吗 杨:听说过啊,在咱们学校可是独树一帜的曲风 卢,那大家是否期待音乐沙龙协会和戏曲协会的巧妙结合呢 杨:哇,卢腾你可别开玩笑,这两个协会根本不是一个风格啊。 卢:诶,我当然是没有在开玩笑,下面有请戏曲协会和音乐沙龙协会scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 为我们带来歌曲:《新贵妃醉酒》。 李:一支顽强拼搏的队伍,一个团结向上的集体。整齐的步伐踏着他们的坚定、灿烂的微笑写着他们的热情 汪:优雅动感的节奏,整齐划一的表演,充分显示了当代大学生的风采 李:掌声有请健美操协会为我们带来《神采飞扬》 卢:薛骅,国内知名互动魔术师,曾受邀央视《我要上春晚》的节目,获得ims国际魔术家协会最受大众喜爱魔术师称号,是全浙江最红的魔术大师 杨:你介绍这个。。。该不会是今天他也来到了咱们晚会的现场了吧~ 卢:没错,下面就让我们用热烈的掌声有请薛骅为我们带来魔术表演《心灵的触碰》 第二次颁奖 第二次微信抽奖 在这里要感谢志成户外拓展公司、一根面馆、声远文化传媒有限公司、以及苏宁易购和玫凯琳对本场晚会的大力支持。 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 【第三篇章:青春 】 卢:青春,是人生最美的旅程 杨:青春,是人生最富诗意的季节。 卢:青春,是人生最灿烂的阳光。现在进入本场晚会的第三篇章“青春” 卢:杨丹你这青春都快过去一半了,现在有没有学到点什么拿手的功夫, 杨:你指的是, 卢:比如说跆拳道 杨:这个我倒真的不会,不过接下来咱们社团联一群小伙伴的跆拳道功夫那可了不得 卢:下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请跆拳道协会的同学们为我们表演《台风来袭》 卢:青春里,我们四处奔走,却始终坚定不移心中的太阳 杨:跟随着它,能让我们找到青春最美的风景 卢:下面有请音乐沙龙协会为我们带来歌曲《最美的太阳》 李:每当夜幕降临,就有一群少年在校园里成为一道独特的风景 汪:他们身轻如燕,花招百出。让人惊叹与羡慕 李:他们就是轮滑协会的小伙伴,有请他们为我们带来表演《脚尖律动》 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 卢:在大家结束了一天劳累的课程想要休息的时候,他们还在忙碌 杨:当夜的脚步拖着钟声快要离去的时候,他们还未入眠 卢:他们就像游离的小草聚集到了这里,每一天都在茁壮成长~ 杨:他们的光合作用,让校园里每一个晴天更加美好 卢:下面掌声有请社团联主席团的小伙伴为我们带来表演《光合作用》,听听他们在社团联里的故事,想要对你们说的话 第三次颁奖 门票抽奖 卢:动听的音弦在夜空响起,动人的歌声在耳畔萦绕 杨:这里欢歌笑语,这里满堂融融 李:这里畅想未来,这里放飞梦想 汪:今夜无眠,今夜有梦,就让我们记住这美好的时光 卢:宁波职业技术学院第十五届社团文化节闭幕式及颁奖晚会到这里就圆满结束了 杨:感谢各位领导老师和同学们的支持,感谢所有台前幕后演出策划人员的精心准备 合:我们明年见 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
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