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普通话命题作文30篇普通话命题作文30篇 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and trainin...

普通话命题作文30篇 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 我的愿望(或理想) 每个人都有自己的理想。有的人想当白衣天使——护士;有的人想当人类的精神支柱——作家;有的人想当飞行员;有的人想当科学家。而我呢,我的理想是当一个普普通通的人民的教师。 虽然教师的地位不是很高,但老师是一个神圣的职业。它被誉为人类灵魂的工程师,他不仅传授学生知识,而且教会学生做人的道理。 老师像一支蜡烛,照亮着我们前进的方向,老师又像一叶扁舟,带我们遨游知识的海洋,老师像一个辛勤的园丁,哺育着我们这些祖国的花朵。 当我遇到难题时,老师用它的智慧为我解决难题;当我茫然时,老师为我排除内心的纷杂,指引着我前进的方向;当我取得成就时,老师用她那赞许的目光,激励着我晕一步。 老师经常用朴实的话语教导我们,勉励我们做正直、诚实的人。在老师的影响下,我从小就对老师充满了感激。 老师是个辛苦的职业,当有一些成绩落后的学生时,老师要用自己休息的时间为他们补习功课;那有的同学不舒服的时候,老师要送他们去医院;当有的孩子的家庭比较特殊的时候,老师要更加关心、爱护这样的学生。 我特别想当一名 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 教师,她不在于教导大道理。他们在洁白如纸的孩子们的心灵上,写下的是永不磨灭的痕迹。这痕迹往往影响孩子的一生。 我敬佩老师,也感谢老师。 教师这个职业是我的理想,我在努力着,我在拼搏着。为了实现我的梦想,我会更加努力。 我的学习生活 学习,一直伴随着我。 在小的时候,我就喜欢在家看书,妈妈给我买了许多儿童书,像一万个为什么,儿童百科全书,西游记等等,我都看过好多遍。我喜欢画画,妈妈还给我买了许多绘画书,让我练习绘画。 小学的时候,妈妈给我买了一些儿童作文书,我没事的时候就会看。老师留的作文,对于我来说,从来都不是一个难事。到现在那些作文书还保留着。到了3 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 ,我开始了书法的学习。刚开始的时候我觉得很好玩,就是照着描,挺有意思的,描的可快了,描了一段时间,我不爱描了,我觉得没意思了,这个时候,我的字一点也没有进展,还是原来的样子。后来是妈妈,她让我观察,看看人家写的字和我写的字,哪个更好看,我开始学着人家写字,一点一点的描,慢慢地,我的字有进步了,有了很大的变化。至今,我能写的这一手好字,和那时候是有很大的关系的。 高中,在那里,同学们几乎全都为了自己的大学梦,在拼搏,在努力着,我也不例(li)外,我向着自己的目标,每天早晨早早起床背英语单词,一整天都投入到紧张的学习生活中。到了晚上,开始背古文等。高中的学习生活是紧张而又充实的。 转眼间到了大学。老师就对我们说:“在大学,你们要注重学习方法,你们一定要学会自学,大学和高中不一样,没有人管你们,一切靠你们自己。” 于是,除了上课,有许多时间我都钻到自习室里学习英语、日语、计算机等。工夫不负有心人,经过我的努力,我通过了全部的考试。在大学的学习生涯中,我没有挂过一科,而且,年年拿得奖学金。 大学生活结束(jie shu)了,现在,我又开始学习普通话。人们都说:“活到老,学到老”。我一点也没有放弃学习,普通话是我国的通用语言,也是国际语言之一。作为中国人,一定要把普通话学好。学普通话的过程,有苦也有乐。要想学好普通话,首先要从拼音练起。如果拼音不过关,说好普通话是非常困难的。每天我都早早的起来练习,不懂的就向其他人请教,有时为了读准一个拼音,经常练到舌头发硬。在看电视、听广播的时候,要注意主持人的发音,并默默跟读,练习说普通话的感觉。这还可以帮助我们注意普通话与方言之间的对应关系。另外,我们要多向字典请教,不懂就查,尤其要注意一些字的多音与多义等。其次,我认为,要把一些经常读错的字记录下来,抽时间专门练习,这样可以做到更有针对性,这也是最有效的方法。最后,坚持用普通话进行日常交流。 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of m-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the originalny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 2 我尊敬的人 每个人都有自己尊敬的人,就犹如孝顺的人尊敬长辈一样。我最尊敬的人是一名作家。你会以为是像巴金、莎士比亚那样的健全人,可是她却是一位残疾人。她看不见任何美好的东西;也听不见世界上的任何美好而动听的声音;只能用手来触摸世界的一切。这位作家就是海伦。 海伦在出生八年后,得了一场大病,因此,她失去了听力和视力。她出生的家庭,她的爷爷是一位教师,教聋哑人的教师。她的老师凯莉小姐,不畏艰辛地教导她,使她能勇敢坚强地活下去。所以,她现在的成就是离不开她的老师凯莉小姐的。她的处女作《我的生活》使人们认识了她。后来,这本书被翻译成了八种语言,流传世界她也登上了《时代周刊》。这对她来说,是一大改革。 我钦佩也尊敬海伦,她在听不见(看不见的情况下,艰苦奋斗成为了一名伟大的作家。说她伟大,并不是因为所有作家都伟大,而是她,一个残疾人,一个听不见并看不见的人能成为作家,对于我们来说,不可能,绝对不可能。所以,在我心中,我觉得她有智慧女神雅典娜一般的光彩。 海伦对创作的一丝不苟。要知道,她要完成一部作品,付出的汗水要比别的作者要多,甚至更多。她要成为作家,需要比别人一百倍的努力,克服一百倍的困难。可是,她坚持„„她,克服了这一个个的困难,写出了一部部轰动文坛的作品。这一部部作品让她留名青史,永垂不朽。 海伦的种种优点,我可能只能学习一点点。我如果和她见面。她如山般高,我却只能化为一片平原。但是,我会对她说:“海伦,你值得我敬佩和尊敬~” 我喜爱的动物 我喜爱的动物是狗。 狗的生性灵活。世界上几乎没有一只狗是痴痴呆呆,不爱吃也不爱玩的。然而,狗的反应十分敏捷。当看到有老鼠、虫蚁的出现,狗便展示其自身本领,快速地捕捉它们。 我家有一只小狗,名字叫“闹闹”,别看它的名字叫“闹闹”。但是它一点也不闹,而且非常的听话。人们都说:狗通人性。我觉得真是这么回事。可能是我和它相处时间长了吧~ 它有一双大大的圆圆的眼睛,两只看起来非常灵敏的大耳朵。你只要和它说“闹闹”来坐,它就会走到你的前面,在你脚下躺下,而且打几个滚。这个时候,它就会露出雪白的肚皮,每次都让人好想摸摸它。 当你在吃东西的时候,它会瞪大眼睛,目不转睛的看着你,有的时候,它还会跳起来,双手合十的向你打招呼,这个意思是“谢谢”,意思是:让你给它东西吃。每当这时,我都不忍心自己把美食吃掉,我都会扔给它一些。它接东西的水平也是一流的,每当我扔东西给它的时候,它都会迅速地接住。 到了晚上的时候,它会静敲敲地扒在地上,两个小爪子搭在前面,头侧向一边,真的和人睡觉的姿势好像呀。 现在,“闹闹”怀孕了,我每天都在注意着它的变化,而且,每天都留下一些好吃的给它。现在,已经有许多人预订了它的小宝宝,希望它的小宝宝和它一样聪明、可爱。 有一回,“闹闹”失踪了几个星期。在那段时间里,每天我一下班,总要看看“闹闹”回没回家,但每次都是以失落告终。在那几个星期里,我伤心极了,我总是想它,生怕“闹闹”再也不会回来了。一个星期天早上,我在吃早饭。忽然间,我听到了“汪汪”的声音——这是“闹闹”的吠叫声呀~我急忙跑去开门,果真是“闹闹”~“闹闹”跑了进来,高兴地舔着我的脸,和我玩了整整一个上午。 从此以后,我更关心它,生怕它再一次不辞而别。 这就是我的“闹闹”,一只可爱、珍贵的狗。 es learning content. Guiding partye pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 2 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 童年的记忆 我的童年不像别人家的孩子,人家有汽车、手枪、坦克等许多好玩的玩具。但是,我的童年是幸福快乐的。因为在我童年的记忆里,全是父母对我的爱。我童年有许多难忘的记忆。那是我的财富。 一次我正在家中玩,觉得屋子晃来晃去,我也像要倒了。我还没等反映过来,爸爸跑到了我玩的这个屋子。那是地震。爸爸知道是地震,他没有直接跑出去,而是转个弯来到了我的这个屋子,让我别害怕,让我蹲在墙角别动。事后爸爸说,墙角的那些铁架子比较固定,比较结实。如果遇到地震什么的,一定要赶紧到有支撑物的地方,比如桌子的底下等等。 还有一次,爸爸和妈妈在外屋做菜,我在旁边屋里,只听妈妈在那大声的喊,我就跑了出去,看见爸爸捧着一个大火球,在慢慢地往外移动。不会,那个大火球消失不见了。这是我亲眼所见的。听妈妈说,爸爸是担心大火球乱窜把房子烧着了。于是,爸爸自己捧着向外走。 我上高中以后,离家里很远,坐车需要一个小时的时间。我一个月回家一次。那个时候我晕车,不管是冬天还是夏天,爸爸都骑着摩托车送我上学。冬天的时候爸爸把我送到了学校,全身已经冻透了,他把两只手对在一起相互搓,看见我进了教室,他就直接往回走,有好几次,我想让爸爸找个地方暖和会,可惜那时候根本没有家长呆的地方。 我的大学是在沈阳。第一次去的时候是爸爸送我去的。到了学校,爸爸看见学校没有想象中的好,心里面很难受,而我不知道,我去的时候屋子里面没有同学,爸爸怕我自己一个人,就去旁边的寝室找了一个同学,正好是我的老乡,让我和他呆在一起。我爸把一切安排妥当之后就回家了,听妈妈说,爸爸回家就哭了,说对学校不满意,怕我不习惯。 还有很多很多童年的记忆,童年是幸福的,童心是最可贵的,童年虽已成为回忆,但只要我们永远保持着那份可贵的童心,快乐也是永远的。 我喜爱的职业 教师是我最喜爱的职业,我的朋友都说:当老师真好,在那里,不但没有外面职业的你争我夺,而且天天和孩子在一起,能够永远保持年轻~我赞同他们的观点,但我喜欢教师不仅仅是因为这个,因为,教师是太阳底下最崇高的职业。之所以说是“最崇高”、 “最光辉”,就是因为教师是“人类灵魂的工程师”。建造一座房子或桥梁,我们称他为建筑工程师; 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 工厂的合理流程,我们称他为工业工程师;研究更好地养花种花、美化环境,我们称他为园艺工程师。然而教师却是灵魂的工程师,那就意味着是塑造人类的思想、建设人们的精神世界,是精神文明的设计者和创造者,是精神花园里的一个园丁。无论在中国还是外国,久远以来,教师这一行业就已经作为独立的一门职业门类而存在了。 在中国,早在西周时期就有了“学在官府”的记载,到了春秋时期,以孔子为首的一大批私学大师相继涌现出来,成为中国教育史上最早的专职教师。教师的出现,极大地推动了教育事业的发展,人才的培养也变得普及起来。 “师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也。”传播人生道理,讲授专业知识,解除心中困惑。在这个过程中,等于是把知识的火炬一代一代地传递下去。所以,在我认为,教师更像一个接力赛的队员。这个接力赛的总长度是人类的整个时间长河,前不见古人,后不见来者,悠悠无尽头。历史赋予我们特定的一程,我们从上一代手中接过知识接力棒,然后跟时间赛跑,直到跑完我们的这一段,把接力棒传递给下一代的人。 教师对学生的爱是无私的,在当今社会更是难能可贵的。不求别的,单是在街上遇到了,他们大声的叫我一句:“老师好~”只这简单的一句话,就会满足。因为我是一名光荣的人民教师。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 3 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of mstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original-ny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 4 难忘的旅行 要说起旅行,我始终忘不了小的时候妈妈带我到大连的那一次旅行。 我们先去的是海底世界,海底世界里面有各种各样的鱼类,我看见了大鲸鱼的骨头,完好无损的,长有10多米长,宽也有3米多宽,简直是太大了,如果不是亲眼看见,我觉得我是真的不会相信,会有那么大的鱼。围观大鲸鱼的人很多,都在欣赏着面前的这个宠然大物吧。我还看见有人穿的衣服能把身体的体形弄成和鱼的体形一模一样,在水里游来游去,还有鱼的那个尾巴呢,在水里一摆一摆的,真有意思。她们好像是在表演吧,为了吸引游客的目光。海底世界还有放许多多漂亮的鱼,我就不再介绍了。 逛完了海底世界,妈妈又带我来到了海边,海边的风景可真是美极了,蔚蓝的在海,清澈见底,还能看见许多小鱼在水里游来游去呢~本来我们是要坐船的,可是我一上到甲板上,就开始吐,妈妈说我晕船,妈妈只好把我领下了船。虽然,没有坐成船,但是美丽的风景已经把我淘醉了。海边还有许多人在游泳,在玩耍,都是那样的开心~ 之后,我们去了一个我叫不上名字的地方,我们像是站在高空中,而下面是大海,它的高度底海面有几十米高,在我们的头顶上有一个非常粗的大绳子,大绳子上面有许多小车,我们坐了那个车,那个车载着我们从大海的一边到大海的另外一边。那个时候我害怕极了,现在想起来那个大绳子好像是钢筋吧,应该没有什么问题的。 晚上,妈妈带我坐了飞天轮,简直是太刺激了,可能是因为那时候还小吧,看见许多的小朋友都在上面玩,现在让我再玩一次飞天轮,我说什么也不会玩了。 之后,我们还去了许多地方,至今,我仍然记得那次旅行,就像是才旅行完一样呢~这次旅行是我一生最难忘的旅行,也是我的第一次旅行~ 我的朋友 我的朋友很多,小飞是我最要好的一个朋友,也是多年的老朋友了。矮矮的,胖胖的。平时爱穿蓝色的衬衫,黑色的裤子,黑色的皮鞋,很有精神。他戴一副中度近视镜,让人一看就知道是个爱学习的好孩子。他博学多才。他也比较幽默,有时候你看着他,他就是想笑不笑的感觉,让你禁不住也想笑。他总愿意讲一些冷笑话。 每到考试的时候,他就会把所有要考试的内容全部整理一遍,让我拿去复习,每次有他的复习题,我都会取得很好的成绩。 当我遇到困难的时候,他会及时出现,记得有一次,下很大的雨,我在外面回不了宿舍了。他冒着大雨,给我送来了雨伞。我看他的衣服还湿了许多,这就是我的傻里傻气的朋友。 有一段时间,因为一些原因,我没有地方住了,他的床没有就不大,而且他还偏胖,他说:没有关系,咱俩睡一张床吧,我说太挤了,他说,没事啊,将就一下就好了。晚上的时候,我看见他使劲地往墙边上靠,让出一些大的地方给我。这就是我的朋友,处处为他人着想的朋友。 还有一次,一个同学管他借钱,本来,他就没多少钱。我说:没有多少钱你就别借了,自己花什么啊。他说:他向我借钱,肯定是一点也没有了,一旦有什么事怎么办。于是,他把自己的生活费借给了那个人,自己天天吃泡面什么的。这就是我的朋友。 曾经,我们桌上畅饮。我们是幸福快乐的童年伙伴,我们是风雨同舟的知心朋友,我们是自强不息的赶路人。如今,他在外地工作,我们相隔数里,但我们都在心里默默祈祷祝福。我们的友情不会随着时间的推移而模糊,也不会因地域的分隔而淡忘,更不会因地位的改变而变质,恰恰相反,我们的友情只能越来越浓厚。 es learning content. Guiding partye pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 4 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 我喜爱的文学(或其它)艺术形式 我喜欢的文学有很多,青年文摘、读者、青年博览、意林等等,在这么多的书刊中,我最喜欢的就是故事会以及读者。 可能很多人会问,都大学生了,怎么还喜欢读故事会这么幼稚的书刊,不过我觉得一个人的年龄与学习的内容是没有必然的关系的,只要你觉得她对你有价值对你有用,只要是健康的都可以读。我喜欢故事会主要有以下几个原因: 第一、故事会文字简单、通俗易懂。我在小学的时候读故事的时候认识的字还不是很多,但是我还是可以读懂里面的一小部分,那时最喜欢读里面笑话的部分了。渐渐的长大了,就可以读懂里面的所有文章了。故事会的内容不会很多,最多是两三页,短小精悍,通俗易懂。 第二、故事会携带方便。他不是很厚,只有几十页。平时我的背包里面都会放着一本,这样在排队的时候、在等人、在等车的时候就可以拿出来看了。既方便有可以充分地利用零散的时间。我喜欢故事会就是因为她使得我养成了合理利用时间的好习惯。 第三、故事会的内容联系生活,接近实际。她很少讲述科学如何发展,也很少论述未来怎么美好,而是现实的反映、生活的写照。比如农村是如何致富的、农村的相亲、学生如何艰苦求学等等。让人读起来特别的亲切自然。 第四、小故事大道理。故事会不会用太多的篇幅来说明一个道理,不想其他的书刊为了说明一个大道理占了很多的篇幅,她只是通过一个很小的故事来说明这个道理,而且不会在文章里面点明,而是要读者自己去想象去思考,给人留下了很大的空间。我喜欢故事会就是因为她培养了我丰富的想象力与严密的逻辑思考能力。 除了故事会我还喜欢读者。读者原名叫读者文摘,因为与美国的读者文摘同名,最后只好改为读者了。不过 觉得还是读者这个名称更好,因为读者就是为了读者而设的,就是为了读者而办的。 读者里面的文章是很朴实很真实的,充满了睿智与人情味,人性的美与人性的丑都在这样得到了体现。 我记得2006年第十一期就有这样的一篇文章《玛菲尔的秘密》,善良的玛菲尔为了不揭示妈妈的秘密,忍受着爸爸是一名囚犯的残酷事实,帮助妈妈做家务。照看妹妹,还帮助出狱的爸爸找到自信找到工作,读罢,心里久久不能够平静,在这里,我看见了玛菲尔至善至美的品德。 我喜欢读者就是因为它使我认识了世界的社会之窗,使我看见了人性的真善美。 谈谈卫生与健康 下面我就谈谈“卫生与健康”的知识。 其实卫生是处处都必须注意的: 有的人愿意吃米线、麻辣烫、肯德基和麦当劳,其实这些东西都是垃圾食品。像米线,已经暴光了它的制作原料,吃一次米线,相当于吃了多少个塑料袋啊。麻辣烫里面含有一滴香,这对我们身体也是有害的。 还有路边、大街上、小巷中,在那些小摊小贩的摊子上,经常做一些油炸食品。像油饼、臭豆腐、炸串那样的食品,千万不能去买,以前,我吃过那个炸串,吃到也不知道第几串的时候,看见上面有一个黑黑的东西,仔细一看,是一只大蟑螂。从那以后,我就再也没吃过那些东西。我现在也很注意保养,不会再吃那些不卫生的食品了,它严重影响我们的健康。吃了容易生病,甚至造成腹泻、头晕之类的症状。 注意卫生,我们在饭前便后要洗手,这也是讲卫生的行为。 说到健康,也许有人会说:“吃多了东西也就健康了吧~”其实不是这样的。你还要常运动、多喝水,多喝水能够有利于我们排尿,这样可以把体内的一些毒素排出体外。每天定量吃饭,按时睡觉等等,这样才能做到健康。而且我们还要多吃蔬菜和水果(在吃这些东西之前,一定要洗干净)。这也有助于我们的身体健康。 卫生与健康是紧密相连的。不讲卫生不仅使身体容易生病,有时连你宝贵的双眼也会受到侵袭。当你接触过钱、霉旧的书等东西之后,你可千万不要去揉眼睛,这样会使你患上沙眼,导致视力下降。 为了有个健康的好身体,平时我们要养成良好的卫生习惯。我们要从身边的一点一滴的生活小事做起。比如,要保持个人清洁卫生,衣服要勤换洗,勤洗澡,勤剪指甲;饭前便后要洗手;经常打扫环境卫生;适当参加体育锻炼,增强身体免疫力。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 5 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of m-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the originalny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 6 我的业余生活 我的业余生活非常广泛,我希望自己的生活过得充实而有意义。 我在工作之余读书、上网、养鱼、打乒乓球、羽毛球。 我喜欢读书,一个人在房间里静悄悄的读书是我最大的快乐。我特别喜欢看青年文摘、知音、爱人等杂志。我觉得那里面的一些故事很有教育意义。我也看一些情感小说,像韩寒的《他的国》等。我还愿意看一些武侠小说。 我喜欢上网,我不知道的东西可以上网去寻找答案。我可以在网络这个世界里,浏览新闻、下载资料、收发邮件、偶尔也轻松一下,看看电影、听听音乐、玩玩游戏,还和朋友聊聊天等。 我喜欢养鱼,也喜欢观赏鱼儿,我每隔两天就给鱼儿换一次水,我喜欢站在鱼缸旁边静静地看鱼儿在水中欢快的游来游去。此时,我没有任何烦恼,而且感觉自己也像鱼儿一样,轻松自由地移动~当我在劳累的时候,看看鱼儿,它会让我消除疲劳。我在办公室里养几条小鱼,那也为增添了一道风景线。 我喜欢打乒乓球,我觉得打乒乓球能够锻炼一个人的反应速度,还有,乒乓球掉了之后,需要去捡球,这样,需要的能量是很大的。而且,还能够锻炼身体、增强体质。只要你全身心地投入到乒乓球中,你就会跟着球跑,球到哪里,你就到哪里,它的运动效果特别明显。 我喜欢羽毛球,羽毛球是一种最美丽的运动,全身肢体舒展之美胜于任何一项运动,将人的全身每一肢体都展现得淋漓尽致。它恰到好处的表现了力量与阴柔的完美结合。 这就是我的业余生活,别人看起来普普通通、平平淡淡,在我的心目标中却觉得每一天都过得非常充实。工作之余我们一定要多做运动,让身心都得以轻松。朋友们,让我们一起选择健康而有趣的业余生活,充实我们自己吧~ 我喜欢的季节(或天气) 我喜欢秋天。秋天是一个让人愉快的季节,它既不像春天那样阴雨连连,也不像冬天那样寒冷。秋天的天气总是那样风和日丽。 不仅仅是因为秋天的天气才喜欢秋天。最重要的是:秋天是收获的季节。 玉米成熟了,个个玉米都是粒粒饱满的大棒子,爸爸妈妈和我,早晨4、5点钟就上山了,爸爸先用镰刀把玉米割倒,我和妈妈把玉米从玉米杆上拨下来,然后装进袋子里面。看着一袋一袋的满满的玉米真有一种说不出的高兴。 水稻成熟了,微风吹来,稻浪涌动,仿佛一片金色的海洋。人们躬着腰忙着收割,手里的镰刀在不断地舞动着。他们收获着那一片用汗水换来的金子,喜悦写在他们的脸上。 山上的野果成熟了,我们几个小伙伴就一起到山上去摘野果子吃。满山都是各种各样的野果,像山葡萄,野山楂等等。山葡萄的颜色很紫色,小小的,看起来像是甜的,可是,一吃起来,人的口水都要流出来了,有些小伙伴特别喜欢吃酸的,他们对于山葡萄,那简直是爱不释手啊。而我,拿回家之后,让妈妈做葡萄酒喝,那酒做出来的味道简单是太棒了,感觉比买的都要好喝好几倍呢。 秋收之后的田野一片空旷,我们常在那里摔跤、打滚、追鱼逐虾,最有趣的要数捉泥鳅了。秋天的泥鳅又肥又多,连那些小沟渠里都有很多。我和小伙伴们常常分工合作,一两个人在上游,自上而下将沟里的水搅浑,在下游的人则自下而上将水搅浑。泥鳅受到惊扰,纷纷往中游聚拢,这时守在中游的伙伴就可以浑水摸鱼了。我们将获得的战利品拿回去煮粥,或者养在鱼缸里观赏。 秋天对于我来说永远都是最美的~我喜欢秋季~ es learning content. Guiding partye pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 6 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 学习普通话的体验 普通话是我国的通用语言,也是国际语言之一。作为中国人,一定要把普通话学好。学习普通话的过程,有苦也有乐。 这次学习普通话是曲教师来为我们上的课,听着她说的普通话,觉得是非常的好听,非常的舒服,我想,一定要学好普通话。学习普通话,不仅方便他人,也让自己受益破多。有的时候,你讲的是方言,别人没有办法听懂,因此,要学好普通话。下面是我学习普通话感受到的体验。 第一,要从拼音练起。如果拼音不过关,说好普通话是非常困难的。记得在小学 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 时,老师天天读a、o、e,想不到这对我们后来学好普通话竟有相当重要的意义呀。每天我都早早的起来练习,不懂的就向其他人请教,有时为了读准一个拼音,经常练到舌头发硬。第二,在看电视、听广播的时候,要注意主持人的发音,并默默跟读,练习说普通话的感觉。这还可以帮助我们注意普通话与方言之间的对应关系。第三,多读些拼音报上的文章,锻炼说普通话的感觉,或者看到一个字后,就是暗暗地朗诵其 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 音,并注意与方言音的对应关系,争取举一反三,触类旁通。第四,不懂就查。字典是我们很好的老师,若有不懂,定要虚心请教,直至完全正确为止。尤其要注意一些字的多音与多义等。第五,我认为,要把一些经常读错的字记录下来,抽时间专门练习,这样可以做到更有针对性,这也是最有效的方法。第六,坚持用普通话进行日常交流。在一个大家都说普通话的环境中,耳濡目染,近朱必赤。 学好普通话极为重要,不然的话,就不能把你正确的意思通过语言表达出来,有这么一个故事,叫乡村面馆。说的是在一个偏僻的农村,一个游人路过,因为肚子很饿了就走进一家面馆,说“有什么好吃的,快烧一点,我吃了要赶路。”可这家小面馆由于有特殊原因今天不营业,所以回答说:“咪——”意思是“没有”而这个游客听成了是面,他想“面也行”,就点点头坐在那儿等了。过了好一会儿,不见有动静,就火了,说:“面条,快,怕我不付钱吗,”店里人说“洞国咪——”意思为“和你讲,没有”,一个说:“冬瓜面也可以,为什么不给我去烧,本来是一个很简单的意思,现在是越扯越远了。 可见,学习普通话真的很重要。我一定要学好普通话。 谈谈服饰 现在大街上的人穿着都很时尚,服饰随着时代的不同而变化多异,服饰也越来越漂亮。 古代的时候,人们全都穿大马褂,旗袍。富有与贫穷的区别在于大马褂的材质不同。富有的人用绸缎逢制衣服,贫穷的人用粗布剪裁衣服。 现在我们进商场购买服饰,感觉眼花缭乱,因为颜色各异款式新疑很适合现在年轻人,过去,人们的温饱是个问题时大家从不考虑服饰衣着打扮,衣着对他们来说是次要的。那时候,人们穿的衣服时间长了,会穿破洞,也不舍得扔掉,于是,就用布把这些洞补上,再接着穿。以前,不穿“补丁”的衣服,那可是相当宝贵的人家了。可现在不同了,年轻人讲究的是„另类?是„个性?。现在服装设计师把好好的衣服打上补丁或者是在衣服上磨些洞,这样,有许多年轻人特别喜欢。因为,现在,他们把“补丁”看成是一门艺术,觉得很有个性,很另类。 现在,进入商场,我们还会看到有许多地方在卖旗袍,有一些人在结婚的时候,她们会挑选旗袍。 每个人都有个人的穿法,因为每个人的气质都不同,有的人看上去极为严肃这样他们应当穿得端庄才可适合、有的人看上去很温和、温柔,这样穿的典雅才适合。人们的眼光还有服饰也都是不断的变化着。 随着时代服饰不断变化着服饰会还古吗,会变成什么样子谁也说不清楚~只有时间时代的前进才能证明服饰的变化,因为服饰是跟随时代更换的。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 7 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of mstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original-ny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 8 我的假日生活 我的假日生活虽然不是很丰富多彩,但也过得挺充实的,非常有意义。 我的假日时间主要是做家务、学习、上网、爬山。平时有空的时候,我会炒上几个好菜,和家人分享美食,是我最高兴的事,还有做一些自己力所能及的家务活儿,这样既可以帮助家人减轻负担,又能锻炼自己的身体,真是一举两得。另外,学习又是我假日生活中的一项不可缺少的内容,俗话说:“活到老学到老“,这是我的名言。因为人只有在不断的学习中,才会不断地提高。我还会练练字等等,这些都是我在假日时间里学习的方式。我看的书大多是学做菜、人际关系、卫生保健等,另外,人们常说字如其人,为了练一手好字,有空的时候,我还会描描字贴。我是做新闻的,上网肯定是必不可少的事情,我会看看网页,多了解一些事情,观注一下最新发生的事情等等。在空闲的时候,我还会上网玩玩游戏。我还会利用我的假日,陪家人逛逛街、探访朋友等,如果假期较长的话,我还会去旅行,放松一下自己的心情。 我家前面有座山。每当假日的早晨,我都会很早很早地起来爬山。爬山不仅可以锻炼身体,而且还有许多收获。爬山的时候,除了可以欣赏风景外,我还在山上采蘑菇,我还收集了许多珍贵的花草树木,特别是一些药材。我还捉到了很多昆虫,把它们带回来作为我的标本。当爬到山顶的时候,放眼一望,整座城市尽收眼底,幢幢高楼大厦林立其中,造型各异。楼与楼之间错落有序地布满了井然有序的大道,汽车不断地在楼间来回穿梭,一片繁忙景象。爬山真是好啊。 以上这些就是我的假日生活,希望我的生活会更加充实而有意义。 我的成长之路 1985年的秋天,我出生在一个很普通的家庭。我的出生让全家都很高兴。他们宠着我、爱着我、用亲情哺育着我、教育着我。在我会爬的时候,听爸爸说,那是一个春节,我们一家都在忙着做年夜饭,我要找奶奶,没抓住门,就从炕上摔下去了,奶奶他们听见声音跑来一看,我在地上哭,那天,谁也没有吃下去饭。我的童年是在家人的爱护下成长的,非常的幸福~ 7岁了,我上了学校,开始了我的求学生涯。我的学校是一所非常普通的学校。那里有和蔼可亲的老师,热情可爱的同学。可是,那时候我还是不想在学校呆着,我要找爸爸,最后爸爸说服了我,慢慢地,我喜欢上学,在学校,不仅可以学到很多东西,而且有很多小朋友一起玩,感觉很快乐。我感谢这些启蒙老师,他们培养了我对学习的兴趣和乐观的性格,还教会我如何做人、做事。让我在以后的道路上受益匪浅。 13岁,我上了初中,那时,我住在老师家,几个星期才可以回家一次,有时候妈妈想我,就买一些吃的送给我。冬天,担心我冻到,经常找同学给我捎一些厚的衣服。 16岁,我考上了38中学,这是我在求学路上受到的一次全面的洗礼。在这里,我每天都在努力学习,为了实现自己的大学梦想。 19岁,在爸爸的陪伴下,带着行礼进入了大学的校门。大学,是一番别样的天地,完全自由的空间。在这里,有花园,有池糖,有非常大的图书馆等等,这都是我喜欢的。 大学生活很快就过去了,一转眼的工夫,我们离开了朝夕相处的同学,美丽的校园,踏上了社会,开始了工作。我现在的工作是做网站的,在空闲之余我要充实自己,提高自己。现在为了实现当老师的理想,我希望能考个教师资格证,将来能当一名教师。 es learning content. Guiding partye pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 8 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 谈谈科技发展与社会生活 当今,我们的生活丰富多彩,发生了翻天覆地的变化。这是由于社会科技发展迅速。 记得我刚上小学的时候,我穿妈妈给我补了一次又一次的衣服;好不容易吃的糖块,那是攒了多少天才攒到的五分钱买来的。 而现在,我们的生活每天都在发生变化,而且越变越好,现在不用再穿妈妈补过的衣服了,我们穿的是新的名牌的服装;吃的糖不再是过去几分钱一块的糖块了,各式各样的糖种类多得很。 这些都是因为社会科技的发展,科技融入了生活,丰富了生活,给生活带来了舒适,没有科技的发展,也就没有我们今天幸福的生活。 现在家家户户都在使用家用电器,如:热水器、电饭煲,电磁炉、微波炉、豆浆机等等,这些都是科技的产品,它们的出现节约了时间;如今上网听歌、看电影、聊天、看新闻等早已成为新时代的人们娱乐的新天地;现在正流行的网上教育,使得孩子不出门就能得到远在外地的老师为他讲课;所有的这一切变化表明科技的发展已给我们的社会生活产生了巨大的影响,但是反过来说,社会生活也对社会发展产生了巨大的作用,社会生活的变化引起了科技的变革,促进了科技的发展。 我们不防想一下,如果科技不发展,如果没有手机,我们在外面还会像现在这样,方便地和家人和朋友联系吗,手机也是在我们困难的时候寻求帮助的最有力的工具。所以科技一定要发展,这样,我样的生活才会更好、更舒心。 总的来说。科技发展与社会生活是息息相关、密不可分的,我们应该多了解社会科技,用科技武装自己,为了促进科学技术与人类生活的共同进步而贡献自己应尽的力量。 我知道的风俗 藏族有一些独特的风俗习惯。 献哈达是藏族最普遍也是最隆重的一种礼节。当好客的主人跟客人献哈达时,客人应该鞠躬接受。藏族人伸舌头是一种谦逊和尊重对方的行为,而不是对他人不敬。双手合十表示对客人的祝福。 三口一杯是藏民族在会客时最主要的一种礼节。客人先用右手无名指沾点酒向空中、半空、地上弹三下,以示敬天、地和祖先(或者敬佛法僧三宝),然后小喝一口,主人把杯子倒满,再喝一口,主人又会把杯子倒满,这样喝完三次,最后把杯子中的酒喝完。 在西藏,马肉、驴肉和狗肉是从来不吃的,有些地方的藏民,连鱼肉都不吃,因为藏族人认为狗和马是通人性的,是不能吃的。而驴被视为一种很不干净的东西,也不会食用。所以在西藏千万不能提起吃驴肉、狗肉等事情。 西藏主要旅游景点是寺庙。目前西藏对游客开放的很多寺庙都是藏传佛教寺庙。藏民族普遍信仰是藏传佛教。所以在转经时一定要按顺时针方向行走,切不可逆时针方向行走。很多藏族老者在转经的时候,身后会跟这一些挂着红绸子的羊,这种羊被称为“放生羊”。不可对这些羊进行骚扰。同时在寺庙佛殿之内不可大声喧哗和随意触摸佛像,在没有允许的情况下,更不能在佛殿内录象、照相等。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, sular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good 9 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of mstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original-ny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 10 我和体育 我从小的时候就很喜欢体育,我喜欢跑步、喜欢跳高等等。 小学六年级的时候,学校举行长跑比赛,我报名参加了,一开始,我跑在中间,我一看,不行,我一定要跑到前面去,不能被别人落下,要给班级争光,也不知那时我哪来的那么多力气,我加大了步伐,到了最后一圈,前面还有一个天天和我一起玩的好朋友,我心想,一定要超过他,他就像我的目标一样,我就像平时玩游戏时抓他一样,拼命地追他,最后,我超过了他。能跑,也许是遗传了我妈的基因吧,我妈的体育也不错,很能跑。 我不但喜欢跑步,我还喜欢跳高,小的时候我长的很矮,一次跳高比赛,和我一起比赛的同学都很高,我觉得他们一伸腿就能跨过去,到了比赛的时候,是以一米为起点,我是第六个,第一个上去的是比我高很多的男同学,他一抬腿就把杆子碰掉了,有好几个都是这样被淘汰了,虽然最后比赛我拿了第三,但是,我没有气馁,我还是像以前一样喜欢跳高。 上了大学之后,有许多同学都不喜欢体育运动了,因为他们不爱动,而我不一样,我还像以前一样喜爱体育运动,我总是自己到操场上去跑步,找个同学一起去打乒乓球,羽毛球等等。我以前不会溜冰,第一次溜冰是同学让我去的,穿上了冰鞋,一开始,我只是害怕地沿着扶手走了一圈,并且花了好长时间。慢慢地,我感到这里面也有很多的技巧,像摩擦力、向心力、平衡等等知识,慢慢地,我会溜冰了,以后,我便喜欢上了溜冰。 现在工作了,天天坐在桌子前面,如果不重视体育锻炼的话,健康状况将越来越坏,看着同事们的体形一天天的发生变化,我害怕,我每天晚上的时候都会出去跑跑步,我还通过网上视频,学会一套体操,在空闲的时候,我都会练习做操。这样,疲劳的感觉就消失了,而且还能够保持体形。 我的家乡(或熟悉的地方) 我从小生长在一个美丽的海滨城市,它也是一个水果之乡——大连。 大连是一个海滨城市,大连有许许多多的海。每当夏天的时候,有许多人到海边洗澡。在那里,你还可以看见许多外国人呢。说起了海,那大连自然少不了海鲜了。大连的海鲜既鲜味道又美,就拿螃蟹来说吧,一到秋季,螃蟹正好是肥的时候,大部分人都喜欢吃母蟹,那里面的肉可是又肥又嫩,吃起来也特别的香。还有大连的海砺子,那味道可真是鲜啊,那可真是正宗。在外读书的时候,同学都说:看你说话一股海砺子味,主要是因为,我生在大连,长在大连吧。 大连是一个水果之乡,那是因为大连是一个盛产水果的地方。特别是苹果,这可是大连的又一特产啊~大连的苹果品种很多,像黄元帅、红富士、桥大金、印度、红星等。它们各有各自的味道。拿黄元帅来说吧,它虽然没有红富士等苹果那样看起来好看,但是它吃起来非常的脆,而且略微带那么一点酸酸的味道,正好恰到好处,我很喜欢;再说一下红富士吧,它就是那种既有美丽的外表,而且肉也很好吃的那种水果了,如果要吃甜的,那首选红富士是没错的;现在还有为苹果套袋,套袋的红富士,那样看起来色责更好,但是味道就不如自然的好了。 其实大连最迷人的地方那是适宜的气候。这里有春之清新、夏之清凉、秋之静美、冬之舒适。尤其是早春和深秋,在海边,可以观看惊涛拍岸的壮观,闻听腥咸海风的气息。没有游客的喧嚣,不用亲近大海,你也可以体味它的胸怀。 大连,能够获得世界人居奖和全国评选出的我最喜欢的城市之一,还不是徒有虚名的。 上述就是我的家乡——大连。 a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, times learning content. Guiding partyy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/e push, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 10 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 谈谈美食 我爱美食,说道“美食”,那就是,食物看起来不但要好看、让人觉得好吃,而且吃起来味道也要很好。也就是现在说色香味俱全,色肯定是第一位的。 我们看电视的时候,会看到许多美食专家做的美食,往往令我们口水直流,那就是他的色是占据了第一位。一个菜好不好吃,从色责上一眼就可以看出来。有些菜让人一看就没了胃口,而有些菜,让人看了就想吃。这就是色的重要性。 在我家这拍黄瓜和黄瓜蘸酱很好吃,特别是夏天,黄瓜吃起来特别的水灵,味道很香。 盘锦的大河蟹,又肥又大,吃一口简直是又鲜又嫩,因为爱吃的不得了,一次吃河蟹吃到过敏,但是一回想起那个味道,我还是想吃。对了,吃蟹一定要新鲜的吃,千万不要把蟹子冻起来以后再吃,那样等到煮的时候,蟹肉在锅里都飞了。 大连的焖子,那个味道太好了,那是用淀粉做的,对身体很有好处,做好之后,特别是在上面洒点大蒜和辣酱,再配点调料,非常的好吃。 重庆的老豆腐,据说是特色,有很多店都以豆腐做招牌菜。 东北的乱炖更是美味,其实我最爱的是里边的粉条,很有嚼劲,猪肉白菜炖粉条、小鸡炖蘑菇都是名菜哦。事实上,越往北,菜品越粗糙,东北的米饭最好吃,那个二米饭我大碗都能吃上好几碗。 南方的甜点,精致又美味,女孩子都很爱吃。南方海鲜的做法都很原味,基本上就是在水里面煮一下,拿出来直接吃或者是粘酱吃。 提起了这么多的美食,但是好像少了一个我的最爱,那就是重庆火锅。重庆火锅的底料有许多种,我一般吃的就是麻辣锅,因为那个辣啊,能让你从不清醒的状态,刺激你一下子清醒过来,刚吃的时候觉得嗓子在冒烟,越吃越觉得这个味道香。我特别爱吃里面的油豆腐皮,用豆腐皮包上芝麻酱和辣椒油,那真是太香了。还有冻豆腐,那里面包的一包子水,一咬,再一吸那个水,味道真是鲜~ 以上就是我认为的美食,希望大家也能够喜欢。 我喜欢的节日 我喜欢的节日是春节,春节是中国的传统佳节,也是我们最重视的一个节日。特别是小孩子最愿意过春节了,因为他们不仅可以穿到新衣服,还可以吃的许多好吃的东西。 每到除夕,我们家家户户都要贴对联,挂灯笼,包饺子,除此之外,我们还要杀猪。忙了一年,累了一年,春节,我们要舒舒服服地过年,不干任何活,平时工作忙,不会在吃上面花工夫,可是到了除夕就不一样了,各式各样吃的,应有尽有。在除夕之夜,家里人都要赶回来吃年夜饭,我们年夜饭吃饺子,酸菜肉馅和白菜肉馅,我们包的饺子里面是需要放消过毒的硬币,硬币的面值不等,如果谁吃到了硬币,说明在这一年里,这个人一定会心想事成,万事如意,一定发大财。虽然大家都知道这个是迷信,但是谁也不会去破坏这个规矩。毕竟,这不仅是我们的传统,更是大家对来年的一种憧憬。吃完年夜饭后,我们一般都是围在电视机旁一边聊天,一边玩,一边看春节联欢晚会。可是,人们的心里面却在默默地等待着新年钟声的敲响。每当新年的钟声敲响的时候,我总会闭起眼睛静静地许愿,这时候也意味着我又长了一岁,我要迎接着新的一年的挑战。晚上12点的时候,我们还要再吃一次团圆饭,这顿吃的是鱼,意味着“年年有余”,当我们吃完饭后,我们就开始放鞭炮,我们要祭祀祖先,人们是想借鞭炮的响声来驱除妖魔鬼怪,带来福音。这样也代表着新的一年的开始了。每当这个时候,我们都要赶紧给爷爷奶奶拜年,爷爷都会给我们押岁钱。 我喜欢过年,因为过一个年不仅能带给我新年的快乐,还能让我不断长大,让我不断成熟。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, sular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good 11 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of m-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the ac study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the originalny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 12 我所在的集体(学校、机关、公司等) 我是一名教师,学校是我工作的集体。我生活在一个十分温暖的集体里。在这个集体里大家互助互爱,情同兄弟姐妹,相处得十分友好。因为集体里的每一个人都深深知道,人与人相处最重要的是相互尊重相互理解。 俗话说,“一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。”没有学校集体中人与人之间的团结协作,即使我们每个人都能奏出最优美的音符,人们听到的也只能是杂乱无章的噪音。只有团结协作,相互配合,我们才能奏出最优美的学校乐章,在集体中不断成长~ 近年来,我校坚持“ ”的原则,形成了我校的德育特色,建设了一流校风。同时,大力推进素质教育和信息化教学,取得了显著的办学成绩。去年,我校升学率得到了很大的提升。 走进宽敞的校门,扑鼻的花香,嫩绿的小草,清新的空气,整洁的教室,富有朝气的学生……你会感受到这所学校焕发出勃勃生机和令人振奋的信息化浪潮,学校办公大楼庄重朴实,教学大楼、实验设备完善,宽敞怡人。我校有60多名教职工,1000多名学生。今年我校添置了信息化设备,实现了每个年级组配备一台PC电脑,打算在今年年底,争取三个人一台电脑,每个教室都有投影仪、电脑、电视机等设备。我们的学校,学生有专门的微机室,实验室、阅览室等。 在校长等领导和全校师生的共同努力下,我校成为了校园环境优美、校风学风优良、教学设施一流、信息化技术应用水平领先的学校。现在,我们正齐心协力,努力将我校办成更加出色,令世人瞩目的新型学校 。 谈谈社会公德(或职业道德) 在当今依法治国的形势下,发扬助人为乐,扶贫助困,爱护公物,保护环境的社会公德更是每个公民义不容辞的责任。 如果我们每个人献出一点点爱心,如果每个百万富翁如果能够慷慨解囊帮助贫困,那么,就不会有那么多的失学儿童。在贫困山区,那些孩子是多么地渴望能够进入学堂去上学呀~记得有一个文艺节目,它请了几个大学生。他们有投奖的机会,里面有大奖,但也有可能抽不到奖。主持人问:你抽到的钱要用来干什么,他毫不犹豫地说:给上区的孩子。他们个个都是我们学习的榜样;每一个强壮青年都能细致入微帮助老弱病残,那么,这些发扬公德心的人也会赢得社会的认可;每个人如果都能关心集体,爱护公物,做集体的主人,那每个集体定都能蒸蒸日上;每个游人如果多走些路把垃圾丢进垃圾箱,每户人家都不把垃圾弃在马路旁,那就会拥有整洁的环境,也可呼吸到新鲜的空气,而不是污浊的空气,垃圾的恶臭;每一个企业如果都能改善废水处理和废气污染,他们就不仅会获得大家的信任,而且产品也畅销。如果发扬社会公德已蔚然成风,我们的祖国定会是人们互帮互助,生活美满幸福,环境整洁清新,风景优美怡人的国家。 从现在开始,大家弯下腰捡一点垃圾,伸出手帮助一下弱小,只要发挥这么一点公德心,我们的明天定会更美好。 es learning content. Guiding partye pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesselecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-sion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.--is a qualified party members 12 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 谈谈个人修养 我是一名教师,有人说:“教师这一辈子就是悠闲加贫困”。我想说,教师不会有悠闲的日子,他们会利用空闲的时候不断地充实自己。教师不会有贫困的日子,他们会用知识来武装自己的头脑,觉得自己很富有,可能物质享有不是很多,但是精神之粮是必不可少的。 既然你选择了教师你就别无选择地担负着教书育人、传承文明的神圣责任。你的一言一行都会对孩子产生潜移默化的影响。我们要提高自身修养,别无选择。只有不断地充实自己。没有良好的修养,不是一个好老师。 有人说:“教师是一桶水,学生是一杯水”,我觉得这种说法不对,如果教师要给学生一杯水,那教师就不能只是一桶水。教师本身应该是川流不息的河、容纳百川的海。在知识结构上,不断补充。在理论学习了,不断更新观念,经常参加各级教研活动。吃老本是会坐吃山空,误人子弟的。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”。教师的底蕴除了学习积累别无他法。“泰山不择细壤故能就其高,大海不择细流故能就其深。” 教师的知识一定要比教学大纲宽广得很。那样教师才能成为教育过程的能手。才能举一反三,无所不知的教师才会让学生肃然起敬。无所不知是不可能的,我们应该时刻准备着,不断地进修学习。提升我们的修养。 热爱学生,为人师表,不仅是一种职业道德,也是一种修养。教师只有爱学生,才会爱岗敬业、忠于职守,才会了解学生、接近学生,赢得学生的尊敬、信任与爱戴。身教重于言教,教师的一言一行对学生影响很大,我们要严格要求自己,思想积极、不断进取。在对待学生的问题上,不以成绩定优劣,对每一位学生都给他应得的关注。所以我们要有广泛的兴趣,坚强的意志,开朗的性格,健康的情绪,努力培养学生自信,乐观的性格,做学生的表率。 我喜欢的明星 我是一个平平淡淡的人,对人对事也是如此。以前,对于明星,我更是如此,我不喜欢追捧哪个明星,也说不出他们哪里好。我的同学,有的喜欢刘德华,有的喜欢潘伟珀,有的喜欢林俊杰等等。我觉得明星必竟离我们很远,和我们有很大的差距,人家是高高在上的感觉。可是,后来,自从周杰伦出道以后,我就有了很大的变化。我越来越喜欢周杰伦了,我不但喜欢他的外表,而且也非常喜欢他的歌。他的外表看起来帅帅的,而且是阳光类型的。我很喜欢他的歌,虽然有个别的歌词听不太懂,但是那样的节奏,让人听起来很舒服。我特别喜欢他唱的《听妈妈的话》,专门为妈妈写的歌,并且能写出这样歌词的人,这足以证明他是一个孝顺的人。 周杰伦是一个非常有才,有个性,而且很勤奋工作的人。他都是自己写歌,自己唱,都很适合他自己。他的歌给人以欢快明了的感觉。有许多人都叫他周董,这说明他确实是一个不可多得的人才。我觉得他无愧于亚洲天王的称号,他是音乐潮人的先锋。 很多人喜欢周杰伦,当然也有人不喜欢周杰伦。但是这么多年来,他在音乐和电影上的表现,令人无法忽视。当有人问:他在音乐上取得的奇迹有之多少来自上天赐予的才华时,他的回答是:“我不聪明,我听妈妈的话要努力。” 周杰伦在出道前,是一个不出名的写词人。当用心为别人作的词被一次次退回,他也很苦闷,整天对着纸笔发力。终于,周杰伦的第一张同名专辑《JAY》问世了,他自己写歌自己唱,里面藏着被人退稿几次的歌。如今,他被人们称为音乐天才。他爱音乐,即使成了巨星,拍了电影,做了代言,可是无论多忙碌,他还是努力地把每一首歌写好唱好,每一首歌都透着他的才气。 尽管很多娱乐媒体都习惯用:才子、天才来称誉这位歌手。但是这个从一名餐厅服务员成长为家喻户晓的当红小天王,却非常谦虚。周杰伦在接受美国《时代》杂志专访时说:"明星梦并不是遥不可及的,其实,任何人都可以做,只要你肯努力。我之所以能有今天,就是我不服输的结果。"是呀,一个人不想做退却的懦夫,就应该像蜗牛一样,一步一步地往上爬。如果你一直追求下去,那么,天下还有什么事...... to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctistudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyle olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition anduse of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 13 ion Department produced a concise readervideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organizat-micro-party lecture, micro-icroe individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of m study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourag-tual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, selfprinciple, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the acstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original-ny notes do to judge study results. 1, individual selffits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how ma e size, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, onrty members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warningon pa arry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focusyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to c, evernistration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regularhe basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational admiunit to the Organization as t 14 我喜爱的书刊 我喜爱的书刊是《青年文摘》,我想《青年文摘》正被许多人所喜爱着。我喜欢青年文摘是因为什么呢, 《青年文摘》,它定位在“知识界和青年学生”。然后以此为中心,为《青年文摘》设计总体形象,达到从稿件选取到栏目创立,从封面包装到版式设计,从卷首语到青年文摘来信等等诸多细节的浑融一体,别具一格,形成鲜明的个性特色。 《青年文摘》在内容上追求大俗大雅,既明确高尚的文化品位,又不脱离大众的视野和欣赏水平。《青年文摘》的栏目丰富而相对稳定, “知识窗”选摘新奇生动的知识,“幽默小品”让人读后忍俊不禁,会心一笑,“人物”等也选的很好,悦人耳目。内容的安排极富节奏感,轻重适宜,庄谐杂出,使人们读而不倦。 现在的期刊大多以美女头作封面,色彩浓重而俗艳,与此相比,《青年文摘》淡泊宁静的封面装帧又是一大特色。它采用摄影或绘画作品为中心,长期保持了一种基本样式:以纯粹的白或蓝作为底色,长方形图片用线框起,放在正中偏下的位置,毛笔所书“青年文摘”刊名位于正上方,小巧的期号则标于右下角。《青年文摘》还在刊名上方增加了自己的刊徽,一个绿色的蜜蜂图案,使封面形象更具标志性。岁月流转,《青年文摘》封面那东方文化的神韵和素雅秀丽的视觉美感却始终如一,以至于人们匆匆走过,也能一眼发现报摊上摆着新一期《青年文摘》。 另外,《青年文摘》杂志在广告的选择上,始终把握住“杂志是办给青年文摘看的”一条主线,更可贵的是,《青年文摘》杂志并不汲汲于经济收入的增长,而经常把广告版位作为一块宏扬正义、倡导公益的阵地,勇敢地承担起为人民服务、为社会主义服务的历史使命。 谈谈对环境保护的认识 环境问题已经成为整个地球的一大危机。“保护环境,人人有责。”我们都生活在同一个地球上,因此,每个人都有义务保持地球的清洁。 现在地球的危机有很多,塑料袋,我们大家都认为塑料袋很方便,可是大家有没有想过,塑料袋对我们的环境有多大的影响、多大的危害呢,塑料袋是不降解、不分解的。如果埋起来,它也不会消失,它会引起土壤板结,植物不能生长;如果焚烧这些垃圾,又会释放出大量的烟雾甚至毒气;如果不埋不焚烧这些垃圾,那么有风的时候,美好的天空中飘着乱七八糟的塑料袋,难道就不反醒一下吗,人类长期使用这些塑料制品盛装食物,则对人们的身体健康会造成很大的影响。塑料袋是百年垃圾,也曾被人称为“最糟糕的发明”。现在国家已经提出,要减少使用塑料袋,超市等商场要购买塑料袋才可以,超市现在还出售许多购物袋,为的就是让我们减少塑料袋的使用。但是,仍然还有许多人不重视这个问题。环境是我们大家的,让我们共同协手创造美好的环境吧~ 废电池,在废旧电池中含有重金属镉、铅、汞、锌、锰等,其中镉、铅、汞是对人体危害较大的物质。而锌等金属虽然在一定浓度范围内是有益物质,但在环境中超过极限,也将对人体造成危害。废旧电池渗出的重金属会造成江、河、湖、海等水体的污染,危及水生物的生存和水资源的利用,间接威胁人类的健康。把它随便丢弃,会污染好几亩的田地。现在国家要求回收废旧电池。 当然,关于环保还有很多很多是我们可以做的,比如植树,比如少开车多走路,比如工厂污水废气的净化,比如垃圾分类,比如废品再利用......而前面所说的以及其它大家已经做到了的“不乱扔果皮纸屑”“不随地吐痰”“讲究个人卫生”等等,都是我们应该继续保持并永远发扬的环保习惯。我希望人人行动起来,“从我做起”,从我们身边的小事做起,保护环境,美化家园~ es learning content. Guiding partyparty members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material.e pusha release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, timy lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Partroots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities-ools and other grasss, schrty members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesse--lecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Patopics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, ref December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning-e to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule OctoberSeptember); the third topic, "adher-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-is a qualified party memberssion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Apriliscusach determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel d2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, e 14 eadermation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise rvideo ani-micro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-istinction, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, dstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -ndividual self. 1, iprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultstive examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to o negal and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tnd style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideologicaion aand remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit ng good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective worlduch as daily educational administration system for basic support, makiunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s 我向往的地方 我最想去的地方就是海南。我同事结婚的时候去了海南,听了他们的介绍,我对海南也有了一些了解。 他们去的时候是夏季,那有大量的游人去观光,看那美丽的大海,在大海里游泳。我想,对于我这样一个在大连生长的人来说看海不是一个难事,但是听他们一说,觉得对于一个爱海的人能去海南看海是最美不过的事情了。 我也是一个比较爱吃的人,海南的水果都特别便宜,像椰子、香蕉、榴莲。我最爱吃的水果就是香蕉了,在我们这,一斤香蕉要三块多一斤,而那里,都不到一块钱一斤。我想,如果我到了海南,一定能吃个够。还有那个椰子,在这们这里,七八块钱一斤,而在海南,一个只需要三四块钱。我同事回来的时候特意为我们准备了一些糖果,那个榴莲糖,简直就和新鲜的水果一模一样的味道,特别的纯正。而且那个糖块的味道传播的范围,绝对不比新鲜的时候传播的范围小。我喜欢榴莲的味道。听说海南的小吃也很有名,如果有机会,我也一定会去尝尝。 听同事说,海南的麻辣烫那简直是一流的,那个辣,才叫纯正,才够味,特别的好吃。我也很想去吃,我喜欢麻辣烫。不管是夏天还是冬天,我都喜欢吃,冬天,在寒冷的时候,吃上一碗热腾腾的麻辣烫,我觉得顿时就不冷了。尤其是感冒,鼻子不通气儿时,等着吃完麻辣烫,鼻子也就通气儿了,那种感觉好极了。夏天时,我喜欢买一碗麻辣烫打包回来吃,旁边放着纸巾,边吃边擦汗,旁边也没有人,不用在乎自己的吃相,那种感觉可以用一个字来形容,“爽”~我觉得每家的麻辣烫味道都不一样,真的好想去海南尝一尝海南的麻辣烫。 海南,是我现在最向往的地方。我想,我现在要做的,就是努力工作,挣很多的钱,到时候去海南,也带上我的父母,让他们也感受一下海南的气息。 购物(消费)的感受 有一次,我和几个同学出去溜达,我们经过一个夜市,我们顺便看了看那些小东西,不久,我的目光就锁在了各式各样的钱包上,其中,有一个像皮料的钱包,我觉得不错。那个人说,便宜卖了,10块钱,我说,8块钱,本来也没怎么想买,可那个人就把钱包给了我。于是我给了他8块钱。往常陪女朋友买东西时讲价是需要费一些口舌的,可那天,真是省劲啊。回到家之后,我发现钱包的拉链旁坏了。唉,这些人怎么能够这样呢,本来以为买到物美价廉的东西了,可是没想到还是个坏的东西。 近几年来,网上购物很火,当然,我也不会落后。我正打算买一台笔记本电脑,上网搜索一下之后发现,索尼的看起来不错,而且评价也行。于是,我选好了颜色,选好了型号,可是,这个时候,客服告诉我说,没有那个颜色的,我当时就很失望,没有那个颜色的,那上面怎么不写好。最后,我换了一个别的颜色。交易完成之后,我就期盼着我的电脑能够早些到我的手里。网页上面写的是3天之内到。我等到了第四天,那个电脑还是没有送到。我给客服联系了,客服告诉我说,我买的这个型号的电脑是厂家现生产的,需要晚些天,我当时一听,失望极了。最后,也不知道过了多少天,我的电脑总算是到了我的手里了,不过,电脑的外观和质量还是不错的,就是速度太慢了。 一次,我在网上看好了一件衣服,收到之后我发现,衣服的料不好,跟介绍的也不太一样。而且线头特别的多。还有一次看好了东西,可是却出现“对不起,此商品暂时缺货”。 通过日常生活中的种种购物,我觉得,购物也是一种本领,也需要学习,只有学会购物,才会在购物的过程中避免上当受骗(网上也是一样的,我们在网上买东西的时候,一定要看买家的信誉度,对于信誉度低的买家,一定要慎重考虑),这样,我们才会买到质量过关,物美价廉的东西,这就是我最深刻的购物感受。 to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readervideo animation, -use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remmicro-party lecture, micro-ular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise pop-on, selfa mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinctiuch as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with -l selfividuaformalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, indmples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent ve exaactical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negati, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and prstyleunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, s olding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and 15
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