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英汉广告的用词特点特点广告英语广特点英汉特色广英汉广告的用词特点特点广告英语广特点英汉特色广 Unit One Part One On the Necessity, Classification and Functions of Advertising Along with the rapid development of our social economy, advertising has found its way into all walks of life and every aspect of society, becoming an imp...

英汉广告的用词特点特点广告英语广特点英汉特色广 Unit One Part One On the Necessity, Classification and Functions of Advertising Along with the rapid development of our social economy, advertising has found its way into all walks of life and every aspect of society, becoming an important part of our daily ;方兴未艾,life. In our country the advertising business is now in the ascendant , playing an immeasurable role in promoting sales of commodities and in making our economy prosperous. Therefore, advertising business and advertising language are increasingly finding favor in people’s eyes because of their peculiar charms. In order to let China’s products enter the world market and become competitive and to appreciate and introduce foreign commodities, it is necessary to learn to appreciate, create and spread English advertisements. In fact, advertising in English is getting more and more popular. And it can be easily seen that with our reform and opening to the outside world being further ;大兴兴~突兴猛兴, deepened and with the great leap forward of our national economy, English advertising will certainly play an increasingly great part in our economic life. That is why you are offered this course of English advertising. It is to be noted that English advertisements fall into many kinds. They may be classified from various angles. According to their coverage, English advertisements can be divided into international, national, and local ones. In the light of people for whom advertising is intended, English advertisements may be classified as import business ads, dealer ads, 1 wholesaler ads, retailer ads, consumer ads, etc. In accordance with the appeal content of 广内告兴求容;公益告,广ads(), advertisements may be divided into ads of public utility, political ads, commodity ads, labor service ads, business ads, etc. According to advertising ;商兴media, advertisements fall into newspaper ads, magazine ads, television commercials广告,, radio commercials, film commercials, transit ads, outdoor ads, direct mail ads, etc. According to the purpose of advertising, there are advertisements for short-term promotion of products, advertisements for long-term promotion of products, awareness ads ;知名度告,广, public relations ads, etc. And in accordance with their functions, advertisements are divided into direct action ads, indirect action ads, emotional ads, and so on. Although there are many different kinds of advertisements, their functions, if summarized, do not go beyond the following: (1) the function of conveying information Spreading information is the most fundamental function of advertising. (2) the function of persuasion Advertising is an art of persuasion. It aims to influence people, to persuade them to buy commodities, or to prompt consumers to make choices which are in conformity with the purpose of advertising. (3) the function of image building Advertising can effectively create and build up the image of a product or that of an enterprise, thus enhancing its reputation. (4) the function of stimulating consumption Advertisers usually manage to stimulate the desire in consumers to purchase commodities and achieve the purpose of stimulating consumption through an introduction to the strong points of products an exaggeration of their elegant emotional appeal. Of course, not every advertisement displays all these functions. But any English advertisement shows at least one or two of these functions. 2 Part Two Points for Attention on Designing and Writing English Advertisements Here we shall summarize the points for attention or the typical model on designing and writing all kinds of English advertisements. Of course, they are closely connected with the functions of advertising. ;大多告宣兴~大多促兴活兴, 数广数Clearly, the prime objective of most promotionis ;使广to make the “sale”. To obtain this goal, the first task must be to achieve awareness 告信息兴受所了解,众. Achieving awareness means that the message must first of all be seen and read. They must grab the audience’s attention. Advertising agencies have spent decades honing down the techniques involved, from challenging headlines and attractive ;告兴,广插illustrations in the press to memorable images on television. ;告兴兴兴者, 广插Undoubtedly, the creativity of the copywriters and visualizers in the ;告代理行~告公司, 广广advertising agency is the key to this “attention getting”. 3 It is not sufficient to grab the audience’s attention for a short time. At that brief moment the message must interest the readers or viewers and persuade them to read or watch on. The content of the message must be meaningful and clearly relevant to the audience’s needs. The advertiser needs to know exactly who the audience are. Then he has to understand the audience’s interests and needs, and what are the exact benefits which the product or service will provide. Only thus will he be able to make sure that the message is of real interest to the specific consumers. Once interest is established, it is essential to explain the product or service, and its benefits, in such a way that readers or viewers can understand them and can appreciate how well it may meet their needs. It may be no mean achievement if the entire message is conveyed by just 50 words or within ten seconds. That is why there is such a demand for good copywriters. The message must go even further, to persuade the readers or viewers to adopt such a positive attitude towards the product that they are ready to purchase it, although as a trial. There is no adequate way of describing how this may be achieved. It is down to the creative ;惟有magic of the copywriter’s art, based on the strength of the product or service itself. 以兴品或服兴本身的兴兴兴基兴的告撰稿人的兴兴富有兴造性的巨大魅力才能兴致兴兴兴主广极 兴的兴度。, 4 All of the above might happen in a few minutes while the prospective consumer is considering the advertisement. On the other hand, the final decision to buy may take place sometime later, when the prospective buyer actually tries to find a shop which stores the product. This means that the basic message will probably need to be reinforced by repetition until the potential buyer is finally in the position to buy. Above all, it also means that the product or service must be distributed widely enough for the buyer to be able to find it. It is to be particularly noted that buying decisions are rarely in isolation. They are an accumulation of months, even years of experience on the part of the buyer. Therefore, it is necessary for successive campaigns to be consistent with their predecessors. Actually, in most cases, advertising campaigns will be built upon what has gone before, and to achieve the maximum effect, they must be consistent with previous messages. The above-mentioned points for attention constitute the typical model: Awareness ? 兴告兴品引人注目? 激起广Interest ? Understanding ? Attitude? Buying Decision. ( 消兴者的兴趣? 使兴品及其效益兴消兴者所理解? 兴服他兴采取兴兴度? 直到最后做极 出兴兴定。决) Effective advertising clearly shows this typical model though there are other similar models involved. 5 英兴告的用兴特点广 兴兴国 ;上海兴范大外兴兴院~上海~学国学200234,随会断广会个着社兴兴的不兴展~告已被兴用到社的各行各兴、方方面面及各角落~成兴人兴日常生活中一不可缺少的兴成部分。告兴在我方兴未艾~是商兴中的新潮~是打兴消兴者兴包个广国 6 的金兴匙~在促兴兴品兴、繁兴兴兴、方便人兴生活等方面起着不可量的作用。告兴言也以其它售估广 独来青广条广特的魅力越越受到人兴的兴~在告宣兴中起着兴足兴重的作用。“一兴妙的告兴~立 即兴商品添上翅膀~兴兴千家万兴~同兴也兴生兴商和企兴兴立起美好的形象”;兴兴~1993,1,。可兴~究英、兴告的兴言特点~其重要性自不待言。限于篇幅~本文兴就英兴兴兴言告的研广两广 主要用兴特点作一初探。 1、用兴兴兴~恰如其分 兴了使告一目了然~朗朗上口~易于兴兴~兴大受以深刻印象~而增强广广众从 广与广告功能效果~告者一般兴用兴兴的常用兴兴。英兴和兴兴告出兴兴率最高的是兴易的兴兴、广 形容兴和名兴。 1.1兴兴~尤其是兴音兴兴兴~泛使用于英、兴告。 广广兴看兴例, (1) ;一兴有兴推兴置的装气装It is pretty simple, really. You pick out a new JET SKI Watercraft 新型船只,;一打兴金,叠. We give you a big wad of cash . You pay us nothing until ;兴水~兴水~玩September 1, 1997. You see, right now, during the Kawasaki JET SKI Splash水,, you can get up to $ 1000 cash back, plus special now pricing, on selected models. And you can get any model in the store with no money down…until Labor Day. Think about it. All 7 summer long, we could be paying you to shred water on a 1100 ZXi. Paying you to flex your ;曲的肌肉~使的肌肉活,弯你你灵muscles on a 750 SXi. Paying you to seek out strange new worlds on a 3-person STS. Stop into a JET SKI Watercraft dealer now and check out the deals on 21 different models. Of course, before you hit the lake, you might want to make one little purchase. A waterproof. A ~waterproof wallet to hold all your extra cash. (USA TODAYMarch 28, 1997) 在以上兴兴告中~所用的兴兴;不考兴广的表兴行兴兴的兴尾,都是兴音兴兴兴~兴兴易~懂paying-ing 朗朗上口~富表力。英兴告中兴音兴兴兴使用之兴繁~由此可兴一斑。兴得注意的是~最后极达广两 句兴旨在婉兴兴接地鼓兴在的消兴者采取消兴行兴。其中的兴兴起到了重要的兴兴作用。潜 英兴告中的兴音兴兴兴比比皆是~主要有下面兴些,广be, make, get, give, like, love, buy, need, use, hear, see, do, have, go, come, know, keep, look, take, feel, start, save, taste, suit, try, call, choose, last, find, let, help, mean, meet, build, reach, prove, show.兴些兴音兴兴兴不但兴兴易~兴奏感强~而且富有各兴兴法功能~具有十分富、生兴活兴的表懂很丰达 意兴。英著名兴言家国学;,,指出~上述常用兴兴的兴大部分表示消兴者同兴品Leech1966154 的相互兴系。表示消兴者兴得或兴有某兴品~和多兴兴与消兴直get, buy, have, take and keepusehave 接相兴~和表消兴者兴兴品的情感或心理兴向~达可描述消兴者兴兴品的meetsuitlook, feel, taste 感受或情感~如果是非人主兴~兴可描兴告兴品可取的特性。表兴品功能和特性的兴兴兴有称广达 等。help, last, prove, mean, show 8 广慎告者兴兴兴的兴用十分兴。‘无疑是兴兴消兴者采取兴兴行兴的最明兴最直接的鼓兴性兴兴。但Buy X!’ 广告者往往避免使用~因兴兴兴具有令人不愉快的涵兴;花兴兴,~而且口气当太直截了~buy 容易引起消兴者的逆反心理。兴了解兴兴兴~同兴决个达数广又到推兴兴品的目的~大多告者兴用 的替代兴,等等;,。buytry, get, take, choose, selectTorben, 1985:67当双广当运体广然~音兴或多音兴兴兴在英兴告中也适用~特兴是在文正式的英兴告兴篇里。同英兴告一兴~兴兴告也常用兴易兴兴~尤其是兴音兴兴兴。例如,广广 ;,生意如春意~兴源似水源。2 ;,我只兴一个男人~我只用一兴香水。3 ;,集兴兴之精兴~融父母之兴心。4 兴兴告十分广极构精兴~用兴兴兴究。活用兴音兴兴兴成其兴格特点之一。以上兴例就是高度洗兴、言兴意繁、生兴形象的告金句。其中兴音兴兴兴的活用起了兴点广画广睛的作用。兴音兴兴兴在兴兴告中尤兴常兴。兴兴~其他兴型的兴篇相比~兴兴告兴篇使用富多体来与广丰双彩的兴兴;包括兴音兴兴兴和兴音兴兴兴,。 形容兴及其比兴兴和最高兴使用兴率兴高。例如,1.2 9 ;,;最佳舞鞋是兴地5The best shoes to dance in are sneakers with no tread left 不留脚印的橡皮底帆布鞋,. ;牙刷的鬃毛, (6) The Interplak plaque remover’s unique action lets the bristles reach ;牙兴,;牙斑,between the teeth and below the gum line to reduce plaque . And, because ;牙兴兴正器,they are soft and rounded, the bristles are also gentler on braces and bridgework ;假牙的兴兴,;毛兴的簇~兴~束, ;回旋兴, . Each tuft spins and counterspins 4, 200 times a minute for smoother, cleaner teeth, and spreads and flexs to provide gentle stimulation ;牙床,~ for healthier gums. (THE TIMESDec. 15, 1997) 从广双上面的例子可以看出~在英兴告里~兴音兴形容兴最兴普遍~其次是音兴形容兴。多音兴形 容兴往往少兴~兴是符合广懂广告兴言要求兴兴易通俗好兴的特点的。形容兴的比兴兴和最高兴在英兴 告中兴兴露面~因兴比兴兴可兴示出某一商品其商品相比的兴越性~突出兴品本身的特与它征~最 高兴兴可强兴商品的最佳品兴和最大特点等等。 广告的重要作用之一就是宣兴兴品~描述兴品的性兴、特点及其兴越性等~因而形容兴大量使用~ 比比皆是。英兴告使用兴率最高的形容兴主要有,广new, good, better, best, fine, ideal, most, nice, big, fresh, crisp, great, delicious, quiet, real, rich, true, full, sure, easy, bright, clean, extra, lovely, safe, soft, special, smart, super, unique, wonderful, excellent, available, tasty. 首先映入眼帘的是new兴兴用最的形容兴~表示兴品或服兴兴目的最新兴个广它既格~最新兴型~ 最新兴量或有的特独与怦征~又兴含兴步兴展的意思~令人耳目一新~令人然心兴。其次使用兴 10 繁的是强兴兴,“good, better, best. Leech(1966:152)Good might appear to be another all- 他接着指出~像purpose epithet, particularly in its comparative and superlative forms.”fine, 兴兴的形容兴往往表达气肯定、兴兴的兴。nice, ideal, lovely, smart, wonderfulFresh, crisp, rich, 是食品告的兴兴兴。广和兴牙膏广青告中最受兴的兴兴. 兴常用于肥FreshcleanCleantasty, delicious 皂广、香水、洗兴兴告。Extra和special有与new相似的功能。 同英兴告一兴~形容兴在兴兴告中也使用兴繁~尤其是兴音兴形容兴、音兴形容兴广广双几即乎俯拾是~兴有由形容兴成或包构屡广清阳广含形容兴的四兴兴兴也可兴兴不兴。兴看下列告金句;兴自朱《告金句7000》~1993,。 ;7,新技兴、新兴准、高兴量,;水泥袋机, ;8,精心制作~款式新兴~兴案精美~是兴代室内装兴最佳用品,;壁兴告,广 ;9,柔和、兴静的色彩~高雅的兴案~定兴兴代会您份来化的家庭增添一浪漫~兴兴一兴柔情,;兴装广材料告, ;10,兴兴豪兴典雅~外兴兴兴明兴~令的兴公兴您境更加完美,;兴公兴兴, ;11,小巧玲兴~携兴方便~一物多用~价廉物美,;收音告,笔广 11 以上告兴例中~兴音兴形容兴、音兴形容兴、形容兴兴兴或包广双含形容兴的四兴兴兴用得恰到好兴~如同兴点画极撩睛~兴商品增添了无兴魅力~兴消兴者留下好印象~兴能兴起消兴者的兴兴欲望。兴兴告作者广来通兴在形容兴面前加程度副兴“更”、“更加”、“最”兴兴的形容兴性偏正兴兴表达并横达参强兴事物的性兴、特点、特征、形兴在向或兴向比兴上所到的程度~兴例;8,、例;10,。在兴兴告中~形容兴性广即来偏正兴兴俯拾是~常用突出商品或服兴的特性、特征或特有功能~兴造其美好的形象。 1.3名兴使用兴极普遍。毫无疑兴~在英、兴告中~名兴用得最兴广几普遍~乎每一句兴~每一短兴都包含名兴~因兴名兴是兴兴兴~不可或缺~至兴重要。可以兴~有名兴的告是不没广存在的~没广广达当有名兴的告是不堪兴想的。一兴告好不好妙不妙~是否能到兴期目的~名兴的恰兴用极广辞兴重要。在英兴告中兴兴多多名兴含有修手段。特兴是明兴;smile,、暗兴;metaphor,和借代(metonymy)兴在名兴中的兴例最多。体Leech;1966,和Greg(1994)就明兴、暗兴和借代在广告中的不同凡响尽它广当丰的功效做了兴兴述。兴在告中的恰兴用;常寓于名兴之中,可言兴意地宣兴兴品兴量、特性和功能~可引人入兴地兴造美好形象和生兴具的意体境。兴看兴例,;,12Laurent Beaute invites you to discover his new collection of colors, as warm and sheer as a summer breeze: delicate corals, pinks and peaches for lips; matte, muted earthy neutrals for eyes; and whisper of color for nails….(New York Times Magazine, (NYTM), Sept. 1993) ;新兴了一批兴色各的异化兴品,兴雅的兴珊瑚口兴、粉兴色口兴、桃兴色口兴~暗淡、Laurent Beaute 柔和、自然的非彩色眼用化兴品~色彩柔兴的染指甲化兴品等等。所有兴些化兴品如犹夏日拂面的微兴使人暖融融~似夏天清清兴兴爽怡神。敬兴您光兴兴兴他新兴的兴些魅力非凡的Laurent Beaute 12 化兴品。 , ;13,当阳阳冰广太升起的兴候~我兴的兴天兴地久,;太航天兴箱告, ;14,停兴24小兴,依冷若霜旧冰----;上海航天兴冰广霜告, ;15,超人兴品~超兴享受~超前技兴~超高品兴,;超人牌游兴机广告, 以上例;12,英文告中表兴广辞色的名兴都含借代格~代替所指兴色的化兴品~例;13,含有一个暗兴~例;14,包含一明兴。在上述兴例中~名兴兴用到了兴妙的个达程度。所兴用的名兴同形容兴或适当确极的定兴相搭配兴生兴、惟妙惟肖地突出了兴品的特色、特点和作用~富感染力~能打兴消兴者的心。很 二、新兴新字新短兴源源不断 当异尚今世界~日新月~兴化不止~新生事物兴出不兴。新思想、新兴~新的兴明兴造~新的信息和新的知兴不断来来涌兴~需要新兴新字新短兴命名~兴行兴播。所以~新兴新字新短兴兴是源源不、兴兴而。而兴大多兴是在告中断来它数广首先“抛兴露面”。如, 13 (16)Lux girls lovelier.(NYTM. June, 1993)(17)It---cleans with new WONDER POWDER in your washing machine. Its pink, bright white WONDER-SOFT suds give you“hard care”safety—(ibid)(18)美能达——断来达广清阳不挑兴~兴拓未,;美能照相机告,;朱~1993,131,;19,兴泰兴~愿天天您广快兴,;兴泰兴牌保健品告,;同;18,, 例;16,的兴一兴个LUX兴一兴香皂号称的牌~兴兴新兴品配上了新名。如果按音兴~又要在兴兴中兴造新的兴有名兴了。例;17,包括一新知兴个WONDER POWDER 和新的兴两个合兴~即WONDER-SOFT hand-care.。兴都是告作者兴表兴品的它广达来奇特功能而精心兴造出的~都是作者的生花妙。笔 Leech;1996,135,特兴指出,“Perhaps the most conspicuous characteristic of advertising language to a casual reader or listener is an abundance and variety of adjectival compounds,”英兴告中的兴多新兴兴兴广广合兴~兴合形容兴尤其更多~因兴告者可根据需要以各兴方式自由自在地兴造兴合兴。 以上例;18,和;19,均是兴兴告金句。其中的广体广号黑兴兴都是告商品的牌。新兴品、新技兴 14 必有新名。新商品称广称必有新牌子或新商兴。兴兴告中的新兴新短兴主要指新商品的新名或新商兴~或指新技兴的名等。称 三、口兴息气懂甚兴~通俗易 在英兴告中口兴兴兴大量广涌兴~甚至俚兴和非正式英兴也兴兴“抛兴露面”。例如, (20)“I couldn’t believe it, until I tried it!” “ I’m impressed!” “I’m really impressed!” “You’ve gotta try it!” “崔兴;,,I love it!”(199355) 兴是一兴推兴微波炉广气很的告~用兴兴兴~口兴息兴。如~ 及兴兴兴兴作一兴两并couldn’tI’m You’ve的兴略式是英兴口兴的体广典型特点之一。兴兴告兴使用兴个它国俚兴~在美英兴中等于gottagot 兴然~由于恰地用了口兴和当运广个极俚兴~兴告活象一客兴的兴兴之兴~富兴切感兴有感染力。to. ;,21Is microwave cooking fast? 15 --You bet! (ibid) 兴里~“属当非正式英兴~相于或~而且肯定的兴气更强~You bet”surely, certainlyof course表出一兴达气勿庸疑的口。 兴多兴兴告也广数完全是典型的活生生的口兴~兴人以兴兴其境之感。兴兴例,;,家有兴双双广味精~米都多放一斤。;兴牌味精告,22 ;,兴兴告兴我~家人兴有吃坏肚随广了子的兴候。香港保兴丸兴用得着。;香港保兴丸告,23 ;,兴兴来呀麦,……我兴。;片,24 ;,喝了娃哈哈~吃兴就是香,25 ;,一你台~我一台~人手一台~兴是兴子兴算器的兴代,26 以上都是口兴息气广甚兴的告金句。例;,告兴妙在以广全然的街兴巷尾的口兴~土得可兴~22 兴人一看~兴兴兴然。例;,告兴广个来叙个借助一家庭主兴的口吻述一具有普遍指兴意兴的兴兴~23 兴得兴切兴人~人情味很体很兴~兴了一位兴妻良母的兴致入微的心兴~兴服力。例;,告兴广模兴24小孩子向母兴撒兴的兴~兴生气奇特的效果~巧妙地推兴了兴品~兴人心兴。例;,、;,是具2526 16 体广形象生兴活兴打兴人心的口兴化告金句。有兴无巧倒是一兴技巧~所兴“大道无形~大音稀声”。 正文采用兴兴式的告也兴不少~特兴是兴兴告采用一兴一广数广屡广气答形式的兴不兴。兴兴式告口兴息兴兴的~系兴口兴告~富兴广极真切感和兴感。 四、高告档广措兴兴究 不言而兴~非所有告都是用兴兴兴一目了然~非所有告兴口兴或并广并广属体通俗兴格。兴者兴象不同~告用兴也兴有所不同。广广数听巧克力等食品、百事可兴等兴料及日常用品告兴有无兴者或者~因此~告兴言兴大广众懂档广化、口兴化、通俗易。但名兴酒兴、豪兴汽兴、高兴化兴品等高商品告以及兴机等高兴次服兴告兴十分兴究广措兴~一般使用正式、兴范或兴雅的兴格~因兴其消兴兴象主要是受兴良好教育的富裕者。例如, ;,27Neutrogena Hair Spray Now there is a hairspray so clear that your hair’s vibrant and new color shines through. It lifts and shapes without residue build-up-----nothing to weigh your new curls down.(NYTM, June, 兴在有一兴兴兴兴兴液~兴的兴兴生你它你机勃勃~染上新的色彩~射出耀眼的光彩。兴兴的兴兴兴1993) ( 17 立成型~兴无残——你渣兴淀 兴无任何兴兴兴倒的兴新卷兴。) ;,中国惠普 更佳之途28 莽莽乾坤~秀外惠中的~唯有惠普。花兴花落~度几园春秋。在兴兴多姿、斑兴兴兴的芳草中~唯 有惠普系列微机一枝秀独将你青~必永兴兴得的兴……;兴兴~,,1993103 兴而易兴~以上兴兴告~文两广字正式兴范~形象生兴~兴雅。篇幅有限~恕不兴例。 五、兴兴省略~兴以兴常 兴了使告兴兴兴广广歧精兴~兴了兴兴篇幅降低成本~英、兴告中有些兴字往往被省略。只要不兴生兴~ 只要不使兴者感到莫名其妙~能省的兴量可尽省。如, ;,29Big enough to change an industry. Small enough to fit in your pocket.(USA TODAY. March 27,1997,P6) (30)Let’s begin with an eye-opener: Jaguar sales have more than doubled in the past four years. Why? Simply, our owner satisfaction has dramatically increased. In fact, just since 1994, there has been a 40% reduction in “faults”, placing us among the industry’s best in new-vehicle quality. Surprised? Skeptical?----(ibid. P. 7) 18 兴献众尚广春城~利兴群~价格最低~兴高无,;兴器行告,(31) ;,兴什兴兴兴哈磁兴,磁兴最强~效果最好,;哈磁牌磁化杯广告,32 例;,是一兴移兴兴兴告兴兴。的主兴和系兴兴兴广它省略了。其完整形式分兴兴,29It is big enough to 兴然~兴兴如不采用省略句~那就change an industry and it is small enough to fit in your pocket. 太哆广兴了。事兴上告兴兴一般使用省略句或短兴。例;,是一兴虎牌汽兴告。兴引用了句兴~广几30 就有个它省略句。兴的完整形式分兴兴,3Why have Jaguar sales more than doubled in the past 例;,和例;,兴兴中文告~也各自两广four years? Are you surprised? Are you skeptical?3132 省略了一些兴兴。如果把被省略的兴和兴兴添上~兴兴兴告可兴兴,例;两广,把兴献兴春城~把利兴兴31 群众~我兴的兴器价格最低~但兴高无尚,例;,您你兴客大家消兴者兴什兴兴兴哈磁杯~因兴32/// 磁兴最强~效果最好,它 英、兴告中~有些兴兴~广减必要兴省略大有裨益~不兴可以少篇幅~降低成本~而且可以加强告的兴奏感~增强告的功效~可兴一兴得。以上广广真数个四例子明兴地兴明了兴一点。可兴~可以省略的兴兴兴毫不吝惜地省去。告兴兴尤其如此。广 兴兴;,探兴了外兴多告妙国内广清阳招妙兴的奇特功效~朱;,例兴了妙兴金句在广19931993 告中的巨大威力和非凡效果~并广即提出了兴定告篇章的兴准~,文字是否引人入兴~是否可信~是否流兴易~是懂当广否具有兴兴性~是否恰~是否具有兴服力。兴些兴准同西方兴告文字的要求兴兴吻合。 19 广广与广离冲告的兴兴用字是告成功否的基兴。告不兴有兴力的兴兴形象~同兴更需要有吸引力、有兴服力的兴言。生兴活兴引人入兴的兴言是以新兴奇特富有魅力的措兴兴基兴的~因此~告的广措兴是十分重要的~特兴是名兴、兴兴、形容兴的恰兴用当体来至兴重要。兴兴~兴告广措兴要注意,通俗性、兴明性、兴兴性、准确性、新奇性。 广与运广广告兴作的成兴兴兴的用息息相兴。告兴兴者只有在掌握告措兴的主要特点的基兴上~才能出兴写广来广两灸人口的告兴。英、兴告的用兴特点有兴多共同之兴~兴是由英兴兴兴言的交兴功能及告的功能和目的所定的。但是由于英兴和兴兴于然不同的兴系~广决属迥异二者存在兴多差~包括兴兴和兴用法方面的差异没尽。比如~英兴常用冠兴~多用介兴、兴兴等~而兴兴兴有冠兴~量少用介兴、兴兴等。在英兴告中~兴些广异差无疑存在。篇幅有限~本文不予兴兴。 参献考文[] Greg. M. 1994. Words in Ads. London: Green Gate Publishing Services. Leech, G. N. 1996. The Language in Advertising. London: Longman. Torben, V. 1985. The Language of Advertising. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.崔兴《广学告英兴》~北京理工大出版社 ~年。1993 20 兴兴《广广告妙招妙兴大全》~西民族出版社~年。1993 朱《清阳广告金句》~吉林科技出版社~年。70001993 21 英兴告的句广式功能 兴兴国 提要,本文以英兴告兴例兴例兴~探兴了英兴告篇广广构章的兴句兴型及主要兴的功能。文章兴兴兴兴~各兴句子和不同兴在告兴篇大兴兴采~各具特构广达色~各自富于表意兴~兴示出特有的功能~兴广体广献告的兴功能服兴~兴告的成功做兴。 兴兴兴,英兴告广兴句兴型常用兴构功能特性; ; ; ; 22 Abstract: This paper illustrates the basic sentence types and explores the common constructions in English and Chinese advertising texts, their particular functions discussed and emphasized. The paper makes an attempt to prove that the different sentence types and constructions which appear frequently and usually attractively in advertising show their own features, express their given meanings and demonstrate their peculiar functions, thus promoting the overall functions of advertising and contributing to its success. Key words: sentence types, common constructions, function, English &Chinese advertising 告是商兴的法~是打兴消兴者兴包的金兴匙。告兴作者兴是特兴注意广宝广遣兴用字~同兴注 重句法和修辞广构。本文兴就英兴告的句子兴型、主要兴及其功能作一初探。 英兴言家国学将广概告的功能括兴,、 兴播信息功能~ 、 兴兴功能~Torben (1992:49-69)12 、 建兴形象功能~ 、 刺激消兴功能。 在英、兴告中~各兴句广构灵运子和不同兴活用~各34 具功能~兴告的兴功能服兴。使用最兴兴繁的是兴述句;广体,其次是祈使句statements, ;,疑兴句;,和感兴句;,。者意兴笔随察了兴兴刊英兴广commands, questionsexclamations20 告~兴述句占~祈使句占~疑兴句占~感兴句占。在者所兴笔察的兴兴刊兴兴51%22%14%13%20 23 广告中~兴述句占~祈使句占~疑兴句占~感兴句占。此外~句从构来子兴58%15%14%13% 看~省略兴; 构,句子片断;,比兴兴构elliptical structures, sentence fragments, ;,和排比兴;构,也兴不兴。在者兴屡笔察的兴英comparative constructionsparallel structures20兴告中~广构按篇幅算~省略兴占~句子片占断~比兴兴构占~排比兴构占13%21%11% ~其各兴句它式占。在者所兴笔察的兴兴兴告中~广构按篇幅算~省略兴占~句26%29%2016%子片占断~比兴兴构占~排比兴构占~不成以上兴的其各兴句构构它式占。14%15%27%28%下面分兴予以兴兴, ?,英兴告的兴句兴型功能广与 兴述句 兴述句~尤其是兴兴的肯定兴述句在告篇广当章中兴用最普遍。措兴巧妙得的兴1.1, 述句能充分兴兴告功能。如,体广 ;,1It’s a powerful PC with a Pentium processor and 95 preloaded. It’s a CD player for Audio …CD, Video CD, and CD ROM It uses your TV as a full screen monitor. It can link with you th … (INDEPENDENT , Oct.17, 1995, London.)Video and Hi Fi. It’s a link to the Internet.(2)恰地表自当达真温份气己兴、馨的兴情~不兴兴是一勇~更是一兴兴兴。象征永恒的精工手表是高兴的兴情兴志~也是天兴地久的兴情魅力。在我兴生命中的某些兴候~兴情兴兴是看得兴的。;兴兴~1993,191,例;1,是一兴告广正文的一部分~全由兴述句所兴成~形成了一目了然的排比兴~兴品的成、特性作用表得构将构与达真真怦切切、兴兴在在~令人兴信不移~然心兴。兴然兴些兴述句朴兴无兴~但因兴兴兴合理、句式醒目、重点突出~所以成功地兴兴了告功能。例;广2,是台 24 湾广广广达情人兴兴兴精工手表告正文。兴告在情人兴而告之~表了兴情的存在“有些兴候是看得兴的” 兴兴出心个份礼份裁的主兴~其目的是循循兴兴~兴兴情留下一兴念物~留一美好的兴兴~使情人兴到一兴兴的表方找达广很式。告兴兴全是兴述句~但富有非凡魅力~令人兴心~能激兴消兴行兴。同其他兴型的文一兴~告篇献广章大量使用兴述句~特兴是言兴意兴的肯定兴述句俯拾皆是。兴述句在告中兴述广达将事兴、表情感、兴造意境和形象~通常可兴品或服兴的特性、功能、效用、形象表得兴兴。告篇达真真广从章中的否定兴述句廖若晨星。偶兴出兴兴~往往反面肯定某商品或某服兴的特兴品兴或功能。告作者广双来达偶兴兴使用重否定兴述句到强烈肯定商品的某一特性或功能的目的。限于篇幅~恕不例兴。 1.2 祈使句 所从广即广周知~告的功能之一兴兴兴功能~兴使消兴者心兴~采取消兴行兴。告撰写者往往采用一些祈使句~就是因兴祈使句具有直接兴兴、直接鼓兴的作用。例如,;3,Buy your new suit direct form the UK’s premier manufacturer and save thliterally hundreds of pounds.(The Times, 15 Dec.1995) (4) And in the evening, dress up for some superb night time entertainment, dance to our resident band and enjoy that great Warner hospitality. (Paris Travel Service, P.12. Bridge Travel Group) 25 th(5) Have quality and luxury at sensible prices.(Leigh Reporter, 11 July, 1996)(6) Make your choice and be a winner with Olympic.(ibid.) (7) 快兴兴且兴常赶并瓶晒吧擦用一“兴那”兴兴液。 (8) 想一想、算一算、比一比,;兴印机, 以上引用的例子;英文例句兴自英兴国广体刊告,都是用心善良、兴消兴者的祈使句;commands,.例;8,是以感兴兴尾的个号体潜祈使句。其兴功能是直接兴兴在的消兴者采取消兴行兴。因兴祈使句又同兴直接或兴接指出特定的消兴行兴所兴的好兴~如例;来3,、例;5,、例;8,~或者直接兴明商品或服兴的不同凡响的兴量~如例;4,中的“消兴者交好~如例运;6,中的“be a winner”,所以祈使句往往能打兴在消兴者的心~兴能激消兴行兴~具很潜励 有强的兴兴兴引功能。极与祈使句中使用的兴兴或直接或兴接地兴品或服兴的兴得、享用、消兴等密切相兴。如英兴告广祈使句中常兴的兴兴get, buy, choose, stock, have 等兴兴兴然兴品的消兴或服兴与的享用兴系在一起。 英兴告的广没祈使句比比皆是~而且一般有“please”,“兴”兴兴的表示礼貌婉兴的兴~也一般有表示没气气客、兴和祈使兴的情兴兴兴;如could, would等,。那兴~如此直截了的当祈使句是不是兴受众随礼呢国学太便、太不貌甚至使之兴生逆反心理,回答是否定的。英著名兴言家Leech(1966:80)兴此做了最好的兴明,“…the imperative in public communication does not suffer from the implication of its use in private contexts. We are used to receiving 26 exhortations and directives in the imperative mood from all manner of public sources: road signs(‘Halt at major road ahead); public transport notices(‘Do not lean out of the window’); instructions from Government departments…”告撰人自然而然地兴兴广搞~公兴兴于接受众达励来祈使兴句表的有益于他兴的兴告、勉和指令~所以~他兴大量采用祈使句达广气到兴兴成功的目的。有些告使用一兴串的祈使句~兴兴兴中肯~令人心兴~大大加强了兴兴力量~明兴增强了告效果。广 1,3 疑兴句 疑兴句如同祈使句意味着兴兴者直接兴兴~通常被兴兴需要作出反响响~就象兴兴了需要回兴一兴。疑兴句兴有更兴微妙的作用——包含兴兴;presuppositions,。例如,;9,see those little words beneath our badge? The ones that say Volkswagen Group? They are testimony to our partnership with VM… We’ve changed the car. We’ve changed the company. The question is , are you open enough to change your mind? We’ve changed the car. Can you change your mind?(the Times Magazine, Nov. 18,1995)(10)兴食肥减剥减呢猴减~何必兴人生最大享受。那兴如何能兴不兴食而又肥,……;王肥晶广告,;兴兴~1993,43,。例;9,是一兴以疑兴句兴始~又以疑兴句兴束的告广正文。兴兴的疑兴句兴者的注意力引向名将牌生兴集兴;Volkswagen Group,,末尾的疑兴句强兴的意两个思相同~直接向兴者提兴~引起兴者思考~兴起兴者的兴兴撩欲。例;10,兴兴告兴广减即提出全新的肥兴念~可以享受人生~又不必担体确很广心形~矛盾化解~二者兼得~兴兴人大的吸引力。兴兴告兴非常成功~其中的疑兴句起到了重要作用,突出了兴品功能~引起了兴者大兴趣。言行篇极章有兴多疑兴句含有兴兴。例如, How do I stay fresh, clean and comfortable all day, every day?(Carefree pads)(Greg, 1994,19)兴疑兴句 27 behind that, an assumption that women tend, without theses pads, to become daily more stale, dirty, and uncomfortable.)是什兴使《新兴字典》成兴世界最兴兴的字典,……是什兴使《新兴字典》充兴新兴感兴,(《南方周末》~P.14,1998.10.2) (12)引自一兴告广个体正文~原文分兴三段~每段以一疑兴句兴兴~接着兴予具而有兴服力的回答。以上三个兴句的兴兴兴而易兴,《新兴字典》成兴世界上最兴兴的字典~《新兴字典》兴是活力无限~《新兴字典》充兴新兴感兴。包含兴兴的告疑兴句意兴富~广丰达异含兴肯定~兴接地表了兴品的兴兴量和特兴效用~同兴也兴了言行者兴兴品兴量和功能达广抱兴信不疑的兴度。英兴告中兴不兴出兴修性兴句或反兴句;rhetorical question,,表强达气当烈的兴和意兴~包含的兴兴也然得到强化。例如,;13,If your pay packet was one pound short each week, who would really notice?(Christian Aid)(Greg, 1994:50)兴告兴是广个辞丰您很修兴句~含意深刻~寓兴富。基本涵兴兴,富裕~您儿会会真呢个决每周的工兴袋少一英兴~兴根不注意到。那兴兴正注意到,兴兴兴兴而未。直到兴者往下看才兴兴意想不到的答案,You’ll hardly notice the difference, but they will.(photo of impoverished farmers hoeing)兴告兴兴有条广您您会恭兴的含兴,不注意到~因兴仁慈是兴以兴常的品兴。您广辞您西方慈善告往往有兴兴涵兴兴兴的修性兴句~所推兴的不是兴品~而是作兴仁慈者的美好形象。我的告篇国广辞章偶兴可兴修性兴句~不兴比兴少兴。兴兴一例,;14,何不兴在趁您您个温秋末冬初之兴~拿出的私房兴替他兴一套~兴他穿上的兴心兴暖的冬天呢广,;毛衣告,;兴兴~1993,58,兴兴告兴以广达丰广反兴句的形式表了富的意兴。告兴巧妙地抓既达住了年兴妻子大多有小金兴的家庭兴兴~表兴了深入理解之意~又表了祝愿夫妻和睦甜广极美的兴心。兴兴的反兴句告兴建立在兴和理解之上~兴兴力度强~往往兴无不兴。疑兴句在英兴 28 广广运广众告中兴用。告兴兴采用疑兴句兴能捕捉兴兴的注意力~引起他兴的好奇心~使之非看正文不可。正文里的疑兴句常用来提出兴兴~引出信息~强兴要点~突出事物的特性等~有兴~兴可起承上下、自然兴接上下文的作用。启 4 感兴句子 Greg Myers(1994:51)指出~感兴在告中用得十分号广慷慨~兴常“抛兴露面”。感兴句在告中用得兴多。如,广 ;15, Where else can you find so many hit shows in one place? Only in New York!(New York Times Magazine, Nov.11,1993) (16)‘…I couldn’t believe it, until I tried it !’‘I’m impressed! I’m really impressed!’(ibid) (17)眷眷之情拳拳心~一片兴意献广母兴,;化兴品告, ;18,生命宝青宁广兴~春无价~唯一兴兴~常兴大神茶,大大突出了告的中心思想~只有在兴兴才能看到如此富多丰极广惊号彩如此兴兴至度的演出,英兴告篇章中有兴多短兴或省略句以兴兴兴尾~兴奏感强~有力量~起到了强兴信息~表感情~突出重点~激消兴行兴的作用。注意很达励~有些短兴只有加上感兴成兴感兴句才具有明的意兴。例;号确16,是典型的口兴感兴句~兴从客嘴里脱听来真确广广口而出~十分切。兴兴的祈使句兴大大强化了告功能~促使告大兴成功。例;17,上兴韵广广将与工整琅琅上口的告句~充兴了情感。告兴化兴品子女兴母兴的眷眷之情和拳拳之心兴系起~来达来礼入木三分地表了兴兴的意思,兴化兴品用送兴母兴是兴母兴的最好品~就等于兴献广广母兴一片兴心。兴品的功能、价兴和魅力也就不言而兴了。兴兴告以感兴句的形式出兴~使告思想得到强化~兴人印象深~兴能极刺激消兴行兴。例;18,也兴能打兴兴者的心。告兴广将宝茶同兴的生命和美好的青来广号春自然兴系起~兴兴~ 茶的神奇功效就自不待言了。告兴以感兴兴尾~兴 29 一步突出了兴品价兴。感兴句在告兴兴和广广号广正文中兴兴常兴。告口一般都是感兴句。在兴兴告兴中感兴句兴不兴。如屡清阳广朱兴的《告金句7000》有感兴句达6000之多。 广份告兴何使用那兴多感兴句,因兴感兴句要重兴~兴有强烈的感情色彩~更有信息量。 ?.英兴告的常用兴及其功能广构 从构广构断构构构广兴看~英兴告中兴的有省略兴、句子片、比兴兴和排比兴。兴些兴在兴告中的使用兴率兴兴高于一般其兴型的篇它断几广概章。特兴是句子片乎是告中的特有兴文兴象。兴述如下。 2.1 省略兴 构 省略兴是英兴告中最常兴的兴法兴象之一。构广Greg Myers(1994:57)在强兴省略兴构的功能兴兴道~“ The omission doesn’t just let you fill in what you want. It makes you active in interpreting the sentence…”省略不兴使告文广辟从减字精而少篇幅~降低成本~而且可促使兴者兴极将写广另思兴~捕捉省略的信息~兴兴兴者自己也兴了告。外~省略兴兴可使篇构凑气从章兴有力~兴兴兴~琅琅上口~兴奏感强~激兴兴者的兴想~而兴立兴品美好的形象。例如,;19,passionate, romantic, glitzy, glamorous, informative, educational, sensational!! Whatever your reading tastes, you’ll be able to buy all the books you love when you join World Books…(SUNDAY MIRROR, May 1996.P.6, London) (20)兴易,兴生,使感到您清广清阳舒适,精神,爽快,;兴液告,;朱~1993~160,例;19,兴兴英兴告广个构它构正文的第一句就是省略兴。的主兴和兴系兴兴均兴省去了。此省略兴兴奏明快~兴兴兴美~容兴人~富有魅力。内份把省略的成兴添上就成了完整句了,They\Our bestsellers are passionate, romantic, glitzy, glamorous, informative…兴然~完整句不如省略兴构达那兴富有表力~那兴干脆兴人。因此~例;19,的第一句若采用完整句~那兴整句的兴便气会大大削弱。例;20,的兴句分兴兴兴句~其主兴“我兴的两独清洗液”兴省略了。第三句的兴兴兴兴前也省去了同兴的主兴。最后的“精神,爽快,”可兴兴句子片断~也可看作省略句。例;20,兴个 30 由省 兴~令人兴心。如果不采用省略兴构会哆哆会广反而兴得里兴~削弱渲染力量。可兴~告作者必要兴采用省略兴不但兴构广省篇幅~而且兴兴兴告功能都是必要的。 2.2 句子片断 我兴兴常注意到~英兴告广当号号正文往往兴使用逗或不用任何兴点符的地方加上句点~而从个号断把整句子切成被句隔兴的的片。Leech(1966:113-116)兴兴兴言兴象兴“分称离句法”;disjunctive syntax,。在60年代~兴兴活兴奔放的文兴体国当格在英兴家中相盛行~被兴兴富有特的兴独广并想价兴。兴至今日~兴兴兴格兴不如兴去那兴兴兴用但也非少兴。例如,;21,Some things have to be experienced to be truly understood.(1)The sensuous feel of soft leather. (2) The comfort of a perfectly engineered seat. (3) the glow of burnished wood. (4)And, of course, the assurance of having all the power and control you could ever want.( The New York , Sunday, June 6, 1993)(句末序号是本人添上的)兴是一兴汽兴告。广正文的第一段~似Times 乎由五个句子兴成。兴兴上~末尾兴上;2,、;3,、;4,、;5,的短兴兴然以句点兴尾~但非是并句子~而是前一句的主兴“some things”的同位兴。兴段兴在其文中兴是一它体个完整句。改兴兴点符号来~可兴其本面貌, Some things have to be experienced to be truly understood: the sensuous feel of soft leather, the comfort of a perfectly engineered seat, the glow…兴兴广告句法受英兴告句法的广响砉离没广离影~也兴兴“分句法”的兴象~不兴有英兴告的分句法那兴普遍~那兴兴以兴常。只要留心兴察~兴兴告篇广断章中的句子片呈兴增多的兴兴。兴兴一例,;,北22大方正隆重推出方正兴兴能兴取兴思兴件的排版兴果。方正新兴采兴和告广管理系兴指定前端排版3 0 兴件。多兴的兴兴制作效果。富的丰花兴、底兴、兴形兴兴。;《国广兴兴告》~ ~ ,|1998, (5)P. 39. 31 兴兴告的广个两第一句是省略句~最后 句是句子片断与广来~兴明扼要~兴奏感强~突出了兴品的功能特征。兴什兴在告中本完整的句子兴切成若干以句点兴尾的貌似句子的片,断呢兴兴~告兴兴者兴具广匠心地用句Torben(1992:23)号断即把句子切成片~切成更多的信息兴位~兴果兴然句子兴序不兴~兴兴一兴~但包含的核心重音就多了~因兴每个信息兴位的末尾都兴核心重音。核心重音增多~令人兴目的成分便自然增多~广告的感染力便大大增强。 比兴兴构 告兴家广学‘Comparative constructions abound 2.3 Michael (1982:85) points out, in advertising, and for good reason. They are used to say that some product is better than used to be ,or that it is better than competing products, or that consumers will be better off if they use the product than if they don’t Comparatives are also used in price advertising to say…’比兴兴在英兴告中兴繁使用兴构广个广研事兴使告兴言究十分有 趣。比兴的方式多兴多兴, 比兴兴象看有兴向比兴和向比兴~ 从来横内确根据比兴的容是否明可 分兴性比兴和含蓄比兴。兴看兴例, (23) Oranges are sweeter than lemons. Our oranges are sweeter than they used to be. (24)It’s made in the same way as our regular Pizza Perfection, but it’s even bigger, and there’s even more topping. (25)兴兴品理化性能兴良~兴效果高装与媲雅兴兴~色彩兴兴~天然大理石相美~色彩兴案可根据 市兴需求任意兴配~比天然石材料更兴越。;兴化合成花兴石英兴大理石广告,;引自《半月兴》~ 1994。4~ P。75,以上例子均兴告广内正文的部分容。例;23,的第一句是兴品向比兴个横 句~第二句兴兴向比兴句~即与体甜柑橘瑞士的兴量其兴去的兴量相比兴。兴兴具比兴~兴品特有的 32 味兴然兴上。如此甜滋滋的柑子~兴不想吃,例;24,的最后两个属平行的比兴句含蓄比兴句~因兴各自后面的比兴物;our regular Pizza Perfection,兴省略了。不省略会哆兴得兴。例;25,的比兴句两个横来异通兴向比兴突出兴品的兴美兴兴和兴品兴。如此高兴精美的人工大理石肯定兴生高雅兴兴、兴壮气装广派的兴效果~兴不打兴人心,兴不激兴消兴行兴,有比兴才能有兴兴。兴告商品通兴比兴更切确争地兴示出本身的特性、功效和兴兴~更具有引人注目的兴力。2,4 排比兴构;Parallelism, 排比兴在各兴告中兴用兴繁。例如,构广 ;26,THE WEDDING-DAY-DIET THE HONEYMOON DIET THE I- WISH-I- WAS- HER DIET THE BEFORE –THE- BABY DIET THE AFTER-THE-BABY-DIET THE IF FERGIE CAN LOSE IT, SO CAN I DIET . THEN WHY DOES LYCRA HAVE TO BE SO POPULAR DIET (Greg, 1994:53) (27) Earth is a pad for spaceships Earth is an eye watching us. 例;26,和例;27,是兴兴告的两广正文。例;26,全是名兴短兴兴兴~成构琅琅上口的平行兴构。各名兴短兴的中心兴diet都有定冠兴和名兴或名兴兴兴充当其前置修兴兴~其中大多兴兴兴或句子构丰将成的兴兴性兴合兴。兴兴一兴串活兴巧妙、含兴富的名兴短兴兴食;diet,的我功能惟妙惟与肖、兴兴明了地表出了~能激兴受的消兴达来确众欲望。例;27,由五个构兴相并辞似含有比兴修兴格的平行兴句兴成~各兴句的主兴、系兴兴和不定冠兴相同。整个广告篇章文字工整~兴奏感强~寓意深刻~言兴意兴~兴兴意。达构广排比兴在中文告篇章中也兴兴可兴。;28, 海天兴油1900毫升兴形~瓶装你从从秉承兴兴兴兴的兴兴理想~兴全新兴有五大享受,造型更兴于美兴~ 兴兴兴更兴方便~ 手感更兴舒适~ 兴品更得保存 兴香更保悠兴期 。 ;《羊城兴兴》~1998~10-13~ 第五版, 例;28,兴告广个数构并正文的一部分。最后五字相等、兴相似、意兴列的排比句把海天兴油 33 1900毫升兴形的瓶装体来五大兴点具描述出~兴造了兴品的美好形象~兴人以深刻兴忘的印象~容易引起在消兴者的潜国广学欲望。英告家 Greg Myers(1994:52-54)兴兴~排比兴构匀工整称并达广构广~意兴重~易兴易兴~便于表出突出告信息。排比兴在各兴告中比比皆是~在兴兴广告里尤其如此。 各兴句子和不同兴在英兴告中大展兴采~各具构广独广物色~各自兴示出特的功能~兴告的成功做兴。献构广体内空兴使用什兴兴的句子和兴兴好要看告的具容、要求和目的。主要考文,参献 Greg, M. 1994. Words in Ads. London: Green Gate Publishing Services.Leech, G.N.1996. The Language in Advertising .London: Longman. Michael,L.G. 1982.The Language of TV Advertising. London: Academic Press. Torben, V. 1985. The language of Advertising .Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.兴兴、黄凌志.告妙广招妙兴大全.广西民族出版社.1993. 朱清阳. 告金句广7000.吉林科技出版社. 34 英兴告常用广辞格及其功能 兴兴国 35 ;上海兴范大外兴兴院~上海~学国学200234, 提 要,本文兴述英兴告兴篇中的常用广辞广辞格及其功能。作者旨在兴兴,告修新奇巧妙~ 独广丰广当运辞出心裁~凝聚了告作者的富而非凡的想像力~告兴篇中恰而巧妙地用修格不但 使告兴言生兴活兴~言兴意兴~或兴奏感强~有力量~而且深刻地描兴或强兴告商品或服兴的特广很广 征、特性功能~大大有与广助于兴造其美好形象~兴能促兴告走向成功。 兴兴兴,英兴告~广辞修手段~商品功能~兴品形象 Abstract: This paper discusses the most common rhetorical devices and their respective functions in English and Chinese advertising texts. It is intended to prove that sentences and structures in which rhetorical devices are ingeniously employed show unusual novelty, display rare originality and brim with the copywriter's rich and remarkable imagination; also it is meant to demonstrate that proper and ingenious applications of the major devices in advertising not only render advertising language vivid, lively and compendious, or highly rhythmical and forceful, but also impressively describe or emphasize the special features, properties and functions of the advertised commodities or services, and immensely help to create their nice and attractive images, thus contributing a great deal to the success of advertisements. Key words: English & Chinese advertising, rhetorical devices, functions of commodities, images of products. 36 在当广几广今信息兴代~告乎无所不有无所不在。事兴上~告已成兴兴代生活的重要信息来广即源~成兴人兴生活的不可缺少的一部分。兴了成功地兴兴告功能~兴播信息功能~兴兴功能~建兴形象功能~刺激消兴功能;,~告作者兴是特兴注意广辞修~Torben, 1992: 49-69兴是下功狠运辞夫兴造性地用各兴修手段;,。因兴我者兴英兴告国学广辞修rhetorical devices功能缺乏比兴究~所以本文兴就英兴告兴篇常用的主要研广辞格及其功能作一初探~以便有助于我兴理解和欣兴告广辞从广修~而有助于我兴兴作告兴。 一、比兴;Simile & Metaphor, 比兴理兴建立在心理“兴学浅奥体化作用”的基兴上。比兴以兴兴明深~以具兴明抽象~以熟悉兴明生疏~兴造生兴的意并从境和形象~使人在恍然大悟中感受到言兴者所兴之妙~而兴生兴足信服的快感。比兴与体通常由本;,、兴;体,和兴兴三部分兴成。本体tenorvehicle和兴是具有相体两个属似点而又不同兴的事物~二者的相似点一般兴其抽象的共同点。英兴比兴;,分兴明兴;,和暗兴;,~兴兴比兴分兴明兴、暗兴和借兴。明tropessimilemetaphor 兴指或以上不同两个两个事物之兴的明兴比兴~英兴中的明兴通常由或引兴。兴兴中的明aslike兴~又称仿犹直兴~常有“好像”、“如同”、“佛”、“如”、“若”、“如”、“似”之兴的譬兴兴兴兴合它丰体当来翻兴。兴兴明兴的兴兴富多彩~要根据文特色兴用适的兴兴兴英兴明兴的兴兴或。暗兴是比明兴更兴一步的比兴。英兴暗兴兴兴跟两个两个暗兴一兴~指或以上aslike 不同兴事物之兴兴含的比兴。容和容看~英兴从内内将暗兴包括兴兴的暗兴和借兴。兴了方便~本文兴兴的借兴放在暗兴中兴兴。英兴暗兴的典型形式是~兴兴暗兴的形式兴甲;就,是乙。可兴~A is B 37 英兴暗兴的典型形式一模一兴。英兴暗兴的形式兴有兴多~可兴多姿多彩~比兴兴暗兴的形式多些。 英兴暗兴的兴用比比皆是~比兴兴暗兴用得更兴繁。英兴暗兴在兴多兴例中兴兴成兴兴的明兴。 比兴在英兴告兴篇中兴用得最兴广丰普遍~其功能十分富。兴看兴例, ;,;桔汁广告,1Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. ;,;旅游广告,2The welcome is as warm as the climate at this friendly complex… ;,眉笔笔广像花瓣一兴柔和。;眉告,3 ;,兴夜如兴~衣裳如。兴梦儿您温儿广薇陪伴~在夜的柔里。;兴薇睡衣告,4 以上四例都是典型的明兴句式。例;,有将没没阳桔汁的早餐比作有光的日子。1 兴是多兴生兴而富于想像力的比兴,例;,兴兴明兴式广个体告兴同兴兴造了一具而生兴的意境,2 兴里候气温儿犹气温和宜人~兴的人兴非常友好~兴腔兴情~兴予游客的兴情兴迎如兴里的候一兴 暖人心。兴兴形象的告兴不令人心兴广,例;,将笔与真眉花瓣兴行兴比~可兴天才的想象~3 充分突出了兴兴品的柔和兴人~兴兴客味体份与怦一柔情兴美~兴而然心兴~消兴的念兴油然而生。 兴告兴具魅力和感广极染力。例;,兴兴告的面是一广画位美兴的少女身着睡衣舒适地俯4 兴在床上~悠然自得地在兴兴的兴人兴翻画广与揉景~兴告兴妙地把睡衣的美夜色的美兴合在一起~ 以奇妙的夜的情思和魅力兴托睡衣的温甜广馨和美。整篇告着力于情的渲染和美的抒兴~兴 人一兴如兴如的美好的心理感受。画 ;,5It's a country rich in art, with a wealth of museums. Blessed by year round good ;西班牙旅游广告,weather, Spain is a magnet for sun-worshippers and holidaymakers. ;,;兴放型大学广号招生告口,6You can spread your wings with Open Studies. 38 ;,身的兴兴。;兴兴随广莉兴兴膏告,7 ;,香港是一个将与国广唯一可以西方兴代化色彩中兴兴兴史融合的兴方明珠。;旅游8 告, 例;,包含一个阳典型 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 的暗兴。西班牙被比作一兴磁兴~强烈地吸引着兴好光的5 度假游客~魅力非凡~令人神往。例;,是一个你来含蓄兴晦的暗兴。其兴意兴,到兴放型6 大学会学扎争会培兴~定到兴的知兴和兴硬的本兴~因而定能在兴激烈的社中迎接挑兴~大兴身手~兴付裕如~取得斐然成就~好像羽毛丰儿兴的兴展翅兴翔~搏兴兴空~无拘无束~大展雄姿。兴告口以广号数学寥寥兴~惟妙惟肖地突出了兴放型大的有效功能~委婉兴接而令人信服地勾勒出兴放性大的美好形象~能打兴人心。例;学极,是一只有兴出兴的个体暗兴。7 兴兴膏是防日兴兴晒将随体广皮兴的。作者兴兴功能兴兴“身的兴兴”~兴出了非凡的想像力。告兴巧妙地用运众暗兴~形象地介兴了兴品的功能~兴人留下生兴的印象~自然而然使受萌兴消兴的欲望。例;,兴典型的兴兴判断个来—式暗兴,香港是……兴方明珠。兴暗兴兴香港的形象活起了8 —璀兴兴中西合璧的兴方明珠更兴得珠兴玉兴~璨兴目~兴切感人。 从当广广例句不兴看出~比兴恰而巧妙地用于告兴篇~不但使告兴言生兴活兴~引人兴人~而且言兴意兴地描兴商品或服兴的典型特点或非凡功能~如生地兴造兴明的意栩栩境和形象~兴起受富的兴众丰从广体想~深深地打兴他兴的心~而大大促兴告的兴功能。 兴得注意的是~告中有兴多广体即暗兴~兴而不兴~如只有兴出兴的暗兴~兴兴中的借兴~兴兴可兴~兴兴、形容兴、名兴和兴兴用作暗兴的兴例兴不兴。兴屡晦的暗兴同明兴相比更耐人兴味~可兴起受众丰抓真与概更深刻更富的兴想~但要住其兴意兴需要兴思考理解。而言之~兴意的理解兴程兴, 39 首先抓体广体广广住本;告中的比兴的本一般是告兴品本身、或告商品的特征、特性、功能等,和兴~兴后分体体清体体抓析兴的特性~弄兴系本和兴的本兴特征上的相似之兴。住了兴个抓当挖离相似点就住了暗兴的兴意。然~兴意的掘通常不兴兴境。 二、兴人;Personification, 英兴兴人辞当来体格等于兴兴比兴中的似人~都把物作人看~兴予物或道理以人的言行或思想感情~兴表兴兴象的特征更兴突出感人~兴兴人格化的手段~是建立在言兴者“移情作用”之上的。朱光潜学称在《文兴心理》中兴“移情作用有人兴‘兴人作用’……把人的生命移注于外物~于是本只有来来气气国物理的兴西可具人情~本无生的兴西可有生~所以法心 理家学腊教称辞广德兴瓦授把移情作用兴‘宇宙的生命化’。”兴人格用在告兴篇里往往兴生一兴兴兴生面的效果~兴商品以生它将写既命~商品得有人的言行~又有人的感情~使之富有人情味~而增从它加兴品的生兴性和形象性~兴消兴者一兴兴切感~使消兴者兴“刮目相看”。例如, ;,;化兴品告,广9Oscar de la Renta knows what makes a woman beautiful. ;,10Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. ;,;兴料广告,11Thirty colours. Some so spectacular they send messages. ;,12The first bra to understand the facts of life. ;,甲,我叫小兴菌~兴干坏你你事情。的牙兴再兴硬~我也能兴兴上洞~兴口腔兴炎~兴13 臭~又出血~兴~兴~哼哼哼害牙疼~……, 乙,嘿坏来你,小蛋~莫猖狂,我送兴兴王, 40 甲,你你,是兴, 乙,芦丁牙膏,;芦丁牙膏播广广告, ;,兴子~我兴而自你冰广豪,;兴子箱告,14 ;,上海牌兴兴机~兴您走遍天涯。15 ;,兴国清广香型~香爽口~黑妹牙膏~兴兴皇后。;黑妹牙膏告,16 以上告兴都使用了兴人广辞极格~形象生兴~人情味兴~引人注目于兴品的特兴品兴或神奇功能。例;,采用兴人法宣兴兴品的美好功能~兴造出兴品的迷人形象~能打兴很那些具有9 强烈兴美之心的女士兴。例;,兴兴告兴中的兴广花兴兴人化了~好像情人一兴兴兴衷兴~情意10 融融~魅力并凡~兴人心魄。例;,中的兴料被兴予了人的交兴功能~表信息的功能它达11 兴形象地描兴出了。例;来,中的胸罩;,同兴兴兴人化了~被兴予了人的理解能力~12bra 兴得富有人情味和兴心兴兴体罩青女之兴心。兴兴的乳必定受到女性的兴。例;,中的蛀牙兴13菌和芦丁牙膏均使用第一人~直接人称格化了~像人一兴兴兴和表演~兴兴芦丁牙膏的神奇功能如生活地表兴出了。例;栩栩脱脱来,兴将冰当子箱作兴兴的兴象~直接抒兴兴兴品的情感~14 含蓄地表了兴品的兴兴量~兴明地兴立了兴品的特好形象~令消兴者兴心。例;达异,把兴品15当作人化的第三者~形象地揭示了兴品的功能。例;,不兴突出了牙膏的特点~而且用16 兴人的手法~兴明了的高兴。“它属双黑妹牙膏”系品牌兴人~“兴兴皇后”功能兴人~重兴人~形象生兴。 兴人比兴有相同的与来区底兴~都是借助想像~用彼事物描兴兴明此事物~但二者的兴仍是明兴的,比兴重在“兴”~因而不兴何兴比兴~兴体体从必定“抛兴露面”~本兴之兴是一兴主兴 41 系~而比兴重在将当来写体体体甲作乙~本必兴出兴~而兴兴是指人~可不出兴~通常由有兴兴兴兴出~本兴来体二是一兴交融兴系。 三、兴;双Pun, 李忠初;,,兴兴明将双扼要地定兴兴,“利用兴音的相同相近或兴兴的多指性~1998360 有意使兴兴兴兴表里双达辞双双涉~造成言在此而意在彼的表效果~兴兴格叫兴。”巧妙的兴能使兴言含蓄、幽默、生兴~兴人以回味和想象的余地。兴一般分兴兴兴和兴音兴兴。在兴双双双两广告中~兴兴兴兴兴双既号广普遍~用于兴兴、口~又常兴于告正文。如, ;,;兴乳,17Give your hair a touch of spring. ;,18She's the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the bread she eats. ;面包告,广Light, delicious, Nimble.Nimble ;,第一流兴品~兴足下增光;兴兴鞋油,19 ;,兴兴达达广梯~助君高升;兴兴梯告,20 ;,兴丰丰笔广正茂;兴兴珠告,21 ;,升学您——广就兴兴兴~孩子最需要 一“表”深情。;手表告,22 例;,中的是多兴兴~在此句成兴兴兴。的个构双它字面意兴兴“春天”~引伸意17spring 兴兴“春色”~“即青双色”、“兴色”。兴兴生兴地揭示了兴品的神奇功能。例;,集双兴18与体反兴于一。兴兴出兴四次~兴人印象深。极是一兴面包品牌~而用作形它nimble Nimble 容兴兴意兴“兴明的、敏捷的”。告兴广利用构双达成兴兴兴~巧妙地表了nimbleNimble Bread 既极可使人兴兴敏感~又可使人兴止兴捷的佳功能。例;,中的“足下”兴兴兴兴~双既借19 42 代皮鞋~也是兴兴客的尊称既。意兴“兴兴牌”鞋油~使兴客的皮鞋增添光彩~又兴兴客自己因此而光彩照人。妙兴兴~意双称广味深兴~堪十分成功的告。例;,中的“高升”也是兴20 兴兴~指双既与青空兴的升高~又指地位上的提高、晋升。兴兴~坐兴梯扶兴直上地位的云直上兴系在一起。多兴巧妙的兴想,兴不想高升,兴兴兴妙就妙在个双它把人兴所珍重的价兴兴念包含兴去了~兴了告者兴兴即体广客的祝福~又兴造了兴品的吉祥形象,例;,包含兴音兴~双21“兴”的“”“兴兴”的“兴”同音。兴兴音兴兴丰丰与双两丰笔含兴不同的意兴,“兴”兴珠的兴兴“正”在“茂”盛期~兴客使用“兴”兴丰笔将气珠~更兴得朝蓬勃~富有才兴。一石二兴~含蓄幽默~言兴意繁~魅力非凡。例;,包含一兴兴兴。“表”兴可作“表情”的个双既22 “表”~又可作“兴表”的“表”~一字两学用~言兴意明。特兴是在孩子“升就兴兴兴”~作兴父母的“”兴此告能不兴心兴您广, 双双两兴含蓄~表里涉~一兴得~可使兴兴兴趣幽默或兴晦曲折~同兴可激兴兴想~兴造佳好意境。告中的兴是作者广双独运笔声匠心的生花妙~能深刻地揭示商品的特性和功能~兴兴色地展示兴品的形象~而促兴告功能得以兴兴。从广 四、兴照;Antithesis, 兴照也兴比。兴称志岐;,,兴将将两照定兴兴,“兴照就是兴相反或相兴的事物~199288 或者同一事物的相两个辞个反或相兴的方面~放在一起加以比照的修方法。”兴定兴也适兴于英兴辞格。兴照在英兴兴中的使用大同小异响辞。由于兴兴文化的影~兴兴的兴照格兴antithesis 用成来构广两个工整精巧的兴偶。兴照在英兴告中兴兴出兴~其功能是深刻揭示兴明兴立的方面~ 43 从众而使主兴更加突出~兴受烙下深刻的印象。例如, ;,23All-new Mitsubishi Galant has more power and economy, less weight and noise. ;,24But Vantage is the only cigarette that gives you so much flavor with so little tar and nicotine. ;,;食品告,广25With all taste, without all the fat and cholesterol. ;,;兴料广告,26Once tasted, always loved. ;,皮兴之厚无以兴加~利兴之薄无以兴。;上海兴兴减厂广皮鞋告,27 ;,兴称国称广小掌管人兴烟火~店不大有兴兴民生。;店告,28 ;,她你广工作~休息。;洗衣机告,29 ;,兴将小日月~照兴大乾坤。;眼兴店,30 例;,中的与兴比兴明~效果强烈~突出了兴品的兴点和功能。兴然兴句平淡~23moreless 但由于用了兴运辞照格~兴品兴人以兴兴在在而又深刻可信的印象。例;,中的与24much 互兴反兴~形成兴照~因兴其前面均有程度副兴~所以兴比的兴气广更加强烈。告兴品通littleso 兴其兴点缺点度兴比而增与极加了可信度。例;,包含两个互兴反兴的介兴,和25With 。兴品的全部兴点由兴两个来介兴短兴突出而兴明地指出了。WithoutWithout all the fat and 以否定不良成分来广气肯定食品的兴点。兴告兴篇省略了主兴和兴兴~兴兴兴~兴奏感cholesterol 强。由于用了兴运辞照格~兴品兴点一目了然。例;,也含有兴照格辞,和形26oncealways 成意兴上的兴比。兴告兴十分广辟体与达来精~形象具~兴品;兴料,的兴兴美味无疑兴表出了, 令人垂涎欲滴。 44 在例;,中~一“厚”一“薄”兴照兴明~一“加”一“”相减广映成趣。兴兴兴兴告兴27 很兴趣~商品的特色~企兴形象~通兴比照兴然兴上。例;,也是一兴含兴比的兴兴告。上广28 下句的“两与既称广广小”“大”是相反的~其余兴兴兴兴都是相兴的~可兴比告~也可兴兴兴告。兴告广称国啊反映店自兴兴任之重大“有兴兴民生”~因此兴兴兴兴公平~“掌管人兴烟火”,兴此兴比~境界全出~形象高大。例;,把洗衣机兴人~因此“她您工作~;主人,休29 息。”“工作”“与构她辞您休息”成生兴的兴照~因兴“”不辛兴地工作~所以才能好好休息。告兴广个体会个来通兴兴比手法~兴造了一具的情景~兴述了兴代社里一家兴兴兴的事兴~兴兴兴在在。兴兴朴兴无兴兴事兴兴兴的告兴同兴成功地兴兴了告的功能~同兴能兴立商品的好形象。广广 例;,中的“小日月”然指当眼睛。“日”“月”合成“明”~明兴高兴方能照兴天地~30 要保兴好心的“兴”灵窗——窗装玻——眼睛~就要兴“兴”安“璃”眼睛要戴眼兴~有如“日”、“月”之兴天~山河之行地~兴是正常而必要的。一“兴”一“照”~寥廓清明~一“小”一“大”~兴比生兴。兴兴告是兴比告~也是兴广既广广仗告。 以上例句中的兴照格辞体用得恰到好兴~兴比的二相互兴托~相映生兴~相得益彰~相照成趣。勾勒出了商品的本兴特征~强兴了其特的功能~兴造了商品或企兴或独店兴的美好形象。 不管兴比告是不是兴兴告~在广广两个揭示相反或相兴的方面中~不兴要力求形似~而且更要力求神似。兴照运广达两体用于告兴~首先必兴兴其表的商品本兴特征有深刻的兴兴~之兴~一面之兴有相兴相体两确极反的兴系~其言兴形式兴必兴明突出~方可收到好的效果。 五、兴;夸Hyperbole, 《朗文代高兴英兴兴当典》;,,兴下的定兴兴,“;1998751hyperbole[c;u]an 45 , example ofa way of describing something in order to make it sound bigger, smaller, better, 夸兴就是兴了兴兴情意而故意“言兴其兴”~兴事物的形象、特征、性worse, etc, than it really is.” 状数达概与广夸、作用、程度、量等方面作兴大或兴小的一兴表方法。大是告的功能有兴~兴 在各兴告兴言中兴受兴。恰的兴可深刻地广青当夸揭示商品的兴量或特征、特点和功能~更强 烈地表告的主兴达广体厂气概从众思想~兴能兴出商品或家的豪兴、自信的~而兴受以某兴感 染力。例如, ;,;手表告,广31It's for a lifetime ;,…32Even if you keep her in the jewel box, she'll never need winding and always be right ;女士石英表告,广on time. … ;,;香水告,广33She has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near. ;,兴兴~走遍天涯和海角。34131 ;,兴到山前必有路~有路必有丰田兴。35 ;,新型西兴期自行封口兴胎~上一打兴戳广子也能照常行兴。;西兴期兴胎告,36 例;,中的介兴短兴“兴然是兴的兴法~强夸断烈地兴示了兴品的珍兴~31for a lifetime” 然肯定了兴表寿真广极命之兴~可兴人生伴兴。告兴兴精兴~引人兴人~兴目兴忘。例;,听来32 言兴其兴~有大夸夸靠手表功能之嫌~但通兴兴的兴法~手表兴量的可性及其功能之持久性~ 充分得以肯定了。例;,中的“兴然大了夸事兴~但生兴33it graces everyone she comes near”地肯定了香水的兴雅品兴与内丰神奇作用~同兴兴造了兴品的高雅形象~涵富~感染力强。例 46 ;,、;,、;,都是包含夸广兴的告金句。例;,、;,均具地强兴了各体3435363435 自宣兴的汽兴性能极极极广体广气佳~功能强~受兴迎~兴兴皆有。兴些告兴兴了告人的自信派~突出了兴品的豪兴~而兴立了兴品的非气概从凡形象。 兴然~兴恰地用于告~有夸当运广广夸确助于告功能的兴兴。但兴必兴明~兴豁~又必兴掌握好分寸~否兴便会弄巧成拙~成兴笑料。 六、反兴;Repetition, 反兴是告广辞广广修中最重要最常兴的手段之一。兴多告不得不采用反兴手法兴告的主要信息兴行兴繁的重兴~兴兴通兴兴受大兴众来弥极众广神兴的强行刺激兴那些消被兴的受兴兴告信息的忽兴。典型的反兴有兴兴反兴和兴隔反兴兴。兴兴两广反兴往往出兴在告的兴兴或兴尾。如, ;,;地兴名品告,卡广37Everything is extraordinary. Everything tempts. ;,38Fruits by Del Monte. Enjoy these Luxurious fruits. Luscious peaches…With the difference that's Del Monte. Look for the tins with the Del Monte shield. ;,非常可兴~非常兴兴。;非常可兴告,广39 ;,兴您广三大兴意,价格兴意~兴量兴意~服兴兴意;上海景望兴兴兴兴有限公司告,40 例;,的兴兴句的主兴两个均兴~例;,的“非常”出兴两两次~兴兴37Everything39 广告兴均有首兴反兴;,~兴兴气广通~大大增强了告的兴兴力。例;,中的anaphora38Del 在句尾出兴三次~强兴了兴兴信息。例;,中的四个帘兴意接兴映入兴者眼~引人兴Monte40 目~企兴的境界与形象兴然兴上。例;,和;,中的反兴兴尾兴称反兴;,。3840epiphora 兴隔反兴的重兴之兴兴有其他兴言容~兴可所内将广需强兴的主要信息兴穿到更兴的告篇幅之 47 中~使告兴篇兴广清条次楚、理分明。例如, ;,41Not every bread has real butter. Enjoy the indulgent taste of one that does. A touch of ;黄广油面包告,real butter makes real difference. ;,42Get a taste of the Rich Life. Meaty. Flavorful. Always lean. A Louis Rich hot dog is ;食品广something special. So get a taste of the Rich Life. Its life you will truly enjoy. With relish. 告, ;,兴珠得兴~是目前国广兴推崇的最新胃兴。兴珠得兴~兴我快兴。;兴珠得兴告,43 ;,恰地表自当达真温份气己兴、馨的兴情~不兴兴是一勇~更是一兴兴兴。象征永恒的44 精工手表~是高兴的兴情兴志~也是天兴地久的兴情魅力。在我兴生命中的某些兴候~兴情~兴兴是看得兴的。;台湾广情人兴兴兴精工手表告, 例;,的重要短兴“重兴一次~兴有兴重兴了两广次。兴告兴强兴~面41real butter”real 包是否涂真黄涂真黄上正的油~口味大不一兴~同兴力兴兴者享受了正油的面包的美好滋味例;,的兴一句;祈使句,在后面又出兴一次~兴切地力兴受品兴众体广食品的滋味~兴了42 告者兴商品的自信和兴受的兴心。例;众,的品牌前后兴隔出兴~强兴了兴兴信息。例;,4344兴兴告在情人兴兴表兴生了好广极响个影。“兴情”兴最重要的兴兴隔出兴了四次~强兴了精工手表与达兴情的密切兴系~表了兴情的存在“有些兴候是看得兴的”~其目的是循循兴兴~兴兴情留下一兴份礼找达广将与来念物~兴情人兴到一兴兴的表方式~告作者兴品美好的兴情兴密兴系起~兴予兴品以无兴的魅力~令情人兴情。 除了兴兴反兴和兴隔反兴之外~兴有其他多兴形式的反兴。兴些反兴常常和兴兴、排比、兴、比双 48 兴、回兴、兴等真辞广从修手段兴合在一起~兴兴使告兴言多彩多姿~兴主要信息得到强兴~而充 分兴兴告的功能。广 七、排比;Parallelism, 英兴言大家国学;,,在兴到告兴篇中的广排比兴指出,“Leech1966190Formal schemes, or parallelisms, are often 'rhetorical' in a familiar sense of the word, in that they heighten 兴志the emotional tone of the message, giving insistent emphasis to points of strategic importance.”岐;,,将构气排比定兴兴,“排比是把意兴相兴、兴相同或相似、兴一致的一兴串兴句199265 排列在一起的修辞运达广方法。”用排比的目的在于增强兴兴~提高表效果。排比在英兴告 兴篇中几乎兴兴可兴。例如, ;,45New suspension gives even better comfort and handling New four-speed gearbox with overdrive Or Borg-Warner Automatic as optional extras New super-luxury trim New braking system ;汽兴告,广New fully reclining seats ;,46Today …the best-selling soft toilet tissue is Andrex…Why? Andrex is soft, Andrex is strong, Andrex has five colours. Andrex sells best because it's better. Better for you. Better for your ;兴生兴广告,family. Get Andrex tomorrow.Andrex ;,兴您您您您会广提供美~兴提供兴~兴提供兴~兴提供趣。;《故事》告,47 49 ;,多兴清澄的海底~多兴兴兴的色彩~多兴自如的生命啊~自然的色兴,兴看彩色兴48! 兴机,索尼,索尼彩兴告广() 例;,包括一句个个子和四短兴~都以“兴兴~成构并构清列式排比兴~楚地45New” 列出所宣兴的新型汽兴的兴兴新置~立了兴品的新的形象~兴人以装确全新的感受~兴能激兴消兴行兴。例;,中的以品牌引兴的三列个并构构体分句成排比兴~具地指出了兴品的46Andrex 兴点~明地确构个回答了兴兴兴生兴兴什兴兴兴的兴兴。排比兴后面是兴兴句~重兴了主兴思想,Andrex兴路最好~因兴兴和兴的家人它你你更好。例;,由四个并并工整的列分句兴成列式排比兴47 构气达盎它您内~兴兴兴~兴意兴~情感然。如果把改兴“兴提供美、兴、兴、趣”~兴然容相同~但是效果却大不一兴,“兴兴兴干”~索然寡味~大大削弱了告功能。例;广,由三个48“多兴……多兴……多兴……”兴成的排比兴~感情构戛从狂潮~一兴千里~高潮兴然而止。兴到~兴美的感兴到静从很恭敬的兴兴~能打兴人心。 在英兴告兴篇中~广来叙将达排比常用述兴品的成分、特点、特征和功能~之表得井然有序~全面而透兴~偶兴也用来漓尽抒情~使感情强烈奔放~淋致~同兴于抒情中表兴商品兴点和特兴品兴。兴得指出的是~排比兴要求有构个个三或三以上的“兴”~通常包含反兴手段。排比在告中的恰用~可大大促兴告广当运广走向成功。 八、押韵;Rhyme, 押韵广有兴的功能~也常兴于告中。例如, ;,;出租兴中心打出的兴兴告口,广号49Big thrills. Small bills. Budget ;,;啤广酒兴兴告,50My goodness! My Guinness! Guinness 50 ;,柔柔的兴~的。;兴甜甜梦运牌兴扇,51 ;,兴兴蓬松松~寒冬暖融融。无兴我他~兴都兴兴兴你广,;兴兴牌羽兴服兴兴告,52 ;,兴棉保温瓶温你~暖家庭。53 ;,白云兴兴~尽尽真广广号善美~白云待人~至至兴。;白云兴兴告公司兴志告口,54 以上告兴例都广韵韵广达广押尾。兴然押的告除了表告的一般功能之外~兴具有整兴、兴称、琅琅上口~易兴易兴~易于兴播的兴点。 广广广韵两广播告和兴兴告押最多~因兴兴兴兴告的口兴性最强~其兴言需要直接通兴兴音形式来达它广体广韵哪怕兴。不兴兴兴、兴志等其告媒的兴兴告的兴言~也常常使用押手法~因兴是兴面形式的兴言~也要兴音兴兴~兴兴和兴兴~而靠来韵押正好能兴兴此提供兴音上的方便和情趣;曹志耘~,,。兴于那些反兴宣兴的告口~广号韵构押具有特殊的重要作用。兴兴音兴的兴199246 整兴~兴兴作押韵条韵广提供了兴言上的便利件。兴民族兴押形式有一兴兴兴兴好~所以告兴言兴究押韵数数广韵符合兴民族的文化心理~具有更好的效果。事兴上~不兴的兴兴告兴都押了~成了兴兴兴的告金句~成了打兴消兴者兴包的金兴匙。兴的兴~兴兴告兴篇中的广广来广韵押更兴究~更常兴。英兴告广韵广广号广广广广押常兴于告兴兴、告口、播兴兴告兴、告歌等等。英兴告兴兴或口号韵两个两个个个的押指同一句兴里有或以上的兴包含一相同的元音和至少一相同的兴音。如例;,、;,。4950 本文兴到英兴告兴篇常用的广辞体来八兴格及其功能。兴兴~告兴篇的广辞独修奇巧活兴~兴出心裁~富有特的功能~是作者富的独丰夸广想象力和兴造力的兴晶。可以毫不兴地兴~告 51 是否成功与辞广辞运与广修格的奇妙兴用息息相兴。告格的用兴是告商品的品牌、特征、特性、功能及兴品生兴者或兴者的形象售辞学清密切兴系的。只要掌握了格的科定兴~弄了其表兴形式~同兴兴系告的具兴广体来广辞与广辞境兴行兴察和分析~那兴辨兴告格~理解欣兴告格的兴兴魅力、兴用意兴和特兴功能就不成兴兴了。由于篇幅有限~兴有像借代;,~拈metonymy兴;,等其他辞清辞格未能一一探兴。兴了楚起兴~本文兴兴的八兴格都是分兴兴行兴述的。zeugma 兴兴上~在英兴告中~广辞运丰另格的兴合用十分普遍~兴生富而非凡的功效~兴得外撰文兴兴兴析。 主要考文,参献 ~ [1] LeechG. N., English in Advertising [M]. Longmans, Green and Co LTD. 1966. [2] M. Greg. Words in Ads [M]. Green Gate Publishing Services, Britain. 1994. [3] Torben, V. The Language of Advertising [M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 1992. 曹志耘《广告兴言兴兴》~兴沙,湖南兴范大出学版社~。[4] [M]1992 崔兴《广告英兴句》~北京,北京理工大出学版社~。[5] 3000[M]1994 李忠初《兴代兴兴兴要》~兴沙,湖南育教出版社~。[6] [M]1998 兴志岐《广告兴言妙用》~武兴,武兴大出学版社~[7] [M]。1992 52 价兴兴念与广告兴言 兴兴国 ;上海兴范大外兴兴院~ 上海~学国学,200234 摘要,价兴兴念与广响广告兴言息息相兴,价兴兴念直接影 告兴言~告兴言明兴广体来反映价兴兴念。兴兴兴~人兴渴望吉 祥、幸运青称、兴兴~追求春之美~追求兴意心的兴情~ 追求享兴兴的生活~注重身髦体健康~看重家庭和子女 等等。我兴可以通兴富的兴英告兴例兴兴人兴的兴些丰广价兴兴 念兴告兴言的广响广体影及其在告兴篇中的兴。 兴兴兴,价兴兴念~告兴言~商品~消兴者广 Abstract: Social values and advertising language are closely related to each other: social values influence advertising language, which reflects social values. Broadly speaking, people in modern society desire good luck, much fortune and great wealth, seek youthful beauty, satisfactory love, and luxurious life, and highly 53 value strong health, home happiness and children growth, all of which have become current social values. This paper briefly discusses the impact of these values upon advertising language and their reflection in it. Key words: social values, advertising language, commodities, consumers 兴然每个民族都有自己的价兴兴念~但兴多价兴兴念是各民族 所共有的。我兴的基本价兴兴念是人兴兴知和文化兴展兴程的兴物。 改革兴放二十多年来国~中人的价兴兴念兴生了深刻兴化~其中 有些同西方人的价兴兴念完全一致。本文以大量兴英告兴例兴广 兴据探兴一些基本的价兴兴念兴中西广响广告兴言的影及其在告兴 篇中的具体反映。 一、享兴兴的生活告兴言髦与广 随国着人民生活水平的提高和价兴兴念的改兴~中的兴多消兴 者~尤其是城市消兴者~力极髦国广追求兴的生活。我的告 也兴此兴旗兴喊~竭力宣兴商品的高、档髦豪兴、兴。于是“最 高兴”、“第一流”、“超豪兴”、“美兴欧格”等富有强烈 兴惑性的兴句兴不兴~常用不屡衰。如, 54 ?无兴的兴兴~至高的享受——随您装天天伴,;兴材料, ?兴代新潮流,国兴新口味,;食品, ?高、档豪兴、超兴、兴用,;商兴, 西方生活水平早就超兴了兴方的兴展中家。国西方人兴兴于兴兴、 奢侈的生活。他兴追求享兴、兴的生活在英兴告中得到髦广充 分兴。兴便兴体二例, ?Surround yourself with luxury in Peerless tradition--- contemporary in styling---and so elegant in appearance. Peerless Dovetail units use only High est Quality Materials and are fully guaranteed. ?Centuries ago, they set out to brew the world’s finest beer. Today, their triumph is Tuborg Gold, the golden beer of Danish kings. Share with your friends the pleasure of world famous Tuborg---- 强兴~告非兴兴地广并个反映我兴兴兴兴世界~而是展Torben 示一人兴向往的理个广广夸想的世界。无兴兴兴告兴是英兴告~ 大其兴、言兴其兴的不兴。以上英、兴告明兴有大数数广夸事兴之 55 嫌~使人兴以完全相信~但兴造了一兴理想的商品境界~迎合一部分消兴者的生活兴念和消兴要求~兴能兴起他兴的消兴撩欲望。 追求生活兴趣情尽体享受人生不兴兴兴在吃、穿、住兴些方面~兴表兴在追求精神享受和生活气派兴方面。如,一部分富裕的中人和大多国数笔笔档西方人一兴~花大大的兴兴兴高兴兴机、兴相机、高兴音、响碟来影机等兴兴兴兴以兴造美兴的精神生活。越越多的中人同国西方人一兴兴置豪兴摩托兴和高兴汽兴~使自己的生活方便、气数国派。兴有兴不少的中人像西方人一兴~毫不吝兴地花兴旅游~情尽欣兴大自然中那些引人入兴的天然美景。兴多告主兴兴人兴国内广会髦追求享兴兴的生活价兴兴念和生活消兴方式、精心兴兴、巧妙兴造出兴文并众茂、令受兴心、激兴受消兴行兴的不同众响广档广凡的告。如高兴兴兴施告、高兴摩托兴、豪兴汽兴告、广广旅游服兴告兴兴可兴。例如, ?兴兴有您完美的享受,;兴兴机, ?独与众兴兴~兴兴~熟兴;卡拉,?OK ?兴接影碟声随随尽响回宏亮~兴地情歌唱,;音兴, ?雅兴哈的最新成就中与国——航天工兴的完美兴合南方摩托兴, 56 ?皇冠以其卓越的功能向中未的国来会汽兴化社兴述心曲, ;皇冠兴兴, ?中国——静杭州平似湖~柔滑似兴。 ?With the most horsepower, most torque and widest stance in its class. In Motor Trend’s own words, “Chrysler’s brilliant new 300M challenges the great road cars of Europe and Asia with strong power, good fuel economy, excellent handing, and accurate steering, while trumping most of them with its outstanding roominess and stunning looks,”-----Luxuries include leather-trimmed seats and two driver memory settings for-the driver’s seat, out side mirrors and radio. The new Chrysler 300M. The soul lives on. Priced at $29, 545, fully equipped--- ?“Where a Holiday Is a Holiday of a Lifetime!!!” The fact is, there is nowhere else like FLORIDA. Perhaps we should list just a few of the reasons why---The SUN SHINES a lot on FLORIDA (all those oranges need it!). More than 300 days per year are Sunny. Temperatures stay WARM in FLORIDA year 57 round--- FLORIDA HAS FANTASTIC Beaches on BOTH its coasts. You will have to choose between the COLDCOAST (Atlantic) ;,and GULF COAST Gulf of Mexico. FLORIDA is a land of Speaking Lakes-Hundreds of them! It is a land of FORESTS, of ORANGE GROVES and of TROPICAL ISLANDS. FLORIDA is----wait a moment we almost forgot----FLORIDA IS ORLANDO! THE WORLD’S CAPITAL OF MAN MADE FUN! Best of all FLORIDA is a land of Smiles and Welcome and that Welcome is in ENGLISH—(Virgin Territory, British Travel Service P.23) 兴兴的告往往以情兴人~以兴兴人~以兴广惠打兴消兴者的心~ 通常十分成功。 二、兴情告兴言与广 兴情是人生的重要精神支柱~生活不能有兴情~就没像生 物不能有没阳学光一兴。兴情是文兴兴的永恒的美好的主兴~也 是告者广运与广喜兴用的具有魅力的策略之一。兴情有兴的告 的告兴广几乎比比皆是。例如, 58 ?“我凝兴着~你你你渴望兴有~所以我把拉近……兴然相 距尺~但我也感兴到的兴情。”;你广照相机告,120 ?献兴兴情永兴的信徒;情人手表, ?永恒的兴情~无悔的兴,;兴婚戒指, ?兴兴才知道情意兴~用了都兴“兴情”好兴情多美好。—— ;声宝广牌兴情洗衣机告, ?Gold is for lovers. A diamond is forever. (Gillian Dyer, 1988:116) ?Love carefully. Love faithfully. (Slogan for a com-paign emphasizing the condom) (ibid) ?Let John Gray help you build true love and strong relationships with all his best selling books!(March27, 1997, USA TODAY) (21)A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship. (ibid.) 兴情是美好的~甜宝广蜜的~兴的~是人人都渴望的。告 人商品兴情和相兴的人兴系起~将与来巧妙地把兴情兴移到商品 上~再兴移到商品兴兴者及其所兴的人身上~而兴造了商品的从 59 美好价兴和美好形象~兴兴的兴品~孰不兴心, 三、健康兴念与广告兴言 健康兴于人生是高于一切的~有没没健康~就有人生的价兴。人人都希望自己健康兴~注重寿会健康。但是~各兴社兴力~家庭兴、兴兴富、成功的担追求和兴裕奢侈的生活都容易使人兴失健康。生兴商和告主广根据人兴的健康兴念和保健需求~通兴各兴媒体向人兴推出各兴各兴的兴兴兴品、健康食品和增兴人体狠几健康的兴兴和兴物~在“健康”上“下功夫”。兴看兴广告兴, 一寸光兴一寸金~寸金兴兴寸光兴~常服兴山盖寿宝~活(22) 到一百不兴老,;口服液, 兴肝宁您宁宁~保永兴康,;兴肝,(23) 兴言之兴痊医愈~性病病毒克星,;兴,(24) 兴了健康~兴兴“空兴病”克星;兴离广子兴生器告,(25) 天寿胶千年~兴此一物,;金兴囊,(26) 取大自然精兴~兴全人兴健康,;中兴,(27) 春光明媚~兴兴有芳草。中草兴牙膏~止血敏脱~芳草(28) 有特效。使你广健康~生活更美好。;芳草牙膏兴兴告, (29) Dextrim helped me lose all those middle age pounds I 60 couldn’t lose before. (30)Dexatim has definitely helped me lose weight and love it.(ibid) (31)Best food is strong, healthy, and growing. It promotes health and aids convalescence and is especially good for neurasthenia and mental exhaustion---(Jan. 4,1999, USA TODAY) (32)“Vitamin O”is Helping Literally Thousands Of People Enjoy Healthier Lives. (ibid) 兴多西方人喜兴吃大量甜胖体食~因而肥兴度~身不适。兴 了减青肥~兴了健康~我兴努力改兴兴食兴兴~兴那些含量少~增 兴健康的天然食品和减减广肥食物。因此~西方的肥食品告 屡广将减与兴不兴~告兴言往往“肥”“健康”兴系在一起。兴 参广看上面英兴告。 四、青与广春之美告兴言 兴美之心~人皆有之。青与青春美兴是相互兴系的。年人希 望自己漂亮美兴~中老年人也希望自己比兴兴年兴些~比兴兴相 貌漂亮些。中西广将告者利用人兴的兴美心理~巧妙地兴多商 61 品“与青洒来春”、“兴”自然兴系起~兴予兴品以神奇的魅 力~激起消兴者的强烈消兴欲。例如, 特兴的美于特兴的属您,;化兴品,(33) 留住兴美青春~抗拒兴月留痕,;去兴霜,(34) 美兴超然~兴姿翩翩,;兴乳,(35) 漂亮秀兴想卷就卷~想直就直,;卷兴器,(36) 找青回失落年兴~重展春之美,;兴兴液,(37) 永保春青魅力~兴如仙女下凡,;化兴品,(38) (39) Fine and light, it keeps your skin radiant, beautiful, and is an excellent base for make-up. (40)‘Don’t let motherhood spoil your bust-line---Thousands of women have used Agua-maid to keep their bust-lines firm and youthful----why don’t you join them?’--- 在商品兴兴繁兴兴的达当会广今社~告成了打兴消兴者兴包的金 兴匙。化兴品和其它广数数广健康品告不兴。女人是此兴告的 主要受。在众当广青今的告中~最受女性兴的形象就是年兴 貌美~兴髦髦秀媚的美女形象。在西方~兴美兴和兴的追求似 乎成了女性兴先考兴的大事~母兴的兴兴和兴育子女的已退次要 62 的地位。同兴~兴理想的美和兴的髦追求又成了女性自我兴展的新束兴~因兴他兴不得不以容貌之美取来争丈夫、老板及其偶然到的其他碰男性的注意。兴了追求和其他健美品的忠兴的消兴者。在兴兴文化背景下~告者广精心兴兴的魅力非凡的化兴品和健美品告。兴兴~告中的广广化兴品和健美品就成了兴造青灵春美貌的“丹妙兴”。 五、吉祥幸运与广告兴言 每个民族都兴有一些深植于本民族兴兴文化的价兴兴念~兴些价兴兴念影响着人兴的日常生活和兴俗兴兴~也制兴着人兴的兴言活兴。兴吉祥、幸运个、渴望成功是各民族共有的文化心理和价兴兴念~在告兴言中得到了它广体充分兴。例如, ;,三羊、三羊~兴您吉祥,;三羊皮商行,41 ;,幸运您广天天有~今天兴到,;面霜告,42 ;,藏不住的是深情~兴不住的是幸运售,;有兴兴,43 ;,44Lucky Charm, Lucky Charm For every date and every day Well-the nylons to wear are Lucky Charm Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Charm. 63 中人特兴看重国运广吉祥、幸。兴多兴兴告兴都包含“吉祥”、“幸运”等吉利兴兴~切合兴兴的文化心理和价兴兴念~兴能打兴消兴者的心。 西方有些告也表广达运吉利、幸~兴兴品同吉祥兴系着~兴造了美好的兴品形象~如以上例;,。但兴品将与吉利、44 幸运广广兴系在一起的英兴告同兴兴告相比~兴兴少兴。 另广外~兴有兴如家庭兴念、兴情心理等各方面因素兴告兴言都有不同程度的影响会广响很。兴之~社价兴兴念兴告兴言的影大~告兴言十分广会广普遍地反映了社价兴兴念。本文以英兴告兴例兴价兴兴念与广告兴言兴行了初步探兴~希望起到抛兴引玉的作用。 64 65 中西文化与广告兴言 兴兴国 上海兴范大外兴兴院 学国学上海 (, , 200234) 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 提要,本文用兴比的方法~富的运丰[] 广从学告兴例~哲理念、思兴模式、文化心理和道德理念四兴兴角兴兴了中西文 66 化兴中西广响告兴言的影和制兴~同兴兴兴 兴中西广体告兴言兴中西文化的具反映。 文章兴兴兴明~反映中西文化的中西广 告兴言易被中西受所接受~可促使众 广广告走向成功。本文兴于英兴告兴言 篇兴作具有考参价兴。 兴兴兴,中西文化~告兴言~广学哲兴念~思[] 兴模式~文化心理~道德理念 广广内会告兴言是告的核心容。社文化影 67 响并广达广制兴告兴言及其表~告兴言兴兴含或反映社文会广化。兴言是民族的兴言~告存在于一定的社之中。一会个学民族的哲兴念、思兴模式、文化心理、道德兴念、生活方式、兴俗兴兴、社会教会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、宗信仰等等都必然兴广个会告兴言兴生作用。所以~任何一社的广会个告兴言不可避免反映社文化的各方面。事兴上~反映社文会广化的告兴言易兴人兴所理解和接受~可大大促兴告的功能。兴兴到兴一广 68 点~并会与广努力探兴出社文化告的兴言之兴的在兴系~兴于理解和兴内广析告兴言~兴于指兴兴作、兴兴既广达符合告表基本原兴~又适合特定民族文化特征的告兴言具有十分重要的广 作用。据笔国学与者所知~我者兴中西文化广研研告兴言的究甚少~尤其缺乏比兴究。本文是兴方在究的一兴兴。研个 一、哲学与广兴念告兴言 曹志耘;,,兴兴~各个民族1992130 69 都有其特的兴独达世界兴兴和表~有自己的哲学学响构兴念。哲兴念深刻地影着有兴兴言的兴和用~然也运当响广影着告兴言的兴用。例如~天人合一是我兴兴文国个阳化中一基本的哲学国广兴念。在我的一些告中~天人合一兴念兴兴言表和达响按受的影兴而易兴。如兴虹牌兴兴机广告兴“天上彩虹~人兴兴虹”~通兴天上彩虹兴人兴“兴虹”的映兴、比兴~兴人一兴天上人兴一~体彩虹“兴虹”一物的感受。通兴兴 70 兴的告宣兴~“兴广国青虹”彩兴兴名全~兴受兴~兴量兴售国与居兴彩兴之首~兴固然其兴量息息相兴~但无疑也其告兴所兴造的美好形象不与广 无兴系。 兴子兴的兴兴告兴由人气广群在大地上兴合成多姿多彩的兴子兴商兴兴气气个案和“兴子兴”四大字~在此兴景里~人和文字融兴一。同兴体兴告兴有的句兴“兴广两气将子天地~兴子兴”商品与并个广天相提兴。兴兴~整告形成了一兴十 71 分强烈的天人合一的和兴~非常引人气氛入兴。再兴例,数 ?与广兴兴友~天地兴久。;某兴兴告, ?皮革天地~迷人世界。;皮兴商兴, ?得之于兴兴草兴的天兴~得之于上厚天高的地利,;房地兴, 以上告兴广学含有天地一兴的哲思想~是天人合一的哲学兴念深植于中兴民族文化的自然流露~能引起我受特有的感受和国众 共兴~容易激兴人兴的消兴欲。 72 强兴群体个体国学另、兴抑是中哲兴念的一重要特征。兴兴兴包括广从达告兴言大到小的表兴序正是兴一哲学体国兴念的兴。又如我的大多广辟数画告兴十分精~往往以寥寥兴勾商品或服兴的特征、特点和兴兴~注重兴造其兴形体象~一般不注重兴品或服兴的特点、兴点的很 重墨兴兴的描述。我告国广个存在不突出性的兴象~兴似乎也中兴文与体化中追求群一致性~反兴性特个殊性的兴兴思想有所兴系。 73 与个个学此相反~突出性和性是西方哲兴念的一重要方面。英兴包个广从括告英兴小到大的表兴达学体序是兴一哲原兴念的具反映又如~英兴告特兴注重兴兴品或服兴的特性、广 特征兴行兴密入微的重墨描述~特兴突出其个性不同之兴。告兴篇~形象兴美的兴相与广与插 互映兴相得益彰~把商品的性和特个征表兴得淋漓尽将致~巧妙而自然地商品的价兴兴移到商品兴兴者身上~着力兴造美兴理想生活氛 74 兴~把受兴从没入引人入兴的境界~兴消兴的念兴然而生。兴兴的告在广国西方兴兴可兴~在我兴兴兴罕兴。兴兴差异学同中西各自的哲兴念和物兴文明程度兴密相兴。 整兴、兴是人兴兴称确客兴事物正兴兴形成的一个学哲兴念。我兴知道~兴多客兴事物都具有整兴兴特称学征。人兴各兴科包括建筑、美兴都反映出兴一特征。兴言~包括兴言~作兴文化的兴体当广。然也表兴出兴一特征。中文告中兴用兴 75 繁的兴偶式四字句就是整兴、兴的范例。如称 “兴量第一~信誉构至上”兴兴的四字句成的兴偶句非常整兴兴~称国达符合中人的表和欣兴兴兴。此外~中文告中的兴多告兴都是文广广学 了整、兴、构匀称广琅琅上口的告金句。如 ?甜甜兔宝宝兔大白~心兴物,;白糖, ?追逐美兴兴~画留下永恒回兴,;照像机, 英兴告篇广称数章也兴究整兴、兴。兴不少的广广号称告兴兴和告口都是整兴、兴的句子。兴 76 看一兴告兴兴,广 ?A business in millions ,a profit in pennies. 从广所周知~英兴告篇章中的排比句俯合即构是~其中有些音兴大兴相等、兴兴兴工整。如, ?Earth is a person to be cared for Earth is a home to be managed…(兴兴兴境公益告广) 另广外~英兴各兴告中兴兴可兴短兴排列式兴篇。 77 英兴言家国学G.N.Leeech(1996:95)之兴称block language;兴式兴言,。短兴排列式广告篇章文字整兴~兴~意构匀称清思楚~一目了然~兴人印象深刻~兴目兴兴。短兴排式兴篇在中文告中也兴了兴~可能是受广屡广西方告的影响吧。 整兴、兴是人兴文明有各方面。称个整兴、兴称广辞广也是告修特点之一。中文告是兴究整兴兴~少用称很运参残差、兴落、缺等兴兴手 78 法~兴大是因兴我人概国称吧民兴整兴、兴的偏兴。西方告采用广既称构参整兴兴的兴~又好用差兴落、缺等兴兴残手法~具有多姿多彩、含蓄兴水的效果。兴然~中西广与告的兴兴手法各自的文化兴兴包括哲学兴念息息相兴。 二、思兴模式与广告兴言 思兴模式与兴言之兴存在互相制兴、互相影响广运的兴系。思兴模式自然而然兴告兴言的用和按受兴生影响广响。告兴方必然反映和影 79 思兴模式;兴兴~1993,15, 具象性是世界各民族的思兴特点。人兴兴兴于形象思兴~喜兴具、形象、直兴的兴言。体广 告兴言充兴修格辞~通常非常生兴形象。如, ?停兴24小兴,依冷若霜旧冰。;上海航天兴冰广霜告, ?兴兴山谷~兴。;某笔径笔广彩色告, ?把柔媚兴在身上。;香浴乳广告, 以上第?例含有明兴辞格~兴品的特征和功能主兴形象地表出了。达来两第?句包含 80 个笔径清暗兴~兴兴比作山谷~被兴兴山~楚易懂从笔。暗兴可知~是通向知兴殿堂的小路~是摘以知兴之果的必兴工具。第?例巧妙地将极极兴品形象化兴“柔媚”制造了柔媚的体极兴~浪漫兴兴~富兴惑力。 英兴告广措兴也兴究生兴形象。例如, ?Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine ;桔汁广告,?Gold star is the brightest star in 81 electronics ;兴子公司告,广 上面第?句是个典型的明兴句式~第?句是个典型的暗兴句式。兴言生兴~意境兴明~兴品功能~公司形象具本生兴地呈兴于兴者眼前令人然心兴。怦 形象思兴是人兴思兴特点之一。英兴告大广量使用比兴比兴等辞来格兴造兴明的意境和生兴的形象~以便富有感染力地宣兴商品或服兴的特性~而大大增强英兴告功能。从广 人兴思兴模式的一特点是另模糊性。所兴 82 “弦外之音”、“言外之意”、“只可意会国学、不可言兴”等等正是中人兴兴言文的特殊体尽广懂兴。管告兴言首先要求兴明易~但恰到好兴的模糊性意性~可使告兴言会广 富于兴想~回味无兴~大增加广告的兴兴感染力。兴兴告的广运辟模糊性常常在于用精的言兴巧妙的表法或恰的达当辞修意味深兴耐人兴味地兴造商品或服兴的整体形象。例如在杉杉牌西服引起了人的众羡慕。一兴情兴在唱兴料 83 小子伙羡惊异慕兴着兴身西服~地兴,“杉杉牌西服,”他的女友立即半兴玩笑地兴他兴,“不要太兴洒丰,”言外之意富而生兴~十分耐人兴味。 西方民族的思兴模糊性在英兴中也得到了充分本兴。英兴告的广跟广模糊性似乎兴兴兴告一兴兴。英兴告的广模糊性表兴在好些方面~但主要在于利用兴;双pun,、含蓄比兴(implied comparison)等修手段辞独或使用非同兴常出 84 心裁的表法描述商品或服兴的具特性达来体、特征和兴点。如, ?You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nur. It fills you up and give you lots of go (Leech ~1966,185) 兴告兴包广双含兴兴,go nuts (=become crazy)中的nuts 其与前面的 the unts (兴果)成兴兴兴~构双go nuts 的go 与lots of go的go 也成兴兴兴。兴然~兴兴表构双双里 85 的双两灵涉~一兴得~富于兴想~活机兴~深刻而生兴地揭示告兴品的特性功能。可兴广与 广独运告兴言的模糊性是作者匠心的生花妙笔。 世界万物千姿百兴~兴兴兴兴。人兴在兴兴、表兴客兴世界和主兴世界的兴兴性兴~兴必要用一抽象性、根据性的兴言描述~才能表兴多来彩多姿、兴繁兴兴的大千世界。兴是形成人兴思兴和兴言的模糊性的基本原因。 86 兴言的模糊兴存在于兴音、兴兴、兴法修辞系兴之中。告的广广模糊性不但存在于告文字中~而且存在于告兴广广像中。模糊的告兴言和兴受插众广提供兴的想象余地~兴兴人兴的想象思兴~激兴消兴者兴兴品的兴想~激起他兴的兴兴欲望。 西方人喜兴幽默~兴兴兴起好笑~兴兴性格特点他兴的与思兴方式和文化背景密不可分。西方人的兴兴的幽默感在英兴告中可兴一斑。广 87 兴兴例,数 ?MAN wanted to washdishes ,and two waitresses.;招聘广告, ?ACCOMMODATION ,suit two girls willing to share toom to young man .;房子出租广告, ?ACCOMMODATION ,Honeymoon suite ,sleeps three . (房子出租广告) ?PHOTOGRARAPHER setting up 88 own business needs model, as sleeping ot active partner.;招聘模特告,儿广 ?您会如果的汽兴游泳的兴~兴照直兴~不必刹兴。;外国广交通安全告, 兴然幽默是一兴令人兴心兴兴有效的兴兴手段~但在我告中兴兴少兴~兴兴国广偶兴出兴。兴欣兴一兴广广告兴和一兴幽默兴兴告。 ?犹哪上兴~白玉有瑕~求人十全十美里遇, 下兴~青几春兴无限~兴偶千挑百兴兴休, 89 横兴,看剩下兴, ?气来兴不相兴~天仙牌的名是“吹”出的。三、文化心理告兴言与广 曹志耘;1992:135,指出~“每个民族都兴有一些深植于本民族兴兴文化的心理特征。兴些特征影响着人兴的日常生活和兴俗兴兴~也制兴着人兴的兴言活兴。”兴吉利~避不祥是各个民族共有的文化心理~但在各民族有各自的内国含和表兴。中人民看重吉祥如意、兴兴致富、孝敬父母~尤其看重家庭子女。反 90 映兴些文化心理的告兴兴常兴。兴看下广广列告口;兴号参清阳朱~1993:60-70,:;21,三羊~三羊~兴您吉祥,;三羊皮商行, ;22,幸运您天天有~今天兴到,;面霜广告, ;23,巷喜兴兴迎新兴~兴年好金运来利。;24,南方大厦~祝福万家。 ;25,捧出一片兴心~兴千万献老人家。;云南制兴告,。厂广 91 ;26,威力洗衣机~兴献母兴的兴。;27,兴棉保温瓶温你~暖家庭。;28,兴了孩子~兴了未~兴有文来化~兴有明天;港台演兴兴演广告兴兴, 以上告兴广国很迎合中人的文化心理~能打兴受的心~容易引起众极共兴~具兴兴功能。西方人兴然也有上述文化兴念~但中人与国相比~兴得淡泊些。因此~表兴要述文化心理的英兴告兴篇兴兴少兴。广 兴美之心~人皆有之。青与春美兴是相互兴系 92 的。年青人希望自己漂亮美兴~中老年人也希望自己比兴兴年兴年兴些~比兴兴相貌漂亮些。中西广将告者利用人兴的兴美心理~巧妙地兴多商品“与青洒春”、“美兴”、“兴”自然兴系起~兴来予兴品以神奇的魅力~激起消兴者的强烈消兴欲。例如, ;29,特兴的美于特兴的属您,;化兴品,;30,美兴超然兴姿翩翩,;兴乳,;31,永保春青魅力~兴如仙女下凡, 93 ;化兴品, ;32,Fine and light ,it keeps your skin radiant, healthy and beautiful and is an excellent base for make-up .(torben,1992:80) ;33,Don’t let motherhood spoil your bust-line…thousands of women have used Aguamsid to keep their bustlines firm and youthful .Why don’t you join them? 94 …;ibid, 在商品兴兴繁兴兴的兴达会广今社~告成了打兴消兴者兴包的兴匙。化兴品和其它广数健美品告不兴。数广众当女人是此兴告的主要受在今的告中~最受广女性睛兴的形象就是年兴貌美~兴髦髦秀媚的美女形象。在西方兴美兴和兴的追求似乎成了女性兴先考兴的大事~母兴的兴兴已退居次要的地位。同兴~兴理想的美和兴髦的追逐双成了女性自我兴展的新的束兴~因兴 95 她来争兴不得不以容貌之美取丈夫、情人、老板及其偶然到的其他碰男性的注意;Torben, 1992:81,。兴了追求青春之美~无数女子慷兴解腰包~成了各兴化兴品和健美品忠兴的消兴者。在兴兴文化背景下~告者广精心兴兴魅力非凡的化兴品和健美告。兴兴~广广 告化兴品和健美品成兴兴造青灵春美貌的“丹妙兴”。 古今中外的人都喜兴物美价廉的商品。即 96 使那些百万富翁了不例外。告者兴人兴的兴兴广 消兴心理和消兴兴念心兴神会。兴是强兴商口的兴兴 和价格的低廉~西方告尤其兴此。如,广 ;34,以最低廉的价格~提供最高的男 性价兴,;服,装 ;35,兴得的兴~兴得的价~更兴理的情, ;家具, ;,36It’s time to make your reservations. Right away. Because now you have the freedom to fly coast-to –coast for only $ 99 each way 97 with roundtrip purchase. Also,be sure to check out our low fares to other exciting destinations for only $ 99 or less each way with roundtrip purchase…(USA TODAY Dec.31 1998) ;,37Great news In these cities ,there’s a new way to save money …Name own price!;,ibid 追求物美价廉要兴是人兴的兴兴文化心理。广 告突出物美廉符合人兴的心愿~迎合消兴者 98 的文化心理~能激兴人兴的消兴兴趣和消兴行兴很。兴在我消兴者的国从崇洋媚外心理兴然兴不如前那兴兴重~但多多少少兴兴有之。我的告国广者利用消兴者中的媚外心理~在兴多告中兴广是有意无意地特兴强兴“采用兴口兴兴、旨兴先兴技兴生兴的一流兴品~”以便兴立商品的形象~引兴在的消兴者采取兴兴行兴。兴了潜迎合消兴者青两兴洋兴的心理~兴多兴品兴明兴都使用英兴兴文字~甚至兴兴兴企兴、私人企兴生兴的消兴品国内 99 都印上醒目的英兴品牌~使兴品兴上了洋味。兴数听甚多的流兴品牌采用新兴成的上去 像外国当国会品牌的兴名。由于相多的中消兴者将国与来兴些假外品牌兴口兴品兴系起~他兴就兴意兴兴兴些兴有貌似外品国国内牌的兴品。目前流行的假外品国妮装牌有,蒙落;兴公司及其兴品,~雅兴兴;洗兴精与条兴兴素,、兴士苗霜、爽兴露、美加兴、伊思兴;化兴品,、柔美兴、兴花兴、宝蕾芭、兴佳兴、兴美思;巧克力,、 100 梦蕾装梦莱装娜;童,、雪;皮,、雅迪氏;兴,、装装你雷特蒙;兴,、蒙雪;皮装,、兴兴露;洗兴用品,、雅戈兴;服兴,等。思兴兴是中旧会民族文化心理的又一特征。在兴港、台同胞和外籍兴的告中~兴用激兴广思兴兴的言十分旧辞异切合兴游子和海我兴胞的文化心理~往往非常成功。如台湾《自立兴兴》第一版曾刊登兴浙江省兴兴兴出口公司的一兴广告兴,“年兴如水涓涓逝~故土情思日日 101 深~穿上一款家兴衣~以慰一片思兴情。”兴是一兴人情味极广兴~感兴兴情的抒情告兴。作者巧妙地大兴的兴兴兴同将装与胞情相兴、意相随广的情感表兴于告文字中~以情兴人~不兴有效地推兴了商品~而且在消兴者中留下一片馨温。 一个与民族的文化心理其文化背景和文化兴兴俗密切相兴~不同民族的人表兴出不同的文化心理。如~我兴兴兴兴反人兴文化心理的不雅 102 之或不辞雅行兴~西方人却兴以兴常~完全可以接受。西方提倡性解放已有悠兴的兴兴了。性生活、性行兴的宣兴散兴于各兴大众体媒之中。作兴大众体广媒兴一的英兴告有兴把兴品的宣兴同色情或性生活密切兴系起~以增来加兴品的兴惑力。有此告;包广括括兴像,露骨地推兴contraceptives ;避孕用品,~如(condoms) 兴茎套~contraceptive (避孕栓)~contraceptive;避孕兴膏,~contraceptive 103 pills (避孕丸兴)等等~有些告广毫不避兴地提到“sex”,“semen”~“vaginal fluid”,“mutual masturbation”~“fingering”,“anal sex”等等;兴参Greg Myers,1995:177-181,~偶兴兴可到兴同性者及其同性行兴碰恋 兴兴告~他兴的性行兴兴广称safer sex 。上述兴兴的告在广与西方足兴奇~西方的人文化心理有突。兴兴的告没冲广国广若在我的而告 104 之~无疑会超越一般人的文化心理承受能力。 四、道德兴念与广告兴言 兴兴的公兴的道德兴念~作兴民族文化的一部分~是人兴的行兴兴范。告兴言的用理兴受到社广运 会哪个道德兴念的制兴。例如~不兴在民族、哪个国哪个会家、社~兴兴兴被兴兴是人的基本道德品兴之一。“Honestry is the best (兴兴兴上策)。告广必兴以兴兴兴上策~兴bolicy” 105 事求是~兴兴相兴~兴之以情~兴之以理~切忌胡吹海捧~欺兴愚弄。兴兴上~我出兴了不少国 兴兴人的告兴。例,如,广 ;38,兴好作~兴兴;作,。写写 文理学离写科~不作。 各行各兴~不作。离写 兴迎大家~兴兴《写写作》。;作兴志,(39)兴吃多少就吃多少,兴吃什兴就吃什兴.(兴烤箱) 兴兴兴告兴言两广朴兴自然,用兴兴在在的兴兴突出 106 了各自的主兴,兴人以兴兴感,兴人印象深极. 相比之下,也有些告兴有意无意地兴得兴广 于虚浮,令人兴信。兴有些告兴 使用明兴广虚 夸广的告兴兴~如“一流”、“唯五”、“兴”、“兴金独誉与球”、“无兴比”、“天下第一”、“兴世无”、“兴兴双呱呱”以及“包治百病”、“兴到病除”等等~与人兴的道德兴念背道而兴~令人反感。 西方告兴兴了广数从百年的兴展兴段~文字 107 到兴都兴兴究~兴得兴成插众广熟了。多的英兴告注重兴事兴列据数横~采用兴比兴兴照等方法~以明白具的兴言描述兴兴或服兴的特点的兴点体~同兴注意兴造商品的形象~兴人一兴兴可的真靠感兴然。然~也有一些英兴告当广偶兴可兴“、“、“the best”the finest”the most 、“兴兴的浮夸之兴~wonderful”the perfect”受到西方一些兴言家的学批兴。 自我兴兴、尊重他人是中兴民族的道德准兴。 108 兴兴中兴兴“奴”、“”、“敝拙”、“在下”等和尊称您“”、“君”、“兴”、“尊”、“兴下”等就是兴一准兴的直接兴。告是商体广 兴中的一兴重要宣兴~兴兴使用兴受表示众尊重、理解和兴真帮广助的兴告兴言~才能兴起消兴者兴企兴及兴品的高度信任感~才具相强当烈的号称国广召力和兴服力。事兴上~尊、兴兴在我告兴篇中使用兴繁。例如, ;40,美化您的生活的世界,;兴易公 109 司告口,广号 ;41,兴兴您来温春天般的兴暖,;空兴器广号告口, ;42,兴迎来来敝函兴兴系或光兴司洽兴兴兴。;兴自北京广广告公司告兴篇, 当从广然~更重要的是兴受感兴到告主要是以兴兴悟空的兴度兴兴~不是目中无人自吹自擂。 兴然自我兴是虚西方民族的典型道德兴准~但尊重他人~兴兴客着想也是西方民族所遵 110 宁的道德原兴之一。兴一道德兴念自然也在英兴 兴中反映出。如,来 ;,43The process begins with a careful in-depth assessment of all your needs .We then provide a customized program designed just for your company …(USA TODAY,Jan 4,1999.p.6) ;,44WE WANT TO BE YOUR ;,AITLINE .ibid 18 ;,…45so extensive photographic 111 ;,creativity is at your command .ibid .62 ;,56Cleandst Dishes Guaranteed. If you don’t agerr that these are the cleanest dishes around,we’ll take back the dishwasher ,refund your money ,and give you $ 25 on top of thar for your trouble .(idib .14) 兴些告兴兴出告者兴情、广体广周到服兴兴度 表了告者高的商兴达广尚从道德~消兴者的 利益出兴~兴身兴地兴他兴着想~尊理他兴的兴兴。 112 中西文化兴中西广响告兴言的影是多方面的~中西广告兴言也兴在多方面反映出中西文化的兴兴特点。兴中体与西文化兴念特点的中西广告兴言易兴人所理解和接受~往往引起受兴商品的好感兴~促使告众与青广走向成功。中西文化与广个告兴言是一兴得全面探兴很极广有价兴的重要兴兴~涵盖面~由于篇幅有限本文所探兴的兴涉到其中四个主要方面。涉及的有兴容兴有兴内与广欲兴兴告兴言、生活方 113 式与广与广教告兴言、价兴兴念告兴言、宗信仰与广真研告兴言等。兴些方面有待兴究~需要兴致探兴。 [参献考文] [1]曹志耘~《广告兴言兴兴》[M]~湖南兴大出版社~1992年。 [2]朱清阳广~《告金句7000》[M]~吉林科技出版社~1993年。 [3]兴兴~《广告妙招兴大全》[M]广西民族出版社~1993年。 [4] Leech, G. N. 1996 .The Language in Advertising.[M]London: Longman. [5] Myers, G. 1994.Words in Ads .[M]London: green Gate Publishing Services. [6] Torben, V. 1992.The Language of Advertising . 114 [M]Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Chinese & Western Cultures and Advertising Language TAN Weiguo (Foreign Languages College, Shanghai Teachers University ,Shanghai, 200234 ,China) Abstract: By way of comparison and contrast, this paper briefly discusses the strong influence of Chinese & Western cultures upon advertising language in the context of the two cultures; meanwhile, the paper clearly demonstrates the specific reflection of the former by the latter .The author conducts the discussion and demonstration from the four perspectives of philosophical thoughts, thinking modes, cultural psychology, and moral concepts. The author intends to show that culture-oriented advertising language is easily acceptable and most likely to contribute to the success of advertising. 115 Key Words: Chinese & Western cultures, advertising, philosophical, thoughts, thinking modes, cultural psychology, moral concepts. Headlines of English Advertising A complete verbal advertisement is usually made up of the following five component parts: 1) headline; 2) body text; 3) slogan; 4) trademark; 5) illustration. Of course, every verbal advertisement does not necessarily consist of all the five parts. But headlines are always essential. This unit is exclusively devoted to a brief account of headlines.A. Function and classification of Advertising HeadlinesAn English advertisement always has its headline. And occasionally, it has one or more than one sub-headline. The Functions of advertising headlines are to arouse consumers’ immediate attention, to excite their interest and curiosity, or to designate the theme. Thus, readers or potential consumers 116 are induced to read or hear and digest the body text. To arouse the potential consumers’ immediate attention is the most important of all. The reasons are clear enough. It is the headline that is first seen. If a headline is not attractive, consumers will not go on to read the body text. As a result, the advertisement will not bring about satisfactory results. Excellent headlines are those that are attractive, unique, concise, implicit or straightforward. Undoubtedly, headlines play a very important role in advertising. Copywriters normally pay special attention to their designing. Classified in the light of the meaning they express, headlines may be divided into three types: direct headline, indirect headline, and combination headline. 1. Direct Headline A direct headline seems to tell consumers almost everything about a certain product, including its special qualities and benefits. Compared with other types of 117 headlines, direct headlines are more informative, more concise, and more straightforward. However, in most cases, they are not very attractive, incapable of stimulating potential consumers’ interest. But if printed in boldface type, expressed in the form of a question, or an exclamatory sentence and accompanied by an attractive illustration, a direct headline may also catch potential consumers’ attention and prompt them to go on reading or listening to the full text of an advertisement. E. g., Petrol Savings By Honda , Honda Leads the Way , Setting the standards, and raising them, is a glorious tradition at Honda. In this part of the world, it is Hero Honda that leads the way. Into a future where you’ll be spared one worry--- the cost of petrol. , 118 兴是一兴包含一句副兴兴的直接性告兴兴。广数寥寥兴~兴 奏明快~兴兴有力~言兴意兴地点明了告主兴, 广牌 摩托兴兴省汽油居世界兴先地位。 , No matter what shape your body is in, , Land’s End makes it easy for you to find swimwear , that fits and flatters. Swimwear certain to provide you, with “ the Kindest Cut” 兴也是一兴由正兴兴和副兴兴兴成的直接性告兴兴。广正兴兴 清清楚楚表明, 提供各式各兴落落大方、适宜各兴 体装形的、增添姿色魅力游泳服。副兴兴兴兴一步肯定 了兴品的特色。 2. IndirectHeadline Contrary to direct headlines, indirect headlines do not give a brief introduction to products or services and on many occasions even do not make known the brand names of 119 commodities. Instead, they indirectly induce or tempt potential consumers to continue reading the full texts of advertisements through use of artistic hints. Indirect headlines are somewhat baffling to read. Potential consumers can hardly make head or tail of an indirect headline unless they go on reading the full text. Only thus, can they get to know what is actually being advertised.SUPER EUROPE SUPER VALUE The super-liner Queen Elizabeth. Majestic. Enchanting. Magnificent. She is the start or finale of a remarkable European vacation. Spend five glorious days surrounded by her special elegance and incomparable style. Myriad facilities and services await you on this living legend. And with four sailing styles to suit every life style, she is not only spectacular to sail but a spectacular value as well… 以上是一兴兴接性告兴兴~有告兴兴者而告之广没广 的是什兴兴西。寥寥四个英兴兴~兴奏感强~兴兴有力~ 120 充分兴了被宣兴体物的非凡价兴~令兴者非往下看不可。 ;兴无疑的确凝聚力,Now: Clear Hold, Clear ;清澈明兴的光兴,Shine and Clearly, ;兴无沉渣兴淀,No Residue Build-up ;兴兴兴,Now there’s a hairspray so clear that you hair’s vibrant new color shines through. It lifts and shapes without residue build-up---nothing to weigh your new curls down!… 兴兴兴兴~原文采用大号字~非常醒目。兴兴兴奏明快~ 字兴意繁~表明了兴品的兴越性~但未兴明究竟是何兴品 因此兴亦是兴接性兴兴。兴兴兴富有吸引力~自然引兴兴会 者往下看正文~或兴兴兴品兴~插全面了解兴品特性。 3.Combined or comprehensiveheadlines As the name suggests, a combination headline is one that combines a direct headline with an indirect one. That is to say, both the advantages of a direct headline and those of an indirect headline are combined or blended into a combination 121 headline. Combination headlines not only point out the names of products, but also possess a sort of charming magic through artistic methods. Thus, in a combination headline, not only is the main meaning clear enough, but also there is fascination involved. E.g. The Queen of the Skies Is Here! ;空中的皇后就在兴里,, Air-India’s Magnificent B747 DASH 400 Air-India’s new Boeing 747 DASH 400 is the largest ;商兴兴汽式客机,commercial jetliner in the world today. It can fly 400 passengers 8300 miles nonstop---one third of the way around the world. Distinguished by radical technical advances, it also brings you a fabulous new world of comfort ;兴机技兴兴施极您个兴先兴~兴兴一舒适宜and amenities…. 人充兴快兴的兴妙兴新的世界。, 以上是一兴兴合性兴兴。正兴兴是个辞惊含兴人格的兴句~ 指出了被宣兴物的崇高地位和特功能~但只有看独完了 122 副兴兴才知道兴情印度——壮航空公司新制造的兴机雄兴兴~ 不同凡响潜~致使在的消兴者非了解兴情不可。 The moment Is Here Alive and Gripping! ;兴光在兴里充兴生机扣人心弦,, The Latest Tyre for the Latest Bikes! ;最新的兴胎适用于最新的摩托,, 兴也是一兴兴合性兴兴。第一句兴兴接性兴兴~第二句兴直 接性兴兴。二者相兴相成~互兴兴充~相得益彰~突 出了兴品的特性。 1. Headlines of English AdvertisementsA complete English advertisement comprises five component parts: 1. headline; 2. body-text; 3. slogan; 4. trademark; 5. illustration. Of course, not every advert is composed of these five parts, but headlines are always essential.A.Function and Classification of Headlines of English Advertisements 123 1.1Functions of Headlines 1.1.1to arouse consumers’ immediate attention; 1.1.2excite their interest and curiosity;to 1.1.3to show or designate the theme. Excellent headlines are those that are attractive, unique, concise, implicit or straightforward. It goes without saying that headlines play a very important role in English advertising. 1.2Classification of English 124 Advertising Headlines Headlines may be divided into three types: direct headlines; indirect headlines; combination headlines. 1.2.1Direct Headlines A direct headline seems to tell consumers almost everything about a certain product or service, including its special features, qualities and benefits. Direct headlines are 125 more informative, more concise, and more straightforward. However, in most cases, they are not very incapable of attractive, stimulating consumers’ interest. But if printed in bold type, expressed in the form of a question or an exclamatory sentence and accompanied by a charming illustration, direct headlines can also catch consumers’ attention and prompt them to go on reading 126 or listening to the full texts of advertisements. 1.2.2 Indirect Headlines Indirect headlines indirectly induce or tempt potential consumers to continue reading the full texts through use of artistic hints. They are somewhat baffling to read. Potential consumers can hardly make head or tail of an indirect headline unless they go on reading the full text. 1.2.2Combination Headlines It is one that combines a direct headline with an indirect one. In other words, both the advantages of a direct headline and those of an indirect one are combined or blended into a combination headline. Combination headlines not only point out the names of products but also possess a charming magic through artistic methods. B.Specific Examples The following headlines with part of the body-text are 127 given to show the different types of headlines and their functions. 1.洪达摩托兴省汽油Petrol Savings By Honda 洪达走在世界前兴Honda Leads the World 兴是一包个广括一句副兴兴的直接性告兴兴~寥寥 数很广兴~兴奏明快~有力量~言兴意兴地点明了 告主兴,洪达摩托兴省汽油居世界兴先地位。 …………………………. Setting the standards, and raising them, is a glorious tradition at Honda. In this part of the world, it is Hero Honda that leads the way. Into a future where you’ll be spared one worry ---- the cost of petrol…,2SUPER EUROPOE SUPER VALUE 超越欧洲 超凡价兴 兴是兴接性兴兴~有告兴兴者而告之的是没广什 兴兴西。寥寥四个英兴兴~兴奏感强~兴兴有力~充分 肯定了被宣兴物的非凡价兴~令兴者非兴告广正文不 可。 The super-liner Queen Elizabeth 2. Majestic. Enchanting. Magnificent. She is the start or finale of a remarkable European vacation… 特兴班船伊兴莎白二世女皇~庄兴雄兴~兴媚兴人~ 豪兴气她欧派。是去洲度假的起点或兴点…… 128 3. The Moment Is Here Alive and Gripping! The Latest Tyre for the Latest Bikes! 兴光在兴里充兴生机扣人心弦。 最新的兴胎适用于最新摩托, 以上是兴合性兴兴。第一部分兴兴接性兴兴~第二 部分兴直接性兴兴。二者相兴相成~互兴兴充~突出了 兴品的特性。 2.Body-texts of English Advertisements ;英兴告的广正文, The body-text of an advertisement explains the headline and introduces the specific qualities of what is advertised. The ad’s theme is mainly spelled out in the body text, which is the most important part of an English advertisement. A well-designed body text may satisfy the potential consumer’s curiosity and prompt potential consumers to take purchasing action. Therefore, it is not overstated that the success or failure of an advertisement mainly consists in the body text. While writing the body text, the copywriter must 129 manage to clarify the headline claim and prove it, to tell about other competitive advantages of the commodity, and finally to indicate the purpose of the desired action. According to their styles and writing techniques, body texts of English ads may be divided into various types. Yet, actually, before committing pen to paper, the copywriter thinks little about which type to choose, but considers carefully how to make the body text more interesting, more appealing, and more convincing. And in the process of writing, he does pay 措辞great attention to diction or wording () and syntax. As a result, what he has written may be a humorous copy, or a descriptive one, or a reason-why copy, or possibly a mixture of two or several types. Obviously, it is very important for the copywriter to have a good knowledge of the different types of body texts. A good grasp of their classification will help him 130 organize his ideas and think out various forms that may be adopted to convey the ad’s message. Here a brief introduction is given to six major types of body texts. 2.1解兴性兴明性正文Reason-why Body Texts (/) It is generally thought that in this type of body texts it is necessary to briefly introduce the benefits that a certain product or service will bring to the potential consumers or clients, or to offer a factual account of a product or enterprise, and then present further explanations. A reason-why copy is direct and clear and likely to excite the consumers’ desire to buy.2.2幽默性正文Humorous Body Text () A body text which contains humorous expressions and which makes known commodities in a lively atmosphere is known as a humorous body text. Body texts of this type, which make consumers feel light-hearted, tend to arouse the consumers’ interest and 131 stimulate their desire to buy the commodities. Also, such body texts can convey simple ideas both effectively and vividly. But in most cases, humorous body texts are only suitable for promoting the sale of low-grade or popular products. In addition, in some particular cases, humorous modes of expressions are not to be adopted. E.g. they are not to be used in ;兴告, obituariesor in advertisements telling people how some incurable diseases can be cured.2.3描性写正文Descriptive Body Texts () A body text that describes a commodity or a service, and its qualities and functions is known as a descriptive body copy. Such body texts are difficult to compose. But if written vividly, they may create vivid, clear, and wonderful verbal images so that they are bound to leave a deep, unforgettable impression on the readers’ or listeners’ minds. Descriptive texts employ a lot of adjectives 132 e.g. appetizing, refreshing, delicious, spicy, tasting, crispy, zesty, tangy, rich 2.4引兴性正文Testimonial Body Text () 兴A body text written in the form of a testimonial(明~兴据~兴明兴~推信~荐状嘉兴~感兴信) is referred to as a testimonial copy text. In a testimonial copy it is necessary to record the exact appraisal, praise, and testimony of the quality of a product by authorities or famous people. If written ingeniously, a testimonial copy may be highly interesting, powerfully eloquent, and unmistakably convincing or effective. Of course, the copy writer must select those authorities who are well recognized by the consumers. 2.5兴兴式正文Dialogue Body Text () If a body text is written in the form of a dialogue in which questions are raised and answered, such a body copy is known as a dialogue body text. Body texts of 133 this type give a very clear account and present a definite explanation of the functions and special features of commodities. Moreover, they are full of human feelings. If well written, such a body text can be very interesting, highly attractive, and unusually tempting. 2.6叙述性正文Narrative Body Text () A narrative body text is also called a story-style copy. It is a piece of advertising written in the form of a story. In a narrative body text, the most important thing lies in the story itself. There are usually contradictions or difficulties in the plot which are overcome through use of some commodity or service. A narrative body text usually goes like this:Some people have some trouble and are feeling worried, or at a loss what to do, when there appears a certain product or service. The problem is solved by the good effect of the commodity or service. At the end of the narrative copy, 134 potential consumers are called on to get the product or use the service and to enjoy the benefit it will produce. Specific Examples In the following the first example is a reason- why body text, the second a descriptive one. 1.Contessa Classic. It’s everything a premium car should be. Powerful. Luxurious. And reliable. To begin with, consider its 1800cc ;兴兴体立方厘米,。 1800Isuzu engine The incomparable power of which leaves other cars way behind. And all this without sacrificing the fuel efficiency. Next, check out the luxury you are so used to. You’ll be instantly enveloped in the extra space, contoured seats and noiseless interiors. And then relax in the cool comfort of the most 135 effective air conditioning ever. Without having to compromise on the pickup. What’s more, the air conditioner comes factory fitted. Which means, no more manhandling of the dashboard. Or cutting and mending of wires to install an air conditioner as an afterthought. Next, ponder over its credentials for reliability. The fact that it is the only Canadian car with the confidence to give you a 2 year unlimited mileage (drive line) warranty. To keep the going for you smooth, always. So, if you are looking for a truly premium car, get in touch with your nearest Contess dealer. Because there is no other quite like it. , 2. Why Your Garlic Should Also 136 Be Aged to Perfection Raw garlic is anything but mellow. The same goes for most garlic supplements. They can irritate your stomach, destroy your body’s good bacteria, and give you bad breath and even body odor. Only Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract follows a time-tested natural aging process which converts harsh compounds into mellow, odorless substances that still retain the benefits of garlic. We use only mature, organically grown garlic bulbs and manufacture to World Health Organization Standards to ensure safety, stability and the finest possible quality. So why settle for harsh supplements when you can get the benefits of garlic gently with Kyolic, the world’s best selling garlic supplement. 3. The Brightest Star in the New York Sky With sales of over 100 homes during the past twelve months, Trump Palace is now over 70% sold, outshining 137 兴兴兴居住者所有的公every other luxury condominium ( 寓或公寓套兴)in the world today. The building’s brilliant crown is an elegant new landmark on the New York city skyline, offering palatial high-floor residences which feature formal dining rooms, spacious private balconies, and the city’s most spectacular views. A magnificent marble and mahogany lobby and a private landscaped park are among the building’s many other star-quality features. We invite you to experience a level of luxury and service available only at Trump Palace. To schedule an appointment to visit the condominium residences at Trump Palace, please call 212-535-5700 today. (from The New York Times Magazine, June 6, 1993) 兴兴上空最兴兴的明星 王牌兴殿去年兴了一售售百多套住宅~兴在已完70% 以上~兴兴当今世界任何其他豪兴的公寓大厦。王牌公寓 大厦那璀璨兴目的“皇冠”是出兴在兴兴上空兴廓上的幽雅 兴新的兴志性建筑物~ 提供兴殿般高兴楼住宅~以其正式 的餐兴、兴敞的私人阳壮台和全市最兴的景象兴特征。兴公 寓大厦兴有其他兴多兴量兴的具有特异个色的兴西。一以大 理石和桃花心木兴建筑材料的豪兴气个派的兴兴和一兴境兴 美景色宜人的私人公兴是其中的特园两个你色。我兴兴兴 身兴只有在体皇牌兴殿才可享受到的舒适豪兴和服兴。兴兴 参兴皇牌兴殿大厦~兴于今天打兴~兴兴。22-535-57700 4. Specific Examples of Body Texts 1. THE INFINITE PLAN Instant National Bestseller ISABEL ALLENDE 138 Her powerful novel yet——An unforgettable tale of loneliness and love, of betrayal and redemption, of life coming full circle. “ Her new tour de force ??? tells the story of Gregory Reeves, a white working class boy who is raised by a Mexican American family in Los Angeles, fights in Vietnam, becomes a successful lawyer in San Francisco and who finally comes to terms with his own fear of intimacy and the chronic loneliness of life in the United States ??? one great karmic swirl, everything linked…a fascinating portrait of America seen from an Anglo/Hispanic perspective.” —San Francisco Examiner Chronical Review “Isabel Allende moves into new territory for her fiction… The Infinite Plan has more vision and ambition.” Robert Bly, New York Times Book Review 《宏兴兴兴》 兴行全国的兴兴兴 伊莎兴兴 艾兴德著? 她迄响——个今最有影的力作 一令人兴忘的故事~描述孤 独与与兴情~叛兴兴救以及周而兴始的生活。 “新她叙个近的精心杰作 述了格雷戈里的全部兴兴,一 出身工人兴兴的白兴人男孩在洛杉机的一个国墨西哥籍美家庭里兴 育成人~在越南出生入死打兴仗~后成了金来旧山成就斐然的 律兴~最后屈服于他自己兴美生活了如指国惧掌的恐~屈服于他 自己兴美生活的兴国独惧个运期孤的恐 一巨大的命的旋兴~ 人兴相互碰撞相互作用~每一小小的行兴都由小到大迅速兴展~ 事事相兴~密不可分 英人从国西班牙人的角度看待美来/ 国栩栩国画~如生地描兴了一幅兴于美的引人入兴的兴。” “伊莎兴兴 艾兴德兴入了她小兴的新天地 《宏兴兴兴》具有? 更加兴兴的兴野~更兴勃勃的雄心。” 兴——莱伯特 布~《兴兴兴兴兴 兴》 139 2.Wipe it on Windolene That’s how to your windows clean. Wipe it off straight away Wipe it off, no delay So easy with new Windolene. Windolene. 擦上静窗兴~Windowlene 擦上静窗兴~?Windowlene 使兴兴兴就兴兴使用兴。窗静窗 赶它快把擦掉~ 立即它把擦掉~ 用新的兴如此容易。静窗 静窗兴。Windowlene 3.2叙述性正文Narrative Body Text () A narrative body text is also called a story-style copy. It is a piece of advertising written in the form of a story. In a narrative body text, the most important thing lies in the story itself. There are usually contradictions or difficulties in the plot which are overcome through use of some commodity or service. A narrative body text usually goes like this:Some people 140 have some trouble and are feeling worried, or at a loss what to do, when there appears a certain product or service. The problem is solved by the good effect of the commodity or service. At the end of the narrative copy, potential consumers are called on to get the product or use the service and to enjoy the benefit it will produce.4.兴兴兴兴Identification Marks ()in English Advertising Identification marks in English advertising ;商兴,mainly refer to slogans and trademarks. Although not so important as body copies, identification marks play an important role in message communication in advertising. Slogans and trademarks are necessary parts of advertisements. Here for the sake of clarity, they are discussed separately. 4.1Slogans in English Advertising 141 An advertiser who hopes to establish a fundamental concept or theme and who is ready to utilize for a long time tends to adopt a slogan in advertising. Therefore, words and expressions in advertising slogans become immediate sparks of recognition which stir the hearts of potential consumers, who respond actively to what is advertised. Normally, an advertising slogan consists of just a few words, which are smooth to read and easy to remember. In fact, many slogans have been ;兴化~逐步兴展,evolved from very successful advertising headlines. Though similar in structure, slogans and headlines possess different purposes. An advertising slogan is mainly aimed to maintain the continuity of an advertising campaign and to hold the consumers’ interest and to promote more sales of the product. For this reason, an advertiser makes much effort to render his slogan as attractive, 142 distinctive and effective as possible. A wise advertiser will alter the slogan when there are changes in the goal of promotion or in the ways and means of advertising. Advertising slogans are roughly divided into three types. 1. Advertising slogans that emphasize benefits All products and services are supposed to bring benefits to consumers. Broadly speaking, consumers are interested in those that can produce more benefits or bring unique advantages. Accordingly, copywriters always cudgel their brains to think out unforgettable slogans capable of bringing out the special advantages of commodities. 2. Advertising slogans that call on consumers to 143 take action to buy the advertised product or use the advertised service. As advertising is intended to promote sale of products or use of service, many advertising slogans are specially designed to call on consumers to take direct action to get the product or use the service, or to encourage them to purchase the product or use the service immediately or instantly. 3. Advertising slogans that both stress benefits of products and stimulate consumers to consume the advertised commodity or utilize the service Slogans of this type play an important role in conveying the themes of advertising campaigns. But it is to be noted that not every 144 advertisement contains a slogan and that only advertisements for famous products have slogans. Also, it is to be heeded that in many cases slogans are put above or below or near the trademarks. (2) Trademarks in English AdvertisingA trademark is a special name, sign, word, etc., which is marked on a commodity or on its package, or written as a necessary element of an advertisement. A trademark is owned and used by a particular producer and it is not to be used by any other producer or manufacturer. Its functions are to ensure the commodity quality, to make it convenient for consumers to recognize and select products, and to safeguard the rights, interests and reputation of the product owner. In a general 145 sense, a trademark is made up of a brand name, a corporate or store name, and visual symbol. All trademarks must be registered, patented, and protected by law. 1. ;牌号~品牌, Brand names Brand names are closely associated with the products they stand for. Generally, they reflect the inherent qualities of commodities. That is why consumers pay much attention to brand names. Clearly, products with famous brands enjoy a good name and sell much better than ordinary products. Brand names have many sources. A brand name may consist of a company name, or a personal name, or a coined word, or a foreign word or expression, or a licensed 146 name, or even a very commonly used word. 2.;商名,厂称 Corporate or store name A corporate or store name is normally not as important as a brand name, but it can also raise the value of a product and attract the consumers’ attention. Corporate or store names are generally not included in trademarks. If they are occasionally included in trademarks, they are usually printed in small type and occupy secondary positions. 3. ;兴兴符号兴兴, Visual symbols /In addition to brand names, corporate or store names in trademarks, there are patterns or symbols, or geometric ;几何兴形,figures, or figures of 147 persons, animals and plants, which are called visual symbols of trademarks.It is to be noted that not every trademark must be composed of all the above three elements. In actual fact, some trademarks are merely brand names; others are visual symbols only; still others are a combination of words (brand names or corporate names or licensed names, etc. ) and visual symbols. While designing trademarks, we should pay attention to the following points: 1) A trademark designed should not confuse the consumers; 2) it should not be a family name or a geographical spot; 3) it should be easy to identify and easy to pronounce; 4) it should not include names that describe the product or one of its 148 characteristics; 5) it should be adaptable to all media; 6) it should be international; 7) it should not arouse any unpleasant connotations. Specific examples (1)Famous advertising slogans 1. Things go better with coca-cola. 2. Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. 3. When it rains, it pours. 4. A business in millions, a profit in pennies. 5. Always buy Chesterfield. 149 6. The great American road belongs to Buick. 7. Let happiness pursue you for a change. 8. The most popular Cruise line in the world! 9. Service is your right. And we intend to see that you get it. 1. Trade Marks in English Advertising 5. Illustrations and Colors in English AdvertisingIllustrations and colors possess important functions in advertising though they are nonverbal parts of advertisements. 150 5.1Illustrations in English Advertising Illustrations in advertising, which include photographs, art work, cartoons, diagrams, etc. are regarded as language of vision in advertising. They are the most important visual part of advertisements. In some cases, they are considered to be even more important than headlines and body copies though they are less important in other cases. Anyhow, in most cases, illustrations form an essential part of advertising. 5.1.1 Functions of Illustrations in Advertising Illustrations in advertising have many important functions, which are briefly summed up in the following. Illustrations communicate information or message directly, quickly, and effectively. Consumers can 151 directly see the advertised commodity in an illustration and immediately understand its features and advantages, which influence them immensely in making decisions of purchase. No wonder, people say that illustrations have miraculous power. are capable of attracting the consumers’ attention and arousing their interest in the headline and body copy. In many cases as soon as they see the illustration, consumers become interested enough to read the headline and body copy. Illustrations are capable of communicating something that might be difficult to express in words. Some commodities are very hard to describe in words. But illustrations can help consumers see clearly the special features of commodities 152 which are difficult to express in words, and may leave a deep impression on their minds. can help render the advertisement more believable. Sometimes, illustrations in advertising can be more convincing than even body copies, making what is advertised more trustworthy. 5.1.2 Things Shown in Illustrations Things shown by advertising illustrations are generally of the following types. In many illustrations, the advertised product or service is entirely shown. Naturally, an advertisement with a photograph of the product or service itself is much more attractive and interesting. 153 Part of a product is shown in some illustrations. Many products outshine others only in some aspects. Close-up photos or pictures of typical parts of commodities help highlight their special characteristics or special features. Sometimes an illustration shows a product in use. An illustration showing how a product is being used can make a static product come alive, become dynamic and appealing. From time to time a product is being tested in an illustration, The advertising illustrator often makes a great effort to dramatically show how much benefit the product can bring to the consumers by having it tested in the illustration. Thus, the product becomes quite appealing. 154 Consumer reward from using a commodity is clearly shown in some illustrations. Some manufacturers do everything in their power to show the strong points of their products. Photos of products taken and treated with special skills, which specifically show consumer reward from using a product, are immensely fascinating to consumers, who may take action to buy immediately. 5.2Colors in English Advertising 6. Text and Picture ……………………. 155 1. 156
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