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美丽中国中英文字幕 第05集 熊猫之地 Land of the Panda


美丽中国中英文字幕 第05集 熊猫之地 Land of the Panda美丽中国(Wild China)第五集熊猫之地Land of the Panda双语对照文本字幕北有长城的庇护Protected by the Great Wall in the north 南得长江黄河的滋润灌溉and fed by the Yellow and Yangtse rivers 中国东部的心脏地带China's eastern heartland 成为了五千年中华文明is the center of a flourishing civilization 繁荣发展的核心which spend...

美丽中国中英文字幕 第05集 熊猫之地 Land of the Panda
美丽中国(Wild China)第五集熊猫之地Land of the Panda双语对照文本字幕北有长城的庇护Protected by the Great Wall in the north 南得长江黄河的滋润灌溉and fed by the Yellow and Yangtse rivers 中国东部的心脏地带China's eastern heartland 成为了五千年中华文明is the center of a flourishing civilization 繁荣发展的核心which spends more than 5 000 years 对外来者而言To outsiders 这是一块神秘的土地this is a mysterious land 夺目的人造建筑屹立在这里It contains dazzling man-made structures 这儿也是中国最稀有最具魅力的and it's home to some of China's rarest 动物之家and most charismatic creatures 居住在这块土地上的The people who live here 汉族人the Han Chinese 是世界上人口最多的民族comprise the largest ethnic group in the world 他们的语言and their language 普通话Mandarin 是世界上最古老以及使用最广泛的语言is the world's oldest and most widely spoken language 在过去的五十年In the last 50 years 中国已经取得了长足的发展China has seen massive development 同时也带来了诸多环境问题bringing many environmental problems 中国人but the relationship of the Chinese 与自然环境间的关系to their environment and its creatures 是如此的深刻is in fact deep 复杂与非凡complex, and extraordinary 在这期节目中In this program 我们将探寻这种古老的关系以及we'll look for clues to this ancient relationship 以及他对中国未来的意义and what it means for the future of China 我们的旅程将从中国的心脏启航Our journey starts at the very heart of China 北京Beijing 中国的首都是一座巨大的城市China's capital is a vast metropolis 供养着1500万人口home to 15 million people 这座熙熙攘攘的现代都市似乎This bustling modern city seems an unlikely place 与传统信仰和习俗无缘for traditional beliefs and customs 在现代的浮华外表之下but beneath the contemporary veneer 依稀可以窥探到远古中国的身影it's possible to see glimpses of a far older China 每一个早晨Every morning 人们汇聚到紫禁城附近的公园里people head to the parks around the Forbidden City 延续一种保持了数个世纪的传统to continue a custom which is centuries old 许多中国人把鸟儿当作自己的伙伴Many Chinese keep birds as companions 尤其喜欢一种来自中国南方的画眉鸟specifically a type of laughing thrush from southern China 养鸟的人知道把鸟关在笼子里But they know that cooped up indoors 鸟儿也许会变得消沉birds may become depressed 因此他们试图让鸟儿们也高兴起来so they try to brighten their day 通过让鸟儿们聚会的这种方式by meeting other birds 北京的中心上演了出人意料的一幕This surprising scene in the heart of modern Beijing 从中可以发掘到远古中国心灵的渴望is a clue to China's oldest spiritual ambition 那就是——人与自然的和谐共存the harmonious coexistence of man and nature 但是在1950年前But from the 1950s onwards 这种古老的信仰被残酷的践踏this ancient belief was to be severely challenged 外国的侵略势力对中国持续了近一个世纪的粗暴干涉 After a century of humiliation and intervention 并使中国蒙辱by foreign powers 毛泽东追求重塑中国的尊严chairman Mao sought to rebuild China's dignity 毛主席坚信自力更生Mao believed strongly in self-reliance 依靠丰富的自然资源来达成这一目标achieve through using all of nature's resources 毛主席首先关心的是中国人的吃饭问题Mao's first concern was to feed the Chinese people 将尽可能多的土地by turning as much land as possible 转化为耕地over to grain production 清除了非谷类作物destroying non-cereal crops 并将成行的果树连根拔起and uprooting fruit trees in the process 一场歼灭麻雀的战役导致了恰恰相反的结果 A campaign to eliminate crop-raiding sparrows backfired 捕食昆虫的鸟竟然也成为了攻击对象when insect-eating birds were also targeted 病虫害在所难免causing an increase in insect pests 自力更生大炼钢铁的结果Efforts to make China self-reliant in steel 导致了百分之十的森林被砍伐resulted in 10% of the country's forests being felled 在熔炉中焚烧殆尽to feed the furnaces 除四害大炼钢铁对中国的环境造成了巨大的影响 This had a profound impact on China's environment 其中有些影响一直持续至今with effects in some cases lasting until the present day 毛主席关于农村的政策Mao's policy towards the countryside 一言以蔽之:has been described in the phrase "人定胜天""man must conquer nature" 完全有别于古老观念中所述的quite different from the ancient concept 人与自然和谐相处of harmonious co-existence with nature 由于现代中国与外部世界的交流更加频繁As modern China engages with the outside world 这种观点似乎占据了主导地位which of this attitude seems likely to prevail 为了找到 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 To find the answers 我们的旅途将深入到中国的心脏地带we'll travel to far reaches of the heartland 去了解一下哪儿的传统文化以及独特的生物 to see how its traditional cultures and unique creatures 在今天的处境are faring today 北京一直以来都依赖着中国的北部平原Beijing has always depended on the North China Plain 这块肥沃土地接近英国国土面积的两倍 a rich farm land twice the size of the UK 北部平原的肥沃起源于更远的The fertility of this plain derives from further west 西部的黄土高原from the Loess Plateau 黄土高原的富矿土壤The mineral-rich soil of the Loess plateau 难以置信的富饶is incredibly fertile 人们已经在这儿生活了数千年People have lived here for thousands of years 在软土中抠建而成了他们的住所hollowing their homes out of the soft soil 窑洞也许缺乏北京一样的魅力The caves might lack glamour of Beijing 对这儿的人们来说却是生活的一部分but people can survive here 不但温暖而且安全warm, secure, but best of all 最好的是能够吃得饱well fed 作为耕作了数个世纪的结果As a result of centuries of farming 大地被刻下了深深的印迹the landscape has become scarred 密布着数千条被水冲蚀而成的沟渠with thousands of water-worn gullies 但是这种壮观的冲蚀结果But this spectacular erosion 却带来了一个意想不到的好处has had an unexpected benefit 席卷沟渠的水流The streams which drain the gullies 夹杂着肥沃的黄色土壤carry the fertile yellow soil 流进了黄土高原的一条较大的河流里into the plateau's major river 汉族人把这条河称为known to the Han people 中华文明的母亲河as the mother of Chinese civilization 这就是——黄河This is the Yellow River 每一年Each year 黄河夹带着数十亿吨的泥沙the Yellow River carries billions of tons of sediment 从黄土高原奔流而下from the Loess plateau 往东流向中国心脏地带的耕地eastwards to the crop fields of the Chinese heartland 历史上桀骜不驯的黄河Historically, the Chinese relationship with the river 曾多次泛滥has been uneasy 泥沙大量积聚在河床上Sediment, building up on the riverbed 导致了黄河周期性的溃堤has caused the Yellow River to burst its bank periodically 释放了毁灭性的洪水unleashing devastating floods 无情地吞没了数百万计的生命resulting in millions of deaths 但却被水渠和堤坝所驯服But when tamed with dykes and channels 黄河的丰饶孕育了一方水土the river's bounty is legendary 即使如今Even today 中国半数的小麦half of China's wheat 来自黄河流域的漫滩comes from the Yellow River floodplain 千百年来富含沉积物的黄河For thousands of years, the sediment-rich Yellow River 支撑了中国心脏地区的繁荣has underpined the prosperity of the Chinese heartland 但日益增长的生活与生产需求But increased demand for water by people and industry 使得黄河水量骤减面临干涸的危机now threaten to run the river dry 黄河河滩肥力的源头——And the source of its fertility 黄土高原却依旧沉浸在危机之中the Loess Plateau is also under threat 因耕作而日益Loosened by cultivation 疏松的表土在不断流失its soft soil is blowing away 中国北部平原忍受着沙尘暴的侵袭The North China Plain is choked with dust storms 沙尘暴甚至逼近北京that even loom over Beijing 以至于So much so 中国政府不得不that the Chinese government 将提高城市空气质量视为has made improving the city's air quality a priority 举办奥运会前的整顿重头in the run up to the Beijing Olympics 中国中部地区的生命支持系统问题重重Heartland China's life-support system is in trouble 然而在一些地区yet, in a few places 依旧存留着最后的处女地 it's still possible to find landscapes that appear to have remained untouched 在中国北方平原的南部边界At the southern edge of the North China Plain 坐落着秦岭lie the Qinling Mountains 1500公里的蜿蜒崎岖At 1500km long 宛如横穿中国的脊梁they run like a backbone through the middle of China 深山中隐藏着Deep within the mountains 偏僻幽寂的山谷与森林is a maze of remote valleys and forests 这里是那些神奇生命的乐土home to strange and wonderful creatures 这些金丝猴These are Golden Snub-nosed Monkeys 是中国的特色物种 a species unique to China 他们通常“但闻其声不见其影”Seldom seen, they are frequently heard 那独特的婴啼般的叫声和出众的外表Their strange child-like calls and extraordinary appearance 成就了当地人有关may have inspired the local tales 深山雪人的传说of yeti-like wild man of the mountain 冬天气温降至-10°C As winter temperatures drop to -10°C 他们浓密的毛发起到了保暖的作用their dense fur keeps them warm 互相修理毛发不仅有助于保持Mutual grooming not only keeps that precious fur 宝贵毛发的良好状态in good condition 同时有助于增进成员间的关系but also helps to reinforce bonds within the troop 在夏天,猴子成群活动In summer, the monkeys go around in huge bands 但是在每年的艰苦时期but at this lean time of the year 它们分裂成了更小的队伍搜寻食物they split up into smaller foraging parties 隆冬时期In the dead of winter 猴子们被迫在石头中搜寻食物the monkeys are forced to rummage around the rocks 只能找到很少的地衣和苔藓for a few meager morsels of lichen and moss 随着猴子居住地方周围的世界As the world surrounding their mountain home 充满城镇和农田的时候has filled up with towns and croplands 西藏扁鼻猴的居住地the snub-nosed monkeys' habitat 发生了显著的变化has changed dramatically 现在,只剩下一万只猴子了Today, there are just 10 000 left in existence 对于住在秦岭的人来说To the people who live in the Qinling mountain 森林和野生动物是能被利用的资源the forest and its wildlife are a resource to be used 这些资源是人们生活的保障the basis of their livelihood 那些人和更神秘的居民These people share the forest 分享森林资源with an even more illusive inhabitant 它们可能是中国最著名的动物It's probably China's most famous animal 但是很少人看到过它们but very few have ever seen it 与猴子不同的是Unlike the monkeys 这种生物有很独特的食性this cerature has a very specific diet 竹子bamboo 这是野生大熊满It's a wild Giant Panda 由于对声音敏感Secret and sensitive to noise 大熊猫经常离开the giant panda is often gone 以免有任何东西靠近它before anyone going get close to it 中国人认识熊猫已经很久了The panda has long been known in China 两千多年前的字典上边就提到过熊猫It was mentioned in dictionaries more than 2000 years ago 据说御花园还曾经养过熊猫and the imperial garden is said to have housed one 在茂密的竹林里In the dense bamboo of the forest 熊猫很少见到同类one panda rarely sees another 所以,它们通过特殊的气味联系Instead, they communicate by subtle scent signals 熊猫身长1.5米,体重135千克At 1.5m long and 135 kilos, the giant panda 熊猫属于熊科is a member of the bear family 但是那是这种分类 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 But its bear-like digest system 是按照食肉方法分的,不是按吃韧性纤维分的is built for eating meat, not this tough fibrous stuff 更糟的是And to make matters worse 竹叶冻住了the bamboo leaves are frozen solid 但是熊猫发明了一个巧妙的方法But the panda has devised a cunning way 来把冰弄掉of breaking the ice off 它用鼻子把冰蹭掉It rubs the bamboo over its snout 不像其他熊类Unlike other bears 熊猫不能通过冬眠the panda can't fatten itself up and hibernate 来度过冬天through the winter 竹子的能量很低Bamboo is so low in energy 熊猫不得不把大量时间放在吃上that the panda must spend most of the day eating 一旦一个地方的竹子吃完了Once it has exhausted one area 熊猫必须继续前进到另一个地方it must move on to the next 熊猫的爪子也与熊爪有很大的不同The panda's paw is surprisingly unbearlike too 熊猫的爪子很灵活It's flexible 熊猫腕骨很大,能准确地抓住with an enlarged wrist bone which allows it to grasp 并灵活地控制竹子but maneuver the bamboo with dexterity and precision 令猴子都羡慕that a monkey would be proud of 把竹叶弄成雪茄形状Twisting the bamboo leaves into a cigar shape 便于它们咀嚼makes them easier to munch 饥饿的熊猫曾流浪在Hungry pandas once roamed 广阔丰饶的竹林当中across vast tracks of bamboo-rich forest 这些竹林曾覆盖中国的中心地带that covered much of China's heartland 但是自从20世纪50年代以后But since the 1950s 伐木破坏了秦岭地区的山林logging has fragmented the Qinling mountain forests 剩下的熊猫局限在Its remaining wild pandas are now confined 剩下的独立的地方生活within isolated reserves 在过去的50年里In the last 50 years 中国的中心地带受到已经沙漠化China's heartland has been subjected 干涸的河流和被伐的森林to desertification, drying rivers and deforestation 影响了人类和野生动物affecting not only people, but wildlife too 中国人和周围的The relationship between the Chinese people 环境and their environment 似乎失去了平衡appears bo be out of balance 如果我们再深究一下but if we dig a little bit deeper 就会发现即使在今天仍然有着there are some surprising and intimate connections 令人惊奇的密切联系even today 那些与自然联系的线索Clues to the nature of these links 可以从日常生活中发现can be found in everyday life 即使在中国首都的中心even in the centre of China's capital city 在北京的公园里In the parks of Beijing 鸳鸯时刻关注着自己的孩子mandarin ducks keep a close watch over their young 中国人相信它们终生守候在一起Believed by the Chinese to pair for life 几百年以来他们都被看做they have been seen for centuries as a symbol 爱与忠诚的象征of love and fidelity 人们认为那些鸟儿的形象Images of these birds are believed 可以增进人际关系to improve personal relationships 因此As a result 北京的鸳鸯得到了妥善的保护Beijing's mandarin ducks are highly protected 北京古老胡同的小巷The alleyways of the capitals's ancient hutongs 是很多不同生物的家园are home to a very different kind of creature 每天,周国光都要Each day, Zhou Guoguang 照料他那一窝鸽子tends his brood of pigeons 这一两个小时他可以远离his chance to escape the pressures of city life 城市生活的压力for an hour or two 在屋顶上Up here on the rooftops 周国光相信他的鸽子能够被安全的照料Zhou is confident his charges will be safe 但鸽子要是在下边的街上觅食but in the streets below 就潜藏着被偷偷带走的危险lurk dangerous spirits that scavenge and steal 胡同的深处Deeper into the hutongs 极少受到现代北京的影响the influence of modern Beijing recedes 那些巷子充满了古老的传说These alleys are full of ancient beliefs 夜幕降临As night falls 藏在深处的动物开始活动了spirits emerge from their hiding places 黄鼠狼The Yellow Weasel 一些人认为Some people believe 冒犯这些狡猾的肉食动物that offending this crafty predator 能带来坏运气can bring bad luck 所以对黄鼠狼晚上的活动so they turned a blind eye 人们睁一只眼闭一只眼to the weasel's night-time marauding 旧的观念Old beliefs 连同逐渐增强的保护意识coupled with a rising awareness of conservation 使得黄鼠狼are helping the yellow weasel's survive 能在北京城生存in the middle of Beijing 尽管人们还在猎杀残存的鸽子despite killing the odd pigeon 在中国的南部In the south of China 人与自然的关系似乎更加严峻the relationship with nature appears more brutal 广东人因其食物多样性而闻名Cantonese cuisine is famous for its diversity 俗话说得好summed up in the saying “四条腿的唯桌子不吃”"we'll eat anything on 4 legs, except a table" 尽管中国政府取缔And though the government has banned 猎食野生动物the consumption of wildlife in China 这里的许多肉来自and most of the meat here 人工饲养的动物comes from captive-bred animals 但仍有相当数量的肉非法取自野生动物 a significant amount is taken illegally from the wild 这家香港餐馆专供蛇肉This restaurant in Hongkong specializes in serpents 大多数蛇是无毒的捕鼠蛇Most are harmless rat snakes 但菜单上也有罕见的眼镜蛇but with the odd cobra on the menu 一失足就可能招致麻烦one false move could spell trouble 曹凯玲数不清有多少次Chau Ka-Ling has lost count of the number of times 被蛇咬过了she's been bitten 所以她总是带着中草药so she always carries a Chinese herbal remedy 以防万一just in case 选择这种奇怪的食物We might turn our noses up 我们可以嗤之以鼻at such a strange choice of food 但是吃蛇肉不仅仅是品尝but eating snakes is more than just a matter of taste 广东人相信吃蛇肉可以净化血液the Cantonese believe it can help to clean the blood 增强活力increase vitality 美化皮肤and beautify the skin 在这样拥挤的地方In such a crowded land 用很少的消耗遍吃百物的传统 a tradition of eating everything with very little waste 可能被看做值得称赞的节俭could be seen as commendable thrift 问题是中国南方有这么多人The problem is that there are so many people 在食用野生动物eating wild food in south China 非法食物供应链that the illegal supply chain 一直延伸并超越了国界stretches well beyond its borders 使得野生动物消失contributing to the disappearance of wildlife 不仅在中国境内not only within China 而且也包括其他国家but from other countries too 拜访一家中药店 A visit to a traditional Chinese medicine shop 会发现动植物另一方面的作用reveals another aspect of the use of animals and plants 宋医生行医20多年了Dr. Song has been practicing for over 20 years 他最重要的诊断方法是The most important part of his diagnosis is the pulse 在不同部位号脉examined in several places 宋医生也观察舌头和眼睛的颜色Dr. also observes the color of the tongue and eyes 并询问病人的味觉and asks questions about the patient's taste 嗅觉甚至是梦smell and even dreams 一旦确诊Once satisfied with his diagnosis 他就用大夫独特的笔迹he'll write a prescription 开出药方using a script unique to doctors 中国传统医学Chinese traditional medicine 大量使用了难以置信的动植物和矿物 uses an incredible array of animals, vegetables and minerals 区别对待不同病人而不是疾病to treat the individual rather than the illness 旨在恢复体内两种不同力量的平衡aiming to restore the harmony of opposing 使其均衡互补but complementary forces 中国称之为“阴阳”known in China as "yin and yang" 中国人相信天地万物是和谐的The concept is rooted in the ancient belief 这种观念根深蒂固that the universe is harmonious 人们也相信自己与环境紧密联系着and that the people are intimately connected to 并被环境所影响and affected by their environment 尽管表面上看起来药物的成分由奇形怪状的生物所组成 Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of the ingredients 但是几千年来Chinese traditional medicine 中国传统医学has been successfully treating people 成功诊治了无数人for thousands of years 尽管中国已经取缔But although the use of endangered wildlife ingredients 使用濒危野生动植物入药in medicine is now banned in China 一些动植物现在仍然被非法使用some wild animals and plants are still used illegally 大自然再一次承受了损失once again, nature bears the cost 但是中国传统在其他方面上也有借鉴But Chinese tradition has borrowed from nature 比如那些丝毫未被开发利用的领域in other ways which are not in the least exploitative 在中国古代哲学里In ancient Chinese philosophy 男人被认为是自然世界的一部分man was considered part of the natural world 受益于自然界的智慧and able to benefit from its wisdom 几千年前Thousands of years ago 少林寺的和尚buddhist monks on sacred shaolin mountain 圣地少室山上的佛教弟子buddhist monks on sacred Shaolin Mountain 把对野生动物的观察incorporated their observations of wild creatures 系统化为锻炼的套路into a system of exercises 来凝神理气强身健体to help the flow of energy and build strength 这种从动物中得到启示的艺术形式This animal-inspired art-form 形成了“功夫”became kung fu 如今古老的少室山Today, ancient Shaolin Mountain 功夫的起源地the place where kung fu began 仍保留着它起初的练武场remains its prime training center 释延亭是这里的教练Shi Yanting is a master 全国各地的学生都来此学习Students from all over the country come here to learn 源于自然的传统知识the ancient knowledge derived from the natural world 如今的重点The emphasis today 也许更倾向于强健体魄is perhaps more on the physical 而不是功夫所蕴含的rather than the philosophical elements 哲学内涵that underlie kungfu 但这仍是对功夫意义重大的复兴but it's a significant re-awakening 这个7岁大的孩子This seven-year-old 正在练习刚猛的拳法is perfecting the devastating punch 螳螂拳of the praying mantis 经过糅合和完善When combined and perfected 这些动物的招式these animal forms 如螳螂such as mantis 猿猴和鹤monkey and crane 形成了无坚不摧的力量become an unstoppable force 中国古代哲学认为自然Ancient Chinese philosophy took nature itself 孕育了大多数的珍奇生物as the inspiration for its most fabulous creature 富饶的河流也许形成了这里的文明Fertile rivers may have shaped this civilization 但中国人认为but the Chinese believed 河流本身则是由一种动物形成和掌管的that the rivers themselves were formed and controlled 龙by a dragon 与西方暴虐的龙不同Unlike the destructive dragon of the west 中国的龙是仁慈行善的the Chinese dragon was benevolent 受人尊敬provided it was treated with respect 古代中国人称自己为The ancient Chinese called themselves 龙的传人descendants of the dragon 并认识到他们需要和谐地生活在and knew they needed to live harmoniously 龙的国度中in the dragon's realm 这种对龙的尊敬This respect for the dragon 影响到了has relevance today 如今生活在中国另一条伟大河流for a remarkable creature which lives around 扬子江的周围稻田中的the paddy fields of China's other great river 奇特生物the Yangtze 这种面目吓人的动物This fearsome-looking beast 就是扬子鳄is a Chinese alligator 也叫土龙known as the Muddy Dragon 尽管和传说中的龙有关系Despite its association with the mythical Chinese dragon 这种爬行动物一直以来却被村民看做是the reptile has long been regarded by country people 吃鱼的祸害as a fish-eating pest 并一直被捕杀and has been persecuted 几乎到了灭绝的边缘almost to the point of extinction 现在只有大约150只扬子鳄There are only around 150 Chinese alligators 生存于野生环境中left in the wild 多亏像老农常金荣这样and it's mainly down to the care and protection 致力于此的人们的offered by dedicated people like retired farmer 关心和保护Chang Jinrong 他们才得以幸存that any survive at all 现如今大多数扬子鳄生活在豢养环境中Today, most Chinese alligators live in captivity 在宣城附近的繁殖研究中心At this breeding center near Xuancheng 扬子鳄由于他们独特的求爱方式而聚集在一起 Chinese alligators gather for their extraordinary courtship 雄性发出吼声以吸引异性The males bellow to attract a mate 声音在水中向四周传播As it travels through the water 可以被雌性听到和感觉到the sound is both heard and felt by the female 吼声The bellowing 是她挑选配偶的依据is her cue to investigate 在不为人知的扬子鳄的世界里In the alien world of the Chinese alligator 他们两个可以通过爪下腺体的气味these two will be able to learn much about each other 进一步地了解彼此using the scent glands under their jaws 对选择的雄性满意后Satisfied with her choice 他们会在交配之前游开the two swim off together before mating 土龙的幸存归功于The muddy dragon owes its continued survival 25年前由政府策划的to a government initiative a quarter of a century ago 宣城封闭繁育研究中心which created the captive breeding center 的建立at Xuancheng 经过深入研究发现Having dug a little deeper 对自然的古老信仰it does seem that ancient beliefs about nature 似乎在当代中国仍有共鸣still have resonance in modern China 沿着扬子江的Far upstream 山中的支流逆流而上along one of the Yangtze's mountain tributaries 另一个宏伟的自然保护工程another ambitious conservation project 正试图拯救中国最著名的生物is attempting to save China's most famous creature 中国第一个封闭的大熊猫繁育中心China's first captive breeding center for the giant panda 始建于1983年opened in 1983 这里是卧龙保护区This is Wolong Reserve 与野生熊猫居住的竹林 a far cry from the bamboo forests 相差甚远where wild pandas live 每年春天Every spring 雌雄熊猫被运到这里male and female pandas are ferried around the site 希望in the hope 可以引导他们进行交配that introductions will lead to romance 科学家们Scientists 一直在努力促使大熊猫have been trying to encourage the pandas 自然交配to breed naturally 但却很难成功but it's difficult to the get the conditions right 因为几乎没人看到过since few people have ever seen 大熊猫是如何在野生环境中求爱的how panda courtship happens in the wild 同时Meanwhile 人工授精artificial insemination 已被证获得巨大成功has proved highly successful 由于仅仅5周大At just five weeks old 这个熊猫宝宝需要24小时的看护this baby needs 24-hour care 熊猫宝宝太珍贵了It's simply too precious to be entrusted 以至于不敢让它那to its natural mother 没有抚育经验的父母抚养who may have little experience of parenthood 熊猫长出牙齿After initial teething problems 标志着卧龙的人工授精工程Wolong's artificial insemination program 获得了巨大的成功has been remarkably successful 2006年In 2006 保护区哺育了16只大熊猫幼仔the reserve reared 16 cubs 如今卧龙抚养着更多的熊猫宝宝and there're now more captive bred pandas at Wolong 他们会被安全地放生到and can be safely released back 正在缩减的野生环境中去into the shrinking wild habitat 自然条件下In nature 大熊猫跟随母亲学习生存技巧giant pandas learn survival skills from their mother 却很少与其他熊猫接触but have little contact with other pandas 这些幼年的熊猫社交能力可能很强These youngsters may have exceptional social skills 但对于野外生存却是一无所知but they wouldn't have a clue how to survive in the wild 他们绝大多数All the majority 未来会动物园中度过their future lies in zoos 这样封闭的While the ultimate value 繁育工程的最终价值尚未定论of captive breeding projects like this is debatable 但在中国有些地方there are places in China 在野生环境中保护动物where animals are being successfully protected 已获得成功in their wild habitat 在秦岭山顶Right at the top of the Qinling Mountains 居住着一种珍稀动物lives a rare and mysterious creature 关于他们的传说可以追溯到古希腊那个时代 that has inspired legends as far away as ancient Greece 这就是金羊毛的最初拥有者The size of a buffalo and with a temper to match 有着水牛般体型和好斗本性的this is the original owner of the Golden Fleece 秦岭羚牛the Golden Takin 秦岭羚牛在繁殖季节Golden takin make their way to the top of the mountains 会向山顶迁徙for the breeding season 这是雄性向雌性展示他们勇气的机会It's an opportunity for the males to prove their mettle 他们凶猛而且好斗They are formidable and aggressive creatures 得胜之后Now victorious 雄性就可以与雌性亲近this male will have access to the females 尽管居住于高山之巅Despite living high on the mountains 秦岭羚牛却曾因肉质鲜美而被捕杀得golden takin were once hunted to near extinction 几近灭绝for their meat 为了呼应中国古典法则In a return to the laws of ancient China 如今政府已经明令禁止偷猎there is now a government ban on poaching 羚牛也被保护了起来and the takin is officially protected 很明显中国对自然的态度Attitudes towards nature in China 复杂而又深受传统影响are clearly complex and rooted in tradition 在秦岭有一个传说And in the Qinling Mountains there is one story 展现了传统的巨大价值与作业that shows just how valuable these traditions can be 每天早晨Every morning 一群朱鹮飞离 a flock of crested ibis leave 它们在洋县的村落附近的鸟巢their roost close to the village of Yangxian 去觅食in search of food 一般而言鸟儿的飞离Traditionally,the birds' departure 标志着农民新一天的开始marked the start of the farmers' day 朱鹮依靠湿地生活Crested ibises need wetlands for feeding 而稻田正是觅食的鳝鱼青蛙和蜗牛的and rice paddys are the perfect place to hunt for 理想之地eels, frogs and snails 鸟儿和农民The birds and farmers 在此已共同生活了几千年had probably coexisted here for thousands of years 直到20世纪until the 20th century 在中国的许多地方when in many parts of China 稻谷被有利可图的小麦取代rice was replaced by more profitable wheat production 朱鹮的数量锐减Crested ibis numbers rapidly declined 有一个时期At one point 甚至认为他们已经灭绝了they were even believed to be extinct 直到1981年Then, in 1981 地球上最后7只朱鹮the last seven crested ibises on Earth 在这里被发现were found here 中国政府出面The Chinese government stepped in 着手保护protecting the rice paddies 朱鹮赖以存活的稻田so the birds could continue to feed 和周围的树林and safeguarding neighboring trees 使他们得以繁衍to enable them to breed 朱鹮被从灭绝的边缘拯救了过来Rescued from the brink of extinction 如今有500多只there are now 500 crested ibis 居住在洋县周围living around Yangxian town 在现代中国In modern China 保护自然再度受到重视room is being made for nature once again 但中华大地的美丽之处But the appreciation of nature in China 并不仅限于令人印象深刻的动物和多彩的鸟儿 isn't confined to impressive animals or colorful birds 山中的美景Mountain landscapes 也令中国历史上许多的画家have held a fascination for Chinese artists 和诗人沉醉其中and poets throughout history 山还具有宗教意义Mountains also have religious significance 它是连接凡界和天堂的桥梁as places that linked earth with the heavens 最神圣的山之一One of the most sacred of all 就是这里——峨眉山is here at Mount Emei 这个有2000多年的古刹的地方the site of 2,000-year-old Buddhist temple 中国有世界上最多的佛教徒China today has the world's largest Buddhist population 这些古老而神圣的地方备受珍视These old sacred sites are highly cherished 每年有大约200万人来峨眉游玩nearly 2 million people visit Mount Emei each year 但佛教寺院并不是唯一吸引游人的地方But the buddhist temples are not the only attraction 峨眉山还是猕猴属中体型最大的Mountain Emei is home to Tibetan macaques 藏酋猴的家园the biggest of their kind 他们厚重的皮毛有助于适应高达3000米海拔的 Their thick coats enable them to thrive in harsh mountain conditions, 严酷的山野环境at altitudes up to 3,000 metres. 古代中国人坚信Ancient Chinese people believe 帮助形似人类的猕猴that good deeds towards human looking macaques 可以为来世积累福泽were an investment for eternity. 但对这些远离野生环境的But for these city dwelling tourists 都市游客而言whose everyday lives are far removed from wild life 这是常充满了敬畏与不安的邂逅this encounter is an uneasy mix of reverence and fear 当然猕猴们也是同样心情来面对这场际遇For the macaques,too 这是种笨拙的关系it's an awkward relationship. 猴子们总是掳掠水果The monkeys normally forage for fruit, 但实际上游客是一种更便捷的食物来源but the tourists are a much easier source of food. 持续与人类的接触Constant contact with people 改变了族群的整体行为is changing the behavior of the troop 曾经警惕人类的猕猴也变得越来越厚颜无耻 Once wary of humans the macaques are growing bolder 游客们怎会知晓How are tourists suppose to know 这种眉头高耸的表现意味着麻烦将至that this eyebrow-raising display means trouble 一些过分自信的猴子们Some of the more assertive monkeys 需要不时管教一番have to be policed accordingly 虽然大量游客带给野生动物While the impacts on wildlife from mass tourism 的并非总是益处is not entirely beneficial 这些不断增长的游客the fact the increasing numbers of people 却无比享受自然情趣are enjoying nature at first hand 这也暗示了未来的希望suggests some hope for the future 除却中国50年来的变化Despite all the changes in China during the last 50 years 众多如峨眉般的圣地依旧处于保护之下many sacred places like Emei are being protected 向西Heading west 中国内陆腹地越显崎岖China's heartland becomes increasingly rugged 越秦岭而立的是更为高耸的岷山Beyond the Qinlin Mountains lies the even higher Minshan 那耸立的山峰掩映着where towering peaks conceal 中国最为秀绝的土地之一one of China's most remarkable landscapes 被中国人视为人间仙境的known to the Chinese as fairyland paradise 九寨沟直到上世纪70年代方为世人所知Jiuzhaigou was virtually unknown until the 1970s 如今俨然成为中国最为著名的景点之一today it's one of China's most famous tourist areas 和举世公认的and it's recognized internationally 世界自然遗产as a world heritage site 石灰质山脉是The limestone mountains 注满上百个五光十色的are the source of crystal-clear springs 富石灰质湖泊那which are formed over 100 lakes 清入冰晶般的filled with lime-rich water 泉水之源of unbelievable colour 水底是水藻覆盖下Underwater is a pefectly preserved ghostly forest 沉睡着的魔幻森林shrouded in algae 这奇幻世界是幽居于This strange world is home to a species of fish 湖中的独特鱼类的家园unique to these lakes 谁能料到Who would've guessd 如此邻近数十亿居民的that with close to a billion inhabitants 中国心脏腹地带依旧保留着China's heartland could still harbor 充满原始美的土地 a landscape of such pristine beauty. 秦岭的春天来临了It's spring in the Qinlin Mountains 当农户照料作物时As the farmers tend their new crops 中国最著名生物中的神秘物种the secret life of China's most famous animal 最终显形is finally coming to light 在熊猫的最后生存地In one of the panda's last strongholds 一场鲜有人目睹的 a drama is about to unfold 活剧正拉开帷幕one which has rarely been witnessed 一只年轻雌性现身山谷 A young female has ventured into the valley 在雄性当中引起一阵骚动sparking a flurry of interest among the resident males 熊猫通常保持单身 A panda's life is mostly solitary 直到春天繁殖季节到来until the spring breeding season 当交配的机会来临when the brief opportunity to mate arises 雄性必须加紧抓住机会the males must be ready to take their chance 然而时机 决定 郑伟家庭教育讲座全集个人独资股东决定成立安全领导小组关于成立临时党支部关于注销分公司决定 一切but timing is everything 这只雄性的出场方式不够精明This male's approach is somewhat lacking subtlety 总之这只雌性尚未为他做好准备and anyway the female isn't ready for him, yet 她的受孕顶峰时期仅仅维持两天her peak receptive time lasts just two days 所以雄性持续守护在雌性身边so he guards her 靠竹子供给时刻等待几乎finding his time with a good supply of bamboo 不巧的是挟持者和被挟持者都需要进食Unfortunately his hostage must eat too 但她显然不想放下身段屈就but she dosen't exactly feel like descending 另一只雄性目睹一切被吸引而来Another male has been attracted to the scene 他已经历了数个繁殖季节He is a veteran of many breeding seasons 他小心防范着他的对手He is wary of his rival 因为每年这个时候because at this time of year 雄性都有可能从温和的竹食者males are transformed from peace-loving bamboo eaters 化身为潜在杀手into potential killers 尽管充满危险他为自己创造了机会Despite the danger, he makes a challenge 守卫者现身与之对决The defending male rises to meet him 挑战者被守卫者追击The challenger is chased by the defending male 在繁密的竹林中In the thick bamboo 战斗随着雄性追求支配地位而愈发激烈the battle rages as the males fight for dominance 雌性则明哲保身置身事外The female wisely stays clear of trouble 守护者在体型和体力上的超凡优势The challenger backs down 使得挑战者The size and strength of the defending male 最终败下阵来is just too much 败者撤退筋疲力尽但却畅享胜利的胜者 The loser retreats and the exhausted but triumphant victor 回到他的雌性身边returns to the female 这次她已然为他而做好了准备This time she is ready for him 而非逃避instead of running,she waits 这种非凡的求爱行径This is the first time 首次在野生条件下this extraordinary courtship behaviour 被记录下来has ever been filmed in the wild 如果交配成功If mating is successful 雌性将会产下一只小兽the female will produce a single cub 并独自抚养他长大and rear it on her own 当今有关野生动物保护的观念日益增强Today with improving attitudes 为野生动物的繁衍生息towards wild life conservation 带来了新的希望there is hope 中国现存1600只依旧有生存希望的that China's 1600 remaining wild pandas 野生大熊猫have some chance of survival 2003年In 2003 环境保护成为了两亿中国学生conservation became an integral part of the curriculum 课程的一部分for China's 200 million school students 对秦岭地区的孩子而言For the children of the Qinling Mountains 了解他们特别的邻居knowing what a special neighbor they have 更有助于对其施以保护may help to protect it for the future 在以人类历史上的空前节奏In the midst of headlong change 突飞猛进发展之时conducted at a pace unprecedented in human history 中国是否能秉承人地和谐的can China hold on to its ancient desire 传统理念for harmony with nature? 中国是否能调和人民日益增长的需求Can it reconcile the aspirations of its people 与保护自然的长期需求间的平衡with a long-term need to protect its environment 在北京中心地区天坛Here at the Temple of Heaven in the very heart of Beijing 出现了对待自然的全新态度与理念there are signs of a new attitude towards nature 每年, 成千上万的鸟儿Every year, as thousands of birds 迁徙至南方过冬migrate southwards to escape the winter 然而一种神秘的鸟类One secretive species 却在天坛地区寻找过冬的庇护所seek shelter in the temple grounds 拜庙宇的传统所赐Safeguarded by the temple's tradition 甚至能目睹10只猫头鹰住在同一株树上as many as ten owls can be seen in the same tree 最近成立的北京鸟类爱好者俱乐部The owls' arrival is celebrated 正庆祝猫头鹰的光临by members of recently formed Beijing Bird Club 迁徙可能会成为危险的旅程Migration can be a dangerous undertaking 每年大量的猫头鹰and every year many owls 不幸死于电线交通工业建设等意外事故suffer the hazards of power lines, traffic and industry 有些则有幸在此得以终老Some of the more fortunate end up here 北京猛禽救护中心at Beijing's Raptor Rescue Centre 始建于2001年Established in 2001 北京猛禽救护中心是该类医院的先驱it's the first of it's kind 猫头鹰们在此被孙全辉Here, owls are given medical attention 及其医疗小组悉心照顾by Sun Quanhui and his team 他们甚至为鸟儿准备了The birds are even exercised 复健训练to help their rehabilitation 一旦确定恢复健康Once deemed fit and healthy 他们将被带去位于京郊的山林放飞the owls are taken to the hills at the edge of Beijing 每到春天猛禽救治中心的工作人员Every spring, staff from Beijing's Raptor Rescue Centre 便释放大量猫头鹰relase dozens the owls 中国现存超过1500个Today, there are over 1500 专门的自然保护区designated nature reserves in China 覆盖了大面积covering large tracts 最为丰饶的土地of some of the country's finest landscapes 尽管中国以崭新的面貌和趋势As China looks to the future 面向未来with a renewed sense of direction 中国传统文化依旧是重要的文明构成ancient traditions are still very much a part of its culture 这是旧历新年——春节It's Chinese New Year 举国上下的人民为了祭拜All over the country, the people prepare 最为古老而尊贵的神兽做准备to appease thier oldest and most venerated creature 那就是龙the dragon 当夜幕降临As night falls 人们挟着灯笼涌出家门万人空巷灯火通明everyone from the neighborhood brings a lantern 然后一个接着一个的And one by one 把灯盏添加到龙尾上the lights are added to the dragon's tail 游行的队伍渐行渐长As the procession grows longer, the atmosphere builds 热闹的气氛再现了中国最古老伟大for the spectacle of one of China's oldest 的壮丽场面and greatest inventions 全国上下上演龙舞The dragon dance is performed all over China 这项庆典本身已有数千年历史之久the ceremony itself is thousands of years old, 然而他依旧是中国旧历新年中的亮点but it still the hightlight of the Chinese New Year 龙灯沿着小镇的道路蜿蜒伸展As the dragon winds it's way through the village 逐渐增至数百米长it has grown hundreds of metres long 每个人都是其中的一个环节Every one is part of it 经过近了一个世纪After a century of unprecedented change in China 忽视了环境保护的during which environmental protection 空前变革时期has not been a priority 现在崭新的指向出现在世人面前there are now signs of a new direction 2006年10月In October 2006 共产党明确了the Communist Party specifically identified 促进人与自然的和谐发展promoting harmony between man and nature 是实现和谐社会构建目标的as an important step in their goal of building 重要步骤 a harmonious society 号召中国人民and called on the Chinese people 加速建设to accelerate the construction 环境友好型社会of an environmentally friendly society 中国经济持续增长的今天As China's economy continues to grow 与古典人地和谐思想相一致的it's re-engagement with the ancient ideal 新时代发展方向of harmony with nature 为中国的自然环境和人地和谐带来了一线希望 provides a glimmer of hope for the future of wild China.
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