首页 怎么样把CAD转换成word文档图片



怎么样把CAD转换成word文档图片怎么样把CAD转换成word文档图片 一共列举3大类,至少8种方法,各有千秋。在实际中都有不同地用途。 第一类:打印法。(以打印设置为中心,之后转存图片格式) 方法之一:添选postscript level 1打印机,输出eps文件,Photoshop转存为图片格式。 使用指数:????? 具体方法如下: a、 下拉菜单“文件”>>“打印机管理器”>>弹出窗口里双击“增加打印机向导”>>“简介”下一步>>“开端”下一步>>“打印机型号” 默许(生产商Adobe型号postscript level 1)下...

怎么样把CAD转换成word文档图片 一共列举3大类,至少8种方法,各有千秋。在实际中都有不同地用途。 第一类:打印法。(以打印设置为中心,之后转存图片格式) 方法之一:添选postscript level 1打印机,输出eps文件,Photoshop转存为图片格式。 使用指数:????? 具体方法如下: a、 下拉菜单“文件”>>“打印机管理器”>>弹出窗口里双击“增加打印机向导”>>“简介”下一步>>“开端”下一步>>“打印机型号” 默许(生产商Adobe型号postscript level 1)下一步>>“输入PCP或PC2”下一步>>“端口”里把右上面地点为“打印到文件” 下一步>>“打印机名称”下一步>>“完成”。 b、 然后准备画好地CAD图进行打印,在“打印设备”里下拉选择“Postscript Level 1”, 在右下面勾选“打印到文件”,并选择要保存地EPS文件路径。 c、 确认其它打印设置,内容、颜色、线宽等,之后肯定。 d、 用Photoshop打劝导出地EPS文件,设置相应地分辨率。文件打开后,依据自己地需要调整、修改,最后合并图层,另存为想要地图片格式就OK啦。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 自俺评价:当前最“专业”地方法。能够得到线条地颜色、粗细,可调分辨率等,十分OK。 方法之二:用PbulishToWeb JPG.pc3打印机,直接打印输出JPG文件。 使用指数:????? 具体方法如下: a、 准备画好地CAD图,之后点“打印图标”,弹出对话框。 b、 在“打印设备”里点下拉,选择“PbulishToWeb JPG.pc3”打印机。 c、 在“打印设置”里下拉选择其中一个尺寸,最后点肯定。OK。 自俺评价:虽说简便,但输出地文件质量不是很理想。 方法之三:将打印出地CAD图纸,用扫描仪扫描成图片。 使用指数:????? 具体方法:(略) 自俺评价:此法虽显笨,也常有用者(俺以前就是这样)。需要强调地是结果还算比较理想。 第二类:抓图法。(以屏幕抓图功用为中心,之后保存图片格式) 方法之一:键盘特别功用键 [Print Screen Sys Rq],按键抓图。使用指数:????? ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 具体方法: a、 键盘上[Print Screen Sys Rq]键(距F12键很近),点击可将屏幕显现内容抓下。 b、 打开windos自带地“画图”软件或其它绘图软件,Ctrl+V复制进去,另存为,OK。 自俺评价:最常用地方法,及时且操作简便。不过只能得到屏幕显现大小地图。 方法之二:用专业抓图软件。 使用指数:????? 具体方法:(略),此类小工具繁多,视各个软件本身来定。 自俺评价:常用地方法,收效与键盘抓图类似,可达到地图形形状丰厚啦,操作更专业。 第三类:软件法。(以绘图软件之间地兼容格式为中心,导出、导入之后转存图片格式) 方法之一:从AutoCAD输出位图格式,由ACDSee看图软件打开后转存图片格式。 使用指数:????? 具体方法: ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 把画好地CAD图形,调整屏幕大小(屏幕显现地就好比出图效果)。然后,下拉菜单“文件”>>“输出”>>选“位图(*bmp)”格式>>保存文件。用ACDSee看图软件打开输出地bmp文件>>找下拉菜单“更改”里地“转换文件格式”工具>>在弹出地对话框里选择要转换地格式>>并调整“格式设置”和“矢量设置”>>下一步选择保存路径>>下一步开端转换>>OK~ 自俺评价:举荐用ACDSee6.0汉化,此法学会啦,很好用地。 方法之二:直接另存为DXF格式,导入SKETCHUP(草图巨匠)里,编辑后输出图片格式。 使用指数:????? 具体方法:(略) 后面有教程,关键是SKETCHUP里地导出设置(会用草图巨匠地,都不难)。 自俺评价:因为用SKUP地人比较少而显地繁杂,不过图片质量、保存格式种类等还算不错。 方法之三:输出文件,选“封装 PS (*.eps)”格式,导入Photshop,再转存图片格式。 使用指数:????? 具体方法:(略) 自俺评价:多数人都知道,但文件输出地质量很不理想。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 方法之四:其它绘图软件。(俺过去就试过先导入CorelDRAW里,再存为图片格式)。 使用指数:????? 具体方法:(略) 很多平面或3D绘图软件,都能够完成最终导出图片格式。 自俺评价:太多啦不再枚举,不同地用途、不同地方法。只能说“谁用谁知道”。 但愿俺列举地方法,对您有所帮助~俺只是把俺知道地告知大家,不期望误人子弟,请有选择地来使用~ ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 怎样将Excel表格完美转换成word文档, Excel强大的制表功能让很多办公一族都忘不了它的方便与实用。可是在一些情况下,我们必须将Excel表格转换成Word文档。当前普遍的做法是:先用Excel做好表格,再把表粘到Word里。可是粘到Word里后表的格式全变了,还得重新进行调试,费时又费力。其实, 完全可以按下述方法来轻松转换。 首先,用Excel编辑好一个表格,然后点击“文件”?“另存为web页”。web页就是网页文件,在“保存选项”处把“保存整个工作簿”调整成“选择:工作表”,把默认文件名“page.htm”根据实际情况改成你所需要的名字,如:“工作表.htm”,再点击“保存”。注意,在改名时绝对不可以把后面的.htm去掉,只要改“.”前面的部分就可以了。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 找到刚才保存好的“工作表.htm”,如果你所安装的操作系统是WindowsXP或Windows2000,可以在文件上面直接点击鼠标右键,选择“打开方式”最下面的“打开程序”选项,在列表中找到“Word”,选中并确定。如果你所使用的操作系统是windows98,则操作方法略有不同,需要在“工作表.htm”上按住shift键的同时点击鼠标右键,之后 再进行上述操作。 用Word程序打开该文件后,不要做任何编辑操作,直接点击“文件”?“另存为”,把文件名改成“工作表Word版”,把保存类型选成 “Word文档”,再点击“保存”即可。 现在再打开刚才保存的“工作表word版”文件看看,是不是转换得 很完美呢, ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with
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