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高级英语期末考试题型2高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have hi...

高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6 1 1.dissipated: typical of a person who wastes his life in search of foolish or dangerous pleasure 2.expenditure: exertion, using up 3.glutinous: sticky 4.fidget: move or act restlessly or nervously 5.salve: soothe, relieve, make less painful 6.avowed: self-declared Unit 7 1.bore: a dull, uninteresting person whom other people quickly become tired of, especially one who talks continually or repeatedly in an uninteresting way 2.ferment: a process of active often disorderly development 3.insistent: needing to be dealt with; urgent 4.proposition: an unproved statement in which an opinion or judgment is expressed 5.concurrently: simultaneously; at the same time Unit 8 1.hideous: extremely ugly and unpleasant 2.invincible: undefeatable, unchangeable 3.maimed: injured for life 4.circumspect: prudent, discreet, acting after careful thought 5.anguish: suffering, agony, despair Unit 9 1.intolerable: unbearable 2.underlie: be the cause or base of 3.vigilance: very careful attention to a situation so as to be prepared for possible danger 4.penetrate: spread through every part of 5.obscure: make something indistinct Unit 10 1.thud: move/make contact with a dull sound 2.conductive: likely to produce; helpful in bringing about 3.listless: spiritless, unenthusiastic 4.disparate:(of two or more things)completely different 5.resurgence: the return of ideas, beliefs, etc. to a state of being active and noticeable 改错: P14:(国商班没有划) 6. For hundreds of years, sailors relied on echoes to warn them of another ships, icebergs, or cliffs in foggy weather. 9. Depriving of the financial means to remain independent, he was compelled to seek employment as a part-time helper in the school library. 10. The Egyptians and the Sumerians may use copper as early as 5000 years before Christ. P34: 4. A nation’s merchant marine is made up of its commercial ships and the people operate them. 5. The wallflower so called is because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support. 6. The tongue is capable of many motions and configurations and plays a vital role in chewing, swallow, and speaking. 7. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives that are the main focus of social psychology. 8. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the world. 10. A march is a highly rhythmic piece of music first used in military bands to accompany marching. P52: 1. Compared with large aircraft, small airplanes are not as streamlined and hence are little efficient. 2. Even relatively costly, the diesel engine is high efficient and needs servicing infrequently. 3. Many a person who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages. 4. Dogs possess hearing abilities more superior to those of their owners. P73(国商班没有划) 1. One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining how sleep functions are. 2. The number of judges serving on the United States Supreme Court are fixed by Congress, not by the Constitution. 3. Needlepoint has always been an elegant and cost form of embroidery. P96: 1. Articles differ from editorials in which articles present fact while editorials present opinions. 2. It is typical of the grassland dwellers of the North American continent is the antelope, or pronghorn. 3. The electricity is a most versatile form of energy. 4. High-grade written paper is frequently obtained from cotton rags. 5. Only rarely that earthquakes occur in the east of China. 6. The prime rate is the rate of interests that a bank will calculate when it lends money to its best clients. P117(国商没有划) Having made such a sincere attempt to 31.____________prevent the matches from disappear, I decided to hide 32.____________the hammer in wastepaper basket. I soon got my revenge, 33.____________however. I had a lock fit to the cupboard and 34.___________thus made sure that nothing could be escaped. This was 35.____________an admirable solution—until I lost the key of the 36.____________cupborad! 37._____________ P134: 1. Colleges and universities are which high school graduates go if they wish to pursue a higher education. 2. The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly complex for single-celled animals. 3. A well-written newspaper not only reports current events and also analyzes them. 4. The development of the watch depended upon the inventing of the mainspring. 5. City officials are concerned because crimes on public transportation nearly reached record heights this year. P152: If a nation essentially disunited, it is left to 1._______________the government to hold it together. This increases the 2.____________expense of the government, but reduces correspondingly 3.___________the amount of economical resources that could be used 4.____________for developing a country. 翻译: P15 3.As a consequence, the English are puzzled by the American need for a secure place in which to work, an office. 结果,英国人被需要一个安全的办公场所的美国人所怀疑。 5.They have in effect internalized a set of barriers, which they erect and which others are supposed to recognize. 他们事实上内在化了一系列障碍,这些是他们所建立起来并且应该被其他人所辨别的 P34 1. The most intensive study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello, where it is impossible to avoid them. 我对于旅行者最细致的研究是在托尔切洛,那里旅行者是不可避免的。 2. Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice. 曾经如孤云般的托尔切洛最近已成为威尼斯的旅游胜地。 3. Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it. 拜占庭艺术是一种人们熟悉的风格,并且可能不只十分之一的旅行者了解它。 4.As they are obliged, whether they like it or not, to live in public during the whole summer, they very naturally try to extract some financial benefit from this state of affairs. 因为这是他们义不容辞的,无论他们是否喜欢,都要整个夏天在公共环境里生活。所以很自然地他们想尝试从这种形势之下获取经济利益。 P52 1.Compared with large aircraft, small airplanes are not as streamlined and hence are little efficient. 与大型飞行器相比,小型飞机没有流线型的外观。因此,它们的效能也很低。 2.Even relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infrequently. 即便造价相对很高,柴油机具有高能效并且很少需要去检修。 P74 1. Part of the intricacy of co-ordination in using language lies in the different constraints operating in speech and writing. 部分协调使用语言的细节存在于不同的口语及写作的约束之中。 2.The stylistic range of English is wide and ultimately the gradations infinite. 英语的文体范围是广泛的,最主要的是其层次是无限的。 4.Without a norm, it is difficult to recognize or practise originality. 没有 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,人们很难认识和实践自身的创造力。 P96 1.To live with the Santa Ana is to accept, consciously or unconsciously, a deeply mechanistic view of human behavior. 住在圣安娜是有意识无意识地接受一个对于人类行为的深刻机械观点。 3.I did not know then that there was any basis for the effect it had on all of us, but it turns out to be another of those cases in which science bears out folk wisdom. 我不知道在我们身上所作的努力是以什么为基础,但是我们在科学家发现的民间智慧中得到启示 4.Just to watch the front-page news out of Los Angeles during a Santa Ana is to get very close to what it is about the place. 人们只需要看旧金山报纸的头条新闻就可以非常了解这个地方。 P117 1."All work and all play", they say. 他们说:“所有的都工作了,所有的都起效了。” 2.The psychological principle is this: anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. 心理学的原理是:任何人都可以做任何数量的工作,包括那时他们本可不做的工作。 3.I feel that the least that I can do is to treat my body right when it has to supply fuel for an insatiable mind like mine. 当我的身体不得不为像我这样的大脑提供能量时,我感到我至少要正确对待我的身体。 P135 1.Colleges and universities are which high school graduates go if they wish to pursue a higher education. 如果高中毕业生想要继续学习,他们就要去大学深造。 2.The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly complex for single-celled animals. 对于单细胞动物来说,原生动物的行为是相当复杂的。 3.A well-written newspaper not only reports current events and also analyzes them. 一份优秀的报纸不仅要报道时事新闻而且要分析他们。 4.The development of the watch depended upon the inventing of the mainspring. 手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的发展依赖于发条的发明 5.Accounting is described as art of classifying, recording, and reporting significant financial events. 解释是分类、记录、报道重要金融事物的艺术 7.City officials are concerned because crimes on public transportation nearly reached record heights this year. 城市官员感到焦虑是因为今年公共交通犯罪达到历史最高纪录。 P154 2.A ghetto can be improved in one way only: out of existence. 贫民区只有通过一种方法才能得到改善,那就是不再存在。 5. Even if he is gifted with the merest mustard grain of imagination, something must seep in. 即使他对于极小的芥菜种子很有研究,充满想象,一些东西还是可以从小种子中渗透进去。单词填空: Unit 8: Similarly, the only way to police a ghetto维持治安,管辖,监督,贫民区,犹太人区is to be oppressive压迫的,沉重的,压抑的. None of the Police Commisioner's委员,专员,行政长官men,even with the best will in the world, have any way of understanding the lives led by the people they swagger吹嘘about in twos and threes controlling. Their very presence出席,存在,到场is an insult侮辱,辱骂, and it would be, even if they spent their entire day feeding gumdrops软糖to children.They represent the force of the white world, and that world's real intentions意图,目的,意向are, simply, for that world's criminal 犯罪的,违法的profit and ease, to keep the black man corralled聚集,把....赶入围栏up here, in his place.The badge象征,标记, the gun in the holster手枪皮套,and the swinging 活跃的club make vivid生动的,鲜艳的what will happen should his rebellion叛乱,反抗become overt公然的,公开的,明显的.Rare, indeed, is the Harlem citizen,from the most circumspect细心的,慎重的church member to the most shiftless无计谋的,不中用的,无能的adolescent青少年, who does not have a long tale to tell of police incompetence无能,不合格,不能胜任injustice,or brutality残忍,野蛮,暴行. I myself have witnessed and endured it more than once. The businessmen and racketeers敲诈者also have a story. And so do the prostitutes做坏事的人.(And this is not, perhaps, the place to discuss Harlem's very complex attitude toward black policemen, nor the reasons, according to Harlem, that they are nearly all downtown. Unit 10:But I have a hunch预感there's a further explanation of our obsession困扰,沉迷with exercise, I suspect怀疑,猜想that what motivates激发,给予动机us even more than a fear of death is a fear of dearth缺乏,粮食不足.Our era is the first to anticipate预期,提前使用,预言the eventual最终的,可能的depletion消耗,逐渐耗尽of all natural resources. We see wilderness shrinking收缩,萎缩,rivers losing their capacity to sustain life; the air, even the stratosphere平流层, being loaded with potentially潜在地deadly junk垃圾.We see the irreplaceable不可替代的being squandered, and in the depths深度,深奥,深刻,厚度of our consciousness意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟we are fearful that we are creating an uninhabitable不适于居住的world. We feel more or less helpless and yet, at the same time,desirous渴望的,想要的to protect what resources we can.We recycle soda bottles and restore buildings and protect our nearest natural resource—our physical health—in the almost superstitious迷信的hope that such small gestures will help save an earth that we are blighting枯萎,摧毁. Jogging慢跑becomes a sort of penance忏悔,赎罪for our sins犯罪of gluttony暴饮暴食,greed贪心,贪婪,贪吃and waste. Like a hairshirt or a bed of nails, the more one hates it, the more virtuous有品德的,有德行的it makes one feel. That is why we jog.Why I jog is to win at tennis. 6
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