首页 魔法师的学徒.完美中英



魔法师的学徒.完美中英魔法师的学徒.完美中英 魔法师的学徒 英国 公元前年 ,魔法师之间的战争The war between sorcerers 一直在历史的暗处展开was fought in the shadows of history 人类的命运也和公正又强大的梅林息息相关and the fate of mankind rested with the just and powerful Merlin. 他把秘诀传授给了三个他所信任的徒弟He taught his secrets to three trusted appre...

魔法师的学徒.完美中英 魔法师的学徒 英国 公元前年 ,魔法师之间的战争The war between sorcerers 一直在历史的暗处展开was fought in the shadows of history 人类的命运也和公正又强大的梅林息息相关and the fate of mankind rested with the just and powerful Merlin. 他把秘诀传授给了三个他所信任的徒弟He taught his secrets to three trusted apprentices, 巴塔刹、维洛妮卡、霍瓦斯Balthazar, Veronica, and Horvath. 但他本应该只信任两个He should have trusted only two. 维洛妮卡和巴塔刹亲眼目睹了那些Veronica and Balthazar witnessed the savagery 邪恶的魔法师对待人类的残忍行为of a sorcerer beyond evil, 魔科娜蕾妃是梅林最大的死敌Morgana le Fay, Merlings most deadly enemy. 我们只是仆人而已We are but servants. - 梅林 - 霍瓦斯- Merlin. - Horvath! 你背叛了我,You betray me? 我才不是什么仆人I am no one's servant. 干得好~现在去找那个咒语吧Well done. Now get the spell. 就这样 魔科娜得到了魔法师最危险的咒语And so it was. Morgana gained sorcery's most dangerous spell 叫做「叛乱」known as "The Rising" 这令魔科娜能够召唤出亡灵军队giving Morgana the power to raise an army of the dead 并奴役人类and enslave mankind. 维洛妮卡为了保护巴塔刹 牺牲了自己Veronica sacrificed herself for Balthazar 她把魔科娜的灵魂 吸入了自己的身体by drawing Morgana's soul into her own body. 但是魔科娜却开始从内部杀死她But Morgana began to kill her from the inside. 为了救维洛妮卡的命 并抓住魔科娜To save Veronica's life and to capture Morgana, 巴塔刹把她们俩都关在了暗室里Balthazar trapped them both in the Grimhold, 一个无法逃离的监狱an inescapable prison. 时间慢慢过去 巴塔刹打败了很多Over time, Balthazar fought many sorcerers 试图放出魔科娜的魔法师who tried to free Morgana, 把他们关在一个玩偶里面 一层又一层的套里trapping them in layer upon layer of the doll. 最后他终于把霍瓦斯也抓住了Eventually, he captured Horvath as well. 梅林临终之时 给了巴塔刹一个龙戒指As Merlin lay dying, he gave Balthazar his dragon ring, 说它会引导他去找到一个孩子saying it would guide him to the child 这个孩子长大以后 会成为梅林的继承人who would one day grow to be Merlings successor, 梅林派的一流学徒the Prime Merlinean. 只有这个梅林派的一流学徒The Prime Merlinean is the only one 才能杀死魔科娜who can kill Morgana. 巴塔刹将持续寻找数个世纪Balthazar would search for centuries. 并且魔科娜被这个一流学徒杀死以后for mankind will never be safe 人类才会得到安宁until Morgana is destroyed by the Prime Merlinean. 坦克 你是怎么上来的,Hey, Tank. How did you even get up here? 大卫 今天是户外教学日David? Field trip today. 别忘了穿上干净的内衣Don't forget to wear clean underwear. 她是说我 不是说你She means me, not you. 你不该这样做 大卫You're not supposed to be doing that, Dave. 就是现在~Now! 大卫David. 很有趣That's cool. 也就是说在爱丽丝岛和建造自由女神像之前......which means that before Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty were built... 传给贝基Pass it to Becky. - 传过去 - 传过去- Pass it on. - Pass it on. - 给贝基 - 给- Pass it to Becky. - Here. 选择 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 我想做大卫的 A朋友 B女朋友 我们走吧Let's go. 拿好你们的包 上渡船 靠近点 走吧Get on the ferry. Get your bags. Stay close. Here we go. 喂 停下来~Hey, stop! 借过 借过Excuse me, excuse me. 不要~No! 别啊 女士 不要扔掉~No, lady, don't! 不会吧No way. 汉朝的第二个皇帝The second emperor of the Han dynasty 把他最不喜欢的妃子 监禁在这里面十年了locked his least-favorite wife in this urn for years to the day. 据说如果打开它 也会同样被锁进去They say you open it up, the same thing will happen to you. 对不起 我在找一个纸条I'm sorry. I'm looking for this note. 你看到了吗,它被吹进了你的店里Have you seen it? It kind of just blew into your store. 一个纸条,A note? 它飞进了你的店里It blew into your store. 只是...It was just a... 巧合Coincidence. 是的 只是个巧合Yeah, it was just a coincidence. 我想让你看一些东西 大卫I have something I'd like to show you, Dave. 你怎么知道我叫大卫, - 因为我会读心术~- How'd you know my name was Dave? - Because I can read minds! 你书包后面写着呢It's on your backpack. 到这儿来Come over here. 这个东西很特别This is very special 如果它喜欢你 你就能拥有它and if it likes you, you can keep it. 还是不要了 老师说我不能离开太久I better not. My teacher said I couldn't be gone for long. 他知道我在这儿She knows I'm here. 你真不会撒谎 大卫You're a bad liar, Dave. 这很好That's good. 天啊Oh, boy. 不可思议No way. 我已经找你很久了I have been searching a very long time. 神奇的是 你自己找上门来了Magically, here you are. 你手指上的戒指象征着一些事情 大卫That ring on your finger means something, Dave. 它意味着It means 你有一天会成为一位重要的魔法师you're going to be a very important sorcerer one day. 第一课现在就开始了 你可以使用魔法了And your first lesson begins right now with your very own Encantus. 别乱动 别碰任何东西Do not move, do not touch anything. 天啊No way. 我在哪里,When am I? 纽约城New York City. 不是地方 是时间Not where. The year. 你在浪费我的时间You are wasting my time. 你忘了别乱碰东西吗,What happened to "don't touch anything"? 你这样做很不厚道 巴塔刹That's not very sporting of you, Balthazar. 闭嘴Be quiet. 不是你的错 他一千年来都是这个样子 一会儿再跟你解释It's not you. He's been like this for , years. I'll explain later. 我需要那个暗室 玩偶在哪里,I need the Grimhold. Where's that doll? 我会得到那个玩偶的I'll have that doll. 我要那个玩偶I want that doll. 快走 大卫~现在就走~Leave, Dave! Leave now! 大卫史塔勒~你怎么能离开...David Stutler! Don't ever leave your... 有几个疯狂的巫师在那里面~There's these crazy wizard guys in there! 他们都是蟑螂做的~They're made of roaches! 不~别进去~店里着火了~别进去~No! Don't go in there! The store's on fire! Don't go in! 那些人都...Those guys are 太疯狂了crazy. 你真不应该胡说 我们走吧You really shouldn't tell stories. Let's go. 咦 他尿裤子了~Ew! He peed his pants! 一个罐子破了 这只是水而已~ 刚刚这里着火了~A jar broke. It's just water! There was a fire! 是的 史塔勒漏水了~Yeah, Stutler had a leak. 他真是个怪人He's such a geek. 十年后 同一天 早上好 那是什么,对了Good morning. What is that? Oh, right. 早上好 美人Good morning, beautiful. 喂 接着Hey, heads up. 生日快乐Happy birthday. 谢谢 班尼Thank you, Bennet. 你起来得真早You're up early. 亨德曼教授要我在他的物理课上 做一个主题发言Professor Heiderman wants me to give a presentation to his Physics class. 什么,教英语专业的人学长除法,What? Teaching long division to English majors? 我知道这很难 但这是亨德曼的课I know. It's like the Peace Corps, but it's Heiderman's class. 咱们今晚要不醉不归了Hey, Bio nerds are getting drunk tonight. 我们还邀请了普林斯顿大学的啦啦队员And we invited cheerleaders from Princeton. 喔 聪明的啦啦队员Oh. So there's smart cheerleaders. 说真的 你过生日都不想出去玩吗,So, seriously, you're saying you don't want to go out on your birthday? 如果我还想毕业的话 就必须得完成这个特斯拉电圈的课题I got to finish my Tesla coil project if I want to graduate. 大卫 你熟悉灰狼吗,Dave, are you familiar with the gray wolf? 啊 拜托 班尼 别又提灰狼的事了 我真不能...Oh, no, please, Bennet. Not this again with the gray wolf. I can't... 灰狼是一种群居动物The gray wolf is a pack animal. 它们必须找到伙伴才能抓到猎物He must find a mate. He must hunt and grunt. 它们必须合作He must participate. 你必须得把脚踏出去You're going to get booted out of the pack! 单独一个人 只会被饥饿的熊吃掉Alone. Eaten by a hungry bear. 真是鼓舞人心的对话 我已经准备好出去了That's a real pick-me-up pep talk, and I'm ready to go get the day. 不 不No, no. 天啊Oh, man. 这里一切还好吧,Everything okay down there? 我应该直接走开 是吗,I should just leave, right? 是的Right. 等等 你是...贝基,Wait. I'm sorry. Becky? 贝基巴尼斯,Becky Barnes. 大卫~Dave! 我们一起读的四年级We were in fourth grade together. 我记得你 大卫史塔勒I do know you. Dave Stutler. 对吗, - 是我- Right? - That's me. 是的 你就是那个小孩Yeah. You're that kid. 那个地方叫什么来着,What was that place called? 阿堪那... - 阿堪那克班纳- Arcana... - Arcana Cabana? 是的Yeah. 你转学了, - 是的- So, did you transfer? - Yeah, I did. 然后得到了一些帮助 治疗And got some help. Treatment. 那件事真奇怪Yes, that was weird. 你知道吗,结果只是葡萄糖不均衡而已You know what? It turns out it's just a glucose imbalance. 出现幻觉Hallucinations? 这在小孩之间并不罕见Not uncommon in young subjects. 是的Right. 真是个有趣的插曲It's a great anecdote. 喂 贝基Hey, Becky. 贝基,贝基~Becky? Hey, Becky? 你喜欢物理课吗,So how are you enjoying Physics ? 我的脑子就不是为物理学而设的My brain just does not think physics. 那它是为什么而设的,So, what does it think, then? 大部分是音乐Music, mostly. 这就是我So, this is me. 你在电台工作,You work at the radio station? 是的 我在做一个下午档的节目Yeah, I do an afternoon show. 你不是开玩笑吧,这很酷~Are you kidding me? That's so cool! 只是学校的电台而已 只有大概七个人的样子会去听吧It's just college radio. Like, seven people listen to it. 又多了一个人 我会听的 这样就有八个了I'll be listening. That's one more. You can round it up to eight. 我想那是我们的电线~I think that's our antenna! - 发生什么事了, - 好啊 美女- What's going on? - Hey, gorgeous. 整个混音器都坏了 而且弗莱迪请了病假The whole mixer is toast, and Freddy called in sick. 对不起 打扰了Sorry to bother you. 你们的工程师把仪器放在哪里,Where does your engineer keep his equipment? 这人是谁,Who's this guy? 好消息是 你们还能发送信号So, the good news is you're still transmitting. 坏消息是 你们的接收损耗太大了The bad news is your return loss, way too high. 好吧 如果我这样做没错的话All right, if I know what I'm doing, 我们应该马上就能修好了~we should be good! - 十分感谢 - 不用谢 这是我的荣幸- Thank you. - No, please, it was my pleasure. 我知道这一切对你很重要I could tell this is all pretty important for you. 我真的很喜欢做节目...你知道的My show is the one thing that... Well, you know. 就像我喜欢物理一样Physics. That's my thing. 再见I'll see you around. 你竟然不约她出去~You didn't ask her out! 你居然修好后就走人了~You just fixed her antenna and you left. 没事 她会记得我的That's not the point. She will remember me. 她会记得你,你以为你是谁,《勇敢的心》男主角,"She will remember me"? Who are you? Braveheart? 班尼 十年前我追这女孩的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 就泡汤了Bennet, I blew my shot at getting this girl years ago. 我不能再失败了I can't do it again. 在你被电死之前 赶紧离开这儿吧Now get out of here before you get electrocuted. 今晚我们能够广播是个奇迹... and it's a miracle we made it on the air tonight. 这个节目也许不重要 但音乐却很重要This show may not matter, but the music does. 这里是贝基巴尼斯 希望音乐常伴您左右This is Becky Barnes, WN YU Radio, hoping there's music all around you. 我不明白 为什么你要买这个垃圾,I don't understand. Why did you have to buy this piece of junk? 垃圾,这是古董~Junk? It's an antique! 古董,这是跳蚤市场上的一块破烂~Antique? It's a piece of junk from a flea market! 我是第一个出来的吗,Am I the first one out? 看来是的That's a yes. 十年期限到了 巴塔刹Our years are up, Balthazar. 等我从小大卫那里拿到暗室When I get the Grimhold from young David, 我会代你向他问好的I'll tell him you said hello. 再见 巴塔刹~Cheerio, Balthazar! 我认为给你「良好」已经很慷慨了I thought B-was generous. 我最近才从十年监禁中被释放出来I've recently been released from a -year sentence, 这十年来我唯一能读的东西during which the only reading material available to me 就是从你书包里得到的was your so-called report on Napoleon Bonaparte 所谓「拿破仑波拿巴的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 」from your school bag. 你的分析平澹无奇 文笔也很差Your analysis was obvious, your prose was weak. 我那时才九岁~ - 这和年龄无关- I was nine. - Irrelevant. 暗室在哪,就是被你从店里拿走的玩偶Where's the Grimhold? That doll you took from the shop. 那个玩偶里面关着一个强大的东西The doll held something very powerful. 对我很重要的东西Something very important to me. 你是最后得到它的人You had it last. 我想要回来I want it back. 听着 我...Listen, I'm... - 我把它扔到了街上 - 暗室在哪里,- I threw it in the street. - Where's the Grimhold? 过去很长时间了 我也不知道它在哪里It's been a long time. I don't actually know where it is. 我会逼你说出来的I'll cut the truth out of you. 不错Sweet. 抓住他~Get him. 狼,不要 不要 不要~Wolves? No, no, no, no. 多谢Thank you. 真的是狼啊Wolves. 怎么办 怎么办 怎么办Man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. 天啊 天啊~No, no, no. 不要~Oh, no! 杀了他Kill him. 不要~No! 小狗,Puppies? 天啊Oh, my. 不会吧No way. 那个玩偶在哪里 大卫,Where's the doll, Dave? 他 他 他...Him, him. ..好吧 上这儿来 现在~快点~All right, get up here. Now! Now! Hurry! 不要~Oh, no! 什么也没发生 什么也没发生This is not happening. This is not happening. 我嘴里有发酸的味道I taste sour in my mouth. 放松点 大卫 深呼吸Take it easy, Dave. Deep breaths. 什么,What? 告诉我这不是真的~Now that is not happening! 怎么了 它怎么了,What's wrong? What is it? 不 不 不~No, no, no! 你别想再让这种事发生在我身上了~You are not doing this to me again! 你知道我这十年来的生活是什么样子的吗,Do you have any idea what my life has been like for the last years? 我这十年都被困在一个缸子里I've been stuck in an urn for the last years. ..我也是~被困在一个被嘲弄的缸子里So have I! A figurative urn of ridicule. 你知道在三角区的某些地方Do you know that in certain parts of the tri-state area, 他们仍然称那些精神崩溃的人they still refer to having a nervous breakdown 叫做「被大卫史塔勒附身了」...你知道吗,as "pulling a David Stutler"? Did you know that? 要仔细倾听别人说的话 大卫Try to be a good listener, Dave. 那个玩偶叫做暗室That doll is called the Grimhold. 它监禁着史上最危险的一群人 魔科娜和她的同伙It is a prison for the most dangerous Morganians in history, 每个人都被关在玩偶的一层空间里each one locked up in a layer of the doll. 霍瓦斯想放出魔科娜和其同伙 毁灭世界Horvath wants to free his fellow Morganians and destroy the world. 这绝对不能让他发生This must not happen. 是的 当然Yeah. For sure. 实际上 你有独特的天赋The truth is, you have a very special gift. 你必须认识到这一点You need to see that. 我只想做个普通人I just want to be normal. 过正常生活 我只想忘掉在阿堪那克班纳的那个意外Normal life. I want to forget about that day at Arcana Cabana. 我想忘掉魔法 忘掉一切I want to forget about magic. I want to forget everything. - 你应该闪开 - 什么,- You should duck. - What? 你想要忘掉魔法,You want to forget magic? 那你为什么还留着这戒指,Then why did you keep the ring? 我正要上伊贝网卖掉它呢I was going to sell that on eBay. 你还是不会撒谎 大卫 我喜欢你这一点 这是个优点You're still a bad liar, Dave. I like that about you. It's a good sign. 你有天赋You have the gift. 不 我只有自己的生活No, I have a life. 你是霍瓦斯看到拿着暗室的最后一个人You're the last person Horvath saw with the Grimhold. 这会让你上他的黑名单That puts you on his list. 除非你想让他把你变成一头喜欢物理学的猪~So unless you want him to turn you into a pig who just loves physics, ..你最好帮我在他之前找到玩偶then you better help me find that doll before he does. 这太疯狂了 你知道这有多疯狂对吗,This is crazy. You see how crazy this is, right? 那好吧 好吧All right. All right. 你帮我找到它 你的任务就完成了You help me get it back, you're done. - 真的, - 你可以离开- Really? - You can walk away. 你能把我的衣柜放回去吗,Can you please put my dresser back? 你要做什么...天啊What are you... oh, no. 请你别这样做 你在干什么,Please don't do that. What are you doing? 什么,What? - 哇 那是什么, - 那是我的暗室追踪设备- Whoa. What is that? - It's my Grimhold tracking device. 生物计量压咒语取代了玩偶上部的气压Biometric pressure spell displaces the atmosphere above the doll. 看起来在城市商业区Looks like downtown. 如果我们能追踪暗室 霍瓦斯也能If we can track the Grimhold, so can Horvath. - 我们为什么不让铁鹰载我们去呢, - 在商业区太高调了- So why don't we just take the eagle? - Too high-profile for a trip downtown. - 我得给你叫一部拖车 - 没必要- I'll have to call you a tow. - Won't be necessary. 但这辆车已经放了十年了Yeah, but this car's been impounded for years. 这就叫做低调,This is low-profile. ..她想我了She missed me. 我会教你一些基本的东西 我的魔法课 戴上戒指I'm going to give you the basics. Strictly Sorcery . Put on the ring. 什么事也不会发生Nothing's going to happen. 真的,Yeah? 骗你的 你听说过人类只用了十分之一的大脑吗,Kidding. You've heard how people use only , of their brains? 魔法师能够操控物体Sorcerers can manipulate matter because they're born with the capability 是因为他们天生就能使用大脑全部to use the entire power of their brains. 这也就是为什么原子物理对你来说易如反掌Which also explains why molecular physics comes so easily to you. 等等 魔法到底是科学还是魔术,So, wait. Is sorcery science or magic? 两者都是Yes and yes. 现在你只需要一个基本的战斗咒语For now, all you need is a basic combat spell. 造火Making fire. 什么会让原子升温,What causes molecules to heat up? 振动,They vibrate. 我们看到的每件物体 都处在恆定的振动状态中Everything we see is in a constant state of vibration, 因此我们才会有稳定的错觉thus the illusion of solidity. 但是我们怎样才能让看起来稳定的东西But how do we take that which appears solid 燃烧起来呢,and have it burst into flames? 我们让振动加快 第一步 平静心绪We will the vibrations to go faster. Step one, clear your mind. 第二步 看着那些原子Step two, see the molecules. 第三步 让它们振动Step three, make them shake. - 明白了, - 不 我一点都不明白- Got it? - No! I definitely don't "got it." 相信这枚戒指 大卫 让它微妙地发生Trust the ring, Dave. And keep it subtle. 绝不能让普通人知道魔法存在 这对他们来说太复杂了Civilians mustn't know magic exists. That would be complicated. ..这话是从穿着年历史的皮衣的人说出来的Says the guy in the -year-old rawhide trench coat. 我把它扔到了街上I threw it in the street. 事情过去这么久了 我也不知道它在哪It's been a long time. I don't actually know where it is. 我把它扔到了街上I threw it in the street. 别进去~Don't go in there! 他尿裤子了~Ew! He peed his pants! 商店着火了~别进去~那些人...The store's on fire! Don't go in! Those guys are... ..这只是水而已 刚刚着火了~It's just water! There was a fire! 我把它扔到了街上I threw it in the street. 但是哪里呢,But where? 走开~ 变态~我要把车停在那儿~Get out of the way, freak! I need to pull in there! 你是在说我吗,Are you addressing me? 嘿 别惹怒我Hey, don't mess with me. 我刚才在哪里,Where was I? 唐人街Chinatown. 就是这里 我去拿暗室 注意别让霍瓦斯进来This is it. I'll get the Grimhold. Keep an eye out for Horvath. 嗨Hi. 我能帮助你吗,你有预约吗,Can I help you? Do you have an appointment? 抱歉打扰您 我在找一个...I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm looking for a... 这听起来很奇怪 我在找一个套娃 大概这么大Well, it's rather strange. It's a nesting doll. It's about this big. ..前面印了一个看起来很愤怒的中国人Angry-looking Chinese gentleman on the front. - 套娃, - 是的- Nesting doll? - Yes. 可能有 我收集了很多东西It's possible. I collect so many objects. ,,,,,(你的头发好靓) 你会说普通话You speak Mandarin. 那是广东话 霍瓦斯That was Cantonese, Horvath. 暗室在哪里,The Grimhold. Where is it? 我的一个老友能说一口无懈可击的广东话An old associate of mine speaks impeccable Cantonese. 他生活在年前He lived about years ago. 听说过他吗,森洛Know him? Sun Lok. 你当然知道他了 你把他也关进了暗室Of course you do. You locked him inside the Grimhold. ..哎呀Whoops. 打开了Opened it. 你没事吧,Are you all right? 你看起来...Looks like... 怎么...What the... 我跟他们一样是路过的I'm like one of them. 大卫,Dave? 你最好快逃You should run. ,,,,,(有没有搞错啊,怎么这么重?) 抱歉 抱歉 对不起Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. 别动Be still. 巴塔刹~Balthazar! 天啊 快来Oh, God. Come on. 你忘记了第一步~You skipped the first step! - 平静心绪~ - 忘了第一步- Clear your mind! - Skipped the first step. 现在要我平静心绪,你疯了吗,Clear my mind? Are you insane? 稍微平静一点Little bit. 天啊Oh, man. 就是这样This is it. 平静心绪 相信自己Clear your mind. Believe. 太好了~Yeah! 魔法真神奇~Go Team Magical Stuff! ..你看到了吗 看到我刚刚做的了吗,Did you see that? Did you see what I just did? 我做到了I did it. 不可能It can't be. 难以置信Unbelievable. 你有什么线索吗,你看到这里发生什么了,Hey, what do you got? Did you see what happened here? 你相信吗,亚洲人节日的烟花和舞龙You know what? Bottle rocket meets paper dragon in this Asian festival. ..像生日蛋糕一样点燃起来了Lit it up like a birthday cake. 我们接到无数电话 说看到了一条真正的龙We got swamped with calls saying there was a real dragon. 我实话跟你说 警官 我觉得这里Between you and me, Cap, I think some of these folks 有些中国人喝清酒喝多了were hitting the sake pretty hard. 事实上 清酒是日本的Sake's Japanese, actually. 走吧Carry on. - 清酒是日本的, - 对啊- "Sake's Japanese"? - Well, it is. - 我当时在演戏 - 哦 对哦- I was in character. - Oh, right. 你可以把戒指还给我了You may now return the ring to me. ..我是信守诺言的人 你帮了我 任务结束了I'm a man of my word. You helped me, we're done. 是的 是的Right. Right. 我想学习更多的魔法I'd like to learn some more. 我们需要一个地方工作We'll need a place to work. 一个不会被霍瓦斯发现的地方Somewhere under Horvath's radar. 我想我可以帮忙I think I can help with that. 这里本来是地铁调头的地方This was originally a subway turnaround. 他们让我在这儿工作They let me work down here 因为我的一些实验有点危险because some of my experiments skew a bit dangerous. 我的老师在这儿有一套设备 没人知道我们在这儿Oh, my professor has a hookup, so nobody knows we're down here. 之前我一直没机会把这个给你I didn't have a chance to give you this before. 你的魔法书Your Encantus. 我记得它要比这大些I remember it being bigger. 这是便携版的Pocket edition. 魔法书就是我们的教材The Encantus is our textbook. 魔法的艺术、科学和历史The art and science and history of sorcery. ..也包括我们最近的历史Including our recent history as well. 拜托Come on. 看见了,你在这儿See? There you are. 在把霍瓦斯抓回暗室之前Before we can put Horvath back inside the Grimhold, 我们首先必须把你变成一个魔法师we must first turn you into a sorcerer, 现在就开始which begins now. 退后Step back. - 我真的做了一些事情 - 睁开眼睛看着- I really was doing stuff. - Eyes open. 闭嘴Mouth closed. 这是梅林环This is the Merlin Circle. ..它能集中你能量It focuses your energy. ..帮助你掌握新咒语Helps you master new spells. ..这将是你学习魔法的地方It is where you will learn the Art. 走进来 抛开所有杂念Step inside, you leave everything else behind. 一旦你走进来Once you enter, 就不能回头了there is no going back. 所以我应该先去上个厕所,So, I should probably pee first? 不然到时候...Better safe than... 好吧 我能忍住I can hold it. 我是巴塔刹布雷克I am Balthazar Blake, ..级魔法师sorcerer of the th degree, 你是我的徒弟and you are my apprentice. 很好Sweet. 你的戒指不是个装饰Your ring is not a piece of jewelry. 它能把你神经系统的电能It projects the electrical energy of your nervous system 投射到物理的世界into the physical world. 没有戒指 魔法师就会失去法力Without his ring, a sorcerer is powerless. 魔法师所需要的另外一件物品The only other thing a sorcerer needs 就是一双漂亮的尖头鞋is a nice pair of pointy shoes. 你那塑料的鞋底会阻碍电流Your rubber soles block the current. 而且它让你看起来很有品位Plus it helps to look classy. 这是老人才穿的鞋These are old man shoes. 你说什么,Excuse me? 我喜欢这双鞋I love them. 很喜欢A lot. ..我小时候见过这根手杖的图片 以后再也没有见过了I haven't seen that cane since I saw a picture of it when I was a boy. ..你一定被关了很长时间You've been locked up a long time. 现在我出来了And now I'm out. 我需要士兵And I need soldiers. 我只有一个孩子I got one kid. 他不是很循规蹈矩He ain't old school. 一个就够了One will do. 你的聪明才智和你的慈悲之心Your ingenuity and your heart 会让你比魔科娜的人有优势will give you an advantage over Morganians. 他们只能依赖魔法的力量They rely only on the power of their magic. 但是当你被逼到墙边的时候 只能选择一种武器了But if you're up against the wall, there's only one weapon of choice, ..等离子电the plasma bolt. 没有 什么也没有Nothing. There's nothing. 我成功了~我得到了一个~我得到了一个~I got it! I got one! I got one! 真是让人崩溃That's underwhelming. 上帝啊God. 再来Again. 然后让我的灵魂...and invite my soul... ..再来And again. 看见了吧,这就是保护垫的用处See? That's what padding is for. Oh! 在珠宝的沐浴中 我出现了 对吗,So, out of a bath full of jewels, I'm going to emerge, right? 每个人都认为那是我And everyone's going to think I'm me. 我努力伸向那个大礼帽 把自己拉了出来I reach into the big top hat and I pull myself out, 但我是个女人but I'm a woman. 一个火球 一个裹着尿布的婴儿 但是我更喜欢一只老虎A ball of fire, right, a baby sitting in a nappy, but I would like a tiger. 能不能让一只老虎从一只豹子里面跳出来If I could get, like, a tiger jumping out of a leopard. 但不是从它的嘴里 因为以前肯定有人这么做过了But not out of its mouth, that's been done, I'm sure, somewhere. 漂亮 做得好 亲爱的Gorgeous. Just perfect, darling. ..是的 就是这样 直线上来Yeah. Yeah, now, keep it straight up sinister. 告诉我你只是在开玩笑Oh, do tell me this is a joke. 抱歉 你迷路了吗,Sorry, are you lost? 魔科娜的后人居然变成你这样了,So, you're what passes for a Morganian these days. 马克西姆霍瓦斯~你就是那个...Maxim Horvath! You are one smoking man of... 请让我们独处一会 女士们Will you excuse us, ladies? 请让我们独处一会 女士们,Yes, excuse us, ladies. 鲍伯Bob. ..鲍伯Bob. 抱歉Sorry. 他们告诉我 说你是个卖艺的,So, they tell me you're some kind of entertainer. ..在花园的演出卖出了五成的票 还要加上之前的预演Five sold-out shows at the Garden, plus back end on the pay-per-view. 你什么时候见到过魔科娜从帽子里面变兔子的戏法,Did you ever see Morgana pull a rabbit out of a hat? 听着 我的老师在我岁的时候就不见了Look, my master disappeared when I was , vanished! 而且她什么都没有给我留下Left me with nothing but an Encantus 只有一些魔法书和早已经被抛弃的低级魔法and some prescription-grade abandonment issues. 我只能即兴发挥了So I improvised. 你即兴 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演的时代已经结束了Well, the time for improvisation is over. 巴塔刹布雷克可能已经找到那个梅林的一流学徒Balthazar Blake may have found the Prime Merlinean. 他戴着那个戒指,He wears the ring? ..是的Mmm. 抵御火的最好方式The best way to defend against fire, 就是真空层vacuum sphere. 轮到你了Your turn. 我做的了 我做到了~I did it! I did it! 不错 不错Excellent. Excellent. - 真不错~ - 我刚刚做到了- Excellent. - I just did that. 你的特斯拉线圈怎么了,它好像在冒火What's wrong with your Tesla coil? It seems to be firing on its own. 真的真的很有趣Really, really funny. 这将会很有趣This will be hilarious, then. 上帝啊~Oh, my God! 伙计~Dude! 哦 别奇怪 我已经十年没吃东西了Beg your pardon. I haven't eaten in years. 是啊 真惨Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. 你能告诉我这个椅子有什么特别的地方吗,You mind if I ask what's so special about this bench? - 不 不 不 - 怎么了,- No, no, no. - What? 我们可没时间去泡妞 这样风险太大了There's no time for that, and too much at stake. 那个女孩That girl, 她是我的梦中情人she's the one, man. 而你是我的老师 巴塔刹And you're my mentor, Balthazar. 难道你不应该帮助你的学生完成个人的目标吗,Aren't you supposed to help me to achieve my personal goals? 是啊 但我不是你的人生导师Yes! Yes! Except I'm not your mentor. 我只是你的师傅I'm your master. 你的师傅会告诉你 如果你在街上被霍瓦斯抓住的话就死定了And your master says if Horvath catches you out on the street, you'll die. 她值得你这样吗,Is she worth that? 好好想想吧 大卫Think about it, Dave. 别吃我的三明治And don't eat my sandwich. 贝基 真巧啊~Becky! What a coincidence. ..你好 大卫Oh, hey, Dave. - 你要去哪里... - 你在跟踪我吗,- Going uptown or... - Are you stalking me? 无恶意的跟踪Not in a threatening way. 我有什么好担心的呢,Why was I even concerned? 昨晚我听了你的节目So I listened to your show last night. 感觉怎样,- What did you think? - It was amazing. 棒极了~那些乐队我从没听说过I've never actually heard of any of those bands, 不过他们的音乐听起来还挺酷的which I think is a good indicator that they're cool. 我很高兴有人在听I'm glad someone was listening. 你可能会觉得很奇怪 其实我听电台听得不多This may come as a surprise to you, I don't get up to much. 把你的现金都给我 快点 快点Give me the cash. Give it. Come on. ..把手镯给我 快点~- Give me the bracelet. - Okay, okay. 给我 快给我~- Give me. - Hey, hey, hey. 那是我奶奶给我的镯子That was my grandmother's bracelet. 不 大卫 别去~No! Dave, don't! 现在你只需把那个镯子还给我 拜托You just give me that bracelet back, please. 你最好还是回到你女朋友那里去You better run back to your girlfriend. 相信我 我还真希望她是我...Believe me, I wish she was... ..你认为她是我女朋友,You thought she was my girlfriend? ..真的,你真这么认为,Really? Is that the kind of vibe you got? 你废话太多了 闭嘴~You talk too much. Shut up. 你这是干什么,What are you doing? 我不知道你在说什么 但我真的...I have no idea what you're referring to. I honestly... 哇!Whoa! - 你看见了没~ - 抬头- You seeing this? - Heads up. 你没事吧,没事 还给你- Are you okay? - Yeah. Here you go. 你奶奶的手镯Your grandmother's bracelet. 你是怎么做到的,那个傢伙块头还挺大的How did you do that? That guy was huge. 最近我练习了些拳击I've been doing a lot of cardio boxing lately. 让我来介绍一下雷电拳法Let me introduce Thunder, Lightning. 你跟以前好像有些不同了Something about you seems different. 我穿了双新鞋I'm wearing new shoes. - 很漂亮 - 谢谢 这是你要搭的地铁吗,- Nice. - Thank you. This your train? 是的 谢谢你Yes. Thank you. 我只是想告诉你...I just want to tell you that... 如果需要我帮忙复习期中考if you want me to help you with your midterms, 可以到我的实验室来come by my lab. - 我发给你地址 - 好 这听起来蛮不错的- I'll text you the address. - Yes, yes, that would be great. - 真的, - 那就明天,- Yeah? - Tomorrow? 这是我们的约定啦It's a date. ..不 不 不 我不是这个意思 就是一次约定No, no, no. It's not a date! It's a date like an appointment. 只是约定而已No. A date like an appointment! 爱情 会让你分心的Love is a distraction. 魔法师需要完全集中注意力Sorcery requires complete focus. 我们走吧 雷电拳王 你要学的东西还多着呢Let's go, Thunder and Lightning. There's more to learn. ..这真完美This is perfect. 真是个起义的好地方The Rising will happen here. 我们将会用这些屋顶上的天线We'll use their satellite dishes on the rooftops. 这里 这里 还有这里There, and there, and there. - 马上给我办好 - 我的精选光碟下个月会出- Get it done. - My Best of DVD drops next month. 好的 就这样Here we go. All right. Move. 真的很抱歉 看到像我这样的超级偶像 他们多兴奋啊Sorry about that. It's just nice for them to see a genuine icon like me. 幸运的是 他们很快就会死了Fortunately, they'll all be dead soon. 在这之前 我们必须找到那个男孩And before that, we need to find the boy. ..我们应该怎么做,Well, how do we do that? 等到他一个人的时候We'll wait until he's alone. 现在 集中精力控制 让我缓慢平稳地下来Now, focus on control. Set me down slow and steady. 大卫 我是贝基Dave? It's Becky. 我马上就回来I'll be back shortly. 你能先躲一下吗,现在就躲起来 求你了Could you please hide? Hide now. Please. 大卫 回来Dave, get back here. 我们还有重要的事情要做We have important work to do. - 有人在吗 - 来了- Knock, knock. - Yeah. - 嗨 - 嗨- Hi. - Hi. 我们应该去图书馆或别的什么地方We should go. A library, anyplace... 大卫,Dave? - 我听到有人来了是吗, - 是的- Is that company I hear? - Yeah. - 好吧 贝基 这是我的... - 叔叔 巴塔刹叔叔- Okay. Fine. Becky, this is my... - Uncle. Uncle Balthazar. 嘿 大卫 我觉得很困惑Hey, Dave, I'm confused. 我以为我们正在一起做项目I thought you and I were staying in together. 哦 不好意思 如果我来得不巧...If this is a bad time... - 我可以回去 - 是的 确实如此- I can come back. - Yes, actually. 不 不No. No. 叔叔 我们待会儿再做我们的项目吧Uncle, you and I have plans for later on. 贝基 我们离开这儿吧Becky, let's just get out of here. 哦 没关系 这倒是提醒了我You know what? It's all right, because I just remembered ..我刚想起来 我得去市区拿你的抗过敏药I have to go into town to pick up your anti-itch cream. 所以你们就留在这儿吧 很高兴认识你So, you two stay here. Pleasure to meet you. 好了 学习时间已经够了 我想给你看一些东西Okay, enough with the studying. There's something I want to show you. - 这些是什么东西, - 特斯拉线圈- What are these things? - Tesla coils. 让我用来生成等离子体I was using them to generate something called plasma. ..事实上 我太关注于技术层面上的问题了The thing is, I got so fixated on the technical aspects of it 以致于忽略了它们的美that I almost didn't notice something kind of beautiful. 我认为你最好还是和我一起到笼子里来I think you'd better step into my cage. 好吧 这可是第一次有人邀请我进笼子里去Okay, it's definitely the first time anyone has said that to me. 我想也是I'm not surprised. 抓住这根杆Just hold on to this bar, please. 用双手Both hands. Yep. ..好了 集中注意力 表演开始了Okay, hold on tight and enjoy the show. 天啊Oh, my gosh. 这是怎么做到的,How is this possible? 线圈以高频发出火花...The coils are firing at such a high frequency... 穿过空气的时候製造出声波that the sparks literally create soundwaves as they fly through the air. 这样解释很无趣Which is nerdy. ..你真的有听我的节目~You were listening. 我昨晚放了这首歌I played this song the other night. ..这些线圈就是我的生命These coils are my life. ..我两年来都在这下面和它们一起工作Two years I'm down here working with them, 它们现在能制造出自己的音乐了 我一直没发现and they're making their own music and it was lost on me. 我一直都不能欣赏这点I was never able to appreciate it 直到我遇见你until I met you 听到你谈论你的音乐电台节目and heard you talking about music on your radio show, and... 我真傻I'm sappy. 我到了This is me. 等会儿八点在我的实验室见怎么样,So, do you want to meet up later? ? My lab? 好的 这很好Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. 跟我一起,With me? 跟你,是的With you? Yes. 只想确认一下...Making sure. - 我得去练瑜伽了 - 我也得去厕所了- I got to... Yoga. - Yeah, I've got to go to the bathroom. 我和一个女孩有个约会 因为我很棒I got a date with a girl because I'm awesome 你就是那个人,So, you're the one. 你说什么,Excuse me? 你就是梅林的一流学徒,看起来真不像Prime Merlinean, eh? You don't look like much. 我都不知道你在说些什么I don't actually know what you're talking about. 好吧 那我就直说了Cool. Makes this easy. 不能让别人听见你女孩似的哭声 对吧,Can't have anyone hearing your girly cries, right? 我真的不知道你是谁I don't actually know who you are. 真的,你不认识我了,Really, you don't recognize me? 你是个时装模特,Are you in Depeche Mode? 干嘛...干嘛,What... What, - 你体重多少,斤, - 喂 你干嘛- What do you weigh, like a buck ? - Whoa! What the... 好像又回到了高中时代This is high school all over again. 好吧 让我来告诉你All right, I tell you what. 给我一个你最有力的攻击 用你最厉害的魔法Hit me with your best shot, your most powerful spell. - 好吧 - 拿出戒指 戴上 好孩子- Okay. - Get the ring out. Put it on. Good boy. 好的Okay. 哦~Ow! ..- 我开玩笑的 - 什么也没发生- No, I'm joking. - Nothing is happening. - 你平静心绪了吗, - 是的 我确定- Have you cleared your mind? - Yeah, I'm pretty sure. - 那就是太紧张 压力大 - 竟然什么也没发生- That's nerves and it's the pressure. - I got nothing happening. ..- 我是新手 - 取下戒指- I'm new at this. - Take the ring off. ..取下来Take it off. ..够了 你这个白痴 看住门Enough, you idiot. Watch the door. 你...You. 不要 不要~No! - 你好啊 大卫 - 你好- Hello, Dave. - Hi. 那么 大卫...So, Dave. 我要杀了你~是的 就在这个阴暗的厕所里I'm going to kill you. Oh, yes, right here in this dismal bathroom. 这不是很有品味 但也只能这样了It's not very classy, but there you go. ..但在做此不雅之事之前But before we get to that unpleasantness, 你必须告诉我暗室在哪里you're going to tell me where the Grimhold is. 她在哪,Where is she? 她,She? 他还没告诉你是吗,He hasn't told you, has he? 关于是谁被关在玩偶里面,The truth about who's inside the doll? 甜心 你信错了人Sweetheart, you've put your faith in the wrong man. ..告诉我 你恋爱过吗,Tell me, have you ever been in love? ..- 我... - 对- I... - Yeah. ..你现在就在恋爱中 我可以从你眼睛里看出来You're in love right now. I can see it in your eyes. 不 不 不 别否认No, no, no, no. Don't deny it. 我想知道如果你失去她I wonder what would happen 会发生什么事情if you lost her. 闭嘴Shut up. 你也不比我们好到哪里去You'd be no better than the rest of us. ..暗室在哪里,Where is the Grimhold? 我不知道I don't know. 大卫 你真是个差劲的骗子Oh, Dave, you really are the most dreadful liar. ..我一直都这样告诉他That's what I keep telling him. 想要回你的人吗,Want your guy back? 我好久没见过匈牙利镜子陷阱了It's been a while since I've seen the Hungarian Mirror Trap. 我想我是喜欢复古的东西I guess I'm just old-fashioned. 巴塔刹 小心~Balthazar, look out! ..你在这儿干什么 大卫,What are you doing here, Dave? 霍瓦斯想要杀我Horvath was trying to kill me. 他道德败坏His moral compass doesn't exactly point north. 是的 那么你呢,Yeah, well, what about yours? Huh? 你并没有跟我说实话You haven't been completely truthful with me. 那人称我是梅林的一流学徒That guy called me the Prime Merlinean. 那是什么意思 巴塔刹,Balthazar, what is that? 我现在什么都不听Now, I'm not doing anything else 除非你跟我坦诚 告诉我真相until you start being truthful with me about what's going on. ..暗室里到底关的是谁,Who is in that Grimhold? 魔科娜Morgana. 帮我叫醒那个低能儿Wake up that moron 可以吗,in stall number three for me, would you? 哦 我的天啊Oh, for heaven's sake. 魔科娜Morgana. 她在为那场叛乱做准备She was making preparations for The Rising, 让她有能力去复活死去的魔法师something that would enable her to enslave mankind 同谋来俘虏人类by resurrecting dead Morganian sorcerers. ..在那个女巫之后 还有一个玩偶So, after the witch girl, there's another doll ..里面装着世界上最邪恶的巫婆,that contains the greatest evil the world has ever known? 她被关在最里面的玩偶里She's in the last doll. 这和那个谁有什么关系...And what does it have to do with this 梅林的一流学徒,Prime Merlinean? 梅林有三个徒弟Merlin had three apprentices. 我是其中之一I was one of them. 你是梅林的徒弟,You were Merlings apprentice? 他给我们施了法 让我们不会变老He cast a spell to keep us from aging 直到我们找到能继承他力量的魔法师until we found the sorcerer who would inherit his power. 还有他的龙戒指And his dragon ring. ..你的一部分 不管多么小的一部分Some part of you, no matter how small, 都和他血脉相传must share the same blood. 和梅林,As Merlin? 伟大的人总会被召唤的Great men have always been called. 这就是你受到的召唤This is your calling. 梅林说Merlin said, 唯一能毁灭魔科娜的人"The only one who will ever be able to destroy Morgana once and for all 就是梅林的那位一流学徒"is the Prime Merlinean." 所以我有义务拯救世界了,So I'm supposed to save the world. 我...我觉得自己没那个能力I... I just don't think I'm up for that. 难道你觉得我教你魔法Do you think I've been teaching you magic tricks ..是为了参加小女孩的宴会,for some little girl's tea party? 当你踏进这个圆周的时候 我就告诉过你没有回头路了When you stepped inside this circle, I told you there was no going back. 你发过誓~You took an oath! 我已经找了你一个世纪之久I have been searching , years for you. 和魔科娜的人战斗 保护暗室Fighting Morganians, protecting the Grimhold. 你要把我从这一切中解脱出来You're going to set me free. 你必须成为梅林的一流学徒You have to become the Prime Merlinean. 这不是请求And I'm not asking. 我有个学生考试不及格 我需要他的档桉I have a student who's failing my class. I need his file. 你得先给我看看你的员工身份证First I'll need to see your faculty identification card. ,你不需要看我的员工身份证You don't need to see my faculty identification card. ,我不需要看你的员工身份证I don't need your faculty identification card. ,「这些不是你要寻找的机器人」"These are not the droids you're looking for." ,这里 他有一个未授权的实验室Here it is. He has an unauthorized lab space. ,好吧 我怎么知道我什么时候成了...Okay, so, how will I know when I'm it? ,梅林的一流学徒,The Prime Merlinean? ,梅林的一流学徒会变得非常厉害The Prime Merlinean will become so powerful within ,他不再需要戒指来施魔法了he no longer needs his ring to cast magic. ,当你能做到的时候When you can do that, ,你就已经准备好和魔科娜一战了you're ready to take on Morgana. ,坦克~它在这里做什么,Tank! What is he doing here anyway? ,这次应该是好事This should be good. ,联合咒语的概要Schematic for a fusion spell. ,把两个灵魂融合在一个身体里The merging of two souls into one physical body. ,我只见过一个魔法师 曾成功地分离了人体融合I've only ever seen one sorcerer successfully pull off human fusion. ,坦克在这儿是为了...And Tank is here for... ,练习Practice. ,你是说你想尝试融合坦克吗,Are you telling me you're trying to possess Tank? ,是的 我也不确定这是个好主意Yeah. I'm not so sure it's the best idea, either. ,不No. ,啊 天啊Oh, man. ,贝基就要来了 而我还穿着气垫站在这里Becky's coming now, and I'm standing in a puddle of pop. ,我必须停下来收拾一下I need to stop and clean. ,我们的训练还没有结束We're not done training. ,巴塔刹 这十年以来 我一直在等再次见到这个女孩Balthazar, I've been waiting for years to see this girl again. ,你知道这是什么感觉吗,Do you have any idea what that's like? ,等我回来时 你最好认真点When I come back, you better be focused. ,这东西真粘This is really sticky. ,我完了I'm doomed. ,真乱This. ,多谢 多谢Thank you. Thank you. ,我命令你们停下来~I command you to stop! ,天啊 别呀Oh, no. Man. ,贝基Becky. ,- 嗨 - 嗨 你很准时- Hi. - Hi. You're on time. ,- 你忘了, - 不 不 不 我没忘- You forgot? - No, no, no. I didn't forget. ,- 出什么事了吗, - 什么 我吗,- Is everything okay? - What, me? ,你还好吗,How are you doing? ,我很好 我很好I'm good. I'm good. ,求你了 能不能停下来...Would you please stop that? Will you... ,你最好先离开一下It's probably best for you to leave. ,我在说什么呢What am I saying? ,好的 好的 我走Okay. Okay, I will go. ,对不起 我遇到了些麻烦Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm having issues. ,我的线圈~My coils! ,散开~Disperse! ,你滥用了这门神圣的艺术 也滥用了梅林圈You have abused the sacred art, and you have abused the Merlin Circle. ,魔法不是游戏Magic isn't a game. ,没有捷径可走No shortcuts! ,掉进刚刚那水里触电Falling in that water and getting electrocuted, ,你就会失去你的能力that's how a sorcerer loses his power! ,那是什么规定,第条,条,What rule is that? Fourteen? Twenty-seven? ,我甚至都记不住~I can't even remember! ,如果我连一些拖把都控制不了What difference does it make ,与失去能力又有什么区别呢,if it's obvious that I can't even control a few mops? ,人越强大 魔法也越厉害The stronger the man, the stronger the sorcerer. ,谢谢你 多谢你告诉我另一条没用的法则Thank you. Thank you for another useless motto! ,我还有一条给你I have another one for you. ,如果你不能控制自己 也就不能控制魔法You will not control your magic if you will not control yourself. ,你必须停止你的担心 相信自己You need to stop your worrying and start believing in yourself. ,你就是这样做的,Is that what you do? ,- 我怎么做的不重要 - 我认为很重要- What I do isn't the point. - I think it is. ,我坚信你的存在 纯粹是为了让我生活得很痛苦I'm convinced you exist purely to make my life a living hell. ,你根本不知道痛苦是什么You don't know anything about a living hell. ,- 你在进步 - 不 我没在进步- You're making progress. - No, I'm not making progress. ,不戴戒指 对吗,No ring, right? ,没有魔法 我不能移动椅子 我做不到No magic. I can't move the chairs. I can't do it. ,那人不是我 巴塔刹It's not me, Balthazar. ,对不起 很抱歉I'm sorry! I'm sorry. ,我不是那个人 我不是一个英雄 我不是梅林的一流学徒I'm not it. I'm not a hero. I'm not the Prime Merlinean. ,我只是个学物理的书呆子I'm just a physics nerd ,我穿这双鞋真的很傻很傻who looks really, really stupid in these shoes. ,大卫Dave. ,你来这里干什么,What are you doing here? ,我看到你在咖啡店外面 就跟着你来了I saw you outside the coffee shop, so I followed you. ,你看起来比平常沮丧多了You looked a little more distressed than usual. ,这样不好 对吗,That bad, huh? ,你真的认为搞砸一次约会Did you really think that one botched date ,就会让我恨你一辈子吗,was going to make me hate you forever? ,是的Yeah. ,我倒还真有个事情要问问你I do have to ask you this one thing. ,你在这上面做什么,What are you doing up here? ,我的一个朋友曾带我上这儿来过一次A friend of mine brought me here once. ,这么高你不害怕吗,And the height doesn't bother you? ,- 你有惧高症, - 是的 有一点- Are you afraid of heights? - A little bit, yeah. ,相信我 来吧Trust me. Here, come on. ,来吧 别怕Come on. You're good. ,- 不用怕 - 我不知道- You're good. - I don't know. ,哇Wow. ,是啊 哇Yeah. Wow. ,你还记得你在校车窗户上画金刚吗,Do you remember when you drew King Kong on the bus window? ,它一直爬上了帝国大厦,And he lined up with the Empire State Building? ,你还记得这个,You remember that? ,那很酷It was cool. ,你用你独特的眼光看世界You saw the world in your own way. ,我只是想吸引你而已I was just trying to impress you. ,你成功了 十岁就能那样很了不起Well, it worked. Not bad for a -year-old kid. ,是啊 到底发生了什么,Yeah, right. What happened? ,- 什么 你什么意思, - 讽刺的事实是- What? What do you mean? - The bitter irony of the fact ,岁的我比岁的我还要酷,that -year-old me is far cooler than -year-old me. ,我认为岁的大卫...很好I think -year-old Dave is... He's all right. ,你是说客套话还是认真的,Like, "all right" all right, or "all right!" all right? ,我觉得两者兼有吧I think he is somewhere in the middle. ,你回答得真圆滑That's a diplomatic answer. ,不过谢谢你And thank you. ,- 嘿 - 你好- Hey. - Hello. ,对不起I'm sorry. ,我觉得我们需要谈一谈I think you and I need to have a talk. ,不需要道歉 我们继续吧No apology necessary. Let us move on. ,你真好 伙计You're a diamond, mate. ,真没想到这么容易Surprisingly well done. ,现在去找暗室Now go find the Grimhold. ,你似乎对那个男孩有种特别的感情You seem to have rather a soft spot for that boy. ,巴塔刹交了个新朋友,Has Balthazar made a new friend? ,我没找到暗室I don't see the Grimhold. ,那是因为你是用你的眼睛在找That's because you're using your eyes. ,聪明的巴塔刹Clever Balthazar. ,总是爱耍耍他的小把戏Always up to his little tricks. ,找到了Found it. ,它怎么比我记得的还要轻,It's lighter than I remember. ,我们曾经一起并肩作战 马克西姆We once fought together, Maxim. ,那之后发生了很多事情A lot's happened since those days. ,- 不是那个原因吧 - 当然是的 巴塔刹- This isn't about that. - Oh, yes, it is, Balthazar. ,这都是因为那件事It's always been about that. ,维洛妮卡选择了你而不是我 选择了伟大的巴塔刹布雷克Veronica chose you instead of me, the great Balthazar Blake. ,我最好的朋友My best friend. ,我会让你看着我释放魔科娜Well, I'm going to let you watch me release Morgana. ,让你看着你的世界彻底毁灭~Let you watch your world crumble into nothing! ,德瑞克 我们走Drake. Let's go. ,- 真及时 - 我欠你个人情- Nice catch. - I owed you one. ,- 他们拿走了玩偶 - 那我们就把它拿回来- They got the doll. - Let's get it back. ,坐稳了Hang on. ,坐稳了 坦克Hang on, Tank. ,往左转Go left. ,哇 怎么...Whoa! What the... ,霍瓦斯 他就在这里的某个地方Horvath! He's in here somewhere. ,等等 他能把他的车变成计程车,Wait. He has the power to turn his car into a taxi? ,用你的戒指锁定暗室的位置Use your ring and lock in on the Grimhold. ,- 记住 它会随着戒指移动 - 好的 好的- Remember, it moves with the ring. - Okay, yeah. Right, right, right. ,快走 快走Go! Go! ,他们来了Here they come! ,这是怎么回事What the heck! ,真是辆好车Nice one! ,- 喂 看那里 - 坐稳了- Hey! Well, look at that. - Hang on. ,哦 天啊Oh, my God. ,从隧道走Take the tunnel. ,那是什么 烟雾,What is that, smoke? ,不会吧Oh, come on! ,报仇的时间到了Time for a little revenge. ,- 这又是什么, - 是的 我们穿过了一面镜子- What the heck is this? - Yes, we drove through a mirror. ,- 我们被困在了颠倒的世界里 - 那么...- We're trapped in a reverse world. - So... ,是的 霍瓦斯在报复我们 回敬被扔进厕所镜子的仇It is, it is. Horvath's payback for the bathroom mirror. ,- 不 不 - 我们不会死...- No, no. - We won't die as long as... ,只要我们赶紧离开这里We get out of here soon. ,- 只要穿过我们自己的镜像 - 妙极了- By driving through our own reflection. - Fantastic. ,- 那里 在窗户里面 - 很好- There. In the window. - This is it. ,不 不 不 你不会...No, no, no, You're not... ,- 来吧 - 我们不会成功的- Here we go. - We're not going to make that! ,你不会...We're not... ,你好啊 巴塔刹Hello, Balthazar. ,天啊 天啊Oh, man. Oh, man. ,不 不 不 退后 退后No, no, no. Back up. Back up. Back up. Back up. ,退后 退后 退后 退后~Back up. Back up. Back up. Back up. ,天啊Oh, man. ,我有个主意 我有个主意I've got an idea. I've got an idea. ,- 大卫 不要 - 让我来做吧- Dave, don't. - Please just let me do it. ,什么,年的斑马牌汽车,这就是你的好主意,- What? - ' Pinto? This is your idea? ,不 不 我是想把他们的车变成斑马牌No! No. My idea was to turn their car into a beater. ,- 干掉他们 - 好的- Finish it. - Right! ,我想他停止了I think he stopped. ,坚持住 坦克 没事了 我捉住你了 伙计Hold on, Tank. Hold on, Tank. I got you, buddy. ,走开Walked away. ,干嘛Hey! ,对不起 我认错人了I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. ,霍瓦斯在哪里,Where's Horvath? ,他逃走了吗,Did he get away? ,暗室在哪,那人是谁,Where's the Grimhold? Who was that? ,那是她是吗,That was her, wasn't it? ,第三个学徒The third apprentice. ,数世纪以来 维洛妮卡、霍瓦斯和我For centuries, Veronica, Horvath and I were the only thing standing ,是唯一几个能阻止魔科娜毁灭人类的魔法师between Morgana and man's destruction. ,我和维洛妮卡 依靠的是我们之间的友谊和魔法Our friendship and our magic were what Veronica and I depended on. ,你爱上了她 是吗,You fell for her, didn't you? ,是的 我爱上了她I fell for her. ,像你一样 维洛妮卡也只想做一个普通人Like you, all Veronica wanted was to be normal. ,做普通的事 过普通的生活Normal things, normal life. ,我爱她I fell. ,霍瓦斯也是And so did Horvath. ,这就是霍瓦斯背叛我们的原因That's why Horvath betrayed us. ,一千年以来For , years, ,你一直陪伴在她身旁you've been carrying her around with you. ,待在暗室里In the Grimhold. ,那晚我本打算把这个送给她I was going to give this to her that night. ,我很遗憾I'm sorry. ,好吧 巴塔刹Okay, Balthazar. ,我们会把维洛妮卡救出来 打败魔科娜We are going to get Veronica out and destroy Morgana. ,你这是怎么了,What's happened to you? ,没什么Nothing. ,你还是不会撒谎You're still a bad liar. ,你知道吗 我很高兴她这一点很像你You know, I am glad she likes you. ,不 我没感到惊奇 只是高兴No, I am not surprised. Only glad. ,这感觉独一无二 不是吗,There's nothing like it, is there? ,穿回你的老人鞋Put your old man shoes back on. ,我们有一些工作要做We have some work to do. ,所有的卫星接收器都就位了,Are all the satellite dishes in position? ,都布置好了All lined up. ,我的衣服破了 这很不幸I chipped my mani, which is not cool. ,是的 我想也是No, I imagine it's not. ,这里面是我们的下一位同事Inside there lies our next coworker. ,阿比盖尔威廉姆斯 一个聪明的小女巫Abigail Williams, a little witch who put Salem on the map. ,她一旦出来 我们就只剩魔科娜那一层了Once she's out, we're at the Morgana shell. ,现在我们需要大量时间和精力打开它Now that's going to take a lot of time and energy to crack. ,我们要怎么做,So what are we going to do? ,你听说过寄生虫咒语吗,Have you heard of the Parasite Spell? ,抱歉 我忘了你缺乏教育Sorry, I forgot your education's somewhat lacking. ,是的 我更喜欢依直觉行事Yeah, I prefer to go more by instinct. ,知道吗 这样感觉很好You know, what feels right. ,很好 寄生虫咒语是个肮髒的词语Very good. Well, the Parasite Spell is a rather nasty piece of business. ,如果我记得没错的话 它源于海地It originated in Haiti, if memory serves. ,它能让一个魔法师 从另一个魔法师那里窃取能量It enables one sorcerer to steal the energy from another. ,反正你也不会怎么用它们 不是吗Well, you weren't really using it, were you? ,打扰了Excuse me? ,我有一个请求I'd like to make a request. ,我刚做完节目 下次再说行不行,I just finished my show. But maybe next time, okay? ,我说了 我有一个请求I said I'd like to make a request. ,好了All right. ,如果魔科娜被放出来了 不管发生什么When Morgana is released, no matter what happens, ,答应我你会尽一切力量去毁灭她promise me you'll do whatever it takes to destroy her. ,我答应你I promise. ,说句实话 你穿老人鞋很好看And for the record, you wear the old guy shoes very well. ,我的脚不同意你的看法 但还是谢谢了My feet disagree with you, but thank you. ,来碰个拳Knuckle bump. ,不妨一试Might as well. ,现在我已经为你绑架了那个女孩 是时候放出魔科娜了吧,Now that I have kidnapped the girl for you, is it time to release Morgana? ,我会代你向她问好的I'll give her your regards. ,霍瓦斯先生 我做错什么事了吗,Mr.Horvath, have I done something wrong? ,一点也没有Not at all. ,我只是利用你的能量来放出魔科娜,我根本就不需要你I need your power to free Morgana. I just don't need you. ,好了 有两个了Well, that's two. ,还差一个One more to go. ,这里真恐怖That's horrifying. ,我们赶快找到暗室然后离开这里Let's just find the Grimhold and be done with it. ,炮兵公园 叛乱的地方Battery Park. The Rising. ,波斯陷阱地毯Persian Quickrug. ,他还说我喜欢复古And he thinks I'm old-fashioned. ,真阔绰Ostentatious. ,没事 没事Nothing, nothing. ,这就是魔科娜So that's Morgana. ,这是维洛妮卡Veronica. ,巴塔刹,Balthazar? ,很容易是吗,来吧 大卫 你知道该怎么做That was easy. Come on, Dave. You know the drill. ,给我想要的东西 我就放她走Give me what I want, and I'll let her go. ,大卫 这是怎么回事,Dave, what is going on? ,没事 你会没事的It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. ,不 她不会No, she's not! ,她会被切成碎块然后喂猫She's going to be ground up into chunks and fed to the cat ,除非你给我梅林的戒指和暗室unless you give me Merlings ring and the Grimhold. ,巴塔刹,他正忙着欣赏房子的装潢呢Balthazar? He's busy admiring the decor. ,你的决定是,So what's it going to be? ,在这儿Here. ,拿去吧Take it. ,- 你没事吧, - 梅林的戒指- You're okay? - Merlings ring. ,很久没这么近距离接触它了It's been a while since I've been this close to it. ,我怀疑它是不是还有用I wonder if it still works. ,- 你没事吗, - 是的 我没事- You all right? - Yeah, I think so. ,暗室呢,The Grimhold? ,我明白了I see. ,他拿走了戒指He took my ring. ,他威胁要杀了贝基He was gonna kill Becky. ,真的很抱歉 巴塔刹I'm so sorry, Balthazar. ,如果是我的话我也会这么做的 大卫I would have done the same thing, Dave. ,你要去哪,Where are you going? ,炮兵公园 霍瓦斯要在那儿放出魔科娜Battery Park. Horvath's going to release Morgana. ,你不能同时和他还有魔科娜比拼 那太...Well, you can't take him on and Morgana at the same time. That's... ,- 你做不到 - 我必须试试- You literally can't. - I have to try. ,好吧 我和你一起去Well, then I'm going with you. ,和不会魔法的你,Without any magic? ,他拿了你的戒指He has your ring. ,我一个人去I'm going alone. ,没事 这对他来说很正常No, that's a normal thing for him. ,人的一生 没人知道No one knows how much time they have ,和心爱的人能在一起待多久to be with the people that are the most important. ,好好享受吧Enjoy it. ,那人刚刚骑着老鹰飞走了That guy just flew away on an eagle! ,- 我... - 一只铁鹰- I... - A steel eagle. ,贝基 我一直想和你说这件事情Becky, I wanted to talk to you about this. ,我只是不知道该从何说起I just haven't known where to start. ,我只是觉得很高兴你没事I'm just happy you're okay. ,听着 大卫 如果你能告诉我真相Look, Dave. If you can just tell me the truth, ,我答应你我会尽力去理解的then I promise I will do my best to understand. ,好吧 你要知道的第一件事就是 我是个魔法师Okay. The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a sorcerer. ,好的Okay. ,我能从手里产生和发射等离子电波I can conjure and shoot plasma bolts out of my hand. ,我能让时间加速或变慢I can speed time up, slow it down, ,移动漂浮的物体 总之很神奇varying degrees of levitation. It's all very magical. ,我还以为我的最后一个男友很特别 因为他戴围巾And I thought my last boyfriend was different because he wore a scarf. ,- 宝贝 我马上就回来 好吗, - 好的- Baby, I'll just come back. Okay? - Okay. ,- 我去去就回 - 好的 我在这儿等你- I'll see you in a minute. - Okay. All right. I'm here. ,真不是时候 大卫Bad time, Dave. ,班尼 你终于接电话了Bennet. Thank God you answered. ,我手上真的有个非常棘手的事I got a real emergency on my hands. ,我需要你马上到我的实验室来见我I need you to meet me at my lab right now! ,- 贝基 你得下车了 - 什么,让我下车,- Becky, I got to let you out. - What? Let me out? ,好吧Okay. ,我想我知道怎样不用魔法打败他们了I think I know how to defeat them without any magic. ,怎样,How? ,霍瓦斯手杖上的那枚戒指The rings on Horvath's cane. ,他把它放在那儿能得到更多的能量 但它也变成了一个更好的导体He put them there to gain more power, but they make him a better conductor. ,大卫 我不知道你在说什么Dave, I have no idea what you're talking about. ,好吧 我不说这个了All right, Rebecca, here it is. ,很多邪恶的魔法师今晚都会复活Many evil sorcerers will be raised from the dead tonight. ,所以 魔科娜就是想毁灭这个世界So, basically, Morgana is trying to destroy the world as we know it. ,哦 这样啊Oh, just that. ,这真的很危险 我不能让你搅和进来This is really dangerous. I can't bring you into it. ,我觉得自己已经搅和进来了Well, I think I'm already into it. ,再说如果你失败 我们也都会死掉 不是吗,And besides, if you blow it, we're all gonna die anyway, right? ,我想跟你一起去I want to come with you. ,你真性感You're sexy. ,- 我把所有特斯拉线圈的遥控都拿来了 - 谢啦 兄弟 非常感谢- I got all the Tesla coil remotes. - Thanks, brother. I appreciate it. ,我们挂电话的时候我发现了这个Oh! I found this after we hung up. ,在桌子上发现的It was on the desk. ,「大卫把这个给维洛妮卡 — 巴塔刹」"Give this to Veronica. Balthazar." ,我觉得巴塔刹不打算再回来了I don't think Balthazar's planning on coming back. ,我不知道你准备做什么 大卫I don't know what you're into here, Dave, ,但不管是什么 你都十分投入but whatever it is, you are definitely participating! ,谢谢 班尼 非常感激 我们应该走了Thank you, Bennet. I appreciate that. We should go. ,叛乱该开始了Now is The Rising. ,就是现在Now is the time. ,维洛妮卡Veronica. ,是我 霍瓦斯 我是魔科娜It's me, Horvath. Morgana. ,你没必要看起来这么可怜No need to look so pathetic. ,把这东西毁掉Destroy that thing. ,我永远也不想再见到它了I never want to see it again. ,只有圆周是完整的 我才能唤醒亡灵I cannot raise the dead until the circle is complete. ,- 不会吧~ - 什么,- No way. Man alive! - What? ,你别告诉我你没看到那个Are you telling me you honestly don't see that? ,没有 看到什么,No. See what? ,我想他们正在用屋顶的卫星接收器I think they're using the satellite dishes on the tops of the buildings ,用来引导和放大电磁能to direct and amplify the electromagnetic energy. ,好吧 我们就停车 就停在这儿All right, we're pulling over. We're pulling over. ,贝基 我需要你帮我个忙Becky, I need you to do me a favor. ,我需要你到这栋楼的房顶I need you to go up to the very top of that thing. ,好的Great. ,你要移动那些天线 干扰信号You got to move that antenna and just disrupt the signal. ,好的Okay. Right. ,嘿 贝基Hey, Becky. ,你还记得十岁时 我写给你的那个纸条吗,Do you remember that letter I wrote when we were years old? ,朋友还是女朋友,Friend or girlfriend? ,我从没看到过你写的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 I never saw what you checked, ,今晚我可能会死 所以你能现在告诉我答案吗,so in case I die tonight, could you please tell me? ,你别死 我会告诉你的Don't die and I'll tell you. ,好的 那好吧Oh, yeah, okay. ,巴塔刹Balthazar. ,- 别耍小把戏了 巴塔刹 - 如你所愿- Enough of your old tricks, Balthazar. - As you wish. ,现在我们打平手了 巴塔刹Time was, things were pretty even between us, Balthazar. ,你也看到了As you can see, ,我得到了一些新首饰I've acquired some new jewelry. ,我来了 伙计 我来了 我来了I'm coming, buddy. I'm coming. I'm coming. ,这...这是怎么了 不会吧All right, what... What is this? What am I looking at? No! ,一个过路的人 还是个残疾人And a walker. Of course she has a... ,好了Okay. ,天啊Oh, boy. ,一个被牛角撞伤的斗牛士 坚持三天之后才会痛苦地死亡A matador gored by a bull can take up to three days to die. ,听起来很不幸 不是吗,Sounds unpleasant, doesn't it? ,圆周就快完成了The circle is nearly complete. ,这肯定很可怕吧 巴塔刹It must be awful, Balthazar. ,这么多年来一直都在阻止这件事All these years, fighting to stop this one moment ,但它马上就要发生了and then coming up short. ,那是我的车That's my car. ,多谢Thank you! ,一切都太迟了We're too late. ,维洛妮卡Veronica. ,她是不是...Is she... ,她们俩都还活着They're both still with us. ,巴塔刹 你刚刚做了什么,Balthazar, what have you done? ,做了你曾为我做过的事情What you did for me. ,- 记住你的诺言 - 巴塔刹 不要- Remember your promise. - Balthazar, no. ,你会尽一切力量去毁灭魔科娜You'll do whatever it takes to destroy Morgana. ,不 不 我不能 我不会把你锁进这东西里面的No. No, I can't. I won't lock you in this thing. ,我也不会Neither will I. ,真甜蜜啊How sweet. ,天啊Oh, man. ,- 现在让我们结束这一切吧 - 不要- And now we end this. - No! ,不可能No way. ,没有戒指No ring. ,就是你It is you. ,你就是梅林的一流学徒,The Prime Merlinean! ,一群白痴Fools! ,维洛妮卡Veronica! ,现在轮到我了Now it's my turn. ,这就是你最厉害的魔法,Is that the best that you can do? ,我当然不希望是这样I sure hope not. ,现在 轮到我了And now it's my turn. ,快点Come on. ,快爬Climb. ,你有梅林的能量You have Merlings powers, ,但你没有他的力量和技术but you don't have his strength or his skill. ,你仍然很弱You are still weak. ,但我不是一个人But I'm not alone. ,我随身带来了一门科学 就是现在~I brought a little science with me. Now! ,我做到了~I did it! ,巴塔刹 我成功了~Balthazar, I actually did it! ,他走了He's gone. ,他完成了他的使命He completed his quest. ,不 不 不 这还没有结束 他不能死No, no, no, no. It's not over. He can't die. ,我才刚刚...不要现在I just... Not now. ,拜托Come on. ,事情不能是这样That's not good enough. 维洛妮卡 请你退后一点Veronica, would you please step back? 如果魔科娜能让他死去 说不定我能让他复活If Morgana can stop his heart, maybe I can start it. 好的 开始了 伙计 你听着All right, here we go, bud. Here we go. Listen. 你...你那些愚蠢的规定You... You with all your stupid rules! 还有那些老人鞋And all those old man shoes. 还有你不断的救我 用那样的眼神看着我And your constantly saving me with that look in your eyes. 活过来Come on! 活过来Come on! 拜托了Come on. 活过来Come on. 我刚刚做了个梦I had a dream. 你竟然侮辱我 大卫 不停地侮辱You were insulting me, Dave. Repeatedly. 我吗,那可真奇怪Me? That's pretty weird, huh? 不 那很有可能No, kind of makes sense. - 谢谢 - 欢迎回来 老头- Thank you. - Welcome back, old man. 你还活着You're here. 大卫Dave! - 你成功了~ - 是的 而且我还活着- You did it! - I know. And I'm still alive. 神奇的是 我也是And, surprisingly, so am I. 哦 对了 那个纸条I know. Oh, the note. Right. 朋友还是女朋友, - 我已经不在乎了- Friend or girlfriend? - I don't care. 女朋友 我肯定选的是女朋友Girlfriend. Definitely girlfriend. 你愿意和我一起吃早餐吗,在法国,Would you like to have breakfast with me? In France? 法国,France? 是的 我有一辆座驾Yeah, I got us a ride. 好的 你真有趣Okay, you're fun 贝基 我忘记告诉你一件事了Becky, there's something I forgot to mention to you. 我真的不知道怎么让它着陆I really have no idea how to land this thing.
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