首页 五个孩子和沙精



五个孩子和沙精五个孩子和沙精 五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It 英文 中文 双语对照 双语 交替 首页 目录 下一章 关闭鼠 标取词 1 Beautiful Children 1 漂亮的孩子 他们的新家距车站大约 The house was about four 四公里远,而每过一两分钟kilometres from the station,but after 孩子们就开口问:“我们快到only a minute or two the children began to ask,' Ar...

五个孩子和沙精 五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It 英文 中文 双语对照 双语 交替 首页 目录 下一章 关闭鼠 标取词 1 Beautiful Children 1 漂亮的孩子 他们的新家距车站大约 The house was about four 四公里远,而每过一两分钟kilometres from the station,but after 孩子们就开口问:“我们快到only a minute or two the children began to ask,' Are we nearly there,了吗,”而且他们每看到一'And every time they saw a house 幢房子都说:“哦,是这个they said,' Oh, is this it,'But it 吗,”可总不是。接着他们来never was. Then they came to the top of a hill, and there was a White 到一个山顶,那儿有一幢带house with a green garden and lots of 有绿色的花园和很多果树的fruit trees. ' Here we are~'Mother 白房子。“我们到了~”母亲said. 说。 Everyone hurried to get out of 大家急忙下车——罗伯the carriage—— Robert,Anthea, 特、安西娅、简、西里尔,Jane, Cyril, and Martha, the 还有抱着婴孩的保姆马莎。nursemaid, with the baby. But 可母亲不慌不忙。孩子们绕Mother did not hurry. The children ran round the house and all through 着房子跑,都穿过花园看看the garden to see what there was. But Mother stood and watched the driver 那里有什么。但是赶车人把while he carried the boxes into the house. 箱子搬到房子里去时妈妈站 着看着他。 孩子们喜欢这房子。他 们马上就明白在那儿他们会 很快活的。母亲不太喜欢这 The children loved the house. They knew immediately that they 房子,因为它很旧,也没有were going to be happy there. Mother did not like the house very 柜子。可是这房子位于真正much because it was old and there were no cup-boards. But it was deep 意义上的乡间;在伦敦住了in the country and after two years in London the children thought that it 两年之后,孩子们认为这一was wonderful. If you live in London 点太好了。要是住在伦敦可and your family is not rich, you get bored because you cannot go to 你的家庭又不富有,你就会shops and theatres ,and people say,觉得厌倦,因为你不能去商' Don't do this' and 'Don't go there. 'In the country you can go any-where 店和剧场,人们还会说“不许and do anything. 干这个”、“不许去那儿”的。 在乡下你想去哪儿就去哪 儿,想干什么就干什么。 The white house was on the 这白房子位于小山上,hill, with a wood behind it and a 后边有一片树林,在一边还gravel-pit on one side . It was at the gravel-pit, a week later,that the 有一个砾石坑。就是在这个children found a fairy. Well, that 砾石坑里孩子们一周之后发was what it called itself. But it was 现了一个精灵。晤,它是这different from other fairies. 样称呼自己的,但是它和别 的精灵可不一样。 事情发生在母亲去探护 It happened when Mother had to 祖母的时候,祖母病了。当go and stay with Grand-mother,who was ill. Martha stayed with the 然马莎留下来和孩子们在一children,of course. But the house 起。可房子里静悄悄的,空was very quiet and empty. The children did not know what to do. 荡荡的。孩子们不知道做些Then Cyril said,' Let's go to the 什么好。过了一会儿,西里gravel-pit. ' 尔说:“咱们去砾石坑吧。” The gravel-pit was very large, 砾石坑大极了,坑口四with grass and wild flowers round 周长着青草和野花。孩子们the sides at the top. When they got there, the children decided that they 到了那儿时,他们决定到坑would go down into the pit to play in 里去玩沙子。 the sand. “咱们挖个深深的洞 ' Let's dig a deep hole— perhaps we can get all the way down to ——也许能一直挖到澳大利Australia,'said Robert. 亚呢,”罗伯特说。 别的孩于同意了,他们 The others agreed and they all began to dig hard in the sand. But it 就都起劲地挖起沙来。可天was a very hot day. Baby went to sleep and Robert, Cyril, and Jane 气很热。小弟弟睡觉去了,sat down to rest, but Anthea went 罗伯特、西里尔和简坐下来on working on the hole. 休息,可安西娅继续挖着洞。 Suddenly she screamed. ' Cyril~ 突然她尖叫起来。“西里 Come here~ Quick~There's 尔~到这儿来~快~有什么something alive~'she cried. 活的东西~”她叫道。 他们都跳起身来,急忙 They all jumped up and hurried over to see what it was. 过去看是什么东西。 “它有脚,”安西亚说, ' It's got feet,'Anthea said. ' And “还有毛。别伤着它。我知道fur. Don't hurt it. I know this sounds 这话听起来有些蠢,可它说stupid, but it said something. ' 话了。” “它说什么,”西里尔 ' What did it say,' asked Cyril. 问。 'It said,“You leave me alone. ” “它说:'别来打搅我。'” 别的孩子只是笑,可那 The others just laughed, but 两个男孩开始挖开更多的沙the two boys began to move away more of the sand. Soon they could 子。很快他们就能看见洞里see that there really was something moving in the hole. 真有个东西在动。 Suddenly a hard little voice 突然一个刺耳的、细小cried,' Leave me alone~' 的声音喊道:“别打搅我~” 他们都向后退了几步, They all jumped back and no 一时谁也没说话。过了一会one spoke for a minute. Then Robert said,' But we want to see you. ' 儿罗伯特说:“可是我们想看 看你。” ' Yes, I wish you'd come out, “是啊,我希望你出来。” 'Anthea said. 安西娅说。 “哦,好吧,如果那是你 们的愿望的话,”那个声音 'Oh, well, if that's your wish, 说;沙子开始到处乱飞。一'the voice said, and the sand began to fly about everywhere. Then 会儿一个褐色的、长着毛的、something brown and furry and fat fell out into the hole. ' I think I was 胖乎乎的东西从沙里飞落到asleep,'it said. 洞中。“我想我刚才睡着了,” 它说。 孩子们站着看着它。它 The children stood and looked 的确长得很奇怪。它有一双at it. It really was very strange. It could move its eyes in and out on 伸缩自如的柄眼、一对大耳stalks, it had big ears and its body 朵,身体又胖又圆,还毛绒was fat and round and furry. Its legs and arms had soft fur all over them 绒的。它的胳膊和腿上也覆too, and it had hands and feet. 盖着柔毛,而它还长着手和 脚。 ' What is it,' asked Jane. ' Shall “是什么呀,”简问道,we take it home,' “要不要把它带回家~” 这东西转动它的柄眼看 The thing turned its long eyes to look at her. ' Does she always say 着她。“她老说蠢话吗,”它stupid things,'it said. 说。 ' She doesn't mean it,' Anthea “她不是那个意思。”安said. ' Don't be afraid. We won't hurt 西娅说,“别怕,我们不会伤you. ' 害你。” 这小东西生气了。“伤害 The little thing was angry. ' Hurt me~ 'it cried. ' I'm not afraid of you~我,~”它叫着,“我才不怕' 你们呢~” “哦,别生气,”安西娅 'Oh, don't be angry,'said 和蔼地说,“告诉我们你是Anthea kindly. ' Tell us who you are. We really don't know. ' 谁。我们真不知道。” “你们不知道,”它说, 'You don't know,'it said. ' Don't you know a Psammead when “你们看到一个赛米德时难you see one,' 道会不认识,” “赛米德,那是什么 'A Sammyadd, What's that, 'Jane said . 啊,”简说。 ' A sand-fairy, of course. Don't “当然是沙精了。你们见you know a sand-fairy when you see 到沙精会不认识,” one,' 它显得很不高兴,简就 It looked very unhappy, and 说:“当然~现在我知道你是Jane said,' Of course~ I can see that you're a sand-fairy now. ' 个沙精了。” 罗伯特也说:“喔,我原 And Robert said,'Well, I didn't 来不知道你是赛米德,可现know that you were a Psammead, but I can see that you are something 在我看得出你棒极了。请再very wonder-ful. Please talk some more to us. ' 跟我们说些话吧。” 听到那个这个赛米德显 The Psammead looked a little 得稍微高兴些了,它说:“好happier when it heard that,and it 吧,如果你们愿意,你们可said,'Well,you can talk to me ,if 以和我说说话。我也许回答you want to. Per- haps I'll answer you and perhaps I won't. Now 你们的问题,也许不回答。saysomething. ' 现在说什么吧。” At first the children could not 开头孩子们想不出要说think of anything to say,but then 什么,然而不一会儿罗伯特Robert asked,' How long have you 就问:“你在这儿住多久lived here,' 了,” “哦,几千年了吧,”赛 'Oh,thousands of years,' the Psammead answered. 米德回答说。 孩子们等赛米德往下 The children waited, but the Psammead was silent. 说,但它不说话了。 “请多告诉我们一些情 ' Please tell us more,' Robert said. 况,”罗伯特说。 “唔,行,那好,”赛米 'Well, all right, then,'the 德说。“当初我们有许多人马Psammead said. ' There were lots of us then,' it went on. ' People sent 呢,”它接着说。“人们打发their children out to look for 孩子们去找赛米德,找到时Psammeads,and when they found 我们就给他们实现一个愿us,we gave them a wish. ' 望。” 'What happened to all the “那后来赛米德都怎么Psammeads, then,' Robert asked. 样了,”罗伯特问。 “噢,要是它们弄湿了自 'Well,if they get wet,they get 己,就会生病,常常会死的,ill and they usually die, and that's 事情就是那样。大部分赛米what happened. Most of them got wet and died. And I'm not going to 德弄湿了,死了。我不再告tell you another thing. ' 诉你们别的事了。” ' Oh,just one more question, “哦,请再回答一个问please,'said Robert. ' Do you give 题,”罗伯特说,“你现在还wishes now,' 帮人们实现愿望吗,” “你们已经实现一个 ' You've had one,'said the 了。”赛米德说,“你们希望Psammead. ' You wished to see me, and here I am. ' 看到我,我就来了。” “噢,求求你了。就再来 ' Oh, please. Just one more,' 实现一个愿望吧。”安西娅叫Anthea cried. 道。 ' Well, all right, but be quick~ “唔,那好吧,可是快点~I'm tired of you~' 你们真烦人~” It is very difficult to think of a 一两秒内就想出一个好really good wish, in just a second or 愿望真困难。接着安西娅记two. Then Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Jane's. She knew 起了她和简的一个愿望。她that the boys wouldn't like it, but it 知道男孩子们不会喜欢它,was better than nothing. 可总比没有强。 ' I wish we were all very, very “我希望我们都非常非beautiful,' she said. 常漂亮,”她说。 赛米德将双眼从眼眶伸 The Psammead pushed out its 出去好远,并变大变胖了,long eyes and got bigger and fatter, and the children waited. Then it 孩子们等待着。一会儿,它said,' I'm sorry. I haven't done this 说:“对不起。我很久没这样for a long time. I'll try again,butl can 做了。我再试一次,但是一only do one wish a day for you. Do 天只能为你们实现一个愿you agree to that,' 望。你们同意吗,” “同意,同意~”孩子们 ' Yes, oh yes~'the children cried. 喊道。 “但是记住,只能维持一 ' But remember, the wish is 个白天。”赛米德说,“太阳only for a day,'said the Psammead. ' 落下去时,一切就恢复原样When the sun goes down,everything goes back to what it was. ' 了。” The Psammead slowly got 赛米德慢慢地大起来,bigger, then suddenly went small 然后突然又变小了。“好了~”again. ' That's all right~'it said. At 它说。它马上转过身回到洞once it turned and went back into the sand at the bottom of the hole. 底的沙中去了。 The children stood there for a 孩子们站了一下,然后second, and then Anthea turned to 安西娅转身去和其他的孩子speak to the others. But they were not there~ She was looking at three 说话。可他们不在了~她看strangers— a girl with beautiful red 见三个陌生人——一个长着hair and big blue eyes, and two very 漂亮的红头发和大大的蓝眼good-looking boys. Suddenly she understood. They had their wish. The 睛的女孩,还有两个很好看strangers were Robert and Cyril and Jane—but now they were beautiful. 的男孩。她忽然明白了。他Cyril's hair was golden now, and 们的愿望实现了:陌生人就Robert's was black. 是罗伯特、西里尔和简—— 只是他们现在漂亮了。西里 尔的头发现在是金色的了, 罗伯特则是黑头发。 “我更喜欢你们原来的 ' I liked you better before~样子~”罗伯特生气地对他的'Robert cried angrily to his brother and sisters. 'Jane's hair looks like 姐弟们叫着,“简的头发像胡carrots, and Cyril looks really 萝卜,西里尔长着金色长发stupid with long golden hair. ' 的样子看起来真傻。” 他们去找小弟弟,可他 They went to find Baby, but he was just the same as he was before. 还是原来的样子。 ' Perhaps it's because he's “也许是因为他大小了young. He can't have wishes. We'll 吧。他也不会希望要什么。have to remember that next time, 下次我们得记住。”安西娅说'Anthea said,and she held out her arms to him. But Baby's mouth 着并向他伸出手臂。可小弟turned down at the corners and then he began to cry loudly. He did not 弟撇着嘴开始大哭起来。他 know them~ 不认识他们~ It took an hour to stop him 花了一个小时才哄他不crying and then, very tired and 哭了。他们又累又气,把他cross, they took him home. Martha, 带回家。小弟弟的保姆马莎Baby's nursemaid, was waiting at 正在前门等候。她很快地把the front door. She took Baby from them quickly: 孩子接过去。 ' Where are the others,'she “别的孩子们在哪儿asked. 'And who are you,' 呢,”她问,“你们是谁,” “我们就是我们,当然 ' we're us,of course,' Robert 了。”罗伯特说,“你不认识said. ' You don't know us be-cause we're beautiful. ' 我们是因为我们漂亮了。” “我们还非常饿,”西里 ' And we're very hungry,'said 尔说,“我们想要午饭,求求Cyril,'and we want our lunch, please. ' 了。” “走开~”马莎叫道,“不 ' Go away~'Martha screamed. ' 然我要叫警察了。”她当着他Or I'll send for the police,'and she closed the door in their faces. 们的面关上了门。 The children were very hungry 那时孩子们已经非常饿by then, and they tried three times 了,他们三次试图进门——to get into the house—but Martha would not let them in. After a while 但是马莎每次都不让他们进they went and sat at the bottom of the garden to wait for the sun to go 去。过了一会儿,他们去坐down. 'The wish will finish then, 在花园尽头,等太阳落下去。 won't it,'Jane said. “到那会儿愿望就结束了,不 是吗,”简说。 其他人没有回答,因为 But the others didn't answer because no one was really sure. 谁也不敢肯定。 那个下午可真糟。他们 It was a terrible afternoon. They had no lunch, no tea, and they 没有午饭,没有茶点,还又were tired, angry and afraid. It's 累又气又害怕。他们确实都true that they were all very beautiful,很漂亮,可人不高兴时漂亮but that's not a lot of help when 也帮不了多大忙。最后他们you'rs unhappy. In the end they fell asleep. 睡着了。 他们醒来时天都快黑 It was nearly dark when they woke up. Anthea was the first to 了。安西娅第一个醒来,她wake up and she looked at the others. They were no longer very beautiful. 看看其他孩子。他们不再很Everything was all right again. Happily, they all went back to the 漂亮了。一切都恢复原样了。house. Of course, Martha was 他们都高高兴兴地回屋了。angry. 当然,马莎很生气。 “你们一整天到哪里去 ' Where have you been all day, 'she cried. 了,”她喊道。 对一个发怒的保姆解释 It is not easy to explain a 清楚赛米德是什么可不是件Psammead to an angry nursemaid,so 容易的事,所以孩子们没试the children didn't try. 着解释。 'We met some beautiful children “我们遇到了些漂亮孩and we couldn't get away from them 子,直到天快黑才脱身。”until it was nearly dark,'Anthea said. 安西娅说,“他们太可怕了,' They were terrible, and we never want to see them again. ' 我们不想再见到他们。” 他们实际上从来也没见 And they never have. 过那几个孩子。 2 The Children Wish to Be Rich 2 孩子们希望变得富有 第二天早晨,马莎带着 小弟弟出去了,孩子们决定 The next morning Martha took Baby out with her and the children 回砾石坑那儿再去找赛米decided to go back to the gravel-pit to look for the Psammead again. At 德。开头他们没有找到。“也first they could not find it. 'Per-haps it wasn't really here,'Robert said . 许它不一定真在这里,”罗伯But they began to dig into the sand 特说。可他们还是开始用手with their hands and suddenly they came to the brown furry body of the 挖沙子,忽然他们触到了赛Psammead. It sat up and shook the sand out of its fur. 米德褐色的、毛绒绒的身体。 它坐起来抖掉毛上的沙子。 ' How are you today,'Anthea “你好吗,”安西娅问。 asked. 'Well,I didn't sleep very well, “嗯,我没睡好,但谢谢but thank you for asking,'the 你的问候。”赛米德回答。 Psammead answered. ' Can you give wishes today, “今天你能给人实现愿'Robert said. ' Because we'd like to have two,if we can. But one is a 望吗,”罗伯特说,“因为如very little wish. ' 果可以的话我们想要实现两 个愿望。不过有一个是非常 小的愿望。” 'Well, all right,' said the “那么,好吧。”赛米德Psammead, looking at Robert with 说,用它的柄眼看着罗伯特。its long eyes. ' Let's have the little “先来实现这个小愿望吧。” wish first. ' “不能让马莎知道愿望 ' Martha mustn't know about the 的事。”罗伯特说,“我的意wishes,'Robert said. ' I mean, she mustn't see anything different about 思是她不能看出我们有什么us. And can you do that for every 变化。你能每天对每个愿望wish on every day,' 都这样办吗,” 赛米德变大了一点儿, The Psammead went a little bigger and then went small again. ' 然后又变小了。“我把那个办I've done that,'it said. ' It was easy. 好了。”它说,“这容易。下What's the next wish,' 一个愿望是什么,” “我们希望,”罗伯特慢 ' We wish,' said Robert slowly, ' to be very rich. ' 慢地说,“变得非常有钱。” ' How much money do you “你们想要多少钱,”赛want,'asked the Psammead. 'It 米德问道。“这当然对你们没won't do you much good, of 什么好处,”它在心里默念course,'it said quietly to itself. 着。“好吧,要多少——还有, 'Well, how much—— and do you 想要金子还是钞票,” want it in gold or notes,' 'Gold, please,'Robert said. “请给我们金子,”罗伯'Millions~' 特说,“几百万~” “满满一砾石坑,行了 'A full gravel-pit,all right,吧,”赛米德说,听起来它不'said the Psammead,sounding bored. 耐烦了。“可在我开始之前先' But get out before I begin, or you'll 走开,不然你们会被压死die underneath it. ' 的。” Its thin arms got very long and 它把细胳膊变得很长并it began to move them about. The 挥动起来。孩子们害怕了,children were afraid, and ran as fast as they could up to the road. When 尽快地跑到上边路上去。在they were there, they turned to look 那儿时他们扭头看了看。他back. They had to close their eyes and open them again very slowly . 们不得不闭上眼睛,再慢慢The gravel-pit was full, right up to 睁开。砾石坑满满的,到顶the top, with new,shining,gold 上都是闪闪发光的、崭新的coins~ 金币~ The children stood with their 孩子们站着,嘴巴张着,mouths open, and no one said a 谁也没说话。 word. Then Robert took one of the 然后罗伯特将一块金币coins in his hand and looked at it. ' 放在手里看着。“和英国钱不It's different from English money,'he said. 一样,”他说。 “唔,那没关系。是金 ' Well,it doesn't matter. It's 的。”西里尔说,“别忘了太gold,'said Cyril. 'Don't for-get that it will all go when the sun goes down. 阳落下去的时候它们就都没Come on~ Let's put as much as we 了。快点儿~尽量往兜里装,can in our pockets and go and spend it. ' 然后去把它们花掉。” 所以他们都往兜里装金 So they all put gold coins in 币,然后朝村子走去。可金their pockets and went off to the village. But the gold was heavy, 子很沉,一会儿他们就又累and soon they were very tired and 又热。他们决定在村里买点hot. They decided to get something to drink in the village and then go on 喝的,然后再继续赶往罗彻to the town of Rochester. 斯特城去。 西里尔走进商店,其他 Cyril went into the shop and the others waited outside. But when 孩子在外边等着。可是当西Cyril came back with a bottle of 里尔拿着一瓶柠檬汽水回来lemonade, he said,' I had to pay with my real money. When they saw 时,他说:“我得付我自己的all the coins,they wouldn't change 真钱。他们看见所有这些金the gold. ' 币时不肯找钱。” “那我去试着用这金子 'Well, I'll try to get something 买点东西。”安西娅说,“我with the gold,'Anthea said. ' We 们需要一辆马套二轮单马need a horse and cart. Come on. ' 车。来吧。” Anthea went to talk to a man 安西娅走过去和一个有 who had a horse and cart, and the 马套二轮单马车的人谈起others waited. After a few minutes 来,别的孩子等着。几分钟she came back, looking very 后她回来了,看起来很得意pleased with herself. ' I wasn't stupid like Cyril,' she said. ' I only took out 的样子。“我可不像西里尔那one coin, not all of them,and the 么傻。”她说,“我只拿出一man said he'll drive us to Rochester 块金币,而不拿出所有的金and wait for us. ' 币,那个人说他把我们拉到 罗彻斯特去并等着我们。” 在去罗彻斯特的路上他 On the way to Rochester, they did not speak. They were making 们没有讲话。他们 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 着怎plans about how to spend their gold, 样花他们的金子,而且他们and they did not want to talk in front of the driver. 不想在赶车人面前谈论。 But when they arrived in 可是当他们兜里装着大Rochester, with about twelve 约一千两百块金币到了罗彻hun-dred gold coins in their pockets, 斯特时,他们发现要花掉这they found that it was very difficult to spend them. Anthea tried to buy a 些金币很困难。安西妮想买very nice hat, but the woman in the 一顶很漂亮的帽子,可店里shop looked very strangely,first at 的那个女人很奇怪地先看看the gold coins, then at Anthea. 金币,再看看安西娅。 “我不要那个。”她说, ' I can't take that,'she said. ' It's not modern English money. ' “这不是现行的英国货币。” They went from shop to shop, 他们去了一个又一个商 but no one wanted to take their gold. 店,可是没有人要他们的金' It's because our hands are dirty and we look untidy. People think we've 子。“这是因为我们的手脏,stolen the gold,'Anthea said. 我们自己看起来也不整洁。 人们认为这金子是我们偷 的。”安西娅说。 当他们试图买一辆马套 And it was worse when they tried to buy a horse and car-riage. 四轮马车时,事情就更糟了。Cyril showed the man his gold, and 西里尔把他的金币给那人the man called to his son,'Send for 看,那人朝他的儿子喊:“叫the police~' 警察来~” “这是我们的钱,”西里 ' It's our money,'said Cyril angrily. 'We're not thieves. ' 尔气愤地说,“我们不是贼。” ' Where did you get it from “那你从什么地方搞到then,'said the man. 它的,”那人说。 “一个沙精给我们的。” ' A sand-fairy gave it to us,'said 简说,“他每天为我们实现一Jane. ' He gives us a wish a day and they all come true. ' 个愿望,而且都实现了。” The man shook his head slowly. 那人慢慢地摇摇头。“天' Oh dear, oh dear,'he said. 啊,天啊,”他说,“偷东西,'Stealing, and then telling stories 然后又编故事。” about it. ' Just then a policeman arrived 这时警察来了,听了金and when he heard about the gold, 币的事他对这四个孩子说: he said to the four children,'Come “跟我走。我带你们去警察with me. I'm taking you to the police 局~” station~' 孩子们很生气,很不快。 The children were angry and unhappy, but the policeman walked 可是警察沿路跟在他们后along the road behind them and they 边,他们逃跑不了。他们低couldn't escape. They held their heads down because they did not 着头,因为不愿让别人看到。want anyone to see them, and 突然罗伯特撞到了人身上。suddenly Robert ran into someone. ' Robert,what have you done now,'a “罗伯特,你们干什么去voice cried . It was Martha and 了,”一个声音喊道。原来是Baby~ 马莎和小弟弟~ The policeman explained 警察对马莎解释了这一everything to Martha, and Cyril had 切。西里尔只得从兜里拿出to take the gold out of his pocket and show it to her. 金子给她看。 ' I can't see anything—just two “我什么也没看见——very dirty hands,' she said. ' There's 只是两只脏手。”她说,“没no gold there. What are you talking about,' 有金子。你在说些什么呀,” And then the children 于是孩子们记起马莎是remembered that Martha couldn't see the wishes. 看不出这些许愿的事的。 It was getting dark when they 到警察局时,天快黑了。arrived at the police station. The policeman explained about the gold 警察解释了金子的事,巡长and the Inspector said,'Well , let's 说:“好吧,让我们看看。” see it. ' 西里尔把手伸进兜里 Cyril put his hands into his pockets— but they were empty~ The ——可兜里是空的~其他孩others put their hands into their 子把手伸进兜里,也都是空pockets. They were empty, too~ Of 的~当然了,太阳一落下山course, all the fairy gold went when 去所有这些变出来的金币就the sun went down~ 没有了~ “他们是怎么搞的,”那 ' How did they do that,'cried the policeman. 警察叫起来。 马莎很生他的气。“我告 Martha was very angry with him. ' I told you that there wasn't any 诉过你没有什么金子。”她喊gold,'she shouted. ' You'll be in 道,“你会为此触霉头的。竟trouble for this. Saying that these 然说这些可怜的小孩子是小poor little children are thieves~' 偷~” 可她也很生孩子们的 But she was very angry with the children too. ' What were you doing 气。“你们自己在城里干什么in town alone,'she said to them 呢,”在警察局外她对他们outside the police station. 说。 她把孩子们带回家,早 And she took them home and sent them to bed early. 早地就叫他们睡觉了。 3 Wings 3 翅膀 第二天外面很湿。雨下 The next day was very wet. It 了一天,孩子们不能去看赛rained all day and the children could not go to see the Psammead. They 米德。他们呆在家里给母亲stayed at home and wrote letters to their mother. But none of them told 写信。可谁也没把赛米德的her about the Psammead. And the 事告诉她。又过了一天,他day after that, their Uncle Richard 们的理查德叔叔来了并带他came and took them out,so they did not see the Psammead for two days. 们出去了,所以他们两天没But Anthea spent a lot of time think-ing about what to wish for. 见赛米德。可安西娅花了很 多时间想她该许些什么愿。 再一天的早上,马莎正 The next morning, while 忙着照顾小弟弟时,孩子们Martha was busy with Baby, the children left the house quietly and 悄悄离开家去看赛米德。在went to see the Psammead. On the 路上安西娅对大家说:“我知way, Anthea said to the others,' I know what we can ask for—— 道我们希望要什么了——翅wings~' 膀~” 一时别人都没说话,可 The others were silent for a minute, but then they all agreed that 然后他们都赞成,他们也愿they too would like to have wings. 意长出翅膀。 他们没费劲就找到了赛 They found the Psammead 米德。“我希望我们都有美丽easily. ' I wish we all had beauti-ful wings to fly with,'Anthea said. 的、可以用以飞翔的翅膀,” 安西娅说。 赛米德把自己变得非常 The Psammead made itself very 大,然后又变小。一时孩子big and then went small again. The children felt strange for a minute and 们觉得有些异样,可当他们when they looked, they saw that 一看,他们看见自己已长出they had beautiful soft wings of many colours. They moved them 了五颜六色的、软软的、美about and jumped up and down, and 丽的翅膀。他们拍着翅膀跳soon they could see the green fields and sunny woodsbelow them and the 上跳下,很快看见他们下方blue sky above. They could fly~ It 绿色的田野和阳光照耀着的was wonderful, and they flew over 小树林以及上方蔚蓝色的天the woods and trees, the townsand 空。他们会飞了~这太棒了。villages, for a long time. But they 他们飞过树林、城乡,飞了began to get hungry. 好久。可他们开始饿了。 正在这时他们看见下面 Just then they saw below them 有些树,树上满是又大又红some trees full of large red plums. ' We mustn't steal,'Cyril said. 的李子。“我们可不能偷啊。” 西里尔说。 “我们长了翅膀,”简很 ' We've got wings,'Jane 快地答道,“所以我们就是answered quickly,' so we're birds. 鸟。鸟拿点东西没关系。鸟It's all right for birds to take things. Birds can't steal. ' 不会偷。” So they flew down onto the 所以他们飞下来落在树trees, and they ate as many of the 上,尽情地大吃李子。 plums as they could. 他们正要吃完的时候, 突然看见一个非常生气的小 They were finishing the plums when they saw a very angry little fat 矮胖子。他正急急忙忙地在man,who was hurrying through the 树间穿梭。那是他的李子,trees. They were his plums and the poor man thought that boys from the 那可怜的人认为是村里的孩village were stealing them. But when 子们在偷他的李子。但是当he saw that the children had wings, his mouth fell open and his face went 他看见这几个孩子长着翅膀green. Anthea did not want to steal 时,他张大了嘴巴,脸色苍anything,of course, so she flew down and pushed some money into 白。安西娅当然不愿偷东西,his pocket. 所以她飞下来把一些钱塞在 他兜里。 “别怕,”她说,“我们吃 'Don't be afraid,'she said. ' 了你的一些李子。我们起初We've had some of your plums. We 觉得这不是偷,可现在我也thought that it wasn't stealing, but now I'm not so sure. So that was 不敢那么肯定。所以那是付some money to pay for them. ' 给你的些李子钱。” The little man sat there on the 那个胖子坐在那儿地ground and looked up into the sky. 'Talking birds~ Children with 上,仰望着天空。“会说话的wings~ This is a lesson for me. 鸟~长翅膀的孩子~这对我From now on,I'm going to live a 可是一课。从今以后,我要better life,'he said. And he went into 过得好点儿,”他说。他进房the house and was very kind to his 里去,对他的妻子很和蔼。 wife. 李子当然很好吃,可很 Plums are very nice, of 快你就又饿了,所以孩子们course, but you soon feel hungry again. So the children stopped first at 在一幢又一幢房子前停下 one house,then another, to ask for 来,想要些东西吃。他们什something to eat. They didn't get anything because everyone was 么也没得到,因为所有的人afraid of them and screamed and ran away when they saw them. By four 见到他们时都很害怕,尖叫o'clock they were getting very tired 着跑开了。到4点时他们变得and hungry,so they flew down onto 又累又饿,于是就飞落在教the roof of a church,to think what to do. 堂的屋顶上,想想怎么办。 “我们要是没有东西吃, ' We can't possibly fly all the way home without something to eat,就不可能飞回家去。”罗伯特'said Robert. 说。 In the end they decided to take 最后他们决定从紧挨着some food from the vicar's house next to the church. 教堂的牧师家里拿些食物。 “他是好人。他会理解 ' He's a good man . He'll understand. We'll leave some money 的。我们留些食品钱,”西里for the food,'Cyril said,'and a note 尔说,“再留张便条说我们很saying that we're sorry. ' 抱歉。” Cyril got in through the window 西里尔从窗子进去,把and gave the food to the others, who 食物拿给在外边的其他孩were outside. There was some cold meat, half a cold chicken, some 子。有些冷肉、半只冷鸡、bread and a bottle of soda-water. 一些面包和一瓶汽水。然后Then they all flew back up onto the church roof to eat it. They were very 他们全飞回到教堂房顶上吃hungry, so they really enjoyed it. 起来。他们很饿,所以吃得But when you are very hungry, and 很香。可是当你很饿的时候then you eat a big meal and sit in the hot sun on a roof, it is very easy to 大吃了一顿、又在屋顶上晒fall asleep. And so they did— while 着太阳时,那是很容易睡着the sun slowly went down in the west. 的。他们就睡着了——这时 太阳慢慢地从西边落下去。 They slept for a long time. 他们睡了好长时间。他When they woke up it was dark 们醒来的时候天黑了——当—and,of course, they had no wings. 然了,他们也没有翅膀了。 “我们得回家了。”西里 ' We must get home,'Cyril said. 尔说,“那儿有个门。那是下' There's a door over there. That's the way down. ' 去的路。” But when they tried the door, 可他们试着开门时才发they found that it was locked from 现门是从另一面锁上的。他the other side. They were on top of the church and they had no wings~ 们在教堂顶上,又没有了翅How were they going to get down, 膀~他们怎么下去呢, 安西娅用单臂挽住简, Anthea put her arm round Jane, who was beginning to cry. 'It will 简这时已开始哭起来了。“只only be for one night,'she said. 不过呆一夜,”她说。 Then Cyril said,'I know. Let's 接着西里尔说:“我知道shout~ The lights are on inthe vicar's 了。我们喊吧~牧师的家里 house. Someone will hear us and get 有灯光。会有人听见并帮我us down. ' 们下去的。” 所以他们用最大的声音 So they shouted and screamed 喊叫起来,房子里的人听见as loudly as they could, and the people in the house heard them. The 了他们的叫声。牧师和他的vicar ran out with his servant. 仆人跑了出来。 ' Someone is murdering “教堂里有人在杀人~”somebody in the church~'the vicar 牧师害怕地说,“可能是偷了said, afraid. 'Perhaps it's the thief who stole the cold chicken and 冷鸡和别的东西的小偷。” things. ' But they could not understand 可他们不明白为什么声why the voices were coming from 音是从空中传来的。于是孩the sky. So the children shouted,' We're up here —on top of the 子们就嚷:“我们在这儿——church~' 在教堂顶上~” The two men were still afraid, 这两个人还很害怕,可but,slowly and carefully,they went 他们慢慢地、小心地从教堂up the stairs inside the church. When 内的楼梯走上来。当他们到they came to the top, the vicar 了顶上时,牧师在锁着的门shouted through the closed door, 的另一边叫道:“你们几个'How many of you are there, Have 人,有枪吗,” you got guns,' ' There are four of us,and, no, “我们四个人;没有,我we haven't got guns,'Cyril answered. 们没有枪。”西里尔回答。 Slowly, the vicar opened the 牧师慢慢地打开门。 door. 'Good Heavens~'he cried. “天哪~”他叫道,“是些'They're children~' 孩子~” “哦,请带我们下去吧。” ' Oh, please take us down, 'cried Jane. 简哭着说。 牧师和他的仆人带他们 So the vicar and his servant took them down and into the vicar's 下来,进了牧师屋里。当然house. Of course, the vicar wanted 喽,牧师想知道孩子们为什to know why the children were on the church roof. 么在教堂顶上。 “我们上那儿去是因为 ' We went up there because we 我们想看看那是什么样子。”wanted to see what it was like,'said 西里尔说,“可是我们下不来Cyril. 'But then we couldn't get down again be-cause the door was locked. 了,因为门被锁上了。”关于'He didn't say anything about the wings,of course. 翅膀的事他当然什么都没 说。 “可谁锁的门,”牧师 ' But who locked the door,'the vicar asked. 问。 ' We don't know,'Jane “不知道。”简说,“可我answered. ' But we're not telling you 们不会把一切都告诉你的。” everything. ' 'Ah~ There's a friend in it, “啊~那么是有个朋友参then,'said the vicar's servant man, 与其中吧。”牧师的男仆说。who was called Beale. 他叫比伊尔。 “是的,可我们不能告诉 ' Yes, but we can't tell you 你他的事。”安西娅说,想起about him,' said Anthea, think-ing of the Psammead. ' We really are 了赛米德。“我们真的非常抱 very sorry, and please,can we go 歉;还有,请问,我们可以 home now, ' 回家了吗,” 牧师仍然不明白,可是 The vicar still did not 他是个好心的人,所以他让 understand,but he was a kind man, 仆人用马车送孩子们回家。so he sent the children home in a carriage with his servant. Martha,of 马莎当然十分生他们的气, course, was very angry with them, 可是比伊尔先生把事情解释 but Mr Beale explained everything 得很好。他是个漂亮的、脸very well. He was a good-looking young man with a nice smile,and 上带着愉快的笑容的青年, after a while Martha forgot to be 不一会儿马莎就忘了生气angry. 了。 所以,这一天总算快乐 So the day ended happily after all. 地结束了。 4 Bigger than the Baker's Boy 4 比面包师的儿子个子大 The next morning Martha said that the 第二天早上马莎说孩子们不可以出去。children could not go out. ' You can stay in and be good,' she said. “你们可以呆在家里,乖乖的。”她说。 ' There's something that we all want,' “有个东西我们都想要。”罗伯特说,“我 said Robert. ' Can I just go out for half an 能出去半个小时把它取来吗,”马莎的确是hour to get it,' And Martha,who was 非常好心的,就答应了他。 really very kind,said that he could. 当然他们都希望实现那一天的愿望。所 Of course, they all wanted the day's wish. So Robert hur-ried to the sand-pit. 以罗伯特急忙向沙坑跑去。 The Psammead was waiting for him, 赛米德在等着他,但是罗伯特想要想出but when Robert tried to think of a really 一个真正好的愿望时却想不出来了,而其他good wish, he couldn't, and the others 孩子又不在那儿不能帮他。 were not there to help him. “快点,”赛米德说,“我可不能等一整 ' Hurry up,'the Psammead said. ' I can't wait all day. ' 天。” ' Oh dear,'Robert said. ' I wish that we “天啊,”罗伯特说,“但愿我们不用跑didn't have to come here to get our wish… 到这儿来实现我们的愿望……噢,不~” Oh, don't~' 但是已经晚了。赛米德已经把自己变大 But it was too late. The Psammead was already making it-self big. 了。 'There~' it said. ' That wasn't easy, but “好啦~”它说,“那可不容易呀,可我I've done it. You don't need to come here to 办好了。你们用不着来这儿实现愿望了。” have your wish. ' Robert thanked the Psammead and 罗伯特谢过赛米德后急忙回去告诉别then hurried back to tell the other children. ' We must wish for something really good 的孩子。“明天,我们得有个真正妙的愿望,”tomorrow,'he said. 他说。 The next morning they thought and 第二天早上,他们想呀想呀,可也想不thought,but they couldn't think of a really 出一个真正的好愿望,所以他们决定到砾石good wish,so they decided to go to the 坑去。突然他们看见面包师的儿子,他正拿gravel-pit. Suddenly they saw a baker's boy,who was coming along the road with 着一篮子面包走过来,于是他们决定和他开his basket of bread, and they decided to 个玩笑。 play a game with him. ' Stop~' cried Cyril. “站住~”西里尔喊。 ' Your money or your life~'shouted “拿钱或拿命来~”罗伯特喊。 Robert. And they stood on each side of the 他们分别站在面包师的儿子的两侧。 baker's boy. The baker's boy,who was tall and 面包师的儿子又高又大,对此不感兴large, was not very interested and he 趣,把他俩都推开了。 pushed them both away. 'Don't be stupid~' he said. “别犯傻了~”他说。 可是罗伯特把他推搡回来并把他打倒 But Robert pushed him back and knocked him over. The bread fell out of the 了。面包从篮子里掉出来,撒了一地。面包boy's basket and went all over the road. The baker's boy was very angry. He hit Robert 师的儿子非常生气。他打了罗伯特一下,俩and they began to fight. But the baker's boy was much bigger and stronger than Robert. 人打起架来。可面包师的儿子比罗伯特大得He was also not a nice fighter— he pulled 多,也强壮得多。他也不是个有教养的斗士Robert's hair, kicked him in the leg, and hit him hard in the stomach. Then he picked ——他揪罗伯特的头发,踢他的腿,使劲打up his bread, put it back in the basket, 他的肚子。然后他拣起面包,把它放回篮子and went on his way. 里,又上路了。 Cyril wanted to help Robert, but the 西里尔想帮助罗伯特,但女孩于们拉着girls held his arms and stopped him. So 他的胳膊阻止了他。所以西里尔生她们的Cyril was angry with the girls,and everybody was unhappy. They went along 气;大家都不高兴。他们一起向砾石坑走去;to the gravel-pit, and Robert began to kick 罗伯特开始生气地踢沙子。“早晚有一天我the sand angrily. ' I'll teach that baker's boy a lesson one day,'he said. 'I wish I was 要教训教训面包师的儿子。”他说,“真希望bigger than him~' 我比他个子高~” Just then they saw that the Psammead 就在这时,他们看见赛米德正坐在他们was sitting behind them, and was watching 后面注视着他们~ them~ The next minute, Robert had his 罗伯特的愿望马上实现了。他比面包师wish. He was bigger than the baker's boy~ 的儿子个子还高,高得多得多~他现在有三Much, much bigger~ He was now more 米多高~他不高兴,因为呆在其他几个孩子than three metres tall~He was not pleased because he looked very strange next to the 身旁他看起来很古怪,他们还是那么小。 others, who were still small. 其他孩子于是为罗伯特感到遗憾,要赛 The others felt sorry for him then, and asked the Psammead for another wish . 米德再实现一个愿望。但赛米德很生气,不But the Psammead was very cross and un-helpful. 'Why don't you think before you 肯帮忙。“为什么你不事先想好,”它说,“他wish,'it said. ' He's a wild, noisy boy, 是个放肆的、吵吵闹闹的男孩子,就让他整and he can stay like that for the day. It will do him good. Now go away and leave me 个白天都这个样子吧。这对他有好处。现在alone~' 走开吧,别打扰我了~” The others turned back to their 这几个孩子转身回到他们的大个子兄enormous brother. ' What are we going to do,'They asked. 弟那里。“我们怎么办呢,”他们问。 'First,'said Robert,' I'm going to get “首先,”罗伯特说,“我要去找面包师that baker's boy~'And because he had very 的儿子~”因为他的腿很长,所以他远比面long legs, he arrived at the bottom of the 包师的儿子早到山脚下;那时那男孩还在沿hill long before the baker's boy, who was 路一家家地送面包呢。 stopping at the houses along the road to leave the bread. Robert hid behind a haystack and 罗伯特藏在一个干草堆后,等着那男孩waited for the boy . When he saw the 子。他看见那面包师的儿子走来时,就从草baker's boy coming,he jumped out from behind the haystack and the boy's mouth 堆后边跳了出来,那男孩惊奇地张大嘴巴。fell open in surprise. Then Robert took hold of him and put him on top of the haystack. 罗伯特抓住他,把他放在草堆顶上。 ' Now get down from there,if you “你能下来就从那儿下来吧~”罗伯特can~' Robert said. 说。 It was very late when the baker's boy 面包师儿子回到店里时已很晚了,面包got back to the shop,and the baker was 师很生气~ very angry~ Then Robert and the others went 罗伯特和其他几个孩子回到家,一直走home,and down to the bottom of the 到花园尽头。安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边garden. Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there. She knew that Robert was 那里去。她知道罗伯特个子太高进不了屋too big to get into the house. Of course, 子。当然了,马莎看不出罗伯特比原来高得Martha could not see that Robert was much bigger than before, and she only gave him 多,她只给他与平时一样多的肉和土豆——as much meat and potatoes as usual— and 一点儿也没多给。可怜的罗伯特非常饿。 no more. Poor Robert was very hungry. The others were feeling unhappy too 其他孩子也不高兴,因为城里有集市而because there was a fair in town and they wanted to go to it. ' We can't go anywhere 且他们想去。“我们现在哪儿也去不了,”now,'Cyril said. ' Not with Robert like this. 西里尔说,“不能带着罗伯特这个样子去。” ' Suddenly Jane cried,'I know~ Let's 突然简叫起来:“我知道了~带罗伯特take Robert to the fair~Someone there will 去集市~那儿有人会为将罗伯特展出而付给pay us to show him to people. We can make 我们钱的。我们能挣好多钱。” a lot of money. ' The others thought that this was a good plan, and they left at once. When 其他人觉得这是个好计划,于是他们马they arrived, they asked to see the head 上出发了。他们到了时就要见班主。他叫比man. His name was Bill,and when he saw 尔。当他看见罗伯特时,他非常激动。 Robert, he got very excited. ' How much do you want for him,'he “你们想把他卖多少钱,”他问。 asked. ' You can't buy me,'said Robert,' but “你不可以买我。”罗伯特说,“今天下I'll come and show myself this afternoon,if 午我来展览自己,如果你给我15镑——和一you give me fifteen pounds—and some 些食物的话~” food~' ' Right~'Bill agreed. “好吧~”比尔同意了。 So Bill took Robert inside one of the 于是比尔把罗伯特带到其中的一个大big fair tents and gave him something to 的集市帐篷里,给他东西吃。可罗伯特吃东eat. But while Robert was eating, Bill put men outside to stop him from escaping. 西时,比尔在外边安排些人以防止他逃跑。 然后比尔站在帐篷外并开始对着人群 Then Bill stood outside the tent and began to shout to the crowds. ' Come and 叫喊。“来瞧瞧世界上个子最高的人~”他喊see the biggest man in the world~'he cried. 道。 Very soon, people began to stop and 很快,人们开始停下来听他说。一个青listen. A young man and his girlfriend were 年和他的女朋友第一个去看罗伯特。他们把the first to go and look at Robert. They paid their money to Bill and wnet in . The people 钱付给比尔就进去了。外边的人听到女孩一outside heard a loud scream from the girl, 声尖叫,他们就也都想进去了。 and then they all wanted to go in too. Soon Robert was the most exciting 不久罗伯特就成了集市上最让人看了thing to see at the fair,and Bill was making a lot of money. ' Much more than fifteen 感到激动的东西了,而且比尔赚了很多钱。pounds~' Cyril said to the girls. “比15镑多得多~”西里尔对女孩们说。 Poor Robert got very bored. He had to 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。他得和每一shake hands with everybody and talk, to 个人握手、讲话,以表示他是真人。还有,show that he was real. And how could he escape at the end of the day,' They'll kill 天黑时他怎么才能逃跑呢,“我又变小的时us when I go small again,' he said. 候他们会杀死我们的,”他说。 Cyril thought for a minute. Then he 西里尔想了一下。然后他说:“我有一said,' I've got a plan,'and he went outside 个办法。”他去帐篷外对比尔谈起来。“你听the tent to talk to Bill. 'Look here,' he said,着,”他说,“太阳落下去时我哥哥必须独自' my brother must be alone when the sun goes down. He gets very strange and angry 一人在那儿。那个时候他既古怪又生气。我then. I don't know why, but you must 也不知道是怎么回事,但你决不可打扰他,leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone. ' 不然他会伤着谁。” Bill was not very happy about this, 对于这一点比尔不太高兴,可他同意but he agreed, and when the sun went 了。太阳落下去时,他们将罗伯特一个人留down, they left Robert alone. Robert 在帐篷里。罗伯特很快地从帐篷后壁下面出quickly got out under the back wall of the tent, and no one knew who he was because 来,谁也不认识他,因为他又是个小男孩了。 he was just a small boy again. The children ran all the way home— 孩子们一路跑回家——我们不知道比and we do not know what Bill said when he found that Robert was not there~ 尔发现罗伯特不见了时说了些什么~ 5 The Last Wish 5 最后一个愿望 The next day there was a letter to say that the children's mother was coming home 第二天来了一封信说孩子们的母亲当that afternoon. So they decided to wish for something for their mother. They were busy 天下午要回来了。所以他们决定为妈妈想要trying to think of something when Martha came into the room,very excited. 点什么东西。他们正忙着想要想出些什么的 时候,马莎走进房间,很激动的样子。 ' There were thieves at Lady “昨天夜里奇膝登夫人家里来了贼。”Chittenden's last night,'she said. ' They 她说,“他们把她的珠宝首饰都拿走了~她took all her jewels~ She's got lots of 有好多美丽的钻石——我听说它们值几千beautiful dia-monds— they cost thousands of pounds, I've heard. ' 镑呢。” ' When I'm older,I'm going to buy “我长大了,我要给妈妈买那样的首Mother jewels like that ,'Robert said. 饰。”罗伯特说。 ' I'd lide Mother to have all Lady “我想让妈妈现在就有奇膝登夫人的美Chittenden's beautiful jewels now,'said 丽的珠宝。”简说,“我希望她能有。” jane. ' I wish she could. ' 'Oh Jane ~'cried the others. ' What “噢,简~”其他的孩子叫起来,“你说have you said,' 了些什么呀,” 'Well, she will have them,'said “哦,她将会有的。”罗伯特说,“你已Robert. ' You've wished~Everyont will 经许愿了~大家会认为是她偷的~我们得试think she stole them~ We'll have to try to 着找到赛米德,让它把愿望收回去。” find the Psammead and ask it to take the wish back. ' They hurried down to the gravel-pit, 他们急忙跑到砾石坑,可是找不到赛米but they could not find the Psammead. So they hurried home again and looked in their 德。所以他们又急忙回家,在母亲房里找珠mother's room for the jewels, but they 宝,可珠宝还不在那里。 were not there yet. ' Well, we'll tell Mother about the “嗯,我们告诉妈妈赛米德的事,他们 Psammead, and she'll give back the jewels 来时她会把珠宝还给他们的。”安西娅说。 when they come,'Anthea said. Cyril shook his head slowly. ' She isn't going to believe us. Can anyone believe 西里尔慢慢地摇头。“她不会相信我们about a Psammead if they haven't seen it, And adults never believe things like that. 的。没见过赛米德时人怎会相信呢,何况大No,she'll think we are the thieves and we'll 人们从来不相信那类事情。不,她会认为我all go to prison, and everything will be 们是贼,我们都会进监狱,一切会糟得很~” terrible~' And that afternoon,when Mother 那天下午,母亲回家来了,孩子们跑着came home, the children ran to meet her, 去迎接她,拥抱她——并且不想让她上楼回and put their arms round her— and tried to 自己房间去。 stop her from going upstairs to her room. ' But I must take my coat off, and “可我得脱掉外衣、洗洗手啊~”她笑着wash my hands~'she cried, laughing. And 大声说。于是她上楼回自己的房间去了。 she went up to her room. The children went after her— and 孩子们跟着她——在那里,桌子上有个there, on the table, was a green box. 绿盒子。母亲打开了它。 Mother opened it. ' Oh,how beautiful~' she cried. “哟,真漂亮~”她喊道。 It was a ring. A beautiful diamond 那是只戒指。一只美丽的钻石戒指。 ring. ' Perhaps it's a surprise present from “可能是你父亲给我的出乎意料的礼Father,' she said. ' But how did it get 物,”她说,“可是它是怎么送到这儿来的,” here,' But then she found a diamond necklace— and brooches—and bracelets. 可后来她找到一条钻石项链——还有There were jewels in every cupboard in her 许多胸针——还有许多手镯。她房间的每个room. The children began to look unhappy, and Jane began to cry. 柜子里都有珠宝。孩子们开始愁眉苦脸的, 简哭起来了。 Mother was no longer smiling. ' Jane, 母亲不再微笑了。“简,关于这些你知what do you know about this,'she said 道什么,”她慢慢地讲道,“请讲真话。” slowly. ' The true story, please. ' “我们遇到了一个沙精,妈妈。”简开始 ' We met a sand-fairy, Mother,'Jane began. 说。 ' Don't be stupid,Jane,'Mother said “别说傻话,简。”母亲生气地说。 angrily. 'Some thieves stole all Lady “昨天夜里一些贼从奇滕登夫人家里偷Chittenden's jewels from her house last night,'Cyril said quickly. ' Perhaps these 走了她所有的珠宝。”西望尔很快地说,“这are her jewels~' 些可能是她的珠宝~” Then Mother called for Martha. ' Have 于是母亲叫来马莎。“有陌生人到这房any strangers been inthis room, Martha,' 间来过吗,马莎,”她问道。 she asked. ' Yes, but it was just my young man, ' Martha answered,afraid. ' He was moving “有,可只有我的男友。”马莎回答,她a heavy cupboard for me. '(This, of 害怕了。“他为我搬一个很重的柜子。”(当course,was Mr Beale,the vicar's nice 然这是比伊尔先生了,那个牧师的年轻漂亮young servant,who was now very friendly 的仆人,他现在对马莎很好。) with Martha. ) So,of course,Mother thought that he 所以,母亲当然认为他是小偷之一了。was one of the thieves. She would not listen to the children and decided to go at once 她不听孩子们的话,决定马上进城去报告警into town to tell the police. The children could not stop her. 察。孩子们阻止不了她。 ' This is terrible~' said Anthea. ' Poor “这太糟了~”安西娅说,“可怜的马莎~Martha~ And poor Mr Beale—he isn't a 还有可怜的比伊尔先生——他不是小偷~我thief~ What are we going to do,' Then 们怎么办,”然后她喊道:“快~我们必须找she cried,' Come on~ We must find the 到那个赛米德~” Psammead~' They all hurried down to the gravel-pit, and this time they found the 他们都急忙朝砾石坑跑去,这次他们找Psammead, sitting on the sand and 到了赛米德,它正坐在那儿看夕阳。看见他enjoying the evening sun. When it saw 们时它想走开,但安西娅搂住它。“亲爱的、them, it tried to get away, but Anthea put 好心的赛米德……”她开腔道。 her arms round it. ' Dear,kind Psammead…'she began. ' Oh, you want something, don't “哦,你想要东西,是不是,”它说,“可you,' it said. 'Well,I can't give you any 我今天再不能实现你的愿望了。” more wishes today. ' “你不喜欢帮人实现愿望吗,”安西娅 ' Don't you like giving wishes, 'Anthea asked. 问。 ' No, I don't,'he said . ' Go away and “对,不喜欢。”它说,“走开,别打扰leave me alone~' 我~” 可安西娅接着说了下去。“听着,”她说, But Anthea went on. ' Listen,'she said. “如果你实现了我们今天的愿望,我们就再' If you do what we want today,we'll never ask you for another wish. ' 也不要别的了。” 'I'll do anything for that,'it said. ' I “那样的话我可以做任何事情。”它说, really don't enjoy giv-ing wishes. It's very “我实在是不喜欢实现人们的愿望。这是件hard work, you know, and I get so tired. 难事,你知道,我变得这么累了。” ' 'Well, first I wish that Lady “唔,首先我希望奇滕登夫人发现她的Chittenden will find that she has never lost 珠宝从没丢。” her jewels. ' The Psammead got bigger, and then 赛米德变大,又变小。“办好了~”它说。 went small again. 'Done~'it said. 'I wish that Mother won't get to the “希望妈妈别到警察局去。” police. ' 'Done~'the Psammead said again. “办好了~”赛米德又说。 ' And I wish,' said Jane suddenly,'that “我还希望,”简突然说,“妈妈和马莎Mother and Martha will forget all about the 把珠宝的事全忘了。” jewels. ' 'Done~'the Psammead said, but its “办好了~”赛米德说,可它的声音显得voice was tired. 'Now,it went on ,' will 很累。“现在你们能为我许愿吗,” you wish something for me,' “你不能为自己实现愿望吗,”西里尔 'Can't you give yourself wishes,' asked Cyril. 问。 'Of course not,'the Psammead said. “当然不能。”赛米德说,“希望你们别'Wish that you will never tell anyone about 把我的事告诉任何人。” me. ' ' Why,' asked Robert. “为什么,”罗伯特问。 “唉,你们孩子们老要愚蠢的东西。大 ' Well, you children always ask for stupid things. But adults aren't like that. If 人们可不那样。要是他们抓住我,他们就希they get hold of me,they'll want to wish for 望要真正的、重要的东西——比方给穷人免real, important things—like free houses 费住房啦,给全国各地的孩子建新学校啦, for poor people,and new schools for 给老人们钱啦。就那种使人厌烦的事。而且children everywhere in the country,and 他们会想办法在日落后留住它们。如果所有money to give to old people. Boring things 的那些变化立刻发生,世界会怎么样,那可like that. And they'll find a way to keep them after the sun goes down. And what 就会有麻烦了。所以接着许愿~快点~” will happen to the world if all those changes come at once , There'll be terrible trouble. So go on , wish it~ Quick~' Anthea said the Psammead's wish,and 安西娅说出了赛米德的愿望,它变得非it got very,very big. When it was small 常非常大。当它又变小了时,它说:“现在again, it said,' Now, I'm very tired. Do 我很累了。你们想要最后一个愿望吗,” you want one last wish,' 'Thank you for everything,'said Jane. ' “感谢你做的一切。”简说,“美美地睡Have a good long sleep— and I wish that 一觉——我还希望有一天能再见到你。” we'll see you again someday. ' Then,for the last time, the Psammead 然后赛米德最后一次变大又变小。它用went big,then small again. It looked at 柄眼把他们全又看了一遍,然后很快地钻进them all once more with its long eyes,and 沙子里去了。 then dug itself quickly into the sand. And when they arrived home again, 当他们又到家里时,一切都是好好的。everything was all right. Mother came home and she and Martha remembered 母亲回到家,她和马莎什么都忘了,而且奇nothing, and Lady Chittenden found that 滕登夫人发现她的珠宝没丢。 her jewels were not lost. ' Will we ever see the Psammead “你们认为我们究竟还能再见到赛米德again, do you think,'Jane said to the 吗,”晚些时候简在花园里对其他孩子们 others, later in the garden. 说。 当然喽,他们又见到它了,可不是在这 And,of course,they did, but not in 个故事里见到的。是在与这里很不一样的一this story. It was in a very, very different 个地方。那是在一个……可我不该再多说place. It was in a… But I must say no more. 了。 《 五个孩子和沙精》 作者:伊迪丝?内斯比特 内容简介:它是个“赛米德”(即沙精)。有一大孩子们在砾石坑中挖沙时发现了它。它已经几千岁了。当然了,沙精们可以帮人们实现他们的愿望——愿望每天只能实现一个,而且当太阳落山时一切也就结束了。安西娅、西里尔、罗伯特和简觉得这棒极了。他们的小弟弟还太小,不会许愿,而且大部分时间都呆在家里;可其他几个盘算着要些激动人心的东西。 可那又是什么呢,变得漂亮,富有,还是能像鸟儿一样飞翔,有时候想出真正的好愿望很困难,可是脱口说出“但愿„„”却是很容易的,那时你就得到了并不真正想要的东西。这时沙精就不肯帮忙了。出了差错时它就生气地说:“为什么你不先想好了再说,” 而事情的确常出差错„„ 作者简介:伊迪丝?内斯比特1858年生于伦敦,1924年逝世。她一生从事写作,为儿童写了很多 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。其中著名的有《五个孩子和沙精》、《长生鸟与地毯》及《铁路上的孩子》等。
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