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雅思短语训练(口语篇) 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——食品 1 (试用) 句子数量:5 Many people feel that canned food is inferior to fresh food. 许多人觉得罐头食品远没有新鲜食品好。 Natural health experts recommend a wholesome diet of unprocessed, low-sugar, organic foods to start. 自然健康专家建议健康的饮食习惯从食用未加工的、低糖、有机的食物...

雅思短语训练(口语篇)——食品 1 (试用) 句子数量:5 Many people feel that canned food is inferior to fresh food. 许多人觉得罐头食品远没有新鲜食品好。 Natural health experts recommend a wholesome diet of unprocessed, low-sugar, organic foods to start. 自然健康专家建议健康的饮食习惯从食用未加工的、低糖、有机的食物开始。 My doctor told me to cut down on junk food. 我的医生告诉我要少吃垃圾食品。 I was once a fast food junkie that did not exercise, lacked sleep, and told my conscience to take a hike. 我曾经是一个快餐迷,不运动、缺乏睡眠,还告诉我的良心,哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去。 There is a new eating disorder that has become more common in the last twenty years or so. 在过去二十年左右的时间里,一种新的饮食失调已经变得越来越普遍了。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——食品 2 (试用) 句子数量:5 Jane is a gourmet. She likes fine food and is a good judge of its quality. 简是一个美食家。她热衷于美食,并且很善于分辨食物质量的好坏。 The chocolate cakes we had at that restaurant were disgusting. 我们在那家餐厅吃的巧克力蛋糕真是太恶心了。 It's normal for kids to refuse to speak their home language at the stage when they start to socialize with other kids. 到了孩子们开始参加社交活动的阶段,他们不愿再说自己在家中所说的语言是正常的。 A willingness to participate fully in the community beyond the library is also essential for the applicants. 应聘者充分参与图书馆以外社会活动的意愿也是必不可少的。 His project manager was very supportive of him. 他的项目经理非常支持他的工作。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——友谊 句子数量:5 In fact, Burks said he has done so much research on the Robertson family, he feels like a kindred spirit. 事实上,伯克斯表示,他对罗伯森家族做了太多的研究,感觉大家志趣很相投。 Their newest film has real lessons about how my generation can get along with the ones below it. 他们最新的电影为我们这一代人如何与下一代人和睦相处好好上了一课。 I don't think I'm on the same wavelength as my tutor. 我觉得我和我的辅导老师思维方式不同。 Hill is ridiculously and over-the-top friendly, but quick to stab someone in the back when they aren't around. 希尔友好得令人出奇,但不当面的时候,他会轻易的从背后捅刀子。 It's time to enforce our trade laws to ensure that US companies compete on a level playing field. 是时候执行我们的贸易法规以确保美国企业能够公平的参与竞争了。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——媒体 句子数量:5 We do not want to stop people swimming in the reservoirs out of some wish to spoil their enjoyment, but simply to protect their safety. 我们禁止人们在蓄水池游泳,不是想扫他们的兴,而只是为了保障他们的安全。 It's not media hype; it's real and for six years it's been going on. 这不是媒体炒作,这是真的,而且已经持续了六年。 Stories about star players transferring from one team to another usually dominate the headlines during European soccer's offseason. 欧洲足球休赛季期间,明星球员从一个队转会到另一个队的报道常常会占据报纸的头版头条。 Survey takers are asked for impressions of 41 local people, mostly public figures. 调查者被问及对 41个当地人,主要是公众人物的印象。 Kate has made several public appearances recently but is expected to keep a low profile in the final weeks of her pregnancy. 凯特最近公开露面了几次,但预计会在怀孕最后几周保持低调。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——人物 1 句子数量:5 We aren't trying to blow things out of proportion here. 在此我们并未试图夸大其词。 The problem with escaping reality is that you always have to come back to it. 逃避现实的问题在于,你总得回归现实。 Great employees show initiative rather than just sit back and hope someone else will solve the issue for them or give them a step up. 优秀的员工在工作时显得很主动,而不是在一旁闲着,希望别人会替他们解决问题,或者给 他们帮忙。 Generally my kids want to do this of their own accord without any nagging from me! 一般来说,我的孩子们希望自己主动来做这件事,而不想我唠叨。 Whether we keep our word will play a huge part in who we are in the future. 我们是否遵守承诺会在很大程度上决定我们以后会成为什么样的人。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——人物 2 句子数量:5 Most overnight successes actually take years. 大多数的一夜成名实际上都要有很多年的沉淀。 Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person? 你认为自己是否有可能与从未见过面的人成为朋友呢? The band has performed in York before and has a large local following. 这个乐队曾经在约克表演过,在当地拥有一大批追随者。 How well do you know the people who live next door to you? 你对隔壁邻居了解有多少? Things could change overnight; you could go from rags to riches or riches to rags overnight. 事情可能在一夜之间改变;你可能一夜暴富,也可能一夜之间就一贫如洗。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——工作 1 句子数量:5 There are some differences in levels of job satisfaction. 不同的工作满意水平之间存在着一些差异。 A newspaper analysis shows that Ohio may be starting to turn around its "brain drain". 一家报纸的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 显示,俄亥俄州可能开始扭转其“人才流失”的局面。 Research shows graduates without work experience stand little chance of securing a job. 研究表明,没有工作经验的毕业生找到工作的希望不大。 Involvement with a variety of leisure activities can help individuals with serious mental illnesses lead more active and healthier lives. 参与多种多样的休闲活动能帮助有严重心理疾病的人过上更积极健康的生活。 Something that coaches look for in every basketball player is work ethic. 教练希望在每个篮球运动员身上找到的是职业道德。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——工作 2 句子数量:5 They created a calendar to organise public events and work schedules. 他们制订了新的日历来安排公共活动和工作进度。 If we want to ensure a fair and functioning judiciary, our courts cannot be short-staffed, 如果我们想要确保司法公正有效,我们的法院不能人手短缺。 Through excellence in service, we can be in charge of our destiny. 凭借卓越的服务,我们能掌握自己的命运。 Far from saying he has an attitude problem, the youngster still needs to learn to control his emotions in games. 说不上他态度有问题,但这年轻人仍然需要学着在比赛中控制自己的情绪。 Modern people lead a busy life. 现代人过着十分忙碌的生活。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——工作 3 句子数量:5 A high school student usually looks forward to college as a few years of fun after which a cushy job would follow. 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 生通常期待大学就是几年玩乐,而在此之后会有一份很轻松的工作。 Learning a second language fuels children's intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter. 学习第二种语言会促进孩子们的智力发展并且让他们拥有更光明的职业前景。 All prophets used one or the other art form to convey their message and inspire their followers. 所有的先知都会用一种或另一种艺术形式来传递他们的思想,并激励他们的追随者。 The financial services industry has one of the hardest glass ceilings for women to break through according to a recent survey. 根据最近的一项调查,金融服务业的“玻璃天花板”对女性来说是最难打破的。 Effective transport infrastructure in London benefits not just London but the whole country. 伦敦高效的交通设施不仅让伦敦受益,更惠泽全国。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——交通 1 句子数量:5 A traffic bottleneck is a localized disruption of vehicular traffic on a street, road, or highway. 交通瓶颈是指在街道、公路或高速公路上交通的局部中断。 There was nowhere to go. We had to inch along. 我们无处可去,只能极为缓慢地前进。 Certain areas are used for particular experiments and are therefore temporarily out of bounds to the public. 某些区域被用于特殊的试验,因此暂不对公众开放。 Special manufacturing techniques allow to significantly reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. 特殊的生产工艺能显著减少燃料消耗和二氧化碳排放。 Can a road tell the difference if an electric vehicle or a gas guzzler is driving over it? 道路能够区分在上面行驶的是电动汽车还是高油耗汽车吗? 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——交通 2 句子数量:5 Reckless driving is not only costly when it jacks up the insurance premiums, but can also cost lives. 危险驾驶不仅仅会因为保险费提高而让人付出金钱代价,还可能让人付出生命代价。 Twists and turns emerge in the road to the summit of the mountain. 通往山顶的那条路蜿蜒曲折。 One way of making sure that the pedestrians are safe is to increase signage at the intersections. 确保行人安全的方法之一是在十字路口增加标识。 I like to drive fast, but I don't go over the speed limit. 我喜欢开快车,但是我不会超速。 It's a common complaint among critics to hear that a film doesn't break new ground, right? 在批评者中最常听到的抱怨是一部电影没有新突破,对吗? 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——科技 1 句子数量:5 I know it's going to be very busy, but I'm ready to welcome that with open arms. 我知道会很忙,但我已经准备好张开双臂迎接它了。 Social networking websites have been used by people of all walks of life for the past few years. 在过去的几年之中,社交网站已被各行各业的人所使用。 All types of identity theft can be devastating, but the worst is medical identity theft. 所有形式的身份盗用都可能有很强破坏性,但最糟的是医疗身份盗用。 The consumer categories include identity theft, e-mail spamming, antitrust laws, competition, and other issues. 消费类别包括身份盗用、滥发垃圾邮件、反垄断法、竞争和其他问题。 The Internet revolution has taken the information highway and social interactions to a whole new level. 互联网革命将信息高速公路和社会互动提到了一个全新的水平。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——科技 2 句子数量:5 In another attempt to pacify protesters, the government promised to speed up the pace of reform. 作为安抚抗议者的再次尝试,政府承诺会加快改革的步伐。 Scientists have created the world's first high definition 3D model of a complete human brain. 科学家们已经创造出了世界上第一个完整的人类大脑的高清三维模型。 Investors are being urged not to get carried away with the promising stock market returns seen so far this year. 投资者被敦促不要因今年目前为止所看到的有前景的股票市场回报而忘乎所以。 You need to be passionate about what you do. 你需要对你所做的事情充满热情。 Many times when you have a craving for a snack, you are also dehydrated, so make sure you are drinking enough water. 很多时候,当你很想吃零食时,你同时也处于脱水状态。所以要确保你喝了足够多的水。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——爱憎 句子数量:5 What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the achievements of prodigies are the skills similar to but so much superior to our own. 神童们的成就中让我们欣赏、享受或赞叹的部分是他们和我们同样拥有但却远胜于我们自己 的技能。 She might not be fond of her new job. 她可能不喜欢她的新工作。 It was a remote village and some of them were reluctant to speak to me. 那是一个偏远的村子,有些人不愿与我说话。 It was equally clear to me that they cannot stand Tony. 我同样很清楚他们忍受不了托尼。 The researchers drew up a list demanding new standards for future research. 研究人员们制订了一个列表,要求为将来的研究确立新的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)—— 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、决策 1 句子数量:5 I have my heart set on this car, and I am willing to borrow money to buy it. 我非常喜欢这辆车,情愿借钱来买它。 Make up your mind, before someone does it for you! 在别人替你作出决定之前,下定自己的决心! I have mixed feelings about where we have been and what we accomplished. 我对我们去过的地方、做过的事感到百感交集。 Either way the retail future of the area appears to be up in the air. 无论怎样,这一地区零售业的未来似乎都悬而未决。 Additionally, the federal government has no say in how schools meet the outlined goals. 此外,联邦政府对学校要如何完成规定目标没有 发言 中层任职表态发言幼儿园年会园长发言稿在政协会议上的发言在区委务虚会上的发言内部审计座谈会发言稿 权。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——计划、决策 2 句子数量:5 All those years of efforts paid off. 多年的努力终于带来了回报。 Your efforts will bear fruit sooner or later. 你的努力迟早会结出果实。 I'm a firm believer in you reap what you sow. 我坚信种瓜得瓜种豆得豆。 India missed a golden opportunity to tackle violence against women. 印度错过了一个解决针对妇女的暴力行为的宝贵机会。 They said that this would cause brain drain and the efforts and resources invested in higher education will go down the drain. 他们表示,这会导致人才流失,而高等教育所投入的精力和资源将会付诸东流。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——计划、决策 3 句子数量:5 I wondered if my work would be in vain. 我在想我的工作是否会白费。 That's the point where most inventions fall by the wayside. 这点正是大多数发明落空的地方。 The only fly in the ointment is the weather, as rain is predicted. 美中不足的是天气,因为预报说会下雨。 As with Web browsing, visiting random sites and downloading software whose credentials you can't verify is a recipe for disaster. 就网页浏览而言,访问任意网站并下载无法验证证书的软件必将导致灾难。 She is tied and is wearing tattered clothing. 她被捆绑着,穿着破烂的衣服。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——服装、时尚 1 句子数量:5 I dress for comfort, not to stand out. 我穿衣看重的是舒适,不是为了引人注目。 First and foremost she has impeccable taste in clothing and accessories. 首先,她在服装和配饰上有着无可挑剔的品味。 They say clothes make the man but it's true for women, too! 他们说,男人要靠衣装,但这句话对女人也适用! When she's at home, she likes to wear casual clothes. 在家时,她喜欢穿便服。 Her elegant clothes were a good fit for the iconic. 她优雅的服装很符合自己的形象。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——服装、时尚 2 句子数量:5 But being a fashion victim doesn't count as slavery. 然而,做个一味追求时尚的人并不能算作是奴隶。 I find that loose fitting and breathable clothing that covers you up is the best to manage dry heat and desert sun. 我发觉,宽松透气、能裹住身体的衣服最能应对燥热和沙漠里的太阳。 Please wear walking boots and waterproof clothes. 请穿上登山靴和防水服。 I don't mind sorting through messy handwriting and imperfect thoughts when I know I'm getting original ideas instead of borrowed brilliance. 我并不介意整理潦草的笔记和不完善的想法,只要我知道我得到的是独到的见解而不是借来 的才华。 Even in an outline document like this, you really have to be careful to avoid typos. 即使是在像这样的大纲性文档里,你也务必要注意避免打字错误。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——读写 句子数量:5 It will be available as a printed book, an e-book, and an audio book. 它将以多种形式出售:印刷书籍,电子书和有声书。 A new talking book for children created by local families will include a story read by City Mayor Peter Soulsby. 由当地家庭为孩子们创作的一本有声读物将会收录一个由市长彼得所读的故事。 If you take things belonging to the company without permission, you will face disciplinary action. 如果你未经许可拿走公司财务,将会面临惩戒性措施。 As it becomes more difficult for adults to make ends meet in the UK, many are looking for ways to supplement their income. 由于在英国成年人要保持收支平衡变得更难了,许多人都在找寻各种方法以补贴他们的收入。 I spent six months going daily to the hospital and sometimes twice daily and it cost me a fortune. 我花了六个月的时间每天去一次医院,有时候一天两次,这让我花了很多钱。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——金钱 1 句子数量:5 This should be free of charge, and hopefully should bring you some relief. 这应该是完全免费的,并希望能给你带来一些安慰。 Even if you don't make a fortune from this herb, there are few sights more attractive than a field of purple cornflowers. 即使你不靠这些草药发财,也很少会有比一望无际的紫色金菊花更吸引人的美景了。 In his mind they have a right, like all South Africans, to accumulate wealth for themselves. 在他看来,他们有权为自己积累财富,就像所有的南非人一样。 Walking around the city with a Starbucks cup of coffee carries a bit of a status symbol. 带着一杯星巴克的咖啡在城市里漫无目的地行走一定程度上象征了身份和地位。 It would be no surprise if staff at luxury goods stores are becoming just a little more pushy than usual. 如果在奢侈品店工作的员工变得比平常更爱出风头一点,也没什么可奇怪的。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——金钱 2 句子数量:5 Their benefit gets cut so now they have to tighten their belt and reduce spending. 他们的补助金被削减了,所以现在他们必需得勒紧裤腰带,节省开支。 We really did do this on a shoe string budget and I think the outcome is quite remarkable. 我们做这件事的花费真的很少,并且我认为成果是很显著的。 I cannot afford the medical charges. 我付不起医疗费。 It would be totally beyond our means to maintain these equine athletes at the international level without the sponsorship. 如果没有赞助,让这些赛马保持在国际水平的费用将远远超出我们的承受能力。 The suspects used a stolen credit card to go on a shopping spree at Walmart. 犯罪嫌疑人用偷来的信用卡在沃尔玛疯狂购物。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——金钱 3 句子数量:5 We want to keep track of what populations are doing, all populations of wildlife. 我们想记录种群们都在做什么,所有的野生种群。 More would lose their parents, or lose track of their parents, in the course of the war. 在战争中,更多的人会失去他们的父母,或与他们的父母失去联系。 Certain undertakings are likely to fall short of your expectations. 某些工作可能会低于你的预期。 We should take precautions against the fire accidents in summer. 夏日我们要谨防火灾。 In politics and war, the end often justifies the means. 在政治和战争中,目的往往决定手段。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——音乐 句子数量:5 People are willing to damage their current and future financial situation in order to keep up with the Joneses. 为了与他人攀比,人们情愿损害他们现在和将来的财务状况。 I am one of the 5 percent of all people that cannot carry a tune. 我是所有人中唱歌跑调的那 5%之一。 He had attended a free open-air concert in the local park. 他参加了一场在当地公园举办的的免费露天音乐会。 Both our National Symphony Orchestra and National Theatre Company were involved in the planning of the project. 我们的国家交响乐团与国家剧院都参加了这个项目的企划。 Jane has been steeped in music and the theatre world since she was a child. 自孩提时代起,简就沉浸在了音乐和戏剧的世界里。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——旅行 1 句子数量:5 Do you have what it takes to be one of the Top Ten? 你有成为十强之一所必需的资质吗? My anxiety levels were in overdrive but it was too late to book a flight back. 我的焦虑水平超出了负荷,但那时订机票回来为时已晚。 It's hardly surprising that tourists flock to see the area. 游客们蜂拥而至,这并不让人感到惊奇。 The majority of the workers have been entitled to paid holidays. 大多数员工享有带薪休假。 The peak season for travel to and from Australia is October to February. 往返于澳大利亚旅游的旺季是十月至二月。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——旅行 2 句子数量:5 During the slack season of the year flight tickets are sliding down to record lower prices. 在一年中的旅游淡季期间,飞机票会下滑至历史较低价格。 During the low season we give training to the workers so that they improve their skills and do their job better the next summer. 在旅游淡季期间,我们对员工进行培训,以提升他们的技能,来年夏天更好的工作。 I don't get such bad jet lag because I fly so often. 我没有如此强烈的时差反应,因为我飞得太多了。 Ideal weather conditions stick around. 天气状况持续良好。 Travelers are looking forward to venture off the beaten path. 旅客都期待着到人迹罕至的地方去。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——旅行 3 句子数量:5 Within an hour you could be in the middle of nowhere, feeling as if you're a thousand miles from civilisation. 一小时之内,你就能到一个人迹罕至的地方,感觉文明在千里之外。 Travel light because backpacks and large bags will require additional screening. 轻装旅行,因为背包和大的旅行包需要额外检查。 But the results of the study should not deter people from strenuous sports. 但研究结果不应该阻止人们进行非常耗费体力的运动。 I'm hoping tennis will help me build up my stamina. 我希望网球能帮助我增进耐力。 Adding aerobic exercise such as jogging or dance to a restricted-calorie diet had little effect on weight loss. 在低卡食物的基础上增加有氧运动,如慢跑或跳舞,对减重的影响极小。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——运动 1 句子数量:5 Bicycling is a great way to burn calories and stay fit. 骑自行车是燃烧卡路里、保持健康的一个好方法。 Which of these is your favorite sports event at this time of year? 每年这个时候的体育赛事里,你最喜欢哪一个? Lessons last for a standardised 50 minutes and are always followed by a 10-minute break, which gives the pupils a chance to let offsteam. 每堂课的长度都是标准化的 50分钟,而且课间均有 10分钟的休息,可以给学生们机会去释 放压力。 As with every season, the fifth one ended in a cliffhanger. 和每一季一样,第五季以一场充满悬念的比赛作为终结。 Albion's team spirit was generally lauded by all at the club. 阿尔比恩的团队精神在俱乐部被广为称赞。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——运动 1 句子数量:5 Bicycling is a great way to burn calories and stay fit. 骑自行车是燃烧卡路里、保持健康的一个好方法。 Which of these is your favorite sports event at this time of year? 每年这个时候的体育赛事里,你最喜欢哪一个? Lessons last for a standardised 50 minutes and are always followed by a 10-minute break, which gives the pupils a chance to let offsteam. 每堂课的长度都是标准化的 50分钟,而且课间均有 10分钟的休息,可以给学生们机会去释 放压力。 As with every season, the fifth one ended in a cliffhanger. 和每一季一样,第五季以一场充满悬念的比赛作为终结。 Albion's team spirit was generally lauded by all at the club. 阿尔比恩的团队精神在俱乐部被广为称赞。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——技能 1 句子数量:5 Through hard work and innate talent, he became the finest portrait photographer in Seattle. 凭借努力和与生俱来的天赋,他成为了西雅图最优秀的肖像摄影师。 Consulting experts can be useful in certain circumstances. 在某些情况下,咨询专家会很有帮助。 People who can speak two languages display greater creativity and problem-solving ability. 会说两种语言的人们展示出更强的创造力和解决实际问题的能力。 I know the job inside out so whatever problem I'm faced with, I'll do my utmost to resolve it. 我很了解这份工作,所以无论面临的是什么问题,我都会尽我最大的努力解决它。 Although she may make the same mistakes over and over again, she will in time get the hang of it. 虽然她可能会一再犯同样的错误,但一段时间以后就会找到它的窍门。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——技能 2 句子数量:5 The feeling is she might be out of her depth but you never know until you try them. 感觉上这可能超出了她的能力范围,但你不尝试就永远都不会知道。 Gorman allowed the team to use his senior creative writing class as a guinea pig. 戈尔曼允许团队将他的高级创意写作课当作试验品。 It restricts only law-abiding citizens and has no impact whatsoever on criminals. 这只能约束遵纪守法的公民,对罪犯却没有任何影响。 He urged Congress to pass new legislation to ensure equal access to polls. 他敦促国会通过新的法规,以确保投票公平。 After all, the legal age of responsibility is the age of 10 years plus. 毕竟,法律责任年龄是十岁以上。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——犯罪 1 句子数量:5 If you take things belonging to the company without permission, you will face disciplinary action. 如果你未经许可拿走公司财物,则将面临惩戒措施。 Senseless, random crime happens often to people who live in lower income communities. 无目的、未经预谋的犯罪常常发生在居住于低收入社区的人身上。 I think the president's doing everything he can to bring him to justice. 我想总统在尽一切可能将他绳之以法。 One of the biggest things for crime prevention is education. 预防犯罪的关键之一是教育。 Blood collection centres fall victim to inadequate health funding. 采血中心成为了医疗经费不足的受害者。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——犯罪 2 句子数量:5 Investigators are seeking information to solve a recent property crime. 调查人员在查找信息以解决最近的一起财产犯罪。 The police are exposing a scam that directly targets people looking for a better job. 警方正在揭露一个直接针对寻找更好工作的人群的骗局。 The government is cracking down on lenders that have taken advantage of tens of thousands military members. 政府正在严厉打击欺骗了数以万计军事成员的贷款机构。 The doctors hope they can stamp cancer out. 医生希望根除癌症。 This residential area lets you enjoy a tranquil and serene environment. 这一住宅区能让您享受宁静的氛围。 雅思短语训练(口语篇)——自然 1 句子数量:5 He wanted a little cottage far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 他希望能有一处小屋,远离熙熙攘攘的城市生活。 Listening to music can help you r
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