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教师家访调查报告教师家访调查报告 董干镇新寨小学 董红萍 在通讯工具发达的今天,走家串户式的家访似乎是一个越来越陌生的名词,打电话、家校路路通成了许多老师和家长联系的主要方式。根据上级的统一部署,正在开展学习实践科学发展观活动,确定家访三类学生:德困生、学困生、贫困生。我校将家访作为学校工作的一项重点内容。我和部分教师同行进行家访。 一、准备工作。 进行家访前,我们首先对所访学生家庭情况进行尽可能深入的了解。明确家访的主要任务:向家长反映学生在校的表现,多报喜,少报忧。向家长介绍学校开展的主要教育活动,在学校与家庭间形成有...

教师家访调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 董干镇新寨 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 董红萍 在通讯工具发达的今天,走家串户式的家访似乎是一个越来越陌生的名词,打电话、家校路路通成了许多老师和家长联系的主要方式。根据上级的统一部署,正在开展学习实践科学发展观活动,确定家访三类学生:德困生、学困生、贫困生。我校将家访作为学校工作的一项重点内容。我和部分教师同行进行家访。 一、准备工作。 进行家访前,我们首先对所访学生家庭情况进行尽可能深入的了解。明确家访的主要任务:向家长反映学生在校的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现,多报喜,少报忧。向家长介绍学校开展的主要教育活动,在学校与家庭间形成有效沟通。与家长共同研究,明确要求,统一思想,找出学生内心发展中存在的问题及原因,加深对学生的了解,在未来的教育中有的放矢。向家长提出建议,为其实施家庭教育提供帮助指导,必要时还要向家长介绍一些心理学、教育学的基本知识,并共同商量出解决问题的 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 。 二、对部分重点家访对象的家访过程。 谭雪同学,性别女。在同她爷爷奶奶的交谈中,我们得知,谭雪同学的父母现在外地打工,常年不在家。平时,她和爷爷奶奶一起生活。我们告诉她爷爷奶奶说:他们的孙女是一名品学兼优的好学生,Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 现任我班语文课代表。她学习努力,关心班集体,尊敬老师,团结同学,积极向上。是老师和同学心目中的好学生。张教导给她送去了食品和学习用品。我给她买了件新衣服。她的爷爷奶奶十分感谢老师。通过家访,我们对谭雪同学有了更全面的了解,并决心在今后的教育工作中,给予她更多的关心,加强对她的思想教育工作,指导她学会自我调适,帮助她树立信心,完善个性,战胜自我。帮助她消除自卑、孤独等心理障碍,促进心理健康发展。让她感受到社会、学校和老师的温暖,人与人之间的真挚感情,从而消除自卑、孤独等心理给她带来的精神上的压力。 陆安星同学,性别男。他上课总是搞小动作,影响别人学习;下课追逐打闹,喜欢动手动脚,还随便骂人;有时拖拉作业,有时不做作业„„经常有任课老师或是学生向我告状。于是,我找他谈话,希望能上课老老实实,知错就改,争取做一个他人喜欢、父母喜欢、老师喜欢的好孩子,他当时答应了。可是,过了一段时间他又一如既往,真是“屡教不改”。在同他父母的交谈中,我们了解到在家不能安心完成作业,进行预习、复习。放学后、双休日在外面玩,有时很晚回家。经常问父母要零花钱,不愿承担任何家务。父母都很忙,平时不能时时督促他。父母表示家庭经济状况不错,希望好好培养儿子,有空也与儿子沟通并进行教育。他父亲很生气。他说,该说的都说了,骂也骂了,打也打了,实在不听话。我们和他父母交流后觉得要改变对陆安星同学的教育方式。多亲近他,敞开心扉,以关爱之心来触动他的心弦。用亲情、师爱去温暖他,用情去感化他,用理去说服他, 2munities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant com n then one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green osuited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. O ust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the speciesfired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exha-ity. Three is to build coalironmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacburning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of env-l enterprises of coalustriarms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and indils of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and chaDeta 从而促使他主动地认识并改正错误。用关爱唤起他的自信心、进取心,然后引导并激励他制定短期和中长期的学习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,努力学习,并采取奖励的方法,从而让他成为品学兼优的学生。 三、家访的感悟。 家访虽然辛苦却很有价值,它能很好地沟通老师与家长的感情,缩短老师与学生之间的距离。比如有些关于孩子的缺点,关于家庭情况,在学校时家长不一定会说,但在家访时,由于营造一种家庭氛围,家长会愿意告诉老师,而且是直言不讳地道给老师听。家访是我们老师送“教育”上门。家庭是第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任教师。家庭对孩子身体的发育,知识的获得,能力的培养,品德的陶冶,个性的形成,都有至关重要的影响。教育孩子,老师一定要与家长联系,双方只有同心协力,才能事半功倍,,达到教育目的。与家长学生面对面的交流,加强了学校,家庭,学生的联系,了解了家长的期望与要求,了解了学生的个性与想法,加强了师生感情,增强了自己的责任感,也让我更加热爱学生,热爱工作。通过家访,事实证明:家访,并不是简单的例行公事,而是教育思想转化为教育行为的实践。从“告状”到“沟通”,从“关心”到“指导”,从上门服务到自觉反思,家访具有更新教育观念、改善师生关系、增进家校的理解和信任、完善教育艺术等多重效应。即使现代通信技术再发达,电话、电脑及网络再普及,家访还是具有独特的不可替代的功能。同时将学生家访后有关情况,阶段性地做出公正的评价,适时与家长交流。只有抓好家访后 nities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.her hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant commuthe otone handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on ited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On ust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species sufired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exha-. Three is to build coalironmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacityburning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of env-nterprises of coalal e(B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industri of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. Details3 有关工作,循序渐进,坚持不懈,才能巩固家访的效果,真正达到家 访的教育目的。 4munities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant com n then one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green osuited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. O ust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the speciesfired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exha-ity. Three is to build coalironmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacburning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of env-l enterprises of coalustriarms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and indils of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and chaDeta
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