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英语口语考试应用2.Indian giver送东西给人日后又讨回的人; 3.Spanish castle不切实际; 4.Spanish athlete爱吹牛的人; 5.Italian hand幕后操纵; 6.Irish bull自相矛盾; 7.Dutch courage酒后之勇;8.French leave不辞而别 【跟中国相关的复合词】China plate好友;Chinese puzzle难答之事,难解之谜;China aster 翠菊;China grass芒麻;China ink墨;China rose月季;...

2.Indian giver送东西给人日后又讨回的人; 3.Spanish castle不切实际; 4.Spanish athlete爱吹牛的人; 5.Italian hand幕后操纵; 6.Irish bull自相矛盾; 7.Dutch courage酒后之勇;8.French leave不辞而别 【跟中国相关的复合词】China plate好友;Chinese puzzle难答之事,难解之谜;China aster 翠菊;China grass芒麻;China ink墨;China rose月季;Chinese copy与原物一模一样的复制品;Chinese calendar农历;Chinese lantern灯笼;Chinese red朱红色;Chinese watermelon 冬瓜 1. That's a touchy issue! 这是个辣手的问题! 2. I have totally sold out to your idea。我百分之百地赞同你的意见。 3.Y ou need to think creatively--outside the box 你应该跳出惯有思维方式,去创造性地思考 4.My boss went nuclear on me today今天我的老板对我大吼大叫。 单词out 结尾的实用短句】1.Come out! 出来!2. Let's eat out. 我们到外面吃。3. Lights out! 关灯!4. Chill out! 放轻松点!5. Y ou're in or out? 你加入还是不加入?6. It's sold out. 这卖光了。 7. Move out! 你给我搬出去!8. Out and out. 彻彻底底地。9. Get out! 滚开! 1.Nothing works.什么都不对劲儿. 2.I'm not myself today.我今天心神不宁 3.Y ou can never tell.谁也没把握. 4.I get hold of you at last.终于找到你了. 5.Over my dead body!休想! 6.That's more my style.那比较适合我. 7.Not precisely!不一定! 8.I ache all over.我浑身酸痛. 9.Rats!差劲! 【国家名的特殊用法】1.Excuse my French原谅我说话粗鲁;2.Indian giver送东西给人日后又讨回的人;3.Spanish castle不切实际;4.Spanish athlete爱吹牛的人;5.Italian hand幕后操纵;6.Irish bull自相矛盾;7.Dutch courage酒后之勇;8.French leave不辞而别;9.Greek gift害人的礼物;10.Russian boot长统靴 1.Don't beat around the bush.别拐弯抹角了. 2.Tell me when!随时奉陪! 3.Call it even.扯平了. 4.She turns me off.她使我厌烦. 5.He is a phoney.他是一个骗子. 6.Be good.乖/别乱来. 7.Don't fall for it.不要上当 8.I felt sort of ill.我感觉有点不适 【实用口语】1.Play hooky.旷工、旷课。2.It's about time.时间差不多了/是时候了。3.It's worth a try!值得一试! 4.How big of you!你真棒!5.As far as I'm concerned.就我而言。6.I won't buy your story.我不信你那一套。7.Let's see you do it.有本事你做给我看。8.Y ou want a bet?你想打赌吗? 【工作相关的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达】找工作look for a job;申请工作apply for a job;空缺vacancy;雇主employer;受雇者employee;聘用某人hire someone;签约雇用某人sign someone up;从事 自由业的self-employed;自己做生意run one's own business;递交辞呈hand in one's resignation;解雇某人dismiss someone 《英语的陷阱】容易误解的句子:1. That's all I want to hear. 我已经听够了(常被误解为:这是所有我想听到的)。2. I have no opinion of that man.我对那个人很反感/没好感(常被误解为:我对那人没意见)3. U don't know what u are talking about.你就瞎扯淡吧(其实是说话人表示不相信或否认) 【表达“穷”】1. low on cash 缺钱花;2. poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗;3. dirt-poor 灰常的穷;4. working poor 穷忙一族呀;5. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族;6. Max out my credit card 刷爆了我的信用卡;7. be broke 破产了,身无分文了。8. live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口 【实用口语】1.Almost!差不多了!2.Hang in there.坚持住.3.Read between the lines.领会字里行间的意思.4.Let's talk over coffee.我们边喝边谈.5.Y ou just jumped to conclusions.你妄下结论.6.We should clear the air.我们应该消除误会.7.Make it up!不记前嫌!8.Now you're talking.你这样说就对了 【你的“她”是怎样的人?】She is a loner. 她不合群。She is a drama queen. 她老是无事生非。She's outgoing. 她性格外向;She is shy. 她很容易害羞;She is quiet. 她很文静;She is always the center of attention. 她走到哪都引人注意;She is weird. (She is a weirdo.) 她是个怪人。 1.She's very much her own woman.她很有主见。 2.She's a woman of her word.她是个说话算话的女人。 3.She's a woman of means.她是个有钱的女人。 4.right-hand woman得力助手 5.hell hath no fury like a woman scorned千万不要得罪 《各种woman】1、little woman 贤内助2、career woman 职业妇女3、kept woman 靠男人养活的姘妇4、woman of quality 名媛5、wonder woman 给力牛逼女6、woman of the world 深通世故的女人7、madwoman 疯女人8、my good woman 大嫂子9、new woman 新女性《外企各种假期的表达】1)Annual Leave年假2)Medical/sick Leave病假3)Hospitalisation Leave住院假期4)Maternity [m?'t?n?t?]leave产假5)Paternity Leave陪产假(父亲的育儿假) 6)Marriage Leave婚假7)Childcare Leave育儿假8)Compassionate Leave奔丧9)Unpaid Leave无薪假期 【back】1.on my back 找我麻烦2.get off my back 少跟我罗嗦3.turn one's back on 不理睬、背弃、否认 4.behind my back 在背后5 .stab in the back 伤人的暗箭;背叛;诽谤 6.pat on the back 鼓励;表扬7.I got your back.我挺你8.I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine礼尚往来 《损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;Y ou just don’t appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don’t play innocent!别装蒜;That’s rubbish!胡扯 【up 结尾的实用英语短句】shut up住口;wake up起床;fuck up搞糟;screw up弄糟;hurry up赶快;speak up大点声;make up化妆;set up建立;pick up捡起;come up升起;break up断绝关系;bring up提出;give up放弃;take up开始从事;speed up加速;Listen up! 听清楚!Drink up! 喝光 求婚:proposal 媒人:matchmaker 订婚:engagement 未婚夫:fiance 未婚妻:fiancee 婚宴:wedding feast 婚纱:wedding gown 新郎:groom 新娘:bride 男傧相:bestman 女傧相:bridesmaid 证婚人:witness of wedding 婚誓:wedding vows 花童:flower girl 嫁妆:dowry 蜜月honeymoon Marriage——结婚证:marriage certificate 合法婚姻:legal marriage 再婚:remarry 重婚:bigamy 试婚:trial marriage 包办婚姻:arranged marriage 近亲结 婚:intermarriage 老少配:May and December marriage 如意郎君:Mr.Right 闪婚:flash marriage 一夫一妻:monogamy 离婚:divorce Marriage——结婚证:marriage certificate 合法婚姻:legal marriage 再婚:remarry 重婚:bigamy 试婚:trial marriage 包办婚姻:arranged marriage 近亲结婚:intermarriage 老少配:May and December marriage 如意郎君:Mr.Right 闪婚:flash marriage 一夫一妻:monogamy 离婚:divorce 《实用成语】1.To fall in love at first sight一见钟情;2.To catapult to fame一炮而红;3.To become famous overnight一夜成名;4.To love something too much to part with it爱不释手;5.To address the wrong listener对牛弹琴;6.To be in a huge mess乱七八糟7.To contradict oneself自相矛盾 《英语损人专用句】1. A room temperature IQ.IQ值简直和室温一样高.2. If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change.如果你用一分钱买他的想法,你还能拿到找零的。3. Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.他有两个大脑,一个丢了,另一个去找去了。 【各类职业中英对照】Accountant 会计;actor 演员;athlete 运动员;author 作家;barber 理发师;beautician 美容师;broker 中介;chauffeur 司机;dentist 牙医;editor 编辑;engineer 工程师;farmer 农民;fire fighter 消防员;judge 法官;lawyer 律师;mechanic 技工;pharmacist 药剂师;veterinarian 兽医 【实用口语】1.Y our face tells it all.你的表情透露了一切。2.Don't look wise.别自作聪明!3.Y ou never know.世事难料。4.Neck and neck.不分上下。5.How do I address you?我怎么称呼你?6.It isn't much.微不足道。7.Any urgent thing?有急事吗?8.I'm pressed for time.我赶时间。 《各种班干部的英文说法】League branch secretary 团支部书记;excellent leader 优秀干部; monitor 班长;vice-monitor 副班长;commissary in charge of studies 学习委员;commissary in charge of entertainment(sports、organization、public ity) 文娱(体育、组织、宣传)委员 《缓解谈话紧张气氛】1.We're getting off the subject.我们跑题了2.Wait, can I take that back?等一下,我能收回我说的话吗? 3.I can see my part in this.这个问题,我有错. 4.That came out all wrong.我表达错了5.What are we really fighting about?我们到底在争什么呢? 【文学词汇】classical literature古典文学contemporary literature现代文学light literature通俗文学poem诗prose散文novel小说biography自传allegory寓言essay杂文book of travels 游记best seller畅销书anthology选集theatre戏剧drama话剧comedy喜剧tragedy 悲剧farce滑稽剧 【实用口语】1.Don't stand on ceremony!别拘束!2.Let's forgive and forget.我们摈弃前嫌吧.3.Y ou're wasting your breath你在白费口舌.4.Who wants?谁稀罕?5.She gives me a headache.她让我头疼.6.It's going down the toilet.付诸东流了.7.I'm in hot water.我现在在水深火热中.8.Chill out.淡定. 1.Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?2.It's up in the air.尚未确定.3.It can be a killer.这是个伤脑筋的问题.4.Let's bag it.先把它搁一边.5.My hands are full right now.我现在很忙.6.What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?7.What's the rush!急什么! 【笑】莞尔一笑crack a smile 开怀大笑laugh a hearty laugh 微笑smile 面露喜色beam 笑出声laugh 欢笑laugh heartily 苦笑wry smile 媚笑ingratiating smile 偷笑titter 坏笑laugh viciously 冷笑sneer 嘲笑deride/mock/ridicule 狂笑guffaw 傻笑smirk 咯咯笑giggle 忍俊不禁simmer with laughter 1.Take care of number one先为自己着想; 2.One in a million百里挑一; 3.a one大胆有趣的人He is a one. 4.in twos立刻Let's go to school in twos. 5.five and ten便宜的That pencil is five and ten. 6.six to one十有八九(对某事有把握) Tom is six to one there. 【数字英语】1.one and only独一无二的;2.two-timer出轨者;3.three handkerchief伤感剧; 4.four-letter word脏话; 5.the five wits智力;6&7.at sixes and sevens乱七八糟;8.behind the eighth ball处境危险;9.a cat with nine lives富有生命力的人;10.Take ten!休息10分钟/稍事休息 1)Salary薪水2)Wage时薪3)Deductions扣除4)Income tax个人所得税5)Pension养老金6)Medical医疗保险7)Net净工资8)Bonus奖金9)Raise加薪10)Pay rate工资标准11)Pay period工资周期12)Commissions佣金 【都市里的我们】Flee Bei-Shang-Guang 逃离北上广First Tier Cities 一线城市Second Tier Cities 二线城市Naked Marriage 裸婚Ant Tribe 蚁族Sub-healthy 亚健康Wedding Rusher 结婚狂Mass Bargainer 拼客Dwelling in a Narrow Space 蜗居 【实用口语】1.Don't stand on ceremony!别拘束!2.Let's forgive and forget.我们摈弃前嫌吧.3.Y ou're wasting your breath你在白费口舌.4.Who wants?谁稀罕?5.She gives me a headache.她让我头疼.6.It's going down the toilet.付诸东流了.7.I'm in hot water.我现在在水深火热中.8.Chill out.淡定. 【同意、不同意的地道用法】Go ahead可以;It's up to you随你吧;Sure好;I'm game行啊; I'm all for it非常赞成;Y es, please do可以,您请;No problem没问题;I'm afraid not很遗憾,恐怕不行;I'd rather you didn't最好不要;Not on your life!不行!Over my dead body!决不允许;Not now现在不行 《谚语精选】①天生我才必有用.Every man has his price. ②少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. A young idler, an old beggar. ③万事开头难. All things are difficult before they are easy. ④人生并不都是康庄大道. Life is not all roses. ⑤玉不琢,不成器. An uncut gem does not sparkle. 【雪】snowfall降雪blizzard暴风雪snow pack 雪场sleet雨夹雪snowdrift雪堆snowball 雪球snowman雪人snowflake雪花melt 融化avalanche 雪崩snow storm雪暴hail冰雹snow blindness雪盲症snow boots雪地靴snowstorm is raging风雪交加as white as snow 洁白如雪snowball effect 雪球效应 【two】1.by twos and threes三三两两2.between two fires左右为难 3.put two and two together 推断(据实推论) 4.two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮5.there are no two ways about it 别无选择6.of two minds 举棋不定7.kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕【二】二把手second in command 二次创业start a new undertaking 二次污染secondary pollution 二道贩子two-way merchants 二房东middlemen 二手房second-hand house 二手烟secondhand smoke 菜鸟newbie;网上“冲浪”surf;网虫net addict;大虾knowbie;行家geek;网络大侠:net saint;论坛:forum;斑竹moderator;潜水lurk;帖子post;回帖reply;垃圾邮件、信息spam;顶(帖) bump 或bump up;重发(帖) spew (a)round the clock 夜以继日的In a tight corner 处于困境Keep in the dark 隐瞒Fall on deaf ears 不加理睬的, 不听取Eat like a horse 吃得很多Lead the field 处于领头地位Have an eye for something 对某事了解得非常清楚 【同意某人观点的英语表达】1. I agree with you. 2. I go along with that. 3. you are absolutely right. 4. I am 100% behind you. 5. I entirely agree with you. 6. I couldn't agree with you more. 7. I am for you. 8. I am with you. 9. I take sides with you. 【实用口语】1.Doggy bag.打包(带回家).2.He pushes his luck.他太贪心了.3.Big mouth!多嘴驴!4.Not that I know of.据我所知并非那样.5.He'll come around.他会想通的.6.I am the one wearing pants in the house.我当家.7.Indeed?真的吗?8.What skill!多有本事!9.All in a day's work 这是家常便饭. 【外企求职英语必备】full-time job 全职工作,part-time job兼职工作, apply for申请,competitive有竞争力的,candidate候选人,headhunter猎头,job fair 人才交易会, job hopping 跳槽, pay package 工资待遇, recruiter招聘方, resume 简历, qualified 合格的,routine日常工作, vacancy空缺,wage工资 【地道表达“生气”】1.lose one's temper 发怒,发脾气2.What a nuisance!真讨厌!3.Y ou are pushing my buttons.你故意让我生气。4.Y ou’re getting on my nerves.你在惹恼我。5.Y ou’re going to be the death of me. 你要把我气死了。6. Y ou really make my blood boil.真让你给气死了。 【实用口语】1.Up yours!去你的!2.Don't get high hat.别摆架子.3.Let's get it straight.咱们把事说清楚.4.Y ou are nothing like us.你一点都不像我们.5.Hold it!打住!6.I'm racking my brains.我正在绞尽脑汁.7.She came to the point at once.她一下就说到了点子上.8.It's her field.这是她的本行. 【用英语说传统吉祥话】talented guy and beautiful lady郎才女貌;a match by heaven天作之和;a complete meeting of minds心心相印;to be of one mind forever永结同心;to be kind and love to each other相亲相爱;a harmonious union lasting a hundred years百年好合 【学用英语给人“打气”】1.It's not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟。2.Pull yourself together. 振作起来;3. Keep your chin up. 别灰心。4. Don't be so miserable! 别这愁眉苦脸的。5. Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon. 别为此烦恼。事情很快就会过去的。
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