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中英文对照辩论赛流程主持稿.doc中英文对照辩论赛流程主持稿.doc 英文辩论稿 一辩,二辩 Debater Number 1 Debater Number 2 评委团:judges 题目 Debating Competition 开头:welcome to the debating competition of the issue "题目" we have 6 debaters today, 3 on each side, and they are"名字” now lets begin.开始 Outline for Begin...

中英文对照辩论赛 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 主持稿.doc 英文辩论稿 一辩,二辩 Debater Number 1 Debater Number 2 评委团:judges 题目 Debating Competition 开头:welcome to the debating competition of the issue "题目" we have 6 debaters today, 3 on each side, and they are"名字” now lets begin.开始 Outline for Beginners Following is a speech outline for (EFL) novice debaters. Too much reliance on this may make your speech inflexible; still, the expressions and the speech flow below are the basic which every (EFL) debater should keep in mind. ? 1. Greetings Ladies and gentlemen Thank you Mr. (Madam) speaker. Mr./Madam chair, and members of this house. ? 2. Presenting the motion and case Today, we are going to debate on~./Today, we have the motion that~./Today’s motion is that~. Under the current situation, there are some problems in~/controversy over~. The issue behind the motion is that~. So, in this round, we are going to talk about how to solve the problem. (Note: of course, this is mainly the task of the Prime Minister) ? However, this motion [has some vague points(words)/is not clear]. Therefore, I would like to define the motion. ? In this round, we will [define the word A as B/limit X to Y/focus on the case in ~]. ? Therefore, our proposal is that~ ? I will explain the mechanism of our proposal. First, ~.Second, ~. ? We have some conditions to our proposal. First, ~. Second, ~ ? 3. Showing the (government / opposition) “stance” (or “team line”) for the round. We will propose you that ~ because ~. Our team line is that ~ / The government / opposition side strongly believe (insist) that ~. ? 4. Presenting your speech outline and team allocation. We have ~ points to support our proposal (argument). The first point is ~, the second point is ~, and the last point is ~. I will explain ~.And my partner will explain ~. I will mainly talk about ~. And my partner will talk about ~ ? 5. Refutation (Before we go on to our arguments / points/ substantive matters), let me refute back to the Government / Opposition side. I have one / two / „ refutation. 1. not true 5. the ? First / second / „, they said ~. opposite ? But, it is (1. not relevant / 2. „). 2. not always true ? That is because ~. 3. not significant (e.g. their argument is based on 4. not relevant wrong assumption / analysis / misunderstanding) ? 6. Explaining points. ? [Sign post (i.e. “sign post”, or simple key phrases that summarize the point).] Our first (second / „) point is ~ ? [Summary in one sentence] It means that ~ / On this point, I will explain that ~. ? [Reasoning (explanation on how one situation occurs, focusing on “cause and effect”)] Let me explain how this will happen. First, ~. Then, ~. / Under the status quo, ~. After the plan adoption, ~. / As a result / Consequently / At the end of the day / Therefore ~. ? [Examples and Illustration] For example, ~ . / Let’s think about the case of ~. / Ladies and gentlemen, please imagine what could be happened if ~ ? [Significance / analysis / Relevancy to the stance, team line, or what you want to prove] why this is important? This is because ~. This point is important if we think about the nature / role / first priority / of ~. What is the nature of ~? What is the role / top priority of ~? ? 7. Conclusion Spend approximately 30 seconds to summarize your speech. In summary ~ / Let me summarize what I have told you ~ / In conclusion, we find that ~ / For all these reasons, I beg to propose / oppose. Because of these reasons, we strongly believe ~. Therefore, we believe that ~. Refutation Refutation, which is to point out the weakness of the other side’s arguments, can be formulated into six basic types as below: 1. not relevant 2. not true 3. not always true 4. not significant 5. alternative play 6. flip ? Not relevant: “What you said is not relevant with what you are trying to prove. “ e.g. [GOV] Korean government should abolish death penalty because Canada abolished. [OPP] It is not relevant because we are debating on Korea not on Canada. ? Not true: “You are a liar!” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because it deters crimes. [GOV] It is not true because crime rate is increasing even though we have death penalty. ? Not always true: “What you said is not always true.” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because of the victim families’ feeling. [GOV] It is not always true because peoples’ feelings are case by case. ? Not significant: “What you said is not important at all.” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should have death penalty because life in prison costs much more money. [GOV] It is not significant because those who are sentenced death penalty are put into jail long years before they are actually being executed. ? Alternative plan: “There is a better plan to solve the problem” e.g. [GOV] Korean government should abolish death penalty because of the possibility of misjudgments. [OPP] There is a better solution to the problem, which is to have three trial systems and introduce new technology for investigation. ? ? Flip: ”What you said is the opposite. It is actually our point” e.g. [OPP] Korean government should not abolish death penalty because Koran government should protect its citizens as government role. [GOV] Outline: Reply Speech The purpose of reply speech is quite different from the constructive speeches (e.g. PM speech). In reply speech, you assume the role of adjudicators; to be more precise, you are to explain the reason why your side has won the round. You are expected to do: a. explain the criteria to judge the round b. summarize the round focusing on issues (or “crash point”). c. Provide new illustrations to emphasize your arguments. 1. Greetings Thank you Mr. (Madam) speaker. Good [morning / afternoon / evening] ladies and gentlemen in this house again. 2. Showing the outline. So far, we have talked about ~. In order to show, why we have to win this round. ? I would compare both government and opposition sides’ arguments in terms of [two / three] issues in this round. They are ~. ? I have [two / three] questions to ask. They are ~. 3. Pointing out the failures of the other side. Before going to the issues, I would like to point out the crucial failure of the [government / opposition] side. That is ~. 4. Comparing arguments focusing on issues (crash points). ? The first [question / issue / crash point] is ~. ? [Your opponent] has said that ~. Still, we have pointed out that this wrong because ~. ? On the other hand, we have argued that ~ because ~. Our argument was superior to their argument because ~. Then, let me go on to the next [question / issue / crash point]. 5. Conclusion. ? For all these reasons, [government / opposition] side has won this round. ? Thank you. 辩论赛主持词 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 主持词 主席:各位领导、观众朋友们,大家好~欢迎大家前来观看丰县首届“信泰证券”杯会计职业道德知识辩论赛决赛现场,本次大赛由丰县县委 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 部、丰县财政局、丰县广播电视局、共青团丰县委员会、丰县会计学会联合主办,由南京信泰证券有限责任公司丰县服务部协办。 经过紧张的初赛和半决赛,现在还剩下我们四支代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 队,将要在这里进行争夺三、四名和冠亚军的决赛,相信经过选手的充分准备,各代表队和辩手会给大家一个精彩的展现,本次比赛分为两场,第一场是卫生系统代表队和委派会计代表队进行争夺第三名的比赛;第二场是财政局机关代表队和镇财政代表队进行争夺冠军的决赛。 比赛开始前,首先我宣布会场纪律和比赛规则: 一、陈词阶段:我们提倡即兴陈词,引经据典要恰当,在陈词阶段,由双方一、二、三辩进行陈词。先由双方一辩进行立论陈词,然后是双方二辩、三辩在反驳对方观点的同时,对本方观点进行补充陈词。顺序是正方一辩、反方一辩、正方二辩、反方二辩、正方三辩、反方三辩。时间都是每人3分钟。 二、自由辩论阶段:时间是双方各5分钟。由正反双方自由轮流发言。发言辩手落座为发言结束,同时另一方开始发言,另一辩手必须紧接着发言,若有间隙,累计时间照常进行。同一方的发言次序不限。如果一方用时已完,另一方可以继续发言,也可以向主席提出不发言。在自由辩论阶段,我们提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,适当扣分。 三、结辩陈词阶段:时间是3分钟,由双方四辩进行结辩陈词。也就是辩论双方针对辩论赛整体态势进行总结陈词,对于脱离实际、背诵事先准备的稿件者,适当扣分。 四、其它注意事项: 1、在辩论时不要随意打断别人的话; 2、不可进行人身攻击; 3、尊重主席及评委的评判; 4、我们提倡辩手使用普通话,对使用普通话者适当加分; 5、除辩论开始一辩必须说“主席、评委、大家好”,其余皆可省去。 6、在辩论中,辩手可以使用道具、图表和物品作为辅助手段以强化自己的陈辞,但尺寸不能过大,以免遮挡。 7、在每场比赛中,辩手的辩位不能变动。 8、在辩论中,为支持本方观点,我们不反对引用名人名言,但我们不提倡引用敏感历史人物及当代现任领导人的讲话,以免引起各种歧义。另外,在举例时,尽量避免敏感的政治人物及政治事件。 9、时间提示:最后30秒时,哨音提示,时间结束时亮红方牌子。 本场辩论赛的辩题是:会计信息失真的主要原因是否是会计职业道德的问题。 下面,请辩论双方代表队上场。 现在我来介绍一下今天的辩论双方。坐在我右手边的是正方镇财政代表队,她们的4位辩手分别是:一辩李亚男、二辩王世松、三辩周环环、四辩刘彬,他们的观点是:会计信息失真的主要原因是会计职业道德的问题;那么坐在我左手边的是反方财政局机关代表队,他们的四位辩手分别是:一辩代晓曼、二辩孙凯、三辩张宏华、四辩韩方真,他们的观点是:会计信息失真的主要原因不是会计职业道德的问题。 主席:下面,辩论开始,首先我们欢迎正方一辩发言,时间3分钟。 主席:好,刚才正方一辩对自己的观点作了立论陈述,现在我们来看看反方是如何破题立论的。请反方一辩发言,时间也是3分钟。请~ 主席:感谢反方一辩的精彩陈述,下面请正方二辩作补充陈词,时间是3分钟; 主席:下面有请反方二辩作补充陈词,时间也是3分钟; 主席:下面请正方三辩对本方观点作补充陈词,时间是3分钟; 主席:下面请反方三辩对本方观点作补充陈词,时间也是3分钟; 主席:谢谢,经过刚才双方一、二、三辩陈词之后,接下来又是他们施展才华的时刻了,也是辩论赛最精彩的时刻---自由辩论。在自由辩论开始之前,让我提醒双方代表,你们每队各有5分钟的发言时间,正反双方自由轮流发言,同一方的发言次序不限。正方先发言。一方发言落座之后,另外一方要马上发言,若有间隙,累计时间照常进行。如果一方用时已完,另一方可以继续发言,也可以向主席提出不发言。我们提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,也要适当扣分。好,现在我宣布自由辩论正式开始。 主席:先请正方先发言 主席:好,各位观众,刚才这段自由辩论可谓非常的精彩,而各方的第四位辩手所将要作的总结性陈述,往往更是举足轻重。我们先从反方四辩***开始,时间3分钟。请。 主席:谢谢~现在我们请正方四辩***为正方作总结性陈述,时间也是3分钟。请。 主席:好,感谢各位辩手精彩的辩论,究竟哪方获胜,请现场评委给大家一个客观公正的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,请评委退席评议。 主席:在评委评议期间,我们有请丰县小凤凰剧团副团长朱惠给大家演唱,她演唱的歌曲是: 1、 2、 大家欢迎~ 下面请丰县中学 给大家演唱,他演唱的歌曲是: 1、 2、 大家欢迎。 主席:在比分揭晓之前,先请现场的评委嘉宾 对今天的辩论进行点评,有请,大家欢迎 主席:下面我宣布本场比赛最佳辩手是: 方 代表队的 辩辩手 。获得本场比赛胜利也是我们本届大赛的冠军代表队是: 方 代表队。 各位领导,各位观众朋友们,经过十余天的紧张比赛,我们各个代表队和各位辩手历经初赛、半决赛和今天的决赛。比赛中各位辩手辩出了水平,辩出了会计人的风采,从中产生了一批优秀辩手,今天的决赛中也产生了我们本届辩论赛的冠军代表队,辩论赛已到此结束,下面进行发奖: 1、获得本届辩论赛的优秀辩手和最佳辩手是:卫生系统代表队:陈文、田苗,财政局机关代表队:韩方真;镇财政代表队:刘彬;委派会计代表队:赵厚峰、孙惠娟。 获得本届辩论赛的最佳辩手是:财政局机关代表的代晓曼。 下面有请财政局段炼书记、市财政局会计处副处长颜浩同志给优秀辩手和最佳辩手发奖。 2、获得本届辩论赛优胜奖的代表队是:信用联社代表队、供销社代表队、商业系统代表队、委派会计二队。 下面请县委宣传部副部长张悦同志、县财政局局长段玉兰同志、共青团丰县委员会书记朱兵同志、广播电视局书记孙岱丽同志给获得优胜奖的代表队颁奖,大家欢迎。 3、获得本届辩论赛三等奖的代表队是:县卫生系统代表队、委派会计一队。 下面请县人大副主任孙裔成同志、县政协副主席刘祖斌同志给他们颁奖。 4、获得本届辩论赛二等奖的代表队是:镇财政代表队。 下面请县委常委、常务副县长邱成同志、徐州市财政局会计处处长、徐州市财政会计学会秘书长冯云同志颁奖。大家欢迎。 5、获得本届辩论赛一等奖的代表队是:财政局机关代表队。 下面请县委副书记、县政协主席史亚林同志,南京信泰证券有限责任公司总经理冯小烨同志给获得一等奖的代表队颁奖,大家欢迎。 各位领导、观众朋友们,本届信“泰证券杯”会计职业道德辩论赛到此圆满结束。谢谢大家
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