首页 Brother.Bear熊兄弟中英对照剧本



Brother.Bear熊兄弟中英对照剧本Brother.Bear熊兄弟中英对照剧本 Bear Brother This is a story from long ago, 这是个流传久远的故事... when the great mammoths still roamed our lands. 当时长毛象还悠游此片大地上 It's the story of my two brothers and me. 这是我的两位兄弟和我的故事 When the three of us were young, 当时我们三人年纪还小... we were...

Brother.Bear熊兄弟中英对照剧本 Bear Brother This is a story from long ago, 这是个流传久远的故事... when the great mammoths still roamed our lands. 当时长毛象还悠游此片大地上 It's the story of my two brothers and me. 这是我的两位兄弟和我的故事 When the three of us were young, 当时我们三人年纪还小... we were taught that the world is full of magic. 大人教导我们这世界充满着魔力 The source of this magic is the ever-changing lights that dance across the sky. 此魔力的来源便是横越天际变化万千的光芒 The shaman woman of our village told us that these 1 lights are the spirits of our ancestors, 我们村落里的撒满教女巫告诉我们,这些光芒是我们祖 先的灵魂... and that they have the power to make changes in our world. 它们具有改变我们世界的力量 Small things become big. 由小变大 Winter turns to spring. 化寒冬为暖春 One thing always changes into another. 一种东西可以转变成另一种东西 But the greatest change I ever saw was that of my brother, 但我看过变化最大的便是我的弟弟... a boy who desperately wanted to be a man. 小男孩极度渴望成为一个男子汉 2 - Get down. -趴下! - What? -什么? Get down! Get down! 趴下,趴下! Kenai. 基奈! Never try to milk a caribou. 千万别对驯鹿挤奶 No. No, don't. No. Come on, don't. No. 不,不! 不要,不要.不,别这样,不要! Hey. Will you two knock it off? 嘿,你们两个住手行吗? That's all right.After today, he won't treat me like that. 没关系,席卡过了今天,他就不会再那样子对我了 Oh, right, the big manhood ceremony. 3 哦,对...成人礼 Doesn't matter what the spirits say,you'll always be our baby brother. 圣灵说什么都不重要.你永远是我们的小弟弟 - Well, wait till I get my totem. 是吗? 等我得到我的图腾再说 - Baby brother. 小弟弟. Hey, I said knock it off. 嘿,我说过住手 The quicker we get these fish,the faster we get to your ceremony. 我们越快捕到这些鱼,就能越快去参加你的仪式. Let's all just try and get along for a few hours. Okay, Denahi? 所以我们尽量好好相处几小时吧。行吗,狄纳希? 4 - Whatever you say. -你怎样说都行 - Okay, Ken... -那好,基... So, what are we waiting for? -那我们还等什么呢? - Whoo! - Whoo! When the Earth was young and the air was sweet "大地初醒""空气清新" And the mountains kissed the sky "群山叠峦""高耸云霄" In the great beyond With its many paths "未知远方" Man and nature lived side by side 5 "人类动物比邻而居" In this wilderness of danger and beauty "万径千条于此危险美丽的野外之中" Lived three brothers bonded by love "住着三位相亲相爱的兄弟" Their hearts full of joy "他们的心充满喜悦" They ask now for guidance "他们此刻寻求指引" Reaching out to the skies up above "朝向无边的天际" Great spirits of all who lived before "古圣先贤的伟大灵魂" Take our hands and lead us "替我们携手引路" 6 Fill our hearts and souls with all you know" 将智慧灌注我们的心灵中" Show us that in your eyes "在上苍的眼中" We are all the same "吾等皆一视同仁" Brothers to each other in this world we remain "情同手足""世界生生不息" Truly brothers all the same "兄弟真情恒久不变" Give us wisdom to pass to each other "给我们智慧彼此传递" And give us strength so we understand "给我们力量彼此明了 7 That the things we do "我们所做的事情" The choices we make "我们所做的抉择" Give direction to all life's plans "为生命开拓了康庄大道" To look and wonder at all we've been given "看看万物的奥妙""看看我们所拥有的" In a world that's not always as it seems "这世界往往并非如外表所见" Every corner we turn "每转一个弯" Only leads to another "只会导向另一个弯" A journey ends but another begins 8 "一段旅程结束了,但另一段又开始了" Great spirits of all who lived before "哦,古圣先贤的伟大灵魂" Take our hands and lead us "替我们携手引路" Fill our hearts and souls with all you know 将智慧灌注我们的心灵中.你知道,你明白, Show us that in your eyes "展现吧~在上苍的眼中 We are all the same "吾等皆一视同仁" Brothers to each other in this world we remain 情同手足,世界生生不息" Truly brothers all the same "兄弟真情恒久不变" 9 - Kenai's back. -耶! 基奈回来了! - Kenai.-基奈! Kenai, are you excited about getting your spirit rock today? 基奈,今天要拿到你的精神石了~兴奋吗? It's not a rock. It'll be my totem. 那不是石头啦,是我的图腾 Ooh! I'll probably get a sabre-tooth tiger for bravery, 对,我可能会拿到,像是剑齿虎... or strength, or greatness. 象征我的勇敢、力量或伟大 - Something that fits me. 10 你们明白的,适合我的东西 - A mammoth for your fat head? 长毛象以象征你的大头如何? - Make sure you get that basket tied up. 你要确定篮子有绑紧了 - Don't worry. 别担心啦 No stupid bear is gonna get near this fish. 没有哪只笨熊会蠢到靠近鱼的 Just tie it up. 绑紧就是 Just tie it up. 绑紧就是 - She's back. Tanana's back. 她回来了! 嘿,大伙,塔娜娜回来了! 11 - Come on. 快来! - Come on, Kenai, let's go. 快点,基奈,我们走! - Come on. 快点,快点 Tanana's got your rock. 塔娜娜拿到你的石头了! Come on. 快点! Great spirits of all who lived before "哦,古圣先贤的伟大灵魂" Take our hands and lead us "替我们携手引路" 12 Fill our hearts and souls with all you know 将智慧灌注我们的心灵中。你知道, 你明白, Show us that in your eyes "展现吧""在上苍的眼中" We are all the same "吾等皆一视同仁" Brothers to each other in this world we remain "情同手足""世界生生不息" Truly brothers all the same "兄弟真情恒久不变" Brothers all the same "兄弟真情恒久不变" -Nana.- What? -塔娜娜。--什么? - Hey, Nana. 塔娜娜! 13 - Well, hello there, sweetheart. 你好呀,甜心 What a big girl. 你长得好大了 When each of us comes of age, 当我们每人成年之际... the great spirits reveal to us a totem that helps guide us through our lives. 伟大圣灵会对我们显示出帮助指引我们人生路途的图 腾。 Some of us use courage to guide us. 有些人利用勇气来指引我们 Others patience. 有些则是以耐心 And some of us beauty. 14 还有一些是以美丽 Kenai. 基奈... - You nervous? 紧张吗? - Excited. 兴奋极了 You should be. 是应该兴奋, It's a good one. 这一个很不错 Kenai, I have been to the mountain where the lights touch the earth, 基奈,我已到过山上那光芒与大地交接之处... and the great spirits have revealed to me your totem. 伟大的圣灵已对我揭示你的图腾 To become a man, your actions must be guided by one thing. 要成为男子汉,你的行动必须靠一样东西来指引你 15 Your totem is... Love. 你的图腾是... 爱 - What? -什么? - Yes, love. -没错,是爱 The bear of love? 熊的爱? A love that connects and unites all living things. 结合万物生灵的爱 - Who wants to trade? -谁想交换一下? - There is no trading. -不准交换! -Oh, Kenai, 基奈... love is the most precious of totems. 16 爱是最珍贵的图腾 It reveals itself in unexpected ways. 爱本身会以各种意想不到的方式呈现 Let love guide your actions, 让爱指引你的行动 then one day you'll be a man, 然后总有一天,你会成个男子汉... and we'll place your mark next to those of our ancestors. 并将你的手印印在我们祖先的旁边 Oh. 好耶! There he is. 他来了 Come here, lover boy. 过来,情圣 17 - Leave me alone. -少烦我 - Kenai, wait. -基奈,等一下嘛 - I'm sorry. 对不起 - What? 什么? Your totem, I think it's really great. 你的图腾~我认为它真的很棒。 - You do? -是吗? - Yeah. And I made you something. -没错.-我帮你做了一样东西 -Really? -真的? Now when you skip around loving everybody, 当你在亲爱的大家周围跳跃时... you'll smell so sweet. 18 你会闻起来香喷喷的 Well, isn't this nice? 这样不是很好吗? Instead of fighting, you're giving each other flowers. 不再打架~彼此献花 Yeah, isn't it lovely? 没错,这不是很可爱吗? He's so in touch with his totem already. 他已经符合他的图腾象征了 Hey, dog breath, go take care of the fish. 嘿,稍停一下, 去把鱼顾好 Sure. Kenai loves me, he loves me not. 没问题. 基奈爱我,他不爱我 Kenai loves me, he loves me not.Kenai loves me, he loves... 19 基奈爱我,他不爱我。基奈爱我,他不爱我 - Kenai. 基奈 - Someday I'm gonna just... 有一天,我会... - He's just such a... 他真的是... - Hey, bonehead. 嘿,猪脑袋, Just because his totem is wisdom doesn't mean he's wise. 只因他的图腾是智慧~并不表示他很聪明 - I mean, look at him. 我是说,看看他 - Kenai loves me, he loves me not. 基奈爱我,他不爱我 - Hi, Denahi. 嗨,狄纳希 20 - Oh, hi. 嘿! 哇! 哦,你们好 Let go! 嘴巴松开! Yeah, the spirits messed up on both of our totems. 圣灵大概把我们俩的图腾搞混了 I felt the same way when Tanana gave me mine. 我也有同样的感受~知道吗,当塔娜娜给了我的图腾时 - Get out of here. -闪一旁去吧 - No, really. -不,真的 I said, "The eagle of guidance? 我说,"老鹰的指引?" What does that mean?" 那是什么意思? But now that I'm older, 但如今我年纪更大了点... 21 I know it's about being a leader 我明白那是指要当个领导者... and keeping an eye on you two. 不时把你们两个盯紧点 I just want to get my handprint on that wall. 我只想把我的手印印在那墙壁上 Just be patient, Kenai. 耐心点,基奈 When you live by your totem, you will. 等你依照你的图腾指示,你会的 - Really? -真的? - Guarantee it. -我保证 But come on, the bear of love? 但...拜讬,熊的爱? I mean, a bear doesn't love anyone. 22 我是说,熊才不会爱任何人呢 They don't think. They don't feel. I mean, they're... 牠们不会思考、不会感觉。我意思是,他们是... - They're thieves. 他们是小偷 - You didn't tie it up, did you? 你没有绑好,对不对? Uh... You should get the totem of pinheads. 你应该拿到笨蛋的图腾才对 Knock it off. 住手! - We'll just make another basket. 我们只好再做一个篮子了 - We? 我们? 23 Oh, no. It took me two weeks to make that basket. 不要,那篮子花了我两个礼拜才做好的 Get lover boy to do it. 你叫情圣去做 He's the one always messing things up. 他才是一直搞砸事情的人 - Typical Kenai. 典型的基奈 - All right, I'll go get your basket. 好啦,我去拿回你的篮子。 Kenai, wait. Kenai! 基奈,等等,基奈! -What? 怎么? -Kenai! 基奈! 24 -Kenai! 基奈! - Where'd he go? -他跑去哪了? - If we're lucky, far away. -我们幸运的话,走得远远的 -Kenai! 基奈! - Kenai. 基奈! - Sitka, no, you gotta get out of here. 席卡,不! 你们得赶紧离开这儿! - What? -什么? - The bear. Behind you. -有熊! 看看你背后! Hey, bear, come on. Over here. 嘿,大熊,来吧! 在这边! 25 Come on, bear, come this way. 来吧,大熊! 来这边呀! Denahi! 狄纳希! - Hold on. 抓紧! - Pull. 快点,拉! Sitka. Sitka! 席卡!席卡! Sitka. 席卡? Come on! 快点! - Sitka! -席卡! - Sitka! -席卡! Sitka. Sitka! -席卡! 席卡! 26 - Sitka? -席卡! - Sitka, where are you? 席卡,你在哪里? Kenai. 基奈! No. 不 Sitka! 席卡! Sitka! 席卡! Denahi, let's find him! 帮助我们找到你吧! Sitka. 席卡! Sitka, where are you? Sitka! 席卡,你在哪里? - You ready? -你准备好没? 27 - For what? -准备好什么? For going after the bear. 我们要去追那只熊 I know what you're feeling, but killing that bear is wrong. 我明白你的感受,但杀那只熊是错的 Wrong? Our brother is dead and it's because of that monster. 错的? 我们哥哥死了,就是因为那只怪兽 I don't blame the bear, Kenai. 我不怪熊,基奈 - I see. 我懂了. - Killing the bear won't make you a man. 杀了那只熊并不会使你变成男子汉 28 Now you're trying to be wise. 现在你想聪明点了 I'm trying to follow my totem. 我尽量遵照我的图腾指示 Why can't you? 为何你不能照做呢? You really think love has anything to do with being a man? 你真以为爱和成为男子汉有关系吗? A man wouldn't just sit here and do nothing. 男子汉不会坐视不管 Kenai. Don't upset the spirits. 基奈~别惹怒了圣灵 Spirits.Thanks for your wisdom. 圣灵,谢谢你的智慧。 29 I've got to stop him. 我得去阻止他 You left too soon, Sitka. 你离开得太早了,席卡 Your brothers need your guidance. 你的弟弟们需要你的指引 Ha! Kenai. 基奈 What? 怎么? Sitka. 席卡? No. 不 I don't blame the bear, Kenai. 我不怪熊,基奈 A man wouldn't just sit here and do nothing. 男子汉不会坐视不管 30 So, Kenai~you've decided to join the living. 那么基奈,你已决定重生了 Ooh-hoo.That's quite a bump you've got. 你这次撞得可不轻 That must have been one heck of a ride down the rapids. 一定是被湍流冲下所造成的 Tanana?塔娜娜? Ooh. Nana, you won't believe this. 娜娜,你不会相信这事的 I was at the top of this rock~and all of a sudden... 我那时在巨石顶端... 突然间,这个... Kenai, honey. Shh-shh-shh. 基奈,亲爱的,嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘 31 I don't speak bear. 我不会讲熊语 No.不 No, no! No!不,不! 不! All right! All right! All right! 好了,好了 Would you settle down? Settle! 冷静下来好吗? Kenai! Kenai... 基奈! Kenai. Kenai. This isn't going to work. 基奈!基奈! 这不管用 Kenai, listen to me. Sitka did this. 基奈,听我说。席卡做的 32 Strange. Spirits don't usually make these kind of changes. 真奇怪。圣灵通常不会做这种转变的 Oh. Oh, my, my, my, my. 哦,老天 Sitka must have something really big planned for you. 席卡这样对你一定有深远的用意。 Yep, yep. 对,对,对 You are going to get a whole new perspective on things. 你对事物会有一番全新透彻的看法 Oh! Do you see in black and white or colour? 你看到的是黑白还是彩色的景象? Hey. Listen to me. 嘿,听我说 You got yourself into this mess. 是你自己搞成这付模样的 If you want to change,take it up with your brother's spirit. 33 如果你想变回来,去找你哥的灵魂说 You'll find him on the mountain where the lights touch the earth. 你会在山上找到他...在光芒与大地交接之处 He'll help you make up for what you've done wrong. 他会帮你弥补你所犯的错误 But I didn't do anything wrong. 但我没犯什么错啊! Tanana? Tanana! 塔娜娜? 塔娜娜! Wait. I didn't do anything wrong. 等-等一下!我没犯什么错啊! - I don't even know how to get there. 我甚至不晓得怎样到那儿呢 - What happened to them? 它们怎么了? 34 I don't know. 我不知道 They were here.Now they're gone. 它们几秒钟前还在这里...现在却不见了 Yeah, that's pretty weird. 嗯,真是太奇怪了,对吧? So you're telling me you didn't eat them and you have no idea where they are? 这么说来,你是在告诉我说... 你没吃掉它们,也不知道 它们的踪影? - Uh-uh. - Hey, hey, you. You just talked. 嘿,嘿,你们。你们刚刚说话了 Just back away, real slow-like. 退-退后...要很慢很慢地 35 - How did you do that? 你们怎么办到的? - I knew you had them. 我知道你…. Are we there yet? 我们到了吗? Don't make me turn this formation around. 别逼我调转队形 Hey. Wait. Come back. 嘿,等等,等等! 回来! I'm trying to find where the lights... 我想找出光芒... - What's he getting worked up about? 他到底在干嘛? - Maybe the goose pooped on him, eh? 36 也许是海鸥拉屎掉在他身上了 Oh, gee. He's looking over here. 天啊,我想他正朝这边看呢 Let's beat it. This way. -快闪,这边 - No, this way. -不,不,不,这边 - Thank you very much. -非常感谢你 - Just stay still and... -好,就待着别动吧 - Hey, you two! 嘿,你们两个 Head down. 低头,低头 I think he's seen us. Now what? 天啊,我想他看见我们了。现在怎么办? 37 - Act like we're not here. 装成我们不在这里的样子 - We're not here. -哦,我们不在这里 - Shh! What are you doing? -嘘! 你在干嘛呀? - You said to... -你说过要讲... - Don't say anything. Shh! -别开口说话,嘘 - Okay. -好 - I said, "Don't say anything." -我说过别开口说话 - Um, excuse me. 抱歉 38 - Don't eat us. -拜讬别吃我们! - You won't like us, eh? We're gamey. -你不会喜欢我们的。我们的肉真的很难吃 Yeah. Eat hoof-for-brains over there. 对,吃那只脑子长蹄的 -Pine-cone breath. 很好,臭松球 - Crusty tail. -烂尾巴 - Twig legs. -鸟仔腿 - Big nose. 大鼻子! - Sorry. -对不起 - You went too far that time. -你说得太过份了 39 - Okay, I'm sorry. -好,对不起啦 - Guys. -两位 - Yours is bigger than mine. 况且你的鼻子比我的大 - I'm not eating anybody. 我不会吃任何一个啦 Oh, whew. 好险! - That's mighty decent of you, eh. 你心肠真好 - My name's Rutt. 没错! 嘿,我叫洛特。 - This is my brother Tuke. 这是我哥杜克 - How's it going, Bear? 40 你好吗,熊儿? - Don't call me that. 别那样喊我 - Sorry, uh... 抱歉... - Mr. Bear? 熊先生? - I mean, I'm not a bear. I hate bears. 不,我是指我不是熊,我讨厌熊 - Well, gee, you're one big beaver. 老天,你是只大海狸没错。 - No kidding, eh? 别搞笑行吗? Do either of you know where the lights touch the earth? 你们谁知道光芒和大地交接之处呢? Yee... ahh... 对-对-对-对-对... 41 No. Uh, no. Sorry, bear... Er, beaver. 不知道。抱歉,熊儿,或者海狸。 I'm not a beaver, I'm a bear... 我不是海狸。我是...我是只熊 No, I mean, I'm not a bear. 不,我是说我不是只熊。 - I'm a man. 我是人类。 - Excuse me. 你说什么? I was transformed into a bear. 我被魔法变成一只熊 Magically. I was lifted into the sky by my brother. 我...我被我哥高举到天空中 Uh-huh. 42 - Crazy. 你疯了! - Gesundheit. 保重 No. Fruitcake. 不,疯子! - Are you okay? 你没事吧? - No. That bear. Over there. 没事! 那只熊... 那边那只! - He's crazy. 他疯了! - I am not crazy. 我没疯! Who ever said you were? 有谁说你疯了吗? We understand. -我们了解 - You do? -真的? 43 - Oh, yeah, yeah. 对对对, You see, we're not moose either. 你瞧~我们也不是麋鹿。 - We're not? -我们...不是麋鹿? - No. -不是 We're like, uh...We're like squirrels. Yeah. 我们像是...我们像是松鼠 Oh. Oh, yeah. Beauty, eh? 没错! 漂亮吧? Well, he's actually the squirrel. 对,他...他真的是松鼠 I'm more of a purebred wolverine. 我比较像纯种的狼獾 Look at these cuspids. 44 看看这些尖牙利齿 - Give him a little room. 别靠他太近 - Why am I talking to moose? 我干嘛跟一对笨麋鹿讲话? - No, we're squirrels, eh. 不,我们是松鼠 - Wolverine. 狼獾 I'll find it myself. 我自己去找 - Oh, I wouldn't go that way. -哦,要是我就不会走那条路 - Why not, eh? -为何不能走? Uh, well, there was a reason. 嗯...是有原因没错 45 - You brought it up. 是你提起的 - I'm trying to... 我是想讲,但你讲... Ow! - So, you think of it yet? 那么,你还在想吗? - Well, no, but it's driving me nuts. 不,但也快把我给逼疯了 Ow.Hey. Is the coast clear? 喂! 嘿! -安全了吗? - What? -什么? - Are there any hunters around? 有猎人在附近吗? 46 - Uh... No. 没有 - Oh, good! 太好了! You didn't see the trap? 你好吗? 你大概没看到陷阱对吧? I saw it from a mile away. 我一哩外就看到了 You must be pretty embarrassed. 你一定相当不好意思 Don't worry. 别担心 I won't tell anyone. 我不会告诉别人的 - What? 什么? - You need to get down. Let me help. 你需要下来,让我帮你 47 Oh, wait. Ow! 等等等等等! - Hold still. 别乱动! - Just... Stop that. Ow! 不,你只要...噢! 住手! If you just... 你只要... - Stop it! 噢! 给我...住手! - It's no use. 没用 The only way to get down is to chew your own foot off. 唯一办法只好把你自己的脚咬断了 I don't need some stupid bear's help. 我不需要笨熊的帮忙 I just need the stick. 我只需要这根树枝 48 - Okay, here. -好,拿去 - No, I'll do it myself. -不,不,不。我自己来。 Put it back. No, where you found it. 放回去。不对,你原本捡的位置 - Oh.- To the left. By the little rock. 放到左边~在小石头旁边 - Here? -这里? - Yes. -对! Okay. 好的 Boy, that tree is strong, huh? 那棵树可真强壮啊 You know, when I was little,I was really into climbing trees. 49 你知道吗,当我小时候~我真的很喜欢爬树... All kinds of trees. 各种树 I climbed pine trees, oaks, cedars, maples, birch trees, willow trees... 我爬过松树、橡树、无花果树~枫树、桦树、柳树... My eyes were watering and my tongue was swollen. 我的眼睛泪水流个不停~我的舌头肿了起来... From that moment on, I was more careful about what I lick. 从那刻起, 我舔东西就更加谨慎了 Ha! See? It's all about using your head. 哈! 看到没? 全得靠动动你的头脑 That was funny. Do it again. 太有趣了! 再做一遍吧! 50 - Don't you have someplace to go? 你没别的地方好去了吗? - Yeah, the salmon run. 对,鲑鱼产卵的地方 How about this? 怎么样啊? I get you down, then we go together. 我弄你下来,然后我们一起去 - Deal? 成交吗? - Yeah, okay, fine. 好吧,很好! If you can magically get me down, I'll go with you to this... 只要你能神奇地弄我下来~我就陪你去这个... - Salmon run. -鲑鱼产卵的地方 - Whatever. But if you can't... 51 -随便啦。但你要是做不到... You turn around, walk away, and never come back, ever. 就转身离开~别再回来了...永远别来 - You swear? -你发誓? - Yeah. -没错 - Pinky swear? -勾勾小指 - Yeah, sure, fine, pinky swear. -没问题,好的,勾勾小指 But this is a human trap and you're just a dumb little bear. 但这是人类做的陷阱~而你只是只小呆熊 There's no way. you're going to be able... 所以你绝对不可能... Okay, so I'm thinking we travel by day and sleep by night. 52 好了,我的想法是... 我们白天一起玩,晚上一起睡 My bedtime is an hour after sunset... 我的就寝时间在日落后一小时 Run! 快逃! Yeah, good riddance. 对,终于解脱了! Denahi. 狄纳希? Denahi, you found me. 狄纳希,你找到我了! You wouldn't believe what a nightmare this has been. 你绝不会相信这是多么可怕的一个噩梦! Denahi? It's me. Kenai. 狄纳希?是我...基奈啊! Is he gone? 他走了吗? 53 - I think he was going... -我想他要... - Shh! -嘘! Hello. I can't breathe. 喂~我喘不过气了 - Why is he chasing me? 他为何追捕我? - That's what they do. 他们就是那样啊 - But it's not like him. 但那不像他 - Lucky for him, he didn't find us 算他好运,没找到我们... 'cause when I get in a fight, I go all crazy 因为当我打斗时候, 我会很凶狂... 54 and I'm a raging ball of brown fur. 我会变成一只棕毛的怒熊 I mean, I don't want to brag or nothing, but I got some moves. 我是说,不是我吹牛或怎样~但我懂得几招 - Oh, really? -真的吗? - Yep. This first one, well... -是的。第一招... It's just a little thing 非常简单... I like to call "The Slasher." 我想称作..."快刀斩"! And this one I like to call "Flying Fury of Death." 而这招我想称作..."死亡飞爪"! - Uh-huh. He's coming back. -他又回来了! 55 - Where? -哪里? Typical. 不出所料 Yeah, well, the next time we run into that hunter... 没错,下次我们碰上那猎人时... There is no "we." 没有"我们"好吗? I'm not taking you to any salmon run. 我不会带你去什么鲑鱼产卵的地方 What? But you pinky swore. 什么?! 但你勾过小指了呀 Yeah, well, things change. 没错,我改变主意了 See you, kid. 再见了,小子 56 Wait, uh... 等等 The truth is, I got separated from my mom. 事实上是~我和妈妈失散了... And now, with this hunter around... 现在这个猎人又紧盯住我不放... - Kid, I got my own problems. 孩子~我自己还有麻烦呢 - Come on. Please. 拜托。 Can't we just go together? 我们可以一起走吗? There's a lot of bears and a ton of fish, 这里有很多熊和数不清的鱼儿... and every night we watch the lights touch the mountain. Last year... 每天晚上我们都遥望那光芒轻触着山顶。去年-- 57 - Wait, wait. What did you say? 等等~你刚才说什么? - Lots of bears and fish. 这里有很多熊~数不清的鱼儿... No. You know where the lights touch the earth? 不是那个~你知道大地和光芒交接之处? Yeah! The top of the mountain right by the salmon run. 是的~是山顶。就在鲑鱼产卵的地方 - You're kidding me. 你在开玩笑 - No, no, they're practically next door. 不~没有。他们实际上很近的 Come on, I'll show you. It'll be great. 来呀~我带你去看~非常美 58 I promise to help you escape from every trap you walk into. 我保证会帮你躲过所有的机关 I'm not going to walk into any more... 我再也不会中什么-- - Traps. 呃!--机关了 - Come on. What do you say? 来呀~你说什么? Sure you can take me to where the lights touch the earth? 你真的能带我去光芒和大地交接的地方? Yeah, no problem. 是的~没问题 - If you slow me down... 如果你拖我的后腿-- - I won't, I promise. 我不会的~我保证 59 All right, we leave first thing tomorrow. 好吧~我们明天一早就出发 And keep all that cuddly bear stuff to a minimum, okay, kid? 别再和我扮熊宝宝了~好吗~孩子? My name's not "kid." It's Koda. 我不叫孩子~我叫可达 What's your name? -你叫什么名字? - Good day. 早上好 - How's it going, eh? 你好吗? Beauty. So we got a lot to get done today. -好极了。看来今天够我们忙的了 You want to get started? 60 你想要开始吗? - Yeah. Just give me one sec, eh? 是的~再等一下好吗? - Okay. -好的 Woo-oo-hoo... - Just help me crack this. 能帮我松一下筋骨吗? - All right. 没问题 Ah. - You ready now? 准备好了? - Almost. -差不多了 Just want to do "dog facing forward." 我还想来个后仰身 61 - Oh, come on. -哦~来吧! - Good. Okay. -哈~好啊 And go. 开...始! This a nice patch here. 这块草地不错 Don't go near this patch here. 哦~别~别靠近我这块 Some thing went here. 好像有东西靠近了 Ahh! Skinny. Fat. Skinny. Fat. 瘦~胖~ 瘦~胖~... Hey, I've got a mountain to get to. 62 我们还要爬山呢~ Come on, kid. 快点~孩子 I told you before. My name's Koda. 我都说过了~我的名字叫可达. Say it with me. Ko... Da. 跟我念“可...达” Sure your mom didn't ditch you, Ko-duh? 你妈妈真的没有抛弃你~可...达? Humph. - Rutt. 洛,洛特 - Go away, eh, I'm eating twigs. 别烦我~我在吃嫩枝呢 - Rutt. -洛,洛特? 63 -You're breaking my concentration. -你让我分心了 We should start running, like now! 我们得快跑 I can't. I'm still digesting, eh. 我可跑不了~我还在消化呢? I'll get cramps. 我会肚子疼的。 - Whoa, gee! He's after us! 他在追我们! - Come on, little brother. 快点啊~小兄弟! Cramp! 唷~肚子疼! If you really want to know how me and my mom got separated... 64 说真的~如果你真想知道我是怎么和我妈妈分开的... I was saving this story for the salmon run, but I'll tell you. 我本想留到鲑鱼产卵的时候再说的。现在告诉你吧 It was probably the fifth or sixth most coldest day in my entire life. 那天也许在我这辈子碰到的排到第五或者第六冷的日 子里。 - Sounds good. You should save it. 哦~听起来不错~你真该留到以后讲 - You think so? -你这么认为吗? - Oh, yeah. For your friends. -是啊--讲给你的朋友听 - Oh. - Well, I have this other story 65 那好吧~我还有另一个故事。 - Tell you what. 说给你听~怎么样, - How about no talking? 呃~听着~能不能不说话? - Okay. -好的~ - Then I'll sing. 我唱歌吧 - No, no, no. -哦~不~不~不 Tell everybody I'm on my way "告诉大家我上路了" Will you stop it? 能不能不唱啊? New friends and new places to see "见识新朋友、新天地" 66 Come on, quit it. Shh! 安静:嘘! Koda, stop singing. 可达~别唱了 Yes, I'm on my way "对,我上路了" And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be. 没有特定想去的目的地" Tell everybody I'm on my way "告诉大家我上路了" And I'm loving every step I take. "喜欢所走的每一步" With the sun beating down. "将阳光踩在脚下" Yes, I'm on my way "是的,我上路了" 67 And I can't keep this smile off my face "脸上的笑容挥之不去" 'Cause there's nothing like seeing each other again. 因为没什么比得上彼此再次重逢 No matter what the distance between "无论距离有多远" And the stories that we tell will make you smile. 我们述说的故事将使你展露笑颜。 Oh, it really lifts my heart "我的心情畅快无比" So tell them all I'm on my way "所以告诉所有人我上路了" New friends and new places to see. "见识新朋友、新天地" 68 And to sleep under the stars. 睡卧星空之下 Who could ask for more? "夫复何求?" With the moon keeping watch over me 明月守护着我 Not the snow, not the rain can change my mind. 纵使风霜雪雨也无法动摇我的心。 The sun will come out, wait and see. "终将拨云见日,等着瞧吧" And the feeling of the wind in your face "风拂过脸颊的滋味" Can lift your heart, whoa "教人心情畅快无比" There's nowhere I would rather be 69 "没有特定想去的目的地" 'Cause I'm on my way now "因为我现在上路了" Well and true "绝无虚假" I'm on my way now "我现在上路了" Hey, hold on, eh? 嘿! 停一下! Wait up.-等等 - How's it going, bear boy? -你好啊~熊仔? - And, uh, smallish bear. -还有...小熊仔 I didn't know you had a little brother. 70 哎呀~我不知道你还有个弟弟 He's cute. -他很可爱~是吗? - Actually, he's... -呃~实际上~他只是-- - There was this hunter following us. 有个猎人~一直在追我们。 We was thinking if we could maybe just hang out with you guys. 我们寻思... 我们能不能和你们做个伴儿-- - Just hang out. 是的~就是做个伴儿 - Yeah, it'd be fun. 是的~一定会很有趣 - If the hunter was going to catch up... 如果那猎人跟上来了-- 71 - Then you'd eat him. 你们就吃了他 - That's what we was thinking. 是的~我们就是这么想的 - We lost the hunter at the glacier. 我们在冰川下面的时候就把他甩掉了 You don't think he'll follow those? 你不认为他会跟上来吗? - They are quite nice. 他们真不错 - I've got an idea. 我有个主意 Okay, this is really weird. 真不可思议 72 - I'm driving. 别闹了~我在赶象呢 - When can I have a turn? 我能换个方向吗? It's not as easy as it looks. 这可不像看起来那么容易~ Just watch what I do. 看好了我是怎么做的 Let's get a back seat or something. 我们装个后座什么的 I look like you hunted me. 看上去你像是在捕猎我 Tell everybody I'm on my way "告诉大家我上路了" Hey, come on. 嘿~来啊 73 And I just can't wait to be there 我迫不急待想抵达目的地. Blue skies ahead "前方晴空万里" Yes, I'm on my way "是的,我上路了" Nothing but good times to share "欢乐时光满行囊" So tell everybody I'm on my way "告诉大家我上路了" And I just can't wait to be home "迫不急待想抵达家园" With the sun beating down "将阳光踩在脚下" Yes, I'm on my way 74 "是的,我上路了" With nothing but good times to show "欢乐时光满行囊" I'm on my way.--"我上路了" Yes, I'm on my way.--"我猜想我上路了" Beauty, eh? 真美啊 Okay, here's how I remember it. 我是这样记的: The snow is white, it's all right. 如果雪是白色的~那就没问题 Yellow or green, it's just not clean. 如果是黄色或者绿色的~就不干净了 I learned that one from the hard way. 我可是吃过苦头才得到教训的 75 That reminds me. Last year at the salmon run my friend Bucky dared me. 这让我想起去年鲑鱼产卵的时候,我的朋友巴齐把我吓 得半死... But I'd heard of a cub who stuck his tongue to an iceberg. 我听说那小家伙的舌头粘到冰山上了. Then he started to float away. 接着居然随着冰川漂走了 To save him~they had to rip off his tongue. 他们为了救他~只好把他的舌头给割了 so now he hath to talk like this all the time and... 现在他只能这么说话了~而且-- - Do you ever stop talking? 你有没有不说话的时候? - Oh! 哇~ 76 Look. The night rainbow. 看啊。夜彩虹。 - You can see the spirits from here. 从这里~能看见圣灵 - You know about the great spirits? 你听说过那些神奇的圣灵吗? Yeah, my grandma's up there,and my granddad. 是的~我爷爷和奶奶就在天上 Mom says the spirits make all the magical changes in the world. 妈妈说是那些圣灵给世界带来所有的奇妙变化... Like how the leaves change colour, or the moon changes shapes, 比如树叶变换颜色啦,月亮改变形状啦 - or tadpoles change into frogs. 或是蝌蚪变成青蛙啦。 77 - Yeah, I get it. 是的~我...我明白 You know, for a change, maybe they could just leave things alone. 说到改变~也许有些事情还是不改变的好 - What do you mean? -什么意思? - My brother's a spirit. -我哥哥的灵魂 If it wasn't for him, I... 如果不是他 I wouldn't be here. 我也不会在这儿了 You have a brother up there? 你哥哥在上面? 78 - What happened to him? 他怎么了? - He was killed by a... 他被一个-- By a monster. 一个怪物杀死了 What's your brother's name? 你哥哥叫什么名字? Sitka. 席卡. Thanks, Sitka. If it weren't for you, 谢谢~ 席卡. 如果不是你~ I would have never met Kenai. 我也不会遇到基奈 I always wanted a brother. 我一直想要个兄弟 So, you want to play "I spy"? 你想玩侦测游戏吗? 79 - All right. I'll go first. 好吧~我先来 - Okay. -好的 I spy something green. -我侦测到一个绿的东西 - Tree? 树? - Oh! - My turn? -轮到我了? - Yeah. -是的 Okay, I spy something tall. 我侦测到一个高的东西 - Tree. -树 - Okay. -对的 80 I spy something with bark. 呃~我侦测到一个...外面有硬皮的东西 Tree? 树? Okay, I spy something, uh... 好吧~我侦测到一个... 呃 - A vertical log. 竖立的圆柱形的东西 - Tree. -树 - Okay, I spy something... -是的-我侦测到-- - Tree. -树 - My turn. -该我了 - Tree. -树 81 - No, I... -不是~我-- - It counts. -该算我对了 - I didn't even spy anything. -我还没侦测到什么呢 - It counts. -算的 Okay. Tree. -好吧。树。 Let's play something else. 我们玩别的吧 Koda. Come on. 可达~ 拜托 - Koda, wake up. -可达~ 醒醒 - Two more months, Mom. -还有两个月 So, where are we? 我们这是在哪儿? 82 Well, which way? 嗯... 哪边? - I think it's that way. 嗯...我想是那边吧 - You think, or you know? 你想,还是你知道? That way? 呃~那边? Why wasn't I turned into a homing pigeon? 我怎么就没变成信鸽呢? - Come on. 拜托 - Hey, riding mammoths was your idea. 嘿~骑猛犸是你的主意 Thanks for the ride, guys. See you. 谢谢你们~再见 83 Lucky for you, 你真幸运~ I've been lost worse than this. 我以前有次迷路~情形比这次还要糟糕 - Last summer, I was with Bucky... 去年夏天~我正在和巴齐挖树根-- - Enough with the stories. 我听够你的故事了 I don't care about the time you and Binky found the world's biggest pine cone ever. 我对你和宾齐找到世界上最大的松果之类的事情可没 有兴趣。 First of all, his name's Bucky, not Binky. 首先~他的名字是巴齐~不是宾齐 Second, it wasn't a pine cone, 第二~不是松果~ 84 it was a pine nut. 是松仁... And it was huge. Even bigger than your fat head. 那松仁真大啊~比你的胖脑袋还要大 Oh, gee, our big guardian bear is leaving, eh? 哦~天哪~我们的大护卫熊走了~是吗? Yeah. We'd better follow him. Come on. 是的~我们最好跟上他~快点 - Can you swing your leg... 我--你能把腿甩起来吗... - I can't get off. -不行--我下不来了 Me, neither. Okay, you guys... -我也不行。伙计们! I guess we'll just catch up with those guys later, eh? 85 我们过会儿就跟上你们 - Good trip, eh? -一路顺风 - Beauty. -棒极了 You know, I was thinking now might be a good time for me to drive. 我在想~是不是现在该我来赶象了, Just relax and enjoy the ride. 放轻松~好好享受吧 Yeah. Okay. 好啊 Whee. I'm sorry we're lost, okay? 抱歉~我们迷路了 - Even though it's your fault. 86 其实这都是你的错 - My fault? 我的错? That's it. 得了吧。 Just remember, if it weren't for me, 你要记住~如果不是我... you'd be hanging upside down. 你现在还倒掉着呢 Better than being stuck nowhere with you and your blabbering mouth. 是呀~但总比和你一起困在这个鸟不生蛋的地方强多 了。 "I'm lost. I can't find my mommy. "我迷路了~找不到妈妈 Will you take me to the salmon run?" 你能不能带我去鲑鱼产卵的地方?" 87 - Why don't you just grow up? 你能不能成熟一点? - Fine. I'll go on my own then. 好吧~我自己走: - Fine. Go ahead. 好啊~你走啊 - Fine. -好的 - Fine. 好的 - Fine. -好的 Koda? 可达? Koda? 可达. Whoa. 哇 Those monsters are really scary. 88 这些怪物真吓人 Especially with those sticks. 特别是手里还拿着棍子 Come on, let's go. 我们走吧 So, you recognise anything yet? 看到熟悉的东西了吗? Or maybe you can't see past my fat head. 或许我的胖脑袋太大了~挡住了你 So, do you really think I have a fat head? 你真的认为我的脑袋很胖吗? Well, if you hunched your shoulders 嗯~也许你把肩膀耸起来一点... a little it wouldn't seem so big. 看上去就没那么大了 89 Oh, you mean like this? 你是说这样吗? Or like this? 还是这样? How about this? 哈哈! 这样呢? Oh, my, that was good. 哦~老天啊~太好了 Maybe they can give us directions. 嘿~也许他们可以给我们指路 Oh! 哦~ - That clears up the sinuses. 正好通了通鼻子 - Oh, it does. -哦~没错 Okay, okay, hit me again. -好吧~好吧。再来撞我 90 I think she's looking. 她在看着呢。 - Hello, sweetie. -你好啊~宝贝 - Yes, she's checking me out, all right. 是的~她在看我呢 - Hey, baby. -嘿~宝贝 - No, come on, you nitwit. 算了吧~你这白痴。 Are you out of your head? 你脑子进水啦? She's looking at me. 她是在看我呢~ Like she's looking at your ugly mug? -是啊~她是在看你这张丑脸吗? 91 Come on. Excuse me, miss. It's go-time, baby. 对不起~小姐~-是时候了~宝贝 You want to go? Bring it on. -哦~你想来吗? -来吧~上来啊 - Horns up. -把你的角亮出来 - Hold on.-继续。保持住。 - Excuse me. - What do you want? 你想干什么? - What is that? -怎么了? 谁呀? - Just a minute, bear. -等一下~熊仔 Hey, shut up. -嘿~闭嘴! 92 No, you shut up. -不~你给我闭嘴! Hey, will you shut up? -嘿~干吗不闭嘴? Just shut up. -闭嘴! Their horns are screwed on too tight. 哈~看来他们的角上得太紧了,脑子坏了, Oh, wait a second. 嘿,等等 - I know this place. -我认识这个地方 - You do? -是吗? Yeah. The salmon run's not far. 是的,鲑鱼产卵的地方不远了 We just have to go through here. 我们只要穿过这里就行了。 93 What? 什么? Hey, you sure you know where you're going? 嘿,你知道你是往哪儿走吗? Yeah, yeah, follow me. 知道,跟着我 Koda? 可达! Koda? 可达! Koda? 可达? Where are you? 你在哪儿? Yah! - Don't do that. -别那样 - Scared you, didn't I? -吓到你了,是吗? There's scared, and then there's surprised. 有人害怕,有人惊讶 94 And you were both. 而你是又惊又怕,哈哈 Whoa! 哇 Nice try. 不错 Uh, you got a little spit right there. 你口水流出来了 - Kenai! 基奈! - You're not getting me this time. 你这次骗不到我了 No, look out. -不~ 基奈~ 小心! No. -不 Come on. -快啊! Kenai. 基奈! Kenai, where are you? 基奈~ 你在哪儿? 95 Left. Left. No, the other left. 左边~ 左边! 不~不~另一个左边! Kenai! 基奈! Whoa! Whoa! 啊! No! 不! What are you doing? 你在干什么? We got to get out of here. 快离开这里! Ah! 啊! Why do they hate us, Kenai? -他们为什么恨我们~ 基奈? - We're bears. -因为我们是熊 - So? -所以? 96 So, you know how they are. -所以,你知道他们什么样 They're killers. 他们是杀手 Wait a minute, who's the killers? 等等,谁是杀手? - Bears. -熊啊 - What? Which bears? -什么? 哪些熊? I'm not like that, and you're not like that. 不是你我那种。 Well, obviously not all bears. 嗯,很明显,不是所有的熊 I mean, you're okay. 我的意思是,你是好孩子 Most bears will look for any excuse to attack a human. 97 而大多数的熊不放过任何攻击人的机会 But, Kenai, he attacked us. 但~ 基奈~ 他先攻击我们的 You're just a cub. 你--你还小 When you're older, you'll understand. 等你长大了,就会明白了 Fish! Fish! Fish! 鱼,鱼,鱼! - Huh? 呃? - We made it. We're here. 成功了!哈哈!我们到了! - Come on! -快点! - What? Koda. -什么? 可达-- 98 - Fish! Fish! Fish! -鱼,鱼啊! - Hey. Get away from me. -嘿,离我远点。 Get away from me. Go on. Shoo! 离我远点。走开! 哦~嘘~嘘! Huh? 啊? Hey, you're stirring up the water, dude. 嘿,伙计,你把水都弄浑了 Yeah, try not to scare off the fish there, buddy. 是啊,别吓到那里的鱼,老弟 - Uh... - Tug. 塔格! Hey, Koda. Come here. 嘿~ 可达~ 到这儿来 Look at you. 哈哈! 看看你 99 - Have you seen my mom yet? 你见过我妈妈吗? - No, as a matter of fact I haven't. 不,没有 - Me and my friend Kenai beat her. 哈哈,我和我朋友基奈比她先到了 - He's with you? 他和你在一起? Uh... Hi. 呃~ 嗨 Huh. I've never seen you at the run before. 以前在这儿从没见过你 - Where are you from? 你打哪儿来? - Well, I... 呃~ 嗯...我是说... 100 There's the mountain, just like I promised. 就是那座山~我的保证没错儿吧 The lights touch the top every night. 光芒每晚都找在山顶上 Gonna be harder getting up there than riding those mammoths. 哈哈,爬到那上面去可比骑猛犸难度要大点了。 - Mammoths? -猛犸? - Are you kidding? -你开玩笑吗? - That's weird. 真是奇怪 - Yeah. 是的。 He does weird stuff. 他做了很多怪事儿... Like the way he drinks water with a leaf. 101 像他用叶子喝水 He never sharpens his claws on a tree. 他从来不在树上磨爪子 He's never hibernated before... 他以前从没冬眠过 Koda. Koda. 可达. 可达! Can I talk to you for a second? 哈哈, 能和你谈谈吗? Excuse us. 对不起 Hmm. He's kind of jumpy, isn't he? 他有点神经兮兮的~是吗? Okay. Okay. 好了~好了 Koda, I, uh... 可达~ 我~ 呃... 102 - Uh, I got to get going. 呃,我得走了 - Well, when you come back... 下次你回来,我们可以-- I... I won't be coming back. 我--我不会再回来了 What? Why not?什么啊? 为什么? Because... Well, it's hard to... 因为... 嗯,很难解释 - You're leaving? -你要走了? - No. -啊! Well, I mean, yes. 不,我--我是说~ 是的 Well, it's just that I... 103 嗯,因为,我--我... - I don't belong here. 我不属于这儿 - Don't belong? 不属于? Every bear belongs here. 每只熊都属于这儿 Come on, buddy. 哈哈!来吧,老弟 Everyone's invited "邀请每个人" Let's have some fun! 我们来找点乐子! This is how we live. "这是我们的生活方式" We're all here for each other 104 "彼此相互扶持" Happy to give "乐善好施" All we have, we share "彼此分享" And all of us, we care "互相照顾" So come on "所以,快来吧!" Welcome to our family time "欢迎加入我们的家族时光" Welcome to our brotherly time "欢迎加入我们的兄弟时光" We're happy giving and taking to the friends we're making. 105 我们乐于施与受""给我们交往的朋友" There's nothing we won't do "无所不肯" Welcome to our family time "欢迎加入我们的家族时光" Welcome to our happy-to-be time "欢迎加入这大家庭" This is our festival "这是我们的节庆" You know that best of all "你知道,最棒的节庆" We're here to share it all "我们在此分享一切" There's a bond between us 我们之间有某种联系" 106 nobody can explain. 谁也无法解释" It's a celebration of life "是生命的庆典" And seeing friends again "故友重逢" I'd be there for you "我会支持你" I know you'd be there for me, too "深知你亦会支持我" So come on. 所以,快来吧" - Welcome to our family time" "欢迎加入我们的家族时光" 107 Welcome to our brotherly time "欢迎加入我们的大家庭" This is our festival "这是我们的节庆" You know, and best of all "你知道,最棒的节庆" We're here to share it all "我们在此分享一切" Remembering love once departed "记住往昔逝去的爱" Someone dear to your heart "有个人长伴你的心" Finding love, planning a future "寻找爱情、计划未来" 108 Telling stories and laughing with friends 与朋友叙旧言欢 Precious moments you'll never forget "珍贵时光永难忘怀" This has to be the most beautiful "这里肯定是最美丽的... " The most peaceful place "最美丽的地方" I've ever been to "我从未来过" It's nothing like I've ever seen before "完全不似以前所见之处" When I think how far I've come "当我回想这一路走了多远" I can't believe it 109 "简直无法相信" Yet I see it."我终究明白了" And then I see family "然后见到家人" I see the way we used to be "仿佛往日重现" - Come on. Welcome to our family time 来吧,欢迎加入我们的大家庭。 Welcome to our brotherly time "欢迎加入我们的兄弟时光" We're happy giving and taking to the friends that we're making. 我们乐于施与受给我们交往的朋友。 There's nothing we won't do "无所不肯" 110 Welcome to our family time "欢迎加入我们的家族时光" Welcome to our happy-to-be time "欢迎加入我们的快乐时光" This is our festival "这是我们的节庆" You know, and best of all "你知道,最棒的节庆" You're here to share it "你们在此分享" We're here to share it all "在们在此分享一切" All right, settle down, everyone. Settle down. Hey. 好了,好了,静一静 111 Don't throw your fish bones there. 别到处乱扔鱼骨头 Somebody could choke on that. 会噎到别人的 Look, okay, I'll go first. 听着,我先说,听好了 Okay, let's see. The most interesting thing that happened to me this year. 我今年碰到最有趣的事情 Hmm... 嗯,我... Oh, I know, I know, I know! Listen to this. 哦,我知道了,我知道了,听我的 It was when I knocked down that tree that was blocking the view from my cave. 应该是我终于弄倒了我洞穴前面那颗档住我视线的大 树。 112 Now I got a family of chipmunks staying in my place. 现在我那里来了一窝金花鼠 Yeah. 啊哈 All right, everybody,let me see some paws in the air. 嗯,好吧,好吧,伙计们... 大家快踊跃举手吧 - Who's gonna be next? Come on. 下一个是谁?快点 - Tug. I got one. 塔格~ 塔格~ 我有要说的! Watch me. Hey, gotcha. 看好了~看好了~哈哈~骗到你了 This year I lost my dear husband Edgar. 今年我失去了我的丈夫, 爱德加 Quit telling everyone I'm dead! 别告诉别人我死了! 113 Sometimes I can still hear his voice. 有时,我还能听到他的声音 I'm getting the next one. 下一个我会抓到 Oh, yeah. -哦~不错 - This is it. I got it. I got... 有了~拿到了~拿--呃! - I guess it's our turn. 我猜轮到我们了 This is the year~I met the most gorgeous... 今年,我碰到了最迷人的-- No, you're gorgeous. 不,你最迷人 - You're gorgeous-er. 你更迷人 114 - Get a cave. 去洞里亲热吧 If only Edgar was alive... 要是爱德加还活着多好啊 I told you, woman, 我告诉过你,你这个女人! I'm right here! 我就在这儿! - I love you, buttercup. 我爱你~ 宝贝 - This has got to be it. -这次一定成功! - Here you go, Koda. -呵~给你~ 可达. - You gotta tell it, Kenai. -该你说了~ 基奈. 115 - What? -什么? - Yes. You caught it, you tell it. -你拿到了,就该你说了. Didn't you play when you were a cub? 你小时候没玩过这游戏吗? - Um... -呃... - Come on, Keno. -来吧~ 肯洛 Okay, all right already. All right. 哈哈,好吧,好吧 - You want to know what I did this year? -你们想知道我今年做了什么事情? - Yes. -是的。 I went on the longest, hardest, most exhausting journey I've ever been on. 我踏上了一条对我来说,最长、最艰难、最辛苦的旅程... 116 with the biggest pain in the neck I've ever met. 还有这个小麻烦盯住我不放 What do you expect from a little brother? 从这样一个小兄弟那里~你还能指望什么呢? Okay, buddy, your turn. 哈哈,说吧~ 可达. - Let's hear it, Koda. - Okay, okay, here we go. 好的~开始了 This year I watched my mom in a life-and-death struggle 今年我看见我妈妈竭尽全力... battling the most fiercest creature ever. 与这地球上最凶残的生物进行殊死搏斗... - Who's next? -好了,下一个? 117 - What? Wait a minute. I think we all want to hear the rest of that one, Koda. 等等, 我们都想听剩下的呢~ 可达. I thought you might say that. 我寻思你就会这么说 Hmm... Let's see. It was probably the fifth or sixth most coldest day in my entire life. 那天也许在我这辈子碰到的排到第五或者第六最冷的 日子里... Me and Mom were eating fish, having a great time. 我和妈妈正在开心得吃着鱼... All of a sudden she pushes me into the bushes and tells me to be real quiet. 突然,她把我推到了灌木丛里~告诉我千万别出声 118 She says, "I smell something." 她说~ "我闻到有味道~" So I started sniffing. 我也跟着嗅 There's something in the woods running towards us, 树林里有个东西朝我们冲过来... getting closer and closer. 越来越近 And then, out of the trees, jumps a hunter. 接着,猎人从树林里跳了出来! And now there's nowhere for Mom to go. 妈妈无处可逃 The monster has her backed up against this giant glacier. 那怪物把她逼到了大冰川上面! 119 The monster attacks, but Mom's too quick for him. 怪物进攻--!但妈妈的动作太快。 And before he can do it again, 还没等他再次攻击, she stands up real big and yells, "Go away." 妈妈就直立起来大声喊到~ "滚开!" Kenai. Mom smells more of them. 妈妈闻到更多人的味道 There's a whole pack coming right at us. 有一大群人向我们扑过来! Sitka, no. The bear. Behind you. 席卡~不! 熊! She runs to stop them before they get to me. 她冲出去阻止他们~不让他们捉到我 120 They're all around her, poking her with sticks. 他们围着她~用棍子戳她 - Sitka. - The whole thing broke and fell off. 冰川裂开了,他们掉到了水里 There was ice everywhere. 到处都是冰! She couldn't hold her breath any longer, and pow. 她再也憋不住气--噗的一声! She bursts out of the water. 冲出了水面 I've never been so scared in my life. 我从来没有这么害怕过 - I'm going after the bear. 121 我要去追那只熊 - Koda?-可达? -Sitka wouldn't want it. -Sitka's not here because of that monster. Whoa. Fell off a glacier? 哇! 从冰川上掉下去? I've never seen anything like that. 这情形以前从没见过 Can you imagine? 你能想象吗? Kenai. What's the matter, Kenai? 基奈. 怎么了~ 基奈? - What happened next? 可达~ 后来呢? 122 - Was she okay? 她没事了吗? Hey, Kenai, what's wrong? 基奈~ 你怎么了? Where you going? 你去哪儿? She got out of the water okay. 她安全爬上了岸。 That's how we got separated. 但后来我们就失散了 Right after that I met Kenai. 再后来,我就遇到了基奈. Kenai? 基奈? Scared you again, huh? -又吓到你了? - Yeah.- Where have you been? 123 你去哪儿了? - You look horrible. 你看起来很糟糕 - Koda... 可达. My mom says when you eat too much fish, just lie down. 我妈妈说,如果你吃多了鱼~你就该躺下来-- There's something I, uh... 有件事情~呃... You know that story you told me last night? 就是你昨晚告诉我的那个故事? - Yeah. -嗯哼,是啊 - Well, I have a story to tell you. 我,我也有故事要说 Really? What's it about? 124 真的吗? 什么故事? Well, it's kind of about a man, and kind of about a bear. 嗯...关于一个人和一个熊的事情 But mostly it's about a monster. 但...基本上是关于一个怪物-- A monster who did something so bad... 一个怪物做了很可怕的事情... Everywhere I turn I hurt someone "我所到之处总伤害别人" But there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done. 但说什么也无法改变了~木已成舟。 I'd do anything within my power "在能力所及范围,我愿赴汤蹈火" 125 I'd give everything I've got "我愿付出拥有的一切" But the path I seek is hidden from me now. 但我寻觅的道路如今已消失无踪。 Koda, I did something very wrong. 可达~我做了件大错事 Brother bear, I let you down "熊兄弟,我让你失望了" I don't like this story. 我不喜欢这个故事 You trusted me, believed in me and I let you down. 你信任我、相信我。而我却让你失望。 Your mother's not coming. 你妈妈不会来了 Of all the things I hid from you 126 "对你隐瞒得了所有事" I cannot hide the shame. "却隐瞒不了羞愧之意" And I pray someone "我祈求有个人" No. No! 不 Something will come to take away the pain. 能够出现奇迹~带走我的痛楚. There's no way out of this dark place. 逃不出此黑暗之地 No hope, no future "没有希望、没有未来" I know I can't be free "我明白我无法自由" 127 But I can't see another way "但我看不见别的路" And I can't face another day "我无法面对另一天" Koda? Koda? Koda! 可达! 可达! 可达! Koda, I wish I could... 可达~我希望,我可以... If there was just some way... 如果,如果能有办法... I'd give anything if... 我,我愿意做任何事情... If I could just... 如果我可以... I'm sorry, Koda. 对不起~ 可达. I'm so sorry.我很抱歉 128 I'm sorry, Kenai. 对不起~ 基奈 I don't know what I'm doing any more. 我再也不知道我在做什么 I need help.我需要帮助 Sitka. 席卡? Look, I am sorry. -听着,抱歉 If I was driving~this never would have happened. 如果换了我,就不会这样了 - You never let me do nothing. 你不让我赶象~你什么都不让我做 - Trample off. I said sorry. Let it go. 哦~够了 I can't believe you totalled a mammoth. 129 真不敢相信~连猛犸都被你放倒了 - That mountain came out of nowhere. 哦,拜托,那山不知道从哪里冒出来的 - I cannot accept your apology. 恐怕我不能接受你的道歉 - It was in my blind spot... 那正好在我的视力盲点 - Look. It's that little cub. 是那个小家伙 - Gee, eh, something's bugging him. 呀,看来他有麻烦了 - What's wrong, smallish bear? 你怎么了,小熊仔? Nothing. I'm fine. 没什么,我很好 130 Good. Where were we? Oh, yeah. 哦~很好~说道那里了? You're a big, selfish, reckless hoofer. 哦,是啊,你是个自私,粗鲁的家伙... - What? -什么?! - I'm fed up with it. - From now on, he's my new brother. 从现在开始,他就是我的新兄弟了 - You can't do that. 你不能这样! Sorry, you've been replaced with my dear brother... 抱歉,你已经被我的好兄弟代替了... What's your name again? 哎呀,你叫什么来着的,熊仔,我忘记了? 131 I don't want any more brothers. 我再也不想要什么兄弟了 - See? He's had enough of you, too. 看见没有, 我受够了,他也受不了你 - I promise I'll change. 拜托,我保证会改变的 Trample off. You won't. 算了吧,你不会的。 Being a brother means nothing to you. 兄弟对你来说,什么意义都没有 - Of course it does. -当然有 - Like what? What about when your hooves froze in the pond? 132 那次你的蹄子在池塘里冻坏了? - Who sat with you all winter, eh? 谁整个冬天都陪着你? - You did. 是你 Who showed you where the good grazing is? 谁带你去找肥美的草料? The really tender stuff all covered in dew. 我是说那些软软的柔柔的野草 Now, why do you think I did that, eh? 你认为我为什么那么做? Because I... 因为我... Because I love... dew. 因为我爱...露水 Excuse me? I don't believe I heard what you said. 133 什么? 真不敢相信你说的 I said, "I love dew." 我说我爱...露水 I love dew, too, eh. 我也爱露水 Hey, I can change. -我可以改变的 - Go away, eh. -走远点 - Come on, I can change. -来啦~我可以改变的 - Go away, eh, don't touch me. -走远点,别碰我 - I can change. 我可以改变! 134 Hey. No. Not there, that's the spot. 嘿~这儿不行~这儿有粉刺 Like, we'll see you later, smallish bear. 再见,小熊仔 Yeah, good day, eh. 再见啦 You know what this calls for? 知道什么在等着我们吗? A pile of delicious barley and amber weed on a cool bed of malted hops. 一层麦芽花上面... 一堆可口的大麦草和大麻草 I like it. 我喜欢 Sitka! Sitka, are you there? 席卡! 席卡~ 你在吗? Sitka? 席卡! 135 Please. Please, Sitka. 求你了~ 席卡. I don't know what else to do. 我不知道还能做什么 Sitka. 席卡? Denahi. -狄纳希. Sitka, hurry, change me back. 席卡~ 快点! 把我变回去! Where are you, Sitka? 你在哪儿~ 席卡? Denahi. 狄纳希 Denahi, please. 狄纳希~ 求你了 Koda. 可达? 136 No! 不! Leave him alone. 别碰他! Koda! 可达! Kenai? 基奈? Sitka? 席卡? Koda, don't be afraid. It's me. 可达. 可达别害怕,是我 He needs me. 他需要我 You know, he did look better as a bear. 他变成熊的样子要好看点 But, Denahi... 但...狄纳希. It's all right, Kenai. 没关系~ 基奈. 137 No matter what you choose, 不管你怎么选择... you'll always be my little brother. 你都是我的小兄弟 Did I say little? 我说 "小"了吗? Kenai. 基奈! My brother Kenai went on to live with Koda and the other bears. 我的弟弟基奈和可达以及其他的熊生活在一起... He taught me that love is very powerful. 他教了我爱是非常强大的 And I passed on the wisdom of his story to our people. 我把他的这段经历讲述给后人... The story of a boy who became a man by becoming a 138 bear. 一个男孩通过变成了熊而成长为男人的故事。 Great spirits of all who lived before "哦,古圣先贤的灵魂" Take our hands and lead us "替我们携手引路" Fill our hearts and souls with all you know. 将智慧灌注我们的心灵中。 Show us that in your eyes "你知道,你明白,展现吧" We are all the same "在上苍的眼中" Brothers to each other in this world we remain. 吾等皆一视同仁 Truly brothers all the same 139 "情同手足"世界生生不息" Brothers all the same "兄弟真情恒久不变" So, like, uh, what are you doing there, smallish bear? 你在那儿干什么,小熊仔? I'm practising my moves. 我在锻炼呢。 Want to see one? 想看看吗? Sure, eh.This ought to be good, eh? 当然,肯定不错 Listen to me. I was a man that was changed into a bear. 听我说~我是一个人变的熊, 不是母熊生的 No beaver. Man into bear. That's it. 人变的熊,就是这样 140 Oh. Yeah, so, before that you was probably like a goat? 哦,那么...在那之前,你也许是,好比,山羊? - What about a water buffalo? 嘿,水牛怎么样? - No, he's a rabbit. 不,不,不,是个兔子 Look at his ears and furry feet. 看他的耳朵和毛茸茸的脚 Watch out for the rabbit, eh. -小心兔子 No way, eh. Okay, now, everyone, take a big inhale, eh? 好了,大家听好了~深深地...吸一口气 And then on...然后...呼出来... 141 On the exhale, shift into salutation to the sun. 然后面向太阳 No, you shut up. 不,你闭嘴! - How you doing over there, Koda? 你好吗~ 可达? - Oh, pretty good. 很好啊 In accordance with all federal and state wildlife regulations, 根据联邦管理条例... no fish were harmed during the making of this film. 拍摄本片期间不允许捕鱼。 No! He's gonna eat me! 不,他要吃我! Cut. Cut. 啊偶,停 142 Somebody, help me.Help me. Somebody. 救命! "有些事情""在人生中学习""早晚你会明了" "因为外面世界" "全等待你发掘" "只要秉持信念" "莫逃跑、莫躲藏" "终将雨过天晴" "你会明白的,相信我" "我会守护在你身旁" "透过我双眼看一看" "外面世界无限美好" "透过我双眼看一看" "一切万物变化万千" "你会讶异你的发现" "有着更美好的天地" "只要透过我双眼看" "总会有些时候" "在人生旅途中" "眼前黑暗一片" 143 "只要踏出外面" "灿烂阳光普照" "只要秉持信念" "莫逃跑、莫躲藏" "终将雨过天晴" "你会明白的,相信我" "我会守护在你身旁" "只要你肯用心观察" "透过我的双眼" "外面世界无限美好" "透过我双眼看一看" "一切万物变化万千" "你会讶异你的发现" "有着更美好的天地" "只要透过我双眼看" "你可以改变的一切" "每件事都有其意义" "你会发现你需要的" "无穷事物有待体会" "看一看,看一看吧" 144 "透过我的双眼" "外头世界无限美好" "只要你肯用心观察" "透过我的双眼" "一切万物变化万千" "你会讶异你的发现" "你会讶异你的发现" "只要你肯用心观察" "透过我的双眼" "一切万物变化万千" "你会讶异你的发现" "你将发现美好天地" "只要透过我双眼看" "你会明了美好天地" "只要透过我双眼看" "你会察觉美好天地" "只要透过我双眼看" "透过我双眼看一看" "我明白很艰难" "但你总算发现" "检视你的内心" "原谅此刻的我" 145 "给我力量看清楚" "在我的旅途终点" "你仔经给予了我" "坚持下去的力量" "我看见光明之路" "在无尽黑暗之地" "我看见我的未来" "你的宽恕" "释放了我" "我看得见别条路" "我敢勇于面对" "另一天了" "我看见光明之路" "我看见光明之路" "我看见未来" "我看见光明之路" "我看见光明之路" "在无尽黑暗之地" "我看见我的未来" 146
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