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法律英语课程档案法律英语课程档案 一、课程说明与介绍 一、课程说明 课程名称: 法律英语 学 分: 2学分 学 时: 36学时 选课对象: 法学 修读要求:大学英语课程、法律基础类课程 考核方式:平时成绩占40%,期末占60%。期末考试。 法律出版社。 使用教材:《法律英语英汉翻译技巧》(第二版), 二、课程的性质和任务 《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的复合型人才的...

法律英语课程档案 一、课程说明与介绍 一、课程说明 课程名称: 法律英语 学 分: 2学分 学 时: 36学时 选课对象: 法学 修读要求:大学英语课程、法律基础类课程 考核方式:平时成绩占40%,期末占60%。期末考试。 法律出版社。 使用教材:《法律英语英汉翻译技巧》(第二版), 二、课程的性质和任务 《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的复合型人才的需求,所开设的英语专业本科选修课程。 本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。 三、教学对象的要求 本课程历时一个学期,其教学目的旨在培养和提高学生在法律领域里应用英语的能力。在教师的指导下,学生通过阅读一些精选的法律类英语文章掌握法学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。在教学过程中着重于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生的英语阅读理解水平。同时,本 1 课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力。 四、 本课程的教学重点、难点、创新点: 教学重点: 1.掌握每课中的法律专业术语; 2.了解美国法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的内容以及与中国的不同,特别是在宪法、法院体系、司法审查、法学教育与法律职业方面所表现出来的异同; 3.掌握一些必要的法律英语句法特征和翻译技巧,提高阅读和翻译能力。 教学难点: 1.法律英语长句、难句的翻译和理解; 2.英语听说译能力的培养与提高。 创新点: 在课程教学的过程中,教师应针对以上提到的难点,有的放矢的组织教学。 1.即学美国法律制度,又学法律英语。学习英美法律制度的过程实际上就是学习法律英语,对法律制度理解越深,对法律英语学习的帮助就越大,所以这门课不是单纯的专业课,同时也是一门英语课。 2.在讲解美国法律制度的同时,要帮助学生正确理解法律英语中的专业术语,尤其是法律英语中常见的同义词和近义词,如SOLICITOR为初级律师,一般进行案件起诉的文书工作,而BARRISTER 为高级律师,指有资格出庭辩护的律师。 2 3.采用案例教学法,使学生熟悉案例的阅读,找出争议点和判决的理由。 4.通过听力与口语讨论训练法,提高学生的听说能力。 5.通过英美电影欣赏,了解美国的陪审团制度和民事审判程序。 3 二、课程负责人 课程负责人姓名 谭宗燕 性 别 女 出生年月 1976年7月13日 最后学历学位 研究生、硕士 毕业学校 华中科技大学 专 业 语言学 职务 职称 副教授 所在单位(系) 大学英语系 相关履历 学习背景: 华中科技大学语言学硕士 进修情况: 无 讲授课程: 《大学英语》《法律英语》《英国文学》《美国文学》《语言学》 任课教师姓名 谭宗燕 性 别 女 出生年月 1976年7月13日 最后学历学位 研究生、硕士 毕业学校 华中科技大学 专 业 语言学 职称 职务 副教授 所在单位(系) 大学英语系 相关履历 学习背景: 华中科技大学语言学硕士 进修情况: 无 讲授课程: 《大学英语》《法律英语》《英国文学》《美国文学》《语言学》 4 三、 课程教学大纲 一、课程基本情况 课程编号 A0741021 素质学分数 2 (中文)法律英语 1.课程名称 (英文)Legal English ??专业素质教育 ?非专业素质教育 ?特殊素质教育 2.课程类别 ?必修 ??选修 ?自修; ?核心素质教育 ??非核心素质教育 3.课程学时总学时:36 理论教学学时:36 实践教学学时: 及其分配 4.适用院系 法学1401班 、专业 5.先修课程大学英语课程、法律基础类课程 预备知识 二、本门课程的意义、作用及教学目的、要求 1.本门课程的意义、作用 《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的复合型人才的需求,所开设的英语专业本科选修课程。 本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。 2.教学目的及要求 通过本课程的学习,培养学生以下专业与非专业素质: 本课程历时一个学期,其教学目的旨在培养和提高学生在法律领域里应用英语的能力。在教师的指导下,学生通过阅读一些精选的法律类英语文章掌握法学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。在教学过程中着重于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生的英语阅读理解水平。同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力。 三、课程内容 5 1.分章节或教学单元的主要教学内容 1. Lesson 1 教学目的与要求 介绍开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点、教学内容安排、学习方法与要求、相关参考书及本课程的考核方式;翻译的基本原则与方法。 2. Lesson 2 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems (2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China (3)To grasp the related legal terms 教学内容 Common law and Equity law 3. Lesson 3 Legal Education 法律教育 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education (2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method (3)To learn some legal phrases: Regulatory state; clinical education; layering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law 教学内容 Curriculum and the case method 4. Lesson 4 Court System 司法体系 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system (2)To distinguish between trial courts and appellate courts (3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court (4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on 教学内容 Court system 5. Lesson 5 Constitution 宪法 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the feature of the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment (2)To learn legal phrase: Judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism 教学内容 The constitution 6. Lesson 6 Administrative Law 行政法 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law (2)To know the definition of ―agency‖ in the Federal Administrative Procedure (3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory 6 agencies (4)To learn legal phrases: remedy; vest; delegation; mandate; administrative action; fiscal; welfare; judicial review 教学内容 Administrative law 7. Lesson 7 Criminal Law 刑法 教学目的 (1)To learn the element of a crime in the US criminal law. (2)To be clear about types of crime (3)To be clear about what is homicide and what is justifiable homicide (4)To know the difference between murder and manslaughter (5)To know what is voluntary manslaughter and federal crime of murder (6)To learn legal phrases: Homicide; self-defense; justifiable homicide; justification; willful, deliberate and premeditated; the unwritten law; felon; murder and manslaughter; malice; death penalty; voluntary manslaughter; criminal sanction; statutory offense; imposition of the death penalty 教学内容 Criminal law 8. Lesson 8 Criminal Procedure刑事诉讼程序 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the criminal procedure (2)Legal phrases: felony; subpoena; custody; arrestee, etc. (3)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials 教学内容 The Course of Criminal Procedure 9. Lesson 9 Civil Procedure民事诉讼程序 教学目的 (1)To be clear about the civil procedure (2)To learn how to write a legal memorandum (3)Legal phrases: trial lawyer; flow of the evidence; umpire; mistrial (4)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials 教学内容 The Course of Civil Procedure 10. Lesson 10 Torts 侵权法 教学目的 (1)To understand what is a tort (2)To learn legal phrases: Tortuous acts; try his claim; verdict; guest statutes; recovery; warranty; implied contract; intentional tort; negligence; strict liability; duty of care; contributory negligence 教学内容 I Intentional torts II Liability for negligence 11.Lesson 11 Contract 合同法 7 教学目的 (1)To understand the nature of a contract (2)To be clear about the requirements for a contract (3)To be clear about the source of contract law (4)To know the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law (5)To learn legal phrases: Real property; bodies of law; fraud; breach of contract tort; statutes; ordinances; blind adherence to; construction; offer; consideration; acceptance; misrepresentation; duress; unconscionability; contract performance; damages; expectation damages; agreed upon remedies; equitable relief; specific performance; injunction; restitution 教学内容 What is a contract? 12. Lesson 12 Property Law 财产法 教学目的 (1)To know the background of the US property law (2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law (3)To understand the role of the lawyer in real property transactions (4)To learn legal phrases: Due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession 教学内容 The fundamentals of real property law 2.每个教学单元的教学要点、重点、难点 Lesson 1 Law ?教学要点: 1. How will we study the course of legal English? 2. What will we learn from this course? 3. What are the difficulties in studying legal English? 4. What are the requirements of this course? 5. What is law? 教学重点: 1.What is law? 2.What is equity Law? 教学难点: 1.What is law? 2.What is equity Law? Lesson 2 ?教学要点: the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System 教学重点: the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System 教学难点: 8 the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System lesson 3 ?教学要点: Three Influencing Persons • Langdell-Harvard tradition • Reed-Interdisciplinary approach • Frank-Clinical Model 教学重点: • Langdell-Harvard tradition • Reed-Interdisciplinary approach 教学难点: • Langdell-Harvard tradition Reed-Interdisciplinary approach Lesson 4 第一次课 ?教学要点: 美国司法制度的特点 教学重点: Three-tiered system 教学难点: Three-tiered system 第二次课 ?教学要点: History of the Constitution General features checks and balances policy 教学重点: General features 教学难点: General features Lesson 5 ?教学要点: Codified constitution vs.uncodified constitution 教学重点: Codified constitution vs.uncodified constitution 教学难点: Codified constitution vs.uncodified constitution 9 Lesson 6 ?教学要点: 1. What is administrative law? 2. What is the scope of administrative law? 3. What is agency action? 4. What are the models of administrative law? 教学重点: 1、Regulatory and nonregulatory agencies 2、Advantages and disadvantages of the Administrative process 教学难点: Advantages and disadvantages of the Administrative process Lesson 7 ?教学要点: Types of crime Liability of crime 教学重点: Liability of crime 教学难点: Liability of crime Lesson 8 ?教学要点: the course of criminal procedure the Adversary Trial System the process of Trial 教学重点: the Adversary Trial System the process of Trial 教学难点: , the Adversary Trial System , the process of Trial lesson 9 ?教学要点: 1.the course of civil procedure 2.the Adversary Trial System 3.the process of Trial 4. the Rules of Evidence 教学重点: 1.the process of Trial 2.the Rules of Evidence 教学难点: 10 1.the process of Trial 2.the Rules of Evidence Lesson 10 第一次课 ?教学要点: 1. classifications of torts 2. intentional torts 教学重点: What are intentional torts? 教学难点: What are intentional torts? 第二次课 ?教学要点: 1.liability for negligence 2.No-Fault Principle 教学重点: 1.liability for negligence 2.No-Fault Principle 教学难点: 1.liability for negligence 2.No-Fault Principle Lesson 11 ?教学要点: 1. the nature of a contract 2. the requirements for a contract 3. the source of contract law 4. the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law 教学重点: the requirements for a contract 教学难点: the requirements for a contract lesson 12 ?教学要点: 1. definition of property law 2. property rights and contractual rights 3. property rights and personal rights 11 4. classification 5.transfer of property 6.lease 教学重点: 1. definition of property law 2.transfer of property 教学难点: 1. definition of property law 2.transfer of property 3.每个教学单元的三习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 Lesson 1 预习题:1.What are the events that promote the development of English Legal System? 2.What is Equity Law? 复习题:1.What is law, 2.How to understand law? 3.What is equity Law? 练习题:1.Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.1-Para.4, and prepare for Dictation. 2.P5 Ex.II ;P6 ex III.& IV. Lesson 2 预习题: 1. What are the four legal systems in the world? 2. What is the difference between the two major legal systems? 3. What are the features and characteristics of US? Legal system? 4. What is the difference between common law and equity law? 复习题: 1、What are the four legal systems 2、What is civil law? 3、What is common law? 练习题: I.法律词汇翻译 United States Supreme Court,Common law legal system,Civil law legal system,Case law,Statutory law, Roman law,private law,binding interpretation itinerant judges, English royal court,Enforcement,claim,action,writ, writ upon the case,equity law,equity case law II. Sentence Translation. 12 Lesson 3 预习题: 1. What are the types of lawyers in USA AND Britain? 2. What activities are lawyers involved in? 3. What are the necessities for lawyers practicing jobs? 复习题 What are the merits and demerits of case method in teaching law? 练习题:翻译下列法律术语: 1.JD (Juris Doctor) , LLM (Master of Laws) SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) , case method,contract law, tort law, property law, criminal law ,Civil procedure legal philosophy (jurisprudence) ,legal history,E nvironmental law , Socratic Method, legal principle 2. Finish EXs II,III & IV . Lesson 4 预习题: 1. How many court systems are there in the US? What are they? 2. What are two-tiered system and three –tiered system? 3. What are features of American judiciary? 复习题: 1. About the American court system 2.Distinguish between trial courts and appellate court 3. about the position of judges 练习题 1. Translation:The Supreme Court, • Courts of Appeals, • District Courts, • Special courts, • Three-tiered model: Trail Court, Circuit Court, Appellate Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court 2. Finish EXs II,III & IV . Lesson 5 预习题 1. What was the first American Constitution? 2. How to understand constitutional supremacy? 3. What are the three branches of US.government and how to understand separation of powers? 4. How to change the Constitution? 5. What is the checks and balances policy ? 复习题 1. the feature of the US Constitution 2. the fundamental principles of government 3. the provisions for amendment 练习题 1. What do you think about the separation of powers in the United States? 13 2. How much do you know about the process of impeachment? 3. What’s your view on the U.S. citizens’ right to bear arms? Lesson 6 预习题 1. What is administrative law? 2. What is the scope of administrative law? 3. What is agency action? What are the models of administrative law? 复习题: 1.What are three main divisions of American administrative law? 2.What are the functions that are performed by the executive branch but not part of the administrative law? 练习题: 1. Questions about the text . 2. Dictation Lesson 7 预习题: 1. What kinds of crimes do you know? 2. How much do you know about killing? 3. What is capital punishment? 4. Who gives a sentence to the criminals? 复习题 1. What’s your viewpoint of the insanity defense? Should an insane person be liable for his killing of a victim? 2. Do you think abortion is justifiable or not? Should we label the killing of a fetus murder? 3. Should death penalty be abolished in China? 练习题 1. Translation of the legal terms. 2. P61 ex.II & III. Lesson 8 预习题: , What is the course of criminal procedure? , What is the Adversary Trial System? , What is the process of Trial? 14 复习题 , What is the course of criminal procedure? , What is the Adversary Trial System? 练习题 1.Translation of the legal terms. 2.P69 ex.II & III. Lesson 9 预习题Preview L9: What is the course of civil procedure? What is the Adversary Trial System? What is the process of Trial? What are the Rules of Evidence? 复习题 What is the course of civil procedure? What is the Adversary Trial System? What is the process of Trial? 练习题.EX.II &III. Lesson 10 预习题Preview lesson 10: 1. What are the classifications of torts ? 2. What is an intentional tort? 3. How to decide the liability for negligence? 4. What is the No-Fault Principle? 复习题: What is the process of civil trial? What are the rules of evidence? 练习题:EX III AND IV. Lesson 11 预习题 1. What is a contract? 2. What can people do with contracts? 3. What is the difference between contract and agreement? 复习题 1. the nature of a contract 15 2. the requirements for a contract 3. the source of contract law 4. the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law 练习题Finish textbook exercises II, III & IV. Lesson 12 预习题: What are the roles of government in the field of property law? What are the lawyers in the field of property law? What are the major areas in real property law? 复习题: 1.classification of property 2.transfer of property 练习题:TEXTBOOK ex II, III & IV。 四、实践环节 课程实验 或 课程实训 实验名称: 实训名称: 实验目的: 实训目的: 实验内容: 实训内容: 1. Topic discussion 实践项目:to discuss 2 topics 1) Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer? 2) Discussion of the principle of checks and balances 实践目的:to use legal terms to state one’s views on the above topics in English 2. Listening practice 实践项目:to listen to the text and repeat or dictate while learning each lesson 实践目的:to make an understanding of the legal paras and civil and criminal procedures 3. Translation practice 实践项目:to translate the constitution of the US 实践目的: to know the constitution of the US and to learn some translation skills 4. Case analysis 实践项目:to read one case 实践目的:to know the way to read real cases and its decisions 5. Mock trial 实践项目:Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. 实践目的:to know the tasks and skills of acting as different roles in an appeal case 五、建议教学方法 1. 中英文讲授法:针对每课,分三步进行:第一:背景知识介绍; 第二:阅读与 词汇讲解; 第三:听力口语训练或课堂模拟。 2. 案例分析法 3. 课堂讨论法 4. 电影教学法 16 5. 课外自学法 6. 模拟审判法 六、答疑安排 教师给学生交代辅导答疑的计划安排(时间、地点、联系方式等),主要在课外进行。 1)学生课堂提问:按照开发内化教学模式,教师辅导答疑环节体现在每次课的第三个环节中,学生在课前自主学习的基础上针对课文中出现的一些无法理解的问题在课堂上向教师提问,教师当堂做出解答。对于比较有共性的提问,教师进行详细的讲解。 2) 教师课堂提问:如果在课堂上学生没有提出有针对性的问题,教师会就这些重难点问题对学生进行提问,让学生解答,然后根据学生的回答进行一定的补充和讲解。 3)网络答疑:学生通过QQ、邮箱、短信和电话的形式把自己不懂的问题向老师提问,老师及时做出解答。 七、素质考试方式及试题库 考核方式:素质命题 学生最终成绩由期末考试成绩(占总评成绩的60%)、平时成绩(作业、课堂表现、讨论、小测验、期中考试,共占总评成绩的40%)二部分组成。 武昌理工学院法律英语期末素质测评试题样卷 课程名称:法律英语 考生专业班级:法学1301班 考试时间:90 分钟 A ? B 卷 开 闭? 卷 请注意:考生不得在试题纸上答题.( 含填空、选择等客观题) 题号 I II III IV V 总 分 阅卷人 题分 40 20 10 20 10 100 得分 Part I. Literary terms translation: English into Chinese. (40 points, 1 point for each) 1. contract law 2. checks and balances policy 3. Federal law court 4. stare decisis 5. Procedural law 6. Public Prosecutor 7. legal education 8. Socratic method 9. impeachment 10. Judicial review 11. two-tiered system 12. administrative law 13. antitrust law 14. property law 15. intellectual property 16. international law 17. criminal procedure 18. American Constitution 19. Tort law 20. legal systems 21. bar examination 22. constitutional supremacy 23. capital punishment 24. substantive law 17 25. Equity law 26. party 27. dispute resolution 28. case method 29. Separation of powers 30. litigant 31. Trial court 32. common law 33. public law 34. civil procedure 35. The Senate 36. corporation law 37. Judicial system 38. rules of evidence 39. Appellate court 40. First degree of murder Part II. True or false statements. (20 points, 1 point for each) 1. Great Britain, or the United Kingdom belongs to the common law system. 2. Only few states in America have adopted a two-tiered system in its judicial system. 3. Civil procedure is mainly dealing with disputes resolution in our society. 4. The legislative, executive and judicial branches are the three main branches of the United States. 5.On appellate courts, judges usually do not do trial work. Instead, they are occupied exclusively in hearing appeals. 6. Federal law courts are superior to state or district law courts. 7. The Supreme Court is the ultimate decision-maker of federal law and the trying force that binds all the courts the nation. 8. To create a contract, usually all parties involved should consider three factors: an offer, acceptance, and consideration. 9. Torts can be divided into negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm. 10. A crime can be either a felony or a misdemeanor. 11. America has only a single unified system of courts. 12. Remedies granted by the Court of Chancery were known as equity. 13. An ordinance is a municipal law of a general and permanent nature. 14. Law may provide protection for the individual; maintain social order,, health and safety; provide a peaceful means of dispute resolution and so on. 15. Crime consists of a physical element and mental element. 16. Murder belongs to small offenses. 17. Law consists of rules and has a pattern. 18. The most common sentences in criminal cases are fines and imprisonment. 19. The first step in a criminal procedure is the reported crime. 20. Legal education in the U.S. is drawn from and built on Langdell tradition, Reed interdisciplinary approach and Frank clinical model. Part III. Short questions. (10 points, 2 points for each) 1. Can you say something about the roles of law in a society? 2. Is it easy to amend a constitution? Why or why not? 3. What are the elements that may establish a crime? 4. How many different sentences are used in criminal cases? 5. What are intentional torts? Give at least 5 examples to illustrate this. Part IV. Passage translation. (20 points, 5 points for each) 18 1. Upon conquering England, William, the Conqueror, replaced the local and highly varied systems of law, with a common system of law. Over the years, as the court system grew, a system of judge-made rules began to develop. These rules became known as ―the common law‖, because they were common to all the people in the land. 2. Some law schools have expanded curricula to include courses and clinical program in environmental law, housing and urban development, women’s right, health in the workplace, welfare rights and consumer protection. 3. What qualifies a person, therefore, to teach law is not experience in dealing with men, not experience in the trial or argument of causes, not experience, in short, in using law, but experience in learning law. 4. The courts interpret the law. They also settle disagreements between individuals and the government. Different levels of courts handle different kinds of cases. Federal courts handle cases about the Constitution and the laws made by Congress. They also deal with problems between one or more states. Part V. Analysis and Writing. Choose from the below one topic and write an essay of about 60 words. (10 points) 1. The major law systems of the world and their main representative countries 2. The differences between Chinese and American Legal Systems 3. The main procedures of American Criminal cases 4. The main procedures of American Civil cases 5. the three persons having made great contributions to American legal education 武昌理工学院法律英语期末素质测评试题样卷 参考答案及评 分 标 准 课程名称:法律英语 适用专业班级:法学1301班 考试时间:90分钟 A ? B 卷 开 闭? 卷 Part I. Literary terms translation: English into Chinese. (40 points, 1 point for each) 1.合同法 2.制衡原则 3.联邦法院 4.遵循先例 5.程序法 6.检察官 7.法律教育 8.苏格拉底教学法 9.弹劾 10.司法审查 11.两级审判制12.行政法 13.反托拉斯法 14.行政法 15.知识产权 16.国际法 17.刑法程序 18.美国宪法 19.侵权法 20.法律制度 21.律师考试 22.宪法至上 23.死刑 24.实体法 25.衡平法 26.当事人 27.解决争端 28.案例教学法 29.分权 30.诉讼人 31.初审法院 32.普通法 33.公法 34.民事程序 35.参议院 36.公司法 37.司法制度 38.证据原则 39.上诉法院 40.一级谋杀 (每题1分,表意清楚即可得分,不译,漏译,错译不得分) Part II. True or false statements. (20 points, 1 point for each) 1-5 TTTTT 6-10 FTTTT 11-15 FTTTT 16-20 FTTTT (每题1分,判断正确得分,判断错误不得分。) Part III. Short questions. (10 points, 2 points for each) OMISSION. 19 (答出关键词,主要要点或者言之有理,即可得分,否则酌情扣分。) Part IV. Passage translation. (20 points, 5 points for each) 1.征服英国后,征服者威廉用普通法体系取代了当地的及各种各样的法律制度。多年以后,随着法系的增长,法官立法的规则体系开始形成。这些规则被称为―普通法‖,因为它们(这些规则)普遍适用于英国土地上所有的人。 2.一些法学院将课程和实习计划拓展到环境法、住房和城市发展、妇女权利、职业健康、福利权利和消费者保护。 3. 因此,判定一个人是否具备教授法律的资格,不是看他是否在律师事务所工作过,不是看他是否接待过当事人,不是看他是否参加过审判或者参与过案由辩论,总之,不是看他是否运用过法律,而是看他是否学过法律。 4. 法庭解释法律,也解决个人、政府之间的争论。不同级别的法庭处理不同种类的案件。联邦政府法院处理与宪法和议会制定的法律有关的案件,也同样解决州与州之间的争端 (表意清楚,文字通顺,语言连贯即可得分,漏译,错译酌情扣分。) Part V. Analysis and Writing. (10 points) (表意清楚,文字通顺,语言连贯即可得分,否则酌情扣分。) 八、所需教学条件 1.教学设备 多媒体语音教室,PPT,黑板 2. 教材与参考文献 教 材:(作者. 教材名称. 版别. 出版社 时间) [1].沙丽金 《法律英语》(第二版),北京:中国政法大学出版社,2011年9月。 [2].何家弘《法律英语——美国法律制度》(第四版),北京:法律出版社,2010年7月。 [3].赵建 夏国佐主编《法学专业英语教程?上下册》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999年。 参考文献: [1].赵雁丽《法律英语教程?上下册》,西安:西安交通大学出版社,2003年。 [2].何主宇《最新法律专业英语》,北京:机械工业出版社,2003年。 [3].杜金榜《法律英语阅读教程?1-3册》,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003年。 [4].唐桂民《法律英语听说教程?上下册》,北京:对外贸易大学出版社,2004年。 [5].李宗锇、潘惠仪《英汉法律大词典》,北京:法律出版社,1998年。 [6].Bryan A. Garner 《牛津现代法律用语词典-A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage》,北京:法律出版社,2002年。 20 四、教学重点与难点 章节 标题 重点 难点 Lesson Law Course contents, teaching The way to express 1 requirements, study opinion or ideas and methods disagreement Lesson Legal system Common law legal system Difference between 2 common law and civil law Lesson Legal education Law school hierarchy and Difference between case 3 legal education method and lecture method Lesson Court system American court system Legal phrases, translation 4 of long and difficult sentences Lesson Constitution Principles of checks and Translation of the US 5 balances constitution Lesson Administrative Comprehension of the text Legal phrases, translation 6 law of long and difficult sentences Lesson Criminal law Comprehension of the text Case analysis 7 Lesson Criminal Comprehension of the text Legal phrases, translation 8 Procedure of long and difficult sentences Lesson Civil Procedure Comprehension of the text Legal phrases, translation 9 of long and difficult sentences Lesson Torts Comprehension of the text Legal phrases, translation 10 of long and difficult sentences Lesson Contract What is a contract Mock trial 11 Lesson Property law Comprehension of the text Legal phrases, translation 12 of long and difficult sentences 五、学时分配 章次 标题 总课时 理论课时 实践课时 备注 Lesson 1 Law 4 4 Lesson 2 Legal system 4 4 Lesson 3 Legal 2 2 education Lesson 4 Court system 2 2 Lesson 5 Constitution 4 3 1 Lesson 6 Administrative 4 4 law 21 Lesson 7 Criminal law 2 1 1 Lesson 8 Criminal 2 2 Procedure Lesson 9 Civil 2 2 Procedure Lesson 10 Torts 4 3 1 Lesson 11 Contract 2 2 Lesson 12 Property law 2 2 机动 2 合计 36 32 4 六、实验、实训等实践教学要求 1. Topic discussion 实践项目:to discuss 2 topics 3) Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer? 4) Discussion of the principle of checks and balances 实践目的:to use legal terms to state one’s views on the above topics in English 2. Listening practice 实践项目:to listen to the text and repeat or dictate while learning each lesson 实践目的:to make an understanding of the legal paras and civil and criminal procedures 3. Translation practice 实践项目:to translate the constitution of the US 实践目的: to know the constitution of the US and to learn some translation skills 4. Case analysis 实践项目:to read one case 实践目的:to know the way to read real cases and its decisions 5. Mock trial 实践项目:Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. 实践目的:to know the tasks and skills of acting as different roles in an appeal case 七、思考题、三习题 法律英语课程的思考题及三习题的设置必须覆盖教学的核心内容、重点、难点, 学生“三习”的时间与教学时间之比不少于1:1。教师每节课必须布置“三习” 题。复习题要以侧重记忆与理解为主;预习题要以侧重引导、提示、布置任务为 主;练习题要以侧重思考与运用为主。要使学生通过“三习”学会思考、善于思 22 考、勤于思考,使学生通过三习题理解每篇课文的基本内容,提高学生对课文的欣赏能力。 八、说明 (一)教学方法与教学手段 教学方法: 7. 中英文讲授法:针对每课,分三步进行:第一:背景知识介绍(中英文) 第 二:阅读与词汇讲解(英文) 第三:听力口语训练或课堂模拟(英文) 8. 案例分析法 9. 课堂讨论法 10. 电影教学法 11. 课外自学法 12. 模拟审判法 教学手段: 1.运用多媒体教学,图文并茂的给学生展示法律英语的特点; 2.增加听力与听写训练,了解一些地道的法律英语; 3.组织学生观看英文电影,让学生通过影片了解美国法律制度; 4.讨论案例、分析法律争议点,理解所做判决; 5.模拟审判,了解美国上诉程序及技巧。 (二)作业及辅导答疑要求 作业:不少于12次 辅导答疑:要求教师给学生交代辅导答疑的计划安排(时间、地点、联系方式等),主要在课外进行。 )学生课堂提问:按照开发内化教学模式,教师辅导答疑环节体现在每次1 课的第三个环节中,学生在课前自主学习的基础上针对课文中出现的一些无法理解的问题在课堂上向教师提问,教师当堂做出解答。对于比较有共性的提问,教师进行详细的讲解。 2) 教师课堂提问:如果在课堂上学生没有提出有针对性的问题,教师会就这些重难点问题对学生进行提问,让学生解答,然后根据学生的回答进行一定的补充和讲解。 3)网络答疑:学生通过QQ、邮箱、短信和电话的形式把自己不懂的问题向老师提问,老师及时做出解答。 3.课程考核方式 考核方式:考试 学生最终成绩由期末考试成绩(占总评成绩的60%)、平时成绩(考勤、作业、课堂表现、讨论、小测验,共占总评成绩的40%)两部分组成。 平时成绩具体构成如下: 项 目 权 课堂 随堂小期中 学 作业 练习 重 院 提问 测验 考试 及 课 程 23 文法与外语学院法律英语 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 九、教材及主要参考书 1.本课程使用教材: [1].沙丽金 《法律英语》(第二版),北京:中国政法大学出版社,2011年9月。 [2].何家弘《法律英语——美国法律制度》(第四版),北京:法律出版社,2010年7月。 [3].赵建 夏国佐主编《法学专业英语教程?上下册》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999年。 2.教材内容处理:为体现美国司法制度的代表性,删掉了部分章节。 3.主要参考书: [1].赵雁丽《法律英语教程?上下册》,西安:西安交通大学出版社,2003年。 [2].何主宇《最新法律专业英语》,北京:机械工业出版社,2003年。 [3].杜金榜《法律英语阅读教程?1-3册》,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003年。 [4].唐桂民《法律英语听说教程?上下册》,北京:对外贸易大学出版社,2004年。 [5].李宗锇、潘惠仪《英汉法律大词典》,北京:法律出版社,1998年。 [6].Bryan A. Garner 《牛津现代法律用语词典-A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage》,北京:法律出版社,2002年。 十、编写及审核人 编写者:谭宗燕 审核者:席静 编写时间:2015年3月 24 四、 课程教学计划进度表 项 目 理论实践 教学内容 教学方式 备注 内容 学时 学时 周次日期 第 1 周 Lesson1介绍教学计划,教学 讲授 第1次课 2 内容,教学方法,重难点及练习 3月 2 日, 辅导 教学要求 3月6日 第 2 周 答疑 讲授 第1次课 2 Lesson 1 law 练习 3月 9 日, 辅导 3月14日 第 3 周 答疑 辅导 讲授 第1次课 Lesson 2 Legal System 2 练习 3月16 日, 答疑 3月20日 第 4 周 辅导 第1次课 2 Lesson 2 Legal System 讲授 3月 23 日, 答疑 3月27日 第 5 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 Lesson 3 Legal Education 2 练习 3月30 日, 答疑 4月3日 第 6 周 辅导 讲授 第1 次课 2 Lesson 4 Judicial System 练习 4月6 日, 答疑 4月10日 第 7 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 2 Lesson 4 Judicial System 练习 4月13 日, 答疑 4月17日 第 8 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 Lesson 5 Constitution 2 练习 4月20日, 答疑 4月24日 第 9 周 讲授 辅导 第1次课 2 Lesson 5 Constitution 练习,电影 4月27日, 答疑 欣赏讨论 5月1日 25 第 10 周 辅导 Lesson 6 Administrative 讲授 第1次课 2 Law 练习 5月4日, 答疑 5月8日 第11 周 讲授 第1次课 Mid-test Lesson 7 Criminal Law 2 练习 5月11日, 5月15日 第 12 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 2 Lesson 8 Criminal Procedure 练习 5月18日, 答疑 5月22日 第13 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 Lesson 9 Civil Procedure 2 练习 5月25日, 答疑 5月29日 第14 周 辅导 第1次课 讲授 Lesson 10 Torts 2 6月1日, 案例分析 答疑 6月5日 第15 周 辅导 讲授 第1次课 Lesson 10 Torts 2 练习 6月8日, 答疑 6月12日 第16 周 第1次课 讲授 2 Lesson 11 Contract 6月15日, 辅导 模拟审判 6月19日 答疑 第17 周 第1次课 讲授 2 Lesson 12 Property Law 6月22日, 辅导 练习 6月26日 答疑 第 18 周 第1次课 2 Final Examination 复习考试 6月29日, 7月3日 第19 周 第 次课 7月5 日, 7月 10日 26 五、教材选用及参考书 1.本课程使用教材: [1].沙丽金 《法律英语》(第二版),北京:中国政法大学出版社,2011年9月。 [2].何家弘《法律英语——美国法律制度》(第四版),北京:法律出版社,2010年7月。 [3].赵建 夏国佐主编《法学专业英语教程?上下册》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999年。 本教材是沙丽金教授及其同仁根据当代语言教学的研究成果和多年的教学 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 ,精心编写的供高等院校法学专业本科学生使用的教材。本教材有以下特点: ?本教材是教育部“国家双语教学示范课程”教材,汇集了国内各大主要高校专家们的丰富教学经验,体现了前沿的教学思想。 ?教材可纳了国外最新的语言材料,题材丰富,内容新颖,包括了现代生活的各个方面、具有鲜明的时代特征。 ?教材在总目标、语言项目、词汇范围和练习方式上,都体现了新大纲的要求,符合国家标准。 ?教材在教学法上博采众长,不拘一格;在教学原则上注意发挥学生的主动性与积极性;在编写手法上注意纵向连贯和横向配合,循序渐进。 ?教材注意语言与文化的结合,注重提高学生的人文修养,体现了英语专业教材的特色。 但随着现代信息的迅速发展和传播,单纯的教材已远不能满足教学的需要。因此,会利用网络丰富的音频、视频资源,来丰富教材的内容。 2.教材内容处理:为体现美国司法制度的代表性,删掉了部分章节。 3.主要参考书: 27 [1].赵雁丽《法律英语教程?上下册》,西安:西安交通大学出版社,2003年。 [2].何主宇《最新法律专业英语》,北京:机械工业出版社,2003年。 [3].杜金榜《法律英语阅读教程?1-3册》,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003年。 [4].唐桂民《法律英语听说教程?上下册》,北京:对外贸易大学出版社,2004年。 [5].李宗锇、潘惠仪《英汉法律大词典》,北京:法律出版社,1998年。 [6].Bryan A. Garner 《牛津现代法律用语词典-A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage》,北京:法律出版社,2002年。 28 六、课程典型案例 章/节题目 Lesson 1 Law 学 时 2 1.介绍开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点、教学内容安排、教学目标 学习方法与要求、相关参考书及本课程的考核方式 2. Introduce the concept of law, and ask students to express their understanding of law 中英文讲授法,课堂讨论法,案例分析法 教学方法 1.运用多媒体教学,图文并茂的给学生展示法律英语的特点 2.增加听力与听写训练,了解一些地道的法律英语 教学内容及进程(2学时、90分钟,按照开发内化教学模式要求完成) 一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等) 备注栏: 时间安排、教第一次课无课堂检验 学方法、举例、主要通过导入的方式先介绍本门课程的体系和特点,进行本学 案例、新增内期教学任务的安排,并对学生提出学习要求,同时指明参考文 容填写等 献和参考网站的信息 二、精讲内容(包括?要点、重点、难点;?互动 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ;?板书设计) ?教学要点: Lesson 1 Law 1. How will we study the course of legal English? 2. What will we learn from this course? 3. What are the difficulties in studying legal English? 4. What are the requirements of this course? 5. What is law? 教学重点: What is law? 教学难点: What is law? ?互动设计 让学生结合相关法律术语知识了解法律英语和其他专业英语的不同,进而理解什么是法。 ?板书设计; 板书分左右两列: 左边:书写教学内容的标题 右边:书写法的概念 I、what is law 29 1.relationship between civilization and law 2.definition of law 3.roles of law 4.understanding of law 三、答疑安排 利用第一节课间的十分钟,和第二节课的最后3分钟进行本次课的答疑。 四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题)和阅读书目的章节内容。 预习题:1、What are the events that promote the development of English Legal System? 2、What is Equity Law? 复习题:1、What is law, 2、How to understand law? 练习题:1.Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.1-Para.4, and prepare for Dictation. 2.P5 Ex.II 阅读:Public law and Private Law 五、教学反思 反思教学反映与教学效果,反思备课情况;本次备课虽然是充 分,内容比较多,但是熟悉的角度看,对备课的内容还没有能够做到熟悉,对课堂教学的连贯性产生一些影响。可见,备课不仅要求内容充分,还需对内容熟悉,对学生非常好熟悉。 30 章/节题目 Lesson 1 Law 学 时 2 教学目标 Introduce the development of the English Legal System 中英文讲授法,课堂讨论法,案例分析法 教学方法 教学内容及进程(2学时、90分钟,按照开发内化教学模式要求完成) 一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等) 备注栏: 对上节课的思考题进行提问,针对学生的回答予以解释。 时间安排、教预习题:1、What are the events that promote the development 学方法、举例、of English Legal System? 案例、新增内 2、What is Equity Law? 容填写等 复习题:1、What is law, 2、How to understand law? 练习题:1.Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.1-Para.4, and prepare for Dictation. 2.P5 Ex.II 二、精讲内容(包括?要点、重点、难点;?互动设计;?板书设计) ?教学要点: Lesson 1 law Para.5-11 development of English Legal System 1.equity law 2.American legal system 教学重点: What is equity Law? 教学难点: What is equity Law? ?互动设计 结合史料让学生分析衡平法出现的原因。 ?板书设计 板书分左右两列: 左边:书写教学内容的标题 右边:书写史料要点 development of English Legal System 1.equity law 2.American legal system 31 三、 答疑安排 利用第一节课间的十分钟,和第二节课的最后3分钟进行本次课的答疑。 四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题)和阅读书目的章节内容。 预习题: 5. What are the four legal systems in the world? 32 6. What is the difference between the two major legal systems? 7. What are the features and characteristics of US? Legal system? 8. What is the difference between common law and equity law? 练习题: 1. Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.5-Para.10, and prepare for Dictation. 2.P6 ex III.& IV. 复习题: What is equity Law? 阅读:Lesson 2 Legal System 五、教学反思 学生对西方主要法律体系还是了解太少,发散性思维不够,基本概念也比较模糊。 33 Lesson 2 Legal System 章/节题目 学 时 2 教学目标 (1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems (2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of America (3)To grasp the related legal vocabularies 教学方法 中英文问答法,讲授法,课堂讨论法,案例分析法 教学内容及进程(2学时、90分钟,按照开发内化教学模式要求完成) 一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等) 备注栏: 时间安排、教对上节课的思考题进行提问,针对学生的回答予以解释。 学方法、举例、预习题: 9. What are the four legal systems in the world? 案例、新增内10. What is the difference between the two major legal systems? 容填写等 11. What are the features and characteristics of US? Legal system? 12. What is the difference between common law and equity law? 练习题: 1. Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.5-Para.10, and prepare for Dictation. 2.P6 ex III.& IV. 复习题: What is equity Law? 阅读:Lesson 2 Legal System 二、精讲内容(包括?要点、重点、难点;?互动设计;?板书设计) ?教学要点: the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System 教学重点: the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System 教学难点: the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System ?互动设计 结合史料让学生分析普通法系和民法法系的不同。 ?板书设计 板书分左右两列: 左边:书写教学内容的标题 右边:书写史料要点 34 I.Reps. of 4 legal systems 1.Romano-Germanic / civil / continental legal system: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Turkey, Indonesia, Holland 2. Common-law / Anglo-American legal system: England, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Canada (excluding Quebec), Burma, India 3.Socialist legal system: China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam 4. Islamic legal system: Middle East countries II.Civil law III. Common law 三、答疑安排 利用第一节课间的十分钟,和第二节课的最后3分钟进行本次课的答疑。 四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题)和阅读书目的章节内容。 预习题: What ARE the difference between the Common Law system and Civil-Law System? 复习题: 4、What are the four legal systems, 5、What is civil law? 6、What is common law? 练习题: P14.EX II. 阅读:COMMON LAW 五、教学反思 学生对英国历史尤其是衡平法的历史了解太少,以后 授课可适当加入人文知识。 35 七、课程实践环节安排 本课程提倡学生自主学习的学习方式,力求逐步改变以教师为中心、课堂为中心和书本为中心的传统教学方法,培养学生的创新意识和批判性思维,增强综合人文素质。实践环节主要包括课堂学生PPT 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 制作与演示、模拟审判,法律文书写作。 1. 本课程没有实验教学环节。 2. 安排了4学时的课堂讨论、案例分析和模拟审判、课堂练习等类实训课,在课内进行。 3. 作业布置6次。 4. 辅导答疑:每次课结束后花5-10分钟进行课程的辅导答疑。每两次作业后集中讲评一次。期中考试和期末考试前集中进行辅导答疑。此外,每周用半天时间用于辅导答疑 36 八、三习题库 2学分 课程归属授课专业 学分、学时 法学系 法学1301班 36学时 (系、专业) 年级 总章节或 授课周数 17周 教师教龄 39岁 12 units 总单元 命题教师 课程负责人 教学副院长 谭宗燕 谭宗燕 吕西萍 签名 签名 签名 课程目标: 通过本课程的学习,培养学生以下专业与非专业素质: 本课程历时一个学期,其教学目的旨在培养和提高学生在法律领域里应用英语的能力。在教师的指导下,学生通过阅读一些精选的法律类英语文章掌握法学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。在教学过程中着重于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生的英语阅读理解水平。同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力。 第 1 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: 介绍开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点、教学内容安排、学习方法与要求、相关参考书及本课程的考核方式;法的概念及理解。 1、What are the events that promote the development of English Legal System? 预习题 2、What is Equity Law? 1.What is law, 2.How to understand law? 复习题 3.What is equity Law? 37 1.Find and Remember the main legal terms in Para.1-Para.4, and prepare for Dictation. 练习题 2.P5 Ex.II P6 ex III.& IV. 第 2 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1) To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems (2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China (3)To grasp the related legal terms 13. What are the four legal systems in the world? 预习题 14. What is the difference between the two major legal systems? 15. What are the features and characteristics of US? Legal system? 16. What is the difference between common law and equity law? 7、What are the four legal systems 复习题 8、What is civil law? 9、What is common law? I.法律词汇翻译 United States Supreme Court,Common law legal system,Civil law legal system,Case law,Statutory law, Roman law,private law,练习题 binding interpretation, itinerant judges, English royal court, Enforcement,claim,action,writ,writ upon the case,equity law, equity case law II. Sentence Translation. 第 3 章(单元): 38 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education (2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method (3)To learn some legal phrases: Regulatory state; clinical education; layering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law 4. What are the types of lawyers in USA AND Britain? 预习题 5. What activities are lawyers involved in? 6. What are the necessities for lawyers practicing jobs? 复习题 What are the merits and demerits of case method in teaching law? 1.JD (Juris Doctor) , LLM (Master of Laws) SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) , case method, contract law, tort law, property 练习题 law, criminal law ,Civil procedure legal philosophy (jurisprudence) ,legal history, Environmental law , Socratic Method, legal principle 2. Finish EXs II, III & IV . 第 4 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system (2)To distinguish between trial courts and appellate courts (3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court (4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on 39 1. How many court systems are there in the US? What are they? 预习题 2. What are two-tiered system and three –tiered system? 3. What are features of American judiciary? 1. About the American court system 复习题 2.Distinguish between trial courts and appellate court 3. about the position of judges 1. Translation: The Supreme Court, • Courts of Appeals, District Courts, Special courts, Three-tiered model, Trail Court, Circuit Court, 练习题 Appellate Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court 2. Finish EXs II,III & IV . 第 5 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the feature of the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment (2)To learn legal phrase: Judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism 1. What was the first American Constitution? 2. How to understand constitutional supremacy? 3. What are the three branches of US. government and how to 预习题 understand separation of powers? 4. How to change the Constitution? 5. What is the checks and balances policy? 40 4. the feature of the US Constitution 复习题 5. the fundamental principles of government 6. the provisions for amendment 1. What do you think about the separation of powers in the United States? 练习题 2. How much do you know about the process of impeachment? 3. What’s your view on the U.S. citizens’ right to bear arms? 第 6 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law (2)To know the definition of ―agency‖ in the Federal Administrative Procedure (3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory agencies (4)To learn legal phrases: remedy; vest; delegation; mandate; administrative action; fiscal; welfare; judicial review 4. What is administrative law? 5. What is the scope of administrative law? 预习题 6. What is agency action? 4. What are the models of administrative law? 1. What are three main divisions of American administrative law? 2. What are the functions that are performed by the executive branch 复习题 but not part of the administrative law? 41 1. Questions about the text. 练习题 2. Dictation 第 7 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To learn the element of a crime in the US criminal law. (2)To be clear about types of crime (3)To be clear about what is homicide and what is justifiable homicide (4)To know the difference between murder and manslaughter (5)To know what is voluntary manslaughter and federal crime of murder (6)To learn legal phrases: Homicide; self-defense; justifiable homicide; justification; willful, deliberate and premeditated; the unwritten law; felon; murder and manslaughter; malice; death penalty; voluntary manslaughter; criminal sanction; statutory offense; imposition of the death penalty 5. What kinds of crimes do you know? 6. How much do you know about killing? 预习题 7. What is capital punishment? 8. Who gives a sentence to the criminals? 1. What’s your viewpoint of the insanity defense? Should an insane person be liable for his killing of a victim? 复习题 2. Do you think abortion is justifiable or not? Should we label the killing of a fetus murder? 3. Should death penalty be abolished in China? 42 3. Translation of the legal terms. 练习题 4. P61 ex.II & III. 第 8 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the criminal procedure (2)Legal phrases: felony; subpoena; custody; arrestee, etc. (3)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials What is the course of criminal procedure? 预习题 What is the Adversary Trial System? What is the process of Trial? What is the course of criminal procedure? 复习题 What is the Adversary Trial System? 1.Translation of the legal terms. 练习题 2.P69 ex.II & III. 第 9 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To be clear about the civil procedure (2)To learn how to write a legal memorandum (3)Legal phrases: trial lawyer; flow of the evidence; umpire; mistrial (4)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials What is the course of civil procedure? 预习题 What is the Adversary Trial System? 43 What is the process of Trial? What are the Rules of Evidence? What is the course of civil procedure? 复习题 What is the Adversary Trial System? What is the process of Trial? 练习题 Ex.II & III. 第 10 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To understand what is a tort (2)To learn legal phrases: Tortuous acts; try his claim; verdict; guest statutes; recovery; warranty; implied contract; intentional tort; negligence; strict liability; duty of care; contributory negligence 1. What are the classifications of torts? 2. What is an intentional tort? 预习题 3. How to decide the liability for negligence? 4. What is the No-Fault Principle? What is the process of civil trial? 复习题 What are the rules of evidence? 练习题 EX III AND IV. 第 11 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To understand the nature of a contract 44 (2)To be clear about the requirements for a contract (3)To be clear about the source of contract law (4)To know the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law (5)To learn legal phrases: Real property; bodies of law; fraud; breach of contract tort; statutes; ordinances; blind adherence to; construction; offer; consideration; acceptance; misrepresentation; duress; unconscionability; contract performance; damages; expectation damages; agreed upon remedies; equitable relief; specific performance; injunction; restitution 1. What is a contract? 预习题 2. What can people do with contracts? 3. What is the difference between contract and agreement? 1. the nature of a contract 2. the requirements for a contract 复习题 3. the source of contract law 4. the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law 练习题 EX III AND IV. 第 12 章(单元): 本章节(单元)教学目标: (1)To know the background of the US property law (2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law (3)To understand the role of the lawyer in real property transactions (4)To learn legal phrases: Due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession 45 1. What are the roles of government in the field of property law? 预习题 2. What are the lawyers in the field of property law? 5. What are the major areas in real property law? 1.classification of property 复习题 2.transfer of property 练习题 TEXTBOOK ex II, III & IV 46 九、课程考核说明 命题重在考核学生的素质,主要是考查学生对法律英语基本知识、法条及对知识的应用能力和方法的掌握程度的考核。 1. 考核形式:闭卷考试 2. 考核范围:考核教材的第1-12章的内容,占卷面总分约80%;考核参考书中的内容在5-20%。 3(成绩评定:课程最终成绩由平时成绩与期末考试成绩各占4:6构成。平时成绩由课堂提问、作业、随堂小测验、课堂讨论、期中考试五部分组成,分别比例为 3:2:2:2:1。 47 十、课程基本资源(PPT) PPT资源另附 48 十一、学生作业 1. 布置作业要求 课下作业包括参考资料和阅读书目、思考题、作业等,布置任务一般在每次课最后5分钟内。 1)参考资料和阅读书目 开学第一次课布置课程参考资料及学习网站 2)思考题 ?包括预习性思考题和复习性思考题; ?思考题主要针对课堂提问; ?思考题要有综合性、启发性,有一定深度和难度,能促进学生独立思考、创新思维。 3)作业 每周不少于一次,作业量根据教学内容而定(原则上一次作业量不低于2小时)。学生完成作业后应有针对性讲评。 2. 作业检查及批阅要求 1)检查检验任务完成情况形式不限,可提问、检查作业、演示、展示等; 2)激励学生积极回答问题,课堂活跃程度是检验教师教学水平的重要标志; 3)提问要照顾到面,采取随机点名和轮回排除法。鼓励多提问,每生被提问不少于3次; 4)所有书面作业全批全改。雷同作业,视为抄袭,抄袭作业视为作弊,课程成绩记0分;当周布置的作业,下周课前需阅完并提交成绩; 3. 随堂测验要求 49 1)随堂小测验每单元一次,一次45分钟左右; 2)全批全改。一周内提交成绩。 4. 期中考试要求 1)随堂进行,考试时间一般为二节课; 2)考试内容涵盖期中以前所学内容; 3)考试成绩在两周内提交。 50 十二、素质考试题库 一、课程考试的要求 《法律英语》课程采取理论课素质考试的形式,开卷进行,考生可携带纸质形式的书籍、笔记等参考资料(不含词典)。 课程总评成绩=平时成绩*40%+期末成绩*60%。 平时成绩由课堂提问(表现)、作业、练习、随堂小测验、期中考试组五部分组成。 《法律英语》期末考试素质化命题分为五个部分。 通过本课程学习,要求学生能大概掌握每课中的法律专业术语;了解美国法律制度的内容以及与中国的不同,特别是在宪法、法院体系、司法审查、法学教育与法律职业方面所表现出来的异同;掌握一些必要的法律英语句法特征和翻译技巧,提高阅读和翻译能力。课程考试主要考查学生美国法律制度知识掌握的广度与深度及阅读、分析、理解能力。 二、素质考试的命题原则 1、应用性:着重考查学生灵活运用法律英语知识的能力,能用所学知识解决实际生活中出现的刑法现象 2、真实性:命题时要尽量与活生生的案例联系起来,与那些广为学生熟知的案例联系起来,使学生感到原来这样的案例中还潜藏着丰富的刑法知识,拉近考试、学习与生活的距离,不仅平添学生考试的兴趣,也增加学生学习的兴趣。 3、科学性:确保题目所涉知识严谨科学,在国内形成通说,而非出卷教师个人所杜撰 、素质化:命题需具备启发性。如果命题只是为了单纯的考知识,命题就不具4 有启发性,因为他所需要的不是学生的思考而是记忆。具有启发性的题目,主要的特征是在掌握背景知识的基础上,通过学生大脑的转动、思维的加工、精细的分析,才能较好的完成答题,不同学生答出来的题,虽分析的路径可能不同,表现出千人千面,但各自有各自的道理,给学生答题留下很大的想象空间。启发性的命题作用主要表现为提高学生分析问题的能力,引导课堂教学的方向. 所出题目,如果用来考试,需开卷时学生通过翻看资料也不能找到现存答案的题目类型。这是素质化命题的一大特点,也是难点。 三、素质考试的内容 (一)法律英语基础知识 考察学生对法律英语基本概念、基本理论、法条、司法解释的掌握情况。考试范围为精选教材和三本参考书,难度以不超过大纲规定为准 (二)解题技巧和方法 要求考生能应用基本的理论知识对实践问题进行分析,答题应用知识合理、分析具有较强的逻辑性、表达自然流畅。要有综合性的题目。这样的题可能跨多个知识点,甚至贯穿一个学期学到的重要内容,将支离破碎的知识点串通起来,打通关节,起到梳理、明晰、巩固、提高的效果,学生做完这样的题后,会有一种豁然开朗的感觉 (三)观念、品格与能力 在解题过程中,还要求学生具有奋力拼搏、勇于创新等观念素质,要具备独立自主、不怕困难、坚持不懈的品格来完成整个考试,还要有一定的观察、记忆、思维能力。 51 四、素质考试的形式 为了全面、真实地考察学生对法律英语课程的掌握情况,考试形式为开卷,期末考试素质化命题包含五大部分,题型包括主客观题,涵盖选择、判断、简答、案例分析等多种形式,侧重学生素质,即观念、品格、知识、能力、方法的考查。 法律英语五大部分考题可以总体划分为客观题型和主观题型。 本考试共有五个部分: 第一部分为英译汉。本部分要求学生熟悉相关法律术语。共包括20个短语。 第二部分为汉译英,本部分要求学生熟悉相关法律术语。共包括20个短语。 第三部分为正误判断题,本部分要求学生能够理解相关法律概念,法律制度等,共包括10个句子。 第四部分为简答题,要求学生能就所给问题进行简要分析,共六题。 第五部分为段落翻译题,要求学生具备综合、分析、翻译段落的能力。考生运用恰当的语言对所给问题进行综合、分析、及翻译。共2题,总分20分。 本考试的目的是全面检查已学完法律英语的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,考核学生运用各项基本技能的能力以及学生对文学作品的熟悉及文学流派的掌握程度,既测试学生的综合能力,也测试学生的单项技能,着重侧重学生知识、能力、方法的考核。同时,也是评估教学质量,推动校际交流学习的一种手段。 52 法律英语500题 Part I. Literary terms translation: English into Chinese. 1. contract law 2. checks and balances policy 3. Federal law court 4. stare decisis 5. Procedural law 6. Public Prosecutor 7. legal education 8. Socratic method 9. impeachment 10. Judicial review 11. two-tiered system 12. administrative law 13. antitrust law 14. property law 15. intellectual property 16. international law 17. criminal procedure 18. American Constitution 19. Tort law 20. legal systems 21. bar examination 22. constitutional supremacy 23. capital punishment 24. substantive law 25. Equity law 26. party 27. dispute resolution 28. case method 29. Separation of powers 30. litigant 31. Trial court 32. common law 33. public law 34. civil procedure 35. The Senate 36. corporation law 37. Judicial system 38. rules of evidence 39. Appellate court 40. First degree of murder 41.justice 42.anarchy 43.relief 44.petition 45.equity 46.plaintiff 47.stability and flexibility 48.complaint 49.defendant 50.Judicial review 51.statute 52.judicial decisions 53.municipla government 54.federal law 55.senate 56.initiate a contract 57.prescribed form 58.Constitution 59.source of law 60.legal systems 61.cutomary law 62. antitrust 63. death punishment 64.right to property 65.ossification of law 66.civil law 67.dispute resolution 68.case method 69.private law 70.legal defense 71.Trial court 72.evidence law 73.felony 74.public interest 75.The Congress 76.criminal law 77.Judicial system 78.attorney 79.code 80.Second Degree of murder 53 81. supervisory authority 82. criminal liability 83. guilty 84. innocent 85. plea 86. motion 87. adversary system 88. inquisitorial system 89. fact finding 90.suppression of evidence 91.breach of a contract 92.personal jurisdiction 93.subject matter jurisdiction 94.cause of action 95.resolve dispute 96.demand compensation 97.civil suit 98.actionable behavior 99.forum selection 100.deprivation of rights 101.civil wrong 102.tortious act 103.intentional act 104.false imprisonment 105.prima facie case 106.actual damages 107.standard of care 108.duty of care 109.strict liability 110.negligent conduct 111.deterrence 112.purpose of torts 113.intent 114.economic interest 115.presumption 116.circumstantial evidence 117.battery 118.personal torts 119.confinement 120.assault 121.trespass 122.contributory negligence 123.neglience 124.comparative negligence 125.recovery 126.assumption of the risk 127.property torts 128.pure negligence 129.trespass to land 130.partial negligence 131.trespass to chattels 132.acceptance 133.terms of an agreement 134.offer 135.subjective intent 136.consideration 137.express contract 138.legal consequence 139.implied contract 140.executed contract 141.monetary reward 142.executory contract 143.legal capacity 144.unilateral contract 145.title 146.bilateral contract 147.registration 148.multilateral contract 149.lease 150.notary 151.ownership 152.proprietary n. 153.contractual right 154.covenant 155.Intellectual property 156. Complaint 157.legal relationship 158.confer 159.consumer protection 160.devolution 161.transfer of property 162.intestacy 163.movable property 164.fixture 165.immovable property 166.hereditament 54 167.land owner 168.easement 169.shareholders 170.dispositon 171.invested capital 172.real estate 173.centralized government 174.property rights 175.mental labor 176.contractual rights 177.commercial law 178.business license 179.universal law 180.human tissue 181.international matters 182.limited liability 183.reasoning 184.board of directors 185.direct evidence 186.simplify procedure 187.witness 188.do business 189.indirect evidence 190.business partners 191.proof 192.exclusive right 193.character evidence 194.best-selling novel 195.hearsay evidence 196.trademark 197.case reading 198.commercial value 199.case brief 200.practical utility Part II. True or false statements. T for true and F for false. 8. Great Britain, or the United Kingdom belongs to the common law system. 202. Only few states in America have adopted a two-tiered system in its judicial system. 203. Civil procedure is mainly dealing with disputes resolution in our society. 204. The legislative, executive and judicial branches are the three main branches of the United States. 205. On appellate courts, judges usually do not do trial work. Instead, they are occupied exclusively in hearing appeals. 206. Federal law courts are superior to state or district law courts. 207. The Supreme Court is the ultimate decision-maker of federal law and the trying force that binds all the courts the nation. 208. To create a contract, usually all parties involved should consider three factors: an offer, acceptance, and consideration. 209. Torts can be divided into negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm. 210. A crime can be either a felony or a misdemeanor. 211. America has only a single unified system of courts. 212. Remedies granted by the Court of Chancery were known as equity. 213. An ordinance is a municipal law of a general and permanent nature. 214. Law may provide protection for the individual; maintain social order,, health and safety; provide a peaceful means of dispute resolution and so on. 215. Crime consists of a physical element and mental element. 216. Murder belongs to small offenses. 217. Law consists of rules and has a pattern. 218. The most common sentences in criminal cases are fines and imprisonment. 219. The first step in a criminal procedure is the reported crime. 220. Legal education in the U.S. is drawn from and built on Langdell tradition, Reed 55 interdisciplinary approach and Frank clinical model. 221.The United States belongs to the common law system. 222.Civil law systems are codified systems. 223.Civil law was law developed by customs. 224.The difference between civil law and common law lies less in the mere fact of codification, but in the methodological approach to codes and statutes. 225. Langdell believed that legal education should occur in the classroom not in the law office. 226. District law courts are inferior to federal law courts. 227. The Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of federal law and the trying force of all state or district laws. 228. A contract consists of three factors: an offer, acceptance, and consideration. 229. Apart from all negligence cases, torts also include intentional wrongs which result in harm. 230. Felonies are big offenses such as murder or rape. 231. Both Britain and America have only a single unified system of courts. 232. In every state of THE U S., there is at least one appellate court. 233. Federal courts consist of three levels of courts: trial, intermediate appellate and top appellate. 234. Law may provide protection for the individual and the whole society. 235. Crime consists of mens rea and actus reus. 236. Rape belongs to small offenses. 237. Law consists of a group of rules and has a pattern similar to languages. 238. Imprisonment is one of the most common sentences in criminal cases. 239. One of the most important steps in a criminal procedure is investigation. 240. For criminal cases disposed of in the general trial court, the initial appeal is to the intermediate appellate court. 241. A criminal proceeding is one brought by an organization against an individual. 242. Any contract must have a consideration to support it. 243. Counteroffer and offer are the facts by which the parties come to a ―meeting of minds‖. 244. All contracts that are made in writing are enforceable; all oral contracts are not enforceable. 245. Bilateral contract must have consideration. 246. A contract that has been made between a minor and an adult is necessarily invalid and thus can be cancelled. 247. Tort law belongs to public law. 248. In America, every decided case becomes a precedent binding on all judges. 249. Every kind of disputes may be resolved by the court. 250. The U.S. president has an absolute veto on the bills passed by Congress. 251. The First Ten Amendments of U.S. Constitution are called Bill of Rights. 252. One of the civil jury's tasks is to determine liability to pay money damages. 253. The claim of voluntary intoxication may form the basis for another excuse defense 254. The distinction between barristers and solicitors found in England did not take root in the United States. 255. An innocent person might be executed by mistake. 256. Capital punishment cheapens the value of human life. 257. There are mainly four legal systems in the world. 258. China belongs to socialist legal system. 56 259. Both Great Britain and The United States belong to the common legal system. 260. Without law, there would be anarchy. 261. Law consists of the whole body of rules applied and enforced under the authority of established government. 262. Law is best understood by viewing the legal system as a process. 263. Upon conquering England, William, the Conqueror, replaced the local and highly varied systems of law, with a common system of law. 264. The common law evolved from custom and was the body of law created and administered by the king’s courts. 265. The Chancellor did not try criminal cases. 266. Civil law is the predominant system of law in the world. 267. The legal systems in many civil law countries are based around one or several codes of law. 268. Civil Law is based on Roman Law, esp. the Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian. 269. In some countries, the acceptance of Roman Law resulted from legislative act. 270. Common law refers to law and the corresponding legal system developed through decisions of courts and similar tribunals. 271. Common law system has now been adopted by countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, ect. 272. Historically, common law was law developed by custom. 273. Cases are the primary source of a law in common law. 274. Legislation is seen as the primary source of law in civil law. 275. By default, courts base their judgments on the provisions of codes and statutes in civil law. 276. The influence of articles by legal academics on case law tends to be much greater in civil law countries. 277. Judges are usually selected from accomplished and reputable advocates in common law. 278.Judges are usually trained and promoted from advocates in civil law. 279. Judges usually are balancing the power of other branches of government in common law. 280. The judge in a civil law system plays a more active role in determining the facts of the case. 281. Most countries use either common or code law as the basis for their legal system, but they rely on a combination of the two in applying the legal system to actual disputes. 282. One of the most striking and salutary thing in American life is the widespread study of law. 283. Langdell is especially famed for the introduction of the ―case method‖ in the study of law. 284. Lang dell's theory was first adopted at Harvard, then at Columbia law school, and in time gained almost universal acceptance. 285. Some law schools have expended curricula to include courses and clinical program. 286. Law teachers in almost all law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic method. 287. Law schools today have expanded the scope of doctrinal instruction to new fields including environmental law, intellectual property, and international law. 288. Good order is the foundation of all things. 289. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. 290. This branch of government is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. 291. The judicial branch has the power to change laws. 292. Throughout the United States there are two judicial systems. 57 293. State Trial Courts may try minor civil cases involving small sums of money. 294. Only a few appeals go to the U.S. supreme court as a matter of right. 295. The U.S. Supreme Court, composed of nine justices sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems. 296. No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 297. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives. 298. When state constitutions or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force. 299. Final authority is vested in the American people. 300. American Administrative agencies may include the Social Security Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Aviation Agency. Part III. Short questions. 6. What is law? 7. What is public law? 8. What is private law? 9. What is the relationship between civilization and law? 10. How can law best be understood? 11. What are the events that promote the development of the English Legal system? 12. Why did the people in England petition to the King? 13. Was the statutes developed fast in America? Why? 14. What are advantages of the common law rules? 15. What are disadvantages of the common law rules? 16. Who has the power to make the ordinance? 17. What is the relationship between the civil law system and Roman Law ? 18. What are the main sources of American law? 19. Who is Justinian and what is his contribution? 20. Which is the primary source of Common law? 21. What is the difference between statues and regulations? 22. What is the difference between selection of judges in civil law and common law? 23. What are the main court features in the United States? 24. What are federal courts made up of? 25. What are state courts made up of? 26. What is an appellate court? 27. What are the functions of inferior courts? 28. What are the duties of judges sitting on appellate courts? 29. What types of cases may be tried by federal courts? 30. Which authority has the power to create federal circuit court? 31. What is the power of the executive branch of the American government? 32. What is the power of the judicial branch of the American government? 33. What is the power of the legislative branch of the American government? 34. What is the separation of powers of the American government? 35. How do you describe an uncodified system? 36. What do codified system result from? 37. What do uncodified system result from? 58 38. What authorities do regulatory agencies have? 39. What are the sources of criminal procedure in the U.S.? 40. What are the elements that may consist of a crime? 41. Who must prove the defendant guilty in a criminal action in U.S.A., the victim or the prosecutor? Why? 42.What are the main legal systems in the world? 43. What authorities do nonregulatory agencies have? 44. Can you say something about the roles of law in a society? 45. Is it easy to amend a constitution? Why or why not? 46. What do ordinary people think of crime? 47. What is accurate definition of crime? 48. What are the elements that may establish a crime? 49. What does the actus reus include? 50. Will all omissions lead to liability? 51. In what kind of cases is causation required? 52. How is the subjective nature of crime liability proved? 53. What is the function of criminal procedure law? 54. How many different sentences are used in criminal cases? 55. What are intentional torts? Give at least 5 examples to illustrate this. 56. What is a known offence? 57. Who has the power to conduct investigation before arrest? 58. What are usually done in the process of Booking? 59. How do people resolve their disputes? 60. Which way of settling disputes is acceptable in the society? 61. Who usually initiates a civil litigation, a government or an individual? 62. Why is forum selection important? 63. What are the stages of civil litigation? 64. What is tort law? 65. What is intentional tort? 66. What are purposes of torts? 67. What do personal torts include? 68. What does property include? 69. What are the defenses to negligence? 70. What is contributory negligence? 71. What is comparative negligence? 72. What is strict liability? 73. What needs to be proved in case of trespass? 74. What does standard of care mean? 75. What is contract? 76. What is the difference between contract and agreement? 77. How are contracts divided according to parties involved? 78. What is an express contract? 79. What is an implied contract? 80. What is a bilateral contract? 59 81. What is an executory contract? 82. What are the three factors to form a contract? 83. What kinds of parties are included in a contract? 84. What is property law? 85. How is property law divided? 86. What does real property concern? 87. What does personal property concern? 88. What are property rights? 89. What are contractual rights? 90. How is real property sub-classified? 91. What do corporeal hereditaments refer to? 92. What do incorporeal hereditaments refer to? 93. What are the divisions of evidences? 94. What is an hearsay evidence? 95. What is character evidence? 96. What are the words used to describe the profession of lawyers, 97. What is forum selection? 98. What can we do if a contract is breached? 99. How do you understand the stability of law? 100. How do you understand the flexibility of law? 101. What is Stare Decisis? 102. What legal rule is generally followed by judges when deciding cases in Great Britain? 103. What is case brief ? 104. What is plaintiff ? 105. What is defendant? Part IV. Passage translation. 401. Upon conquering England, William, the Conqueror, replaced the local and highly varied systems of law, with a common system of law. Over the years, as the court system grew, a system of judge-made rules began to develop. These rules became known as ―the common law‖, because they were common to all the people in the land. 402. Some law schools have expanded curricula to include courses and clinical program in environmental law, housing and urban development, women’s right, health in the workplace, welfare rights and consumer protection. 403. What qualifies a person, therefore, to teach law is not experience in dealing with men, not experience in the trial or argument of causes, not experience, in short, in using law, but experience in learning law. 404. One of the foundations of our society is the belief that ours is a nation committed to the rule of law. No person is above the law. We use law to regulate people in their relationships with each other, and in their relationships with government. 405. Law reflects our societal aspirations, our culture, and our political and economic situation. It provides mechanisms for resolving disputes and for controlling government officials. Private law includes property, family, tort, probate, and corporate law. Public law includes constitutional, criminal, and administrative law. Common to both, however, are certain legal objectives. 60 406. Langdell believed that legal education should occur in the classroom not in the law office. In Lang dell’s view, by studying the cases on a subject, the student would learn the legal doctrines which they embody. 407. Litigation is often described as a game. Litigators are like players and judges like umpires. The litigation game is competitive and is often thoughts to have winners and losers. Its rules, like those of many other games, are difficult to understand in the abstract. They are given life and meaning by the experience of the game itself. 408. The courts interpret the law. They also settle disagreements between individuals and the government. Different levels of courts handle different kinds of cases. Federal courts handle cases about the Constitution and the laws made by Congress. They also deal with problems between one or more states. 409. Under the guidance of building socialism with Chinese characteristics developed by Deng Xiaoping, China has embarked on the road of rule of law and entered a new course of democracy and legal system. 410.Most countries use either common or code law as the basis for their legal system, but they rely on a combination of the two in applying the legal system to actual disputes. 411.Clinical legal education is the study of law and lawyering in context. Working with real clients with real problems allows law students to begin the lifelong process of becoming thoughtful, responsible, and reflective lawyers. Students working under the close supervision of their clinical professors are encouraged to identify and pursue their own learning goals while providing essential representation to a wide range of clients. 412.Reflecting the growing inclusion of women and minorities in law school communities, feminist jurisprudence and critical race theory have emerged to challenge fundamental assumptions about law and the legal system. 413.It also serves as a bridge between Lang dell's view of law as a self-contained science discernible from legal materials alone and Reed’s view that legal education should be interdisciplinary and policy oriented. 414.In addition to classroom instruction in lawyering skills, simulated and live-client clinics are widespread as are externship opportunities with judges, criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors, government agencies, public interest firms, and other practitioners. 415.This is not to say that moral sensitivity, personal values, and social awareness are excluded from the analysis. Rather, rationality requires that they be explicitly exposed and evaluated. 416.For example, one could argue in support of anti-discrimination laws on the grounds that bigotry is morally wrong and that elimination of bias will create a more just society. 417.More importantly, our goal is to develop our students’ abilities to discharge their ethical and professional responsibilities, to perform legal analysis, to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, to deal with a mass of facts in an authoritative way, to put together careful and persuasive arguments on any side of a legal question, and to think usefully and constructively about social problems and their solution. 418.The federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are an independent, coordinate system authorized by the US. Constitution. 419. ―We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this 61 Constitution for the United States of America‖. 420. ―The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.‖ 421. Challenges to federal agency actions are brought to federal court. Statutes governing court review of actions of many agencies provide for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals rather than in the US District Court .These statutes are based on the premise that the agency has already served the fact-finding function. 422.Accordingly, there is no reason for the district court to perform its traditional fact-finding process again. Challenged to agency action may take several forms. Agency rules and regulations may be challenged at the time they are issued as arbitrary and capricious or contrary to law .they may be challenged as going beyond the agency's congressional mandate. Once a regulation is applied in given Case. 423.Challenges are confined to the application of that rule in that particular case. Agency adjudications may also be challenged by parties aggrieved by an adjudication. 424.There is a bewildering variety of legal systems in the world. Every country has its own. But law is strictly defined by nationality: it stops at the border .Outside its home base; it has no validity at all. 425.No two legal systems are exactly alike. Each is specific to its country or its jurisdiction. This does not mean that every legal system is entirely different from every other legal system. 这 When two countries are similar in culture and tradition , their legal systems are likely to be similar as well . 426.The American system of criminal procedure is "adversarial", with the burdens of evidence production and proof resting with the state, specifically with the prosecutor, not the judge. The judge functions as an impartial arbiter. 427. Obstacles to the gathering and presentation of evidence have developed to prevent the state from abusing the criminal process. The common understanding is that the state has an overwhelming advantage over the accused in a criminal proceeding and that procedural protections are necessary to give the accused a fair chance to defend. 428. In addition, some believe that the criminal process is an area in which there may be a tendency for the government unfairly to extend its power over people .The Bill of Rights has been the primary vehicle to counteract these tendencies. 429.The field of torts embrace a group of civil wrongs, other than breach of contract, that interfere with person, property, reputation, or commercial or social advantage. While such an act, such as an assault, may sometimes be both a crime punishable by the state in a criminal prosecution and also a tort actionable by the victim in a suit for damages, the criminal prosecution and the damage action are quite separate and unrelated proceedings. 430. The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and, though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded, its function is distinct from that of criminal law. Conversely, criminal law is essentially punitive and an injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding. 431. The most common remedy for no fulfillment of the contract is expectation or "benefit of the bargain" damages based on how much the injured person might have gained if the other person had fulfilled his or her promise. 62 432. A man may claim that he owns land by inheritance or purchase from some other person. Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means. 433. An important,fairly new,branch of property law is the law of “land use controls”. It deals with the limit imposed on what people can do with their property. 434. Zoning is a familiar type of land use restriction. Zoning ordinances date from about the time of the First World War;they are now almost universal in cities and villages. Zoning ordinances divide towns into zones designated for different uses. 435. If my neighborhood is “zoned” residential,I cannot build a factory or run a restaurant on my property. If the zone is restricted to single-family dwellings,I cannot even run a rooming house or rent out apartments. 436. Law consists of the whole body of rules applied and enforced under the authority of established government in determining what conduct is proper and should be permitted and that which should be denied or penalized. 437. Law is best understood by viewing the legal system as a process——a means of pulling together society’s need and goals and translating them into guides for fairness and reasonableness in conduct. 438. One type of statutory law consists of ordinance, which are enactments by the legislative body of a municipal corporation(city).An ordinance is a municipal law of a general and permanent nature. Examples include fire codes, parking regulations, and city elections. 439. A treaty, another form of statutory law, is a written contract between nations executed with the formality customary in dealings between nations, although not necessarily in a particular and prescribed form. 440. In the United States, the power to make treaties with foreign nations is, under the Constitution, given to the President, acting with the advice and consent of the Senate. 441. Cases are the primary source of a law, while statutes are only seen as incursions into the common law and thus interpreted narrowly in common law system whereas in civil law system, Legislation is seen as the primary source of law. By default, courts base their judgments on the provisions of codes and statutes 442. As a unique legal system, the civil law system came into being and developed in the European Continent. In the forming of the legal system, the influence of colonialism, law thcampaign, and various important codes , especially the code in the 19 century, have all played a part. 443. Some law schools have expended curricula to include courses and clinical program in environmental law, housing and urban development, women’s right, health in the workplace, welfare rights and consumer protection. 444.The historical tension between the academic and the practical aspects of legal education survives, but with a growing recognition that both are appropriate and necessary components of a professional education. 445. Law has three basic features that distinguish it from custom or convention. First, pressures to comply with the law must come externally in the form of actions or threats of action by others regardless of whether a person wants to obey the law or does so out of habit. Second, these external actions or threats always involve coercion or force. Third, those who implement the coercive threats are individuals whose official role is to enforce the law. 446. It follows that if someone takes another’s property in the belief that it is his or her own, or 63 that if someone causes another’s death by accident, then convictions for theft or murder cannot follow. 447. One who moves to another state can usually be admitted without examination if one has practiced in a state where one has been admitted for some time, often five years. 448. A lawyer remains a member of the bar even after becoming a judge, an employee of the government or of a private business concern, or a law teacher, any may return to private practice from these other activities. 449. The work of a lawyer involves continuous contacts with clients, associates, other lawyers, judges, witness, others affected by the law, and involves the lawyers’ own goals, attitudes, performance, and sense of satisfaction. 450. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Part V. Analysis and Writing. Choose from the below one topic and write an essay of about 60 words. 451. What are the major law systems of the world and their main representative countries? 452. What are the differences between Chinese and American Legal Systems? 453. What are the main procedures of American Criminal cases? 454. What are the main procedures of American Civil cases? 455. Who are the three persons having made great contributions to American legal education? 456. What are the sources of law of Britain? 457. What are the structures of American state court Systems? 458. What are basic skills that a law student should have? 459. What are rights? List the rights you think you should have. 460. What are the main steps in a criminal procedure? 461. What are the advantages of administrative process? 462. What are the advantages of administrative process? 463. What are the sources of criminal procedure law in the United States? 464. What is the checks and balances policy? 465. Should death penalty be abolished? 466. What are the roles of procedural law? 467. What are the roles of substantive law? 468. What are the four elements to prove a false imprisonment? 469. What is Miranda Rule? 470. What do you think are the rights you should have? 471. What’s your view on the U.S. citizens’ right to bear arms? 472. What are the functions of constitutions of states? 473. What are the punishments of crimes? 474. Under what conditions can criminals have lawful defense? 475. What are the classifications of torts ? 476. What is an intentional tort? 64 477. How to decide the liability for negligence? 478. What is the No-Fault Principle? 479. What are the principles in deciding liabilities for tort action? 480. What is the Adversary Trial System? 481. What is the process of Trial? 482. What can people do with contracts? 483. What are the merits and demerits of case method in teaching law? 484. What are the main functions of law schools in China? 485. DO you want to be a judge or lawyer? Why? 486. What do you think about the separation of powers in the United States? 487. What is homicide and justifiable homicide? 488. What is the difference between murder and manslaughter? 489. What is the process of buying a house? 490. What roles do lawyers play in society? Which of them is the most important in your view? 491. If a lawyer knows much about law but very little about anything else, will he be a good lawyer? 492. What’s your viewpoint of the insanity defense? Should an insane person be liable for his killing of a victim? 493. Do you think abortion is justifiable or not? Should we label the killing of a fetus murder? 494. What are the reasons for students to enter law schools? 495. What are the main elements in a crime? 496. Why in some cases, the litigant does not want to have an litigation? 497. What do you know about property law? 498. What are the basic skills that a law student should have? 499. What do you think of intellectual property law? 500. When your case can be settled in either a court or an administrative agency, where will you go? Why ? 65 武昌理工学院试卷质量分析表 2014—2015 学年第 二 学期 法学1301 课程名称 法律英语 考试班级 评卷教师 谭宗燕 命题教师 谭宗燕 考试方式 ?开卷 ?闭卷 ?其他 考试类型 A 考试时间 2015年 6月 30 日 成 绩 优(90~ ) 良(80~ ) 中(70~ ) 及格(60~ )不及格( ~59) 考试 成绩 人 数 6 18 14 8 0 分布 百分比 13.04% 39.13% 30.43% 17.39% 0% 1 试题符合教学大纲的要求 ?符合 ?基本符合 ?不符合 2 试题总量 ?偏多 ?适中 ?偏少 3 试题难易度 ?偏难 ?适中 ?偏易 试题 4 试题覆盖面 ?覆盖大纲要求的80%以上 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%-80% 分析 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%以下 5 题型结构 ?合理 ?较合理 ?不合理 这次试卷共有六个题型,体量适中、难易程度适中。试卷着重考察学生的应用知识的能力,考查学生的知识内化程度,因此,分析题的题量较大。此外,还注重适当与司法考试对接。 改进试卷命题和课程教学的意见(存在的问题、教方面的原因、学方面的原因、改进的建议): 从学生完成试卷的质量看,并非令人满意。可以看出学生在掌握基础知识方面是有欠缺的。尤其是前期学习的内容,过一段时间后,会产生生疏感,因而,前面学习的内容作为考题,学生做起来困难一些。也提醒在今后教学中,注意复习。 (注:统一考试题的课程,集中阅卷后,在各任课教师所做的各班试卷分析的基础上,教研室还应对该门课程考试情况进行统一分析。) 任课教师签名: 谭宗燕 系(教研室)主任签名: 席静 2015 年 7 月 4 日 教务处印制 66 66 武昌理工学院试卷质量分析表 2013—2014 学年第 二 学期 法学1201-1202 课程名称 法律英语 考试班级 评卷教师 谭宗燕 命题教师 谭宗燕 考试方式 ?开卷 ?闭卷 ?其他 考试类型 A 考试时间 2014年 6月 29 日 成 绩 优(90~ ) 良(80~ ) 中(70~ ) 及格(60~ )不及格( ~59) 考试 成绩 人 数 2 18 21 12 0 分布 百分比 4.6% 41.86% 48.84% 27.90% 0% 1 试题符合教学大纲的要求 ?符合 ?基本符合 ?不符合 2 试题总量 ?偏多 ?适中 ?偏少 3 试题难易度 ?偏难 ?适中 ?偏易 试题 4 试题覆盖面 ?覆盖大纲要求的80%以上 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%-80% 分析 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%以下 5 题型结构 ?合理 ?较合理 ?不合理 试卷质量综合分析和评价(值得肯定的地方): 试卷值得肯定的地方有:第一,主客观相结合,以主观题为主。主观题的取向是为考查学生分析问题的能力,并不是闭合的问题,往往答案并不唯一,学生回答的观点鲜明,有理有据,是可以得到较好的成绩的。第二,分析题较多,能较好地考察学生分析问题的能力,能引导学生加强知识的融贯性的把握 改进试卷命题和课程教学的意见(存在的问题、教方面的原因、学方面的原因、改进的建议): 法律英语课程。与社会生活紧密相连,运用网上的案例及多媒体的传播方式,可以吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的学习兴趣。本学期的教学没能更好地用多媒体技术帮助提高教学水平,完全可以通过动静结合及网上案例丰富的特点,提高学生的兴趣和学习刑法的实效性。 在考试的试卷方面,体量可以多一点。 (注:统一考试题的课程,集中阅卷后,在各任课教师所做的各班试卷分析的基础上,教研室还应对该门课程考试情况进行统一分析。) 任课教师签名: 谭宗燕 系(教研室)主任签名: 席静 2014 年 7 月 5 日 教务处印制 67 67 武昌理工学院试卷质量分析表 2012—2013 学年第 二 学期 法学1101 课程名称 法律英语 考试班级 评卷教师 谭宗燕 命题教师 谭宗燕 考试方式 ?开卷 ?闭卷 ?其他 考试类型 A 考试时间 2013年 7月 2 日 成 绩 优(90~ ) 良(80~ ) 中(70~ ) 及格(60~ )不及格( ~59) 考试 成绩 人 数 0 8 12 7 1 分布 百分比 0% 28.6% 42.9% 25.0% 35.7% 1 试题符合教学大纲的要求 ?符合 ?基本符合 ?不符合 2 试题总量 ?偏多 ?适中 ?偏少 3 试题难易度 ?偏难 ?适中 ?偏易 试题 4 试题覆盖面 ?覆盖大纲要求的80%以上 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%-80% 分析 ?覆盖大纲要求的60%以下 5 题型结构 ?合理 ?较合理 ?不合理 试卷质量综合分析和评价(值得肯定的地方): 试卷值得肯定的地方有:第一,题量适中,题目通过精选而成。第二,注意了对指定参考书目上重点知识的考查。第三,与司法考试进行有效对接,题目的难度、题量、题型都与司法考试题比较相似。有力于学生对司法考试题型的熟悉 改进试卷命题和课程教学的意见(存在的问题、教方面的原因、学方面的原因、改进的建议): 法律英语是一门实践性较强的课程。本学期的教学虽对案例的训练有所加强,但没能很好地克服学生一案一析,不能与其它知识点有机联系的倾向。可以通过引导,使学生将案例分析的视野放得更开一些。 在考试的试卷方面,缺少一个能真真地连接全书知识点的好题目。 (注:统一考试题的课程,集中阅卷后,在各任课教师所做的各班试卷分析的基础上,教研室还应对该门课程考试情况进行统一分析。) 任课教师签名: 谭宗燕 系(教研室)主任签名: 席静 2013 年 7 月 6 日 教务处印制 68 68
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