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综合英语4册重点句子讲评上课用综合英语4册重点句子讲评上课用 Book IV Unit 1 Every Person Has the Right to Fail The danger of too early success is particularly acute whenever a child demonstrates special talent.: The danger to achieve a too early success is particularly serious whenever a child displa...

综合英语4册重点句子讲评上课用 Book IV Unit 1 Every Person Has the Right to Fail The danger of too early success is particularly acute whenever a child demonstrates special talent.: The danger to achieve a too early success is particularly serious whenever a child displays a special ability to do something, because early success can otherwise deprive him/her of the very things that a child normally enjoys such as playing, bicycling, fooling around, etc. (每当孩子显露出特殊才能的时候,过 早成功的危险就尤为严重。) Failure is a better teacher than success since success always encourages repetition of old behavior whereas failure can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.: A person can learn more from failure than from success because the latter always urges him to do things in the same way as before while the former is more stimulating and thought-provoking. (与成 功相比,失败是更好的老师。因为成功总是鼓励人们重复以往的行为,而失败却能激发新的思 维,促使人们调整目标。) Unit Two Going First Class Grammar: Infinitive or –ing 1. 不定式分to-infinitive和bare-infinitive(不带to的不定式)两种。To-infinitive在用法上没有什么困 难,bare-infinitive只用在某些动词之后和结构中。如:had better, had rather, would rather, rather than, see, watch, look at, notice, observe, hear, listen to, feel, perceive, make, have, let, but, except, than以及 why等等。 2. 英语有些动词只能接-ing分词作直接宾语,而不能用不定式。这样用的动词有:abominate, admit, advise, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, contemplate, defend, defer, delay, deny, detest, discontinue, discourage, dislike, enjoy, entail, escape, evade, excuse, fancy (=imagine), favor, finish, forbid, forgive, grudge, imagine, involve, justify, keep (=continue), loathe, mention, mind, miss, necessitate, pardon, postpone, practise, prevent, recall, recollect, recommend, repent, resent, resist, resume, risk, save, shirk, stop, suggest, tolerate, understand.此外,某些动词,如appreciate, excuse, forgive, pardon和prevent,后面一般不能直接跟-ing分词,而要跟物主形容词+-ing分词。 3. 有些动词既可以接-ing分词又可以接不定式作直接宾语,在意义上没有差别或差别不大:attempt, begin, can‘t bear, can‘t stand, can‘t endure, cease, commerce, continue, dread, hate, intend, like, love, omit, prefer, propose, start.根据传统语法, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示经常性的动作或比较长时间的活动,或一个已经继续 的过程将要继续下去,用-ing形式比较常见,不定式则表示特定或某次具体的动作,如:I like reading novels, but I don‘t like to read such a novel。 Unit 3 The Road to Happiness Detailed Study of the Text 1. It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it.: Moralists usually hold that happiness can not be brought about by seeking it. 道德家们普遍认 为幸福不是靠追求就能获得的。 If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over. 假如你喝酒取乐的话,那你就忘了酒醉的滋味 2.This is only true if you pursue it unwisely.: The argument that you cannot get hapiness by pursuing it holds water only if you seek it foolishly and imprudently. 3.So it is with hapiness.: So there are other sucessful ways of pursuing happiness. 4.Epicurus prusued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days.: Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher, sought happiness by leading a very simple life only with his friend, family members and pupils, eating obly dry bread, except on feast days 1 with a bit cheese too. 伊壁鸠鲁追求幸福的手段见之于他只和那些知趣相投的人住在一起,每天只吃干面包,除了在节日时外 加一点点奶酪。 valetudinarian: n. an invalid, esp. one who is morbidly interested in or anxious about his state of health For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. 对多数人来说,如不加以各种方式的补充,追求幸福的说法显得太抽象、太空洞,不足以作为一条人生 的准则。 We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are. 我们想象我们与动物之间的差别比我们之间实际上存在的差异要大的多。 People proposed to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it.: People set out a certain one predominant aim for themselves to reach and人们对自己提出一个至高无上的 目标,并抑制一切不利于实现这一目标的冲动。 Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.: Although they are not born with an ability to appreciate works of literature or art, many rich women determine to be thought cultured and spend plenty of time learning tediously to say the right things about some new best-sellers not for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment but to show off their knowledge and appear superior to others on social occasions. 尽管老天没有赋予她们在文学艺术方面任何的鉴赏力,许多阔太太们下决心要被人看作有教养的人,因 此,她们把大量的时间花在枯燥地学习如何恰如其分地评论新书,但那些新书本是供人消遣,而不是用 来助长那些无聊的势力行为的。 …an activity that on most occasions is enjoyable on its own account,… : … an activity that on most occasions is pleasant by itself. 最重要的东西是一种活动,这种活动的本身往往是令人愉快的,而且慢慢地发展 成为某种你乐于见到的东西。 Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes they experience all the joys of having created beauty.: by working in the city on weekdays, many men are more than willing to spend weekends working hard in their gardens by planting flowers, watering plants, mowing lawns, etc without pay. When spring comes, they feel delighted in making their gardens beautiful and pleasant by themselves. 很多在城里工作的男士周末就在自家的花园里自愿地、没有报酬地辛勤劳作,当春天来临时,他们体验 到了创造美丽的种种快乐。 If there ever were two cultures in which differences of the proxemic details are marked it is in the educated (public school) English and the middle-class Americans: Cultural differences in terms of proxemics, if any, are obviously shown in the middle-class English and Americans. (假如真的有两种文化,在空间环境的需要方面存在着明显的差别的话,则鉴于受过良好教育的英国人 和美国的中产阶级之间。) One of the basic reasons for this wide disparity is that in the United States we use space as a way of classifying people and activities, whereas in England it is the social system that determines who you are: One of the reasons that accounts for this big difference is that in the United States space is used as a way to determine the social status of people and activities, while in England the social system determines one‘s status in society. (造成这种悬殊的主要原因之一,是在美国我们把空间做为对人和活动进行分类的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,而在英国,决 定人们地位的则是社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。) In the United States, your address is an important cue to status (this applies not only to one‘s home but to the business address as well): In the United States, where you live and work is indicative of your social status. 在美国,你的地址是你的社会地位的重要标志,(对家庭而言是这样,对企业也是如此。) He is still Lord----- no matter where you find him, even if it is behind the counter in a fishmonger‘s stall.: 2 Wherever and whatever you find him to be, even though he works as a salesman in a shop where fish is sold, he is still a noble man in the hereditary system. 无论你在哪里找到他,即使在一家鱼摊上当伙计,他仍然是勋爵。 In addition to class distinctions, there are differences between the English and ourselves in how space is allotted.: Apart from the differences in social classes, there are differences between the English and the Americans in the way space is distributed. 除等级差异外,我们和英国人之间还存在着空间分配上的差别。 Both male and female subjects identified the kitchen and the master bedroom as belonging to the mother or the wife, whereas Father‘s territory was a study or a den, if one was available; otherwise, it was ―the shop‖, ― the basement‖, or sometimes only a workbench or the garage.: In the experiment both men and women connected the kitchen and the chief bedroom with the mother or the wife, while with father, a study or a small, quiet room, if there was one; if not, then ―the shop‖, ―the basement‖ or sometimes just a workbench or the garage became father‘s place of activity. 男女受试者认为,厨房和主卧室属于母亲或妻子,而父亲的领地则是书房、小书斋,如果没有书房, 那就是―工作间‖,地窖,有时仅是工作台和车库。 An American is available if his door is open at home or at his office.: Open doors, either at home or in the office, show that an American is not busy and free for people to talk to or to approach. 对美国人来说,家里或办公室的门开着,就意味着他有空。 He is expected not to shut himself off but to maintain himself in a state of constant readiness to answer the demands of others.: He is thought to be free and ready to help others when asked. 人们指望他不与人隔绝,而是随时乐于助人。 The difference between a room of one‘s own and early conditioning to shared space, while seeming inconsequential, has an important effect on the Englishman‘s attitude toward his own space.: The Americans feel they have a right to have a room of their own, however, the English are used to shared space since early childhood. This difference, though appearing insignificant, greatly affects the Englishman‘s attitude toward his own space. 拥有一间自己的房间和从小习惯于共享空间,虽然看起来微不足道,却大大影响了英国人日后对 他身处的空间环境的态度。 In regard to the need for walls as a screen for the ego, this places the Americans somewhere between the Germans and the English.: In view of the need for a place of their own to defend their selves or their worth, the Americans stand between the Germans and the English. 就需要墙壁作为自我保护的屏障这一点而言,美国人介于德国人和英国人之间。 ego: n. the self, esp. as seen in relation to other selves or to the outside world; one‘s own worth (心理学 范畴) 自我,自己, e.g. It was a blow to my ego. egocentric: adj. self-centered, egoistic, egocentricity: n. egoism: n. egoistic, egoistical: adj. 17.The contrasting English and American patterns have some remarkable implications particularly if we assume that man, like other animals, has a built-in need to shut himself off from others from time to time.: The differences between the English and the Americans concerning space is of extremely significance especially if we believe that man, like other animals, sometimes has an innate need to be left to himself. 英美文化模式的反差,具有相当重要的意义,尤其是当我们相信,人与动物一样天生需要时常独 处一阵。 implication: n. suggestion, significance, connotation 3 e.g. The newsmen discussed the political implications of the war. These principles have a number of implications for the future ordering of society. built-in: adj. inbuilt, inborn, innate, internal e.g. a built-in sense of humo A dishwasher with a built-in waste disposal unit. 18. An English student in one of my seminars typified what happens when hidden patterns clash.: An English student in one of my discussion class serves as an example of what happens when the invisible contrasting ideas come into conflict. 在我的研究生班上有一位英国学生,就是这种隐形文化模式冲突的典型例子。 19. He was quite obviously experiencing strain in his relationships with Americans.: It was quite obviously to see that he is not getting along well with his American peers. 很显然,他与美国学生之间关系紧张。 Strain: n. stress, tension e.g. Many people doing this sort of jobs suffer from strain. Overcrowding imposes mental strain. 20. An analysis of his complaints showed that a major source of irritation was that no American seemed to be able to pick up the subtle clues that there were times when he didn‘t want his thoughts intruded on.: through analyzing his complaints, we find that his unhappiness or anger was caused by the failure of the American students to take hints that he didn‘t want to be bothered now and then. 对他的牢骚进行分析,发现使他恼怒的主要原因是,有时候他不想别人打搅他的思绪,可是美国 人似乎不明白他的暗示。 pick up: (infml) to learn (something such as information) often informally or by chance e.g. I don‘t know where my children have picked up those rude words! I don‘t want to pick up any bad habits from those people. intrude (up) on: interrupt, enter somebody‘s presence etc, without invitation e.g.: I hope I‘m not intruding on your time too much by asking you to read this paper. You have no right to intrude yourself on me/on my thoughts like this, I‘m busy working. 21. By then I am angry and say something. 到那时我发火了,说了些不礼貌的话。 ―…and say something…‖:and said some angry or rude words Unit 6 Cultural Conflict Detailed study: Cultural background of the text 1. Salad Bowl:这是指不同文化保持独特的且彼此相异的,凸显了文化多样性与杂糅现象;这更好地 说明不同文化可以在同一环境中和谐共存,又不失其自有的精华。美国移民在保有、发展独特文 化下融入美国社会而非选择舍弃自己的文化、语言,就犹如将各种蔬果和在一起,混合的沙拉料 理品尝起来不失各自不同的口感与味道。 2. Melting-pot a country, place or situation where racial amalgamation and social cultural assimilation are taking place a population developed in such a place or situation. 在1908年,当100万新移民到达美国的时候,伊斯雷尔?赞格威尔(Zangwill)在一个剧本中写道: ―America is God‘s crucible, the great melting-pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming….. Germans and Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews and Russians ------into the Crucible with you all! God is making the America!(美国是上帝的熔炉,在这个巨大的熔炉里,欧洲的 所有种族都在熔化、革新……德国人、法国人、爱尔兰人、英吉利人、犹太人和俄罗斯人,,把所 4 有的人熔进了这个熔炉,上帝正在创造美国人。) 3. the American Indians: sometimes called ―Redskins‖ who came to the Western Hemisphere from Asia more than 20,000 years ago and who was first called Indians by Columbus when he discovered the new World in 1492 and thought he had reached the East Indies when he landed in San Salvador. Most of them settled in the warm, fertile plains of Mexico, Central America, and South America. By the fifteenth century there were 15 to 20 million Indians in the Americas. Legends of the ―Wild West‖ have often distorted the role of the Indian in the development of America. The American Indian is frequently depicted as a cruel and ignorant savage. True, some tribes did react violently to the European invasion of their land, but that is only half of the story. When white men first arrived in North America, most Indians were friendly and eager to teach the newcomers how to get along in a strange land. The influence of Indian cultures upon the European settlers is evident in American English. In the Western Hemisphere, thousands of mountains, lakes, rivers, cities, states, and countries have Indian names------Chicago, Massachusetts, Oregon, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru, to mention just a few. Indian words in the English language include skunk, moose, tobacco, succotash, squash, and hundreds of others. 4.culture shock:the alienation,confusion,surprise,etc that may be experienced by someone encountering unfamiliar surroundings, a strange city or community, a different culture etc 文化冲击,文化震惊(指置身 于陌生的环境、城市、社会或不同的文化所可能经受到的不安、惶惑、震惊等诸如此类的情绪。) IV. Detailed study of the text: 1. Intercultural communication involves different perceptions, attitudes, and interpretations.: Communication between members of different cultures has something to do with people‘s opinions, beliefs and understanding in relation to other cultures. 跨文化交际牵涉到不同的观点、看法和理解。 involve: vt. sb.~s oneself in….., sb be ~d with sth/ sb. or in sth /in doing sth sth ~s sb in….( sth, or doing sth) To do sth ~s sb in… Doing …...~s sb in…/ in doing…/sb‘s doing… e.g. We are involved with technical details. That job would involve my traveling a great deal. Two thousand workers are involved in the strike. involved a. involvement n. 2.unintentionally: not done on purpose; unawares 3.Isn‘t it logical, then, that communication problems can be compounded among people who do not have the benefit of shared experiences (i.e., language and culture)?: It is, therefore, logical to say that problems in the process of communication can be complicated among people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. 那么,在那些没有共同经历的人当中(即语言与文化),交际问题会更复杂,这难道不符合逻辑吗, This is a rhetorical question used to emphasize the statement. compound n. e.g. chemical ~; organic~; a. e.g. ~ words; compound v. : mix something together e.g. to be compounded to/ between/ among…. 4..Everyone has a unique style of communication, but cultures determine a general style for their members. 每个人都有自己独特的交际风格,然而文化却为它的成员确定了一个总的风格。 5.The relationship of the individual to his culture is analogous to an actor and his director.: The relationship of the individual to his culture is similar to that of an actor to his director. The underlying meaning is that the individual is influenced and conditioned by the culture in which he is brought up, just as an actor is 5 influenced by his director in the process of acting. 个人与文化之间的关系就犹如演员与导演之间的关系。 analogous(to): adj. similar ( to), equivalent (to), like, akin (to) e.g. We find in art a process exactly analogous to that now occurring in the verbal language. The heart is analogous to a pump. analog(ue) n. analogy n. analogism n. analogize vi. analogical a. 6 .The actor puts his own personality into his acting but is nevertheless influenced by the director.: The actor adds his own character to the part he acts, however, he must have a regard for the director‘s opinion on the acting. 尽管演员把他的个性融入他所扮演的角色中,但他仍受导演的影响。 put into: add, give… to…, e.g. I‘m glad she‘s coming, she‘ll put life into this dull party. His first small success put new heart into him. 7 Difficulties in intercultural communication arise when there is little or no awareness of divergent cultural values and beliefs.: When people or individuals are not aware of differing cultural values and beliefs, difficulties crop up in the communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. divergent: adj. differing, different, conflicting, e.g. He tried to reconcile their divergent views. It is a country where there are widely divergent ethnic and religious groups. divergence n. diverge vi. vt. cf. diverse diversify diversity divert 8 In cross-cultural interaction, speakers sometimes assume that what they believe is right, because they have grown up thinking their way is the best. 在跨文化交际中,有时讲话者想当然的认为,凡是他们相信的,就是对的,因为在整个成长过程 中,他们一直认为自己的交流方式是最好的。 9 This ethnocentric assumption can result in negative judgments about other cultures.: The belief that one‘s own group is superior to others can lead to his unfavorable attitudes towards other ethnic groups. 这种民族中心主义(或民族优越感)可以导致对别的文化的否定。 10 .people become critical of … to be /become critical of : to criticize e.g. He was critical of my work. Cf. The patient‘s condition is critical. (crucial) at a critical time; the critical remarks; Time is critical to our work. It is critical that the work (should) be completed on time. 11 point of view: viewpoint; opinion, attitude, angle 12 Both women are insensitive to each other‘s values concerning family life.: It‘s clear to see from their conversation that each is unaware of the other‘s cultural norms and conventions in regard to family life such as marriage, independence, etc. insensitive(to): adj. unaware(of), indifferent to, unconcerned with, e.g. He was always insensitive to the feelings of others. The fisherman‘s hands were insensitive to the cold. 6 13 They have been raised and conditioned according to cultural norms. 他们是在文化规范的教育下,约束下长大的。 norm: n. pattern, rule, standard, convention, e.g. A C-average is the norm in our grading system. This is a conventional norm of polite European society. condition vt. influence, subject to certain provisions and conditions, e.g. The dog was conditioned to attack at a certain signal. We must condition the plant to the northern climate. They are conditioned to the life in the jungle. 14.Sometimes negative reactions do not result from actual interaction but rather from the fixed, preconceived beliefs we have about other people.: Sometimes responses unfavorable to other cultures but one‘s own do not occur as a result of real communication between people of different cultures as seen in the example. Instead, they arise from the set ideas and prejudice that we have about other people. 有时消极的反应并不是由实际的交际引起的,而是来自对别人所抱的成见和偏见。 result from: arise from, be caused by e.g. The nation‘s troubles result from the government‘s stupidity. Let us hope that peace will result from our talks. result in : cause, end in, lead to , give rise to e.g. The game resulted in another victory for our team. The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house. preconceived: adj. biased, prejudiced e.g. We have ~ideas about the capabilities of our minds. 15.These overgeneralized beliefs or‖ stereotypes‖ frequently shape people‘s perceptions of each other.: These too general beliefs or biased ideas about other people or cultures very often develop people‘s prejudice against each other. 这些极其笼统的看法(或成见),往往形成人们之间相互的看法。 stereotype: n. conventional image, received idea, popular preconception stereotyped: adj. prejudiced, biased 16.originate: v. (fml.) begin, derive, come, stem, spring up, crop up, e.g. The idea originates with the woman who wrote the music. The creek originates in a spring 17.distort vt. pull/twist out of the usual shape /the truth e.g. a face distorted by pain, You have distorted my motives. distortion n. e.g. a crude/ gross/ deliberate distortion 18.Stereotypes perpetuate inaccuracies about religious, racial, and cultural groups.: Preconceptions cause people to continue to have a distorted and false view or idea about other religious, racial, and cultural groups. 成见总是使人曲解其他的宗教,种族和文化。 perpetuate: vt. cause to be continued, allow to be continued; preserve from being forgotten or going out of use; e.g. an education system that perpetuates poverty and inequality to perpetuate the memory of… perpetuation n. perpetuity n. perpetual a. 19.Nevertheless, people‘s initial impulse is to become angry rather than to clarify the distortion.: Nonetheless, people‘s first desire is to get angry instead of correcting the misconception. 7 然而,人们最初的反应是生气,而不是澄清曲解(事实)。 clarify: v. make clear, explain, clear up e.g. His explanation clarified the mystery. If you don‘t understand, ask the speaker to clarify the point. 20.Establishing personal relationships with individuals from different religious, cultures, or races may be the best way to break down stereotypes and prejudice.: Probably the best way for people to remove their prejudices against and preconceptions about each other is to build up interpersonal relationships with no regard to religion, culture or race. 要消除人们的成见或偏见,最佳途径也许是与有着不同宗教文化或种族背景的人建立人际关系。 break down: overcome, conquer e.g. The new ambassador regards as his first objective the breaking- down of suspicion and fear between the two countries. 21.Cultural conflicts occur as a result of misinterpretations, ethnocentrism, stereotypes, and prejudice.: Clashes between different cultures result from people‘s misunderstanding of other cultures, their beliefs in superiority of one culture to another, the conventional image and biased ideas about others from different cultures. 22.Preventing these conflicts is possible with increased awareness of our own attitudes as well as sensitivity to cross-cultural differences.: It is possible for people to avoid these cultural clashes as we get more and more aware of our own views and become more and more sensitive to differences of other cultures. 使我们对自身的态度更具清醒的认识,增强对跨文化差异的敏感度,这样才能避免这类文化冲突。 23.Developing intercultural sensitivity does not mean that we need to lose our cultural identities---- but rather that we recognize cultural influences within ourselves and within others. 培养对跨文化差异的敏感。并不意味着需要失去我们自身的文化特性,相反,我们要辨别出不同文 化深留在自身和他人身上的影响。 Unit 7 Come Across with the Facts Detailed study of the text: 1(come across with: give or do what is asked (提供所需的情况 ) e.g. The man came across with the price of a drink. The robber told the woman to come across with her purse. to come across with a piece of information/ a sum of money/ the names of one‘s accomplices/ … Come Across with the Facts: provide or give the facts as asked (提供事实根据)。 2(a cocktail party: 鸡尾酒会。(see Note 1 on Page 127, the text-book) 3(I think it is going to hell.: I think American education is getting worse. Or: I think American education is going downhill. 4.‖ Upon what do you base those dark prognostics?‖: What is your basis for those pessimistic prediction? Why do you make such pessimistic prediction on American education? The word ‖prognostics‖ is a mis-spelt form of prognostication or prognosis. Here is the first example to show the lady‘s illiteracy. dark: adj. gloomy, discouraging, hopeless, disheartening e.g. The war was a dark period for us. His mind was occupied with dark worries and gloomy speculations prognostic: adj. predictive e.g. be ~ of a bumper harvest n. pre-indication e.g. a ~ of failure/ success prognosticate vt. foretell, predict prognostication n.[u] or [c] prognosis n. 5. nay: adv. ( in liter. style) not only that, but also…, 8 e.g. I suspect, nay, I am certain, that he is wrong. 6. Don‘t you want to hear from these children, or what? 你难道不想收到这些孩子们的来信,还是怎么 啦, or what: used usually after a question to make it sound more challenging. e.g. Is this a marathon or what? Do you want to be accepted or what? 7. Let‘s call all these ladies Mrs. Quibble, and put this thing in the past tense, before it drives me crazy.: Let‘s label all these ladies who ask me such questions at cocktail parties Mrs. Quibble and use the past tense to describe the event before it me makes me mad. Mrs. Quibble: (see Note 4 on Page127, the text-book) 8. Almost all the letters indicate that we are a nation of tired teachers and apathetic pupils… Nearly all the letters I get from those boys at the high schools throughout the country suggest that teachers are tired and bored and the students indifferent to and unmotivated in their studies. 几乎所有的来信都表明我们到处可见筋疲力尽的老师和兴趣索然的学生。 apathetic: adj. indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, unresponsive, e.g. be apathetic about/ to/ towards… He is apathetic about everything. His apathetic response to the tragedy showed he did not understand the play. apathy n. Absence of sympathy or interest, indifference, coldness 9. I gather that …… gather: v. infer, assume, believe, conclude e.g. From your remarks, I gather that you‘re not happy here. I gather that you have left your money at home. 10. Dead writers do not send out autographs or autographed photographs.: Writers who are dead do not write their signatures for people on request and give photographs with their own signatures to people as souvenirs. ( Please notice a touch of sarcasm in the sentence. In the text here, satire pervades the text from the beginning to the end. Please pay close attention to it.) 已故的作家既不能给人亲笔签名,也不能把亲笔签名的照片赠送他人。 autograph. n. person‘s own handwriting, esp. his signature vt. write one‘s name on or in… e.g. an autograph book/ album a book autographed by the author an autographed photograph 签名照 11(Before long the kids will begin asking a writer for a pencil he has used, or a button from his overcoat, to be sure of passing grades.: This sentence implies the author‘s critical attitude towards the students and the present condition of the American education which attaches more importance to form than content and leads students astray from the main course of education in that students become more interested in and enthusiastic about superficial things at the cost of the essence of a writer‘s works. The author‘s disapproval of the present education system is explicitly expressed. 12.‖ You are not making yourself precisive,‖ she said. ―You are digressionizing.‖ The sentence here should be written into ―You are not making yourself precise.‖ ―You are digressing.‖ The words here are not English words but coinages by Mrs. Quibble. This is another example to show the lady‘s illiteracy. By bringing into light her ignorance and illiteracy in this way, the author, without mercy, exposes her ridiculous behavior to the ridicule of others. 9 digress v. digressing digression n. digressive adj. 13.‖ What is it that‘s eating you, anyways?: What is bothering you…‖ “anyways‖ is mis-spelt by the lady. 你究竟为什么烦恼, 14.‖ Don‘t get cute,‖ she said, with fine hauteur, reaching for another martini.: ―Don‘t be tasteless,‖ she said, taking another glass of martini with haughtiness and superiority. 别逗了,她说道,一边优雅骄慢地伸手再去取一杯马提尼酒。 cute: adj. pretty, adorable, dainty, attractive e.g. The baby wore a cute dress. Note: the word ―cute‖, at least in British English, may have quite negative overtones. ―cute ( sometimes derogatory) attractive‖ (Oxford); You describe something as cute when it is intended to be attractive, but you think it is sentimental or tasteless. In other words, cute may have all the negative overtones of twee or coy. hauteur:(French word) haughtiness of manner, arrogance haughty: adj. arrogant, having or showing a high opinion of oneself e.g. The nobles treat the common people with haughty contempt. haughtily adv. haughtiness n. 15. One of every thirty-two letters shows a trace of originality, even a gleam of ingenuity.: Once in a while I get a letter which sounds a bit original and intelligent. 每三十二封信中就有一封颇有新意,甚至闪烁着智慧的火花。 The underlying meaning of the sentence is that most of the letters he receives are stupid nonsense. trace: n. touch, hint small amount, e.g. There is a trace of sadness in her smile. gleam: n. trace, ray, bit, glimpse e.g. The soldiers got an occasional gleam of humor from their sergeant. A gleam of triumph crossed the older woman‘s face. 16. You choose to be egnimatic,….: You prefer to be mysterious. 你故意弄得神秘兮兮。 The word ―egnimatic‖, a misspelt form of ―enigmatic‖, is yet another example to show that she is such an illiterate. Her tendency to prefer big and difficult words to small and simple ones can be explained by her strong desire to impress the author. But she fails to achieve the desired effect due to the errors she commits. enigmatic(al): adj. mysterious, puzzling enigma: n. [c] question, person, thing, circumstance, that is puzzling, puzzlement, riddle enigmatize: vt. puzzle 17. save: prep. (fml) except, but Save作为介词用,来源于法语的sauf,是非常正式而且陈旧的用法,现在主要应用于文学 和诗歌中,普通英语口语和书面语里已经不通用了。常用except(for)代之。与except一样,save 不能用于句首。 e.g. We all went there save/except (for) John. 10 Except for/*Save/*Except John, we all went. Save that(正式用法)于but that/except that一样,是复合从属连词: e.g. He would have protested save/ except that he was afraid. He would have gone, save that he had no means. 在美国英语的非正式用法中,save that 和except that中的that可以省略。 e.g. I‘m not going except/ save you go with me. 18.―Never mind about saving me. You‘d better save yourself…‖.: Here the lady misunderstood the meaning of the word ―save‖. ―Save‖ here means ―except‖, but the lady was so illiterate that she couldn‘t see the point and her reply was therefore ridiculous. 19. She reached for a martini on a tray, but I beat her to it. 她伸手去取托盘上的马提尼酒,但是我抢先了一步。 20. ―What disturbs me most,‖ I said, offering her the olive, which she refused, ―is the pervading apathy, the lengthening shadow of lethargy across the land.: ―What troubles me most,‖… ―is that throughout our country people feel bored with and indifferent to everything.‖ This feeling of getting tired of everything in life is permeating every corner of the nation.‖ ―使我最不安的是,‖我说着,一边请她吃橄榄,但她拒绝了,―到处弥漫着无精打采,它犹如一条长 长的昏昏欲睡的阴影席卷着整个国家。‖ pervade vt. permeate, spread through, penetrate e.g. An atmosphere of contentment and tolerance pervades the school. The subversive ideas that pervade all these periodicals may do great harm. pervasion. n.. pervasive adj. lethargy n. apathy, indifference, dullness languor e.g. Her profound lethargy made the work impossible. The teacher was determined to shake them out of their lethargy. lethargic adj. apathy n.[u] : absence of sympathy or interest, indifference e.g. He heard the story with apathy. His apathy toward the proposal was annoying. Political apathy on the subject is particularly hard to understand. apathetic adj. 21…. Almost everybody wants to get through school, or, rather, get around it, the easy way …: Nearly everyone wants to complete their studies at school, or, more or less, find an easy way of going through school. 几乎人人都想完成学业,说得确切一些,只想在学校里轻轻松松地混到毕业。 get around or round: avoid or find a satisfactory way of dealing with . e.g. Don‘t try to get around the question by changing the subject. 22. stand-ins: n. substitutes, persons who take others‘ place or do others‘ job for a short time e.g. She couldn‘t get to the meeting so she sent me as her stand-in. 23. Let‘s get down to pacific instances about the letters you get from children.‖: 11 Let‘s give our attention to indisputable examples about the letters you receive from children. 让我们开始认真地讨论一下你收到的孩子们的信件中那些没有争执的例子。 pacific: adj. peaceful; making or loving peace e.g. The night was pacific. He is a naturally pacific man. Pacific: Pacific Ocean get down to: begin to give serious attention to get started on e.g. Let‘s get down to work. The committee got down to business after coffee. 24. …, and so there is nothing about you in the library.: … and therefore I cannot find critical writing about you and your works in the library. 因此,在图书馆里找不到有关你的材料。 25. Another New York youngster asked me how to dedicate a book. 另有一个纽约的青少年询问我该怎么样给书题献词。 dedicate a book: inscribe a book; mention one‘s name in the front of a book as a way to show respect or affection e.g. The book was dedicated to my dear teacher. She dedicated the novel to her husband. 26. … Then I got another one from him, at once aggrieved and imperious,… : Later, I got another letter from him which sounded both offended and commanding. In other words, the letter was sad because the author did not reply to his letter and it was commanding because the boy ordered him to do what he wanted. 接着我又收到她的来信,信中流露出既委屈又专横的情绪。 (all) at once: at the same time, together, simultaneously e.g. Bill can play the piano, sing, and lead his orchestra all at once. Everybody is talking at once. aggrieved: adj. sad, hurt, upset, offended, resentful feel/be aggrieved at/by… e.g .Many people have felt aggrieved, rightly or wrongly, at being refused permission She couldn‘t help feeling aggrieved at slight. imperious: adj. imperial, commanding, tyrannical, domineering e.g. All his imperious orders were obeyed. She was o poor girl who became imperious after she inherited a fortune. 27.‖ I suppose your letter was full of ironics,‖ said Mrs. Quibble. : Here is yet another example of the lady‘s illiteracy. She misspelled ―ironies‖ as ―ironics‖. 28. ― Nobody is as unliterate as that, and you know it,‖ said Mrs. Quibble.: Here she once again misspelled ―illiterate‖ as ―unliterate: 29. ―They ain‘t, huh?‖ I said. ―You should see my mail, which, without I got so much of it, I might of got more written.‖: Do you think they aren‘t illiterate, huh? You should see the letters I get from the children. Without them, I might have written more works myself. Here the author suddenly starts speaking illiterate English. He seems to be heavily affected by the bulk of mail he gets from the children that he picks up their language in spite of himself. However, he is obviously making fun of and disagreeing with the lady by imitating the way the children write and speak. 30. I could tell from Mrs. Quibble‘s expression that she was seeking for a single sentence with which to 12 destroy me and my subversive attitude toward American education.: I could see from her facial expression that she was searching in her mind for words to defeat me and criticize my negative attitude toward American education. 我可以从奎伯太太的脸上看出她拼命想找一句话击败我,抨击我对美国教育的否定态度。 31. ―The trouble with you is, you just don‘t like no children,‖ she said coldly. ―You are wrong, madam,‖ I said icily. I do like no children.‖ ―你错了,夫人,‖我冷冷的说道,―我确实喜欢没有孩子。‖ These two sentences should be rewritten into: ‖The trouble with you is that you don‘t like children,‖ she said coldly. ―You are wrong, madam,‖ I said icily. ―I really don‘t like to have children.‖ It is clear that the author is playing a linguistic game. By deliberately imitating the way the lady speaks, he is killing the two birds with one stone. He scorns at her arrogant illiteracy and at the same time declares his stand against American education. The parallel structure of the dialogue between the two as seen clearly in ―she said coldly‖ and ―I said icily‖, ―You just don‘t like no children‖ and ―I do like no children‖ is intended to achieve an ironical effect. It, in a way, not only conveys to us the uncompromising attitude on the part of the author, but also purports to ridicule the lady‘s illiteracy and her pretentiousness, without offending her directly so as not to commit a breach of social etiquette. Unit 8 The Leaner as Resource Detailed study of the Text 1. Projects undertaken by schools that seek to teach the future should more frequently develop content (i.e. experiences)that involves the learner as a resource in the creation of the future .:School programs of education about future should develop new content in the form of using the learner as a resource to create the future world. 由许多学校承担的面向将来教育的研究课题应当更加不断地拓宽教学内容(即,社会 经历),以使学习者直接参与创造未来。 2. In the past, and probably in many schools of the seventies, the curriculum of ten included units, or projects which were contrived or simulated. :In the past, probably in the seventies, the curriculum of grade ten in many schools often consisted of units, or programs that were dither carefully planned beforehand or divorced from real life. 过去,也许是在七十年代,许多学校为十岁儿童开设的课程中所包含的单元或课 题多为虚构或模拟性质。 Contrived: adj. deliberate and planned e.g. The incident was obviously contrived. ( Cobuild ) the contrived quality of a letter(英汉大词典) simulated: adj. imitation, artificial, make-believe, fake, phony e.g. The coat is made of simulated leopard skin.(RH: Thesaurus) three-year training in simulated space flight(英汉大词典) 3. Children of about seven, for instance, who lived in the city, might learn about the farm, community helpers (fireman, policeman, etc.),the supermarket, circus, or zoo. Sometimes one or more visits were made to a farm, firehouse, or zoo —someone was invited to the classroom to tell about his work. (Explanation: These two sentences suggest that in the traditional school, young learners do not have a direct with society, about which they learn more than often in a second-hand manner or via others. They remain passive and receptive since they are not offered opportunities to participate in real social activities by themselves.) 4.In future-oriented teaching-learning situations, children should get in the act as participating human resources. :In future-focused teaching-learning programs, children should take a personal part in social practice to gain the first-hand social experience. 在注重未来的教学环境里,孩子们(学生)应当作为人力资源参与活 动。 Get in (to) the act(or: get in on the act)(infml.): figure in some activity, join in ,participate in Whenever there 13 was birthday-party in the family and they sang ―Happy Birthday to you!‖ the dog tried to get into the act by barking in support.(Oxford: DIE) If you got in on the act, you wouldn‘t be short of money for years. (英汉大词典) 5.Prudence must be exercised in selecting useful, safe, nonexploitive work experiences, but students need to engage in socially useful activities such as cleaning up litter in parks,…:Though they must be cautious when choosing useful, safe, fair work experiences, students should involve themselves in socially useful and meaningful activities like removing scattered rubbish in public parks to keep them clean and tidy,… 虽然中选择有用、安全、非牟利性的工作经历时我们必须谨慎从事,但是,学生需要从事一些有益社 会的活动,诸如在公园里清扫乱扔的弃物,等等。 engage in :take part in ,work at ,make(oneself) busy in (something or doing something) e.g. The Minister has been engaged in politics all his life.(Longman: PV) Is it wise to engage in active sports at our age ?(Ibid.) clean up :clean thoroughly; to remove (something unwanted such as dirt)and leave the place clean e.g. This room needs cleaning up. (Ibid.) Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it. (Ibid.) litter: n. scattered rubbish, debris, trash e.g. Good campers don‘t leave litter on the campsite.(RH: Thesaurus) People have always dropped litter. (Cobuild) 6. weed the parks: remove weeds from the parks by a mower 7. dispose of debris on our beaches: get rid of rubbish on the sea beaches (dispose of: get rid of, sell, give away, throw away e.g. John's father wants to dispose of their house. (American Idioms) Jim's mother asked him to dispose @garbage. (Ibid.) 8. shoveling snow: lifting and moving snow with a shovel shovel: v. lift and move it with a shovel e.g. She helped us stack the wood and shovel the snow off the front path. (Cobuild) He was shoveling earth into the grave. (Ibid.) 9. over a sustained period of time: for a very long time sustained: adj. prolonged, protracted, kept up for a long time e.g. We had a long, sustained discussion on the proems of young people. (Ibid.) The enemy mounted a sustained attack on the castle. (Ibid.) 10. keep it in good condition.: maintain the environment clean and hygienic in condition: in shape, in good condition, able to perform well e.g. The football team will be in condition for the first game of the season. (American Idioms) The fruit arrived in good condition. (英汉大词典) The car is in poor condition. (Ibid.) 11. The world of the future should be a distinctly better place if such learnings can be jointly sponsored by home, community, and school.: The future world would be definitely a better place to live in if home, community and school come all together to give their sup-port, both financial and moral. 假如家庭,社 区,学校共同来支持这种社会学习,那么,未来的世界应该就得更加美好。 sponsor: v. back, finance, support, stand up for, guarantee e.g. Who mil sponsor your admission into the club? (RH: Thesaurus) My trip was sponsored by the Metal Box Company. (Cobuild) 12. These real tasks are much better than such Idiot‘s-delight activities as coloring a circle green on a reading-readiness drill pad!: These real and socially useful activities are more meaningful and benefiting than those easy and meaningless ones such as coloring a circle green on a pad supposedly preparing children for schooling. 这些实实在在的任务比起那些极其简单的活动,如,在阅读预备课程的练习 14 薄上将圆圈涂成绿色,有意义得多。 13. ... but because they are the raw material of real readiness for learning.: ... but because these real experiences are the resources that can really get children ready to learn the academic things at school…… 而是因为他们是学前教育的原材料。 14. overtly: adv. apparently, plainly, openly, evidently e.g. There was no overt hostility between the men. (RH: Thesaurus) His jokes got more and more over@ malicious.(Cobuild) 15. This better environment should show concrete evidence of the use of young learners as in the form of less litter and well-kept parks, not merely in the mystique that the schools make the community better by educating children to be good little citizens.: This better environment brought about by the actual meaningful cooperation among home, community and school should reflect the use of young learners as resources in a specific way as shown by clean and tidy parks, not just by an abstract theory that the schools make the community a better place through teaching children to be good little citizens. 这一良 好的环境应展示将幼年学习者合作为教学资源的具体例证。例证形式不仅是那种难以捉摸的理论, 即学校通过教育儿童,使他们成为优秀的公民,从而改良社区环境的理论。而是将更加清洁,更加 有序的公园展示在人们面前。 16. Implicit in the student-as-resource concept is the idea of the community as a resource, a teaching aid of vitality, an extensive school without walls.: This student-as-resource idea entails the community as the raw material of practical learning, an energetic helper in teaching and an extension of classroom education. implicit: adj. implied, hinted, suggested; inherent e.g. Victory was implicit in the early election returns. (RH: Thesaurus) Although it wasn't spoken, it was implicit in her attitude that she thought I had failed. (Cobuild) 17. deployment: n. preparation, arrangement 18. ..., and a myriad of other community entities can become literal components of a broad educative environment.: ... , and a large number of other community matters can become actual constituents of a comprehensive education program. ……,各种各样的其他社区实体可以成为大规模的教育环境的具体 组成部分。 myriad: n. (fml.) an army of, a very large number of e.g. a feathery plant with myriads of tiny yellow flowers. (Ibid.) A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind. (Longman) entity: n. (fml.) (the quality of having) a single separate and independent existence e.g. When do children start being aware of themselves as separate entities'! (Cobuild) Since Germany was divided it is no longer one political entity.(Longman) literal: adj. actual, factual, accurate, true e.g. The general wanted a literal report on the enemy's strength.(RH: Thesaurus) She was older than I was, and not only in the literal sense. (Cobuild) 19.For generations past, school walls have been almost as rigidly confining as those of a jailhouse @ albeit for less of the day.: As for the past generations, school walls have kept them out of touch with the outside world, just as those of a prison which isolates convicts from all outside contacts,—although students don't have to stay in there the whole day. 世世代代,学校的围墙几乎与监狱的围墙一样地森严—--尽管不是整天如此。 albeit: conj. (fml.) though, although e.g. It continues to publish, albeit irregularly, two journals. (Ibid.) He is only an up-market interior decorator, albeit a rather good one. (Ibid.) 20.The concept of future-focused education envisioned here will abolish inflexible schedules and their inevitable concomitant, the school bell.: The education about future as visualized here will eventually cancel rigid timetables and put an end to the use of the school bell, an unavoidable by-product of the traditional school education. 此处展望的以未来为中心的教育思想将取消呆板的教学时间表及其必然产物—---上下课的铃 15 声。 envision: v. envisage, visualize, imagine, picture e.g. The company envisioned opening the sides of two mountains to extract coal. (英汉大词典) concomitant: 1) adj, (fml.) attendant, accompanying, concurrent e.g. This scheme will involve an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with its concomitant dangers of petty tyranny and corruption. (Cobuild) I was aware of the high moral standards concomitant with the name I bore. (Ibid.) 2) n. (fml.) a concomitant quality, circumstance, or thing e.g. Moodiness is a common concomitant of growing up. (Ibid.) Disease is a concomitant with poor sanitation. (英汉大词典) 21. demolish: v. pull down, destroy, tear down; disapprove, refute e.g. They are going to demolish the old armory. (RH: Thesaurus) He soon demolished Mr Stewart's suggestions. (Cobuild) 22. phony: 1) adj. (infml.) fake, false, sham e.g. He gave & phony name and a phony address. (Ibid.) She spoke with a phony British accent. (Ibid.) 2) n. fake, fraud, imitation, sham e.g. He says he's a doctor, but I'm sure he's a phony. (RH: Thesaurus) This painting isn't a Rembrandt, it's a phony. (Ibid.) 23. ... that children's attention spans can't be sustained for more than twenty or thirty minutes, and that they sponge up knowledge best sitting quietly in rows, ... : ... that children's attention to one thing cannot last for over twenty or thirty minutes, and that they learn most effectively and efficiently when sitting quietly in the regular classrooms,... attention span: the period of time that attention lasts sponge up: take up (liquid) with or as with a sponge, absorb with a sponge e.g. It'll take a long time to sponge up all that pool of water. (Longman: PV) The state loan sponged up most of the available savings. (英汉大词典) 24. time blocks: periods of time 25. (perhaps a week or more in April spent readying a neighborhood play area for summer use): (perhaps they spend a week or more than a week in April rehearsing a play for the performance in the neighborhood in the summer season.) 26. The three R's are not ignored in the context envisioned; ... : The three R's in the forms of reading, writing and arithmetic are not neglected in such a future-centered classroom; ...... 27. ground rules: basic principles on which future action will be based. e.g. An Act of Parliament formally lays down the ground rules upon which such intervention should take place. (Cobuild) His ground rules were to so elastic(英汉大词典) Unit 9 How to Read a Dictionary Detailed study of the Text Explanation of the Text 1. There is no more irritating fellow than the man who tries to settle an argument about communism, or justice, or liberty, by quoting from Webster.: The most annoying person is the man who tries to solve an argument about communism, or justice, or liberty, by citing the definitions from a Webster dictionary. 没有比那个靠引用韦伯斯特(词典)来解决关于共产主义、正义、或自由的争论的人更烦人的了。 16 2. lexicographer: n. a person who writes and edits dictionaries as his profession 3. …, but they are not the ultimate founts of wisdom.: …, but Webster and all his fellow lexicographers are not the inexhaustible sources of wisdom. (or: …, but Webster and all his fellow lexicographers are not the only men who are full of wise thoughts and words.) fount: n. source e.g. That old man is a fount of wisdom. The Encyclopedia Britannica is a fount of knowledge. 4. They are no Supreme Court to which we can appeal for a decision of those fundamental controversies which, despite the warnings of semanticists, get us involved with abstract words.: Webster and his fellow lexicographers are not the final authorities that we can turn to for settling those fundamental arguments among us about the accurate meanings of abstract words, though we are warned by those linguists who treat meanings in language against the attempt to seek for the exact meanings of abstract words. appeal for: make a special request for (usu. money or behavior) e.g. The international of organization is appealing for more money to help people suffering from the floods in the East. The two drivers whose cars had crashed appealed for help from passing motorists. 5. It is well to remember that the dictionary‘s authority can, for obvious reasons, be surer in the field of concrete words, and even in the field of the abstract technical words of science, than it ever can be with respect to philosophical words.: It is advisable (or: desirable) to remember that the dictionary‘s authority is obviously very sure of the meanings of concrete words as well as those abstract ones of science and technology, but is not equally sure of philosophical words. 值得牢记的是, 由于种种显而易见的理由,词典权威在具体词汇、甚至抽象的科技词汇的领域要比 他在哲学词汇的领域更具权威性。 well: adj. advisable, desirable e.g. It might be well for you to leave. with respect to or in respect to: in connection with, related to, about, on e.g. The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest. There was no shortage with respect to food. 6. Yet these words are indispensable if we are going to talk, read or write about the things that matter most.: However, these philosophical words are essential to speaking, reading or writing about the things that are the most important. 7. Don‘t swallow the dictionary.: Don‘t try to learn everything in the dictionary by heart. 8. Don‘t try to get word-rich quick, by memorizing a lot of fancy words whose meanings are unconnected with any actual experience.: Don‘t attempt to enlarge your vocabulary overnight simply by memorizing plenty of words that are more ornamental than practical and whose exact meanings are difficult to be pinned down without the context of real life experiences. 不要试图以死记硬背大量与实际经验脱节的漂亮词汇来迅速扩大词汇量。 9. Merely verbal knowledge is almost worse than no knowledge at all. 只有词汇知识,简直比没有知识更糟。 10. If learning consisted in nothing but knowing the meanings of words, we could abolish all our courses of study, and substitute the dictionary for every other sort of book. 如果学问只在于了解词汇的意义,那我们就可以废除所有的课程,用词典去取代一切其他的书籍。 consist in: be found in (something), have (something) as its main part e.g. Education does not consist in forcing students to learn lists of uninteresting facts. The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colors. nothing but: only substitute for: use (something) to replace (something else), take the place of e.g. If you substitute the writer‘s work for your own, you could be in serious trouble. 17 I need someone to substitute for me at the meeting. 11. But no one except a pedant or a fool would regard it as profitable or wise to read the dictionary from cover to cover. 但是,除了书呆子或傻瓜外,没人会认为从头至尾地熟读词典是有益或明智的。 pendant: n. bookworm, plodding scholar, ostentatious man of learning e.g. Is the professor really a brilliant scholar or just a pedant? from cover to cover: from beginning to end e.g. She reads the book from cover to cover. 12. in short: on the whole, in brief, in a word, in summary e.g. John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In short, he is admirable. The single-minded pursuit of wealth --- in short, materialism --- does not fit into my way of life. 13. … to prove that human arguments always reduce to verbal differences.: … to prove that the arguments among people on certain topics always change into the discussions about the differences of words. reduce to: simplify, change into a different and less complicated form e.g. Every building in the area was reduced to rubble. We can reduce his remarks to a single statement of fact. stick to: keep to, limit oneself to (something) without wandering or changing the subject e.g. Please stick to the facts, don‘t guess. When writing an article, stick to one style throughout. 14. assign: v. give, allot e.g. She kept calling him up to assign some new task to him. Mother and father play out the roles assigned to them. 15. vehemently: adv. fiercely, hotly, heatedly 16. The experiment showed that discussions may start about the meanings of words, but that, when interest in the problem is aroused, they seldom end there.: The linguistic experiment conducted by a Scandinavian university showed that discussions may start well with the verbal meanings but can change into talking about something other than the meanings of words when people become more interested in and enthusiastic about the problem. 实验表明讨论也许是以探讨词义开始的,但一旦引发人们对这一问题的兴趣时,讨论便不会仅此为 止。 17. Men pass from words to things, from names to natures. 人们的讨论从词语过渡到事物,又从事物的名称涉及其本质。 18. The dictionary can start and argument, but only thought or research can end it.: The dictionary can provoke a debate on meanings of words, but it soon falls short as the argument grows extensive and complicated involving many other things. By then, only thought or research word can help clarify all complexities and settle the argument. 19. There must, therefore, be uniform ways of spelling and pronouncing them, though the uniformity is often spoiled by variations. …, as some words have varied spellings and different ways of pronunciation, say, American English and British English. 因此,词汇的拼写和发音一定有统一的方法,虽然这种规律性常由于各种变化而遭到破坏。 uniform: adj. identical, same e.g. The street consists of uniform tall, white buildings. The are all of uniform size and shape. 20. arise from/out of: come from, rise from, spring from, result from e.g. The country‘s present difficulties arise from the reduced value of its money. Let me pick up a few points arising out of what you‘ve just said. 21. inflection: n. a change in the form of a word that shows its grammatical function, for example a change that makes a noun plural or makes a verb into the past tense 18 22. the conjugation of the verb: the various forms of the verb that show number, person, tense, etc. 23. Sometimes they shade from one into another, …: Sometimes one word is so closely related to another in meaning that one has difficulty telling the difference between them. 有时它们意思相近,互相融合,…… 24. in their capacity: in their function capacity: n. role, function, position e.g. In his capacity as Commander in Chief, the President is head of the armed forces. I‘m speaking in my capacity as minister of trade. 25. (according as their name just one thing or many which are alike in some respect) according as: conj. depending on which or whether, whichever, if e.g. You may take an oral or written exam according as you prefer. You will be praised or criticized according as your work is good or bad. in some respect: in a certain aspect 26. etymological derivation: historical development of words 27. It tells of their shifting meanings, and which among them are archaic and obsolete, which are current and regular, which are idiomatic, colloquial, or slang.: The history of words gives information about the development of the meanings of words and about which of them are now outmoded and found only in old literature, which are updated and often used, which are idiomatic, colloquial, or slang. 词的历史讲述词义的变迁,以及它们中哪些是古词废词,哪些是通用的,规则的,哪些是习语,俗 语、或俚语。 tell of: give information such as a story, concerning someone something or doing something e.g. The poem tells of the poet‘s love for his lady. He told of having seen a strange creature in the lake. Have you told your mother of your intentions? 28. … under these four heads.: … under these four titles. head: n. the title of a piece of writing e.g. The essay was headed ―Development in English Syntax‖. a speech arranged under five heads 29. self-help book: self-service book, self-taught book self-help: n. the action of trying to solve your own problems without depending on other people e.g. Single parents join self-help groups for social life and mutual help. Self-help is the best help. 30. abbreviations and symbols: shortened words or phrases and signs 31. … the four varieties of information about words.: … the four kinds of information about words, as previously referred to. 32. Unfortunately, many people fail here, as in the case of other books, because they insist upon neglecting the prefatory matter --- …: Unluckily, many people fail to consult the explanatory notes and the list of abbreviations in the preface or the introduction of a dictionary, as they often do with other books, because they firmly declare to ignore things mentioned in the preface. 遗憾的是,就像读其他书一样,很多人没有做到这一点,因为他们总是忽视卷首语之类的东西,好 象作者是写着玩的。 33. But like all other rules, they will be followed well only by the man who is rightly motivated in the first place. rightly motivated: correctly stimulated 然而,与所有其他的规定一样,首先,只有动机正确才会按章办好事情。 34. And, in the last place, they will be wisely applied only by the man who remembers that we are both free and bound in all our dealing with language, whether as writers or readers. … We have the freedom in choosing our words when we speak or write, but within linguistic boundaries. 19 归根到底,不管是作家还是读者,只要他记住对待语言我们既享有自由又受到限制,他就能应用得 灵活自如。 in the last place: lastly Unit10 The Story of an Hour Detailed study: 1. Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband‘s death.: 因为知道马拉德太太患有心脏病,所以在告知她丈夫的死讯时他们特别小心谨慎。 The sentence is grammatically inappropriate because the subject of the main clause ―great care‖ is not in agreement with the present participle ―knowing‖. It should be rewritten in standard grammar into ―Knowing Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, Josephine and Richards took great care to tell her the news of her husband‘s death as gently as possible.‖ However, under a close scrutiny, the inconsistency is deliberate and intended to achieve an artistic effect. It serves to build up a suspension of the story and arouse interest in the reader through inviting immediately such questions as: Who knows that Mrs. Mallard had trouble with her heart? Who takes great care to break advance these implicit questions, the second paragraph comes up with the answers to fill up this information gap. The adoption of two emphatic sentences fits in well with the context. be afflicted with: suffer from; bother with e.g. Aunt Kate has been afflicted with a serious illness. I wish you wouldn‘t afflict me with your constant complaints. 2. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences, veiled hints that revealed in half concealing: Her sister Josephine was the person to tell her the sad news of her husband‘s sudden death with hesitation by suggesting it in a roundabout way. 这还是由她的姐姐约瑟芬断断续续地、半遮半掩地暗示她的。 veiled: adj. indirect, in a disguised form e.g. veiled hints and uneasy silences a thinly veiled criticism 3. … when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard‘s name leading the list of ―killed‖.: … when (the newspaper office) got the report of the railroad accident with the list of the casualties starting with Brently Mallard‘s name. intelligence: n. news, information, report e.g. Intelligence of a secret attack came over the wireless. the joyful intelligence 4. He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.: He had just taken the time to send a second telegram to confirm the news and then hurried to the Mallards in order to break the sad news before any careless and thoughtless friend had the chance. 他打了第二份电报证实了这个消息之后,就匆匆忙忙地赶去马拉德太太家,以阻止任何不够小心、 不够谨慎的朋友先传去这一噩耗。 assure of: make certain about e.g. The doctor assured the young father of his baby‘s safety. Peter assured me of his continued interest in my work. forestall: v. prevent, deter, avoid e.g. Labor and management have agreed on a temporary settlement, thereby forestalling a strike. He was about to speak but she forestalled him. bear: v. (fml.) carry, bring e.g. We always visit friends who are ill, bearing a large bunch of prapes. 20 They killed the runner bearing the orders. 5. She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance.: She did not respond to the news the way many other women normally do, who could be so stunned as to be unable to take its meaning for some time. 听到这一噩耗时,她并非像许多女人一样变得呆若木鸡,无法接受这一事实。 6. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister‘s arms.: On hearing the sad news she quickly broke down and gave way to uncontrollable crying in her sister‘s arms. 她倒在姐姐怀里,不顾一切地放声大哭起来。 abandonment: n. unrestraint, recklessness, impulsiveness e.g. sing in a spirit of utter abandonment 7. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.: When she was worn out with crying in an overwhelming grief, she left for her room by herself. 一阵巨大的悲痛过去之后,她独自一人走进了她的卧室。 spend: (fml.) v. to wear out or use completely e.g. The storm soon spent itself / its force. He spent his energy (in) organizing the rally. 8. Into this she sank, overwhelmed by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.: She sat down slowly into the armchair, tired out both physically and spiritually. 她慢慢地在扶手椅里坐下,感到精疲力竭,心神恍惚。 9. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.: … the leaves of trees vibrated with life as if spring had come. 她可以看见屋前的露天广场上,充满初春活力的树梢在轻轻地摇曳。 10. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. 空气中散发着雨水的清香。 11. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares.: Looking downwards, she saw a vendor in the street trying to sell his goods by shouting at the top of his voice. 楼下大街上一个小贩在吆喝着招揽生意。 wares: n. articles for sale 12. note: n. a musical sound or tone 13. There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled above the other in the west facing her window.: 对着窗口的正西方,在层层叠叠的云层间时而可见片片蓝天。 This one-sentence paragraph can be understood at two levels. On the surface, this is just a factual description of the sky that Mrs. Mallard observed as she was sitting in her armchair and looking out of the window. At the deeper level, the description of the sky mirrors Mrs. Mallard‘s present condition of life and her state of mind at the moment. She had been trapped in a kind of life which allows no escape, just like the sky covered with layers of clouds. Life was dark to her. Yet, like ―patches of blue sky showing here and there‖, she didn‘t give up hoping for a change in life. 14. …, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, …: …, except when a sob welled up in her throat and made her quiver with sobbing. ……,除了嗓子眼里偶尔啜泣一、两声,身体抽动一下,就像一个哭着哭着睡着了的孩子,做梦还 在啜泣。 15. She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.: …, the wrinkles on her face indicated her repressed feelings and desires and even a kind of power. 她年轻,有一张白皙、镇静的脸,脸上的线条反映了她所承受的压力,甚至某种力量。 bespeak: v. (fml.) denote, indicate, show, be a sign of e.g. His skill at singing bespeaks much good training. Her large eyes bespoke intelligence. 21 16. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.: But now she stared blankly, yet fixedly, at one of those distant patches of blue sky. This tells us that she go lost in life, yet in her innermost, she was always longing for ―something‖ to happen to her. 17. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.: It was not just a pensive pondering. Rather, it suggested a pause of intelligent thinking. 这不像是反思,倒像是睿智思维的短暂停顿。 18. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. but she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.: ……这东西太微妙,太难以捉摸,她无法说清是什么。但是她感觉到了,它正向她走来,从天空中, 从弥漫在空气中的声音、气息和颜色中朝她悄悄地走来。 This paragraph perfectly captures her fear in and impatience about ―something‖ coming to her. She was afraid because she had no idea whether this ―something‖ was good or bad. She was impatient because she was more than eager to know it and to alter her present condition of life. Knowing it or not, she was expecting it with all eagerness and expectation. 19. Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously: Now she was breathing hard and audibly because she was at once excited, nervous, and afraid at the thought of the unknown future. 此刻她的胸口激动地起伏起来。 20. …, and she was striving to beat it back with her will: …, and with determination she was trying hard to resist thinking about it. ……,她竭力地要把它顶回去。 beat back: force to go back e.g. The flames beat the firemen back. 21. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips.: When she gave up her attempt to resist, she was heard involuntarily uttering a word. 当她不再作任何努力时,从她那微张的双唇中轻声地说出一个字来。 22. under her breath: in a whisper, with a low voice e.g. She was counting under her breath. I told Lucy the news under my breath, but Joyce overheard me. 23. The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.: After saying ―free‖ several times, there was no more fear and blank expression in her eyes. This indicates that eventually she came to the realization that her husband‘s death set her free from the present condition of life and this freedom was exactly what she had been waiting for. 那茫然和随之而来的惶恐的神情从她眼里散去。 24. … a monstrous joy that held her.: an incredible joy that seize her 25. A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.: The final realization of a possible new free life made her so ecstatic that she ignored completely the hint of ―a monstrous joy‖ as petty and unimportant. 她现在头脑清醒,异常兴奋,根本没有注意到这个问题。 exalted: adj. exultant, ecstatic, elated, happy e.g. The play put us in a exalted mood. I spread my arms wide and felt joyous and exalted and free. dismiss: v. ignore e.g. I‘m not dismissing this as a thing that wasn‘t worth doing. We shouldn’t dismiss them just because they‘re old-fashioned. 26. … when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death, …: … when she saw her dead husband with his hands crossed in front of his chest. 27. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her 22 absolutely.: But after that sad moment of the funeral she knew without doubt that she would have many years to live for herself, not for others. 28. There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe that they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.: She was going to be the master of her own life and would no longer believe that a husband has a right to force his own will on her or vice versa. 男人和女人都常盲目而执拗地相信他们有权把自己的意志强加给同类,但如今再也不会有什么力量 可让她屈从了。 29. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.: Whether such an intention was human or inhuman, kind or cruel, the act of imposing one‘s will or one‘s idea upon another appeared to be a real crime when she considered it in that short moment of perception. 在那大彻大悟的瞬间,她认识到,无论是出于善意或恶意,人们这一做法本身就相当于一种罪孽。 30. What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!: What was the importance of love since people could find an answer, compared with this gain of self-confidence which to her sudden realization was the very thing that she had been seeking. 她突然意识到能拥有这份自主是她身上最强烈的冲动,有了它,爱情,这种神秘难解的东西又算得 了什么呢, count for: to be worth for, to be of (little etc.) importance e.g. When it came to money, all his friendly promises counted for little: he was as mean as Scrooge. His past successes count for nothing. 31. … imploring for admission.: … begging to be allowed into the room. (or: … pleading to be allowed entrance.) implore: v. beg, entreat, plead with e.g. The prisoner implored the king for mercy. She implored forgiveness for what she had done. 32. No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window.: She was not making herself ill; she was absorbing by eager attention the very quintessence of life through that open window. 她正透过那扇窗户畅饮着长生不老之药呢。 drink in: (infml.) to absorb by eager attention; to listen with eager attention e.g. They sat outside on the terrace, drinking in the particular quality of the light at that time of day. A packed audience drank in every word he uttered. elixir: n. an imaginary liquid that is considered to have magic powers; an imaginary cure for all evils 33. Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her.: She gave free rein to her imagination into the near future. 她纵情幻想着未来的岁月。 run riot: act freely or wildly. (or: fail to control oneself.) e.g. John let his imagination run riot, thinking he was hunting lions in Africa. The monkey got out of his cage and ran riot in the pet shop. 34. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.: She prayed with a low voice that she could live a long life, while the day before she had been afraid that she would live a long life. (Explanation: The juxtaposition of the two sentences with exactly the same verbal clause is worthy of our attention. Same as they are literally, the two clauses are just the opposite in meaning. However, this does not follow that the two clauses are open to different meanings. The opposite meanings are completely determined by the two different contexts in the forms of the main clause. Ironically, this quick change of her attitude towards life is provoked by the death of her husband. Instead of bringing grief and a sense of loss to her, it gives her freedom and awakens in her a great desire to live a long life. This, in a way, casts an 23 indirect irony at her sister Josephine and Richards who took great care to break the sad news to her as gently as possible. Close as they are to her and her husband, they failed to understand her.) 35. She arose at length and opened the door to her sister‘s importunities: She stood up at last and went to open the door for her sister due to her persistent demands. 在她姐姐的一再强求声中,她终于站起身来把门打开了。 at length: in the end, at last, finally e.g. The movie became more and more exciting, until at length people were sitting on the edge of their chairs. ―What kind of thing?‖ asked Basson at length. importunities: (pl.) n. persistent solicitations or demands 36. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory.: There was an over-excited expression of pride and great satisfaction in her eyes, and without knowing it herself, she behaved like a goddess of Victory. 她的双眼充满了胜利的激情,她在不经意中表现得像个胜利女神。 unwittingly: adv. Unconsciously, unintentionally e.g. Sometimes we ourselves unwittingly invite interruption. I had to be grateful to her for having, however, saved my life. carry oneself: behave proudly and confidently e.g. From their manner of carrying themselves, I could tell how proud they were. He carried himself like a soldier.(他的行为举止像个军人。) feverish: adj. ardent, fervent, excited, passionate e.g. There was a kind of feverish excitement in his voice. He had a feverish desire to begin the race. 37. descended the stairs: went downstairs 38. latchkey: n. any outer-door key 39. composedly: adv. calmly, serenely, peacefully, quietly 40. gripsack: n. a traveling bag 41. He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one.: He had been far away from the railway where the accident occurred, so he had no idea that there had been one. 42. He stood amazed at Josephine‘s piercing cry; at Richard‘s quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.: He stopped short and shocked when Josephine screamed at the top of her voice and Richards hurried to stand in front of his to prevent Mrs. Mallard from seeing him. screen: v. shelter, protect, conceal, hide from sight e.g. I moved in front of her trying to screen her. Sunglasses will screen your eyes from the harmful rays. Unit 11 English Names Detailed study of the text 1. bear: v. (fml) have e.g. The letter bears the salutation ―Dear Sir‖. (RH: Thesaurus) to bear a famous name (Longman) 2. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added: Other words or phrases were seldom added to one‘s name to set him apart from others who bear the same name. (很少加上带区别性的别名。) 3. These might be patronymic, descriptive, titular or occupational.: These distinguishing epithets might derive from one‘s ancestor‘s name, his distinctive physical feature, or his title, if any, or his trade. (这些姓名或许是 祖先传下来的,或许是描绘性的,或许是因人的头衔或职业而来) 1. …, the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in different parts of the country.: …, 24 different places of the country had very different ways of adopting family names. 2. … a man might assume many non-font names or, yet more likely, have them thrust upon him by his friends and acquaintances.: …, a man might adopt many other names than the given name which, more probably, his friends and fellow workers have forced upon him.(甚至在Chaucer时代,教名仍作为人的姓名,在人 的一生中, 除了教名,他也许还有其他的名字, 或者说, 还有一些更有可能是他的朋友和熟人强 加于他的名字。) thrust upon: force the acceptance of (sth. Or sb.) on (sb.) e.g. I‘ve had three of the neighbors‘ children thrust on me for the afternoon! (Longman: PV) I didn‘t want this job, it was thrust on me. (Ibid) 3. Servants and apprentices might be known by the name of their masters.: Servants and apprentices might bear their master‘s name. The reasons for the use of one‘s master‘s name are three-fold: first, they might not have a name of their own; second, it is easier for people to tell one from another; third, people might not be interested in the names they have. 4. He earns his livelihood mainly by making wains or wagons for neighboring farms.: He makes a living chiefly by making carts or wagons for nearby farms. Wain: n. a farm wagon or cart 5. plain: adj. Simple, common, used before a name to emphasize how simple or ordinary it is, esp. when you are comparing it with another, more unusual or impressive, name e.g. In those days she was plain Norma Jean Mortenson. (Cobuild) 6. He himself is plain ―John‖ and frankly, he inclines to resent being called by any other name.: He tends to hate being called by any other name than ―John‖.(他本人就是―John‖, 不附加任何东西。老实说, 他讨 厌用其他名字称呼他。) incline: v. tend, prefer, like e.g. The whole family inclines to rise early. (RH: Thesaurus) We incline to rest and relaxation these days. (英汉大词典) 10(But there are several other ―Johns‖ in the neighborhood from whom our John must somehow be distinguished in daily conversation although, should he deliver his well-made haywagons at outlying farms, he may sometimes be greeted as ―John Peterson of Hale‖.: But there are some other men who are also called ―John‖ in the neighborhood. In everyday conversation we must by some means distinguish our John from those who have the same name. If he should sell his high-quality farm wagons at out-of-the-way farms, he may sometimes be addressed as ―John Peterson of Hale‖. haywagon: n. a horse-drawn vehicle used for hauling hay or some bulky, heavy load 11. to be sure: (fml.) of course, without a doubt, certainly, surely e.g. To be sure, such people do not commit these crimes often. (Cobuild) He works slowly, to be sure, but he does a good job. (American Idioms) 12. …, he may be known by any signature or by any combination of these five occasional surnames.: …, he may be called by any single name or sometimes by one growing out of the combinations of any of these surnames. 13. descendant: n. offspring, issue e.g. The British Royal family are descendants of Queen Victoria. (RH: Thesaurus) 14. all derivatives from ―John‖: all these names derived from his original name ―John‖ 15. John‘s tallness might be commemorated in ―Long‖, ―Lang‖ or ―Laing‖; or his dwelling by the village center in ―Green‖; or the name of the village in ―Hale‖; or his chosen handicraft in ―Wainwright‖, ―Wright‖ or ―Smith‖.: Names like ―Long‖, ―Lang‖ or ―Laing‖ might be reminders of John‘s tallness; or ―Green‖ of his dwelling by the village center; or ―Hale‖ of the name of the village; or ―Wainwright‖, ―Wright‖ or ―Smith‖ of his chosen handicraft, i.e. his trade. (―Long‖, ―Lang‖或 ―Laing‖这些名字代表John身材高大; ―Green‖代表 他住在村中央; ―Hale‖代表村名; ―Wainwright‖或 ―Wright‖或 ―Smith‖则代表他的手艺。) 16(fall into : be divided into, be classified into, belong to 25 e.g. These books fall into three classes. (Longman: PV) This book falls into the class of children‘s stories. (Ibid) 17. A few names, it is true, will remain puzzling: foreign names, perhaps, crudely translated, adapted or abbreviated; or abbreviated; or artificial names.: True, some names will remain confusing including foreign names which are probably improperly translated, changed or shortened, and fake names.(诚然,有些名字一 直令人费解,诸如,外国名字,也许被粗制滥译的,或被改写的,或被缩写的,或是杜撰的名字。) 英 国人的姓氏来源主要分为四大类:祖先传下来的,因职业而来的或许是描绘性的,或是取自地方名。 诚然,有些名字一直令人费解,诸如,外国名字,也许被粗制滥译的,或被改写的,或被缩写的,或 是杜撰的名字。事实上,超过百分之五十的真正的英国姓氏来源于各种各样的地名。因此,他们属于 我们说的四大类中的最后一种 it is true: used when one wants to admit that something is true, but to indicate it is not important or to give a different point of view e.g. She longed for Europe, it was true, and would do anything to get there.(Cobuild) True, Halliday had not appeared for breakfast, but then I knew he liked to get up late, so I didn‘t worry.(Ibid.) crudely: adv. imperfectly, incompletely 18. …, the Scandinavian-son gradually supplanting the Old English patronymicing.: …, the name ―Scandinavian-son‖ by and by replacing the way of adding a suffix or prefix to the name of a father or an ancestor to indicate descent in the Old English times.(….., 诸如用―斯堪的纳维亚 之子‖为姓氏的做法渐渐地取代了古英语时期沿用祖先姓氏的做法。) supplant: v. (fml.) take the place of, replace, substitute e.g. Electric cars may one day supplant petrol-driven ones. (Ibid) My panic and fear had been supplanted by happiness. (Ibid.) 19. modify: v. alter partially, adapt, qualify e.g. English laws have had to be modified as a result of this. (Ibid.) You‘ll have to modify the height of the table to make it fit. (Ibid.) 20. Hundreds of others are more obscure in their signification and testify to the amazing specialization in medieval arts, crafts and functions.: A large number of other names are more vague in meaning and surprisingly show some special knowledge in terms of medieval arts, handicrafts and functions. (还有许许 多多其他名字含义非常模糊,体现出中世纪艺术、手工和行业具有的惊人的专业性。) obscure: adj. Vague, unclear, puzzling; unknown, nameless, unheard of e.g. The point of his speech was obscure. (RH: Thesaurus) The bus stopped at an obscure little town. (Ibid.) testify to: prove sth. by showing clearly, witness to e.g. His actions testify to his good character.(Longman: PV) His handwriting testifies to a certain amount of impatience. (Ibid) 21. fuller: a person who cleanses and thickens cloth by special processes in manufacture 22. All these vocational names carry with them a certain gravity and dignity, …: All these names derived from occupations convey a certain sense of solemnity and honor. (所以这些根据职业取的名字都包含某种庄 重和尊严,这些正是描述性的名字所缺乏的。) 23. They may be taken quite literally.: Names such as ―Long‖, ―Lang‖, ―short‖ and ―little‖ can be understood as they are. (可以只取其字面上的意思。) 24. Others require more circumspection : their meanings are slightly different from the modern ones.: Other names have to be used more cautiously…. (其他的则更须小心使用:它们的含义与现代的略有不同。) 25. obtuse: adj. dull, dense, slow-witted, stupid e.g. She is so obtuse that she never gets the point. (RH: Thesaurus) Are you normally stupid or just being deliberately obtuse? (Cobuild) 26. plain-spoken: adj. frank, direct, forthright, candid, straightforward 26 27. abrupt: adj. unfriendly, impolite, rude, brusque e.g. The abrupt reply hurt our feelings. (RH: Thesaurus) an abrupt young girl( Cobuild) 28. Place-names have an abiding interest since there is hardly a town or village in all England that has not at some time given its name to a family.: Place names have a lasting interest now that almost every town or village in the whole England has at some time or other become part of the name of a family. (按地名取名 经久不衰,因为在整个英国几乎每个小镇或每座村庄在某一时期都曾是一个家族的姓。) abiding: adj. lasting, enduring e.g. Abraham Lincoln had an abiding faith in the Union. (RH: Thesaurus) Economic expansion has become the abiding interest of all modern societies. (Cobuild) 29. They may be picturesque, even poetical; or they may be pedestrian, even trivial. (它们可以是绘声绘色,甚至富有诗意; 它们也可以是普通平庸,甚至不足挂齿。) picturesque: adj. colorful, striking, attractive, imaginative pedestrian: adj. commonplace, ordinary, dull, uninteresting e.g. Baker brings a touch of style to a government whose members are pretty pedestrian. His newest play is quite a pedestrian affair. (RH: Thesaurus) 30. Among the commoner names which survive with relatively little change from old-English times are….. (从古英语时代流传下来并且未发生什么变化的较为普通的姓中有。。。。。。) IV. Grammar: Subject-verb concord 1. Subject that consists of fraction+ of + noun or percentage +of+ noun may require either a singular verb or plural verb, depending on the number of the noun: e.g. In fact, over fifty percent of genuine British surnames derive from place names of different kinds. One-fourth of the planet‘s surface is covered with ocean. 2. A collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to a unit, and a plural verb when it refers to the individuals that make up the unit: e.g. The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict. (unit) The jury have ordered their supper. (members) 3. Subjects that are plural noun phrases of quantity or measure require a singular verb: e.g. Twenty dollars is all I have left. Thirty miles is as far as he can walk. 4. interrogative what and who as subject normally take a singular verb: e.g. What is important, however, is not to pinch pennies by cutting down on the quality stock used for your cards. Who is making all that noise? 5. A singular verb is preferred for more than one +noun and many a + noun e.g. More than one member has protested against the proposal. Many a person in these circumstances has hoped for a long break. 6. The determiners and the pronouns no, all, some, any, and fraction half may require either a singular verb or a plural verb, depending on their notion: e.g. None among us is likely to agree with the director‘s proposal to cancel the meeting. (not a single one) None of us were surprised at his decision. 7. When two noun phrases are joined by (either)…or, the number of the verb is generally determined by the nearer noun phrase: e.g. Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault. Either your eyesight or your brakes are at fault. Unit 12 To Lie, or Not to Lie Detailed Study of the Text 27 1. dilemma: n. quandary, a difficult choice to be made between two alternatives. e.g. But it put me in a difficult moral dilemma. The doctor‘s dilemma is whether he should tell the patient the truth. 2. In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: In medicine as in the fields of law, government and other professions, the requirements of honesty are often made to seem less improtant when compared with other greater needs. What the author means here is that in a number of professions honesty or truthfulness frequently seems to be of less importance than other aims. 医疗行业与法律、政府、及其它行业一样,对 诚实的要求同其它更大的 需要相比往往显得微不足道,譬如,需要避免可怕的消息造成的打击,或是需要考虑恪守机密的诺言, 或是要揭露腐败行为,或是为了促进公众利益。 line: n. professions, occupation, trade, metier e.g. My line is selling. Public relations is his line. dwarf: v. overshadow, dim, diminish e.g. This present trouble dwarfs that other matter. David was dwarfed by a huge bare desk. 1. …shelter from brutal news …: … protect others from unpleasant and harsh truth 4.…uphold a promise of secrecy …carry out a promise to keep secret. uphold v .support, maintain e.g. In taking the oath of office the President swears to uphold the U.S. Constitution. He had sworn to uphold the law. 5.…coming in for a routine physical checkup…: …coming to the hospital for a regular medical examination to see that his health is all right. 6.…minimize the gravity of the illness: … try to understate the seriousness of his disease. minimize: v. to play down, to belittle e.g. She plays up her strong points and minimizes her weaknesses. I have no wish to minimize his role or achievement. 7. Doctors confront such choices often and urgently.: Doctors face such situations often, when they have to make immediate decisions. 医生常常并十分紧迫地面临这样的选择。 8 …to lie for the patient‘s own sake …to lie about his condition of health simply for his own good ……在他 们看来,这种谎言与谋取私利的谎言截然不同。 9. …in their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones…in their view, such lies are clearly different from lies that serve one‘s own interests. ……在他们看来,这种谎言与谋取私利的谎言截然不同。 In one‘s eyes: from their point of view, as they see it, in their view 2. deteriorate: v. worsen, degenerate, decline e.g. The air quality has deteriorated since the operation. 3. ―Ours is a profession which has traditionally been guided by a precept that transcends thte virtue of uttering the truth for truth‘s sake, and that is ?as far as possible do no harm‖.: ― We doctors have long been guided by a principle that is above the goodness of telling the truth as an end in itself, and the principle is that we must try our best not to do our patients any harm.‖ 正如一位内科医生曾写道:―我们的职业传统上恪守一个信条,那就是:?尽可能不造成伤害‘,该信 条超越了为讲真话而讲真话的善德。‖ Precept: n. principle, maxim, motto e.g. His father gave him a few precepts before he left for college. The simple precept ?Do as you would be done by‘ 4. …slip into deceptive practices…: …take to the dishonest or deceitful ways when it comes to the true state of health of a patient. 28 有了这样的指导原则,一些一声可能渐渐采用他们认为对病人会有好处而又―无害‖的骗人的做法。 Slip into: begin to enter, get into, fall into e.g. Some careless mistakes have slipped into the printing. Bad habits are slipping into your speech. 5. They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying.: They may give the patients all varieties of medicines more for their mental relief than for the actual benefits the medicines may bring them, give more hope of their recovery than their real conditions promise and give false information about a serious illness. All this is done especially to those who cannot be cured and who are dying. 他们可能开出无数贴安慰剂,说一些没有事实根据的鼓气的话,并歪曲严重的病情,尤其对那些患 有不治之症和濒临死亡的病人他们更如此。 Placebo: n. substance given instead of real medicine to a patient for psychological effect Warrant: v. justify, provide, merit, call for e.g. Such actions warrant a severe reprimand. The girls had suffered more than her behavior had warranted. 6. But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented.: But evidence is being provided which shows that the benefits such deception is expected to bring are false by nature. 但现在已有人提出证据,说明这种欺骗旨在给病人带来好处的说法纯属 虚妄。 Document: v. verify, certify, back up, write about sth. in a detailed and factual way e.g. The lawyer gathered evidence to document the charges. The life of Byron is remarkably well documented. 7. the overwhelming majority: by far the greater number 8. …feel betrayed …: …feel that the doctors are not worthy of their trust and they are taken in. 9. …,humanely conveyed, …: …, gently or kindly made known to the patients. 10. Not only do lies not provide the ―help‖ hoped for by advocates of benevolent deception; they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health, including the choice of whether to be a patient in the first place.: Lies by the doctors do not benefit their patients—to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death—as wished by persons who favor using deception for the benefit of patients, instead, they violate patients‘ right to make decisions of patients, instead, they violate patients‘ right to make decisions of their own and make it impossible for them to make choices, say, if they should be a patient first of all, according to the information about their actual condition of health. 谎言不仅不能提供主张善意欺骗的人们希望见到的那种―帮助‖,而且它害侵犯了 病人的自主权,致使他们无法根据自己的健康状况作出选择,包括首先是否愿意接受治疗。 Render: v. make, cause to become e.g. The long recuperation rendered him healthy again. It must have rendered him unconscious for a considerable period. 11. We are becoming increasingly aware of all that can befall patients in the course of their illness when information is denied or distorted.: We are becoming more and more aware of all possible unpleasant things that can happen to the patients during their illness if they are not being told the truth. Befall:v. happen to, occur, ensue e.g. Bad luck may befall at any time. She knew no harm would ever befall her. In the course of : during e.g. I hope that in the course of the next two or three weeks they‘ll make up their minds. In the course of duty 20….kept in the dark… kept uninformed 21. then: adv. Therefore 29 e.g. The importance of education, then, has been infinitely greater than a previous centuries. That then is the basis for wheat bread. 22….; about how they should bring their affairs to a close and take leave… about how they should put an end to their concerns in life and say good-bye to others before they die. 23. Lies also do harm to those who tell them: harm to their integrity and , in the long run, to their credibility.: Lies also bring something bad to those doctors who tell them. That is, they can impair their uprightness and, in the end, damage their reputation. 谎言也伤害说谎的人,使他们品格受损,并最终失去病人对他们的信任。 Integrity: n. honesty, uprightness e.g. He was particularly respected for his integrity. My husband was a man of the highest integrity. In the long run: in the end, in the final result e.g. You may make good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will succeed in the long run only by studying hard every day. Computers can, in the long run, be made more secure than any bank. 24. The suspicion of deceit undercuts the work of the many doctors who are scrupulously honest with their patients; it contributes to the spiral of lawsuits and of ―defensive medicine,‖ and thus it injures, in turn, the entire medical profession.: The suspicion aroused in patients, who think that their doctors may be deceiving them, undermines the effort of the many doctors who are very tactfully to be honest with their patients. The suspicion of deceit helps bring about the quick increase of lawsuits against doctors and the increasing use of ―defensive medicine‖ in the forms of extra treatment and tests that are not really necessary, and consequently this suspicion of deceit damages the reputation of the entire medical profession. 病人对医生欺骗行为的怀疑,使许多对病人开诚布公的医生的工作受到影响,医疗诉讼案不仅因其增 多,而且医生为避免风险,同样增多了―防御性诊治‖,这一切进而损害了整个医疗卫生事业。 Undercut: v. undermine, weaken e.g. The delay would surely undercut efforts to force modernization. Their budget threatened to undercut economic recovery. Contribute (to): v. be one of the causes of sth., help bring about, lead to e.g. Air pollution contributes to respiratory disease. Soaring land prices contribute to the high cost of housing. 25. …press for answers.: … keep requesting answers from doctors. 病人开始学会催问真实病情。 Press for: urge, to demand, to keep requesting e.g. The rent collector is pressing for payment again. Many parents have been pressing for the local school to be reopened. 26.…go to great lengths: … do everything one can. 许多医生尽量向病人提供这些情况。 e.g. He was willing to go to great lengths to avoid admitting his error. Bill will go to any length to keep Dick from getting a date with Mary. 27. Yet even in hospital with the most eloquent bill of rights, believers in benevolent deception continue their age-old practices.: However, even in hospitals which write out the most expressive and effective statements of rights guaranteed to their patients, doctors who advocate using deception for the benefit of patients continue their ancient methods of treatment. 然而,即使在那些对病人的权益考虑最周到的医院里,信奉善意欺骗的医生仍继续着他们古老的做法。 28. Colleagues may disapprove but refrain from objecting: Fellow doctors may consider the practice of deception inappropriate but they hold themselves back from making objections. Refrain from: avoid, to keep oneself from, to hold oneself back from 30 e.g. How shall I refrain from tears when we part? It is difficult to refrain from interrupting someone with whom one disagrees. 29. Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part day after day, in deceiving patients, but feel powerless to take a stand.: Nurses may feel very angry at having to help the doctors to deceive their patients every day, but feel unable to make objections. 护士们也许对不得不日复一日参与欺骗病人的做法深恶痛绝,但是她们对此感到无能为力。 Take a stand: declare one‘s position, attitude, opinion, etc., and be prepared to fight for his opinion, etc. e.g. It‘s an important issue and you must be prepared to take a stand on it. The family agreed to take a stand for what they believed in. 30. …, practioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception… doctors may find themselves in a difficult situation from time to time when deception seems to be the only way to avoid serious consequences—hurting the patients and destroying their hope in life. 31….has every reason to be wary of …: … is justified in being cautious about … 32. …erode trust.: … destroy patients‘ trust 33. Neither in medicine, nor in law, government, or the social sciences can there be comfort in the old saying, ―What you don‘t know can‘t hurt you‖: We can not find consolation in the old saying, ―What you don‘t know can‘t hurt you‖ in all fields of medicine, law, government and the social sciences. 无论医疗界、法律界、政府机构还是社科界,都不能从―不知者,不为所害‖这句老话中得到安慰。 Unit 13 Two Truths to Live by Detailed Study of the Text 1. The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. 生活的艺术在于懂得什么时候该抓住,什么时候该放手。 hold to: stick to, seize, fasten to e.g. We shall hold firmly to what has already been agreed.(Oxford: CIE) The storm was so severe that even the sailors had to hold to the ropes. (Longman: PV) let go(of): v. stop holding, lose willingly e.g. Let go of my arm! If he lets go of the rope, he‘ll fall to his death.(Ibid.) No politician likes to let go of power once he has tasted it.(Ibid.) 2. For life is a paradox it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment .: Life instructs us to hold fast to its many gifts and meanwhile it orders that they should be finally given up. 因为人生是自相矛盾的:一方面它责令我们抓住人生赋予的一切不放,另一方面它又令我 们最终舍弃一切。 enjoin: v. order, instruct, command e.g. They were enjoined to be submissive.(Cobuild) The fire fighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.(RH: Thesaurus) cling to: hold tight to, not relinquish, be unwilling to abandon e.g. She still clung to him in spite of all his affairs -- a sign of her own insecurity, I suppose.(Longman: CIE) The climber had to cling to the cliff. (RH:Thesaurus) ordain: v. (fml.)order, decree e.g. She believed that love had been ordained by God. (Cobuild) The king ordained that all forests belonged to the crown. (RH: Thesaurus) put it: say, remark, express e.g. Let me put it this way: I find him very difficult indeed. (Cobuild) 31 To put it simply, the earth is a small planet.(英汉大词典) 3. ―A man comes into this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.‖: ―When a man is born, his hand is closed, but when he dies, his hand becomes open.‖ What the rabbis of old said is echoed by the author's previous words. The quotation of the rabbis of old only serves to render the latter's statement sound authoritative and thus more forceful. 4. Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of beauty that breaks through every pore of God's own earth.: Without doubt we should cling to life, because life is full of wonders and beautiful things that are found everywhere on the Great Earth created by God. 毫无疑问,我们应该抓住人生不放,因为它充满了奇迹,在上帝创造的地球上到处洋溢着 美好的事物。 5. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.: We know that life is beautiful and wondrous, but more often than not we fail to realize this and do not appreciate life until very late when we can no longer possibly recover all wonderful things in life. ……然而, 我们通常只是在回首往事时才认识到这一真理, 才会记得是什么, 然后突然间意识到我们己不再拥有。 in our backward glance: When we look back to the past 6. We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. 我们记得颓萎的美貌,凋零的爱情。 fade: v. dim, wither, fail, decline, evaporate e.g. His strength seemed to fade after the operation.(RH: Thesaurus) Her looks had faded. (Cobuild) wane: v. lessen, fade, diminish, dwindle, weaken e.g. The influence of this group waned considerably. (Ibid.) The old man's health began to wane.(RH: Thesaurus) 7. flower: v. bloom, blossom, develop fully, mature e.g. You peonies will flower in late spring.(Ibid.) Mozart's genius flowered at a very early age. (Ibid.) 8. tender: v. (fml.) offer, present, give, proffer e.g. If I may tender a suggestion to the committee.(RH: Thesaurus) tender one‘s thanks (apologies)(英汉大词典) 9. I was hospitalized following a severe heart attack and had been in intensive care for several days. : I was sent to hospital for having a serious heart attack… 因一次严重的心脏病发作, 我住进了医院, 并接受了好几天 的特级护理。 10. The required machines...: the medical equipment that is necessary for conducting tests or check-ups. 11. ...,so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney.:... so I had to be pushed across the courtyard on a wheeled cot or a wheeled stretcher. gurney: n. a wheeled cot, a wheeled stretcher 12. As we emerged from our unit, the sunlight hit me.: When we came out of our ward, I was dazzled by the sunlight. 当我们从病房出来时,阳光扑面而来。 13. That‘s all there was to my experience.: The sunlight is what I experienced. 14. I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun's golden glow. : took great delight in the golden sunlight. 我看看是否有人欣赏这金色的阳光。 relish: v.(fml.)enjoy, delight in, rejoice in, luxuriate in e.g. The truth is that he relishes the challenge of competition.(Cobuild) I don't relish the idea of telling him the bad news.(RH: Thesaurus) 15. Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.: Then I remembered that like 32 everyone else, I myself very often had been heedless of the splendor of each day, because I was so over-concerned with trivial and sometimes even base things that I did not notice the beauty of daily life at all. grandeur: n. splendor, magnificence, impressiveness, glory e.g. The painting shows the grandeur of the royal palace in 1850.(Ibid.) the lofty grandeur of the diction of the English bible (英汉大词典) preoccupy: v.(fml.) to engross, to absorb, to immerse, to obsess e.g. I was too preoccupied to hear the bell.(RH: Thesaurus) This is a question which increasingly preoccupies me.(Cobuild) mean: v. insignificant, trifling, base 16. glean from: to obtain from, to search and find(in). e.g. Bit by bit the police gleaned the story behind the robbery from a few chance remarks by the prisoner.(Longman: PV) Old Smith always pretends that he gets his information straight from the highest authority, whereas he merely gleans what facts he can from junior clerks, and puts his own interpretations on them. (Oxford: CIE) 17. heedless of: paying no attention to, taking no notice of e.g. She stood glued to the radio, heedless of the ordered bustle about her.(Cobuild) heedless passers-by hurrying through the market-place (Ibid) 18. pole: n. the opposite side 19. Never be too busy for the wonder and the awe of life.: However busy we are, we should try to find time to appreciate the wonderful and respectable things in life. Never be too busy for the wonder and the awe of life. 再忙也要顾及欣赏人生的美妙和敬畏处。 awe: n. wonder, reverence, admiration, respect 20. ...that whatever we desire with the full force of our passionate being can, nay will, be ours.: ...that whatever we want very much in life will surely be ours because we will endeavor to fulfill our desire. ……我们全力以 赴追求的任何东西,都会,不,都将属于我们。 21. But then life moves along to confront us with realities, and slowly but surely this second truth dawns upon us.: But then as life goes on, we will gradually yet definitely understand the second truth that we must accept our losses and learn how to let go. dawn upon: begin to understand, to become clear to, to become gradually known by e.g. The answer dawned on me when I wasn't thinking about the work.(Longman: PV) It dawned on me that I was lost.(Ibid.) 22. At every stage of life we sustain losses-and grow in the process. We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb, and lose its protective shelter.: These sentences mean to say that human beings can grow mature and experienced only through living independently and learning how to accept failure in life. 23. We enter a progression of schools; ...: We go through a series of schools from the kindergarten, through primary school and high school right to college and university. 我们进入一系列的学校。 24. We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our own strength.: Slowly or not so slowly we feel our energies failing, both physically and mentally. 我们面临着我们精力渐衰,或者说很快不支的状况。 25. And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be.: And eventually, as the fable at the beginning of the article implies, we must face death which is unavoidable, so to speak, having no more of ourselves that we were or longed to become. 最终,正如那则张开和合拢的手的寓言所暗示的那样,我们必 须面对死亡的必然性,也就是说,失去我们自己,失去我们曾经是的或我们曾经梦想成为的一切。 as it were: so to speak, as it might be said (to be), as if it really were, seemingly e.g. In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults. (American Idioms) So far doctors have been using the drug to run it in, as it were.(Cobuild) 33 26. Why fashion things of beauty when beauty is evanescent? 既然美是短暂的,为什么还要创造它呢? fashion: v. shape, create, make, model e.g. She fashioned a necklace from paper clips.(RH: Thesaurus) The artist fashioned out of clay a grinning skeleton.(Cobuild) evanescent: adj.(fml.) transient, transitory, temporary, short-lived 27. Why give our hearts in love when those we love will ultimately be torn from our grasp?: Why should we love and be loved since our beloved ones will eventually have to leave us? 既然我们所爱的人终将被从我们 身边夺走,为什么还要使我们的心灵充满爱? ...we must seek a wider perspective, viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity.: ...we must 28. broaden our vision and see far into the immortality of life. open on: lead to e.g. The door opens on the street.(新英汉词典) 29. Once we do that, we realize that though our lives are finite, our deeds on earth weave a timeless pattern.: As soon as we regard life in terms of eternity, we become aware that though life is limited and short, what we accomplish in this world will remain timeless and eternal. 30. In order to resolve this paradox, we must seek a wider perspective, viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity. 为了解决这个矛盾,我们必须寻找一个更广阔的视野,透过通向不朽的窗户,来审视 我们的生命。 31. life is never just a being. It is a becoming, a relentless f1owing on.: Life never just means a fixed state. It is a process of making a man mature and grow up. 人生决不只是一种存在。它是一种形成过程,一种连绵不断 的延续。 32. The beauty that we fashion cannot be dimmed by death.: The beautiful things that we create cannot fade away because of our departure from this world. lesh may perish, our hands will wither, but that which they create in beauty and goodness and truth 33. Our f lives on for all time to come.: The sentence means that we, as human beings, may die bodily, but that what we make: beauty, goodness and truth, will live on forever. 34. Don't spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that will only turn to dust and ashes.: Don't seek for the material things so much as you do for you ideals, because they will turn out to be of little value in the end. 35. Pursue not so much the material as the ideal, for ideals alone invest life with meaning and are of enduring worth. 与其一味追求物质生活,倒不如追求理想,因为只有理想才赋予人生以意义,才具有永久的价值。 invest with: (fml.)to give, endow, fill, enrich e.g. History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.(Longman: PV) The singer invested the songs with a bittersweet sadness.(RH: Thesaurus) 36. Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community. Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school. Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary. Add justice to the far-flung round of human endeavor and you have civilization. 给房屋增添爱,你就有了一个家;给城市增添正义,你就有了一个社区;给一堆红砖增添真理,你就有了一座 学校;给最寒酸的大厦增添宗教,你就有了圣殿;给人类在各个领域的努力增添公正,你就有了文明。 righteousness: n. uprightness, honesty, justice edifice: n. a large and impressive building sanctuary: n. refuge, shelter, a place of safety 37. ...exalt them above their present imperfections, ...: ...elevate them beyond their present weaknesses. 38. strife: n. struggle, conflict, fighting, contention 39. Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community ... and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.: To add force to his words, the author employs parallelism throughout the concluding paragraph. By repeating the same syntactic structure "Add ... to ... and you have‖ six times, he restates the importance of making life meaningful and eternal in the pursuit of ideals 34 rather than concrete material things. Life will be rich and colorful only when we invest it with ideals, the intangible quality of life. We must learn to be kind. humane, compassionate, upright, devout and forgiving so as to live a better and more rewarding life in this world. Unit 14 Hibernation Detailed Study of the Text 1. hibernating creatures: creatures that spend the winter in close quarters in a dormant condition 2. fall into: fall fast asleep, move into a hypnotic state, enter(a state),begin(sth) e.g. The patient was given an injection and afterwards fell into a deep sleep.(Oxford: CIE) The sister and brother, who had not seen each other for four years, fell into eager talk.(Longman: PV) 3. Sometimes, in the coldest weather, it seems to be a slumber so profound that only the absence of corruption distinguishes it from death; and indeed when death comes to an old or sick hibernator the transition is scarcely perceptible until the little claws of the butterfly or bat loose their hold on the ceiling or rafter and it falls to the floor.: Sometimes When it is extremely cold, the sleep appears to be so profound that the hibernating creatures are thought to be dead except that there is no sign of decaying and rotting of their bodies. 有时,在最寒冷的 天气里,这些动物睡得如此深沉,如果不是因为身体并不腐烂,还以为它们已经死了呢。确实,对那年迈有病 的冬眠者来说,从睡眠过渡到死亡几乎难以察觉,直到蝴蝶或蝙蝠松开抓在天花板或房梁上的脚爪并掉落 在地上时,才知道它们已经死了。 4. ...when death comes to an old or sick hibernator the transition is scarcely perceptible until the little claws of the butterfly or bat loose their hold on the ceiling or rafter and it falls to the floor.:... we cannot tell whether an old or sick hibernating creature, say, a butterfly or a bat, dies or not, because it is so inactive that we almost fail to perceive its shift from a deep sleep to death. We can be sure of its death only when we see their claws let go of the ceiling or beam and fall to the ground. 5. On the other hand, there were warm days even in winter when the thick layers of sleep are penetrated by hunger and by dreams of the spring. : …when the deep sleep is disturbed by hunger and dreams about the coming spring. 另一方面,甚至在冬天也有几天转暖的,此时饥饿和春天的梦便会钻入它们的睡眠中 penetrate: v. infiltrate, force a way into, easily heard in the distance, understand e.g. The foul odor penetrated the entire house.(RH: Thesaurus) The sun was not high enough or hot enough yet to penetrate the thick foliage overhead. (Cobuild) She could always be depended upon to penetrate What I was thinking.(Ibid.) 6. Sometimes the hibernator actually wakes and goes forth, it is by no means rare to see a pipistrelle bat hawking after gnats on a warm winter evening or a Brimstone butterfly lured out by a brief January sun. 有时, 冬眠的动物醒后便出去了,于是在温和的冬天的傍晚,人们也常可以看见捕捉小昆虫的伏翼或被元月的短 暂阳光诱骗出去的黄粉蝶。 go forth: start a journey, esp. for a special purpose, emerge, be sent out e.g. Go forth on your journey and take the true faith to the people.(Longman: PV) An order went forth that all prisoners should be killed.(Ibid.) 7. ...it is by no means rare to see...: ...it is not at all uncommon to ... see ... by no means: not at all, not even a little, certainly not e.g. It is by no means certain that this is what he did.(Cobuild) He is by no means bright.(American Idioms) 8. hawk after: hunt after like a hawk 9. gnat: n.a very small f1ying insect that bites people and usu. live near water 10. ...lured out by a brief January sun.:... tempted by the temporary sunlight in January to go out. 11. I have a fancy, though, that such a precocious creature often pays the penalty of death; a sudden cold snap would kill off the half-wakeful individual though its dormant fellows would be unaffected by the severe frost.: But I have a notion that a creature that ventures out earlier than it should often risks its life(or: dies); a sudden short period of cold and frosty weather would bring death to the half-wakeful creatures although those who are 35 in a deep sleep would remain safe and sound. 但是,我猜想,过早醒来外出的生物往往会为此付出生命的代 价;一次突如其来的寒流会让半睡半醒的动物丧生,虽然它那些沉睡中的伙伴丝毫不受严冬的影响。 cold snap: a short period of cold and frosty weather, a cold spell 12. excretion: n. the liquid and solid waste matter passed from the body, especially, through the bowels, excreta. e.g. He complains of pain during excretion.(Longman) Sweat is an excretion.(英汉大词典) 13. hedgehog: n. a small brown animal which has sharp spikes covering its back, and which rolls up into a ball to defend itself 14. This involves a rise of 50 degrees or so, which must require some complicated juggling with the little beast's metabolism ...: ... which (the rise of 50 degrees or so) must need some complex adjustments to fit the little beast's metabolism… 这包含体温上升50度左右(华氏),这必然要求小动物的新陈代谢作一些复杂的调整. juggle with: hold or balance several things insecurely, deal with (facts) cleverly in order to make them fit your pattern e.g. He was still juggling with figures and possibilities.(Cobuild) I don't think shall be able to juggle with my tax return this year(Longman: PV) 15. mammal: n. any of the class of animals, the female of which gives birth to babies instead of eggs and feeds them with milk from her body 16. ...sealed up their shells with a calcareous plaster.: ...closed their shells with a kind of plaster containing calcium. 17. ...no birds do, ...: ... no birds hibernate in winter. 18. bear resemblance to: resemble 19. ingenuity: n. cleverness, aptness of design or contrivance, inventiveness 20. ...adapt himself in this way.: ... adjust himself as the hibernating creatures to. 21. in a sense: in a way, somewhat e.g. Mr Smith said our school is the best in the state. and in a sense that is true.(American Idioms) In a sense, arithmetic is a language.(Ibid.) 22. meteorological: adj. of meteorology, the study of weather conditions and the activities and changes around the earth that cause such conditions 23. Almost as soon as the rest of the party had left him, a storm overwhelmed his little camp, cutting him off from his instruments and confining him within his hut buried under the snow. : ... a storm crushed his little camp, making his meteorological instruments unavailable to him and restricting him within his hut buried under the snow. 其余的人几乎刚一离开,一场暴风雨就吞没了他小小的营地,使他没法拿到他的设备仪器,并被隔绝在被大 雪封埋的小屋里。 overwhelm: v. overcome, overthrow; crush, engulf e.g. Invading armies overwhelmed the town.(RH: Thesaurus) A great wave overwhelmed the boat.(英汉大词典) 24. ventilation: n. the act of providing with fresh or cool air 25. He kept a ventilation hole open, however, and having no instruments to watch and no observations to record, he settled down philosophically to await the return of his companions in six months‘ time. 然而,他保留了一 个通风口,由于没有观察的仪器,没有办法 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 观察结果,他就定下心来,泰然等待六个月后他的同伴们的 归来。 ...he settled down Philosophically: ... he stopped worrying about his situation and became rational and calm under the trying circumstances. settle down: relax, calm down e.g. It took her some time to settle down.(Cobuild) 36 Take it easy, she'll be all right, settle down.(Ibid.) Philosophical: adj. composed, calm, patient, resigned e.g. She's very philosophical about all her bad luck.(RH: Thesaurus) He's philosophical about difficulties.(英汉大词典) 26. He soon discovered that his need for food and drink was becoming negligible, while his periods of sleep lengthened until at last he was living in much the same way as a red squirrel during the English winter. which wakes now and then to nibble a nut.: He soon found out that his appetite for food and drink was falling off, whereas he slept more and for a longer time… 很快他发现他对食物和饮料的需求变得极小,而睡眠周期却 在延长,最后他几乎和英格兰冬天的红松鼠一样地生活。只是时而从睡眠中醒来咬一小口坚果。 Negligible: adj. small, insignificant, slight e.g. The interest on my small savings is negligible.(RH: Thesaurus) The cost in human life had been negligible.(Cobuild) lengthen: v. increase in length, last for a longer time e.g. The waiting lists are lengthening.(Ibid.) The silence lengthened(Ibid.) 27. In this state of torpor he survived an experience which would surely have driven most of us mad.: In this inactive state he lived through this difficult experience which would certainly have made us crazy if we had been in that situation. 在这种麻木状态中,他幸免于难地度过了一段肯定会让我们中大多数人失去理智的 生活。 torpor: n.(fml.) lethargy, inertia, sluggishness, passiveness, inactivity e.g. Her torpor may be due to her illness.(RH: Thesaurus) He was sunk in a dismal torpor.(Cobuild) 28. Walled up in his strange winter quarters, he slumbered away the twilit Arctic days and when his rescuers arrived at last they had to call several times through his ventilation hole before he woke up and they discovered that he was alive. : Completely enclosed in his strange winter houses, he spent his days sleeping in the dim-lighted Arctic… 被因禁在这奇怪的冬天住所里,在呼呼大睡中,他度过了北极地区昏暗的日子。当营救人员最终赶来时,他 们对着他的通风口连声呼叫,其后才将他唤醒并发现他还活着。 wall up: enclose, seal, with a wall; imprison within a wall of bricks or stones e.g. When the central heating was installed, the fireplaces were walled up.(Oxford: CIE) In the old house they found the bones of three prisoners who had been walled up many years ago.(Longman: PV) Unit 15 the new Atlantis Detailed study of the text oceanography: n. branch of science concerned with the study of the ocean, the composition and characteristics of the water, plant, and animal life, and the ocean floor. 海洋学:对于海洋及其现象的 探索和科学研究也作 oceanology –and of this submerged terrain a bare five percent is well mapped: -- a mere five percent of this underwater land is clearly charted on a map. 这片被水淹没的陆地只有5,被地图标出。 These immense riches are about to fought over and exploited on a staggering scale: these vast resources are going to be competed and tapped to an extremely extensive degree. 这些极大的资源将被争夺,并大 规模开发。 …including such giants Standard Oil and Union Carbide, are ready themselves for a monumental competitive struggle under the seas: …including large business companies such as Stand Oil and Union Carbide, are preparing themselves for competing acutely for the resources of the ocean.包括标准石油 公司,联合卡巴德公司这样德大公司,正为激烈争夺海底资源作准备。 Giant: a very large business company or organization Ready oneself for: prepare oneself for: 37 Monumental: a. terrific, stupendous the race will intensify year by year—with far-reaching impacts on the society: the competition for the underwater resources will involve more business and nations, and get fierce each year---with wide influences on society. 竞争一年比一年加剧,并对社会产生深远的影响。 As ocean mining becomes feasible and economically advantageous, we can expect the resource balance among nations to shift: As ocean mining becomes practicable and profitable, we can expect to alter the resources balance among different countries. 随着海洋采矿变得可行,有利可图,可以预计,国家 之间的资源均势将发生变化。 ….; tin is already being ocean-mined by Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand: Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are already extracting tin from under the seas.马来西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国已经在海底开发 锡资源了。 Before long nations may go to war over patches of ocean bottom: Soon different countries may go to quarrel over plots of the underwater land. 不久各个国家之间可能会开始争夺水下陆地的面积。 We ma also find sharp changes in the rate of industrialization of what are now resource-poor nations: 我们 也可能发现目前那些资源贫乏的国家将明显加快他们工业化的步伐。 Technologically, novel industries will rise to process the output of the oceans: In the technological view, new industries will emerge to treat the products of the oceans.从技术层面来看,将会出现专门加工海 洋产品的新工业。 research craft: equipment for research work研究设备 rescue submarine: underwater vessels used for a rescuing purpose 救生潜水艇 electronic fish-herding equipment: electronically,controlled equipment used for making fish move together 电子赶鱼器 the rate of obsolescence in these fields will be swift: Machins and equipment in these areas will quickly become out of date and no longer desirable because newer and more efficient ones will be invented and take their places.在这些领域中,淘汰的速度会相当快。 ―Water ‖, itself a term freighted with symbolic and emotional associations, will take on wholly new connotations: ―Water ‖, itself a word charged with symbolic and emotional meanings, will begin to have completely new associations.―水‖,原本就是一个富有象征意义,感情色彩的词,将会被赋予 全新的含义。 Representations of oceanic life forms will find their way into graphic and industrial design: Images and patterns of oceanic life forms such as fish, whale etc, will be found in graphic and industrial design.海 洋生命的图像将见之于绘画艺术,工业设计中。 Fashions will reflect dependence on the oceans: Fads will show that the ocean becomes an essential part of human life. 潮流将会显示人类生活对海洋的依赖。 –a change that, itself , carries significant unknowns in its wake: 紧随一种变化而来的还有不可忽略的未 知事物。 characteristic diseases: 典型疾病typical diseases …., the old science fiction speculations about men with surgically implanted gills no longer seem quite so impossibly far-fetched as they once did: in the old science fiction assumptions about men with organs of oceanic creatures inserted into their bodies by surgical operation no longer appear absolutely unrealistic as they used to.科幻小说中常见的通过外科手术把鱼腮移植到人体中的设想再不像过去 那样显得不可企及。 –all of the them crammed with novel social and psychological implications: all of them full of new social and psychological overtones.所有这些都充满了新的社会,心理暗示。 Unit 16 A Social Event Detailed study of the text 38 …a young Hollywood couple,….: a young couple who are born in the movie business and act out in Hollywood movies …whose careers are still in the promising stage: ….their careers are still in the rising stage. promising: full of promise, favorable , rising, advancing There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste: The room is furnished in an expensive and comfortable manner, but it is very vulgar.房间布置得豪华奢侈,但却十分俗气。 …and rubs his forehead discouragedly: …and stroked his forehead dejectedly. something profound is troubling him: something deep inside him is upsetting him内心深处某种东西困扰 着他。 he gets out of bed, slips a robe and paces the floor restlessly: he gets up, puts on a robe quickly and walks around the room in an agitated state.他起了床,穿上睡袍,焦躁不安地在房里走来走去。 Bring up the usually breakfast: Bring the normal breakfast up to our room. I hardly slept a wink all night, just thinking about it: I almost stayed awake all night, just wondering why we were not invited to the event.我几乎整夜没有合眼,老是在想那件事。 There‘s nothing to do but face the fact that we are not invited: we can do nothing about it except face the reality. ….the services starts at noon: …the event or the party start at noon. Everyone in the business will be there: Everyone who is in the movie business will participate in the event. 电影界所有人都将出席。 After all, honey, there is no reason to feel slighted: in spite of everything, darling, there is no reason for us to feel neglected.亲爱的,毕竟,我们没有什么理由感到被忽略。 It‘s not as though we were old-timers who had worked with Scotty: It‘s not the case that we were those who had worked with Scotty for a long time;(or, it is true that we were not those who had worked with Scotty for a long time)?并不是与斯考提合作很久的演员。 We‘ve been through all this before: We‘ve already talked about all this.对此我们已经讨论过了。 …there ?s been an oversight:…there‘s been a careless mistake这是一个粗心的错误。 …you‘ve been referred to all the columns as ―the young Scotty Woodrow‖, and Scotty‘s always been your idol and…: …you‘ve been mentioned in all features in the newspapers or magazines as ―the young Scotty Woodrow‖(for your acting in the movies) and he‘s always the film star you admire greatly. What she really means is that you deserve being invited to the event since you are not a nobody in the business and on the other hand you are one of his admirers. She was spurring him on to do something about it. Idol: someone such as a film, pop, or sports star who is greatly admired or loved.所有的专栏 都称你为―小斯考提.乌觉罗‖而且斯考提一直是你的的偶像。 Look, Mike, Carole and I still haven‘t been invited,…听着,麦克,我和凯罗都没有接受到邀请。 Look: v. used when your want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important. Now I didn‘t have to say that…if you ask me, … Now, I really didn‘t need to say that ―Scotty Woodrow is still the greatest‖ 我们真的没有必要那么说… if you ask me(colloquial): I think, in my opinion. Used to emphasize that you are stating your personal opinion about a situation. …it showed a lot of humility on my part to say a thing like that when, after all, I have got a career of my own to consider…: it is very modest of me to speak highly of Scotty Woodrow in the last week‘s interview, since I have got a career of my own in the same movie business. What he drives at is that he is selfless and disinterested. Thus, he is very worthy of good treatment by Scotty Woodrow.我说的话已 经表明我的谦逊,而毕竟我也有自己的事业要考虑….. …try to do something, …: try to do something to get us invited.想想办法吧 Perfectly stunning: an elliptical sentence. The complete structure is: the newly-made clothes are extremely beautiful and impressive.漂亮极了 39 come down with: (infml) become sick with, be taken ill with, catch eg. Jane has come down with a bad cold.生病了,病倒了 Mark played Scotty‘s son in a picture once: once in a movie Mark played the role of Scotty‘s son 马克曾 经在一部影片中扮演斯考提的儿子。 …before either of us came on the scene: when both of us were still in obscurity in the movie business.在我 们俩出道之前。 to come in afterwards…: to come to her house after the event we could crash: we could go to the event although we have not been invited. 我们可以混进去。 Crash: gatecrash, enter without invitation, come uninvited to who‘d know the difference? No one would find out that we have not been invited. This is a rhetoric question. I don‘t know why the studio couldn‘t have managed it for us with a little pull: I don‘t understand why our company didn‘t use its influence to get an invitation for us.我不知道为什么制片厂不能施加一点影 响,替我们办妥这件事情。 They should realize it‘s in the best interests of my career to be seen there , and my career means as much to them as it does to me: They should understand that it is good for my career to be seen there and whether I am successful in my career or not is equally important to them as it can also bring them fame and money. 他们应该意识到我在那儿露面对我的事业有利,而我的事业对我,对他们都是同样重 要的。 In the interest of : benefit a little rotten meat would do it: a bit decayed would be enough to make us sick. 40
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