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服装订货会流程服装订货会流程 二、本案宗旨 本案将竭力使琴曼内衣的时尚、前卫、经典、品位理念全面深入全国经销商乃至贵州人民心中,并与琴曼经销商进行真正的沟通,全面吸引贵州市民及目标消费者关注并对定货会活动的可操作性、轰动性和经济实效性进行分析,力求使开业活动丰富多彩、和轰动性,树立琴曼卓越的社会形象。 三、活动目的 琴曼内衣2006秋冬新款发布,展现琴曼品牌形象; 总结2005品牌市场营销情况,制定2006年市场规划; 引导内衣品牌服饰潮流,做行业典范; 密切琴曼品牌经销商忠诚度,增强业务凝聚力; 统一价值观、战...

服装订货会 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 二、本案宗旨 本案将竭力使琴曼内衣的时尚、前卫、经典、品位理念全面深入全国经销商乃至贵州人民心中,并与琴曼经销商进行真正的沟通,全面吸引贵州市民及目标消费者关注并对定货会活动的可操作性、轰动性和经济实效性进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,力求使开业活动丰富多彩、和轰动性,树立琴曼卓越的社会形象。 三、活动目的 琴曼内衣2006秋冬新款发布,展现琴曼品牌形象; 总结2005品牌市场营销情况,制定2006年市场规划; 引导内衣品牌服饰潮流,做行业典范; 密切琴曼品牌经销商忠诚度,增强业务凝聚力; 统一价值观、战略认同、文化渗透; 提高琴曼品牌市场的影响力。 四、活动策略 琴曼2006秋冬(全国)订货会,将本着“经典、时尚、品位、大气”的原则,对现场进行布置,以琴曼品牌形象色为基调,融合琴曼2006秋冬新款服饰元素,力求突现琴曼品牌形象的高贵与典范,展现琴曼2006秋冬新款形象。 利用定货会发布会策划实施系列大气、新颖、热烈欢快的品牌推广活动,整合多种传播手段,采用主题会议、新品发布,广告宣传、新闻传播等传播工具。琴曼时尚品位、经典演贯穿于活动,形成主体表现。增强经销商对琴曼品牌的忠诚度和凝聚力,形成社会影响与口碑传播。 以琴曼品牌形象为依托,以高档定位作现场布置;新品发布会与答谢酒会有机结合;静态展示与动态展示相互融合,全面展示品牌形象; 利用舞台、AV灯效、烟雾及等效果,渲染现场气氛;模特走秀展示与歌舞节目、抽奖活动、旅游安排相互衬托;进行有效地互动演绎及内容传达。 五、活动主题策划 1、主题活动一:“携手共进,继往开来”全国经销商会议 时间:6月18日上午9:00——12:00 地点:柏顿酒店会议厅 规模:200人 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 总结2005品牌市场营销情况,公布2006年市场规划; 人员安排:主持人,礼仪2名,170以上,形象气质佳。 2、主题活动二:“时尚魅力 琴曼经典”2006琴曼新品发布会(大型彩棉内衣秀) 时间:6月18日13:00——15:00(下午) 地点:柏顿酒店多功能宴会厅 贵州知名模特演艺机构——争渡礼仪模特公司旗下12名时尚靓丽的贵州知名模特(男模特4名,1.80米以上;女模8人,1.72米以上)倾情演绎琴曼品牌魅力,触摸国内外时尚脉搏。利用时装秀展示琴曼品牌高雅独特品位,利用舞台、AV灯效、烟雾及等效果,烘托气氛。琴曼内衣2006秋冬新款发布,展现琴曼品牌形象。(中间穿插歌舞) 3、主题活动三:“互利共赢 再创辉煌”琴曼内衣订货洽谈会 时间:6月18日下午15:00-18:00(下午) 地点:柏顿酒店会议厅 4、主题活动四:“难忘今宵、青春飞扬”歌舞答谢晚宴 时间:6月18日18:30—20:30(晚上) 地点:柏顿酒店多功能宴会厅 贵阳争渡演艺团才子佳人激情演绎夜郎千年文明与现代中外音乐殿堂的天籁之音。(歌舞助兴,抽奖活动)。 5、主题活动六:“多彩贵州、欢快之旅”黄果树一日旅游 时间:6月19日8:30-18:00 地点:外出旅游 六、活动推广执行细案 1、 活动环境气氛布置及氛围营造(见附件1) 2、 定货会执行细则及预算(见附件) 3、 广告宣传策略建议案(见附件) 4、 商场促销活动(见附件) 5、 演出节目安排(见附件) 七、费用初步总预算(详见附件) 一、宴会食宿、会议使用11.5万(详见细案) rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 二、订货会现场布置2.8万 三、模特、演职人员费用1.74万 四、礼品及水果2.1万 (礼品100元/人计算,200人计算20000元,水果1000元) 五、奖品8万元(笔记本电脑:一等奖15000元 2台 二等奖10000元2台 三等奖8000元3台, 鼓励奖2000元数码相机3台) 六、旅游费用(以200人计算 200元/人) 4万 七、广告宣传费用3.26万 八、不可预计费用0.4万 以上合计33.6万 九、策划执行费用33.6*10% 3.36万 合计36.96万元 贵州令闻文化传播有限公司?文骅品牌策划机构 2006年3月26日 附件一、活动环境布局及氛围营造 一、 现场气氛描 1、总体原则: •紧密结合主题,形成主题表现。 •突出隆重感,形象传达及视觉效果 2、酒店外围布置 [横幅酒店] 正门门头布置11.5米欢迎横幅一条(上书“热烈欢迎2006琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)订货会暨新品发布会的各位嘉宾” (考虑到柏顿酒店所处城市严管街区,酒店外因为城市管理限制,不设置空飘拱门)。 3、接待大厅(当天) [酒店大厅内] 酒店门外设置9米横幅。上书“2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品订货会暨新品发布会” of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine [签到台]酒店大厅设立接待标示企业LOGO的接待处,规格:3m X0(65 m X0(75m 桌子铺上红绒布,写有“嘉宾签到处”。 [指示水牌]大厅进电梯口,标明活动主题,时间。 [主题展板]12块定货会主题展板/易拉宝(4块0.8米*2米) [礼仪小姐] 4位,签到处设立迎宾小姐。统一着旗袍装、身披绶带“热烈欢迎参加琴曼发布会的嘉宾”。 礼仪小姐青春貌美,身披绶带,笑容可掬地迎接各位嘉宾,是活动现场一道靓丽的风景。 向来宾发放参会胸牌、房卡、活动议程等相关会议资料、礼品及纪念品,用有品牌标识的手提袋装。 4、会议活动场景布置(6月18日) 定货会会场布置要突出订货会主题,主要有以下几个方面: (1) 酒店大厅布置指示水牌(同6月7日),礼仪小姐2名。 (2) 六楼出电梯口摆放会议指示水牌一个(内容待定)。布置50米红地毯一直延伸至会议室。 (3) 会场门口接待处设立接待签到处,规格:3m X0(65 m X0(75m 桌子,上铺红绒布,写有“嘉宾签到处”。接待台摆放鲜花2盆,两侧各摆放活动主题易拉宝2个,会议门口用珠光气球拱门及花束装饰, (4) 会议现场门口摆放8个易拉宝,会议现场布置10米横幅4条。(内容为琴曼公司企业理念 ) (5)、酒店会议厅外侧考虑两侧用写真大三角旗布置(三角旗尺寸暂定60X80X80CM),三角旗内容以琴曼形象LOGO为主。 (6):会议大厅两侧厅壁悬挂8—10幅喷绘刀旗,(刀旗规格暂定60X160CM,发布内容以琴曼形象LOGO和服务宗旨为主) 会议现场布置 (1) 主席台布置(正方悬挂横幅,模幅标明“2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品订货会暨新品发布会”。主席台布置6-8个位置,发言台一个,每个位置前放置台卡,标明名字,各放置鲜花一束) (2) 台下座位布置(分两大组,每排10人,中间留走廊,6排合计120位置。课桌摆放水果、由酒店负责) (3) 准备好开会所需用品如纸笔(每个座位布置纸笔一套,酒店提供) rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine (4)、有线话筒三个,无线话筒三个,扩音设备,投影仪(租用,800元/天) (5)音响配置。 人员配置:会场配置礼仪小姐8名,礼仪绶带8条(绶带内容为“琴曼公司欢迎您”) 内衣秀发布会现场布置 按照正规大型服装发布会标准,本着“经典、时尚、品位、大气”的原则布置: (1) 会议大厅舞台主背景喷绘制作(尺寸暂定6M X 2.5M)发布内容为“2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品订货会暨新品发布会” (2) 副背景4块(钢架制作,覆盖彩色喷绘2*3米) (3) 主舞台12*3米 延伸台2米*6米,红地毯铺底,台面铺白莎布。 (4) 按T型位置摆放150个领导席位和媒体席位。 (5)会场灯光配置:电脑灯2只、追光灯1台、PAR灯18只、回光灯(带换色器)12只;泡泡机(大)2台,烟雾机2台总功率50千瓦。 (6)会场音响配置(双十五进口高级音响) (7)无线话筒3个,麦架2个。 (8)发布会现场进场布置12个易拉宝(同会议室) 订货会看样间布置(橱窗设置、模特模型摆放(琴曼公司提供),详见 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 图) 歌舞宴会厅布置 简易舞台搭建(酒店),布置横幅“2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品订货会答谢晚宴”。无线话筒3个,麦架3个,音响一套。舞台背景喷绘,布置易拉宝。 附件二、活动广告宣传策略 (建议性、仅供参考): 根据“琴曼内衣”的营销战略及广告诉求对象,通过媒体广告、礼仪活动等形式对市场作全面的立体式的宣传,把“琴曼”良好的品牌形象凸现于of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 贵阳乃至贵州省广大市民眼前,创造出良好的宣传效应,为今后发展,经营战略销路。 广告内容要求:开业告示要写明事由,即“2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品订货会暨新品发布会”。在何时何地举行,介绍有关琴曼内衣2006年秋冬款特色风格。 广告媒体安排: 广告宣传: 6月15日(周四)《贵州新报》、豪华版1/2版12*33彩色 6月16日(周五)《贵州都市报》报眼17.3*9套红 6月15日(周四)《贵州商报》、普通版11.5*16彩色 新目标杂志 1个整版 南航《TAFTE品位》杂志 1/2 版 在活动前一周天即须订好的广告位,并在6月10日制作好广告稿件及广告 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 书。 媒体记者邀请(以10人计算): 新闻宣传安排:组织当地所有媒体对活动前后进行追踪报道采访。印制好准备派发的新闻资料、礼品袋、宣传资料。 新闻发布会、现场新闻报道(详细见执行细案) 贵州电视台“百姓关注”栏目2人,贵州都市报1人,贵州商报1人,贵州新报1人,贵阳晚报1人,新目标时尚杂志1人,南航《TAFTE品位》杂志1人 附件三、费用预算 2006年琴曼内衣秋冬(全国)产品推介会活动执行价目表 一、宴会食宿、会议使用11.5万(详见细案) 计划标准1(合计11.5万元) 住宿标准300元/间,60间,三天, 合计54000元 餐饮标准 合计55200 6月17日 晚餐800元,200元酒水(五星习酒90元/瓶,红酒98元/瓶) rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 12桌计算 12000元 6月18日 中餐(自助)60元/人 120人计算 7200元 晚宴 1200元/桌(茅台酒90元/瓶,红酒98元/瓶) 12桌 14400元 6月19日中餐800元/桌 9600元 晚餐800元,200元酒水(五星习酒90元/瓶,红酒98元/瓶) 12桌计算 12000元 会议室租用4000元/天(含投影仪) 二、现场布置(2万) 1( 珠光气球拱门:15米*30元/米 450元 2、背景喷绘7块(会议、宴会、发布会背景各1块,发布会副背景4块): 100平方米(8米*3米*3,2米*3米*4)*20元/平方米 2000元 2( 副背景板制作(高2米*宽3米)*300元/块*4 1200元 3( 舞台搭建:50(12*3,2.5*60)平方米*60元 3000元 4( 看样间橱窗架制作: 1200元 5( 绶带:8条*25元/条 200元 6( 服装秀舞台白纱布 500元 7(易拉宝:100元*12个 1200元 8(横幅5条*10米*10元/米 400元 9、来宾胸花(泰国兰鲜花)150套 X 4元/套 600元 10、设计费用 600元 11、鲜花60元/盆* 12 720元 11、其他费用 400元 灯光配置: of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 一、电脑灯2只*500=1000元 追光灯1只 500元 PAR灯18只*60元/只=1080元 回光灯(带换色器)12只*160元/只=1920元 泡泡机(大)2只*300元/只=600元 烟雾机160元/台*2台=320元 运费200元 合计:5620元 总功率约:50千瓦1960元 音响配置(高级进口双十五演出音响一套,视具体情况) 1000元 冷焰火配置6000元 三、 演职人员费用 1、主持人1人 800元/天/人 800元 (贵州电视台专业主持人,有丰富的庆典会议主持经验) 2、现场礼仪17日4人,18日8人,200元/人/天 2400元 3、专业模特12人(4男1.80米以上,8女1.72米左右)400元/人/场 4800元 (贵州知名模特演艺机构--贵阳争渡模特公司专业模特女8名,1.72米以上 男4名,1.82米以上,均为贵州车模大赛、贵州校园模特大赛、贵州绿色宝贝形象大使选拔赛、贵阳青年模特大赛优秀选手,以上价格限于家居服,不含胸衣及表演) 4、LHT男子三人组合(全国大学生街舞大赛西南地区第一名罗堂) 2000元 5、女子三人组合(全国街舞大赛贵州赛区女子第一名水晶组合) 1800元 6、歌手2人 2000 (男:谢灵 2005年贵州校园歌手演唱大赛男子组冠军 rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 女:谢琳娜依 土耳其人 2006年贵州“富源美家居杯”青年模特精英大赛暨形象大使选拔赛亚军 ) 7、民乐演员3人 500元/天 1500元 8、音响师1名 300元/人 300元 9、摄像师1人 500元/人(全程录象,并刻录光碟) 500元 10、 灯光师1人 300元/人 300元 11、活动督导三人(含化妆师) 1000元 17400元 四、宣传费用2.5万 1、 广告宣传 媒体 版位 报价 折扣 实际收费 《贵州都市报》 报眼17.3*9套红 31000元 7000元 《贵州商报》 普通版1/4版11.5*16彩色 1100元 4折 5000元 《贵州新报》 豪华版1/4版12*33彩色 10500元 4折 4200元 《新目标杂志》/南航《TAFTE品位》杂志1个彩色整版 4000元 电视台宣传费用 10000元 合计费用30200元 2、 新闻记者劳务费: 贵州电视台“百姓关注”栏目2人 贵州都市报1人 贵州商报1人 贵州新报1人 贵阳晚报1人 新目标时尚杂志1人 南航《TAFTE品位》杂志1人 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 以8人计算 300元/人 合计2400元 媒体费用总计:32600元 附件六:筹备安排 1、 活动规模: 参加人数100—150位左右,现场布置以产生热烈隆重的庆典仪式气氛为基准,活动以产生良好的新闻效应,社会效益为目标。 2、交通食宿安排: 公司负责安排好嘉宾接送车辆及宴请场所,而承办单位负责礼仪小姐、摄影师等的接送工作。 6、开业庆典活动物资筹办:车辆、礼品纪念品、电源设备、宣传品等。 7、开业庆典活动的主持人选(令闻传播及争渡礼仪邀 请): 8、 开业庆典嘉宾邀请: 嘉宾邀请范围:A、 政府领导;上级领导、主管部门负责人: B、 主办单位负责人:C、权威机构:D、 知名人士、记者:E、客商 附件七、活动工作安排: 一)、前期准备阶段: 2006年5月22日,策划执行方公司将活动策划草案送公司审阅,就 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 做出实际性的修改。 1、双方公司就此次活动签订《合作意向书》,《合作意向书》应对本次活动中双方的责任及权益进行说明,同时应说明的有本次活动的规模、举办地点等要素。以便着手安排工作。 2、双方公司应就此次活动成立联合工作小组,应对近期工作作出明确安排;对本次活动的规模、大小、项目设置做出决定,并做出详细的设计方案,签定正式合同。 3、2006年6月10日,按照项目实施方案的要求广告宣传工作应开始运作,第一批的软性广告宣传应见报。 二)、制作、实施阶段工作安排: rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 1、2006年6月10日,公司方面应完成活动所需物品的前期制作工作,至此公司与相关协作单位的确定工作应全部完成。 2、2006年6月13日,公司完成所有服装走秀服装及样品服装到位。 三)、现场布置阶段工作安排: 1、2006年6月16日,公司开始现场的布置工作,应完成所有现场布置,和灯光音响的安装工作。(物管公司派两名工作人员配合,确认准确位置) 对全部环境布置进行全面检查。至此全部准备工作完毕。 四)、活动实施阶段工作安排: 1、2006年6月17日,上午进行彩排 2、上午8:30主持人、摄影师、音响师、记者准备完毕。 3、上午9:00活动正式开始。 注意: 订货会的准备工作: “成功源于细节”订货会要取得成功注重于细节往往很重要,很多订货会从设计到流程各个方面都做的不错,但是由于细节忽视,造成订货会效果大打折扣,对于订货会前准备要注重的细节主要是在两点: 1、细致扎实的会前准备是订货会成功的关键,一般来说订货会的准备工作主要包括以下几个方面:做好时间安排和订货资料的准备,根据邀请对象发邀请函,注明订货会时间地点,同时也可将产品资料,价格表和促销活动通知送达知客户手中。 2、订货会会中要充分沟通、制造气氛 通过在订货会会中制造轻松宽松的气氛,一方面可以让客户积极参与其中,调动客户订货的积极性,同时可以消除客户的防范心理,感染其它客户,主要可以采取以下方式来做到: (1) 设置游戏,邀请客户参与游戏让客户放松。 (2) 穿插娱乐节目,调动现场气氛。 (3) 实行订货摸奖,调动客户订货积极性 (4) 开设有奖问答,让客户了解产品,对所出的问题设置不要过于复杂,简单为主,达到宣传和让客户积极参与为目的。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine (5) 进行小型讲座,告诉客户产品特点及销售方法、技巧。 (6) 面对面座谈,进行充分沟通,了解客户所想,并有计划解答,增强互信。 如何来演绎一场精彩的订货会。 一、订货会准备阶段 1、确定客户类型。按以下原则区分重点客户、次重点客户、一般客户。 a) 该客户所在市场的大小。区域市场的经济水平、消费意识、卖场数量等,都是决定市场大小的重要因素; b) 该客户的综合实力。一般从软件、硬件两方面来考察客户的综合实力。硬件包括资金、仓储、人员、店面等有形物件;软件指客户的管理能力、网络基础、个人意愿(与公司合作意愿)、发展思路等意识形态方面。 2、确定要邀请的客户。评估分析完客户类型之后,我们即可针对性的邀请参会客户。一种情况是一个区域只邀请一家。如果该区域目标客户综合实力较强,又有很强的合作意愿,那么只需邀请一家。另一种情况是一个区域邀请2-3家。如果该区域有多家意向客户,有的综合实力强但是合作意愿处于摇摆之中;有的可能综合实力稍差,但是合作意愿强。这种情况应该都邀请过来参会,以保持相互刺激、良性竞争关系。 3、充分准备好会务工作。会务工作准备充分与否,是一场订货会能否在把握之中、有序进行的关键,一般有以下内容: a) 硬件设施 i. 会场选择。为了便于客户的引导、管理及免受干扰,首次订货会一般会选择相对清净的市郊酒店。 ii. 展厅准备。首次订货会展厅一般也应安排在酒店,这样更方便客户专心点货。如此,货架装修要提前准备。 iii. 货物准备。首次货品样板开发一般较多,需要一个筛选过程。筛选有两个办法,一是组织自己员工挑选;二是邀请2-3个专业客户提前看样。经过这些程序,可以把一致不看好的货物剔除出来,以保证货品出样的亮点。 iv. 会场、展厅装修布置所需的音响、图片、投影等物资租赁;会议手册、产品宣传手册的制作等。 b) 软件准备 i. 会议形式。根据人数的多少、规模大小,可选择研讨会、座谈会及T台走秀等不同形式。 ii. 会议政策。订货会奖励政策的制定,包括订货返利、装修支持、抽奖等系列政策。 rk safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid rvision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal woof the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supe of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine iii. 会议流程。在确定会议形式的前提下,设计会议的流程,比如安排什么人发言、发言内容及发言顺序等,最好以分钟来细分时间段。 iv. 费用预算。做好每项开支费用预算,适当放宽,以应对突发需要。 二、订货会进行阶段 业绩良好订单的取得一般遵循 “看、谈、订”这样一个循环过程。 “看”:即安排客户先走马观花看一遍货品样板,让其对货品有一个初步印象,整体感觉。从而我们也可以得知客户对货品的满意程度。 “谈”:根据客户对货品的整体感觉,结合客户所在市场的实际情况,针对性和客户沟通订货数量。 a) 事先计算单店铺货所需货量。我们可以从竞争对手的铺货情况、自身货品结构、正常周转库存三方面得出单店铺货所需货量,分别对单个标准专卖店、商场专柜、综合店作合理分析,从而得出每种形式店铺的标准货量; b) 计算客户区域市场所需货量。和客户沟通区域市场网点数量、计划拓展网点等运作思路,了解客户真正的运营能力及投入程度,得出客户的订货需求量。订货需求量=单店标准货量×网点数量; c) 根据上述两点,和客户达成订货目标,让客户真正点货的时候清晰自己的订货目标。 “订”:根据之前和客户谈的情况,安排客户分批次订货。 a) 设立领头羊客户。根据此前谈的情况,判断客户订货数量意向,选择2-3个客户作为订货现场的领头羊客户。领头羊客户的标准:一是有影响力的重点客户;二是此前经营类似产品的专业客户;三是愿意配合的客户。领头羊客户的作用在于:带头上量订货;引导其他客户订货;烘托现场订货气氛。 b) 客户分组。一般按重点客户、次重点客户、一般客户分组订货,或者重点客户搭配其他客户一组订货。为了不让客户感觉过于厚此薄彼,可以给每组起些浪漫激情的队名,比如激情组、阳光组等,并把领头羊客户设为组长。 c) 设 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine
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