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国学考试题 拼音排序


国学考试题 拼音排序国学考试题 拼音排序 重庆市中小学(中职)教师公共课《国学经典与教育》测试题 答 拼音 试 题 内 容 和 答 案 2000多年前,孔子就提出了与“教育机会均等”相类似的朴素主张,他的A “有教无类”的观点体现了( A 教育起点机会均等 ) A A 按照朱熹的看法,《大学》是孔子及其门徒留下来的遗书,是儒学的入门读正 A 物。因此,朱熹把它列为“四书”之首。( ? ) B B B bu 不愤不启,不悱不发。”这句话出自( B《论语》 不愤不启,不悱不发”的思想最早出自( A)。A.《论语》 B.《学记...

国学考试题        拼音排序
国学考试题 拼音排序 重庆市中小学(中职)教师公共课《国学经典与教育》测试题 答 拼音 试 题 内 容 和 答 案 2000多年前,孔子就提出了与“教育机会均等”相类似的朴素主张,他的A “有教无类”的观点体现了( A 教育起点机会均等 ) A A 按照朱熹的看法,《大学》是孔子及其门徒留下来的遗书,是儒学的入门读正 A 物。因此,朱熹把它列为“四书”之首。( ? ) B B B bu 不愤不启,不悱不发。”这句话出自( B《论语》 不愤不启,不悱不发”的思想最早出自( A)。A.《论语》 B.《学记》 C.《四A bu 书集注》 D.《孟子》 C bu (不积跬步 。。。。。 ) 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 如果不积累就不能达到远大的目的。(C) C bu 不是黄宗羲的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作---(C 《习性诸论》 ) 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之。学至于行 而止矣。行之,明也;明之为圣人。”继承和发展了孔子讲过的( C.学与C bu 思、学与行)的关系。 A bie (梁启超 )别号饮冰室主人,他是戊戌变法的领袖之一(A) C C chan A g 倡导了“诗界”.(梁启超 )倡导了“诗界”和“小说界”革命(A) chen诚者何,不自欺、不妄之谓也”对“诚”的正确理解是( C不自己欺骗自C g 己,不做不该做的事情 ) A B Cchen诚之者,择善而固执之者也;博学之,( ABCD ).A.审问之 B.D g 慎思之 C.明辨之 D.笃行之 chua C n 传道、受业、解惑也”的“业”指( C古人“六艺”之业) A Bchua传习录》记录了王守仁精湛的教学艺术,正确的是(ABD )。A.量力而精 D n B.因材施教C.知行合一 D.学贵自得 chua传习录》是他的问答语录和论学书信集,分为上、中、下卷。是一部儒家A n 简明而有代表性的( A. .哲学)著作。 B chun 春秋时期是思想家百家争鸣的时期,( B孔子 )是儒家的代表人物。 错 chun 春秋时期是思想家百家争鸣的时期,荀子是儒家的代表人物。( X ) A cong 从《大学》的“三纲领”看,教育的最高目的是( A政治目的 )。 D D A da 达到了乐的要求便会( A没有怨恨 ) 大抵观书,先须熟读,使其言皆若出于吾之口,继以精思,使其意皆若出 于吾之心,然后可以有得尔。泛观博取,不若熟读而精思。”此句说明读书C da 的方法是( C熟读与精思) B da 大乐必繁,大礼必复。( B)A正确 B错误 大学”是对“小学”而言,是说它不是讲“详训诂,明句读”的“小学”,正 da 而是讲治国安邦的“大学”。“大学”是大人之学。( ? ) A da 大学》篇中。“明明德”的目的就是为了要( A亲民)。 A Bda 大学》强调的是( ABCD )的统一。 A.知 B.情 C.意 D.行 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection C D B da 大学》是( B儒 )系统的经典论著。 大学》是儒家经典《四书》之一,《大学》原是《礼记》第四十二篇,内文正 da 的撰成约在战国末期至西汉之间。( ? ) 大学》为“初学入德之门也”。经一章提出了明明德、亲民、止于至善三条 纲领,又提出了格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下八正 da 个条目。( ? ) D da 大学》原为《理记》的第( D41 )篇。 大学》着重阐述了个人道德修养与社会治乱的关系,以“明明德”、“亲民”、正 da “止于至善”为修养的目标。( ? ) 大学之道,( A在明明德,在亲民 )在止于至善。知止而后有定,定而A da 后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得. 大哉圣人之道~洋洋乎~发育万物,峻极于天。优优大哉~ 礼仪 关于商务司机的礼仪须知经典商务礼仪礼仪中的美术巫鸿教师职业形象与礼仪文明礼仪主题班会 三百,威 仪三千。待其人而后行。故曰苟不至德,至道不凝焉。下面的注释理解不B da 正确的一项是( B优优:很多的忧愁) A dai 怠者不能( A.修),而忌者畏人修。 D dai 怠者不能修,而忌者畏人修”其中“修”的正确解释是( D进修,求上进) 错 dao 道无定体,学贵实用”意思是修道不讲固定的形式,学习贵在适用。(×) 抵观书,先须熟读,使其言皆若出于吾之口,继以精思,使其意皆若出于 吾之心,然后可以有得尔。泛观博取,不若熟读而精思。”(《朱子语类》)B di 提倡读书比较好的方法是( B .熟读而精思) 读书,须有次序„„然后将全章反复抽绎玩味。”《朱子语类》)其中“玩味”正 du 的意思是探索体味。(? ) 对“蒙养弗端,长益浮靡。”(《朱子语类》)的正确理解是( A儿童时期A dui 的思想道德教育的重要性) 对贤良策》的道德教育 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 :树立重义轻利的人生理想;以仁俺人,以义正 dui 正我;必仁且智。( ? ) 对贤良策》提出独尊儒术;设立太学;量才而授官,录德而定位。其教育正 dui 作用是:生之自然之资谓之性。性待教而后善。( ? ) F F 凡人所以立身行正,应事接物,莫大乎诚敬。诚者何,不自欺、不妄之谓 也。敬者何,不怠慢、不放荡之谓也。”(《朱子语类》)此句话讲了“诚”正 fan 和“敬”对一个人立身做事的重要性。(? ) B fan 凡事豫则立,不豫则废。下列说法对的是( B “豫”同“预” ) A fan 凡事豫则立,不豫则废。言前定,( A则不跲) 凡授书不在图多,但贵精熟,量其资禀,能二百字者止可以一百字,常使 精神力量有余,则无厌苦之患,而有自得之美”(《传习录?训蒙大意示教读 刘伯颂等》)。体现的教学艺术是( B)A.自主学习 B.量力而精;C.愉快教B fan 学 D.尊重个性 凡与人言,称彼祖父母、世父母、父母及长姑,皆加尊字,自叔父母已下, 则加贤字,尊卑之差也。”说明对待不同辈行的长辈,正确的态度是( BB fan 分长幼和辈行对待 ) A fan 反映孔子教育民主思想的主要言论是( A有教无类 ) 夫风化者,自上而行于下者也,自先而施于后者也。”说明“风俗”传承中,D fu 卑者、幼者与尊者、长者之间的关系是( D尊者长者影响卑者幼者 ) D fu 夫同言而信,信其所( D亲);同命而行,行其所服。 D fu 夫同言而信,信其所亲;同命而行,行其所服。”从教育的角度说明( D good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 教育者的人格魅力有利于言教 ) 正 fu 夫性者生理也,日生则日成也”解释为性是生理,天天在生长形成。(?) 夫养生者先须虑祸,全身保性,有此生然后养之,勿徒养其无生也。”与当C fu 今学校德育强调的( C安全教育)一致。 A fu 夫虞氏之不为政久矣”中的“虞氏”指:( A虞舜 ) 父母威严而有慈,则子女畏慎而生孝矣。”说明孩子教育( C应该严格与C fu 慈爱结合) G G A gan 感于物而动,故形于声”声的意思是( A声音) A gu 古代的君王将什么作为管理人民的重大事务,( A .教化 古之君子,其责己也重以周,其待人也轻以约。”(《原毁》选读)其中“重”B gu 的正确解释是( B)A.重要 B.严格 C.以……为重 D.重视 故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身, 行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。”孟子此话意在强调成大事B gu 者,应该( B磨练意志 ) C gu 顾炎武和( C 黄宗羲 )开创了清初经学致用的学风。 D gu 顾炎武与黄宗羲和( D)同称明清三大学者 A B关于家庭教育,颜之推的主张是( ABCD )A.尽早施教,严格教育 CB.注重环境习染 C.处理好家庭关系 D.重视家庭的语言教育和D guan 注重道德教育 A B关于师德师风,黄宗羲对老师提出了哪些要求( ABC )A.真才实学 C guan B.品行端正 C.身体力行 D.不干预政治 A B C关于学习态度和方法,颜之推提倡( ABCD )A.虚心务实 B.博习D guan 广见 C.勤勉惜时 D.相互切磋 A guo 国民教育之道之端中“道”意思是( A途径、方法) H H B C he (B 顾炎武 )和( C黄宗羲 )开创了清初经学致用的学风。(B)和C 韩愈“惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。”讲述了( C .教师解惑的重C han 要性) A韩愈不仅是一位著名的教育思想家,也是一位有丰富经验的教育实践家。C其教育思想主要体现在( ACD )等著作中。A.《师说》C.《进学解》D han D.《原毁》 B han 韩愈的籍贯是现在(B河南)省。 A B韩愈关于教与学的主要观点是(ABC)A.勤学致知 B.广泛涉猎,刻C han 苦钻研 C.不计毁誉,勤于治学 韩愈在“句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见A han 其明也。”诗句中指出理解书本知识(A重要) C han 韩愈在《进学解》中论及了教学艺术,其中包括( C教和学 )等内容。 韩愈在教育史上最突出的贡献是著有论述教师问题的《师说》,在于( A .A han 光复“师道) D han 汉代时称呼学校为什么,( D庠序 ) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 3 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection B han 汉代首先提出“独尊儒术”思想的是谁,( B 董仲舒) B han 汉代著名文献《对贤良策》的作者是谁?( B董仲舒 ) hua 正 ng 黄宗羲、王夫之和顾炎武合称明清三大学者。(?) hua B ng 黄宗羲被学者尊称为( B梨洲先生) hua C ng 黄宗羲倡导的基本教学方法是( C 讨论 ) hua D ng 黄宗羲大胆地对( D 教学内容 )进行了革新 hua A ng 黄宗羲的《明夷待访录》不包括( A 《广师说》 ) hua B ng 黄宗羲的籍贯在(B浙江 ) hua 正 ng 黄宗羲的教育思想主要见于《学校》、《取士上》和《取士下》三篇中。(?) hua B ng 黄宗羲和( B顾炎武)开创了清初经学致用的学风。 hua 错 ng 黄宗羲和开创了清初经世致用的学风。(×) hua B ng 黄宗羲认为( B致知 )是成才的必然途径 hua A ng 黄宗羲认为,学习贵在( A适用 ) hua A ng 黄宗羲认为教育的根本目的在于( A培养人才 ) hua C ng 黄宗羲是( C 明末清初 )伟大的启蒙主义思想家。 hua A ng 黄宗羲是明末清初伟大的启蒙主义思想家。(A )A正确 B错误 J J 积土成山,风雨兴焉;积水成渊,蛟龙生焉;积善成德,而神明自得,圣 心备焉。”这说明了知识和道德是一个不断积累和提高的过程。正 ji ( ? ) 纪事者必提其要,纂言者必钩其玄。”(《进学解》)最正确的大意是( CC ji 对记事之文一定提取它的要点,对言论之编一定勾划出它深奥的意义。 ) 纪事者必提其要,纂言者必钩其玄。”译文正确的是( B对记事之文一定B ji 提取它的要点,对言论之编一定勾划出它深奥的意义) 季康子问政于孔子曰:“如杀无道,以就有道,何如,”孔子对曰:“子为 政,焉用杀,。。。。。。。”这个回答体现出孔子( B为政以德 )的治国思B ji 想。 B jian 建国君民,教学为先”这句话反映了教育与( B政治 )的关系。 jian C g 将天下正大底( C. 道理)去处置事,便公 将天下正大底道理去处置事,便公;以自家私意去处之,便私。对“公” jian和“私”的正确说法是:用天下光明正大的道理去处理事物,便是为公;正 g 用利于自己的心意去处理事情,便是为私。(? ) 错 jiao 教学相长”,“循序渐进”等教学原则最早出自《论语》。( X ) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection B jiao 教学相长”、“循序渐进”等教学原则最早出自( B 《学记》 ) 教育,对于人民而言就像寒暑,不及时对人民进行教育就会( B有伤世B jiao 风 ) 正 jiao 教育对于人民来说就像寒暑,不及时对人民教育就会有伤世风。 ( ? ) 今有施则奢,俭则吝;如能施而不奢,俭而不吝,可矣。”的最正确的解释 是( C当今常有讲施舍就成为奢侈,讲节俭就变成吝啬的情况。如果能C jin 够做到施舍而不奢侈,节俭而不吝啬,那就好了 ) 谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负戴于道路矣。老者衣帛食肉,C jin 黎民不饥不寒,然而不王者,未之有也”一句出自( C 《孟子》 谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负载于道路矣。老者衣帛食肉, 黎民不饥不寒,然而不王者,未之有也。”一句里的“庠序”指的是(B )B jin A.官府 B.学校 C.家庭 D.社会 B jin 进学解》的“进学”的含义是( B意谓勉励生徒刻苦学习,求取进步) A jin 进学解》的主要观点是(A不计较名誉得失,努力学习 ) 敬者何,不怠慢、不放荡之谓也。”对“敬”的正确理解是( D对人不怠D jing 慢,不纵情放荡自己) A B君王要怎样做才能使国家的根本明显,( ABCD )A.很谨慎地对待奉C承天意之事 B.用修明的教育感化人民C.辨证法度是否适宜,区别上D jun 下使有秩序 D.以上都正确 C jun 君王制作乐主要是用来做什么的,( C 改变民风,感化民俗) 正 jun 君子是因为从乐中得到了道而感到欢乐。( ? ) K K B C孔子的教学内容包括( BCD )三个部分。B.道德教育 C.D kong 文化知识 D.技能技巧培养 孔子的教学思想和教学方法是承认先天差异,但更强调。。。,重视( D因D kong 材施教 ) B kong 孔子的教育思想在他的言论集( B《论语》 )中有充分反映。 孔子对教育在人的发展过程中起关键作用持肯定态度。他在中国历史上首 次提出( C .性相近也,习相远也)指出人的天赋素质相近,打破了奴隶C kong 主贵族天。。。。优越的思想。 正 kong 孔子教学的基本方法是启发诱导。( ? ) 孔子教学的主要科目是“六艺”,“六艺”指的是( A礼、乐、射、御、A kong 书、数 ) 错 kong 孔子是先秦思想的集大成者。( X ) 孔子说:“喜欢学习就接近于智慧,努力实行就接近于仁爱,知道廉耻就接正 kong 近于勇。”( ? ) B kong 孔子提出的“因材施教”符合个体身心发展的( B个别差异性要求 ) A kong 孔子在( A教育 )方面提出“有教无类”,“因材施教”等主张。 B kong 孔子在( B政治 )上主张“仁者爱国”,“克己复礼”。 孔子招收的学生有出身平民的颜回、子路、曾参、原宪、仲弓等,也有贵 族家庭出生的孟懿子、南宫敬叔、司马牛等,还有商人出生的子贡和“大 盗”出生的颜涿聚。这反映了孔子提倡一种( D有教无类 )的教学原D kong 则。 C kong 孔子主张( C有教无类 ),扩大了教育对象。 Bkon 口不绝吟于六艺之文;手不停披于百家之编;记事者必提其要,纂言者必 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 5 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection C钩其玄。”(韩愈《进学解》)也就是说“勤”要做到( BCD) B.手勤 D C.口勤 D.脑勤 L L 乐”的起因是:(A )A.是由人心中产生的。 B.是由不同是声音相互应和产A le 生的C.是事物影响的结果 D.是由古圣先贤著作的 B le 乐”的声音是在什么情况下发出来的,( B社会和谐 ) A le 乐从内心发出,礼在外貌上表现。(A )A正确 B错误 A le 乐得到通行,就会使( A.人心向道 ) A B乐得到推行了,有什么样的作用,(ABC )A.耳聪目明 B.血气和平C.移C le 风易俗 D.以欲忘道 正 le 乐可以试人心向善。( ? ) A le 乐是由( A从内心发出来的 ) B le 乐宜适中,乐强调过分了就会( B使人随便放浪) 礼乐不可斯须去身”出自(D )A.《大学》 B.《易经》C.《论语》 D.《礼D li 记》 B li 礼是用来( B区别等级 ) D li 礼云:“欲不可纵,( D 志)不可满。” C li 立大学以教国,设庠序以化于邑”中的“庠序”是指什么,( C学校) D liang 梁启超被称作( D饮冰室主人) 正 liang 梁启超别号饮冰室主人,他是戊戌变法的领袖之一。(?) B liang 梁启超的籍贯是(B )A.广西 B.广东 C.浙江 D.福建 C liang 梁启超没有主办过下列哪种刊物( C《新华日报》) B liang 梁启超认为( B法律 )是维护天下安定的公开利器 D liang 梁启超认为教育活动大致可分三种,其中没有(D家庭教育) C liang 梁启超认为磨练人格的最高学校是( C人生的苦难) B liang 梁启超认为一个人要有成就,必须在( B 儿童时代 )树立奋斗目标 D liang 梁启超说:救亡图存、教化愚昧,都必须以( D学校教育 )为本源 正 liang 梁启超曾提出“诗界革命”,并参与了戊戌变法。(?) A B C梁启超主办过的刊物有( ABCD)A.《时务报》 B.《清议报》 C.D liang 《新民报》 D.《新小说》 de (伦理道德教育)的精神贯穿在《大学》始终 A B lun 伦理道德是( AB ) A.政治的核心 B.教育的根本 论语》反映了儒家学派创始人——孟子的政治思想、学术思想和教育思想,错 lun 是儒家最重要的经典。( X ) A lun 论语》是“四书”之一。(A )A正确 B错误 错 lun 论语》是一部对话体散文。( X ) A lun 论语》中可以看出,孔子认为治国治民,最根本的是( A教育 ) M M men A g 蒙养弗端,长益( A浮靡) men孟子》是孟子的言论汇编,由孟子及其弟子共同编写而成,是记录了孟子正 g 的语言、政治观点和政治行动的儒家经典著作。( ? ) Amen孟子的教育内容是( AB ) A.人伦教育 B.道德教育 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection B g men孟子告诫学生:“山径之蹊,间介然用之而成路;为间不用,则茅塞之矣。” 正 g 这说明有为者必须坚持到底,不能半途而废。( ? ) men A g 孟子认为( A教育 )是社会伦常秩序得以建立的基础和基石。 孟子认为,君子的教育方式有五种,有的像及时雨一般润泽万物,有成全 men品德的,有培养才能的,有解答疑问的,还有以流风余韵。。。。。。这体现了D g (D因材施教 )的精神。 men B g 孟子认为恻隐之心是( B 仁之端 ) men A g 孟子认为人皆有恻隐之心、羞恶之心、辞让之心和( A是非之心 men B g 孟子认为有无( B先天善良本性 )是人和禽兽相区别的重要标志。 A B Cmen孟子施教的目标是培养( ABCD )的君子。A.明人伦 B.D g 修身齐家 C.治国 D.平天下 men B g 孟子以( B 人性善 )为教育思想的理论基础。 men孟子以“人性恶”为教育思想的理论基础,来阐述了教育的内容、目标、错 g 作用以及任务。( X ) men孟子曰:“博学而详说之,将以反说约也。”此话意在说明广博地学习,详A g 尽地解说,目的在于融会贯通后返归到( A简约 )上去。 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。”体现了孟子的(D )A.教育思想 B.学术思D min 想C.等级观D.民本思想 min B g 名夷待访录》是顾炎武的代表作( B)A正确 B错误 min 正 g 明末清初三先生是指船山先生、梨洲先生和亭林先生。(?) A Bmin C g 明清三大学者是( ABC)A.黄宗羲 B.顾炎武 C. D.张之洞 min C g 明圣”的意思是( C传授与制作礼乐的人) P P 蓬生麻中,不扶而直。。。。。 )体现了荀子很重视环境对人的发展的影响,B peng (B) Q Q 齐景公问政于孔子。孔子对曰:“君君、臣臣、父父、子子。” 这个回答体C qi 现出孔子( C.讲究礼节 )的治国思想。 其责人也详,其待己也廉。”其中“详”的正确解释是( C (对别人要求)C qi 高) 其责人也详,其待己也廉。详,故人难于为善;廉,故自取也少。”(《原毁》B qi 选读)其中“廉”的解释是( B少,低 ) 骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而 不舍,金石可镂。” 说明荀子认为学生获得知识技能,不取决于愚与敏,正 qi 如果能不懈努力,就一定能学有所成。( ? ) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 7 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection C qi 气日以滋,理日以成”中“滋”的意思是( C滋长 ) qian强调师生相处应当自然和谐,要求学生不要对教师心存畏惧,并要求教师B g 能带头“责善”的教育家是孔子。( B)A正确 B 错误 qian C g 强勉行道”的“行道”指什么,( C践行圣人的学说或道理) A qin 秦朝继承周朝之后,“重禁文学”,这里的“文学”指:( A儒家学说 ) R R D ran 然则常玉不瑑,不成文章。”出自以下哪篇,( D 《对贤良策) X ran 然则常玉不瑑,不成文章。”中的“瑑”应读zhuó。( × ) C ren 人生而静,天之性也”的意思是( C人出生没有情欲 。。。。。 ) 人性的完善要依赖于( C学习和教育),故要注意后天的学习和掌握文化C ren 知识。 人有坎壈(lǎn),失于盛年,犹当晚学,不可自弃”与今天提倡的( C .C ren 终身学习)观点相符。 人之爱子,罕亦能均,自古及今,此弊多矣。”的正确解释是( B人们爱孩B ren 子,很少能做到平等对待,从古到今,这种弊病一直都很多 ) X ren 认为“善学者必有善教者”。(×) D ru 如切如磋”者,道学也;“如琢如磨”者,自( D修)也。 A入选四书的儒家经典有(AB )A.《孟子》 B.《论语》 C.《学记》 D.B ru 《荀子》 S S A san 三人行,必有我师焉。”的下一句是( A 择其善者而从之,其 。。。。。 ) 少年智则国智”后应接那一句( C)A.少年强则国强 B.少年胜则国胜C.C shao 少年富则国富 D.少年雄则国雄 生子咳提,师保固明孝仁礼义,导习之矣。凡庶纵不能尔,当及婴稚识人 颜色、知人喜怒,便加教诲,使为则为,使止则止,比及数岁,可省笞罚。” shen说明“孝仁礼义”等教育( D根据外在环境和孩子自身条件,力求越早D g 越好。) shen声音之道与政治相通,所以,乱世的音乐显得(B )A.安详 B.怨恨 C.愤B g 懑 D.欢快 shen圣明的君王在乱世中继承王位后会做什么,( C扫除乱世迹象,恢复教C g 化 正 shi 师说》是我国教育史上第一次完整的对教师职责的论述。(? ) D shi 师者,善于传道,授业解惑也。”出自( D黄宗羲 )之口 C shi 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。”中的“道”指的是( C儒家礼教、思想) B shi 诗》曰:“夙夜匪解。”是什么意思,( B从早到晚都不懈怠) 世界上最早的一篇专门论述教育教学问题的论著是(C )A.《论语》 B.《师C shi 说》C.《学记》 D.《孟子》 世人多不举女,贼行骨肉,岂当如此,而望福于天乎,”这句话的主要观B shi 点是( B不要怠慢女孩 ) A shi 事者必提其要,纂言者必钩其玄。(A 纪) 是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子,闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是B shi 而已。”讲了为人之师的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是( B .闻道在先者为师) A shi 是故君子有( A诸 )己,而后求诸人;无诸己,而后非诸人。 是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也”(《师说》)。此段文字正 shi 是说:只要有“修己治人之道”的人,就可以为人师长。(? ) C shi 是以父不慈则子不孝,兄不友则弟不恭,夫不义则妇不顺矣”说明父、兄、 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 夫的为人道德对子、弟、妇的影响( C重要) 是我国先秦时期。(《学记》 )是我国先秦时期教育思想的概括和总结。C shi (C《学记》) 是以与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆, 久而自臭也。墨子悲于染丝,是之谓矣。君子必慎交游焉。”说明的主要观D shi 点是( D君子在交友方面必须谨慎 ) A song 宋代开国宰相赵普曾有“半部( A 《论语》 )治天下”的名言。 宋代理学家把( A 《中庸》)、《大学》、《论语》、《孟子》合在一起,作为A song 《四书》。 宋人有闵其苗之不长而揠之者,芒芒然归,谓其家人曰:“今日病矣,予助 苗长矣~”其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。孟子以这则“揠苗助长”的寓言说C song 明(C循序渐进)的重要性。 颂其诗,读其书,不知其人,可乎,是以论其世也。是尚友也。” 孟子此C song 话中提出了( C知人论世 )的观点。 虽有天下易生之物也,一日暴之,十日寒之,未有能生者也。” 孟子是用C sui 反面事例来强调学习要( C持之以恒 所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也。如恶恶臭,如好好色,此之谓。。。。( A必慎其A suo 独 也。 A suo 所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也。如恶恶臭,如好好色,此之谓自( A谦 )。 所谓平天下在治其国者,上老老而民兴孝,上长长而民兴弟,上恤孤而民A suo 不( A倍 ),是以君子有挈矩之道也。 所谓齐其家在修其身者,人之其所亲爱而辟焉,之其所贱恶而辟焉,之其 所敬畏而辟焉,之其所哀矜而辟焉,之其所敖惰而辟焉,故好而知其恶,A suo 恶。。。。,天下( A鲜 )矣。 所谓修身在正其心者,身有所( C忿惕 )则不得其正,有所恐惧则C suo 不得其正,有所好乐则不得其正,有所忧患则不得其正。 A suo 所谓治国必齐其家者,其家不可教,而能教人者( A .无)之。 T T X ta 他认为士大夫子弟的教育应该学业为根本,道德次之。(× ) A tang 汤之《盘铭》曰:“( A苟日新),日日新,又日新。 C ti 提出“建国君民,教学为先”主张的著作是( C 《学记》 正 ti 提出了“夫学以夫教,而学必非教”的教学原则。(?) 正 ti 提出了学与思、知与行相结合的教育理论。(?) C tan 天所赋予人的就叫做( C性 ) A B C天下的道理除了君臣关系之理,还有( ABCD )。A.父子关系之理 D tan B.夫妇关系之理 B.兄弟关系之理 C.朋友交往之理 W W wan X g 亡而存之,废而举之------”出自《少年中国说》(×) wan A g 王夫之被世人称为( A船山先生 ) wan A g 王夫之的别号( A一壶道人) wan A g 王夫之的籍贯在( A湖南) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 9 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection wan C g 王夫之的教育思想集中体现在《书院》和( C《习性诸论》 ) wan 正 g 王夫之的教育思想集中体现在《习性诸论》和《书院》。(?) A B Cwan王夫之的教育思想主要有(ABCD)A.论性与习 B.论学与思 C.论D g 知与行 D.论教与学 Awan B g 王夫之的著作有(AB )A.《习性诸论》 B.《书院》 wan D g 王夫之关于教与学关系的正确认识是( D教是为了学) wan D g 王夫之认为教育的目标应该是( D 既讲天理,有讲人欲) wan B g 王夫之是明末清初(B思想家) wan C g 王夫之谈教学原则注意对( C教学双方)提出相关要求 wan D g 王夫之提出了( D 知与行结合)的教育理论。(对) wan D g 王夫之在教学过程中强调( D 必须重视实践 ) wan C g 王守仁的籍贯是( C浙江人) wan B g 王守仁的一生,著作甚丰。其中在哲学上最重要的是(B 传习录》) wan C g 王守仁是那个朝代的( C. 明朝) wan王守仁是宋明( D主观唯心主义)的集大成者,是明朝中期有影响的教D g 育家。 王阳明的“心即理”是指(D )A.内心的想法就是客观现实 B.内心和外在相 wan统一的的境界C.客观现实受主观的制约 D.自己的道德认识和道德实践相D g 统一 为了培养“行道以利世”的实用人才,颜之推提倡的教育内容是( A实A wei 学 ) C wei 为了培养新民,梁启超最为重视的教育活动是( C社会教育 ) 为了实现新课程的核心理念:为了每一位学生的发展,。。。( B主导—主体)B wei 的中和。 A wei 唯天下至诚,为能尽其性;能尽其性,( A则能尽人之性) D wen 温故而知新,( D敦厚以崇礼)。 B wen 温故而知新,可以为师矣。”的思想出自( B《论语》 ) A wen 文质彬彬,然后君子”出自( A 《论语》 ) C wo 我国第一部专门讨论教育教学问题的著作是( C 《学记》 ) X wo 我国第一部专门讨论教育教学问题的著作是《大学》( X ) D wo 我国最早提出启发式教学思想的是( D 孔子 ) A wo 我们需要怎样做才能见闻广博、心智聪明?( A.努力勤勉、钻研学问 ) B wu 戊戌变法失败后,梁启超逃亡到了( B日本 ) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection X X D xi 习与性成者,习成而性与成也”语出( D )的《习性诸论》 X xi 习与性成者,习成而性与成也”语出黄宗羲的《习性诸论》。(×) B下列话语体现了启发性教学原则的有( BC )B.道而弗牵,强而弗C xia 抑,开而弗达 C.不愤不启,不悱不发 A下列话语体现了循序渐进教学原则的有( AD )A.不陵节而施 D xia D.学不躐等 下列句子中通假字不正确的是,( C渐(jiān)民以仁 “渐”通“间”,C xia 离间 ) A xia 下列名言属于孔子说的是( A 志士仁人,无求生 。。。。。 ) 下列名言属于孟子说的是( D富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能D xia 屈 ) A xia 下列哪部是的著作(A《习性诸论 ) C xia 下列哪个不是梁启超的称呼( C一壶道人) A C xia 下列哪些是对的称呼( AC)A.船山先生 C.一壶道人 D xia 下列语句,哪一句体现了环境对人的影响( D性相近也,习相远也 ) A B C下列语句出自《习性诸论》的有( ABCD)A.习成而性与成也 B.学D xia 非有碍于思 C.行可兼知 D.善教者必有善学者 D xia 下列作品属于韩愈的是( D 《韩昌黎集》) D xia 下面的译文不正确的一项是:( D有弗思,思之弗得弗措也) A B下面哪些表现音乐的道理与政治相通( ABCD ) A.治世之音安,C以乐其政和 B.乱世之音怨,以怒其政乖C.亡国之音哀,以思其民困 D xia D.以上都对 C xian 先秦思想的集大成者是( C荀子 ) 先王设置专门的官吏施行乐教的原因是(C )A.设置一个官僚机构安插冗C xian 员 B.拉近政府与百姓的距离C.善民心,易风俗 D.提升国家形象 A xian 先王用礼是为了( A节制人心 ) C xian 先王制定射乡食飨的礼仪是用来( C使人交往正常化 ) 先王治乐的原因是( A)A.提供治理人民的方法 B.教人民欣赏音乐C.给A xian 人民带来快乐 D.丰富人民的业余生活 贤俊者自可赏爱,顽鲁者亦当矜怜。”说明对待“贤俊者”和“顽鲁者”这C xian 两类孩子的态度是( C “贤俊者”与“顽鲁者”同等 ) C xiao 小疑则小(C )A.智 B.聪 C.悟 D.愚 A xin 心诚求之,虽不中不( A .远)矣。 B xing 行可兼知,而知不可兼行”是( B )的知行理论。 X xing 行可兼知,而知亦可兼行”是的知行理论。(×) xion A g 兄弟不( A睦),则于侄不爱. xion兄弟不睦,则于侄不爱;子侄不爱,则群从疏薄”说明家庭和睦对孩子待A g 人处事的影响是( A A.重要) C xiu 修身,齐家,安天下”出自于以下哪一部经典,( C《大学》 ) C xiu 朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可圬也。”出自:( C《论语?公冶长》 ) C xue 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的思想出自( C .论语 ) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 11 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection D xue 学而时习之”、“温故而知新”反映了( D .巩固性 )教学原则。 学而优则仕”概括了(A )关于教育目的的主张。A.孔子 B.孟子 C.董仲舒 A xue D.朱熹 B xue 学非有碍于思,而学愈博则( B思愈远 ) C xue 学非有碍于思”是说( C 学对思并无妨碍 ) 正 xue 学非有碍于思”是说“学对思并无妨碍”(?) 学记》反对死记硬背,主张“要引导学生,但决不牵着学生的鼻子走”这D xue 个观点的就是( D导而弗牵 ) B xue 学记》认为教学成败的关键在( B.教师 ) 学记》上说:“ 道而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达。”体现了(B启发性教学B xue 原则 ) A xue 学记》上说:“不陵节而施。”这句话体现了( A循序渐进的教学原则 ) C xue 学记》是( C 《礼记》 )四十九篇中的一篇。 A xue 学记》要求“学不躐等”属于( A.循序渐进原则 )教学原则 学记》用( D 善歌者使。。。。 )来形象地说明教师在教育过程中的主D xue 导作用。 学记》中提出的“杂施而不孙,则坏乱而不修”的主张对应的教学原则应B xue 是( B .循序渐进原则 ) A B C学记》总结了长期教育、教学中的经验教训后概括出的“豫时孙摩”原则D xue 包括( ABCD )A.预防B.适时C.顺序D.观摩 学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不足,然后能自反也;知困,然后能自强D xue 也。”反映了教学的( D .教学相长原则 ) 学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不足,然后能自反也;知困,然后能自强C xue 也。故曰:教学相长也。” 一句出自( C 《学记》 学习和教育)的实现需要有人性的依据,故要尊重德性,发扬自己。。。善C xue 性。? D xue 学校,所以养士也。”中“士”理解为( D 人才 ) D xue 学校,所以养士也。”中“士”意思是( D有才能的人 ) A B荀子把教师提高到与(ABCE )同等的地位。 A.天 B.地 C.君 CE xun E.亲 荀子把教学或学习过程具体化为闻、见、知、行四个环节,并把( D行)D xun 看作是终 正 xun 荀子把教学或学习过程具体化为闻、见、知、行四个环节。( ? ) A B C D xun 荀子的教学思想主要包括( ABCD ) 荀子否定道德先验论,肯定人之善是后天环境与教育的产物,论述了环境正 xun 对人成长的作用,强调人的主观努力,具有朴素的唯物主义因素。( ? ) 荀子认为,在学习过程中人们的思想方法容易片面,妨碍认识事物的全貌。C xun 因此,他提出了( C解蔽救偏、兼陈中衡 )的思维方法。 D xun 荀子认为成为老师的条件有四种,而( D博学 )并不包括在这里面。 X xun 荀子提出“性善论”,充分肯定和强调了教育的作用。( X ) A xun 荀子以( A青,取之于蓝。。。。 )作比喻,说明通过学习,后学可以超 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 过前人,学生可以超过老师。 荀子以( B登高而招,臂非加长也。。。。)作比喻,说明人。。。可以有很大B xun 的进步。 Y Y A B C研究乐可以提高内心修养,可以产生( ABCD )之心。A.平易 B.D yan 正直 C.慈爱 D.诚信 A yan 研究礼乐的结果是( A提高内心的修养) 颜氏家训》是我国历史上第一部内容丰富,体系宏大的家训,成为我国封A yan 建时代家教的集大成之作,被誉为( A家教规范) 颜之推承袭了孔孟以孝悌仁义等道德规范为主要内容的传统,十分注意对正 yan 子女道德的教育。(?) A yan 颜之推认为“厚重”的道德品质包括忠君、孝顺、谦恭和( A礼让 ) 颜之推认为教育的作用就在于教育中庸之人,使之完善德性,增长知识。正 yan (? ) 正 yan 颜之推认为培养出来的人才必须“德艺同厚”。 (? ) 颜之推认为培养的人应该具有“应世经务”的能力,这种人是指( D服D yan 务国家的统治人才) 正 yan 颜之推认为人的一生都要学习,应珍惜时光,年幼“固须早教”。(? ) 颜之推认为人如果达到“少成若天性,习惯如自然”的程度,是早教的结正 yan 果。(? ) A yan 颜之推是( A北齐 )朝代人。 X yan 颜之推是宋朝文学家、教育家。传世著作有《颜氏家训》《还冤志》等。( × ) 颜之推说:“父母威严而有慈,则子女畏慎而生孝矣。”是说父母的教育。。C yan ( C严慈结合 ) A yan 颜之推特别重视为人之道的教育,最主要的主张是( A强调为人厚重 ) 颜之推提倡“博学求之,无不利于事也”是指人要博览群书,不要接触世X yan 务,籍以培养自己的独立思考能力。(× ) 正 yan 颜之推提倡虚心务实的学习态度,他反对妄自尊大,骄傲浮夸的学风。(? ) 颜之推主张父母在子女面前要严肃庄重,树立一定的威信,不主张父母对X yan 子女的慈爱。(×) D yan 颜之推祖籍是现在的( D山东 )省。 要严格要求学生,但决不使学生感到压抑” 就是《学记》强调的( CC yao 强而弗抑 ) B yao 要在问题开头启发学生思考,但不提供现成的答案”( B开而弗达)。 B ye 业精于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随”揭示了( B学习成败)规律。 一般的玉如果不雕琢的话就不能成就美好的花纹,同理,君子如果不学习正 yi 的话,就不能成就他的德行。( ? ) 正 yi 一个人的聪明与坚强是在顽强的学习中培养出来的。( ? ) 一齐人傅之,众楚人咻之,虽日挞而求其齐也,不可得矣;引而置之庄岳 之间数年,虽日挞而求其楚,亦不可得矣。” 这个故事说明了( B环B yi 境 )对教育的影响 B yi 以孔孟为代表的儒家,其核心思想就是( B仁 )。 C yi 以下句子翻译错误的是:( C 《书》云:“茂哉茂哉。。。。。) A以下哪些是黄宗羲的教育思想( ABCD )A.力学致知 B.学贵适用 Byi C.学贵独创 D.穷经经士 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 13 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection C D A B以下哪些言论是孔子讲学的内容 ( ABC ) A.为政以德 B.C yi 以礼治国 C.有教无类 D yi 以下说法不正确的是:( D乐是用于给君王行乐。。。。) A B以下属于黄宗羲的著作有( ABC)A.《学校》 B.《取士上》 C.C yi 《广师说》 D.《书院》 A yi 以知为行”知与行的关系是( A. 知决定行 ) C yi 以自家( C私意)去处之,便私。 A yin 因材施教、教亦多术”反映了孟子的教育思想。( A)A正确 B错误 正 yin 因材施教是孔子教学的一个重要原则。( ? ) 正 yin 音乐的道理与政治是相通的。( ? ) A B C yong 用来实行天下通理的天下通德有( ABC )。A.智慧B.仁爱C.勇敢 B you 有弗学,( B .学之弗能弗措也) 有偏宠者,虽欲以厚之,更所以祸之”体现出对孩子的“爱”应该(D 溺D you 爱害人 ) 与人论学,亦须随人分限所及。如树有这些萌芽,只把这些水去灌溉。萌 芽再长,便又加水。自拱把以至合抱,灌溉之功,皆是随其分限所及。若 些小萌芽,有一桶水在,尽要倾上,便漫坏他了(《传习录下”?门人黄直录》)。 体现出的教学原则是(D )A.可接受性原则 B.循序渐进原则C.启发性原D yu 则 D.因材施教原则 A yu 宇宙可臻其极,( A .情性)不知其穷。 D yu 语出《明夷待访录》的语句是( D D是故养士为学校之一事) A yu 玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知道。” 出自( A《学记》 ) A yu 欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知,致知在( A格物) 原毁》所阐述的内容,从今天的角度去解释,主要写的是(C个人修养与C yuan 为人处事) A yun 运用在学习中,《中庸》强调( 主体的主观能动作用 A ) Z Z B zai 在( B尚书引义)中,把人性分为“先天之性”和“后天之性” A zai 在《大学》中,教育过程与政治过程是一个( A统一 )的过程. A B在《对贤良策》中,董仲舒主要针对文教政策提出了以下哪三点建议,C zai ( ABC )A.罢百家以尊儒; B.立大学以养士; C.行贡举以选士; B C在《颜氏家训》中,颜之推宣扬性三品说,“三品”指(BCD)A.上中下三D zai 等人 B.上智之人 C.下愚之人 D.中庸之人 D zai 在对老师职责的看法上,与韩愈最为接近的是( D黄宗羲 ) B zai 在对人性的看法上,荀子主张( B人性恶 ) B zai 在孔子的教育内容中,( B道德教育 )占首位。 在下列主张中,比较准确地体现了启发性教学原则的是( C开而弗C zai 达 ) A zai 在学与思的认知上,与孔子“学而不思则罔,死而不学则殆”观点相近的 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 是(A )A. B.梁启超 C.顾炎武 D.黄宗羲 X zai 在知行认识上的观点和朱熹的“知先行后“观点一致。(×) 在中国教育史上开创了与教育“内发说”截然相反的教育“外铄论”。(DD zai 荀子) 战国后期,从正反两个方面总结了儒家的教育理论和经验的是( C 《学C zhan 记》 ) 正 zhan 战国后期,我国出现的具有世界影响的教育文献是《学记》。( ? ) B zhi 知中有行,行中有知 ”。王守仁认为知行是( B. 一回事 ) 正 zhi 只要用教化来规范人民,就能取得成功。( ? ) B zhi 只知晓歌曲而不知晓乐的是( B老百姓) 正 zhi 至圣是孔子,亚圣是孟子,他们合称孔孟。 ( ? ) D zhi 致知之途有二:曰学曰思”语出(D四书训义) zhon A g 中国古代提出“有教无类”的思想家是( A孔子 zhon B g 中学语文教材选有( B梁启超 )的作品《少年中国说》 zhon 正 g 中学语文教材选有梁启超的作品《少年中国说》(?) zhon C g 中庸”的核心思想是( C中和) zhon B g 中庸》继承了重视( B主体)的个别差异的思想。 zhon中庸》就是以“中立”的哲学理念为指导,以自然和社会的需求与人的自X g 身发展需求相和谐为宗旨。( × ) zhon A g 中庸》强调了教育的( A本质与作用 )的和谐。 中庸》认为人可以从两条途径得到完善,一是发掘人的内在天性,称为“尊 zhon德性”;二是通过对外部世界的求知,。。。。。。这两条途径是( A相依并进,A g 相辅相成 ) zhon C g 中庸》是( C 《礼记》)四十九篇中的一篇。 zhon中庸》是儒家关于世界、社会、人生以及自身的为人处世的伦理道德观和正 g 思想方法论,是中国古代社会的指导思想。( ? ) zhon中庸》一开头就指出:“天命之谓性,率性之谓道,修道之谓教。”只是继B g 承了思孟学派( B .性善论)的思想。 zhon A g 种树者必( A培)其根 ,种德者必养其心。 zhon种树者必培其根,种德者必养其心。”比喻修养品德必须培养好心性。( A)A g A正确;B错误 朱熹:“国家建立学校之官,遍于郡国,盖所以幸教天下之士,使之知所以 修身、齐家、治国、平天下之道,而待朝廷之用也。”学校教育的主要任务D zhu 是( D为朝廷培养有用的人才) A D zhu 朱熹把一个人的教育分为( AD ) A.小学 D.大学 朱熹的“教人有序不可说等”的最准确理解是( C遵循由易而难、由近而C zhu 远的阶段,且努力学习,则自有进步) 正 zhu 朱熹继承了儒家关于笃行的思想,在教学上重视行的作用,而且强调知行 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 15 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 并进。(? ) 正 zhu 朱熹认为,为学应当从博学开始,进而使博学与专精结合起来。(? ) A zhu 朱熹认为的“大学教育阶段”, 年龄段是(A 。15岁以后 ) B zhu 朱熹认为的“小学教育阶段”,年龄段是( B。8—15岁 ) 朱熹认为小学教育重在“教事”不同,大学教育内容的重点是( A教理),A zhu 即重在探究“事物之所以然”。 朱熹是中国古代教育史上继孔丘之后的又一个大教育家。他的教育活动和 教育思想,大大地丰富和充实了我国古代教育宝库,对于我国封建社会后 期教育的发展曾产生过重大影响。他的主要著作《朱子语类》是一部涉及D zhu ( D政治、哲学、历史、文学)领域的重要著作。 朱熹说:"道不能安坐等其自至,只待别人理会,来放自家口里"。体现他D zhu 主张的教学原则是( D自动和适时的启发) 朱熹说:"读书是自家读书,为学是自家为学,不千别人一线事,别人助自A zhu 家不得"。体现他主张的教学原则是( A.自动和适时的启发) 朱熹说:"人而不学,则无以知其所当知之理,无以能其所当为之事。学而 不习,则虽知其理,能其事,然亦生涩危殆,而不能以自安。习而不时, 虽日习之而其功夫间断,一暴十寒,终不足以成其习之功矣"。他强调了( AA zhu 时习)的教学原则。 朱熹说:"圣贤千言万语,无非只说此事。须是策励此心,勇猛奋发,拨出 心肝,与他去做,如两边擂起战鼓,莫问前头如何,只认卷将去,如此方 做得功夫。若半上半下,半沉半浮,济得甚事?" 体现他主张的教学原则是B zhu ( B勇猛奋发和温故时习) 朱熹说:"徒明不行,则明无所有,空明而已;徒行不明,则行无所问,冥C zhu 行而已"。他强调的主要观点是( C 知行并进) A B朱熹在长期的大学教育实践中,积累了许多成功的教学原则(ABCD)。A.C自动和适时的启发 B.勇猛奋发和温故时习C.教人有序不可说等 D zhu D.笃行、博学与专精结合 C zhu 朱熹重要的道德修养方法是( C .居敬) 朱熹主张学校教育的目的在于“物欲之蔽”:“父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇X zhu 有别,长幼有序,朋友有信”。( × ) A B C朱熹总结出六条“朱子读书法”。分别是( ABCD )A.循序渐进,熟读D zhu 深思 B.虚心涵咏,切己体察C.着紧用力 D.居敬持志 子贡问政。子曰:“足食,足兵,民信之矣。”这个回答体(A取信于民)A zi 的治国思想。 C zi 子曰:“好学近乎( C知) 子曰:“吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。”这一段讲( AA zi 躬身实践 )的重要性。 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。” 这一段讲( C学思结合 )C zi 的重要性。 子曰:“中人以上,可以语上也;中人以下,不可以语上也。” 反映了孔子B zi 提倡一种( B.因材施教 )的教学方法。 A zi 自天子以至于( A庶人),壹是皆以修身为本。 总结提炼出“知行和一”的道德教育学说的古代教育家是(B )A朱熹、B zong B王阳明、C韩非子、D黄宗羲 C zong 纵观周朝、秦朝,君王统治因为缺少什么而导致灭国,( C .王道) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood co国学考试题 共 17 页 ated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth s第 17 页 urface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection
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