首页 青海盐湖工业集团化工三期启动项目建议书(修改)



青海盐湖工业集团化工三期启动项目建议书(修改)青海盐湖工业集团化工三期启动项目建议书(修改) 青海盐湖工业集团公司化工三期启动项目建议书 1 项目概况 1.1项目名称 青海盐湖工业集团公司化工三期启动项目 1.2建设单位 建设单位:青海盐湖工业集团公司 1.3项目由来及背景 1.3.1项目承办单位概况。 青海盐湖工业集团有限公司是青海省国有资产监督管理委员会管理的省属企业,公司位于中国最大的干涸内陆盐湖-察尔汗盐湖,是中国唯一的大型钾肥工业生产基地,是青海省四大优势资源型企业之一。目前公司的注册资本为22.4亿元人民币,现有职工5000余人。...

青海盐湖工业集团化工三期启动项目建议书(修改) 青海盐湖工业集团公司化工三期启动项目建议书 1 项目概况 1.1项目名称 青海盐湖工业集团公司化工三期启动项目 1.2建设单位 建设单位:青海盐湖工业集团公司 1.3项目由来及背景 1.3.1项目承办单位概况。 青海盐湖工业集团有限公司是青海省国有资产监督管理委员会管理的省属企业,公司位于中国最大的干涸内陆盐湖-察尔汗盐湖,是中国唯一的大型钾肥工业生产基地,是青海省四大优势资源型企业之一。目前公司的注册资本为22.4亿元人民币,现有职工5000余人。现全集团有2个控股子公司,4个分公司,3个全资子公司,3个参股子公司,1 个国家级技术中心。集团现拥有200万吨钾肥生产能力,资产总额达到84亿元。 2007年集团实现销售收入365190万元,实现利润总额201890.58万元,实现净资产收益率25.63%,净上缴税金达到42283.63万元(已扣除增值税返还)。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 1.3.2项目建设的必要性和依据。 盐湖集团位于享有“聚宝盆”之称的柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖,盐湖氯化钾资源量53980万吨(批准工业储量14500万吨)、氯化镁405935万吨、氯化锂1204万吨、氯化钠555亿吨,氧化硼768万吨,均居全国之首。此外还有溴、碘、铷等元素,整个盐湖的开采价值超过12万亿元,盐湖开发和综合利用具有广阔的前景,在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。 2000年5月,青海100万吨钾肥项目开工建设,2005年生产钾肥90余万吨,2006年实现达标、达产,产量达到105万吨,使盐湖钾资源开始了大规模工业化开发。随着盐湖化工一期、二期的开工建设,钾资源得到进一步延伸开发,钠资源、氯资源开发也已经拉开序幕,但总体开发规模不大,还处于初级阶段,镁盐、钠盐、煤炭、石灰石等资源没有得到有效的开发利用,整个循环经济产业链还无法完整构筑。 进入二十一世纪以来,随着党中央做出了实施西部大开发战略、加快中西部地区发展的重大决策的实施,国务院有关部门也制定了一系列相关的优惠政策和产业政策措施,支持西部地区加快发展,缩小东西部差距。自2005年10月27日国家六部委批准青海省柴达木循环经济试验区为国家级循环经济产业试点园区后,按照“一区四园”的空间布局构想,工业发展逐步摆脱了由 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济体制向市场经济体制过渡时期的萎缩、停滞局面,“十五”期间开始向大规模、高效益方向 e communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal tru2 发展,工业化进程明显加快。循环经济试验区的资源勘探和利用提上了新水平,资源配置日趋合理,并在“落实科学发展观,走新型工业化道路”的方针统领下,提出了全面开发利用青海省尤其是柴达木地区各类资源、发展循环经济的宏伟规划,以提高资源利用效率为核心,加快产业结构优化升级,大力发展下游产业,努力延伸产业链,进一步大力发展壮大石油天然气、盐湖化工、金属冶金三大支柱产业,加快发展制盐和盐碱化工、冶金、煤炭业、建材业、中藏药和农畜产品深加工等优势产业,提高产业集中度,延伸产业链,推进产业的升级换代,增强产业的市场竞争力;统筹区域协调发展,优化产业布局,有效推进产业基地建设,积极培育具有比较优势和竞争优势的工业产业群,积极推进盐湖、石油天然气等优势资源综合利用和产业融合,实现资源综合利用的突破,加强工业“三废”治理,实现资源开发和工业发展与环境保护的双赢,重点培育“一区四园”及8条工业带,打造3大化工基地,建设8个百万吨级产品,形成3个千万吨级生产能力,积极发展6个国家重要产品生产基地,加快建设2个国家主要产品生产地。基本改变目前资源利用率低、产品品种单一、产品附加值少,基础化工原料少,制约关联产业发展的被动局面,形成相互促进、共同发展、多业并举、繁荣经济的发展态势,使柴达木地区形成门类齐全、互补循环、高效环保的区域工业体系,基本建立起较为完善的循环经济发展框架、运行体制、政策法规体系和科技支撑体系,努力构建新型经济发展模式,全面提升柴达木地区新型工业化、城市化、信息化水平,使柴达木地区资源利用效率明显提高,科技应用水平和自主创新能力显著增强,单位产值的资源消耗明显降低,废物排放量明显减少,把柴达木地区建设成为全国以“资源开发、综合利用” Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic3 为核心,以“高度利用、低度排放”为特点的循环经济示范区。 青海省经济发展具有盐湖、煤炭、油气、金属矿藏等几大资源优势,青海煤炭、油气、石灰石等资源在西部地区并不具有优势,从储量和可利用量以及开采、运输成本上与新疆、内蒙等地相比都没有竞争力。柴达木地区的资源价值总量估计在20万亿元人民币,而其中盐湖资源价值超过12万亿元人民币,青海的盐湖资源具有储藏量大和独特唯一等特性,是青海最具优势的核心资源,而且盐湖资源与煤炭、油气、石灰石等其他资源产业发展关联度高,盐湖资源开发利用能够带动煤炭、油气、石灰石等其他资源的综合开发,盐湖资源开发也需要其他资源的配套与支撑。因此只有围绕盐湖这一核心资源进行诸多资源的综合开发,以盐湖资源为龙头 ,发展循环经济,才能打造青海省的资源比较优势,提高青海工业经济的竞争力和资源利用效率。本项目正是围绕盐湖丰富的镁钠资源进行盐湖资源、煤炭、油气、石灰石等资源综合开发的循环经济项目。本项目的建设实施将充分发挥青海省的资源优势,大大延伸盐湖工业集团的产业链,提高柴达木地区的资源利用效率,推动柴达木地区乃至青海省的循环经济发展,是科学发展观在青海的具体实践范例。 盐湖集团拥有柴达木地区最大的察尔汗盐湖,钾、镁、钠资源作为盐湖集团长期的核心资源优势,目前还未得到真正的开发利用,盐湖集团发展镁产业不仅具有资源、成本优势,技术瓶颈也已突破,同时能带动煤、石灰石、钠、氯等资源开发,构筑完整的循环经济产业链,也大大提升项目自身的市场竞争力。因此,根据国家关于西部大 ets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic4 开发的战略、《青海省国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年计划和2020年远景目标》、《青海省工业发展规划》、《青海省海西州国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年计划和2020年远景目标》、《国务院七部委关于柴达木循环经济试验区的批准意见》、《柴达木循环经济试验区工业发展规划》(修订稿)以及青海省海西州“十一五”、“十二五”对柴达木盆地的资源综合开发利用总体规划,结合青海盐湖工业集团有限公司“十一五”、“十二五”发展战略,立足察尔汗盐湖并依托柴达木盆地丰富的矿产资源,以镁盐、钠盐、煤炭、石灰石为主要原料,规划 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了规模宏大的柴达木盆地循环经济盐湖化工项目(化工三期),总投资约500亿元。 根据现实条件和可能,提出本项目产业链 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 作为化工三期启动项目。 1.3.3启动项目简介 盐湖化工三期启动项目产业链构建的基本思路是以金属镁产品为主线,以氯平衡为前提,整合柴达木循环经济试验区资源,发展煤化工、盐化工、高分子材料化工产品,并充分循环利用,达到高效、环保的循环经济目标,为全面建设盐湖化工三期打下夯实基础。 其产业链构成如下图所示 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic5 ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th 6 主要项目简介: 1),,万吨,年水氯镁石法电解金属镁 原料水氯镁石来自钾肥生产,生产10万吨/年金属镁,副产25万吨/年氯气。 2),,万吨,年煤制甲醇及MTO(含,.,万吨,年,,装置) 由于海西州目前甲醇装置能力已达60万吨/年(格炼40万吨/年,盐湖集团10万吨/年,庆华煤业10万吨/年),煤制甲醇装置可以不与MTO同步。 3),,万吨,年乙烯法,,,联产,,万吨,年电石法,,, 金属镁副产的25万吨/年氯气全部用于乙烯法PVC,使其达到国家规定的产业规模,也可考虑用于盐湖海虹项目(对氯气质量要求不高),而烧碱装置的高质量氯气用于PVC的生产。副产的氯化氢用于电石法PVC生产。 4),,万吨,年电石,,,,万吨,年焦炭 20万吨/年电石法PVC需要约35万吨/年电石,因此有5万吨/年左右的电石商品量,而40万吨/年电石约需要25万吨/年焦炭,考虑前后项目衍接,一步建设100万吨/年焦炭,近期有75万吨/年焦炭商品量。 5),,,万吨,年纯碱 根据国家产业政策,启动规模100万吨/年,石灰石氨碱法制纯碱技术成熟,本项目利用PVC生产的电石渣替代部分石灰石,其他原料:CO利用电石生产的石灰窑窑气;氯化钠利用钾肥生产和金属镁生产的2 devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicArrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical t7 尾盐;氯化铵利用硝酸钾项目的副产。 6)氯化钙无害化处理装置 100万吨/年纯碱将会产生120万吨/年左右的氯化钙(折100%),如果纯碱装置放在察尔汗,必须对氯化钙作资源化利用或无害化处理。处理方法:A,利用金属冶炼的副产硫酸与固化后的氯化钙生成硫酸钙去制水泥,副产氯化氢制PVC,由于硫酸目前来源不明以及液体氯化钙固化的技术问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,启动项目不考虑资源化利用,暂利用青海气候特征将氯化钙废液晒干作为资源存储,存储地应远离盐湖;B,用芒硝与氯化钙反应,生成硫酸钙和氯化钠,硫酸钙可去制水泥,氯化钠回收循环利用于纯碱生产。 7),,,,万千瓦热电机组 主要满足金属镁、电石生产的用电需求及其他项目的蒸汽需求。 1.3.4产品技术水平 化工三期启动项目主要产品有金属镁、PVC、纯碱、焦炭、氯化钾、PP、C5、LPG、丁烯、电石等,技术分别采用国际国内先进的加拿大诺斯克.希德罗公司技术装备生产金属镁、中科院大连化物所的DMTO技术制低碳烯烃、埃肯天利密闭炉电石生产技术以及CO回收利用气烧窑技术、国内已经开始推广的环保型干法乙炔技术、成熟可靠的焦炭生产技术、废副产物综合利用的电石渣与石灰石(石灰乳)混用制纯碱技术等。采用的技术先进、可靠,国内都已有规模化的工业装置或工业化试验装置,具有高新技术节能、高效、环保的技术特征。 al true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a8 1.3.5主要产品市场概况 1)金属镁 随着汽车工业、航空航天等产业的高速发展以及铝价的大幅提升,全球金属镁的需求量近年来保持6%以上的年增长,2005年达到了近60万吨,目前全球金属镁需求量已超过100万吨/年。我国是全球金属镁生产大国与出口大国,产能达到100万吨,2005年产量50多万吨,最大装置产能接近10万吨/年左右。国内金属镁需求大约在,0万吨,年左右,金属镁价格近,万元,吨。盐湖集团拥有得天独厚的低钠光卤石资源优势,在市场竞争中具有突出的技术、原料、成本优势。 2)MTO产品及PVC 甲醇裂解制低碳烯烃(MTO)主要产品为乙烯和丙烯(两者相加约占80%),同时副产丁烯、LPG、C5(合计约占20%)。乙烯和丙烯主要用于PE和PP的生产,本项目乙烯全部用于乙烯氯化法PVC的生产,丙烯则用于PE的生产。 目前,我国丙烯还是主要来源于乙烯装置联产和炼厂气。近10年来,我国丙烯的生产能力和产量分别以13(15,和13(10,的速度增 4长,2004年,我国丙烯表观消费量为644(53 X10t,其中国内产品623(20 44X 10t,进口产品为21(33 X 10t,另外,2004年进口的丙烯下游产品(包括聚丙烯、乙丙橡胶、丁醇、辛醇和异丙醇等)折成丙烯量约为 44469(1 1 X 10t。2004年丙烯的当量消费量达到1 113(64 X 10t。国内丙烯市场满足率仅为55(98,。预计2004-- 2010年间,我国丙烯需求量年均增长率为7(93,,同期产能增长速度为10(76,;2010-- ables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicArrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ou9 2015年间,丙烯当量需求量的年均增长率为6(93,,同期产能增长速度为8(75,,但丙烯市场满足率仅为73(15,,尽管丙烯产能的增长速度高于需求量的增长率,但市场供需仍有较大缺口,甲醇制丙烯就有较好的发展前景。 PVC是一种全球化产品,全球大约有50个国家、150个公司生产。2005年,世界PVC产能约为3717万t,a,消费量约为3313万t;2010年世界PVC生产能力将增至4 196万t,a,消费量为3 734万t,供求基本平衡,产能增加主要来自亚洲和北美。到2005年底,我国PVC产能达到980万t,a左右,到2006年底,国内PVC产能达到1 200万t,a,国内PVC生产企业将面临激烈竞争的局面。由于石油价格持续上涨,电石法PVC生产成本比乙烯法PVC生产成本低,发展更为迅猛,2005,2010年中国PVC需求将以8.3,,年的速度增长,到2010年总需求量将达到1160万吨。届时,中国的PVC总需求量几乎占到世界PVC总需求量的22,。本项目的MTO乙烯法PVC是为平衡金属镁副产氯气而建设的配套产品,除因油价高位可在乙烯法PVC中处于成本优势外,还具有边际利润与调控余地,具有较强的市场竞争力。 MTO的其他副产C5、丁烯都是市场紧俏、供不应求的化工原料,先满足市场需求,条件成熟时可开发延伸产业链。LPG则作为燃料投放市场。 3)纯碱 国内纯碱主要用于化学工业、石油工业、玻璃工业、建材工业、有色金属工业、冶金工业、纺织工业、造纸工业、陶瓷工业、以及医 e wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitat10 药、农药、环保等行业,市场需求保持良好的需求形势,产能增长较快,市场价格在能源及原料上涨的推动下,将呈现继续上升趋势。为提高规模效益,实现节能环保,国家为纯碱行业设置了准入门槛,要求初始规模在100万吨/年以上。本项目利用利用PVC生产的电石渣、电石生产的石灰窑窑气CO、钾肥和金属镁生产的尾盐氯化钠以及利用硝酸2 钾项目的副产氯化铵制纯碱,既有成本优势又有环保效益,充分体现了循环经济的理念,优势明显。 2 项目建设初步选址及建设条件 根据产业链的工艺流向、装置之间关联度和物料运输特性及资源地等情况,场址方案为三地方案,具体有二个: 2.1方案一 2.1.1大柴旦:煤化工产业群 建设项目:60万吨/年甲醇。 主要资源或原料:原料煤140万吨/年 资源地:鱼卡 需要土地面积:1000亩(其中预留发展用地700亩) 理由:靠近煤炭资源;其他资源配置合理;已编制规划。 2.1.2察尔汗:镁产品群,MTO产业群,PVC产品群,聚能产品群 建设项目:100kt/a金属镁250kt/a氯化钾 60kt/a甲醇MTO及PP等 200kt/a乙烯氯化法PVC Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic11 400kt/a电石 200kt/a电石法PVC 1000kt/a纯碱 ,,,,万千万热电机组 1500kt/a精制盐场 氯化钙无害化处理装置 主要资源或原料: 甲醇: 从大柴旦输送到察尔汗,60万吨/年(或先利用格尔木地区 现有甲醇资源量,格炼40万吨/年,盐湖10万吨/年) 焦炭: 从乌兰运送到察尔汗,25万吨/年 石灰石: 200万吨/年 资源地: 天峻 硫酸镁: 150万吨/年 资源地:一里坪 需要土地面积:20000亩(其中预留发展用地18000亩) 理由:镁钠氯资源丰富;水资源相对丰富;以后与石油化工的链 接;公用配套条件好,具有产业发展基础,产业链关联需要。 2.1.3乌兰:焦炭子项 建设项目:100万吨/年焦炭 主要原料:焦煤 从天峻木里运送到乌兰,150万吨/年 需要土地面积:850亩 理由:焦煤资源相对较近;有产业发展基础。 ets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic12 2.2方案二 2.2.1大柴旦:煤化工产业群 同方案一 2.1.2察尔汗:镁产品群,MTO产业群,PVC产品群,聚能产品群 建设项目:100kt/a金属镁联产250kt/a氯化钾 60kt/a甲醇MTO及PP等 200kt/a乙烯氯化法PVC 200kt/a电石法PVC ,,,,万千万热电机组 主要资源或原料: 甲醇: 从大柴旦输送到察尔汗,60万吨/年(或先利用格尔木地区 现有甲醇资源量,格炼40万吨/年,盐湖10万吨/年) 焦炭: 从德令哈运送到察尔汗,25万吨/年 电石 从德令哈运送到察尔汗,35万吨/年 需要土地面积:12000亩(其中预留发展用地8000亩) 理由:镁钠氯资源丰富;水资源相对丰富;以后与石油化工的链 接;公用配套条件好,具有产业发展基础,产业链关联需要。 2.1.3德令哈:焦炭、纯碱 建设项目:100万吨/年焦炭 1000kt/a纯碱 400kt/a电石 1500kt/a精制盐场 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic13 氯化钙无害化处理装置 主要原料: 焦煤 从天峻木里运送到乌兰,150万吨/年 氯化钠 150万吨/年(无害化处理回收100万吨/年,金属镁生产尾盐或工业原盐50万吨/年,资源地:察尔汗) 芒硝 155万吨/年(折100%硫酸钠) 资源地:德令哈 石灰石 200万吨/年 资源地:天峻 电石渣 从察尔汗运送到德令哈 45万吨/年 需要土地面积:12000亩(其中预留发展用地8000亩) 理由:焦煤资源相对较近;氯化钙废液无害化处理方便,成本低。有产业发展基础。 2.3厂址方案比较 方案一与方案二的主要区别在于纯碱装置的选址问题。方案一的主要优点是产业集聚化程度高,产业衔接好,主要缺点是氯化钙无害化处理或资源化利用需要技术攻关和生产验证。则克服方案一的缺点,利用芒硝对氯化钙作无害化处理,即使也存在技术攻关问题,但先期可以采用和青海碱业纯碱生产装置一样的处理方式。但方案二的产业链衔接相对分散,运输量大,综合成本较高。所以从长远考虑,建议书采用方案一。 cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl14 3 项目建设规模、建设内容 3.1产品方案 本项目产品方案及建设规模如表1 表1、主要产品方案及建设规模 序号 产品 单位 装置规模 备注 1 金属镁 万吨 10 乙烯法20电石法20 2 PVC 万吨 40 3 焦炭 万吨 100 75万吨商品量 4 纯碱 万吨 100 5 电石 万吨 40 5万吨商品量 6 PP 万吨 7.5 7 C 万吨 1.2 5 8 LPG 万吨 1.5 9 丁烯 万吨 2.5 10 其它 150 副产石膏等 3.2主要工艺技术方案选择 3.2.1 100kt/a金属镁 100 kt/a金属镁拟采用加拿大诺斯克.希德罗公司技术装备生产金属镁,副产氯气用于乙烯氯化法生产PVC 200kt/a,以充分发挥盐湖资源优势。 工艺流程简述:水氯镁石(六水氯化镁)经净化过程后,在直径为12m、高为30m的喷雾干燥造粒塔内进行喷雾造粒,并脱水。所得产物相当于二水氯化镁,再经沸腾炉在HCl气氛保护下脱水,温度330?,所用HCl纯度99.5%,所得产物含MgO<0.2%,所制得的无水氯化镁再经熔融炉成熔融状态下电解生成金属镁和氯气。金属镁粗品经提炼精 tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicArrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed15 制成成品镁锭。副产氯气经提纯后经氯压缩机及氯气液化器液化后送去PVC装置用于PVC生产。 无水氯化镁电解法生产工艺流程方框图 水氯镁石 喷雾造粒干燥塔 氯化氢气氛下脱水 熔融 无水氯化镁 氯气提纯 电解槽 无水氯化镁熔融炉 金属镁精炼 镁锭 氯气压缩、液化 气 液氯去PVC 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 水氯镁石 万吨/年 140 察尔汗 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 35 1 水 M/年 6.25х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 25 53 蒸汽 吨/年 8.3х10 3.2.2 600kt/a煤制甲醇 目前煤制甲醇分高(13MP)、中(8.5MP)、低(6.5MP)压法,高压法基本在联醇系统采用,中压法目前用的少,大多采用低压法技术,煤制甲醇的关键技术在于水煤浆气化技术,目前国际上最先进的是德士古气化炉,本项目采用德士古技术。 e communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal tru16 工艺流程简述:原料煤经破碎急研磨后调制成水煤浆,与空分装置来的氧气一起进入德士古煤气化炉气化;经碳洗塔洗涤分离后的粗煤气进入CO变换炉,接着用甲醇净化,净化合成气从塔顶进入甲醇合成反应器合成甲醇,同时放出大量热量,冷激气从塔侧进入塔内控制反应温度,冷凝分离后的粗甲醇经三塔精馏得精甲醇送甲醇贮槽。 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 原料动力煤 万吨/年 100 鱼卡 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 35 1 水 M/年 8.5х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 0.83 3 蒸汽 万吨/年 150 甲醇生产工艺流程示意图 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic17 3.2.3 600kt/a甲醇裂解(MTO)制低碳烯烃及75kt/aPP 甲醇裂解制低碳烯烃MTO技术国内外处于工业化推广应用阶段,本项目采用已通过国家鉴定的中科院大连化物所工业化技术。 流程简述:MTO工艺的全过程分为反应一再生系统和反应气分离系统两部分。反应部分只有气固两相,其反应过程:甲醇先脱水生成二甲醚(DME),然后二甲醚与原料甲醇的平衡混合物在催化剂作用下脱水,转化为以乙烯、丙烯为主的低碳烯烃,该催化反应为放热反应。失活的催化剂需在流化床再生器中燃炭再生,然后返回流化床反应器继续反应。反应器和再生器都设有移热装置 聚丙烯的生产技术有多种,本项目以美国阿莫柯溶剂法制聚丙烯为例,具体采用那家技术待定。 ets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic18 流程简述:将丙烯、催化剂、己烷、氢连续加入聚合釜,生产均聚物、多链段共聚物时两釜并联,生产末端嵌段共聚物时两釜串联,需加乙烯,在70?,<2.0MPa压力下聚合,制得的浆液连续通入闪蒸槽,未反应丙烯与部分己烷从顶部出来,经压缩循环使用,闪蒸后的聚合浆液进入醇解釜,与热甲醇接触使催化剂失活,再经碱中和槽、管道混合器与水接触进行倾析,然后去离心机,经分离、气流干燥、沸腾干燥后,粉料与添加剂混合,竟双螺杆混炼机、单螺杆挤压机造粒、均化后去包装。溶剂有专门的溶剂回收、循环使用装置。 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 甲醇 万吨/年 60 大柴旦 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 36 1 水 M/年 1.85х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 0.7 3 蒸汽 万吨/年 130 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic19 3.2.4 200kt/乙烯氯化法PVC 乙烯氯化法PVC是成熟技术,石化系统大部分改成乙烯氧氯化法技术,本项目采用乙烯直接氯化法生产PVC,副产氯化氢用于电石法PVC。 流程简述:将乙烯、氯气在氯化反应器中,于液体二氯乙烷溶剂存在下反应,生成99.8%的二氯乙烷,再加入短滞留时间的高效二氯乙烷裂解炉,裂解产生氯乙烯,在再沸器或气提塔中回收副产品氯化氢,送电石法PVC装置 cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl20 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 乙烯 万吨/年 10 MTO装置 2 氯气 万吨/年 25 金属镁装置 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 35 /年 8.5х10不含循环水 1 水 M 2 电 亿度/年 0.83 3 蒸汽 万吨/年 150 注:MTO装置可产生12万吨/年乙烯,按照单耗,PVC能力可达24万吨/年,可考虑PVC设计规模放大一点,或调节MTO丙、乙烯的比例解决。 3.2.5 400kt/a电石 本项目选用的33000KVA密闭电石炉在保持了埃肯炉的先进性基础上,通过技术改进和创新,入炉有功大于30000KW,产量大于65000吨/年(在同等原料和操作工艺条件下)。 工艺流程简述:石灰石从原料库送入石灰窑,在为 900ºC 左右高温热预热、煅烧成为石灰。焦炭经干燥处理。经原料工段加工合格的石灰、焦炭经皮带机分别送入炉顶原料仓,按合适的重量配比进入炉中。石灰和炭素原料在电阻电弧产生的高温(2000—2200?)下转变成电石。冶炼好的熔融电石,由卷扬机拉到冷却厂房进行冷却。 电石生产排出的含有大量一氧化碳的炉气经降温净化后,送入双套筒气烧石灰窑作为燃气烧制石灰。 冷却后的电石经破碎后,送电石储斗,然后经包装,送聚氯乙烯生产车间作为原料,少量作为商品出售。 ables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicArrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ou21 原料生产工艺流程方框图 自电石炉来 石灰石场 馆 风 机 装载机 净化炉气 提升料斗 气烧石灰窑 卸灰机 筛分机 送电石生产 石 除尘器 石灰粉料仓 去纯碱生产 无烟煤库房 焦炭库房 鼓风机 装载机 提升料斗 烘干窑 除尘器 输送机 提升机 筛分机 送电石生产 去焦粉成球 ets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic22 电石生产工艺流程方框图 石灰石场焦炭库房 无 烟 煤 馆 电子皮带秤 电子皮带秤 电子皮带秤 加 料 皮 带 机 去气烧石灰窑 环型加料机 石 净化炉气 中间料仓 过滤除尘 卸 料 管 石灰粉料仓 电 石 炉 电极糊 电石锅与牵引小车 冷却厂房 破 碎 装桶出厂 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 石灰石 万吨/年 80 天峻 2 焦炭 万吨/年 25 德令哈 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 35 1 水 M/年 9х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 13.5 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic23 3.2.7 200kt/a电石法PVC 本工程以乙炔和氯化氢为原料生产氯乙烯。乙炔生产采用引进日本金刚石公司的干法生产工艺,PVC树脂聚合仍采用悬浮聚合法生产, 3转化采用国内最大单台能力年6000吨,聚合设备采用135m聚合釜。 工艺流程简述:电石通过细破机粉碎(电石的粒径小于5毫米),在发生器内与略多于理论量的水以雾态喷在电石粉上使之水解成乙炔气,粗乙炔气经乙炔冷却塔一部分到气柜,另一部分气体(或气柜来)进入水环压缩机加压,经气水分离器除去大部分水分后,进入清净塔,中和除去S、P杂质,精制乙炔经乙炔预冷器,除雾器除去部分水分后送转化工序。产生的电石渣为含水量4%,10%干粉末由皮带输送至纯碱装置,作为纯碱生产的原料。 精制乙炔气与氯化氢通过流量计调节配比,预热到85?后进入转化器,借列管中填装的吸附于活性炭上的汞触媒,使乙炔和氯化氢合成转化为氯乙烯。 来自合成的粗氯乙烯气进行精制后送至压缩或去气柜。氯乙烯单体及各种助剂分别压入聚合釜,经冷搅拌后夹套通热水升温至规定温度开始反应。反应结束后利用泵把釜内浆料送至出料槽内。 未反应的氯乙烯单体(约占加料量的20,)一部分直接经压缩机增压后进入单体冷凝器冷凝后流入单体贮槽以备下一釜入料。另一部分吸附于浆料树脂中的氯乙烯单体经汽提从塔顶排出,经塔顶冷凝器、气液分离器后回气柜。 由聚合后处理来的聚氯乙烯浆料直接进入离心机,经离心脱水后 ing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertic24 聚氯乙烯湿物料由螺旋输送机送到气流干燥塔内,母液进母液沉淀池,经固液分离后母液重新回用于聚合;聚氯乙烯树脂湿物料和从底部进来的140,150?热风吹送进行干燥。气流塔顶部出来的气固混合料到旋风干燥器底部,在旋风干燥器降速经干燥从顶部出来,在干燥器出口得到含水0.3,的聚氯乙烯树脂干物料经一级旋风分离后,下至二组二级旋振筛,过筛后下到PVC贮斗,采用脉冲输送至PVC包装成品料仓,经放料口,皮带输送机计量包装,然后堆放到树脂仓库。 氯乙烯聚合部分流程与乙烯法PVC类似,不再重复。 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic25 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 电石 万吨/年 35 电石装置 2 氯化氢 万吨/年 14 乙烯法PVC 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 35 1 水 M/年 3.6х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 0.688 3 蒸汽 万吨/年 20 3.2.8 1000kt/a焦炭 焦煤生产焦炭的技术已有悠久历史,但焦化行业是高耗能、高污染行业。随着全社会对环保的高度重视,国家对焦化企业的环保要求越来越严格。山西省高平市兴高焦化集团有限公司自主开发了清洁型炼焦炉,找到了清洁环保生产的好办法。 一是采用先进的炼焦技术。其自主研发的无烟煤配煤炼焦工艺技术已获得国家发明专利,并填补了国内“白煤”炼焦的空白。有了这种先进炼焦技术,并在工艺实施过程中配套相应的污染治理设施,就能够在生产全过程中控制污染物的产生和排放,实现了清洁环保生产。比如目前采用的QRD-2000热回收捣固式炼焦炉炼焦方法,在生产过程中排放的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、颗粒物排放浓度分别是国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 限值的45.1%、34.2%和23.6%;二氧化硫、颗粒物吨焦排放量分别是国家标准限值的23.8%和8.8%;而对人体有害的强致癌物苯并芘,其排放浓度仅是国家标准限值的百万分之五。 二 是让令炼焦企业头疼的高污染尾气变成宝贵资源。原来,两年前兴高集团被选为联合国开发计划署、农业部等机构实施的“乡镇企业节能减排项目”示范企业,国际一流专家对兴高集团进行诊断后,确定用先进的清洁型焦炉余热发电技术,回收炼焦企业最头疼的高污染尾气,利用其1000?的高温把水加热成蒸汽,再用来发电。兴高集 e communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal tru26 团是国内最先将炼焦产生的高温废气收集起来用于发电的企业。目前他们已具备了年发电1.2亿千瓦时的能力,与同等规模的火力发电厂相比,每年可以减少标煤燃烧7万吨(折合煤10万吨),每年可以减少二氧化碳排放25.6万吨,减少3万吨炉灰的排放,为焦化企业的节能减排开辟了新路。本项目拟采用以上技术。 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 焦煤 万吨/年 150 天峻 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 36 1 水 M/年 3.5х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 0.35 3.2.9 1000kt/a纯碱 纯碱有氨碱法、联碱法、芒硝法等多种生产方法,以氨碱法为最普遍。本项目利用电石渣制碱,宜采用唐山三友改进的氨碱法。 流程简述:原盐或尾盐经盐水精制后送入吸氨塔上部,塔底送入来自蒸氨塔的氨气,冷却降温澄清为精制氨盐水送入碳化塔用石灰石煅烧来的CO气进行碳化,生成碳酸氢钠,再用皮带机输送到煅烧炉煅2 烧制成纯碱。经过滤机下来的母液中含有氯化铵,将母液送入蒸氨塔顶部,蒸出部分游离氨,尔后与石灰乳(生石灰加水及加电石渣制成)反应后进入蒸氨塔将氨蒸出循环利用,补充氨用硝酸钾副产氯化铵进蒸氨系统进行补充。副产氯化钙用硫酸镁进行无害化处理。 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic27 主要原料及动力消耗 序号 原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 电石渣 万吨/年 45 电石法PVC 2 石灰石 万吨/年 120 天峻 3 盐与尾盐 万吨/年 150 察尔汗 序号 动力名称 单位 数量 备注 36 1 水 M/年 3.5х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 0.35 ets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic28 3.3原材物料与动力消耗汇总 资源与原材物料消耗表 序号 资源与原料名称 单位 数量 来源 1 动力和原料煤 万吨/年 300 鱼卡 2 焦煤 万吨/年 150 天峻 3 石灰石 万吨/年 200 天峻 4 水氯镁石 万吨/年 140 察尔汗 5 精制盐 万吨/年 150 察尔汗 动力消耗 序号 名称 单位 数量 备注 37 1 水 M/年 2х10不含循环水 2 电 亿度/年 45 3 蒸汽 万吨/年 780 为满足项目用电及蒸汽需要,另配套建设2х60万千万热电机组,需要来自鱼卡的动力煤200万吨/年。 3.4总建筑面积 本项目需总占地约5150亩,约折345公顷,其中大柴旦300亩,察尔汗4000亩(含氯化钙废液处理),乌兰850亩,按化工项目平均0.7左右的容积率计算,总建筑面积约4200000平方米。 4.环境影响 本项目具有多个子项,“三废”品种较多,在采用国内外先进生产控制技术,实现清洁生产,减少无组织排放的同时,对“三废”均作无害化处理和资源化利用,如电石生产的废气CO回用于石灰煅烧,石灰窑窑气CO和PVC的电石渣以及金属镁的尾盐用于制纯碱,焦炭的2 焦炉气用于发电和生产蒸汽,纯碱生产的氯化钙废液用废硫酸进行无害化处理等等,实现循环经济、节能高效、环境友好的发展目标。 Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical tdevices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communic29 5 投资估算 本项目总投资158亿元,具体各子项投资如下表所示: 序号 项目名称 投资(亿元) 备注 , ,,万吨,年煤制甲醇及,,, 50 含甲醇、,, , ,,万吨,年金属镁 30 , ,,万吨,年乙烯法,,, 10 , ,,万吨,年电石法,,, 8 , 120(,,,)万吨,年焦炭 15 , ,,万吨,年电石 5 , ,,,万吨,年纯碱 12 , ,,,,万千万热电机组 24 , 硫酸镁生产及无害化处理 2 10 150万吨精制原盐 2 合计 158 6 建设进度初步安排 2008年6月前完成项目备案 2008年12月前完成项目可行性研究报告 2009年8月前完成初步设计 2010年6月前完成施工图设计 2012年12月前建成投产 ing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bedoutl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertic30 7 经济效益和社会效益初步估算 本项目全部建成投产后可实现产值95.5亿元,利税32亿元,利润20.5亿元,静态投资回收期7.7年,经济上是可行的,当然如果后期项目加快跟上建设,规模效益和综合效益得到发挥,其经济效益将会更佳。 序号 产品 单位 商品量 产值 利税 利润 备注 (亿元) (亿元) (亿元) 1 金属镁 万吨 10 30 12 8 2 PVC 万吨 40 25 5 3 3 焦炭 万吨 75 9 4 2.5 4 纯碱 万吨 100 13 5 3 5 电石 万吨 5 1.5 0.5 0.3 6 PP 万吨 7.5 9 3 2 7 C 万吨 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.1 5 8 LPG 万吨 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.2 9 丁烯 万吨 2.5 2.0 0.5 0.3 10 其它 万吨 150 4.5 1.5 1.1 合计 95.5 32.0 20.5 本项目建成后,可为增加政府税收11.5亿元/年,增加约5000人的就业机会,社会效益良好。 8 主要存在问题与建议 8.1本次项目立足察尔汗盐湖优势资源,围绕柴达木盆地资源的综合利用及循环经济要求,涉及资源种类多,必须尽早协调落实解决,尤其是动力煤、石灰石及焦煤,应尽早尽快落实,以便进一步细化产品方案和厂址选择。 8.2氯化钙无害化处理或资源化利用需要技术攻关和生产验证。 8.3盐湖化工三期启动项目规模大、技术高、跨行业、跨地区,建议引入战略合作伙伴共同合作开发建设。 devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate coiring hole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wn and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a wnectioframe between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN conaying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution lot llevel joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along s st layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch doof firtation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer unk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabiliations, vertical Tri of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicArrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed tlets.le tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information ouables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cabrunk cmmunication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical t31 8.4该项目的产品规模大,大型设备多,考虑青海的地理特征与运输瓶颈,建议在当地建设一个机械设备制造公司,以解决大型设备运输问题。 8.5 本项目运输量大,现有交通运输条件无法满足发展需要,必须加快铁路、公路建设步伐,改善交通运输条件。 8.6本项目有金属镁、电石、纯碱等高耗电装置,自备热电厂发电供热只能满足60-70%的用电需求,电力系统的建设完善迫在眉睫。 9 结论 本项目充分体现了科学发展观和循环经济理念,产业链构筑合理,工艺技术先进,经济效益和社会效益良好,环境友好,应当着手解决相关问题,加快实施建设步伐,推进柴达木循环经济试验区的快速发展。 outl cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information nk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along aal true communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the verticing devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate wira whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between th ction and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device asconne ion frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LANot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distributg sldo level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou alon first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch mer ofbilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monol Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehaations, verticai of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communicets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed32
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