首页 安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理办法



安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理办法安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理办法 《安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理办法》 安徽省人民政府令153号 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了加强城市房屋拆迁管理~维护拆迁当事人的合法权益~保障建设项目顺利进行~根据国务院《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》,以下简称《条例》,~结合本省实际~制定本办法。 第二条 在本省城市规划区内国有土地上实施房屋拆迁~需要对被拆迁人补偿、安臵的~应当遵守本办法。 第三条 省人民政府建设行政主管部门对本省城市房屋拆迁工作实施监督管理。 市、县人民政府负责管理城市房屋拆迁工作的部门,以下简称房屋拆迁管理部门,...

安徽省城市房屋拆迁 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 《安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理办法》 安徽省人民政府令153号 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了加强城市房屋拆迁管理~维护拆迁当事人的合法权益~保障建设项目顺利进行~根据国务院《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》,以下简称《条例》,~结合本省实际~制定本办法。 第二条 在本省城市规划区内国有土地上实施房屋拆迁~需要对被拆迁人补偿、安臵的~应当遵守本办法。 第三条 省人民政府建设行政主管部门对本省城市房屋拆迁工作实施监督管理。 市、县人民政府负责管理城市房屋拆迁工作的部门,以下简称房屋拆迁管理部门,~对本行政区域内城市房屋拆迁工作实施监督管理。 县级以上地方人民政府有关部门和城镇人民政府、街道办事处应当依照各自 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx ~互相配合~保证城市房屋拆迁管理工作的顺利进行。 第四条 拆迁人应当依照本办法规定~对被拆迁人给予补偿、安臵,被拆迁人应当服从城市建设需要~在规定的搬迁期限内完成搬迁。 第二章 拆迁管理 第五条 拆迁房屋的单位取得房屋拆迁 许可 商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可 证后~方可实施拆迁。申请领取房屋拆迁许可证~应当向房屋所在地市、县人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门提交下列资料: ,一,建设项目批准文件, when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter ,二,建设用地规划许可证, ,三,国有土地使用权批准文件, ,四,拆迁 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和拆迁 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 , ,五,办理存款业务的金融机构出具的拆迁补偿安臵资金证明。 前款第,四,项规定的拆迁计划~包括拆迁范围、方式、期限等,拆迁方案包括被拆迁房屋状况、各种补偿和补助费用概算、产权调换房屋安臵标准、新建安臵房屋平面设计图和地点、临时过渡方式及具体措施等。第,五,项规定的拆迁补偿安臵资金的存款额度不少于被拆迁房屋总建筑面积乘以上一年同类地段、同类性质房屋的货币补偿基准价~拆迁人用于产权调换的房屋可以折价计入。 第六条 房屋拆迁管理部门应当自收到房屋拆迁申请之日起 30日内进行审查~对符合条件的~颁发房屋拆迁许可证,对不符合条件的~退回申请~并说明理由。 房屋拆迁许可证核准的拆迁范围~不得超过建设用地规划许可证核定的用地范围。 第七条 房屋拆迁管理部门应当在发放房屋拆迁许可证的同时~将房屋拆迁许可证中载明的建设项目名称、拆迁人、拆迁范围、拆迁期限、拆迁补偿安臵标准等事项~以房屋拆迁公告的形式予以公布。 房屋拆迁管理部门和拆迁人应当及时向被拆迁人做好宣传、解释工作。 第八条 拆迁人应当在房屋拆迁许可证确定的拆迁范围和拆迁期限内~实施房屋拆迁。需要扩大或者缩小拆迁范围、延长拆迁期限的~拆迁人应当向房屋拆迁管理部门提出申请。 房屋拆迁管理部门应当自收到申请之日起10日内进行审查~对符合条件的~变更房屋拆迁when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 许可证~并将变更后的房屋拆迁许可证的相关内容予以公布,对不符合条件的~退回申请~并说明理由。 第九条 拆迁人可以自行拆迁~也可以委托具有拆迁资格的单位进行拆迁。房屋拆迁管理部门不得作为拆迁人~不得接受拆迁委托。 实施房屋拆迁~应当遵守市容、环境保护、建筑施工安全等法律、法规的规定~实行文明、安全施工~保持环境清洁。 第十条 房屋拆迁管理部门公布房屋拆迁公告~确定拆迁范围后~拆迁范围内的单位和个人不得进行下列活动: ,一,新建、扩建、改建房屋, ,二,改变房屋和土地用途, ,三,租赁房屋。 房屋拆迁管理部门应当在公布房屋拆迁公告的同时~就前款所列事项书面通知有关部门暂停办理相关手续。暂停办理的书面通知应当载明暂停期限。暂停期限不得超过1年,拆迁人需要延长暂停期限的~应当经房屋拆迁管理部门批准~延长暂停期限不得超过1年。 有关部门在房屋拆迁管理部门书面通知载明的暂停期限内~就本条第一款所列事项办理的相关手续无效~并不得作为拆迁补偿安臵的依据。 第十一条 拆迁人与被拆迁人应当在房屋拆迁许可证规定的拆迁期限内~依照本办法规定签订拆迁补偿安臵协议。拆迁补偿安臵协议应当包括下列内容: ,一,拆迁补偿方式、货币补偿金额及其支付期限, ,二,安臵用房面积、标准和地点, ,三,产权调换房屋的差价支付方式和期限, ,四,搬迁期限、搬迁过渡方式和过渡期限, ,五,搬迁补助费和临时安臵补助费, ,六,违约责任和争议解决方式, ,七,当事人约定的其他条款。 拆迁补偿安臵协议的示范文when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 本由省人民政府建设行政主管部门制订~供拆迁当事人参照使用。 第十二条 拆迁租赁房屋的~拆迁人应当与被拆迁人、房屋承租人签订拆迁补偿安臵协议。 拆迁房屋拆迁管理部门代管的房屋的~拆迁人应当与代管人签订拆迁补偿安臵协议,代管房屋有使用人的~拆迁人应当与代管人、房屋使用人签订拆迁补偿安臵协议。本款规定的拆迁补偿安臵协议~应当经公证机关公证~并办理证据保全。 第十三条 被拆迁房屋有下列情形之一的~由拆迁人提出拆迁补偿安臵方案~报房屋拆迁管理部门审核同意后实施拆迁: ,一,有产权纠纷的, ,二,产权人下落不明的, ,三,房屋共有人对拆迁补偿方式达不成一致意见的。 有前款所列情形的房屋拆迁前~拆迁人应当就被拆迁房屋的有关事项向公证机关办理证据保全。 第十四条 拆迁补偿安臵协议签订后~被拆迁人或者房屋承租人在搬迁期限内拒绝搬迁的~拆迁人可以依法向仲裁委员会申请仲裁~也可以依法向人民法院起诉。诉讼期间~拆迁人可以依法申请人民法院先予执行。 第十五条 拆迁当事人达不成拆迁补偿安臵协议的~经当事人申请~由房屋拆迁管理部门裁决。房屋拆迁管理部门是被拆迁人的~由本级人民政府裁决。裁决机关应当自收到裁决申请之日起30日内作出书面裁决,裁决作出之前~裁决机关应当充分听取拆迁当事人的意见。 拆迁当事人对裁决不服的~可以依法申请行政复议或者向人民法院提起行政诉讼。除依法需要停止执行的情形外~拆迁人依照本办法规定已对被拆迁人给予货币补偿或者提供拆迁安臵房、周转房的~when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 复议和诉讼期间不停止拆迁的执行。 第十六条 被拆迁人或者房屋承租人在裁决规定的搬迁期限内未搬迁的~由房屋所在地市、县人民政府责成有关部门强制拆迁~或者由房屋拆迁管理部门依法申请人民法院强制拆迁。 实施强制拆迁前~拆迁人应当就被拆迁房屋的有关事项~向公证机关办理证据保全。 第十七条 市、县人民政府责成有关部门强制拆迁的~按照下列规定进行: ,一,拆迁人向房屋拆迁管理部门提出强制拆迁申请, ,二,房屋拆迁管理部门应当自收到强制拆迁申请之日起10日内进行现场查勘~提出强制拆迁意见~并附房屋拆迁许可证、裁决书等有关材料~报本级人民政府, ,三,市、县人民政府应当自收到强制拆迁意见之日起10日内进行审查~对符合条件的~做出强制拆迁决定~并责成房屋拆迁管理、城市规划、公安等部门和城镇人民政府、街道办事处等单位组织人员实施强制拆迁, ,四,房屋拆迁管理部门应当在实施强制拆迁的7日前通知拆迁当事人, ,五,实施强制拆迁时~房屋拆迁管理部门应当制作笔录~记明强制拆迁过程和搬迁的财物~由执行人、被执行人签名,被执行人拒绝签名的~应当在笔录中注明。 第十八条 拆迁人在拆迁补偿安臵协议或者裁决规定的搬迁期限内~不得对未搬迁的被拆迁人或者房屋承租人实施停止供水、供电、供气等影响生产、生活的行为。 被拆迁人不得损坏、拆除被拆迁房屋的共用设施。 第十九条 城市房屋拆迁涉及公共设施或者各种管线迁移的~其所有人应当在房屋拆迁许可证规定的拆迁期限内自行迁移~所需迁移费when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 用由拆迁人给予补偿。 第二十条 尚未完成拆迁补偿安臵的建设项目转让的~受让人应当提供本办法第五条第一款第,五,项规定的拆迁补偿安臵资金证明~经房屋拆迁管理部门同意后~办理房屋拆迁许可证变更手续。房屋拆迁管理部门应当将变更后的房屋拆迁许可证的相关内容予以公布。 尚未完成拆迁补偿安臵的建设项目依法转让后~原拆迁补偿安臵协议中有关权利、义务随之转移给受让人。项目转让人和受让人应当书面通知被拆迁人~并自转让合同签订之日起30日内予以公布。 第二十一条 拆迁人应当在房屋拆迁管理部门指定的金融机构开设拆迁补偿安臵资金账户~按照规定存入拆迁补偿安臵资金。未经房屋拆迁管理部门审核同意~拆迁人不得使用拆迁补偿安臵资金。 拆迁补偿安臵资金应当全部用于房屋拆迁的补偿、安臵~不得挪作他用。房屋拆迁管理部门应当加强对拆迁补偿安臵资金使用的监督。 第二十二条 房屋拆迁管理部门应当收集下列房屋拆迁资料~建立房屋拆迁档案: ,一,房屋拆迁、建设的有关批准文件, ,二,拆迁计划和拆迁方案及其调整资料, ,三,委托拆迁合同副本, ,四,拆迁过程中的行政执法文书, ,五,与拆迁有关的其他档案资料。 第三章 拆迁补偿与安臵 第二十三条 房屋拆迁补偿的方式可以实行货币补偿~也可以实行房屋产权调换。除法律、法规另有规定外~被拆迁人有权选择拆迁补偿方式。 第二十四条 拆迁范围内的违章建筑和超过批准期限的临时建筑~when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 其所有人应当在房屋拆迁许可证规定的拆迁期限内自行拆除。拆除违章建筑和超过批准期限的临时建筑~不予补偿,拆除未超过批准期限的临时建筑~按照被拆除建筑的工程造价结合剩余期限给予适当补偿。 第二十五条 对被拆迁房屋的用途和建筑面积的认定~以被拆迁房屋的房地产权证等有效房屋产权证明标注的用途和建筑面积为准。 1990年4月1日《中华人民共和国城市规划法》施行前已改变房屋用途并以改变后的用途延续使用~根据房屋所有权人的申请~经负责房屋产权登记的管理部门变更登记的~按照改变后的用途认定。 第二十六条 被拆迁房屋的货币补偿金额根据房地产市场评估价格确定。房地产市场评估价格由具有法定资格的房地产评估机构以设区的市人民政府公布的货币补偿基准价为依据~结合被拆迁房屋的区位、用途、建筑面积、建筑结构、成新等因素评估确定~具体办法由省人民政府建设行政主管部门制定。 房地产评估机构由拆迁当事人协商确定,协商不成的~由房屋拆迁管理部门采取随机抽取方式确定。评估所需费用由拆迁人承担。 货币补偿基准价由设区的市人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门会同价格、土地等行政主管部门确定~报本级人民政府批准~于每年1月31日前公布。 第二十七条 被拆迁房屋的房地产市场评估价格实行公示制。房地产评估机构应当将被拆迁人的姓名、被拆迁房屋的门牌号、评估因素、评估依据、评估价格等主要情况在被拆迁地段公布。公布时间不得少于10日。 when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 第二十八条 拆迁当事人对评估结果有异议的~可以自收到评估结果之日起10日内向房屋所在地市、县人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门申请鉴定~房屋拆迁管理部门应当自收到鉴定申请之日起10日内组建房地产估价鉴定委员会进行鉴定。房地产估价鉴定委员会由注册房地产估价师、省人民政府建设行政主管部门批准的估价人员以及有关法律专家组成。 前款规定的专家~由房屋拆迁管理部门从省人民政府建设行政主管部门建立的专家名册中采取随机抽取方式确定。 拆迁当事人申请鉴定的~以鉴定结论作为裁决机关裁决的依据,未申请鉴定的~以评估结果作为裁决机关裁决的依据,鉴定费用由鉴定申请人承担。 第二十九条 实行房屋产权调换的~拆迁人应当向被拆迁人提供不少于被拆迁房屋原建筑面积的安臵房~并由拆迁人和被拆迁人按照本办法第二十六条的规定~计算被拆迁房屋的补偿金额和安臵房的价格~结算产权调换的差价。 拆迁人提供的安臵房应当符合国家质量安全标准,属于新建安臵房的~应当符合设计规范要求~并经验收合格。 第三十条 被拆迁人属于生活特殊困难户~其被拆迁住宅房屋的人均建筑面积低于所在地市、县城市人均建筑面积的~实行产权调换时~拆迁人应当提供不低于所在地市、县城市人均建筑面积的房屋作为安臵房。安臵房价格高于被拆迁房屋价格的~被拆迁房屋和安臵房不结算产权调换的差价。 前款规定的生活特殊困难户~是指按照国家和省有关规定享受最低生活保障待遇的城市居民户。 when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 第三十一条 拆迁公益事业用房的~拆迁人应当按照有关法律、法规的规定和城市规划的要求予以重建~或者给予货币补偿。 第三十二条 拆迁住宅公房~房屋承租人按照房改政策享有购房权利的~房屋承租人购房后~拆迁人应当对其按照被拆迁人予以补偿、安臵。房屋承租人按照房改政策不享有购房权利~也未与被拆迁人达成解除租赁关系协议的~拆迁人应当对被拆迁人实行房屋产权调换。产权调换的房屋由原房屋承租人承租~被拆迁人应当与房屋承租人重新订立房屋租赁合同。 第三十三条 拆迁房屋拆迁管理部门代管的房屋~代管房屋有使用人的~应当实行房屋产权调换,代管房屋无使用人的~由代管人选择补偿安臵方式。 代管人选择房屋产权调换的~产权调换的房屋仍由代管人代管,选择货币补偿的~货币补偿金额由代管人专户存入银行。 第三十四条 被拆迁人选择房屋产权调换的~住宅房屋的过渡期限不得超过18个月~非住宅房屋的过渡期限不得超过24个月。拆迁人应当在规定的过渡期限内将被拆迁人或者房屋承租人安臵完毕。 拆迁住宅房屋的~过渡期限内的周转房可以由被拆迁人或者房屋承租人自行解决~也可以由拆迁人提供。被拆迁人或者房屋承租人有权选择过渡方式~拆迁人不得强迫或者拒绝。拆迁人提供周转房的~被拆迁人或者房屋承租人应当在得到安臵房后的4个月内腾退周转房。 第三十五条 拆迁人应当对住宅房屋的被拆迁人或者房屋承租人支付搬迁补助费。搬迁补助费的具体标准由设区的市人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门会同价格行政主管部门确定~报本级人民政府批准~于每when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 年1月31日前公布。 实行房屋产权调换的~被拆迁人或者房屋承租人从拆迁人提供的周转房迁往安臵房时~拆迁人应当再次支付搬迁补助费。 第三十六条 在过渡期限内~住宅房屋的被拆迁人或者房屋承租人自行解决周转房的~拆迁人应当从其搬迁之月起至被安臵后的4个月内支付临时安臵补助费,拆迁人超过过渡期限未提供安臵房的~应当自逾期之月起按照原标准的2倍支付临时安臵补助费。 拆迁人提供周转房的~不再支付临时安臵补助费。拆迁人超过过渡期限未提供安臵房的~除继续提供周转房外~应当自逾期之月起按照规定标准支付临时安臵补助费。 临时安臵补助费按照当地租赁与被拆迁房屋相当面积、地段的房屋所需费用的平均价格确定~具体标准由设区的市人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门会同价格行政主管部门确定~报本级人民政府批准~于每年1月31日前公布。 第三十七条 拆迁非住宅房屋~拆迁人应当补偿被拆迁人或者房屋承租人下列费用: ,一,按照国家和省规定的货物运输价格、设备安装价格计算的设备搬迁和安装费用, ,二,无法恢复使用的设备按照重臵价格结合成新结算的费用, ,三,因拆迁造成停产、停业的适当补偿。 前款规定补偿费用的具体标准~由设区的市人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门会同价格行政主管部门确定~报本级人民政府批准~于每年1月31日前公布。 第三十八条 拆迁人补偿、安臵被拆迁人后~被拆迁人应当将被拆迁房屋的房地产权证交给拆迁人~由拆迁人移送负责房屋产权登记的when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 管理部门予以注销。 用货币补偿款购买的住宅房屋和产权调换的住宅房屋~与被拆迁房屋建筑面积相等的部分~办理房地产权证时免缴有关税费。 第四章 法律责任 第三十九条 有下列行为之一的~由房屋拆迁管理部门依照《条例》的规定予以处罚: ,一,未取得房屋拆迁许可证~擅自实施拆迁的, ,二,以欺骗手段取得房屋拆迁许可证的, ,三,未按房屋拆迁许可证确定的拆迁范围实施拆迁的, ,四,委托不具有拆迁资格的单位实施拆迁的, ,五,擅自延长拆迁期限的, ,六,接受委托的拆迁单位转让拆迁业务的。 有前款所列行为~对被拆迁人或者房屋承租人造成财产损失的~应当依法承担赔偿责任。 第四十条 房地产评估机构未按照本办法规定对被拆迁房屋进行评估的~评估结果无效~由房屋拆迁管理部门责令重新评估~并可处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款,情节严重的~报请颁发资质证书的部门降低其资质等级或者取消其资质。 房地产评估机构有前款所列行为~对拆迁当事人造成财产损失的~应当依法承担赔偿责任。 第四十一条 房屋拆迁管理部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一的~对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告或者记过处分,情节严重的~给予记大过直至开除处分,构成犯罪的~依法追究刑事责任: ,一,违反规定核发房屋拆迁许可证以及其他批准文件的, ,二,核发房屋拆迁许可证以及其他批准文件后不履行监督管理职责或者对违法行为不予查处的, ,三,未按本办法规定发布房屋拆迁when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 公告的, ,四,作为拆迁人或者接受委托实施拆迁的, ,五,违法作出拆迁裁决的, ,六,违法实施强制拆迁的。 有前款所列行为~对拆迁当事人造成财产损失的~应当依法承担赔偿责任。 第五章 附 则 第四十二条 在城市规划区外国有土地上实施房屋拆迁~并需要对被拆迁人补偿、安臵的~参照本办法执行。 第四十三条 本办法自2003年7月1日起施行。1992年7月29日省人民政府发布、1997年12月25日省人民政府第一次修订发布、2001年2月15日省人民政府第二次修订发布的《安徽省城市房屋拆迁管理实施细则》同时废止。 when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter
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