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客户催款数据库设计客户催款数据库设计 0120810340431 学 号: 课程名称 数据库系统概论 设计题目 客户催款数据库设计 学院/专业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 0804 学 号 0120810340431 姓 名 黄栋 指导教师 高曙 日 期 2011年6月28日 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of...

客户催款数据库设计 0120810340431 学 号: 课程名称 数据库系统概论 设计题目 客户催款数据库设计 学院/专业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 0804 学 号 0120810340431 姓 名 黄栋 指导教师 高曙 日 期 2011年6月28日 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 课程设计任务书 学生姓名: 黄栋 专业班级: 0804 指导教师: 高曙 工作单位: 计算机学院 题目:客户催款数据库设计 初始条件: 客户付款 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ; 客户应收款清单; 客户应收款预警; 客户责任销售员清单。 要求完成的主要任务: 1. 根据上述的初始条件,进行调查分析并设计适当的属性。设计一个客户催款数据库, DBMS可选Ms SQL Server、Access、VFP等。 2. 完成课程设计说明书,其格式遵守学校今年的新规定。主要内容包括:需求分析,概 念设计,逻辑设计,物理实现等。 3. 基于该数据库,最好实现一个或多个应用程序(自己确定功能),程序设计语言(工具) 任选。这一项是选作,不作硬性要求。 时间安排: 本学期第19周: 1. 消化资料、系统调查 1天 2. 系统分析 1天 3. 总体设计,实施计划 2天 4. 撰写报告 1天 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 系主任(或责任教师)签名: 年 月 日 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 客户催款数据库设计 1(概述(设计题目与可行性分析) 1.1课程设计题目 客户催款数据库设计 1.2可行性分析 1.2.1可行性的前提必要性 本次设计是针对客户催款数据库设计,如何使企业的更成功催款,是摆在所有企业面前的一个重要命题。如果将企业每年的坏帐、呆帐汇总,那是一笔让人触目惊心的数目,催款工作在销售管理中的重要性越来越突出。对于企业而言,能否顺利催款,决定着企业的利益能否真正地实现,因此,在尽量短的时间内催款,成为现代企业销售管理的一个基本原则。然而,在现代经济转轨的社会背景下,企业的催款任务能否顺利完成,并不完全取决于企业自身,关键在于客户能否进行积极、有效的合作。显然,对于大多数客户而言,资金并不总是处于充余的状态,更为重要的是,企业的道德信用日趋恶化,一些企业甚至以欠款、赖帐为荣。在这种情况下,企业为了避免由于催款不力而陷入被动经营的怪圈,就必须加强催款工作的管理,提高催款工作的技巧。本次设计针对这些复杂的关系和数据进行管理,绝对有利于厂商进行回款工作。有利于客户和厂商的催款交流工作。 1.2.2技术可行性 根据学过的各方面的知识,先修课程:高级语言程序设计、数据结构、操作系统、软件工程等,已经完全可以根据这学期学过的数据库而设计次系统,模拟客户催款数据库,实现简单的数据库要求。 1.2.3操作可行性 选用ACCESS数据库,它结合了 Microsoft Jet Database Engine 和 图形用户界面两项特点。它提供了表、查询、窗体、报表、页、宏、模块7种用来建立数据库系统的对象;提供了多种向导、生成器、模板,把数据存储、数据查询、界面设计、报表生成等操作规范化;为建立功能完善的数据库管理系统提供了方便,也使得普通用户不必编写代码,就可以完成大部分数据管理的任务。 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 2(系统目标和建设原则 为了进一步规范应收帐款的日常管理和健全客户的信用管理体系,对应收帐款和已收到的回款账目在销售的事前、事中、事后进行有效控制,特制定本数据库方案和实施办法。系统设计要求能够满足客户和厂商供应方的使用要求,客户每次登录的催款记录和查询,以及供应商为方便掌握催款信息和便捷交易而设定的明确的系统。 3(运行环境规划 3.1 网络逻辑结构 此次设计针对生产商自己而设定的数据库,只允许生产商访问和修改,信息保密性很强,不允许其他用户和客户修改数据,所以本系统一定要保密性高,内部网络访问或专门的网络,设定登陆用户名和密码。 3.2软件支撑环境及开发工具 3.2.1软件支撑环境 Microsoft Office Access Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft SQL Server Eclipse:Eclipse是一个非常优秀的集成开发环境。Eclipse是一个用于构建集成Web和应用程序开发工具的平台,它本身并不会提供大量的最终用户功能,而是通过插件来快速开发集成功能部件。 4(需求分析说明 4.1 总体DFD three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 4.2 数据字典 名字:客户信息表 别名: 客户记录 描述:专门为 客户建立的整体情况表,为了方便催款而设定的记录。 定义:客户信息表=客户ID+客户名称+客户所属地区+人员素质+销售业绩 +社会关系+物流陪送情况+是否合作经历+信用档案+对客户的评定等级 位置:输入到打印机存储管理系统 名字:客户付款记录 别名:付款信息 描述:为了方便催款工作进行而设立的客户有关的回、付款总体情况记录 定义:负款记录=付款编号+客户编号+销售员编号+商品编号+实付款+交易日期 位置:数据库系统 名字:货物信息 别名:货物 描述:供应方和销售客户间相互交易的实体的详细描述,是催款的依据 定义:货物信息=商品编号+商品价格+商品名称+折扣 位置:商品资料表 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 名字:客户责任销售清单 别名: 描述:存储了客户历史交易记录以及销售员信息,方便催款 定义:客户责任销售清单=客户编号+销售员编号+商品编号+商品交易数量 +交易时间 位置:系统 名字:销售人员资料表 别名:业务员记录 描述:专门为销售人员建立的整体情况表,为了方便催款而设定的记录。 定义:销售人员信息表=销售人员编号+姓名+性别+联系方式+联系地址 位置:系统 名字:客户应收款表 别名: 描述:存储了客户历史交易记录以及销售员信息,方便催款 定义:客户应收款清单=应收款编号+客户编号+销售员编号+商品编号+商 品编号+应收款+实收款+截止时间 位置:系统 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 5. 概念结构设计 5.1 E-R图 构成E-R图的基本要素是实体型、属性和联系,其表示 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 为: ? 实体型(Entity):具有相同属性的实体具有相同的特征和性质,用实体名及其属性名集合来抽象和刻画同类实体;在E-R图中用矩形表示,矩形框内写明实体名;比如学生张三丰、学生李寻欢都是实体。如果是弱实体的话,在矩形外面再套实线矩形。 ? 属性(Attribute):实体所具有的某一特性,一个实体可由若干个属性来刻画。在E-R图中用椭圆形表示,并用无向边将其与相应的实体连接起来;比如学生的姓名、学号、性别、都是属性。如果是多值属性的话,再椭圆形外面再套实线椭圆。如果是派生属性则用虚线椭圆表示。 ? 联系(Relationship):联系也称关系,信息世界中反映实体内部或实体之间的联系。实体内部的联系通常是指组成实体的各属性之间的联系;实体之间的联系通常是指不同实体集之间的联系。在E-R图中用菱形表示,菱形框内写明联系名,并用无向边分别与有关实体连接起来,同时在无向边旁标上联系的类型(1 : 1,1 : n或m : n)。 比如老师给学生授课存在授课关系,学生选课存在选课关系。如果是弱实体的联系则在菱形外面再套菱形。 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 性别 年龄 所在地 区 姓名 名称 联系方式 主要客户 销售员编号 主要业务 客户 ID 客户责任销售人员 客户 管理和负责 更新 察看 管理 已回金额 日期 次数统计 计 包含 催款记录 销售清单 货物ID 暂存 总金额 名称 时间 价格 货物账单清单 客户编 号 验收 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 数量 规格 E-R图 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 6.逻辑结构设计 关 键 字 说 明 Null | Not Null 设置该列是否允许空,默认为NOT Null表示该列不 允许为空 DEFAULT 默设置该列的默认值,指定的默认值参数可能是数值、 认值 字符串、日期时间数据,或者是函数名称 IDENTITY 设置该列为标识列,内容值会自动递增产生。在设 (种子,增量) 置时必须指定起始值与每次增加的值,如果没有指 定默认从数值1开始,每次增加1 客户(客户编号,名称,所在地区,主要业务,销售业绩,责任销售员编号,) 责任销售人员(销售员编号,姓名,性别,年龄,联系方式,联系地址) 货物信息(货物编号,货物名称,数量,价格) 客户付帐信息(帐单编号,销售编号,客户编号,商品编号,实付款,交易日期) 客户责任销售清单(客户编号,销售员编号,商品编号,商品销售数量,销售日期) 客户应收款清单(应收款清单编号,客户编号,销售员编号,商品编号,应收款,实收款,欠款,截止日期) 7.数据库的物理设计 数据库物理设计,包括选择数据库产品,确定数据库实体属性(字段)、数据类型、长度、精度确定、DBMS页面大小等。 8.数据库的实施 8.1 数据的载入 载录客户资料,销售人员资料,商品资料,客户付款资料,客户责任销售资料,客户应收款资料。 数据来源于部门中的各个不同的单位,数据的组织方式、结构和格式都与新设计的数据库系统有相当的差距,组织数据录入就要将各类数据从各个局部应用中抽取出来,输入three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 计算机 8.2 应用程序的编码和调试 9.数据库的运行和维护 9.1(数据库的转储和恢复 数据库的转储和恢复是系统正式运行后最重要的维护工作之一。DBA要针对不同的应用要求制定不同的转储计划,以保证一旦发生故障能尽快将数据库恢复到某种一致的状态,并尽可能减少对数据库的破坏。 9.2(数据库的安全性、完整性控制 在数据库运行过程中,由于应用环境的变化,对安全性的要求也会发生变化,比如有的数据原来是机密的,现在是可以公开查询的了,而新加入的数据又可能是机密的了。系统中用户的密级也会改变。这些都需要DBA根据实际情况修改原有的安全性控制。同样,数据库的完整性约束条件也会变化,也需要DBA不断修正,以满足用户要求。 9.3(数据库性能的监督、分析和改造 在数据库运行过程中,监督系统运行,对监测数据进行分析,找出改进系统性能的方法是DBA的又一重要任务。目前有些DBMS产品提供了监测系统性能参数的工具,DBA可以利用这些工具方便地得到系统运行过程中一系列性能参数的值。DBA应仔细分析这些数据,判断当前系统运行状况是否是最佳,应当做哪些改进。例如调整系统物理参数,或对数据库进行重组织或重构造等。 9.4(数据库的重组织与重构造 数据库运行一段时间后,由于记录不断增、删、改,会使数据库的物理存储情况变坏,降低了数据的存取效率,数据库性能下降,这时DBA就要对数据库进行重组织,或部分重组织(只对频繁增、删的表进行重组织)。DBMS一般都提供数据重组织用的实用程序。在重组织的过程中,按原设计要求重新安排存储位置、回收垃圾、减少指针链等,提高系统性能。 10.心得体会 此次设计针对生产商自己而设定的数据库,只允许生产商访问和修改,信息保密性很强,不允许其他用户和客户修改数据,所以本系统一定要保密性高,内部网络访问或专门的网络,设定登陆用户名和密码。 此次课程设计最深的体会,也是以前实验和课程设计时最深的体会,那就是动手能力three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 真的和课本不一样,我们不仅仅需要思维,更需要动手,去探索,去研究,不是凭空说是就是,一直以为课程设计题目很容易,但是当开始理顺流程的时候,才发现原来一塌糊涂,不是客户,责任销售员,就是等的混乱,就是它们之间关系的不区分和码元的区分,对应关系等。一直处于混乱状态,直到开始写了数据字典,和一些属性关系等,才开始明白了此次设计的核心,然后便顺利的达到了基本目的和要求。在数据库安装的过程中也遇到了问题,本来想不会影响运行,结果却是这一点疏忽导致了不能运行,还要到实验室去进行设计,后来经过同学的建议和指导,我才正确的安装了各个组建。 数据库系统是一门综合性和实践性较强的课程,为能让学生在较短的时间内很好地掌握数据库系统的最主要的技术,以一个具体数据库应用课题为背景,以指定的DBMS为支撑环境进行实际设计开发,通过数据库的设计实践能把数据库的基本知识和技术应用于软件开发。本规划针对性强,保密性强,对于非法请求予以拒绝。程序健壮性 对管理员的键盘输入进行即时检查,对于非法输入给以对话框提示,从而保证了程序的健壮性(鲁棒性)。最主要的是实时性强。通过在用户管理模块中加入外部程序调用,实现与接入层和信息层的实时通信(基于自行定义的同步通信 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ),从而做到了实时地进行增加和修改用户回款信息等。 这次课程设计为我们提供了与众不同的学习方法和学习机会,让我们从传统的被动授学转变为主动求学;从死记硬背的模式中脱离出来,转变为在实践中学习,增强了领悟、创新和推断的能力。掌握了自学的方法,形成工程理论整体模式,使工作、学习、生活都 步入系统化流程;思考方式成熟,逻辑性规范、明确。这些方法的提高是终身受益的。 这次的课程设计,无论是从基础知识、动手动脑能力上,还是从心理素质上,都使我得到了锻炼,各方面的能力有所加强。 首先是基础知识方面,由于授课学时的限制和自己平时学习中的疏忽,遗漏了一些比较细小的 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 ,比如说老师在讲课时,对这样的设计案例讲的比较少,而自己课后也没有进行深入的研究。再有相关考试时不涉及案例设计,所以在平时学习时便没有很重视这方面的学习和复习,不过,这次的课程设计使我将这些设计方面的知识点弥补了一下。这些都是不动手去操作实践不能深刻体会的。在此次实验中我把一些曾经不是很重视的东西重新学习了一遍,对一些比较熟悉的知识也重新温习了一遍,收获不少。 其次是在动手动脑方面,不仅提高了我的动手和思考能力,而且赋予了我对专业课程设计的自信心。这次的课程设计让我明白只要仔细看书,勤于思考,多向同学和老师请教,问题是一定能解决的,并且可以逐步完善。而且在解决问题的过程中能潜移默化的巩固自three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 己学到的知识和补充自己遗漏的知识。只要勤思考,勤动手,就可以解决问题,定会有收获。 还有,我学会了在编写、调试程序时,能够静下心来去修改程序中的错误。当程序在执行过程中出现错误时,学会了自己去发现问题所在并思考如何解决问题,最终把问题给解决掉。在编写程序的时候也能够先把程序的流程和主要算法在草纸上或脑海先勾画出来,不像以前写程序一样提笔就写。我相信这些习惯对于以后的学习与工作都大有裨益。 11.参考资料 数据库系统概论(第三版) 萨师煊,王珊编著 高等教育出版社 软件需求 Soren Lauesen著 刘晓晖译 麦中凡 审校 电子工业出版社 数据库设计凡人入门——关系数据库设计指南(第二版) [美]Michael J.Hernandez 著 范明 邱保志 职为梅 等译 电子工业出版社 软件工程导论(第四版) 张海藩 编著 清华大学出版社 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water 武汉理工大学<<数据库系统概论>>课 程设计报告 本科生课程设计成绩评定表 班级:0804 姓名:黄栋 学号:0120810340431 序号 评分项目 满分 实得分 1 学习态度认真、遵守纪律 10 2 设计分析合理性 10 3 设计方案正确性、可行性、创造性 20 4 设计结果正确性 40 5 设计报告的规范性 10 6 设计验收 10 总得分/等级 评语: 注:最终成绩以五级分制记。优(90-100分)、良(80-89分)、中(70-79分)、 及格(60-69分)、60分以下为不及格 指导教师签名: 2011 年 月 日 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ?æ ~60 ?æ. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 • 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 • 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 μg per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water
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