首页 YINYOGA阴瑜伽体式详解



YINYOGA阴瑜伽体式详解YINYOGA阴瑜伽体式详解 In this section we are going to explore a couple of dozen asanas (an exact count depends upon whether or not one wishes to include variations and options). This selection will suffice to work all the yin areas of the body normally targeted in a...

YINYOGA阴瑜伽体式详解 In this section we are going to explore a couple of dozen asanas (an exact count depends upon whether or not one wishes to include variations and options). This selection will suffice to work all the yin areas of the body normally targeted in a yin practice. To learn more about each asana simply click on the name. 1. Anahatasana (aka Melting Heart) 2. Ankle Stretch 3. Butterfly 4. Half butterfly 5. Camel 6. Cat pulling its tail 7. Caterpillar 8. Child's Pose 9. Dangling 10.Deer 11.Dragons 12.Dragonfly (aka Straddle) 13.Frog 14.Happy Baby 15.Lying Twists 16.Saddle 17.Shavasana 18.Shoelace 19.Snail 20.Sphinx and Seal 21.Square 22.Squat 23.Swan 24.Sleeping Swan 25.Toe Squat Many students, faced with the challenge of practicing yoga at home, are defeated before they even begin. They feel overwhelmed by the possibilities of what they could do and are not sure how to proceed. Beginning teachers face the same quandary; what do I do to get started well? To reduce the size of this problem it is helpful to think before you even start your practice about your intentions. Once you have your intentions clear in your mind it becomes easy to choose the asanas you will do. We looked at choosing asanas in the previous section. Now let's look at intention. Intention Why are you going to do yoga today? You may never have asked yourself this question, and yet you still feel driven to practice. Why? There is no right answer to this question. Anything that brings you to your mat is to be respected. But understanding your inner drive will help you focus on your goal. Reminding yourself of the reason you are doing yoga throughout your practice will help you achieve your purpose. For some students the reason for doing yoga is to gain health. If this is your reason, remind yourself to feel your state of health as you practice, feel the healing energies flowing through you. You will heal faster when you remember this intention. For others the purpose of their practice is to strengthen the body or open it up. Maybe your intention today is to work on opening those stubborn hips. Perhaps in your yang practice you have gotten stuck in some pose, and no further progress has been coming. After years of effort in prasarita-padottanasa [wide-legged na standing forward fold], your head and the floor are still in two different time zones. Maybe your wheel is more like a sausage. What may be holding you back is not the flexibility of your muscles -- it may be that your joints and ligaments are too tight. So your intention today may be to work those areas. Perhaps you are going through a very hectic time in your life right now. You need to slow down. Yin Yoga will provide that balance, and that will become your goal today: balance. Some people do their yoga as part of a meditation practice. Many people do it just because they know they will feel better after they are finished. They like it. These are all perfectly valid reasons for doing yoga. But there can be more: we can set an intention beyond our own benefit. This can be done at the beginning of each practice. Certainly all the other physical, psychological and emotional benefits will still be there but we can achieve even more than that. Prayer for centuries has been used in the same manner; we dedicate our efforts to a greater purpose than ourselves. In the yoga texts this is called ishvara-pranidhana--a surrendering of your efforts to something greater than yourself. As you sit or stand at the beginning of your practice, bring to mind someone or something that needs special assistance, attention or gratitude. Dedicate your efforts during your practice to that person or thing. This dedication fills you with a resolve to actually do the practice with full attention along with the intention. As you practice remind yourself why you are practicing. When a challenging time comes up in the practice (and it usually will), you will find the extra strength you need because of your dedication. Higher intentions allow the fruits of your practice to go beyond yourself. Paradoxically, this makes you even stronger, but that is not the point. 1.Anahatasana (Melting Heart) Benefits: , Good stretch for the upper and middle back; , Will also open shoulders; , Softens the heart. Contra-indications: , Be careful: if student has a bad neck as this could strain it. Alternatives & Options: , If shoulder pain prevents the arms going over head, move arms wider apart; , Flexible students can bring chin to floor and look ahead, but this could strain the neck; , If knees are uncomfortable here, place a blanket underneath them; , Toes can be tucked under; , Chest can be rested on a bolster (allowing the body to relax). Meridians & Organs Affected: , Along the spine: Urinary Bladder lines; , The arm meridians, especially the Heart and Lung lines. Joints Affected: , Upper back (which is actually the scapula not the thoracic spine); , Mildly stresses the lower spine; , Shoulder/Humerus joint. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes; , If the student is resting chin on floor, the hold may need to be shorter ?they have to watch the sensations in their neck carefully. Counter poses? , Lying on stomach, or go back to Child's Pose. Similar to? , Half Down Dog (aka Puppy Dog). Other Notes: , It is nice to do this pose after a series of lower back bends; , Could be used as a gentle warm up to deeper back bends; , If students feel pinching in the back of the shoulders, they may be reaching a compression point ?abducting the arms may release this. If this does happen here, it probably happens in Down Dog and the Wheel too, so they may be well advised to have hands wider in these poses. 2. 2. Ankle Stretch Benefits: , Opens and strengthens the ankles; , Strong stimulation of four meridians flowing through the feet and ankles; , Great counter pose for squatting or toe exercises. Contra-indications: , Any sharp pain in ankles, back off. Students can try a blanket or towel under the feet to cushion them; , Knee issues may prevent the student from sitting on heels: placing a towel between the thighs and calves may reduce this. Alternatives & Options: , Leaning back on hands is first position, and is the least stressful, but beware of students collapsing backwards ?keep heart forward; , After a few moments, the student can try to bring hands to the floor beside the legs; , Try not to lean away from the knees ?keep the heart open; , Finally, the very open student can hold the knees and gently pull the knees towards the chest. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder lines are strongly stimulated. Joints Affected: , The ankle. Hold for how long? , About one minute. This is relatively yang and shouldn't be held for a long time. Counter poses? , Pushup/Plank/Chaturanga, Crocodile or any posture that straightens the legs and tucks the toes under; , Dangling or Squatting is also nice. Other Notes: , This is a nice counter pose for many poses that stress the feet, such as sitting on heels with toes tucked under, Squats, and sitting meditations 3. 3.Butterfly Benefits: , Nice way to stretch lower back without requiring loose hamstrings; , If the legs are straighter and the feet are further away from the groins, the hamstrings will get more of a stretch. If the feet are in closer to the groin, the adductor muscles get stretched more, but this is less yin like; , Iyengar claims this removes "heaviness in the testicles and is a boon to women ? to regulate periods, ovaries function properly and make delivery easier ?. Contra-indications: , Seated forward bends are the hardest for the pelvis and knees. They can aggravate sciatica. If a student has this condition, elevate the hips so knees are below the hips. Beware of hips rotating backwards while seated. We want the hips to rotate forward; , Ok for pregnant women as the legs are abducted providing space for the belly; , Avoid if the neck has suffered whiplash or has reverse curvature. Alternatives & Options: , Elevate the hips with a bolster or cushion; , If neck is tired support head in hands, resting elbows on knees or thighs; , Could rest chest on a bolster; , Various hand/arm positions are possible: hold feet, hands on floor in front of student, or arms relaxed behind the body; , Can do this lying down keeping legs in butterfly. Meridians & Organs Affected: , The Gall Bladder line on the lower leg as well as the Urinary Bladder lines running along the spine in the lower back [These are the same as the ida and pingala nadis]; , Iyengar highly recommends this pose for people suffering urinary problems; , Iyengar also says this is good for kidneys and prostrate gland. Joints Affected: , Hips and lower spine; Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes; , Can hold much longer, if desired ?or you may do this while reading, or talking on phone? Counter poses? , Sitting up or a gentle sitting back bend; , Lying on stomach is also a gentle back bend; , Could do a spinal lift flow on the back or flow into Tabletop [aka Hammock]. Tabletop is done by sitting on the floors with knees bent, hands behind you, and pressing feet and hands into the floor, then lifting the hips as high as possible. This can be a flow by lifting and lowering the pelvis several times slowly, with each breath, before holding the highest position for a few breaths; , A seated twist. Similar to? , Baddha Konasana, but without the emphasis on a straight spine or the feet in tight to groins. Here we want the back to round, allowing the head to drop to the heels. Other Notes: , Can be done after meals, as long as head does not touch the floor (which would be too much pressure in the abdomen); , If the feet are closer in, tight adductors or lower back tightness may prevent student from folding forward. Move the feet further away; , Many students will automatically go into a tight butterfly, because of their yang training ? encourage them to move feet away, forming a diamond shape with the legs. 4. 4.Half Butterfly Benefits: , Nice way to stretch lower back, without requiring loose hamstrings; , The ligaments along the back of the spine are specifically targeted; , Iyengar claims this stimulates the liver and kidneys and aids digestion (when folding over the straight leg). Contra-indications: , Can aggravate sciatica: if so, elevate hips until the knees are below the hips. Beware of hips rotating backwards while seated: we want the hips to rotate forward; , Ok for pregnant women, because the legs are abducted, providing space for the belly; , Beware of any sharp pain in knees ?if knees issues are present, tighten the top of the thigh (quadricep), which will close the joint, or reduce the angle between the legs; , If the bent knee complains, place support under it, or move that foot away from groin; , If the hamstrings protest, bend the straight knee and support the thigh with a blanket, or block, under it. Alternatives & Options: , Can fold over straight leg, which may stretch hamstring much more. See top picture; , Reach opposite arm to extended foot and/or lower that shoulder to emphasize the side of the spine; , Add a twist to the spine by placing arm along side the straight leg and the other arm behind the back, or over the head, and rotate the chest towards the sky. This deepens the emphasis along the side of the ribs and spine. See middle picture; , Place the bent knee foot in Virasana (folded backwards behind the buttock), but only if knee doesn't complain. See bottom picture. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Urinary Bladder; , If there is a lot of sensation in the groin, the spleen, liver and kidneys are stimulated. Joints Affected : , Spine, especially the back and sides; , Knees, although this is not as deep an opener for the knees as Dragonfly [aka Straddle]. Hold for how long? , This can be held a long time about five minutes, with the variations added after about three minutes. Counter poses? , Sitting up or a gentle sitting back bend; , Flow into Tabletop (aka Hammock). Tabletop is done by sitting on the floors with knees bent, hands behind you, and pressing feet and hands into the floor, then lifting the hips as high as possible. This can be a flow by lifting and lower the pelvis several times slowly, with each breath, before holding the highest position for a few breaths; , Windshield Wipers [lowering knees side to side] while resting on hands or elbows. Similar to? , Janusirsasana, but here we aren't trying to bring the head to the foot; rather, we are bringing the head to the knee. Allow the back to round; , Paul Grilley calls the variation with the foot in Virasana the Half Frog 5. Camel Benefits: , Like Saddle pose, the Camel deeply arches the sacral/lumbar arch and opens the top of the thighs. There is less opening in the ankles than the Saddle, but there is still some opening there; , Stretches hips flexors and opens the shoulders - Iyengar says this is excellent for people with drooping shoulders or hunched backs. Contra-indications: , Iyengar claims that the elderly, or people with spinal injuries, can do this pose. However, to be sure this is safe, seek medical advice if you fit either category; , Without support the back can spasm, so people with weak backs may want to do only the gentle versions (see below); , If you have any neck issues, do not drop head back - keep chin to chest. Alternatives & Options: , There are two ways to go into this pose: by holding hands on the hips and pushing the hips forward as you arch back, or by having the hands on the floor behind you and walking the hands forward (as shown below), until you have reached an edge; , Dropping back may be unsuitable for people with back problems, because there is little support from the hands in this version: do the hands on the floor version instead; , Walking the hands on the floor towards the feet may be unsuitable for people with knee problems, because there is more pressure in the knees in the early stages of this variation; , Very flexible students may wish to bring their hands to the floor between the feet, or move the hands towards the knees; , For less flexible students, the toes can be tucked under and the hands rested on the heels, or on a block between the feet. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Urinary Bladder, Kidney and Stomach meridians; , Thyroid is stimulated if the neck is dropped back. Joints Affected: , The spine, shoulders and ankles. Hold for how long? , One to two minutes at most. [This is a very yang-like pose and requires a lot of leg strength in the full pose, or if your hands are on your hips or lower back. In the supported pose, with the hands on the floor, or on your legs, or feet, you may stay longer as you can rest on your arms.] Counter poses? , Child's Pose ?Coming out slowly, lift chest forward allowing the head to remain dropped back, until the shoulders are over the hips; then bring the head forward and sit back into Child's Pose. Similar to? , Ustrasana (ustra means camel). 6. Cat Pulling Its Tail Benefits: , This back bending twist is useful as a nice counter pose to strong forward bends (such as the Snail); , Decompresses the lower back; , Opens the quadriceps and upper thighs. Contra-indications: , If student has lower back issues this can still be performed, but go gently. Most students, in this case, will not be able to pull the foot away at all. Alternatives & Options: , Easiest version is to be propped up on one arm, as shown; , The more challenging version is to recline, and look over shoulder to the foot. In this version it is a reclining twist with a backbend. Emphasize pulling the foot away from the buttock. Most students will not be able to do this. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Stimulates the Stomach meridian (if the top of the thigh is activated) and the Urinary Bladder line (when the back is arched and twisted). Joints Affected: , Mostly opens the lumbar/sacrum. Hold for how long? , One minute, if doing as a counterpose to a forward bend; , Can hold longer as a reclining twist: three to five minutes. Counter poses? , Hug knees to chest to release lower back in a gentle forward fold. Do this either while lying on the back or in Child's Pose. Similar to? , Jatharaparivartanasana, with a back bend. Other Notes: , If the student is actively pulling the foot away, the pose becomes yang-like in nature. In this case, she may shorten the time, or she should release the pressure after one minute 7. Caterpillar Benefits: , Stresses the ligaments along the back of the spine; , Compresses the stomach organs, which helps strengthen the organs of digestion; , Stimulates the kidneys; , Iyengar claims this pose helps to cure impotency and leads to sex control. Also, since the heart is below the spine, the heart is massaged. Contra-indications: , Students with sciatica should raise their hips by sitting on a bolster; , If hamstrings are very tight the knees should be bent and supported by a bolster allowing the spine to round. Alternatives & Options: , Bend knees, and support them with a bolster, to allow the back to round fully; , If neck feels strained by the weight of the head, students can support their heads in their hands, resting their elbows on the legs or a bolster; , The student could rest chest on a bolster to help relax into the pose; , Can also rest the legs up the wall [bend the knees and allow the feet to be flat against the wall]; , If knees are strained, or weak, activate the quadriceps (but not all the time!). Meridians & Organs Affected: , The Urinary Bladder. Joints Affected: , The spine. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes or more. Counter poses? , Sitting up or a gentle sitting back bend; , Lying on the stomach is a gentle back bend, as is doing a spinal lift flow on the back, or flow into Tabletop (aka Hammock). Tabletop is done by sitting on the floors with knees bent, hands behind you, and pressing feet and hands into the floor, then lifting the hips as high as possible. This can be a flow by lifting and lowering the pelvis several times slowly, with each breath, before holding the highest position for a few breaths ...; , A seated twist. Similar to? , Paschimottanasana, but here we are not trying to lengthen the spine, or stretch the back muscles. Don't try to bring the head to the feet, but rather round the spine so the head comes to the knees. Other Notes: , Paul Grilley claims this pose is excellent for balancing Chi flow, and preparing the body for meditation; , Keep muscles relaxed especially in the legs; , Make sure the tops of the student's hips are tilted forward ?if the student's hips are rotating backwards, have her sit on higher cushions and bend the knees more. 8. Child's Pose Benefits: , A healing, restful pose - useful any time a break is needed; , Gently stretches the spine: this is always a nice counter pose for backbends; , Gentle compression of the stomach and chest is beneficial for the organs of digestion; , Psychologically soothing when feeling cold or vulnerable; , Can relieve back and neck pain when the head is supported; , Rocking gently side to side can help stimulate the flow of blood and lymph fluids in the chest. Contra-indications: , Diarrhea or pregnancy; , Just after eating, this can be uncomfortable; , If knee issues exist, the student may need to place towel or blanket between thighs and calves, or avoid the pose altogether; , While this is a gentle opener of the ankles, the student may need blanket under her ankles to reduce discomfort on the top of the feet. Alternatives & Options: , Could be done with arms stretched forward; , Some students cannot get buttocks to heels, which means the head will have a lot of weight on it. They should support the neck by placing the forehead on their hands or on a bolster; , Can do this as preparation for the Frog by spreading the knees apart halfway through the pose, but remain sitting on heels; , Allow knees to be as wide apart as is comfortable; , A blanket or towel can be rolled up and placed under the ankles to reduce stress on the top of the feet. Meridians & Organs Affected: , The Stomach, Kidneys and Urinary Bladder. Joints Affected: , The spine and ankle. Hold for how long? , As long as the student wants; , Used as a counter pose, usually hold up to one minute; , Used as a yin pose on its own, hold for three to five minutes. However, if student cannot get her head to the floor, five minutes may be too long here. Counter poses? , A counter pose not normally needed after this pose. Students could go directly to any other poses. Similar to? , Balasana or Garbhasana Other Notes: , In Yin Yoga, this pose could be used as a preparation for Dragonfly pose, or for deeper forward bends like Snail 9. Dangling Benefits: , Gentle stretch for the lower spine; , Warms up the hamstrings and leg muscles; , Compresses the stomach and internal organs; , Diaphragmatic breathing is harder while in this posture: this pose builds strength in the diaphragm, while providing a massage for the abdominal organs; , Cures stomach pain during menstruation; , Heart rate is slowed and spinal nerves rejuvenated. Contra-indications: , Avoid if student has high blood pressure [this pose will increase BP]; , If student has low blood pressure, she should roll up to standing slowly, or go into squat; , If someone has a bad back, she must bend her knees a lot! She can also rest her elbows on her thighs. Alternatives & Options: , Bend knees more … this will strengthen the legs and release the back; , Rest elbows against a table or chair, if the back feels strained; , Caterpillar is an easier alternative; , Really flexible students can hold wrists behind the legs, but we still want back rounded in this yin posture. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Due to the intense stretch along the back of the legs and spine, the Urinary Bladder meridian is highly stimulated; , Iyengar says this is great for the liver, spleen and kidneys. Joints Affected: , The Spine. Hold for how long? , Three minutes can be pretty intense: often this pose is done in two, or more sessions, of two minutes each, separated by Squat. Counter poses? , Squat, or gentle back bend [Cat, lying on stomach, sitting forward arch…]. Similar to? , Uttanasana, but the emphasis here is not to stretch the hamstrings a lot, but rather to release the lower back. If the legs are straight, it is a nice stretch for the hamstrings, but there is little muscular effort needed. If the knees are bent, it is a great strengthener for the leg muscles and allows the back to release more fully. Other Notes: , Ensure the arches of the feet are lifting; , Balance the weight between toes and heels … could gently sway or wobble; , Straight legs will stretch hamstrings; , Bent knees will strengthen thigh muscles; , Better to bend knees and receive a stomach massage too; , Can intermix this and Squat: eventually hold both for four minutes, or more, in total. 10. Deer Benefits: , A nice counter pose to hip openers or any external rotation of the hips; , A balanced way to rotate hips, both externally (front leg) and internally (back leg); , Improves digestion and relieves gas; , Helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause; , Reduces swelling of the legs during pregnancy (until the end of the second trimester); , Therapeutic for high blood pressure and asthma. Contra-indications: , If any knee issues exist, be careful of externally rotating hip (front knee). Keep foot in closer to groin. Could support the front knee with a bolster, or blanket, under the knee. Alternatives & Options: , The tendency here is to tilt to the internally rotating hip of the back leg. Make sure sitting bones are firmly on the floor. This may require moving the feet more towards the core of the body; , Very flexible students can begin to move their feet away from their hips. Meridians & Organs Affected: , If the legs are firmly on the floor, the Gall Bladder line is activated. Any inner groin sensations indicate that the Spleen, Liver and Kidneys are benefiting. Joints Affected: , Hips. Hold for how long? , Most students can't do this pose well enough to get a lot of benefit from it. So, it is useful mostly as a counter pose. As a counter pose, just hold for up to one minute. Counter poses? , Since this pose is both an external and internal hip rotation, the best counter pose is to do the other side; , Windshield Wipers are nice: they can be done lying down, sitting up, or reclining on elbows. Similar to? , This is a combination of Virasana (hero pose) and Padmasana (lotus) pose. Other Notes: , Useful after long held, external hip rotations such as Shoelace, Swan or Dragonfly, where both legs were wide apart , Most students won't easily understand what the pose is about ?they won't move their feet far enough away from the groin or hips, or they will tilt too much. The teacher will have to inspect their efforts and offer guidance. 11. Dragons Benefits: , Deep hip and groin opener … gets right into the joint; , Also stretches the back leg's hip flexors and quadriceps; , Many variations to help work deeply into hip socket; , Can help with sciatica. Contra-indications: , Can be uncomfortable for the kneecap or the ankle. If the student is stiff, the back thigh will be at ninety degree angle to the front thigh, putting a lot of weight on the kneecap. Support the back knee with blanket under it, or place bolster under shin allowing the back knee to be off the floor. Options: , If back knee is uncomfortable, place blanket under it, rest the shin on a bolster, or tuck the toes under and lift the leg off the floor. [Lifting the back leg off the floor is much more advanced]; , If ankle is uncomfortable, place blanket underneath it, or raise knee by putting bolster under the shin; , Press top of foot down firmly, emphasizing the little toe. Alternative Dragons: 1. The first option is a simple low lunge called the "Baby Dragon" 2. The next option is to rest arms or hands on front thigh, and lift the chest to increase the weight over hips. This is the "Dragon Flying High"; 3. A deeper option is to place both hands inside front foot (ensuring the foot doesn't slide inward towards a Pigeon position) in "Dragon Flying Low", and walk hands forward lowering hips. Could come down on elbows, or rest elbows on to a bolster or block; 4. Twisted Dragon - one hand pushes front knee to the side while rotating the chest to the sky; 5. Winged Dragon: With hands on floor, wing out the knee a few times, rolling onto the outside of that foot, and then stay with the knee low. Could come down on elbows or rest elbows on a block or bolster; 6. Overstepping Dragon: exercises the ankle. From Baby Dragon, allow the front knee to come far forward and/or slide heel backwards, until the heel is just about to lift off the ground; 7. Dragon Splits: the deepest stretch for hip flexors. Straighten both legs in the splits. Students can support the front hip with a bolster under the buttock for balance and to release weight, which relaxes the muscles. Student can sit up tall or fold forward for different stretches; 8. Fire Breathing Dragon: in any of the above variations, tuck the back toe under and lift the knee up, lengthening the leg. This puts more weight into the hips, increasing the stretch. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder and Kidneys (and even the Urinary Bladder in Dragon Flying High or Dragon Splits High). Joints Affected: , Hips and ankles; , Lower back in the backbend options. Hold for how long? , Could hold each variation for one minute and cycle through all of them or, , Hold just one variation for three to five minutes. Counter poses? , A short Down Dog is delicious. Take it for a walk by bending one knee, lifting that heel, and then switch sides, pushing the opposite heel down; , Child's Pose feels really good after Down Dog and before switching to the other side of the Dragon. Similar to? , Low lunge (Ajayanasana). Other Notes: , Some people will not feel anything in the outer hip joint. If they are very tight in the hip flexor or quadriceps, that area will take all the stress. This is still fine for them, but to work their hips other poses will be needed. 12. Dragonfly (aka Straddle) Benefits: , Opens hips, groin and the back of thighs; , Also provides a gentle opening to inner knees; , Stimulates the ovaries. Contra-indications: , Students with sciatica should sit on a bolster to tilt hips forward. Alternatives & Options: , Use bolster to raise hips; , Could keep hands behind the back, or rest elbows on a bolster; , Folding over one leg increases spinal stretch and hamstrings. If knees feel bothered, tighten quadriceps to close knee joint, or bring legs closer together; , If hamstrings feel too tight, bend the knee and place a bolster under the thigh; , Legs can be ninety degrees apart to one hundred and twenty degrees for advanced students. The full splits of one hundred and eighty degrees is not necessary; , Advanced students can lie right down on stomach and rest arms to the sides; , Use bolster under the chest, if you are close to the floor; , If head is too heavy for the neck, support the head in hands; , For stiff students, bend the knees a lot! It is also okay to place the feet flat on the floor; , Can come into a twist (like revolved Janusirsasana) by folding over one leg and rotating chest skyward (advanced students may hold the foot with both hands); , Can also do a sitting up twist (helps to stimulate the upper body meridians under the scapula). Meridians & Organs Affected: , Urinary Bladder on back of legs, and the Liver & Kidney lines through the groins. Joints Affected : , Hips, lower back, and knees. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes; , Often it is nice to spend half of the time in one variation, and then add the twist for the last half of the pose. Counter poses? , Lean back on hands, and slowly bring legs together. Windshield Wipers are nice, or do a cross-legged, seated back bend; , Tabletop: this is done by sitting on the floors with knees bent, hands behind you, and pressing feet and hands into the floor, then lifting the hips as high as possible. This can be a flow by lifting and lower the pelvis several times slowly, with each breath, before holding the highest position for a few breaths. Similar to? , Upavistakonasana. Other Notes: , Very frustrating for beginners: the adductor muscles tug on sitting bones, as hamstrings do, tilting top of hips backwards. Persistence is required! Sitting on a bolster helps; , Keep weight forward on sitting bones: even tug the flesh away from the buttocks, before folding forward 13. Frog Benefits: , Deep groin opener [especially the adductors] and an external hip rotation; , Provides a slight back bend, which compresses the lower back; , Aids digestion and relieves cramps [both menstrual cramps and cramps from eating]. Contra-indications: , Bad back; , Knees can be uncomfortable, so use padding under the knees; , If the neck is stiff, rest the forehead on floor, not the chin. Alternatives & Options: 1. Tadpole: From Child's Pose, separate knees, but remain sitting on heels; 2. Half Frog: Lift the hips higher, until hips are in line with knees, keeping feet together; 3. Full Frog: separate feet as wide as the knees. , Could extend just one arm at a time: this is safer. The other arm can be bent with the head resting on the forearm. Flexies (aka flexible students) can do both arms out at the same time; , Allow the hips to come further forward, if the pressure in groin or hips is too severe; , Alternately, keep toes together and allow hips to go backwards; , May rest the chest on bolster, to relax upper body; , If the shoulders are uncomfortable, spread the hands wider apart. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Inner leg pressure works the Spleen, Liver and Kidney meridians; , When the arms are stretched forward, the upper body meridians are massaged, affecting the lines of Heart, Lungs and Small Intestines. Joints Affected : , Hips, lower back and shoulders. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes; , Could do first half of pose in tadpole, and then move to the full frog. Counter poses? , Child's Pose; , Lying on the back, hug knees to chest, and rock side to side, or move knees in circles. Similar to? , Mandukasana or Bhekasana. Other Notes: , When the hips are in line with knees, gravity has maximum effect. Often students will move hips forward to avoid painful compression in the hips; , Can do this right after eating by resting on elbows ?don't let the stomach rest on the floor though, allow it to hang: nice for digestion; , A nice pose to do to begin a class, or if short of time; , Flexies don't need to go deeper, just stay longer! 14. Happy Baby Benefits: , A deep hip opener that requires arm strength, rather than letting gravity do the work. One of the few poses working with arm flexion [strengthening the biceps]. A good yang pose for upper body strength, while being a good yin pose for the lower body; , Releases the sacrum; , Deep compression of stomach organs. Contra-indications: , This is a mild inversion: a student may want to avoid this posture if she in her moon cycle, or if she has very high blood pressure. Alternatives & Options: , Half Happy Baby (like an upside down low lunge) holding one foot at a time; , Very tight students may use a belt to hold feet, or do this against a wall: it is like a lying down Squat, but with the feet pushing into the wall; , Could hold the back of the thighs; , Toes together: first stage, leave them near groins. Later stage, bring toes to the nose; , Eventually, feet go behind the head! [Eventually, not necessarily this lifetime.] Meridians & Organs Affected: , Urinary Bladder; , Inner groin stimulation works the Spleen, Liver and Kidneys. Joints Affected : , Hips and sacrum/lumbar. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes. Counter poses? , Gentle back bends [lying on stomach, or mild spinal lift coming up only half way ]. Similar to? , Beginner's version of Yoga Nidra. Also called "window" or "dead bug" pose; , Unlike in the yang style poses listed above, you may allow your tailbone to curl up to release, or decompress, the lower back. Other Notes: , It is easy for the student to get tired here and stop pulling. That is okay; by then just the weight of the legs will add enough juice to make the pose work; , There are two options to try here: 1) Allow the tailbone to curve up in the air. Unlike the yang version we do want to release the sacrum; 2) Keep tailbone low to the ground. Notice the differences 15. Reclining Twist Benefits: , Twisting at the end of the practice helps to restore equilibrium in the nervous system and release tension in the spine; , Tones the stomach and cures gastritis. Contra-indications: , If the student has shoulder issues (such as rotator cuff injuries), she may not want to raise arm to beside the ear. Arm can be bent or supported by a bolster. Alternatives & Options: , Directing the knee lower, or higher, will affect where in the spine the stretch is felt. Knees high moves the twist to upper back, knees low moves twist more to lumbar/sacrum; , If shoulder is off the floor, place a bolster under the bent knee to balance the body; , Student can experiment with the head turning to either side: notice how the sensations change; , If the student has raised her hand along side the ear, it could be resting on the floor or on a bolster; , Twisted Roots: Knees can also be crossed as in eagle pose (Garudasana); , Top leg straight out to the side applies the most leverage, which helps to keep the hips fully turned. Meridians & Organs Affected: , If arm is overhead, three meridians in the arms are stimulated: the Heart, Lung and Small Intestines; , Twists always compress the stomach; , Iyengar says this pose helps the liver, spleen and pancreas. Joints Affected: , The shoulder joint, as well as all the tissues in the upper chest, breast, and shoulder are nurtured; , The lower spine, especially the sacrum, if knee is at ninety degrees to the torso, or lower. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes. Counter poses? , Hug the knees and rock on back from side to side. Similar to? , Jatharaparivartanasana. Other Notes: , An excellent final pose of the practice, because it removes any kinks and knots; , Student may want to slide right from this pose into shavasana; , Sarah Powers claims that bringing the bent knee more to the chest can relieve sciatica; , If tingling occurs in the arms or hands, move them until the blood flows again. [This is good advice for any Yin Yoga pose!] , Don't push into the twist: relax. Let gravity do the work. 16. Saddle Benefits: , A deep opening in the sacral-lumbar arch; , Also stretches hips flexors and quadriceps--Iyengar says this is excellent for athletes and people who have to do a lot of standing or walking; , If the foot is, or the feet are, beside the hips, this becomes a good internal rotation of the hip. Contra-indications: , Bad back, tight sacrum; , Knees can be tested too much here; , Ankles can protest as well; , Any sharp or burning pain here, you must come out! Alternatives & Options: , If this is too deep for the lower back, do the Seal or Sphinx, or; , Straighten one leg: this is also called Half Saddle (see pictures); , Optionally, don't go back so far; just lean back on the hands, or on the elbows; , Resting top of head on floor opens the neck; , Arms overhead can open shoulders too; , There are various places you may use bolsters: stack two crossways under the shoulders, or use just one, or place one lengthways under spine; , Blanket under ankles can relieve pressure there; , Flexies may want to lift hips even higher by placing a block between the feet and under the buttocks , If the thighs protest too much, bend one knee and place that foot on the floor; , Very flexible students may want to hug the bent knee to the chest; , Sarah Powers adds a twist in saddle by bringing a hand behind the back and grabbing inner thigh, which stimulates the shoulder lines. In this version, you won't lean back onto the head or the elbows: just arch back and remember to do both sides! , Play with sitting on heels and between heels. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Affects Stomach, Urinary Bladder and Kidneys lines; , The thyroid is stimulated if the neck is dropped back. Joints Affected : , Lower spine, knees, ankles. Hold for how long? , One to five minutes; , Iyengar says up to fifteen minutes! Counter poses? , Coming out there are two choices. First, roll to one side and straighten opposite leg, then rolling back, straighten the other leg. Or, second, push the elbows into floor, contract the stomach muscles and sit up; , Lie quiet for a few breaths with legs straight. Tighten kneecaps. Then hug knees in a gentle forward bend; , Child's Pose: move into it slowly. Some folks may need to rest their head on their palms before coming into a full Child's Pose, to give their back a chance to release. Similar to? , Supta Vajrasana or Supta Virasana: the first emphasizes the lumbar more, and the second works the quads and hip flexors more; , Unlike the yang poses, don't tuck the tail bone [no Cat tilt] as we would do normally in backbends. Other Notes: , This is not a deep backbend for experienced yogis who are already very open in the lower back: the Seal may be more challenging for them. However, this pose does work three areas at once: thighs, ankles, and lower back; , For beginners, this may be the deepest backbend so it can follow the Seal; , Can be done right after eating; , When sitting on the heels, allow the heels to slide a bit to the side of the sitting bones, but stay sitting on the heels; , If done at night before bed, legs feel rested in the morning. 17. Shavasana Time to relax: time to rest the body so that the body becomes stronger and healthier. Time for the little death of shavasana [which literally means the dead posture]. Shavasana symbolizes the end of your practice: a natural completion to the journey you have been on. If you are practicing on your own, you may want to set a timer for your Shavasana. It is not uncommon for students to fall asleep. Falling asleep is okay, but we would prefer that you remain alert and aware while the body is relaxed. A timer will help rouse you at the end of the Shavasana. Decide how much time you need to relax. For an active yang practice, a good rule of thumb is to allow yourself about ten percent of your practice time for the Shavasana. For the yin style, since the muscles were not used, a shorter period is okay: maybe five percent or eight percent will suffice. However, check in with your inner guide and see how much time would be right today. Shavasana is not just a time to relax the body: in this quiet time the mind should remain alert, yet relaxed, and aware of the body relaxing. Pay attention to the energies flowing: this is an ideal time to develop your ability to feel your energies. It is difficult to do this when you are in postures. Practicing watching the energies during your shavasanas will assist you to feel energy flowing at other times. As you actively relax, watch the flow of Chi or prana into and out of the areas you worked in the asana practice. At first, you may have to pretend, or imagine, you can feel these energies. Pretending will help you look closely at these areas. In time, you will notice the energy flow more easily. There are many ways to perform Shavasana, and many teachers have their own unique and favourite methods. Collect several ways of relaxing by taking classes with several teachers. With a larger repertoire, you can choose which way is best for any given day. The following description is just one of the many possible options. 18. Shoelace Benefits: , A great hip opener, as well as decompression for the lower spine, if folding forward. Contra-indications: , Sciatica could be worsened in which case raise the hips up with a bolster. If sciatica or lower back problems exist, don't fold forward; , Pregnant women should not fold forward after the first trimester. Alternatives & Options: , If hips are tight, sit on a bolster to tilt the hips forward; , If knees complain at all, the student can do the pose with the bottom leg straight. If that is still too hard, sit cross-legged and fold forward; , Support chest with bolster; , Could support head with hands; , Hands can be to the side or in front, or stretch the arms back behind the body; , Can rest elbows on a bolster; , If sensations are too intense in the hips or the knees, remain upright, or take more weight into the hands and arms; , Side bends or twists can be added here, which work the Gall Bladder meridian along chest; , Other alternatives include Eye-of-the-Needle pose [lying on back, cradle shin in arms], Square Pose or Swan. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Spleen, Liver and Kidney because these lines come through the inner groins, plus the Gall Bladder on outer legs. If folding forward, the Urinary Bladder line is stimulated and the stomach compressed. Joints Affected : , Hips and lower spine. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes per side; , Could do first half of the time in a variation like side bend, or twist, and then fold forward for the remaining time. Counter poses? , Windshield Wipers lying down or sitting [to provide an internal rotation of the leg]; , Deer pose; , Tabletop: this is done by sitting on the floors with knees bent, hands behind you, and pressing feet and hands into the floor, then lifting the hips as high as possible. This can be a flow by lifting and lowering the pelvis several times slowly, with each breath, before holding the highest position for a few breaths; Similar to? , Cowface (Gomukasana). Other Notes: , It is nice to follow this with Sleeping Swan, before doing other side; , Could also do a sitting twist afterwards; , Start with most open hip first; whichever hip is more open, place that knee on top. This allows the energy to flow more easily, and aids in opening the tighter side; , Keep weight back into sitting bones while you come forward. Don't let the weight move into the knees; , Keep hips even. There is a tendency for the top hip to be pulled forward. 19. Snail Benefits: , One of the deepest releases of the whole spine; , Compresses the internal organs giving them a great massage. Contra-indications: , This pose puts a lot of pressure on the neck: be cautious! Avoid if you have any neck problems; , Because this is an inverted posture, this is not recommended for anyone with high blood pressure, upper body infection, vertigo, glaucoma, or suffering from a cold, or for women during their moon cycle; , Do not do this posture if you have recently eaten or are pregnant. Alternatives & Options: , There are many intermediate stages to this pose. For beginners or those not wishing to invert replace this pose with a seated, straight leg, forward fold [such as the Caterpillar]; , There are three stages to the posture: 1) Support the back with the palms and have legs straight even if feet are not touching the floor; 2) More challenging is palms under the feet, lowering feet to the floor; 3) Most challenging is hands in yoga mudra (with fingers interlaced) or knees bent by ears. , If legs are straight but don't touch the floor, the feet can rest on a bolster, or bend the knees, and use the hands to support the hips; , Very challenging option: twist until both knees are on one side of the ear. Remember to switch sides. Meridians & Organs Affected: , All internal organs are massaged and compressed. Each breath adds to the massage; , Urinary Bladder lines are deeply stretched. Joints Affected : , The full spine. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes. Counter poses? , After coming out lie down for a few breaths; , Windshield Wipers, then a gentle back bend, such as lying on stomach or a mild spinal lift, coming up half way only; , A gentle fish, to release the neck; , Child's Pose. Similar to? , Halasana (Plough) or Karnapidasana (Resting pose or Ear Pressure Pose). Other Notes: , Because this is a deep forward bend, prepare the neck first; , A nice alternative is Happy Baby; , Unlike in the yang postures, we allow the spine to fully round. Do not try to keep the spine straight and the hips high; , When coming out, you may hold hips with hands and roll out; , You may let the chin stay on the chest, and let the head lift up as you roll out, then support head with hands, and slowly lower the head down to the floor 20. Sphinx & Seal Benefits: , The deepest opening for the sacral-lumbar arch; [Between the L2 & L3 is found the "Door of Life" where Jing energy is housed.] , The spine is toned; , If the neck is dropped back, the thyroid is also stimulated. Contra-indications: , Bad back, tight sacrum; , Any sharp pain here, you must come out! , Avoid pressing the belly into the floor if the student is pregnant (just do the Seal, not the Spinx); , Avoid if the student has a headache. Alternatives & Options: , For a gentle Sphinx, rest on the ribs, sliding the elbows away to reduce compression in lower back; , Could use bolsters under elbows, helping to elevate the chest and deepen the posture; , Seal with straight, locked arms is the deepest pose. Let the hands point outward. Student can slide hands away to lessen the intensity; , Some students may feel the highest amount of compression in the lower back occurs if hands are not right under the shoulders, but slightly forward. This provides some pressure backwards into the lower back; , Bend the knees for more compression in the sacrum; , Some students like to spread legs apart, to deepen the sensations in the lower back; , Other students prefer the legs together, to release the sacrum or make the sensations more evenly along the spine; , Can place a bolster or blanket under pubic bone, to soften the pressure; , Tightening the butt is okay! Sagging the shoulders is also okay; , To arch the neck and stimulate the cervical spine, lengthen the neck, drop the head back, lift the chin, and open the throat; , Flexies can try Sphinx with legs in lotus. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Affects the Urinary Bladder and Kidney lines as they run through the lower back and sacrum; , Affects the Stomach meridian along top of legs; , Iyengar adds that this stimulates the kidneys and adrenals through compression. Joints Affected : , Lower spine and the neck (if dropped back). Hold for how long? , One minute, then lower down, rest, and repeat several times or; , Up to five minutes; , Eventually up for twenty minutes! Counter poses? , Coming out, just lie on the stomach, which is still a gentle back bend. Students could slide one bent knee up beside the chest to ease residual sensations; , Child's Pose: move into it slowly. Some folks may need to rest their head on their palms. Similar to? , Sphinx and/or Cobra. Other Notes: , Imagine the spine like a row of Xmas lights draping to the floor; , If arms are straight, this pose is a deeper backbend than the Saddle; thus, this should be done after Saddle. If the arms are bent (as in Sphinx), this is not as deep as Saddle, so it may be done first; , Nice and safe for pregnant students; , Great pose for watching television! 21. Square Benefits: , Nice preparation for Lotus pose; , Deep opening of the hips through strong external rotation; , Decompresses the lower back when folding forward. Contra-indications: , Watch the pressure on the knees; if the hips are too tight, the pressure will go there. Alternatives & Options: , A deeper option is to place one ankle over the opposite knee, and the other ankle under its opposite knee. If first knee is very high in the air, bring that foot to the floor in front of opposite knee; , More flexible students will try to slide knees closer together, allowing the feet go further apart; , Folding forward stretches the lower back. If the lower back rounds a lot, sit on cushion; , Tight students, or anyone who experiences discomfort in the knees, can place blankets or support under knees, if they are high off the floor; , Other alternatives include Eye-of-the-Needle pose [lying on the back, cradle the shin in arms], Shoelace, or Swan. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Spleen, Liver & Kidneys, because these lines come through the inner groins. Gall Bladder line on outer leg. Urinary Bladder line if folding forward. Joints Affected : , Hips and spine. Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes per side. Counter poses? , Deer, Windshield Wipers, Spinal Lifts. Similar to? , Double Pigeon. Other Notes: , Beginners tend to bring feet too close to groin. Make sure this isn't simply a cross-legged sitting posture. We want to feel this in the hips. 22. Squat Benefits: , Open hips and strengthen ankles; , Releases lower back; , Iyengar claims women suffering severe lower back pain, due to their moon cycle, will obtain relief. Contra-indications: , If hips are too tight, this can torque the knees. Students with knee trauma should avoid this pose. Alternatives & Options: , If heels are raised, use a blanket or bolster under them; we want the body to relax; , Can also widen the distance between the feet; , Watch where the knees are pointing compared to where the feet are pointing: the knees should point in same direction as the feet. If not, spread the feet wider, or rest the heels on blanket or a block; , A deep variation is to keep feet together with the knees wide apart and lean forward wrapping arms behind the back, clasping the hands together; , Another option is to place hands behind the head, and gently draw chin to chest. Meridians & Organs Affected: , The Liver and Kidney lines as they run through the groin and the Urinary Bladder lines on the back. Joints Affected : , Hips, knees and ankles. Hold for how long? , Two to three minutes at one time. However, you can revisit this pose a couple of times during the practice. Counter poses? , Dangling to release the knees and back; , Ankle stretch or vajrasana [keep the knees together and sit on the heels]. Similar to? , Malasana. Other Notes: , Elbows in front of knees can be used as levers to pull the chest forward, allowing tailbone to drop lower. 23. Swan Benefits: , A vigorous way to open the hips, allowing gravity to do the work. This is a strong external rotation of hips. Will also provide a hip flexor stretch on the opposite thigh (especially in the image shown); , A moderate backbend, compressing the lower back; , Iyengar claims this posture can control sexual desires due to lots of blood flowing through the pubic region (recommended for boyfriends?). Contra-indications: , Watch the pressure on the knees. If hips are too tight, the pressure will go there. Alternatives & Options: , To protect the front knee, keep foot flexed; , Try to move hands closer to hips, to increase the weight over the front hip; , Students leaning to one side can place a support, like a folded blanket, under the bent knee's hip to center themselves; , Really flexible students may try to bring front foot forward parallel to the front of mat and slide the bent knee more to the side: bring the foot beneath the sternum if possible; , Other alternatives include Eye-of-the-Needle pose [lying on back, cradle shin in arms], Shoelace or Sleeping Swan. Could also do the Eye-of-the-Needle against a wall with the foot and buttocks touching the wall. Meridians & Organs Affected: , Spleen, Liver & Kidney lines because these lines come through the inner groins, the Stomach meridian, from the line on the top of the back leg, the Gall Bladder line on outer leg and the Urinary Bladder line through lumbar arch. Joints Affected : , Hips and lower back --- Make sure knees are NOT affected! Hold for how long? , This is a moderately yang posture when chest is raised. Hold one to three minutes. Counter poses? , Windshield Wipers (sitting or lying); , Child's Pose; , Short Down Dog. Similar to? , Proud Pigeon (Rajakapotasana). Other Notes: , Come into the full Swan from the Sleeping Swan by walking hands back towards the hips; , A deeper hip opener than the Sleeping Swan, due to more weight right above the front hip; , A gentle backbend, but it can be deepened for really flexible students by raising arms overhead, or clasping hands behind the back and pulling them towards the floor; , Classically, this is followed in the yang style by Down Dog, and this could be done here too if Down Dog is not held too long; , The "Screaming Pigeon" is really for yang poses, but it can be tried here too, because those muscles won't interfere with the joints being targeted. Reach the hand, of the same side as the back leg, to that heel and pull the heel to the buttocks; , Dr. Motoyama suggests beginning with the more open thigh back first 24. Sleeping Swan Benefits: , A relaxing way to gently open the hips. Contra-indications: , Watch the pressure on the knees. If hips are too tight the pressure will go there. Alternatives & Options: , To protect the front knee, keep foot flexed before coming forward; , Keep the weight back into the hips as you come lower; , Stay on the hands with arms straight, or come on to the elbows; , Could lie on a bolster placed lengthwise under the chest; , Students leaning to one side can place a support, like a folded blanket, under the bent knee's hip to center themselves; , To increase the effect of gravity, you could tuck the back toes under and lift the knee off the floor, pulling the heel backwards; , Really flexible students may try to bring front foot forward, pull bent knee more to the side and lay chest on top of shin; , An alternative is Eye-of-the-Needle pose (lying on the back, cradle shin in arms). Meridians & Organs Affected: , Spleen, Liver & Kidney lines because these lines come through the inner groins, the Stomach meridian from the line on the top of the back leg, and the Gall Bladder line on outer leg. Joints Affected : , Hips --- Make sure knees are NOT affected! Hold for how long? , Three to five minutes per side. Counter poses? , Reclining Windshield Wipers; , Mild Spinal Lift or Supported Bridge pose. Similar to? , Sleeping Pigeon. Other Notes: , Nice to do between sides of Shoelace; , Can combine with full Swan, which is a backbend as well; , Another option is to skip this pose and do Eye of the Needle, lying on back. This reduces gravity's effect and requires more upper body strength, but isn't so deep; , The full Swan creates more tension in the hip joint. The Sleeping Swan has the least. The student can find a tolerable compromise position somewhere between the two extremes by remaining on her elbows or hands. Lying straight down is not the deepest version of this pose, but it is the most relaxing for most students; , Sometimes a subtle adjustment of the legs can increase the sensation in the front hip, and reduce the stretch in the quadriceps of the back leg. 25. Toe Squat Benefits: , Open toes and feet and strengthens ankles; , The six lower body meridians begin or end in the toes: this pose stimulates these lines. Contra-indications: , Sitting on the heels may strain the knees; , If ankles or toe joints are very tight, don't stay here long. Alternatives & Options: , Make sure toes are tucked under (including the little toes), and ensure that you are not resting on the tips of the toes: be on the balls of the feet; , If the pose becomes too challenging, come up onto the knees, relieving most of the pressure on the toe joints; , Don't stay if in pain; , Can combine this posture with shoulder exercises, like Eagle arms or Cow Face arms; , If the knees are uncomfortable, place a blanket under them, or place a cushion between the hips and the heels. Meridians & Organs Affected: , All the meridians of the lower body get stimulated through the compression in the toes; , The front of the ankle also becomes compressed helping to open the Spleen, Liver, Stomach and Gall Bladder lines. Joints Affected : , Toes and ankles. Hold for how long? , Two to three minutes. Counter poses? , Ankle Stretch, or Child's Pose, or any pose that opens the ankles such as Saddle. Similar to? , Seiza or Vajrasana, but with the toes tucked under. Other Notes: , This pose can become quite intense for most people fairly quickly. Monitor the level of intensity. It is better not to stay in the pose if you are in pain; , If doing shoulder work while holding the pose, take a break between sides. Do an Ankle Stretch, and then resume the shoulder work on the other side YANG COUNTER POSES Yang Counter Poses Between yin poses many teachers suggest a bit of yang movement. This feels nice and stimulates the flow of energy in the body before the next posture. Remember you can do too much of anything. Too much yang leads to exhaustion and depletion--too much yin however leads to stagnation. Some yang between the postures helps keep stagnation from developing. Choose whatever yang movements would feel nice. Let your body decide or pick something from the list below. The list is not exhaustive and it is not the intention during this journey to understand yang asanas. You may have to find a teacher to offer you more options or explanations. , Cat's breath (flowing from upward facing cat to downward facing cat) , Crocodile (like a push-up but on elbows and held for a minute or less) , Plank (full push-ups or hovering above the floor in chaturanga) , Down dog and all its variations , Fish (a gentle fish, sometimes done with legs in butterfly) , Hinge (raising and lowering of the legs, knees bent or straight, while lying on your back) , Lying down and hugging the knees to the chest and rocking from side to side , Boat (while sitting extend legs out in front and up in the air with arms extended forward) , Locusts (aka Infant--lie on your stomach and lift your arms, chest and legs up) , Table or Slide (with hands behind you on the floor lift hips high. Feet can be on the floor with legs bent or legs straight). Flow into this one by raising hips and lowering hips with the breath. After three or four cycles hold the position for three or four breaths; , Windshield wipers (sitting with hands behind you on the floor and feet apart, drop knees from side to side. Can be done lying down too); , Sun Salutations (recommended only at the end of a practice and done for at least 10 minutes). Sarah Powers and Paul Grilley have many excellent yang exercises you can choose from. Check out their DVDs or Paul's book for more suggestions. Yang movements between yin postures should be brief. The body can be confused with a constant shifting from yin mode to yang mode if each mode is performed for a long period (say over five minutes). If you want to include a lot of yang postures during a yin practice, group the yang asanas into a large segment of time. Allow at least fifteen minutes of constant yang practice or at least fifteen minutes of yin practice to unfold at the same time. Do not keep switching back and forth more quickly than that. Keep the yang counter poses brief Meditation on Energy There are four main ways to stimulate the flow of energy in the body: acupuncture, which relies upon needles inserted in special points along the meridians; acupressure, which again stimulates the tissues along the meridian lines (and, associated with this, are all the varieties of massage therapies and asana practices); simple awareness; directed breathing. Simple Awareness Try this little experiment: look at your thumb, and imagine you can feel the energy inside of it. Notice how it begins to warm up, just by focusing there. Continue to focus, and feel the thumb for a full minute. The sensation of warmth is not imaginary. When we bring our attention to a specific part of the body, our parasympathetic nervous system is engaged. When this happens, our heart rate slows down, and the blood vessels dilate, allowing more blood and energy to flood the area. We can feel this happening. Simple awareness brings energy to where we concentrate. This is the reason we want to pay attention, during our yoga practice, to what we are experiencing in the body. We want to be focused, not distracted by thoughts of what we are going to eat after class, or wondering where that girl in the front row found her outfit. We want to enhance the flow of energy through the tissues being exercised, by feeling what is happening there. Directed Breathing In addition to feeling a particular area of the body, we can also send our breath there. This may sound strange to anyone who has not done this: how can we breathe somewhere beyond our lungs? But, remember, the whole body is interconnected. Take a deep inhalation right now, and notice how your shoulders and abdomen move. This is movement beyond the lungs. When the diaphragm descends, it presses against the stomach and liver. The stomach and liver in turn press onto the lower organs: they also press into the pit of the abdomen. Blood pressure and pulse rate rise on the inhalation and falls on the exhalation. This effect is felt all over the body. The breath affects every cell in the body, directly or indirectly. Initially, this is something that just happens: it is outside our conscious control. As we practice directing the breath, we can begin to feel the effect of the breath. Later, we can actually increase, or enhance this effect, deliberately. It is easiest in areas closest to the lungs: feel the lower abdomen on your next cycle of breath. Notice the tension ebb and flow there. Then begin to notice, not just the tension, but the transfer of energy too. This combination of both attention, which alone brings energy to the area being focused on, along with moving the breath to the region, doubly increases the energy moving towards the area. Now we are ready to combine this bare awareness with the breath, and guide our attention deeper. We are now able to direct our energy. Hamsa Mantra - a simple breath practice On average twenty-one thousand, six hundred times a day we chant the mantra Hamsa. "Ha" is the sound of the breath on our exhalations and "sa" is the sound of the inhalations. Some traditions reverse this, and the mantra is called So'ham - we hear "hmmm" on the inhalation and a sighing "sa" on the exhalation. Iyengar says they are actually combined: every creature creates so'ham on the inhalation (which means "He am I") and hamsa on the exhalation (which means "I am He"). This is called the ajapa mantra [ajapa means "unpronounced", thus this is a silent mantra.] While we chant this barely audible mantra with each breath, we can feel energy moving within us. Close your eyes and notice the way your energy state is altered while you inhale and exhale. Experiment with hearing "ham" on the inhalation and "sa" on the exhale. Does this feel energizing or calming for you? Next reverse it: hear "sa" on the inhalation and "ham" on the exhalation. Does this change the energetic feelings? Many teachers will claim that hamsa is energizing and so'ham is relaxing. They teach that when we hear so'ham, prana is descending. On hearing hamsa, shakti (energy) rises. Other teachers claim the exact opposite. Of course we are all different. Half of us are natural belly breathers. Half are chest breathers. It is not surprising that everyone doesn't respond the same way. You will need to experiment, and find out which form of hamsa breathing energizes you, and which form calms you. Once you know, then you are ready to employ this tool in your practice. Preparing for a Yin Yoga class, you may want to use the calming breath. Preparing for a yang practice, you may want to use an energizing breath. [There are two very interesting computer games produced by The Wild Divine Project which helps people learn to calm and excite their own energy. The first game is called Journey to the Wild Divine and the second one is the sequel called Wisdom Quest. These games utilize computerized biofeedback sensors that attached to three fingers. By controlling your breath and your energy levels, you navigate the imaginary world, seeking wisdom. This game can help you learn to control your inner Chi.] Of course hamsa breathing can be used outside of your yoga practice too. We all have times in life when we are too stoked up and need to relax. The hamsa breath can be useful then. At other times, we need a quick boost of energy, and the opposite breath may be ideal. Instead of reaching, automatically, for that cigarette to calm you down, or that third cup of coffee or a cola to give you a pick-me-up, try working with the breath for a minute or two. You may be surprised at how effective it is, and it is a lot healthier. Let's move on now to investigate how we can direct these energies.
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