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高中英语试讲教案高中英语试讲教案 精品文档 高中英语试讲教案 一、教学分析 1、教材内容分析 本单元围绕“Scientific achievements”这一中心 话题,从科学家、科学假说、科学理论、科学探索等方面设计听、说、读、写等一系列教学活动。“Warming up”部分设置了三个问题,要求学生就重要的科学成就进行讨论,从而帮助学生认识重要的科学成就,了解科学成就对社会发展、人类进步的重大贡献,同时激发学生热爱科学、投身于科学研究的热情,探索科学研究的方法。“Listening”部分设计了两道材料问题和一道开放性的...

高中英语试讲 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 精品文档 高中英语试讲教案 一、教学分析 1、教材 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 分析 本单元围绕“Scientific achievements”这一中心 话题,从科学家、科学假说、科学理论、科学探索等方面设计听、说、读、写等一系列教学活动。“Warming up”部分设置了三个问题,要求学生就重要的科学成就进行讨论,从而帮助学生认识重要的科学成就,了解科学成就对社会发展、人类进步的重大贡献,同时激发学生热爱科学、投身于科学研究的热情,探索科学研究的方法。“Listening”部分设计了两道 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 问题和一道开放性的情景话题。主要培养学生捕捉和筛选信息的能力,然后要求学生在一定语言输入后进行语言输出,旨在培养学生的想象能力和应用能力,通过自己的语言体会重大科学成就的意义。“Speaking”部分重点训练 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达意图和愿望的日常交际用语,以五人小组的活动形式组织学生扮演科学家的角色,陈述各人的研究方向并阐明其重要性来申请科研经费。“Reading”部分为一篇介绍中关村的形成、发展及其重要意义的记叙文。通过对文章的理解,学习中关村人的创业精神。“Language study”部分由词汇和语法两部分组成,该部分不仅教授了四种构词法知识,更鼓励学生通过四项练习,运用构词法知识提高阅读能力。“Integrating skills”部分设计了一个阅读和写作 1 / 18 精品文档 的练习,在学生了解四大科技成就及其重要性后,要求学生略加扩充写一篇最伟大的科学成就的文章。“Tips”部分提出了说服性写作必须论点明确、论据充分,为写作提供了写作方法。 2、教学重点、难点: 本单元的重点在于借助“高科技成就”这一话题,学习、复习涉及这一话题的有关语言知识和语言技能,激发学生热爱科学、奋发图强、献身于科学的热情。 本单元的难点在于培养学生充分利用已有的英语知识表达自己,谈论科学家、科学成就、理想抱负。 二、教学目标 1、语言知识目标 1)要求学生掌握必要的单词、词组和句型:solar, constitution, private, grasp„It? likely that„, make it possible for sb to do sth„,etc. 2)掌握一定量的表达“wishes and intentions”的 交际功能用语。 3)同时要求学生掌握本单元出现的构词法及一些常见的前缀后缀及词根的意 义。 2、语言技能目标 2 / 18 精品文档 通过本单元的内容培养学生良好的“听、说、读、写”的技能,使学生能运用 所学的知识解决相关情景中的一些类似问题,并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,完成任务,在此基础上鼓励学生大胆地根据各自的语言基础与能力,有个性地解决问题,就科学成就提出独特的见解。 3、情感目标 1)激发学生并提高学习英语的兴趣, 乐于接受新鲜事物,勇于尝试:体现课 堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动地参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人: 具有个性,培养创造能力。 2)培养同学之间日常融洽相处的感情,乐于合作,善于合作的团体合作精神。 3)通过课文中出现的科学家及科学成就激励学生热爱科学、投身科学研究、探 索科学研究的方法 三、教学策略 1)开放式教学策略。以有限的课堂为载体,带学生进入广阔的知识天地。 2)引趣激趣策略。创设多种情景激发学生的兴趣,只有让学生真正有了 3 / 18 精品文档 参与的欲望,才能点燃他们的思维火花。 3)合作学习策略。合作学习强调通过师生、生生的多边互动进行人际交往、信息 交流,能满足学生个体内部需要。 4)体验成功策略。使学生在特定的完成任务过程主动积极地获得和积累相应的学 习经验,享受成功的喜悦,从而提高学习兴趣和成就动机。 四、学习策略 引导学生利用图书馆和网络资源进行一系列的自主学习、合作探究的学习策略。 对于本单元鼓励学生课前收集科技成就、中关村和美国的硅谷的资料,上课时勤思考、主动参与课堂上的各种活动。 五、单元教学设计 依据《新课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》及对于学生教学目标的要求,课堂设计本着教学应“以人 为本”的总的教学理念,课堂中充分利用网络资源、设计相应难度的任务,以增加教学的直观性和趣味性,提高教学效率。根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,学习阶段的侧重点,我把本单元划分六课时完成:听力、口语、阅读、语言、写作、评价。 4 / 18 精品文档 Period 1 Warming-up & listening Goals: 1. Get the Ss to talk about what science and scientific achievements have affected the world to stimulate them to further efforts. 2. Cultivate the students? ability of listening for information. 一、Warming up Task 1.Greeting: Have a free chat with the Ss about their holidays to present the topic scientific achievements Task. Match the scientists and their scientific achievements Alexander Bell electricity Thomas Edisonthe First telephone the Wright Brothers?the electric Lamp Madame Curie black holes in Universe FranklinTheory of Gravity Steven Hawkingthe First Plane Elbert Einstein Radium Isaac Newton the Theory of Relativity Task. Talk about scientific achievements 1) How have the scientific achievements changed 5 / 18 精品文档 the world? 2) Which one do you think is the most important? Why? 3) What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important? 4) Do these achievements have anything in common? If so, what? Task. Discussion Is this an easy job to achieve success in science research? What makes a scientist? 二、Pre-listening Task Get to know Neil Armstrong, Alexander Gramham Bell, Ray Tomlinson and Armchimedes. 三、Listening Task 1. Listen to part 1 and complete the chart below. Can you explain Tomlinson?s message? Task .Listen to part and complete the sentence below. 1.The word “ of The Constitution of the United States of America. 2.Eureka is a word from the 6 / 18 精品文档 3.If you ask a father, he might say : ““ If you ask a mother, she might say : “ 四、Post-listening Language input: As what you have heard just now, some words become famous not because they are beautiful or wise but because they are spoken when a great new scientific achievement is being announced or made. If you are lucky enough to be the first person„., what would you say? Task: Choose one situation and then share with your partners. A the first person on Mars B the first cloned human being C the first person to travel in time 五、Homework 1 Listen to the tape, finish the listening part on WB . Preview the reading passage. Period Two Speaking Goals:1.Learn and master the useful expressions 2.Train the students? listening and speaking abilities. 7 / 18 精品文档 3.Talk about scientists and scientific achievement, urging the students to further understand the significant of science and scientific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons. 一、Pre-task Another new year began. Have you got any wishes/ plans? What are they? With your plan made, what intentions have you got? In this way the following expressions are aroused. 二、Speaking Situation: Four scientists ,each of whom is working on an important project, want to get money to complete their project. Each scientist will introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important. The organizer will listen to all the scientists and ask questions. At the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and 三、Post task 1.Just now you did a very good job in acting as a scientist. Do you want to be a scientist? If so, which field are you interested in? If not, what do you want 8 / 18 精品文档 to be? Use the 定语从句 Attributive Clause之关系副词篇 教学目标:掌握由关系副词引导的定语从句 教学重点:定语从句中的关系副词why, when, where 教学难点:关系词的选择 教学过程 STEP ONELead in Dream?Westlife ? My Love ? “Find a place I love the most” STEP TWONew Lesson 一、 定语从句相关基础知识 1. 定语从句 2. 定语从句结构:主句+关系词+从句 3. 先行词 4. 关系词/引导词:连接/引导;做成分 5. 关系词分类: 关系代词 ? ? 从句中做主,宾,表,宾补; 关系副词 ? ?从句中做状语 二、定语从句之关系副词 1. 关系副词why 9 / 18 精品文档 1) 在从句中做原因状语,修饰从句谓语动词;先行词必须是表示原因的名词,常用的就两个reason, cause e.g.This is the reason why I didn’t come here. 2)why作关系词引导定语从句,先行词一定是reason/cause;但reason/cause是先行词时,关系词不一定就是why,可能是that/which e.g. ?The reason ________ he gave me was unknown. ?The reason ________ he didn’t attend the meeting was unknown. 3)如何选择关系词 解题路径:区分关系代词和关系副词,分析从句中的成分,判断关系词在从句中充当的成分,从而判断是关系代词还是关系副词 a. 通过翻译找准先行词 b. 判断从句中的谓语动词是否及物。及物动词没有带宾语,说明关系词在从句中做宾语,因此是关系代词 4)why引导的定语从句时,先行词可省略 因此例句可以改为:This is why I didn’t come here. 小结:why引导的定语从句比较简单,记住reason和cause 2. 关系副词when 1) 在从句中做时间状语,修饰从句谓语动词;先行 10 / 18 精品文档 词必须是表示时间的名词,常用的例如hour, day, year, time等 e.g. I never forget the day when we first met in the park. 2) 先行词是时间名词,关系词不一定是when e.g. ? The days ______ we spent in London is unforgettable. ? The days ______ we stayed in London is unforgettable. 小结:关系词when的用法,先行词是否为时间名词, 分析从句句子成分。从句缺少时间状语用when, 缺少其他成 分用that等 即 先行词是时间名词,关系词不一定是when 关系词是when,先行词一定是时间名词 3.关系副词where 1) 在从句中做地点状语,修饰从句谓语动词;先行词 通常是表示地点的名词,常用的例如house, factory, palce等 e.g. I get out of the house where I was born. 2) 先行词是地点名词,关系词不一定是where e.g. ? This is the town ______ I spent my childhood. 11 / 18 精品文档 ? This is the town ______ I told you about. 判断方法任然是看关系词在定语中充当的成分 3)where引导定语从句,先行词可能是隐含地点意义的抽象名词 必须vs通常 换句话说,where引导的定语从句,先行词不一定是表示地点的名词,但是这类名词隐含地点意义,通常是抽象名词,例如dream, case, point, stage, situation, occasion, business等 e.g. ? He has reached the point ______ a change is needed. ? Can you think out a situation _____ this phrase can be used. 小结:a.确认关系词在从句中是否作状语,再确认先行词是否为地点名词 b.谨记where引导的定语从句中可能出现“离谱”的先行词 先行词是地点名词,关系词不一定是where 关系词是where,先行词也不一定是地点名词 三个关系副词中where用法最复杂 4. 关系副词有how吗, how 不可以作为表示方式的关系副词,在英语中若要表示方式,用以下四种句型 1)the way +从句 12 / 18 精品文档 2)the way that +从句 3)the way in which +从句 4)the manner that +从句 e.g. I don’t like ______ you speak to her. A the wayB the way in thatC the way whichD the way of which STEP THREEExercise ? The factory_______ we visited last week was built in001. ? The factory_______ my father was working was built in001. ? It’s helpful to put children into a situation_______ they can see themselves differently. 高考真题09福建 A thatB whenC whichD where 造句 要求:定语从句中至少再包含另外一个定语从句 e. g. I’ll never forget the day when we first met in the park where is full of pandas whose eyes are black that is my sister’s favorite. /retype/zoom/691735c6e45c3b3566ec8b00?pn=1&x=0&y=13 13 / 18 精品文档 33&raww=50&rawh=50&o=png_6_0_0_135_156_75_75_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=50&md5sum=82836a66e0396bb4f328aea91732c9fd&sign=fe06950d94&zoom=&png=0-10398&jpg=0-0” target=“_blank”>点此查看 Leading-in To show Ss pictures about some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people--the key of success. Some words may be used in this activity : Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength Something in common: concentration confidence good physical abilities speed strength flexibility athletic skills strong will interest hard training 目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴 趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思 考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。 Pre-reading Task one to show students some pictures which occur in the text, 14 / 18 精品文档 First, lets them to know the name of the activity and the way to do it, Second, let the students experience one or more of this, such as somersaulting doing jumping jacks, Third, thinking and discussing ? Would you consider each activity to be serious sports? ? Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? ? Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time? Now class we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinness 浙江教育考试网为考生准备了浙江教师资格证考试 面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》,为您助考。 records. While reading Task two Listening Task two Listen to the tape, after listening tick the 15 / 18 精品文档 topics that the author does not cover physical skills needed for events ? number of records broken ? his family life ? kind of records broken ? why he became a sportsman ? countries he likes best? place and date of birth ? his occupation ? his education ? his first Guinness record Task three Skim the text and answer the questions ?Who is Ashrita Furman? ?When and why he entered the Guinness book of world records? ?When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy? ?When did he first come across the Guiness book of the world records ? What are some of his pgysical difficulties? A walking with a bottle of milk on his head B standing on top of a Swiss ball C somersaulting D doing gymnastically correct lunges ? what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up? 16 / 18 精品文档 Post reading Task five Discussion on Ashrita’s motivation ?Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinness world records instead of taking part in the Olympic games? ?Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinness records? ?Why didn’t he take part in a conventional sports instead of un conventional and funny one? ?Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation? Task six discussion on Ashrita’s belief. work in group four or five each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discuss with your group, Task seven Summary and homework Task one Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita Task two 17 / 18 精品文档 work in group to find more information about Ashria through internet as well as books about after class each group should try brief paper about ahsrita. 来源:中师教育 18 / 18
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