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大学英语语法 第十一讲 动词不定式


大学英语语法 第十一讲 动词不定式大学英语语法 第十一讲 动词不定式 第十一讲 动词不定式 一、构成与特征 动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式, 由“to + 动词原形”构成, 在句中起名词、形容词或 副 词的作用, 同时也保留动词的一些特征, 可以带宾语或状语, 等等。例如: He t ried to work out the problem in f ive minutes . 他试图在五分钟之内算出这道题。 (带宾语和状语) I am sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起, 让您久等了。(完成式...

大学英语语法  第十一讲 动词不定式
大学英语语法 第十一讲 动词不定式 第十一讲 动词不定式 一、构成与特征 动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式, 由“to + 动词原形”构成, 在句中起名词、形容词或 副 词的作用, 同时也保留动词的一些特征, 可以带宾语或状语, 等等。例如: He t ried to work out the problem in f ive minutes . 他试图在五分钟之内算出这道题。 (带宾语和状语) I am sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起, 让您久等了。(完成式) I am glad to have been given a chance to visit your country . 我很高兴有机会访问贵国。 (完成时, 被动语态) 不定式在许多场合具有情态意义。作主语时, 相当于一个带有情态动词的主语从句; 作定 语时, 相当于一个带有情态动词的定语从句; 作宾语时, 相当于一个带有情态动词的宾语从 句; 作目的状语时, 相当于由so that 或in order that 引导的目的状语从句。例如: It is right for her to say so . ( = It is right that she should say so .) He has a lot of work to do . ( = . . .that he should/ must do .) I don..t know where to get the ticket . ( = . . .where I could get the ticket .) She opened the door for the children to come in . ( = . . .so that the children might come in .) 二、功能 1 . 作主语 To hesitate means failure . 犹豫不决就意味着失败。 To think of you makes me old . 思君令人老。 To know oneself is difficult . 人能自知, 实属不易。 To do this is to cut the foot to fit the shoe . 这样做是削足适履。(主语和表语均用不定 式) To talk to her is to talk to a wall . 同她谈是对牛弹琴。 To know everything is to know nothing . 样样皆通, 样样稀松。 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can get . 爱他人并为他人所爱是人 生最大的幸福。 For him to admit his mistakes is not easy . 要他承认错误是不容易的。(带逻辑主语) For her sister Mary to study music is a proper choice . 要她妹妹玛丽学习音乐是恰当的 选择。(带逻辑主语) To be working all day long is a bore . 整天干活使人厌倦。(不定式进行式) To have known you is a privilege . 认识了你真是荣幸。(不定式完成式) Never to offend anyone is his principle . 不得罪人是他的原则。(带副词) Never to have made any mistake is impossible . 从不犯错误是不可能的。(带副词) How to make our life longer is a big problem . 怎样使我们活得更长是个大问题。(带关 系副词) .. 不定式(短语)作主语时, 往往由it 代替它作形式主语(但不可用that 作形式主语) , 不定 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 558 第十一讲 动词不定式 式则移至谓语之后, 这种情况多见于口语中。例如: It means failure to hesitate . It is a bore to be working all day long . It would be wrong for people to marry for money . 人们为钱而结婚是错误的。( It + be + 形容词+ for 短语+ 不定式) It was annoying of Jim to lose my bike . 吉姆把我的自行车弄丢了令人生气。( It + be + 形容词+ of 短语+ 不定式) It..s a shame to say like that . 那样说话是可耻的。( It + be+ 名词+ 不定式) It takes two to make a quarrel . 两个人才吵得起来。( It + 动词+ 宾语+ 不定式) It is against my principles to do such a thing . 做这样的事是违反我的原则的。( It + be + 介词短语+ 不定式) It would be silly to believe him . 相信他是愚蠢的。 It is very difficult to drive in the mountains . 在山区开车困难重重。(正) That is very difficult to drive in the mountains . (误) .. 考察下面两句谚语: Better be envied than pitied . To be envied is better than to be pitied . It is better to be envied than to be pitied . 令人嫉妒胜似令人怜悯。 Better buy than bor row . To buy is better than to borrow . It is better to buy than to borrow . 买比借强。 Note: ?不定式作主语时, 在很多情况下都可用动名词替代。例如: Hesitating means failure . Thinking of you makes me old . Knowing oneself is difficult . .. 但是, 如果作主语的不定式是固定说法, 或表示较强烈的对比, 或某些具体情况等, 通常 不用动名词替代。例如: To err is human . 没有不犯错误的人。(不说Er ring is human .) To respect others is to be respected . 尊重别人就是尊重自己。 To love is to be loved . 爱别人就是被人爱。 To f orgive is to be forgiven . 原谅他人就是原谅自己。 To love nature is to love mankind itself . 爱自然就是爱人类。 To teach is to learn . 教即是学。 To f inish this job in one day is impossible . 要是一天之内完成这项工作是不可能的。 (某次具体情况) 有时候, 作主语的不定式相当于一个条件从句。例如: ? To love others is to be loved . 爱人即爱己。 = If you love others, you will be loved by others . To build an expressway across the country requires a lot of money . 建一条贯 通全国的高速公路需要很多钱。 = If you build an expressway across the count ry, it will require a lot of money . To see her is to love her . 见了她就会爱上她。 = If one sees her, one will love her . 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 559 二、功能 ?如果作主语的不定式短语是及物动词+ 宾语, 则可以把这个宾语转换为主语, 而 把不定式移到句尾。例如: To revise the poem took her two weeks . 修改这首诗花了她两周时间。 The poem took her two weeks to revise . ( the poem 是revise 的逻辑宾语) To talk with Helen is interesting . 同海伦谈话很有趣。 = Helen is interesting to talk with . To build this museum requires one million dollars . 建造这个博物馆需要1 百万 美元。 The museum requires one million dollars to build . To deal with the matter is hard . 处理这件事很难。 The matter is hard to deal with . To decorate the room cost me 4 , 000 yuan . 装修这个房间花了我4 000 元。 = The room cost me 4, 000 yuan to decorate . 2 . 作表语 1)表示目的 The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required . 下一步你要真正 弄清楚需要的是什么。 The purpose of the exchange program is to promote the understanding between the two countries . 这项交流 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 旨在促进两国之间的相互了解。 To live is to do something worth while . 活着就是要做一些有价值的事情。 2)表示事态发展的结果、预期的结果、不幸的命运或预言 He was to perish in a shipwreck and to leave a wife and two children . 后来他在一次船 只失事中死了, 留下了妻子和两个孩子。 The girl was born during the illness of his father whom he was never to see . You must speak out , if we are to remain friends . 如果我们还想继续做朋友的话, 你就 必须痛痛快快地把话都说出来。 You are to die at ninety-eight . 你会在98 岁时去世。 One is to struggle for one..s living . 人要为自己的生存奋斗。 Man is to live a better life in the next century . 人类在下一世纪会生活得更好。 To do it is to ruin yourself . 做那事只会毁掉你自己。 To criticize them is to make enemies . 批评他们就是结怨。 To become a slave is to give up one..s freedom . 当奴隶就是放弃自由。 She..s to be admired . 她应受到敬仰。 3)用于第一人称疑问句, 表示征求意见 What am I to say if they ask me the question ? 要是他们问我这个问题, 我该怎么回答 呢? What am I to do if I have no money ? 如果没有钱, 我该怎么办呢? ( = What should I do if . . .) 4)用于被动语态, 相当于can( could) , should, ought to, must , 具有情态意义 The regulations are to be observed . (must ) He is to be congratulated on his brilliant discoveries . (ought to) You are to be rewarded . 你应受奖励。( should) He is not to be f eared . 不应怕他。( should not be) 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 560 第十一讲 动词不定式 It..s nowhere to be found . 哪儿也找不到它。( can..t be) This kind of grass is to be seen everywhere . 这种草哪儿都能见到。( can be) These books are not to be sold . 这些书不应卖掉。( ought not to be) “同意, 安排, 命令, 决定, 劝告, 意愿, 禁止”等 5)表示 They are to marry next week . (安排) He is to give up drinking . (命令式劝告) The man is guilty and is to undergo ten months..imprisonment . (决定) ) Children are not to smoke . 儿童不准吸烟。(禁止 You must be patient and persistent if you are to succeed . 要想成功, 就必须有耐心, 有毅 力。(愿望) Nobody is to know . 不应让任何人知道。(禁止) 6)不定式作表语, 可用主动形式表示被动意义 She is to blame . 她应该受到责备。 The house is to let . 该房屋出租。 A great deal is yet to do . 还有许多事要做。 The result is not long to see . 结果不久就会看到。 Something is still to f ind out . 有些东西还有待查明。 Little remains to do . 没有什么可做的了。 3 . 作宾语 I can..t afford to take flying lessons . I prefer to call o f f the meeting on account of our director..s absence . She longed to go back to her hometown . 她渴望返回家乡。 He refused to be photographed . 他拒绝让人拍照。 She deserved to be praised . 她值得受表扬。 .. 下列动词适合跟不定式作宾语(大约90 个) : agree 同意consent 同意decline 拒绝 refuse 拒绝offer 提出promise 答应 choose 选择decide 决定determine 决心 attempt 试图intend 企图manage 设法 fail 失败ask 要求hope 希望 want 想要expect 指望long 渴望 wish 希望tend 倾向于desire 希望 seek 寻求claim 声称plan 计划 prepare 准备learn 学会mean 意欲, 打算 volunteer 自愿pretend 假装dare 敢于 afford, arrange, appear , bear , beg, care, commence, demand, dislike, endeavour , fear , forget , happen, hate, hesitate, intend, like, love, mean , neglect , pledge, prefer , promise, propose, resolve, threaten, under take, venture, contrive, condescend, contract , aspire, hasten , plot , proceed, don..t care Note: ?feel , find, judge, make, think , believe, consider 等动词后如果是不定式作宾语, 补 语 是形容词(间或是名词) , 常用it 作形式宾语, 把不定式后移。例如: I find it di f f icult to work with him . I believe it best to leave the matter entirely to his discretion . 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 561 二、功能 He thought it a great pity not to have invited her . She made it a rule to get up at five . I judge it useless to be arguing with him . I supposed it a great pity for Henry to do such a silly thing . She regards it as of great importance for the Chinese to learn f rom other countries . They considered it little use to spend more money on it . ?think 后有时也可跟不定式作宾语, 在疑问句和否定句中用得较多。例如: I never thought to meet you here . 我没想到在这里遇见你。 Did he think to f ind out the truth ? 他想弄明白事实真相吗? He thought to return early . 他想要早点回来的。 I did not think to f ind you two here . 我没料到会在这里碰到你们两人。 I think to buy a new dictionary . 我想买一本新词典。(相当于I think I shall buy a new dictionary .) 4 . 作宾语补足语 I wrote him to come at once . 我写信要他马上来。 She asked me to answer the phone in her absence . 她要我在她不在的时候接电话。 He likes his wife to dress well . 他喜欢妻子穿得漂亮。 I don..t want there to be another mistake . 我不想再出现错误。 I like there to be a park here . 我喜欢这里有一个公园。 I don..t like them to be fooling around . 我不喜欢他们四处游荡。 I wished for the dictionary to be revised . 我希望这本词典修订。 All depends upon her not to lose heart . 一切都在于她不灰心。 I..ve ar ranged for the ship to be unloaded . 我已安排卸船。 The company adver tised for a doctor of philosophy to be the editor-in-chief . 这家公司广 告聘一哲学博士担任主编。 What caused her to give up her studies ? 什么使她辍学的? He proved himself to be a hero . 他证明自己是个英雄。 I..ll get someone to do it for you . 我将找人帮你做这件事。 I prefer him not to come . 我宁愿他不来。 .. 下列表示“指示, 愿望, 感觉”等的动词(短语)后常用不定式作宾语补足语: ask 要求request 要求tell 告诉 invite 邀请force 迫使compel 迫使 press 迫使get 使得cause 引起 宁愿 beg 乞求wish 希望prefer want 想要intend 打算expect 期望 encourage 鼓励advise 劝告persuade 说服 instruct 指示allow 允许permit 允许 remind 提醒urge 激励order 命令 command 命令warn 警告trouble 麻烦 challenge, drive, enable, forbid, hate, inform, like, mean, recommend, require, tempt , accustom, appoint , assign , assist , authorize, bid ( sb . to do, sb . do) , bribe, bring, call on , coax, coerce, commission , condemn , empower, entice, entitle, equip, fit , have ( sb . do) , im 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 562 第十一讲 动词不定式 pel , implore, incite, induce, motion to, wish for, depend upon, telephone to, advertise for , ar range for , let ( sb . do) , listen to( sb . do) , look at ( sb . do) , make( sb . do) , oblige, prompt , send, sentence, sign, train, wor ry, inspire, lead, bear , promise, wait for 等。 Note: ?hope, demand, suggest 等动词后面不能接动词不定式作为宾语补足语(参阅有关 章节)。例如: He hoped his sister to lend him a hand . (误) He hoped that his sister would lend him a hand . (正)他希望妹妹能帮一把。 He demanded me to give up the chance . (误) He demanded that I give up the chance . (正)他要我放弃那个机会。 ) I suggested him not to go there alone . (误 I suggested that he not go there alone . (正)我建议他不要单独去那里。 ?动词decide, discover, explain, consider, ask, find out , forget , know, imagine, learn , observe, remember, tell , show, think , understand, wonder 等后可以接“how ( who, what , when ,which ,where,whether ) + to 不定式”作宾语。关系代词( 副词) + to 不定式结构还可以作主语、主语补语、介词宾语或定语等。例如: I know how to start the machine . 我知道怎样开动这台机器。 I wonder who to invite. I must think what to do next . 我必须计划一下下一步做什么。 I have no idea how to get there. I..m looking for a place in which to live. What worries her is what to say at the meeting . ?动词feel , think, understand, suppose, prove, know, imagine, find, declare, consider , judge, guess , assert , esteem, believe 后的宾语补足语常是to be 或to have + 过去 分词形式(参阅有关章节)。例如: I know this to be a fact . I judged him to have been a gambler . 我判断他曾是个赌徒。 I should guess her to be around thir ty years old . 我猜想她大约30 岁左右。 She esteems herself to be lucky . 她自认为是幸运的。 It is declared to be false . 这被宣布是假的。 This book is thought to be a masterpiece . 这本书被认为是个杰作。 She believes him ( to be ) honest . I consider it ( to be) unwise . 5 . 作定语 1)动词不定式与其所修饰的词之间往往有动宾关系, 如果该不定式是不及物动词, 或者该 不定式本身有宾语, 其后应有必要的介词 He wants water to drink . 他要水喝。 He is a pleasant fellow to work with . 他是个很好共事的人。 She bought a bookself to put her books on . 她买了一个书架放书。 She has a room to live in . 她有一个房间住。 He has a child to take care of . 他有一个孩子要照管。 She can find no one to make f riends with . 她找不到可交朋友的人。 We have no proof to go to the police with . 我们没有证据去找警察。 He lent me a book to kill time with . 他借给我一本书消磨时间。 She offered me a cup of coffee to re f resh my spirit with . 她给我端来一杯咖啡, 让我提 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 563 二、功能 提神。 I made notes of the phrases to be memorized . 我记下了需要背诵的短语。 Are you going to the conference to be held next week ? 你准备参加下周举行的会议吗? Note: 不定式所修饰的名词, 可以是及物动词的宾语, 双宾动词的宾语, 也可以是及物性短 语动词的宾语。例如: He f ound no good music to enjoy . (music 是及物动词found 的宾语) They brought her some clothes to wash . ( clothes 是双宾动词brought 的直接宾语) She looked for some interesting novels to read . 她寻找一些有趣的小说读。( novels 作短语动词looked for 的宾语) 2)作定语的不定式可以表示情态意义 作定语的不定式有时含有情态意义, 相当于may, can, must , will, would 或should 所具 有的含义。例如: He has no friend to depend on . 他没有可以依靠的朋友。( = whom he can depend on) This is the only way to break open the box . 这是打开这个箱子的唯一方法。( = in which way one can break open the box) She brought a nurse to take care of her mother . 她带来一位护士, 照顾她母亲。( = who may take care of her mother ) His wife left him a lot of problems to solve . 她妻子给他留下一大堆问题要解决。( = which he must solve) He is not the kind of man to do such things . 他不是可能做这种事的人。( = who may do such things) You have your children to consider . 你还应该考虑你的孩子。( whom you should consider ) There are always some people to believe him . 总有些人会相信他。( who may believe him) It isn..t a thing to talk about . 这种事不应谈。( = which shouldn..t be talked about) He is a man to be trusted . 他是个可信赖的人。( = who can be t rusted) He is not a man to tell lies . 他不是个会说谎的人。( = who will tell lies) He has only an old friend to see him o f f . 只有一位老朋友为他送行。( = who will see him off ) I have a lot of work to f inish today . 我今天有许多工作要完成。( = which I should finish 或which I must finish) It is a sight never to be forgotten . 那景象永远也忘不了。( = that we will never forget) 3)不定式可以修饰there be 结构中作主语的名词 There is nothing to worry about . 没有什么可担心的。 There is a good rule to go by . 有一项应该遵守的好 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。 There is enough money to spare . 钱足够用的。 There is not a moment to lose . 刻不容缓。 There is plenty to eat . 可吃的东西很多。 She knows all there is to know . 所有的事情她全都知道。 : 比较 There is much more to be known . (不妥) There is much more to know . (正)还有更多的需要了解。 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 564 第十一讲 动词不定式 4)不定式常用于“have+ the + 抽象名词”结构中 He has the goodness to do it . 他好意做那件事。 She has the kindness to help you . 她出于好意帮助你。 He has the impudence to slander her . 他厚颜无耻地诽谤她。 I didn..t have the heart to tell you the bad news . 我不忍心把这个坏消息告诉你。 She has the face to speak ill of Lucy . 她竟厚颜地说露西的坏话。 5)有些名词后常跟不定式作定语 time 时间way 方法right 权利 reason 理由effort 努力ambition 志向 chance 机会movement 运动 It is already time to start spring sowing . 是开始春播的时候了。 Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech . 谢谢你给我发言的机会。 6)有些动词和形容词后常跟不定式, 这些动词和形容词派生出来的名词后也可用不定式作 定语 ability 能力agreement 同意anxiety 渴望 attempt 试图claim 宣称decision 决定 determination 决心need 需要plan 计划 promise 答应readiness 准备tendency 倾向 willingness 愿意wish 希望impatience 渴望 obligation 义务inclination 倾向, 爱好eagerness 急切 Your ability to analyse the problem really surprises us . 你分析这个问题的能力真叫我 们吃惊。(You are able to analyse the problem .) His eagerness to get back home was quite obvious . 看得出他急于回家。 She fulfilled her p romise to send him abroad . 她履行了送他出国的诺言。 He made an attempt to overcome his weaknesses . 他努力克服自己的弱点。 She told me her plan to buy a villa . 她和我谈到买一套别墅的计划。 Note: 这类名词后的不定式有时表示同位关系。例如: His re f usal to recommend Lucy to the committee is amazing . 他拒绝把露西推荐给 委员会使人吃惊。 He feels an inclination to make a trip into the hills . 他想到山里去玩玩。 I am under no obligation to give him what he wants . 我没有他要什么就给他什么的 义务。 She has a tendency to talk too much . 她喜欢唠叨。 He has an ambition to become a world champion . 他一心想成为世界冠军。 7)不定式可以修饰作主语的名词, 相当于一个定语从句, 表明动作即将发生 The lecture to follow will include the radical changes brought about by the French Revolution . 要上的课将包括法国大革命所带来的巨大变化这一内容。 The man to come to our assistance is Mike . 来帮助我们的人是迈克。 The f uture to greet us will be bright . 我们的未来将是美好的。 The plans to be made are of vital importance . 要制定的计划至关重要。 The con f erence to take place next month is bound to be a great success . 8) the first , the second, the last , the best , the only thing 等常跟不定式作定语 He is always the first to answer questions . 他总是第一个回答问题。 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 565 二、功能 It is the only thing to do . 那是唯一可做的事。 He would be the last to agree to the plan . 他决不会同意这项计划。 9)当go, spare 作“剩下”( left )解时, 可作定语; 另外还有with(without ) + 名词+ 不定式 结构 He had five minutes to go before time was up . They had only 100 dollars to spare . I can..t go sightseeing with all these things to attend to . ( = because I have . . .) With much money to spend , the boy was spoiled . 那个男孩花钱如流水, 被惯坏了。( As he had . . .) With all the world to rule, he would not be content . 即使能够统治全世界, 他也不会满 足。( Though he might . . .) Men went hunting and fishing, with women to remain at home . 男人去打猎、捕鱼, 女人 留在家里。( = and women . . .) With so many people to care about her, she feels very proud . 有这么多人关心她, 她感 到非常自豪。( As so many people . . .) He left on a cold morning, without anyone to see him off . 他在一个寒冷的早上离开的, 没有人为他送行。( = and no one . . .) Without anything to do the whole day, he felt rather dull . 他整天没事干, 感到很无聊。 Note: 修饰某些抽象名词的不定式, 有时可转换为介词短语。例如: I have the honour to be admitted into the society . = I have the honour of being admitted into the society . 我很荣幸被吸收进这个协会。 There is no necessity to borrow more money . There is no necessity for borrowing more money . 没有必要借更多的钱。 She has no chance to go there again . She has no chance of going there again . 她再没有机会去那里了。 Don..t let slip any opportunity to practise your English . Don..t let slip any opportunity of practising your English . 别错过练习英语的任何机会。 She is in no mood to speak with him tonight . She is in no mood for speaking with him tonight . 她今晚不想同他说话。 10) a much-to-be-longed-for place———不定式作前臵定语 不定式作定语时一般需后臵, 但由连字符连接的不定式短语作定语则要前臵, 为一种简 洁的表达法, 其组成结构一般有“ 动词+ 名词(代词)、动词+ 动词、动词+ 副词、形容词 + 动词”几类。例如: a much- to-be-longed-for place 一个令人十分向往的地方 a do-nothing man 一个无所事事的人 the never-to-be-forgotten experience 永远不会忘记的经历 a difficult-to-solve puzzle 一个难解的谜 not- to-be-avoided expenses 不可避免的费用 a walk-through inspection 一次走遍各处的检查 a soon- to-be-built railway 一条不久就要建成的铁路 a never-to-be-realized dream 一个永远也实现不了的梦想 a never-to-be-executed plan 一个永远也施行不了的计划 a strong-to-be-desired travel 一次十分渴望的旅行 an ever-to-be-remembered song 一首应该永远记着的歌曲 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 566 第十一讲 动词不定式 aneasy-to-see sign 一个容易看见的符号 a do-or-die decision 一项破釜沉舟的决定 the wait-and-see attitude 观望态度 a see-through mirror 一面透明的镜子 a soon- to-be president 一位不久将成为总统的人 a follow-up statement 补充说明 a do-it-yourself tool 一种供业余爱好者使用的工具 an eat-and- run outlet 一家快餐批发商店 a somewhat hit-or-miss affair 一件有点碰巧的事情 the take-home pay 带回家的工资 a wake-up call 一次把人叫醒的电话声 a hit-and- run policy 打了就跑的政策 cross-count ry movement 遍及全国的运动 take-away meals 可以从饭店带走的饭菜 a wash-and-wear dress 一套洗后不烫就可以穿的连衣裙 not- to-be-deprived rights 不可剥夺的权力 the never-too-old-to-learn spirit 活到老学到老的精神 Note: 这类词个别已经形容词化了, 可用作表语。例如: The window mir ror is see-through . 窗玻璃是透明的。 6 . 作状语 不定式作状语的情况很多, 可以表示目的、结果或原因等。 1)表示目的 不定式作目的状语时, 其动作发生在谓语动词的动作之后, 一般放在句子后部。但如要 表示强调, 也可以位于句首, 前面可加in order , 但不能用so as。值得注意的是, 不定式作 目的状语时, 其否定式不能用not + 不定式, 必须用in order not + 不定式或so as not + 不 定式。例如: The whole family went to beach to spend their weekend . 全家人去海滨度周末。 To save the child , he laid down his life . 他为抢救那个儿童而献出了自己的生命。 Let..s hur ry so as not to be late for the meeting . 咱们快点走, 免得开会迟到。(不能说 Let..s hur ry not to be late for the meeting .) Note: ?在英语中, 目的一般用不定式表示, 不用for + 动名词这一形式。例如: She has phoned to say that she will resign . (不用for saying) We eat to live . (不用for living) ?不定式和分词都可在句中作状语。不定式可以位于句首或句尾, 表示目的, 作目 的状语, 而分词无论位于句首或句尾, 都不可用作目的状语, 但可以用作时间、原 因、条件、方式等状语。比较: Opening the window, she saw a bird flying over . (正) (分词作时间状语) To open the window, she saw a bird flying over . (误) (不定式不可作时间状语) To pass the exam, he worked hard at his lessons . 为了能通过考试, 他刻苦读书。 (不定式作目的状语) Having passed the exam, he went to spend the holidays . 通过了考试, 他就去度假 了。(分词作时间状语) .. 考察下面几题: 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 567 二、功能 A:Why was the official meeting called ? B: new officers . A . Select B . Selecting C . To select D . For selecting(C项正确) , they walked down the street . A . To talk and laugh B . Talking and laughing C . Having talked and laughed D . Being talk and laugh(B项正确) Doctors often study A film records of complex B operations for improving C their own D knowledge and skill . (C 项有问题) 2)表示结果 A few days later he came back only to f ind that the troops had left . 他几天后回来时, 发现部队已经离开了。(不定式动作后发生) She tried to kill herself only to be saved . 她企图自杀, 后来被救了。(常带only 一词表 明是结果) He studied hard only to fail . 他学习很努力, 但却没及格。 He escaped from the battlefield only to be killed by the natives . 他从战场上逃跑了, 却 被土著所杀。 He earned a lot of money only for his son to squander . 他赚了许多钱, 却被他儿子所挥 霍。 She awoke to f ind herself locked in a room . 她醒来了, 发现自己被锁在一个房间里。 They parted never to see each other . 他们分手了, 再没有相见。 She lived to see her son becoming the president . 她活到看见儿子当上总统。 She lived to see her son..s return from abroad . 她活到看见儿子从国外返回。( = until she saw . . .) He served the customers heart and soul to be praised by all . 他全心全意地为顾客服务, 受到了众人的赞扬。 She grew up to be a diplomat . 她长大成为一名外交家。 He did excellent work to be general manager of the famous company . 他工作非常出色, 后来成为这家著名公司的总经理。 What have I said to make you so angry ? 我说了什么话使你这样生气? What have you done to deserve this severe criticism ?你做了什么, 遭到如此严厉的批评? ( = that you should deserve this severe criticism) What have you heard to be so excited ?你听到了什么, 竟如此激动? ( = that you should be so excited) Where have you been to be so delighted ? 你去了哪儿, 竟如此高兴? ( = that you should be so delighted) He lived to be an old man . In 1998 she left home never to return . He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet . He is too young to have seen the bloody war . .. 下列形容词是对人进行表扬或批评的, 后面常接不定式表示结果: right , polite, crazy, generous , good, greedy, kind, selfish, silly, splendid, nice, unselfish , unkind 等。例如: 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 568 第十一讲 动词不定式 He is generous to lend us a large sum of money . She is very polite to show us the way . Note: 这类结构中, 不定式的逻辑主语也就是句子的主语。 3)表示原因 不定式作原因状语时, 一般放在句尾。不定式常跟在一些形容词或过去分词后说明产生 这种情绪的原因。常用的这类词有: happy, lucky , for tunate, pained, ashamed, surprised, grieved, frightened, shocked, sorry, glad, delighted, eager, disappointed, right , anxious, ready, clever, unwise, quick, foolish, rude, considerate, cruel , wrong, annoyed, bored, astonished , delighted , interested, overjoyed , puzzled, relieved, wor ried 等。例如: She grieved to hear of the sad news . 听到那不幸的消息, 她非常悲痛。(不定式动作先 发生) He felt shame f or his daughter to have told lies . He burst out crying to hear her words . She fell into despair to learn o f the failure . She blushed to see him . They laughed to hear the joke . She smiled to see the flowers nodding in the wind . She is sad f or you to have acted so rashly . (带有逻辑主语) He is happy for his son to have made so many contributions . He is rude to behave like that . You..re foolish to believe him . We shall be very happy to co-operate with you in the project . 在此项目中与你们合作, 我们非常高兴。 Note: 在这类结构中, 不定式的逻辑主语也就是句子的主语。另外, 这类形容词有些可变 为名词短语。例如: He is a rude man to behave like that . You..re a fool to believe him . 4)表示评述 下面句中的不定式也可以看作表示说话人要评述的事实, 一般是评述在前, 事实在后, 评 述部分可以用陈述句, 也可以用疑问句或感叹句。例如: He is cruel(评述) to kill the cat (事实) . 他杀死了那只猫, 真残忍。 He is heartless to abandon his old mother . 他抛弃了自己的老母亲, 真是丧尽天良。 He is a clever boy (评述) to have led the enemy into the valley (事实) . 他把敌人引进 了山谷, 真是个聪明的孩子。 He is a coward to escape his duty . 他逃避责任, 是个懦夫。 You have ruined yourself to have married such a woman . 同这样一个女人结婚, 你真是 毁了自己。 He is ungrate f ul to have hurt you so deeply . 他竟那么深的伤害你, 真是忘恩负义。 Are you crazy to believe his words ? 相信他的话, 你难道疯了? How stupid of him to trust such a hoodlum ! 竟相信这样一个骗子, 他真是蠢透了! What an ungrate f ul man he is to abandon his family ! 他竟然抛弃了家庭, 真是不义之 人! 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 569 二、功能 5)表明说话人的态度, 在句中作独立成分 To make a long story short , he became bankrupt . 简单地说, 他破产了。 To get back to my story, she declined the invitation . 接着说吧, 她拒绝了邀请。 To say the least o f it , he is an honest man . 至少, 他是个诚实的人。 To do him justice, he has done something good . 公正地说, 他做了一些好事。 Sad to tell , he committed suicide . 说来令人悲伤, 他自杀了。 To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me . 说实话, 我对此一窍不通。 To be true, we can do it well . 当然, 我们能做好的。 .. 其他如: to tell you the t ruth 告诉你实话吧 truth to say ( speak) 说句实话 to be plain 老实说吧 to put it straight 直截了当地说吧 to bring the story short 长话短说 to cut the matter shor t 长话短说 to return to my subject 言归正传 to change the subject 换一个话题 to use his own words 用他自己的话说 to make matters worse 更糟的是 to give him his due 公正地说 strange to say 说来奇怪 curious to mention 说来奇怪 to be brief 简言之 to be exact 精确地说 to be frank with you 老实对你说吧 to say nothing of 姑且不讲 to conclude 总之 to crown all 更好(坏)的是 to be honest 老实说 to put it plainly 直率地说 to cut a long story short 长话短说 to start with( to begin with) 首先 to sum up 概括地说 .. 这些短语大都位于句首, 偶尔位于句中或句尾, 需用逗号同其他句子成分隔开。但表示 更不用说”的几个短语一般要放在句子后部, 如to say nothing of, not to say, not to “ mention, not to speak of, let alone, much less , much more 等。 6)表示条件 动词不定式有时也可以表示条件。一般臵于句首, 否定不定式表示条件多臵于句尾。这 时, 谓语常含有will , shall , should, would, can, must 等。例如: To look at her, you would think her a young woman , but she is in fact 47 years old . ( = If you were to look at her ) One would be careless not to see the mistake . ( = if one should not see) How can you catch the train to start so late ? 要是这么晚才动身, 你怎么能够赶得上火 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 570 第十一讲 动词不定式 车? You couldn..t do that to save your life . 你即使为了救自己的命也不能那样做。 You do an honest man wrong to call him a liar . 如果你说他撒谎, 那你就冤枉一个老实 人了。 One will get into trouble to do such a thing . 做这样的事会惹麻烦的。( = if one should do such a thing) You will do better to get her support . 得到她的支持, 你会干得更好。( = if you get her support ) To be successful, one must do one..s best . 要想成功, 就要竭尽全力。 To be a masterpiece, the book needs revising again and again . 要成为一部杰作, 这本书 需要反复修改。 I should be very happy to be of service to you . 如能效劳, 我当非常高兴。 You will regret one day for your son to marry her . 要是你儿子同她结婚, 有一天你会 后悔的。(带有逻辑主语) I should have been sor ry to have missed the chance . 要是失去那个机会的话, 我会很难 过的。(虚拟语气) She would have been astonished to have received a letter from a st ranger . 要是收到一个 陌生人的信的话, 她会大吃一惊的。(虚拟语气) 7)表示伴随情况 这种用法的不定式常以独立结构形式出现。例如: They divided the work, John to wash the vegetables and Mar ry to cook the meal . A number of students sat around the professor , some to ask questions , some to discuss among themselves . 8)表示方面或方式 (1) slow, quick, prompt 等形容词的不定式常表示方面或方式, 这类形容词也可转换为副 词, 构成“动词+ 副词”结构, 还可用“形容词+ in + 动名词”结构。例如: He is slow to move . He is prompt to act . He moved slowly . He acted promptly . He is slow in moving . He is prompt in acting . (2)有些表示意愿、能力、倾向、企图、可能性等的形容词或形容词化的过去分词后接的不 定式, 也是表示方面的。例如: He is hesitant to accept her proposal . She is likely to go back on her words . He is sure to win . ( = will surely) She is certain to come over . He is prone to lose his temper . She is eager to learn music . He is ready to help you . They were impatient to start on the trip . He is reluctant to move out of the room . 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 571 二、功能 She seems willing to try again . The children were all wild to have a picnic . He is long to make the decision . He is quick to see the misprints . He is anxious f or you to go there . (带逻辑主语) She is pleased for you to stay with her . (带逻辑主语) He is eager to be visiting the pyramids . (进行时表示即将发生的事) Note: ?表示可能性、潜在可能时, be+ 形容词相当于can, may, must + 动词原形。例如: He is un f it to do it . ( = cannot do) She is quali f ied to be a teacher . ( = can be) You arewelcome to use my bike . ( = may use) You are f ree to read all these books . ( = may read) I am obliged to go there . ( = must go) ?比较: She is quick to notice the mistake . (多指某个特定场合) She is quick at noticing the mistake . (泛指一般特征) ?这类形容词有些可接不定式或“介词+ 动名词”, 但含义有些相同, 有些不同。例 如: He is content to work here . He is content with working here . 他对在这里工作很满意。 She is a f raid to die . 她怕死。(怕死的结果) She is a f raid of dying . 她怕要死了。(怕病好不了) Our class is certain to win . 我相信我们班肯定会打赢。 Our class is certain o f winning . 我们班有把握打赢。 ?这类形容词或形容词化的过去分词有: willing, ready, prone, reluctant , sure, able, apt , certain , loath, keen, fit , free, liable, likely, unable, hesitant , welcome, greedy, curious, due, eligible, eager, wor thy, powerless , fated, poised, inclined, prepared, disposed , unqualified, determined 等。 9) so as to 不同于so . . .as to so as to 引导的是目的状语从句, 相当于in order to, 表示“以便”; 而so . . .as to 引导的是 结果状语, so 后面跟形容词或副词, 表示“到这种程度以致..”。so as to 前面可用逗 号, 而so . . .as to 则不可。比较: The test questions are kept secret , so as to prevent cheating . 考题保密, 以防作弊。 She went in quietly so as not to wake the baby . 她静悄悄地进去, 以防把婴儿弄醒。 Ruth wouldn..t be so careless as to forget her pen . 露丝不会这么粗心, 以致把钢笔忘了 带。( = so . . .that ) She was so naive as to believe his words . 她竟天真得相信他的话。( = so . . .that) He spoke so eloquently as to move us to tears . 他说得十分动人, 我们大家都流了泪。 ( = so . . .that ) Note: ?在“形容词+ 不定式”结构中, 不定式的逻辑主语有时就是句子的主语, 如上面所 讲到的几种情况。但在某些形容词后, 不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语, 如表 示难易等的形容词hard, difficult , impossible, easy, convenient , nice, tough , tricky, awkward, pleasant , unpleasant 等, 这些形容词后接的不定式, 常把句子的主语作 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 572 第十一讲 动词不定式 为其逻辑宾语。例如: The work is difficult to do . (do the work) Alice is hard to please . ( please Alice) .. 这类形容词可变为表语, 而把不定式+ 名词或代词改为主语。例如: To do the work is difficult . To please Alice is hard . .. 这类形容词可用于“It + be + 形容词( for sb .) + 不定式”结构。例如: I t is difficult ( for him) to do the work . I t is hard ( for John) to please Alice . 比较: She seems troublesome to make f riends with . = To make f riends with her seems t roublesome . = It seems troublesome to make f riends with her . He is hard to work with . = To work with him is hard . = It is hard to work with him . The boy is hard f or her to teach . = For her to teach the boy is hard . = That is a boy hard to teach . That man is dangerous to rely on . = To rely on the man is dangerous . = It is dangerous to rely on the man . That is a difficult problem f or me to settle . = For me to settle the problem is difficult . = That is a problem difficult to settle . .. 上面这类形容词+ 不定式, 大都可以跟在名词或one 等后作定语。例如: Men un f it to do this kind of work will be dismissed . 不适应做这项工作的人将被 解雇。 The girl impatient to see her mother got to the station in the early morning . 那个 女孩急于想见母亲, 一大早就到了火车站。( = eager ) The team likely to win is from Nanjing . 可能获胜的队来自南京。 The students able to swim swam across the river . 会游泳的学生游过了河去。 The problems impossible to settle were set aside . 不能解决的问题被搁臵起来。 He hasn..t found a place sa f e f or them to hide in . ?形容词fit , available, sufficient 等表示方面的形容词, 后跟的不定式的逻辑宾语通 常也就是句子的主语, 可用于for sb . 结构。这类形容词后的不定式不可变为句 子主语。例如: The water is f it ( for us) to drink . (正) To drink the water is fit . (误) The room is available ( for you) to use . (正) To use the room is available . (误) ?有些表示需要、劝告等的形容词, 常用于“It + be + 形容词+ 不定式”结构中, 这类 形容词有essential , necessary, important , vital, possible, strange, advisable, for tu 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 573 二、功能 nate 等。这类形容词也可用于It + be+ 形容词+ that( should)从句。例如: I t is advisable to give up the job . I t is advisable that he ( should) give up the job . I t is possible to get there before sunset . I t is possible that she ( should) get there before sunset . ?下面一句的不定式作主语: I to do it is out of the question . 我做那件事是不可能的。 ?不定式可以用来表示叙述。例如: To come back to the third passage . ( = Let..s come back . . .) 7 . for you to decide和know how to catch it 中的不定式问题 不定式同关系副词、关系代词和人称代词连用, 可以有逻辑主语, 在句中作主语、宾语、定 语、表语或状语等。 1)作主语 It is quite possible for you to catch up with them in a shor t time . How to improve English is often discussed among the students . 学生们常常讨论如何提 高英语水平的问题。 2)作宾语 I..ll try to ar range it for you to be the first to speak . 我设法安排你第一个讲话。 We haven..t decided when to visit the place . 我们还没有决定什么时候去参观那个地方。 I think it better for you to see the doctor . 我想你最好看一下医生。 He is not sure o f how to settle this problem . 怎样解决这个问题他没有把握。(作介词 宾语) She seemed much interested in what to study there . 她对在那里从事什么研究非常感兴 趣。 He paid little attention to where to hold the meeting . 他对在那里举行会议不太关注。 3)作表语 What we want is for you to understand the matter clearly . 我们所希望的是你对这件事 有个清楚的了解。 4)作定语 He is an example for us to follow . 他是我们学习的榜样。 You haven..t answered my question where to get these books . 你还不曾回答我从哪儿搞 到这些书的。 5)作状语 I sent him some pictures for him to see what Paris is like . 我送他几张画, 让他瞧瞧巴黎 是什么样子。(目的) I am sorry for you to think like that . 你那样想, 我感到遗憾。(原因) 6)作同位语 The problem—which way to go—wor ried him for a long time . 7)作主语补足语 不定式作主语补足语时, 它同句子主语的关系是主谓关系。例如: She was seen to enter the building . (比较: They saw her enter the building . 宾语补足 ) 语 It is said to be t rue . 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 574 第十一讲 动词不定式 The house was found to be empty . He was considered to have great promise . The contest was scheduled to have taken place in Yangzhou . 这场比赛原定在扬州举行。 8 .“It is+ 形容词+ X+ 代词(名词) + 不定式”句型———用of 还是用for 1)表语形容词不同 (1)下列表示人物特征的形容词常同of 搭配, 构成“It is + 形容词+ of + 代词(名词) + 不 定式”句型( 参阅第五讲) : bold, brave, careful, careless, clever, considerate, cruel , foolish, good , honest , kind, nice, rash , right , rude, stupid, silly, thoughtful, wise, wrong, generous 等。 这是一个带有感情色彩的不定式结构, 表示好的意思时, 具有“感谢、称赞”的意思; 表 示坏的意思时, 含有“真是太.. , 真是..透了”的意思。本结构中的of 不可换成 for。这类形容词同of 后的名词或代词关系密切, 有意义上的主表关系。例如: It was very thought f ul of her to come to see me when I was ill . 承蒙她在我生病时来看 我, 我很感激。( = She was thoughtful . . .) It was nasty o f Jim to behave like that . 吉姆那样做事, 真是太卑劣了。 .. 这一结构均可改为“主语+ be + 形容词+ 不定式”, 但已无感情色彩。例如: He was stupid to make that silly remark . She was generous to lend me so much money . .. 在口语中, 这一结构可由how 引起, 表示强烈的感叹。这时, it is , it was 或不定式常省 略。例如: How careless( it was) of Lewis to break the valuable vase ! How generous( it is) of him ( to lend me the big sum of money) ! It..s careless for you to make such a mistake . (误) It..s careless of you to make such a mistake . (正)出了这样一个错误, 真是太粗心了。 (2)下列表示事物性质的形容词常同for 搭配, 构成“it is + 形容词+ for + 代词(名词) + 不 定式”句型(参阅第五讲) : easy , heavy , necessary, possible, important , difficult 等。这类 形容词同for 后的名词或代词关系不密切, 没有意义上的主表关系; 但却与句中的不 定式结构关系密切, 有意义上的主表关系。例如: It is easy for me to see through his trick . ( = For me to see through his trick is easy .) It is hard for him to get rid of his bad habits . ( = For him to get rid of his bad habits is hard .) 2)所充当的句子成分不同 (1)“of + 名词(代词) + 不定式”结构在句中只能作主语。例如: It..s wrong of him to say like that . ( He is wrong . . .) It..s kind of you to say so . (You are kind . . .) (2)“for + 名词(代词) + 不定式”结构在句中可作主语、表语、定语、宾语、状语等。例 如: It would be impor tant for us to remember this . (主语) The best way would be for us to leave it until tomorrow . (表语) We consider it best for her to write the paper . (宾语) 3)不定式的逻辑主语不同 (1)在“of + 名词(代词) + 不定式”结构中, 不定式的逻辑主语只能是表示有生命的人或 物。例如: It is really cruel of him to treat the monkey like that . 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 575 二、功能 (2)在“for + 名词(代词) + 不定式”结构中, 不定式的逻辑主语既可以是人, 也可以是无生 命的事物, 还可用there 引导。例如: It is important for us to study philosophy . It is a good thing for there to be so many people present . 比较: It is foolish o f her to buy the picture . It is foolish for her to buy the picture . 第一句强调的是当事人“她”的特征, 意为: She is foolish to buy the picture . (她真傻) 第二句强调的是行为(买画)的性质, 指买画这件事, 不是指“她”, 意为: For her to buy the picture is foolish . Note:“with + whom、which + to do”结构是一种简洁的表达方式, 指人时用whom, 指 物时 用which; 这种结构中的with 有时也可以是by, through, on , from 等; 这种结构通常 用作后臵定语, 相当于一个定语从句。参阅有关章节。例如: They had only a small amount of fuel with which to pass the winter . ( = . . .with which they could pass the winter .) She is a nice woman with whom to work . He opened the north window f rom which to enjoy the distant hills . 9 . Oh, to be young again 的含义 动词不定式也可以用于感叹句和疑问句中, 表示某种感情色彩。表示“感叹”常用“ to think that . . .”结构, 指设想某种情景, 而不禁感到惊讶或惋惜; 这种结构中that 后的从 句多用should 型虚拟式, 也可用直陈式。to think of 结构亦可用于表示“感叹”, to come to, to spend 等也有这种用法。表示“惊讶”常用“主语+ 不定式”结构, 不定式符号to 有 时可省去。表示“愿望”用“Oh to be . . .”或“O to be . . .”结构。表示“特殊疑问”用 “疑问 词+ 不定式”结构, 但why 后的不定式不带to。例如: To think that he should do this ! 他竟干这种事! ( = I am astonished that . . .) (感叹) To think that he is so mean ! (感叹) To think that his being( having been) so irresponsible ! (感叹) He to scold me ? 他竟然指责我? (惊讶) A gentleman( to) say like that ? 一个有身份的人竟然说出那种话? (惊讶) Oh , to be young again ! 但愿再享青春时光! ( = Oh , how I wish I were young again !) O to be at home ! (愿望) Oh , you coward, to treat a child so ! (不满) Oh God , to see her dance ! 天哪, 她的舞姿太迷人了! (赞美) To think that she should die so young ! (惋惜) Money to have such power ! (惊奇) A poor man, and ( to) become famous overnight ! (惊奇) What ! She come to see me ! (吃惊) Oh , To see my parents again ! (愿望) You fool ! To think she will marry you ! (讥讽) Why not try again ? (含义是: Come on, try once more !) Why stop here ? (含义是: Let..s go on !) Oh , for a friend to help me and advise me at this time of need ! 10 .mean for sb . to do sth . 还是mean for sb . doing sth . 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 576 第十一讲 动词不定式 mean for, like for 和arrange for + sb . to do sth . 是固定结构, for 后面的宾语同不定式 是主谓关系, 不可用动名词。例如: I have arranged for Mary to write a comment on the book . I would like for you to go there instead of her . I mean f or Henry to take up the position . Note: 注意下面两句: I don..t mean there to be any more trouble . 我不想再有更多的麻烦。 I don..t mean there to be any unpleasantness . 我不打算引起任何不愉快。 11 . try to consciously avoid———分裂不定式问题 1)一般说来, 不定式是不可拆开的, 但有时为了避免句意不清, 可在中间加一副词(偶尔可 用名词、形容词) , 构成“to + 副词+ 原形动词”结构, 这就是所谓的分裂不定式 They went to the farm to both help the farmers with the farm work and enjoy the beautiful scenery . John was driving at 100 miles an hour , so we didn..t have time tomore than glance at the magnificent sight of the building . The travellers were asked to please park their cars away from the gate . She t ried consciously to avoid falling into his trap . ( consciously 可能修饰tried , 也可 能修饰avoid) She t ried to avoid consciously falling into his t rap . ( consciously 可能修饰avoid,也可 能修饰falling into his trap) She t ried to consciously avoid falling into his t rap . ( consciously 只能修饰avoid) She failed entirely to comprehend it . ( entirely 可能修饰failed 或comprehend) She failed to entirely comprehend it . ( entirely 只能修饰comprehend) 2)构成分裂不定式的词一般放在to 后, 但在不定式完成时、进行时或被动态中, 所插入的词 应放在第一个助动词或be 之后 He seemed to have always misunderstood me . Life..s purpose is to be always looking for happiness . Note: 若不定式短语有两个助动词, 且不定式动词又被一个程度副词修饰, 该程度副词应 放在第二个助动词后。例如: Her lectures seemed to have never been very much appreciated . .. 考察下面句子的差异: He wished never to see her again . 他希望永远不再见到她。 He never wished to see her again . 他从不希望再见到她。 He silently prepared to accompany her . 为了陪伴她, 他在默默地做准备。 He prepared to silently accompany her . 他准备默默地陪伴他。(分裂不定式) Once more he made up his mind to become a suitor to her . 他又一次下决心向她求婚。 He made up his mind to once more become a suitor to her . 他下决心再一次向她求婚。 (分裂不定式) She remembered plainly to have re fused his offer . 她清楚地记得拒绝了他的建议。 She remembered to have plainly re fused his offer . 她记得曾明确地拒绝了他的建议。 12 . a family to support, difficult to teach 和easy to take offence———不定式的动宾关系和 主 谓关系 不定式放在名词后作定语, 常同该名词构成动宾关系; 不定式放在形容词后作状语, 常 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 577 二、功能 同句中主语构成动宾关系。例如: She has a large family to sup port . ( suppor t a family) The boy is di f f icult to teach . ( teach the boy) .. 因此, 如果不定式是不及物动词, 则要在该动词后加上适当的介词, 使之成为及物的短语 动词, 以构成动宾关系。及物动词+ 介词等当然亦可。这类带介词的不定式短语可以 是: 动词+ 介词的固定搭配, 动词+ 介词的非固定搭配, 及物动词+ 宾语+ 介词。例如: That is a good company to work for . Your brother is a good fellow to work with . The river is safe to swim in . The bed is comfortable to sleep in . The room is too small for five men to rest in . He found the little couch(小睡椅) uncomfortable to sleep on . The money is enough for you to buy books with . She has no one to fall back on . (依靠) The table is long enough for us to play table tennis on . Henry is the best man to consult the matter with . He asked for a piece o f paper to write on and a pen to write with . He set us the rules to go by . Skating is often exciting to go to . The bed seemed to have been slept in . .. 若不定式有自己的宾语, 则一般不与所修饰的词构成动宾关系, 间或也可以。例如: This is the key to unlock the door . Have you got anything to de f end yoursel f with ? .. 在形容词+ 不定式结构中, 如果不定式有自己的宾语, 或者虽无宾语但有完整的意义, 不 定式便同主语构成主谓关系。例如: The girl is quick to take o f f ence . He is always prompt to act . .. 但是, 如果句中主语不是不定式的逻辑主语, 而是别的人或物, 则要在不定式前加上for + 宾语结构。比较: She is quite willing to join our club . She is quite willing for her husband to join our club . 13 . 不可以说I am impossible to do it 1)有些形容词通常不可用于“人称代词( it 除外) + be + 形容词+ 不定式”结构中, 这类形容 词有: probable, impossible, urgent , easy, hard, necessary, convenient , difficult , dangerous, lazy, weak, fast , heavy, clever , quiet , enthusiastic, troublesome 等 He is probable to make mistakes . (误) 但: He is liable to make mistakes . (正)他易于出错。 I am impossible to finish it today . (误) 但: It is impossible for me to finish it today . (正) 我今天不可能完成这项工作。 She was quiet to speak . (误) 但: She spoke quietly . (正) 她轻声说话。 She was f ast to walk . (误) 但: She walked fast . 她走路快。 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 578 第十一讲 动词不定式 He is impossible to do it . (误) 但: He is unable to do it . (正)他不能做这件事。 It is impossible for him to do it . (正) He is easy to catch cold . (误) : He is liable to catch cold . (正)他易患感冒。 但 I am urgent (或hard, difficult , necessary) to convince her . (误) 但: I t is urgent for me to convince her . (正) 我要赶快说服她。 2)有些形容词不可用于“be + 形容词+ 不定式”结构, 但如果形容词有too 或enough 修饰, 又可用于此结构 She is weak to go on the journey . (误) 但: She is too weak to go on the journey . (正)她身体太虚弱, 不能去旅行。 He is lazy to wash his clothes . (误) 但: He is too lazy to wash his clothes . (正) 他太懒, 连自己的衣服都不洗。 The river is wide to swim across . (误) 但: The river is too wide to swim across . (正)河太宽, 游不过去。 The stone is heavy for me to move . (误) 但: The stone is too heavy for me to move . 这石头太重, 我搬不动。 The horse was clever to understand him . (误) The horse was clever enough to understand him . (正)这马很聪明, 能懂他的意思。 He is enthusiastic to help them . (误) He is enthusiastic enough to help them . (正) 他很热情, 愿意帮助他们。 三、动词不定式的时态和语态意义 不定式有一般、进行、完成和完成进行四种时态变化形式, 一般式和完成式有被动语态变化 形式。 语态 时态 主动语态被动语态 一般式to wr ite to be written 进行式to be writing 完成式to have writ ten to have been written 完成进行式to have been writing 1 . 动词不定式的时态意义 1)不定式的一般式 不定式的一般式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时发生的或是在其后发生的。例如: Thousands of young people are learning to ski. 数以千计的年轻人在学习滑雪。(同时) Where can we get some sickles to cut the rice with ? 我们到哪儿去弄些镰刀割稻呢? (未来) 2)不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时的, 而且正在进行着。常同may, might , can , could, must , need, ought to, should,will , would 等情态动词连用, 表示“可能, 应 当, 想必”正在进行的动作。另外, 不定式进行时也可表示“即将发生”。例如: 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 579 三、动词不定式的时态和语态意义 I hate to be lying in bed like this while other students are having class . 别的同学都在上 课, 我却这样躺在床上, 心里真不好受。 They seem to be getting along quite well . 他们似乎相处得很好。 You oughtn..t to be talking so much . 你不应该说这么多。 He wants to be dressing . 他想要穿衣服。 She resolved to be going . 她决定要去。 I long to be seeing her . 我渴望见到她。 I..ve to be going now . 我现在得走了。 比较: It is good to sit here with you . (坐下来时讲这句话) It is good to be sitting here with you . (已坐在座位上时讲这句话) He is said to write a preface to the book . ( He will write) He is said to be writing a preface to the book . ( He is writing) 3)不定式的完成式 (1) 用在intended, expected, meant , hoped, promised, wanted , planned, wished, thought , desired, was , were 等后, 表示过去没有实现的愿望、期待或计划等, 也用来表示先于谓 语动词发生的动作或状态, to have + 过去分词表示动作, to have been 表示状态。例 如: I hoped to have f inished the work earlier . 我本希望可以更早些完成这项工作的。 I intended to have come to see you . 我本打算来看你的。(但没能来) He was to have f etched you here . 他本该去把你带来的。 They were to have been married in May but had to postpone the wedding until June . She has to have passed Advanced Level in two subjects before she goes to university . (必先通过.., 才能) You are lucky to have won the girl..s heart . ( You have won . . .) The girl was reported to have been missing for a month . (She had been . . .) I am sorry to have lost your key . 把你的钥匙弄丢了, 我很抱歉。 She was reported to have died . 据报道她已经死了。 He was impatient to have f inished the job . 他渴望已经完成了工作。 : 比较 She seems to dance very well . (指现在) She seems to have danced very well . (指过去) There appears to be some misunderstanding between them . (现在存在) There appears to have been some misunderstanding between them . (过去曾经存在) She intended to come . 她打算要来。(是否来了并没交待) She had intended to come( intended to have come) . (她过去想来但没能来) She hoped to pass the examination . (句义不清, 未说明考试是否通过) She hoped to have passed the examination . (她本希望通过那次考试, 但没能) She hoped to pass( to have passed) the examination, but failed . (句义清楚) .. 下面三个句子意思相同: She intended to do that , but she didn..t . She had intended to do that . She intended to have done that . 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 580 第十一讲 动词不定式 (2)用在seem, appear , think , consider , believe 等后, 表示一个动作先于另一个动作发生。 例如: I seem to have seen her somewhere before . He was believed to have been a reporter . 比较: She seems to have been ill . 她似乎曾病过。 = It seems that she was( has been) ill . She seemed to have been ill . 她似乎过去病过。 = It seemed that she had been ill . (3)在should(would) like 或should( would) have liked 后用不定式完成式表示没有实现 的愿望。例如: I should like to have gone with her . (但没有去) I should have liked to have seen her face when she read the letter . 我真想见到她读信时 的表情。 4)不定式的完成进行式 表示动作在谓语动词的动作之前发生, 而且一直进行着。例如: He was happy to have been staying with his uncle . 他很高兴一直跟他叔叔住在一起。 He looked too young to have been publishing books for six years . 他看上去很年轻, 不像 是已经出版了6 年书的人。 5) come + 不定式表示一个动作发生的过程 He will come to understand it in the end . 他最终会明白的。 She has come to like him . 她渐渐地喜欢他了。 Later he came to be a famous painter . 后来他成了著名画家。 One day she may come to be ashamed of what she has done . 她总有一天会为她的所作 所为感到羞愧的。 2 . 动词不定式的被动语态 1)不定式被动式的逻辑主语 (1)如果逻辑主语是动作的执行者, 不定式用主动式; 如果逻辑主语是动作的承受者, 不 定式用被动式。比较: The doctor recommended him to air the room . 医生建议他让房间透透气。(主动式) The doctor recommended the room to be aired . 医生建议让房间透透气。(被动式) She felt a bit puzzled to be asked such a question . 被问了这样一个问题, 她有点迷惑不 解。(不定式的逻辑主语she 是句子主语, 逻辑主语是动作的承受者, 故不定式用被动 式。) These are the books to be distributed among the students . 这些是要发给学生的书。 (2)在“名词(代词) + be + easy( difficult , fit ) + 不定式”结构中, 有时尽管句中主语是动作 , 形式上却是主动的。这时, 可看成是省略了动 的承受者, 不定式在意义上是被动的 词的逻辑主语for us, for me, for you 等。例如: This book is difficult to read . 这本书很难读懂。 He is hard to convince . The film is great fun( = interesting) ( for us) to see . The food was not fit to eat . ( for me) The causes are not far to seek . ( for you) 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 581 三、动词不定式的时态和语态意义 The path is easy to f ind . Note: There is no time to lose . There is plenty to eat . (这两句亦属不定式的这种用法) (3)在某些以there 等开头的结构中用不定式的主动语态和被动语态均可, 有些没有意义 上的区别, 有些则有区别。例如: There are a lot of letters to write( to be written) this evening . There is a lot of work to do( to be done ) . There is a lot to say ( to be said) . There is nothing to fear ( to be feared) . There is nothing to do now . ( = We have nothing to do now .)现在没有什么事可做。 (你可以走了) There is nothing to be done . ( = We can do nothing now .)现在没有什么办法。(急 也没用) There is nothing to see . ( = nothing worth seeing)没有什么东西(可)值得看。 There is nothing to be seen . ( = nothing there at all)看不见什么东西。 There is only one thing to do . 应当做的只有一件事。(only one thing that you should do) There is only one thing to be done . 可能采取的办法只有一个。( There is no other way .) This is the soldier to send . 这是我们应该派遣的士兵。(We should send him .) This is the soldier to be sent . 这个就是要派的士兵。( There isn..t any other possibility .) I am ready to shave . 我要刮脸了。(自己刮) I am ready to be shaved . 我准备好刮脸了。(别人刮) He is still to f ind out . 他还是可能(应该, 必须)把事情了解清楚的。 He is still to be found out . 对于这个人, 可能还是需要了解清楚。 He has a child to look a f ter . (自己照看, by himself) He has a child to be looked a f ter . (自己照看或由别人照看) She has no more letters to type . (自己打字) She has no more letters to be typed . (自己打字或别人打字) .. 但在Tell me the names of the people to contact( to be contacted) . 这类句型中, 主动语 态强调执行者, 被动语态强调动作本身。例如: The man to consult( = for us to consult )/ to be consulted is Professor Wang . He is not a man to tri f le with( = for you to t rifle with)/ to be tri f led with . The procedure to follow ( = for you to follow)/ to be followed is this . .. 但是, 如果句中的不定式逻辑主语不是在场交谈的你(们)或我(们) , 其被动意义只能 以被动形式表示。例如: It was the first skyscraper to be built by Chinese workers . Are you going to the dinner par ty to be given at the hotel ? Note: 下列以there 开头的句子须用被动式: There..s still much left to desire . (误) There..s still much left to be desired . (正) ) There..s nothing to have . (误 There..s nothing to be had . (正) There is no sound to hear . (误) There is no sound to be heard . (正) 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 582 第十一讲 动词不定式 (4)如果不定式的逻辑主语是该不定式动作的施动者, 那么, 不定式同其所修饰的名词虽 有动宾关系, 也必须用主动形式, 因为逻辑主语同不定式动作的关系更为直接。例 如: We..ve got plenty to eat . (we?eat) You..ve given me much to think about . (me?think about) Has she any complaint to make against him ? ( she?make) He has two essays to write . ( he?write) She has a large family to support . ( she?suppor t) The king had no more worlds to be conquered . (误) The king had no more worlds to conquer . (正) ( the king?conquer ) (5)在too . . .to 和enough . . .to 结构中, 不定式可用主动语态和被动语态表示被动意义, 但主动语态更常见。例如: The book is cheap enough to buy . ( to be bought) The box is too heavy to carry . ( to be car ried) (6) blame 的不定式作表语时, 可用主动语态和被动语态表示被动意义, 但含义有所不同。 比较: You are to blame . ( = You are at fault .)这是你的过错。 You are to be blamed . ( = You are going to be blamed .)你要受到责备。 (7) something , little,what , much, a great deal 等作句子的主语, 表语为to do 时, 多用主动 语态表示被动意义。例如: A great deal of work remains to do . What is to do tomor row ? (8) to let 表示“出租”作表语时, 也可用to be let 形式, 但含义在上有些细微的差别。例 如: The flat is to let . (从房屋主人的立场讲话, 由房子的主人亲自向租房人说或登出广 告) The flat is to be let . (从房屋本身来说, 代理人向租房人讲的话) 比较: The house won..t let . (可能房子本身有问题, 卖不出去) The house won..t be let . (可能房主无意出租) The house does not let . (只陈述没有出租这一事实) (9)与worth 连用的不定式一般要用主动语态表示被动意义。例如: The book is wor th going to buy . The sight is worth travelling to see . 2)不定式被动式的语法功能 同其主动式一样, 不定式的被动式可以用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、主语补足语和 宾语补足语等。例如: To be invited to the banquet is a great honour . (主语) He wished to be sent there . (宾语) It needs not to be said they are good soldiers . (宾语) He is to be dealt with by the law . (表语) (应该) The paper is to be rewritten . (表语) (必须) ) They are to be married soon . (表语) (安排 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 583 四、不带to 的动词不定式 It is a day never to be f orgotten . (定语) It was a much- to-be-longed- for place . (定语) He is a man not to be taken lightly . (定语) She had to shout to be heard . (状语) It is a calamity hard to be borne . (状语) He ordered the bridge to be built within the month . (宾补) He did not like his intention to be laughed at . (宾补) The waste was left to be cleared up . (主补) The table was asked to be moved into another room . (主补) 四、不带to 的动词不定式 1 . 当几个动词不定式具有同样的功能时, to 只用在第一个不定式之前, 以避免重复 He decided to settle down in Switzerland and continue his fiction writing . He was at a loss as to what to think and say . It is just impossible to see that and not f eel angry . .. 但是, 如果两个不定式表示对照或对比, 或为了强调, 则要重复to。例如: To die or not to die that is the question . 是生还是死, 这就是问题所在。 They came not to save us, but to conquer us . 他们不是为拯救我们而来, 而是为征服我 们而来。 She likes to criticize but not to be criticized . 她喜欢批评别人, 而不喜欢被别人批评。 I have come to comfort you , but not to trouble you . 我是来安慰你, 而不是来打扰你。 They went there to drink , to gamble, and to f ight . 他们到那里去喝酒, 去赌博, 去打 架。 He hasn..t decided whether to go home or to stay at school during the vacation . 2 . 在以why 引导的疑问句中不用to 这种结构的肯定式表示不满或委婉的批评, 否定式则表示建议。例如: Why worry about such trifles ? 为何为琐事烦心? Why not do it right now ? 为什么不现在就干? Why stand up if you can sit down ? 要是你能够坐下, 为什么站着? Why leave the door open ? 为什么把窗子开着? Why not try again ? 为何不再试一次? Note: why not 后可以接名词, 名词短语或动名词短语。例如: Why not tea ? 为什么不要茶呢? Why not a cup of coffee ? 为什么不要一杯咖啡呢? Why not taking a holiday ? 为什么不休假呢? 3 . 在had better,had best,would rather, would rather . . .than, rather than, would sooner,would sooner . . .than, cannot but, cannot help but, do nothing but,might( just) as well, do nothing besides, do nothing than(except, save)等结构后不用to They would rather ( would sooner , had rather, had sooner) die than surrender . 他们宁死 也不投降。 She can..t do anything but ask silly questions . 她一个劲地问一些傻问题。 What do you like to do besides swim ? She did nothing but complain . 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 584 第十一讲 动词不定式 I can..t help but be sorry . He did nothing else than cry . What does he do save talk nonsense ? .. 但是, 如果but 或except 等前的谓语动词不是do 或help , to 不能省略。例如: She had no choice but to f ight to the end . 她没有别的选择, 只有斗争到底。 There was no choice but to bear it and wait . Nothing remains but to wait and see . He saw no alternative except (或but , save) to appeal to a higher court . She never came except to quar rel . What is left but for me to kill him or for him to kill me . .. 但在下面几个句子中, but 后可用或不用to: There is nothing to do but ( to) stick it out to the end . ( but 前的do 不是作谓语, 而 是不定式作定语) There was nothing left to do but( to) give up the plan . (理由同上) There remained nothing but ( to) do it again . Note: ?在否定句中, not 放在had better , would rather 后, 而在否定疑问句中, not 放在 had 和would 后。例如: I would rather not drink anything . Hadn..t you better make haste ? Had I not better do it tomorrow ? ?在下面一句中, 用不用to 均可: She could do no otherwise than ( to) laugh . 她止不住笑了。( = She could not but laugh .) 4 . 在hear, listen to, feel, see, look at, watch, notice, observe, perceive, let,make, bid,have, note, leave( let)等动词后, 动词不定式作宾语补足语时不用to He made her give up the proper ty . 他使她放弃了财产。 What would you have me do ? 你要我干什么呢? She sat at the window watching the birds hop about on the grass . 她坐在窗前, 看着鸟儿 在草地上跳来跳去。 He stood under the tree listening to the bird sing a merry song . 他站在树下, 听那只鸟 唱着欢快的歌。 Look at the monkeys f ight with each other . 看那些猴子在打架呢。 I didn..t notice her go out . 我没注意她出去了。 Did you hear him go downstairs ? 你听到他下楼去了吗? She f elt someone pat her on the head . 她感到有人轻轻地拍了拍她的头。 He let it be known he would manage the ship . 他让人知道他将要驾驶那条船。 Someone saw her enter the house by the back door . 有人看见她从后门进了那所房子。 5 . 在help 后面, to 可用可不用 Can anyone help me ( to) carry the suitcase upstairs ? 6 . know sb ./ sth . do sth . (看见过, 听见过)和charge 后的宾补不定式有无to 均可 I never knew anything make such a difference ! I..ve never known her ( to) lose her temper . 我没有看见过她发脾气。 I charged him ( to) go there . 我要求他去那里。 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 585 四、不带to 的动词不定式 7 . 在go, come 和run 后可省略to, 直接用另一个动词, 多用于表示命令、建议、请求或意 愿 的句子中 Come have a drink with us . ( = Come to have . . .) I..ll go see my sister . ( = go to see . . .) Let..s go hear a concer t . 8 . rather than 或sooner than 位于句首时, 其后的动词不用to Sooner than run the risk of losing more money, he agreed to the term . Rather than travel by air, he prefer red a t rain on his tour . 9 . 在make believe, let go, hear tell(say) , go hang 等固定搭配中不用to We..ll have to make do with what we have now . (设法应付) He made believe he was innocent . (假装) Don..t let slip such a good opportunity . (错过) We can..t let things go hang . (听其自然) She let fall (或drop) everything she was car rying . (掉落) 10 . I judge her to be honest 中的to be 可以省略 find, feel , imagine, judge, know, prove, select , repor t , appoint , believe, consider, declare, think, understand 等动词后的宾语补足语用to be 结构, to be 可以省略。但如果是不定 式的完成式, 则不可省(参阅有关章节)。例如: We believe( judge, believe) her ( to be) honest . I consider him to have been unreliable . 11 . 主语是all, what 等引导的从句, 作表语的不定式一般不用to 如果主语是all 或是what 引导的从句, 主语受only , first , one, least 或形容词最高级修 饰, 且后面的从句或短语中有实义动词do 时, 作表语的不定式前不用to。例如: The least you can do is help up a little . What she did to the matter was keep silent . The only thing I could do was go it alone . All he does is gossip about others . .. 口语中, 在as . . .as 后有时可接不带to 的不定式, 但不宜模仿。例如: If you..ll be as good as do it for me, I shall go with you . 如果你肯为我做那件事, 我就同 你一起去。 He will recognize you as soon as see you . 他一看见你就会认出你的。 12 . 不定式带不带to 的几种特殊情况 1) know better than 后的不定式必须加to She knows better than to lend him the money . 她很明智, 不会把钱借给他。( = too wise to lend) He knows better than to of f end the manager . 他很聪明, 不会得罪经理。 He knew better than to argue with such a rascal . 他不屑于同这个无赖争辩。 2)“比较级+ 名词+ than”结构后的不定式要加to She has more sense than to be deceived by him . 她有理智, 不会受他的骗。 He has a better heart than to betray his country . 他有良心, 不会叛国的。 3) instead of 后连接的不定式一般要加to I asked her to have a rest instead of to go to work . 我要她休息一下, 不要去上班。 I wrote the letter to comfort you instead o f to criticize you . 我写这封信是为了要安慰 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 586 第十一讲 动词不定式 你, 不是批评你。 It is a painting to be appreciated, instead of to be borrowed . 这幅绘画供欣赏, 不外借。 .. 前面的不定式不带to 时, instead of 后的to 可省。例如: He wasted his whole life instead o f ( to) do anything worth while . 他浪费掉了一生, 没 有做任何有价值的事。 She had the children read in the classroom instead o f go out . 她让孩子们在教室里读 书, 不让他们出去。 五、fail to do sth . 还是fail doing sth . ———介词to 和不定式符号to 英语中有相当数量的常用短语, 其最后一个词是to; to 既可以是介词, 也可以是不定式符 号。作为介词, to 后面须接名词或动名词, 作为不定式符号, to 后面须接动词原形, 不可混 淆。下面就对常见的这类短语作一归纳(参阅有关章节)。 1 . 带介词to 的短语 get down to 着手做(认真考虑) keep to 遵守(坚持, 坚持..方向) find one..s ( its) way to (into) 设法达到be given ( over ) to 沉溺于(喜爱, 醉心于) feel up to 有力气做give way to 对..让步(让位于, 被..所 confess to 承认取代) cling to 粘住(坚持) give rise to 使..发生(引起) amount to 共达到(等于, 意味着) give one..s mind to 专心于 get over to sb . 被..懂得get up to 执行(从事, 读到) admit to 承认get sth . over to sb . 使(某人)懂得 take to 喜欢上(从事, 沉湎于, 走向) warm to 爱好(同情, 对..表示亲热) be open to 愿意接受或考虑(可供, 易wise up to 了解(知道) 达到) wake to 开始意识到(醒来) measure up to 与..相称(符合) turn to 求助于(依靠, 转而从事于) make it to( a place ) 成功地到达(某地) trust to 依靠 look up to 尊敬(敬仰) testify to 为..作证明 lead to 导致(引起) look forward to 期望(盼望) lead up to 慢慢引起(引起, 导致) take kindly to sth . 赞同(用于疑问句、否定句 run to 达到(发展到) 和感叹句) relate to 于..有关succumb to 屈服于(为..所诱惑, 死于) put one..s mind to 致力于做..(全神succeed to 继承 贯注于) subscribe to 订阅(同意) point to 指向(面向, 表明) stick to 坚持(忠于) play up to 奉承..(利用..) stand up to 勇敢地面对(抵抗, 经得起) pertain to 属于(与..有关) stand to 遵守(坚持, 合乎) pander to 迎合(怂恿) be dedicated to 献身于(致力于) be sentenced to 被判刑be conver ted to 改信(宗教) be related to 与..有关be committed to 对..承担责任(对..表态) be reduced to 沦为(降为) be annexed to 附加在..上 be preferable to 比..更可取(比.. be adjusted to 调节到 更好) be addicted to 沉溺于(有嗜好) be pertinent to 与..有关的be accustomed to 习惯于 大学英语语法———讲座与测试(第二版) 587 五、failtodosth .. 还是faildoi ngsth .. ———介词to 和不定式符号to be opposed to 反对be acclimated to 习惯于 be familiar to 为..所熟悉see to 注意(处理, 照料) be faithful to 忠于(恪守) say yes to 同意 be equal to 胜任(等于, 相同) with a view to 为了.. object to 反对be used to 习惯于 in addition to 除..外averse to 厌恶 Tell her not to be subj ect to fits of passion . 告诉她不要感情冲动。 What he said is not pertinent to the matter . During the war, many people were reduced to living in poverty and misery . He doesn..t want to be committed to anything . Surely she will be equal to performing her duty . .. 考察下面一句: She must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to her . A . see B . have seen C . seeing D . having seen(C 项正确) 2 . 带不定式符号to 的短语 be supposed to do sth . 应该.. fail to do sth . 未能.. go all out to do sth . 全力以赴make a point to do sth . 坚持.. find it in one..s heart ( in oneself ) to do go out of one..s way to do sth . 特别费心.. sth . 忍心(常用于否定句) have the goodness to do sth . 劳驾.. have the nerve to do sth . 有胆量..(居然有脸..) have a good (great) mind to do sth . 很想.. have the face( check , neck) to do sth . 居然有脸.. They went out o f their way to make the guests feel at home . 他们为使客人感到如在家 里一样, 特别花了一番心血。 I never thought such a shameless man had the nerve to say something bad against me . 我 没想到这样一个无耻的人居然还有脸说我的坏话。 He made it a point to do morning exercises for half an hour every day . 他坚持每天早晨 锻炼半个小时。 Notes: 下面几个含有不定式结构的句子均有两种理解, 试考察: It is hard to read . ?读书难。( To read is hard . It 为形式主语, read 为不及物动词) ?它(文章、诗等)很难读。( To read it is hard . It 为代词, read 为及物动词) He was good to leave . ?他离开了, (这) 太好了。( It was good of the man to leave . leave 为不及物动 词) ?离开他太好了。( It was good to leave the man . leave 为及物动词) She is too much of a coward to shoot . ?她太胆小, 不敢射击。( shoot 为不及物动词) ?她太胆小, 别人不会射她。( shoot 为及物动词) The lamp is too hot to eat . ?羔羊热得不能吃东西。( eat 为不及物动词) ?羔羊肉太热, 不能吃。( eat 为及物动词) He is too good a man to swindle . 新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书 588 第十一讲 动词不定式 ?他是个很好的人, 不会诈骗。( He is so good a person that he won..t swindle . swindle 为不及物动词) ?他是个很好的人, 别人不会诈骗他。( He is so good a person that others won..t swindle him . swindle 为及物动词) 测试练习(十一) 选择填空 1 . Did you find out the pie out of the oven ? A. to take B . have taken C . when to take D . being taken 2 . You would become irritated if you watched the mail on your desk every day . A . putting up B . to be put up C . to pile up D . pile up 3 . The students expected there more reviewing classes before the final exams . A. is B . to be C . being D . have been 4 . We shall get Jim the passage . A . explaining B . explained C . to explain D . explain 5 . We had better the doctor earlier . A . to see B . seeing C . having seen D . have seen 6 . In fact , she would rather leave for San Francisco in Los Angeles . A . to stay B . than stay C . than staying D . than have stayed 7 . Madame Curie is believed the radium . A . discovering B . having discovered C . to have discovered D . to discover 8 . She ought not to the house last year . A . sell B . had sold C . be selling D . have sold 9 . You can lead a horse to water, but you can..t make it . A . drinking B . to drink C . drink D . drunk 10 . To be qualified for the job . A . profound knowledge in electronics is needed B . it is required that one has profound knowledge in electronics C . one needs to have profound knowledge in electronics D . profound knowledge in electronics is important 11 . Where shall I put my boxes ? The drawer is the place . A . to put them B . putting them in C . to put in them D . to put them in 12 . She could do nothing but her name under the circumstances . A . to change B . changing C . to be changing D . change 13 . She has no pencil . A . to write about B . to write with C . to write D . to write in
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