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毕业生顶岗实习手册毕业生顶岗实习手册 关注农业,关注泉州市农业学校~ 姓 名:____________________ 座 号:____________________ 专业班级:____________________ 实习单位:____________________ 指导教师:____________________ requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should ...

毕业生顶岗实习手册 关注农业,关注泉州市农业学校~ 姓 名:____________________ 座 号:____________________ 专业班级:____________________ 实习单位:____________________ 指导教师:____________________ requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 学生校外实习守则 一、学生在顶岗实习期间,接受学校和顶岗实习单位的双重管理。服从校内指导教师的管理,每周至少与校内指导教师保持联系一次,按照顶岗实习的相关 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和要求进行实习;服从顶岗实习单位的管理,尊重顶岗实习单位企业指导教师,服从企业指导教师的安排,虚心向他们学习,注意搞好与同事、同学之间的团结。 二、顶岗实习期间严格遵守顶岗实习单位的各项规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、操作规程、劳动纪律和安全要求。对有统一着装要求和使用劳动用品的顶岗实习,应统一着装。着装应适合于劳动的特点。未经许可不得擅自操作机器设备、进入与顶岗实习无关的部门、做违反规章制度的事情。上岗前要按照规定穿戴好劳动保护用品(安全帽、防护眼镜等),杜绝各种事故发生。 三、 在顶岗实习期间,学生因违反顶岗实习纪律和安全规则造成的自身伤害由学生本人负责,造成他人伤害或国家和企业的经济损失,由学生本人及家长承担经济和法律责任。 四、顶岗实习工作期间,爱护顶岗实习单位公物,不得随意损坏,造成损坏的,由当事人按照顶岗实习单位相关制度进行赔偿,严禁私拿工作用品离开工作地点。 五、顶岗实习期间,严禁迟到、早退、擅离工作岗位、互串岗位和干私活等,否则按顶岗实习单位纪律并结合学校学生管理条例进行处理,视情节给予通报批评或警告及以上处分。 六、顶岗实习期间,学生原则上不得请假,遇特殊情况须履行请假手续,否则按旷课处理,学校将根据学生管理条例给予相应纪律处分。 七、未经校内指导教师和顶岗实习单位允许擅自离开顶岗实习单位的或不遵守相关规定被实习单位辞退的,将视情节根据给予警告及以上处分,特别严重者给予开除学籍处分。 八、顶岗实习期间,学生需要请假、辞职的必须办理相关辞职手续,具体实施程序按照顶岗实习学生请假、辞职管理相关条款操作。 九、如在住宿、生活、学习、工作等方面对顶岗实习单位有意见的,必须通过 quirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andnce renance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenable for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and mainteand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsi 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-f products, the ZHDB 306051rage oocess. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary stohe handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the prtruction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, trequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons2 关注QZNXWX,关注泉州市农业学校~ 校内指导教师代表学校与顶岗实习单位沟通,严禁采取集体上访、集体罢工、集体闹事等过激手段,违者,学校将视情节给予警告以上处分,情节严重并造成严重影响的给予开除学籍处分,触犯法律者将送交公安机关处理。 十、顶岗实习期间,学生要特别注意交通安全、人身安全等,防止意外伤害事故的发生,一旦发生意外,要立即 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 校内指导教师。 十一、在顶岗实习过程中要谨防就业骗局和陷阱,以及所谓直销或传销组织的诱骗。对从网上或亲友、同学处获得的就业信息,应认真了解该单位的资质详细情况,变换实习(工作)单位或者到陌生地方(包括外地)应事先告知家长,谨防上当受骗。如用人单位提出先交押金,收走各种证件等无理条件,要及时和实习指导教师联系,特殊情况下应立即报警。 ntenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andhe maie scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with t.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within thand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-ation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051stallprotection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the in otective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting thetruction units should be made out to provide prrequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons3 实 习 学 生 概 况 姓 名 座号 班级 家 庭 地 址 联 系实 习 电 话 时 间 学 实 习 生 单 位 基 名 称 本 信 住宿方式 ?单位提供 ?家庭 ?自行租房 住 宿 息 情 况 详细地址 手 机 QQ 联 系 方 式 E-mail 变更时间 变更单位名称 变更岗位 顶岗 实习 单位 变更 情况 quirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andnce renance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenable for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and mainteand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsi 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-f products, the ZHDB 306051rage oocess. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary stohe handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the prtruction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, trequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons4 关注QZNXWX,关注泉州市农业学校~ 顶岗实习小结 年 月 日 — 年 月 日 (主要工作任务、工作要求、工作过程) 实习 岗位 主要 工作 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 (实习的体会、收获或取得的成绩) 顶岗 实习 学期 小结 遇到 的问 题及 解决 办法 ntenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andhe maie scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with t.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within thand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-ation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051stallprotection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the in otective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting thetruction units should be made out to provide prrequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons5 顶岗实习小结 年 月 日 — 年 月 日 (主要工作任务、工作要求、工作过程) 实习 岗位 主要 工作 内容 (实习的体会、收获或取得的成绩) 顶岗 实习 学期 小结 遇到 的问 题及 解决 办法 quirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andnce renance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenable for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and mainteand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsi 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-f products, the ZHDB 306051rage oocess. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary stohe handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the prtruction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, trequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons6 关注QZNXWX,关注泉州市农业学校~ 毕业实习总结 1、概述(实习单位与岗位的概括性论述、岗位要求、岗位所需的职业能力和职业素质等。) 2、实习内容(主要实习内容、对新知识的接受和理解能力、知识的学习与扩展、能力的提高与技能训练效果等。) ntenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andhe maie scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with t.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within thand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-ation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051stallprotection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the in otective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting thetruction units should be made out to provide prrequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons7 3、小结(实习的心得体会、取得的收获、获得的荣誉,对学校开设课程的建议,自身的不足及今后的努力方向。) 4、致谢(对企业提供实习指导的领导、师傅、同事及相关人员的一种感谢。) 学生签字: 年 月 日 quirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andnce renance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenable for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and mainteand debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsi 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-f products, the ZHDB 306051rage oocess. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary stohe handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the prtruction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, trequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 cons8 关注QZNXWX,关注泉州市农业学校~ 实习综合成绩评定表 班级 姓名 座号 实习单位 实习岗位 实习时间 评 分 项 目 得 分 每月工作简况汇报与专题 调查报告 行政管理关于调查报告关于XX公司的财务调查报告关于学校食堂的调查报告关于大米市场调查报告关于水资源调查报告 (40%) 实习单位鉴定表(30%) 学生顶岗实习表现(30%) 总 评 成 绩 顶岗实习综合成绩等级: 优 良 中 合格 不合格 顶岗实习成绩采用五级评分制,90分,100分为优秀,80分,89分为良好,70分,79分为中等,60分,69分为合格,60分以下为不合格。 指导老师(签名): 专业教研室盖章 年 月 日 and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8 2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing-ation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051stallprotection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the in otective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting thetruction units should be made out to provide prrequirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 consntenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, andhe maie scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with t.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within th9
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