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学校安全教育宣传资料学校安全教育宣传资料 学校安全教育宣传资料 一、交通安全 (一)行步时怎样注意交通安全: 1.在道路上行走,要走人行道;没有人行道的道路,要靠路边行走; 2.集体外出时,最好有组织、有秩序地列队行走;结伴外出时,不要相互 追逐、打闹、嬉戏;行走时要专心,注意周围情况,不要东张西望、边走 边看书报或做其他事情; 3.在没有交通民警指挥的路段,要学会避让机动车辆,不与机动车辆争道 抢行; 4.在雾、雨、雪天,最好穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服,以便于机动车司机尽早发 现目标,提前采取安全措施。 (二)横穿马路应该注意...

学校安全教育宣传 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 学校安全教育宣传资料 一、交通安全 (一)行步时怎样注意交通安全: 1.在道路上行走,要走人行道;没有人行道的道路,要靠路边行走; 2.集体外出时,最好有组织、有秩序地列队行走;结伴外出时,不要相互 追逐、打闹、嬉戏;行走时要专心,注意周围情况,不要东张西望、边走 边看书报或做其他事情; 3.在没有交通民警指挥的路段,要学会避让机动车辆,不与机动车辆争道 抢行; 4.在雾、雨、雪天,最好穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服,以便于机动车司机尽早发 现目标,提前采取安全措施。 (二)横穿马路应该注意什么: 1.穿越马路,要听从交通民警的指挥;要遵守交通 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf ,做到“绿灯行, 红灯停”; 2.穿越马路,要走人行横道线;在有过街天桥和过街地道的路段,应自觉 走过街天桥和地下通道; 3.穿越马路时,要走直线,不可迂回穿行;在没有人行横道的路段,应先 看左边,再看右边,在确认没有机动车通过时才可以穿越马路; 4.不要翻越道路中央的安全护栏和隔离墩; 5.不要突然横穿马路,特别是马路对面有熟人、朋友呼唤。 (三)乘坐机动车应该注意什么: 1.不要把汽油、爆竹等易燃易爆的危险品带入车内; 2.乘车时不要把头、手、胳膊仲出车窗外,以免被对面来车或路边树木等 乱伤;也不要向车窗外乱扔杂物,以免伤及他人; . 3.乘坐小轿车、微型客车时,在前排乘坐时应系好安全带,不能乘坐无牌 照及报废车辆; 4.尽量避免乘坐卡车、三轮车;必须乘坐时,千万不要站立在后车厢里或 坐在车厢板上。 二、防火安全 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm (一)预防火灾应该注意什么: 1.不玩火。有的同学对火感到新奇,常常背着家长和老师做玩火的游戏,这 是十分危险的。玩火时,一旦火势蔓延或者留下未熄灭的火种,容易引起 火灾; 2.不吸烟。吸烟危害身体健康,又容易诱发火灾,要遵守学生守则和学校的 规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,坚决杜绝吸烟; 3.爱护消防设施。为了预防火灾,防止火灾事故,宿舍楼、公共场所都设置 了消防栓、灭火器、消防沙箱等消防设施,还留有供火灾发生时人员疏散 的安全通道,要自觉爱护消防设施,保证安全通道的畅通。 (二)在学校如何注意防火, 1.不带火柴,打火机等火种进入校园,也不带汽油、爆竹等易燃易爆的物品 进入校园; 2.实验课需要使用酒精灯和一些易燃的化学药品时,要在老师的指导下进 行,并且严格按照操作要求去做,时刻小心谨慎,严防发生用火危险; 3.不随意焚烧废纸等; 4.打扫卫生时,要将枯枝落叶等垃圾作深埋处理或送往垃圾池,不要采取点 火烧掉的办法。 三、卫生安全 日常生活中怎样注意饮食卫生: 1.养成吃东西以前洗手的习惯。人的双手每天干这干那,接触各种各样的东 西,会沾染病菌,病毒和寄生虫卵。吃东西以前认真用肥皂洗净双手, 才能减少“病从口入”的可能; 2.生吃瓜果要洗净。瓜果蔬菜在生长过程中不仅会沾染病菌、病毒、寄生虫 卵,还有残留的农药、杀虫剂等,如果不清洗干净,不仅能染上疾病、 还可能造成农药中毒; 3.不吃腐烂变质的食物。食物腐烂变质,就会味道变酸、变苦,散发出异味 儿,这是因为细菌大量繁殖引起的,吃了这些食物会造成食物中毒。 4.不随意购买、食用街头小摊贩出售的劣质食品、饮料。这些劣质食品、饮 料往往卫生质量不合格,食用、饮用会危害健康。 5.不喝生水。水是否干净,仅凭肉眼很难分清,清澈透明的水也可能含有病 all dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mmdel waddition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, mo and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. Inimely of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate torders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades arts the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate p protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly insting ollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance terk inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pould be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed wobe carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine sh2 菌、病毒,喝开水最安全。 四、师生生活安全用电 (一)如何安全用电: 1.认识了解电源总开关,学会在紧急情况下关断总电源; 2.不用手或导电物(如铁丝、钉子、别针等金属制品)去接触、探试电源插 座内部; 3电器使用完毕后应拔掉电源插头;插拔电源插头时不要用力拉拽电线,以 防止电线的绝缘层受损造成触电;电线的绝缘皮剥落,要及时更换新线或 者用绝缘胶布包好; 4.发现有人触电要设法及时关断电源;或者用干燥的木棍等物将触电者与带 电的电器分开,不要用手去直接救人;年龄小的同学遇到这种情况,应呼 喊成年人相助,不要自己处理,以防触电; 5.不随意拆卸、安装电源线路、插座、插头等。哪怕安装灯泡等简单的事情, 也要先关断电源,并在教师的指导下进行。 (二)如何安全使用电器: 1使用中发现电器有冒烟、冒火花、发出焦糊的异味等情况,应立即关掉电 源开关,停止使用; 2.电吹风机、电饭锅、电熨斗、电暖器等电器在使用中会发出高热,应注意 将它们远离纸张、棉布等易燃物品,防止发生火灾;同时,使用时要注意 避免烫伤; 3.遇到雷雨天气,要停止使用电视机和多媒体以及电脑等电器,并拔下室外 天线插头,防止遭受雷击; 4.电器长期搁置不用,容易受潮、受腐蚀而损坏,重新使用前需要认真检查; 5.购买家用电器时,要选择质量可靠的合格产品。 arried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mmd be cly put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction shouliates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resoluteferentdifferent parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals difo distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, try t ic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form shouldength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatg strStone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bendin er the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed.ould be simultaneously, all skeletons complete aftbe carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine sh3 逃 生 自 救 常 识 1 、火灾袭来时要迅速逃生,不要贪恋财物; 2 、师生平时就要掌握火灾逃生的基本方法,熟悉几条逃生路线; 3 、受到火势威胁时,要当机立断披上浸湿的衣物、被褥等向安全出口方向冲出去; 4 、穿过浓烟逃生时,要尽量使身体贴近地面,并用湿毛巾捂住口鼻; 5 、身上着火,千万不要奔跑,可就地打滚或用厚重衣物压灭火苗; 6 、遇火灾不可乘坐电梯,要向安全出口方向逃生; 7 、室外着火,门已发烫时,千万不要开门,以防大火窜入室内。要用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞门窗,并泼水降温; 8 、若所有逃生线路被大火封锁,要立即退回室内,用打手电筒、挥舞衣物、呼叫等方式向窗外发送求救信号,等待救援; 9 、千万不要盲目跳楼,可利用疏散楼梯、阳台、排水管等逃生,或把床单、被套撕成条状连成绳索,紧栓在窗框、铁栏杆等固定物上,顺绳滑下,或下到未着火的楼层脱离险境; all dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mmdel waddition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, mo and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. Inimely of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate torders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades arts the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate p protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly insting ollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance terk inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pould be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed wobe carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine sh4 灭 火 常 识 1 、发现火灾迅速拨打火警电话 119 ; 2 、燃气罐着火,要用浸湿的被褥、衣物等捂盖灭火,并迅速关闭阀门; 3 、家用电器或线路着火,要先切断电源,再用干粉或气体灭火器灭火,不可直接泼水灭火,以防触电或电器爆炸伤人; 4 、救火时不要贸然开门窗,以免空气对流,加速火势蔓延。 干粉灭火器使用方法 1 、使用前,先把灭火器摇动数次,使瓶内干粉松散; 2 、拔下保险销,对准火焰根部压下压把喷射; 3 、在灭火过程中,应始终保持直立状态,不得横卧或颠倒使用; 4 、灭火后防止复燃。 防火常识 1 、教育学生不玩火,不玩弄电气设备; 2 、不乱丢烟头,不躺在床上吸烟; 3 、不乱接乱拉电线,电路熔断器切勿用铜、铁丝代替; 5 、明火照明时不离人,不要用明火照明寻找物品; 6 、离家或睡觉前要检查用电器具是否断电,燃气阀门是否关闭,明火是否熄灭; 7 、切勿在走廊、楼梯口等处堆放杂物,要保证通道和安全出口的畅通; 8、不能随意倾倒液化气残液。 arried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mmd be cly put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction shouliates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resoluteferentdifferent parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals difo distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, try t ic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form shouldength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatg strStone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bendin er the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed.ould be simultaneously, all skeletons complete aftbe carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine sh5
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