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欧盟全景 英文版 European Union NA-30-08-804-EN-D What is the European Union? A unique economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries. What are its aims? Peace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens — in a fairer, safer world. ...

欧盟全景 英文版
European Union NA-30-08-804-EN-D What is the European Union? A unique economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries. What are its aims? Peace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens — in a fairer, safer world. What results so far? Frontier-free travel and trade, the euro (the single European currency), safer food and a greener environment, better living standards in poorer regions, joint action on crime and terror, cheaper phone calls, millions of opportunities to study abroad … and much more besides. How does it work? To make these things happen, EU countries set up bodies to run the EU and adopt its legislation. The main ones are: • the European Parliament (representing the people of Europe); • the Council of the European Union (representing national governments); • the European Commission (representing the common EU interest). How can I have my say? The EU is not perfect — it is an evolving project and constantly has to be improved. What do you want the EU to do and not to do? Have your say! • Contact your local MP — EU policies are part of national politics. • Contact your MEP and cast your vote at the European Parliament elections — the European Parliament enacts EU laws: europarl.europa.eu • Contact the NGOs (consumer associations, environmental pressure groups, etc.) — they work with the EU on shaping policies. • Find out more about the EU on the europa.eu website and get the answers to your questions about the EU by calling the Europe Direct freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11. ( ) Area 1 000 km2 Population million Per capita Gross domestic product PPS (1) European Union member states BASIC STATISTICS ON EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Belgique/België Belgium България Bulgaria Česká republika Czech Republic Danmark Denmark Deutschland Germany Eesti Estonia Éire/Ireland Ireland Ελλάδα Greece España Spain France France Italia Italy Κύpiρος/Kıbrıs Cyprus Latvija Latvia Lietuva Lithuania 31 111 79 43 357 43 132 505 544 70 301 9 65 65 10.7 7.6 10.4 5.5 82.2 1.3 11.2 45.3 63.8 4.4 59.6 0.8 2.3 3.4 30 100 10 200 21 200 30 700 28 800 17 500 25 000 26 700 27 900 36 200 25 300 23 900 14 400 15 900 Area 1 000 km2 Population million Per capita Gross domestic product PPS (1) Luxembourg Luxembourg Magyarország Hungary Malta Nederland The Netherlands Österreich Austria Polska Poland Portugal Portugal România Romania Slovenija Slovenia Slovensko Slovakia Suomi/Finland Finland Sverige Sweden United Kingdom 3 93 0.3 34 84 313 230 20 49 92 305 411 244 0.5 10.0 0.4 16.4 8.3 38.1 21.5 2.0 5.4 10.6 5.3 9.2 70 500 16 200 19 800 33 800 32 299 14 400 11 100 23 600 18 300 18 800 29 800 31 700 29 50061.2 25 771 © iS to ck ph ot o Panorama of the European Union COM-08-009_EN_final.indd 1 25/03/09 9:06:57 Exporting peace and stability War between EU countries is now unthinkable, thanks to the unity that has been built up between them over the last 50 years. Given this success, the EU is now working to spread peace and stability beyond its borders. The best way to prevent con� icts from arising in the � rst place is to create greater prosperity worldwide. As the world’s largest trading power, the EU is using its in� uence to establish fair rules for world trade. It wants to make sure that globalisation also bene� ts the poorest countries. The EU already provides more humanitarian assistance and development aid than anyone else. The EU sends military and police missions as peacekeepers to trouble-spots such as the Balkans, for example. This is part of the defence aspect of the EU’s common foreign and security policy. The European Union shows how democratic countries can successfully pool economic and political resources in the common interest, serving as a possible model to be followed in other parts of the world. A place in the Union Since its creation by six founding members over 50 years ago, the European Union has attracted a constant stream of newcomers, culminating in its historic expansion from 15 to 27 in 2004 and 2007, which united a continent split by the Cold War for 45 years. Any European country can join, provided it has a stable democracy that guarantees the rule of law, human rights and the protection of minorities. It must also have a functioning market economy and a civil service capable of applying EU laws in practice. Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are candidates to join. The EU gives substantial economic and practical assistance to candidate countries to help prepare for membership. Up to 10 years or more can pass from the time a country submits an application to its actual date of entry. Once a membership treaty is agreed, it must be rati� ed by the European Parliament and by the national parliaments of the candidate country and of all EU member states. Embracing a continent EU members and when they joined: 1952 Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands 1973 Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom 1981 Greece 1986 Portugal, Spain 1995 Austria, Finland, Sweden 2004 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia 2007 Bulgaria, Romania Fewer frontiers, more opportunities You can travel across most of the EU without a passport and without border checks. You can shop in another country where goods are cheaper without restrictions or additional taxes, as long as what you buy is for your own use. The single currency, the euro, allows you to compare prices directly in all the countries that use it. Travel between euro countries is easier because the costs and inconvenience of changing money have disappeared. Competition introduced by the frontier-free single market has driven quality up and prices down. Phone calls, Internet access and air travel are cheaper. As consumers, EU rules protect you from faulty or substandard products whether you buy locally or in another country. The EU also sets the highest standards for food safety. EU citizens can live, work, study and retire in another EU country. Temporary restrictions for workers from the 12 newest member states are gradually being removed. Going abroad to learn More than two million young people have already used EU programmes to study or train in another European country. As a result, the EU schemes for educational exchanges and trans-border partnerships like Erasmus and Leonardo are bywords among students and other learners. The EU does not decide what you learn in school, but it does work to ensure that your educational and professional quali� cations are properly recognised in other EU countries. A greener Europe A healthy environment is a big issue for Europeans and their governments. This is why the EU is spearheading world e� orts to protect the environment and � ght climate change. As pollution knows no borders, EU member states have taken joint action in many areas. It is not surprising then that Europe’s rivers and beaches are cleaner, vehicles pollute less, and there are strict rules for waste disposal. Dangerous waste from Europe can no longer be dumped in poor countries. There are also tough EU rules to ensure that chemicals used by companies are safe for people and the environment. The EU wants key activities like transport, industry, agriculture and tourism to be organised in such a way that they can be developed without destroying our natural resources — in short ‘sustainable development’. Fighting climate change In an e� ort to put an end to climate change, EU leaders have agreed on tough measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % by 2020. Energy represents the cornerstone of the EU’s long-term climate change policy and the EU has set binding targets to increase the use of clean, renewable energy sources such as wind, hydropower or solar energy. This will not only help � ght climate change, but will also boost the economy and ensure a more stable supply of energy, making Europe less reliant on foreign oil and gas imports. The EU has already put into place an innovative ‘emission trading scheme’, whereby energy-intensive companies that cut their emissions are rewarded and those that exceed the given limits are penalised. Euros in your pocket The euro (€) is probably the EU’s most tangible achievement. The single currency is shared by 16 countries (2009), representing over two thirds of the EU population. Others will follow once their economies are ready. All euro notes and coins can be used in the countries where the euro is accepted. Each note is the same, while the coins have a common design on one side and a national emblem of their country of origin on the other side. These EU countries use the euro: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Equal chances Our society is fairer and more e� cient when we do not discriminate against fellow human beings because of their nationality, gender, handicap, race or other factors. That is why EU law bans discrimination. As long ago as the 1950s, the � rst EU treaties contained a clear-cut rule that men and women must have equal pay for equal work. This has given the EU a pioneering role in the � ght for women’s rights, which are now an integral part of all EU policies. The European Commission: Promoting the common interest The European Commission is the EU’s executive organ. It represents and upholds the interests of Europe as a whole. It drafts proposals for new European laws, which it presents to the European Parliament and the Council. It manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies and spending EU funds. The Commission also makes sure that everyone abides by the European treaties and laws. It can act against rule-breakers, taking them to the Court of Justice if necessary. The Commission consists of 27 men and women — one from each EU country. They are assisted by about 24 000 civil servants, most of whom work in Brussels. The president of the Commission is chosen by EU governments and endorsed by the European Parliament. The other commissioners are nominated by their national governments in consultation with the incoming president, and must be approved by the European Parliament. They do not represent the governments of their home countries. Instead, each of them has responsibility for a particular EU policy area. The president and members of the Commission are appointed for a period of � ve years, coinciding with the period for which the European Parliament is elected. › ec.europa.eu The Court of Justice: The rule of law The job of the Court of Justice is to make sure that EU law is interpreted and applied in the same way in all EU countries, thereby ensuring that the law is equal for everyone. It ensures, for example, that national courts do not give di� erent rulings on the same issue. The Court also makes sure that EU member states and institutions do what the law requires them to do. The Court is located in Luxembourg and has one judge from each member country. › curia.europa.eu Freedom, security and justice for all To tackle cross-border crime and terrorism, EU countries have taken steps to ensure full cooperation between their police and customs o� cers, immigration services and law courts. One practical step has been to introduce a European arrest warrant, to make it easier to transfer suspected criminals from the country where they have been arrested to the country where they are wanted for questioning or to stand trial. EU countries are also coordinating asylum policies and tightening controls at the EU’s external frontiers. Since EU citizens are free to live in any member country, they must have equal access to justice everywhere in the EU. Member governments have to ensure that they all apply EU laws in the same way, and that court rulings in one country can be enforced in another. The EU has done a lot to make it easier to solve cross- border legal problems involving marriage, separation, divorce and the custody of children, as well as other kinds of civil disputes. Jobs and growth The European Union has contributed to our prosperity over the years by creating a single market and single currency, and by removing other obstacles to trade and mobility. This helped limit the consequences of the 2008 global � nancial crisis on Europe. EU leaders worked together to stabilise banks and other � nancial institutions in Europe, as well as to develop a strategy for renewed economic growth. In today’s competitive world, Europe needs new jobs and a skilled workforce. New jobs can come from research and development. EU leaders plan to increase research spending substantially, the goal being 3 % of gross national product by 2010. New skills are needed too, and we must all spend more time learning throughout our lives. One third of the EU’s €130-billion-a-year budget is spent on attracting investment and creating jobs in disadvantaged regions, and training unemployed or under-quali� ed workers. Thanks to EU support, people in countries like Ireland and Spain are much better o� than they were 25 years ago. Now growth is highest in the new member countries in the eastern part of the EU. The Court of Auditors: Getting value for your money The Court of Auditors checks that the EU’s funds, which come from the taxpayers, are spent legally, economically and for the intended purpose. The Court is based in Luxembourg and has the right to audit any organisation, body or company which handles EU funds. › eca.europa.eu The European Economic and Social Committee: Voice of civil society The 344 members of the European Economic and Social Committee represent a wide range of interests: from employers to trade unionists, from consumers to ecologists. The Committee is an advisory body which must be consulted on proposed EU decisions about employment, social spending, vocational training, etc. › eesc.europa.eu The Committee of the Regions: The local perspective The Committee of the Regions is consulted on upcoming EU decisions with a direct impact at the local or regional level in � elds such as transport, health, employment or education. Its 344 members are often leaders of regional governments or mayors of cities. › cor.europa.eu The European Central Bank: A stable currency Based in Frankfurt (Germany), the European Central Bank is responsible for managing the euro, principally by setting interest rates. Its prime concern is ensuring price stability so that the European economy is not harmed by in� ation. The Bank takes it decisions independently of governments and other bodies. › www.ecb.eu Getting in touch with the EUThe Council of the European Union: Voice of the member states The Council of the European Union — formerly known as the Council of Ministers — is the EU’s principal decision-taking body. It shares with Parliament the responsibility for passing EU laws. It is also in charge of the EU’s foreign, security and defence policies, and is responsible for key decisions on justice and freedom issues. The Council consists of ministers from the national governments of all the EU countries. Meetings are attended by whichever ministers are responsible for the items to be discussed: foreign ministers, ministers of the economy and � nance, ministers for agriculture and so on, as appropriate. Every six months, a di� erent member state assumes the so-called presidency of the EU, meaning that it chairs these meetings and sets the overall political agenda. Each country has a number of votes in the Council broadly re� ecting the size of its population, but weighted in favour of smaller countries. Most decisions are taken by majority vote, although sensitive issues in areas like taxation, asylum and immigration, or foreign policy, require unanimity. Several times a year the presidents and/or prime ministers of the member states meet as the European Council. These ‘summit’ meetings set overall EU policy. › consilium.europa.eu The European Parliament: Voice of the people The European Parliament is elected every � ve years by the people of Europe to represent their interests. The main job of Parliament is to pass European laws on the basis of proposals presented by the European Commission. Parliament shares this responsibility with the Council of the European Union. Parliament and Council also share joint authority for approving the EU’s €130 billion annual budget. Parliament has the power to dismiss the European Commission. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) do not sit in national blocks, but in Europe-wide political groups. These include parties such as the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), socialists, liberals, greens and others. Between them, MEPs represent all views on European integration, from the strongly pro-federalist to the openly Eurosceptic. The main meetings of the Parliament are held in Strasbourg (France), others in Brussels (Belgium). Like all other EU institutions, the Parliament works in all the 23 o� cial EU languages. The Parliament elects the European Ombudsman, who investigates citizens’ complaints about maladministration by the EU institutions (ombudsman. europa.eu). › europarl.europa.eu › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › You can also obtain information and booklets in English about the European Union from: ONLINE Information in all the o� cial languages of the European Union is available on the Europa website: europa.eu IN PERSON All over Europe there are hundreds of local EU information centres. You can � nd the address of the centre nearest you on this website: europedirect.europa.eu ON THE PHONE OR BY MAIL Europe Direct is a service which answers your questions about the European Union. You can contact this service by freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11, by payphone from outside the EU: (32-2) 299 96 96 or by electronic mail via the Europe Direct website: europedirect.europa.eu READ ABOUT EUROPE Publications about the EU are only a click away on the EU Bookshop website: bookshop.europa.eu EUROPEAN COMMISSION REPRESENTATIONS › Representation in Ireland 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 Tel. (353-1) 634 11 11 Fax (353-1) 634 11 12 Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/ireland E-mail: eu-ie-info-request@ec.europa.eu › Representation in the United Kingdom 8 Storey’s Gate, London SW1P 3AT Tel. (44-20) 79 73 19 92 Fax (44-20) 79 73 19 00/10 Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk › Representation in Wales 2 Caspian Point, Caspian Way, Cardi� CF10 4QQ Tel. (44-29) 20 89 50 20 Fax (44-29) 20 89 50 35 Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk › Representation in Scotland 9 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4PH Tel. (44-131) 225 20 58 Fax (44-131) 226 41 05 Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk › Representation in Northern Ireland Windsor House 9/15 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG Tel. (44-28) 90 24 07 08 Fax (44-28) 90 24 82 41 Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk › Representation in the United States 2300 M Street, NW — 3rd � oor Washington DC 20037 Tel. (202) 862 95 00 Fax (202) 429 17 66 Internet: www.eurunion.org 222 East 41st Street, 20th � oor New York, NY 10017 Tel. (212) 371 38 04 Fax (212) 688 10 13 Internet: www.eurunion.org EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT OFFICES › O� ce in Ireland European Union House 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 Tel. (353-1) 605 79 00 Fax (353-1) 605 79 99 Internet: www.europarl.ie E-mail: epdublin@europarl.europa.eu › United Kingdom O� ce 2, Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AA Tel. (44-20) 72 27 43 00 Fax (44-20) 72 27 43 02 Internet: www.europarl.org.uk E-
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