首页 艾灸的神奇功效



艾灸的神奇功效艾灸的神奇功效 灸法是利用艾绒在体表穴位上的烧灼,借助灸火的温和热力和药物的作用、腧穴的功能,通过经络的传导,起到温通气血、扶正祛邪的作用,达到治疗疾病和保健目的的一种外治法。清代吴仪洛著《本草从新》中艾叶“苦辛,生温,熟热,纯阳之性,能回垂绝之阳,通十二经,走三阴,理气血,逐寒湿……以之灸火,能透诸经而除百病。”艾绒制成的艾炷,能使热气内注,温煦气血,透达经络,并且艾灸一些具有补益强壮作用的穴位,故而能够达到扶正祛邪,强身保健的作用。保健灸法是自古以来的防病之术。明代高武在《针灸聚英》中曰:“无病而先针曰逆,未...

艾灸的神奇功效 灸法是利用艾绒在体 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 穴位上的烧灼,借助灸火的温和热力和药物的作用、腧穴的功能,通过经络的传导,起到温通气血、扶正祛邪的作用,达到治疗疾病和保健目的的一种外治法。清代吴仪洛著《本草从新》中艾叶“苦辛,生温,熟热,纯阳之性,能回垂绝之阳,通十二经,走三阴,理气血,逐寒湿……以之灸火,能透诸经而除百病。”艾绒制成的艾炷,能使热气内注,温煦气血,透达经络,并且艾灸一些具有补益强壮作用的穴位,故而能够达到扶正祛邪,强身保健的作用。保健灸法是自古以来的防病之术。明代高武在《针灸聚英》中曰:“无病而先针曰逆,未至而逆之也。”他把使用灸法保健防病称为“逆灸”。又如明代医家杨继洲所著的《针灸大成》第九卷中记载唐代孙思邈著的《千金方》中的一段原文:“宦游吴蜀,体上常纹三两处灸之,勿令疮暂瘥,则疫疠瘟毒不能着人。”“若要安,三里常不干。”要使身体健康平安,常灸足三里穴,勿使灸疮干燥,结痂愈合,这是古代医疗长期实践中得出来的经验 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 。又如灸风门可预防感冒,常灸曲池、中脘、足三里、大椎、脾俞、肾俞、阳陵泉、三阴交都可以起到保健作用。现代医学实验研究证明,灸法可以调整脏腑功能,促进新陈代谢、改变血液成create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 分,增加白细胞、血色素、红细胞数量和白细胞的吞噬功能,加强免疫力,提高机体的抵抗力,从而起到预防保健的作用。下面浅析不同年龄人的合理保健灸法。 1小儿的生理特点及保健灸法小儿的生理特点与成人有着明显差异,不但机体各器官的形态将随着年龄的增长而不断变化,而且机体各器官功能也都未完善。历代中医学家把这种现象称为脏腑娇嫩,形气未充。另一方面小儿正值成长期,生机蓬勃,发育迅速,故称小儿为纯阳之体。对小儿常见呼吸系统疾病,可常灸风门、身柱、肺俞、大椎等穴。每次选2穴,每穴灸2~10min,隔日灸1次,可预防呼吸系统疾病。针对消化系统疾病,常灸天枢、脾俞、足三里、中脘等穴,可加以预防。 2青壮年人的生理特点及保健灸法青壮年时期正是机体发育成熟、筋骨坚强、气血旺盛、精力充沛阶段,但现实生活中,也会由于先天不足或后天失养,而发生女子月经不调、男子阳痿、不育等症。另有一些人因工作操劳、思虑过度、不知摄养,以致肝肾亏损、过早衰老。对于这些病症都可以运用保健灸法进行调治。如常灸肾俞,可促进生殖功能;常灸三阴交、create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 血海等穴,可调摄月经;常灸足三里可预防消化系统疾病,防止衰老,增强体质。 3老年人的生理特点及保健灸法到了壮年与老年的临界年龄期,脏腑功能逐渐减退,趋向衰老,抗御外邪的能力也明显减弱。所以老年人更应注意无病早防,有病早治。常灸足三里可以预防中风,是最好的保健方法。还应同时兼灸曲池,以防止视力衰退。气海为诸气之海,有益气固精、补益肾阳作用,为全身强壮穴之一。肺俞、风门、大椎常灸之,也有益强身防病作用。灸三阴交、肾俞、关元可防治泌尿生殖系统疾病。综上所述,保健灸法在临床实践中得到证实,对于防病治病确实起到极大的作用,而且操作简便易行,所以应积极推广运用这种方法。 艾灸具有温经散寒,扶正祛邪,疏通经络,调和营卫,振兴机体功能的作用,受到历代医家的重视。更由于艾灸保健功效显著,而受到世人的推崇。 灸法在我国出现的时代在周秦以前,战国时代孟子《离娄》曰:“犹七年之病,求三年之艾也……艾之灸病陈久者益善……”可见在春秋战国时代即重视针灸。《三国志?华佗传》载:“病若当艾(艾灸),不过一两处,每处不过七八壮。”(按:医用艾灸,灸一create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 次谓之一壮,一壮捻成艾绒如雀屎大,谓之艾炷,艾叶越陈越好。)至晋代葛洪的《肘后方》、唐代孙思邈的《千金要方》都很重视艾灸的保健防病作用,如《千金要方?灸例》中载:“凡入吴地区游宦,身体上常须三两处灸之,忽令灸疮瘥,则瘴疫、温疟、毒气不能着人也。故吴蜀多行灸法。” 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 当时人们已普遍采用灸法来预防传染病。宋代以后灸的保健防病作用日益受到重视,窦林的《扁鹊心书》就是以灸法防治疾病的专着。 艾灸法除对哮喘、肺结核、痢疾、疟疾、肠炎等有显着疗效外,还可广泛应用于各种疾病的防治。现代医学研究证实,施灸能提高白细胞的功能,加速抗体形成,增加机体防御力,对呼吸、循环、消化、生殖等系统有调节作用,起到一定的保健防病作用。我国已故着名中医研究员刘炳凡老先生在《颐年金名?预防提要》中强调:“有疾宜先治,无疴应早防。”“关元足三里,常灸保安康。”保健取穴一是关元穴,二是足三里穴,三是整体调节备用穴。如下病上取之百会,上病下取之涌泉穴,中病旁取之天枢穴即是。 1、关 元 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 穴位在腹部正中线脐下三寸(即本人三横指)。古人说灸七壮,具有补肾培元、强壮益寿的作用,常灸有明显的保健作用,能增强神经、泌尿、生殖系统功能,提高免疫功能,可防止早衰。 2、足三里 穴位在膝下三寸。以手掌心按膝上,中指尽处向外侧横开一指即是此穴。古人说,灸三壮。可主治消化、神经、泌尿、血液等系统多种疾病,经常灸有明显的保健作用。可增强胃肠功能,促进新陈代谢,提高免疫能力,保持机体生理机能平衡。每日或隔日一次,清晨或睡前皆宜,用艾条温和灸或雀啄灸,每次10~15分钟。终年灸此穴,可达到长寿的人屡见不鲜。 家庭保健常用的灸术有艾条温和灸、艾条雀啄灸、艾条熨热灸等。施灸的程序,《千金要方》说:“凡灸当先阳后阴,言从头向左而渐下,次后由头向右而渐下。”即先上后下,先左后右,先背后腹(胸前)。灸法一般比较安全可靠,需要说明的是施艾(灸)法应在有经验的专业医师指导下进行。下列情况不宜取灸法: create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 1.过度劳累、饥饿或精神紧张患者不宜艾灸治疗。体质虚弱者不宜艾灸过强。 2 .自发性出血或损伤后出血不止,或皮肤感染、溃疡、瘢痕等部位不宜灸;眼区、项区、胸背部等慎灸。 3 .孕妇及小儿囟门未闭合者,不宜艾灸。 4.精神病患者及其他不适于灸疗的重症患者也需慎用艾灸。 相关链接 灸术三种 温和灸 将艾卷燃着一端,在所选定之穴位上空薰灸。先反复测度距离,至病人感觉局部温热舒适而不灼烫,即固定不动(一般距皮肤约3厘米),以施灸部位出现红晕为度。 雀啄灸 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 将艾条燃着的一端在施灸部位上作一上一下、忽近忽远的一种灸法,形如雀啄。本法热感较强,应避免灼伤皮肤。 熨热灸 又称回旋灸。将艾条点燃端先在选定的穴区或患部熏灸测试,至局部有灼热感时,即在此距离作平行往复回旋施灸,以局部潮红为度。 艾灸,是借艾火的纯阳热力和药力给人体以温热性刺激,通过经络腧穴的传导,来调节脏腑的阴阳平衡,以达到治病防病、养生保健的目的。 艾灸有六大功效:通经活络、行气活血、去湿逐寒、消肿散结、回阳救逆、防病保健。 艾灸疗法能健身、防病、治病,在我国已有数千年历史。早在春秋战国时期,人们已经开始广泛使用艾灸法,如《庄子》中有“越人熏之以艾”,《孟子》中也有“七年之病求三年之艾”的记载。历代医学著作中更比比皆是。艾灸能激发、提高机体的免疫功能,增强机体的抗病能力。 艾灸,就是用艾绒做成艾柱或艾条,点燃后在穴位或患处熏灸,借助温热性和药物作用,以温通经络,调和气血,燥湿祛寒,回阳救逆,消肿散结,达到治疗疾病的目的。护理上常用的有艾条灸、艾柱灸及隔姜灸,隔蒜灸等。 1、艾条灸 (1)物品准备:治疗盘、艾条、火柴、弯盘,必要时备艾灸盒。 (2)操作方法: ?点燃艾条一端,燃端距应灸穴位或局部2,4cm处熏灸,使局部有温热感,以不感烧灼为度。 ?每次灸15,30分钟,使局部皮肤红润、灼热。 ?中途艾绒烧灰较多时,应将绒灰置于弯盘中,避免脱落在病人身上。 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging ?腹部、背部较平坦处行艾灸时,可用艾灸盒。即病人取平卧或俯卧位,将点燃之艾条放于盒内纱隔层上,灸盒放在应灸穴位的部位,加盖后可使其自行燃烧艾条,达到艾灸的目的。 2、艾柱灸 (1)物品准备:治疗盘、艾绒、艾柱器、火柴、镊子、弯盘。 (2)操作方法: ?将艾绒放入艾柱器内,根据病情,制成大小适宜之艾柱。 ?将艾柱置于应灸穴位上,点燃艾柱顶端。 ?等艾柱燃至病人感发烫时,即用镊子取下放入弯盘,另换一艾柱,继续点燃。 ?一般每次灸3,5壮(每个艾柱谓一壮)。 3、隔姜灸、隔蒜灸 (1)物品准备:治疗盘、艾绒、艾柱器、火柴、镊子、弯盘,根据需要准备切成0.2,0.3cm厘米薄,直径约2cm的鲜姜片或鲜大蒜头横切成片数片(或用大蒜捣泥,取0.3cm厚的大蒜泥敷于穴位皮肤)。 (2)操作方法: ?暴露应灸部位。 ?取鲜姜片或蒜片(或蒜泥),放于穴位,上置艾柱。 ?点燃后待病人感灼热时即更换艾柱,连灸3,5壮。 ?脐部也可敷食盐后,置艾柱灸之,称隔盐灸,或在穴位放其它药物如附子片等,统称间接灸法。 4、艾灸护理 (1)行艾灸时,须注意病人保持舒适体位,以免病人自行移动时,艾灰脱落或艾柱倾倒而发生烫伤或烧坏衣被。 (2)艾条灸时,要注意燃点的距离,太近则易烫伤,太远则疗效不佳,应随时询问病人温热感,并观察局部潮红程度。行艾柱灸时,更应认真守护观察,以免发生烫伤。 (3)灸后如起小水泡,一般不须处理或涂龙胆紫,较大水泡应消素后用无菌针头刺破,涂上龙胆紫或金万红软膏。 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging (4)艾条灸毕后,应将剩下之艾条套入玻璃试管内或将燃头浸入水中,以彻底熄灭,防止再燃。如有绒灰脱落床上,应清扫干净,以免复燃烧坏被褥。 (5)艾灸毕应为病人盖好衣被,开窗通风,保持室内空气新鲜。 (6)凡颜面、五官区域、大血管、粘膜处及热证,一般不宜艾灸。 5、在护理中的应用 (1)脾胃虚寒性胃痛:灸中脘(隔姜灸)、内关、足三里。 (2)脾虚型腹泻:灸天枢(隔姜灸)、神阙(隔盐灸)、足三里、肾俞、脾俞。 (3)虚脱、四肢厥逆:灸百会、神阙(隔盐灸)、涌泉 (4)虚寒型痛经:灸关元、中极、三阴交、足三里 (5)虚寒性腰痛:肾区放灸盒 (6)风寒湿痹:局部关节临近穴位 (7)恶心、呕吐、急性腹痛:脐部隔盐灸 (8)未溃破之疖肿处隔蒜灸 6、注意事项: (1)凡属实热证或阴虚发热、邪热内炽等证,如高热、高血压危象、肺结核晚期、大量咯血、呕吐、严重贫血、急性传染性疾病、皮肤痈疽疗疖并有发热者,均不宜使用艾灸疗法。 (2)器质性心脏病伴心功能不全,精神分裂症,孕妇的腹部、腰骶部,均不宜施灸。 (3)颜面部、颈部及大血管走行的体表区域、粘膜附近,均不得施灸。 (4)施灸前要与患者讲清灸治的方法及疗程,尤其是瘢痕灸,一定要取得患者的同意与合作。瘢痕灸后,局部要保持清洁,必要时要贴敷料,每天换药1次,直至结痂为止。在施灸前,要将所选穴位用温水或酒精棉球擦洗干净,灸后注意保持局部皮肤适当温度,防止受凉,影响疗效。 (5)除瘢痕灸外,在灸治过程中,要注意防止艾火灼伤皮肤。尤其幼儿患者。如有起泡时,可用酒精消毒后,用毫针将水泡挑破,再涂上龙胆紫即可。 (6)偶有灸后身体不适者,如身热感、头昏、烦躁等,可令患者适当活动身体,饮少量温开水,或针刺合谷、后溪等穴位,可使症状迅速缓解。 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging (7)施灸时注意安全使用火种,防止烧坏衣服、被褥等物。 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging
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