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儿童预防接种知识讲座(1)儿童预防接种知识讲座(1) 儿童预防接种知识讲座 世界卫生组织早在1974年第24届世界卫生大会上就提出“要在2000年使人人享有卫生保健”。我国自20世纪70年代开始实施儿童计划免疫以来,在各级政府领导下,相继实现了儿童免疫接种率省、县、乡达到85的目标,疫苗针对传染病的发病大幅度下降。2000年经世界卫生组织确认,我国达到了无脊髓灰质炎的目标,2002年进一步将乙型肝炎疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫,全国计划免疫工作取得较大进展。例如2004年麻疹的发病数为70549例,死亡26人,发病率为5.23/10万,死亡率为...

儿童预防接种知识讲座(1) 儿童预防接种知识讲座 世界卫生组织早在1974年第24届世界卫生大会上就提出“要在2000年使人人享有卫生保健”。我国自20世纪70年代开始实施儿童计划免疫以来,在各级政府领导下,相继实现了儿童免疫接种率省、县、乡达到85的目标,疫苗针对传染病的发病大幅度下降。2000年经世界卫生组织确认,我国达到了无脊髓灰质炎的目标,2002年进一步将乙型肝炎疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫,全国计划免疫工作取得较大进展。例如2004年麻疹的发病数为70549例,死亡26人,发病率为5.23/10万,死亡率为0.0019/10万,病死率0.04,与上一年度相比,发病率下降5.70,而全年脊髓灰质炎无发病、死亡。我国将每年4月25日定为“全国儿童预防接种宣传日”在这天将开展各种形式的宣传活动,党和国家领导人也多次参加了与计划免疫工作有关的宣传活动。 我国计划免疫工作的开展我国也成立了全国计划免疫工作咨询委员会,来推动这方面的工作。据统计,自从开展计划免疫工作以来,麻疹、脊髓灰质炎、百日咳、破伤风和儿童结核的发病已显著减少,所以计划免疫是保护儿童免受上述疾病威胁的好方法。 什么是免疫我们的机体对侵入体内的各种病原微生物(如细菌、病 毒等)和它们所产生的毒素,具有一定的抵抗作用, 这种作用总称叫免疫。 免疫的作用免疫是人体的一种the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 生理功能,对人体有保护作用,如人体的皮肤、粘膜和身体里的吞噬细胞、各种杀菌物质,都对病原菌有免疫功能。 传染病的流行过程传染病在人群中的发生传播和终止的过程称为传染病的流行过程。 预防接种的概念预防接种及免疫预防,是给易感者接种具有抗原或抗体活性的免疫制品,使人体获得对使机体获得特异性的免疫力,提高人群免疫水平,免受病原体的侵袭而发病,是防制传染病的最经济、有效及方便的措施。通过接种疫苗,提高易感人群的免疫水平,建立牢固的防御传染病的免疫屏障是公认的投入少、效益大的公共卫生干预措施,也是控制和消灭针对传染病的最有效手段。 预防接种的分类(一)按免疫原理分为三类 1.人工主动免疫 是将抗原物质接种到人体使人体自动产生特异性免疫,免疫力出现较慢(14周),但较持久;人工主动免疫的生物制品可分为灭活疫苗、类毒素疫苗、减毒活疫苗、组分疫苗、基因工程疫苗等。 预防接种的分类2.人工被动免疫 将含特异抗体的免疫制品接种到人体使之获得现成的特异性免疫保护,免疫出现快,但维持时间短(23周);其制剂有: 预防接种的分类(1)免疫血清:用毒素免疫动物而取得的含特异性抗体的血清称抗毒素;提取其丙种球蛋白有效成分的抗体称精致抗毒素,含异种蛋白少,减少了过敏反应发生的机会。免疫血清主要用于治疗,也可作预防用。 预防接种的分类(2)免疫球蛋白(丙种球蛋白及胎盘球蛋白):由人血液或胎盘提取the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 的丙种球蛋白制成,含有多种抗体(主要是IgG),但其维持时间短暂,有时易发生变态反应。可作为麻疹、甲型病毒性肝炎等密切接触者的被动免疫,高效价乙型病毒性肝炎免疫球蛋白可阻断乙型病毒性肝炎的母婴传播。 预防接种的分类3.被动主动免疫即先接种被动免疫制剂,迅速获得免疫力,然后再接种自动免疫制剂,获得持久的免疫力。是一种用于保护婴幼儿、年老体弱者和在特殊情况下采用的方法。 预防接种的分类(二)从防疫实践角度分为三种 1.计划免疫 包括常年进行的儿童基础免疫和根据流行病学资料在流行期前对重点人群或重点地区人群进行的预防接种。 预防接种的分类2.应急接种 在有传染病流行威胁时所进行的预防接种。能用于应急接种的疫苗必须是接种后能较快地产生免疫力,且对已处于潜伏期的病人接种后没有危险性的,如麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、流脑、白喉、病毒性肝炎和脊髓灰质炎疫苗等。 预防接种的分类(1)狭义的应急接种:指在发生某种传染病流行时,通过接种疫苗来控制疾病的流行 预防接种的分类(2)广义的应急接种:对进入疫区的人员或传染病流行前紧急接种生物制剂,通过主动或被动免疫途径使人员快速获得免疫力,以抵御病原体的侵袭。 预防接种的分类暴露于某病的传染源后或暴露于某种感染因子后的预防接种。多为疫苗同抗血清或特异性免疫球蛋白联合应用,以增强免疫效果。如被患狂犬病的动物咬伤后接种狂犬病疫苗、HBsAg阳the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 性的母亲所产新生儿出生后24小时内接种乙型肝炎疫苗和实验室工作人员伤口、结膜等被血液等检材污染后的预防接种。一般要求于暴露后24小时内进行第一次接种。 预防接种的途径1.皮上划痕 接种活疫苗时可采用此法。在上臂外侧三角肌中部消毒后,滴加疫苗。用接种针在疫苗处划刺0.51.0cm长的划痕,以不出血呈红痕为好。划痕可为“-”字形。划后用针将疫苗在划痕上轻轻涂匀。 预防接种的途径2.皮内注射 结核菌素试验、锡克试验多用此法。药物过敏试验取前臂掌侧下段;预防接种常选用三角肌下缘。疫苗注入皮内后,皮肤 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面呈现橘皮样丘状隆起。须注意的是皮内注射卡介苗时,在上臂三角肌中部。 接种疫苗是预防、控制乃至消灭传染病最为有效、经济而方便的措施之一,通过预防接种全球已经成功消灭了天花迄今脊髓灰质炎脊灰的发病率下降了99包括中国的大多数国家和地区已经实现无脊灰野病毒传播的目标全球因白喉、百日咳、破伤风和麻疹导致的发病、致残与死亡也显著下降2003年就避免了200万因疫苗可预防疾病导致的死亡和60万乙肝相关死亡肝硬化和肝癌,6,1全世界每年大约有1000万名5岁以下儿童死亡。其中的四分之一是由疫苗可预防的疾病造成的。现在每年可通过免疫拯救200万到300万人的生命。免疫是最为成功和最具成本效益的公共卫生干预措施之一《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定:中华人民共和国境the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 内的任何人均应按照有关规定接受预防接种,儿童进托儿所、幼儿园和将来上学、出国均需提供预防接种证明,疫苗在获得注册前都需经过严格的动物实验和临床研究,疫苗在上市使用前都要实施严格的批签发 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。在接种前、接种中、接种后都有完整的、科学的、规范的要求保证预防接种的安全性。少数接种者会发生不良反应其中绝大多数可自愈或仅需一般处理如局部红肿、疼痛、硬结等局部症状或有发热、乏力等症状。偶合症是指受种者正处于某种疾病的潜伏期或者存在尚未发现的基础疾病接种后巧合发病复发或加重因此偶合症的发生与疫苗本身无关。疫苗接种率越高、品种越多发生的偶合率越大。异常反应它是疫苗本身固有特性引起的是不可避免的异常反应的发生是小概率事件它既不是疫苗质量问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 造成也不是实施差错造成各方均无过错。通过预防接种建立免疫屏障保护受种者同时也保护了受种者周围人群。因此对受种者予以一定经济补偿不是赔偿。,6,1预防接种是一项公共卫生措施在保护绝大多数人群健康的同时极个别人承担了发生异常反应的风险。充分考虑到受种者的权益《疫苗流通和预防接种管理 条例 事业单位人事管理条例.pdf信访条例下载信访条例下载问刑条例下载新准则、条例下载 》中规定对因异常反应引起的严重损害者给予一次性补偿。属于一类疫苗引起的预防接种异常反应的补偿费用由省级财政安排属于二类疫苗自费接种引起的预防接种异常反应的补偿费用由生产企业承担。办理预防接种证选择合格接种点接种接种前、接种the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 时、接种后要做的哪些宝宝不能接种疫苗及时与接种点联系了解宝宝在相应的年龄段该接种何种疫苗每种疫苗可预防哪种传染性疾病了解并掌握宝宝在接种前的健康状况在一周之内精心护理宝宝使宝宝不患有任何疾病或不适以保证宝宝按时接种应种的疫苗,疫苗接种的前一天为宝宝洗澡、更换好干净的衣服。、如实将宝宝的健康状况告知医生、认真填写相关资料、按照护士的要求帮助宝宝保持正确的接种体位和姿势、宝宝接种疫苗后应在接种地点留观15至30分钟,待确认宝宝没有任何反应再回家以免因发生异常反应得不到及时的处理24小时之内不宜给宝宝洗澡尤其是接种局部--以免发生局部感染保持接种局部皮肤的清洁卫生--勤换、洗内衣、裤。禁止宝宝用手搔抓接种部位以免局部感染或出现加重反应。万一被宝宝抓破局部可用外用药如金霉素眼药膏、创可贴如果局部老有脓性分泌物流出就应及时到外科门诊就诊,6,1让宝宝多休息不作剧烈的活动--尽可能进行一些比较安静的活动如让宝宝坐着看画 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 、给宝宝讲故事、玩拼插玩具等多饮水.尽可能多的为宝宝提供清淡的饮食--多吃水果、蔬菜接种当天不给宝宝提供容易引起过敏的食物如鸡蛋、鱼肉、虾和其他海产品等少吃或不吃刺激性强的食物如葱、姜、蒜和辣椒等如果口服的是减毒活疫苗如糖丸、轮状病毒等疫苗至少应在半小时之内不吃热的东西--如热奶、热水、热食也不宜喂母乳以免影响疫苗的免疫效果凡the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 有过敏史的宝宝一律不得接种疫苗除脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗外--因为疫苗中有可能含有微量过敏原这样可使具有过敏体质的宝宝发生过敏反应轻则起荨麻疹、重则会发生过敏性紫癜、紫癜肾甚至发生过敏性休克如果抢救不及时会危及到宝宝幼小的生命,患有严重的心脏、肝脏、肾脏疾病以及结核病的宝宝也不宜进行预防接种。否则因体质较差接种后有可能加重其原有的疾病而且又给这些脏器增加额外的负担,具有先天性免疫缺陷、免疫功能低下的宝宝不宜进行预防接种尤其是活疫苗。因为由于宝宝免疫功能的低下接种疫苗后不但起不到预防疾病的作用反而有可能使宝宝致病,患有中枢神经系统性疾病的宝宝如大脑功能发育不全、癫痫、高热惊厥、抽风病史、脑炎后遗症等均不宜进行预防接种。特别是百白破混合制剂、乙脑和流脑疫苗。否则有可能诱发或加重宝宝原有的疾病引起抽风易使宝宝的旧病复发,当宝宝处于疾病的急性期或患有急性传染病时应缓种以免加重病情。待疾病完全恢复后一周再行接种。当宝宝发热、体温超过37.5?时也应暂缓接种。因为发热的原因是多种多样的极有可能是流感、麻疹、脑炎、肝炎等传染病的早期症状如此时接种则会加重原有病情。如宝宝的接种部位有严重的皮炎、牛皮癣、湿疹、皮疹及化脓性皮肤病--应在治愈后再行接种。宝宝出现腹泻时应暂缓接种--如宝宝的大便比平时增多如每天排便4次以上即出现腹泻时也不宜服用脊髓灰the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 质炎疫苗。因为腹泻可使服入体内的脊髓灰质炎疫苗随粪便很快地排出体外失去其免疫作用如腹泻为病毒感染所致则可产生抗体影响免疫效果。疫苗均具有一定的保护率但由于受种者个体的差异少数人接种后不产生保护作用仍有可能会发病。如果接种疫苗时受种者恰好已处在该疫苗所针对疾病的潜伏期接种后疫苗还未产生保护作用所以接种疫苗后仍会发病这就属于偶合发病。一类疫苗就是指政府免费向公民提供公民应当依照政府的规定受种的疫苗包括国家免疫规划确定的疫苗省、自治区、直辖市人民政府在执行国家免疫规划时增加的疫苗以及县级以上人民政府或者其卫生主管部门组织的应急接种或者群体性预防接种所使用的疫苗。一类疫苗包括乙肝疫苗、卡介苗、脊灰减毒活疫苗、百白破联合疫苗、麻腮风联合疫苗、甲肝疫苗、脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗、乙脑疫苗等。二类疫苗是指由公民自费并且自愿受种的其他疫苗如水痘疫苗、流感疫苗、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗、肺炎球菌疫苗、轮状病毒疫苗、伤寒Vi多糖疫苗、细菌性痢疾疫苗等。接受服务避免错种、漏种1明确责任入学、入伍、出国丢失后的处理预防保健的主要工作是控制传染病控制传染病最经济有效的方法是预防接种接种接种疫苗需要受种者配合疾病预防控制中心是由政府举办的实施国家级疾病预防控制与公共卫生技术管理和服务的公益事业单位。其使命是通过对疾病、残疾和伤害的预防控制创造健康the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 环境维护社会稳定保障国家安全促进人民健康其宗旨是以科研为依托、以人才为根本、以疾控为中心。 云顶镇卫生院 2014、04、23 the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit
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