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公司管理制度(中英文版)[001]Edwin 公司管理制度 · 招聘与劳动合同   公司招聘员工,遵循公开、公正、择优录用的原则。公司通过向社会公开招聘和内部选拔,为公司提供最优秀、最合适的人选。但相同条件下,公司将优先选拔内部员工。公司鼓励员工向公司推荐品学兼优的人才。 1、 录用条件 1、适用于所有员工的录用条件包括: (1)品格诚实 员工须诚实地将其真实履历、身体状况、教育状况等信息告知公司,确保其向公司提交的各种证明和材料全面、真实、客观可靠。如果员工历史上存在营私舞弊、严重失职行为,或者受到过行政处分、刑事处分...

Edwin 公司 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 · 招聘与劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载   公司招聘员工,遵循公开、公正、择优录用的原则。公司通过向社会公开招聘和内部选拔,为公司提供最优秀、最合适的人选。但相同条件下,公司将优先选拔内部员工。公司鼓励员工向公司推荐品学兼优的人才。 1、 录用条件 1、适用于所有员工的录用条件包括: (1)品格诚实 员工须诚实地将其真实履历、身体状况、教育状况等信息告知公司,确保其向公司提交的各种证明和材料全面、真实、客观可靠。如果员工历史上存在营私舞弊、严重失职行为,或者受到过行政处分、刑事处分、劳动教养,或者受到过原单位的处分,或者与原公司存在纠纷或经济纠纷,员工须先详细向公司作书面说明。 (2)手续完备 员工须依法与原公司办理完解除劳动合同的手续,并向公司出示相关证明。 (3) 能力合格 员工具备应聘岗位所要求的教育背景、工作经验、专业能力和辅助能力(如熟悉使用电脑、外语能力等)及其他特殊要求,并能完成岗位描述规定的各项岗位职责。招聘员工时,人力资源部或人事部和需求部门将明确其具体要求。 (4)被录用的员工的名誉和行为不应有不良记录; (5) 被录用的员工身体健康,没有重大疾病、传染病或慢性病或者不适应所招聘岗位的其他疾病。 2、 劳动合同 1、公司正式录用员工将与员工依法签订《劳动合同》。劳动合同须由员工本人签订,他人代签无效。公司方面由有关负责人签署,并加盖公司公章。劳动合同签署后,公司持两份合同原件,员工将持一份合同原件。    2、劳动合同的类型分类分为固定期限、无固定期限和以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。无固定期限劳动合同的签署,按《劳动合同法》第十四条办理。 3、 试用期 1、 公司依法对新聘员工衽试用期制度。目的是让公司考察新员工是否符合录用条件,同时让新员工对公司及所应聘岗位的工作进行考察。 员工试用期按《劳动合同法》的规定执行,即劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月;劳动合同期限一年以上不满三年的,试用期不得超过二个月;三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过六个月。以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同或者劳动合同期限不满三个月的,不得约定试用期。试用期包含在劳动合同期限内。劳动合同仅约定试用期的,试用期不成立,该期限为劳动合同期限。 · 劳动报酬 一、工资制度 公司作为外商投资企业,依法自主制定其工资制度和考核制度,并按照其工资制度和考核制度确定并调整员工工资。 2、 员工工资的计发形式 1、 员工工资的计发形式包括月薪制、计时工资制计件工资制。每个员工具体实行哪一种形式,在员工的劳动合同中确定或者由双方另行约定。   正常月薪:员工按公司规定正常出勤并完成当月工作时间,即享有当月的工资。 计时工资制:员工的月工资按计时工资标准当月工作时间计算。员工每工作一个小时,即享有按计时工资标准计算出的一个小时的工资。员工计时工资标准,在员工的劳动合同中规定,或者双方另行约定。 计件工资制:员工的月工资按当月完成的产品件数和计件单价计算。计件单价在员工的劳动合同中规定,或者由双方另行约定。 2、 无论哪一种工资计发形式,员工的月工资不得少于公司住所所在城市的最低工资标准。 3、 员工工资的构成 1、 员工的工资 正常包括月工资、奖金、加班工资。 2、 正常月工资 实行正常月薪制的员工,其正常月工资包括基本工资、津贴和补贴。其中,基本工资是作为员工基本保障的工资。 实行计时工资制的员工,其正常月工资由员工当月的小时工资累计、津贴和补贴构成。 实行计件工资制的员工,其正常月工资由员工当月的计件工资累计、津贴和补贴构成。 3、 加班工资 员工在法定节假日加班的,公司依法支付加班费。平时加班1.5倍,节假日2倍,法定节假日3倍。 4、 工资的发放 1、 员工的正常月工资,由公司于次月的五(5)日以前,委托银行通过银行卡将员工当月的工资支付给员工。甲方遇有自身或银行系统故障、资金暂时周转困难等特殊情况时,公司可能推迟适当的时间向员工支付工资,但推迟时间将不超过十五(15)天。公司将员工工资委托支付给银行,视为已向员工支付工资。 员工的工资为税前工资。员工依法应当缴纳的个人所得税,由公司从员工工资中代扣代缴。 如员工离开公司,当月工资将在当月(办理完离职手续在公司当月发薪日期以前的)或者次月(办理完离职手续在公司当月发薪日期以后的)支付。由于员工不履行离职手续而导致工资迟发,由员工负责。 5、 工资的调整 1、年度绩效考核   公司于每年上半年对员工上一年度进行表现和绩效考核,并根据考核结果、公司经济效益情况等,按公司考核制度和工资制度,确定是否对员工工资进行相应调整以及调整的幅度。员工在上一年度的表现和工作绩效,决定员工当年工资是否调整以及调整的幅度。 2、 普调 公司可以根据其工资制度,结合公司经济效益有及公司所在当地物价指数的浮动情况,确定是否对员工工资进行普遍或部分调整以及调整幅度。 3、 岗位调薪 员工岗位调整,其月薪或计时工资按新岗位相对应的工资标准由公司相应调整。员工工作的产品、工作强度等发生大的变化,其计时工资或计件工资等由公司相应调整。 6、 病假工资 员工依法享受病假工资。具体规定如下: 1、 一般病假 员工在一般病假期间,按下列规定享受病假工资: 工龄 病假工资 不满2年 工资基数的60% 满2年但不满4年 工资基数的70% 满4年但不满6年 工资基数的80% 满6年但不满8年 工资基数的90% 满8年以上 工资基数的100% 2、长期病假 员工因病需要连续休息六个月以上的,视为长期病假。员工长期病假期间,工资停发,由公司支付疾病救济费。具体标准如下: 工龄 疾病救济费 不满1年 工资基数的40% 满1年但不满3年 工资基数的50% 满3年及以上的 工资基数的60% 七、工资保密 公司实行严格的工资、奖金保密制度。员工除有权向公司人力资源部或人事部询问和了解有关自己工资、福利的情况外,不得向他人透露自己和他人的工资、福利情况,不得询问、 讨论或传播自己和他人的工资、福利情况。 · 工作时间和休息休假 1、 工作时间 1、公司实行每天8小时、每周40小时、每周5天的工作制。 公司工作日的正常工作时间为上午08:00至下午17:00,其中包括午餐与工休时间。 根据公司经营需要、工作性质及岗位的不同,公司可调整员工的工作时间和休息时间,包括对每周工作及休息时间的调整以及每日工作起始时间的调整。 公司正常工作日的工作时间为实际工作开始到结束的时间。请员工尽可能提前10分钟上岗,以做好准备工作。 员工下班后应整理、清扫工作场地及周围区域,做好5S工作,以便第二天工作。应注意火源及关好门窗,关闭电脑、饮水机、空调及打印机电源。 2、 经主管劳动行政机关批准,公司可以对全部或部分员工实行综合计算工时制、不定时工作制或非全日制用工。具体按《劳动合同法》以及公司有关综合计算工时制、不定时工作制和非全日制用工的规章制度办理。 3、 休息休假及考勤办法 依法享受法律、法规规定的休息、假日和带薪年休假。 (1) 周末休息 公司原则上安排星期六和星期日为周末休息时间。根据公司经营需要、工作性质及岗位的不同,公司可调整员工的每周工作及周末休息时间。 经劳动行政部门批准后实行综合计算工时工作制和不定时工作制的员工,按相应的工作制度安排工作和休息时间。 工人工作班次由主管预先排定,个人如遇特殊情况需调整工作和休息时间,须提前一天向工区主管及生产部经理提出申请,经确认后,方能修改。 (2) 法定假日 公司依法执行国家法定假日制度。具体放假 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,由公司人力资源部事先公布。 (3) 带薪年休假 1、员工享有国家有关法律、法规规定的年休假(简称“法定年休假”)以及公司给予员工的、超出法定年休假天数的年休假(简称“约定年休假”)。 法定年休假的天数严格按国家有关法律、法规的规定确定。约定年休假的天数由公司和员工另行约定。 (4) 病假 1、员工因病需要在工作时间看病时,应按公司规定办理请假手续。 员工因病请假时,须持医院开具的病假单,报本部门经理批准,到公司人力资源部备案。 突发疾病的员工,须在当日上午10:00以前通知所在部门经理和公司人力资源部。员工病愈后上班当天,应补交病假单,补办请假手续。 员工因病需要到外地检查治疗,需符合下列条件方可按病假处理:(1)已到公司指定医院或本市市级医院检查或就诊,公司指定医院或本市市级医院同意其到外地检查治疗,(2)经人事部批准,(3)到外地市级以上医院就诊。 在医疗期连续病休超过一个月的员工,病愈要求复工时,需持医疗部门的复工证明,并经人事部批准方可复工。 2、 员工患病或非因工负伤需要停止工作休息或进行治疗的,根据其在公司的服务年限,享受国家规定的医疗期。具体标准如下:员工在公司工作的第一年,医疗期为三个月,以后工作每满一年,医疗期增加一个月,但不超过二十四个月。员工使用的医疗天数累计计算。 员工在医疗期间的工资待遇,按以上国家和当地有关规定执行。 3、 正常情况下,员工应到公司指定的医疗机构就诊和开具病假单。没有指定医疗机构的,应到市级以上医院就诊和开具病假单,但公司保留派人复核的权利。 女员工符合国家计划生育政策规定怀孕,经医院同意保胎休息的时间按病假处理。 4、 公司给予员工每年一个工作日的带薪病假。员工凭病假条申请带薪病假。员工当年未休完带薪病假的,不再补休,公司也不支付任何补偿。 (5) 婚假 符合法定结婚年龄且在23岁以下的女性员工和在25岁以下的男性员工,均有权享受3日历天带薪婚假; 23岁或以上女性员工和在25岁或以上的男性员工,初婚时可享受10日历天(或按地方要求)带薪晚婚假;晚婚假从领取结婚证之日起一年有效,超过一年不再享受晚婚假(或按地方要求)。 员工只有在试用期满后方可申请婚假,申请时需出具结婚证书并将复印件交人力资源部备案,且应在结婚登记日后一年内一次性休完,否则视为放弃。 (6) 女员工怀孕的安排和产假 (1)上班时间:怀孕的员工必须准时上下班。 (2)孕期检查:怀孕期间的例行身体检查所花费的时间,被视为工作时间;每次须事先请假,并出具相应证明。 (3) 病假:怀孕期间的病假将执行以上第四款关于病假的规定。 (4) 健康许可:一旦员工怀孕7个月,公司不再要求员工加班。公司特别提醒员工: ——为保护员工的身心健康,当员工怀孕7个月以上,如工作许可,经员工申请、公司批准,员工可以申请休产前假。期间,员工工资按员工工资性收入的80%计发。 ——员工怀孕,应避免乘坐飞机、重体力活及其他不适合的工作。 (5) 产假:员工应在决定休产假前的周通知部门经理和人力资源部,以便确定休假天数、上班时间、工作安排、和工作的交接等问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。产假申请也要使用休假申请表,由部门经理签字并由人力资源部备案。 发员工生产,可享受90天的全薪产假。其中之15天为产前假,产后假为75天。为确保员工的安全,预产期前十五天员工开始休产前假,产前假按《中华人民共和国女员工劳动保护规定》不能挪到产后使用。如果员工希望提前休产假,应提出书面申请,经公司批准后方为有效,且最多不应超过预产期前一个月,以确保产后的充分休息。如有其他要求,可申请病假或年休假等。 多胞胎生育者,每多生育一个婴儿,增加产假15天。 如果员工希望在此之前休产假,最多不超过预产期限前一个月,以确保产后的充分休息。如有其他要求,可申请病假或年休假等。 (6) 晚育假:员工首次生育的年龄在/超过25周岁的,可按员工工作所在地政府的相关规定享受晚育假。 (7) 难产假:在提供医院的相关证明属规定的难产情况后,员工可享有十五天的难产假期。 (8) 哺乳:孩子一周岁以前,员工享有每天一小时的哺乳时间。员工工作地点离家很远,可以与公司协商增加一个小时哺乳时间。 女员工生育后,若有困难且工作上许可,由本人申请和公司批准,可请不超过六个半月的哺乳假。期间,员工工资按员工工资性收入的80%计发。 (9) 休息产假的其他情况 女员工妊娠三个月以内自然流产或子宫外孕者,给予产假30天; 妊娠三个月以上七个月以下自然流产者,给予产假45天。 (10) 特别说明:本第7条所述天数均为日历日,即包括双休及国家法定节假日。 女员工在做绝育手术时的假期参照当地的标准执行。 (7) 护理假 男员工的护理假按当地规定执行。 (8) 工伤假 员工因工负伤或患有职业病不能工作,由医疗单位出具证明,经劳动鉴定委员会确定,公司主管劳动安全的部门批准,方可按工伤假处理。员工工伤假期间的待遇按照工伤保险有关规定执行。 (9) 事假 1、 经直接主管批准,员工可以申请无薪事假,原则上以不影响工作前提。 2、 员工在试用期内请事假累计不得超过五天,且试用期相应顺延事假的天数。 试用期后,员工因私请假,应先休年休假,然后再请事假。员工请事假,一个月内累计不得超过五天,一年内累计不得超过十五天。 员工违反本款规定的,按旷工处理。 3、 经提供有效证明并获得公司批准,员工可带薪参加部分社会活动,比如选举等活动。 (10) 丧假 1、 员工的父母、配偶、子女及抚养员工长大的抚养人去世,丧假6天。员工的祖父母、公婆、岳父母去世,无其他子女,确需本人料理丧事的,由本人提出申请,经部门经理及人事部批准,可给丧假6天。工资照发,路费自理。 (11) 请假审批程序 除另有规定外,员工请假的审批程序如下: 1、 请假手续 员工请假须事先填写由人事部统一印发的请假单,三天以内的应经部门领导同意后到人事办理请假手续,将请假单交考勤后,方可离开。特殊情况下,如遇工伤、急病事先不能请假的,应于到岗前三十分钟内,由本人或家属向主管口头请假,事后应补办请假后续,并提供所需证明。假期期满时,应按时返回工作岗位,并及时销假。因特殊情况需要补假时,应在假期满前办理续假手续,否则延期时间按旷工处理。 2、 请假批准权限 员工请假在两天以内的(包括两天),由各部门领导批准,三天以上须经人事部经理复核批准,十天以上须经公司总经理批准,然后到人事部办理手续。各部门经理请假需经公司总经理批准,然后到人事部办理请假手续。 · 保险福利 公司根据国家和公司福利制度的规定,向员工提供各种福利和补贴。希望在此良好的福利制度下,员工无后顾之忧,全心全意发挥所能,开辟个人事业前程。 1、 社会保险 公司向员工提供下列社会保险: (1) 养老保险; (2) 失业保险; (3) 工伤保险; (4) 医疗保险; (5) 生育保险; 公司按国家及地方政府的标准为员工缴纳以上保险项目的保险费用。除非公司另有规定,上述保险中依法应由员工自己缴纳的保险费部分,由公司从员工的工资中代扣代缴。 · 劳动合同的变更、解除和终止 1、 劳动合同的变更 1、《劳动合同法》第三十三条、第三十四条和第三十五条析规定动作,同样适用于公司和员工 之间劳动合同的变更。 2、员工患病或非因公负伤在规定的医疗期后不能从事原工作,公司可以另行安排员工的工作。员工不能胜任工作,公司可以调整员工工作岗位,或者安排员工参加培训。公司按前述规定另行安排员工的工作,或者调整员工工作岗位的,员工工资按调整后的岗位工资标准确定。员工被安排参加培训的,其工资在培训期间不变。 3、劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化而致使劳动合同无法履行,或者公司转产、重大技术革新或经营方式调整,公司可以提出变更劳动合同。  4、双方同意,双方按《劳动合同法》第四十条第(三)款的规定,劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,双方可以协商变更劳动合同。  5、按本章第一条变更劳动合同的程序如下: (1)公司员工提出变更劳动合同通知书,载明建议变更劳动合同的内容、双方协商的时间地点; (2)员工按约定的时间和地点与公司协商。 员工没有按约定的时间和地点与公司协商又没有事先将理由通知公司的,视为员工不同意变更劳动合同。 (3)员工同意变更劳动合同的,双方按同意的结果签署劳动合同变更协议。双方不同意变更劳动合同的,双方签署纪要。员工拒绝签署协商纪要的,经公司工会主席、两名以上(含两名)工会委员或两名以(含两名)职工代表见证有效。 · 劳动合同的解除 1、 劳动合同的解除,按《劳动合同法》三十八条至第四十三条办理。 2、 公司单方面解除劳动合同,应事先将理由通知工会。公司无工会的,应事先将理由通知公司职工代表大会。公司亦无职工代表大会的,应公示告知公司员工。 · 劳动合同的终止 1、 劳动合同的终止,按《劳动合同法》第四十四条和第四十五条办理。 2、 员工患职业病或因工负伤,被确认为完全或者大部分丧失劳动能力的,公司不得终止劳动合同。但经公司与员工协商一致,并且公司按照规定支付伤残就业补助金的,劳动合同也可以终止。 · 经济补偿金 劳动合同解除或终止时,公司应向员工支付经济补偿的,按《劳动合同法》第四十六条和第四十七条办理。 经济补偿由公司通过银行支付到员工的工资卡上。经乙方同意,甲方可以在公司下一个发薪日向乙方支付经济补偿。 员工不辞而别或者不办理工作交接的,公司可以暂扣应付员工的经济补偿,直至员工办结工作交接时为止。员工拖延办理工作交接超过六十(60)天的,视为员工放弃经济补偿。 员工尚欠公司的财物或者应赔偿公司的损失的,公司可以从应付员工的工资、经济补偿和报销中直接抵扣。 · 工作交接、解除或终止劳动合同的手续 1、 劳动合同解除或终止的,员工应在劳动合同解除或终止前办结工作交接,包括: (1)与接替者或公司指定的员工输业务、资料等方面的工作交接手续; (2)归还公司的办公用品、文件、借款和财物,履行《离职清单》的要求; (3)结清与公司的协议,如住房协议、培训协议、贷款协议等。 2、 劳动合同解除或终止的,员工应在劳动合同解除或终止以前办结解除劳动合同的手续,包括: (1)赔偿依法及依据劳动合同应当赔偿公司的损失或应向公司支付的费用; (2)向公司提供其社会保险、公积金和人事档案的转移接收单位的名称和地址。 3、 员工怠于工作交接和办理解除或终止劳动合同的手续,公司有权中止为员工办理解除劳动合同手续,直至员工履行上述义务为止。如果因此给公司造成损失或增加费用,公司有权要求员工赔偿。 如果员工不辞而别,或者员工提供的信息不准确,导致公司无法为其转移社会保险、公积金或者人事档案,公司不承担任何延误责任,员工无权主张在延误期限内其与公司存在任何劳动关系,也无权要求公司赔偿任何损失或支付任何工资、津贴、补贴、福利、社会保险费、或其他费用。 劳动合同解除或终止时,如果员工未能在公司员工手册和其他生效的规章制度规定的时间内还清尚欠公司的借款、资产或其他费用,公司有权用应付未付员工的工资、报销款和经济补偿抵扣。不足抵销的,公司保留继续向员工追偿的权利。 Company management system Recruitment and labor contracts Company recruit employees should follow a principle of open, fair, and choose the best. The company can get employees through open recruitment and inner selection to provide the best and most suitable candidate. However, under the same conditions, the company will give priority to selecting the inner employees. Company encourages employees to recommend outstanding talent to the company. First, conditions of employment 1, applies to all employees hired include: (1) honest character Employees should be honest about their true experience, the health, education, and other information on this situation, to ensure that the proof and materials they submitted are comprehensive, truthful, objective and reliable. If the employees have the experience of corruption, a serious dereliction of duty, or have been subject to administrative punishment, criminal sanctions, re-education through labor, or have been subject to disciplinary action of the original units, or have dissension with the original company or economic disputes, the employees must tell the company in detailed Writing. (2) complete formalities Employees should finished terminating the original labor contract and other procedures with former company and provide proof in accordance with the law. (3) qualified ability Employee should possess the educational background, work experience, professional competence and support capability (for example, are familiar with the use of computers, foreign language ability, etc.) and other special requirements the positions required, and be able to complete the job description provided for the duty. When recruiting employees, the Ministry of Personnel and Human Resources department needs to give its specific requirements. (4) Employee recruited should not have bad reputation or bad behavior recorded; (5) Employee recruited should in good health, they should have no major diseases, infectious diseases or chronic diseases or other diseases which do not meet the recruitment of the position. Second, the labor contract 1, the company will sign "the labor contract" with formally employed employees in accordance with the law. Labor contracts signed by the employee himself, signed by others is invalid. The company signed by the person in charge, following with the company official seal and stamp. After the signing of labor contracts, company should hold two of the original contracts, employees will have an original contract. 2, the type of labor contracts are divided into fixed time limit, no fixed time limit and special duration of labor contracts in order to complete certain tasks. No fixed-term labor contracts signed according to the "Labor Contract Law" by the 14th article. Third, probation 1, company give new recruits probation according to Chinese "Labor Contract Law" probation system. The purpose is to give new employee and company a chance study each other on the work of the new position. Probation time according to the "Labor Contract Law," that is, if the period of the labor contract is more than three months less than one year, the probation period should not exceed one month; if the labor contract period is more than one year is less than three years, the probation period should not more than 2 months; if a fixed labor contract period of more than three years and no fixed term labor contract, the probation period should not exceed six months. special duration of labor contracts In order to complete certain tasks or labor contract period is less than three-months, there should not have probationary period. Probationary period is included in the labor contract period. If labor contract agreed only probation but not set up a probationary period, the probationary period is invalid. Then the duration will be the labor contract period. Labor Payment First, wage system As foreign-invested enterprises, it can enacted its own wage system and appraisal system according to the law and can fix and adjust wages in accordance with its wage system and appraisal system. Second, payment types of the wages for employees 1, payment types of the wages for employees include monthly salaries, the time basis salaries. Every implementation for specific employees should be asserted in the labor contract and agreed by both sides. The normal monthly salary: Company employees will enjoy the monthly salary in accordance with normal attendance and completion of the normal working hours. Time- salary system: salary of employees decided by the standards of work time of the month. Employees work an hour can enjoy one hour time salary calculated by hour salary. Time salary should be stated in the labor contract, agreed by both sides. Piece rate system: the monthly salary of employees decided according to completion the product number and unit price calculation by the piece. Price piece-rate workers in the labor contract stipulated, or agreed by both sides separately. 2, no matter what kind of wages or salaries, wages of employees should not be less than the local city minimum wage. Third, the constitute of employees wages 1, the wages of employees Normally, including on wages, bonuses, overtime pay. 2, the normal monthly salary The implementation of the normal monthly-paid employees, their normal wages include basic pay, allowances and subsidies. The base salary is guaranteed as a basic wage of employees. The implementation of time-wage employees, their normal wages come from their total hourly wage, allowances and subsidies constituted. The implementation of piece rate system employees their normal wages from employees on piece-rate wages for the month of the cumulative, allowances and subsidies constituted. 3, overtime pay Employees working in the statutory holidays, or work overtime, the company paid overtime payment in accordance with the law. 1.5 times the normal overtime, holidays 2 times, 3 times the statutory holidays. Fourth, the payment time of wages 1, the normal monthly salary from the company will not later than every next month 5th, pay employees by bank card. If company have payment system failure or a bank's own capital problem, such as cash flow problems because of special circumstances, the company may defer to pay employees wages, but time will be postponed no more than fifteen (15) days. Company employees will be commissioned to pay wages to the bank, as employees have been paid. Employees’ wages is pre-tax wages. Employees should pay personal income tax in accordance with the law by the company from paying withholding of wages. If the employee left the company, current monthly salary will pay (for departure is before the company payroll date) within current month on time or next month(for departure is after payroll date). Delayed wages payment issue should be borne on employee if the employees do not carry out procedures. Fifth, the wage adjustment 1, the annual performance appraisal Every first half year Company will assess employees by the last year's performance. whether the employees wage should be adjusted or not will decided by performance appraisal and evaluation and the economic situation of the company. According to the appraisal system and wage system, the last year's performance and work performance can determine whether employees wage to be adjusted or not, as well as wage adjustment range. 2, general adjustment According to the company and its wage system, combining economic efficiency of companies and local floating price index, company can determine whether to give employees wage adjustments or not, as well as wage adjustment range. 3, position payment adjustment Employees’ positions adjustment should be followed with position payment adjustment in order to make sure their salary or hourly wages correspond to the new position wage of the company. If employee’s work intensity be changed, their hourly wages or piece-rate wages should be adjusted by the company. Sixth, sick leave payment Employees shall have the right to get sick payment. Specific provisions are as follows: 1, general sick leave In the general sick leave, sick pay according to the following provisions: Less than 2-years working time get 60% of salary Over 2-years less than 4-years working time get 70% of salary Over 4-years less than 6-year working time get 80% of salary over 6 years less than 8-year working time get 90% of salary Over 8 years working time get 100% of salary 2, the long-term sick leave Employees’ illness need to rest for six months or more, is a long-term sick leave. Employees’ long-term sick leave wages suspended by the company but should pay disease relief fees. Specific provisions are as follows: Less than 1-year working time get 40% of salary Over 1-year less than 3-years working time get 50% of salary Over 8 years working time get 60% of salary Seven, wage secrecy The company has strict salary, bonuses secrecy. In addition to company employees have the right to ask the Ministry of Personnel and Human Resources or learn more about their own wages and welfare cases, they should not be disclosed to others, and shall not ask or discuss other people's wages, welfare, etc. working hours and rest time First, working hours 1, the company introduced 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, 5 days a week working system. The normal working hours are from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm, including breaks and lunch hours. According to the company needs, and the nature of the work of different positions, the company can adjust employee’s working hours and rest periods, including every week work and rest periods, as well as the adjustment of the daily work starting time of adjustment. The company's normal working hours are the actual work start to finish. Please employees as much as possible ahead of a 10-minute job to prepare for work. After finishing work, employees should clean-up sites in and around the region, to do a good job in order to work the next day. They should be noted the source of the fire and close doors and windows, turn off the computer, drinking fountains, air-conditioning and power printers. 2, with the approval of the executive of labor government, company can implement full time working, to work irregular or non-full-time working. About these rules and regulations, company can carry out according to rules and regulations of specific "Labor Contract Law". Third, rest, leave and attendance Employees shall have the right to have rest, holidays and paid annual leave according to laws and regulations. (A) Weekend rest According to Company’s arrangements, in principle, Saturdays and Sundays are the weekend break. According to the company needs, and the nature of the work of different positions, the company can adjust employees how to work every week and weekend breaks. After the approval of the executive of labor government, full working hours employees and irregular working employees can rest according to the system of work and rest time. Employees’ working time is decided by director in advance, if individuals need to change the exceptional work and rest periods, should bring forward application one day ahead of schedule to related manager, after confirmation, can be modified. (B) Statutory holidays Company can constitute statutory holidays regulation In accordance with the law's implementation of the national statutory holidays system. Specific holiday plans, announced in advance by the Human Resources Department. (C) Annual paid leave 1, Employees should enjoy annual paid leave ( "statutory annual paid leave ") according to the relevant national laws and regulations, as well as extra paid leave ( " agreed annual paid leave ")given by company that exceed the statutory annual leave days. The number of days of statutory holidays in will be determined accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations. Number of days of agreed annual paid leave will be determined by separate agreement. (D) sick leave 1, employees need to seek medical treatment due to illness, they should ask for leave according to company procedures. Employees want to take leave due to illness, should hold the report issued by the hospital's, with the approval of the department managers, then reported by human resources department. The sudden illness of employees should inform department managers and human resources department before 10:00 am that day. Employees should supplement an ask for leave list at the same day when they start to work after their recovery. Employees need to go out-of-town to get treatment due to illness, need to meet the following requirements so that it is a sick leave: (1) they have been to company designated hospitals in the city or municipal hospital or clinic, and designated hospital in the city or municipal hospitals agree them to go out-of-town to get Checkup and treatment, (2) approved by the Ministry of Personnel, (3) to go higher level hospital for treatment. Continuous medical sickness more than a month, recovered and resumed work requirements, have to held health prove for return to work of hospitals before the approval by the Ministry of Personnel. 2, employees get ill because of working or during working, when need to stop working or break for treatment, the health care period they will enjoy will be decided by the time they work for the company. Specific regulation are as follows: Company employees in the first year of work, will have medical care period of three months, work in the company more than one year, one month medical care period increased for each year, but no more than twenty-four months. Number of days of the medical care will be calculated by cumulative days. Employees’ salary during the medical care time will be decided according to the above national and local regulations. 3, under normal circumstances, employees should be appointed to the company's medical institutions and get medical certification of sick leave alone. No designated medical institutions should go to the municipal hospital or higher level hospital to get prove, but company retains the right to review and check. Female employees if in line with the national policy of family planning pregnancy, their hospital agreed rest will be regard as sick leave. 4, company will give one paid sick leave day for each employee each year. Employees have to apply for paid sick leave with sick leave rules. Employees did not use paid sick leave, or did not use out, the company wll not pay any compensation. (E) marriage In line with the legal age for marriage, women employees under 23 years old, and male employees under 25 years old. They are entitled to 3 calendar days of paid marriage leave; female workers, 23 years of age or older and male employees 25-year-old or older, their first marriage can enjoy 10 calendar days (or) late marriage paid leave; late marriage paid leave will valid for one year from the date of receiving marriage certificate, one year Later their marriage no longer be eligible for late marriage paid leave (or decide according to local requirements). Employees only after the expiration of the probation before they can apply for marriage leave, when they apply for, a should to be showed and a copy of it should be kept by Human Resources for record, and marriage leave should be enjoyed one-time and within one year after getting the marriage certificate, or else give up. (F) the pregnant of female employees and maternity leave (1) Working hours: a pregnant employee must be start or stop work on time. (2) Hospital inspection during pregnancy: pregnancy during a routine medical check-up, the time it takes will be regarded as working hours; each time leave have to ask in advance and issue corresponding proof. (3) sick leave: sick leave during pregnancy will be the implementation of the above 4 on sick leave. (4) Health permit: Once 7 months pregnant employees, the company no longer require employees to work overtime. Company remind employees: - To protect the physical and mental health of employees, when the employees more than 7 months of pregnancy, such as work permits, the employees application, the approval of the company, employees can apply for pre-holiday break. During the rest, wages and salaries of employees in accordance with 80% of wage total income. - Pregnant employees should be avoided of plane travel, heavy labor and other unsuitable work. (5) Maternity leave: The employee on maternity leave should be decided weeks ago to inform the department managers and human resources in order to determine the number of days on leave, working hours, work plan, work handover, etc. To apply for maternity leave have to use the application form, signed by the Human Resources Manager for the record. If employees give birth to baby, they can enjoy 90 days of maternity leave on full pay. One the 15-day leave for prenatal and postnatal leave for 75 days. In order to ensure the safety of employees, they can leave 15 days before the employees’ pre-natal, pre-natal leave in accordance with "the People's Republic of female workers labor protection" can not be moved to for use. If employees wish to leave ahead of schedule, should submit a written application for approval, this will be valid after the approval. But in order to ensure the post-partum rest, should not be earlier than one month. For other requirements , they may apply for sick leave or annual leave, and so on. Multiple birth one time, each additional birth of a baby, maternity leave will increase for 15 days. If employees would like to leave before, with a maximum period of one month before the birth, in order to ensure the full post-natal rest. For other requirements may apply for sick leave or annual leave, and so on. (6) Late birth leave: employees for the first time in maternity at / more than 25 years of age, may enjoy late birth leave according to the relevant provisions of the local government of employees. (7) dystocia birth: a difficult labor situation employees are entitled to 15 days of difficult labor holiday according to proof and the relevant provisions provided by hospital. (8) Breast-feeding: the baby before one year old, employees enjoy a daily one-hour breast-feeding time. If Employees work far from home, they can consult with the company to increase breast-feeding time for another hour. After the birth of female employees, if difficulties have and work permits, they can apply for extra Breast-feeding leave, but the leave is no more than six and a half months of breast-feeding. During this period, wages and salaries of employees in accordance with the 80%total wage income. (9) Other cases of maternity leave Female employees get pontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy within three months of pregnancy s, maternity leave to give 30 days; More than three months less than seven months of pregnancy, if employees get spontaneous abortion, should get maternity leave of 45 days. (10) Special Note: We mentioned of the number of days is days on the calendar in (7), which includes weekends and National Holiday. Female employees during sterilization operation, the holiday will be decided by the local standards. (G) Care leave Male employees nursing leave will be decided by local regulations. (H) working injury leave Working injured employees can not work or suffering from occupational diseases, with medical certificates, identification of work of the Committee and approval of company safety manager, they can get leave as work-related injuries. During the holidays of Employee’s work-related injuries, the treatment will be in accordance with relevant regulations of the treatment of industrial injury insurance. (I) private leave 1, employees can apply for unpaid leaves by the direct approval of the director, in principle, the leave should not affect the work. 2, employees during the probation period, total leave will no more than five days, and accordingly postponed the probation period of leave days. After the probation period, employee’s private leave, should use annual rest leave, and then ask for leave. Private leave of employees, a total of no more than five days a month, a total of no more than 15 days one year. Employees in violation of the provisions of this paragraph will be regard as absence. 3, with valid proof and approved by the company, employees can participate in some social activities as paid leave, such as elections and other activities. (X) Bereavement leave 1, employees can get 6-day bereavement leave if their parents, spouses, dependent children pass away. Employees’ grandparents, parents-in-law, the death of the wife's parents, if died person have no other child, employees need to take care of the funeral, with application to the manager and approved by the Ministry of Personnel, employees have 6-day bereavement leave. This is Paid leave, the travel cost borne by themselves. (K) approval process to take leave Unless otherwise specified, the employees’ leave approval procedures are as follows: 1, leave procedures ’ leave paper should to be filled out in advance; the unified leave paper is issued by the Ministry of Personnel, leave within three days should be agreed by heads of department personnel to finish procedures for leave before leaving. Under Special circumstances, the case of work-related injuries, acute disease can not apply in advance should be applied by themselves or their family members three minutes before work, or by oral messages, they should re-submit application after the leave, and provide the necessary proof. Expiry of holidays, when Employees return to work, they should terminate rest leave in time. Necessary extra extension leave application should be submitted before leave, or will be regarded as absence. 2, the authority of approved leave Employees take less than two days (including a two-day)leave, can approved by manager of the department, more than three days leave should be approved by personnel manager for review after the approval, more than ten days leave subject to the approval of the General Manager, then to the Ministry of Personnel to complete the formalities. The department managers’ leave should subject to the approval of general manager, then go to the Ministry of Personnel to complete the procedures. insurance and welfare According to the company and the country's welfare system, company should provide a variety of benefits and welfare for employees. Company hope that a good welfare system can free employees to dedicated to play their best to do business for company. First, Social Security Company provides social security to employees in following: (1) endowment insurance; (2) unemployment insurance; (3) employment injury insurance; (4) medical insurance; (5) maternity insurance; Company should pay more the cost of insurance coverage mentioned above for employees according to the State and local governments’ standards. Unless otherwise provided in the company, part of the insurance cost which should be paid by employees in accordance with the law can be paid by company from wage withholding. The changes, termination of the labor contract First, the labor contract changes 1, "Labor Contract Law," the 33rd, 34th and the 35th article also applies to the labor contracts change between the company and the employees. 2, employees get sickness or injury can not be engaged in the original work after health care, the company can arrange another position for them. Employees are not capable of present work, companies can adjust employees to do other work or participate in the arrangements for employees training. on the basis of the foregoing provisions of arrangements or adjusting for the employees, wages adjusting should be followed according to new positions. Employees are scheduled to participate in training; their wages still keep as same as before during the training period. 3, Some objective circumstances led to significant changes so that the labor contract can not be fulfilled, or company products changing, a major technological innovation or business restructuring, the company can change the labor contracts. 4, On the condition of both sides agreed, if the labor contract can not be fulfilled because of the significant changes in objective circumstances, the labor contract can be changed in accordance with the "Labor Contract Law," the 40th paragraph (c). 5, according to the first chapter of this part, the labor contract changes procedures are as follows: (1) Employees apply the company to change the labor contract, should set out the proposed changes to labor contracts, the time and place; (2) Employees make consultation with the company in accordance with the agreed time and place. If employees did not make consultations with company in certain place in certain time and did not inform company, that will be regarded as employees do not agree to change the labor contracts. (3) employees agreed to change the labor contract, an agreement can be signed to change the labor contract according to the outcome with both sides agreed. Both sides can sign a record if both sides do not agree to change the labor contract. Employees refused to sign the record of consultations, it will become effective by witness of the union's President and more than two committee members (including two), or two representative (including two). Cancel of the labor contract 1, the cancel of the labor contract, carried out according to the "Labor Contract Law" to 38 for the 43rd article. 2, the company’s unilaterally cancel of the labor contract should be notified to the trade union before cancel. Nonunion companies should inform the company General Assembly. No General Assembly company should inform employees in public. termination of labor contracts 1, the termination of labor contracts, carried out according to the "Labor Contract Law" and the 44th for the 45th article. 2, Working injured employees or employees suffering from occupational diseases, if they are recognized as full or most of the loss of the ability to work, company is not allowed to terminate labor contracts. However, after consultations with employees, labor contracts can be terminated on the condition that the company provide payment of grants for the disabled in employment. Economic compensation To cancel or terminate labor contracts, the company should pay financial compensation for employees according to the "Labor Contract Law" the 46th and 47th article. Company should pay financial compensation to their employees by bank account to their employees’ bank cards. With both sides Agreed, company can pay financial compensation to employees in the next pay day. Employees left without announcement or did make handover; the company can withhold the economic compensation of employees until employees finished the handover. Delayed handover more than 60 (60) days will be regarded as employees give up financial compensation. Employees owed company property or need to compensate for the company's losses, the company can get direct deductions from the salaries, financial compensation or travel reimbursement of their employees. Work handover, cancel or termination of the labor contract procedures 1, the cancel or the termination of labor contracts, employees should finish work handover before cancel or termination of labor contracts, including: (1) Make handover procedures to next people or designated employee on business, information etc. (2) Return the company's office supplies, documents, loan and property, fill out "a clear list "; (3) Clear agreement with the company, such as housing, training agreement, the loan agreement, and so on. 2, the cancel or the termination of labor contracts, employees should finish labor contract procedures before cancel or termination of labor contracts, including: (1) Compensate company for the loss or payment they should pay in accordance with the law and labor contracts; (2) Provide receiver and address of social insurance, public fund and personnel file to help finish the transfer. 3, if employees are slack with the procedures of cancel or termination of labor contracts, company has the right to suspend employees for labor contracts procedures until the employees to fulfill the obligations of the above. Therefore, if these procedures increase the cost of the company, company has the right to demand compensation from employees. If the employees left without announcement, or provide inaccurate information, which lead company can not transfer their social insurance, provident fund or personnel files, the company bears no responsibility for the delay. The employees have no right to keep labor relations with company during the delayed deadline, also have no right to ask the company to pay compensation for any loss or any wages, allowances, subsidies, welfare, social insurance, or other charges. When the cancel or termination of labor contracts is finished, if employees have not pay off the company's outstanding loans, assets or other charges in stipulated time according to the company manual and other rules and regulations, the company has the right to get deductions from the employees’ unpaid wages, travel reimbursement or financial compensation. If it is insufficient to offset, company to retain the right to ask employees for compensation. THANKS !!! 致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 等等 打造全网一站式需求 欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考
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