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《傲慢与偏见》英语论文开题报告《傲慢与偏见》英语论文开题报告 II. Significance and Emphasis As the second daughter of her family, Elizabeth had to deal with the many discomforts of being a daughter of five. Though Elizabeth loved her sisters dearly, she found it difficult not to see the differences b...

《傲慢与偏见》英语论文开题 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 II. Significance and Emphasis As the second daughter of her family, Elizabeth had to deal with the many discomforts of being a daughter of five. Though Elizabeth loved her sisters dearly, she found it difficult not to see the differences between them, and in turn, each of their actions contributed to her perspective of her family. One sister in particular, Miss Lydia Bennet, caused Elizabeth the greatest concern. Lydia was a self-willed and careless individual that cared only about men and marriage. As one of the youngest sisters, Lydia felt neglected from the opportunities her eldest sisters received. In turn, Lydia became the flirt of the family, causing embarrassment not only to herself, but as well to her family. When Lydia eloped to London, Elizabeth feared that the source of her behavior was derived from the negative behavior of her parents. ster, whom she shared a very close friendship with. Besides the faults of some of Elizabeth's sisters, one of the biggest faults of their family was the relationship between her father, Mr. Bennet, and her mother, Mrs. Bennet: she had never felt as strongly as now, the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage. Though Elizabeth loved her father dearly, she was unable to be blind to the impropriety of her father's behavior as a husband. Elizabeth loved her mother and was appreciative of her mother’s concerns, but Elizabeth was also not blind to her mother’s intentions. After Mrs. Bonnet’s desperate attempt to get her to marry Mr. Collins, Elizabeth became fully aware of her mother’s self indulgent intentions, fore Mrs. Bennet was seeking a man who would either allow her to remain at Longbourn or would bring fortune into the Bennet family. Elizabeth on the other hand was nothing like her mother; fore Elizabeth sought love and romance as her basis of marriage. Therefore, through her and her mother’s differences, Elizabeth was left with disappointment. Through the series of events the Bennet family encountered, Elizabeth began to perceive each member of her family from a different angle, and in turn, began to accept her family’s faults. After this realization, she was not only able to start accepting the faults of her family, but she was able to start accepting her own faults as well. III. Brief Statement This thesis intends to probe into the four couple’s love and marriages in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice through analyzing Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs in Humanistic Psychology: The combination of Wickham and Lydia is absolute an impulse of “Physiological Needs”. Marriage of Collins and Charlotte mainly meets “Physiological Needs” and “Safety Needs” while e He Shenying. 2001. A Perfect Marriage Wants True love as well as Money. Yuxi: Journal of YuXi Teacher Collage. Sampson, George. 1988. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature. London: Cambridge Universit. [10]奥斯汀(Austen, J),雷立美 译,2003,《傲慢与偏见》,海口:南方出版社。 [12]傅俊,2002,《试论简 奥斯汀的现实主义和女性视角》,镇江:镇江高专学报04期。 [14]辛淑兰,2006,《超越傲慢和偏见》,天津:天津师范大学出版社。 [16]朱虹,1985,《奥斯汀研究》,北京:中国文联出版公司。
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