首页 15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生

15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生


15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生 不计恩仇 【日本】菊池宽 黄悦生 译 一 市九郎没躲开主人砍来的这一刀,左边脸颊到下颚被砍了一下,虽然伤得不重。 他已经意识到自己犯下的罪孽——他和主人的爱妾勾搭上了,虽说是对方挑逗在先,但这个罪行还是不可饶恕的,必受严惩。所以当主人挥刀砍来时,他也只是一味躲闪,无意反抗。当然,因一时糊涂而丢了性命的话太不值,能逃还是得逃的。主人斥责他之不义,挥刀砍来,他便顺手拿起旁边的烛台,挡开锋利的刀刃。主人虽说已年近五十,可是体格依然强壮,这么接二连三砍下来,自己又不能还手,终...

15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生
15299-菊池宽 不计恩仇 黄悦生 不计恩仇 【日本】菊池宽 黄悦生 译 一 市九郎没躲开主人砍来的这一刀,左边脸颊到下颚被砍了一下,虽然伤得不重。 他已经意识到自己犯下的罪孽——他和主人的爱妾勾搭上了,虽说是对方挑逗在先,但这个罪行还是不可饶恕的,必受严惩。所以当主人挥刀砍来时,他也只是一味躲闪,无意反抗。当然,因一时糊涂而丢了性命的话太不值,能逃还是得逃的。主人斥责他之不义,挥刀砍来,他便顺手拿起旁边的烛台,挡开锋利的刀刃。主人虽说已年近五十,可是体格依然强壮,这么接二连三砍下来,自己又不能还手,终于招架不住,左边脸颊上挨了一刀。 一见到血,市九郎立刻就红了眼,像一头被斗牛士刺伤的公牛一样,变得狂躁起来。心想:反正是一死,还哪管什么人情世故、主仆之分,平时所敬重的主人,眼下却只不过是一头动物——一头凶残的动物,要取自己性命。于是市九郎开始奋然迎战,转守为攻,他“嗨”地大喝一声,把手中的烛台向对方脸上猛扔过去。主人三郎兵卫见市九郎只招架不还手,有点大意,一时躲闪不及,被扔过来的烛台一角狠狠击中了右眼。市九郎见他后退,便拔出短刀,冲上前去。 “你竟敢还手~”三郎兵卫怒不可遏。市九郎没作声,趁势砍过去。主人抡起近三尺长的大刀,和市九郎厮杀起来,长刀短刀激烈地对砍了两三下。 主仆两人杀红了眼。战至十多回合,主人的长刀施展不出来,刀锋有好几次划过低矮的顶棚,被对方抢占了上风。他见势不妙,想退到空阔的室外,便往后退了几步,来到走廊外。趁着他后退的空当,市九郎又逼上前来。主人气急败坏地大喝一声,挥刀砍下去。可是因为过于急躁,这刀落在了走廊和客厅之间的门框上,砍进去两三寸之深。 “这下坏了~”三郎兵卫正往外拔刀时,市九郎趁势一个箭步抢上前,照着对方侧腹一刀横砍下去。 看着主人倒下的瞬间,市九郎一下清醒了。刚才被血性冲昏了的头脑一旦冷静下来,才意识到自己犯下了弑主之罪,心头涌起悔恨与惊恐,一下瘫倒在地。 此时已过初更。因为正房和其他房间相隔较远,所以只有住在正房里的丫鬟们目睹了这场骇人的格斗,而其他人好像还不知道。丫鬟们个个吓得魂不附体,躲在房里,浑身直打哆嗦。 市九郎陷入了深深的悔恨之中。自己虽然是个混混儿,是个浪荡的年轻武士,可却从未做过什么坏事,至于犯下这种十恶不赦的弑主大罪,更是想都没想过。他拿起了沾满鲜血的短刀。私通主人爱妾,将受惩处时,却反而把主人给杀了,这事无论怎么想自己都一无是处。他瞅了一眼主人那还在抖动的尸体,暗暗打定了主意要自行了断。 instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 这时,忽然听到隔壁房间里有人如释重负似的对他说:“哎呀,刚才可吓死我了,不知会落得怎样下场,还怕你被砍成两段后就轮到我呢。我一直躲在那屏风后边看,气也不敢出,幸亏你干得漂亮。事到如今,一刻都不能再犹豫啦,赶紧顺手拿点儿值钱的就跑吧。趁着他们还没发现,赶快跑呀~乳母和丫鬟她们正在厨房里直哆嗦呢,我过去让她们别慌里慌张地吵嚷,马上回来。你赶紧去找些值钱的东西。快~”声音确乎在发颤。她以女人所特有的坚定抑制住颤抖,强装镇定。 市九郎本来还处于六神无主的慌乱中,听那女人这么一说,便回过神来。他站起身,走到客厅里的桐木橱柜前,开始搜寻起来。他这么做似乎并非出于自己意愿,而只是一个依言行事的傀儡而已。他拉开抽屉到处翻找,弄得雪白的木纹上满是血污手印。 那女人正是主人的爱妾阿弓。她去厨房安顿完众丫鬟回来时,市九郎才刚找到一个装着五两碎银的包裹。阿弓见了,说道:“才那么一点钱,管什么用呀。”边说,自己也动手翻箱倒柜,最后甚至把放铠甲的箱子都搜过了,却连一个子儿也没找着。 “这人可是吝啬得出了名的,怕早把钱藏进坛子、埋到地底下去了吧。”阿弓悻悻地说着,挑了些看似值钱的衣服和小药盒,麻利地收进包袱里。 就这样,这对奸夫淫妇离开了浅草田原町直属武士中川三郎兵卫的府宅。时值安永三年初秋。三郎兵卫的独子实之助年仅三岁,正躺在乳母怀中熟睡,并不知父亲已经死于非命。 二 市九郎和阿弓逃离江户后,为了避人耳目,故意不走东海道,而是沿东山道往京都方向逃去。 市九郎因犯下弑主之罪,时常受良心谴责。然而,茶馆女佣出身的阿弓却不以为耻,一见到市九郎愁眉苦脸,便说:“反正罪已经犯下了,再这么闷闷不乐也不是个事儿呀,还不如壮起胆子,好好活下去。”她还不停地怂恿他做坏事。 从信州走到木曾林地的客栈时,两人的盘缠已经所剩无几了,穷困潦倒之下,不得不干起坏事来。既是男女两人配合,最容易设的莫过于美人计了。起初,他们便用此法,在信州到尾州的沿途客栈,抢夺过往商人和农民的钱财。市九郎开始干这勾当是因受了阿弓的百般教唆,可是后来他也变得以此为乐了。被劫的商人和农民见市九郎一副浪荡武士模样,都很顺从,不敢反抗。 随着打劫手段渐渐得心应手,市九郎便从美人计改为更简单省事的敲诈勒索,最后,竟发展到杀人越货,甚至觉得这是一项正当营生。 不久,两人在信浓和木曾之间的鸟居岭定居下来,白天开茶馆,晚上当强盗。对于这样的营生,市九郎已经心安理得。他专挑那些看似有钱的路人下手,劫杀后再将尸体收拾妥当了。一年只需干个三四次,便足够维持全年的生活。 这是他们逃出江户的第三年春天。因北国大名赴江户幕府执勤,有两支队列途经木曾路,所以附近instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 一带的客栈都罕见地变得热闹起来。特别是近日,从信州以及越后、越中过来参拜伊势神宫的游客络绎不绝,其中有不少是从京都到大阪去游玩的。市九郎打算从他们当中找两三人下手,这样一年的生活费就有着落了。 木曾路上,夹杂在杉柏丛中盛开的野樱花开始凋谢。黄昏时分,市九郎的茶馆里来了一男一女两名旅客,显然是一对夫妇。男的三十开外,女的大约二十三四岁,看样子像是信州的富农。小俩口轻松出行,没带仆从。 市九郎见两人这身打扮,便决计要将他俩当作今年的牺牲品。 “到前方客栈,应该不太远吧,”那男的在市九郎的茶馆前,一边问一边系鞋带。市九郎正要回答,阿弓从厨房里走出来,说道:“是呀,下了这道岭,还不到四里路呢。请稍为歇歇脚再走吧。”一听这话,市九郎马上会意了,知道阿弓是想让自己按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 行事。——到前方林地的客栈其实还有十多二十里路,他们故意骗说没多远,让旅客放松警惕,然后趁着夜黑之时抄近道到客栈路口处伏击。——这是市九郎惯用的伎俩。 那男的听信了阿弓的话,说道:“那就喝杯茶再走吧。”女的摘下红丝带斗笠,挨着她男人坐下。——抢劫计划的第一步已经得逞了。 夫妇俩在茶馆里休息了一会儿,稍解爬山的疲乏,然后付了茶钱,往小木曾山谷方向走下山岭去。远处暮色苍茫,紫霞弥漫。 看着两人身影消失后,阿弓打了个手势,市九郎便把短刀往腰间一插,快步尾随而去,仿佛猎人追捕猎物一般。他从大路向右拐入一条崎岖的近道,沿着木曾川急匆匆地往前赶。 市九郎来到林地客栈前那条林荫路时,春天长日已尽,初十前后的月亮从木曾山那边升起,淡淡白光下,木曾群山隐约可见。 市九郎躲在沿路生长的柳树丛中,静静地等候着,心想:这小俩口儿正踏上幸福之旅,却要惨遭我毒手„„不由觉得自己罪孽深重。可是,若计划半途而废、空手回去的话,对阿弓又恐不好交待,他已经身不由己了。 他不忍心杀这夫妇俩,只希望自己一恐吓,对方便能乖乖地交出盘缠和衣物。倘若如此,自己决不伤其性命。 刚打定主意,便看到那对夫妇正从大路向这边快步走来。两人互相搀扶着,没有说话,显然已经走得疲惫不堪,因为下山的路要比预计远得多。 两人走近茂密的柳树丛时,市九郎猛地跳出来,站在路中间,大声恐吓——这些话之前已经说过多次,颇为熟练。这时,那男的却拔出短刀,把妻子护在身后,摆出一副拼命的架势。市九郎有些措手不及,但他随即厉声喝道:“嘿,过路人,敢反抗的话,我就要你的命~我不杀你们,乖乖地把钱和衣服交出来,然后快滚~” instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 对方目不转睛地盯着他的脸,说道:“咦,你不就是刚才那茶馆的掌柜吗,”说罢,便猛扑过来。市九郎心想:完了,既然自己被认出来,为求自保,那这两人就不能留活口啦~ 市九郎巧妙地拨开对方狠命劈来的短刀,顺势一刀砍在他脖子上。他女人见状,像一下昏过去似的瘫倒在路边,瑟瑟发抖。 放了又会危及自身,于是趁着刚杀了那男的,杀气犹存,便举起沾满血的刀,市九郎不忍心杀她,可 走到那女人身边。那女人双手合十,哀求饶命。市九郎被她眼睛直勾勾地盯着,实在下不了手,然而,还是非杀不可。此时,他仍心存贪念,怕女人那身衣服被刀割破了可惜,于是取下挂在腰间的手巾,将她勒死。 杀完两人,市九郎才突然感到一种杀人的恐惧,一刻都不愿逗留,赶紧夺了两人的钱袋和衣服,便慌忙离去。他至今已经杀死过十余人,不过大都是白发苍苍的老人和商人之类,杀死这么一对年轻夫妇却还是头一次。 回家路上,他深受良心谴责。一进家门,他立刻将劫来的衣服和钱财扔给阿弓,仿佛仍过去一堆肮脏东西。阿弓慢悠悠地数起钱来。钱比估计的要少,只有二十两多一点儿。 阿弓拿起那女人的衣服,说:“嘿,是件黄底子的丝绸和服,加件绉纱衬衣。对了,这女人的头饰呢,弄哪儿去了,”她像责问似的回头看市九郎。 “头饰,~”市九郎只回答了半截。 “是啊,头饰呢,既然身穿这么高贵的丝绸和绉纱,那头上戴的梳子和簪子又怎会有假,之前那女人摘下斗笠时我瞥了一眼来着,准是全套玳瑁头饰哟。”阿弓咄咄逼人地说。 市九郎一时语塞,他做梦也没想过要去剥夺那死人的头饰。 “唉,你不会忘了拿吧,要是玳瑁头饰的话,肯定能值七八两银子呢。你又不是刚出来混的小毛贼了~杀人图个啥呀,穿得这样体面的女人,你把人都杀了,却居然没留意到她头上的东西,你呀,干这行多久了,真是个没出息的毛贼~你说话呀~”阿弓气势汹汹地冲着市九郎直嚷。 市九郎心里正为杀了那对年轻夫妇而懊悔不已,现在更是被阿弓这番话深深刺痛了。作为盗贼,忘取头饰应算一种失手或是无能,可他却对此毫无悔意。正因为对杀那两人抱有罪恶感,下手时心慌意乱,才完全忘了那女人还戴着值近十两银子的头饰。直到现在,他也没因忘取头饰而后悔。虽然自己沦落为强盗,为利欲所驱而杀人,但尚未堕落成一个敲骨吸髓的恶魔——想到这点,心中稍感宽慰。然而,阿弓身为女人,目睹自己同类惨遭杀害,便将死者贴身衣服当作战利品展览,这样仍不能满足贪欲,还要觊觎那从恶人市九郎眼皮底下漏掉的头饰。——想到这里,他顿觉阿弓的卑鄙无耻实在不堪忍受。 阿弓一点儿都没觉察到市九郎心里发生了如此剧变,还对他说:“喂,你赶紧再跑一趟吧。好不容易到手的东西,还客气什么,”她得意洋洋,仿佛觉得自己的话很有道理似的。 可是,市九郎却默不作声。 instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. “哎哟,我给你挑挑刺,你还不乐意啦。你真的不肯去吗,你就打算眼睁睁地错过这近十两银子的意外之财,”阿弓连声催促。 市九郎一向在阿弓面前唯唯诺诺,可是眼下他的内心却陷入一片混乱,顾自沉思,甚至对阿弓的话充耳不闻。 “我再怎么说你也不肯去的咯,那好,我去。在哪儿,还是那个老地方吗,”阿弓说道。 市九郎开始对她感到厌恶不堪,倒恨不得她快点儿离开,就吐出一句:“你知道的嘛,老地方,在林地客栈前的松树丛那里。” “那我跑一趟吧,好在今晚有月光,外面挺亮的。看你干的蠢事~”阿弓一边说,一边掖起裙摆,趿拉着拖鞋跑出去了。 市九郎看着她背影,心中充满了鄙夷之情。这个女人血红着眼睛跑出去,只为了剥夺死人的头饰——而自己竟曾经爱过这个女人。这么一想,心中不由得倍感凄苦。每当自己干坏事,即便是在残忍地杀人越货之时,却常常因为身在其中而很少感到自己无耻,这真是不可思议。而一旦别人干坏事,自己冷眼旁观时,那人的残酷和无耻就会历历在目,一览无遗。自己豁出性命得到的女人,现在却为区区十两八两银子的玳瑁头饰,置女性之端庄于不顾,犹如饿狼扑食般直奔女尸而去——见此情形,市九郎实在是一刻也不愿再和这个女人一起,不愿在这个充满罪恶的家里呆下去。这时,他又回想起自己所做过的罪孽之事,不由得心如刀绞。被勒死的女人的眼神,倒在血泊中的蚕丝商人的呻吟,被一刀砍倒的白发老人的惨叫„„都一一浮现出来,拷问着他的良心。他想赶紧逃离自己的过去,甚至想逃离自身,至于阿弓这个万恶之源的女人,就更是唯恐避之不及了。他毅然站起身来,用包袱包了两三件衣服,将刚从夫妇俩夺来的钱袋揣进怀里当作盘缠,也没整理行装,便冲出了门外。刚跑出十多二十米远时,他忽然意识到自己所拿的钱财和衣服全都是打劫所获,于是猛地折回去,将那包袱和钱袋用尽全力扔在门框上。 为了避开阿弓,他专挑崎岖难行的山路,沿着木曾川疾走,漫无目的,只是想逃离这个罪恶之地,逃得越远越好。 三 市九郎在荒山野岭里狂奔,一口气跑了近两百里路。次日午后,他跑进了美浓国大垣城的净愿寺里。其实他并不是一早就打算好来投奔此地,而是因为在逃跑途中偶然见到这座寺院时的一个闪念:也许只有宗教的光明才能拯救自己这颗惶惑的忏悔之心。 净愿寺是美浓国一带真言宗寺院的统管之处。市九郎跪拜在法师前,诚心忏悔。法师没有放弃这个罪大恶极之人,劝他不必去官府投案自首,并教化道:“你既罪孽深重,被官府枭首示众,受现世报应固然也是一法,但你将从此永堕地狱,受尽苦难。与其如此,不如皈依佛门,为普济众生而舍身救人,唯如此,方可自我救赎。” instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 市九郎听了法师的教诲,越发诚心悔过,当即决意出家。法师为他剃度,取法号“了海”。此后他钻研佛法,潜心修行,不出半年,德行便修炼得比冰霜更高洁。他每日朝练三密修行之法,夕则打坐念经,心智豁然顿悟,佛法亦日渐精通。当他自觉求道之心已坚定不移时,便经师父许可,立下普济众生之宏愿,云游四方。 出了美浓国后,首先往京都而去。虽然已经削发为僧,他内心依然痛苦,因为自己曾杀过许多人,却仍苟活在人世间。他愿意为了救济众生而粉身碎骨,以此赎罪,哪怕是万分之一也好。特别是他一回想起在木曾山中伤害路人的往事,便觉得自己对路上行人有种难以补偿的负罪感。 行住坐卧,他无时不顾及他人。路遇难行之人,或牵手,或扶腰,倾力相助。他有时身背患病老孺跋涉几十里路也不嫌远;见邻村的桥坏了,就亲自进山去伐木,搬石块,把桥修好;见道路坍塌了,就运来砂土,把路修好。就这样,他云游四方,从京城到中国,所到之处,行善积德。然而,他却自知罪孽深重有如天高,相比之下,自己的行善积德却比尘土更低微,做这些微不足道的善事不足以补偿自己的罪恶。每念及此,他悲从中来,甚至有几次在客栈半夜醒来,想到自己为这无望的补偿而苟且偷生,实在窝囊,恨不得一死了之。不过他最终还是打消了自杀念头,鼓足勇气,继续寻求普济众生的机缘。 享保九年秋,市九郎从赤间关渡河至小仓,到丰前国的宇佐八幡宫参拜后,又沿山国川逆流而上, 拜谒。他从四日市向南行,经过红土茫茫的原野,然后沿着山国川的山涧一路打算前往耆闍崛山罗汉寺 走。 在驿路上每到一处停留,便觉九州秋意渐浓。杂木林中的野漆树一片通红;田野里的稻谷遍地金黄;农家屋檐下挂着成串红透了的柿子,这是当地特产。 八月初的一天,市九郎沿着山国川岸边行走,边走边向右眺望——山国川河水清冽,在秋日晨光的映照下波光粼粼。他从三口翻过佛坂山路,将近中午时到了樋田驿站,在冷清的驿站里吃过斋饭,然后又沿着山国谷继续南行。离开樋田驿站后,山路一直沿着山国川向前延伸,两岸都是火山岩。 市九郎拄着拐杖行走在崎岖难行的石子路上时,忽然见到路边有四五个当地农夫模样的人在吵嚷,就走近去看。 其中一人早看见了他,说:“你来得正好。我们这里有个可怜的家伙死了,你刚好路过,就给他念念经吧。” 市九郎一听到有人死于非命,心想:不会是被拦路抢劫的强盗给杀了吧,顿时又回想起从前的罪孽,悔恨一下涌上心头,双脚直发抖。 他战战兢兢地问道:“看样子这人像淹死的呀,怎么浑身上下都皮开肉绽的呢,” “出家人,看你是外地路过的吧,你有所不知呵。沿这条河往上走约五十来米,有个险处叫铁索关,只能攀着铁索过去,这可是山国谷第一险关呵,南来北往多少车马,一到这里都没了辙。这个摔死的人是个马夫,住在河上游的柿坂乡,今早过铁索关时,马忽然撒野,连人带马掉下五丈深的山崖去。你看,instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 死得真惨啊。”其中一人说道。 “这铁索关之险,以前倒是听说过的。不过,像这种出人命的惨剧经常有发生吗,”市九郎看着尸体问道。 “每年三四人吧,多则十来人,会在这里意外摔死。因为地势太险,栈道朽了也没法修。”村民们一边回答,一边开始料理后事。 市九郎为这个不幸的遇难者诵了一遍经,然后快步走向铁索关。 走不到百来米,就见到一座山高耸在河流左岸,像被切削出来似的。面临山国川这边是近十丈的峭壁,上面布满了灰白色的锯齿状褶皱。山国川的水仿佛被这峭壁所吸引,奔流而至,一边洗刷着绝壁下的裙裾,一边翻涌起深绿色的漩涡。 他想,村里人所说的铁索关,就是这里吧。峭壁上,山路断绝,只在山腰处有一条用铁索将松树、杉树圆木连接而成的栈道,摇摇欲坠。俯看脚下五丈深的水面,仰望头顶十丈高的绝壁,莫说老弱妇孺,任谁都会不寒而栗,魂飞魄散。 市九郎手扶石壁,双脚颤抖,终于走完这条栈道。当他回头看那绝壁时,忽然心里萌发了一个伟大的誓愿。 自觉行善积德微不足道的他,一直祈求能遇上艰苦卓绝的伟业,以考验自己的修行和勇气。所以当他见到这阻断行人、每年夺走近十条人命的险关时,自然闪现出一个念头——自己舍命也要铲除这座难关。于是,要打通这长达三百余米绝壁的惊天宏愿就此萌生。 他想:自己一直孜孜以求的机会,今天总算找到了。一年救十人的话,十年即百人,百年、千年,则得救之人数以千万计„„ 下定决心后,他就义无反顾地开始动手了。从那天起,他寄宿在罗汉寺的僧房里,每天去游说山国川沿岸的村民,募集资金准备开凿隧道。 可是,没人肯相信这个云游和尚的话。 “说什么要打通这座三百多米长的巨石,真是个疯和尚,哈哈哈。”许多人都嘲笑他。这还算好的,甚至有人怀疑说:“这个大骗子,编些这么幼稚的借口,想骗我们钱呢~”,欲加害于他。 这样过了十天,市九郎的努力只是徒劳,无人肯相信他的话。于是他奋然下定决心:要独自担此大业。他找来石匠用的铁锤和凿子,站在绝壁边上——这个情形实在很可笑。虽说是易于切削的火山岩,可是面对这样一座高耸在河岸上的蜿蜒峭壁,市九郎竟然想要以一己之力来打通它。 “这人是疯了~”路人指着他嘲笑道。 然而,市九郎并不气馁。他沐浴着山国川的清流,一边向观世音菩萨祈祷,用尽全身力气在岩壁上敲下了第一锤,只有两三块碎片掉落下来。他使劲敲下第二锤,这次,巨大无边的岩石上又掉落了两三小块。他拼命抡锤敲下去。第三下,第四下,第五下„„。感到饥饿时,就到附近村里去化缘;填饱肚instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 子便又回到绝壁前挥动铁锤。若稍起懈怠之心,他则口念佛经,重新振作。一天、两天、三天„„市九郎每天坚持,从不间断。行人路过时,纷纷嘲笑他,但他却并未因此而泄气;听到嘲笑声,反而更加用力地挥动铁锤。不久,市九郎在绝壁附近建了一间小木屋,以遮蔽风雨。每天清早,山国川的河面还映照着星光时他就起来动工了;直至入夜,万籁俱寂,他还不肯停歇。可是,路人经过时仍嗤笑不已:“真是不知天高地厚的疯子~”并没把他的努力放在眼里。 然而,市九郎不为所动,专心挥动铁锤。只要一抡起铁锤,他心里就没有任何杂念,没有了对杀人的悔恨,也没有对于极乐净土的向往,他能感受到的,只是一种专心修行的畅快。自从出家以来每夜缠绕自己的那些罪孽回忆,也随之日渐淡忘。于是,他越发奋勇了,每日专心挥动铁锤。 新的一年到了。春天、夏天,很快一年过去了。市九郎的努力没有白费,在绝壁一端凿出了近一丈深的洞窟。虽然只是一个小洞窟,但却清楚地留下了他坚强意志的最初痕迹。 然而,村里人还在嘲笑他:“看呀,那个疯和尚只挖出了这么一点窟窿,折腾一年,只挖出了这么一丁点„„”可是,市九郎看着自己凿出的洞穴,却欢喜得流出了泪水。尽管洞窟尚浅,却已能如实反映出自己的努力成果。于是他经年累月,竟愈加振奋,端坐在夜里漆黑而白天幽暗的洞窟里,一个劲地挥动右臂,像着了魔似的。对他而言,挥动右臂已成了宗教修行的一切。 洞窟外头,日月辉映,狂风暴雨,而洞窟里只有那永不间断的锤声。 第二个年头过去了,村里人还是没有停止嘲笑,但已经没有挂在嘴边了,只是在看见市九郎的身影时会相视而笑。又过了一年,市九郎的锤声依然不停地传来,就像山国川的流水声一样。村里人已经无话可说,原先那嘲笑的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 情不知不觉变成了惊讶。市九郎不曾梳头,渐渐长发披肩;也不曾沐浴,浑身污垢,不似人样。他在自己开凿的洞窟里狂挥铁锤,仿佛蠕动的野兽一般。 不知何时起,村里人又由惊讶转为同情。市九郎要抽空出去化缘时,常常会意外地在洞口发现一碗斋饭,这样,省下外出化缘的一点时间,他又用在了面壁凿洞上。 第四个年头过去时,市九郎开凿的洞窟已经有五丈深了。当然,与那三百余米的绝壁相比,难免会望洋兴叹。村里人固然为市九郎的执着而惊叹,可又觉得他的努力显然是徒劳的,没有一个人肯相助。市九郎只能继续孤身奋战。他一凿起洞来,就完全投入忘我之境,只知挥锤,心无旁骛,像一只鼹鼠似的,终其一生都在挖地洞,别无杂念。他就那样独自奋力往前挖。洞外,春去秋来,四季景色变化;洞内,则只有那永不间断的铁锤声。 过往行人开始为他的徒劳而悲叹:“可怜的和尚,还在那儿凿洞,看来真是疯掉了,只怕没挖到十分之一就连命都搭上啦~” 一年过去了,两年过去了„„第九个年头过去时,从洞口到洞内已经挖进去了约四十余米。 樋田乡的村民开始意识到这项工程的可能性,他们心想:单凭一个瘦弱的叫化子和尚,花费九年便能挖这么深,倘若增加人力,假以时日,打通这绝壁也并非不可思议。九年前,市九郎打算募集资金时,instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 山国川沿岸七乡村民无一响应;如今,他们都自发地为开凿工程捐钱捐物,并雇了几个石匠去援助市九郎。市九郎不再孤独了。此后,洞窟里传出许多敲打岩壁的铁锤声,热闹而令人振奋。 然而,到第二年,村民们一测算工程进度,发现洞窟还不到绝壁的四分之一深,于是又开始感到失望和怀疑。 “就算再增加人手也不可能打通的,咱被这了海和尚给骗了,白花了这么多钱,可惜啊。”他们对这进展缓慢的工程渐渐倦怠起来。市九郎身边的石匠们一个个溜走,最后竟走得一个不剩,洞里又只剩下市九郎独自一人了。他看在眼里,却从不挽留,只是默默地继续挥锤。 村里人不再关注市九郎了,特别是随着洞窟越来越深,他整天躲在最里头凿洞,离人们的视线也越来越远。人们有时会望着漆黑一片的洞中,怀疑道:“了海和尚还在里头继续干吗,”渐渐地,就连这点疑问也没人再提起,市九郎几乎从人们脑海中消失了,就像是毫不相干的人似的。同样,对市九郎来说,他也没工夫去关注村里人,他眼中只有巨大的岩石绝壁。 就这样,市九郎端坐洞中已经十年有余。因为一直坐在阴暗冰冷的石头上,他变得脸色苍白,双眼深陷,瘦骨嶙峋,浑然不像个活在这世上的人。但他的斗志却越来越旺盛,一心扑在凿洞上,别无杂念。每次削落一点岩壁,哪怕是一分一寸,他高兴得喊出声来。 市九郎独自一人又在洞里呆了三年。这时,村里人重新关注起他来。他们出于好奇心,测量了一下洞窟的深度——约一百二十米,相当于岩壁全长的三分之一,河对面的岩壁上还凿开了一个采光的窗口——这一切,基本上都是由市九郎那瘦弱的双手开凿出来的。 众人投去惊叹的目光,他们为以往的愚昧无知而感到羞愧,同时,心中重燃起对市九郎的敬佩。不久,大家又凑钱雇了十多个石匠来援助市九郎,洞内的热闹锤声再度响起。 又过了一年。在这一年中,村里人又开始为出钱而后悔,毕竟,这工程看上去遥遥无期。 不知不觉地,那十来个石匠一个个消失了,最终又只剩下市九郎一人,只剩下他的铁锤声还在黑暗的洞窟中回响。当然,无论身边是否有人,市九郎挥锤的力气都丝毫不减,如同机器一般,用尽全身力气举起铁锤,又用尽全身力气敲击下去。他甚至到达一种忘我的境地,连弑杀主人、落草为寇、杀人越货的记忆都已经日渐淡忘。 一年过去了,两年过去了„„在一个信念的驱动下,他那瘦弱的手臂变得像铁一样刚强不屈。正好第十八年过去了,不知不觉间,他竟然把岩壁打通了二分之一。 村里人看见这惊人的奇迹,终于不再怀疑市九郎的努力。他们为前两次的半途而废深感羞愧,这次便组织了七乡村民,齐心合力来援助市九郎。 当年,正巧中津藩的郡吏巡视至此,对市九郎赞赏有加,从附近乡村召集了近三十名石匠过来相助。一时间,开凿工程进行得如火如荼。 此时的市九郎,已经身形憔悴,目不忍睹。人们劝他:“你来当石匠的头儿吧,自己就不要再抡铁instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 锤啦。”市九郎却硬是没答应。看他样子,似乎是累倒也不肯放下铁锤的了。他似乎也没发现自己身边多了三十多个石匠,只是仍然和从前一样,废寝忘食地拼命挥锤。 其实,大家劝他休息并非没有道理。近二十年以来,他一直坐在那暗无天日的洞窟深处,双脚因此而受损伤,渐渐地竟不能自由屈伸,连走一点儿路都必须拄着拐杖。 而且,由于长期处于黑暗中,不见阳光,再加上被到处乱飞的岩石碎片所伤,他的双眼已经黯淡无光,甚至连东西也看不清楚了。 义无反顾的市九郎也为自己的衰老而感到痛心。他不是贪生怕死,而是担心自己中途倒下,抱憾终生。 “再坚持两年~”他在心里喊着,又拼命抡起铁锤,想以此忘掉身之衰老。 岩壁岿然横挡在市九郎面前,像在显示大自然的威不可犯,但它已经被这衰老的叫化子和尚用双手凿出了一条洞窟。洞窟仿佛有生命似的,一路往前贯穿而去。 四 由于过度劳累,市九郎的健康已经受到严重损害。然而,比这更可怕的仇敌即将到来,要取他性命。 被市九郎杀死的中川三郎兵卫,因忽遭家臣杀害,府中无人打理,家道败落,时仅三岁的儿子实之助被送到亲戚家收养。 实之助长到十三岁时,才第一次听说了父亲被杀之事。而且,对方并非地位相当的武士,而是自家门下的一个奴仆。得知此事后,少年怒火中烧,当即发誓要报仇雪恨。于是他投奔柳生武馆门下,刻苦习武。在十九岁那年,学成出师,就立即踏上了复仇之路。亲戚们也激励他说:若能成功报仇,实现夙愿,归来后定要助他重振家业。 实之助在路途中尝尽艰辛,走遍四方,苦苦追寻仇人市九郎的下落。对于从未见过仇人一面的实之助而言,这无异于大海捞针,希望渺茫。他走遍了京城、东海、东山、山北、山南、北陆、南海„„各地漂泊,在旅途中度过了一年又一年。转眼间,他已经二十七岁,却一无所获。对于仇人的怨恨和愤怒,也因路途艰辛而渐渐消磨。然而,每次一想到惨死的父亲,想到重振家业之重任,他便又振作起来,继续上路。 离开江户第九年的春天,实之助来到了九州的福冈城。此前寻遍本州未果,他便想着到这偏远的九州来看看。 从福冈城来到中津城,已是二月。某日,他去宇佐八幡宫上香,祈求早日实现夙愿。参拜完后,在里头的茶店休息。这时,偶然听见旁边有个农民打扮的人对在座的香客说道:“那出家人原本来自江户,听说他年轻时曾杀过人,后来悔过自新,便立下普济众生的宏愿。刚才所说的樋田乡洞窟,就是他自己一个人开凿出来的啊。” instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 这话顿时引起了实之助的注意——九年以来,这还是头一次。他迫不及待地上前问道:“恕我冒昧,请问,你说的那位出家人有多大年纪呢,” 似乎颇觉光荣,便答道:“这个嘛,我没见过那位出家人,那人见自己的话吸引了一名武士的兴趣, 听别人说是快到六十了吧。” “个子高还是矮,”实之助一个劲儿地追问。 “这我可不清楚,因为他一直呆在洞窟里头,搞不清楚。” “你知道那人原名叫什么吗,” “这个我也不知道。只听说他是越后柏崎人,年轻时去了江户。”那农民回答道。 听到这儿,实之助已是欣喜若狂。记得自己要离开江户前,有个亲戚曾嘱咐说:“那仇人是越后柏崎人,说不定会逃回故乡去,得到越后一带留心查找。” 实之助心想:这一定是宇佐八幡宫的神仙显灵了,当下感到无比振奋,问清老僧名字和去往山国谷的路,也不顾已过午后二时,便双足发力,急匆匆地赶往仇人所在之处。 当晚将近初更时分,实之助到了樋田村。他本想立即赶去洞窟,不过又觉得不可操之过急,便在樋田驿站度过了难熬的一夜。次日一早起来,他身着轻装,直奔樋田村的洞窟而去。 到洞窟入口处时,他问一个正在搬运石块的石匠道:“听说这洞里头有位名叫了海的出家人,没错吧,” “要没有他那还得了~了海大师就跟这洞的主人一样哩,哈哈哈~”那石匠爽朗地笑了起来。 实之助心下大喜:实现夙愿的时候就近在眼前了。不过,他随即又提醒自己不可慌张。 为防止仇人逃跑,他问道:“出入口只有这一处吗,” “明摆着的嘛。正是为了打通另一个出口,了海大师才尝尽了千辛万苦啊~”石匠回答道。 寻找多年的仇人,眼下就如瓮中之鳖,溜不掉了。实之助暗暗高兴,摩拳擦掌,心想:就算他手下有几个石匠,要杀掉他还是易如反掌的。 “拜托你传个话,我远道而来想要拜访了海大师。”石匠进去后,实之助握紧刀柄,心里想象着未曾谋面的仇人样貌——既然能当开凿隧道的统领,即便五十岁出头也应该是个体格强壮之人吧,而且还听说他年轻时武艺高强,所以千万不可大意。 可是,从洞门出来、出现在实之助面前的,却是个叫化子和尚。与其说他是走出来的,倒不如说他像只蛤蟆一样爬出来更为贴切。与其说他是人,倒不如说是一具残骸,全身的肉剥落见骨,脚踝以下都溃烂了,惨不忍睹。虽从身上那件破袈裟可知他是个和尚,可是披头散发遮住了满是皱纹的额头。老和尚眨巴着灰暗的眼睛,抬头看实之助,说:“恕我老眼昏花,认不出您是哪一位啦。” 见到这个老和尚的一刹那,实之助此前一直极度紧张的心情忽然松懈下来。他打心眼里希望对手是个凶恶的和尚,能勾起自己憎恨,可是现在蹲在自己面前的,却是个分不清是人是鬼、行将就木的老和instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 尚。实之助抑制住失望之情,强打精神问道:“你就是了海吗,” “在下正是。请问您是„„”老和尚有点惊讶地抬头看实之助。 “了海,就算你乔装打扮成和尚,难道就能忘了以前的事,你,真名叫市九郎,年轻时杀害自家主人中川三郎兵卫后一走了之——这些都还记得吧。我,就是三郎兵卫之子实之助。今天你休想逃跑~”实之助的话虽然沉着,却透着一种绝不让步的威严。 然而,市九郎听了这番话却没有丝毫惊慌。“您就是中川老爷的贤郎实之助吗,当年杀害令尊后逃跑的正是了海。”他的回答不像大敌当前,倒是满怀喜逢旧主遗孤的亲切。 实之助心想:不可被他的声音所骗,遂说道:“你弑主潜逃,不仁不义,为报此仇,我这十年吃尽了苦,总算在这里找到你,你休想逃跑,我们来光明正大地决一胜负~” 市九郎并没有丝毫胆怯,只是眼看再有一年即大功告成,而自己夙愿未了就死去总有点悲伤,但这也是罪有应得。这么一想,死意已决。“实之助少爷,您动手吧。大概您也听说了,我为了赎罪,一心要打通这条隧道,花费十九年时间,已完工九成。我即便身死,这工程不出一年也必可完成。今日就借您之手,在此洞门口将我了断,算是献给山神的供品吧。我死而无憾。”他边说边眨巴着模糊的双眼。 实之助听这蔫蔫的老和尚说完,长久以来的深仇大恨竟渐渐消散,心想:这杀父仇人为了忏悔,甘愿牺牲自己,半辈子饱尝辛苦。而且,自己一报上姓名,他就准备乖乖地交出性命。杀死这么一个半死不活的老和尚,算报的什么仇呀~然而,若不杀此仇人,自己又何以结束多年漂泊、返回江户,至于重振家业,那就更无望了。——实之助这么一盘算,即便不憎恨他,也决计要取他性命。可是,若感觉不到强烈的憎恨,光从个人打算出发,又不忍心下手。于是,他暗自激励着消失殆尽的憎恨之心,打算杀死这个不堪一击的仇人。 正在这时,洞里跑出来五六个石匠,见势危急,纷纷上前护住市九郎,斥责实之助:“你想把了海师父怎么样~”看他们神情,显然是绝不容许他动手的。 “我和这老和尚有仇,寻找多年,没想到今日遇上,正好了我夙愿。别人谁敢上来妨碍,别怪我手下不留情~”实之助凛然道。 越来越多石匠围过来,许多过往行人也站住,纷纷围住实之助,群情激愤,不让他动市九郎一根指头。 其中有人说道:“报不报仇,那是世俗之间的恩怨,而了海大师已经皈依佛门,这你也看见了。而且,山国谷七乡的老百姓都把他看作菩萨再世,无限敬仰。”其话义正词严,想劝实之助打消报仇之念。 众人这么一阻挠,实之助的仇恨之火不知不觉地又重燃起来。身为一武士,当然不甘心就这么拱手离去。“就算他做了和尚,杀死主人罪大恶极,不可饶恕。有谁敢妨碍我报杀父之仇,别怪我不客气~”说着,他拔刀出鞘。周围的人也纷纷拉开架势。 正在这时,市九郎声音嘶哑地喊道:“大家且慢~我确实有罪该死,我开凿这条隧道,其实也只是instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 为了赎罪而已。今天得借孝子之手,了此残生,乃我平生所愿。大家不必阻拦。”他一边说着,一边挺身蹭到实之助身旁。 周围人早就知道市九郎意志坚定,知道无法动摇他的决心,觉得市九郎怕要命丧于此了吧。这时,有个石匠头领走到实之助跟前,诚恳地哀求道:“武士阁下,你也听说了吧,这隧道是了海师父平生之宏愿,为了它,历经近二十年艰辛,呕心沥血。眼看快要大功告成时,却忽到临终,就算他有罪过,也实在是憾事啊~我们大家有个请求——不说长远的,至少在这隧道打通前,可否先留下了海师父性命,只要隧道一竣工,了海师父即任由你处置。” “说得有理,说得有理。”大家听了都纷纷表示赞成。 实之助被他这么一说,无法拒绝,心想:现在动手的话,必受众人阻挠,报仇不成;与其如此,还不如就等到竣工之日——刚才市九郎已想自行送命了,到时候必定深感我之大义,引颈受刑。而且,即便不考虑这些,帮一个老和尚达成宏愿,又何乐而不为呢,虽说他是仇人。 实之助看了一下市九郎和大伙儿,说道:“看在了海是个和尚的份上,我就答应你们吧,可不能食言~” “当然不会。不管这隧道多长,一分也好,一寸也好,只要一打通,我们就把了海师父交给你处置,他跑不掉的。在那之前,你就先住在这附近过过清闲日子吧。”石匠头领心平气和地说。 事情告一段落,市九郎立即跪行着爬回洞窟去,仿佛觉得为此浪费了许多时间太可惜。 实之助眼看在紧要关头被大家阻挠,功败垂成,有点恼怒,却又无可奈何,只能抑制住心头之恨,在一石匠带路下来到一间小木屋。独自一想:仇人近在眼前,自己却未能报仇,实在窝囊,懊恼之情油然而生。渐渐地,心情变得焦躁而愤懑。他已经失去对仇人的宽容之心,等不到隧道竣工之日了,他决定今晚就潜入山洞,杀掉市九郎然后离去。但石匠们都在周围监视着自己呢,正如自己盯着市九郎一样。 最初两三日,他装出无所事事的样子。到第五天夜里,连夜戒备的石匠们开始松懈下来,将近凌晨二时,个个都睡熟了。实之助心想机不可失,就迅速爬起来,拿起枕边的刀,悄悄溜出门去。时值早春,月光澄澈。在月光映照下,山国川的河水碧波荡漾,打着漩涡往前流去。当然,实之助无心观赏风景,他蹑手蹑脚地悄悄走近洞口,地上到处是削落的岩石块,走起路来直扎脚。 月光从洞口和四处凿开的窗口照进洞中,照得到处微微发亮。他摸索着右边的石壁,一步步走向洞里。 大约走进两百多米远时,忽然他听见洞窟深处传来间隔着的“咣咣,咣咣”之声。他刚开始不知道这是什么声响,每往里走一步,声音便大一点儿,最后,竟至回荡在洞窟的静夜中。毫无疑问,这是铁锤敲击在岩壁上的声音。实之助被这悲壮而又充满威严的声音深深感动了。越往里走,这锐利的声音回荡在周围,有如玉碎之声,猛袭而来。他循声爬行,近前一看,发出锤声的,正是仇人了海。实之助暗中握紧了刀柄,屏住呼吸,悄悄走近。这时,他忽然在锤音间隙里听见了海念经的声音,像在窃窃私语,instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 又像在喃喃呻吟。 这嘶哑而悲壮的声音,对于实之助有如醍醐灌顶。夜深人静,万籁俱寂,只有了海端坐于黑暗中挥动铁锤,宛如暗夜中的一尊墨像,清晰地映在实之助眼里。这已经不是寻常人心,而是超越七情六欲、只知一味挥动铁锤、潜心修行的菩萨心肠。实之助发现自己不知何时已经松开了紧握的刀柄,忽然回过神来。面对这已经皈依佛门、为普救众生而甘受粉身碎骨之苦的高僧,自己竟然趁着夜黑,暗拔仇恨之刀剑,无异于强盗所为,无异于禽兽——他这么反省着,一阵强烈的战栗传遍全身。 在力撼山洞的锤音和悲壮的念经之声感召下,实之助的报仇之心消散殆尽。他别无选择,只能守信地等到竣工之日,等那时再履行约定。 实之助满怀感动,在月光的指引下,爬出洞外。 那之后不久,从事隧道工程的石匠里又多了一个武士着装的实之助。他再也没有动过暗杀老和尚的歪念。当他知道了海既不逃跑也不躲藏,便心怀好感,决心等到了海完成生平夙愿之日。然而,与其这么空等,不如自己也为此大业添上一臂之力,而且多少可以缩短一些复仇之期——想到这里,实之助便亲自加入石匠行列中,开始抡起了铁锤。 两个敌对的仇人,开始了并肩作战。实之助为了能早日报仇,努力挥动铁锤。而自从实之助出现后,了海似乎也想早日完工以成就孝子之愿望,于是比往常更加拼命,像发了疯似的敲凿石壁。 日月如梭,实之助渐渐被了海的精神所感动,自己也因投身于开凿隧道的大业中而几乎忘了杀父之仇。 石匠们白天干活,晚上休息。而这对仇敌却不分昼夜,默默地并肩挥动铁锤。 延享三年九月十日,这是了海在岩壁上敲下第一锤以来的第二十一个年头,从实之助找到了海算起也过了一年零六个月。这天夜里,石匠们都回屋里休息了,只有了海和实之助不顾劳累,仍夜以继日地挥动铁锤。这时已是午夜将至。了海用力敲下的这一锤却像击打在朽木上一样没什么反应,他没收住力,拿锤的右手一下撞到岩壁上,他不禁“啊”地喊出声来。就在这时,透过铁锤凿破的小洞,了海的模糊双眼分明看见了月光照射下的山国川。“噢——”他发出一声令人浑身发抖、难以言状的喊叫,然后立刻像发狂似的喜极而泣,又哭又笑,声音震撼了整个山洞。 “实之助少爷,你看,二十一年的夙愿,想不到今晚就能实现了。”了海边说边拉着实之助的手,让他从小孔里看山国川河水。小孔下方那片黑黝黝的土地,显然就是沿岸的街道了。这一对仇敌互相握紧双手,喜泪横流。 过了一会儿,了海退后一步,说:“实之助少爷,我们约定的日子到了,你动手吧。能在这般法悦境界中往生,定能赴极乐净土。你快动手吧。一到明天,他们又会来阻挠了。你快动手吧。”他那嘶哑的声音回荡在山洞静夜的空气中。可是,实之助却在了海面前拱手坐下,泣不成声。当他看到这个衰弱的老和尚发自内心喜极而泣的样子时,杀敌报仇的心思早已烟消云散,心里只是对这项靠柔弱双手完成instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 的壮举充满了惊叹和感动。他爬上前去,又握住老和尚的手。两人就这么相拥而泣,忘掉了一切。 instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process.
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