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血常规的正常值血常规的正常值 一、血红蛋白浓度(Hb) 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)介绍: 血红蛋白浓度指单位提及(L)血液内所含的血红蛋白的量,血红蛋白又称血色素,是红细胞的主要组成部分,能与氧结合,运输氧和二氧化碳。 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)正常值: 男性 120,160g,L(12.0-16.0g,dl); 女性 110,150g,L(11.0-15.0g,dl); 新生儿 170,200g,L(18.0-19.0g,dl)。 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)临床意义: 血红蛋白增高,降低的临床意义基本和红细胞计数的临床意义相似,...

血常规的正常值 一、血红蛋白浓度(Hb) 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)介绍: 血红蛋白浓度指单位提及(L)血液内所含的血红蛋白的量,血红蛋白又称血色素,是红细胞的主要组成部分,能与氧结合,运输氧和二氧化碳。 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)正常值: 男性 120,160g,L(12.0-16.0g,dl); 女性 110,150g,L(11.0-15.0g,dl); 新生儿 170,200g,L(18.0-19.0g,dl)。 血红蛋白浓度(Hb)临床意义: 血红蛋白增高,降低的临床意义基本和红细胞计数的临床意义相似,但血红蛋白能更好地反映贫血的程度, 血红蛋白增多有以下情况: (1)生理性增多:见于高原居民,胎儿和新生儿,剧烈活动,恐惧,冷水浴等; (2)病理性增多:见于严重的先天性及后天性心肺疾患和血管畸形,如法洛四联症,发绀型先天性心脏病,阻塞性肺气肿,肺源性心脏病,肺动脉或肺静脉瘘及携氧能力低的异常血红蛋白病等;也见于某些肿瘤或肾脏疾病,如肾癌,肝细胞癌,肾胚胎瘤及肾盂积水,多囊肾等, 血红蛋白减少见于以下情况: (1)生理性减少:3个月的婴儿至15岁以前的儿童,主要因生长发育迅速而致的造血系统造血的相对不足,一般可较正常人的低10%-20,,妊娠中期和后期由于妊娠血容量增加而使血液被稀释,老年人由于骨髓造血功能逐渐降低,可导致红细胞和血红蛋白含量减少, (2)病理性减少: A.骨髓造血功能衰竭,如再生障碍性贫血,骨髓纤维化所伴发的贫血;B.因造血物质缺乏或利用障碍所致的贫血,如缺铁性贫血,叶酸及维生素B12缺乏所致的巨幼细胞性贫血; C.因红细胞膜,酶遗传性的缺陷或外来因素所致红细胞破坏过多而导致的贫血,如遗传性球形红细胞增多症,海洋性贫血,阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿,异常血红蛋白病,免疫性溶血性贫血,心脏体外循环的大手术或某些生物性和化学性等因素所致的溶血性贫血以及某些急性或慢性失血所致的贫血。 二、红细胞计数(RBC) 红细胞计数(RBC)介绍: 红细胞计数,是指单位体积血液中所含的红细胞数目,对于提示累及红细胞系统的疾病有重要意义。 红细胞计数(RBC)正常值: 男性 (4.0,5.5)×1012/L; 女性 (3.5,5.0)×1012/L; 新生儿 (6.0,7.0)×1012/L。 红细胞计数(RBC)临床意义: 红细胞计数值增多,可见于以下情况: a)慢性肺源性心脏病,先天性心脏病,肺气肿及心力衰竭等; b)真性红细胞增多症; c)严重脱水,大面积烧伤; d)慢性一氧化碳中毒; e)肾癌,肾上腺肿瘤; f)药物如雄激素及其衍生物,肾上腺皮质激素类等可引起红细胞增多, g)高山居民,新生儿可见生理性增高, 红细胞计数值减少可见于以下情况: a)各种贫血:如缺铁性贫血,失血性贫血,coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 营养不良性贫血,溶血性贫血,再生障碍性贫血;感染,肾病,肝病,胃切除术后,出血性疾病,甲状腺功能减退症,白血病以及接触苯胺等化学物质引起职业中毒等所致的贫血; b)各种原因引起的大量失血(如产后,手术后),重症寄生虫病等; c)老年人骨髓造血功能下降。 三、白细胞计数(WBC) 白细胞计数(WBC)介绍: 白细胞计数,是指计数单位体积血液中所含的白细胞数目,旧称白血球,是机体防御系统的重要组成部分。 白细胞计数(WBC)正常值: 成人 (4.0,10.0)×109,L; 儿童 (5.0,12.0 )×109,L; 6个月至2岁 (11.0,12.0)×109/L 新生儿(15.0,20.0)×109,L。 白细胞计数(WBC)临床意义: 白细胞计数值的高低可提示累及白细胞系统的疾病, 白细胞计数增多,见于急性感染,尿毒症,严重烧伤,急性出血,组织损伤,大手术后,白血病等, 白细胞计数减少,见于伤寒及副伤寒,疟疾,再生障碍性贫血,急性粒细胞缺乏症,脾功能亢进,X线,放射性核素照射,使用某些抗癌药物等。 四、血小板计数 血小板计数介绍: 血小板计数,指单位体积血液中所含的血小板数目,血小板是血液中最小的细胞,可保护毛细血管的完整性,有效的血小板质量和数量在集体正常止血过程中发挥着重要作用,血小板止血兼有机械性的堵塞伤口和生物化学性的粘附聚合作用。 血小板计数正常值: 280)×109/L (100, 男性 (108,273)×109/L 女性 (148,257)×109/L 平均值 190×109/L 血小板计数临床意义: (1)生理变异: 健康人的血小板数比较稳定,在一日之间没有大的变动,亦无性别与年龄明显差别,有些妇女血小板可呈周期性(月经期)轻度下降。 (2)病理意义: 血小板减少见于原发性血小板减少性紫癜,某些内科疾患如胶原性疾患,脾功能亢进,尿毒症,肿瘤骨髓转移引起骨髓纤维化时可继发血小板减少,某些造血系统疾患如白血病,再生障碍性贫血,溶血性贫血,骨髓增生异常综合征等均可伴有血小板减少,凡体内血小板消耗过多,如弥散性血管内凝血及血栓性血小板减少性紫癜,败血症,粟粒结核等血小板也往往减少。 血小板显著增多主要见于原发性血小板增多症,真性红细胞增多症,慢性粒细胞白血病以及肿瘤骨髓转移(有溶骨性变化时),在脾切除手术后,血小板也能呈现一过性增多,此外,骨折,出血和手术后,血小板可反应性轻度增高。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 五、网织红细胞计数(RC) 网织红细胞计数(RC)介绍: 网织红细胞是没有完全成熟的红细胞,该细胞内残存的核糖核酸经特殊染色后成“网状”结构。 网织红细胞计数(RC)正常值: 成人 0.5,,1.5,,绝对值(24,84)×l09,L; 新生儿 2.0,,6.0,,绝对值(144,336)×109,L。 网织红细胞计数(RC)临床意义: 网织红细胞计数增多, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示骨髓造血功能旺盛,见于溶血性贫血,出血性贫血,恶性贫血,以及缺铁性贫血和巨幼细胞贫血治疗有效时, 网织红细胞计数降低,见于再生障碍性贫血。 六、白细胞分类计数 白细胞分类计数介绍: 血液离心时表层为灰白色,这部分的细胞即称为白细胞。它是一组形态、功能和在发育与分化阶段不同的非均质性混合细胞的统称,依据形态、功能和来源而分为粒细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞三类。仅以白细胞计数判定临床意义有一定局限性,应结合白细胞分类计数 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 病情,较为确切。 白细胞分类计数正常值: 中性粒细胞:杆状核1%,5%(0.04,0.5)×109/L,分叶核50%,70%(2,7)×109/L, 嗜酸粒细胞:0.5%,5.0%(0.05,0.5)×109/L; 嗜碱粒细胞:0%,1%(0,0.1)×109/L; 淋巴细胞:20%,40%(0.2,0.4)×109/L; 单核细胞:3%,8%(0.08,0.8)×109/L。 白细胞分类计数临床意义: (1)中性粒细胞:增多见于急性和化脓性感染(疖痈、脓肿、肺炎、阑尾炎、丹毒、败血症、内脏穿孔、猩红热等)、各种中毒(酸中毒、尿毒症、铅中毒、汞中毒等),组织损伤、恶性肿瘤、急性大出血、急性溶血等。减少见于伤寒、副伤寒、麻疹、流感等传染病;化疗、放疗。某些血液病(再生障碍性贫血、粒细胞缺乏症、白细胞减少症、骨髓增殖异常综合征等)、脾功能亢进、自身免疫性疾病等。 (2)嗜酸粒细胞:增多见于过敏性疾病、皮肤病、寄生虫病、某些血液病,射线照射后、脾切除术后、传染病恢复期等。减少见于伤寒、副伤寒、应用糖皮质激素、促肾上腺皮质激素等。 (3)淋巴细胞:增多见于某些传染病(百日咳、传染性单核细胞增多症、传染性淋巴细胞增多症、水痘、麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎、病毒性肝炎、淋巴细胞性白血病和淋巴瘤等)。减少见于多种传染病的急性期,放射病、免疫缺陷病等。 (4)单核细胞:增多见于结核病、伤寒,感染性心内膜炎、疟疾、单核细胞白血病、黑热病及传染病的恢复期等。 (5)嗜碱粒细胞:多见于慢性粒细胞性白血病、嗜碱粒细胞白血病、霍奇金病、脾切除术后等。 七、红细胞比积: coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 红细胞比容介绍: 红细胞比积又称红细胞压积(PCV),是指一定量的抗凝血积压后红细胞占全血的容积比,是一种间接反映红细胞数量、大小及体积的简单方法。结合红细胞计数和血红蛋白含量,可计算红细胞平均值,有助于贫血的形态学分类。测定方法有多种,温氏法(Wintrobe)仍是目前临床常用的方法。 红细胞比容正常值: 血细胞自动分析仪: 男 性:0.40,0.50 (40,50vol%)。 女 性:0.37,0.48 (37,48vol%)。 新生儿:0.49,0.60 (49,60vol%)。 红细胞比容临床意义: (1)增大: ?严重脱水(大量呕吐、腹泻、失水等)。 ?大面积烧伤。 ?真性红细胞增多症。 ?继发性红细胞增多症(新生儿、高原病、重症肺源性心脏病等)。 (2)减少: ?贫血或妊娠稀血症。 ?继发性纤维蛋白溶解症。 流行性出血热并发高血容量综合征。 ? ?妊高症。 八、平均红细胞体积(MCV): 红细胞平均体积(MCV)介绍: 平均红细胞体积(MCV)是指人体单个红细胞的平均体积,通常是间接计算得到,临床方便的计算公式是:平均红细胞体积(fL)=HCT/RBC×100。 红细胞平均体积(MCV)正常值: 手工法 82,92fl 血细胞分析仪法 80,100fl 红细胞平均体积(MCV)临床意义: 对贫血进行形态学分类的敏感指标,比平均红细胞血红蛋白量,平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度临床价值更大: (1)体积增大:见于大细胞性贫血。 (2)体积缩小:见于小细胞性低色素性贫血。 生理学改变: ? 升高:新生儿升高约12%,妊娠约高5%,饮酒约升高4%,吸烟约升高3%,口服避孕药约升高1%。 ? 降低:激烈的肌肉活动约降低4%,6个月以前的儿童约降低10%。 药物影响: ?升高:可引起巨幼红细胞贫血的药物有巴比妥酸盐,苯巴比妥(叶酸代谢障碍),格鲁米特,苯妥英钠,非那西丁(偶尔),氨苯喋啶,雌激素,苯乙双胍(致叶酸或维生素B12缺乏),呋喃类,新霉素,异烟肼,环丝氨酸,氨基苯甲酸(诱致消化道吸收障碍所致),氨基水杨酸,甲氨蝶呤,秋水仙碱(伴维生素B12缺乏),其中抗惊厥药约升高3%, coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, ? 降低:双香豆素乙酯可发生小细胞低色素性贫血。 病理学改变: ? 升高:见于营养不良性巨幼红细胞性贫血(营养不良;吸收不良;胃切除术后,肠病,裂头绦虫等寄生虫病;及恶性贫血,混合缺乏,叶酸,维生素B12缺乏;遗传原因),酒精性肝硬化,胰外功能不全,获得性溶血性贫血,出血性贫血再生之后和甲状腺功能低下。 ? 降低:见于小细胞低色素贫血(由癌或感染引起的继发性贫血;高铁血症见于铁粒幼红细胞贫血和铅中毒及CO中毒),全身性溶血性贫血(地中海贫血,遗传性球形红细胞增多症,先天性丙酮酸激酶缺乏症)等。 九、平均红细胞血红蛋白(MCH): 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH) 介绍: 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)系指每个红细胞内所含血红蛋白的平均量,以皮克(pg)为单位,MCH=Hb含量/红细胞百万数,临床上用于对贫血进行形态学分类。 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH) 正常值: 手工法 27,31pg 血细胞分析仪法 27,34pg 新生儿:23-30 pg (1.5-2.0 fmol) 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)临床意义: 降低:即为单纯小细胞性贫血,小细胞低色素性贫血,也见于缺铁,慢性失血,口炎性腹泻,胃酸缺乏,妊娠,地中海贫血,铁粒幼红细胞贫血,巨幼红细胞贫血。 升高:常为大细胞性贫血,见于恶性贫血,叶酸缺乏,长期饥饿,网织红细胞增多症,甲状腺功能减退,再生障碍性贫血。 十、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC): 平均红血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)介绍: 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC),即平均每1升血细胞中所含血红蛋白克数,以g/L表示,计算公式如下:MCHC=每升血液中血红蛋白克数(g/L)/每升血液中红细胞比积(L/L) 平均红血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)正常值: 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC):32,36%(320,360g/L) 平均红血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)临床意义: 1.升高:高色素性贫血,严重呕吐,频繁腹泻,真性红细胞增多症,慢性一氧化碳中毒,心力衰竭等。 2.降低:小细胞低色素性贫血。 十一、红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW): 红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)介绍: 红细胞体积分布宽度为反映红细胞体积大小异质性的参数,常以所测得红细胞体积大小的变异系数。 红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)正常值: ,0.15(,15,),RDW,CV 11.5,,14.5,。 红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)临床意义: coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, (1)红细胞体积分布宽度增大,见于缺铁性贫血,尤其是MCV尚处于参考值范围时红细胞体积分布宽度增大,更是早期缺铁性贫血的特征, (2)缺血性贫血和轻型地中海性贫血均可见MCV下降,但前者红细胞体积分布宽度增大,而后者RDW正常,有助于鉴别, (3)溶血性贫血和巨幼细胞性贫血,MCV及红细胞体积分布宽度均增大,而再生障碍性贫血MCV及红细胞体积分布宽度均无变化。 血常规检验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 单内包括有红细胞(RBC),血红蛋白(Hb),白细胞(WBC)及白细胞分类计数,红细胞比容(HCT)及血小板(PL)。正常参考值在化验单的右侧都有注明,查出来的结果,除有数字外,还有符号“?”和“?”表示比正常参考值高了或是降低。血常规报告内容较多,各项含义不同,看报告时可分为三大块,即红细胞系统,白细胞系统和血小板系统。 红细胞系统:红细胞在人体内主要功能是携带氧。如果红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞比容都标有“?”号,提示有贫血存在,组织可能有缺氧表现。如果“?”显示体内红细胞增多,红细胞增多也是不正常的。 白细胞系统:白细胞在血常规中显示“?”或“?”都不正常。它的总数是局限在“正常范围”内的,如刚出生正常新生儿的白细胞总数是(9,30)×109/L,平均是20×109/L。随年龄增长,正常值会逐渐降低,如6月到6岁的幼儿为(6,15)×109/L,平均为10×109/L;7,12岁为(4.5,13.5)×109/L,平均为8×109/L。超过高值则疑有炎症存在,多为细菌感染,少于低值,可能是病毒感染,或药物作用,以上是指白细胞总数而言,还应进一步了解白细胞是由五种白细胞组成的,各有自己的功能,其中占比例最多的是中性粒细胞(代表符号为N),约占50%,70%(年龄不同,百分比有变化),主要起吞噬杀灭细菌作用。 40%,产生细胞因子破坏细 第二种是淋巴细胞(代表符号为L),约占20%, 菌结构,使细菌不能生存。第三种细胞是单核细胞(代表符号为M),约占1%,8%,产生抗体。第四种细胞是嗜酸性粒细胞(符号E),约占0.5%,5%,机体过敏或寄生虫感染时可增加比例数。末位是嗜碱性粒细胞(符号B),约占0,0.75%,各种比例如不协调,预示可能有某种病。 血小板系统:血小板(PL)约为(100,300)×109/L,主要功能是防止出血,如低于正常值可能有出血倾向。 红细胞(RBC) 正常情况:男性: (4-5) *1012/L; 增高: 真性红细胞增多症,严重脱水,肺原性心脏病,先天性心脏病,高山地区的居民,严重烧伤,休克等。 降低: 贫血,出血 血红蛋白(Hg) 正常情况:男性: (120-150) g/L; 增高: 真性红细胞增多症,严重脱水,肺原性心脏病,先天性心脏病,高山地区的居民,严重烧伤,休克等。 降低: 贫血,出血 白细胞(WBC) 正常情况:(4-10)*109/L 升高: 各种细胞感染,炎症,严重烧伤。明显升高时应除外白血病。 降低: 白细胞减少症,脾功能亢进,造血功能障碍,放射线,药物,化学coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 毒素等引起骨髓抑制, 疟疾,伤寒,病毒感染,副伤寒。 中性粒细胞 正常情况:(50-70)% 增高: 细菌感染,炎症; 降低: 病毒性感染 嗜酸性粒细胞 正常情况:(0-00。75)% 增高: 慢性粒细胞白血病及慢性溶血性贫血。 淋巴细胞 正常情况:(20-30)% 增高: 百日咳,传染性单核细胞增多症,病毒感染,急性传染性淋巴细胞增多症,淋巴细胞性白血病; 降低: 免疫缺陷 单核细胞 正常情况:(3-8)% 增高: 结核,伤寒,疟疾,单核细胞性白血病。 血小板(PLT) 正常情况:(100-300)% 升高: 原发性血小板增多症,真性红细胞增多症,慢性白血病,骨髓纤维化,症状性血小板增多症,感染,炎症,恶性肿瘤,缺铁性贫血,外伤,手术,出血,脾切除后的脾静脉血栓形成,运动后。 降低: 原发性血小板减少性紫癜,播散性红斑狼疮,药物过敏性血小板减少症,弥漫性血管内凝血,血小板破坏增多,血小板生成减少,再生障碍性贫血,骨髓造血机能障碍,药物引起的骨髓抑制,脾功能亢进。 血沉 正常情况:男性: (0-15) mm/h; 增快: 急性炎症,结缔组织病,严重贫血,恶性肿瘤,结核病。 减慢: 红细胞增多症,脱水。 网织红细胞计数 正常情况:(00。5-1。5)% 增高: 溶血性贫血,大量出血,缺铁性贫血,恶性贫血应用维生素B12时。 降低: 骨髓造血功能低下,再生障碍性贫血,白血病。[2] 注意事项 将准备采血的部分清洗干净,这些部位通常上耳垂、中指或无名指的指尖,等到采血的部位干燥后再进行采血。在寒冷的日子里,可将局部搓热后再采血。 血常规检查前应空腹,但空腹并非不吃早餐这么简单。检查前一天晚上,就应该避免吃油腻的食物,8点之后更是应该禁食,假如12点还在吃夜宵,到抽血时,就不能保证空腹。体检当天早上,除了白开水,包括果汁、牛奶在内的饮料一律不能喝。如果想要使检查结果更理想,最好从检查前三天开始就基本吃素。 体检当天,最好穿袖子宽松的衣服,方便静脉抽血时捋袖子,衣服要干净,以防针孔感染。 采血后应伸直前臂,用另一只手按紧止血棉球至少5分钟。不要屈肘止血,也不要捻动棉球以免皮下淤血。如果针眼周围青紫,24小时后可做热敷。为避免感染,24小时内不要让针孔沾水。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 孕妇的血常规报告单怎么看, 血常规报告单里的秘密,其实是因人而异,如果准妈妈想自己血常规报告,只需要好好学学怎样看血常规报告单,就可以了。后边还有最关键的一点就是遇到不正常。准妈妈该怎么办呢, 血常规报告单怎么看, 在孕期血常规检查中出现的经常是一些数据,准妈妈要仔细观察,我们可以从这些数据中知晓准妈妈的健康状况,下边是孕期血常规检查中的一些正常的参考数据。 情况有异常时的表现 在血常规检查中,白细胞、红细胞以及血小板的数据是最关键的,也是准妈妈必须认真观察的。 血红蛋白及红细胞:血红蛋白的主要功能就是携带氧分子,血红蛋白的正常浓度范围在110~150g/L,如果准妈妈的血红蛋白的浓度大于150g/L时,准妈妈有可能出现血液中的含氧量不足或脱水的情况。当血红蛋白和血红细胞同时减少时,准妈妈有可能出现贫血的现象,如果是轻度贫血,那对准妈妈及分娩的影响不大,重度贫血则会有引起早产、低体重儿等不良后果的可能。 温馨提示 主要是判断准妈妈是否贫血,其判断标准在国内和国外是有区别的。在国内血红蛋白的正常值是100g/L,低于100g/L为轻度贫血,低于80g/L为中度贫血,低于60g/L为重度贫血。而在国外血色素正常值为110g/L,低于110g/L为轻度贫血。低于90g/L为中度贫血,低于70g/L为重度贫血。 白细胞:白细胞在机体内起着消灭病原体,保卫健康的作用,它的正常值是(4~10]×109/L。如果增多准妈妈可能就会表现为炎性感染、出血、中毒等,但在孕期是不同的,孕期是可以有一定的上升空间的。白细胞的减少,常表现为流感、麻疹等病毒性传染病及药物或放射线所致及某些血液病等。 白细胞按百分比分类计数可分5类: 1中性白细胞,正常为0.5~0.7,增高或减少的原因与白细胞计数相同; 2淋巴细胞,正常为0.2~0.4,增多时着表明准妈妈可能出现中性白细胞减少、结核、百日咳等,但减少也不是好兆头,表明中性白细胞增多; 3嗜酸性粒细胞,正常为0.005~0.05,这种细胞增多意味着准妈妈可能患寄生虫病、过敏性疾病及某些皮肤病; 4嗜碱性粒细胞,正常为0~0.0075,这一数据对准妈妈的影响不大; 5单核细胞,正常为0.01-0.08,增多时见于急性传染病恢复期。 白细胞偏高的定义,应该联系中性粒细胞来一起观察。单纯的白细胞偏离没有一个绝对值。如中性粒细胞正常,且没有身体感染炎症的表现,仅白细总数升高有时甚至达20×109/L一般也不能说明有什/厶问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 血小板:血小板正常值的范围为PLT(100~300)×109/L,如果血小板低于100×109/L,会影响准妈妈的凝血功能。 准妈妈的正常值范围与正常人正常值相比,并没有太大的变化,占正常血液的0.3%左右,只要检查达到正常值的范围即为属于正常。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave,
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