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六级阅读理解二、阅读练习 大学英语B阅读理解专项练习 Test1 Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Text1 An increasing number of scientists have found that anything that gives you pleasure may be more than just fun. Pleasure and...

二、阅读练习 大学英语B阅读理解专项练习 Test1 Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Text1 An increasing number of scientists have found that anything that gives you pleasure may be more than just fun. Pleasure and humor might help us live longer, fight off illness, and cure drug addiction. "Science has generally neglected pleasure and humor to concentrate on negative things like depression and illness," said Dr. William Fry, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University Medical Center in California. "But there's a growing realization of just how powerful pleasure is."   For example, research shows that smiling and laughing can actually strengthen your immune system, reduce stress and physical pain, and even help cancer patients. One research project at Loam Linda University showed these beneficial effects of laughter on the body. In the study, ten medical students were hooked up to several machines and spent an hour watching a funny videotape of a man smashing watermelons with a hammer.   Researchers were not trying to prove that smashing watermelons is a funny thing to do. They already knew that the volunteers would probably howl with laughter. What the researchers wanted to find out was how grinning, chuckling, and howling affected the volunteers as they watched the video.   The researchers were delighted to discover that small but important changes were taking place in the volunteers' bloodstream as they giggled or roared with laughter. Their blood showed increased production of white blood cells (the blood cells that defend us against infection and disease). At the same time, a decrease was noticed in the levels of chemicals that stop the immune system from working properly. Studies such as this seem to show that you should laugh, chortle, and howl as much as possible! You will increase your chances of living a long, healthy life, That's what one researcher means when he says, "He who laughs, lasts. For years we've thought that laughter and other forms of pleasure were good for you. Now it's a physiological reality.' 1. According to the text pleasure and humor might _______. 〖A〗 cure cancer 〖B〗 cure infectious diseases 〖C〗 help people concentrate 〖D〗 help people quit smoking 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :〖D〗 释疑:第一段中提到pleasure and humor might help us live longer, fight off illness, and cure drug addiction,但文章并没有提到能够治疗癌症、医治传染病和使人精力集中。所以A, B, C 答案都不对。Smoking可以认为是一种drug addiction,所以答案应是 〖D〗。2. In Dr. William Fry's opinion scientists ______ . 〖A〗 have paid enough attention to the effect of laughter 〖B〗 have neglected depression and illness 〖C〗 have preferred pleasure and humor to depression and illness 〖D〗 have realized the importance of pleasure in people's lives 答案:〖D〗 释疑:第一段中提到Dr. William Fry讲"But there's a growing realization of just how powerful pleasure is"。文章也提到科学家忽略了pleasure的作用,而重视研究depression和illness。所以〖A〗、〖B〗和〖C〗肯定是错误的。3. Laughter helps to fight off illness because _______. 〖A〗 it increases blood flow in human body 〖B〗 it helps the production of blood cells 〖C〗 it can strengthen the immune system and reduces physical pain 〖D〗 it can reduce chemicals in human blood 答案:〖C〗 释疑:这一题是逻辑推理题。Laughter能够有助于抵御疾病,其原因必须是直接原因。抵御疾病的直接原因应是免疫系统能力的提高和减轻病痛,所以答案应是〖C〗。4. In the text the researchers were trying to find out ___. 〖A〗 how the ten students would laugh 〖B〗 why the ten students laughed 〖C〗 how laugh would affect the students 〖D〗 why smashing watermelons was funny答案:〖C〗 释疑:第三段中提到科学家实验的目的并非是要了解砸烂西瓜是否有趣,他们最终是要了解笑是如何影响这些接受实验的学生。 5. The best title for the text would be ________. 〖A〗 Laughter-A Powerful Medicine 〖B〗 Laughter-An Illness Killer 〖C〗 Laugh and Live Long 〖D〗 A Psychological Reality Text2   Thomas Alva Edison, the American inventor, was born in 1847. Even as a child , he was always curious and always trying to invent new things. He was not a good student in school, but by the time he was a teenager, he had already had several jobs: store owner, telegraph operator, and inventor. He also had done lots of chemistry experiments on his own.   However, what Edison really wanted to do was research. He established his first laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, and later he set up another one in West Orange, New Jersey. In these laboratories, he enjoyed trying to come up with solutions to problems that no one else had been able to solve.   One of his most exciting and difficult challenges was to create the electric light bulb. Today, it's very simple and easy to produce thousands of light bulbs a day. But Edison and his assistants had to work night and day to come up with just the right materials to make the first working light bulb. They tried over a thousand times to put together the right metals to create an electric bulb that would work for more than just a few seconds.   Once Edison had created this first working electric light, he came up with a way to produce light bulbs in quantity. His dream was to light up all of New York City. With this goal in mind, he constructed the world's first commercial electric power plant on Pearl Street in New York City.   It wasn't long before several other businessmen set up their own electric companies joined together and organized a few large companies that mass-produced all electrical equipment according to the same standards. The outcome of all this was that Edison lost control of the companies he had originally set up. This didn't stop him, however. He continued inventing things. In fact, he went on to invent the phonograph (or record player) and he improved techniques used in the making of the first motion pictures.   When Edison died in 1931, he wasn't as rich as he could have been, but he was very famous. Many people were inspired by his story. 6. According to the text Edison was the first to ________. 〖A〗 discover electricity 〖B〗 invent light bulb 〖C〗 combine all the electric companies 〖D〗 light up New York 答案:〖B〗 释疑:答案在第三段可以找到。7. The last paragraph implies that Edison _______. 〖A〗 was not successful as a businessman 〖B〗 did not create enough inventions 〖C〗 could not compete with other electric companies 〖D〗 wasted a lot of money 答案:〖A〗 释疑:这是一道推断暗含意思的题。最后一段讲到"he wasn't as rich as he could have been"(他本应更富有些)。这是个虚拟语气,说明爱迪生没有挣到该挣的钱。作者 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出为爱迪生感到不平的态度。言外之意也认为爱迪生在商业运作上不如发明创造那样成功。8. Edison became a famous inventor although ________. 〖A〗 he failed in business 〖B〗 he was not rich 〖C〗 he lost control of the company he set up 〖D〗 he was not a good student in school 答案:〖D〗 释疑:该题部的是"虽然爱迪生…但他还是变成了一个伟大的发明家"。这是个让步从句,在选答案时肯定要选和"成为发明家"相矛盾的前提。选项 (在学校学习时他学习并不好)是最合适的选择。选择其他答案,其结果都不合科逻辑。9. Electric companies were joined together because ________. 〖A〗 their standards were different 〖B〗 those companies wanted to be more competitive 〖C〗 there was the need to unify electric standards 〖D〗 Edison could not control his company 答案:〖C〗 释疑:根据文章中提到的"This problem was solved in the 1880s when many of these companies joined together and organized a few large companies that mass-produced all electrical equipment according to the same standards", 答案是〖C〗。10. The following are inventions of Edison's except ________. 〖A〗 electricity equipment 〖B〗 light bulb 〖C〗 record player 〖D〗 motion picture Text3   Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2,000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry about. In other words it must be, "durable, distinct, divisible and portable". When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use. They will buy nothing, and a traveler might starve if he had none of the particular local "money" to exchange for food.   Among isolated peoples, who are not often reached by traders from outside, commerce usually means barter. There is a direct exchange of goods. For this kind of simple trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavor food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These things-salt, shells or metals-are still used as money in out-of-the-way parts of the world today.   Salt may seem rather a strange substance to use as money, but in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an absolute necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their value, were used as money in Tibet until recent times, and cakes of salt will still buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa.   Metal, valued by weight, preceded coins in many parts of the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings, is still used in many countries instead of money. It can either be exchanged for goods, or made into tools, weapons or ornaments. The early money of China, apart from shell, was of bronze, often in flat, round pieces with a hole in the middle, called "cash". The earliest of these are between three thousand and four thousand years old-older than the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean.   Nowadays, coins and notes have supplanted nearly all the more picturesque forms of money, and although in one or two of the more remote countries people still hoard it for future use on ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals, examples of primitive money will soon be found only in museums. 11. According to Aristotle money must ______. 〖A〗 be easy to carry 〖B〗 be strong enough and last long 〖C〗 be able to be divided without remainder 〖D〗 bear all the qualities above 答案:〖D〗 释疑:Aristotle讲钱应?quot;durable, distinct, divisible and portable:(耐用的、有明显区别的、能够用整数除尽的、便于携带的)。选项 〖A〗〖B〗和〖C〗都不全面。12. In some parts of the world ______. 〖A〗 money cannot buy goods 〖B〗 money is not needed for the exchange of goods 〖C〗 money is used in barter terms 〖D〗 money is used to flavor food答案:〖B〗 释疑:在世界有些地方人们采用易货贸易(以货换货,不需要货币),所以答案选择〖B〗 。 13. In Tibet the value of "salt money" is determined by __. 〖A〗 the weight of the cake of salt 〖B〗 the size of the cake of salt 〖C〗 the value stamped on the cake of salt 〖D〗 the quality of the salt 答案:〖B〗 释疑:答案可以在第三段中找到。14. The early money of China was _______. 〖A〗 older than the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean 〖B〗 not as old as the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean 〖C〗 made of copper 〖D〗 made of iron 答案:〖A〗 释疑:答案可以在第四段中找到。15. The best title for the text would be _______. 〖A〗 Early Money 〖B〗 Money 〖C〗 Coins and Notes 〖D〗 History of Money         Text4 Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large circulation. The 'quality' newspapers are often held up as an example of impartial journalism but the 'Daily Mirror' and the 'Daily Express' usually impress newspapermen even more because they both sell about four million copies every day. British families generally buy a newspaper every morning and frequently take two or three on Sundays, but the vast circulation figures obtained are not only due to the Englishman's thirst for news. Because the newspapers are all published nationally, copies can be delivered everywhere at the same time.   Though people broad often know the names of the national papers, they seldom realize that there is another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and country area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own financially and many of them are very profitable.   These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events-births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sport-but the content is naturally influenced by the king of community they serve. Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neigh hour hood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news. If there is no room for it in this week's edition, an item cam sometimes be held until the following week. The editor must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising. He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason. But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers, the businessmen are grateful for the opportunity to keep their products in the public eye.   Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely hold with taking sides on political questions. But they can often be of service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improve transport in the area and preserve local monuments and places of interest. 16.The 'Daily Mirror' impresses newspapermen more because __. 〖A〗 it has a larger circulation than many other famous papers 〖B〗 it is of better quality than many other papers 〖C〗 it is sold nationally 〖D〗 it is delivered everywhere in Britain 答案:〖A〗 释疑:文章第一段讲到but the 'Mirror' and the 'Daily Express' usually impress newspapermen even more because they both sell four million copies every day('Daily Mirror'之所以给人深刻的印象,关键是每天能出售400百万份)。答案〖B〗讲由于它比其他报纸的质量好,这在文章中并没有提到。〖C〗 和〖D〗也不是原因。17.Local papers are preferred by readers who _______. 〖A〗 are interested in news 〖B〗 are much interested in local events 〖C〗 want to obtain news as quickly as possible 〖D〗 work in churches and clubs 答案:〖B〗 释疑:这一题部的是什么人购买地方报纸。第三段中提到These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events-births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sport-but the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve。地方报纸是为地方服务的,当地人对于当地的事物,如婚丧事宜、地方议政会议的情况及体育报道等,自然会更感兴趣。文章后面还提到it does not get out of date as quickly as national news(地方新闻不象全国性新闻那样容易过时)。18.According to the text, businessmen would like to advertise in papers if _______. 〖A〗 the papers are well written 〖B〗 the papers can promote their products 〖C〗 they like to be in the news 〖D〗 the paper are popular and can attract readers答案:〖D〗 释疑:第四段中提到But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers。答案〖A〗只提到the papers are well written但没有全面地讲到"同时新闻应能够吸引读者",所以是不全面的。 19.The last paragraph implies that _______. 〖A〗 local papers never comment on politics 〖B〗 local papers can sometimes influence policy making 〖C〗 local papers are more concerned about their own communities 〖D〗 local papers do not take sides on problems of national importance 答案:〖B〗 释疑:答案〖A〗、〖C〗和〖D〗在文章中是明明白白地提到了。但此题部的是这段文字暗含着什么意思。文章中提到A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action. Council的成员是政策决策人(decision makers),劝说这些人采取某种措施就是influence policy making了。20.Newspapers in Britain have a large circulation because ____. 〖A〗 British families read two or three papers every day 〖B〗 British families like to read news and papers are available nationally 〖C〗 Newspapers are sold everywhere in Britain 〖D〗 The papers are impartial and people like to read them Test2 Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. 答案:〖B〗    Text1 释疑:文章第一段提到了the Englishman's thirst for news以及the newspapers are published nationally。一方面,人们关心新闻;另一方面,报纸处处可以买到。答案〖A〗提到英国家庭每天都要买2到3份报纸。而文章中只讲generally buy a newspaper every morning and frequently take two or three on Sundays,这里没有提到每天都要买2到3份报纸。Dolphins have become a popular attraction at zoos in recent. They are more interesting than lions and tigers because they are livelier and perform tricks, like circus animals. But although they are more willing to cooperate with the trainer than other mammals in captivity , they get bored if they are asked to do the same trick twice. This is one reason for believing that they are very intelligent.   Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times . We now have more reliable evidence of their usefulness than sailors' tables.   The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realize that they are better organized and their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community, as we do.   Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they communicate with each other without needing "words". They have an echo-location system which is similar to a bat's and much more sensitive than our hearing, so the most important task of a dolphin's brain is to transmit and receive sound.   Whales, especially the smaller types, are probably as intelligent as dolphins and some scientists claim that they are the most intelligent species in the world, apart from man. The great whales have the same brain power as the smaller ones but it is not so easy to study them because they cannot be kept in captivity for long and they live in the deeper, less accessible parts of the ocean.   Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than man? The question cannot be answered because our aims and interests are different from dolphins' and whales'. They are better adapted to their environment than we are and find food more easily. As a result, they are much more attracted by pleasure for its own sake than men and are not nearly so interested in dominating other species. 1.Dolphins are believed to be very intelligent because _____. 〖A〗 they are more willing to cooperate with people 〖B〗 they do tricks that people ask them to do 〖C〗 they sometimes show evidence of having good sense 〖D〗 they get bored when asked to do the same tricks 答案:〖C〗 释疑:文章中谈到海豚在连续做人们要它做的动作之后会显得烦躁,然后谈到This is one reason for believing that they are very intelligent。其实,读文章绝不能只读表面意思。海豚表现烦躁是表象,内涵的意思是海豚可能有一定判断能力。所以,其他答案都是不正确的。2.Dolphins' society may be more complex than people have expected because _______. 〖A〗 they care for members of their own species as human beings do 〖B〗 they can save drowning sailors 〖C〗 they are better organized 〖D〗 they communicate without words 答案:〖A〗 释疑:海豚的内部"社会结构"比人们认为的要复杂。既然讲的是dolphins' society,自然要以海豚内部的关系来说明问题。答案[B] 讲的是海豚与人类的关系。答案[C] 没有提出任何原因。答案〖D〗讲的是海豚的语言问题,这与社会结构没有任何联系。3.Big whales are more difficult to be studied because _____. 〖A〗 they are very ferocious 〖B〗 they are more intelligent 〖C〗 they are difficult to catch 〖D〗 they cannot be kept for experiment for long 答案:〖D〗 释疑:文章第5段提到they cannot be kept in captivity for long and they live in the deeper, less accessible parts of the ocean。英语的in captivity 是"被囚禁"的意思,less accessible是"很难到达"的意思。4.We can infer from the text that dolphins and whales _____. 〖A〗 can think as human beings 〖B〗 show more signs of intelligence than many other animals 〖C〗 show no interest in human beings 〖D〗 have a language without words 答案:〖B〗 释疑:这是一道要求考生进行推理的题。所谓推理是通过全文的阅读,读者能够从文章所提供的信息,推断出合适的结论。结论不能凭读者自己的常识,或不借助文章就能得出,结论必须在阅读文章之后才能得出。作扒理题必须读懂整篇文字,同时采用分析、归纳、排除、类比等逻辑方法,从而得出正确答案。这道题的答案〖A〗、〖C〗、〖D〗讲的是事物的事实而不是结论。〖B〗讲的是对海豹豚的看法,即结论。5.The best title for the text would be _______. 〖A〗 Mammals That Seem Almost Human 〖B〗 Human Like Mammals-Dolphins 〖C〗 Strange Animal World 〖D〗 Whales At Sea Text2答案:〖A〗 释疑:这道题要求考生给文章起个合适的题目。合适的题目应是对全文大意的总结。题目应能概括整篇文章,不能过于片面。只有〖A〗比较合适。   One evening last week my wife and I were sitting quietly at home. She was looking at the television while I was reading a book. Suddenly we heard a loud bang. I supposed that the old lady in the flat above ours was moving the furniture about. My wife was afraid that the noise would wake the baby. She turned down the television and a moment later we heard someone calling for help.   I ran upstairs. The old lady's door was shut but I could see smoke coming through the letter box and under the door and could smell something burning. 'The flat is on fire', I shouted down to my wife. 'Ring the fire brigade'.   I banged on the door but the old lady took a long time to answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaki
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