首页 神奇树屋4-海盗的宝藏(第四章少汉语)



神奇树屋4-海盗的宝藏(第四章少汉语)神奇树屋4-海盗的藏宝图 神奇树屋4-海盗的藏宝图 1太晚了! 杰克注视着他卧室的窗外,雨还在没完没了地下着。   “电视上说雨中午就会停的。”安妮,他7岁的妹妹说。   “但现在中午已经过了。”杰克说。 “可咱们一定得去树屋啊!”安妮说,“我有种感觉,那个代号为M的人今天一定会在那儿!”   杰克把眼镜往鼻梁上推了推,深吸了一口气。他不知道自己是不是准备好了去见那位代号为M的人——那个把所有的书放进神奇树屋的神秘人士。   “走吧!”安妮说。   杰克叹了口气,说,“好吧。你去拿咱们的雨衣和靴子,我去取书签和金牌...

神奇树屋4-海盗的藏宝图 神奇树屋4-海盗的藏宝图 1太晚了! 杰克注视着他卧室的窗外,雨还在没完没了地下着。   “电视上说雨中午就会停的。”安妮,他7岁的妹妹说。   “但现在中午已经过了。”杰克说。 “可咱们一定得去树屋啊!”安妮说,“我有种感觉,那个代号为M的人今天一定会在那儿!”   杰克把眼镜往鼻梁上推了推,深吸了一口气。他不知道自己是不是准备好了去见那位代号为M的人——那个把所有的书放进神奇树屋的神秘人士。   “走吧!”安妮说。   杰克叹了口气,说,“好吧。你去拿咱们的雨衣和靴子,我去取书签和金牌。”   安妮跑去拿他们的雨具。   杰克将手伸进他的抽屉,取出那块金牌。   奖牌是金子做的,上面刻有一个字母M。   然后他又拿出书签。书签是蓝色皮制的,上面也有一个相同的M。   这两个M和树屋地板上的那个M一模一样。   杰克将金牌和书签放进他的背包,然后又往包里扔进他的笔记本和铅笔。他可是个喜欢将重要事情都记下来的人。   “我把咱们的雨具都拿来了!”安妮喊道。 杰克拿起背包跑下楼,安妮已经在后门等他了。她一边往脚上穿靴子,一边说,“咱们外面见!”   杰克套上雨衣和靴子,背起背包,追上安妮。   风刮得很猛。   “好了吗?预备!冲啊!”安妮大声说。   他们低着头,冲入风雨中。   很快,他们来到了蛙溪树林里。   树枝摇曳着,将雨到处甩。   “讨厌!”安妮说。   他们劈里啪啦地淌过水洼,最后终于来到了林中那棵最高的橡树跟前。   他们抬头一看,卡在两个树枝之间的树屋在暴风雨中显得黑乎乎、孤零零的。从树屋吊下来的绳梯也在风中飘来荡去。   杰克想到了树屋里的那些书,希望它们没有被打湿。   “那个代号为M的人已经在那儿了。”安妮说。   “你怎么知道?”杰克屏住呼吸问。   “我能感觉到。”安妮小声说。   她抓住绳梯开始往上爬,杰克紧随其后。   树屋里面又湿又冷,但书却是干的,像头一天他们来时那样整齐地靠墙放着。   安妮捡起最上面的那本有关城堡的书,这本书曾把他们带入城堡时代。   “还记得那个骑士吗?”她问杰克。   杰克点了点头。他怎么会忘记那个曾经帮助过他们的骑士呢!   安妮放下那本有关城堡的书,又从那摞书中拿起另一本。   这是将他们带入恐龙时代的那本恐龙书。   “记得它吗?”她问。   杰克点点头。   他是永远也不会忘记把他从霸王龙嘴下救出的那只无齿翼龙的。   接着安妮拿起有关古埃及的那本书。   “喵。”她叫了一声。   杰克笑了。这本书曾把他们领进金字塔时代,一只黑猫曾跑到那里去救援。   “这一本是有关家的书。”安妮举起里面有他们家乡图片的那本书。他们的家——宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。   杰克又笑了,每次历险这本书总在最后把他们带回家。   杰克叹了口气,好吧,他还有最后两个问题没有搞清楚:谁是那个把书弄到这儿的代号为M的人?那个骑士、无齿翼龙和猫都认识这位代号为M的人吗?   终于,杰克把手伸进背包,取出金牌和皮书签,把它们放在地板上,正放在地板上那淡淡发光的M上。   这时一阵寒风吹过,雨水飘进了树屋。   “呃。”安妮说,“今天可不暖和啊!”   杰克觉得她说的没错,天的确又冷又湿。   “看那儿。”安妮指着墙角一本打开的书说,“我不记得有书被翻开了啊!”   “我也不记得呀。”杰克说。   安妮捡起那本书,盯着那上面的图片说,“哇,这地方看起来真棒!”她把图递给杰克,只见那上面是一个阳光明媚的海滩,一只绿色的大鹦鹉坐在一棵棕榈树  上,蓝色的海面上行驶着一只船。又一股寒风夹着雨吹进树屋,安妮指着那幅图片说,“真希望咱们在那儿而不是这里。”   “没错,但那儿是哪儿啊?”杰克问。   “太晚了!”这时突然传来一声刺耳的尖叫。安妮和杰克赶紧转身一看,只见树屋窗外的树枝上坐着一只绿鹦鹉,与图片上的那只鹦鹉简直一模一样。   “太晚了!”那只鹦鹉又尖叫了一声。   “一只会说话的鹦鹉!”安妮喊道,“你叫波利吗?我可不可以叫你波利?”   突然,风呼啸起来。   “噢,糟糕!现在我们遇到大麻烦了!”杰克说。   风越刮越大。   树叶在颤抖。   树屋开始打转,而且越转越快。   杰克把眼睛闭得紧紧的,然后一切都平静了。   绝对的平静。   杰克睁开眼睛。波利又尖叫着说,“太晚了!”  1 Too Late!   Jack stared out his bedroom window. The rain kept falling. And falling.   “The TV said it would stop by noon,” said Annie, his seven-year-old sister.   “It’s already past noon,” said Jack.   “But we have to go the tree house,” said Annie. “I have a feeling the M person will be there today.”   Jack pushed his glasses into place and took a deep breath. He wasn’tsure he was ready to meet the M person yet.The mysterious person who had put all the books in the magic tree house.   “Come on,” said Annie.   Jack sighed. “Okay,” he said. “You get our raincoats and boots.I'll get the medallion and bookmark.”   Annie ran to get their rain gear.   Jack reached into his drawer. He took out the medallion.   It was gold. The letter M was engraved on it. Then he took out the bookmark. It was made of blue leather. It had the same M on it.   Both M’s matched the M that was on the floor of the tree house.   Jack put the medallion and bookmark into his backpack. Then he threw in his notebook and pencil. Jack liked to take notes about important things.   “I got our rain stuff!” called Annie.   Jack picked up his pack and went downstairs. Annie was waiting by the back door. She was putting on her boots. “Meet you outside,” she said. Jack pulled on his raincoat and boots. Then he put on his backpack and joined her.   The wind was blowing hard.   “Ready! Set! Go!” shouted Annie.   They kept their heads down and charged into the rainy wind.   Soon they were in the Frog Creek woods.   Tree branches swayed,flinging rainwater everywhere.   “Yuck!” said Annie. They splashed through puddles.Until they came to the tallest oak tree in the woods.   They looked up.   Tucked between two branches was the tree house.It looked dark and lonely against the stormy sky.   Hanging from the tree house was a rope ladder. It was blowing in the wind.   Jack thought of all the books up there. He hoped they weren’t getting wet.   “The M person’s been there,” said Annie.   Jack caught his breath. “How can you tell?” he said.   “I can feel it,” she whispered.   She grabbed the rope ladder and started up. Jack followed.   Inside the tree house it was chilly and damp.   But the books were dry. They were all neatly stacked along the wall. Just the way they had been the day before.   Annie picked up a castle book on top of one stack. It had taken them to the time of castles.   “Remember the knight?” she said.   Jack nodded. He would never forget the knight who had helped them.   Annie put down the castle book. She picked up the next book on the stack.   It was the dinosaur book that had taken them to the time of dinosaurs.   “Remember?” she said.   Jack nodded.  He’d never forget the pteranodon who had saved him from the Tyrannosaurus rex.   Then Annie held up a book about ancient Egypt.   “Meow,” she said.   Jack smiled.The Egypt book had taken them to the time of pyramids. A black cat had come to the rescue there.   “And here’s the book about home,” Annie said.   She held up the book with the picture of their hometown in it.   Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.   Jack smiled again. The Pennsylvania book had brought them back home at the end of each of their adventures.   Jack sighed. Okay. He still had two main questions.   Who was the M person who had put all the books here?   And did the knight, the pteranodon, and the cat all know the M person?   Finally Jack reached into his backpack.He took out the gold medallion and the leather bookmark. He placed them on the floor. Right over the spot where the M glowed faintly in the wood.   Rain blew into the tree house.   “Brr!” said Annie. “It’s not very cozy today.”   Jack agreed with her. It was too wet and cold.   “Look.” Annie pointed to an open book lying in the corner.“I don’    t remember a book being open.”   “Me neither,” said Jack.   Annie picked up the book. She stared at the picture on the page.   “Wow, this place looks great.” She showed the picture to Jack.   He saw a sunny beach. A big green parrot sitting in a palm tree. And a ship sailing on a blue sea.   Another gust of rainy wind blew into the tree house. Annie pointed to the picture. “I wish we were there instead of here,” she said.   “Yeah,” said Jack.“But where is there?”   “Too late!” came a squawk.   Jack and Annie turned quickly.   Sitting on a branch outside the window ledge of the tree house was a green parrot. Exactly like the parrot in the picture.   “Too late!” the parrot squawked again.   “A talking parrot!” said Annie.“Is your name Polly?Can I call you Polly?”   Suddenly the wind started to whistle.   “Oh no! Now we’re in big trouble!” said Jack.   The wind blew harder.   The leaves shook.   The tree house started to spin. Faster and faster!   Jack squeezed his eyes shut. Then everything was still.   Absolutely still.   Jack opened his eyes.   “Too late!” squawked Polly. 2蓝色、明亮的大海 杰克感到热辣辣的阳光洒满树屋,他闻到了海水的咸味儿,听到涛声。   他和安妮一起望向窗外,只见树屋卡在一棵棕榈树上,不远处是蓝色、明亮的大   海。天、海相接之处有一艘大船在行驶,就像书中的图片那样。   “太晚了!”波利叫道。   “看!”安妮说。   只见波利在树屋上空盘旋,然后向大海俯冲过去。   “快点,咱们跟着它,也到水里去!”安妮说。她脱下雨衣,往地板上一扔。   “等等,咱们得先研究一下书上的内容。”杰克说。他正准备拿书,却被安妮一   把抢了过去。   “你可以在海滩上看啊。”安妮说。她连书的封面都没看一眼就把它塞进了杰克   的背包。   杰克叹了口气。事实上,海水看上去的确很诱人。于是他说,“好吧!”随即也   脱下了自己的雨衣。   “走吧!”安妮把背包递给杰克,然后走下绳梯。   杰克将雨衣叠起来,放到书堆旁边,然后背起背包,走下绳梯。   安妮的脚刚一触沙地就朝大海奔去。杰克看到她雨靴都没脱就蹚进了水里,于是   大叫:“你的靴子,安妮!”   安妮耸了耸肩,说,“它们会干的。”   杰克脱下自己的靴子和袜子,把它们放在背包旁边,然后卷起牛仔裤的裤腿,跑   过烫脚的沙地,冲进波涛。   海水温暖、清澈,杰克甚至可以看见水中的贝壳和小鱼。   他用手遮挡眼睛以避开阳光,然后朝远处的大海望去。   那只高大的、正在行驶的船似乎靠近了点儿。   “波利呢?”安妮问。   杰克环顾四周,没有发现波利的踪影。棕榈树上,烈日下的沙滩,蓝色、明亮的   海洋上空,均不见波利的身影。   杰克又朝海面望去,发现那只船又靠近了,现在杰克都能看见它上面飘扬的旗帜了。   然而他定睛一看,不禁打了个寒战——那竟然是一面黑色的骷髅旗!   “噢,天哪!”他吸了口气,拔腿往岸上跑。   “出什么事了?”安妮一边跟着他哗啦哗啦地往岸上跑,一边问。   杰克跑到他的背包跟前,从里面一把抓出那本书,看了一眼封面,他和安妮第一   次注意到了书名。   “呀!”安妮惊叫道。   “《加勒比海盗》。”杰克读道。  2 The Bright Blue Sea   Jack felt hot sunlight streaming into the tree house.   He smelled saltwater.   He heard the sound of waves.   He and Annie looked out the window.   The tree house was in a palm tree. Beyond was a bright blue sea. A tall sailing ship was on the horizon. It was just like the picture in the book.   “Too late!” squawked Polly.   “Look!” said Annie. Polly was flying in circles above the tree house. Then she swooped down to the ocean.   “Come on, let’s follow her!Let’s go in the water!” said Annie. She took off her raincoat and dropped it on the floor.   “Wait, we have to study the book first,” said Jack. He started to reach for the book. But Annie grabbed it.   “You can read it on the beach,” she said. Without even looking at the cover, she shoved the book into Jack’s backpack.   He sighed. Actually, the water did look wonderful.   “Okay,” Jack said. He took off his raincoat too.   “Come on!” Annie handed Jack his backpack, then started down the ladder.   Jack folded the raincoat and put it next to the stack of books. He put on his backpack. Then he went down the ladder.   As soon as Annie hit the sand, she ran toward the ocean.Jack watched her wade into the water. She was still wearing her rain boots.   “Your boots, Annie,” called Jack.   She shrugged.“They’ll dry out,” she said.   Jack took off his boots and socks. He put them beside his pack. Then he rolled up his jeans. And ran across the hot sand into the waves.   The water was warm and clear. Jack could see shells and tiny fishes.   He shielded his eyes against the sun. And peered out at the sea.   The tall sailing ship seemed a bit closer.   “Where’s Polly?” said Annie.   Jack glanced around. No sign of Polly. Not in the palm trees. Not on the sunlit sand. Not over the bright blue sea.   When Jack looked out at the sea again, the ship seemed even closer. Now Jack could see its flag.   As he stared at the ship’s flag, a chill went through him.   The flag was black. With a skull and crossbones.   “Oh man,” he breathed. He started out of the water.   “What’s wrong?” said Annie. She splashed after him.   Jack ran to his backpack. Annie followed.   He grabbed the book from his backpack. He looked at the cover. For the first time, he and Annie read the title of the book.   “Yikes!” said Annie.   “Pirates of the Caribbean,” Jack read aloud. 3小船上的三个人 “我们来到了海盗时代!”杰克说。   “海盗?”安妮尖叫道,“就像《小飞侠彼得·潘》中的那些海盗吗?”   杰克快速将书翻到有大海、船和鹦鹉图片的那一页。他读着图片下面的文字:   300多年前,在加勒比海,海盗们突袭载满珠宝的西班牙商船。   杰克从背包里抓起他的笔记本和铅笔,写道:   加勒比海盗   然后他翻到书的下一页,上面是一幅海盗旗的图片。他读道:   这骷髅旗被称作“快乐的罗杰”。   “我们走吧!”安妮说。   “等等!”杰克说,“我想把这面旗画下来。”   他把书支在沙地上,开始画骷髅旗。   “别照书上的图片画。”安妮说,“看那儿的真旗呀!”   但杰克推了推眼镜,仍然自顾自地画着。   “杰克,一些海盗跳进了划艇。”安妮说。   杰克还是埋头画画儿。   “杰克,那只划艇正在离开大船。”安妮说。   “什么?”杰克抬起头来。   “看。”安妮手指大海说。   杰克一看,只见划艇正朝岸上开来。   “快跑!”安妮说,并拔腿往树屋跑去。   杰克跳起来,眼镜掉在地上。   “快啊!”安妮回头冲他喊。   杰克跪在地上找他的眼镜,眼镜在哪儿呢?   这时,杰克发现沙地上有什么东西在闪光,他一摸,是他的眼镜!于是一把抓起。   接着他将笔记本和铅笔扔进背包,把包背起来,抓起靴子和袜子就跑。   “快点!他们来了!”安妮已经爬到了绳梯的最上面。   杰克回头往海上一望,海盗已经快到岸边了。   突然,杰克看到那本有关海盗的书还立在沙滩上,刚才慌乱中他竟然忘了拿!   “噢,糟糕!我忘了拿书!”他说,随即把靴子和袜子扔到树屋下。   “快上来,杰克!”安妮喊道。   “我马上就来!”杰克说,“我得先去拿书!”   “杰克,别管书了!”   但杰克已经朝海边儿跑过去了。   杰克抓起书。   “快过来!”安妮喊。   杰克把书塞进他的背包。   突然,一个巨浪将划艇冲到了海滩。   “快跑,杰克!”安妮叫道。   三个人高马大的海盗溅着水花上了岸。   他们用牙齿叼着刀,腰带上别着手枪,朝杰克冲过来。   “跑啊,杰克!快跑!”安妮大喊。  3 Three Men in a Boat   “We’ve come to the time of pirates!” Jack said.   “Pirates?”squeaked Annie.“Like in Peter Pan?”   Jack flipped to the picture that showed the parrot, the sea and the ship.   He read the caption under the picture:   Three hundred years ago, piratesraided Spanish treasure ships in the Caribbean Sea.   He grabbed his notebook and pencil from his pack. He wrote:   Pirates in the Caribbean   He turned to the next page. There was a picture of a pirate flag. He read:   The skull-and-crossbones flag wascalled the Jolly Roger.   “Let’s go!” said Annie.   “Wait!” said Jack. “I want to make a drawing of the flag.”   He propped the pirate book in the sand.   He started drawing the Jolly Roger flag.  “Don’t copy the picture in the book,” said Annie. “Look at the real thing.”   But Jack pushed his glasses into place and kept drawing.   “Jack,some pirates are getting into a rowboat,” said Annie.   Jack kept drawing.   “Jack, the boat’s leaving the big ship,” said Annie.   “What?” Jack looked up.   “Look.” Annie pointed.   Jack looked. He saw the rowboat coming toward the shore.   “Run!” said Annie. She started running toward the tree house.   Jack jumped up. His glasses fell off.   “Hurry!” Annie called back to him.   Jack went down on his knees. He felt for his glasses. Where were they?   Jack saw something glinting in the sand. He reached for it. It was his glasses. He snatched them up. Then he threw his notebook and pencil into his pack. He put the pack on his back.   He grabbed his boots and his socks.And he took off running.   “Hurry! They’re coming!” Annie was at the top of the rope ladder.   Jack looked back at the sea. The pirates were closer to the shore.   Suddenly Jack saw the pirate book. In all the confusion he had forgotten it. It was still propped in the sand.   “Oh man,I forgot the book!” he said. He dropped his socks and boots below the tree house.   “Come on, Jack!” Annie shouted.   “I’ll be right back!” Jack called. “I’ve got to get the book!”   “Jack, forget it!”   But Jack was already running toward the water.   Jack grabbed the book.   “Come back!” Annie shouted.   Jack shoved the book into his backpack.   Suddenly a giant wave carried the rowboat right onto the beach.   “Run, Jack!” shouted Annie.   Three big pirates splashed onto the sand.   They had knives in their teeth.   They had pistols in their belts.   They charged toward Jack.   “Run, Jack, run!” cried Annie. 4小人战利品  4 Vile Booty   Jack started to run across the hot sand. He ran as fast as he could.   But the pirates ran faster.   Before Jack knew it, the biggest pirate had grabbed him!   Jack struggled.But the pirate had huge, strong arms.He held on to Jack and laughed a mean, ugly laugh. He had a shaggy black beard.A patchcovered one eye.   Jack heard Annie yelling.He saw her coming down the rope ladder.   “Stay where you are!” Jack shouted.   But Annie kept coming.“Leave him alone, you bully!” she cried.   The other two pirates laughed meanly.They were dirty and ragged.   Annie charged up to the biggest pirate.“Let him go !” she said. She hit the pirate with her fist and kicked him.   But the pirate just growled. Then he grabbed her, too. And with his giant hands, he held Jack and Annie as if they were two kittens.   “No one escapes Cap’n Bones!” he roared.His breath was terrible.   “Let go!” Annie shouted into his face.   But Cap’n Bones just smiled.All his teeth were black.   Annie fell silent.   Cap’n Bones laughed loudly. Then he turned to the other two.   “Find out what’s in their house, you dogs,” he said. “Aye, aye, Cap’n!” they answered.And they started up the ladder to the tree house.   “What do you spy, Pinky?” shouted Cap’n Bones.   “Books, Cap’n!” Pinky shouted down. “Aghh, books,” growled Cap’n Bones. He spit on the sand. “I want gold, you dogs!”   “Dogs are nicer than you,” said Annie.   “Shhh,” said Jack.   “What about you, Stinky?” Cap’n Bones roared.   “Just books, Cap’n!” shouted Stinky.   “Aghh, books,” said Cap’n Bones. He spit on the sand again.“I hate books! Keep looking, dogs! Find me something good!”   Cap’n Bones grabbed Jack’s backpack. “What’s in here?” he said.   “Nothing—”Jack quickly opened the pack.“Just paper, a pencil, a book.”   “Another book!” roared Cap’n Bones. “That’s vile booty!”   A gleeful shriek pierced the air.   Cap’n Bones froze. “What’s that?” he shouted.   “Look, Cap’n!Look!”   Pinky leaned out the tree house window.He held the medallion. It glimmered in the sunlight.   Oh brother, thought Jack.   “Throw it down!” cried Cap’n Bones.   “It’s not yours!” shouted Annie.   Cap’n Bones dropped Jack and Annie. He caught the medallion as it fell. “Gold!Gold!Gold!” he cried.Cap’n Bones threw back his head and laughed horribly.   He grabbed two of his pistols.He shot them into the air.Pinky and Stinky howled like wolves. 5孩子的宝藏  杰克和安妮恐惧地看着。   这些贪图黄金的海盗似乎已经丧失理智了。   杰克用胳膊肘碰了一下安妮,他们开始慢慢地朝树屋的方向后挪,离开这些海盗。   “站住!”骷髅船长大喊了一声,并用手枪指着他们说:“兔崽子,再走一步就   开枪了!”   杰克和安妮立刻一动也不敢动了。   骷髅船长龇着满嘴黑牙笑了,然后咆哮道:“告诉老子其余的在哪儿,不然我要   你们的命!”   “其余的?其余的什么?”安妮问。   “其余的宝藏啊!”骷髅船长吼道,“我知道它在这座岛上,我有地图。”   他从腰带的荷包里抽出一张破纸,朝杰克和安妮晃了晃。   “那是一张藏宝图吗?”杰克问。   “对。这就是孩子的藏宝图。”  “哪个孩子的宝藏?不是我们俩的啊。”安妮说,“我们可不知道什么孩子的宝藏。”   “你为什么不看看地图呢?”杰克说。   “你来看!”骷髅船长一把将图推到杰克面前。   杰克盯着纸上那些奇怪的记号问:“这是什么意思呢?”   “什么什么意思?”骷髅船长问。   “这些话。”杰克指着图下的那些文字说。   “嗯,它的意思是……”骷髅船长眨巴着他那只好眼睛,皱着眉,干咳了两声,   揉了揉鼻子。   “嘿,别烦他了。”平基冲杰克吼道。   “你知道他不识字。”臭臭也说。   “闭嘴!”骷髅船长冲他两个手下吼道。   “我和杰克识字。”安妮大声说。   “别吱声!”杰克说。   “船长,不如让他们给咱们读读这张图!”臭臭说。   骷髅船长恶狠狠地看了杰克和安妮一眼,说,“还不快读!”   “读了你会让我们走吗?”杰克问。   海盗船长又眨了眨他那只独眼,说:“小兔崽子!只要金银财宝到了我的手里,   我就放你们走。”   “那好。”杰克说,“我读给你听。”他看着地图说:“这上面说‘金子在鲸鱼   的眼睛下面’。”   “什么?”骷髅船长叫道,“那是什么意思?小兔崽子。”   杰克耸了耸肩。   “好,不管它了!把他们俩给我押回船上!”骷髅船长叫道,“不告诉我们怎样   找到宝藏就让他们烂在那里好啦!”   于是杰克和安妮被扔进了划艇。   海上波涛汹涌,天空乌云密布,并刮起了大风,暴风雨就要来了。   “快划啊,蠢猪!”骷髅船长喊着。   平基和臭臭开始往大船那儿划去。   “看!”安妮指着岸上对杰克说。   只见波利,那只鹦鹉,正在沙滩的上空盘旋。   “她想帮我们。”安妮小声说。   波利飞向大海,但是风太大了,她只好转身飞回小岛。 5 The Kid’s Treasure   Jack and Annie watched in horror.   The gold-greedy pirates seemed to have lost their minds.   Jack nudged Annie.Together they started to back slowly away from the pirates. Toward the tree house.   “Halt!” Cap’n Bones shouted.He aimed his pistols at them.“Not another step, lubbers!” Jack and Annie froze.   Cap’n Bones grinned his black-toothed grin. “Tell old Bones where the rest is,” he growled. “Or prepare to meet thy doom.”   “What—what rest?” said Annie.   “The rest of the treasure!” roared Cap’ n Bones. “I know it’s on this island. I have a map!”   He reached into a belt pouch and pulled out a torn piece of paper. He waved it at Jack and Annie.   “Is that a treasure map?” asked Jack.   “Aye, it’s the map telling about Kidd’s treasure.”   “Which kid’s treasure? Not us kids,” said Annie.“We don’t know anything about a kid’s treasure.”   “Why don’t you read the map?” said Jack.   “You read it!” Cap’n Bones shoved the map in Jack’s face.   Jack stared at the strange marks on the paper.   “What does that mean?” asked Jack.   “What does what mean?” asked Cap’n Bones.   “Those words.” Jack pointed at the words at the bottom of the map.   “Well, it means...” Cap’n Bones’ good eye squinted at the writing. He frowned. He coughed.He rubbed his nose.   “Aw, leave him alone,” Pinky growled at Jack.   “You know he can’t read,” said Stinky.   “Shut up!” Cap’n Bones roared at his men.   “Jack and I can read,” Annie piped up.   “Shhh,” said Jack.   “Cap’n, make’em read the map!” said Stinky.   Cap’n Bones gave Jack and Annie a dark look.“Read it,” he growled.   “Then will you let us go?” said Jack.   The pirate squinted his good eye. “Aye, lubber. When the treasure’s in me hands, I’ll let you go.”   “Okay,” said Jack. “I’ll read it to you.” He looked at the map.   “It says, The gold doth lie beneath the whale’s eye.”   “Heh?” Cap’n Bones scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean, lubber?”   Jack shrugged.   “Hang it! Take’em back to the ship!” shouted Cap’n Bones. “They can rot there till they’re ready to tell us how to find Kidd’s treasure!”   Jack and Annie were tossed into the rowboat.   Waves splashed the sides. The sky ahead was dark with thunderclouds. A strong wind had started to blow.   “Row, dogs, row!” said Cap’n Bones.   Pinky and Stinky began rowing toward the big ship.   “Look!” Annie said to Jack. She pointed to the shore.   Polly the parrot was flying over the sand.   “She wants to help us,” whispered Annie.   Polly started to fly out over the waves. But the winds were too strong. She turned around and flew back to the island. 6鲸鱼的眼睛  划艇剧烈地左右摇晃着。浪很大,溅起咸咸的海水,刺痛了杰克的眼睛。他有些晕船。 “抓牢了!”骷髅船长大声说。他指了指大海,说:“不然我们就成了这些畜牲的盘中餐了。”   只见深色的鱼鳍划过海面,原来是鲨鱼!其中一只从划艇旁边疾行而过,杰克若是伸出手都可以摸到它!他不禁打了个哆嗦。   但是不多久,划艇就来到了大船跟前。   舱里的空气潮湿、酸臭。一束惨淡的白光从一扇小圆窗里射进来。   “噢,天哪!我们得想办法回到小岛。”杰克说。   “那我们就可以爬进树屋回家了。”安妮说。   “没错。”但杰克忽然感到没了力气,他们怎样才能从这困境中逃出去呢? “咱们最好研究一下那本书。”他说。于是把手伸进背包里,拿出了那本关于海盗的书。   他快速翻动书页,找寻对他们有用的信息。   “看。”他说。   他发现了一张海盗埋财宝箱的图片,“这也许有用。”他说。   他们一起读着图片下面的文字:   基德船长是个著名的海盗,据说他把一只装满金子和珠宝的箱子埋在了一座荒岛上。   “基德船长!”杰克说。   “那么这就是骷髅船长所说的‘孩子的宝藏’啰!”安妮说。   “对。”杰克回答。   安妮从圆窗子里看出去,说:“基德船长的金银财宝一定埋在岛上的某个地方。”   杰克拿出他的笔记本和铅笔,写道:   基德船长的财宝在岛上。   “杰克!”安妮说。   “别吵!等一下,我在思考。”杰克说。   “你猜我看见什么了?”安妮说。   “什么?”杰克眼睛盯着书问。   “一头鲸鱼。”   “好极了。”杰克说。他抬起头来,“一头鲸鱼?你刚才是说一头鲸鱼吗?”   “鲸鱼。大鲸鱼。有足球场那么大呢!”   杰克跳起来与她一起看向窗外。   “在哪儿呀?”杰克问。他目所能及的就是小岛、汹涌的
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