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Unit41.​ It is not easy to balance a interest and money when looking for a job. What do you think people will choose: a low-paid job one likes, or a boring well-paid job? I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to...

1.​ It is not easy to balance a interest and money when looking for a job. What do you think people will choose: a low-paid job one likes, or a boring well-paid job? I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to enjoy themselves rather than have plenty of money without a sense of achievement and happiness. On the other hand, some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart to earn more money. If one is in serious financial difficulty, one can hardly afford the luxury of a dream job. Money is the top priority. 2. Some people say acsterval people can get a job more easily than interval people do. Do you think one's character is important in finding a job? Why or why not? I think it is. Although many employers lay emphasis on candidates' educational background and work experience, some believe that candidates' character is equally important for a successful career. In contemporary society, many projects are so large that they require the coordination of a group of people rather than a single person's effort. Therefore, a good team player is often welcomed. Professionally skilled people may not be able to accomplish a large project if they are easily angered and cannot get along with their colleagues. If you want to assume a leading position, you should be firm on important issues while allowing your subordinates plenty of freedom. In fact, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to test candidates' EQ before they decide to hire them. 3. So many courses are offer in universities, it’s really hart to choose which ones to take. What courses are useful for one's job? In fact all courses may turn out to be useful in our future careers. The basic courses we take in the first two years of university lay a solid foundation for our future development. In the case of computer majors, for example, the math they have learned will enhance their ability for logical reasoning. The English courses they have followed will help them read the literature in their fields with greater ease. Art courses may increase their sense of balance and beauty. However, the courses in their specialties are often of greater relevance and value for their career development. For instance, computer majors may find courses such as programming, computer network, database, and CAD (Computer Aided Design) more closely related to their future work. 4. Last week I went to a interview and I was asked a lot of unexpected questions. What questions do you think are often asked in an interview? Why are they asked? To start with, the interviewers may ask you about your education. In this way they can gather information to see if you have acquired the basic knowledge required for the job you are applying for. Perhaps most of them will ask you about your work experience in this field to see if you have the necessary skills for the job you have in mind. Usually employers do not like an entirely inexperienced employee. They may also ask about your character, weaknesses and strengths to find out what kind of person you are. They may even ask you something that is not directly related to the job in question. Your answers tend to show your intelligence level and communication skills.
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