首页 钱海燕:单身女人的138条军规



钱海燕:单身女人的138条军规单身女人的138条军规 单身女人的138条军规 1 首先美好的事物不一定非要成双结对,举例说吧:世界上最大的钻石“希望之心”,她就是独一无二的。 First of all,great things don’t have to come in pairs. Take the world largest diamond, The hope----there is only one of it. 2 视爱情为生活奢侈品:有最好,没有也能活。若工作计划与男友约会冲突,取前者—前者不会辜负你,且越老越不会,除非你当三陪。 Y...

单身女人的138条军规 单身女人的138条军规 1 首先美好的事物不一定非要成双结对,举例说吧:世界上最大的钻石“希望之心”,她就是独一无二的。 First of all,great things don’t have to come in pairs. Take the world largest diamond, The hope----there is only one of it. 2 视爱情为生活奢侈品:有最好,没有也能活。若工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 与男友约会冲突,取前者—前者不会辜负你,且越老越不会,除非你当三陪。 You should think of love is luxury. It’s great to have it. But you can also live to have it. If it’s a choice between work and going on a date, choose work. It will never betray you, The older you get, the more it is true-----unless you work as a prostitute. 3 签任何 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 之前(特别是那些小字)至少看三遍—最具有挑战的合同是婚约。 Read any contract at least three times before you sign it. Especially a pre-nuptial agreement. 4 当然要有爱情—如果女人找男人只为了解决生计问题,那么卖笑是零售,嫁人算批发。 Of course it has to be for love. If all you are looking for is a source of income, then prostitution is selling yourself retail, while marriage is selling yourself wholesale. 5 只要你还在犹豫是否要和那个人结婚,那么,先别结。 If you are still hesitating over whether you should marry that man, then don’t. 6 单身女子手袋内必备物品:备用丝袜一双,穿裙子时;迷你手电筒一个,夜归时;防身喷雾一瓶,偏僻处单身行动时—最好不要到偏僻处单独行动;或史密斯.韦森M37珍珠柄手枪一把—如果你有持枪证的话;巧克力或蔬菜饼干一小包,加班时;好牌子护肤霜及自然色唇膏一盒,任何时候;钱包,里面有卡,有钱,任何时候。 Essential items for a single woman’s handbag: a spare pair of pantyhose (when you wear a skirt of a dress), a mini flashlight(for when you come home late), a can of pepper spray(for when you are out on your own---try to avoid this if you can), an S&W M37 pistol(only if you have a license),a bar of chocolate or some crackers(for when you have to work late),a good moisturizer and lipstick(always)and a wallet with credit cards and some cash in it(always). 7 为了你的身心健康可养一只狗狗,为了狗狗的身心健康,则不要养—每天被锁在公寓超过八小时,它太孤独了也会得抑郁症。(不过据说,最好的宠物是男人…..) For your health, you might keep a pet dog, But for the dog’s sake, don’t. A dog will be depressed if it is locked in your apartment for more than eight hours a day. (It is said that men make the best pets.) 8 坚持运动,每天吃维生素丸与钙片。如果你有一小笔闲钱可以买条迪奥晚礼服也可割个双眼皮,我的建议是:都不要。去报名参加武术瑜伽或跆拳道吧。 Keep exercising and make sure you take vitamins every day. If you have some spare cash you could buy a Dior evening gown or get plastic surgery, but my advice is not to go for either. Go sign up for a martial arts course, or Yuga, or Taekwondo. 9 每月记账。林黛玉大概是不记账的,所以很快连燕窝都吃不起了;宝钗则一定会记,最后成功当上了二奶奶。你看,财富观即人生观。 Keep track of your income and spending every month. Lin Daiyu probably didn’t do that, and soon she couldn’t afford her bird’s nest soup. Xue Baochai did it and managed to marry Jia Baoyu. You see, the way you managed your wealth defines your position in life. 10 人越少则冰箱越要大,精神空虚,美食填充;若深夜打开冰箱居然已无龙虾香槟鱼子酱,更可鞭策你明朝勤力工作以便早日当上副总裁。 The size of refrigerator is often inversely proportional to the number of people in a household. Because food is used to fill the void in a person’s heart. If you can not find lobster, champagne, or caviar at midnight, you should be motivated to word harder and get promoted to VP as soon as possible. 11 迟到的女人没前途。若常常需要早起开会,请备高分贝闹钟一个—睡得深的请备三个。 Chronically late women have no future. If you often have to get up early for morning meetings, try to get a loud alarm, You should have three if you are a deep sleeper. 12 谁说的,去酒吧的男人多是找刺激的,去酒吧的女人像是受过刺激的,所以酒吧里认识的异性就不必留电话了吧。 It is said that men go to bars for adventure, while women go to bars are often recovering from a shock.. So don’t give your phone number to a guy you’re just met in a bar. 13 若连续六个月每月置杉超过十件,考虑买房,伍尔芙曾经说过,女人需要每年五百英镑(考虑到社会进步和通货膨胀现在至少要涨到五千了)和一间属于自己的房子(至少三房两厅带露台若有可能背山面海)。难道你准备下半辈子住在一条波西米亚风格的裙子或名牌旅行箱里吗? If you have bought more than 10 blouses in each of the past six months, please think about buying a house. Virginia Woolf said that a woman needs 500 pounds a year and a room of her own. Adjusting for inflation and modern living standards, that would be at least 5000 pounds today. The house should have three bedrooms and two living rooms. Surely you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in your Bohemian skirt or your designer luggage. 14 最好不要让初次约会的异性知道你的住所;若对方坚持送,那么,到楼下即可—相信我,他不“顺便上去喝杯茶”也不会马上渴死。 On the first date, it is best not to let the guy know where you live. If he insists on accompanying you home, fine, but say goodbye at the door. Trust me, he won’t die of thirst without having a cup of tea. 15 自己开车。车子比男人好的地方是:它不会自己跑掉—当然它有可能被偷,但你可以买保险,甚至连航天飞机都可以买保险了,但男人并不能买保险。 Drive yourself. A car is better than a man since it won’t run away by itself. It might be stolen, but you can buy insurance. A space shuttle can be insured, but not a man. 16 买保险。和一只小小保险柜隔首饰。你知道,过了二十五岁,就宁可不戴首饰也不要戴假首饰了。 Buy insurance. Buy a small safe for jewelry. And you know, once you pass the age of 25 it’s better to wear no jewelry at all than to wear something fake. 17 如果没车,不要买丝绒、缎面、刺绣、十公分高跟或白色皮鞋。我见过年轻女孩拖着晚礼服式亮纱裙子挤公车,感觉太…那个了。 Unless you own a car, don’t buy velvet, silk, embroidered, 10cm—heeled or white leather shoes. I once witnessed a girl in an evening gown struggling to get on a bus. It was too embarrassing. 18 办公室备一件厚外套,一柄伞—白素贞若当初自备雨伞,之后就不必永镇雷峰塔了。 Keep a coat and an umbrella in your office----Bai Suzhen would never have been jailed under the Leifeng Pagoda if she’d had an umbrella with her. 19 友谊是用来锦上添花的—朋友的恭维就像香水,可以闻,但不要喝。 Friends make a good thing even better. A friend’s flattery is like perfume: it smells good, but you can not drink it. 20 如果不幸你爱的男子有另一个女人,无论是老婆,未婚妻,还是女朋友,请不要动念和她“见面谈一下”,别犯贱—立刻走人! If the man you are in love with has another woman, be that a wife, a fiancée, or a girlfriend, never think of meeting her, Don’t be stupid, walk away immediately. 21 永远永远不要问这个问题:“为什么不爱我?” Never ever ask him the question :“Why don’t love me:” 22 永远永远不要相信男人这种话:我会离婚的;我当时喝多了;我只想抱抱你;我只把它放在外面…. Never believe a man when he says: I will divorce; I was drunk; I just want a hug; I won’t stick it in…. 23 男人对自己的好色就像律师对罪犯:明知有罪,也要辩护….你知道就行啦。 Like a lawyer representing a criminal, a man will defend his libido even when he knows he’s in the wrong. Just be aware of that. 24 人生想通了不过就是:饥来餐饭倦来眠。所以,世界上没有任何人任何事会重要到你过了半夜十二点还苦苦思索辗转不睡。 In the end, life comes down to eating when you’re hungry and sleeping when you’re tired. You should not be up worrying at midnight over anyone or anything. 25 每个女人心中都有一面神奇的魔镜.它的名字—不,不叫自信,它叫自欺欺人。 Every woman has a magic mirror in her heart. It’s known as---no, not self-confidence, it’s self-deception. 26 也可以去相亲,但实现一定要打听清楚对方的尊姓大名—否则连续三个周末梳妆打扮齐整,跟着不同的红娘羞答答去见同一个无聊男子,那实在太富有戏剧性了。 It’s okay to go on a blind date set up by your friends or relatives. However you should always ask his name beforehand. Otherwise, you might end up meeting the same boring guy time after time. It would be like something out of a bad movie. 27 名誉这件事是有的:若没有五位数(美金)出场费,不要参加“玫瑰男女”之类低级电视节目。 Mind your reputation. Unless you get paid a five-figure fee, don’t participate in a TV-show like “Rosy men and women.” 28 记住,流言造成伤害至少需要两个人:你的敌人诋毁你,你的朋友转告你。 Keep in mind that for rumor to hurt you, at least two people have to be involved. Your enemy creates it and your friends informs you. 29 任何应酬都不要喝多—头天晚上吐的东西次日早上还要自己收拾,也许会吐第二次。 Don’t get drunk, no matter what the occasion. If you do, and you throw up, you will have to clean it up by yourself the next morning. That might make you throw up again. 30 添一套健身器材可能不比生一次感冒更贵;抽屉里放好必备药品,记住急救电话。 Buying a set of gym equipment might be less expensive than catching the flu. Keep some necessary drugs in your drawers. Remember the emergency number. 31 男人就像避孕药:没有他不安全,有了他又有副作用…人生诸多意外,即使你“真的”没男友,床头备一只安全套也不多余。 A man is like birth control pills: it’s not safe without him, but he causes side effects. Life is full of accidents. Even if you “really” don’t have a boyfriend, it doesn’t hurt to keep a condom at home. 32 聪明女人是快乐的,只有自以为聪明的才常常烦恼。 Smart women are happy ones. Unhappy ones are those who think they are smart. 33 除了成熟,没有什么能治疗青春痘。 Growing up is the only cure for acne. 34 想念了三个月的人还没来…听我的,别想了。 If it’s three months and the man hasn’t turn up yet…listen to me, forget him. 35 工作,卖力就行了,不必卖命。 Put effort into your work, but don’t put your life into it. 36 男人送花是因为:一、可以让你认为他爱你。二、可以省下真正昂贵的礼物。 Men send flowers because: It makes you feel loved; He won’t have to shell out for a really expensive gift. 37 事业有成兼会补衣绣花的女子不只双倍美丽。所以,学几个拿手菜吧。 A woman with a great career as well as great embroidery skills has more than doubled her beauty. So learn to cook a few gourmet dishes. 38 随时享受生活等于延长生命—周末即使一个人也有炖一锅好汤。 You’ll live longer if you can enjoy life at all times. Make a great soup on the weekend even if you are alone. 39 已结婚的前男友打电话来问最近好不好----当然好。 When your married ex-boyfriend calls to ask how you have been lately, tell him “great!” 40 过去,童话故事是以“在很久很久以前”开头的;现在,童话故事是以“如果我还没有结婚而遇到你”开头的。姑娘,你已经过了听童话的年龄了。 In the old days, a fairy tale always began with “Once upon a time.” Nowadays, it often starts with “If I weren’t married……”Well, you’re too old for fairy tales. 41 若确有需要,可(在办公室之外的地方)上网给自己订购一个仿真物品,但,注意卫生,防止感染塑胶病毒。 You can go online to order artificial help if necessary. Keep things hygienic and don’t get infected with plastic yeast. 42 和一个人有亲密关系,等于和历史上所有与他有亲密关系的人有亲密关系-----同居前请他查体。 Getting intimate with a man means getting intimate with everyone from his past. Ask him to take a health exam before you move in together. 43 嗯,想的时候,想想再说。 If you are in the mood, think twice before saying so. 44 不想的时候,直接说不。 If you are not in the mood, just say no. 45 如Bianca Jagger所说:“若没有感情,不如去打网球。”----反正都是出一身汗。 As Bianca Jagger said, “Unless there’s some emotional tie, I’d rather play tennis.” You’ll get sweaty either way. 46 爱你的工作,不要爱上你的上司。 Love your work, but don’t fall in love with your boss. 47 不要动念做单身妈妈----孩子不需要父亲,但你需要:一个照顾孩子的人,非常需要有人照顾。 Don’t ever think about being a single mom. The baby may not need his dad, but you do. You will very much need someone to take care of you while you are taking care of a baby. 48 不,不,没有什么会比你更爱你。 No, no, nobody will love you more than yourself. 49 高处不胜寒?别听人胡说!人当然要往高处去。 It’s lonely at the top? Nonsense! Of course you should keep moving up on the ladder. 50 其实,人生即使有伴终归会寂寞……不如及早储蓄金钱培养兴趣,中年之后,环游世界,种花养鱼。 In fact, you will fell lonesome even with a partner….you should save some money and try to have some hobbies. Be prepared to travel the globe, or raise flowers and fish once you enter middle age. 51 千万不要和那种老是觉得你有点胖的女孩交朋友。 Never make friends with those girls who think you are a little bit fat. 52 谈恋爱就像打麻将:不认真没乐趣,太认真会伤心-----培养点游戏精神嘛。 Love is like a game of mahjong: it is no fun if you are not serious at all; take it too seriously and you get hurt. Get into the spirit of the game.. 53 不必对新男友坦白情史,如果爱他,尤其不必。 You don’t have to tell your new boyfriend everything in your past, especially if you love him. 54 切记,与任何人,任何情况下都不要拍摄男欢女爱之镜头----肉麻点的照片都可免则免:也许你某天会出名哈! Remember, never agree to be videotaped when you make love. It doesn’t matter with whom or under what circumstances. Better not even take intimate photos. You never know when you might become famous. 55 能用钱买到的东西都是便宜的------尽早养成自己付账的习惯。 Anything you can buy with money is cheap. Make a habit of paying the bill yourself. 56 结婚须慎重,但离异也没什么好羞愧的,婚姻就像鞋子-----谁一辈子就穿一双鞋? Be prudent with your marriage. Divorce is not necessarily a shame, however. Marriage is like shoes. Nobody wears only one pair all her life. 57 家具什物沉实朴素方显品位,若此生不住凡尔赛宫,莫用仿巴洛克式装修;若无 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 天才及六个月搬一次家的嗜好,别买宜家之类的需自己动手的简陋配置----名词解释:锤子,一种专门用来砸扁手指的工具。 Furniture and fixtures should be simple. Don’t try for the Baroque style of Versailles. Don’t buy from IKEA unless your ‘re an engineering genius who moves house every six months. P.S.: Definition of hammer: a tool for crushing fingers. 58 女人要会说不-----中年发迹而离婚的男人求婚,说不。 Women should learn to say no. The answer to a marriage proposal from a man who divorced his wife after becoming rich in his middle age is a definite no. 59 说不清晰肯定---曾经背叛过你的男人想回头,说不。 Be clear and decisive when you say no. When a man who betrayed you in the past comes back to ask for another chance, say no. 60 不的意思是不----你曾经背叛的男人请你回头,说不。 Mean it when you say no. When a man whom you betrayed in the past comes back to ask for another chance, say no. 61情场如战场,实在打不过,那就快点跑---千万不要“一夫当关,万夫莫开”。 Falling in love is like waging war. If you cannot win, retreat as quickly as possible. Don’t fight to the bitter end. 62 你妈妈一定告诉过你了:回家过夜,慎交男友。 I’m sure your mom has told you: come home at night, and be careful whom you date. 63 男人很重要:他们最重要的功能是产生精子……但我们现在有了精子银行。 Men are very important: they can make sperm……however, we have sperm banks now. 64 独居的好处之一是:你不必在一个很久以前爱过的人的臂弯醒来;之二,也不必在醒来去上厕所时每次都要切记先把马桶圈放下。 The first advantage of living alone: you don’t have to wake up in the arms of a man you used to love a long time ago. Second, you don’t have to put down the toilet seat each time you use it in the morning. 65 过分追求时尚,其实就是老土。 Being too trendy is out of style. 66 基本上,良好的两性关系基于距离、谎言和幻想之上。 In essence, a good relationship is built on distance, falsehoods and illusions. 67 出远门带好电话,穿双平底鞋---你知道男人知道:穿平底鞋依然好看的女人,才是真正好看。 When travelling, take your mobile phone and wear flats. You know, men are all aware that a woman who looks good even in flats is really beautiful. 68 无论蕾丝内衣还是工作报告,简洁都是最好。 Simplicity is best, whether it’s a set of lacy underwear of work report. 69 浪漫…..就像一袭美丽的晚礼服,但你不能一天到晚都穿着它啊。 Romance is like a beautiful evening gown. It’s really pretty, but you can’t wear it all the time. 70 嫁大款就像抢银行:收益很大,但后患无穷。若能不试,还是不试为好。 Marrying a rich man is like robbing a bank. You may profit big, but there are serious consequences. Don’t try it if you don’t have to. 71 多角恋其实一点也不复杂:你哪个都不爱。 Think you’re in love with more than one man? It’s quite simple: you don’t love any of them. 72 女人有改变主意的权利---对一个错误的诺言,你要有勇气违背它。 Women are entitled to change their minds. Don’t be afraid to break a wrong promise. 73 放心,失恋就像感冒,无论是否吃药,半个月都会好的。 Don’t worry. Being crossed in love is like catching the flu. You will recover in a couple of weeks whether you take medicine or not. 74 培养些小小的好习惯,比如早睡,比如饭后漱口,比如喝清茶,比如工间操----好习惯如同零钱罐,每天放一点,年终会惊喜。 You should get into some good habits, such as going to bed early, rinsing your mouth after each meal, drinking green tea, and taking a break at work to stretch your back. Having a good habit is like putting change into a piggy bank----if you persist in doing it every day, you will always be pleasantly surprised in the end. 75 骑驴找马特别耽误找马----骑自行车吧。 It’s waste of time to look for a horse while riding a donkey. Just ride a bike. 76 一个人是否可靠,全看你用什么样的手段控制他…..但问题是,可以完全控制的男人,往往是不值得控制的。 The way you deal with a man determines whether he is reliable or not. The problem is, a man who is completely controllable is not worth controlling. 77 如果每次都分摊付账,友谊会长久一些。 If you share the bill each time, friendship lasts longer. 78 男人总是向不把他看在眼里的女人献殷勤----命运也是。 A man always courts the woman who ignores him. Fate does the same. 79 想满意,自己做----菩萨合掌念菩萨,求人不如求己。 Do it yourself if you don’t want to be disappointed. You will be better off counting on yourself than counting on others. 80 有储蓄才有尊严----学习理财,即使你的专业是动物考古或天文物理。 Savings make dignity. Learn to manage your money, even if you majored in archeology or astronomy. 81 不要借钱,若一定要借,借银行。 Don’t borrow money from anyone. If you really have to, borrow it from a bank. 82 不要借给人钱,若一定要借,别打算他还:当遣散费好了。 Don’t lend money to anyone. If you really have to , be prepared to kiss it good-bye. 83​ 别用男朋友的生日做密码―――常常换,很烦的。  Don’t use his birthday as your password. You may have to change it frequently. It’s a hassle. 84​ 换男朋友的时候,记得换防盗门。 When you change boyfriends, remember to change the locks on your door. 85​ 有个简单的准则:会让你等的男人,大抵不爱你。 A simple rule: a man who keeps you waiting probably does not love you. 86 世界上有三个秘密是多年以来人们所不知道的:可口可乐的配方,英国女王的财富以及好男人到哪里去了。 There are three secrets that remain hidden from the world: the recipe for Coca-Cola, the wealth of the Queen of England, and where all the good men have gone. 87床头放一本好书,而不是袖珍电视…..就是看电视也没关系,至少你不用被迫整夜都看体育台了。 Keep a good book at your bedside instead of a mini TV. Even a TV is not a problem. At least you won’t be forced to watch the sports channel all night. 88内衣和床上用品一定要品质好的…..男人也是一种床上用品;男人不会时时在,所以热水袋和电毯子才是生活必需品----另外,你会很快发现,一个人换被罩其实也不是那么麻烦。 Underwear and bed sheets should be of high quality. A man falls into the same category. He cannot be there for you all the time. So a hot-water bottle and an electric blanket are necessities. Also, you will realize that it is not that difficult to change sheets on your own. 89每天大笑几次对身体好。若没人给你讲笑话,看迪斯尼动画。 A few wild laughs every day are good for your health. Watch Disney cartoons if no one tells a joke. 90找一项有兴趣的体育运动---做爱不算,坚持。 Find a sport you like and stick with it. Love-making doesn’t count. 91心情失落时不要淋雨、听慢歌、看悲情电影、泡在浴缸内喝红酒----叫个女朋友去购物、旅游、美容、吃大餐。 Don’t walk in the rain, listen to blues, watch sad movies, or sit in the bathtub sipping wine. Call a girlfriend and go shopping, travel. Visit a beauty salon, or have a good meal. 92两个原则:一、不要纠缠干小事;二、任何事都是小事。 Two principles: one, don’t stumble over peanuts; two, everything is peanut. 93不要常常计算损失----那是保险公司和你对手的事。 Don’t calculate your losses all the time. That’s the job of your insurance company and your opponents. 94 “每个成功男人的背后都有一个默默支持的女人“-----记得这句话吗?好,现在忘了它。 “Behind every successful man, there stands a quiet woman”----remember this? OK. Now forget it. 95若你女友的丈夫是律师、医生、经纪人、出版商、电脑高手…..不妨请他来给自己参考买楼、保健、投资、出书、装软件….但切记每次均邀贤伉俪同往。 If your girlfriend’s husband is a lawyer, doctor, broker, publisher, or computer wiz, you can ask for his advice on buying property, health care, investing, publishing books and fixing your desktop. But always remember to invite his wife along. 96世界上最快的传播手段倒序排列:报纸,电话,电视,网络,告诉女人。 The world’s most efficient means of communication, in reverse order; newspaper telephones, TVS, the internet, and informing a woman. 97你穿什么,你就是什么---忘掉那些豹纹、镂空、透纱、尼龙锻后背带长拉锁的旗袍和镶大量水钻蝴蝶结的裙子吧。 You are what you wear----forget those cheongsams of skirts with complicated crystal ornaments and fancy designs. 98不,不论多昂贵的化妆品,除了清洁防晒保湿都不可能让你更白,或更年轻,或广告上常常暗示的那样:更吸引异性。 No, no matter how much those cosmetics cost, they won’t make you white, younger, or more attractive to the opposite sex-----whatever the commercials say. They’re only good for cleansing and moisturizing. 99如果一定要说谎….找支笔记下来。 When you have to tell a lie, find a pen and write it down. 100若无心黑手辣杀伐决断之天才,不要给人做情妇。 Don’t be anyone’s mistress unless you have a gift for ruthlessness. 101永远不要在想让你哭的人面前哭。 Never cry in front of anyone who wants to see you doing that. 102女人有左右大脑,男人有左右睾丸。 Women have a left brain and a right brain; men have a left testicle and a right testicle. 103经济条件很重要,但你也知道哪句话:有翅膀的不一定是天使,他可能是个鸟人。 Finances are important. However, keep in mind that not all those with wings are angels. Sometimes they’re just birdmen. 104 相信大家的智商----不要试图装扮的比你实际年龄小。 Trust the IQs of people around you. Don’t try to look younger than you actually are. 105时代不通了,男女都一样:接保险丝、修马桶、换轮胎、装杀毒软件其实并不比生孩子更难。 Times have changed for both men and women. It is no more difficult to change fuses, fix the toilet, replace tires, or install anti-virus software than to give birth to babies. 106既然上帝给了你大脑和子宫,你最好两样都用上---记得每年做妇科检查。 God gave you both a brain and a uterus. You’d better be able to use both of them. Remember to see the gynecologist every year. 107任何东西都不能用健康交换。 Nothing can be traded for health. 108重要文件要备份,钥匙一定要在父母或好友家多存一套。 Make copies of important documents and always keep spare keys at your parents’ or a friende. 109若你的房间越来越雪白素净、访客越来越少、桌面地板不允许有一丝灰尘、听到孩子的吵闹会心烦、每天洗手超过20次…….去看心理医生。 You should see a psychiatrist if you find that your room becomes more and more colorless, you have fewer and fewer visitors, you can’t tolerate even a single speck of dust on the table of floor, you get annoyed whenever you hear a kid making noise, or you wash your hands more than twenty times a day. 110即使你真的不喜欢小孩,也不要说出来吧。 Even if you really don’t like kids, don’t say so. 111如果你常常自信的认为勾引任何异性都是件很容易的事,那----恕我直言,你可能有点太容易被勾引了。 If you are generally very confident in your ability to seduce men, please forgive me, but you are probably too easy to seduce. 112嫉妒会要人命---要是你没了命,你就没有了你生命中很重要的一部分。 Jealousy can kill you. And if you’ve lost your life, you’ve lost pretty much the most important thing of all…… 113工作与生活分开比较安全:不要让私人朋友常到办公场所找你。 It’s safest to separate your work and private life. Don’t let your personal friends to come to your office too often. 114要是你常常弄不清一个男人到底是什么意思----让我告诉你---那就是他对你根本没意思。 If you often find yourself wondering what a man really means, then take it
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