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职场英语系列21-30 静雅思听 智慧声音 1 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 21:你是否该换工作了 Are you ready for a job change? By Peter Newfield Money isn't the only reason why people change jobs. Sometimes the work environment, stress, lack of co...

静雅思听 智慧声音 1 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 21:你是否该换工作了 Are you ready for a job change? By Peter Newfield Money isn't the only reason why people change jobs. Sometimes the work environment, stress, lack of cooperation among staff, and personality conflicts can contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction with your job. Take this quiz and find out if you should be considering new opportunities for improved job satisfaction and greater personal, as well as, financial rewards. * You get that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach when you hear the "Tick, Tick, Tick" of the "60 Minutes" clock on Sunday evenings. T or F * You keep oversleeping in the mornings and/or taking longer lunch hours. T or F * You envy Gilligan's lifestyle when you catch late night reruns of that 60's sitcom. T or F * You have to pinch your palm, bite the inside of your lip, or plan weekend errands in your head just to stay awake during staff meetings. T or F * You still have "update resume" on your Things to Do list from last August. T or F * Your mortgage and credit card bills are giving you nightmares. T or F * You question your accomplishments after learning that the biggest dweeb from your high school reunion drives a brand new Land Rover and just returned from a Mt. Everest climbing expedition. T or F * You've used up all of the "dead relative" excuses for taking time off from work. T or F * You walk around coughing loudly the day before any office social functions so you can pretend to be sick and stay home. T or F * You count the coffee wagon lady as one of your closest friends. T or F * Your department has seen so much employee turnover that you are considered to be "senior" after only two years on the job. T or F * You are borrowing money on a weekly basis from your 3rd grader and he's starting to charge interest. T or F If you have checked T on any of the questions, give yourself 10 points. If you have a total of more than 70 points, get your resume and cover letter in order ASAP and start looking for greener pastures. If your score is 40 - 70, think about prioritizing a job search in the near future. If you scored less than 40 points, you must really love what you do for a living. It's still not a bad idea to keep your resume updated. You never know when opportunity will come knocking! 职场英语系列 21:你是否该换工作了 人们换工作并不只为了钱。有时工作环境、压力、同事之间缺乏配合、个性的冲突都会让你 在工作中感觉到不开心与失望。做做下面的小测验,看看你是否应该考虑新的工作机会以便 增加你的工作满意度,收获更多个人与财富上的回报。 1. 当每个周日晚上整点时间听到钟表的报时声音时,你是否觉得胃部有些难受。是或否 2. 你早上很贪床或午饭吃的时间很长。是或否 静雅思听 智慧声音 2 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 3. 当你在深夜看情景喜剧时,你非常嫉妒吉利根的生活方式。是或否 4. 在部门的会议中,你不得不通过掐自己手掌、咬自己的嘴唇或盘算周末家里的事才能让 自己保持清醒。是或否 5. “更新你的简历”从去年八月以来一直列在你自己的未办事宜中。是或否 6. 你的按揭与信用卡帐单的情况不断让你做恶梦。是或否 7. 当你在高中同学聚会中得知原来你最瞧不起的白痴开的是陆虎的跑车,而且刚刚攀登了 珠穆朗玛峰回来,你不由得开始怀疑自己的成就。是或否 8. 为了从单位请得事假找借口,你的亲戚几乎已经都死过一遍了。是或否 9. 在有办公室各种社交活动的前的一天,你总是四处走动并大声咳嗽,这样你就可以以病 为由不参加活动而呆在家里。是或否 10. 办公室的服务人员倒成了你最亲密的朋友。是或否 11. 你们办公室很多人都已经换过了,结果造成虽然你只来了两年,却已经是办公室的老员 工了。是或否 12. 你已经开始每周都向比你低几级的员工借钱,而他已经开始要向你收利息了。是或否 上面的每个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,如果你的回答是肯定的,你就记上十分。如果你的得分超过 70分,那你 趁早准备简历与求职信找新工作。如果你得分介于 40分到 70分之间,那你就在不远的将来 开始你的工作搜索。如果你的得分低于 40,那你一定是对现在的工作较满意。不过随时保 持更新你的简历也不错,因为你不知道什么时候机会会来敲你的门。 静雅思听 智慧声音 3 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 22:领导力修炼 Everyday leadership: It's an inside job Leadership as a way of life By Marshall Brown, CPCC, Marshall Brown & Associates, Washington Too often, we believe that leadership is the domain of those with recognized authority, and the title to go with it: CEOs, presidents, conductors, mayors. "In a world that is changing as rapidly as this one, we need to think differently about leadership," said Susan Collins, author of Our Children Are Watching: Ten Skills for Leading the Next Generation to Success. "Leading is not done by those few in high places, but by parents and teachers and managers and those governing - all working together to create the world that we want." When we dare to stand up for our beliefs or to follow through on our big dreams and ideas, when we act as though what we say and do in the world matters - and matters greatly - we are leading. In other words, leadership is a way of life, an expression of our fullest and best nature, our unique gifts. And it starts on the inside. "Everything rises and falls on leadership," John C. Maxwell wrote in his book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. "If you can become the leader you ought to be on the inside, you will be able to become the leader you want to be on the outside. People will want to follow you. And when that happens, you'll be able to tackle anything in this world." Leadership in action Because leadership inextricably is connected to who we are deep down, every leader has a different style. Some lead with their eccentric, charismatic selves on full, charming display. Other leaders bear no banners and sound no trumpets. Whatever their individual style, leaders who generate high performance in individuals and organizations do the same general kinds of things, according to James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Kouzes and Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge, have spent more than 20 years researching leadership, including 70,000 surveys, 1,000 written case studies, and 100 in-depth interviews. Their research revealed the following five common practices of exemplary leaders of all varieties (entrepreneurs, community organizers, department heads or parents): 1. Model the way. Leaders establish principles, create standards and set examples that establish the environment for the way work will be pursued. Like parents, leaders model the kind of behavior they want to see. For example, during one long, grueling day leading up to an important product launch, one executive took her entire team to a drive-in movie in the afternoon to relax and clear their mind. By taking time to relax herself, she demonstrated great leadership, and in the process reminded her group that it is often the simple things that restore order and balance, and help generate clear-minded solutions. 2. Inspire a shared vision. Leaders see beyond the horizon of "what is" to the shores of "what could be," and they do so with the passionate belief that they can make a difference. Whether through magnetic attraction, exemplary modeling or quiet persuasion, they enlist others in those dreams or inspire others to envision their own dreams. "Leadership is the art of mobilizing other people to want to struggle for shared aspirations," Kouzes and Posner wrote. 3. Challenge the process. Leaders are always on the lookout for innovation, not for innovation's 静雅思听 智慧声音 4 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 sake, but to improve the status quo. They are not afraid of experiment and risk, and they consider mistakes and failures as learning opportunities. For example, the peer mediation group that an executive brought over from New Zealand did amazing work training high school students in the unique method, but fell flat at the middle school level. "We learned that junior high students need a different approach," the executive said. No failure there, just learning. 4. Enable others to act. Exemplary leaders foster collaboration and motivate extraordinary teams much the way parents do. They offer resources, establish necessary boundaries, knock down barriers and guide as needed - all in the name of creating opportunities for others to succeed. Part of the way they do so is by paying attention to the cornerstones of mutual respect, trust, human dignity and empowerment. 5. Encourage the heart. Leaders recognize the contributions and needs of the human heart. They celebrate accomplishments, give credit, say thank you, and keep hope and determination alive by making people feel like heroes. There are hundreds of ways to acknowledge how people have contributed to your group's vision, mission, values and goals - the only limits being one's creativity and sincerity. Leadership as relationship Valuing the role of the heart in leadership, Kouzes and Posner make the case for understanding leadership as a relationship, one that requires nurturing and care. "Whether it's one-to-one or one-to-many, business as usual or challenges in extraordinary times, leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow," Kouzes and Posner said. "North, south, east, or west, success in business, and success in life has been, is now, and will be a function of how well we work and play together." When we step forward and lead every day, we find we make a difference to the success of our assns, industries, homes, communities, and lives - and this gives us meaning. 职场英语系列 22:领导力修炼 领导力是一种生活方式 人们常常认为所谓领导力只是一些大家公认的权威或职位的人才有的能力,如 CEO,主席、 指挥或市长之类的。 “在快速变化的今天,我们应该换种方式来理解领导力”,《领导下一代走向成功的十个秘 决》一书的作者苏珊柯林斯说:“领导力并不只是存在于身处高处的少数人,而是存在于父 母、教师、经理及所有那些管理些各种事务、为了将世界变得更美好的人手里。” 当我们敢于站出来捍卫自己的信念与理想时,当我们敢于行动,并用行动影响这个世界时, 我们就是在从事领导的工作。换言之,领导力是一种生活方式,是我们内心最全最真的表达, 是我们的独特的天份。它由内而生。 约翰在自己的书《领导不可或缺的 21种能力》中写道,“内在的领导力决定一切。如果一 个人内心的领导力修炼到位了,你在外部世界就自然成为你想象中的领导。人们会追随你, 这时你也就能处理世间纷繁复杂的事务了。” 领导力在于行动。 因为领导力根源于一个人的内心深处,每个领导有自己的风格。有些领导靠的是奇异而魅 力十足的表现,而另外一些人则外表平淡无奇。 但无论个人领导风格怎样,根据《领导力挑战》一书的作者 James 的看法,所有那些能带 静雅思听 智慧声音 5 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 来个人与组织非凡成就的的领导其实都在做着相似的几件事。James对领导力的研究超过 20 年,做过七万多调查,研究过上千的 案例 全员育人导师制案例信息技术应用案例心得信息技术教学案例综合实践活动案例我余额宝案例 ,进行过百次以上的深度访谈。研究显示,那些优 秀的领导基本上在做五类事情: 1. 树立典范。领导们为工作应该怎样做确立了原则、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 与楷模。象父母对孩子一样, 领导们决定了他们希望看到的行为模式。例如,在某一天有一个又长又磨人的重要产 品发布会上,领导人会带领她的团队在下午参加一个即兴的电影活动来让大家放松与 休整。以这种方式,她在表达她的领导理念,即有时简简单单的休整就能恢复组织的 秩序与平衡,从而能帮助大家用更清醒的头脑解决问题。 2. 激发共同的理念。领导人看世界,往往能从“现在是什么”的层面,看到“以后会怎 样”的层面,同时他们满怀激情地相信他们能改变世界。无论是通过某种魔法的吸引、 身体力行还是平静地劝导,他们能感召些有相同梦想的人去做同样的梦。“领导力就是 能动员别的人为共同的理想而面对困难的艺术,”柯斯说。 3. 挑战陈规。领导得很注重创新,不是为创新而创新,而是为了改善现状。他们并不害 怕实验与风险,他们视错误与失败为学习的好机会。例如,一个领导用独特的方法将 在新西兰用得很好的教学方法用在高中学生中,取得了很好的效果,但对初中学生却 不怎么有效。“从中我们明白了初中学生需要一种不同的方法,”他说。这样的过程没 有失败,只有学习与进步。 4. 促进他人采取行动。有感召力的领导能象父母对自己的孩子一样,团结与激励一支优 秀的团队。他们提供资源,划定边界,扫除障碍并视需要提供指导,创造一切机会帮 助他人成功。领导人要成功做到这一点,需要处理好一些基本的准则,如相互尊重、 信任、保持尊严并勇于授权。 5. 鼓舞人心。领导者清楚地感知着人们内心的渴求与贡献。他们为精彩成就喝采,提供 奖励、表示感谢,给属下以英雄般的感觉,让他们充满希望与决心。对员工为组织的 信念、任务、价值与目标所做出的的贡献可以有无数具体的方法来表示认可,但其核 心则只能是领导者的真诚与创造。 领导力也是一种人际关系 从人与人交往的角度看领导力,它实际上是一个需要不断关怀与滋养的人际关系。 “无论是一对一还是一对多来看,无论是在平时的商业环境,还是极端挑战的环境下,领导 力都那些渴望领导别人的人与选择跟随的人之间的一种关系。我们在工作上,生活上的成功, 过去,现在,将来都取决于我们是如何在一起工作与奋斗的,取决于我们选择了正确的方向” 我们每天进步,修炼自己的领导力,我们发现我们在改进我们的行业、家庭、社会与生活, 这让我们生活更有意义。 静雅思听 智慧声音 6 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 23:求职怪圈 Stuck in a Job Search Rut? By Heather Eagar It happens. You get all pumped up to look for a new job, get your resume and cover letter all spruced up and then... nothing. How do you put the excitement back in your job search? Remember Why You're Job Hunting It's easy to forget why you felt it was important to look for a job in the first place. You get in a 'job search grind' and can't seem to muster up the enthusiasm you had when you first started job hunting. So how do you get some of that 'I want a better job' attitude back? Remember what you don't like about your current job. Are there specific tasks or responsibilities that you don't want in a new job? Do you want to come home energized from the day and wanting to spend some quality time with your family instead of being completely deflated and in a bad mood? Then picture yourself in the job that you want. That you really want. Think about what you would do in a new position and how that makes you feel. Does it get your adrenaline pumping with excitement? Hold onto that feeling. The Monday Blues You know what I'm talking about. It's Sunday night and you get this lump in the pit in the bottom of your stomach just thinking about going to work the next morning. It doesn't have to be that way. You honestly can be in a job and career that you enjoy and believe in. So when you feel a lack of enthusiasm for your job search, remember that you're searching for an end to the workweek dread. Life is entirely too short to have a job that leaves you feeling anxious. Get out there and find a job that makes you feel good about yourself and look forward to each new week. Picture Your Life in a New Job Being in a career that you enjoy can enrich your life more than you can imagine. You're healthier, your stress levels decrease and you're relationships can improve dramatically. If you're pleasant to be around, then people will be drawn to you. 静雅思听 智慧声音 7 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 Maybe money is part of your incentive of finding a new job. So you can imagine what you would do with a nice raise, incentive or bonus. Pay off some debt? Buy something you haven't been able to afford? Need to save for your kid's college tuition? Whatever the case may be, envision it and make it happen. Your job search may not be the most exciting event that you'll go through but it is one of the most important. The more psyched you are, the more energy you'll have to look through job postings and send out your resume package. If you get bored with the whole process, your job search success could suffer. So keep your eye on the prize and you'll reach your goals more quickly and easily. 职场英语系列 23:求职怪圈 生活中经常有这样的事:你满怀激情地开始找工作,精心准备了自己的简历与求职信并发了 出去,然后杳无音信。如何才能让你的求职再次充满激情呢? 记住你为何要找工作 人们往往首先忽视的就是自己为什么要找工作。你不知不觉进入了一种找工作的折磨状态, 再也找不出刚找工作时的那种热情了。 那么我们先稍稍远离那种“我就要找一个好工作”的思想状态。先想想你现在的工作中哪些 因素是你不喜欢的。你是否希望在新的工作中能剔除这样的因素?你是希望以后你下班后还 能精力充沛地与家人在一起从事一些活动,还是非常沮丧与糟糕的状态? 然后想象你在你喜欢的工作中会是怎样的。那种你真的很喜欢的工作,那样你会做怎么做, 那样你会有什么感受。它是否能让你激情澎湃?如果是这种感觉,那就对了。 周一忧郁症 你应该明白我指的是什么。每天周日晚上,一想到明天早上要去上班,胃底就象堵了块东西 一样难受。其实你本不必受这样的折磨。你完全可以找到并从事一个你喜欢并信奉的事业与 工作。 所以当你觉得找工作的过程中缺乏热情的时候,告诉自己你其实是在寻找一个机会永远结束 那种对工作厌烦的感觉。生命是短暂的,真不能耗在一个你不喜欢的工作上。走出这个框子, 找一个自己真心喜欢的工作,那样你会期盼每一周的到来。 想象新工作带给你的生活 你可能无法想象从事一个你喜欢的事业会给你的生活带来怎样的改变。你会更健康、人会放 松下来,你与很多人关系更和谐。你对别人更好了,身边的人也会对你更友善。 也许金钱是你找新工作的动力之一。那么你可以想象有了一个不错的薪水、奖励或奖金,你 会做什么。还掉一些债务?买些以前你买不起的东西?为你孩子攒学费?无论是什么,你完 全可以去憧憬,然后实现它。 你求职的过程也许不是你一生中最精彩的过程,但却是最重要之一。你的精神状态越好,你 就越有精力查寻招聘职位并送出你的应聘资料。如果你对这个过程很烦了,你找工作就不易 成功了。所以心中充满了梦想,你会更快更容易地实现你的目标。 静雅思听 智慧声音 8 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 24:面试问答攻略 Be Prepared for Any Interview Question Things can go really against you despite your thorough preparation for a just a couple of ‘types’ of interview questions. However, it is possible to ignore or forget the other types of possible interview questions. This brings us to different ‘types’ of interview questions, along with traditional questions or questions pertaining to your core skills. Types Of Interview Questions It is crucial for you to be able to anticipate different types of questions that may come up in an interview. Let’s categorize them into three types: 1. ‘Out of the box’ questions and hardcore questions are the traditionally asked ones that cannot be readily anticipated. They may or may not be related to the job at hand, and are designed to see how well you can ‘think on your feet’. 2. Questions That Test Behavior And Problem Solving Abilities. These aim to find how you have conducted yourself in difficult situations and how will you do if the situation were to repeat itself. Interviewers always want to test you for unexpected and accidental circumstances. 3. Lastly, There Are Illegal Questions which are sometimes cleverly framed. These are aimed to find out your nationality, religious or ethnic background, marital status, etc. Illegal questions are not always intentional, but sometimes they are. The world isn’t fair, and you may as well know this going in. Sample Questions Let’s look at some samples from two categories: Traditional Questions / Behavioral Questions 1. Tell us about yourself. In my humble opinion, the most overused and overworked, and unfortunately the most likely first question in any interview. This question can be manifested in any form. As there is no right or wrong answer to this, this is an open-ended question, most often used by inexperienced interviewers. However, if this question does come up (and you should assume that it will), then stick to answering strictly in business terms; NEVER volunteer personal information. 2. Why do you want to join us? This is another question belonging to the same category as the earlier one but usually follows it. As such, it is routinely predictable and you should have your answer ready. You need to list the benefits of your joining them from both points of view (the employer’s first, then yours). 3. How would you describe yourself? Adopt a realistic approach towards this question and use adjectives like ‘honest’, ‘hard working’, etc., instead of the overused/ambiguous answers like ‘courageous’ or ‘results-oriented’. 4. ‘Describe a situation which demanded working overtime’ (or any variations on this question). If you have been in the corporate world for any length of time, you should have encountered this scenario. This question is devised only to see how you will possibly conduct 静雅思听 智慧声音 9 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 yourself, as the new employer is probably anticipating similar situations happening should you be hired. 5. ‘Tell me about a decision that you made which was a bad one’. This may well be a hypothetical question. But if you had had made a bad decision, a ‘positive you’ will explain this in a structured mixture of truth, admission, failure analysis and so on. In other words, logically turn a potential negative answer into a positive one – avoid making yourself look incompetent at all costs. Let’s take a look at some possible illegal questions. Employers know they aren’t supposed to ask them, but many do anyway (and some in different variations, so as not to be overtly illegal): Illegal Questions 6. Does your religion preclude you from working weekends? (overtly illegal question) 7. Are you planning to have kids? (designed to reveal your family status, or perhaps your sexual orientation) 8. When/Where were you born? (A clever way of finding out your age or ethnicity) 9. Your last name sounds unusual; what’s your origin? (designed to reveal your ethnic background) As a job seeker, you will invariable come across all types of interview questions. There are as many different types of questions as there are interviewers. It pays to be aware of the many types of questions that you will encounter – doing so will ensure that you handle such questions with confidence. 职场英语系列 24:面试问答攻略 尽管你在面试前已经仔细准备并思考了一些问题的答案,在面试中你有时还会碰到一些难 回答的问题。确实你也可以忽略掉一些较另类的面试问题。本文会为你介绍一些较另类的面 试问题,同时还列了一些事关你核心能力的传统问题。 面试问题的种类 对于面试中可能会碰到的问题你应该有所预料与准备。我们将其为分为三大类: 1. 一些比较另类或难回答的问题,这些问题一般情况下你也很难预料。它们与工作并不 一定直接相关,之所以问你就是看看站在你的角度,你会怎样处理这些问题。 2. 测试你行为举止与解决问题的能力。目的是为了看你在困难的环境下如何采取行动, 如果环境持续困难时你又将如何行动,从而测试你意外情况下的反应。 3. 最后是一些巧妙 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的半违法的问题,这是为了了解你的国籍、宗教、种族与婚姻背 景。这些违法的询问并不总是有意的,但有的的确是。这世界没有绝对的公平,作为 一个求职者你要部分理解与接受这一点。(译者注,播音不用读:在美国,雇主不能在 面试时询问个人的有关宗教、种类、婚姻状况之类的信息,否则就涉嫌歧视,是违法 的) 下面让我们来看这两类的例子:分别是传统的问题及行为举止方面的问题 1. 介绍一下你自己吧。依我看这是任何面试中最常碰到的问题。发问的形式可能多种多样。 这个问题没有对错之分,是一个开放的问题,通常是缺乏经验的面试官常问的问题。当 然如果你被问及了(你当然要做这样的准备),那么将回答的范围仅限于商业上的内容, 记住不要主动来讲什么个人的信息。 2. 为什么要加入我们?这个问题跟上面那个同类,也常常是随后被问及的问题。既然这是 可以预料到的问题,你就应该事先将答案想好。你需要列举出来你的加入对于公司及你 静雅思听 智慧声音 10 www.justing.com.cn 本文英语部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 本人的意义。 3. 你怎么评价自己?你要用一种务实的态度来回答这样的问题,多用“诚实”,“工作努力” 这样的词来形容息,而少用一些被人用烂了,或很有野心的字眼,如“勇气非凡”或“结 果导向”等。 4. 请描述一下你过去一些需要你加班完成的工作情况(或者是类似问题的变种)。如果你 是在职场打拼多年的老兵,你一定经验丰富,经历过类似的情况。这个问题就是要看看 碰到这种事你会怎么处理,你的雇主想要确认,如果他雇佣了你,面临这种情况,你还 会象以前一样好好加班。 5. 告诉我你过去做过的一个错误决定。这也许是个有些臆想成份的问题。如果你真的曾经 做过一个错误的决定,你一定要正向地来解释这个事件,用严谨的逻辑、认错的态度与 对错误正确的事后 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 等等。换言之,要将一个本来不太好事
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