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闻香识女人-经典台词我是范克•史雷得先生( Frank Slade),美国陆军中校,退役 我是范克·史雷得先生( Frank Slade),美国陆军中校,退役。我代表查理父母出席,他们不能从奥勒岗赶来,拉瑞和妮是我很好的朋友,他们拜托我来。行吗?”      -“我建议生活委员会开除你,你隐瞒真相,又撒谎”(Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist... and you are a liar. )      -但不出卖朋友!!!(But not a snitch ! )      -“原谅我没听清楚”(...

我是范克•史雷得先生( Frank Slade),美国陆军中校,退役 我是范克·史雷得先生( Frank Slade),美国陆军中校,退役。我代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 查理父母出席,他们不能从奥勒岗赶来,拉瑞和妮是我很好的朋友,他们拜托我来。行吗?”      -“我建议生活委员会开除你,你隐瞒真相,又撒谎”(Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist... and you are a liar. )      -但不出卖朋友!!!(But not a snitch ! )      -“原谅我没听清楚”(Excuse me ? No, I don't think I will. )      -不,我不原谅你这场听证会简直胡闹!!(This is such a crock of shit ! )      -“请小心措词,你身在博德,不是军营。西门先生,我给你最后机会”(Please watch your language,Mr. Slade.You are in the Baird school,not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I will give you one final opportunity to speak up. )      -西门先生不需要!!他不需要被贴上“博德人”的标志,这算什么?你们的座右铭是什么?“孩子们,出卖朋友求自保,否则烧得你不见灰”?先生们……出纰漏时,有人跑有人留,查理面对烈火,那边的乔治躲进老爹的口袋里,结果你做什么呢?你奖励乔治,摧折查理。   (Mr.Simms doesn't want it. He doesn't need to be labeled..."still worthy of being a Baird man." What the hell is that ? What is your motto here ? "Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide; anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake" ?Well, entlemen,when the shit hits the fan,some guys run... and some guys stay. Here's Charlie facin' the fire,and there's George...hidin' in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doin' ? You're gonna reward George... and destroy Charlie. )      -“你讲完了,史先生?”(-Are you finished, Mr. Slade ? )      - 不,刚暖好身而已!我不知道谁念过博德?塔夫,伯恩,铁尔……等等等,他们精神已死,根本没有,总归是零,你在这培育的是老鼠大队,一堆卖友求荣客,如果你以为在锻炼虾兵成龙头,最好三思,因为你正扼杀了这所学府所坚持的精神,真是耻辱!你们今天给我看的是什么秀?唯一有格调的坐在我旁边!!我可以告诉你,这孩子的灵魂没有被污染,毋庸争辩的,为什么我知道?有人,我不说是谁,要收买他,但查理不为所动,你太过分了!   (-No, I'm just gettin' warmed up. I don't know who went to this place.William Howard Taft,William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one.It's gone. You're buildin'a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoin' snitches. And if you think you're preparin' these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because I say you are killin' the very spirit...this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham. What kind of a show are you guys puttin' on here today ? I mean, the only class in this act is sittin' next to me.I'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact.It's non-negotiable.You know how I know ?Someone here, and I'm not gonna say who,offered to buy it. )      我告诉你什么叫过分!你根本不知道什么叫过分!我想示范,但我太老太累又瞎,如果是五年前,我会带喷火枪来这儿!!你以为你在跟谁说话?我是见过世面的,明白吗?有一度,我还看得见,我见过很多很多,更年轻的男孩,臂膀被扭,腿被炸断,那些都不及丑陋的灵魂可怕,灵魂不可能有义肢,你以为你只是把这好青年象落荒狗似的送回家,我说你是处死了他的灵魂,为什么?因为他不是博德人,博德人!?伤了这男孩,你就是博德孬种!!   (Lt. Col. Frank Slade : Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are... executin' his soul! And why? Because he's not a Bairdman. Bairdmen. You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums,…… )      -你们全是!而哈瑞,吉米,博德……不管你们坐在哪儿,去你妈的!(the lot of you. And, Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there,fuck you too ! )      -“坐下,史雷得先生”(Stand down, Mr. Slade ! )      - 我还没讲完!!!来这儿得时候,我听到类似“领袖摇篮”的字眼,嗯,枝干断掉时,摇篮就垮了,它已经垮了,已经垮了!“人类制造者”,“领袖创造家”,当心你创造的是哪种领袖!我不知道,查理今天的缄默是对还是错,但我可以告诉你,他决不会出卖别人以求前程!!而这,朋友们,就叫正直!也叫勇气,那才是领袖的要件!(I'm not finished.As I came in here,I heard those words: "cradle of leadership." Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here. It has fallen. Makers of men,creators of leaders. Be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here.I don't know if Charlie's silence here today... is right or wrong; I'm not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out... to buy his future ! And that, my friends,is called integrity.That's called courage. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. )      -如今我走到人生十字路口,我知道哪条路是对的,毫无例外,我就知道,但我从不走,为什么?因为妈的太苦了(Now l have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but l never took it. You know why? lt was too damn hard. )。      -而查理他也走到了十字路口,他选择了对的路,充满原则,通往个性之道。让他继续他的行程吧,他的前途掌握在您手中,诸公,绝对是有价值的前途,相信我,别毁了它,保护它,拥抱它,有一天您会自傲,我保证。(掌声,长时间掌声)(Now here's Charlie.He's come to the crossroads. He has chosen a path. It's the right path. It's a path made of principle... that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey.You hold this boy's future in your hands, Committee.It's a valuable future, believe me. Don't destroy it.Protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. ) 感想:范克最后的演讲充满着对查理的爱惜,他深知他身上的品质一直是他内心想做的,但始终没有坚持,因为这太苦太苦了。在失明之后。他放弃了一切,躲在自己的世界里,用酒精和糜烂的生活来摆脱内心的痛苦,以至于准备想在自杀之前完美的糜烂一次。范克是犹豫的,对一切美好的事物向往着,香水、美女、法拉利…… ;范克又是逃避的,他痛恨道别(在送别查理时如是说),不想美好的事物离自己而去;范克是忧郁的,他向往着又逃避着,停留在失明前的回忆中,一直活在现实的黑暗中。当查理的出现让他重新感受到美好的存在时,又重新激起他已经尘封很久的勇气、正直和坚持。他没有告别而是选择坐到查理的身边,帮助查理,他知道他能帮助查理,同时也是拯救自己,拯救他痛恨的真实世界。整个演讲荡气回肠,让人感受到邪将永不压正的快感。范克最后真切的坦白,带着对自己过去悔恨和眼前查理的无比疼爱,深深的感动了在场每一位,也激起所有人内心美好与坚持。 另外,还得不得不说那段经典的探戈,那时的范克魅力无比,记得在邀请女士跳探戈的时,他说“No mistake in a tango, Donna, not like life. Simple, that makes tango so great. If you make mistakes, get all tangle up, just tango on.".范克将探戈和人生如此比较,这份诙谐幽默也实在让人无法拒绝,也许人生的回顾中难免有mistake,但肯定的是人生也得有探戈的这种精神,就算在短暂的tangle up之后,仍然不断的tango on! “Women! What can you say? Who made them? God must have been a fuckin’genius.         The hair -- They say the hair is everything, you know.Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls and just wanted to go to sleep forever ?        Or lips -- and when they touched yours were like that first swallow of wine after you just crossed the desert.        Tits ! Whoo-ah ! Big ones, little ones,nipples staring right out at like secret searchlights.         And legs -- I don't care if they're Greek columns or secondhand Steinways.What's between them... passport to heaven.”    (照例我来翻译:“女人!你还能说什么?是谁造就了她们?上帝一定他妈的是个天才。     秀发,你要知道有人说那才是女人的全部,你有没有尝试过将你的鼻子埋在群山的翻卷之处,然后就永远地睡去。     香唇,当它们触碰到你的时候,就像刚刚穿越沙漠后咽下的第一口美酒。     双峰!呜哈!大的,小的,乳头瞪得就像隐秘的探照灯。     美腿,我不在乎它们是不是希腊的殿柱或是二手的施坦威钢琴,反正在它们之间的是…通往天堂的护照。”)
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