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写作真经06-07 新托福写作真经 TOEFLiBT 中国大陆 2006 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 TOEFL iBT 中国大陆 2006 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 考试时间 Question 1 Qu臼tion 2 关于美国人倾向于提前退休的问题。在阅读文章中给出了 有观点认为今天=个原因来解释这-现象·五十多岁的美国雇员厌倦工 作,老雇员与新雇员存在沟通障碍,跟不上新的工作节奏。 的资讯太过泛滥,9 月 15 日 听力材料中针对阅读文章中所给出的三个理由进行了-- 我们无法辨别真 4 , 00 PM 的驳斥:老雇员可...

新托福写作真经 TOEFLiBT 中国大陆 2006 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 TOEFL iBT 中国大陆 2006 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 考试时间 Question 1 Qu臼tion 2 关于美国人倾向于提前退休的问题。在阅读文章中给出了 有观点认为今天=个原因来解释这-现象·五十多岁的美国雇员厌倦工 作,老雇员与新雇员存在沟通障碍,跟不上新的工作节奏。 的资讯太过泛滥,9 月 15 日 听力材料中针对阅读文章中所给出的三个理由进行了-- 我们无法辨别真 4 , 00 PM 的驳斥:老雇员可以参加更多岗位的培训,新老雇员可以 假,对此提附悻 结成工作组 g 跟不上节奏可以做兼职。要求 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 讲座中的 的看法,要求给 观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥 出详尽的理由和 的。 例子。 关于恐龙不是冷血动物的问题.在阅读文章中给出了三个 有观点认为 20 年证据来解挥恐龙不是冷血动物化石心脏被发现, 庞大身 内汽车使用会减躯无法靠外界调节温度,提高食物能盘转化率的需要。听10 月 8 日 力材料中针对阅读文章中所给lli的=个理由进行了--的 少,对此提出你2 , 00 PM 驳斥 化石心脏不-定是恐龙的,当时气温变化很小,体 的看法, 要求给 积足够大则体温自然稳定。要求总结讲座中的观点并解释 出详尽的理由和l 这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 例子. 关于美国药检必要性的问题。在阅读文章中给出了三个原 有观点认为要取因来解释为什么没有必要.延迟了新药的推出,药检太昂 得成功,知识比贵,相关替代措施的出现.听力材料中针对阅读文章中所10 月 15 日 给出的三个理由进行了--的驳斥·等待是值得的 g 不经 创造能力更重要,8 , OOAM 对此提出你的看过药检的药品产生的副作用更加昂贵,替代措施有缺陷。 法,要求给出详要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章 尽的理由和例子。中的观点进行驳斥的. 关于私营企业家增多的问题。在阅读文章中给出了=个原 有观点认为大学因来解释私营企业家增多的现象:大公司的官僚作风,工 里最好开一些更10 月 21 日 作安全性降低(下岗工人增多).大公司削减福利以致额 难更有挑战性的8 , OOAM 外报酬吸引力降低。昕力材料中针对阅读文章中所给出的 课程,对此提出三个理由进行了--的驳斥:小公司也会面临官僚问题$ 你的看法,要求小公司失败的可能高于下岗可能s 大公司虽削减福利,但 给出详尽的理由总体讲额外报酬仍具吸引力.要求总结讲座中的观点并解 和例子。. 释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 也正 10 月 28 日 8, OOAM 10 月 29 日 8: ∞ AM 11 月 3 日 4 , 00 PM 关于大学里教授给学生高分现象。在阅读文章中给出了三 个原因来解释这一现象不可避免一是学生习惯高分,分 数低了学生会自信心受挫,积极性降低$二是教授如果给!有观点认为一个 低分,可能会影响学生对他的评价,而对他的聘用晋升有|人一生只为一家 影响。主是分数低影响学生找工作。听力材料中针对阅读|公司或一个老板 文章中所给出的三个理由进行了一一的驳斥. 一是如果老 l 打工是不现实的, 师给学生树立对于分数的良好态度,不管高低都会好好学 .1 对此提出你的看 g 二是如果教授一直都是公正 i法,要求给出详 的给分,学生对他的评价就会很客观3 三是如果学校在提!尽的理由和例子. 供成绩的时候还提供学生在班里的排名,招工者就可以更 准确地了解这个学生的好坏。要求总结讲座中的观点并解 释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 关于教授上电视问题。阅读文章中认为教授上电视是有好 处的,原因有三点 给出了三个原因来解释这一现象不可 避免: 一是可以提高教授自身声誉 g 二是可以提高学校知 I 名度 g 三是可以普及知识。昕力材料中认为教授还是应该 |有观点认为年轻 待在学校里,针对阅读文章中所给出的三个理由进行了 |人比年龄大的人 一一的驳斥: 一是教授上电视会被当成娱乐明星,会为此 l更会享受生活, 失去参加学术会议的机会并将不再获得研究资助 g 二是学 | 对此提出你的看 校也不会受益, ‘因为教授用在学生身上和研究上的精力将 |法,要求给出详 减少 3 三是对公众好处也不大,因为电视节目看重的是教 | 尽的理由和例子。 授的学术头衔,而不是真正的学术知识,并且公众看电视 也不是为了获得一些严肃的内容。要求总结讲座中的观点 并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 猩猩的语言学习能力与人类相似,在阅读文章中给拍了三 |有观点认为可更 个证据 : 学习图形词汇,学习语法,与人交谈。听力材料|新能源会很快取 中针对阅读文章中所给出的三个理由进行了一一的驳斥, I 代不可更新能源, 学习图形词汇很慢.学习语法很有限,所谓交谈不是真的|对此提出你的看 交流。要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅|法,要求给出详 mlssmg 尽的理由和例子。 有观点认为在大 公司工作比在小 公司好,对此提 出你的看法,要 求给出详尽的理 由和例子。 新托桶写作真经 ~ T @< 关于森林清理。阅读文章中认为森林清理是有用的,理由 有三 是死去的树木会阻碍新树的生长,清理可以给新 树生长腾出空间 g 二是死去的树木会滋生一些虫子,会危 I ~ __- ~" 害人类健康并会导致经济损失 g 三是森林清理可以带来经 l 有观点认为最好| 济利益,因为这可以增加就业机会并且有些清理物还可以|的旅游方式是垂| 被利用。昕力材料中认为森林清理违背自然规律,针对阅!加导游带领的施 1 1'1 团 , 对此提出读文章中所给出的三个理由进行了一一的驳斥.一是死去||你的看法, 要求的树木会使土壤肥沃,有益于新树生长 3 二是害虫的存在|可以保持生态平衡g 三是成本太高,并且清理行业的就; 1 给出详尽的理由 |和例子。机会是暂时的,而且都是对于专业人士的。要求总结许座 l 中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行 驳斥的. 关于蜂鸣营销 (buzzing)。阅读文章对蜂鸣营销持批判态 度,理由有三一是人们不知道向人从事这项工作是有|报酬的因此更容易被说服购头 s 一是营销对象都是熟人 l有观点认为广泛 因此顾客往往对产品不甚了解就进行购买 s 三是会对社会|学习比专攻一科 关系造成不良影响·昕力材料中一位兼职的营销人员对这|要好,对此提出 些观点进行了驳斥 他们是真正觉得产品好才推荐的 g 顾 i你的看法,要求 客购买前会对产品进行全面了解的 s 他们只推荐对顾客有 i给出详尽的理由 用的产品,因此这种营销会增强相互信任。要求总结讲座 i 和例子。 中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进竹 驳斥的。 RhE 骨|抛蹄'·. 在乐 14的也寻- 为导重你给例二认和更出靠山川二点能薪提要酣 二 观中高此'的 一 有作比对法尽- 11 月 17 日 4, 00 PM 新托福写作真经 mlssmg 4 关于鸟迁徙根据什么辨别方向.阅读文章中讲了三种理论 t |有观点认为选课靠太阳星星,靠记忆地形特征如河流山脉,挚地球磁场。||根据爱好比根据讲座中认为这三种理论都难以解释某些现象,并作一一说| !将来工作和职业明 第一种理论无法解释雨天或阴天时鸟还是可以顺利飞 l |需要更重要,对行 s 第二种理论无法解释小鸟被带到一个没去过的地方仍| |此提出你的看法,能归巢 g 第三利1理论中磁场可以帮助识别轨迹,却不能告 l|要求给出详尽的知距离。要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对||理由和例子.阅读文章中的观点进行质疑的。 1 关于火星上有无生命迹象.阅读文章中认为火星上有生命 迹象,并给出三个理由: 一是火星大气中包含甲烧,说明 有产烧生物; 二是发现火星陨石表面有一层绿色晶体,这 i 有观点认为同学 种晶体只有靠细菌才能产生 g 三是火星大气中含有大量的|对孩子的影响胜 氢,表明火星上有水,可以产生生命。讲座中认为这种观!于父母,对此提 点过于乐观,理由 一是火山活动也可以产生甲:院,而火|出你的看法, 要 星上有火山爆发活动矿 工是来自火星的陨石在地球上已存 |求给出详尽的理 在 30 万年了, 早已被污染了 g 三是有氢不一定有水,即|由和例子. 使有也是冰,不适合供应生命.要求总结讲座中的观点并 解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行质疑的。 l有观点认为有限 关于为何现代工厂首先出现在英国的问题.在阅读文章中|的土地应该首先 给出了三个原因来解释此现象:新技术的出现,政府新政|造福人类,而不 策,降低交通费用的需求。昕力材料中针对阅读文章中所 | 是用来保护濒危 给出的三个理由进行了一一的驳斥:早期工厂所使用的技 1动物,对此提出 术与作坊的完全一样,别的欧洲国家也有类似政策 , 工广|你的看法,要求 的运营成本很高。要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点 l 给出详尽的理由 是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 I 和例子。 阅读文学作品的减少会导致文化的倒退。在阅读文章中给↓有观点认为网络 出了三个原因来解释此观点·文学阅读是公众阅读的很重|提供了大量的信 耍的一部分,文学阅读的下降反映了社会文化的败坏,文|息,但是另 一种 学阅读的下降会导致出版物的减少。 昕力材料中针对阅读|观点认为大量的 文章中所给出的三个理由进行了一的驳斥:科学和历史|信息会产生问题, 方面的阅读对公众阅读也很重要,新媒体的出现其实也是 l对此提出你的看 阅读的新形式,出版物的减少是作者的责任。要求,总结叫法,要求给出详 的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进j尽的理由和例子. 行驳斥的. 5 新托福写作真经 -1 lllIt --l 12 月 10 日 8, QOAM 12 月 15 日 4. ∞ PM 关于外来物种入侵的问题.在阅读文章中给出了外来物种有观点认为与聪 入侵的三个害处:本地物种会被取代,生态环境受威胁~\明人交朋友胜过 新物种带来经济上的负担。昕力材料中针对阅读文章中所 l与幽默的人交朋 给出的三个理由进行了一一的驳斥:取代本地物种也有好 l友,对此提出你 处,不一定对当地有威胁,对经济也可能有好处.要求总|的看法,要求给 结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点是如何对阅读文章中的观|出详尽的理由和 l 例子.点进行驳斥的。 , 12 月 16 日 8, OOAM 1 2 月 l 日 2, 00 PM II 月 18 日 8, OOAM 11 月 19 日 8, OOAM 新托福写作真经 TOEFL iBT 中国大陆 2007 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 TOEFL iBT 中国大陆 2007 年网考时间表及作文考试内容 考试时间 Question 1 Question 2 5 月 19 日 9, 30AM 有观点认为因 关于斑马贝全球扩张的问题.在阅读文章中给出了斑马贝扩张 | 为人们做的事 的三个害处:无法控制斑马贝的传播 , 斑马贝会统治新的生物 |情太多,所以 3 月 3 日 | 系统, 造成污染。听力材料中针对阅读文章中所给出的三个窑|很少能把事情 4 , OOPM I 处进行了一一的驳斥 : 可以控制传播 , 无法统治新的生物系统, I做好。对此提 污染也有好的一面。要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点是 | 出你的看 法, 如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 I要求给出详尽 的理由和例子. 有观点认为老 斑马身上的黑白条纹是保护色。在阅读文章中给面了三个理由 | 师收入应该与 来解释此观点 · 引起捕食者的视线错觉,与其他同伴混成一片, I 律师、 医生和 与环境混为一体。 听力材料中针对阅读文章中所给出的三个理 | 商界领导人一 由进行了一一的驳斥 · 视线错觉没有用,无法与其他同伴混在 |样高,对此提 一起, 斑马从来不躲藏.要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观 | 出你的 看法, 点是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的。 I 要求给出详尽 的理由和例子. 关于使用生物燃料的负面影响。阅读文章中认为使用生物燃料|有观点认为完 会带来三点负面影响食物短缺,食品价格上升, 膳食品种减|成一个项目再 少导致健康问题。 听力材料对此进行了反驳 : 制造生物燃料所 i做另一个项 目 使用的粮食都是人们不喜欢食用的并且消耗量很低 , 生物燃料 | 比同时做几个 相比传统燃料价格要低 , 作为食品成本重要组成部分的运输成 |项目要好, 对 本就会降低 , 从而可以降低食品价格, 制造生物燃料所用的粮|此提出你的看 食多是用来喂养家畜的,家畜饲养减少导致人类肉类摄取减少, I 法 , 要求给出 将更有利于身体健康.要求总结讲座中的观点并解释这些观点|详尽的理由和 是如何对阅读文章中的观点进行驳斥的 例子。 章'所弟 2006 年、 2007 年托福诅T 考试作文真题及写作指导意见 6 月 24 日 8 , OOAM 也~ 新托桶 写 作 其 经8 minules 10 plan and w阳 your response. Your response will be judged on Ihe basis of your wnting and on how wen your response presents the points in the lecture and 10 the reading passage 下ypically, an effeclive response wi\l be 150 10 225 words 时:如;12川口:tJ223:币,应:21叫:?n职工 • \1II...r.-l ....."..., n I n Amencans ch。。se toret1re ln thew1ate 阳JM川 mid-sixties as P时ew州 iwhally doTMsphenomenonlscalled "early mtire『Ytent"and accordmgtorecent stud1es held by sociologlsts, thls trend WIll continue for a couple of reasons iBT 考试作文真题 日托福 iBT 考试作文真题15 2006 年 9 月 托福 Integrated Writing ,SHsg wvdg su 回 eneam eoudvmhdx c1aattyL m回句町 ωm 町 a nwddJ 旧 S 制 m auρMVFVEρu 』L m叩MmmM 归因 ω 阳 etMm 旧 bk 陆陆 geerwmvdm 町 nbres-v M 》陆 nmumbeun }kvaJS 时 旺 duemEmwd HWM 因MM 阴阳创 Eekastf VH 凹回回回 0 吨川 ewbh 川 tdnuk 'b 引 eur weM 旧 mrM 由目 ear-hUCAw-' 咽。 hu'r' celnMMHH'1050 川 wdmmm 回时 H ES t -MFSF1 dhu-mss 闹剧 唱。由捕,川 wheen 剧 h 目 81NmR 目 PW 斟 mdw 删节目 A1so, older employees tend to have greater difficulties in dealing with younger colleagues. After twenty or even thirty years of career Ine, many senior workers find out that most 01 their lormer working fellows have either retired or transferred to other companles Getting lamiliar with younger colleagues usually takes longer and appears to be more difficult for senior workers , which further explains why many staffs decide to retire earty Many Americans choose to retire in their late fifties instead of mid-sixties as people would normally do. This phenomenon is called "early retirement" and according to recent studies held by sociologists, this trend will continue for a couple of reasons Paradoxically, "vast working experiences", which were believed to be the precious assets of old workers , were turned against them. This is because after many decades of working on the same position and dealing with similar situations, employees in their fifties feel bored of going to offices every day. Therefore , retiring early seems to be a luring remedy for exhausted old workers Also , older employees tend to have greater difficulties in dealing with younger colleagues. After twenty or even thirty years of career life, many senior workers find out that most 01 their former working fellows have either retired or transferred to other companies. Getting familiar with younger colleagues usually takes longer and appears to be more difficult for senior workers, which further explains why many sta仔s decide to retire early. In addition , as their age furthers up the ladder, older staffs usually undergo tougher experiences 10 keep up with the "work pace" 。1 Iheir younger coworkers. Feeling stressed and Irustrated , senior workers may also desire a less demanding after-retirement lijestyle In addition, as their age furthers up the ladder, older staffs usually undergo tougher experiences to keep up with the "work pace" of !heir younger coworkers. Feeling stressed and frustrated , senior workers may also desire a less demanding after- retirement lifestyle. A lecture related to the topic 9 新托幅 写 作真经 也至5 日托福iBT 考试作文真题8 2006 年 10 月 新托福写作真经 Independent Writing 10 阳tøgrated Writing AHI回ugh dinosaurs are Iradilionally believed 10 be cold-blooded repliles , such as a田刀dlles, |lzards and sea tu『tles , eVIdences recently dlsc。vered have lmPIled a 卢刚n ql爬阳 opposile side. Scienlisls loday are more readily 10 believe Ihal 脚e is a good chance fo阳r dinos mammals and bir叫ds Fi陌1, as demonslraled by a slony heart recentiy found in Soulh Dakola in 1993 by a privale fossil colleclor, dinosaurs could have evolved a heart adapled 10 warm-blood circulalion. Allhough Ihe facl Ihal soft lissues usually decomposed before Ihey could fossilize had left scienlisls searching in darkness for cenlurles , 协511 organs could slill be preserved under exlreme clrcumslances such as rapid sedimenl on Ihe seabed. Because loday four-chambered heart is only found in warm-blooded animals, Ihis fossil heart indicales Ihe close relalionship between dinosaurs and mammals .民 00 you agree or disagree with the follow- ing statement? Today, Ihere are so many sources of news and informalion Ihal il is difficull 10 know whom 10 believe or who is lelling Ihe Irulh. Second, because cold-blooded animals such as repliles couldn'l mainlain Iheir 协dy lemperalure conslanlly, Ihey have 10 rely on Ihe surrounding environmenl to adjusl Ihe body heat. Thus, if dinosaurs are cold-blooded, Iheir huge body size would make il impossible 10 shift belween basking and burrowing as often as today's lizards Thi时, for huge body animals 10 maximize Iheir energy usage, they musl mainlaln a conslant body temperalure. This is because melabolism is in facl a chemical process occurring in Ihe body, which burns food in-take and releases energy SUpporting growth. For this chemical reaclion 10 funclion oplimally, keeping organs WOrking al certain lemperalure is a necessily A lecture related to the topic 11 Use specific reasons and examples to support your answe汇 Typically, an e忏ective essay contain a minimum of 300 words The Independenl Wriling Task 新托福写作)'{绞 I I I -i Question 2/2: 也正 ~ 12 新托桶写作真经 You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response wili be judged on Ihe 01 the quality 01 your w忖ting and on how weli your response presents the points in Ihe their relalionship 10 Ihe reading passage. Typicaliy, an e何eclive response wili be 150 10 225 Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage . Allhouqh dinosaurs are Iradilionally believed 10 be cold-bl口oded repliles, such as crocodiles, lizards and sea lurtles, evidences recently discovered have implied a piclure on quile Ihe opposile side. Scienlisls loday are more readilv 10 believe Ihal Ihere is a good chance for di;'osaurs 10 be warm-blooded animals , like loday's mammals and birds Firsl, as demonslraled by a slony heart recenlly found in Soulh Dakola in 1993 by a privale fossil colleclor, dinosaurs could have evolved a hearl adapled 10 warm-blood circulalion Allhouqh Ihe facl Ihal soft lissues usually dec。而osed before Ihey could fossilize had left scienlisls searching in darkness for cen- luries. fossil orqans could slill be preserved under exlreme .circumslances such as rapid sedimenl on Ihe seabed. Because loday four-chambered heart is only found in warm- blooded animals , Ihis fossil heart indicales Ihe close relalionship between dinosaurs and mammals Second. because cold-blooded animals such as repliles couldn'l mainlain Iheir body lem口占alure conslanlly, Ihey have 10 rely 。n Ihe surrounding environmenl 10 adjusl Ihe bodv heal. Thus , if dinosaurs are cold- bloodeιIheir huge body size would make il imDossible 10 shift belween basking and burrowing as often as loday's lizards Thi时, for huge body animals 10 maximlze Iheir energy usage , Ihey musl mainlain a conslanl body lemperalure. This is because melabolism is in facl a chemical process occurnn日 in Ihe body, which burns food in-Iake ãnd releases energy supporling qrow1~. For Ihis chemical reaclion 10 funclion 马plimally, keeping organs working al certain lemperalure is a necessily • _pendent Writing 阳asons and examples t。 supp。rt your answer TYP1callyyan effectlve essay w1ll 01300 words 。ωstlon 212: The Independent Wriling Task Do you agree or disagree with the follow- 怖g statement? People will reduce car use in 20 years 新托福写作真经 13 - . .… 1 1 I 1 1 1 I J 也~ 但至f 14 新托福司写作真经 2006 年 10 月 15 日托福 iBT 考试作文真题 Integrated Writing In United States, any drug has to pass a series 01 investigations belore it can be put into real application. These examinations are called drug testing. Although drug testing is generally believed necessary in reducing potential medical risks, there are di忏erent opinions as well First, the r胁t moment 01 new drugs promotion is ò ften delayed , as a result 01 series 01 very complex and prolonged drug testing measures. Each year, plenty 01 patients are SU忏ering lrom lacking 01 new drugs, while it often takes months even years to pass government drug testing procedures Second , drug testing can be very costly sometimes. Eventually, all these expenditures spent On drug testing will have to be swallowed by patients. However, with the money saved lrom drug testing , new drugs could have been developed and patients dying lor lacking 01 a仔'ordable new medicines will be less likely to be observed Third , the biggest advantage boasted by the current drug testing system is medicine salety. However, with the development 01 MedWatch system, medicine salety can be easily achieved without the extended and ve叩 luxurious drug testing procedure. This is bec哩use MedWatch system requires that doctors must fill out inlormation such as the side effects 01 a certain medicine on patience after each treatment. AII these data will be collected and eventually the government can eas i1y find out the negative aspects 01 each new drug and therelore decide whether this new drug is suitable lor lurther application. A leclure relaled 10 Ihe lopic mminutes toplan and mte your response yourresponse Will bejudged on the basls 叮口;;1;:;L;2732|:223:2;:ltrι:2立;7 o-t怡n: Summarize the poin恒 made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain ;。wtt叩 In Uni饱d States, any drug has tω。 pass a senes ofl帆nv鸭es州tig伊atωl旧。n阳1咀5 belore it can be pU川t into r陀ea刮l 皿D副刷\lc回atωl旧。n . These exami怕nati旧on、咀5 are called Z岛L t @回制s剖1问 Alt附th川h.-v be创lie刷veωd n e c e s s a ry l n r e d u c i n g p 。dte rn州1吐咐tia刽| zL臼i刷c回ωcal r自川1忖T w创l F恼t. the nght moment of new drugs promo- "。n is onen delayed, as a result of serles 01 ve叩 complex and prolonged drug testing measums Each year, plenty of patlents are 8U胃ering fmm lacking of new drugs, whlle " often takes months even years to pass govemment drug testing procedures S阻四咽, drug testing can be ve叩∞stly some- \lmes. Eventually, all these expenditureS spent on drug testing will have to be swal- Iowed by patients. However, with the mon~~ 88ved Úo.m drug testing , new drugs could have been developed and patients dying lor lacking 01 affordable new medicines will be 悔5 likely to be obse阿ed Third, the biggest advantage boasted by the Current drug testing system is medicine salety. HOWElVer, with the development 01 MedWatch system, medicine salety can be easily achieved without the extended and ~ery luxurious drug testing procedure. This is because MedWãtch system requires that doctors must lill out inlormation such as the 国de effects 01 a certain medicine on patience after each treatment. AII these data will be ∞lIe.cted and eventually the government can easi1y find out the negative aspects 01 each new drug and therelore decide whether this F阳 d叫阳 suitable lor lu川her application 新托桶写作真经 '. • .目 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 J 15 也~ 也正 16 新托福写作真经 Independent Writing Use specific reasons and examples 10 support your answer. Typic&IIy, an e何'ective contain a minimum of 300 words Quest ion 2/2: The Independent Writing Task 00 you agree or disagree with the follow- ing statement? For a person to succeed in Ii旬, knowledge gained through study is more impo叫ant than the ability to be creative. • 2006 年 10 月 21 日托福iBT 考试作文真题 InII9rated Writing R酬泪nt studies have exhibited a picture across American job market that quite m pv former lob hunters have determlned to c。nvert toself-employed entrepre- 酬; W州ng for one 时 h阳1咀田a臼sb阳e田c∞om阳le a t惘r陪ren叫d pop阳u阳1 帧帧 seems unstω。p仰pa抽bl怡e for some reasons FIr雹t, some former employees working in big corporations become sick and tired 01 dealing with bureaucracies from multi-Ievel management, which is almost an lmvitabljphenomenon especMY ln business W1th huge execuuve personnel Y叫叫loyees naturally leel di蜘ssed a川1en determine to。叫qu川J 伽Iy r,陪ea刷liz臼e that their pr门Ice创less cr陀ea挝ti川川v川叫ity and ent甘hus目iasm could have brought n 。 d蛐t盹仇衍肌阳陌阳酬e酣n阳、阻c臼e to t阳he咀eh阳u咿g伊e bure町ure陌eau阳j Second , fewer young people are attracted to working in big businesses than before a1so because 口ositions in those companies are less secure than they were 阴阳tions 叩。 Employees today must count in the risk 01 f,叫 un叫。yment e四ry now and then , when they sketch their Iife-10ng career plans. Therefore, se1f- emp10yment 100ks like a safer choice for many of them Thi时 , one 01 the most often applied measures by companies to minimize their cost is to cut 0何 welfare of employees. As many people have noticed, quite many American c咀mpanies today are intentionally lowering their pensions and raising Ihe ratio of medical insurance undertaken by the employees. Accompanied by the dive of extra salary benefit, many workers continue losing interest on keeping their CUrrent jobs A lecture re1ated to the topic 新托描写作真经 17 温 …"‘ I I I I I I I I I 1 I 111 J ~ reasons and examples 10 support your answer. Typical1y, an e仔eclive essay wi11 n市、,Imum 01 300 words Iftdependent Writing 新托福写作真经 You have 20 minules 10 plan and wrile your response. Your response wil1 be judged on \h; 01 Ihe quality 01 your wriling and on how wel1 your response presenls Ihe poinls in Ihe lectu用 Iheir relalionship 10 Ihe reading passage. Typi国l1y, an e仔'eclive response wil1 be 150 10 225 Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifi臼liy how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage. 18 Recent studies have exhibited a picture across American job market that quite many former job hunlers have determined to convert to self-employed entrepreneurs Working for oneself has become a trend popular among modern Americans , which seems unstoppable for some reasons 叶,时 J J阶仰仰uwJ 曲曲 oe--叶,.俨〉军IMW 也,..lIon 212: 户CoYJ b ...t. s {W作飞呐 h俨阳 Second, fewer young people are attracted to working in big businesses than before also because positions in those companies are less secure than they were generations ago Employees today must count in the risk of facing unemployment every now and then , when they sketch their life-Iong career plans Therefore , self-employment looks like a safer choice for many of them Thi时, one of the most often applied mea- sures by companies to minimize their cost is
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