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门罗·Kelly Howell Brain-Sync (专辑资料集合)


门罗·Kelly Howell Brain-Sync (专辑资料集合) 凯莉专辑目录 http://www.brainsync.com 1【01】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind MeditationⅠ(Delta) 心灵冥想的秘密1(192 Kbps) 2【02】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind Meditation II (Theta) 心灵冥想的秘密2(192 Kbps) 3【03】专辑名称: The Secret To Attracting Love (Theta) 吸引爱的秘密(192 Kbps) 4【04...

门罗·Kelly Howell Brain-Sync (专辑资料集合)
凯莉专辑目录 http://www.brainsync.com 1【01】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind MeditationⅠ(Delta) 心灵冥想的秘密1(192 Kbps) 2【02】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind Meditation II (Theta) 心灵冥想的秘密2(192 Kbps) 3【03】专辑名称: The Secret To Attracting Love (Theta) 吸引爱的秘密(192 Kbps) 4【04】专辑名称:The Secret To Attracting Wealth (Theta) 吸引财富的秘密(192 Kbps) 5【05】专辑名称:Attract Love (Theta) 吸引爱(192 Kbps) 6【06】专辑名称:Attract Wealth (Theta)  吸引财富(192 Kbps) 7【07】专辑名称:Awakening Kundalini (Theta) 唤醒生命力(192 Kbps) 8【08】专辑名称:Brain Massage (Beta/Gamma/Delta)  大脑信息(192 Kbps) 9【09】专辑名称:Brain Power (Alpha/Beta/Delta/Gamma/Theta) 大脑能量(192 Kbps) 10【10】专辑名称:Breakthrough Training In the Zone I (Beta/Gamma) 突破训练(256 Kbps) 11【11】专辑名称:Create Success (Theta) 创造成功(192 Kbps) 12【12】专辑名称:Deep Insight (Theta) 真知灼见(256 Kbps) 13【13】专辑名称:Deep Learning (Theta)  深度学习(192 Kbps) 14【14】专辑名称:Deep Meditation (Beta/Alpha/Theta)  深度冥想(256 Kbps) 15【15】专辑名称:Deep Sleep (Delta)  深度睡眠(256 Kbps) 16【16】专辑名称:Ecstasy (Theta) 迷魂(192 Kbps) 17【17】专辑名称:Faith (Theta) 信仰(192 Kbps) 18【18】专辑名称:Fulfill Your Heart's Desire (Theta) 实现你的心愿(224 Kbps) 19【19】专辑名称:Guided Meditation (Theta)  冥想引导(192 Kbps) 20【20】专辑名称:Guided Relaxation (Alpha) 松弛引导(256 Kbps) 21【21】专辑名称:Healing Meditation (Delta)  冥想治疗(224 Kbps) 22【22】专辑名称:High Focus (Beta/Gamma) 高度聚焦(192 Kbps) 23【23】专辑名称:Increase Creativity (Alpha/Theta) 提高创造力(192 Kbps) 23【24】专辑名称:Living Prayer (Theta)  生活祷告(192 Kbps) 24【25】专辑名称:Positive Thinking (Theta) 积极思考(192 Kbps) 26【26】专辑名称:Power Training in the Zone II 力量训练(320 Kbps) 27【27】专辑名称:Release Guilt (Theta)  解脱内疚(192 Kbps) 28【28】专辑名称:Relieve Jet Lag (Delta/Theta) 缓和时差(224 Kbps) 29【29】专辑名称:Retrieve Your Destiny (Theta) 挽回你的命运(320 Kbps) 30【30】专辑名称:Running Meditation (Beta/Gamma) 跑步冥想(256 Kbps) 31【31】专辑名称:Sacred Body (Theta)  圣洁之身(192 Kbps) 32【32】专辑名称:Sacred Ground (Alpha/Theta/Delta) 圣域(256 Kbps) 33【33】专辑名称:Slim Naturally (Theta) 自然瘦身(256Kbps) 33【34】专辑名称:Sound Healing (Delta) 声音治疗(192 Kbps) 34【35】专辑名称:Sound Sleep (Delta) 酣睡(224Kbps) 35【36】专辑名称:Stop Smoking (Theta)  停止吸烟(192 Kbps) 37【37】专辑名称:Stress Free Forever (Alpha)  时时释放压力(192 Kbps) 38【38】专辑名称:Super Learning (Theta)  超级学习(192 Kbps) 39【39】专辑名称:Total Relaxation (Alpha)  全然放松(192 Kbps) 40【40】专辑名称:Walking Meditation (Beta) 走步冥想(192 Kbps) 41【41】专辑名称:Weight Loss (Theta)  减肥(192 Kbps) 42【42】专辑名称:Winning (Theta) 胜利(160 Kbps) 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11373 【01】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind MeditationⅠ(Delta) 心灵冥想的秘密1(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2007 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase your attracting force · Accelerate manifestation · Attract what you need and desire   The Secret imparts the sacred truths spiritual masters have taught for millennia. The secret is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, The Secret is whispered into your ears--first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness. Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept The Secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind. Over the last half century, Science is proving the existence of the Universal Mind, and now The Secret is yours to use. When you know and accept the secret, you have the secret to everything: unlimited health, abundance, success and joy. With this program you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, The Secret meditation re-programs your mind with new knowledge and beliefs that unleash your power to create a new reality –a reality that fulfills your deepest needs and desires. Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there’s nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.  The Secret Universal Mind Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: 61 Minutes Track 1: Introduction & Instructions Track 2: Guided Meditation, Music and Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "This CD can be rated as the best among all from Brain Sync although the others are no less inferior to this one. My day starts and ends by listening to one of the cd,s from Brain Sync but I make it a point to listen to this cd while going to sleep every night. This CD has brought miraculous changes in my life and has immensely boosted my confidence levels at a time when it was at the bottom levels with no courage to take any initiatives and enveloped with negative thoughts all around me. Today I deal with all situations with inner calmness and with a high sense of confidence which is one of the pre-requisites that my job demands. Kelly Howell is truly a god sent woman on this planet. I wish to sincerely express my gratitude to her for helping so many people overcome their inhibitions with her brain wave therapy cd's. I strongly recommend this cd to everyone who wish to live a life full of energy, happiness and prosperity. I am sure it brings amazing positive changes in their lives." P.K "This Meditation helped introduced me to Kelly Howell and her wonderfully soothing voice. If one could wear out an MP3, then I would have with this one. I listened to it after leaving the hospital (for severe anxiety and panic attacks) and it has changed my life. I recommend it to many people and will NEVER give up my copy! It is a Godsend. Thank you, Kelly Howell." Jade "I simply love this meditation. I've begin to see result in a few days, that impressed me much. But it gets better, after 2 weeks of listening I've found the job I wanted for long. I used to search desperately for any vacancies, and sent my CV to all companies possible but no result. And now this job actually found me! When I just imagine what can still happen in 6 weeks, I get so excited and filled with joy! I express my gratitude to Kelly Howell. Thank you very much for making my life better!" Ana "I bought this CD about 2 months ago and go to sleep with it every night. I positively look forward to going to bed and enjoy an easy sleep. I wake up refreshed and feeling fully rested and joyful at each day upon awakening. I have studied a considerable amount about the Law of Attraction and my life has changed dramatically in the last two years. I use meditation and self hypnosis to continue the enhancement of my life. This CD has been a very important part of the changes I have felt in recent days. I have been so impressed that I felt a compulsion to go back to the shop where I purchased the 'Universal Mind Meditation' to recommend it to other customers. I am truly grateful for the amazing feeling that this CD induces for me. I highly recommend it and I'm so looking forward to purchasing other products from Kelly Howell and the Brain Sync company. Yours truly, from England, Giselle" Giselle 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11374 【02】专辑名称:The Secret Universal Mind Meditation II (Theta) 心灵冥想的秘密2(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2007 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase your attracting force   · Dissolve limiting beliefs · Breakthrough to a new level of being This program takes you deeper into the magic and mystery of the Universal Mind. All the love, abundance and joy you want already exists within you, the secret is in discovering it. Through repeated nightly listening you will move into alignment with Infinite Intelligence. As you attune to the Universal Mind, and surrender personal will to Divine Will, what you need and want comes to you. Manifesting then becomes easy and fun. Many have already discovered this for themselves. Now you can too. With this program you'll overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, The Secret Meditation II re-programs your mind with ideas that unleash your power to create a flourishing life that fulfills you on every level. How is The Secret Meditation II different? The same powerful messages are delivered in the second person to reprogram your subconscious mind from another essential perspective. This incarnation of the Secret Meditation goes even deeper into the re-programming process because it’s important to hear the truth about who you really are-- spoken to You. All the messages are audible and there are no subliminal messages. If you alternate between both versions you’ll be astonished by the impact they’ll have on your life. Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the knowledge it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there’s nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. As negative beliefs are replaced with self-empowering truths about your self, you’ll start attracting people, ideas and opportunities that support you in making your dreams a reality. The Secret Universal Mind Meditation II  is adapted from the work of U. S. Anderson the original meditations can be found in his book, Three Magic Words. The Secret Universal Mind Meditation II - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: Approximately 60 Min Track 1: Introduction and Instructions Track 2: Guided Meditation Delta & Theta Track 3: Music, Delta & Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20Universal%20Mind%20Meditation%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Great creation, powerful message, I just purchased the product yesterday from Borders Book Store. I will be supporting this product to all my family and business partners. I just purchased 4 more products from the website. Keep doing what you were created to do. You are truly appreciated. I usually do not give endorsement like this but something moved me to do so." Hasheem I have been listening to this for 3 years and it has changed my life it is amazing. Carla "I have fallen asleep more often than not with this program. it completely relaxes me. Those of you who are offended by the term God, keep in mind that every religion believes in a higher power, call it what you may, once you accept this, things will begin to change." Denis "Kelly Howell You are wonderful! This message speaks the truth. You helped change my world during a spiritual emergence. I assure you this is not "Christian" brainwashing! God is just a word that some people associate a image and negative connotation to, give it a try, listen to the whole CD! Blessings!" Josh 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11372 【03】专辑名称: The Secret To Attracting Love (Theta) 吸引爱的秘密(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2007 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com Attract True Love Like a Magnet In order to attract your true love, you have to believe you are able to attract the right person into your life. True love comes to you, not by chance, but through who you are. Thoughts and feelings emit vibrations that literally act as magnets drawing in people and circumstances that resonate with what you think and feel about yourself. Through the power of proven visualization and reprogramming techniques, you’ll overcome inner obstacles to receiving love. As your heart opens to experience more joy and fulfillment, you’ll exude a radiant energy field that attracts the love you desire.   "Kelly Howell’s work is a powerful force for positive change. She has helped thousands of people to improve their lives, and even--realize their magnificence!" Marc Allen – Author, The Greatest Secret of All The Secret To Attracting Love - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Instructions Track 2: Guided Meditation Track 3: Meditation Music and Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20To%20Attracting%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20To%20Attracting%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20To%20Attracting%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20To%20Attracting%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Have just start to listen - has been one week. And I feel more positive now then before - I´m looking forward to see how I feel after 6 weeks." Anette "Wow , incredible ! I have tried many different things to help live in the belief system that I have always desired . I am releasing old fears and beliefs and people are becoming drawn into me without any desired effort on my part , Amazing . Thank you for helping me to get my alignment back" Justin 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11371 【04】专辑名称:The Secret To Attracting Wealth (Theta) 吸引财富的秘密(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2007 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com Master the Secret to Attracting Wealth Everyone lives in the world of their own beliefs and those beliefs have energy. Your thoughts emit vibrations that literally act as magnets drawing to you people and circumstances that resonate with what you’re thinking and feeling. This two-part meditation takes you into a super-deep trance state called Deep Mind, where hypnotic metaphors help you breakthrough limitation. You are guided to The Causal Plane, a very high plane of consciousness where what you visualize has incredible power to manifest. At this level of mind, you become what you think you are, for truly your thoughts are creative. In the days and weeks to come, you’ll start attracting, ideas, opportunities and people to make your prosperity goals a reality. The results are profound.   Read Kelly's Story "Kelly Howell’s work is a powerful force for positive change. She has helped thousands of people to improve their lives, and even--realize their magnificence!" Marc Allen – Author, The Greatest Secret of All The Secret to Attracting Wealth - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Instructions Track 2: Guided Meditation Track 3: Meditation Music and Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20to%20Attracting%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20to%20Attracting%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20to%20Attracting%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\The%20Secret%20to%20Attracting%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "i have bought this cd about 6 weeks ago and listen to it every night.although these hard economic times and feeling sometimes discouraged,i am beginning to look at life a little more positive but haven,t had anything really amazing happen about my situation yet.i have been looking for qualified personel for my beauty salon for 2 years now and just can,t seem to find the right people.i will continue to listen to this cd,i do feel it is a positive tool but might take some time.i will submit a new review in a few weeks." vito "This Cd as well as the slim cd has lead to the most amazing transformation in my life! Originally I had bought the sleep cd for my lover and it actually worked for and nothing else ever did.. So then I figured I would try the abundance and slim cd for myself.. ahhhh these cds are wonderful to me.. They are so rejuvinating,The voice is so comforting. I used to struggle with poverty but slowly with the help of this cd and other affirmations I have released some of my old thought patterns that were restricting energy.. I recieved 3000 dollars from unexpected sources. My lover has been listening to it and recieved 1500 from unexpected sources and this was all in just the last couple of weeks since we got the CD." elizabeth "I have been listening to this cd for about 6 wks. It is the second I bought. The first was The Secret Universal Mind Meditation which has really helped remove blocks of stagnation in my life. Since I've been listening to the attracting wealth cd there have been subtle shifts in my financial situation. My finances have steadily increased and the most dramatic shift has been in my own attitude about money. I just don't worry about it. It has become so clear to me that wealth is not about money and neither is abundance. And as I shift those old beliefs, my finances continue to improve. I am grateful for these cds." Teresa "I have been listening to this meditation for just over 1 week and have just found out that I am receiving a sizable raise at work! This is so incredible!" Sarah 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11315 【05】专辑名称:Attract Love (Theta) 吸引爱(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase charisma · Become more available for love · Exude a powerful inner-magnetism How you feel about yourself produces a radiant energy field that influences how others respond to you. Recent research has revealed that the electro-magnetic waves emitted from the heart are sixty times more powerful than those of the brain. Furthermore these waves can be measured ten feet from the body, and are instantly received and registered by those around you. When you feel good about yourself, when you appreciate who you are, people are attracted to you. With subliminal brain wave technology, your mind relaxes into heightened states of receptivity where messages of deep self-appreciation are effortlessly absorbed. As your heart opens to exude more personal joy, your inner magnetism expands to attract the love you desire. This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude and "self talk" that dramatically increases your personal magnetism. This recording contains the following subliminal messages on both tracks: • Yes! I can be fulfilled • I love myself, I appreciate myself • I feel connected to the power of love in my life • I yearn for love with total self-appreciation • I let my desire activate every part of my being • I let my heart be touched, I let the magic flow • I awaken to the touch of love • My love attracts equal and balanced love • I am open and available, passionate and full • I am receiving love, love comes to me • I feel turned on, I can be touched • Every cell of my body exudes beauty and love • This love that is mine creates miracles in my world • I feel the movement of love in all of my life • Yes! I can love and be loved • Joy and beauty fill my life • My heart is open, my heart is wise and mature • I feel my love attracting love • I attract the love I desire • I rest in the arms of love Attract Love - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: approximately 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves and Subliminal Messages Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Love.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I'm writing this for all those, who may think that people who write these reviews are just paid to do this. I bought this recording few months ago. So far so good, I can say. After listening it for few days, I noticed how it starts lifting me up. I just feel more loving. It's hard to explain, it's not like my thoughts have changed that much, but it affects more the subconscious mind, and how you feel deep inside. I'm currently combining it with "The Secret to Attracting love", and after meditation I feel like my heart would burst out my chest. I just want to love. It's amazing feeling. I'm listening it few hours a day, it's great to have it on background when you are working on PC. However, if I try to "hardcore" this, and cause a revolution in my mind, like I wanted to do when I started, I start getting irritated by it. I don't know why, maybe that's just me, or maybe too much is just too much for subconscious as well. For the law of manifestation part, I'm starting to believe it works. After 4 days of listening this and "the Secret to Attracting love" one, it led me to change few things in my dating profile. After that I soon got 2 replies, both from persons that are matching to what I wanted to attract. So far so good. And for those who don't believe in law of manifestation, or that we create our reality; If you are feeling down, try it out. It's only 10$ download anyway. And I think it's the best subliminal recording on this site, because it contains messages that will really do good for you, even if you are not buying it to look for a relationship. Everyone loves feeling loved, that's for sure ;) I hope this helps those that are wondering if this product is worth it or not. I can say it works for me, it's cheap, and definitely worth trying. Thank you." Nicklas "I have been listening to this program for a couple of weeks. I went from depression from a heart break, to feeling happy, free, and loving life. Also, I am more confident, loving, fun and am making friends, like breathing air. Focusing on love can only bring joy." Jacqueline I listened to Attract Love pretty consistently for a few months and now I'm married. B.B. "Attract Love has opened me up emotionally and I have noticed my friends responding accordingly. I have closer friendships with them now. I'm not afraid to express my feelings for others and I'm attracting people into my life now who are on the same wavelength so to speak." B.E. 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11316 【06】专辑名称:Attract Wealth (Theta)  吸引财富(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2008 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Attract the prosperity you deserve · Create a life of prosperity, ease and abundance How you feel about wealth creates a magnetic energy field that attracts similar circumstances and people into your life.  With subliminal brain wave therapy, your mind relaxes into heightened states of receptivity where messages of abundant prosperity are effortlessly absorbed.  As the messages are received and retained by your subconscious mind, you'll radiate an energy field that attracts money and wealth to you.  Your new beliefs about wealth begin attracting ideas, people and happy coincidences that support you in making prosperity a living, breathing reality in your life. This recording contains the following subliminal messages on both tracks: • My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth; I allow it to flow freely and generously in my life. • Money is good. Money is energy. Money flows to me easily. • The Universe is my benefactor. I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do. • I deserve happiness, ease and abundance. I deserve prosperity. • The more I enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others, the more money I make. • I am richly rewarded for all that I give. I love my life. • New sources of prosperity flow into my life with grace and ease. • I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities to increase my net worth. I am a magnet for money. • Money comes to me through expected channels and unexpected channels. • Everything in my life flows perfectly. There is so much to be grateful for. • Prosperity is everywhere at all times. I claim my right to a prosperous life. • I am building a strong financial foundation that supports all of my life. • I am sensible with money and manage it wisely. • Opportunities to succeed abound. Everything I need to generate wealth is available to me right now. • I am aligned with love, truth and integrity. I am divinely guided in all my affairs. • Through the great law of attraction, everything I need for my work and fulfillment comes to me. Even now, the answers to all my needs are speeding their way to me. Attract Wealth - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 65 minutes Track 1: Introduction Track 2: Instructions Track 3: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Track 4: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Attract%20Wealth.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Not too long ago ago I was so far in debt and I didn't know where to turn. Last month I ordered Attracting Wealth. In a months time I have whittled a away at my bills and am currently a minimum of three months ahead on my house payment, car payment and all my bills. I highly recommend this tape to anyone experiencing financial difficulties." Sharon "I have used Brain Sync for many years. I over came Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using 2 tapes from Kelly Howell so I know the power. I use Brain Sync music everyday as I work on my computer. I just recently got this Attract Wealth and it is the most powerful of all. I have the most amazing visualizations with this music of any of the programs I have ever used. This is by far a very, very powerful program." Rebecca 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11363 【07】专辑名称:Awakening Kundalini (Theta) 唤醒生命力(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2004 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase health and vitality · Recharge and refresh your brain · Obtain greater clarity and insight · Expand creativity and intuition For centuries secret techniques for awakening Kundalini have been taught in ashrams and Tantric mystery schools. Now you can practice these powerful meditation techniques in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You simply lie back, relax and follow the guidance. With only 30 minutes a day of practice, you'll feel the creative life force energy that is called Kundalini begin to flow and regenerate the very core of your self. In Eastern traditions, Kundalini is the name for the extraordinary powerhouse of cosmic energy that resides within you. According to many respected researchers, it is the source from which all creativity, genius, and psychic gifts spring. Other known benefits of Kundalini meditation are increased sexual energy, heightened creativity and greater vitality. When Kundalini awakens, your entire life will awaken with insights, energy and creativity. As Kundalini travels upward through the chakra system it removes inner and outer obstacles to living your highest potential. In this remarkable program, Theta waves are harmonically layered in music based on ancient Tantric traditions to open the flow of energy to your chakras. As you experience the gifts Kundalini brings, your life will flourish with opportunities to enjoy and express more of who you really are. Listen to a 20 minute introduction to Kundalini HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/sounds/mp3/podcast_3.m3u" \o "Awakening Kundalini Introduction" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/sounds/mp3/podcast_3.m3u" \o "Awakening Kundalini Introduction" Learn more about how Awakening Kundalini can change your life. Awakening Kundalini - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Introduction Track 2: Instructions Track 3: Meditation Music, Guided Meditation, Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Awakening%20Kundalini.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Awakening%20Kundalini.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... This is an excellent guided meditation. I highly recommend it. Sandra "This is my favorite so far. The 'Breath of Fire' is quite tricky but becomes easier with practice, and I look forward to the incredible sensation which comes after it. I always feel as though I am flying in air towards the end of the session. If you had to get just one Brain Sync product I'd recommend this one." Mui "I bought the mp3 yesterday and I absolutley love this! It is awesome. Very, very relaxing. I've been doing brainwave meditation for some time and this is by far the best one. You will get enlightening thoughts and visions after meditating to this cd. I highly recommend this. Thank you Kelly." Carrie "I have been using this CD for I would say nearly a year. I have to say that i have never grown as much spiritually or as much in self knowledge as this year. I cant believe the syncronicities which have occured. Slowly but surely the pieces of my ideal life are being constructed. I cannot rate this product highly enough. In the past i have struggled with life and now i seem to be dancing with it. Thank you!!!" gemma 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11338 【08】专辑名称:Brain Massage (Beta/Gamma/Delta)  大脑信息(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 别名:A Sound Approach To Conscious Evolution 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1996 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Refresh your brain · Wash away stress and tension · Relieve headaches · Overcome stressful feelings You're thrashed. It's been a hard day and you feel the pressure of mental overload. No worries. Simply slip on your headphones and listen to Brain Massage. Completely free of spoken words or guidance, this program harmonically layers Gamma(40Hz) and Delta waves to massage your brain into relaxation. You’ll tingle all over with a rush of cleansing energy swirling through your mind and body. A revitalizing flood of positive energy is released as your autonomic nervous system relaxes into deep states of reverie. At the end of thirty minutes you feel cleansed and refreshed at the deepest levels. We've re-mastered this Brain Sync classic to offer two new beautiful sound tracks with the same powerful frequency combination. Brain Massage - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_delta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Massage.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Massage.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Massage.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Massage.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Having used Holosync for the past 3 years I was looking for something less boring and realistically priced for real people. I had listened to TOTM podcasts previously so I decided to give Brain Massage a go. Day 1, first 30 minute session, what a ride. It's a full body massage through the head. Incredible feeling of muscle stimulation and relaxation at the same time. Day 2, man oh man what a visual show. Like having a video running just behind your eyes. Never tried acid myself but this must be what the hippies experienced. Can't fall asleep listening to this as I might miss something. Looking forward to day 3. Spent the last 24 hours smiling and waiting for my next fix. Bye bye holosync and hello brain sync." Dave "I am a writer and student. Just about everything in my life depends on quick thinking and creativity. Before I bought Brain Power I had many thoughts and ideas cluttering my mind. After I using the CD I have experienced more creativity, my mind is more focused, and my concentration has increased. It works." T.R. "As soon as Brain Massage starts I can actually feel the left side of my brain respond to the sounds in a startlingly wonderful feeling. I use your tapes mostly to help me sleep, and have found with this particular tape I wake up with a wonderful feeling of joy, mental and physical alertness and maintain it throughout the day. Even when working a twelve hour night shift." G.B. "I absolutely love Brain Massage. It is such a treat to immerse myself in those wonderful sounds that wash away stress and anxiety leaving me feeling refreshed, relaxed and renewed. It's like a "Brain Spa!"" J.K. 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11335 【09】专辑名称:Brain Power (Alpha/Beta/Delta/Gamma/Theta) 大脑能量(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1992 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Improve memory and concentration · Initiate “Big Picture” thinking · Expand perception · Gain clarity of thought Your mind is cluttered and no matter how hard you try to focus or find answers, nothing flows easily. Perhaps you know that you’re using only a small portion of your mental capacity, but you can’t seem to make the breakthroughs you want. Or you’re swamped with new material and information you need to absorb and assimilate quickly. No worries. Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and let the rich resonant tones of harmonically layered frequencies effortlessly guide you into the flow state of expanded consciousness. Frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You can think and perceive with crystal clarity. You feel invigorated as fresh neural pathways are opened to effortlessly access more of your untapped ability to learn, recall and create new ideas. Brain Power - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_beta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_delta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Waves Track 2: Nature Sounds, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Power.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Power.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Power.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Brain%20Power.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I bought the CD to help me through board exams. It definitely made my thinking more clear. I have also notice that I have a lot more energy on the days that I listen to the CD. It has also helped with my migraine headaches, if I listen to the CD the pain lessens greatly. Love the CD." Sarah "I've been listening to this for almost a month, and I never start a day without it. Always 30 minutes at minimum a day and I notice the results man! I'm making funnier jokes, and speaking like a professional with my friends and family. My communication with renown mental clarity is rich with splendor. (Wow..) My Mother who is diagnosed with Depression listens to it, and... it's like she's back to her normal self with her trademark smile! We eacg share my Ipod listening to 'Brain Power' everyday. Thanks for your time. (I'm listening to it right now..)" Mark "My Mother and I have been using the "Brain Power" CD and tape for about a week now. Mom's 86 years old and following doctor's orders have caused some horrible reactions in her brain -- flu shot (mercury!) and cortisone (steroids!) -- she was suffering serious confusion and personality changes. Of course, we were told these sudden changes were just her getting old. We started using a natural chelation for the mercury and she's off the steroids. I thought there might be some serious (Alzheimer's-type) permanent damage going on here, so I decided to try the Brain Sync tape to reverse these changes. It's AMAZING! Between the chelation of metals and your tape, Mom has bounced back to her old self... her brilliant self. Sincerely, Arleen" Arleen "I have Multiple Sclerosis. A common symptom of MS is difficulty concentrating and other cognitive issues. I purchased High Focus...and found considerable benefit in my ability to concentrate and even my energy level after listening to one side of the tape...I can happily say that over time I have found greater and greater benefit." C.F. 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11357 【10】专辑名称:Breakthrough Training In the Zone I (Beta/Gamma) 突破训练(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2005 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase energy and motivation · Boost Beta-endorphin production · Burn fat · Look forward to exercise You know aerobic exercise is important for your health and weight, but you dread getting on the treadmill because it's so boring. Problem solved. Slip on your headphones and listen to your own personal sports coach take you on an inspired journey toward greater health and fitness. Within minutes you'll be stretching, walking, laughing and maybe even dancing for joy. An intoxicating fusion of world beat rhythms gradually accelerates your pace while high beta brain waves focus your mind and give you that extra boost of energy you need. Customers say they're addicted to our workout programs. Use Breakthrough Training for any kind of exercise-- walking, biking, running, weight training, and certainly dancing! It’s like nothing you’ve ever tried before. Read a Review >>> Breakthrough Training In the Zone: Vol. I - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: R&B Music, Beta/Gamma Waves, Guided Track 2: R&B Music, Beta/Gamma Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Breakthrough%20Training%20In%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20I.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Breakthrough%20Training%20In%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20I.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Breakthrough%20Training%20In%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20I.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Breakthrough%20Training%20In%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20I.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I used it on my mp3, the best workout music I have ever experienced, but not surprised having received so much from other CD purchases." rodolfo "Need getting used too. But Kelly's voice was playful and it was fun to listen to. Reference to MP3 version." Alex "WOW i think that pretty much sums up my first experience with this type of training. I really didnt know what to expect when i put on my headphones this morning and stepped on my treadmill. All I know is - I felt unstoppable. Thank you for the "push" i belive i needed. This is the best "personal coach" i have ever used and the least expensive. Many many thanks! sherry" Sherry 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11324 【11】专辑名称:Create Success (Theta) 创造成功(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase charisma and self-esteem · Overcome inner and outer obstacles · Initiate "Big Picture" thinking · Eliminate self-sabotage You already possess everything you need to succeed. The secret to your success comes from within. The thoughts you think, the beliefs you hold, have extraordinary power to make or break your chances for success. Sometimes it might seem that no matter how hard you try to succeed there’s always something pulling you down, getting in the way, or holding you back from achieving your dreams.  This is because many self-sabotaging patterns reside in the subconscious and are completely unconscious, yet they undermine your best intentions.  Create Success eliminates self-sabotage and negative thinking through bypassing the conscious mind and imprinting new self-empowering beliefs—beliefs that will trigger remarkably higher levels of success and achievement. Through repeated listening, your subconscious will accept the messages on this program as true. In the days and weeks to come you can expect significant positive changes: You’ll feel more creative and self-assured, you’ll take an active role in creating your success, and you’ll probably take a few more risks. As your confidence grows, new possibilities appear and obstacles will dissolve. You might even notice an increase in opportunities knocking at your door. When you allow the unlimited power of your subconscious to work for you . . . anything is possible. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • I believe in myself • My talents are in demand • I am recognized, I am lucky • I attract opportunities for abundance and success • I get all the help I need • I stay calm, centered and focused • I trust my intuition to show me the way • I take risks with confidence, I adjust easily • I am resourceful, I use my time wisely • I ground my visions in reality • I am patient, deliberate, and sure of my worth • All that I seek is seeking me • I possess unlimited resources • I choose prosperity, I am prosperous • I feel great, I love my life • I achieve with ease • I let go and find solutions • I’ve got what it takes to win • My hopes and dreams come true • I am a success, I share my wealth This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.   Create Success - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Write A Review... "I love Create Success. I noticed I started to get more help with my goals. The tape makes me feel at peace and it's easy to listen to. Many of my dreams have come true too after listening to that tape. I think there may be wonderful things that Brain Sync does for you that are still unexplained. Thanks Brain Sync." K.G. "When I use Create Success...my mind becomes flooded with creative ideas that will make me successful. It's very subtle. I don't really make the connection while it's happening, but then after a few days I notice my income picking up or some other form of "synchronicity" taking place in my life." V.W. "In high school, I was able to pull off a 3.6 GPA by the time I graduated. However, due to my lack of study skills, my first semester as a college undergrad was a disaster. My GPA was a 0.7. After trying the 'Create Success' tape, I've increased my attention span and I've developed my study skills. Last semester I received a 2.7 and I'm looking forward to a 3.0 by the end of this term. Thanks Brain Sync!!!" K.G.Woodbridge, VA 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11342 【12】专辑名称:Deep Insight (Theta) 真知灼见(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2005 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Think “outside the box” · Blast through creative blocks · Access knowledge from the subconscious and super-conscious mind · Release stress and anxiety Perhaps you’ve got some challenges or deadlines that call for imaginative solutions, but you’re feeling blocked. Or maybe you’re at one of life’s crossroads and need to search your soul for answers. Now you can do what great thinkers and spiritual masters do to get answers and insights: Go within, enter the mysterious theta state and discover the vast storehouse of knowledge available to you. Theta is the gateway to the subconscious and super-conscious mind. In Theta you access wisdom that lies beyond the borders of normal awareness. Entering this waking dream-like state stimulates deeper connections between brain cells, allowing you to access higher levels of creativity. In Theta, new ideas and insights spontaneously flash before your mind’s eye, in what is known as a “Eureka Event.” At the end of your inward journey, you’ll feel clear, lucid and revitalized at the deepest levels. Use Deep Insight for: • Super learning • Receiving inner direction and insights • Self-hypnosis • Behavior modification • Improving Memory Instructions for listening: Listen to this program daily for either thirty or sixty minutes a day to train your brain to develop more Theta activity. Regular use will enhance overall mental performance. What You Can Expect: · Increased creativity · Fresh ideas and inspiration · Enhanced ability to focus and concentrate · Greater clarity of thought · Expanded awareness Deep Insight - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: Approx. 50 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Theta Waves Write A Review... "I am undergoing Neurofeedback training and I bought Deep Insight. My MD, upon hooking up the EEG equipment, noticed a change after I listened to the tape for the first time. She commented 'look how relaxed you are -- what did you do differently?' The proof of my feeling better and the power of your relaxation tapes was there on the screen - I was deep in theta state, not up in beta." D.B.Denver, CO 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11334 【13】专辑名称:Deep Learning (Theta)  深度学习(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1985 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Improve memory & concentration · Absorb, retain, and recall information · Expand awareness and increase creativity Do you ever wonder why as children we learn more in our first few years of life? The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children are predominantly in Theta. This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can restore this magical ability through daily Theta brain wave training. When you need to study and assimilate new information, slip on your headphones, relax and listen to Deep Learning. Within minutes, memory receptors are gently stimulated as precision-engineered frequencies shift your brain into perfect balance. In this state of heightened receptivity, the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate, study, and integrate and store information is profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated with long-term-potentiation. Use Deep Learning For: • Super learning • Receiving inner direction and insights • Self-hypnosis • Behavior modification • Improving Memory Instructions for listening: Listen to this program daily for either thirty or sixty minutes a day to train your brain to develop more Theta activity. Regular use will enhance overall mental performance. Here are three ways to use Deep Learning. Experiment to explore which way works best for you and your needs. 1. Thirty minutes before studying, lie down, close your eyes and listen to Deep Learning. This will prepare your brain for absorbing new information. 2. Or, listen to Deep Learning while you study. 3. Listen to Deep Learning to relax, unwind or meditate. After regular use you’ll notice a dramatic increase in your ability to retain and retrieve information. What You Can Expect: • Increased creativity • Improved memory • Enhanced ability to focus and concentrate • Greater clarity of thought • Expanded awareness Deep Learning - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Track 2: Nature Sounds, Theta Waves Write A Review... "I am a Math major at UBS. I have been using Deep Learning for 6 months. I have noticed I can concentrate better and have better retention on new material learned." A.W. "All through school I feared math. I had to take two refresher courses before my final college class: Finite Math. I didn't do well in those classes but I passed. Then before the Finite Math, I decided to try Deep Learning. Well to my surprise I obtained the information quickly and easily. I earned an A in that course, and am still using that tape while finishing a Masters in Social Work." K.K. "I bought Deep Learning recently and I've noticed my ability to study, concentrate, and stay focused while learning difficult information is radically improved." G.W. "Deep Learning has helped tremendously in keeping my GPA at a 3.5 while I'm also working two jobs and being a wife and a mom. Your CDs are wonderful." S.B. 试听地址:http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11392 【14】专辑名称:Deep Meditation (Beta/Alpha/Theta)  深度冥想(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期: 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Reach the deepest levels of meditation · Obtain greater clarity and insight · Enter higher states of awareness · Reduce stress and anxiety · Deepen your spiritual connection Maybe you’ve tried to meditate before but got bored and lost interest. It’s no wonder--learning to quiet your mind and enter into deep meditative states can take years of practice.Now you can easily reach depths of meditation that would otherwise take years of practice to attain. Deep Meditation provides all the benefits of profound meditation without endless hours of discipline. Within minutes, you feel yourself lifted from physical tension and mental anxieties. As stress dissolves, you’ll feel a higher, more refined energy moving through your body. A powerful combination of Brain Wave frequencies guides you into the extraordinary meditation state known as “Body Asleep-Mind Awake.” As your brain awakens, rich, resonant music based on ancient mystical traditions opens the flow of energy in your body. While your chakras vibrate in resonance with the universe, they become balanced, energized and open. At the end of 30 minutes you’ll feel refreshed, revitalized and nourished at the deepest levels. This classic meditation program has been extensively used and studied by biofeedback therapists. In a study conducted by The Other 90% in San Francisco, using a 24 electrode EEG showed that an astounding 87% of research subjects, who had never meditated before, entered the Theta State of advanced meditation.   Deep Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_beta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_delta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW CD Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Beta, Alpha, Theta & Delta Waves Track 2: Identical for a longer meditation MP3 Running Time: 30 Minutes Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I was skeptical at first but honestly if you give it a listen you can actually feel your body begin to relax. I read that they use some wave-frequencies that help the brain enter into a state similar to meditation. Very cool technology, well worth the $9." Justin "Deep Meditation is an amazing experience in sound. Not only does this work, but it produces profound changes in your life. It can bring things to the surface.While in this altered state you can completely transform your mind and body on many levels. It really is amazing. I think the difference with the products here as opposed to other sites...is that Kelly understands brainwave entrainment, and has a true passion for it. You can see it reflected in her site, and products. I recommend them to everyone." Bluzulu "First, I must compliment you on having one of the nicest sites I've ever seen. The colors are perfect! The next thing I'd like to tell you is that your products are amazing. I absolutely love them and they really work. Deep Meditation is unbelievable. Thank You so much for creating these products. I feel like a new person. " Trevin "I use Deep Meditation while I meditate on the train. Normally this has never been very easy for me because of the distractions, but the CD makes it easy to go deep down into the inner space. I also get practical benefits. Since English is not my Mother Tongue, I feel some difficulty when I speak it in the office where English speakers are the majority. But after listening to the CD I can speak more naturally and smoothly. I sense my brain waves get more coherent and harmonized." K.O. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11326 【15】专辑名称:Deep Sleep (Delta)  深度睡眠(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Slow down mental activity · Retrain your brain to sleep better · Rest and sleep more deeply Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and turn out the lights. Within minutes you’ll feel like your brain is being massaged. Soothing Delta frequencies, associated with deep restorative sleep, and subliminal messages are masterfully woven into gentle music. As your brain cells resonate with Delta waves, you start to slowly swirl and drift. Pestering concerns are washed away, allowing you to fall into deep sleep states that bring the refreshing slumber your body and mind need for optimum performance. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • I am calm, I relax into deep sleep • I let go and drift to sleep • The day is over and I am free • My mind is at rest, I sleep soundly • My thoughts easily flow into rest and resolution • My body relaxes into deep sleep • Each breath leads me into sleep • I am safe, I trust the future • Inner peace fills my sleep • I accept everything as it is • I surrender for now • My mind is free, my body is at rest • Problems resolve while I sleep • My dreams are healing and rejuvenating • I am fulfilled • I get the rest I need • I rest in peace and comfort • I drift safely to sleep • I feel comfortable in my bed • I surrender to serenity and peace Instructions for listening:  This Brain Wave Subliminal has one 60-minute track. Listen with headphones in bed. Delta waves will help slow down mental activity and heighten receptivity to the subliminal messages. Just slip on your headphones, relax and drift into a deeply refreshing night’s sleep. We find that ear-bud headphones are the most comfortable for listening while sleeping.   Deep Sleep - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Delta Waves, Subliminal Messages, Sleep Music Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Deep%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "The first night I used Deep Sleep I only slept for four hours. When I do this, I am normally a mess for the entire day. Not so with Deep Sleep. I woke up refreshed and carried for a very long day as if I had slept 8 hrs. Since I've been sleeping an average of 6 hrs a night and I an always waking up refreshed and lively." Joy "It's unbelievable! after only 2 uses...I feel something's going on....I usualy take 8-9 hours to get a restful night sleep, but after the second use of Deep Sleep programm I was fully replenished after only 6-6 1/2 hours of sleep!! I recomend this to everybody!" Flaviu™ "I have listened to this CD almost every night after getting into bed for the past year. It had certainly been a tremendous help in getting a better night's sleep." Charles Chris 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11341 【16】专辑名称:Ecstasy (Theta) 迷魂(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1998 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Open your heart to more love · Increase sexual energy and charisma · Reduce fears and inhibitions Completely free of spoken words or guidance, this program delivers 60 minutes of music and frequencies designed to relax you while increasing sexual energy. Within minutes, music based on Eastern Tantric traditions opens and activates your heart and sexual chakras. You experience a euphoric rush of “releasing” and exaltation as endorphins flood your system. This rapturous state of delight removes psychic barriers, deeply entrenched inhibitions and fears. You are transported to a realm of sensual inspiration and attuned to experience peak pleasure and sexual fulfillment. Listen daily as a meditation practice to expand your heart and build more sexual energy. You can also play this music over speakers (without headphones) to create a sensual atmosphere for you and your partner. Ecstasy - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music to open Sexual Chakra, Theta Waves Track 2: Meditation Music to open Heart Chakra, Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Ecstasy.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Ecstasy.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Ecstasy.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Ecstasy.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "The 2nd movement particularly is beautiful beyond words. Sumptuous melodies soar to blissful heights with moments when one’s whole being seems to dissolve into a higher dimensional continuum in a sigh of pure ecstasy. Musically, it consists of several themes that are repeated with subtle variations that keep the listener utterly captivated in perfect bliss. The skill of composer Robert Schwimmer and artist Kelly Howell in transforming the heavenly relaxing sensations of a continuous orgasmic state into music is incredible. It has to be heard to be believed. Certainly a masterpiece for all who love and appreciate all that is beautiful." Paul Ecstasy has helped my love life and saved my marriage. Thank you so much. B.G.Washington, D.C. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11340 【17】专辑名称:Faith (Theta) 信仰(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1998 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Overcome fear and self-doubt · Increase self-esteem and confidence · Deepen your spiritual connection · Align with a higher power Do you sometimes feel that you have to 'do it all alone?' Or, do fears and doubts get in the way of trying something new? Relax. Slip on your headphones and take an inner journey that strengthens belief and trust in yourself. This guided meditation gently releases fear and cultivates natural ease and confidence. You’ll feel empowered to act from your purest intentions, freely and without fear. Through deep faith in yourself, you’ll discover your innate power to co-create a new reality—a reality that fulfills your innermost needs. Faith - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Faith.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Faith.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Faith.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Faith.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "No words, just poetry Oh, Kelly Your soul is a blessing to the World, Your wisdom is beyond a thought, Unleash the power of God And bring us peace and love." Valentiy Talisman "I have been suffering from a number of crises in my life over the past year and a half—murder, divorce, death, falling in love, breaking up, sexual assault—any one of which would cause someone to question their faith. Suffice it to say, all of them have caused me to completely lose my faith, in myself, in life and my higher power. Remembering my love of ZONE TWO I bought FAITH. After one listening, I was reminded on deep enduring levels of the power of love and my higher self, of the abundance around me, and it helped me vision a new day, one I could not see through all my grief. I was amazed at the instant energy I felt after listening. I highly recommend this for anyone who needs renewed faith. Kelly is astounding!" Barbara "I had nearly been hospitalized due to internal bleeding before I got Faith. It gave me hope that I would get better, and that my dreams could come true. I used it several times a week for the fall; at first, it always made me cry to think my dreams could come true. I am feeling better now. I believe the tape really helped with it." L.S. "I have struggled with my self-esteem for years. After a few months of faithful listening, I am thoroughly convinced your products work! I’m feeling better about myself than I’ve ever felt before. Now I accept myself! I like who I am. And I can’t believe the change in my whole thought processes." Ruthie D. AllenTX 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11345 【18】专辑名称:Fulfill Your Heart's Desire (Theta) 实现你的心愿(224 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase your attracting force · Gain clarity of intention · Accelerate manifestation · Generate states of joy and well-being Do you ever have the feeling that your life isn’t as satisfying as it could be? Do you have long-held hopes and dreams that have not been fulfilled? Or have you spent so much time caring for others that you forgot to take care of yourself? No matter how far away you think you are from enjoying a satisfying life, the change you long for can happen in the blink of an eye. And the best time to start is right now. Here’s how. Each and every day you create your life from your inner state of being. The thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, and the beliefs you hold generate a field of energy from which you act and attract. The problem is that we’re often attracting and acting from states of lack, limitation, fear or doubt. And so, our results in life aren’t anywhere near as satisfying as they could be. In the first part of this powerful meditation you are guided to explore and discover your heart’s deepest needs and desires. This helps you gain clarity of intention and focus. Next, you are guided to imagine those desires being fulfilled. Each time you listen it will become easier for you to generate feelings of absolute and total fulfillment. You’ll be able to “trick” your mind and body into feeling as though what you desire has already happened. As you embrace your heart’s desire and embody feelings of joy, you’ll generate a force field of positive energy that attracts the very things you long for. Fulfill Your Heart's Desire - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Meditation, Relaxation Music, Theta Waves Track 2: Relaxation Music, Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Fulfill%20Your%20Heart's%20Desire.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Fulfill%20Your%20Heart's%20Desire.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Fulfill%20Your%20Heart's%20Desire.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Fulfill%20Your%20Heart's%20Desire.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Once again Kelly has created a powerful meditation that takes you past your mundane thinking and actually creates the bodily awareness of the truth of our abundance. I have been struggling lately and this meditation got me out of my funk and into the world again, with renewed hope and awareness of the truth that I manifest my deepest desires. So often we forget and allow those mundane thoughts to rule our outlook. I highly recommend this one as well." Barbara "Desire opened up my mind to the possibilities of the universe and our ability to make our dreams a reality. But also, to increase my desire to follow my dreams." A. A-Z. "I love the Brain Sync tape called Desire…I meditate on the outcome I desire, listen to the CD, and see the things I want to happen, happening. I'm more productive, more positive, and more importantly…unstoppable!"" D.I.Pikesville, MD 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11348 【19】专辑名称:Guided Meditation (Theta)  冥想引导(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1995 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Generate nourishing states of well-being · Obtain clarity and insight · Experience Theta meditation You want to learn to meditate, but your mind is busy, and it’s difficult to settle down and relax. No worries. Just slip on your headphones and let soothing Theta waves calm your nervous system and quiet your mind. This best-selling Brain Sync classic has helped hundreds of thousands of people to explore and experience meditation. You are guided to create an inner sanctuary, a place where you can go to regenerate the very core of your self. Your body begins to relax as your mind transcends daily clutter. Negative thoughts are dramatically swept away by brilliant flashes of insight and understanding. You may feel as though you are gliding on beams of light as your soul soars to the highest ethers of universal knowledge and creativity. More Benefits Feelings of wholeness and well-being.  Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate. Guided Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track One: Meditation Music, Theta Waves, Guided Imagery Track Two: Meditation Music and Theta Waves Write A Review... "Guided Meditation is like getting a brain massage. I am booking more work as an actor and taking more risks with my life. I will be making a major move next year to a new city and give credit for that decision to my new found ability to relax thanks to this program. Thank you Brain Sync." B.E. "I was having a hard time coping with work related stress for a long time. I tried weight lifting, hiking and even alcohol, but couldn't find and outlet. I saw Guided Meditation and bought it. After only three weeks, I'd figured out how to meditate and relax and the stress was gone. I no longer think about work 24 hours a day. When I am at home, I think about HOME!" M.A. "All I can do is praise the tapes I ordered from you over 11 months ago. I was withdrawing from a prescription drug I'd become dependent on and I felt tense and anxious all the time. I started listening to Guided Meditation, then Healing Meditation every night. The tapes helped me through a very tough time. My health is better now. My anxiety level is way down and I'm sleeping well for the first time in years. I've recommended these tapes to a whole lot of people who use them and love them as much as I do."" P.W.Allen, TX "I teach special needs children, ones with emotional and behavioral problems. I have for 20 years. The stress can be enormous and most of my colleagues don't last more than 5 years doing this work. So I've had a pretty amazing run. A few years ago, though, I developed high blood pressure. I knew, if I didn't slow down and get my pressure back under control, I'd have no choice but to quit. Luck was on my side. I found Kelly Howell's Guided Meditation tape. I listened to it every day at lunch – my only 'alone' time of the day. In just a few weeks, my blood pressure was back to normal. And I'm still doing the work I love." J.F.Radford, VA 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11346 【20】专辑名称:Guided Relaxation (Alpha) 松弛引导(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2005 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Relieve stress and tension · Replenish your energy · Increase creativity · Generate powerful states of wholeness and well-being When you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or completely worn out, Guided Relaxation is one of the easiest ways to restore balance. Alpha waves, associated with relaxation, creativity and states of well-being, are harmonically layered in soothing music. You are guided through gentle relaxation techniques to relieve tension. In a state of calm reverie, you enter an inner sanctuary, a magical garden that you can return to again and again to restore your sense of self. You'll learn how to generate powerful states of being that will contribute to an ever increasing sense of well-being in your life.  At the end of 30 minutes, you re-emerge into the world cleansed, revitalized and ready to tackle any challenges with a fresh attitude. Track one is a guided meditation. Track Two delivers music and Alpha waves and relaxation music allowing you to unwind at your own pace. Guided Relaxation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Relaxation, Meditation Music, Alpha Waves Track 2: Meditation Music, Alpha Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Guided%20Relaxation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Guided%20Relaxation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Guided%20Relaxation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Guided%20Relaxation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "This CD is perfect, I have a hard time letting the day end, and I hard to getting to sleep. Listening to this for the first time I was put into a very relaxed state and had the best sleep. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, I keep this next to my bed and within minutes I am fast asleep again. Thanks for a great product. Karan, CA" Karan "I've been struggling with chronic migraines for 2 years. My neurologist suggested biofeedback training. The first part of my training required that I learn how to relax deeply. With the help of your Guided Relaxation tape, I was able to learn to relax completely. I actually learned how to let the pain melt away for a little while. Now I'm getting back to a more active lifestyle and still use Brain Sync tapes and CDs as part of my daily treatment." S.S.Spencerport, NY "My uncle died at 49 from a stroke and my father of a heart attack at 55. At 44, I suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. I came through it okay. But given my family history, I was really scared and I wound up with frequent, severe anxiety attacks. My therapist recommended Brain Sync's Guided Relaxation tape and it's really helped. It even helps my migraines clear faster. I've started keeping the tape and tape player in the glove compartment of my car so I always have it with me. When I feel an attack coming on, I stop and listen to the tape and within seconds, I can feel my anxiety begin to subside."" T.M.Hazlet, NJ 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11354 【21】专辑名称:Healing Meditation (Delta)  冥想治疗(224 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Accelerate and support healing · Generate nourishing states of well-being · Enhance immune function   You hold within you the power to create vibrant states of health and well-being that you intend for your life. In this program you will learn to meditate and relax on ever deepening levels, where the attention you focus on healing and renewal will directly impact your body and your life. These are blissful states of reverie that are proven to enhance immune function and activate the body’s natural healing abilities. In this quantum state of renewal, your body triggers its own powerful bio-chemicals to heal illness and cure disease. Fact 1: Your body can manufacture and administer the precise balance of neurochemicals that can reverse illness and cure disease. Your body posseses the inate capacity to heal itself. Fact 2: Science has proven, beyond doubt, that the contents of our thoughts and emotions directly and immediately influence our biochemistry. Fact 3: You can consciously influence and direct the body's output of health chemical information through meditation and visualization techniques. This powerful meditation is highly recommended by doctors and offered to patients at America’s most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals. Healing Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Meditation, Healing Music, Delta Waves Track 2: Healing Music, Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Healing%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Healing%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Healing%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Healing%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I BOUGHT THIS. AND I LOVE IT. YOU SEE I HAVE CHRONIC FATUIGE AND A VERY BAD STRESS DISORDER. AND THIS CD HAS HELPED ME LOTS AND I USE IT EVERY NITE TO RELAX , IM ALSO USEING THE KELLY HOWELL SECRET TO. AND JUST ORDERED MORE KELLY HOWELL CD'S" lisa "I was exhibiting symptoms of borderline high blood pressure when I found Healing Meditation. I began using it faithfully during my lunchtime, the only time I had alone during the day. In a few weeks my blood pressure was normal. In fact, it was great. My blood pressure has never returned to that previous level...Recently, I had surgery and unfortunately also a problem with a blood clot. After three weeks my doctor was amazed at how much the swelling had gone down. I finally wore the tape out." J.F. "When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I participated in a meditation program. It helped me cope tremendously, but is difficult on a daily basis. I came across Healing Meditation and gave it a try. It has been wonderful. That was four years ago, I'm a survivor now and listen to it still nearly every day. It has also helped my sister. I've been motivated to do things that had been in the back of my mind but never made the time to do. I truly believe it helped with that." M.S. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11339 【22】专辑名称:High Focus (Beta/Gamma) 高度聚焦(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2005 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Increase cognition & concentration · Improve hand-eye coordination for sports activities · Clear mental “fog” and boost energy Perhaps your energy is dragging, but you need laser-sharp focus for a meeting or exam or presentation. Maybe concentrating on a single task has never been one of your strong points. Now you can easily reach high-performance brain states, ideal for increasing cognition and focusing on any task. Nobel Prize-winning scientist Sir Francis Crick believes that the 40hz brainwave frequency used on this program is “key to the act of cognition.” See for yourself. Simply slip on your headphones, press play, and within minutes your brain waves will become organized into a state of “high-coherence.” This state of crystal-clear clarity arises when both hemispheres of your brain become balanced and mental energy is maximized. Suddenly you’ll feel your mind focusing like a laser beam as your brain releases catecholamines, which boost your learning and memory skills. Use High Focus for: · Working on any tasks that require focus and concentration · When you need a quick pick-me-up or need to work long hours · Studying, writing, number-crunching and problem solving · Preparing for competitive sports that require hand-eye coordination, such as tennis or golf. · The treatment of ADHD High Focus - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Ambient Soundscape, Gamma/Beta Waves Track 2: Non-Distracting Sound of Wind, Gamma/Beta Waves Write A Review... "Several months ago, I started using your Brain Sync CDs personally and with a number of my clients. They have been exceptionally helpful. As an adult with ADD, I find it hard to focus on getting my paperwork done in a timely manner. Not any more. All I have to do is put the High Focus CD on and I am twice as efficient. Thank you for your thoughtful and helpful products. They have added a whole new dimension to my practice." L.S.Bastrop, TX "Whenever I need to write, dream or create for a new project I put in High Focus. Before I used the tape I would find my mind wandering when I was trying to concentrate. Now my mind is laser sharp and the ideas just flow." M.F. "I have been a using your Brain Sync programs for at least five years now. I use High Focus whenever I am reading or studying information that requires optimal concentration. All through my life I have had very poor reading comprehension, but after many uses of High Focus my reading comprehension took a complete positive reversal. It helped me greatly through college." Stevan Richards "Recently I needed to drive over 600 miles. I listened to High Focus when I got tired and needed to be focused and alert. Even without headphones there was an amazing result. High Focus like digital caffeine." J.S. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11333 【23】专辑名称:Increase Creativity (Alpha/Theta) 提高创造力(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2004 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Refresh your brain · Realize new ideas and insights · Enter states of lucid awareness There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling stuck creatively. Now you can hurtle past creative blocks, simply by replenishing your brain with Alpha and Theta waves.  Just slip on your headphones, close your eyes and relax. As your brain is gently massaged into balance, intellect and creativity integrate and you enter the remarkable state known as cross-hemispheric thinking. Creative blocks dissolve. New ideas and insights spontaneously flash into consciousness. You’ll experience a quantum leap in your ability to envision, create, and execute new ideas. More Benefits Feelings of wholeness and well-being, a sense of oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Greater clarity of thought.  Opening up to deeper levels of creativity, more peaceful states of mind, and enhanced ability to concentrate. Increase Creativity - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 55 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Alpha and Theta Waves  Write A Review... "I am an old user of hemi-sync CDs, way back from the days of Dane Spotts and Zygon and Robert Monroe. Your product is by far superior to theirs. I find that whenever I feel completely frazzled, distracted or emotionally unbalanced, going to sleep with one of your delta/music CDs is all I need to clear and reset my mental state. It works!" Brian S. Baskins 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11347 【24】专辑名称:Living Prayer (Theta)  生活祷告(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1998 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Discover the prayers that reside within you · Forgive the past · Heal your life · Generate grace and blessings Prayer is real. It’s a living energy that can transform your life and those around you. In Living Prayer, Theta waves are harmonically layered in exquisite music that guides you into the reverent states of meditation where prayers are heard and answered. Entering your own sacred healing sanctuary, you are guided to heal the past, release negativity, and open to a new, positive reality that will generate grace and blessings in your daily life. Your heart will open to greater joy that will touch everyone around you. Best of all, you’ll come to know that you’re never alone – you’re guided and protected always. More Benefits Feelings of wholeness and well-being.  Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate. Link: Read an article on How Meditation Changes You  Living Prayer - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Living%20Prayer.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Living%20Prayer.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Living%20Prayer.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Living%20Prayer.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Ok, Living Prayer is trully amazing,litarally thrilling, my whole body felt all the suggestions, I haven't visualize that much ever. Thank u so much for creating this, that is a gift that can't have any price, it is priceless." Charis "I'm two weeks into my chemo and radiation. Things are going all right. What I wanted to share with you, though, is how much your CDs have impacted me. I listen to the Living Prayer CD everyday. I've been listening to Healing Meditation, as well. They have escorted me ever-so-elegantly into the place I need and want to be to keep this experience positive. Thank you. I'm a great believer in and advocate of your work." L.F.Denver, CO "Just wanted to stop and tell you that I absolutely love your meditation CD on Prayer. I listen to it as I lay in bed before I go to sleep. I drift off... it is so beautiful and so relaxing. I started to cry and released a lot of stuff which I needed to let go. Thank you Kelly for being such a loving soul and helping millions and millions of us who need to move forward. You will be blessed of GOD for eternity for your wonderful work and love for mankind." L.S. "Last year I was having problems at home...I bought Prayer...I listened every night. After about 3 months my life turned around. I truly believe in the power of these tapes. It has given me more self-confidence and support and has changed my life in a very positive way...thank you so much." M.C. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11319 【25】专辑名称:Positive Thinking (Theta) 积极思考(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Develop a winning attitude · Increase self-esteem · Obliterate negative thinking Positive thoughts produce positive results. The only problem is that some of our most persistent, self-defeating beliefs are stored deep in the unconscious mind, where they have the power to undermine our happiness and sabotage our success. Now you can effortlessly change those negative inner tapes to produce the results you want with this Brain Wave Subliminal. A special combination of brain wave frequencies are harmonically layered in soothing music to trigger heightened states of receptivity. Here, the unconscious is primed to receive and act on a new set of ideas. Subliminal messages are deeply absorbed by the unconscious to immediately and positively impact your sense of self, your creativity, and the dynamic expression of your power in the world. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude that dramatically increases your personal magnetism. Creativity expands. Obstacles dissolve. And it might even feel as though the universe is conspiring with you to make your dreams a reality. The results are life-transforming. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • I am optimistic • I trust life • I feel great, I love my life • My life works • I am clear and lucid • I achieve my goals with ease • All that I seek is seeking me • I get all the help I need • I am attractive, active, and in demand • I adjust effortlessly • I am confident • I accept challenges • Positive solutions abound • I am enthusiastic • I am lucky • I feel positive energy flowing through me • I am safe, I am free • I trust life to bring me the best • My hopes and dreams come true • I love my life This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow your self to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.   Positive Thinking - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Write A Review... "Positive Thinking is the CD I would strongly recommend simply for its sheer power to change my thoughts. When I'm feeling at a loss I can revitalize myself from negativity to something that has me smiling and talking with others in a very firm positive nature and enjoying the laughter and company of others, even people I meet for the first time! ...What an explosion of thought and purpose, a feeling of freedom and joy and ability to concentrate on important things." R.M. "I have collected an extensive library of tapes over the past 15 years. Brain Sync is by far the most effective and smoothest I have experienced and I recommend them exclusively to all of my patients." Richard G. VisoneWashington, D.C. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11365 【26】专辑名称:Power Training in the Zone II 力量训练(320 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2004 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Burn more calories and fat · Increase energy and vitality · Enjoy workouts and push your limits You know cardio is good for your heart and your waistline, but… it’s so tedious. Not anymore. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll enjoy cardio with this workout music. It can be used for walking, jogging, weight training, rollerblading, dancing, or whatever cardio exercise you choose. It also doesn’t matter what fitness level you’re at right now, because you go at your own pace. Gamma waves are harmonically fused with world beat rhythms that gradually accelerate your pace. Before you know it, beta-endorphin levels are increased and you’re in the zone. The brain wave frequencies balance both hemispheres of your brain, and you move into higher states of athletic ecstasy. Experience profound well-being marked by moments of freedom, euphoria, and power as you enter the magical world of The Zone. Read a Review >>> Power Training in the Zone: Vol. II - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Imagery, Exercise Music, Beta/Gamma Waves Track 2: Exercise Music, Beta/Gamma Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Power%20Training%20in%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Power%20Training%20in%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Power%20Training%20in%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Power%20Training%20in%20the%20Zone%20Vol%20II.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Incredible! I found that I ran longer with a smile on my face. I can't wait to run again. It is truly beautiful. I highly recommend. PS I never write reviews but this experienced was too powerful not to share. Terry" Terry "I'm using an elliptical trainer, and I've tested this product and managed to double my exercising time since the first attempt, feeling more energized and mind-focused right after wards, without the usual muscle pain I experienced before. A great product, I look forward to test the other ones!" Jack Ventura "The "Zone" workouts that I do are really charged. You lose track of time and get in a focused, energized workout." W.N. "Zone II…almost a religious experience for me. I started using the tape to train for a race in which I ran a personal best. Many of the messages in Kelly's meditation were identical with ones coming through the channeling I do. They're so powerful, I've even transcribed them." Barbara with, Psychic and Channeler 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11317 【27】专辑名称:Release Guilt (Theta)  解脱内疚(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期: 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Experience more joy and freedom · Forgive yourself and others · Discover newfound energy You no longer need to be burdened by regret, shame or responsibility. These feelings only sabotage your happiness, and your ability to make positive choices in your life.  Most guilt is unhealthy; it gets in the way of trusting your instincts, and it stops you from being true to yourself and others.   Subliminal messages are woven with theta waves to induce states of deep relaxation; here your subconscious mind is most receptive to change. Theta has been identified as the ideal state for learning, and unlearning. As you listen daily, fears and worries will fade and you’ll discover the liberating joy of release that comes from living truly guilt free. The messages will be received by your subconscious where they will support you in experiencing more joy, happiness and personal fulfillment in your life. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • I am innocent • I make good decisions • I trust myself • I am doing what I need to do • I am good enough • I accept life • I surrender to appreciation • I believe in myself • I accept circumstances as they are • I love myself • I am free • My actions are in harmony with higher purpose • I release the past and I embrace the present • I forgive myself • I forgive everyone • I approve of myself • I know my boundaries • I respect the boundaries of others • I trust my inner wisdom to know the truth • I use my power wisely • I am safe and secure • I am willing to change  This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow your self to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming. Release Guilt - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Write A Review... "I used Release Guilt for a period of about 3 months in association with ongoing psychotherapy. With the help of the Brain Sync tape I was able to make a huge breakthrough in my growth process. I've recommended that title and the Brain Sync website to many of my friends and associates." T.B. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11358 【28】专辑名称:Relieve Jet Lag (Delta/Theta) 缓和时差(224 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2006 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com You don’t need to be a Jet Setter to reap the powerful benefits of this program. Relieve Jet Lag offers a comprehensive Brain Wave Therapy regime that you can use to relax, meditate, and supercharge your brain for work, study, and peak performance. Jet lag, or desynchronization in medical terms, is a temporary condition that packs many symptoms. The traveler's internal clock is thrown out of sync with the external environment causing sleep patterns to be off.  Fatigue, headaches, and general malaise are common for those who are not on a regular schedule. Symptoms can last anywhere from 3 days to a week. If you’re tired of being tired when you travel, just slip on your headphones and listen to Relieve Jet Lag to arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and alert. Brain Wave Therapy will help balance and restore your brain’s sodium and potassium levels, thus reducing mental fatigue and brain fog associated with jet lag. These CDs are completely free of spoken words. Powerful combinations of brain wave frequencies are harmonically layered in beautiful music. TIP: You don’t need to be a traveler to reap the benefits of this full spectrum two CD set. How it works CD 1: Delta Sleep (60 Minutes of Delta Waves and Soothing Music) When you need to sleep, while flying or otherwise, use Delta Sleep. If your listening device has an auto re-play function, set it so that while you sleep you will be receiving all the benefits of Delta Brain Wave Therapy. Many people report that 3 or 4 hours of Delta Therapy reduces their sleep requirement so they feel as if they had slept a full 8 hours. To reset your sleep patterns when you travel, use this program nightly to help you fall asleep in the new time zone. CD 2: Theta Relaxation (30 Minutes of Theta and Alpha Waves and Relaxing Music) When you need to relax and unwind, listen to Theta Relaxation. The Alpha and Theta waves on this program help balance and restore your brain’s sodium and potassium levels, thus reducing mental fatigue and brain fog associated with jet lag. Use this program prior to Delta Sleep or whenever you want to reduce stress. CD 2: Beta Refresher (30 Minutes of Beta and Gamma Waves and Music) When you want to be refreshed, energized, and in peak performance, listen to Beta Refresher, which delivers brain-optimizing frequencies associated with mental alertness. Use this program before landing, before meetings, or whenever you need a quick pick-me-up. More Benefits:  · Get a good night’s sleep · Block out plane noise · Refresh your brain · Reduce mental fatigue · Diminish painful ear-popping Relieve Jet Lag - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_beta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_delta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW Running time: 120 Minutes CD 1: Delta Sleep (60 minutes delta waves) CD 2: Theta Relaxation (30 min) & Beta Refresher (30 min) 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11349 【29】专辑名称:Retrieve Your Destiny (Theta) 挽回你的命运(320 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1998 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Open up to inner guidance · Increase your attracting force · Discover your path and purpose Is there a divine plan for your life? Do you have a special purpose to fulfill? Can you create a more rewarding destiny? If these are questions you ask yourself, relax and listen to Retrieve Your Destiny. Yes, there is a divine plan for your life. Yes, you do have a unique and special purpose to fulfill.  And yes, you are entirely capable of creating a wonderful future right now. All the answers reside within you.  This meditation encourages you to reach deep inside your heart to discover the purest, deepest intentions for your life. You are guided to envision and embody the future of your dreams, as well as to generate nourishing states of being that bring new ideas, opportunities and possibilities into your life. These are vibrant states that increase your attracting force and erase thoughts of lack or limitation.  Even if you don’t consciously know exactly what it is you want, this meditation supports you in retrieving answers that will bring you the most joy. As you align with a more fulfilling destiny and embody it, the world will conspire with you to make it real.   Starting today, you can retrieve and accept the gifts the universe has waiting for you. All you need to do is ask.   More Benefits Feelings of wholeness and well-being.  Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate.   More Programs Like This  Retrieve Your Destiny - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Meditation, Relaxation Music, Theta Waves Track 2: Relaxation Music, Theta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Retrieve%20Your%20Destiny.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Retrieve%20Your%20Destiny.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Retrieve%20Your%20Destiny.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Retrieve%20Your%20Destiny.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Before my mom died, i was going through some tough times. my friend gave me this cd and told me to use it. The cd gave me a strong feeling of hope and a feeling of control of my life again. Shortly after my mom died, things started to happen in my life that i am very greatful for. I was always told that there is a reason for everything, and now i believe it. Its nice to have a sense of purpose in life again. Thanks!" David this is fantastic Kelly "My company downsized and I was one of the people let go. I felt lost. I didn't have a clue what to do with my life. By coincidence, I came across Brain Sync's Destiny and Fulfil Your Heart's Desire tapes in a bookstore. I heard Kelly's voice urging me to take a leap. To follow the path that was inside me. Slowly, a sense of purpose began to emerge from somewhere deep within me. I felt my courage grow. I took the leap – and the wellness consulting company I created from that vision now enables me to help others improve the quality of their lives." K.F.Syracuse, NY "It was a dream come true! For over three years, I'd been slogging away editing medical manuscripts and writing articles. I wanted greater recognition for my work and that seemed to elude me. You can imagine my surprise, then, when three days after I started listening to the Destiny CD something magical happened. One of my manuscripts was published. And one of the departments at work that desperately needs editorial assistance chose me to help them. Both on the same day!" V.W.San Antonio, TX 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11356 【30】专辑名称:Running Meditation (Beta/Gamma) 跑步冥想(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Burn more calories and fat · Increase energy and vitality · Enjoy workouts and push your limits You know cardio is good for your heart and your waistline, but… it’s so tedious. Not anymore. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll enjoy cardio with this workout music.  Although it’s called Running Meditation, this program packs a powerful rhythmic punch. It can be used for walking, jogging, rollerblading, dancing, or whatever cardio exercise you choose. It also doesn’t matter what fitness level you’re at right now, because you go at your own pace. As the music gradually accelerates, you'll achieve new speeds and levels of endurance. Modern mythological archetypes are invoked to transform your run into a truly transcendent experience. 125 BPM (beats per minute) Gamma waves are harmonically fused with Jazz, R&B and world beat rhythms. Before you know it, beta-endorphin levels are increased and you’re in the zone. Read a Review >>> Running Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Guided Imagery, R&B Music, Beta/Gamma Waves Track 2: R&B Music, Beta/Gamma Waves BPM: 125 Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Running%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Running%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Running%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Running%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "This Running Meditation is Excellent! I use it on the Treadmill and it energizes and sustains me. I am not yet a runner but I use it to walk fast and do periodic sprints. I am using it to help me enter the running arena. Today I walked/sprinted for 62 minutes and burned 600 calories! A first for me, I am so proud and grateful for Kelly's excellent products, especially this one. Thanks Kel'" Diane "Running without music can be hard, and in fact running with music is very hard, but this tapes really boost your energy and decreases your mental fatigue so you can burst through those hard times. I've increased my running time and therefore my stamina alot since I started to use this program. It gives me the energy to push on when you really feel like stop running." pontus "I thought about giving it a try just before I went to fitness. I had low expectations and was really surprised how it gave me a boost not only to run better but also on the positive-mind note. I'm really happy about my investment." Pavel "I discovered Running Meditation while rummaging through my girlfriend's numerous motivational tapes. I popped it in and was seemingly transported to another time. Next thing I knew 30 minutes had passed and I was feeling great after the workout. What a great way to put yourself into a self-induced "trance" while you stay in shape. I've passed them along to several friends who have expressed similar experiences. Good stuff!" C.Y. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11350 【31】专辑名称:Sacred Body (Theta)  圣洁之身(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2002 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Exercise to increase radiance · Discover true self-appreciation and respect · Eat foods that turn into beauty and health · Be attractive, active and in demand Sacred Body combines cutting edge brain wave technology with rich guided imagery and messages that reach deep into the subconscious. Barriers of resistance break down. The mind opens to change. Seeds of transformation are nurtured, and a new mindset takes hold - a mindset of true body wisdom that guides you to attain and maintain your ideal weight and discover your most vibrant, vital self. Sacred Body - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Weight Loss Affirmations, Theta Waves, Music Track 2: Theta Waves, Relaxation Music Write A Review... "I have been listening to Sacred Body every night. I love this CD and I am absolutely positive it is making a great difference in my life as it relates to the success of my weight loss goals. I have released 10 pounds since I started working out and listening to your CD." T.G. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11375 【32】专辑名称:Sacred Ground (Alpha/Theta/Delta) 圣域(256 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2002 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Reach the deepest levels of meditation · Obtain clarity and insight · Enter higher states of awareness Completely free of spoken words or guidance, this 2-CD meditation program takes you into the elusive theta state. Vivid imagery sparkles before your mind's eye. You feel exalted as your soul soars to the higher ethers of universal knowledge. In this blissful state of reverie, you experience untold depths of inner peace.  Over a four-week period, your brain’s electromagnetic energy is progressively balanced, organized and amplified. As you go to deeper levels of Theta, bursts of electrical activity called “kindling” ignite flashes of insight and inspiration. In this extraordinary state, searched for by so many, the mysteries hidden in the other 95% of your brain are revealed. You enter the precise state of meditation that is essential to empowering your visualizations and accelerating manifestation. This is the perfect all-in-one program for all levels: from the beginner, who wants to be led gradually into deeper levels of meditation, to the more experienced listener, who wishes to have a variety of music and brain wave states available in a single program. Week One - Relaxation and Grounding - Alpha Window Frequencies Week Two - Relaxation and Release - Alpha & Theta Window Frequencies Week Three - Opening Higher Consciousness - Theta Window Frequencies Week Four - Deep Resonance - Theta & Delta Window Frequencies More Benefits: Theta brain wave activity opens you to richer, more expanded dimensions of consciousness. EEG studies have revealed that experienced meditators, healers and clairvoyants all exhibit a predominance of theta brain activity.   Sacred Ground - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_delta.asp" HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_theta.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: 120 Minutes CD 1 Track 1: Meditation Music, Alpha Waves CD 1 Track 2: Meditation Music, Alpha & Theta Waves CD 2 Track 1: Meditation Music, Theta Waves CD 2 Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta & Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sacred%20Ground.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sacred%20Ground.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sacred%20Ground.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sacred%20Ground.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "There isn't a CD that I don't have from Kelly that has moved me to such a state of being that I can not find words that express what's happening. Specifically, in the 2nd CD of Sacred Ground, in the last 45 sec., at that moment, I honestly believe that the fullness of deity flows through me and literally--like a wave--I perceive that wave going over the whole world. Truly, Kelly, your gracious gifts that you've given us allows us to come and meet with our Loving Creator of the Universe. Thank you." Michael "I ordered Sacred Ground and was hooked. It was my first time meditating and I couldn't believe the feelings I received." G.H. "I have been using different meditation techniques for over 20 years--from TM to the Silva Method. Your meditation tapes have done more for me than any of these other methods. I find myself feeling more centered, sleeping better and my general health is much improved." K.M.Corfu, NY "I purchased the Sacred Ground meditation tapes as I wanted to deepen my meditation experience. I also wanted a tool to enable me to access deeper levels of my intuition. These Meditation CDs have enabled me to reach a deeper place of meditation and to access my own wisdom." S.T.Scottland, UK 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11364 【33】专辑名称:Slim Naturally (Theta) 自然瘦身(256Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1995 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com Slim Naturally · Eliminate self-sabotage · Overcome food addictions · Adopt a slim mindset · Decrease appetite · Increase energy and metabolism · Reduce stress Scientists have now proven beyond doubt that the contents of our thoughts and feelings have a direct and immediate influence upon our physical being. They have the power to alter our metabolism, how we think, feel and behave. With a shift in attitude you can begin a total transformation that will help you lose all the weight you want and keep it lost --without crazy diets or taking dangerous pills. The key to this transformation lies within your mind.   Simply put on your headphones, close your eyes and let Theta waves guide you into a hyper-suggestible hypnotic state where the messages you’ll hear are absorbed by the subconscious for maximum impact and lasting weight loss. In deep states of relaxation, you are guided to release memories and emotional patterns that have sabotaged your best intentions. Deep-seated behaviors are powerfully changed so that your appetite and self-esteem work in harmony to help eliminate food cravings, and to attain your ideal weight. As negative beliefs dissolve, extra pounds fall away. You’ll feel vibrantly alive and full of energy. The results are profound. More Theta Training Benefits: Theta is the ideal state for learning, and unlearning behavior patterns. Theta Training is successfully used in biofeedback training to overcome addictions and for behavior modification. Slim Naturally - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Healing imagery, Meditation Music, Theta Waves Track 2: Weight Loss affirmations, Meditation Music, Theta Waves Write A Review... "I lost 20 pounds the month I started using Slim Naturally. I can't believe that I lost any weight at all, because I've always had trouble, no matter what I tried. I also felt better and had more energy. Whenever I'm stressed all I have to do is listen and it de-stresses my mind and body. Who could ask for more?" T.M. "I purchased Slim Naturally and have had more motivation to work out since I began listening to it. I've lost about 5 pounds so far, and fully intend to continue losing until I reach my goal." C.P. I bought Slim Naturally to complement my Weight Watcher program and lost 20 pounds. M.C. "I have been a type II Adult Onset Diabetic for the past 6 years. By use of a strict diet, daily walking and a small dose of Glipizide I had been able to keep my blood sugar levels in the normal range for 4 years. But then my blood sugar levels climbed to the 200- 250 ranges. I purchased Slim Naturally and started using it right away. Within two weeks of regular daily use my blood sugar levels began to decrease. After about six weeks of use my average daily levels had decreased to the 100-150 range without changing my diet, exercise or medication regime. I am in no way discarding the other measures I use to control my disease. However, since using your weight loss tape on a daily basis these same measures have increased effectiveness in controlling my diabetes."" Tim McCaulleyJacksonville, FL 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11343 【34】专辑名称:Sound Healing (Delta) 声音治疗(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:1993 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Accelerate healing · Relieve pain · Reduce pre-op anxiety · Decrease the need for pain medications · Block out operating room noise · Get a good night’s sleep Support physical healing with this deeply soothing Sound Healing program. Sound Healing delivers Delta waves associated with the release of human growth hormone, beneficial for healing combined with meditation music. You can also use this program as a sleep aid to relieve insomnia. Enjoy the delightful floating sensation you'll experience as you literally lighten up in mind, body and spirit. This program is completely free of spoken words and provides 60 minutes of meditation music, making it ideal for self-hypnosis, resting deeply, or practicing your own healing visualization techniques. If you are preparing for a medical or dental procedure, listen to Sound Healing before, during, and after surgery to aid in recovery. Research reveals that relaxation significantly enhances the outcome of medical procedures. Recovery is often swifter: blood loss is reduced, less pain is perceived, and fewer analgesics are needed. Moreover, the immune system seems to respond better, and hospital stays can be shortened. Sound Healing - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: Approximately 47 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Healing.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Healing.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Healing.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Healing.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "When I found this CD I had been very sick. I had a constant headache that wouldn't go down. It didn't matter how much medication I was taking. Then I started listening to sound healing and I immediately started feeling my pain drain away. When I wake up in the morning I feel healthier and find I don't have to take as many pain pills. I find now that I can get over my colds faster and I am down to just one prescription med. It is amazing how one CD can make such a difference. THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!" A.R. "Several years ago I was at the end of my rope. I decided to try Sound Healing. I was skeptical, but the first night I fell asleep before the end. I woke up feeling refreshed and less stiff. I became such a believer that I bought a copy of the tape for a friend when she was going through chemotherapy. She agreed the tape was the most helpful. Thanks for giving me some relief." C.S. "I was on medication when my sister advised me on buying Sound Healing. I listened to it for six weeks. At first, I experienced myself being less emotional and stronger. Now I feel healthier...It made my life a lot better." M.H. "It was early December when Mom called to tell me my brother Jim had been rushed to the hospital. 'You better come,' she said. Jim was in the ICU following emergency surgery to repair a rupture that had caused massive internal bleeding. His condition was grave and we were scared we might lose him. I asked his ICU nurse about playing the Sound Healing tape for Jim. She said it was okay as long as we used a battery-powered tape player. At the end of each visit, we'd turn the tape on so Jim could hear it, even though he was unconscious at the time. He was home before Christmas. Pretty amazing - and I know the Sound Healing tape made a major difference in his recovery." M.B.Wylie, TX 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11362 【35】专辑名称:Sound Sleep (Delta) 酣睡(224Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2006 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Quiet mental chatter · Relax mind and body · Drift into high quality sleep Free of spoken words or any guidance, this program delivers 60 minutes of Delta waves woven into dreamy music. Soothing sound waves ease your brain out of the rapid rhythms of Beta, down through the relaxing states of Alpha and Theta, into the welcoming depths of Delta. Pestering concerns are washed away. As you release and let go, you’ll slowly start to swirl and drift into a state of deep contentment for a peaceful and refreshing night’s sleep. Sound Sleep has been used successfully in hospitals and biofeedback clinics throughout the world. You can use Sound Sleep for power naps, when you travel, or durring times when you can't get a full night's rest. Even just one hour of Delta Brain Wave Therapy will reset sodium and potassium levels to refresh your brain and clear away mental "fog." A few hours of sleep a night with this program will make you feel as though you had a full eight hours of rest. Sound Sleep - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Sleep Music and Delta Waves Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Sound%20Sleep.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I've used this product for years for my own personal well-being. I've found it works not only to assist with a full night's sleep, but also in helping with every day stress. As a psychiatric nurse, I recommend Sound Sleep to many of my patients who suffer from depression and/or sleep disorders. As part of a well organized therapy program, Sound Sleep is definitely a product that I will continue to introduce to family, friends, patients, and others." Rebecca "Hi Kelly. The Sound Sleep mp3 is great ! I've worked the grave yard shift for the past eight years. Over the past couple of years the quality of my sleep has declined. I've been using the Sound Sleep mp3 for a few days now and wow! I get to enjoy a brief period of hypnogogic reverie and then drift off into a nice deep sleep. And my dreams are real cool. Thanks a lot! Pete" Peter This is a test testimonial. NickMedford, Oregon "After about 30 years of insomnia, it has virtually disappeared with Sound Sleep. I remember my dreams when I awaken, which usually doesn't happen when I don't listen to the tape." N.T. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11331 【36】专辑名称:Stop Smoking (Theta)  停止吸烟(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Significantly reduce cravings · Bolster inner resolve · Minimize withdrawal symptoms No matter how many times you've tried to quit, you can do it now, and this time you'll succeed. Precision-engineered brain wave frequencies induce a state of hyper-receptivity where subliminal messages get down to the very root of self-sabotage. Specially designed trigger phrases minimize cravings, bolster resolve, and re-build a new sense of self that is healthy, vibrant and free from the grip of nicotine addiction. This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • With every breath I choose health • All my desires are fulfilled • I am free, I feel great • I am completely relaxed • It’s easy to let go, I love my body • I am clear and focused • I honor my lungs, I respect my health • I fill my lungs with life-giving energy • I am secure and content • It’s easy for me to choose health • I am willing to change • I am committed to my physical well-being • I am in control of my desires • I have willpower • I am strong, I succeed • I am different now, I release the past with respect • New opportunity exists in every moment • I achieve my goals, my resolve is strong • I welcome my new life • I follow my inner wisdom • I am healthy This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks. Both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways: Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.   Stop Smoking - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves, Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stop%20Smoking.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stop%20Smoking.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stop%20Smoking.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stop%20Smoking.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "i started listening to the first track for about 2 hours seamlessly and it's really strange,during the 2 hours i had desires to smoke a cigarette but with VERY VERY diminished urge and this is i think the first effect of listening to this wonderful cd and for more the next hours ''i didnt smoke not even one cigarette '' i have been smoking for 10 years ,20 cigarettes a day but with the stop smoking cd ,i was able to see the results in solo few hours THIS IS LIKE MAGIC .i hope i ll stop smoking for good.believe me i didnt felt any craving or stress or anything like irritability ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THOSE psychological side effects of the craving i highly recommend this cd ,if you really want to stop smoking than stop looking around and get the brain sync stop smoking ." najib "I have been a 40 year, smoker, have had breast cancer twice, and that did not stop me from smoking. I needed the will and desire, the want to give up my best friend who was killing me, well this C.D , has given me that want and desire, taken away my fear, so I have a good chance, it is wonderful, I listen everyday, I am not smoking now, and it is hard but I can do it with this c.d. thank - u for helping me to save my life" veronica "I just started the program and in just a few days I have seen a big change in my smoking habits. I have smoked for better than thirty years so even a little change is awesome" Randy "The Stop Smoking tape is the best subliminal tape I've ever tried. The positive messages make these subliminal CDs the ones I use and recommend in my Behavior Modification Seminars." William E. Hagan, Ph.D.Witchita Falls, Texas 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11318 【37】专辑名称:Stress Free Forever (Alpha)  时时释放压力(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Relieve anxiety · Experience greater clarity and ease · Renew your energy Don’t let stress get to you. Stress is a state of mind you can eliminate with less effort than you think. Stress Free Forever is the only program of its kind to offer a powerful double-barrel approach to banish stress. Precision-engineered sound waves soothe brain activity into the Alpha State of relaxation and clarity. In Alpha, pestering concerns are washed away. Fears vanish. Sparkling flashes of insight and imagery dance before your mind’s eye. As a revitalizing flood of positive energy renews your sense of self, your mind opens to change. Here, carefully designed subliminal messages replace deep-rooted stress patterns with confidence. You’ll notice a greater sense of ease and clarity after each time you listen. The results are profound. This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • Everything in my life works perfectly • It’s easy to let go and let my life unfold • I let life happen and it’s wonderful • I move freely and with ease • I have enough time • Time is on my side • I take care of myself • I feel great, I love my life • I know how to relax, I am relaxed • All parts of my life flow freely and easily • I live in the present moment • I trust my future to unfold beautifully • I let go of control • I live with ease, I am fulfilled • I feel connected to the flow of love in my life • I get all the help I need • I trust my inner guidance to show me the way • Everything in my life works with cooperation • I trust the process of life • All details take care of themselves This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, alpha brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages.   Stress Free Forever - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Alpha Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stress%20Free%20Forever.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stress%20Free%20Forever.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stress%20Free%20Forever.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Stress%20Free%20Forever.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "Well, it is really astonishing. I had always had problems related with stress. I bought the mp3 yesterday and I tried it yesterday night and a couple of times today. I hadn't been so relaxed for years. Thank you for this product, it is really worth trying." Furio "I always bring Stress Free Forever with me on an airplane trip and listen to it particularly upon landing. It is amazing how it calms me down. I am still in awe of how well it works." L.L.Arlington, TX 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11323 【38】专辑名称:Super Learning (Theta)  超级学习(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Improve memory · Increase concentration · Learn quicker and retain more When you need to study, cram, or sharpen your concentration for peak mental performance, Super Learning is the sound solution. Precision-engineered frequencies are harmonically layered in soothing music. They guide your brain activity into a hyper-receptive state, where trigger phrases and key words are received by the subconscious. As both hemispheres of the brain move into perfect balance, frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You enter a flow state of relaxed awareness where new information is easily absorbed and stored in long-term memory. This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your learning abilities. Theta frequencies induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude that dramatically improves your ability to learn, recall, and access new ideas. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • Learning is easy, I am very smart • I remember effortlessly • My mental potential is unlimited • I can integrate massive amounts of information • I am brilliant, I enjoy learning • I am learning all the time • I absorb information effortlessly • I am confident of my abilities • I feel intelligent, I am intelligent • My mind works perfectly • I get all the help I need • I concentrate easily, I stay focused • I have an excellent memory • I am clear and lucid • My mind is organized • I am expanding my horizons with new knowledge • I am relaxed, alert, and aware • I am focused, centered, and clear • I activate my mental potential • My life is enriched with knowledge This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.   Super Learning - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves, Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Super%20Learning.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Super%20Learning.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star-half.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I bought your Super learning Mp3. I like the sounds, I felt so relaxed that I could fall to sleep. While listening, I have been expecting that I will remember more of what I read, anything. I have been expecting that all neurons in chaos will be connected and I could unconsciously retrieved any information I want. I have been trying also to photoread a book. I hope I could photoread just as much as Paul Scheele. Of all these expectations, it seems that it is still against what I want. Sometimes I still forget where I place my cellphone. I listen to it at night until I fall asleep but not consistent. A three times a week. Would you help maximize my potential?" ROLLET "This product is great!! Before using this I would stress out before exams and need days upon days to study for them, now I find myself studing maybe for 2 days before any exams and I effortlessly get within the 95% range. I dual major in finance and economics so I have tests almost every week, Thank you so much!!!" sam "I had a major exam/certification test. I use alot of your products that are on Brainsync. The "Super Learning" on mp3 help me push through and get certified." Eric Yen "Using Super Learning I find I can concentrate for extended periods of time. I also seem to understand the information much better and have better retention." C.S. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11332 【39】专辑名称:Total Relaxation (Alpha)  全然放松(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2004 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com This newly re-mastered favorite delivers 60 minutes of Alpha waves. The gentle pulsations of soothing Alpha waves move your mind into a regenerative state of total relaxation. Your consciousness is lifted above fragmented thoughts and worries, becoming unified in peaceful repose. You experience a euphoric release from anything and everything that bothers you. Total Relaxation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running time: 60 Minutes Track 1: Meditation Music, Alpha Waves Track 2: Ambient Nature Sounds, Alpha Waves  Write A Review... "Several years ago, after a serious fall and the trauma that followed I began having anxiety attacks. When I would get an anxiety attack, I would pace. I would chill. I would cry...I was alone. I would put on Total Relaxation and concentrate on my breathing as I lay on the living room floor. In the beginning I cut the medication I was taking in half, because I did not want to be dependent on the drugs. Soon, I cut out the medication all together...Thank you for the great tapes that helped me conquer my anxiety!" R.H. "My son's grades were slipping and I was very concerned. He'd study, but he always had rock 'n roll music blaring. I've used Brain Sync meditation CDs for years and really like them, so I gave him the Total Relaxation CD hoping it would help. When I go past his room in the evenings now, I hear the soothing sounds of the Brain Sync CD. His grades are improving and he seems calmer. Our relationship is better, too, now that I can stop being the nagging Mom!" A.M.Riverside, CA 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11355 【40】专辑名称:Walking Meditation (Beta) 走步冥想(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2004 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com Tired of boring exercise? Put on your headphones and power walk your way to health with Brain Sync. Within minutes, Beta brain wave frequencies mixed with an intoxicating fusion of R&B and world beat rhythms boost your metabolism and your mood. With regular use, your body will develop lean, strong muscles and become more metabolically efficient – so you can burn fat even while you sleep. You’ll have a new inner energy that melts away unwanted pounds quicker and easier than you ever dreamed possible. And best of all, you’ll not only look great, you’ll feel great too! Read a Review >>> Walking Meditation - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: HYPERLINK "http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab_gamma.asp" QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 Minutes Track 1: R&B Music, Imagery, Beta/Gamma Waves Track 2: R&B Music, Beta/Gamma Waves BPM: 118  Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Walking%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Walking%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Walking%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Walking%20Meditation.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "This walking meditation is wonderful! I wasn't sure what to expect, but I look forward to getting out there in the early morning and moving out. Can't wait to see what kind of results I get in the long run." JERRY "Amazing! I was skeptical about this, but when I hit the gym, I was simply flying on the treadmill(I am almost 40 and don't exercise).30 minutes went so fast, I wanted to do more and I didn't feel tired.My migraine of two days was gone without pills!!!" Olga "After many years of working with students in public schools, the stress from my job became overwhelming. I purchased a few tapes and started walking and listening to your tapes after school/work every day. The peace they bring me is immeasurable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...p.s. I've lost 10 pounds and gained peace. What a great bonus!" L.M. "When I first started using Walking Meditation, it was difficult for me to walk the whole way through. I would get short of breath and tired. I am now walking easily every day for the whole time. I have more energy, and feel refreshed after my walk." M.K. 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11327 【41】专辑名称:Weight Loss (Theta)  减肥(192 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Eliminate self-sabotage · Overcome food addictions · Adopt a slim mindset · Decrease appetite · Increase energy and metabolism · Reduce stress No matter how many times you’ve struggled to lose weight, you can do it now. Subliminal brain wave technology taps directly into the vast storehouse of creative energy that lies buried within the subconscious. In heightened states of receptivity, trigger words and phrases anchor a slim mindset that eliminates self-sabotage and unleashes your most vibrant, vital self. Becoming trim, taut and terrific has never been easier. This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. • Exercise to increase radiance. • Discover true self-appreciation and respect. • Eat foods that turn into beauty and health. • Be attractive, active and in demand. This recording contains the following subliminal messages: • I am active, attractive and in demand • I love myself, I feel great • I am healthy, I look great • I eat what is good for me • Every cell of my body exudes beauty and health • I respect myself, I control my weight • I enjoy my body, my body is great • I relax into my perfect weight • I let my slim self emerge • I am nourished, I am satisfied • I burn fat • I am active and full of energy • I love exercise • I achieve my goals with ease • I surrender to appreciation • I honor myself, I honor my body • I respect the integrity and wisdom of my body • I eat less, I weigh less • I feel light • I am whole, complete and satisfied This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.   Weight Loss - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves Subliminal Messages Use Headphones Average Rating INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Weight%20Loss.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Weight%20Loss.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Weight%20Loss.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "mhtml:file://C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\proj\\kelly%20howell%20官方专辑资料\\Weight%20Loss.mht!http://www.brainsync.com/images/star.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Write A Review... "I started using this and before I knew it I was leaving food on my plate and I wasn't worried about wasting food. Twenty some odd pounds just dropped off without all those cravings. People still don't believe it was this cd that did it but I know my brain and for once it wasn't fighting every effort I made! Highly recommended. Thanks so much." Laurie "The last review made me laugh. I agree...I've been listening to the CD for about 3 weeks now and I am naturally gravitating towards exercise. It started right away and has progressed each day. I feel like I have more energy. I've been feeling pretty sluggish lately and this CD seems to have helped me out of my rut. I look forward to the future and what it holds for me as a result of listening to Weight Loss. I am confident that I will be able to obtain the body that I have desired since I had my daughter 16 years ago. :)" Victoria "Where do I begin? This tape is truly phenomenol. I have been listening to this tape religiously for about 5 weeks now. I started changing in about 3 weeks. Everything changed. I'm eating less and eating better. I nourish my body, not fill it junk. I exercise 5 days out of the week now (45 min cardio and some classes). I literally woke up one morning with a sense of urgency; to get back on track and lose weight. In a conversation at work, I just blurted out "I love exercise" and it is true today! Before, I couldn't stand it. Now I thrive off of working out. I feel energy like never before. I feel at peace with my body in the sense that I know it is a work in progress and I'm totally OK with this. I've given myself 1 year's time to lose 100 lbs. I feel I must continue to change in order to live healthier. I feel good about my choices now, and I feel great about the steps I'm taking towards better health. Thank you Mrs. Howell, for creating such a wonderful weight loss program." KRISSTAL "Weight Loss has helped me control my eating habits. I’ve noticed that I don’t crave sweets and I desire less food when I eat. I’m down 10 more pounds and feel confident because I am not using pills for a strict diet. I cannot thank you enough for offering this great healthy solution." T.V.Fowler, MI 试听地址: http://www.see2say.com/channel/album/?id=11325 【42】专辑名称:Winning (Theta) 胜利(160 Kbps) 艺术家: Kelly Howell 凯莉·豪威尔 国家/地区:美国 发行公司:Brain sync 专辑类别:冥想,舒压,治愈,瑜伽 发行日期:2003 官方网站:http://www.brainsync.com · Develop a winning attitude · Boost self-confidence · Increase charisma and feel great · Achieve your goals with greater ease Whether you want to gain the winner's edge in sports or business, attitude is everything. Self-confidence is the single most important resource you can draw upon to beat the competition, and exceed beyond your expectations. When you feel self-assured, you are poised for victory. People gravitate toward you and support you in reaching your goals, because a winning attitude radiates charisma.   Use this program to pump up self-confidence and unleash a powerful energy that will help you achieve any goal you set for yourself. Subliminal messages are woven with theta waves to induce states of deep relaxation; here your subconscious mind is most receptive to change. Theta has been identified as the ideal state for learning, and unlearning. As you listen daily, you’ll notice a dramatic increase in self-confidence. Debilitating doubts will be replaced with positive thoughts and feelings. You’ll feel ready to tackle any challenge. The messages will be received by your subconscious where they have enormous power to help you achieve, succeed, and triumph.   This recording contains the following subliminal messages:     * I play to win     * I am a success     * I have unlimited stamina     * I am strong     * I feel great     * I am centered and focused     * I am enthusiastic and full of energy     * I revel in new challenges     * I’ve got what it takes to win     * I adjust effortlessly     * I do the right thing at the right time     * I am confident     * I believe in myself     * I achieve with ease     * I am highly skilled     * I trust my intuition     * I possess unlimited potential     * I am resourceful     * I’ve got the winning edge     * I know I will win, victory is mine!  This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways. Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious. For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming. Winning - Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program: QUICK VIEW Running Time: 60 minutes Track 1: Meditation Music and Subliminal Messages Listen anytime! Track 2: Meditation Music, Theta Waves, Subliminal Messages Use Headphones PAGE
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