首页 2014年专业四级考前强化试题及答案解析(十八)



2014年专业四级考前强化试题及答案解析(十八) 专业四级考前强化试题及答案解析(十八) 一、Writing (composition)(本大题1小题.每题15.0分,共15.0分。Write a composition of about 150-200 words on the following topic:) 第1题  We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better school; companies compete ...

专业四级考前强化试题及答案解析(十八) 一、Writing (composition)(本大题1小题.每题15.0分,共15.0分。Write a composition of about 150-200 words on the following topic:) 第1题  We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better school; companies compete for better products and more customers. Many people neglect the role of cooperation. What do you think of the relationship between competition and cooperation? Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: COMPETITION AND COOPERATION You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your idea is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 【正确答案】: 答案: [1]It is often believed that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. [2]We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better schools; companies have to compete for better products and more customers. [3]And there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so on. Cooperation is often neglected by many people. [4]Here I would like to say that both competition and cooperation play an important role in social progress. [5] Competition is the impetus of the constant development of the human society. The pressure of competition can force people to try their best and give people a sense of the pursuit of excellence. Without competition people would be satisfied with their present condition and society would not advance. [6]A strong desire to succeed and do better than others inspires ns to work harder. [7]However, we also need to know the importance of cooperating with others. It's unimaginable for an individual to live without society. In many cases,people need to cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties. Mere competition may lead to failure. [8]To succeed in life, we must learn that both competition and cooperation are indispensable. [9]Competition will make us always be active to create while cooperation gives us the possibility of working together to overcome obstacles. [本题分数]: 15.0 分 【答案解析】 写作指南 这是专四作文中典型的自由发挥型作文,与下列真题作文类似: 2005, My Idea of a University Art Festival 1993, My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future 1992, My View On Reading Extensively 要求考生针对竞争和合作的相互关系进行议论。 根据题目要求,文章结构如下: 第一部分,竞争与合作似乎是互相对立的,其实不然。当今社会虽然处处存在竞争,但是合作也同等重要。 第二部分,论述竞争与合作的作用和相互关系。注意要把二者放在同等重要的地位。 第三部分,要想获得成功,竞争与合作缺一不可。 [解析] [1]用It is often believed that引出话题。 [2]severe competition意为“激烈的竞争”。competition前可以用不同的词修饰,见下面句型变换。 [4]用both... and... 指出强调竞争与合作都很重要。 [5]impetus意为“动力”,是亮点词汇。 [6]a strong desire to(do)和inspire sb. to do sth. 是语言亮点。 [7]用However笔锋一转,引出合作的重要性。 [9]while引导比较状语从句。结论:竞争和合作在迈向成功的路上同样重要。 句型变换 [1] 1. It is often believed that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. 2. To many people, competition and cooperation seem to be in opposition to each other. 3. People tend to view competition and cooperation as opposite to each other. 4. Competition and cooperation are often regarded as opposite to each other. [2] 1. ... in a society of severe competition. 2. ... in a society of intense competition. 3. ... in a society of fierce competition. 4. ... in a society of relentless competition. [3] 1. And there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so on. 2. And there is endless competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so on. 3. And there is continuous competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so on. 4. And people compete for jobs, fame, wealth and other sorts of things constantly. [4] 1. Here I would like to say that both competition and cooperation play an important role in social progress. 2. Here I would like to emphasize the importance of competition and cooperation. 3. Here I would like to say that competition and cooperation are equally important. 4. Here I would like to say that cooperation is just as important as competition. [6] 1. A strong desire to succeed and do better than others inspires us to work harder. 2. A strong desire to succeed and do better than others encourages people to work harder. 3. A strong desire for success encourages people to work harder. 4. If we want to succeed and do better than others, we must work harder. [8] 1. To succeed in life, we must learn that both competition and cooperation are indispensable. 2. To succeed in life, both competition and cooperation play an important role. 3. To be successful in life, one must learn to be competitive and cooperative as well. 4. Both competition and cooperation are significant on the road/way to success. 二、Writing(Note-Writing)(本大题1小题.每题10.0分,共10.0分。Write a note of about 50—60 words based on the following situation:) 第1题 Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Because of your carelessness you lost your school bag in the library. Write a "LOST" note for it. You are supposed to be Wang Hai. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 【正确答案】: 答案: A School Bag Lost In the third-floor reading room, library, Saturday, June 14, a school bag, blue in color and with two books named Wuthering Heights and Catch-22, one library card, and one black folding umbrella in it, finder please return it to the owner, Wang Hai. Room 208, Dormitory 3. Cell phone number: 13622088802. 三、Dictation(本大题1小题.每题15.0分,共15.0分。Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.) 第1题 【正确答案】: 答案: College Life When students leave for college at an age 17 or 18, / many of them have never been away from home and their family. / The transition to greater freedom and responsibility may be difficult for them, / with no one to wake them up for breakfast or do their laundry. / and fewer classes to attend but larger amounts of homework. / Some students do not adjust successfully. / In the United States, where almost 70% of high school graduates enter college, / only a minority of these actually graduate. / College has many social attractions, / some of which can be distractions. / Sports, concerts, and parties can be very time-consuming. / The temptation to stay up too late at night is always present. / so self-discipline is an important lesson to learn. / In addition, many students have part-time jobs, especially in the US / where most students have cars and are expected to help their parents pay for tuition or college housing. / [本题分数]: 15.0 分 【答案解析】 [听音关键] 这是一篇介绍大学生活的短文,关键词有:college; graduate; transition; adjust; social attractions; selfdiscipline; part-time jobs; tuition; housing。 [听写难点] ①数字,如70%;②难词,如:transition过渡,responsibility责任,laundry洗熨,distraction分心,temptation诱惑,self-discipline自律。 [画龙点睛] 根据常识我们知道,在美国上大学的几率是很高的,由此可断定句子“In the United States, where almost 70% of high school graduates enter college, only a minority of these actually graduate.”中的数字应为70%,而不可能是17%。 四、Listening Comprehension ( Conversation )(共10小题,共10.0分) In this section, you will hear several short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following questions. Now listen to the conversations 第1题   The purpose of Mr. Saunders' visit is to A make a business report to the woman. B be interviewed for a job in the woman's company. C resign from his position in the woman's company. D exchange stock market information with the woman. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   W: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. [1]I received your resume last week, and was very impressed. M: Thank you! W: We are a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds. [1]May I ask why you are interested in working for us? M: Your company has an impressive reputation and I've always wanted to work for a smaller company. W: That's good to hear. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job? M: [2]I'm currently working in a large international company in charge of a team of 8 brokers. We buy and sell stocks for major clients worldwide. W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position? M: As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market. I deal with clients on a daily basis, and I enjoy working with people. W: [3]Well, you might just be the person we've been looking for. Do you have any questions? M: Uh-hum. If I were hired. how many accounts would I be handling? W: You will be working with two other head brokers. In other words. you will be handling about a third of our clients. M: And who would I report to? W: Directly to me. M: I see. What kind of benefits package do you offer? W: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment. You'll also be entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department. Do you have any other questions? M: No. not at the moment. W: Well. I'll have to discuss your application with my colleagues and we'll get back to you early next week. M: OK, thanks, it's been nice meeting you! W: Nice meeting you too! And thanks for coming in today. [解析] 女士开门见山地对男士说收到他的resume了,随后又问他为什么要到她的公司工作,所以男士是来接受面试的,答案为B。 [点睛] 事实细节题。本题询问男士来访的目的,一般来说对话开头就会交待。还没成为正式员工,何谈report,故A错误;C是辞职,恰恰与对话内容相反;D属于个别原词胡乱拼凑。 第2题 What is Mr. Saunders' current job? A He is head of a small trading company. B He works in an international insurance company. C He leads a team of brokers in a big company. D He is a public relations officer in a small company. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 面试一开始大多是面试者问被面试者以前或现在的工作情况,而听到女士发问时就应 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 男士提供的信息。C是原文的同义表达,故正确。 [点睛] 事实细节题。A和D最明显的错误是small,B错在insurance。 第3题 What can we conclude from the conversation? A The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B Mr. Saunders will share one third of the woman's responsibilities. C Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations. D The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders' past experienc 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 对话中女士说道:“你也许就是我们一直在找的人。”这足够证明女士对男士是满意的,答案为D。 [点睛] 推理判断题。对话的后半部分在谈待遇,并没有任何消极情绪,所以A错;B中的one third属于张冠李戴,对话中提到男士将负责1/3的业务,而非分担女士的职责;对话中女士提到在工作的第一年有两周的paid vacations“带薪假期”,男士并未对此发表任何见解或评论,故C不正确。 第4题   The woman seems unconvinced that it will rain today because A she can't see any sign of it outside. B she doesn't believe the man. C she thinks the forecast has not been accurate this week. D she doesn't want it to happen. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   M: The weather forecast says it will rain today. W: Yeah, doesn't it always? [ ]They've been saying that for a week and I haven't seen much sign of it so far. M: Yeah. but look. This time maybe they're on target. The sky's very dark. I've got a feeling the rain will be heavy. W: If it's raining heavily after class.wait for me and I'll bring you an umbrella. M: That's kind of you to offer.But don't worry, I'll probably just wait it out. W: By the way. what are the chances that you might be able to have a word with Professor Simpson in Criminology class? [ ]We still need some resources for our Psychology project and his input might help. M: I could ask him, [ ]although I don't know how eager he'd be to give us information about such a topic. W: Oh, come on,he's always so helpful. Why would he even hesitate? M: Well, he has this mindset, [ ]which opposes the notion that criminals must necessarily be psychologically abnormal. He feels it's just a stereotype. W: OK. But when it comes to certain crimes like mass murder, there must be a few "marbles loose". M: You would think so. But it's hard to convince Simpson that anyone's crazy. W: Perhaps he'd make a good reference source in the section where we include counter-arguments to our main thesis. M: Good thinking. Let's give it a shot. W: That's the spirit. [解析] 男士说到天气预报讲今天会下雨,女士说道:“他们说了一个星期了,而且至今为止我都没看到什么要下雨的迹象。”由此可知她对天气预报表示怀疑,选项C正确。 [点睛] 事实细节题。选项A容易误选,但是女士提到的看不到要下雨的迹象只是对天气预报的不准确作进一步的补充说明,她不相信会下雨的原因应与天气预报的预测有关。 第5题 Why do the man and woman want to talk to Mr. Simpson? A He is a psychology professor with much knowledge. B His views during arguments are very powerful. C He may be able to add information to a research paper. D He has personal experience in this fiel 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 女士提到要找Professor Simpson谈谈,她说:“我们的心理学项目仍然需要一些资源,他也许能帮上忙。”男士进一步说明了他们非常渴望教授能提供一些信息,由此可知答案为C。 [点睛] 推理判断题。预读选项时可发现选项A、B、D都是对Simpson的表述,没有提及他的成就与说话人的关系,只有选项C提到了add information,听到对话中出现helpful,便可确定选择C项。 第6题 What is Simpson's view towards criminals? A He rejects labeling criminals. B He thinks criminals have certain psychological problems. C He thinks criminals are abnormal. D He thinks that Criminals are crazy. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 女士问及男士为什么犹豫时,男士答道:“教授的思维模式是反对罪犯就一定是心理不正常的这种想法,他认为那只是一种陈词滥调。”由此可知答案为A。 [点睛] 推理判断题。预读选项时可发现B和D都可归结为abnormal,即选项C所提到的,所以本题即使没听到关键句也可通过分析选项猜测出答案。 第7题   Where does the conversation take place? A In the student recreation center. B In the campus dining hall. C In the university bookstore. D In a classroom. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   W: [ ]This food is terrible! I can't even finish my dinner. M: I know. You think with all the money we paid for room and board. the university could hire a better food service. Where are you headed next? W: [ ]I'm going over to the student recreation center to play some bridge. M: You are spending your time on a card game? W: Not just any card game. It's one of the most strategic games. M: So I have heard. Don't you play with a partner? W: Yeah! Four people play. two against the other two. M: So. you try to play in cooperation with your partner? W: Actually, the cards of one of the four plays are turned face up. That player is called the dummy. M: You know, I've heard that bridge is a habit forming. [ ]You should be careful not to play so much that you don't get your studying done. W: Don't worry about me. I only play Thursdays after dinner. and sometimes when they need a forth player. If you like, I could teach you. M: [ ]Thanks, but I have a pretty heavy workload this semester. I already spend my evenings doing things I don't really know how to do yet. [解析] 根据对话的开头,两人谈论有关食物和学校所提供服务的情况,我们可以判断得知B是有可能的正确选项。接着往下面听,其中女士说稍后要去学生娱乐中心,便可排除选项A的可能,而C和D两项对话中根本没有提及,也没有相关词句涉及到这两处地点,所以也可排除。 [点睛] 地点方位题。对于这类题,考生应该注意对话中与地点有关的关键词语,通过这些词语判断正确的方位或地点。 第8题 The woman plans to spend her evening A studying. B preparing snacks. C playing cards. D learning how to play bridg 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 男士问及女士接下来去哪里,女士回答:“我打算去学生娱乐中心打桥牌。”由此可知答案为C项。 [点睛] 事实细节题。本题如果一时没有明白bridge在此是什么意思,可从接下来男士的问题中听到card这个单词,由此也能帮助选出C项。另外,从女士的话语中可知她对桥牌很熟悉,所以她不是去学习打桥牌,D项可以排除。 第9题 The man warns the woman NOT to A miss her card game. B stay up too late. C take too heavy a workload next semester. D neglect her studies to play bridg 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 女士向男士介绍了一些桥牌的打法后,男士表示了自己的担忧,说道:“你要当心,不要玩太长时间以至于没完成学业。”因此,正确的答案应该是选项D。 [点睛] 事实细节题。D项中的neglect studies是对原文中don't get your studying done的同义替换。而同义替换是出题的手法之一,而且这样的选项只要不违背题意,成为正确选项的可能性是极大的。 第10题 The man doesn't accept the woman's offer because A he already knows how to play. B he doesn't like to play games. C he doesn't have a partner. D he doesn't have enough free tim 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 女士向男士发出了邀请,但是男士却回答说:“谢谢!但这个学期我的工作量很大。”再结合上题对女士的警告,可以判断选项D应是最佳答案。 [点睛] 推理判断题。“Thanks, but...”通常是用来拒绝别人的表达,对于but的内容往往就是拒绝的原因所在。本题抓住but后的heavy workload,即可选择含有同义表达busy的D项。 五、Listening Comprehension (News Broadcast)(共10小题,共10.0分)In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 第1题   What is the subject of the competition? A Writing a composition. B Producing a cell phone film. C Sending text messages. D Telling a story by cell phon 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   Cell phones have become a central force in the daily 1ire of teens around the world. In addition to calling each other, and sending text messages. they use their cell phones to connect with web sites, play music and games, and take pictures. Now, a U.S. college is holding a competition, giving young people a chance to get really creative with this tiny hand held device. [ ]They're being challenged to produce a cell phone film. "It needs to be edited. It needs to have some kind of audio. voice-over or music. and it needs to tell a story." And said contest organizer Dianne Lynch. It must be shot entirely with cell phones. [ ]She says that the best film will not be very different from an award-winning movie in any other format. [解析] 新闻提到,美国一所大学正在举行一场竞赛,竞赛内容是用手机拍摄电影。故答案为B。 [点睛] 事实细节题。文中多次出现关键词film,cell phone,故选项A和D可首先排除。 第2题 Which of the following details is INCORRECT? A The film must be shot entirely with cell phones. B The competition being open to young people is held by a U.S. college C Young people use their cell phones to connect with web sites. D The best film will be very different from an award-winning movi 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 新闻提到,竞赛组织者说:手机拍摄最好的电影将与其他形式获奖的电影区别不是很大。选项D与新闻不符,故为答案。 [点睛] 事实细节题。本题需在听音时对照选项一一判断正误。 第3题   The next generation of retirees will be the following EXCEPT A the most affluent. B the best educated. C the most optimistic. D the healthiest. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   The number of Americans over the age of 65 is expected to double between now and 2030. [ ]This next generation of retirees will be the healthiest, best educated, and most affluent in American history. But many of them won't have a retirement benefit their parents' generation fought hard to get. It is something known as a defined-benefit plan, or "pension." Retired workers who have a pension continue to be paid a certain percentage of their highest annual salary—usually anywhere from one to three percent—multiplied by the number of years they worked for the company. Pensions first became popular during World War Ⅱ. when a federally-mandated wage-freeze meant unions had to negotiate for retirement benefits, instead of pay increases. [ ]Pensions reached the height of their popularity in the late 1970s, when more than 60 percent of Americans had one. [解析] 新闻提到,到2030年,美国的退休人数将是现在的两倍。这批退休人员将是美国有史以来最健康、教育程度最高、最富有的。故答案为C。 [点睛] 事实细节题。三个特点在新闻中并列出现,正确的选项不难得出。 第4题 When did pensions reach the height of their popularity? A In the late 1970s. B In the early 1970s. C During World War Ⅱ. D In the late 1960s. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 新闻提到,养老金制度在第二次世界大战时开始流行,到了20世纪70年代末达到流行最高值。故答案为A。 [点睛] 时间细节题。听音时应注意文中表示时间的信息。 第5题   How many athletes took part in the 2006 Winter Olympics? A 85. B 1,924. C 2,500. D 25,000. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]  The 2006 Winter Olympics opened in Turin, Italy on February 10, [ ]with some 2,500 athletes representing about 85 countries. The Winter Games are a tradition that dates back to 1924, and [ ]author Sue Macy recounts the highlights, low points and changes that have taken place since that time in a new book for young readers. [ ]It's called Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of The Winter Olympics. And it was published by the National Geographic Society. The same stately theme music is heard at both the Summer and the Winter Olympics, but the two events differ dramatically in other ways, says Sue Macy, and not just because the Winter Games feature cold weather sports. [解析] 新闻提到,2006年的冬季奥运会于2月10日在意大利的都灵开幕,有85个国家的2500名运动员参加。放答案为选项C。 [点睛] 数字细节题。注意运动员人数与年份和国家数的区别。 第6题 What is NOT recounted in Sue Macy's new book? A Highlights. B Low points. C Changes. D High points. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 新闻提到,Sue Macy在新书中叙述了自1924年以来冬奥会的集锦、低谷和变化。因此选项D符合题意。 [点睛] 事实细节题。在预读时可发现选项B和D互为反义,很有可能其中一个为正确答案,在听音时再求证。 第7题 What's the name of the new book written by Sue Macy? A Freeze Game: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics. B Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics. C Free Frame: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics. D Free Game: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 新闻提到,Sue Macy的新书名为Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of The Winter Olympics,故答案为B。 [点睛] 事实细节题。freeze,free和frame,game为两组音近词,听音时应特别加以注意。 第8题   How many people were reportedly injured according to the news? A 38. B 60. C 98. D More than 60. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   ( ) At least 38 people were killed and more than 60 injured in two suicide bomb attacks on the Moscow Metro during the morning rush hour. No group has yet claimed responsibility for being behind the attacks. But Russian security services believe the bombers are linked to militant groups in the North Caucasus region. The first explosion tore through the second carriage of a train, as it stood at central Lubyanka station waiting for morning rush hour commuters to board. The second blast at Park Kultury, which is six stops away from Lubyanka, came about 40 minutes later. It struck at the back of the train as people were getting on board. ( ) Moscow's Metro system was disrupted following the attacks, but both stations had reportedly reopened by the evening rush hour. 第9题 According to the news, the attacks happened A in the afternoon. B in the morning rush hour. C in a park in Kultury. D in North Caucasus region. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第10题 Which of the following details about the bomb attacks is INCORRECT? A No group has yet claimed responsibility. B Both of the attacks happened in the morning. C One of the attacks struck at the back of the train. D Both stations were slightly disrupte 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 六、Cloze(共20小题,共20.0分)Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. 第1题 Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious (1) to how they can best (2) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and (3) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. (4) they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the (5) that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are (6) by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be (7) to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (8) publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (9) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide (10) opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful 11) dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the (12) of some kind of organization with a supportive adult (13) visible in the background. In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have (14) attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized (15) participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to (16) else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants (17) . This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. (18) , they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by (19) for roles that are within their (20) and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules. A thought B idea C opinion D advice 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 原文的意思为“教师要清楚青少年在情感、智力和生理方面所经历的变化。他们还要认真地思考如何最好地适应这些变化”。四个选项中只有A项thought符合题意,give thought to意为“思考”。 [点睛] 词义辨析题,兼考查固定搭配。在判断中注意主从句主语都是they(教帅),这样可以直接从意思上排除C项opinion和D项advice,因为自己不会给自己提观点或建议。 第2题 A strengthen B accommodate C stimulate D enhance 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 从上文的“知变”(be aware of... changes)可以推断,本句的逻辑语义应为“应变”,四个选项中只有B项accommodate(此处意为adapt to,adjust to)符合题意。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。 第3题 A care B nutrition C exercise D leisure 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题的判断点在于用and连接的并列词movement,只有C项exercise与之属同一类。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。对并列结构要从多角度看问题,就本题而言,首先,从词的属性来看,movement表示行为动作,因此可排除B项、D项;其次,movement的动作发出人(有时称逻辑主语)是青少年自己,因此可以排除A项care(动作发出人只可能是教师)。 第4题 A If B Although C Whereas D Because 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题关联词引导的从句是进行时态(they are adjusting to...),说明这些青少年正处于一个调整期,因而只能与下文的self-conscious(自我意识)及need(需要)形成一个因果关系,只有D项符合题意。 [点睛] 关联词题,兼考查语义逻辑。注意本题的B项Although与C项Whereas在句首引导状语从句、表示让步关系时基本上用法、意思都相同,可以互换,一道题不可能有两个答案,因而此处不必考虑。 第5题 A assistance B guidance C confidence D tolerance 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题的线索为空格后的定语从句,表达的意思为“这种(信心)源于成功以及知晓自己的成就为人(所仰慕)”,故答案为C项confidence。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题,本题及下一题的判断点皆为achieving success(取得成功),对本题而言,achieving success与该空格所应填的词之间应为因果关系(注意come from在句中可表示前果后因),此处能成为“果”的只有C项。 第6题 A claimed B admired C ignored D surpassed 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 原句中的achieving success和knowing that... 是并列的动宾结构。此处要能取得上题所归纳出的confidence,他们的accomplishments(成就)只能接被动形式的admired(被仰慕),即B项。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。本题看似考查词义辨析,实质上与上题紧密相关,考查了一个并列关系和一个因果关系。 第7题 A improper B risky C fair D wise 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 原文的意思是“典型的青少年的生活早已充满了如此之多的竞争,所以策划一些胜多负少的活动是的”,而上面一句话中说青少年需要成功带来信心,所以本句中的这种活动无疑是正确的、明智的。故答案选wise。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。本题按二分法可以看出A、B项属负面意义信息(negative information),且可区分度低,C、D项虽同属正面意义信息(positive information),但由于意思差别较大,从上下文语义很容易判断不可能是C项的fair。 第8题 A in effect B as a result C for example D in a sense 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 此处空格作为插入的关联词,前面联系的是in which引导的非限定性定语从句所修饰的activities一词,它显然和后面的几个动名词词组之间是举例关系,故答案选for example。 [点睛] 关联词题。 第9题 A displaying B describing C creating D exchanging 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 解题时需看清原句中存在的并列关系,“出版包括许多学生所作的书评的简讯,(陈列)学生创作的艺术品,举办读书座谈俱乐部等”。四个选项中只有display符合题意。 [点睛] 词义辨析题,兼考查语义逻辑。B项、C项从词义角度看不与student artwork搭配,可以直接排除,然后再从上下文语义并列关系可以排除D项exchanging(交换)。 第10题 A durable B excessive C surplus D multiple 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] A项durable意为“耐久的”,显然不能修饰opportunities。B项excessive意为“过多的”,C项surplus意为“过剩的”,均含“过”义,语义不合,而且与opportunities搭配也很别扭。只有D项multiple(多样的,多重的)符合题意。 [点睛] 词义辨析题。注意词与词的搭配也是语法学习的一个重要组成部分,像本题的A、B、C项和上题的B、C项都存在搭配不当的问题。只有加强阅读,不断积累词的固定用法,才能真正增强语感,提升语言水平。 第11题 A group B individual C personnel D corporation 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 答题关键是对as well as的理解,“不仅……而且”,这说明空格里要填的词与leadership(领导力,也是一种在团队中才能得以实现的能力)是一种对应关系,group dynamics“群体动力学”,研究群体行为,此处可译为“团队活动”。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。B项表示“个人的”,与前文提到的club含义矛盾。C项若作定语,表示“人事部门”,此处也不符合上下文语义。D项corporation一般表示“企业”,与本句的主语club不相符,故排除。 第12题 A consent B insurance C admission D security 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 原文的意思是“而许多害羞的学生需要某个组织所赋予的(安全感),而且需要有一个成年人藏在幕后给予支持”,与原文中shy students(害羞的学生)相对应的只有D项security。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。本题也存在一个意思上的对应关系,即the ______ of organization与the support of adult对应,可以判断D项正确。注意C项admission如果说是加入或进入某一机构,后面应该用介词to/into,而不是of,此外上下文语义也不相符。 第13题 A particularly B barely C definitely D rarely 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 首先通过“二分法”可以将选项分为表肯定含义(A、C项)和表否定含义(B、D项)两类。从空格后的visible in the background判断,此处应用表否定含义的词,因为in the background(在幕后)和visible(看得见)是对立的。然后,看看B项和D项的差异:barely意为just,almost not,表程度,而rarely意为seldom,表频率,由此来看本题应选B项barely。 [点睛] 词义辨析题,兼考查语义逻辑。注意副词的属性,例如这里的rarely只能修饰动词或具有动作性质的形容词,如present,angry,late等,但不能修饰表示纯状态的形容词,如以-ble为后缀的派生词。 第14题 A similar B long C different D short 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] attention span是一个心理学术语,指的是注意力集中的时间长度。short attention span意为“不能长久地集中注意力”。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。本题选项有两个对称关系,即A与C项(表异同),B项与D项(表时间长短),从下一句remain active as long as中的long来看,应为后者;然后从两个情态动词should和can可以发现下文存在一个因果关系(应该做……以求能够……),说明long应该是“果”,即“目标”,而现状是short attention span。 第15题 A if only B now that C so that D even if 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题考查的是状语从句连词,结合上下文来看此处空格需要一个表示目的的连词,四个选项中的其他三个选项均表示条件或让步,只有C项so that能引导目的状语从句。 [点睛] 关联词题。参考(词义辨析题,兼考查语义逻辑。注意副词的属性,例如这里的rarely只能修饰动词或具有动作性质的形容词,如present,angry,late等,但不能修饰表示纯状态的形容词,如以-ble为后缀的派生词)。 第16题 A everything B anything C nothing D something 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 此处空格需要填入一个表示肯定意义的词,故在选项A和D之间选择,something else意为“其他事情”,故选D项。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题。本题的逻辑判断点在空格前的go on to(继续),由此我们知道后面接的词应表肯定含义。everything无法与else搭配,可直接排除。 第17题 A off B down C out D alone 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] let sb. off意为“解雇”,let sb. down意为“让某人失望”,let sb. out意为“让(允许)出去”,let sb. alone意为“不打扰,让他一个人待着”,只有B项符合题意。 [点睛] 词义辨析题,兼考查固定搭配。 第18题 A On the contrary B On the average C On the whole D On the other hand 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题前面的句子是个否定句,因此后面是对上句的转折,A项On the contrary意为“相反”,符合题意。 [点睛] 关联词题。注意D项On the other hand表示比较(used when comparing different or opposite facts or ideas),用来表示“前面虽是事实,然而后面也是事实”,故不合题意。 第19题 A making B standing C planning D taking 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] make for意为“走向”,stand for意为“代表,象征”,plan for意为“计划,安排”,take for意为“认为”,只有C项符合题意。 [点睛] 词义辨析题,兼考查固定搭配。注意本题也可从本段第2句找到线索,即a variety of activities should be organized,此处选择plan是前句中organize的复现和引申。 第20题 A capabilities B responsibilities C proficiency D efficiency 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 原文的意思为“他们可以设计一些不超过学生(能力)和注意力时限的角色,制定清晰的游戏规则,帮助学生培养责任感”,A项capabilities在此处意为abilities,capacities(能做某事的素质、能力),符合题意。 [点睛] 语义逻辑题,兼考查词义辨析。本题的判断点在于与空格相并列的their attention spans(注意力也是一种能力)。 七、Grammar and Vocabulary(本大题30小题.每题1.0分,共30.0分。There are several sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. ) 第1题 First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual international event ______ concerns about environmental issues such as pollution. A. dedicated to raising B. dedicated raising C. dedicates to raise D. that dedicates to raising 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 1970年设立的地球日已经成为一项年度国际大事,致力于提升公众对环境事业比如污染问题的关注。 [解析] 考查dedicate的用法。dedicate是及物动词,其固定搭配为dedicate oneself/one's life to sth.,意为“献身于,致力于……”。选项A用过去分词形式dedicated作后置定语,修饰event,可还原成定语从句为:which is dedicated to raising,因此为正确答案。由此也知选项D中dedicates不能为主动态。 第2题 The house was very quiet, ______ as it was on the side of a mountain. A. isolated B. isolating C. being isolated D. having been isolated 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 这所房子由于孤零零地坐落于山边,所以非常安静。 [解析] 考查过去分词作原因状语的用法。在本句中,分词作原因状语,其逻辑主语为house,分词与主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,因而要用过去分词表示被动。由此可见,A为正确答案。B项为现在分词表主动语态,故错误。分析题干可知过去分词短语指的是一种事实或状态,所以不必用进行时或完成时,故C、D选项错误。 第3题 As the mountains were covered with a ______ of cloud, we couldn't see their tops. A. coating B. film C. veil D. shade 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 由于群山被云层笼罩,我们看不到山顶。 [解析] 考查词组辨析。a veil of意为“一层”,如:A veil of fog covered the valley. (一层雾笼罩了山谷。)a coating of意为“一层”,但指的是“(覆盖在表面的)外层,漆的涂层”,如:The walk was covered with a thin coating of snow. (走道上覆盖着薄薄的一层雪。)a film of意为“薄薄的一层”,如:There was a film of dust on the desk. (桌上积了薄薄的一层灰尘。)a shade of意为“一点,少许”,如:There is a shade of difference in meaning between the two forms of the word. (这个词的两种形式在词义上有着细微的差别。)选项C是正确答案。 第4题 Tom went through the documents again carefully for fear of ______ any important dat a.A. relayingB. overlookingC. deletingD. revealing 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 汤姆又仔细检查了一遍文件,以免遗漏了重要的数据。 [解析] 考查动词辨析。overlook意为“忽略,遗漏”,与题目中的carefully相对,为正确答案,又如:The secretary is careful and never overlooks any little points. (秘书是个细心人,从不遗漏任何细节。)relay意为“转播”;delete意为“删除,消去”;reveal意为“显示,显现”。 第5题 My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ______ from you sometime. A. to have heard B. to hear C. having heard D. hearing 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我妻子在信中说,她如能哪天收到你的来信将不胜感激。 [解析] 考查appreciate的用法。appreciate意为“感激;欣赏”,后接名词或动名词短语作宾语,例如:People appreciate working with him because he has a good sense of humor. (人们喜欢和他一起工作,因为他富有幽默感。)由于本题用的是过去将来时,所以不用动名词的完成时态,因此选项D为正确答案。 第6题 It was not until midnight ______ the snowcapped peak. A. that they sighted B. that they did not sight C. did they sight D. had they sighted 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 直到半夜时分,他们才看见白雪皑皑的山顶。 [解析] 考查强调句型。本句考查It was... that强调结构,强调的是not until这一状语成分,that从句中并不需要倒装,所以选项A为正确答案。 第7题 I'm ______ to think that they are opposed to the proposal. A. leaned B. included C. inclined D. declined 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我倾向于认为他们反对这个提议。 [解析] 考查动词辨析。incline常用于被动语态,与不定式连用,意为“倾向于,赞同”,因此选项C正确。lean表示“倾向于”时,要与towards搭配,且为主动,如:My wife is voting Democrat but I'm leaning towards the Republicans. (我妻子准备投民主党的票,但是我倾向于支持共和党。)include意为“包括”,decline意为“拒绝”,都不合题意。 第8题 ______ vastness of the Grand Canyon, it is difficult to capture it in a single photograph. A. While the B. The C. For the D. Because of the 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 由于大峡谷非常大,所以很难在一张照片上捕捉全景。 [解析] 考查连词用法。本题逗号后面是个完整的句子,那么前面很可能是介词结构、分词结构或者主语的同位语,选项D是介词短语作状语,为正确答案。选项A中的While后应为从句,缺少谓语;选项B使句子出现两个主语,而后面的主语是代词it,前面不能用同位语,只有当主语是名词或者名词短语的时候才可用同位语;选项C中把For在句首,不表示“因为”,一般作介词使用,故不对。 第9题 It is fortunate for the .old couple that their son's career goals and their wishes for him ______. A. coincide B. collaborate C. comply D. conform 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 非常幸运的是,儿子的职业目标与老俩口对他的期望是一致的。 [解析] 考查动词辨析。coincide“相符,相一致”,强调意见、见解等等的完全一致;collaborate“合作”;comply“遵守,依从,顺从”;conform“遵守,依照,符合”,强调符合一个已经确立的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。根据句意,儿子的职业目标和老俩口的期望之间的关系应该选用coincide。 第10题 She feels it a disgrace to speak to those socially ______. A. inferior B. down C. below D. under 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 她觉得和社会地位低下的人说话是很丢脸的事情。 [解析] 考查词语辨析。inferior意为“差的,下级的”,符合题意。down多作副词用,不合句子结构;below和under意为“在……之下”,其后都必须接名词或代词作宾语,不合题意。 第11题 In order to strengthen his arguments, George ______ respectable social scientists who agree with him. A. recites B. confirms C. quotes D. convinces 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 为了加强自己的观点,乔治引用了和他意见一致的有名望的社会学家的话。 [解析] 考查动词辨析。quote意为“引用……的话,引证”,符合本题题意,如:The author frequently quoted Shakespeare. (作者经常引用莎士比亚作品里的话。)recite意为“背诵,朗诵”;confirm意为“证实,确认”;convince意为“使信服,确信”。 第12题 ______ we have not made any arrangement for our picnic. A. So far B. Up to now C. Thus far D. As yet 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 到目前为止,我们还没有对野炊作布置。 [解析] 考查词组辨析。as yet,so陆,thus far,up to now都表示“到目前为止”,但在否定句和疑问句中常用as yet。 第13题 ______ can help but admit that drastic changes have taken place in China since the economic reform 20 years ago. A. Everybody B. Someone C. Anybody D. Nobody 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 每个人都不能不承认经济改革20年来中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 [解析] 考查cannot help but的用法。cannot help but+动词原型,表示“不能不”。本题句中用的是can,所以需将cannot的否定移到主语,因此选择nobody。Nobody can help but...=Anybody cannot help but...。 第14题 Agriculture is the country's chief source of wealth, rice ______. by far the biggest cereal crop. A. is B. been C. be D. being 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 农业是该国财富的主要来源,而水稻是其最重要的谷类植物。 [解析] 考查独立主格结构。由于逗号不能连接两个完整的句子,因而逗号后所接部分只能是非谓语形式,即独立主格结构作句子的状语。rice与be之间为主动关系,因此用现在分词being。选项A和C为句子谓语,可先排除;而选择B为过去分词,表被动形式,不合题意。 第15题 The ______ of our trip to London was the visit to Buckingham Palace. A. summit B. height C. peak D. highlight 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我们伦敦之行最重要的活动是参观白金汉宫。 [解析] 考查名词辨析。参观白金汉宫在旅途中无疑是一次重要活动,highlight意为“最突出的部分,精彩场面”,因此符合题意。其他三个词都跟高度有关:summit意为“顶点,成就的顶峰”;height意为“(从底部到顶部)距离,高度”;peak意为“最高峰,山顶”。 第16题 I'm sure your suggestion will ______ the problem. A. contribute to solving B. be contributed to solve C. contribute to solve D. be contributed to solving 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。 [解析] 考查contribute to的用法。contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,不用于被动态,其中的to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词,由此可知选项A为正确答案。 第17题 One third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, ______ in the San Francisco area. A. exceptionally B. drastically C. remarkably D. predominantly 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 在美国,1/3的华人住在加州,主要是在旧金山地区。 [解析] 考查副词辨析。predominantly意为“主要地”,为正确答案。exceptionally意为“例外地,异常地”;drastically意为“激烈地,彻底地”;remarkably意为“显著地,不寻常地”。 第18题 Advertising can be a service to the customer. This is true when advertisements give liable information about the goods ______. A. advertised B. being advertised C. to be advertised D. having been advertised 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 广告业可以为消费者服务。当广告给出可靠的商品信息时,这一说法成立。 [解析] 考查过去分词的用法。在本题中,过去分词advertised作后置定语修饰名词goods,说明一种客观情况,没有时态上的要求,因此选项A正确,而选项B和D错误。选项C是不定式作定语,一般指将要发生的事情,指动作而不指状态。 第19题 ______, both his father and mother died. A. At the age of six B. Being six years old C. He was six years old D. When he was six years old 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 在他6岁时父母都去世了。 [解析] 考查状语成分。介词短语和现在分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应为句子的主语,否则该介词或分词结构就成为悬垂结构。选项D是when引导的时间状语从句,符合题意,为正确答案。而选项A、B中,介词短语at the age of six和分词短语being six years old都与句子主语both his father and mother。不一致,所以错误。选项C中缺少连词引导从句,所以也不对。 第20题 ______ is mentioned in some of his books, the author was brought up in England. A. It B. That C. What D. As 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 正如这个作家在他的一些著作中所提到的,他生长在英格兰。 [解析] 考查非限制性定语从句引导词。as可作关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,其先行词是整个主句,从句既可以置于主句之前,也可以置于主句之后。which也具备这种功能,但只能放到主句之后。 第21题 The British constitution is ______ a large extent a product of the historical events described above. A. at B. within C. by D. to 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 英国宪法在很大程度上是以上所描述的历史事件的产物。 [解析] 考查固定搭配。to a large extent为固定搭配,意为“在很大程度上”。 第22题 Some people like to own an expensive car as a symbol of ______. A. status B. statue C. state D. stature 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 有些人想拥有一辆昂贵的车作为身份的象征。 [解析] 考查名词辨析。status意为“地位,身份”;statue意为“雕像,塑像”;state意为“状态”;stature意为“身高”。由此可见,选项A为正确答案。 第23题 You cannot imagine how ______ I feel with my duties sometimes. A. overflowed B. overthrown C. overwhelmed D. overturned 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 你无法想象有时我对自己的职责感到多么不安。 [解析] 考查动词辨析。overwhelm“制服,压倒,使不知所措”,用在本题中能表达不安的感觉,因此为正确答案,又如:Your kindness quite overwhelms me. (你的好意使我感激不尽。)overflow意为“使溢出,使泛滥”;overthrow“推翻,打倒,废除”;overturn“倾覆,废除”。 第24题 We expect Mr. White will ______ Class One when Ms Jenny retires. A. take over B. take up C. take off D. take to 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我们希望怀特先生能够在珍妮女士退休后接管一班。 [解析] 考查词组辨析。take over意为“接收,接管”;take up意为“开始采用;采取,承担”;take off意为“脱去;拿掉”;take to意为“开始从事;开始沉湎于”。根据题意,选项A为正确答案。 第25题 She is only ______ satisfied to copy the homework of others without the pain of thought for herself. A. very B. so C. much D. too 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 抄别人的作业而不用自己动脑筋思考,她太高兴了。 [解析] 考查固定搭配。too... to...为固定结构,一般是具有否定意义的结果句式,但当too的前面有all,only,but等词修饰时,该结构就含有十分肯定的意义了。由此可见,选项D为正确答案。 第26题 She was full of pity ______ the little boy with no one to love and care for him. A. with B. in C. for D. on 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 她对那个没人怜爱的小男孩充满了同情。 [解析] 考查动词搭配。pity在表示“对某人的同情”时要接介词for,例如:He agreed out of pity for her children. (他出于对她孩子的同情而同意了。) 第27题 The reason ______ his going to France was ______ he got a new job there. A. for... because B. for... that C. of... because D. of... that 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 他之所以去法国是因为在那里找到了新工作。 [解析] 考查词组辨析。reason之后的表语从句只能用that引导;reason for (doing) sth. 中的for不可以用of替代。由此可见,选项B为正确答案。 第28题 I walked three kilometers yesterday and am ______ it now; my legs hurt. A. paying B. paying for C. paying back D. paying off 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 我昨天走了三公里的路,现在正为此付出代价,我的双腿疼。 [解析] 考查词语辨析。pay for表示“付出代价,受到惩罚”;pay表示“受到惩罚、付出代价”时,是不及物动词;pay back意为“偿还,回报”;pay off意为“偿清,向……报复”。由此可见,选项B为正确答案。 第29题 They wanted to eat out but could find ______ cheap enough. A. little B. nowhere C. seldom D. hardly 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [译文] 他们想出去吃饭,但找不到一个足够便宜的地方。 [解析] 考查副词辨析。nowhere是表示否定的地点副词,意为“无处”,等同于no place,在本题中可作find的宾语,因此为正确答案。little,seldom和hardly都是表否定的副词,不能充当宾语成分。 第30题 You must insist that students give a truthful answer ______ with the reality of their world. A. relevant B. simultaneous C. consistent D. practical 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] consistent意为“一致的,连贯的,始终如一的”。例如:His actions are always consistent with his words.Simultaneous意为“同时发生的,同时的”。例如:Simultaneous interpretation in the United Nation is a demeaning job. 八、Reading Comprehension (Comprehension)(共20小题,共20.0分)In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. 第1题 World War Ⅱ initiated the concept of "total war"—war that involved all, civilians and military alike, in the war effort. This was not really new. Lazare Carnot had anticipated it during the French Revolution with his call for "a nation in arms". But never before World War II had nation been required to draw so heavily upon the total human resources available to them. In each country, there was a propaganda effort to portray every person in the state as personally involves in the struggle being waged. In the United States, "Rosie the Riveter" was as much a part of the picture as "G. I. Joe". The German "Rosies" were not as likely as their American counterparts to be working as riveters, but from 1942 on, they and their children were to face terrors of war as severe as those experienced by their front-line soldiers. Shivering from fear of being buried alive in the cellars that served as air-raid shelters, they had to emerge from those areas of modest security to extinguish the fare bombs that sizzled in the attics above before entire houses were incinerated. Each explosive bomb that fell could mean life or death for each person who heard it coming, depending on where it fell and how big it was. There is no rational way of rendering judgment on the moral aspects of the Allied bombing. It did, of course, kill Nazis and anti-Nazis alike; women and children as well as men; prisoners of war and foreign workers as well as Germans; professors, artists, musicians, and farmers, as well as workers in munitions factories. And the mode of death, as will be seen, was often shocking and gruesome. But it is faulty to assume that without the bombing all those who perished would have survived and would have met death more peacefully. Land invasion would have meant the ravaging of cities by heavy artillery, tanks, and flame throwers, the desperate flight of thousands of civilians (which indeed occurred on Germany's eastern front), and the ultimate collapse of all forces of order, with internecine fighting, famine, and disease as likely accompaniments. Neither can one assume that more churches, famous monuments, paintings, library books, and so forth would have survived. That those who stopped the bombs had pangs of guilt in respect to the suffering they caused and the cultural wealth they destroyed is a credit to their humanitarian sensitivities. But sentiments of revulsion are more appropriately directed at war itself, which inevitably brutalizes those involved, destroys normal sensitivities, and opens the way to rape, pillage, and want of destruction. A "clean", "humane" war is an impossibility. World War II is particular in that it A anticipated the arrival of new age in war-waging. B victimized the ordinary people and soldiers alike on unprecedented scales. C made the aggressors suffer more than the aggressed. D used the propaganda to get the civilians into it without hesitation. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段首句和第3句。 [解析] 细节题。首段首句中的initiated一词表明二战的独特之处就在于“全面战争”的概念是从那时开始的,结合该段第3句可知选项B符合题意。 [点睛] 首段第2句表明选项A当中的the arrival of new age in war-waging不对,因此选项A不正确;选项C只是对文中有关德国在二战中的遭遇而作的不客观的论断,文中只提到德国(aggressors之一),而没提到被侵略国(the aggressed),所以不能得出选项C的结论,因此不对;选项D中的without hesitation文中未体现,故不对。 第2题 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that "Rosie the Riveter" was A a picture used in the war propaganda. B the name of an American hero during the war. C a representative of women who were dragged into the war. D a German-born worker who escaped to America during the war. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段倒数第3、4句。 [解析] 词义题。从首段倒数第3句可以知道倒数第4句中提到的“Rosie the Riveter”和German“Rosies”是相同的人,而从倒数第3句中的转折分句可以知道German“Rosies”应该是指德国后方的妇女,由此可见,“Rosie the Riveter”应指美国后方的妇女,代指所有被无故卷入战争的平民,因此本题应选C。 [点睛] 选项A最具干扰性,原文倒数第4句中的picture并不是指一幅具体的画,而是指整场战争的画面,而“Rosie the Riveter”应该是指生活在战争背景下的平民,由此可以否定选项A。 第3题 In the second paragraph, the author seems to consider the Allied bombing on Germany A imprudent. B immoral. C justified. D reckless. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段第3句和第4句。 [解析] 观点题。第2段第3句和第4句是作者对盟军轰炸德国的看法,其中第4句开头的but it is faulty...表明作者认为盟军的轰炸不应该受到片面的指责,由此可判断选项C为本题答案。 [点睛] 选项A表示“轻率的,鲁莽的”;选项B表示“不道德的,邪恶的”;选项D表示“不计后果的”;均不能恰当描述作者的态度。 第4题 According to the author, without the Allied bombing, A more lives might have been saved. B people would have died of other disasters. C the Allied landing would have been out of the question. D many cultural objects would have survive 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段第5句。 [解析] 细节题。文章第2段第5句描述的是地面进攻给平民带来的伤害,由此可见,即使没有轰炸,平民仍然逃不过战争的威胁,仍会遭受其他的灾害,故选项B符合题意。 [点睛] 选项A和D表述内容和原文相反;选项C在原文并未提及。 第5题 The author concludes the passage by pointing out that A there is no such a thing as humane war. B a total war is the cruelest thing in human history. C a war does no good either to the winner or to the loser. D it is impossible to wage a total war today. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段末句。 [解析] 细节题。选项A与原文第2段末句的内容相近,符合题意。 [点睛] 作者最后一句话表达的是对war的观点,而不是对total war的看法,故选项B不符题意。选项C和D在原文并未讨论。 第6题 Pageants (露天演出) are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind. This sometimes means that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of mounting the production, though unfortunately this will usually be found to be on the meagre side and much ingenuity will have to be used to stretch it so that all performers can be adequately clothed. Most pageants have a historical flavor as they usually come about through the celebration of the anniversary of some event of historic importance, or the life or death of some local worthy. Research among archives and books in the public library will probably prove very useful and produce some workable ideas which will give the production an especially local flavor. From the first economy will have to be practised because there are usually a great number of people to dress. Leading characters can be considered individually in the same way as when designing for a play; but the main body of the performers will need to be planned in groups and the massed effect must be always borne in mind. Many pageants take place in daylight in the open air. This is an entirely different problem from designing costumes which are going to be looked at under artificial lighting; for one thing, scenes viewed in the daylight are subject to many more distractions. No longer is everything around cut out by the surrounding darkness, but instead it is very easy to be aware of disturbing movement in the audience or behind the performers. Very theatrically conceived clothes do not always look their best when seen in a daylight setting of trees, verdant lawns and old ivy-covered walls; the same goes for costumes being worn in front of the mellow colors of stately homes. The location needs to be studied and then a decision can be made as to what kinds of colors and textures will harmonize best with the surroundings and conditions and then to carry this out as far as possible on the funds available. If money is available to dress the performers without recourse to their own help in the provision of items, it is best to arrange for all the cutting and pinning together of the costumes to be done by one or two experienced people than to be given out to the groups and individuals for completion. When there is little or no money at all, the garments need to be reduced to the basic necessities. Cloaks and shawls become invaluable, sheets and large bath towels and bath sheets are admirable for draping. Unwanted curtains and bedspreads can be cut to make tunics, robes and skirts. These are particularly valuable if they are of heavy fabrics, such as velvet or chenille. Colors should be massed together so that there are contrasting groups of dark and light, this will be found to help the visual result substantially. Crowds of people gathered together in a jumble of colors will be found to look quite purposeless and will lack dramatic impact. Which of the following is true about pageants? A Pageants seldom take place in the afternoon or evening. B Pageants are often supported by local or civic authorities. C Many pageants get abundantly funded by local companies. D Most pageants are based on events of historical importanc 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段首句。 [解析] 细节题。首段首句中的under the auspices of与选项B中的support具有相近的意思,因此选项B为本题答案。 [点睛] 第3段首句表明很多庆典在白天举行,这就可能包括在上午或下午举行,因此选项A不正确;首段第2句表明庆典获得的资金很少,选项C与此相反,因此不正确;选项D只概括了第2段首句的第一种可能,而没有顾及该句中or引出的另一种可能,因此也不正确。 第7题 The word "it" in Line 4, ParA 1 refers to A. the scale of the pageants in the open air. B. the production of costumes for all the performers. C. the limited allocation of funds for the performance. D. the creative power of the performance planners. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段末句。 [解析] 词义题。根据it所在的上下文,特别是首段末句中so that引出的结果从句可以推断代词it应与“资金”“费用”等有关,因此选项C为本题答案。 [点睛] 其他选项虽然在文中均有涉及,但是不符合上下文的句意,因此均不是正确答案。 第8题 It can be inferred that the most important factor in costume design is A money. B color. C harmony. D textur 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段末句,第3段末句及末段首句。 [解析] 推断题。从第2段末句、第3段末句及末段首句都体现了“和谐”是设计服装时需要考虑的最重要的因素,因选项C为正确答案。 [点睛] 选项A最具干扰性。第4段的第2、3、4句表明如果资金不足,可用床单、大浴巾和浴布做幕布,而不用的窗帘和床罩可做戏服,这说明资金问题可以解决,虽然资金影响服装设计,但这不是最重要的因素,因此不正确。 第9题 It is implied that pageants held in the evening has the advantage that A more audience can afford the time to watch the performance. B it doesn't cost much to design costumes for the performers. C the settings can be seen more clearly under artificial fighting. D distractions may be cut out by the surrounding darkness. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第3段第2句和第3句。 [解析] 推断题。原文第3段从第2句到第4句,作者提到了在白天举办庆典所存在的问题,结合第2句中的第2个分句及第3句中的第1个分句可以推断晚上举办庆典时,漆黑的环境有助于消除影响表演的不利因素,由此可见,本题应选选项D。 [点睛] 选项A和B并未在原文提及;选项C最具干扰性,原文虽然提到在白天观众不能集中精神于舞台,但事实上这与周围的环境有关,而与看不看得清楚舞台场景是无关的,所以,由此并不能推断到了晚上有了灯光就能看得更清楚,故选项C不正确。 第10题 When fund is not enough, ______ can be used to make the costumes. A unwanted curtains B bath sheets C table cloth D cloaks 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第4段倒数第2句。 [解析] 细节题。第4段倒数第2句中的tunics,robes and skirts都属于戏服,而该句提到可用unwanted curtains制作戏服,因此选项A为本题答案。 [点睛] 根据第4段倒数第3句可知选项B通常用于制作幕布,而不用于制作戏服;选项C在文中未有提及;第4段倒数第3句只是表明选项D很珍贵,但没有说明可用于制作什么。所以均不正确。 第11题 Virtually everything astronomers known about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photons-quanta of electromagnetic radiation. Yet there is another form of radiation that permeates the universe: neutrinos (中微子). With (as its name implies) no electric charge, and negligible mass, the neutrino interacts with other particles so rarely that a neutrino can cross the entire universe, even traversing substantial aggregations of matter, without being absorbed or even deflected. Neutrinos can thus escape from regions of space where light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation are blocked by matter. Furthermore, neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production: therefore, the detection of cosmic neutrinos could provide new information about a wide variety of cosmic phenomena and about the history of the universe. But how can scientists detect a particle that interacts so infrequently with other matter? Twenty-five years passed between Pauli's hypothesis that the neutrino existed and its actual detection: since then virtually all research with neutrinos has been with neutrinos created artificially in large particle accelerators and studied under neutrino microscopes. But a neutrino telescope, capable of detecting cosmic neutrinos, is difficult to construct. No apparatus can detect neutrinos unless it is extremely massive, because great mass is synonymous with huge numbers of nucleons (neutrons and protons), and the more massive the detector, the greater the probability of one of its nucleon's reacting with a neutrino. In addition, the apparatus must be sufficiently shielded from the interfering effects of other particles. Fortunately, a group of astrophysicists has proposed a means of detecting cosmic neutrinos by harnessing the mass of the ocean. Named DUMAND, for Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino Detector, the project calls for placing an array of light, sensors at a depth of five kilometers under the ocean surface. The detecting medium is the seawater itself: when a neutrino interacts with a particle in an atom of seawater, the result is a cascade of electrically charged particles and a flash of light that can be detected by the sensors. The five kilometers of seawater above the sensors will shield them from the interfering effects of other high-energy particles raining down through the atmosphere. The strongest motivation for the DUMAND project is that it wilt exploit an important source of information about the universe. The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars (类星体), and pulsars (脉冲星). Each of these discoveries came as a surprise. Neutrino astronomy will doubtless bring its own share of surprises. Which might be the most appropriate title of the passage? A At the Threshold of Neutrino Astronomy. B Neutrinos and the History of the Universe. C The Creation and the Study of Neutrinos. D The DUMAND System and How It Works. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 全文。 [解析] 主旨题。文章一开始就指出天体观测中中微子是一个重要粒子,最后又指出观测中微子的原因是它可能提供重要的有关宇宙的信息,因此,一切对中微子的考察和研究都是为天文学这一目标服务,只有选项A概括了中微子和天文学这两个重点。 [点睛] 原文并没有介绍宇宙历史,因此选项B不准确;选项C是原文第1、2段涉及的内容,但本文作者不是以研究中微子为最终目的,研究它是为了对天文学做出贡献。选项D只是最后两段提到的内容,不是文章主旨。 第12题 One advantage that neutrinos have for studies in astronomy is that they A have been detected for 25 years. B possess a variable electric charge. C are usually extremely massive. D record information about their own origin. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段末句。 [解析] 细节题。选项D是对首段末句中的第一个原因分句的近义改写,因此选项D为本题答案。 [点睛] 选项A在第2段第2句提到,但文中并未提及这是优点;选项B和C与首段第3句提到的信息相反,因此均不正确。 第13题 The neutrinos are hard to detect most probably because of A their ability to escape from different regions of space. B their inability to penetrate dense matter. C the similarity of their structure to that of nucleons. D the infrequency of their interaction with other matter. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段首句。 [解析] 推断题。原文虽然没有直接提到中微子难以探测的原因,但是第2段首句中的定语从句暗示了中微子难以探测与它极少和别的物质起反应密切相关,由此可见,选项D是最可能造成中微子难以探测的原因。 [点睛] 选项A虽在首段第3句提到,但没有指出这是观测困难的原因。选项B与首段第3句提到的内容相反;选项C在原文并未提及。 第14题 The ocean may be used to detect neutrinos for the following reasons EXCEPT that A it can provide massive nucleons. B it is like a huge detecting apparatus. C it enables neutrinos to move more actively. D it can keep away the interference of other particles. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段最后两句和第3段首句。 [解析] 推断题。第2段最后两句说明制造中微子探测器的要求,第3段首句提到天体物理学家们想到利用海洋来探测宇宙中微子,由此可推断,海洋应具有第2段末提到的中微子探测器的要求,将四个选项与第2段末对比,即可发现只有选项C没有提及。 [点睛] 选项A和B在第2段倒数第2句提及,选项D在第2段末句提及,因此这三个选项都不符合题意。 第15题 In the last paragraph, the author describes the development of astronomy in order to A suggest the potential discovery of celestial bodies by means of neutrino astronomy. B illustrate the importance of surprises in making astronomic discoveries. C demonstrate the effectiveness of the DUMAND apparatus in detecting neutrinos. D name some cosmic phenomena that neutrino astronomy will illuminat 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 末段末句。 [解析] 推断题。末段末句中的its own share of surprises及该句时态表明中微子天文学也将像该段第2句提到的天文学发展那样为天体的发现做出贡献,因此本题答案应为选项A。 [点睛] 原文末段最后两句都提到了surprise一词,但没有讨论surprise对天文学的重要性是什么,因此选项B不正确;末段的重点并不是讨论DUMAND,提到DUMAND的首句只是过渡句,从上段关于DUMAND过渡到该段关于中微子天文学的内容,因此选项C不正确;该段并没有列举中微子天文学能帮助发现的天文现象,因此选项D也不正确。 第16题 Suppose you are driving on a highway with three lanes going in your direction and you come upon a toll plaza with six toll booths. Three toll booths are straight ahead in the three lanes of traffic, and the three other booths are off to the right. Which lane should you choose? There are usually enough people searching for the shortest line so as to make all the lines about the same length. The term profit in economics has a very precise meaning. Economists, however, often loosely refer to "good deals" or profitable ventures with no risk as profit opportunities. Using the term loosely, a profit opportunity exists at the toll booths if one line is shorter than the others. The general view of economics is that profit opportunities are rare. At any one time there are many people searching for such opportunities, and as a consequence few exist. At major banks in big cities, you can buy foreign currencies. The prices of these currencies are determined in world money markets. With dollars we can buy marks; with these marks we can buy francs; and with these francs we can buy back dollars. Can we make money on this transaction? If this is possible, we say that there are profit opportunities in the market. There are in fact almost never any profit opportunities of this kind in foreign currency markets. There are always individuals looking for such opportunities, and if any opportunity does arise it is quickly eliminated. If, for example, the mark-franc price is too low with respect to the other prices, there is an immediate rush to buy marks and sell francs, not by ordinary citizens at bank windows, but by a few large currency traders in Tokyo, London, or Zurich who watch prices every minute. Such a rush drives up the mark-franc price to the no-profit-opportunity point. Markets like this, where any profit opportunities are eliminated almost instantaneously are said to be efficient markets. The common language way of expressing the efficient markets hypothesis is "there's no such thing as a free lunch". How should one react when a stock broker calls up with a hot tip on the stock market? With skepticism. There are thousands of individuals each day looking for hot tips in the market, and if a particular tip about a stock is valid there will be an immediate rush to buy the stock, which will quickly drive its price up. By the time the tip gets to your broker and then to you, the profit opportunity that arose from the tip (assuming that there was one) is likely to have been eliminated. Similar arguments can be made for bond markets and commodity markets. They are many "expert" in these markets, who take quick advantage of any news that affects prices. This economist's view that there are very limited profit opportunities around can, of course, be carried too far. There are clearly times when profit opportunities exist. Someone has to be first to get the news, and some people have quicker insights than others. Nevertheless, news does get disseminated quickly, and there are thousands of people with quick insights. The general view that profit opportunities are rare is close to the mark. The author seems to compare the toll booths to A profit opportunities. B the market. C the investors. D profit. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 首段和第2段第3句。 [解析] 推断题。作者举收费站的例子是为了说明文章的主题:获利机会很少。结合第2段第3句,可以推断,作者把收费站比作市场,把收费站的车道比作获利机会,把驾驶者比作投资者,由此可见,只有选项B符合题意。 [点睛] 本题解题的关键不但要明白作者举例子的作用,而且还要将例子里面具体的事物与文章中提到的经济学方面的术语一一对应。 第17题 The economists think the profit opportunities are rare because A the market is not efficient. B too many people go for it. C the prices are always fluctuating. D few people have the clear insights. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第2段末句。 [解析] 细节题。文章第2段末句中的as a consequence表明了前面的分句是解释获利机会几乎不存在的原因,只有选项B符合题意。 [点睛] 选项A和C虽可从文中推断出,但与造成获利机会少的原因无关;选项D与原文末句的倒数第2句不符。 第18题 In an efficient market, A profit opportunities remain a very brief time. B only experts can grasp the profit opportunities. C people without insights don't get much profit. D anyone who knows the hot tips can gain profit. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 第4段末句。 [解析] 细节题。第4段末句是对efficient market的定义,从该定义来看,判断一个市场是否有效与其获利机会存在的时间有关,由此可见,选项A的描述是正确的。 [点睛] 根据第4段末句的定义,efficient market与其余三个选项提到的情况无关。另外,选项B和D本身的陈述也过于绝对了,与文章的内容不符。 第19题 What is the author's attitude towards the idea that "profit opportunities are rare"? A Doubtful. B Cautious. C Consenting. D Ironi 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 末段末句。 [解析] 观点题。本文首先在第2段倒数第2句提出经济学的观点“获利机会是少有的”,接着作者举了多个例子说明这一点,并在文末表明自己对此的看法,末段末句中的close to the mark表明作者认同经济学的观点,因此本题答案为选项C。 [点睛] 选项A与第5段第3句的skepticism意思相同,但原文表明作者对有利可图的机会抱着半信半疑的态度,该处的skepticism与本题作者的观点无关;其他两个选项没有原文依据。 第20题 The passage mainly focuses on A the explanation of efficient market. B the exchange of different currencies. C how to make profits from stock market. D how to catch the profit opportunities. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [定位] 全文。 [解析] 主旨题。文章首先指出“获利机会很少”这一观点,然后在第4段指出“有效市场”的定义,表明“有效市场”具有“获利机会少”的特点,并从第5段开始进一步说明“有效市场”是怎么一回事,由此可见,本文的重点是解释什么是有效市场,因此本题应选选项A。 [点睛] 选项B中的currencies和C中的stock market都只是文章为了说明“有效市场”所举的例子,不是文章主题;文章虽然常提及“profit opportunities”,但并没有真正说明“how to touch”(怎样抓住机会),因此选项D也不正确。 九、Listening Comprehension (Passages)(共10小题,共10.0分)In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 第1题   What was the theme of the conference the speaker was to attend? A The role of immigrants in the construction of American society. B The importance of offering diverse courses in European history. C The need for greater cultural diversity in the school curriculum. D The historic landing of Europeans on the Virginia shor 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   I had flown from San Francisco to Virginia to attend a conference on multiculturalism. Hundreds of educators from across the country were meeting [ ]to discuss the need for greater cultural diversity in the school curriculum. I took a taxi to my hotel. On my way, my driver and I chatted about the weather and the tourists. The driver was a white mail in his forties. "How long have you been in this country?" he asked. "All my life!" I replied, "I was born in the United States. " With a strong southern accent, he remarked, "I was wondering because your English is excellent." Then I explained as I had done many times before, "My grandfather came here from China in the 1880s. My family has been here in America for over a hundred years." He glanced at me in the mirror. [ ]Somehow, I did not look "American" to him. My appearance looked foreign. Questions like the one my taxi driver asked make me feel uncomfortable. But I can understand why he could not see me as an American. He had a narrow but widely-shared sense of the past: a history that has viewed Americans as descendants of Europeans. Race has functioned as something necessary to the construction of American character and quality. In the creation of our national identity, American has been defined as "white". [ ]But America has been racially diverse since our very beginning on the Virginia shore, where the first group of Englishmen and Africans arrived in the 17th century. And this reality is increasingly becoming visible everywhere. [解析] 短文开头提到,全国上百个教育家开会讨论小学课程中需要更大的文化差异,C项与原文一致,故为答案。 [点睛] 事实细节题。本题听音时要把留意有关会议的部分,听到什么选什么。 第2题 Why did the taxi driver ask the speaker how long he has been in the US? A He was wondering if the speaker was used to living in America. B He was trying to show friendliness to the speaker. C He wanted to keep their conversation going. D He believed the speaker was a foreigner. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 短文提到:“不知为何,我在他眼里看起来不像个‘美国人’。我长得像外国人。”由此可以推断出司机认为说话人是个外国人,答案为D。 [点睛] 推理判断题。另外可从说话人解释自己的祖父19世纪80年代就从中国来到美国,可知他是华裔,长相跟司机认为的American不同,由此也可得出答案。 第3题 What message did the speaker wish to convey? A The US population doesn't consist of white European descendants only. B Asian tourists can speak English as well as native speaker of the language. C Colored people are not welcome in the United States. D Americans are in need of education in their history. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 本题问本文的主旨,从通篇大意来讲,文章都在讨论美国的多元文化(culture diversity)以及种族问题。美国绝不仅仅是白人的美国,它是各种肤色的美国人的美国,历来如此,现在更是如此。因此答案为A。 [点睛] 主旨大意题。干扰项D把主题转向了“历史学习”,把论据当论点,不正确。 第4题   Greeks must ______ to keep the dead resting in everlasting peace. A rent a grave B burn the body C bury the dead near a church D buy a piece of land for a grave 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   [ ]In Greece, only rich people will rest in peace forever when they die. Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years. Then they will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box, and placed in a bone room. If the body has only partially decayed, it is rebuffed in a smaller, cheaper grave, but not for long. The body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed. [ ]Buying a piece of land for a grave is the only way to avoid this process. The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. If no one pays for renting space in the bone room, the skeleton is removed and stored in a building in a poor part of the town. [ ]Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after three years. The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. [ ]Athens' city council wants to introduce cremation, that is, burning dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem. But the Greek church resists this practice. They believe the only place where people bum is hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death. [ ]To save space, the church suggested burying the bodies standing up instead of lying down. Some people proposed building multi-storey underground graveyards. [解析] 短文开头就提到“只有富人死后可以rest in peace forever”,随后说其他人死后是如何被挖出来挪来挪去的,而buying a piece of land就可以避免此遭遇,故答案为D。 [点睛] 事实细节题。A是大多数人的做法,租期为三年,此做法无法保证死者永久的安宁;B是希腊教会反对的做法,并未在希腊实行,故错误;C原文未提及,只是利用原词胡乱拼凑,故也不正确。 第5题 Most dead bodies in Athens are dug up after three years to A solve the problem of lack of land. B see whether they have decayed. C follow the Greek religious practice. D move them to a multi-storey graveyar 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 文中明确说明此举的原因是Lack of space,选项A与其同义,故正确。 [点睛] 事实细节题。B不是根本目的,C未提及;文章最后说有人提议建造多层墓地,但multi-storey graveyard尚不存在,所以根本不可能move去那里。 第6题 What suggestions does the church give about the burying of dead bodies? A They should be buried lying down. B They should be buried standing up. C They should be buried after being washed. D They should be buried when partially decaye 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 希腊教会反对火葬,因为那会违背宗教教义。为了节约空间,教会建议将尸体竖立着而非平躺着埋葬,故答案为B。 [点睛] 事实细节题。符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。注意正确理解instead of结构,以免错选A。选项C、D并不是教会提出的建议。 第7题 The Greek church objects to A burning dead bodies to ashes. B storing dead bodies in a remote place. C placing dead bodies in a bone room. D digging up dead bodies after three years. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] burning dead bodies“火化尸体”在Greek church前后出现了两次,问题中的object to与原文中的动词resist是同义词,所以答案为A。 [点睛] 事实细节题。预读时应确定听音重点为希腊教堂反对的做法。其他选项虽有提到,但与题目要求不符。 第8题   Which of the following is the reason for people's dissatisfaction with traditional hanks? A Their business hours are limited. B Their safety measures are inadequate. C Their banking procedures are complicated. D They don't have enough service windows. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]   Many people dislike walking into the bank, standing in long lines and running out of checks. [ ]They are dissatisfied with their bank's limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night and on weekends. For such people their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from the comfort of their own home, any hour of the day, any day of the week. Many banks are preparing online branches or Internet offices, which means that people will be able to take care of much of their banking business through their home computers. This process is called interactive banking. On these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan, and get current information on products such as credit cards. Customers will also be able to pay their bills electronically and even email questions to the bank. [ ]Banks are creating online services for several reasons. One reason is that banks must compete for customers, who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive. [ ]The convenience of online banking appeals to the kind of customer banks most want to keep, that is, people who are young, well-educated and have good incomes. Banks also want to take advantage of modem technology since they have moved into the 21st century. [解析] 短文提到,他们对银行营业时间的有限不满意,故选A。 [点睛] 事实细节题。本题符合听到什么选什么原则。 第9题 What kind of customer does online banking most appeal to? A People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another. B Young people who are fond of modem technology. C Young people who are wealthy and well-educated. D People who have computers at hom 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 根据“网上银行的方便吸引银行最想留住的那类客户,即那些受过良好教育、高收入的年轻人”,故选C。 [点睛] 事实细节题。选项C中的wealthy是对原文have good incomes的同义替换。另外,银行总是喜欢有钱人,不管开展什么业务银行总是要赚钱的,四个选项中只有wealthy能体现这一点。预读时可先看到这一点,听音时再进一步求证。 第10题 According to the passage, banks create online services to A compete for customers. B reduce the size of their staff'. C provide services for distant clients. D expand their operations at a lower cost. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [解析] 短文提到,银行正开展网上业务,原因有多个,其中一个原因是银行必须竞相争夺客户。由于可知答案为A。 [点睛] 事实细节题。预读时确定听音重点是银行开展网上业务的目的,听到什么选什么。其他三个选项都没有提到。 跟多试卷请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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