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AAA-英语词汇全息速记高考英语词汇全息速记高考英语词汇全息速记 E1. 1. excuse [  ][  ] 2. use [  ] 3. useful [  ] 4. useless [  ] 5. used tobe (get) used to I used to use excuse, but now I'm not used to doing so. E2. 1. arouse [  ] 2. blouse [  ]...

高考英语词汇全息速记 E1. 1. excuse [  ][  ] 2. use [  ] 3. useful [  ] 4. useless [  ] 5. used tobe (get) used to I used to use excuse, but now I'm not used to doing so. E2. 1. arouse [  ] 2. blouse [  ] 3. house [  ] 4. housework [  ] 5. mouse [  ] 6. trousers [  ] The mouse's tearing my trousers and blouse in the house arouses my anger. E3. 1. boot [  ] 2. foot [  ]feet [  ] 3. football [  ] 4. root [  ] 5. shoot [  ]shot [  ] The seeds root and shoot in the football boot. E4. 1. arrow [  ] 2. narrow [  ]~-minded 3. sparrow [  ] 4. borrow [  ] 5. tomorrow [  ] Tomorrow the narrow-mined man will borrow arrows and shoot the sparrows. E5. 1. according [  ] 2. record [  ]~er [  ] 3. record [  ] 4. word [  ]~y [  ] 5. sword [  ] 6. world [  ]~wide [  ] According to my order, the word “world” is recorded on my sword. E6. 1. help [  ] 2. helper [  ] 3. helpful [  ]helpless [  ] 4. hero [  ]~ine [  ] 5. zero [  ] 6. zebra [  ] He helps her hero onto zebra No. zero. E7. 1. drink [  ]drank [  ]drunk [  ] 2. ink [  ]~y [  ] 3. sink [  ] 4. think [  ]thought [  ] 5. thinker [  ] 6. thinking [  ] 7. twinkle [  ] 8. twin [  ] When sinking into thinking, the twin thinker would drink twinkling ink. E8. 1. although [  ],though [  ] 2. cough [  ] 3. enough [  ] 4. rough [  ]~ly 5. tough [  ] 6. ought [  ] 7. thought [  ]~ful 8. through [  ]~out 9 thorough [  ]~ly Although my cough was tough enough, I thought I ought to go through it thoroughly. E9 1. courage [  ]~ous 2. discourage [  ]~d 3. discouraging [  ] 4. encourage [  ]~ment 5. course [  ]of ~ 6. court [  ] 7. pour [  ] 8. tour [  ]~ist [  ] Of course the four courageous tourists poured into the court. E1.0 1. colo(u)r [  ]~ful [  ] 2. favo(u)r [  ] 3. favo(u)rite [  ] 4. labo(u)r [  ] 5. laboratory [  ],lab 6. hono(u)r [  ]~able The honorable man favors the colorful labors in the laboratory. E1.1. 1. fight [  ]fought [  ] 2. fighter [  ] 3. right [  ] 4. bright [  ]~ly [  ] 5. brighten [  ] 6. frighten [  ]~ed [  ] 7. frightful [  ] For his own right, the bright fighter isn't frightened of fight. E1.2. 1. Africa [  ]African [  ] 2. America [  ]American [  ] 3. Asia [  ]Asian [  ] 4. Europe [  ]European [  ] 5. Arctic [  ] 6. Antarctic [  ]~a [  ] 7. Atlantic [  ]the ~ 8. Pacific [  ]the ~ (Ocean) Around the Pacific Ocean are America, Asia and Oceania. E1.3. 1. bean [  ] 2. lean [  ] 3. clean [  ]~ly [  ] 4. cleaner [  ] 5. cleanly [  ]cleanliness 6. mean [  ]~t [  ] 7. means [  ] 8. ocean [  ] 9 Oceania [  ] The lean cleaner means to clean the beans by means of ocean water. E1.4. 1. if [  ] 2. I'm [  ] 3. I'll [  ] 4. ill [  ]~ness [  ] 5. bill [  ] 6. pill [  ] If I'm ill, I'll fill a bill for pills. E1.5. 1. announce [  ] 2. announcement [  ] 3. pronounce [  ] 4. pronunciation [  ] 5. bounce [  ] How to pronounce the word “bounce” in the announcement E1.6. 1. bell [  ] 2. sell [  ]sold [  ] 3. seller [  ] 4. smell [  ]smelt [  ] 5. spell [  ]~ing 6. tell [  ]told [  ] 7. well [  ] Well, I'll tell the bell seller the spelling of smell. E1.7. 1. pale [  ] 2. sale [  ] 3. salesman [  ] 4. scale [  ] 5. tale [  ] The pale salesman sells tale books on a large scale. E1.8. 1. found [  ]~er [  ] 2. foundation [  ] 3. pound [  ] 4. sound [  ] 5. wound [  ] 6. wounded [  ] The wounded founder sold the sound for one pound. E1.9 1. aunt [  ] 2. hunt [  ]~er [  ] 3. count [  ] 4. country [  ]~side 5. account [  ] 6. amount [  ] 7. mountain [  ]~ous [  ] The amount may account for why aunt hunts in the countryside mountains. E2.0 1. hair [  ]~y [  ] 2. haircut [  ] 3. chair [  ] 4. chairman [  ]chairmen 5. stair [  ] 6. downstairs [  ] 7. upstairs [  ] The chairman went upstairs for haircut. E2.1. 1. fair [  ] 2. fairly [  ] 3. unfair [  ] 4. affair [  ] 5. pair [  ] 6. repair [  ] It's a fairly unfair affair to put the chairmen in a pair of repaired chairs. E2.2. 1. port [  ] 2. sport [  ] 3. sportsman [  ] 4. transport [  ] 5. transport [  ] 6. transportation [  ] The sportsmen are transported to the port. E2.3. 1. report [  ] 2. reporter [  ] 3. importance [  ] 4. important [  ] 5. opportunity [  ] 6. support [  ] The reporter got an important opportunity for support. E2.4. 1. king [  ]~dom [  ] 2. song [  ] 3. sing [  ]sang [  ]sung [  ] 4. singing [  ] 5. single [  ] 6. finger [  ] 7. final [  ]~ly [  ] The king found the single singer's finger finally. E2.5. 1. among [  ] 2. strong [  ]~ly 3. strength [  ]~en 4. wrong [  ] 5. wrongdoing [  ] 6. length [  ]~en 7. long [  ] 8. along [  ]~side 9 belong [  ] You are wrong, the strong string alongside the long table belongs to someone among us. E2.6. 1. British [  ] 2. Britain [  ] 3. captain [  ] 4. certain [  ]~ly [  ] 5. curtain [  ] 6. chain [  ] 7. main [  ]~ly 8. remain [  ] Certainly the British captain found the main chain remaining in the curtain. E2.7. 1. rain [  ]~y 2. raincoat [  ] 3. brain [  ] 4. grain [  ] 5. train [  ] 6. gain [  ] 7. again [  ] 8. against [  ] I trained my brain against the rain again and again, then had a grain of gain. E2.8. 1. plain [  ] 2. explain [  ] 3. explanation [  ] 4. faint [  ] 5. pain [  ]~ful 6. paint [  ]~er [  ] 7. painting [  ] The faint painter plainly explains, “I painted my pain in the painting.” E2.9 1. round [  ] 2. around [  ] 3. ground [  ]under~ [  ] 4. playground [  ] 5. surround [  ]~ing The round underground playground is surrounded by water. E3.0 1. deep [  ]~endepth [  ] 2. jeep [  ] 3. keep [  ]~er [  ] 4. sleep [  ]slept [  ] 5. asleep [  ] 6. sheep [  ]~ 7. weep [  ] 8. sweep [  ]swept [  ] After a deep sleep in the jeep, the weeping sheep keeper keeps on sweeping. E3.1. 1. Arab [  ]\Arabian [  ] 2. Australia [  ]\Australian [  ] 3. Egypt [  ]\Egyptian [  ] 4. Canada [  ]\Canadian [  ] 5. India [  ]\Indian [  ] 6. Italy [  ]\Italian [  ] 7. Russia [  ]\Russian [  ] The Russian Australian married an Egyptian Italian. E3.2. 1. job [  ] 2. probable [  ]\probably 3. problem [  ] 4. rob [  ]\~ber\~bery 5. robot [  ] 6. sob [  ] The robbed robot probably sobbed for its job problem. E3.3. 1. bag [  ] 2. baggage [  ] 3. drag [  ] 4. dragon [  ] 5. rag [  ]\ragged 6. flag [  ] The dragon drags the ragged flag and baggage. E3.4. 1. anxious [  ] 2. delicious [  ] 3. precious [  ] 4. obvious [  ]\~ly 5. religious [  ] The religious man is obviously anxious about his precious jewels and delicious food. E3.5. 1. cap [  ] 2. lap [  ] 3. map [  ] 4. soap [  ]\~y 5. tap [  ] 6. wrap [  ]\~per I tapped my lap with my cap and then wrapped the soap with a map. E3.6. 1. chemical [  ] 2. chemist [  ] 3. chemistry [  ] 4. ministry [  ] 5. minister [  ] 6. mister,Mr. [  ] 7. Mrs. [  ] Mr. minister, the chemist works in the Ministry of Chemical Industry. E3.7. 1. lie [  ]\liar [  ] 2. lie [  ]\lay [  ]\lain [  ]\lying [  ] 3. die [  ]\dying [  ] 4. tie [  ] 5. untie [  ] 6. piece [  ] The liar lying there died with a piece of tie around his neck. E3.8. 1. eager [  ] 2. eagerness [  ] 3. tiger [  ] 4. tidy [  ] 5. title [  ] 6. tiny [  ] The tidy tiny tiger is eager for a title. E3.9 1. early [  ] 2. earn [  ]\~ings 3. earnest [  ] 4. learn [  ]\~t [  ] 5. earth [  ]\~quake [  ] 6. earthnut [  ] 7. search [  ] 8. research [  ] I learnt that the earnest researcher searched the earth for earthnuts in the early morning. E4.0 1. afraid [  ] 2. aid [  ] 3. aim [  ] 4. aimless [  ] 5. him [  ] 6. slim [  ] 7. swim [  ]\swam [  ]\swum [  ] 8. swimming [  ]\~ pool The slim girl swims toward him. I'm afraid her aim is not to aid him. E4.1. 1. convenient [  ]\in~ 2. patient [  ]\im~ 3. patience [  ] 4. science [  ] 5. scientific [  ] 6. scientist [  ] 7. ancient [  ] I can conveniently see an ancient scientist's patience in science. E4.2. 1. dinner [  ] 2. dining-room [  ] 3. wine [  ] 4. line [  ] 5. underline [  ] 6. discipline [  ] I underlined the discipline to the men lining up in the dining-room for dinner and wine. E4.3. 1. mine [  ] 2. miner [  ] 3. examine [  ] 4. examination [  ], exam 5. example [  ] 6. simple [  ]\simply 7. similar [  ]\~ity The miner examined a similar simple example. E4.4. 1. spit [  ]\spat [  ] 2. hospital [  ] 3. capital [  ] 4. sit [  ]\sat [  ] 5. situation [  ] 6. visit [  ]\~or [  ] 7. television [  ], TV The sitting visitor's situation is bad for he spat in the Capital Hospital. E4.5. 1. rich [  ] 2. which [  ] 3. whip [  ] 4. trip [  ] 5. ship [  ]\~ment [  ] Which rich man is tripped by the whip on the ship? E4.6. 1. chip [  ] 2. dip [  ] 3. lip [  ] 4. slip [  ] 5. slippery [  ] 6. tip [  ] The dipped chip slipped off his lip tip. E4.7. 1. art [  ]\artist [  ] 2. article [  ] 3. start [  ] 4. star [  ] 5. starve [  ] 6. starvation [  ] 7. far [  ]\~ther\~thest The starving artist starts on an article about the farthest star. E4.8. 1. orphan [  ] 2. organize [  ] 3. organizer [  ] 4. organization [  ] 5. recognize [  ] 6. recognition [  ] The organizer recognizes that the orphan is his son. E4.9 1. medal [  ] 2. metal [  ]\~lic 3. mental [  ] 4. mention [  ] 5. moment [  ] 6. monument [  ] 7. monumental [  ] At the moment before the monument, I mentioned the mental metal medal to him. E5.0 1. fur [  ] 2. furniture [  ] 3. further [  ]\furthest 4. hurt [  ]\~ 5. murder [  ]\~er 6. nurse [  ]\~ry\nursing The murderer's taking away the furs and furniture hurt the nurse further. E5.1. 1. lot [  ]\a ~ 2. pilot [  ] 3. dot [  ] 4. rot [  ]\~ten 5. total [  ] 6. totally [  ] The pilot found lots of dots on the totally rotten potato. E5.2. 1. cold [  ] 2. gold [  ]\~en [  ] 3. hold [  ]\held [  ] 4. holder [  ] 5. scold [  ] 6. soldier [  ] The old soldier scolded the cold gold holder. E5.3. 1. at [  ] 2. bat [  ] 3. cat [  ] 4. rat [  ] 5. pat [  ] The rat patted at the cat with a bat. E5.4. 1. fat [  ]\~ten 2. flat [  ]\~ten 3. hat [  ] 4. that [  ]\those [  ] 5. what [  ] 6. whatever [  ] “What?” “The fat rat ran into that flat hat.” E5.5. 1. poison [  ]\~ous 2. prison [  ]\~er 3. per [  ] 4. person [  ] 5. persuade [  ] 6. persuasion [  ] 7. persuasive [  ] Persuade the person in prison not to take poison. E5.6. 1. broken [  ] 2. choke [  ] 3. joke [  ]\~r 4. smoke [  ] 5. smoking [  ]\No ~ 6. stroke [  ]\at a ~ The smoke from the broken chimney choked the joker at a stroke. E5.7. 1. inch [  ] 2. bench [  ] 3. such [  ] 4. touch [  ] 5. torch [  ] 6. porch [  ] On the bench in the porch, I touched such an inch long torch. E5.8. 1. coffee [  ] 2. of [  ] 3. off [  ] 4. offer [  ] 5. official [  ] 6. office [  ] 7. officer [  ] In the office the officer officially offered the officials coffee. E5.9 1. canoe [  ] 2. poem [  ] 3. poet [  ]\~ry 4. shoe [  ] 5. toe [  ] In the canoe the poet wrote the poem Shoe and Toe. E6.0 1. conclude [  ] 2. conclusion [  ] 3. include [  ]\inclusion 4. rude [  ]\~ness 5. rule [  ]\~r In conclusion, I included the rude ruler too. E6.1. 1. fix [  ] 2. mix [  ] 3. mixture [  ] 4. figure [  ] 5. future [  ] The figure will be fixed with a mixture in the near future. E6.2. 1. curious [  ] 2. cure [  ] 3. pure [  ]\im~ 4. sure [  ]\~ly 5. sugar [  ]\~cane\cane ~ 6. cane [  ] The pure sugar can surely cure the curious disease. E6.3. 1. lunch [  ] 2. lung [  ] 3. hunger [  ] 4. hungry [  ] 5. jungle [  ] In the jungle hundreds of hungry tigers took the pig's lung for lunch. E6.4. 1. eager [  ]\~ness 2. tiger [  ] 3. big [  ] 4. dig [  ]\dug [  ] 5. pig [  ] 6. pigsty [  ] The tiger is eager to eat the big pig digging in the pigsty. E6.5. 1. march [  ] 2. match [  ] 3. catch [  ]\caught [  ] 4. scratch [  ] 5. snatch [  ] 6. watch [  ] 7. kitchen [  ] 8. switch [  ]\~ on\~ off Switching off the kitchen light, I catch the man who snatched my watch on the scratching match. E6.6. 1. best [  ] 2. chest [  ] 3. nest [  ] 4. pest [  ] 5. test [  ] 6. yesterday [  ] 7. yes [  ] Yes, yesterday the pest's nest was put in the best chest for test. E6.7. 1. beyond [  ] 2. fond [  ]\~ness 3. diamond [  ] 4. pond [  ] 5. second [  ] 6. wonder [  ]\~ful [  ] I'm fond of the second wonderful diamond beyond the pond. E6.8. 1. boil [  ]\~er [  ] 2. oil [  ]\~y 3. toilet [  ] 4. soil [  ] 5. soul [  ] In the toilet the boiling oil soiled his soul. E6.9 1. mile [  ]\~stone [  ] 2. smile [  ] 3. pile [  ] 4. silent [  ]\~ly [  ] 5. silence [  ] 6. since [  ] I smiled a while silently after I piled up the milestones. E7.0 1. between [  ] 2. green [  ] 3. queen [  ] 4. screen [  ] 5. scene [  ] 6. scenery [  ] The queen has the scenery set between the green screens. E7.1. 1. feel [  ]\felt [  ] 2. heel [  ] 3. reel [  ] 4. steel [  ] 5. wheel [  ] With my heel I feel the steel wheel on the reel. E7.2. 1. boy [  ]\~friend [  ] 2. joy [  ]\~ful [  ] 3. enjoy [  ]\~ment [  ] 4. enjoyable [  ] 5. royal [  ] 6. destroy [  ] 7. toy [  ] 8. voyage [  ] On the voyage the royal boy enjoyed destroying toys. E7.3. 1. construct [  ]\~ion 2. constructor [  ] 3. destructive [  ] 4. instruct [  ]\~or [  ] 5. instruction [  ]\~al [  ] 6. instrument [  ] 7. struggle [  ] The constructors struggled to give destructive instructions to the instrument. E7.4. 1. institute [  ] 2. salute [  ] 3. pollute [  ] 4. pollution [  ] 5. revolution [  ]\~ary 6. solution [  ] 7. solve [  ] We should salute the institute whose revolutionary solution solved the pollution problem. E7.5. 1. tool [  ] 2. stool [  ] 3. cool [  ]\~ness [  ] 4. pool [  ]\swimming ~ 5. fool [  ]\~ish\~ishly The foolish schoolboy put the tools on stool into the cool swimming pool. E7.6. 1. pride [  ] 2. proud [  ] 3. loud [  ]\~ly [  ] 4. loudspeaker [  ] 5. aloud [  ] 6. cloud [  ]\~y Proud Loudspeaker speaks loudly in the cloud. E7.7. 1. head [  ] 2. ahead [  ] 3. headache [  ] 4. lead [  ]\led [  ] 5. dead [  ]\death [  ] 6. deadly [  ] 7. instead [  ]\~ of I lead the way ahead instead of the dead leader. E7.8. 1. mind [  ] 2. remind [  ] 3. behind [  ] 4. blind [  ] 5. find [  ]\found [  ] 6. kind [  ]\~ly [  ] 7. kindness [  ] 8. wind [  ]\~ing 9 wind [  ]\~y [  ] The kind blind man reminds me to find with mind the winding wire behind the windy window. E7.9 1. chief [  ] 2. achieve [  ]\~ment 3. believe [  ] 4. belief [  ] 5. thief [  ] The thief chief believes in my chief achievement. E8.0 1. amaze [  ]\~ment 2. amazing [  ] 3. gaze [  ] 4. lazy [  ] 5. laziness [  ] 6. lady [  ] Gazing the lazy lady, I'm amazed at her laziness. E8.1. 1. chicken [  ] 2. quick [  ]\~ly\~ness 3. sick [  ]\~ness [  ] 4. stick [  ]\stuck [  ] 5. chopstick [  ] 6. pick [  ] 7. picnic [  ] The sick chicken quickly picks the picnic food on the chopsticks. E8.2. 1. daily [  ] 2. fail [  ]\~ure [  ] 3. mail [  ] 4. nail [  ] 5. rail [  ]\~road,~way 6. sail [  ]\~or 7. tail [  ] 8. tailor [  ] The sailor nailed the tailor's tail on the rail for he failed to mail the Daily. E8.3. 1. forward [  ] 2. backward [  ] 3. reward [  ] 4. toward [  ] 5. downward [  ] 6. upward [  ]\~(s) For the reward, he first moved forward and backward, then upward and downward. E8.4. 1. chimney [  ] 2. hey [  ] 3. key [  ] 4. money [  ] 5. monkey [  ] 6. obey [  ] “Hey! Monkey, put the key and money into the chimney!” “Obey!” E8.5. 1. health [  ]\~y 2. wealth [  ]\~y 3. meal [  ] 4. steal [  ] 5. deal [  ]\~er 6. real [  ]\~ly [  ] 7. reality [  ] 8. realize [  ] 9 realization [  ] Really realizing that health is wealth, I steal a great deal of meal. E8.6. 1. prime [  ] 2. time [  ]\~table 3. daytime [  ] 4. sometime [  ]\~s [  ] 5. full-time [  ]\part-time [  ] I sometimes do part-time job in the daytime; I'll get a full-time job sometime. E8.7. 1. bury [  ]\burial 2. burst [  ] 3. burn [  ]\~t [  ] 4. turn [  ]\in ~ 5. turning [  ] 6. return [  ] 7. church [  ] After the burst, the burnt man is returned to the church and buried at the turning. E8.8. 1. camera [  ] 2. camel [  ] 3. lame [  ] 4. blame [  ] 5. flame [  ]\flaming 6. same [  ] 7. shame [  ]\~ful\~less 8. ashamed [  ] The lame camel is ashamed to blame the flame for burning two cameras at the same time. E8.9 1. hi [  ] 2. high [  ]\height [  ] 3. highway [  ] 4. neighbo(u)r [  ] 5. weigh [  ]\~t 6. sight [  ]\eye~ [  ] 7. sight-seeing [  ]\sightseer [  ] 8. see [  ]\saw [  ]\seen [  ] 9 seem [  ] Hi! I see the sightseer's height and weight seem to be the same as my neighbor's. E90 1. box [  ] 2. pen [  ] 3. pen-name [  ] 4. pencil [  ]\~-box 5. penny [  ]\pence [  ]\pennies [  ] 6. open [  ]\~ly [  ] 7. opening [  ] Opening the pencil-box, I saw a pen and ten pennies. E91. 1. film [  ] 2. fill [  ]\full 3. full [  ]\~y [  ] 4. bullet [  ]\~-proof 5. pull [  ] I pulled out a bullet box and fully filled it with film. E92. 1. but [  ] 2. cut [  ]\~ 3. duty [  ]\on ~ 4. hut [  ] 5. shut [  ]\~ 6. nut [  ] 7. put [  ]\~ ...but my duty is to put the cut nuts into the shut hut. E93. 1. in [  ] 2. skin [  ] 3. spin [  ] 4. tin [  ] 5. violin [  ]\~ist 6. into [  ] 7. onto [  ] 8. to [  ] The spinning tin cut into the violinist's skin. E94. 1. uncle [  ] 2. circle [  ] 3. cycle [  ] 4. bicycle [  ] 5. bike [  ] Uncle put his bicycle in the circle. E95. 1. like [  ] 2. dislike [  ] 3. like [  ]\un~ [  ] 4. likely [  ]\un~ [  ] 5. strike [  ]\struck [  ] Unlike uncle, I like strike. E96. 1. border [  ] 2. order [  ] 3. orderly [  ] 4. ordinary [  ] 5. extraordinary [  ] 6. extra [  ] The order at the border is extraordinarily good. I ordered an extra meal. E97. 1. menu [  ] 2. man [  ]\~kind [  ] 3. woman [  ]\women [  ] 4. human [  ] 5. manage [  ]\~r 6. management [  ] 7. manner [  ]\~s The woman manager likes the human man's manner of taking menu. E98. 1. and [  ] 2. land [  ] 3. island [  ] 4. stand [  ]\stood [  ] 5. standard [  ] 6. standardize [  ] 7. understand [  ]\understood [  ] 8. wander [  ] Standing on the land of the island, the wandering man understands a standard. E99 1. air [  ] 2. airless [  ] 3. airline [  ]\~r [  ] 4. airport [  ] 5. airplane[  ] 6. plane [  ] The airline's airplane lands on an airless airport. E1.00 1. get [  ]\got [  ]\got,gotten [  ] 2. jet [  ] 3. let [  ]\let 4. net [  ]\~work 5. wet [  ] Let me get the wet net from the jet plane. E1.01. 1. first [  ] 2. one [  ] 3. once [  ]\at ~ 4. hundred [  ]\~th [  ] 5. thousand [  ]\~th [  ] 6. million [  ]\~th [  ] First, I'll get one million, one hundred thousand (1.,1.00,000) yuan at once. E1.02. 1. second [  ] 2. two [  ] 3. twice [  ] 4. twelve [  ] 5. twelfth [  ] 6. twenty [  ] 7. twentieth [  ] Second, I'll use twelve twentieths of it. E1.03. 1. three [  ] 2. third [  ] 3. thirteen [  ] 4. thirty [  ] 5. four [  ]\~th [  ] 6. fourteen [  ] 7. forty [  ] thirteen thousand, three hundred and forty four (1.3.,3.4.4.) E1.04. 1. five [  ] 2. fifth [  ] 3. fifteen [  ]\~th [  ] 4. fifty [  ] 5. six [  ] 6. sixth [  ] 7. sixteen [  ]\~th [  ] 8. sixty [  ] Sixty minus fifty plus five equals fifteen. E1.05. 1. seven [  ] 2. seventh [  ] 3. seventeen [  ] 4. seventy [  ] 5. eight [  ] 6. eighth [  ] 7. eighteen [  ] 8. eighty [  ] Seven times eight makes fifty-six. E1.06. 1. nine [  ] 2. ninth [  ] 3. nineteen [  ] 4. ninety [  ] 5. ten [  ]\~th [  ] 6. eleven [  ] 7. eleventh [  ] Ninety-nine divided by eleven is nine. E1.07. 1. bow [  ]\[  ] 2. bowl [  ] 3. cow [  ] 4. how [  ] 5. somehow [  ] 6. however [  ] However, the cow bowed to the bowl somehow. E1.08. 1. enter [  ] 2. entrance [  ] 3. center,centre [  ] 4. central [  ] 5. recent [  ] 6. recently [  ] Recently I entered the center of the kingdom from the entrance. E1.09 1. cent [  ] 2. percent [  ] 3. percentage [  ] 4. centigrade [  ] 5. century [  ] A cent is one percent of one yuan. In the next century it may be as high as 7.0 degrees centigrade. E1.1.0 1. come [  ]\came [  ]\come 2. become [  ]\became [  ]\become 3. income [  ] 4. overcome [  ]\overcame\~ 5. welcome [  ] 6. home [  ]\~less 7. homework [  ]\homeland 8. home-made [  ] 9 some [  ]\~thing [  ] With shortcomings overcome, some home-made goods become welcome, so our income increases. E1.1.1. 1. January [  ] 2. February [  ] 3. March [  ] 4. April [  ] 5. May [  ] 6. June [  ] 7. July [  ] 8. August [  ] 9 September [  ] 1.0 October [  ] 1.1. November [  ] 1.2. December [  ] J F M A M J J ASOND E1.1.2. 1. I [  ]\me [  ]\my [  ]\mine [  ]\myself [  ] 2. we [  ]\us [  ]\our [  ]\ours [  ]\ourselves [  ] 3. he [  ]\him [  ]\his [  ]\himself [  ] 4. she [  ]\her [  ]\hers [  ]\herself [  ] 5. they [  ]\them [  ]\their [  ]\theirs [  ]\themselves [  ] 6. it [  ]\its [  ]\itself [  ] 7. you [  ]\your [  ]\yours [  ]\yourself [  ],yourselves 8. who [  ]\whom [  ]\whose [  ] “Who is he?” I asked her. “He is my friend.” E1.1.3. 1. chapter [  ] 2. after [  ] 3. shelter [  ] 4. shelf [  ] 5. self [  ] 6. selfish [  ] On the shelf in the shelter she read the after chapters. E1.1.4. 1. date [  ] 2. fate [  ] 3. fateful [  ] 4. gate [  ]\~ keeper 5. gateway [  ] 6. hate [  ]\~ful [  ] 7. water [  ]\~y [  ] The date is fateful to the hateful water gate keeper. E1.1.5. 1. ray [  ]\X-ray 2. gray,grey [  ] 3. okay, OK [  ] 4. pay [  ]\paid [  ] 5. payment [  ] 6. stay [  ] 7. say [  ]\said [  ] He says, “Okay, I'll pay if you stay in the gray ray.” E1.1.6. 1. China [  ]\Chinese [  ] 2. Japan [  ]\Japanese [  ] 3. England [  ] 4. English [  ]\~man 5. Britain [  ]\British [  ] 6. France [  ] 7. French [  ]\~man 8. Germany [  ] 9 German [  ] Britain, China, England, France, Germany, Japan E1.1.7. 1. bake [  ]\~r 2. cake [  ] 3. shake [  ]\shook [  ]\shaken [  ] 4. snake [  ] 5. wake [  ]\woke [  ]\woken [  ] 6. awake [  ]\awoke [  ] The cake baker shakes the snake and wakes it. E1.1.8. 1. moon [  ] 2. mooncake [  ] 3. noon [  ]\after~ 4. soon [  ] 5. spoon [  ]\~ful I had a spoonful mooncake soon after the noon. E1.1.9 1. may [  ]\might [  ] 2. night [  ]\~-time 3. tonight [  ] 4. light [  ]\~er [  ] 5. daylight [  ] 6. moonlight [  ] Tonight the moonlight might be as light as the daylight. E1.2.0 1. straight [  ]\~en 2. tight [  ]\~en 3. light [  ]\~en [  ] 4. slight [  ]\~ly [  ] 5. delight [  ] 6. flight [  ] 7. fly [  ]\flew [  ]\flown [  ] 8. flyer, flier [  ] The light flyer in tights is slightly delighted at straight flights. E1.2.1. 1. cry [  ] 2. dry [  ] 3. dryness [  ] 4. fry [  ]\fried [  ] 5. try [  ] The crier tried the fried dry fish. E1.2.2. 1. why [  ] 2. shy [  ]\~ly 3. shyness [  ] 4. sky [  ] 5. spy [  ] She asks shyly, “Why does the spy fly in the sky?” E1.2.3. 1. hour [  ]\~ly [  ] 2. journey [  ] 3. young [  ] 4. youth [  ]\~ful 5. month [  ]\~ly [  ] 6. mouth [  ]\~ful 7. worth [  ] 8. worthless [  ] 9 worthy [  ] The four-hour journey is worth trying for you young youth. E1.2.4. 1. appear [  ] 2. appearance [  ] 3. disappear [  ]\~ance 4. pear [  ] 5. tear [  ] 6. tear [  ]\tore [  ]\torn [  ] 7. wear [  ]\wore [  ]\worn [  ] The torn wear and pears make tear appear in her eyes. E1.2.5. 1. bear [  ] 2. clear [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. clearness [  ] 4. dear [  ] 5. fear [  ] 6. fearful [  ]\fearless [  ] 7. year [  ]\~ly [  ] Oh, dear! This year I fear to clear the bear's room. E1.2.6. 1. ear [  ] 2. hear [  ]\~d [  ] 3. heart [  ] 4. near [  ] 5. nearby [  ] 6. nearly [  ] With my own ears I heard the fearful bear's heart beating nearby. E1.2.7. 1. already [  ] 2. bread [  ] 3. read [  ]\~ [  ] 4. ready [  ]\~-made [  ] 5. spread [  ]\~ 6. thread [  ] The reader already spread the ready-made bread on the thread. E1.2.8. 1. care [  ] 2. careful [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. careless [  ] 4. scare [  ] 5. scarf [  ] 6. dare [  ] 7. rare [  ]\~ly 8. square [  ] 9 stare [  ] The careful man dares not to stare at the rare square scarf that scared him. E1.2.9 1. accident [  ] 2. accidental [  ] 3. president [  ]\~ial 4. student [  ] 5. study [  ] 6. stupid [  ]\~ity The stupid student studied the president's accident. E1.3.0 1. any [  ] 2. many [  ] 3. Germany [  ] 4. German [  ] 5. term [  ] In Germany many students can study German in any term. E1.3.1. 1. are [  ]\were [  ] 2. area [  ] 3. share [  ] 4. spare [  ] 5. parent [  ]\~s 6. prepare [  ] 7. preparation [  ] 8. compare [  ] 9 declare [  ] My parents declare that they are prepared to compare the shared spare areas. E1.3.2. 1. angry [  ] 2. anger [  ] 3. danger [  ]\~ous [  ] 4. hang [  ]\hung [  ] 5. kangaroo [  ] 6. strange [  ]\~r [  ] 7. language [  ] “Hang the dangerous kangaroo!” the angry man said in a strange language. E1.3.3. 1. grand [  ] 2. grandparents [  ] 3. grandson [  ] 4. granddaughter [  ] 5. grandma [  ] 6. grandpa [  ] A grandson or granddaughter calls their grandparents grandma and grandpa. E1.3.4. 1. command [  ] 2. commander [  ] 3. demand [  ] 4. sand [  ]\~y [  ] 5. sandwich [  ] 6. thousand [  ] On the grand commander's demand, I made a thousand sandy sandwiches. E1.3.5. 1. other [  ] 2. otherwise [  ] 3. another [  ] 4. bother [  ] 5. brother [  ] 6. mother [  ]\~ly [  ] 7. grandmother [  ] 8. grandfather [  ] Otherwise mother would see grandmother and brother on another day. E1.3.6. 1. either [  ] 2. neither [  ] 3. together [  ]\~ with 4. altogether [  ] 5. get-together [  ] 6. whether [  ]\~ or no Altogether, whether it is good or bad, neither of us is going to either of the get-togethers. E1.3.7. 1. father [  ] 2. gather [  ]\~ing 3. rather [  ] 4. feather [  ] 5. weather [  ] Father gathered feathers for grandfather for this rather cold weather. E1.3.8. 1. oh [  ] 2. or [  ] 3. orange [  ] 4. arrange [  ]\~ment 5. change [  ] 6. exchange [  ] 7. charge [  ] 8. large [  ]\~ly Oh! Don't change the arrangement for me to be in charge of large orange exchanges. E1.3.9 1. alarm [  ] 2. arm [  ]\arms [  ] 3. army [  ] 4. farm [  ]\~er [  ] 5. harm [  ]\~ful\~less 6. warm [  ]\~th [  ] The army's alarm harmed the farmer's warm arms. E1.4.0 1. born [  ] 2. corn [  ] 3. corner [  ] 4. morning [  ] Boys born in the morning may have the corn in the corner. E1.4.1. 1. half [  ]\halve [  ] 2. hall [  ] 3. shall [  ]\should [  ] 4. tall [  ] 5. wall [  ] 6. valley [  ] 7. fall [  ]\fell [  ]\fallen [  ] The tall wall around half of the hall shall fall into the valley. E1.4.2. 1. all [  ] 2. calm [  ] 3. call [  ] 4. recall [  ] 5. ball [  ] 6. balloon [  ] 7. small [  ] All callers calmly recalled their falling from the small balloon. E1.4.3. 1. next [  ] 2. text [  ]\~book [  ] 3. book [  ] 4. bookshop [  ] 5. cook [  ]\~er [  ] 6. copy [  ]\~book 7. copper [  ]\~plate 8. hook [  ]\~ed 9 look [  ]\~out [  ] The next textbook and copybook are to be cooked in the copper cooker on the hook under my lookout. E1.4.4. 1. apart [  ] 2. department [  ] 3. part [  ]\~ly [  ] 4. part-time [  ]\~ job 5. particular [  ] 6. particularly [  ] 7. party [  ] Apart from a part-time job in the department, I got a full-time one while taking part in a particular party. E1.4.5. 1. empire [  ] 2. emperor [  ] 3. emphasis [  ]\emphasize 4. empty [  ] 5. temperature [  ] 6. temple [  ] I emphasized, “The emperor of the empty empire got a high temperature in the temple.” E1.4.6. 1. require [  ] 2. requirement [  ] 3. fire [  ] 4. fireman [  ] 5. fireplace [  ] 6. firm [  ]\~ness 7. firmly [  ] I require the fireman to make the fireplace firm. E1.4.7. 1. tire [  ]\tireless [  ] 2. tired [  ]\tiring [  ] 3. tyre,tire [  ] 4. entire [  ]\~ly 5. retire [  ]\~d 6. retirement [  ] The retired worker was tired when he repaired the entire tire. E1.4.8. 1. admire [  ]\admiration 2. desire [  ]\desirable 3. hire [  ]\~r 4. inspire [  ] 5. wire [  ]\~less The admirer is admitted to hire the wire she desires. E1.4.9 1. break [  ]\broke [  ]\broken [  ] 2. breakdown [  ] 3. breakfast [  ] 4. daybreak [  ] 5. speech [  ] 6. speak [  ]\spoke [  ]\spoken [  ] 7. English-speaking [  ] 8. weak [  ]\~en 9 weakness [  ] On the daybreak speech, the weak speaker broke the bowls for breakfast. E1.5.0 1. fun [  ]\~ny [  ] 2. gun [  ] 3. sun [  ]\~ny [  ] 4. sun-glasses [  ] 5. run [  ]\ran [  ]\run 6. ruin [  ]\~ous The gun ruined the runner's funny sun-glasses. E1.5.1. 1. class [  ] 2. classroom [  ] 3. classmate [  ] 4. glass [  ] 5. glass-topped [  ] 6. grass [  ] My classmates take class on a glass-topped grass. E1.5.2. 1. pass [  ] 2. message [  ] 3. passage [  ] 4. passenger [  ] 5. passer-by [  ]\passers-by [  ] A pass-by passed a passage of message to the passengers. E1.5.3. 1. brow [  ] 2. crowd [  ] 3. crowded [  ] 4. grow [  ]\grew [  ]\grown [  ] 5. row [  ] 6. throw [  ]\threw [  ]\thrown [  ] The arrow thrower grows a row of crowded brows. E1.5.4. 1. low [  ] 2. lower [  ] 3. below [  ] 4. blow [  ]\blew [  ]\blown [  ] 5. flow [  ] 6. flower [  ] 7. slow [  ]\~ly [  ] 8. plow,plough [  ] He blows slowly to the flowing flower below the low plow. E1.5.5. 1. allow [  ]\~ance [  ] 2. shallow [  ] 3. yellow [  ] 4. fellow [  ]\~ship 5. follow [  ]\~ing I allow the shallow yellow fellow to follow me. E1.5.6. 1. owe [  ]\owing to 2. own [  ] 3. owner [  ]\ownership [  ] 4. down [  ] 5. town [  ]\home~ [  ] 6. brown [  ] 7. crown [  ] The man who owes me money went down the town with the brown crown. E1.5.7. 1. now [  ] 2. snow [  ]\~y [  ] 3. know [  ]\knew [  ]\known [  ] 4. well-known [  ] 5. knowledge [  ] 6. edge [  ] Now I know how the snow comes on the knowledge edge. E1.5.8. 1. shade [  ] 2. shadow [  ]\~y [  ] 3. window [  ] 4. show [  ]\~ed\~n [  ] 5. shower [  ] 6. sow [  ] In the shadow of the window shade, I showed him how to sow in shower. E1.5.9 1. towel [  ] 2. tower [  ] 3. power [  ] 4. powerful [  ] 5. powder [  ] The powerful powder in the towel ruined the tower. E1.6.0 1. north [  ] 2. northern [  ]\~er [  ] 3. south [  ] 4. southern [  ] 5. east [  ] 6. eastern [  ] 7. west [  ] 8. western [  ]\~er The four directions are south, north, east and west. E1.6.1. 1. least [  ] 2. beast [  ] 3. northeast [  ] 4. northwest [  ] 5. southeast [  ] 6. southwest [  ] At least one beast ran northeast, and two southwest. E1.6.2. 1. sign [  ] 2. design [  ] 3. before [  ] 4. foreign [  ] 5. foreigner [  ] 6. forest [  ] In the forest the foreigner signed on the design. E1.6.3. 1. rest [  ] 2. restless [  ] 3. restaurant [  ] 4. interest [  ] 5. interested [  ] 6. interesting [  ] The restless foreigner has no interest in the rest of the restaurants. E1.6.4. 1. guess [  ] 2. guest [  ] 3. question [  ] 4. request [  ] 5. suggest [  ]\~ion 6. harvest [  ] 7. vest [  ] I guess the guest requested the harvester in vest to give suggestion on my question. E1.6.5. 1. heavy [  ] 2. heavily [  ] 3. heaven [  ]\~ly 4. weave [  ]\~r 5. leave [  ]\left [  ] 6. leaf [  ]\leaves [  ] 7. deaf [  ]\~en The deaf weaver leaves the leaves in the heavy heaven. E1.6.6. 1. hand [  ] 2. handbag [  ]\handful [  ] 3. handkerchief [  ] 4. handsome [  ] 5. handwriting [  ] 6. husband [  ] Her handsome husband's handwriting is left on a handkerchief in the handbag. E1.6.7. 1. noise [  ]\noisy 2. nose [  ] 3. rose [  ]\rosy 4. lose [  ]\lost [  ] 5. loser [  ] 6. close [  ]\[  ] 7. closely [  ] 8. closet [  ] In the closet the rose loser closed his nose so as not to make a noise. E1.6.8. 1. voice [  ] 2. choice [  ] 3. choose [  ]\chose [  ]\chosen [  ] 4. goose [  ]\geese [  ] 5. loose [  ] “Those good geese are chosen to let loose.” “Good choice!” a voice says. E1.6.9 1. creature [  ] 2. great [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. treat [  ]\~ment 4. threat [  ]\~en 5. repeat [  ] 6. repeatedly [  ] Don't treat the great creature with threat repeatedly. E1.7.0 1. eat [  ]\ate [  ]\eaten [  ] 2. meat [  ] 3. wheat [  ] 4. cheat [  ] 5. cheap [  ] 6. heap [  ] 7. heat [  ]\hot [  ] The cheats heated a heap of cheap wheat and ate it with meat. E1.7.1. 1. neat [  ]\~ness 2. seat [  ] 3. sweat [  ]\~y 4. sweater [  ] 5. theater,theatre [  ] In the hot theater the sweaty man put his neat sweater in a seat. E1.7.2. 1. beneath [  ] 2. breath [  ] 3. breathe [  ] 4. beat [  ]\~\~en [  ] 5. defeat [  ] The defeated cheat beneath my seat lost heartbeat and breath. E1.7.3. 1. drill [  ]\~er 2. hill [  ]\~y [  ] 3. silly [  ] 4. kill [  ] 5. skill [  ]\~ed 6. skil(l)ful [  ] The silly skilfully killed a skilled driller on the hill. E1.7.4. 1. still [  ]\~ness 2. until [  ],till [  ] 3. till [  ] 4. village [  ]\~r [  ] 5. will [  ]\would [  ] 6. willing [  ]\un~ [  ] The villagers will willingly keep the village still till tomorrow. E1.7.5. 1. crop [  ] 2. drop [  ] 3. mop [  ] 4. shop [  ]\~keeper 5. shopping [  ] 6. top [  ] 7. stop [  ] 8. step [  ] The shopkeeper stopped his steps on a hilltop and dropped a crop of mops. E1.7.6. 1. memory [  ] 2. member [  ]\~ship [  ] 3. remember [  ] 4. number [  ] 5. No. , number[  ] 6. numberless [  ] 7. umbrella [  ] The member has a good memory; he remembers the number of my umbrella. E1.7.7. 1. dream [  ]\~y 2. ice-cream 3. scream [  ] 4. team [  ]\~work 5. steam [  ] 6. stream [  ] Dreaming of the team member dropping into the steam stream, Ice-cream screamed. E1.7.8. 1. pocket [  ] 2. rock [  ]\~y [  ] 3. rocket [  ] 4. rocking [  ] 5. sock [  ] 6. stocking [  ] I took out the sock and stocking from the pocket and tied the rocket onto the rock. E1.7.9 1. block [  ] 2. clock [  ] 3. lock [  ]\un~ 4. o'clock [  ] 5. cock [  ] 6. knock [  ] At ten o'clock a block of rock knocked down the locked cock. E1.8.0 1. police [  ] 2. policeman [  ]\policemen 3. polite [  ]\~ly [  ] 4. political [  ] 5. politics [  ] The policeman took the politics textbook politely. E1.8.1. 1. camp [  ]\~er [  ] 2. campaign [  ] 3. champion [  ] 4. damp [  ] 5. lamp [  ] 6. stamp [  ]\~-collector On the damp camp the political campaign champion stamped my lamp. E1.8.2. 1. dark [  ]\~ness [  ] 2. mark [  ] 3. market [  ] 4. supermarket [  ] 5. remark [  ] 6. remarkable [  ] 7. park [  ]\~ing [  ] He remarked that the No Parking mark in the dark supermarket was remarkable. E1.8.3. 1. ash [  ]\~-tray 2. fashion [  ]\~able 3. splash [  ] 4. wash [  ] 5. washing [  ] 6. Washington [  ] Washington washed the fashionable ash-tray that was splashed with ash. E1.8.4. 1. door [  ]\doorway 2. doorway [  ] 3. doorbell [  ] 4. floor [  ] 5. indoor [  ]\~s 6. poor [  ] The poor doorbell fell on the indoor floor. E1.8.5. 1. neck [  ]\~lace [  ] 2. check [  ] 3. check-up [  ] 4. cheer [  ]\~ful [  ] 5. deer [  ] 6. pioneer [  ] The young pioneer checked the cheerful deer's neck. E1.8.6. 1. ache [  ] 2. stomach [  ] 3. stomachache [  ] 4. machine [  ] 5. machinery [  ] 6. magazine [  ] The Machinery Magazine made my stomach ache. E1.8.7. 1. imagine [  ] 2. imaginable [  ] 3. imagination [  ] 4. engine [  ] 5. engineer [  ] 6. engineering [  ] The engine engineer thinks it is imaginable. E1.8.8. 1. do [  ]\did [  ]\done [  ] 2. deed [  ] 3. indeed [  ] 4. need [  ] 5. seed [  ] 6. speed [  ]\~y [  ] 7. seek [  ] To seek the seeds needs speedy deed indeed. E1.8.9 1. necessary [  ] 2. necessarily [  ] 3. procession [  ] 4. success [  ] 5. successful [  ]\~ly [  ] 6. succeed [  ] I'll necessarily join the successful procession if I succeed. E1.90 1. bomb [  ] 2. climb [  ]\~er 3. comb [  ] 4. combine [  ] 5. tomb [  ] 6. atom [  ]\~ic I climbed up the tomb and combined the comb with the atom bomb. E1.91. 1. brush [  ] 2. bush [  ] 3. bushy [  ] 4. push [  ] 5. rush [  ] I pushed the bushy brush in a rush. E1.92. 1. smooth [  ] 2. tooth [  ]\teeth [  ] 3. toothbrush 4. toothpaste 5. too [  ] 6. zoo [  ] In the zoo I saw that smooth tooth too. E1.93. 1. both [  ] 2. cloth [  ]\~es [  ] 3. clothing [  ] 4. nothing [  ] 5. thing [  ] 6. anything [  ] They both have nothing but clothing. E1.94. 1. ease [  ] 2. easy [  ]\easily 3. disease [  ]\~d 4. increase [  ]\[  ] 5. decrease [  ]\[  ] 6. reason [  ] 7. reasonable [  ] 8. season [  ]\~al [  ] For reason of the season, some diseases easily increase and decrease. E1.95. 1. release [  ] 2. please [  ]\~d [  ] 3. pleasure [  ] 4. pleasant [  ]\un~ 5. peasant [  ] 6. measure [  ] 7. measurement [  ] 8. treasure [  ] Please release that pleasant peasant, who takes pleasure in measuring treasure. E1.96. 1. blood [  ] 2. bleed [  ]\bled [  ] 3. flood [  ] 4. food [  ] 5. feed [  ]\fed [  ] 6. good [  ]\better\best 7. goodbye [  ] 8. wood [  ]\~en [  ] In the flooded woods, I feed good food to the bleeding peasant. E1.97. 1. greet [  ]\~ing 2. meet [  ]\met [  ] 3. meeting [  ] 4. sheet [  ] 5. street [  ] 6. sweet [  ]\~en She met me in Sheet Street and greeted me with sweet smile. E1.98. 1. collect [  ]\~ion [  ] 2. elect [  ]\~ion 3. electric [  ] 4. electricity [  ] 5. lecture [  ]\~r 6. select [  ]\~ion By election, the lecturer is selected to collect electric wire. E1.99 1. expect [  ]\~ation 2. inspect [  ]\~ion 3. inspector [  ] 4. respect [  ] 5. respectable [  ] 6. disrespect [  ] I expect the respectable inspector to inspect. E2.00 1. affect [  ] 2. effect [  ] 3. effective [  ]\~ly [  ] 4. perfect [  ]\~ly 5. insect [  ] The perfect effect affects the insect inspector. E2.01. 1. architect [  ] 2. protect [  ]\~ion 3. object [  ] 4. object [  ]\~ion 5. reject [  ]\~ion 6. subject [  ] The architect protected the object from rejection. I object the subject. E2.02. 1. connect [  ] 2. connection [  ] 3. correct [  ] 4. correctly [  ] 5. direct [  ] 6. directly [  ] 7. direction [  ] Under my direct direction, the electric wire is correctly connected. E2.03. 1. knife [  ]\knives [  ] 2. wife [  ]\wives [  ] 3. life [  ]\lives [  ] 4. lifetime [  ]\lifeboat [  ] 5. live [  ]\~ly [  ] 6. live [  ]\living-room 7. living [  ] 8. alive [  ] His wife is alive; she lives a life by selling knives. E2.04. 1. arrive [  ] 2. arrival [  ] 3. dive [  ]\~r 4. drive [  ]\drove [  ]\driven [  ] 5. driver [  ] 6. river [  ] When the diver arrived at the river, the driver is still alive. E2.05. 1. give [  ]\gave [  ]\given [  ] 2. gift [  ] 3. gifted [  ] 4. lift [  ] 5. left [  ] In the left lift I give a gift to the gifted girl. E2.06. 1. act [  ] 2. action [  ] 3. active [  ] 4. activity [  ] 5. actor [  ]\actress [  ] 6. actual [  ]\~ly Actually the actors and actresses acted actively in the activity. E2.07. 1. exact [  ]\~ly 2. fact [  ]\factor [  ] 3. factory [  ] 4. satisfactory [  ] 5. satisfaction [  ] 6. satisfy [  ] 7. sacrifice [  ] In exact fact, the factory gave a satisfactory sacrifice. E2.08. 1. character [  ] 2. practical [  ] 3. practically [  ] 4. practice [  ] 5. practise [  ] 6. tractor [  ] A tractor has practical characters to the farmer's practice. E2.09 1. back [  ] 2. backache [  ] 3. backward [  ]\~s 4. black [  ] 5. blackboard [  ] 6. blacksmith [  ] The blacksmith went backwards with a blackboard on his back. E2.1.0 1. jacket [  ] 2. pack [  ]\~ed 3. package [  ] 4. track [  ] 5. attack [  ]\~er On a track the attackers found a package packed with jackets. E2.1.1. 1. horse [  ]\~back [  ] 2. worse [  ]\~n [  ] 3. worst [  ] 4. worship [  ]\~er 5. war [  ]\~ship [  ]\~-horse 6. warn [  ]\~ing On the warship the worshiper is warned not to ride the worst war-horse. E2.1.2. 1. board [  ] 2. aboard [  ] 3. card [  ]\~board [  ] 4. yard [  ] 5. pardon [  ] 6. Paris [  ] In Paris I pardoned him for putting a yard of cardboard aboard. E2.1.3. 1. regret [  ]\~ful 2. set [  ]\set 3. upset [  ] 4. alphabet [  ] 5. yet [  ] He has no regret at upsetting sets of alphabet cards yet. E2.1.4. 1. face [  ] 2. surface [  ] 3. race [  ] 4. race-horse [  ]\horse-race [  ] 5. pace [  ] I'd to face a surface fact that his race-horse set the pace on the horse-race. E2.1.5. 1. peace [  ] 2. peaceful [  ] 3. palace [  ] 4. place [  ]\take ~ 5. space [  ] 6. spaceship [  ] The spaceship is placed in the peaceful space palace. E2.1.6. 1. daughter [  ] 2. laugh [  ]\~ter 3. naughty [  ] 4. because [  ] 5. cause [  ] 6. pause [  ] My naughty daughter's laughter paused because of this cause. E2.1.7. 1. amuse [  ] 2. amusement [  ]\amusing [  ] 3. museum [  ] 4. music [  ]\~al [  ] 5. musician [  ] In the museum the musician was amused by the amusing music. E2.1.8. 1. refuse [  ] 2. refusal [  ] 3. usual [  ] 4. usually [  ] 5. unusual [  ] 6. USA [  ](United States of America) In the USA, it's unusual to refuse this excuse. E2.1.9 1. dust [  ]\~y 2. duster [  ]\dustbin [  ] 3. industry [  ]\industrial [  ] 4. locust [  ] 5. must [  ] 6. mustn't [  ] You mustn't put locusts in the industrial dustbin. E2.2.0 1. judge [  ] 2. judgement [  ] 3. just [  ] 4. just [  ]\un~ [  ] 5. thrust [  ] 6. trust [  ]\~ful Just now the judge trusted my just judgement on the thrust. E2.2.1. 1. goal [  ]\~keeper [  ] 2. coal [  ]\~ mine 3. coast [  ]\~line 4. roast [  ] 5. toast [  ] On the coast the goalkeeper uses the coal to roast toast. E2.2.2. 1. boat [  ]\~ing 2. float [  ] 3. goat [  ] 4. throat [  ] 5. coat [  ]\over~ On the floating boat the goalkeeper in overcoat cut the goat's throat. E2.2.3. 1. governor [  ] 2. government [  ] 3. over [  ] 4. overhead [  ] 5. poverty [  ] 6. cover [  ]\un~ 7. discover [  ]\~y 8. recover [  ]\~y [  ] Opening the overhead cover, the government discovers the recovered governor in poverty. E2.2.4. 1. above [  ] 2. glove [  ] 3. love [  ]\~r 4. lovely [  ] 5. movie [  ]\~s 6. move [  ]\~ment 7. stove [  ] The movie lover moved the gloves above the stove. E2.2.5. 1. remove [  ] 2. removal [  ] 3. improve [  ] 4. improvement [  ] 5. prove [  ] 6. proof [  ] The proof proves that the stove is improved a lot. E2.2.6. 1. take [  ]\took [  ]\taken [  ] 2. mistake [  ]\mistook\mistaken 3. make [  ]\made [  ] 4. man-made [  ] 5. lake [  ] I take the making of the man-made lake to be a mistake. E2.2.7. 1. ankle [  ] 2. bank [  ]\~er [  ] 3. blanket [  ] 4. rank [  ] 5. thank [  ]\~ful\~s 6. than [  ] The thankful banker put a first rank blanket around my ankles. E2.2.8. 1. erase [  ] 2. eraser [  ] 3. phrase [  ] 4. vase [  ] 5. base [  ] 6. basin [  ] Erase the phrase on the base of the vase in the basin! E2.2.9 1. ask [  ] 2. basket [  ] 3. basketball [  ]\~er 4. mask [  ] 5. task [  ] I ask the basketballer in mask to do the task. E2.3.0 1. energy [  ] 2. general [  ] 3. generally [  ] 4. several [  ] 5. gentle [  ]\~ness 6. gentleman [  ]\gentlemen [  ] 7. gently [  ] Several generals and gentlemen are full of energy. E2.3.1. 1. astronaut [  ] 2. beautiful [  ]\~ly 3. beauty [  ] 4. author [  ] 5. autumn [  ] 6. column [  ]\~ist In the autumn the astronaut read the beautiful author's colorful column. E2.3.2. 1. motor [  ] 2. motorcycle [  ] 3. motorbike [  ] 4. motorcar [  ] 5. photo [  ]\~s 6. photograph [  ]\~y [  ] These are the photos of the motorbike, motorcycle and motorcar. E2.3.3. 1. cost [  ]\cost 2. most [  ]\~ly 3. almost [  ] 4. post [  ] 5. post-office [  ] 6. postage [  ] 7. postcard [  ] 8. postman [  ] The postage for postcards almost cost most of my money. E2.3.4. 1. garden [  ]\~er [  ] 2. regard [  ]\dis~ 3. guard [  ] 4. harbo(u)r [  ] 5. hard [  ]\~en [  ]\~working [  ] 6. hardly [  ] The hardworking gardener hardly regards the harbor guard. E2.3.5. 1. boss [  ] 2. cross [  ]\~ing 3. across [  ] 4. possess [  ]\~ion 5. possible [  ]\possibly 6. impossible [  ] The cross is possibly possessed by the boss. E2.3.6. 1. branch [  ]\~y 2. broad [  ]\~en 3. broadcast [  ] 4. road [  ]\~side 5. crossroad [  ] From the broadcast I know that the broad road has many crossroads and branches. E2.3.7. 1. brick [  ] 2. trick [  ] 3. kick [  ] 4. ticket [  ] 5. thick [  ]\~en [  ] 6. thickness [  ] 7. thin [  ]\~ness [  ] I tricked him into kicking the thin ticket onto the thick brick. E2.3.8. 1. each [  ] 2. beach [  ] 3. reach [  ] 4. teach [  ]\taught [  ] 5. tea [  ]\~cup\~pot 6. technology [  ] 7. technical [  ] 8. technique [  ] After reaching the beach, the teacher taught each of us the technique of making teapot. E2.3.9 1. bath [  ] 2. bathe [  ] 3. bathing [  ]\~ suit 4. bathroom [  ]\bathtub [  ] 5. math(ematics) [  ] 6. path [  ]\~finder The pathfinder found the math teacher's bathing suit in the bathroom. E2.4.0 1. comfort [  ] 2. discomfort [  ] 3. comfortable [  ] 4. uncomfortable [  ] 5. effort [  ] 6. fortunate [  ]\un~ 7. fortunately [  ]\un~ Unfortunately, my efforts made him uncomfortable. E2.4.1. 1. coin [  ] 2. join [  ]\~t 3. point [  ]\~ed 4. appoint [  ]\~ment 5. disappoint [  ] 6. disappointed [  ]\disappointing [  ] The coin maker pointed out that he joined the disappointing appointment. E2.4.2. 1. short [  ] 2. shorten [  ] 3. shortcoming [  ] 4. shortly [  ] 5. shorts [  ] 6. tortoise [  ] 7. sort [  ] The tortoise in shorts shortly pointed out this sort of shortcomings. E2.4.3. 1. sorry [  ] 2. worry [  ] 3. worried [  ] 4. porridge [  ] 5. bridge [  ] 6. fridge [  ] Sorry, I worry about the porridge in the fridge under the bridge. E2.4.4. 1. cemetery [  ] 2. meter, metre [  ] 3. kilometre, kilometer [  ] 4. kilo [  ] 5. kilogram [  ] The ten-kilogram tortoise is a kilometer away from the cemetery. E2.4.5. 1. grammar [  ] 2. program [  ] 3. dress [  ] 4. address [  ] 5. progress [  ] 6. professor [  ] While the grammar program was in progress, the professor wrote my address on her dress. E2.4.6. 1. press [  ] 2. pressure [  ] 3. express [  ] 4. expression [  ] 5. impress [  ] 6. impression [  ] 7. impressive [  ] The expression expresses that he is impressed by the pressure from the press. E2.4.7. 1. anybody [  ] 2. body [  ] 3. everybody [  ], everyone 4. nobody [  ] 5. somebody [  ], someone [  ] “Has anybody seen the nobody's body?” Somebody asks. E2.4.8. 1. day [  ] 2. today [  ] 3. holiday [  ] 4. gay [  ] 5. hay [  ] 6. lay [  ] 7. delay [  ] 8. play [  ] 9 player [  ] Today is holiday, the gay players delay laying hay. E2.4.9 1. way [  ]\any~ 2. away [  ] 3. always [  ] 4. may [  ]\might [  ] 5. May [  ] 6. maybe [  ] 7. mayor [  ] Maybe the mayor may say in such a way: Spring always goes away with May. E2.5.0 1. Arctic [  ] 2. Antarctic [  ]\~a [  ] 3. Atlantic [  ] 4. elephant [  ] 5. plant [  ] 6. plantation [  ] The elephants came across the Atlantic to the Antarctic plantation. E2.5.1. 1. ant [  ] 2. want [  ] 3. giant [  ] 4. Belgian [  ] 5. pianist [  ] 6. piano [  ] The Belgian giant ants want the pianist's piano. E2.5.2. 1. constant [  ]\~ly 2. distant [  ] 3. distance [  ] 4. instance [  ] 5. instant [  ] 6. substance [  ] “In substance, the distance is constant,” the teacher gave an instance instantly. E2.5.3. 1. assist [  ] 2. assistant [  ] 3. insist [  ] 4. resist [  ] 5. resistance [  ] 6. sister [  ]\~-in-law [  ] My sister-in-law insists that my assistant should resist. E2.5.4. 1. accept [  ]\~ance 2. except [  ] 3. reception [  ]\~ist 4. receive [  ] 5. receiver [  ] 6. ceiling [  ] The receptionist accepted all except the receiver on the ceiling. E2.5.5. 1. form [  ] 2. information [  ] 3. perform [  ]\~er 4. performance [  ] 5. uniform [  ] 6. worm [  ]\earth~\book~ 7. normal [  ]\~ly [  ] 8. storm [  ]\~y [  ] Normally, the worms' performance in uniform form gives us information on storm. E2.5.6. 1. milk [  ]\~y [  ] 2. silver [  ] 3. silvery [  ] 4. silly [  ] 5. silk [  ]\~y [  ] 6. silkworm [  ] The silly put a silvery silkworm in the milk. E2.5.7. 1. advance [  ] 2. advanced [  ] 3. balance [  ] 4. chance [  ]\by ~ 5. dance [  ]\dancer 6. France [  ] 7. French [  ]\~man With her advance in advanced dance, the French dancer can balance herself by chance. E2.5.8. 1. atmosphere [  ] 2. here [  ] 3. there [  ] 4. therefore [  ] 5. where [  ]\~ver 6. anywhere [  ]\somewhere [  ] 7. everywhere [  ] ...therefore, there's atmosphere here, there and everywhere. E2.5.9 1. recite [  ] 2. excite [  ]\~ment 3. exciting [  ]\excited [  ] 4. excellence [  ] 5. excellent [  ] The excited excellent student recited the exciting excellences of the lady. E2.6.0 1. celebrate [  ] 2. celebration [  ] 3. liberate [  ]\liberty [  ] 4. liberation [  ] 5. operate [  ] 6. operation\operator [  ] 7. rate [  ]\at any ~ 8. separate [  ] 9 separation [  ] At any rate, the operators will celebrate their liberation separately. E2.6.1. 1. calculate [  ] 2. calculation [  ] 3. congratulate [  ] 4. congratulation [  ] 5. chocolate [  ] 6. plate [  ] I congratulate myself on having calculated the cost of the chocolate plates. E2.6.2. 1. late [  ] 2. latest [  ] 3. later [  ] 4. lately [  ] 5. translate [  ] 6. translation [  ] 7. translator [  ] Later the translator gave me his latest translation. E2.6.3. 1. relate [  ] 2. relation [  ] 3. relationship [  ] 4. relative [  ] 5. relatively [  ] 6. relax [  ] He related that he relaxed the relationship with his relatives lately. E2.6.4. 1. composition [  ] 2. opposite [  ] 3. position [  ] 4. expose [  ]\exposure 5. purpose [  ] 6. suppose [  ] The composition exposed his purpose, I suppose from an opposite position. E2.6.5. 1. radio [  ]\~s 2. comrade [  ] 3. grade [  ] 4. gradual [  ]\~ly 5. graduate [  ]\[  ] 6. graduation [  ] 7. trade [  ]\~mark The graduate gradually graded the radio trademarks for my comrade. E2.6.6. 1. skate [  ] 2. skating [  ] 3. educate [  ]\educator 4. education [  ]\~al [  ] 5. appreciation [  ] 6. appreciate [  ] 7. immediate [  ]\~ly I immediately appreciated the educator's education on skating. E2.6.7. 1. satellite [  ] 2. station [  ] 3. state [  ]\~ment [  ] 4. state [  ] 5. statesman [  ] 6. hesitate [  ] At the radio station the statesman hesitated to state the state of the satellite. E2.6.8. 1. behavio(u)r [  ] 2. behave [  ] 3. have [  ]\had [  ] 4. has [  ]\had [  ] 5. shave [  ]\~r 6. sharp [  ]\~en 7. brave [  ]\~ry 8. travel [  ]\~(l)er [  ] With a sharp shaver in his hand, the traveller behaved bravely. E2.6.9 1. cave [  ]\~man 2. wave [  ] 3. safe [  ]\~ly 4. safety [  ] 5. save [  ]\savings 6. slave [  ] 7. slavery [  ] The caveman waved his hand to the safely saved slave. E2.7.0 1. idea [  ] 2. wide [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. ride [  ]\rode [  ]\ridden [  ] 4. hide [  ]\hid [  ]\hidden [  ] 5. slide [  ] The rider has an idea of hiding under the wide slide. E2.7.1. 1. absence [  ] 2. absent [  ]\~-minded 3. present [  ]\~ly 4. represent [  ] 5. representative [  ] 6. sentence [  ] Presently the sentence represents the absent representative's idea. E2.7.2. 1. end [  ] 2. ending [  ] 3. endless [  ] 4. friend [  ]\~ly [  ] 5. friendship [  ] In the end, the friends ended their friendship. E2.7.3. 1. Monday [  ] 2. Tuesday [  ] 3. Wednesday [  ] 4. Thursday [  ] 5. Friday [  ] 6. Saturday [  ] 7. Sunday [  ] 8. week [  ]\~ly 9 weekday [  ]\weekend [  ] Monday through Friday are weekdays, Saturday and Sunday are weekend. E2.7.4. 1. depend [  ]\~ence 2. independent [  ]\~ly 3. splendid [  ] 4. spend [  ]\spent [  ] 5. expensive [  ] I spent a splendid expensive weekend independently. E2.7.5. 1. attention [  ] 2. attentive [  ]\~ly 3. attend [  ] 4. intend [  ] 5. pretend [  ] 6. tend [  ]\~ency I intend to attend and pretend to pay attention to the tendency. E2.7.6. 1. fence [  ] 2. defence, defense [  ] 3. defend [  ] 4. sense [  ] 5. nonsense [  ] 6. tense [  ] It's a big nonsense to depend on the tense fence for defence. E2.7.7. 1. bend [  ]\bent [  ] 2. lend [  ]\lent [  ] 3. lender [  ] 4. mend [  ]\~er 5. send [  ]\sent [  ] 6. sender [  ] I mended the bend and sent it to the lender. E2.7.8. 1. spot [  ]\~less 2. pot [  ] 3. potato [  ]\~es 4. tomato [  ]\~es 5. tobacco [  ] The tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes are put in the spotless pot. E2.7.9 1. white [  ] 2. write [  ]\wrote [  ]\written [  ] 3. type [  ]\~writer [  ] 4. typist [  ] 5. bite [  ]\bit [  ]\bit, bitten [  ] 6. invite [  ] 7. invitation [  ] 8. spite [  ]\in ~ of 9 kite [  ] In spite of being bitten by the writer, the typist invited him to fly white kites. E2.8.0 1. letter [  ] 2. better [  ]\best [  ] 3. bitter [  ]\~ness 4. butter [  ] 5. matter [  ] 6. material [  ] I wrote a better letter about the bitter butter matter. E2.8.1. 1. discuss [  ]\~ion 2. biscuit [  ] 3. suit [  ] 4. suitable [  ] 5. fruit [  ]\~ful [  ] 6. juice [  ]\juicy [  ] “The fruit juice is suitable for making biscuits,” in the discussion I said. E2.8.2. 1. quite [  ] 2. quiet [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. equip [  ] 4. equipment [  ] 5. liquid [  ] The liquid runs quite quietly in the equipment. E2.8.3. 1. Africa [  ] 2. African [  ] 3. America [  ] 4. American [  ] 5. A.M., AM, a.m., am [  ] 6. P.M., PM, p.m., pm [  ]\7.:00pm 7. am [  ]\was [  ] When I am in America at 7.:00a.m., it's 3.:00p.m. somewhere in Africa. E2.8.4. 1. game [  ] 2. name [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. famous [  ] 4. family [  ]\~ name 5. familiar [  ] 6. peculiar [  ]\~ly The game player is peculiarly familiar with the famous family name. E2.8.5. 1. last [  ] 2. lasting [  ] 3. blast [  ] 4. fast [  ]\~en [  ] 5. past [  ] 6. cast [  ]\~ 7. castle [  ] The last fast blast ruined the cast castle at half past six. E2.8.6. 1. plastic [  ]\~s 2. disaster [  ] 3. dynasty [  ] 4. master [  ] 5. taste [  ] 6. waste [  ] The master tasted the waste plastics which made a disaster to the dynasty. E2.8.7. 1. side [  ]\~-road [  ] 2. aside [  ] 3. beside [  ] 4. besides [  ] 5. inside [  ] 6. outside [  ] 7. consider [  ]\~ation ...besides, both sides of inside and outside are considered. E2.8.8. 1. province [  ]\provincial 2. provide [  ]\~d 3. divide [  ] 4. video [  ] 5. guide [  ] 6. decide [  ] 7. decision [  ] The guide decided to divide the video sets provided by the province. E2.8.9 1. experience [  ]\~d 2. experiment [  ]\~al 3. expert [  ] 4. concert [  ] 5. desert [  ] 6. fertilize [  ] 7. fertilizer [  ] The fertilizer expert expects to experience the experiment on desert after the concert. E2.90 1. even [  ] 2. eve [  ] 3. evening [  ] 4. event [  ] 5. prevent [  ]\~ion 6. adventure [  ] 7. invent [  ]\~ion 8. inventor [  ] Even the evening event can't prevent the inventor from adventuring. E2.91. 1. ever [  ]\for ~ 2. forever [  ] 3. never [  ] 4. fever [  ]\~ish 5. clever [  ] 6. very [  ] 7. every [  ] 8. everything [  ] Everyone thinks that the feverish boy is very clever; but it's never so forever. E2.92. 1. B.C., BC (Before Christ) 2. Christmas [  ]\~ Eve 3. wrist [  ]\~watch 4. waist [  ]\~coat 5. wait [  ]\~er [  ]\~ress [  ] 6. waiting-room [  ] On the Christmas Eve in the waiting-room the waiter found in a waistcoat a wristwatch made in 1.00BC. E2.93. 1. not [  ] 2. notice [  ] 3. note [  ]\~book 4. vote [  ]\~r 5. devote [  ]\~d 6. hotel [  ] 7. hot [  ]\heat [  ] 8. shot [  ] The devoted voter did not note the notice of shot in the hot hotel. E2.94. 1. dictation [  ] 2. dictionary [  ] 3. picture [  ] 4. strict [  ]\~ly 5. restrict [  ] 6. district [  ] In dictation, dictionaries with pictures are strictly restricted to use in one district. E2.95. 1. agricultural [  ] 2. agriculture [  ] 3. difficult [  ]\~y 4. fault [  ]\faulty 5. result [  ] My fault resulted in difficulty in agriculture. E2.96. 1. dirt [  ]\~y 2. shirt [  ] 3. skirt [  ] 4. virtue [  ] 5. girl [  ]\~friend 6. sir [  ] 7. thirst [  ]\~y [  ] Sir, the girl in dirty shirt and skirt is thirsty for your virtues. E2.97. 1. for [  ] 2. forbid [  ]\~den 3. force [  ] 4. forget [  ]\forgot [  ]\forgotten [  ] 5. folk [  ] 6. fork [  ] 7. pork [  ] 8. work [  ]\~er [  ] “Some folk forget that forks are forbidden to be forced into pork,” the worker said. E2.98. 1. school [  ]\~master [  ] 2. schoolbag [  ] 3. schoolboy [  ] 4. schoolgirl [  ] 5. wool [  ]\~en [  ] 6. wolf [  ] A wolf with woolen schoolbag plays with schoolboys and schoolgirls. E2.99 1. finish [  ] 2. punish [  ]\~ment 3. Spanish [  ] 4. dish [  ] 5. fish [  ]\~erman [  ] 6. wish [  ] I wish to punish the Spanish fisherman who finished a dish of fish. E3.00 1. club [  ] 2. public [  ]\~ly [  ] 3. publish [  ]\~er 4. republic [  ]\~an 5. rub [  ]\~ber 6. rubbish [  ] 7. suburb [  ]\~an In a suburb club the Republican publicly published a report on rubber rubbish. E3.01. 1. pole [  ] 2. holiday [  ] 3. hole [  ] 4. whole [  ]\wholly 5. who [  ] 6. whom [  ] 7. whose [  ] Who made the whole hole in the pole on the holiday? E3.02. 1. list [  ] 2. listen [  ]\~er 3. whistle [  ] 4. whisper [  ] 5. while [  ] The men on the list listened to the whispering whistle a while. E3.03. 1. out [  ] 2. outer [  ]\~most 3. about [  ] 4. shout [  ] 5. shoulder [  ]\~-strap 6. route [  ] The shouter with shoulder-straps is on the route to the outer space. E3.04. 1. minute [  ]\[  ] 2. compute [  ]\~r 3. company [  ] 4. accompany [  ] 5. companion [  ] 6. complete [  ] 7. completely [  ] 8. completion [  ] By computer my companion completed comparing the two companies in minutes. E3.05. 1. doctor [  ] 2. Dr., Dr [  ] 3. doll [  ] 4. dollar [  ] 5. roll [  ] 6. volleyball [  ] The doctor's one-dollar doll can roll like volleyball. E3.06. 1. duck [  ] 2. luck [  ]\~y 3. lucky [  ]\luckily [  ] 4. suck [  ] 5. truck [  ] 6. trunk [  ] The trunk fell from a truck to the lucky sucking duck's side. E3.07. 1. equal [  ]\~ly [  ] 2. equator [  ] 3. quantity [  ] 4. quarrel [  ]\~some 5. quality [  ] 6. quarter [  ]\~s 7. quarterly [  ] I quarreled that the quality and quantity of the quarters on the equator are equally important. E3.08. 1. rise [  ]\rose [  ]\risen [  ] 2. arise [  ]\arose [  ]\arisen [  ] 3. surprise [  ] 4. surprised [  ]\surprising [  ] 5. raise [  ] 6. praise [  ] His surprising rise arises from the raiser's praise. E3.09 1. advice [  ] 2. advise [  ] 3. exercise [  ] 4. promise [  ]\promising 5. promising [  ] 6. wise [  ]\un~ The wise man promised to advise me on exercise. E3.1.0 1. ice [  ]\icy [  ] 2. nice [  ] 3. rice [  ] 4. price [  ] 5. prize [  ] 6. seize [  ] 7. size [  ] Seize the big-sized prize! The iced rice is nice and the price is low. E3.1.1. 1. nervous [  ] 2. observe [  ]\~r 3. servant [  ] 4. serve [  ]\service [  ] 5. serious [  ]\~ly [  ] 6. seriousness [  ] 7. period [  ] During that period, the serious servant served the nervous observer. E3.1.2. 1. free [  ]\~ly [  ] 2. freedom [  ] 3. freeze [  ]\froze [  ]\frozen [  ] 4. freezing [  ] 5. tree [  ]\family ~ 6. agree [  ]\~ment [  ] 7. disagree [  ]\~ment 8. degree [  ] I agree to freely freeze the tree at low degree. E3.1.3. 1. exist [  ] 2. existence [  ] 3. existing [  ] 4. exit [  ] 5. Mexican [  ] 6. Mexico [  ] After the exit, the Mexican no longer exists. E3.1.4. 1. child [  ]\children [  ] 2. childhood [  ] 3. childish [  ] 4. build [  ]\built [  ] 5. building [  ] 6. rebuild [  ]\rebuilt [  ] 7. wild [  ]\~ly The wild children are building a building. E3.1.5. 1. view [  ] 2. review [  ] 3. new [  ]\~s 4. news [  ] 5. newspaper [  ] 6. few [  ] 7. jewel [  ]\~er\~ry 8. sew [  ] In my view, you should review a few of jewels sewed on the new clothes. E3.1.6. 1. old [  ]\~-fashioned [  ] 2. elder [  ]\eldest [  ] 3. field [  ] 4. seldom [  ] 5. modest [  ]\~y 6. model [  ] 7. modern [  ]\~ize [  ] The modest elder seldom modernizes the old-fashioned models in the field. E3.1.7. 1. alone [  ] 2. lonely [  ] 3. loneliness [  ] 4. one [  ] 5. oneself [  ] 6. anyone [  ] 7. none [  ] 8. once [  ]\at ~ Once none of us is with the lonely man, he'll live alone. E3.1.8. 1. phone [  ] 2. telephone [  ] 3. only [  ] 4. honest [  ] 5. honesty [  ] Only the honest can use the phone of the telephone. E3.1.9 1. bone [  ] 2. tone [  ] 3. stone [  ] 4. astonish [  ] 5. astonishing [  ] I'm astonished at the tone of the stone and bone. E3.2.0 1. battle [  ] 2. cattle [  ] 3. bottle [  ] 4. little [  ] 5. settle [  ]\~ment 6. settler [  ] The settler settled the cattle battle with little bottles. E3.2.1. 1. beg [  ]\beggar [  ] 2. begin [  ]\began [  ]\begun [  ] 3. beginning [  ]\beginner [  ] 4. egg [  ] 5. leg [  ] 6. college [  ] 7. Negro [  ]\~es The one-legged Negro began to beg eggs in the college. E3.2.2. 1. level [  ] 2. develop [  ]\~er [  ] 3. development [  ] 4. envelope [  ] 5. slope [  ] 6. telescope [  ] The sloping telescope on the envelope represents its development level. E3.2.3. 1. people [  ] 2. apple [  ] 3. happy [  ]\happily [  ] 4. happiness [  ] 5. happen [  ] 6. perhaps [  ] Perhaps the apples may happen to fall on the happy people's heads. E3.2.4. 1. hope [  ]\~ful\~less 2. proper [  ]\im~ 3. properly [  ] 4. property [  ] 5. rope [  ] 6. Europe [  ] 7. European [  ] In Europe, rope is improper property to hopeless people. E3.2.5. 1. bring [  ]\brought [  ] 2. during [  ] 3. ring [  ]\rang [  ]\rung [  ] 4. spring [  ]\~time [  ] 5. string [  ] Bring me a string of rings that rings during springtime. E3.2.6. 1. sugar [  ]\~cane\cane~ 2. huge [  ] 3. bug [  ] 4. plug [  ] 5. ugly [  ]\ugliness The huge ugly bugs struggle to eat the sugar on the plug. E3.2.7. 1. telegram [  ] 2. telegraph [  ] 3. geographical [  ] 4. geography [  ] 5. surgeon [  ] 6. pigeon [  ] 7. urge [  ] The pigeon raiser urged the surgeon to study geography by telegraph. E3.2.8. 1. reduce [  ]\reducible 2. introduce [  ] 3. introduction [  ] 4. produce [  ]\~r [  ] 5. product [  ] 6. conduct [  ] 7. conductor [  ] The conductor reduced the producer's product introduction. E3.2.9 1. continent [  ] 2. continue [  ] 3. contrary [  ] 4. control [  ]\~ler 5. don't [  ] 6. front [  ] On the contrary, they continue to control the continent front, don't they? E3.3.0 1. crawl [  ] 2. draw [  ]\drew [  ]\drawn [  ] 3. drawing [  ] 4. drawer [  ] 5. drawer [  ] The drawer crawled to the drawer and drew a drawing on it. E3.3.1. 1. raw [  ] 2. straw [  ] 3. strawberry [  ] 4. law [  ] 5. lawyer [  ] In the straw the lawyer found some raw strawberries. E3.3.2. 1. escape [  ] 2. grape [  ] 3. paper [  ] 4. shape [  ]\~less 5. tape [  ] The escaping man taped the paper into grape shape. E3.3.3. 1. car [  ] 2. carpet [  ] 3. carriage [  ] 4. carry [  ] 5. hurry [  ] The carriage carried the carpet onto a car in a hurry. E3.3.4. 1. marry [  ] 2. married [  ]\un~ [  ] 3. marriage [  ] 4. merry [  ] 5. mercy [  ]\merciful The merciful merry man married an unmarried woman. E3.3.5. 1. bed [  ]\~room [  ] 2. red [  ]\~den [  ] 3. hundred [  ] 4. thunder [  ] 5. under [  ] Under the thunder, hundreds of red beds are destroyed. E3.3.6. 1. kiss [  ] 2. Miss [  ] 3. miss [  ]\~ing 4. dismiss [  ]\~al 5. permission [  ] 6. permit [  ] 7. mirror [  ] By permission, the dismissed man kissed Miss Bliss and gave her the missing mirror. E3.3.7. 1. pea [  ] 2. tea [  ]\~cup\~pot 3. sea [  ] 4. seaman [  ]\seashore [  ] 5. seagull [  ] 6. gulf [  ] The seaman fed tea and peas to the seagulls in the gulf. E3.3.8. 1. shore [  ]\a~ 2. store [  ]\~house [  ] 3. storey [  ] 4. score [  ] 5. more [  ] 6. moral [  ]\im~ The story about the two-storeyed storehouse on the shore got more moral score. E3.3.9 1. bottom [  ] 2. cottage [  ] 3. cotton [  ] 4. mutton [  ] 5. mud [  ]\~dy 6. much [  ] Much muddy mutton is hidden at the bottom of the cotton in the cottage. E3.4.0 1. proof [  ]\water~ 2. roof [  ] 3. room [  ] 4. broom [  ] 5. bloom [  ] Brooms bloom on the waterproof room roof. E3.4.1. 1. monitor [  ] 2. common [  ] 3. uncommon [  ] 4. communist [  ] 5. communism [  ] 6. committee [  ] The monitor joined an uncommon communist committee. E3.4.2. 1. unit [  ] 2. unite [  ] 3. united [  ] 4. union [  ] 5. universe [  ] 6. university [  ] The United Universe University is a union of many units. E3.4.3. 1. nature [  ] 2. natural [  ]\~ly 3. unnatural [  ] 4. native [  ] 5. nation [  ]\~al [  ] 6. international [  ] 7. interrupt [  ]\~ion Naturally, the natives of the nation wish the international talk to be interrupted. E3.4.4. 1. dog [  ] 2. fog [  ]\~gy [  ] 3. smog [  ] 4. frog [  ] 5. from [  ] In the foggy smog the frog escaped from the dog's mouth. E3.4.5. 1. dialog(ue) [  ] 2. apologize [  ] 3. apology [  ] 4. biology [  ] 5. biologist [  ] From their dialog I know the biologist apologized. E3.4.6. 1. debt [  ]\~or 2. doubt [  ]\~ful 3. double [  ] 4. trouble [  ]\~some [  ] 5. troop [  ] No doubt, the debt gets the debtor into double troubles in the troop. E3.4.7. 1. citizen [  ] 2. pity [  ] 3. city [  ] 4. civil [  ] 5. critic [  ]\~ize 6. critical [  ] It's a pity to the city that the citizens criticize its critical civil law. E3.4.8. 1. Marxism [  ] 2. society [  ] 3. socialism [  ] 4. socialist [  ] 5. special [  ]\~ly 6. especial [  ]\~ly 7. imperial [  ] 8. imperialism [  ] Marxism is good for societies, especially for special imperial ones. E3.4.9 1. split [  ] 2. bit [  ] 3. rabbit [  ] 4. habit [  ] 5. habitual [  ] 6. exhibition [  ] On the exhibition the rabbit habitually splits its hair bit by bit. E3.5.0 1. fit [  ] 2. unfit [  ] 3. benefit [  ] 4. hit [  ]\~ 5. admit [  ] 6. limit [  ]\~ed 7. limitation [  ] I admit that limiting benefits is an unfit hit on her. E3.5.1. 1. arithmetic [  ] 2. with [  ] 3. within [  ] 4. without [  ] 5. faith [  ] 6. faithful [  ] I completed the arithmetic within minutes without faith. E3.5.2. 1. difference [  ] 2. different [  ] 3. suffer [  ]\~ing 4. refer [  ]\~ence 5. prefer [  ]\~able 6. pretty [  ] The pretty girl prefers the reference book about different suffering. E3.5.3. 1. fine [  ] 2. pine [  ] 3. shine [  ]\shone [  ] 4. sunshine [  ] 5. vine [  ] 6. medicine [  ] 7. medical [  ] 8. cinema [  ] The fine sunshine shines the vine on the pine. Take the medicine to the cinema. E3.5.4. 1. is [  ]\was [  ] 2. this [  ]\these [  ] 3. history [  ] 4. historical [  ] 5. story [  ] 6. victory [  ] 7. glory [  ]\glorious 8. theory [  ] 9 the [  ] This historical story tells his glorious victory in the theory. E3.5.5. 1. ability [  ] 2. able [  ] 3. unable [  ] 4. table [  ] 5. vegetable [  ] 6. tremble [  ] The trembling man is unable to get the vegetable on the table. E3.5.6. 1. frequent [  ]\~ly [  ] 2. plenty [  ] 3. plentiful [  ] 4. rent [  ] 5. tent [  ] 6. tennis [  ]\table ~ Plenty of tents are frequently rented to the tennis players. E3.5.7. 1. population [  ] 2. popularity [  ] 3. popular [  ] 4. regular [  ]\~ly 5. irregular [  ] The popularity of popular songs in a population is irregular. E3.5.8. 1. print [  ] 2. winter [  ] 3. win [  ]\won [  ] 4. winner [  ] 5. wing [  ] 6. swing [  ] The print winner saw the bird's wings swinging in the winter sky. E3.5.9 1. can [  ] 2. can [  ]\could [  ] 3. can't [  ],cannot [  ] 4. canal [  ] 5. candle [  ] 6. cannon [  ] 7. banana [  ] You can find candles, cannons and bananas in the Canadian canal. E3.6.0 1. cruel [  ] 2. cruelty [  ] 3. true [  ] 4. truly [  ] 5. truth [  ] 6. truthful [  ] Sometimes it's true that truth is cruel. E3.6.1. 1. blue [  ] 2. value [  ] 3. valuable [  ] 4. rescue [  ] 5. argue [  ] 6. argument [  ] 7. league [  ] 8. tongue [  ] The long-tongued league argued for rescuing the valuable blue print. E3.6.2. 1. cabbage [  ] 2. age [  ]\~d 3. wage [  ] 4. wage-earner\~s 5. cage [  ] 6. page [  ] The aged wage-earner put pages of paper and the cabbage into the cage. E3.6.3. 1. diary [  ] 2. library [  ] 3. librarian [  ] 4. vary [  ] 5. various [  ] 6. salary [  ] 7. secretary [  ] 8. secret [  ] The librarian's salary varies with various jobs in library. The secretary's secret is in the diary. E3.6.4. 1. bless [  ]\be ~ed with 2. blessed [  ] 3. less [  ]\~en [  ] 4. lesson [  ] 5. unless [  ] I'm not blessed unless I have less lesson. E3.6.5. 1. bad [  ]\~ly 2. dad [  ],daddy [  ] 3. sad [  ]\~den\~ness 4. glad [  ] 5. ladder [  ] 6. mad [  ]\~ly 7. madam [  ] 8. majority [  ] “You mad madam, the majority of us are glad to use the bad ladder,” dad said sadly. E3.6.6. 1. be [  ] 2. being [  ]\come into ~ 3. bee [  ] 4. beef [  ] 5. flee [  ]\fled [  ] 6. knee [  ] 7. kneel [  ] I kneel down to see how the bees flee from the beef. E3.6.7. 1. on [  ] 2. upon [  ]\once ~ a time 3. ton [  ] 4. son [  ] 5. lion [  ] 6. opinion [  ] 7. iron [  ] The lion's son has no opinion of the ton of iron. E3.6.8. 1. group [  ] 2. couple [  ] 3. cousin [  ] 4. cup [  ] 5. up [  ] 6. upper [  ] The group of boys want cousin to put a couple of cups up to the upper lip. E3.6.9 1. pupil [  ] 2. supper [  ] 3. supply [  ] 4. reply [  ] 5. rely [  ] I rely on your reply of supplying supper to the pupils. E3.7.0 1. kid [  ] 2. rid [  ]\~\get ~ of 3. rapid [  ]\~ly 4. ride [  ]\rode [  ]\ridden [  ] 5. middle [  ] 6. lid [  ] 7. solid [  ] The kids rapidly got rid of the solid lid in the middle for the rider. E3.7.1. 1. go [  ]\went [  ]\gone [  ] 2. ago [  ] 3. god [  ]\~dess [  ] 4. nod [  ] 5. no [  ] 6. noble [  ] 7. nor [  ] The noble did not nod to the God long ago, nor did I. E3.7.2. 1. hen [  ] 2. then [  ] 3. when [  ] 4. whenever [  ] 5. dozen [  ]\~(s) 6. sudden [  ]\~ly [  ] ...then dozens of hens suddenly cried. E3.7.3. 1. plus [  ] 2. thus [  ] 3. bus [  ] 4. bus-stop [  ] 5. busy [  ] 6. business [  ] 7. businessman [  ] Thus far there's a busy businessman plus us at the bus-stop. E3.7.4. 1. eye [  ]\~sight 2. bye [  ] 3. by [  ] 4. buy [  ]\bought [  ] 5. baby [  ] By my eyesight, you can buy the baby, bye! E3.7.5. 1. a [  ]\a horse 2. an [  ]\an hour 3. animal [  ] 4. answer [  ] 5. fan [  ] 6. plan [  ] An animal fan plans to answer my question. E3.7.6. 1. adopt [  ] 2. add [  ] 3. addition [  ] 4. condition [  ] 5. conditional [  ] In addition to this condition, I adopted another one he added. E3.7.7. 1. trouble [  ]\~some [  ] 2. terrible [  ]\terribly [  ] 3. terrify [  ] 4. describe [  ] 5. description [  ] 6. desk [  ] At the desk I described a terrible trouble. E3.7.8. 1. chalk [  ] 2. talk [  ]\~er 3. walk [  ] 4. walker [  ] 5. salt [  ]\~y [  ] The walking talkers had the salty chalks. E3.7.9 1. hammer [  ] 2. summer [  ] 3. mum [  ],mummy [  ] 4. enemy [  ] 5. envy [  ]\envious [  ] 6. my [  ] The enemy envied my mummy's hammer in the summer. E3.8.0 1. stem [  ]\~ from 2. system [  ]\~atic 3. physical [  ] 4. physics [  ] 5. physicist [  ] 6. P.E.(physical education) “It's the stem of the system,”the physicist said on the physics lesson. E3.8.1. 1. traffic [  ]\~ker [  ] 2. pipe [  ] 3. wipe [  ]\~r 4. flesh [  ] 5. fresh [  ] 6. freshen [  ] The trafficker wiped his pipe on the fresh flesh. E3.8.2. 1. often [  ] 2. soft [  ]\~en [  ] 3. so [  ] 4. also [  ] 5. else [  ] Someone else's hair is also so soft, because he often cares it. E3.8.3. 1. jump [  ] 2. trumpet [  ] 3. bird [  ] 4. birth [  ] 5. birthday [  ]\birthplace [  ] On the birthday party, a bird jumped into my trumpet. E3.8.4. 1. as [  ] 2. gas [  ] 3. inspiring [  ] 4. spirit [  ]\~ed 5. spiritual [  ] 6. tunnel [  ] 7. channel [  ] His spirit is inspiring, as the gas in the tunnel is poisonous.
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