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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 The Forbidden City教案 北京课改版


九年级英语全册 Unit 5 The Forbidden City教案 北京课改版Unit 5 The Forbidden City 一、教学内容: Unit 5 The Forbidden City 二、教学目标: 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生综合运用知识的能力。 三、教学难点: 培养学生的综合能力 四、重点知识: 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中) 短语: 1. be excited about 对……感到兴奋 2. take place 发生 3. 500 kilometers long 五百米长 4. six-meter-de...

九年级英语全册 Unit 5 The Forbidden City教案 北京课改版
Unit 5 The Forbidden City 一、教学内容: Unit 5 The Forbidden City 二、教学目标: 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生综合运用知识的能力。 三、教学难点: 培养学生的综合能力 四、重点知识: 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中) 短语: 1. be excited about 对……感到兴奋 2. take place 发生 3. 500 kilometers long 五百米长 4. six-meter-deep moat 六米深的护城河 5. lie in the center of Beijing 位于北京的中心 6. on each side 在每一边/面 7. divide into… 分成 8. be covered with 覆盖着…… 9. a million people 一百万人 10. one hundred thousand 十万 11. make … impossible 使……成为不可能 句型: It was not completed until 1420. 直到1420年才建成。 The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing. 紫禁城坐落于北京的中心地段。 The buildings are surrounded by a six-meter-deep moat and a ten- meter-high wall. 那些建筑物被六米深的护城河与十米高的城墙包围着。 The city is divided into two parts. (紫禁)城被分为两部分。 五、重点知识讲解: 1. People who have visited the Forbidden City would be impressed by the wisdom of the ancient Chinese. The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing, north of Tian’anmen Square. It has 9999 buildings, which are surrounded by a six-meter-deep moat and a ten-meter-high wall. The wall has a gate on each side: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, the Xihua Gate to the west, and the Donghua Gate to the east. 译文:凡是参观过紫禁城的人一定会惊诧于中国古代人民的智慧。紫禁城位于北京城的中心,天安门广场的北边。紫禁城里面有9999间房屋, 四周环绕着六米深的护城河和十米高的城墙。每一面城墙都有一个城门:南面是午门,北面是神武门,西面是西华门,东面是东华门。 知识点:1)the wisdom of the ancient Chinese 中国古代人民的智慧 2) lies in the centre of Beijing 位于北京城的中心 3) north of Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场的北边 4) a six-meter-deep moat 六米深的护城河 5) a ten-meter-high wall 十米高的城墙 6) each 每一个 each, every意思相近,经常可以互用,但在下列情况下有差别: ① each重点指单个的个体,即逐个,而every重点强调整体. Study each sentence carefully.认真学习每个句子。(强调个体:逐一学习) Every sentence must have a verb每个句子必须有一个动词。(强调整体:所有句子) ② each更强调小的数量;而every则侧重大的数量. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different color. Carol loves reading. She has read every book in the library(all the books). ③ each可以指两个东西,而every不能. In a football match, each team has 11 players. (not “every”) ④ 表达动作的频率时,用every,不能用each “How often do you go shopping?” “Every day.” (not “each day” ) ⑤ each和every均可与名词连用, 除此之外, each可单独使用, 而every不能. each book, every book, each one, every one but: Each is a different color. (not “every”) Each of them is a different color. (not “every”) 2. The Forbidden City got its name by forbidding common people to enter unless they were given permission. The city is divided into two parts. The southern part, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his power over the nation. The Outer Court covers a large space between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly purity. The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group. The northern part, or the Inner Court, was where the emperor lived with his family members. 译文:以前,没有许可,普通人是不能进入紫禁城的。 这也是它的名字的由来。紫禁城分为两部分:南部,或叫外殿,是皇上对国家行使至高无上权力的地方。外殿包括了从午门到乾清门之间的大片空地。三大殿:太和殿、保和殿与中和殿构成了这组建筑群的中心。北部,或叫内殿,是皇上和皇室家族成员生活的地方。 知识点: 1) unless 除非;如果不;要是不 例如: Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination. 他如果不努力学习, 就永远不能考及格。 I shall go unless it rains. 如果不下雨我就去。 This baby seldom cries unless he is tired. 这个婴儿很少哭除非在他疲倦时。 I’ll go unless he telephones. 他不来电话我就去。 Stay for dinner, unless you’re busy. 如果你不忙,就留下来吃饭吧。 We’ll be late unless we speed up. 我们要不加快速度,就会迟到。 2) divided into 把……分成…… 3) cover 覆盖 相关短语: be covered with 覆盖着…… be covered by 由……覆盖 例句: cover the table with a cloth 把桌子铺上台布 be covered with moss 长满绿苔 be covered with snow all the year round 终年积雪 cover the loss 弥补损失 His studies covered a wide field. 他的知识渊博。 Lies cannot cover up facts. 谎言掩盖不住事实。 The best reporters were sent to cover the war. 最优秀的记者被派去做战地报道。 All the pupils in the school are covered against accidents. 学校里所有的学生都参加了人身保险。 There are lots of bus lines covering the area. 有许多公共汽车路线遍布于这一地区。 between …and ……和……两者之间 3. The building of the palace began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle rule, it was not completed until 1420. It was said that a million people, including one hundred thousand skilled workers were driven into long-term hard labor. It was said that a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter. Ancient Chinese people showed their great skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the external city wall for example. The angular shape of the city wall made any attempt to climb it impossible. 紫禁城始建于1407年,即永乐五年,直至1420年才完工。据说,有一百万工人包括十万工匠被迫去做长期苦工。据说当时沿路每隔50米就挖一口井,为的是在冬天可以把水倾倒在路上使其结冰,把巨大的石头顺着冰面滑进京城。古代中国人民在建造紫禁城时展示了他们高超的技艺。以宏伟的外部(红色)城墙为例,城墙的角度使得试图攀爬是不可能的。 知识点: 1)not …until 直到……才…… 例如: He did not go until night. 他直到夜里才走。 I didn’t notice it until yesterday 直到昨天我才注意到这件事。 To cook until brown. 烹调至呈现棕(褐)色。 We danced until dawn. 我们跳舞跳到天亮。 Wait until two o’clock. 等到两点钟为止。 I’ll wait until he arrives and then I’ll leave.  我要等他来以后再离开。  Go straight on until you come to a large red building.  一直往前,直至(你)走到一幢高大的红色建筑物为止。 Let’s wait until the rain stops.  咱们等雨停吧。  The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.  老师反复向学生提问,直到下课铃响。  2) be driven into drive n.驾车, 驱动器, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 动力, 干劲, 击球 vt. 开车, 驱赶, 推动、发动(机器等), 驾驶(马车, 汽车等) vi. 开车, 猛击, 飞跑 n. [计]驱动器 例如: Drive the dog away. 把那条狗赶走。 Drive the nails home. 把钉子完全敲进去。 Drive your own car. 开你自己的车。 Drive off the invaders. 赶走入侵者。 I will drive faster. 我开快一点。 Can you drive faster? 你能开快一点吗? Do not drive me. 不要撵我。 3) long-term hard labor 长期的苦工 4) It was said that 据说 本句型常用来表达“你”听来、看来没有确凿证据的事情。这个句型也表示“你”开始陈述。 例如: ① It is said that we’ll have a new manager. 听说我们要有新经理了。 ② It is said by the Bible that Adam is the very first human being in the world. 据《圣经》上说亚当是世间的第一个人。 ③ It is said that drinking much pure water is good for health. 据说多喝纯净水有益健康。 ④ Dialogue: A: Why don’t we Chinese have our own Valentine’s Day? 我们中国为什么没有自己的情人节呢? B: Of course we have. It’s on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. 我们当然有,是在农历的七月初七。 A: Oh? Why is that day? 哦?为什么是那天? B: It is said that the Cowherd and the Spinster, the lover stars in heaven, can only meet on the seventh Eve, so this day has become the Lover’s Day. 据说牛郎星、织女星只能在七夕相会,所以这天就成了情人节。 5) every fifty meters 6) pour … onto 7) take … for example 8) make any attempt to climb it impossible make …adj. 使……怎么样 4. Until the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court in 1924, fourteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing Dynasty had ruled there. The Forbidden City had been the imperial palace for some five centuries, and now is the world’s largest palace museum. In 1987, it was recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural legacy. Now it is one of the most popular tourist attractions worldwide. 译文:直到1924年中国的最后一位皇帝被赶出了紫禁城为止,明朝有十四位皇帝,清朝有十位皇帝曾经在这里登基即位。紫禁城在过去长达五个世纪的时间里一直作为皇宫,目前是世界上最大的博物院。1987年,紫禁城被联合国教科文组织确认为世界文化遗产。现在故宫博物院是世界上最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。 知识点: 1)a world cultural legacy 世界文化遗产 2)be driven from 从……被赶出来 Unit 6 Let’s Learn Chinese 预习导学 本单元的学习任务: 四会要求(会读、会写、了解中文意思以及会自己造句然后翻译) pronounce, pronunciation, recite, textbook, tape, course, beg your garden, fox, giraffe, number, choose, view, competition, foreigner, decision, foreign, increase, admit, certain, environment. 短语:( 根据课文的上下文猜测一下下面短语的意思) 1. learn a foreign language 2. teach sb. how to do sth. 3. take a Chinese course 4. have any difficulty learning Chinese 5. the English expressions 6. communicate with sb. 7. speak to 8. right now 9. be out of the town 10. cancel our meeting 11. so that 12. want sb. to do sth. 13. recite an ancient Chinese poem 14. Chinese culture 15. know each other 16. make the decision 17. more and more foreigners 18. a certain number of … 19. even if 20. both sides 21. develop an international outlook 22. on the other hand 23. learn from each other 24. without doubt 根据自己的理解,用英文解释下列各词: recite arrange investment admit discrimination 【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟) Ⅰ. 单项选择: 1. We’ll have a meeting to discuss it _____ the morning of May 15th . A. in B. on C. at D. during **2. Peter hardly had time for concerts at that time, ______? A. wasn’t he B. was he C. didn’t he D. did he *3.—You will go swimming this Saturday, won’t you? —______. I have to work this Saturday. A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I won’t C. No, I won’t D. No, I will 4. Your brother has washed all the clothes by himself, _______? A. is he B. does he C. doesn’t he D. hasn’t he **5. You haven’t changed your mind, _______? A. do you B. are you C. have you D. did you **6. All the mobile phones must be ______ during the meeting. A. kept fit B. kept quiet C. kept off D. kept away 7. His father makes a living driving a taxi. A. by B. with C. for D. through **8. Girls are usually of spiders and insects. A. sure B. terrified C. made D. kinds **9. Children often make mistakes spelling. A. for B. in C. on D. at **10. Sixteen-year-olds to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary. A. should allow B. shouldn’t be allowed C. should be allowed D. don’t allow *11.—Do you always spend lots of time playing computer games? —No, but I spend much time my homework. A. on; in B. on; on C. in; on D. in; in **12. Great changes _____ in my hometown since 1980. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place 13. We should the new words that we don’t know how to spell. A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look down **14. Did Tom and Jim play the computer games? A. used to B. use to C. usedn’t to D. use **15. Boys and girls, do you have any trouble the foreigners? A. to understand B. understand C. understanding D. understood *16. Joy won’t go and Peter won’t go ,____. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 17. —What have you done ______the bananas? —I have given them away. A. at B. in C. with D. on 18. The_______ should be taken good care of. They are too young. A. two-year-old B. two -year-olds C. two -years-old D. two -year-old child *19.—Where is Miss Li? She is wanted on the phone. —She isn’t in the office. She ________ to the hospital. A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes **I 20. think ________ vocabulary lists ________ us a lot. A. make, help B. making, helps C. makes, helping D. making, help **Ⅱ. 完形填空 Five years ago, Rachel Lopez graduated from college with a degree (学位) in history. Today, she __21 for a large company. Now twenty-seven, Rachel takes classes twice a week 22 work. She is learning to use the computer program. “I enjoyed college, 23 my job doesn’t use information I learned when I was doing my degree,” Rachel says. “This course is helping me to do my job better. In the future, I might go 24 to school and get an MBA. In the past, when students graduated from college and got a job, they usually 25 studying. Today, lifelong learning is becoming more 26 . In the United States, people can 27 to school in their late twenties, thirties or even older. They get a 28 degree. Like Rachel, many more are taking training courses to 29 their skills. With many classes now available (现成的) through the Internet, it is easier for people to get degrees or training by distance learning (远程学习). Mayumi Hosoya, who is forty, teaches Japanese at a college in New York. “Next semester, I’ll be teaching some of my 30 using the Internet. This is 31 for me,” says Mayumi. “At the moment, I am taking a course to learn how to teach this way.” At the same time, Mayumi’s seventy-year-old mother and father are taking a distance learning 32 in Art History. “We love the subject,” says Mayumi’s father, “and now we can study with people from all over the world. I never thought learning could be this much fun!” ( )21. A. teaches B. works C. lives D. studies ( )22. A. before B. after C. at D. during ( )23. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )24. A. down B. away C. straight D. back ( )25. A. enjoyed B. stopped C. finished D. continued ( )26. A. common B. helpful C. interesting D. attractive ( )27. A. come B. get C. go D. return ( )28. A. higher B. better C. more useful D. more important ( )29. A. receive B. review C. improve D. change ( )30. A. classes B. grades C. people D. classmates ( )31. A. unusual B. new C. hard D. strange ( )32. A. subject B. school C. course D. degree Ⅲ. 阅读理解 阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 *A Some animals can be trained to help humans. For example, specially trained dogs help blind people walk around the town safely. Some kinds of monkeys can be taught things too. They can learn how to help people who can’t use their arms or legs. The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings, carry shopping bags and do housework. In the wild, animals and humans are not usually friends, but there are a few interesting examples where they can work together. In Africa, the honeyguide bird works with humans to find food. The bird likes to eat the grubs (幼虫) — a type of insect that lives inside a beehive (蜂巢,蜂窝). It knows how to find beehives but it can’t open them and get the grubs. People like to eat honey, but they aren’t very good at finding beehives, so the bird and the people help each other. The bird flies to a beehive and people follow it. When the people open the beehive and take the honey, they give the grubs to the bird. In Laguna in the south of Brazil, fishermen and dolphins work as a team. The ocean isn’t very clean, so the fishermen can’t see the fish. However, dolphins can find them easily by using sounds. When the dolphins find a large group of fish, they make a noise to tell the fishermen. Then the dolphins push the fish to the beach. The fishermen wait in the water near the beach and catch a lot of fish in their nets. The fishermen’s nets make it easier for the dolphins to catch fish too. In Laguna, fishermen and dolphins have been working together for many years. The fishermen teach their children how to work with the dolphins. The dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with the humans! 33. How do some dogs help people? A. They help people who can’t walk. B. They help people who can’t see. C. They help people who can’t hear. D. They help people who can’t carry things. 34. Honeyguide birds help people______. A. find grubs B. find honey C. open beehives D. make honey 35. How do dolphins help fishermen? A. They make sounds to send the fish away. B. They make sounds and then eat the fish. C. They make sounds and then push the fish to the beach. D. They make sounds to make the fish jump into the nets. 36. What is the main idea of this article? A. Animals are our friends. B. Some animals can help people. C. Animals are born to help people. D. Any kind of animals can work with humans. **B It’s easy to make your own Internet page. The easiest way is to use a special programme called a “web editor (编辑)”. You can find these programmes on the Internet. First think about some things to put on your Internet page by looking at other people’s pages. You need to put your Internet page on a bigger computer called a “host” which stores the pages so that other people can see them. These computers are owned by special Internet companies. Our programme may be able to help you find a host computer which you can use for free, but some companies will charge (收费) money for this. To make your Internet page, start up the programme and write some text in the window, then use the signs you can see on the computer to put in pictures and make the text larger or smaller, and change the way your page looks. You can also put photos on your Internet page. First, you need to put the photo in your computer, then use your mouse to move the photo to the place you want it. Choose the correct sign for putting photos onto the page, then find the name of your photo in your computer. When you’ve found it, choose that one with your mouse and put your photo on your Internet page. You can also put signs on your Internet page to join it to other people’s pages. Visitors to your page can follow these signs to find out more about a subject. For example, if your page includes some information about Jackie Chen, you could put on a sign that takes you to the page for his fan club. When you have completed your Internet page, you can put it on the Internet. After you put your page on the Internet, anyone will be able to see it. ( )37. What is the first thing to do to make an Internet page? A. To buy it from a big company. B. To get a programme from the Internet. C. To use another person’s page. D. To make a programme for it. ( )38. Why do people put signs for other Internet pages on their page? A. To get money from the other people. B. To get money from Internet companies. C. To give more information about something. D. To give people ideas about Internet pages. ( )39. What things can you put on your Internet page? A. Text and music. B. Photos and films. C. Text, signs and music. D. Text, signs and photos. ( )40. What do you do when you put your page on the Internet? A. You start up a special programme. B. You join it to other people’s pages. C. You send it to a web editor. D. You store it in a host computer. ** Ⅳ. 选词填空: busy, collect, sell, until, education, for, enough, pretty, happy My friend Elisa owns the largest collection of Barbie dolls I have ever seen. She has altogether 1. ________ more than 300 Barbie dolls. She treats them more as good friends than dolls. She is 2. ________ with them every day. For example, she curls their hair and keeps their clothes 3. ________ clean. In fact, Elisa’s whole family takes good care of the collection. Her mother sews beautiful dresses 4. ________ the dolls and last year her father built a beautiful display glasshouse. It is big enough for the entire collection. Elisa is now 5 years old. More Barbie dolls will not stop her collection 5. ________ she is ten years old. Elisa says that some day when she is old 6. ________, she will sell her Barbie doll collection for a large sum of money which will be enough for her 7. ________ and even her marriage. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? 【试题答案】 Ⅰ. 1~5 BDCDC 6~10 BABBB 11~15 CCCBC 16~20 CCBAB Ⅱ. 21~25 BBCDB 26~30 ADACA 31~32 BC Ⅲ. A: BBCB B: BCDD Ⅳ. 1. collected, 2. busy, 3. pretty, 4. for, 5. until, 6. enough, 7. education
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