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文化研究文化研究参考书目 “文化研究” 课程参考书目 理查德·约翰逊:《究竟什么是文化研究》,《文化研究读本》,中国社会科学出版社,2000, 3-50. 伊安·昂(洪美恩Ien Ang):《谁需要文化研究?》,《文化研究》第1辑,天津社会科学出版社 2000, 55-63. 多米尼克·斯特里纳蒂:"法兰克福学派与文化工业",《通俗文化理论导论》,商务印书馆,2001, pp.60~97。 阿多诺:《文化工业再思考》,《文化研究》第1辑,198-206. 阿多尔诺:《论流行音乐》,《当代电影》1993年第5期。 伯尔纳·吉安德隆:《阿多诺...

“文化研究” 课程参考 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 目 理查德·约翰逊:《究竟什么是文化研究》,《文化研究读本》,中国社会科学出版社,2000, 3-50. 伊安·昂(洪美恩Ien Ang):《谁需要文化研究?》,《文化研究》第1辑,天津社会科学出版社 2000, 55-63. 多米尼克·斯特里纳蒂:"法兰克福学派与文化工业",《通俗文化理论导论》,商务印书馆,2001, pp.60~97。 阿多诺:《文化工业再思考》,《文化研究》第1辑,198-206. 阿多尔诺:《论流行音乐》,《当代电影》1993年第5期。 伯尔纳·吉安德隆:《阿多诺遭遇凯迪拉克》,《大众文化研究》,上海三联书店,2001, pp.209~232。 罗兰·巴特:《现代神话》,《神话--大众文化诠释》,上海人民出版社1999, 165-224. 罗兰·巴特:"罗兰·巴特论书写和影像五篇",《文之悦》,上海人民出版社,2002. 106-181. 阿尔都塞:《意识形态与意识形态国家机器》,《外国电影理 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 选》,上海文艺出版社1990, pp.616~664。或《图绘意识形态》,南京大学出版社2002, 133-183 E.P. 汤普森:《英国工人阶级的形成·前言》,译林出版社,2000.(也可见《文化研究读本》,138-144.) 雷蒙德·威廉斯:《文化 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 》,《文化研究读本》,125-137. 斯图亚特·霍尔:《文化研究:两种范式》,《文化研究读本》,51-65. 斯图亚特·霍尔:《编码/解码》,《文化研究读本》,345-358. D.凯尔纳、S.贝斯特:《福柯及其对现代性的批判》,《后现代理论》,中央编译出版社,1999, 44-97. A.默克罗比:《后现代主义与大众文化》"引言"及第一章"后现代主义与通俗文化",中央编译出版社1999。 D.凯尔纳、S.贝斯特:《从景观社会到类象王国:德博尔、鲍德里亚与后现代性》,《后现代转向》,南京大学出版社2002, 100-156. 约翰·斯道雷:《文化理论与通俗文化导论》,南京大学出版社,2001。 波德里亚:《消费社会》,南京大学出版社,2000. 费斯克:《理解大众文化》,中央编译出版社,2001. 约翰·伯杰:《视觉艺术鉴赏》,商务印书馆, 1994。 约翰·斯道雷:《文化理论与通俗文化导论》,南京大学出版社,2001。 《文化研究读本》,罗钢、刘象愚主编,中国社会科学出版社,2000年。 多米尼克·斯特里纳蒂:《通俗文化理论导论》,商务印书馆,2001. 罗兰·巴特:《神话--大众文化诠释》,上海人民出版社,1999. J.波德里亚:《消费社会》,南京大学出版社,2000. 查尔斯·泰勒《现代性之隐忧》,中央编译出版社,2001. 汤林森《文化帝国主义》,上海人民出版社,1999. 萨义德《东方学》,三联书店,1999. 鲍曼《流动的现代性》,上海三联书店,2002. J.费斯克:《理解大众文化》,中央编译出版社,2001. 詹明信:《晚期资本主义的文化逻辑》,三联书店,1997. 阿诺德《文化与无政府主义》,三联书店,2001.本雅明《启迪》,香港牛津大学出版社,1998. 斯蒂文·贝斯特、 道格拉斯·凯尔纳《后现代理论》,中央编译出版社,1999. 尼克·史蒂文森《认识媒介文化》,商务印书馆,2001. 1. Cultural Studies in Theory (general works about culture and cultural studies) 1.1 Positions  (the position of cultural studies in particular geographical areas) 1.2 Disciplines (the relation of cultural studies to academic disciplines) 1.3 Pedagogy (cultural studies in education) 2. Cultural Studies and the Theory of Practice 2.1 Deconstruction 2.2 Feminist / Gender Theory / Practice 2.3 Postcolonial / Subaltern Theory 2.4 Postructuralism 3. Terms / Concepts as Adapted in Cultural Studies 3.1 Discourse / Counter Discourse 3.3 Globalization 3.4 Hegemony 3.5 Hybridity 3.6 Identity (Cultural / Ethnic / National) 3.7 Multiculturalism 3.8 Nation(s) / Nationalism 3.9 Orientalism 3.10 Otherness / Alterity 3.11 Pop(ular) / Mass Culture 3.12 Postmodernism 3.13 Race / Racialism / Racism 3.14 Representation 3.14.2 Historical Representation 3.15 Textuality / Intertextuality 3.16 Transnationalism 4. Authors (Adorno, Barthes, Butler, Derrida, Fanon, Foucault, Gramsci, Jameson, Nietzsche, Said, Williams) 1. Cultural Studies in Theory Alasuutari, Pertti. 1999. Cultural studies as a construct. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1: 91-108. Bahti, Timothy. 1997. Anacoluthon: On cultural studies. Modern Language Notes 112.3: 366-84. Bennett, John W. 1948. The study of cultures: A survey of technique and methodology in field work. American Sociological Review 13.6: 672-89. Bernstein, Charles. 1993. What’s art got to do with it? The status of the subject of the Humanities in the age of cultural studies. American Literary History 5.4: 597-615. †Bowman, Paul. 2001. Between responsibility and irresponsibility: Cultural studies and the price of fish. Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture & Politics 14.2: 277-91. †----------. 2001. Proper impropriety: The proper-ties of cultural studies (some more aphorisms, apriorisms, and aporias). Parallax 7.2: 50-65. Butler, Judith. 1997. Merely cultural. Social Text, no. 52-53: 265-77. Castro-Gomez, Santiago. 2001. Traditional vs. critical cultural theory. Translated by Francisco Gonz›lez and Andre Moskowitz. Cultural Critique 49: 139-54. Casullo, Nicolás. 2001. Cultural investigations and critical thought. Translated by Francisco Gonz›lez. Cultural Critique 49: 93-120. Cevasco, Maria Elisa. 2000. Whatever happened to cultural studies: Notes from the periphery. Textual Practice 14.3: 433-38. Clifford, James. 1981. On ethnographic authority. Representations, no. 2: 118-46. ----------. 1981. On ethnographic surrealism. Comparative Studies in Society and History 23.4: 539-64. ----------. 2001. Indigenous articulations. Contemporary Pacific 13.2: 468-90. Cochran, Terry. 1994. Culture in its sociohistorical dimension. Boundary 2 21.2: 139-78. Couldry, Nick. 2001. Dialogue in an age of enclosure: Exploring the value of cultural studies. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 23.1: 49-72. DeKoven, Marianne. 1996. Cultural dreaming and cultural studies. New Literary History 27.1: 127-44. Elliott, J. E. 1998. From language to medium: A small apology for cultural theory as challenge to cultural studies. New Literary History 29.3: 385-413. ----------. 1998. What was cultural studies? Learning the Uses of Error. Studies in the Literary Imagination 31.1: 59-85. Enstad, Nan. 1998. Fashioning political identities: Cultural studies and the historical construction of political subjects. American Quarterly 50.4: 745-80. Fornäs, Johan. 2000. The crucial in between: The centrality of mediation in cultural studies. European Journal of Cultural Studies 3.1: 45-65. Frow, John. 1999. Cultural studies and the neoliberal imagination. Yale Journal of Criticism 12.2: 424-30. Garkov, Vladimir N. 2000. Cultural or scientific literacy. Academic Questions 13.3: 56-70. Gilbert, Jeremy. 2001. A certain ethics of openness: Radical democratic cultural studies. Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture & Politics 14.2: 189-208. Giroux, Henry A. 2000. Public pedagogy as cultural politics: Stuart Hall and the “crisis” of culture. Cultural Studies 14.2: 341-60. ----------. 2001. Cultural studies as performative politics. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.1: 5-23. †----------. 2001. “Something missing”: Cultural studies, neoliberalism, and the politics of educated hope. Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture & Politics 14.2: 227-52. Hannerz, Ulf. 1999. Reflections on varieties of culturespeak. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.3: 393-407. Holliday, Ruth. 2000. We’ve been framed: Visulaizing methodology. Sociological Review 48.4: 503-21. Jameson, Fredric. 1993. On “cultural studies.” Social Text, no. 34: 17-52. Johnson, Richard. 1986/87. What is cultural studies anyway? Social Text, no. 16 (1986/87): 38-80. Keesing, Roger M. 1974. Theories of culture. Annual Review of Anthropology 3: 73-97. Kokotovic, Misha. 2000. Intellectuals and their others: What is to be done? Diaspora 9.2: 287-308. Lave, Jean, et al. 1992. Coming of age in Birmingham: Cultural studies and conceptions of subjectivity. Annual Review of Anthropology 21: 257-82. Lewis, Justin, and Sul Jhally. 1994. The politics of cultural studies: Racism, hegemony, and resistance. American Quarterly 46.1: 114-17. McDonald, Henry. 2001. Wittgenstein, narrative theory, and cultural studies. Telos, no. 121: 121-53. McGuigan, Jim. 2001. Problems of cultural analysis and policy in the information age. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.2: 190-219. McLaughlin, Lisa. 1999. Beyond “separate spheres”: Feminism and the cultural studies / Political economy debate. Journal of Communication Inquiry 23.4: 327-54. Morley, David. 1998. So-called cultural studies: Dead ends and reinvented wheels. Cultural Studies 12.4: 476-97. Mowitt, John. 2001. In the wake of Eurocentrism. Cultural Critique 47: 3-15. Nader, Laura. 1997. Controlling processes: Tracing the dynamic components of power. Current Anthropology 38.5: 711-37. Peck, Janice. 2001. Itinerary of a thought: Stuart Hall, cultural studies, and the unresolved problem of the relation of culture and “not culture.” Cultural Critique 48: 200-249. Preston, Larry M. 1995. Theorizing difference: Voices from the margins. American Political Science Review 89.4: 941-53. Radhakrishnan, R. 1987. Culture as common ground: Ethnicity and beyond. MELUS 14.2: 5-19. Rasch, William. 1996. The latest contest of the faculties: On the necessary antagonism between theory and culture studies. German Quarterly 69.4: 367-80. †Rigney, Lester-Irabinna. 1999. Internationalization of an indigenous anticolonial cultural critique of research methodologies. Wicazo Sa Review 14.2: 109-21. Saldivar, Jose David. 1990. The limits of cultural studies. American Literary History 2.2: 251-66. Schaffer, Kay. 2000. Cultural studies at the millennium: Tributes, themes, directions. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 14.3: 265-73. Schwartz, Stephen Adam. 2000. Everyman as Übermensch: The culture of cultural studies. SubStance 29.1: 104-38. Seigworth, Gregory J. 2000. Banality for cultural studies. Cultural Studies 14.2: 227-68. ----------, and J. Macgregor Wise. 2000. Deleuze and Guattari in cultural studies. Cultural Studies 14.2: 139-46. Sewell, William H., Jr. 1997. Geertz, cultural systems, and history: From synchrony to transformation. Representations, no. 59: 35-55. Spanos, William V. 1996. Culture and colonization: The imperial imperatives of the centered circle. Boundary 2 23.1: 135-75. Striphas, Ted. 2000. Cultural studies, “so-called.”Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 22.1: 27-45. †Switzer, Les, and John McNamara. 1999. Critical-cultural studies in research and instruction. Journalism & Mass Communication 54.3: 23-42. Tracy, James D. 2000. A descent to cultural studies. Academic Questions 13.4: 24-31. Trigo, Abril. 2000. Why do I do cultural studies? Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 9.1: 73-93. Wark, McKenzie. 2001. In the midst of a Deleuzian cultural studies. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 15.1: 117-27. Wei, Irene. 1997. The emergence of culture and cultural emergency: The conflicting “demands” of cultural studies. MLN 112.3: 454-69. Windschuttle, Keith. 2000. The poverty of cultural studies. Journalism Studies 1.1: 145-59. Wolff, Janet. 1999. Cultural studies and the sociology of culture. Invisible Culture [online journal, cited Oct. 31, 2002]. http://www.rochester.edu/in_visible_culture/issue1/wolff/wolff.html. Wright, Handel Kashope. 2001. “What’s going on?" Larry Goldberg on the status quo of cultural studies: An interview. Cultural Values 5.2: 133-62. Young, Lola. 1999. Why cultural studies? Parallax 5.2: 3-16. Zizek, Slavoj. 2002. Cultural studies versus the “Third culture.”South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1: 19-32. Zuss, Mark. 1999. Reading culture hybridly. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 20.4: 353-64. †Zylinka, Joanne. 2001. An ethical manifesto for cultural studies. Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture & Politics 14.2: 175-88. B 1.1 Positions Chabram-Dernersesian, Angie. 1999. Introduction: Chicana/o Latina/o cultural studies: Transnational and transdisciplinary movements. Cultural Studies 13.2:173-94. Cohen, Phil, and Pat Ainley. 2000. In the country of the blind?: Youth studies and cultural studies in Britain. Journal of Youth Studies 3.1: 79-95. Del Sarto, Ana. 2000. Cultural critique in Latin America or Latin-American cultural studies? Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 9.3: 235-47. Diaz, Vicente M., and J. Kehaulani Kauanui. 2001. Native Pacific cultural studies on the edge. Contemporary Pacific 13.2: 315-42. †Escosteguy, Ana Caroline. 2001. Cultural studies: A Latin-American narrative. Media, Culture & Society 23.6: 861-73. Horak, Roman. 1999. Cultural studies in Germany (and Austria): And why there is no such thing. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1: 109-15. Musner, Lutz. 1999. Locating culture in the US and Central Europe—a transatlantic perspective on cultural studies. Cultural Studies 13.4: 577-90. Nakane, Chie. 1974. Cultural anthropology in Japan. Annual Review of Anthropology 3: 57-72. Portis-Winner, Irene. 1998. Does the image sparkle? Bakhtin and contemporary American studies of culture. Elementa 4: 17-44. Redding, Arthur. 2001. East of the sun and west of the moon: The Balkans and cultural studies. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 6.1: 173-83. Satô, Takeshi. 2000. Cultural studies in Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies 3.1: 11-25. Shuffelton, Frank. 1999. Power, desire, and American cultural studies. Early American Literature 34.1: 94-102. Tomaselli, Keyan G. 1999. Cultural studies in Africa: Positioning difference. Critical Arts Journal 13.1: 1-14. ----------. 2001. Blue is hot, red is cold: Doing reverse cultural studies in Africa. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.3: 283-318. White, Geoffrey M., and Ty Kawika Tengan. 2001. Disappearing worlds: Anthropology and cultural studies in Hawai’i and the Pacific. Contemporary Pacific 13.2: 381-416. Williams, John J. 1999. Cultural studies and development trends in the “New South Africa”: Some critical perspectives. Critical Arts Journal 13.1: 102-20. Wilson, Rob. 2001. Doing cultural studies inside APEC: Literature, cultural identity, and global / local dynamics in the American Pacific. Comparative Literature 53.4: 389- 403. C 1.2 Disciplines Bennett, Tony. 1998. Cultural studies: A reluctant discipline. Cultural Studies 12.4:528-45. Burgess, Chris. 2001. The impact of postmodernism, postcolonialism, and cultural studies on Japanese studies in Australia. Japanese Studies 21.1: 61-75. †Chew, Matthew. 2001. An alternative metacritique of postcolonial cultural studies from a sociological perspective. Cultural Studies 15.3/4: 602-20. Cheyfitz, Eric. 1995. What work is there for us to do? American literary studies or American cultural studies? American Literature 67.4: 843-53. Clammer, John. 2000. Cultural studies / Asian studies: Alternatives, intersections, and contradictions in Asian social science. Southwest Asian Journal of Social Science 28.1: 47-65. Clough, Patricia Ticineto. 2001. On the relationship of the criticism of ethnographic writing and the cultural studies of science. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.2: 240-70. Cohen, Tom. 1997. “Along the watchtower”—cultural studies and the ghost of theory. Modern Language Notes 112.3: 400-430. Denzin, Norman K. 1999. From American sociology to cultural studies. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1: 117-36. Dirlik, Arif. 1999. Bringing history back in: Of diasporas, hybridities, places, and histories. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 21.2: 95-131. Eipper, Chris. 1998. Anthropology and cultural studies: Difference, ethnography and theory. Australian Journal of Anthropology 9.3: 310-26. Franklin, Sarah. 1995. Science as culture, cultures of science. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 162-84. Harootunian, Harry, and Naoki Sakai. 1999. Japan studies and cultural studies. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 7.2: 593-647. Henderson, Jennifer. 2000. Cultural studies in Canadian studies. Topia, no. 4: 93-102. Johnson, Richard. 2001. Historical returns: Transdisciplinarity, cultural studies and history. European Journal of Cultural Studies 4.3: 261-88. Karp, Ivan. 1997. Does theory travel? Area studies and cultural studies. Africa Today 44.3: 281-95. Lewis, Randolph. 1998. Resistance to theory: American studies and the challenges of cultural studies. Canadian Review of American Studies 28.2: 1-36. Markley, Robert. 1999. Foucault, modernity, and the cultural study of science. Configurations 7.2: 153-73. McEachern, Charmaine. 1998. A mutual interest? Ethnography in anthropology and cultural studies. Australian Journal of Anthropology 9.3: 251-64. †Nadine, Claudia. 2000. Transforming poetry: The allegory of cultural studies. French Cultural Studies 11: 219-34. Rampton, Ben. 1999. Sociolinguistics and cultural studies: New ethnicities, liminality and interaction. Social Semiotics 9.3: 355-73. Reinel, Birgit. 1999. Reflections on the cultural studies of technoscience. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.2: 163-89. Rorty, Richard. 1994. Tales of two disciplines. Callaloo 17.2: 575-85. Rouse, Joseph. 1994. Engaging science through cultural studies. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 2: 396-401. Sarlo, Beatriz. 1999. Cultural studies and literary criticism at the crossroads of values. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 8.1: 115-24. Smocovitis, Vassiliki Betty. 1994. Contextualizing science: From science studies to cultural studies. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 2: 402-12. Sprinker, Michael. 1997. We lost it at the movies. Modern Language Notes 12.3: 385-99. †Windschuttle, Keith. 1999. Cultural studies versus journalism. Quadrant 43.3: 11-20. D. 1.3 Pedagogy Barnett, Ronald. 2000. Thinking the university, again. Educational Philosophy and Theory 32.3: 319-26. Casella, Ronnie. 1999. What are we doing when we are “doing” cultural studies in education—and why? Educational Theory 49.1: 107-23. Chun, Allen, and A. B. Shamsul. 2001. Other “routes”: The critical challenge for Asian academia. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2.2: 167-76. Crossley, Michael. 2000. Bridging cultures and traditions in the reconceptualisation of comparative and international education. Comparative Education 36.3: 319-32. Halliday, Fred. 1999. The chimera of the “International University.” International Affairs 75.1: 99-120. Hytten, Kathy. 1999. The promise of cultural studies of education. Educational Theory 49.4: 527-43. Keller, Anthony S. 1990. Cultural policy and educational change in the 1990s. Education & Urban Society 22.4: 413-24. Kellner, Douglas. 2001. Critical pedagogy, cultural studies, and radical democracy at the turn of the millennium: Reflections on the work of Henry Giroux. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.2: 220-39. Newton, Judith, Susan Kaiser, and Kent A. Ono. 1998. Proposal for an MA and Ph.D. programme in cultural studies at UC Davis. Cultural Studies 12.4: 546-70. O’Shea, Alan. 1998. A special relationship? Cultural studies, academia and pedagogy. Cultural Studies 12.4: 513-27. Robbins, Bruce. 1991. Othering the academy: Professionalism and multiculturalism. Social Research 58.2: 355-72. Striphas, Ted. 1998. Cultural studies’ institutional presence: A resource and guide. Cultural Studies 12.4: 571-94. ----------. 1998. The long march: Cultural studies and its institutionalization. Cultural Studies 12.4: 453-75. West, Thomas, and Gary A. Olsen. 1999. Critical negotiation(s): Transformative action in cultural studies and border pedagogy. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 21.2: 149-63. Willinsky, John. 1999. Curriculum after culture, race, nation. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 20.1: 89-112. Woodhams, Stephen. 1999. Adult education and the history of cultural studies. Changing English 6.2: 237-49. Wright, Handel Kashope. 2000. Pressing, promising, and paradoxical: Larry Grossberg on education and cultural studies. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 22.1: 1-25. E. 2. Cultural Studies and the Theory of Practice 2.1 Deconstruction †Bissell, E. Beaumont. 1999. Reinventing the wheel: Deconstruction, new historicism, and the compulsion to repeat. Dalhousie Review 79.2: 173-82. Boundas, Constantin. 2000. On tendencies and signs: Major and minor deconstruction. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 5.2: 163-76. †Briggs, Robert. 2001. Wild thoughts: A deconstructive environmental ethics? Environmental Ethics 23.2: 115-34. †Desmond, William. 2000. Neither deconstruction nor reconstruction: Metaphysics and the intimate strangeness of being. International Philosophical Quarterly 40.1: 37-49. Feldman, Stephen M. 2000. Made for each other: The interdependence of deconstruction and philosophical hermeneutics. Philosophy & Social Criticism 26.1: 51-70. Fuchs, Stephan, and Steven Ward. 1994. What is deconstruction and where and when does it take place? Making facts in science, building cases in law. American Sociological Review 59.4: 481-500. †Gwozdz, Thomas. 1999. Derrida, Maritain, and deconstruction. International Philosophical Quarterly 39.3: 305-16. Kamuf, Peggy. 1999. The experience of deconstruction. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 4.3: 3-14. Leledakis, Kanakis. 2000. Derrida, deconstruction and social theory. European Journal of Social Theory 3.2: 175-93. Luhmann, Niklas. 1993. Deconstruction as second-order observing. New Literary History 34.4: 763-82. †MacDonald, Eleanor. 1999. Deconstruction’s promise: Derrida’s rethinking of Marxism. Science & Society 63.2: 145-62. †Mathewson, Daniel B. 2002. A critical binarism: Source criticism and deconstructive criticism. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, no. 98: 3-28. Maze, J. R. 2001. Social constructionism, deconstructionism and some requirements for discourse. Theory & Psychology 11.3: 393-417. Nash, John. 2000. Deconstruction and its audiences: “A new enlightenment for the century to come”? Paragraph 23.2: 119-34. Newman, Saul. 2001. Derrida’s deconstruction of authority. Philosophy & Social Criticism 27.3: 1-20. Norris, Christopher. 1998. Deconstruction and epistemology: Bachelard, Derrida, de Mann. Paragraph 21.1: 69-100. ----------, and Marianna Papastephenou. 2002. Deconstruction, anti-realism and philosophy of science™an interview with Christopher Norris. Journal of Philosophy of Education 36.2: 265-89. Parini, Jay. 1997. The lessons of theory. Philosophy and Literature 21.1: 91-101. Phiddian, Robert. 1997. Are parody and deconstruction secretly the same thing? New Literary History 28.4: 673-96. †Sussman, Henry. 2001. Deterritorializing the text: Flow-theory and deconstruction. Modern Language Notes 115.5: 974-96. Trapagnier, Barbara. 2001. Deconstructing categories: Exposure of silent racism. Symbolic Interaction 24.2: 141-63. F. 2. Cultural Studies and the Theory of Practice 2.1 Deconstruction †Bissell, E. Beaumont. 1999. Reinventing the wheel: Deconstruction, new historicism, and the compulsion to repeat. Dalhousie Review 79.2: 173-82. Boundas, Constantin. 2000. On tendencies and signs: Major and minor deconstruction. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 5.2: 163-76. †Briggs, Robert. 2001. Wild thoughts: A deconstructive environmental ethics? Environmental Ethics 23.2: 115-34. †Desmond, William. 2000. Neither deconstruction nor reconstruction: Metaphysics and the intimate strangeness of being. International Philosophical Quarterly 40.1: 37-49. Feldman, Stephen M. 2000. Made for each other: The interdependence of deconstruction and philosophical hermeneutics. Philosophy & Social Criticism 26.1: 51-70. Fuchs, Stephan, and Steven Ward. 1994. What is deconstruction and where and when does it take place? Making facts in science, building cases in law. American Sociological Review 59.4: 481-500. †Gwozdz, Thomas. 1999. Derrida, Maritain, and deconstruction. International Philosophical Quarterly 39.3: 305-16. Kamuf, Peggy. 1999. The experience of deconstruction. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 4.3: 3-14. Leledakis, Kanakis. 2000. Derrida, deconstruction and social theory. European Journal of Social Theory 3.2: 175-93. Luhmann, Niklas. 1993. Deconstruction as second-order observing. New Literary History 34.4: 763-82. †MacDonald, Eleanor. 1999. Deconstruction’s promise: Derrida’s rethinking of Marxism. Science & Society 63.2: 145-62. †Mathewson, Daniel B. 2002. A critical binarism: Source criticism and deconstructive criticism. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, no. 98: 3-28. Maze, J. R. 2001. Social constructionism, deconstructionism and some requirements for discourse. Theory & Psychology 11.3: 393-417. Nash, John. 2000. Deconstruction and its audiences: “A new enlightenment for the century to come”? Paragraph 23.2: 119-34. Newman, Saul. 2001. Derrida’s deconstruction of authority. Philosophy & Social Criticism 27.3: 1-20. Norris, Christopher. 1998. Deconstruction and epistemology: Bachelard, Derrida, de Mann. Paragraph 21.1: 69-100. ----------, and Marianna Papastephenou. 2002. Deconstruction, anti-realism and philosophy of science™an interview with Christopher Norris. Journal of Philosophy of Education 36.2: 265-89. Parini, Jay. 1997. The lessons of theory. Philosophy and Literature 21.1: 91-101. Phiddian, Robert. 1997. Are parody and deconstruction secretly the same thing? New Literary History 28.4: 673-96. †Sussman, Henry. 2001. Deterritorializing the text: Flow-theory and deconstruction. Modern Language Notes 115.5: 974-96. Trapagnier, Barbara. 2001. Deconstructing categories: Exposure of silent racism. Symbolic Interaction 24.2: 141-63. 2.1.1 Deconstruction and Japan Loy, David R. 1999. Language against its own mystifications: Deconstruction in Nâgârjuna and Dôgen. Philosophy East & West 49.3: 245-60. G/ 2.2 Feminist / Gender Theory / Practice Adkins, Lisa. 2002. Sexuality and economy: Historicisation vs deconstruction. Australian Feminist Studies 17.3: 31-41. Allen, Amy. 1999. Solidarity after identity politics: Hannah Arendt and the power of feminist theory. Philosophy & Social Criticism 25.1: 97-118. Anderson, Amanda. 1998. Debatable performances: Restaging contentious feminisms. Social Text, no. 54: 1-24. Biddick, Kathleen. 1993. Genders, bodies, borders: Technologies of the visible. Speculum 68.2: 389-418. Boyarin, Daniel. 1993. Paul and the genealogy of gender. Representations, no. 41: 1-33. Brennan, Samantha. 1999. Recent work in feminist ethics. Ethics 109.4: 858-93. Cacoullos, Ann. R. 2001. American feminist theory. American Studies International 39.1: 72- 117. Caprioli, Mary, and Mark A. Boyer. 2001. Gender, violence, and international crisis. Journal of Conflict Resolution 45.4: 503-18. Carver, Terrell. 1996. “Public man” and the critique of masculinities. Political Theory 24.4: 673-86. Charlesworth, Hilary. 2000. Martha Nussbaum’s feminist internationalism. Ethics, no. 111: 64-78. Davies, Bronwyn, et al. 2001. Becoming schoolgirls: The ambivalent project of subjectification. Gender & Education 13.2: 167-82. Dellinger, Kirsten, and Christine L. Williams. 1997. Makeup at work: Negotiating appearance rules in the workplace. Gender and Society 11.2: 151-77. Delphy, Christine. 1995. The invention of French feminism: An essential move. Yale French Studies, no. 87: 190-221. Diprose, Rosalyn. 2000. What is a (feminist) philosophy? Hypatia 15.2: 115-32. Dolgopal, Ustinia. 1995. Women’s voices, women’s pain. Human Rights Quarterly 17.1: 127-54. 12 Downs, Laura Lee. 1993. If “woman” is just an empty category, then why am I afraid to walk alone at night? Identity politics meets the postmodern subject. Comparative Studies in Society and History 35.2: 414-37. Durham, Carolyn A. 1995. At the crossroads of gender and culture: Where feminism and sexism Intersect. Modern Language Journal 79.2: 153-65. Felski, Rita. 1996. Gazing at gender: Recent work in feminist media studies. American Literary History 8.2: 388-97. †Fenton, Natalie. 2000. The problematics of postmodernism for feminist media studies. Media, Culture & Society 22.6: 723-41. Flynn, Elizabeth A. 1995. Feminism and scientism. College Composition and Communication 46.3: 353-68. Foertsch, Jacqueline. 2000. The circle of learners in a vicious circle: Derrida, Foucault, and feminist pedagogic practice. College Literature 27.3: 111-29. Francis, Becky. 2002. Relativism, realism, and feminism: An analysis of some theoretical tensions in research on gender identity. Journal of Gender Studies 11.1: 39-54. Fraser, Mariam. 2001. Visceral futures: bodies of feminist criticism. Social Epistemology 15.2: 91-111. Friedman, Susan Stanford. 1996. “Beyond” gynocriticism and gynesis: The geographics of identity and the future of feminist criticism. Tulsa Studies in WomenÇs Literature 15.1: 13-40. Haslanger, Sally. 1999. What knowledge is and what it ought to be: Feminist values and normative epistemology. Philosophical Perspectives 13: 459-80. Hirschmann, Nancy J. 1996. Toward a feminist theory of freedom. Political Theory 24.1: 46- 67. Hoffman, John. 2001. Defining feminism. Politics 21.3: 193-99. Homans, Margaret. 1994. “Women of color”: Writers and feminist theory. New Literary History 25.1: 73-94. Hood-Williams, John, and Wendy Cealey. 1998. Trouble with gender. Sociological Review 46.1: 73-94. Ingraham, Chrys. 1994. The heterosexual imaginary: Feminist sociology and theories of gender. Sociological Theory 12.2: 203-19. Jaggar, Alison M. 2000. Ethics naturalized: feminism’s contribution to moral philosophy. Metaphilosophy 31.5: 452-68. Kowalewski, David, et al. 1995. Sexism, racism, and establishmentism. Journal of Black Studies 26.2: 201-15. Kozlova, N. N. 2002. Gender and the advent of modernity. Russian Social Science Review 43.4: 13-29. Lather, Patti. 2001. Postbook: Working the ruins of feminist ethnography. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture 27.1: 199-27. Lawson, Tony. 1999. Feminism, realism, and universalism. Feminist Economics 5.2: 25-59. Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin. 1993. Hegemony and “Anglo-American feminism”: Living in the funny house. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 12.2: 279-87. Lurie, Susan, et al. 2001. Restoring feminist politics to poststructuralist critique. Feminist Studies 27.3: 679-707. Martin, Roberta C. 1998. “Beautious wonders of a different kind”: Aphra Behn’s destabilization of sexual categories. College English 61.2: 192-210. McNay, Lois. 1999. Gender and narrative identity. Journal of Political Ideologies 4.3: 315- 36. Mulinari, Diana, and Kerstin Sandell. 1999. Exploring the notion of experience in feminist thought. Acta Sociologica 42: 287-97. Nelson, Lise. 1999. Bodies (and spaces) do matter: The limits of performativity. Gender, Place & Culture 6.4: 331-53. 13 Nozaki, Yoshiko. 2000. Feminist theory and the media representation of a woman-of-color superintendent: Is the world ready for cyborgs? Urban Education 35.5: 616-29. Okin, Susan Moller. 1994. Gender inequality and cultural differences. Political Theory 22.1: 5-24. ----------. 1998. Feminism and multiculturalism: Some tensions. Ethics 108.4: 661-84. Pilardi, Jo-Ann. 1993. The changing critical fortunes of the second sex. History and Theory 32.1: 51-73. Pinnik, Cassandra L. 1994. Feminist epistemology: Implications for philosophy of science. Philosophy of Science 61.4: 646-57. Poovey, Mary. 1992. Feminism and postmodernism—another view. Boundary 2 19.2, Feminism and postmodernism: 34-52. Pryse, Marjorie. 2002. Trans/feminist methodology: Bridges to interdisciplinary thinking. NWSA Journal 12.2: 105-18. Roberts, Mary Louise. 1998. Gender, consumption, and commodity culture. American Historical Review 103.3: 817-44. Romero, Mary. 2000. Disciplining the feminist bodies of knowledge: Are we creating or reproducing academic structure? NWSA Journal 12.2: 148-62. Rooney, Ellen. 1996. What can the matter be? American Literary History 8.4: 745-58. Schein, Louisa. 1997. Gender and internal orientalism in China. Modern China 23.1: 69-98. Shih, Shu-Mei. 1996. Gender, race, and semicolonialism: Lie Na’ou’s urban Shanghai landscape. Journal of Asian Studies 55.4: 934-56. Staeheli Lynn A. 2002. Feminists talking across worlds. Gender, Place and Culture 9.2: 167- 72. †Stukes, Pierrette Rouleau. 2001. The symptomatic repetition of identity: Gender and the traumatic gestalt. Psychoanalytic Studies 3.3/4: 393-409. Thorburn, Diana. 2000. Feminism meets international relations. SAIS Review 20.2: 1-10. Weigman, Robyn. 2002. Academic feminism against itself. NWSA Journal 14.2: 18-37. Wylie, Alison. 1992. The interplay of evidential constraints and political interests: Recent archaeological research on gender. American Antiquity 57.1: 15-35. Zerilli, Linda M. 1998. Doing without knowing: Feminism’s politics of the ordinary. Political Theory 26.4: 435-58. 2.2.1 Feminist / Gender Theory / Practice and Japan Bardsley, Jan. 1997. Japanese feminism, nationalism and the royal wedding of summer ’93. Journal of Popular Culture 31.2: 189-205. ----------. 1999. Spaces for feminist action: National centers for women in Japan and South Korea. NWSA Journal 11.1: 136-49. Dasgupta, Romit. 2000. Performing masculinities? The “salaryman” at work and play. Japanese Studies 20.2: 189-200. Goldstein-Gidoni, Ofra. 1999. Kimono and the construction of gendered and cultural identities. Ethnology 38.4: 351-70. Hayakawa, Noriyo. 1995. Feminism and nationalism in Japan, 1868-1945. Journal of Women’s History 7.4: 108-19. Lie, John. 1996. Class, gender and ethnicity. Current Sociology 44.1: 35-46. Park, You-me. 2000. Comforting the nation: “Comfort women,” the politics of apology and the working of gender. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2.2: 199-211. Pennington, Eileen. 2000. When escape is a trap: The gendered construction of identity in Japan. SAIS Review 20.2: 197-205. Puja, Kim. 2001. Global civil society remakes history: “The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal 2000.” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 9.3: 611-20. Smith, Robert J. 1987. Gender inequality in contemporary Japan. Journal of Japanese Studies 13.1: 1-25. 2.3 Postcolonial / Subaltern Theory Bérubé, Michael. 2002. Worldly English. Modern Fiction Studies 48.1: 1-17. Beverly, John. 2000. The dilemma of subaltern studies at Duke. Nepantia: Views from the South 1.1: 33-44. Brett, Michael. 1994. Anglo-Saxon attitudes: The Algerian War of Independence in retrospect. Journal of African History 35.2: 217-35. Chambers, Iain. 1999. History after humanism: responding to postcolonialism. Postcolonial Studies 2.1: 37-42. Chun, Allen. 2000. (Post)colonialism and its discontents, or the future of practice. Cultural Studies 14.3/4: 379-84. Comaroff, Jean, and John L. 2001. Naturing the nation: Aliens, apocalypse, and the postcolonial state. Social Identities 7.2: 233-65. Coronil, Fernando. 1994. Listening to the subaltern: The poetics of neocolonial states. Poetics Today 15.4: 643-58. Devadas, Vijay, and Brett Nicholls. 2002. Postcolonial interventions: Gayatri Spivak, three wise men and the native informant. Critical Horizons 3.1: 73-101. During, Simon. 2000. Postcolonialism and globalization: Towards a historicization of the inter-relation. Cultural Studies 14.3/4: 385-404. Figuera, Dorothy. 2000. The profits of postcolonialism. Comparative Literature 52.3: 246-54. Gelder, Ken. 2000. Postcolonial voodoo. Postcolonial Studies 3.1: 89-98. †Geller, Dorothy. 2002. Differences in the postcolonial: The status of others and artefacts in the work of K. Anthony Appiah. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 4.1: 125-46. Gledhill, John. 2001. Deromanticizing subalterns or recolonizing anthropology? Denial of indigenous hegemony and reproduction of northern hegemony in the work of David Stoll. Identities 8.1: 135-61. Grossberg, Lawrence. 2000. The figure of subalternity and the neoliberal future. Nepantia: Views from the South 1.1: 59-89. Gupta, Prasenjit. 1998. Post- or neo-colonial translation? Linguistic inequality and translator’s resistance. Translation & Literature 7.2: 170-93. Hassan, Ihab. 1998. Queries for postcolonial studies. Philosophy and Literature 22.2: 328-42. Hassan, Salah D. 2001. Canons after “postcolonial studies.” Pedagogy 1.2: 297-304. Harootunian, H. D. 1999. Postcoloniality’s unconscious / area studies’ desire. Postcolonial Studies 2.2: 127-47. Huddart, David. 2001. Making an example of Spivak. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 6.1: 35-46. Huggan, Graham. 1994. Anthropologists and other frauds. Comparative Literature 46.2: 113-28. Kapoor, Ilan. 2002. Capitalism, culture, agency: Dependency versus postcolonial theory. Third World Quarterly 23.4: 647-64. Kohn, Nathaniel, and Y. S. Lee. 2001. Faces/off: Challenges to postcolonial theory along the Hong Kong-Hollywood axis. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.3: 335-54. Mallon, Florencia E. 1994. The promise and dilemma of subaltern studies: Perspectives from Latin American history. American Historical Review 99.5: 1491-1515. †Mardorossian, Carine M. 1999. Shutting up the subaltern. Callaloo 22.4: 1071-90. McCarthy, Cameron, and Greg Dimitriadis. 2000. The work of art in the postcolonial imagination. Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 21.1: 59-74. Mignolo, Walter D. 1999. I am where I think: Epistemology and the colonial difference. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 8.2: 235-45. Ochoa, Peggy. 1996. The historical moments of postcolonial writing: Beyond colonialism’s binary. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 15.2: 221-29. O’Hanlon, Rosalind, and David Washbrook. 1992. After orientalism: Culture, criticism, and politics in the Third World. Comparative Studies in Society and History 34.1: 141-67. Olaniyan, Tejumola. 1993. On “post-colonial discourse.” Callaloo 16.4:743-49. Prakash, Gyan. 1992. Can the “subaltern” ride? A reply to O’Hanlon and Washbrook. Comparative Studies in Society and History 34.1: 168-84. ----------. 1994. Subaltern studies as postcolonial criticism. American Historical Review 99.5: 1457-90. ----------. 1996. Who’s afraid of postcoloniality? Social Text, no. 49: 187-203. ----------. 2000. The impossibility of subaltern history. Nepantia: Views from the South 1.2: 287-94. Radhakrishnan, R. 1993. Postcoloniality and the boundaries of identity. Callaloo 16.4: 750-71. Scott, David. 1996. The aftermath of sovereignty: Postcolonial criticism and the claims of political modernity. Social Text, no. 48: 1-26. Seed, Patricia. 1993. More colonial and postcolonial discourses. Latin American Research Review 28.3: 146-52. Shohat, Ella. 1992. Notes on the “post-colonial.” Social Text, no. 31/32: 99-113. †Sparke, Matthew. 2002. Between post-colonialism and cross-border regionalism. Space & Polity 6.2: 203-13. Sylvester, Christine. 1999. Development studies and postcolonial studies: Disparate tales of the “Third World.”Third World Quarterly 20.4: 703-21. ----------. 1999. In-between and in evasion of so much: Third World literatures, international relations and postcolonial analysis. Postcolonial Studies 2.2: 249-61. Xie, Shaobe. 1997. Rethinking the problem of postcolonialism. New Literary History 28.1: 7-19. Young, Robert J. 1999. Academic activism and knowledge formation in postcolonial critique. Postcolonial Studies 2.1: 29-34. 2.3.1 Postcolonial / Subaltern Theory and Japan Arisaka, Yoko. 1997. Beyond “East and West”: Nishida’s universalism and postcolonial critique. Review of Politics 59.3: 541-60. Brandt, Kim. 2000. Objects of desire: Japanese collectors and colonial Korea. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 8.3: 711-46. Ching, Leo. 2000. “Give me Japan and nothing else!”: Postcoloniality, identity, and the traces of colonialism. South Atlantic Quarterly 99.4: 763-88. Napier, Susan J. 2001. Confronting master narratives: History as vision in Miyazaki Hayao’s cinema of deassurance. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 9.2: 467-93. Refsing, Kirsten. 2000. Lost Aryans? John Batchelor and the colonization of the Ainu language. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2.1: 21-34. H 2.4 Poststructuralism Armstrong, Nancy. 2001. Who’s afraid of the cultural turn. Differences: Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 12.1: 17-49. Chow, Rey. 2002. The interruption of referentiality: Poststructuralism and the conundrum of critical multiculturalism. South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1: 171-86. McCormick, John P. 2001. Derrida on law; or, poststructuralism gets serious. Political Theory 29.3: 395-423. MacKenzie, Iain. 2001. Unravelling the knots: Post-structuralism and other “post-isms.” Journal of Political Ideologies 6.3: 331-45. Tompkins, Jane. 1988. A short course in poststructuralism. College English 50.7: 733-47. Watts, Steven. 1991. The idiocy of American studies: Poststructuralism, language, and politics in the age of self-fulfillment. American Quarterly 43.4: 625-60. 3. Terms / Concepts as Adapted in Cultural Studies 3.1 Discourse / Counter Discourse Bacchi, Carol. 2000. Policy as discourse: What does it mean? Where does it get us? Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 21.1: 45-57. Blair, John G. 1993. Change and cultures: Reality presumptions in China and the West. New Literary History 24.4: 927-45. Duara, Prasenjit. 2001. The discourse of civilization and pan-Asianism. Journal of World History 12.1: 99-130. Johnston, John. 1990. Discourse as event: Foucault, writing, and literature. Modern Language Notes 105.4: 800-18. Marrouchi, Mustapha. 1998. Counternarratives, recoveries, refusals. Boundary 2 25.2, Edward W. Said issue: 205-57. Miller, Paul Allen. 1999. Toward a post-Foucauldian history of discursive practices. Configurations 7.2: 211-25. Narramore, Terry. 1998. Communities and citizens: Identity and difference in discourses of Asia-Pacific regionalism. Citizenship Studies 2.1: 69-88 †O’Regan, Cyril. 1999. Hegel and the folds of discourse. International Philosophical Quarterly 39.2: 173-93. Parker, Andrew. 1999. Bogeyman: Benedict Anderson’s “derivative” discourse. Diacritics 29.4: 40-57. Sawyer, R. Keith. 2002. A discourse on discourse: An archeological history of an intellectual concept. Cultural Studies 16.3: 433-56. Simonsen, Kirsten. 1999. Difference in human geography—travelling through Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian discourse. European Planning Studies 7.1: 9-24. Wodak, R., and M. Reisigl. 1999. Discourse and racism: European perspectives. Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 175-99. See also 2.1: Maze; 2.3: Olaniyan; Seed; 3.3: Shapiro; 3.6: Blackledge; Cillia; 3.8: Wellings; 3.9: al-Bazei; 3.11: Frosh; 3.12: Miller; 3.13: Garcia; Massad; Teo I 3.3 Globalization Appadurai, Arjun. 1999. Globalization and the research imagination. International Social Science Journal 51: 229-38. Bowen, John R. 1996. The myth of global ethnic conflict. Journal of Democracy 7.4: 3-14. Cheah, Pheng. 1999. Spectral nationality: The living on [sur-vie] of the postcolonial nation in neocolonial globalization. Boundary 2 26.3: 225-52. Ching, Leo. 2000. Globalizing the regional, regionalizing the global: Mass culture and Asianism in the age of late capital. Public Culture 12.1: 233-57. Dash, Robert C. 1998. Globalization: For whom and for what. Latin American Perspectives 25.6: 52-54. Denning, Michael. 2001. Globalization in cultural studies. European Journal of Cultural Studies 4.3: 351-64. Di Leo, Jeffrey R. 2001. Whose theory, which globalism? Notes on the double question of theorizing globalism and globalizing theory. Symploke 9.1/2: 7-14. Geyer, Michael, and Charles Bright. 1995. World history in the global age. American Historical Review 100.4: 1034-60. Gikandi, Simon. 2001. Globalization and the claims of postcoloniality. South Atlantic Quarterly 100.3: 627-58. Harootunian, Harry D. 2001. Historical materialism’s task in an “Age of Globalization.”Radical History Review 79: 95-98. Inglehart, Ronald. 2000. Globalization and postmodern values. Washington Quarterly 23.1: 215-28. Kearney, M. 1995. The local and the global: The anthropology of globalization and transnationalism. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 547-65. Krugman, Paul, and Anthony J. Venables. 1995. Globalization and the inequality of nations. Quarterly Journal of Economics 110.4: 857-80. Lal, Vinay. 1999. The globalism of modern knowledge systems: Governance, ecology, and future epistemologies. Emergences: Journal for the Study of Media & Composite Culture 9.1: 79-103. Lowy, Richard F. 1998. Development theory, globalism, and the new world order: The Need for a postmodern, antiracist, and multicultural critique. Journal of Black Studies 28.5: 594-615. Martin, Randy. 1999. Globalization? The dependencies of a question. Social Text 17.3: 1-14. McCorquodale, Robert, and Richard Fairbrother. 1999. Globalization and human rights. Human Rights Quarterly 21.3: 735-66. Moraru, Christian. 2001. The global turn in critical theory. Symploke 9.1/2: 74-82. Mosquera, Gerardo. 2002. Alien-own / own-alien: Globalization and cultural difference. Boundary 2 29.3: 163-73. Norris, Pippa. 1999. Global communications and cultural identities. Harvard International Journal of Press Politics 4.4: 1-7. Ruthrof, Horst. 2000. Globalisation and the theorization of language. Social Semiotics 10.2: 187-200. Ruuska, Petri. 1999. Globalization: Connections and dialogues. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.2: 249-61. Shapiro, Michael J. 1999. Globalization and the politics of discourse. Social Text, no. 60: 111-29. Szeman, Imre. 2001. Who’s afraid of national allegory? Jameson, literary criticism, globalization. South Atlantic Quarterly 100.3: 803-27. Williamson, Jeffrey G. 1996. Globalization, convergence, and history. Journal of Economic History 56.2: 277-306. K 3.4 Hegemony Altheide, David L. 1984. Media hegemony: A failure of perspective. Public Opinion Quarterly 48.2: 476-90. Bates, Thomas R. 1975. Gramsci and the theory of hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas 36.2: 351-66. Chase-Dunn, Christopher, et al. 1994. Hegemony and social change. Mershon International Studies Review 38.2: 361-76. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 1992. Linguistic hegemony and minority resistance. Journal of Peace Research 29.3: 312-32. Evans, Rick. 1995. “Masks”: Literacy, ideology, and hegemony in the academy. Rhetoric Review 14.1: 88-104. Fontana, Benedetto. 2000. Logos and kratos: Gramsci and the ancients on hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2: 305-26. Gottdeiner, M. 1985. Hegemony and mass culture: A semiotics approach. American Journal of Sociology 90.5: 979-1001. Greetham, David. 1999. “Who’s in, who’s out”: The cultural poetics of archival exclusion. Studies in the Literary Imagination 32.1: 1-28. Grunberg, Isabelle. 1990. Exploring the “myth” of hegemonic stability. International Organizations 44.4: 431-77. Howitt, Richie. 2001. Frontiers, borders, edges: Liminal challenges to the hegemony of exclusion. Australian Geographic Studies 39.2: 233-45. Kang, Liu. 1997. Hegemony and cultural revolution. New Literary History 28.1: 69-86. Lears, T. J. Jackson. 1985. The concept of cultural hegemony: Problems and possibilities. American Historical Review 90.3: 567-93. Moreiras, Alberto. 2002. A thinking relationship: The end of subalternity—notes on hegemony, contingency, universality: Contemporary dialogues on the left. South Atlantic Quarterly 10.1: 97-131. Urbinati, Nadia. 1998. From the periphery of modernity: Antonio Gramsci’s theory of subordination and hegemony. Political Theory 26.3: 370-91. Valentine, Jeremy. 2001. The hegemony of hegemony. History of the Human Sciences 14.1: 88-104. Warner, William B. 1992. The elevation of the novel in England: Hegemony and literary history. English Literary History 59.3: 577-96. 3.4.1 Hegemony and Japan Fowler, Edward. 1996. Reflections on hegemony, Japanology, and oppositional criticism. Journal of Japanese Studies 22.2: 401-12. Haber, Deborah L. 1990. The death of hegemony: Why “Pax Nipponica” is impossible. Asian Survey 30.9: 892-907. L 3.5 Hybridity Antias, Floya. 2001. New hybridities, old concepts: The limits of “culture.î Ethnic and Racial Studies 24.4: 619-41. Benton, Lauren, and John Muth. 2000. On cultural hybridity: Interpreting colonial authority and performance. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 1.1 [online journal, cited Oct. 31, 2002]: Academic Search Premier. Chun, Allen. 2001. Diasporas of mind, or why there ain’t no Black Atlantic in cultural China. Communal / Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 9.1: 95-109. Easthope, Antony. 1998. Bhabha, hybridity and identity. Textual Practice 12.2: 341-48. Gutiérrez, Kris D., Patricia Baquedano-Lopez, and Carlos Tejeda. 1999. Rethinking diversity: Hybridity and hybrid language practices in the third space. Mind, Culture, and Activity 6.4: 286-303. Moreiras, Alberto. 1999. Hybridity and double consciousness. Cultural Studies 13.3: 373-407. Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. 2001. Hybridity, so what? The anti-hybridity backlash and the riddles of recognition. Theory, Culture & Society 18.2/3: 219-45. Werbner, Pnina. 2001. The limits of cultural hybridity: On ritual monsters, poetic license and contested postcolonial purifications. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 7.1: 133-52. 3.6 Identity (Cultural / Ethnic/ National) Ahmed, Sara. 1999. Home and away: Narratives of migration and estrangement. International Journal of Cultural Studies 2.3: 329-47. Anderson, Alan B. 2001. The complexity of ethnic identities: A postmodern reevaluation. Identity: International Journal of Theory and Research 1.3: 209-23. Ang, Ien. 1998. Can one say no to Chineseness? Pushing the limits of the diasporic paradigm. Boundary 2 25.3: 223-42. Anthias, Floya. 1999. Beyond unities of identity in high modernity. Identities 6.1: 121-44. Appiah, K. Anthony. 2000. Stereotypes and the shaping of identity. California Law Review 88.1: 41-53. Arpaia, Paul. 2002. Constructing a national identity from a created literary past: Giosué Carducci and the development of a national literature. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 7.2: 192-214. Arrowsmith, Aidan. 1999. Debating diasporic identity: Nostalgia, (post) nationalism, “Critical Traditionalism.”Irish Studies Review 7.2: 173-81. Blackledge, Adrian. 2002. The discursive construction of national identity in multilingual Britain. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 1.1: 67-87. Bloul, Rachel A. D. 1999. Beyond ethnic identity: Resisting exclusionary identification. Social Identities 5.1: 7-30. Bosniak, Linda. 1998. The citizenship of aliens. Social Text, no. 56: 29-35. Chow, Rey. 1998. On Chineseness as a theoretical problem. Boundary 2 25.3: 1-24. Chun, Allen. 1996. Fuck Chineseness: On the ambiguities of ethnicity as culture as identity. Boundary 2 23.2: 111-38. Cillia, Rudolph de, Martin Reisigl, and Ruth Wodak. 1999. The discursive construction of national identities. Discourse & Society 10.2: 149-73. Cohen, Anthony P. 1993. Culture as identity: An anthropologist’s view. New Literary History 24.1: 195-209. Di Leo, Jeffrey R. 1999. On being and becoming affiliated. Symploke 7.1/2: 49-63. Eckstein, Barbara. 1995. Ethnicity matters. American Literary History 7.3: 572-81. Erkkila, Betsy. 1995. Ethnicity, literary theory, and the grounds of resistance. American Quarterly 47.4: 563-94. Gleason, Philip. 1983. Identifying identity: A semantic history. Journal of American History 69.4: 910-31. Grosvenor, Ian. 1999. “There’s no place like home”: Education and the making of national identity. History of Education 28.3: 235-50. Gupta, Monisha Das. 1997. “What is Indian about you?” A gendered, transnational approach to ethnicity. Gender and Society 11.5: 572-96. Hall, Stuart. 1999. Thinking the diaspora: Home-thoughts from abroad. Small Axe, no. 6: 1-18. Hallam, Julia. 2001. Memories of home: Re-locating class in cultural studies. International Journal of Cultural Studies 4.3: 360-68. Hayashi, Chikio. 1998. The quantitative study of national character: Interchronological and international perspectives. International Journal of Cultural Studies 39.1: 91-114. Hedetoft, Ulf. 1993. National identity and mentalities of war in three EC countries. Journal of Peace Research 30.3: 281-300. Katerberg, William H. 1995. The irony of identity: An essay on nativism, liberal democracy, and parochial identities in Canada and the United States. American Quarterly 47.3: 493-524. Meerwald, Agnes May Lin. 2001. Chineseness at the crossroads. European Journal of Cultural Studies 4.4: 387-404. Morris, Nancy. 2002. The myth of unadulterated culture meets the threat of imported media. Media, Culture & Society 24.2: 278-89. Parker, Kenneth. 1993. Home is where the heart . . . lies. Transition, no. 59: 65-77. Posnock, Ross. 1992. The politics of nonidentity: A genealogy. Boundary 2 19.1: 34-68. †Raviv, Yael. 2002. National identity on a plate. Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture 8/9.4/1: 164-72. Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg. 1994. The hidden politics of cultural identification. Political Theory 22.1: 152-66. Said, Edward W. 1994. Identity, authority, and freedom: The potentate and the traveler. Boundary 2 21.3: 1-18. Savery, Barnett. 1942. Identity and difference. Philosophical Review 51.2: 205-12. Sedinger, Tracey. 2002. Nation and identification: Psychoanalysis, race, and sexual difference. Cultural Critique 50: 40-73. Smith, Anthony D. 1992. National identity and the idea of European unity. International Affairs 68.1: 55-76. Sokefeld, Martin. 1999. Debating self, identity, and culture in anthropology. Current Anthropology 40.4: 417-47. Sussman, Nan M. 2000. The dynamic nature of cultural identity throughout cultural transitions: Why home is not so sweet. Personality and Social Psychology Review 4.4: 365-73. Takacs, Stacy. 1999. Alien-nation: Immigration, national identity and transnationalism. Cultural Studies 13.4: 591-620. Thompson, Mark. R. 2001. Whatever happened to “Asian values”? Journal of Democracy 12.4: 154-65. Threadgold, Terry. 2000. When home is always a foreign place: Diaspora, dialogue, translations. Communal / Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 8.2: 193-217. Valk, Aune, and Kristel Karu. 2001. Ethnic attitudes in relation to ethnic pride and ethnic differentiation. Journal of Social Psychology 141.5: 583-601. Wade, Peter. 2001. Racial identity and nationalism: A theoretical view from Latin America. Ethnic and Racial Studies 24.5: 845-65. Weaver, Hilary N. 2001. Indigenous identity: What is it and who really has it? American Indian Quarterly 25.2: 240-55. Wise, J. Macgregor. 2000. Home: Territory and identity. Cultural Studies 14.2: 295-310. Woodhull, Winifred. 1993. Exile. Yale French Studies, no. 82: 7-24. N 3.7 Multiculturalism Benhabib, Seyla. 1999. The liberal imagination and the four dogmas of multiculturalism. Yale Journal of Criticism 12.2: 401-13. Birnbaum, Pierre, and Tracy B. Strong. 1996. From multiculturalism to nationalism. Political Theory 24.1: 33-45. Diner, Hasia R. 1993. Some problems with “multiculturalism”; or, “the best laid plans . . .” American Quarterly 45.2, special issue on multiculturalism: 301-08. Gutman, Amy. 1993. The challenge of multiculturalism in political ethics. Philosophy and Public Affairs 22.3: 171-206. Herbert, Yvonne. 2001. Identity, diversity, and education: A critical review of the literature. Canadian Ethnic Studies 33.3: 155-85. Higham, John. 1993. Multiculturalism and universalism: A history and critique. American Quarterly 45.2: 195-219. Kukathas, Chandran. 1998. Liberalism and multiculturalism: The politics of indifference. Political Theory 26.5: 686-99. Niemonen, Jack. 1999. Deconstructing cultural pluralism. Sociological Spectrum 19: 401-19. Palumbo-Liu, David. 2002. Multiculturalism now: Civilization, national identity, and difference before and after September 11th. Boundary 2 29.2: 109-27. Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. 2001. The case of multiculturalism: Kaleidoscopic and long-term views. Social Identities 7.3: 393-407. Powers, Thomas F. 2002. Postmodernism and James A. Banks’s multiculturalism: The limits of intellectual history. Educational Theory 52.2: 209-21. Rorty, Richard. 1995. The demonization of multiculturalism. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, no. 7: 74-75. San Juan, E., Jr. 1994. Problematizing multiculturalism and the “common culture.”MELUS 19.2: 59-84. Schubert, J. Daniel. 2002. Defending multiculturalism: From hegemony to symbolic violence. American Behavioral Scientist 45.7: 1088-1102. Seltzer, Richard, et al. 1995. Multiculturalism, race, and education. Journal of Negro Education 64.2: 124-40. Singh, Nikhil Pal. 1998. Culture/wars: Recoding empire in an age of democracy. American Quarterly 50.3: 471-522. Spear, Bruce. 1993. Multiculturalism, inc. Transition, no. 61: 72-86. Tempelman, Sasja. 1999. Constructions of cultural identity: Multiculturalism and exclusion. Political Studies 47: 17.31. West, Cornel, and Bill Brown. 1993. Beyond Eurocentrism and multiculturalism. Modern Philology 90, issue supplement: S142-S166. †Wolpin, Miles D. 2000. Illusions vs. perversity: “Multiculturalism” and the prospects for democracy. Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies 25.1: 79-98. See also 2.2: Okin (1998); 2.4: Chow; 3.3: Lowy O 3.8 Nation(s) / Nationalism Addi, Lahouari. 1997. The failure of Third World nationalism. Journal of Democracy 8.4: 110-24. Alonso, Ana Maria. 1994. The politics of space, time, and substance: State formation, nationalism and ethnicity. Annual Review of Anthropology 23: 379-405. Arnason, Johann P. 2001. Nations and nationalism: From general theory to comparative history. Journal of Intercultural Studies 22.1: 79-89. Babadzan, Alain. 2000. Anthropology, nationalism and “the invention of tradition.”Anthropological Forum 10.2: 131-55. Barrington, Lowell W. 1997. “Nation” and “nationalism”: The misuse of key concepts in political science. PS: Political Science and Politics 30.4: 712-16. Bollen, Kenneth, and Juan Diez Medrano. 1998. Who are the Spaniards? Nationalism and identification in Spain. Social Forces 77.2: 587-621. Buell, Frederick. 1998. Nationalist postnationalism: Globalist discourse in contemporary American culture. American Quarterly 50.3: 548-91. Bukowczyk, John J. 1998. “Who is the nation?”: Or, “Did Cleopatra have red hair?”: A patriotic discourse on diversity, nationality, and race. MELUS 23.4: 3-23. Burgoyne, Robert. 2000. Ethnic nationalism and globalization. Rethinking History 4.2: 157-64. Calhoun, Craig. 1993. Nationalism and ethnicity. Annual Review of Sociology 19: 211-39. Chatterjee, Partha. 1998. Beyond Nation? Or within? Social Text, no 56: 57-69. ----------. 1999. Anderson’s utopia. Diacritics 29.4: 128-34. Chen, Kuan-Hsing. 2000. The imperialist eye: The cultural imaginary of a subempire and a nation-state. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 8.1: 9-76. Condor, Susan. 2001. Nations and nationalism: Particular cases and impossible myths. British Journal of Social Psychology 40: 177-81. Dai, Jinhua. 2001. Behind global spectacle and national image making. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 9.1: 161-86. Druckman, Daniel. 1994. Nationalism, patriotism, and group loyalty: A social psychological perspective. Mershon International Studies Review 38.1: 43-68. Evera, Stephen van. 1994. Hypotheses on nationalism and war. International Security 18.4: 5-39. Friedland, Roger. 1999. When God walks with history.: The institutional politics of religious nationalism. International Sociology 14.3: 301-19. Guibernau, Montserrat. 2000. Nationalism and intellectuals in nations without states: The Catalan case. Political Studies 48: 989-1005. Gudcov, Lev D. 1998. Ethic phobias in the structure of national identification. Russian Social Science Review 39.1: 89-103. Hancock, Mary. 1998. Unmaking the “Great Tradition”: Ethnography, national culture and area studies. Identities 4.3/4:343-88. Harootunian, H. D. 1999. Ghostly comparisons: Anderson’s telescope. Diacritics 29.4: 135-49. Heller, Lee E. 1998. Made in the U.S.A.: The construction of academic knowledge and the limits of national culture. Poetics Today 19.3: 335-56. Hjerm, Mikael. 2001. Education, xenophobia, and nationalism: A comparative analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 27.1: 37-60. Hollinger, David A. 1998. National culture and communities of descent. Reviews in American History 26.1: 312-28. Huchinson, John. 1999. Re-interpreting cultural nationalism. Australian Journal of Politics and History 45.3: 392-407. Jalata, Asafa. 2001. Ethno-nationalism and the global “modernising project.” Nations and Nationalism 7.3: 385-405. James, Paul. 2001. Relating global tensions: Modern tribalism and postmodern nationalism. Communal / Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 9.1: 11-31. Jameson, Fredric. 2002. The dialectics of disaster. South Atlantic Quarterly 101.2: 297-304. Jusdanis, Gregory. 1995. Beyond national culture? Boundary 2 22.1: 23-60. Ke, Fan. 2001. Nationalism and ethnic questions in Western academic circles. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 33.4: 29-36. Kiernan, Ben. 2001. Myth, nationalism and genocide. Journal of Genocide Research 3.2: 187-206. Kirloskar-Steibach, Monika. 2001. Liberal nationalism—a critique. Trames 5.2: 107-19. Kramer, Lloyd. 1997. Historical narratives and the meaning of nationalism. Journal of the History of Ideas 58.3: 525-45. Marx, Anthony W. 2002. The nation-state and its exclusions. Political Science Quarterly 17.1: 103-26. Motyl, Alexander J. 1992. The modernity of nationalism: Nations, states and nation-states in the contemporary world. Journal of International Affairs 45.2: 307-23. Mummendey, Amélie, Andreas Klink, and Rupert Brown. 2001. Nationalism and patriotism: National identification and out-group rejection. British Journal of Social Psychology 40: 159-72. Onwudiwe, Ebere. 2001. A critique of recent writings on ethnicity and nationalism. Research in African Literatures 32.3: 213-28. Paterson, Lindsay. 2000. Civil society: Enlightenment ideal and demotic nationalism. Social Text 18.4: 109-16. Pease, Donald E. 1997. National narratives, postnational narration. Modern Fiction Studies 43.1: 1-23. Peppis, Paul. 1995. New approaches to nationalism. Modernism/ Modernity 2.1: 184-90. Redfield, Marc. 1999. Imagi-nation: The imagined community and the aesthetics of mourning. Diacritics 29.4: 58-83. Shumway, David R. 1998. Nationalist knowledges: The humanities and nationalism. Poetics Today 19.3: 357-73. Smith, Anthony D. 1996. Culture, community and territory: The politics of ethnicity and nationalism. International Affairs 72.3: 445-58. Snyder, Jack, and Karen Ballentine. 1996. Nationalism and the marketplace of ideas. International Security 21.2: 5-40. Sun, Wanning. 2001. Media events or media stories? Time, space and Chinese (trans)nationalism. International Journal of Cultural Studies 4.1: 25-43. Thompson, Andrew. 2001. Nations, national identities and human agency: Putting people back into nations. Sociological Review 49.1: 18-32. Tolipov, Farkhod. 2001. Nationalism as a geopolitical phenomenon: The Central Asian case. Central Asian Survey 20.2: 183-94. Wellings, Ben. 2002. Empire-nation: National and imperial discourses in England. Nations and Nationalism 8.1: 95-109. Yewah, Emmanuel. 2001. The nation as a contested construct. Research in African Literatures 32.3, special issue: Nationalism: 45-56. P 3.9 Orientalism Abu-Lughod, Lila. 2001. Orientalism and Middle Eastern feminist studies. Feminist Studies 27.1: 101-13. al-Bazei, Saad A. 1989. Orientalist discourse and the concept of tradition in Anglo-American literary criticism. Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, no 9: 84-97. Bartholomeunz, Tessa. 1998. Spiritual wealth and new-orientalism. Journal of Ecumenical Studies 35.1: 19-32. Bolton, Kingsley, and Christopher Hutton. 2000. Orientalism, linguistics and postcolonial studies. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2.1: 1-5. Brennan, Timothy. 2000. The illusion of a future: Orientalism as travelling theory. Critical Inquiry 26: 558-83. Brombert, Victor. 1979. Orientalism and the scandals of scholarship. American Scholar 48.4: 532-37. Chuaqui, Rubén. 2002. Orientalism, anti-orientalism, relativism. Nepantia: Views from the South 3.2: 373-90. Cole, Juan R. I. 1995. Power, knowledge, and orientalism. Diplomatic History 19.3: 507-13. Deutsch, Nathaniel. 2001. “The Asiatic Black man”: An African American orientalism? Journal of Asian American Studies 4.3: 193 208. Dirlik, Arif. 1996. Chinese history and the question of orientalism. History and Theory 35.4: 96-118. Fischer, Michael M. 1992. Orientalizing America: Beginnings and middle passages. Middle Eastern Report, no. 178: 32-37. Garcia, J. Neil C. 2000. Performativity, the bakla and the orientalizing gaze. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1.2: 265-81. Gewertz, D. and F. Errington. 1991. We think, therefore they are? On occidentalizing the world. Anthropological Quarterly 64.2: 80-91. Hansen, Peter H. 2002. Ornamentalism and orientalism: Virtual empires and the politics of knowledge. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 3.1 [online journal, cited Oct. 31, 2002]: Academic Search Premier. Inden, Ronald. 1986. Orientalist conceptions of India. Modern Asian Studies 20.3: 401-46. Jacobson, Matthew Frye. 2002. Post-orientalism. American Quarterly 54.2: 307-15. Karatani, Kojin, and Sabu Kohso. 1998. Uses of aesthetics: After orientalism. Boundary 2 25.2, Edward W. Said Issue: 145-60. King, Richard. 1999. Orientalism and the modern myth of “Hinduism.” Numen 46: 146-85. Knight, Diana. 1993. Barthes and orientalism. New Literary History 24.3: 617-33. Makdisi, Ussama. 2002. Ottoman orientalism. American Historical Review 107.3: 768-96. Meyer, Eric. 1991. “I know thee not, I loathe thy race”: Romantic orientalism in the eye of the other. English Literary History 58.3: 657 99. Narumi, Hiroshi. 2000. Fashion orientalism and the limits of counter culture. Postcolonial Studies 3.3: 311-29. Ngai, Mae N. 2000. American orientalism. Review in American History 28.3: 408-15. Piterberg, Gabriel. 1996. Domestic orientalism: The representation of “oriental” Jews in Zionist/Israeli historiography. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 23.2: 125-45. Prakash. 1995. Orientalism now. History and Theory 34.3: 199-212. Rice, James P. 2000. In the wake of orientalism. Comparative Literature Studies 37.2: 223-38. Rotter, Andrew J. 2000. Saidism without Said: Orientalism and U.S. diplomatic history. American Historical Review 105.4: 1205-17. Sakai, Naoki. 2000. “You Asians”: On the historical role of the West and Asia binary. South Atlantic Quarterly 99.4: 789-817. Settler, Federico. 2002. Orientalism and religion: The question of subject agency. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 14.2: 249-64. Spencer, Jonathan. 1989. Orientalism without Orientals. Anthropology Today 5.2: 18-19. Thomas, Nicholas. 1991. Anthropology and orientalism. Anthropology Today 7.2: 4-7. Tong, Q. S. 2000. Inventing China: The use of orientalist views on the Chinese language. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2.1: 6-20. Uchida, Aki. 1998. The Orientalization of Asian women in America. Women’s Studies International Forum 21.2: 161-74. Wang, Ning. 1997. Orientalism versus occidentalism. New Literary History 28.1: 57-67. Whalen-Bridge, John. 2001. Orientalism, politics, and literature. Asian Journal of Social Science 29.2: 193-204. Wilson, Ernest J., III. 1981. Orientalism: A Black perspective. Journal of Palestine Studies 10.2: 59-69. See also 2.2: Schein; 2.3: O’Hanlon & Washbrook; Prakash (1992); 3.14.2: Eperjesi Q 3.10 Otherness / Alterity Ahmad, Aijaz. 1987. Jameson’s rhetoric of otherness and the “national allegory.” Social Text, no. 17: 3-25. Ahmed, Sara. 1999. Phantasies of becoming (the other). European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1: 47-63. ----------. 2000. Who knows? Knowing strangers and strangeness. Australian Feminist Studies 15: 49-68. Baranovitch, Nimrod. 2001. Between alterity and identity: New voices of minority people in China. Modern China 27.3: 359-411. Brunner, Diane DuBose. 1998. Marketing friendship: Fraternity and the exaggeration of other-ness. Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 20.2: 155-72. Colley, Linda. 1992. Britishness and otherness: An argument. Journal of British Studies 31.4: 309-29. †Covington, Coline. 2002. Response to Renos Papadopoulos. Journal of Analytical Psychology 47.2: 189-94. Delanty, Gerard. 1999. Self, other and world: Discourses of nationalism and cosmopolitanism. Cultural Values 3.3: 365-75. Deutscher, Penelope. 1998. Mourning the other, cultural cannibalism, and the politics of friendship (Jacques Derrida and Luce Irigaray). Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 10.3: 159-84. Dominguez, Virginia R. 1994. A taste for “the other”: Intellectual complicity in racializing practices. Current Anthropology 35.4: 333-48. †Dungey, Nicholas. 2001. (Re)turning Derrida to Heidegger: Being-with-others as primordial politics. Polity 33.3: 455-77. Eburne, Jonathan Paul. 1997. Trafficking in the void: Burroughs, Kerouac, and the consumption of otherness. Modern Fiction Studies 43.1; 53-92. Ferretter, Luke. 2001. How to avoid speaking of the other: Derrida, Dionysus and the problematic of negative theology. Paragraph 24.1: 50-65. Freidenberg, Judith. 1998. The social construction and reconstruction of the other: Fieldwork in El Barrio. Anthropological Quarterly 71.4: 169-85. Goldstein, Eric L. 2002. The unstable other: Locating the Jew in progressive-era American racial discourse. American Jewish History 89.4: 383-409. Green, Karen. 2002. The other as another other. Hypatia 17.4: 1-15. Hall, Rodney Bruce. 2001. Applying the “self / other” nexus in international relations. International Studies Review 3.1: 101-11. Hampton, Timothy. 1993. Turkish dogs: Rabelais, Erasmus, and the rhetoric of alterity. Representations, no. 41: 58-82. Healy, Paul. 2000. Self-other relations and the rationality of cultures. Philosophy & Social Criticism 26.6: 61-83. Irigaray, Luce, and Noah Guynn. 1995. The question of the other. Yale French Studies, no. 87: 7-19. Jian, Guo. 1999. Politics of othering and postmodernisation of the Cultural Revolution. Postcolonial Studies 2.2: 213-29. Justman, Stewart. 1996. Regarding others. New Literary History 27.1: 83-93. Kearney, Richard. 1999. Aliens and others: Between Girard and Derrida. Cultural Values 3.3: 251-62. Kornfield, Eve. 1995. Encountering “the other”: American intellectuals and Indians in the 1790s. William and Mary Quarterly 3rd ser. 52.2: 287-314. Kurasawa, Fuyuki. 1999. The exotic effect: Foucault and the question of cultural alterity. European Journal of Social Theory 2.2: 147-65. Louw, Dirk J. 1999. Towards a decolonized assessment of the religious other. South African Journal of Philosophy 18.4: 390-407. Mandalios, John. 2000. Being and cultural difference: (Mis)understanding otherness in early modernity. Thesis Eleven, no. 62: 91-108. †Marrouchi, Mustapha. 1999. Fear of the other, loathing the similar. College Literature 26.3: 17-58. Mascia-Lees, Frances. 1998. The other as fetish. Reviews in Anthropology 27: 337-48. Morrissey, Lee. 2001. Eve’s otherness and the new ethical criticism. New Literary History 32.2: 327-45. Murray, Jack. 1965. The mystery of others. Yale French Studies, no. 34: 65-72. Novosad, Frantisek. 2000. The clash of cultures and the accommodation of otherness. Dialogue & Universalism 10.12: 81-88. †Papadopoulos, Renos K. 2002. The other other: When the exotic other subjugates the familiar other. Journal of Analytical Psychology 47.2: 163-88. Peel, Ellen. 1989. The self is always an other: Going the long way home to autobiography. Twentieth Century Literature 35.1: 1-16. Pitt, Susan. 1998. Representing otherness: Feminism, logocentrism and the discipline of history. Rethinking History 2.3: 397-404. Roudiez, Leon S. 1978. La condition humaine: An awareness of the other. Twentieth Century Literature 24.3: 303-13. Siemerling, Winifred. 2001. W.E.B. Dubois, Hegel, and the staging of alterity. Callaloo 24.1: 325-33. Soares, Luiz E. 1998. Staging the self by performing the other: Global fantasies and the migration of the projective imagination. Cultural Values 2.2/3: 288-304. Stamelman, Richard. 1993. The strangeness of the other and the otherness of the stranger: Edmond Jabes. Yale French Studies, no. 82: 118-34. Van Pelt, Tamise. 2000. Otherness. Postmodern Culture 10.2 [online journal, cited Oct. 31, 2002]: Academic Search Premier. Wokler, Robert. 1996. Todorov’s otherness. New Literary History 27.1: 43-55. 3.11 Pop(ular) / Mass Culture Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1997. The interpretation of culture(s) after television. Representations, no. 59: 109-34. Adema, Pauline. 2000. Vicarious consumption: Food, television and the ambiguity of modernity. Journal of American & Comparative Culture 23.3: 113-23. Alasuutari, Pertii. 2001. Art, entertainment, culture, nation. Cultural Studies / Critical Methodologies 1.2: 157-84. Cusic, Don. 2001. The popular culture economy. Journal of Popular Culture 35.3: 1-10. Frosh, Paul. 2001. To thine own self be true: The discourse of authenticity in mass cultural production. Communication Review 4: 541-57. Grier, Katherine C. 1993. Culture made material. American Literary History 8.3: 552-65. Grimstead, David. 1991. The purple rose of popular culture theory: An exploration of intellectual kitsch. American Quarterly 43.4: 541-78. Hoy, Mikita. 1992. Bakhtin and popular culture. New Literary History 23.3: 765-82. Hull, Margaret Betz. 2000. Postmodern philosophy meets pop cartoon: Michel Foucault and Matt Groening. Journal of Popular Culture 34.2: 57-67. Joyrich, Lynne. 2001. Epistemology of the console. Critical Inquiry 27: 439-67. Koepnick, Lutz P. 1996. Negotiating popular culture: Wenders, Handke, and the topographies of cultural studies. German Quarterly 69.4: 381-400. Lears, T, J. Jackson. 1992. Making fun of popular culture. American Historical Review 97.5: 1417-1426. Levine, Lawrence W. 1992. The folklore of industrial society: Popular culture and its audiences. American Historical Review 97.5: 1369-99. Lewis, Tania. 2001. Embodied experts: Robert Hughes, cultural studies and the celebrity intellectual. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 15.2: 233-47. Ross, Andrew, et al. 1993. A symposium on popular culture and political correctness. Social Text, no. 36: 1-39. Seaton, James. 1999. Cultural studies in the light of Frank Sinatra. Academic Questions 13.1: 39-46. Singer, Marc. 2002. “Black skins” and white masks: Comic books and the secret of race. African American Review 36.1: 107-19. †Spark, Alasdair. 1996. Wrestling with America: Media, national images, and the global village. Journal of Popular Culture 29.4: 83-98. Street, John. 2000. Aesthetics, policy and the politics of popular culture. European Journal of Cultural Studies 3.1: 27-43. Traube, Elizabeth G. 1996. “The popular” in American culture. Annual Review of Anthropology 25: 127-51. †van Elterin, Me. 1996. Conceptualizing the impact of US popular culture globally. Journal of Popular Culture 30.1: 47-89. Vincent, Tim. 1999. Meaning and mass culture: The search for a new literacy. Journal of Communication Inquiry 23.2: 152-62. Walcott, Rinaldo. 2001. Caribbean pop culture in Canada: Or, the impossibility of belonging to the nation. Small Axe 5.1: 123-39. Wang, Jing. 2001. The state question in Chinese popular cultural studies. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2.1: 35-52. S 3.12 Postmodernism Allan, Kenneth, and Jonathan H. Turner. 2000. A formalization of postmodern theory. Sociological Perspectives 43.3: 363-85. Antonio, Robert J. 2000. After postmodernism: Reactionary tribalism. American Journal of Sociology 106.2: 40-87. Appiah, Kwame Anthony. 1991. Is the post- in postmodernism the post- in postcolonial? Critical Inquiry 17.2: 336-57. Atkinson, Elizabeth. 2002. The responsible anarchist: Postmodernism and social change. British Journal of Sociology of Education 23.1: 73-87. Belsey, Catherine. 1994. Postmodern love: Questioning the metaphysics of desire. New Literary History 25.3: 683-705. Best, Steven, and Douglas Kellner. 2001. Dawns, twilights, and transitions: Postmodern theories, politics, and challenges. 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In search of narrative mastery: Postmodernism and the people without history. History and Theory 34.4: 275-98. Lawson, Kenneth H. 2000. The semantics of “truth”: A counter-argument to some postmodern theories. International Journal of Lifelong Education 19.1: 82-92. Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-Peng. 1996. Postmodernity, popular culture, and the intellectual: A report on post-Tiananmen China. Boundary 2 23.2: 139-69. Markus, Mario. 2000. A scientist’s adventures in postmodernism. Leonardo 33.3: 179-86. Marwick, Arthur. 1995. Two approaches to historical study: The metaphysical (including “postmodernism”) and the historical. Journal of Contemporary History 30.1: 5-35. Mason, Mark. 2001. The ethics of integrity: Educational values beyond postmodern ethics. Journal of Philosophy of Education 35.1: 47-69. Miller, Leslie J. 2000. The poverty of truth-seeking: Postmodernism, discourse analysis and critical feminism. Theory & Psychology 10.3: 313-52. Myers, Tony. 2001. Lyotard and Lacan answering the question: What does postmodernism want? Paragraph 24.1: 84-98. ----------. 2001. Modernity, postmodernity, and the future perfect. New Literary History 32.1: 33-45. Peters, Michael. 2000. Achieving America: Postmodernism and Rortyâs critique of the cultural left. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 22.3: 223-41. Pieters, Jurgen. 2000. New historicism: Postmodern historiography between narrativism and heterology. History & Theory 39.1: 21-38. Pilbeam, Bruce. 2001. Conservatism and postmodernism: Cosanguineous relations of “different” voices? Journal of Political Ideologies 6.1: 33-54. Rincon, Carlos. 1993. The peripheral center of postmodernism: On Borges, Garcia Marquez, and alterity. Boundary 2 23.3: 162-79. Roberts, Michael. 2000. Rethinking the postmodern perspective: Excavating the Kantian system to rebuild social theory. Sociological Quarterly 41.4: 681-98. Ryan, Bruce A. 1999. Does postmodernism mean the end of science in the behavioral sciences, and does it matter anyway? Theory & Psychology 9.4: 483-502. Simpson, Evan. 2000. Knowledge in the postmodern university. Educational Theory 50.2: 157-77. Stroud-Drinkwater. Clive. 2001. Defending logocentrism. Philosophy and Literature 25.1: 75-86. Wang, Fengzhen. 1997. Third-World writers in the era of postmodernism. New Literary History 28.1: 45-55. Wang, Ning. 2000. Postmodernity, post-coloniality and globalization: A Chinese perspective. Social Semiotics 10.2: 221-33. Wicke, Jennifer. 1992. Postmodern identities and the politics of the (legal) subject. Boundary 2 19.2, Feminism and postmodernism: 10-33. Woodward, Ian, Michael Emmison, and Philip Smith. 2000. Consumerism, disorientation and postmodern space: A modest test of an immodest theory. British Journal of Sociology 51.2: 339-54. Wurgaft, Lewis D. 1995. Identity in world history: A postmodern perspective. History and Theory 34.2: 67-85. Xu, Ben. 1999. The Cultural Revolution and modernity: The contradictory political implications of postmodernism in China. Journal of Contemporary China 8: 241-61. Zagorin, Perez. 1999. History, the referent, and narrative: Reflections on postmodernism now. History & Theory 38.1: 1-24. Zaretsky, Eli. 1996. Psychoanalysis and postmodernism. American Literary History 8.1: 154-69. T 3.13 Race / Racialism / Racism Adell, Sandra. 1994. Writing about race. American Literary History 6.3: 559-71. Adler, Franklin Hugh. 1999. Antiracism, difference, and xenologica. Cultural Values 3.4: 492-502. Anderson, Warwick. 1997. The trespass speaks: White masculinity and colonial breakdown. American Historical Review 102.5: 1343-70. Appiah, Kwame Anthony. 1989. The conservation of “race.” Black American Literature Forum 23.1: 37-60. †----------. 1996. Reconstructing racial identities. Research in African Literatures 27.3: 68-72. †Azoulay, Katya Gibel. 1996. Outside our parents’ house: Race, culture, and identity. Research in African Literature 27.1: 129-42. Bartlett, Robert. 2001. Medieval and modern concepts of race and ethnicity. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1: 39 56. †Bernasconi, Robert. 2002. The assumption of Negritude: Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, and the vicious circle of racial politics. Parallax 8.2: 69-83. Blee, Kathleen M. 1996. Becoming a racist: Women in contemporary Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi groups. Gender and Society 10.6: 680-702. Bobo, Lawrence W. 1999. Prejudice as a group position: Microfoundations of a sociological approach to racism and race relations. Journal of Social Issues 55.3: 445-72. Brunsma, David L., and Kerry Ann Rockquemore. 2002. What does “Black” mean? Exploring the epistemological stranglehold of racial categorization. Critical Sociology 28.1/2: 101-21. Butler, Judith. 1996. An affirmative view. Representations, no. 55, special issue: Race and representation: Affirmative action: 74-83. Castronovo, Russ. 2002. Race and other clichés. American Literary History 14.3: 551-65. Celious, Aaron, and Daphne Oyserman. 2001. Race from the inside: An emerging heterogenous race model. Journal of Social Issues 57.1: 149-65. Cowlishaw, Gillian K. 2000. Censoring race in “post-colonial” anthropology. Critique of Anthropology 20.2: 101-23. Davis, Jessica L., and Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. 1999. Racial identity and media orientation: Exploring the nature of constraint. Journal of Black Studies 29.3: 367-97. Echeruo, Michael J. 1992. Edward W. Blyden, W. E. B. Du Bois, and the “color complex.” Journal of Modern African Studies 30.4: 669-84. Eldridge, Michael. 1997. The rise and fall of Black Britain. Transition, no. 74: 32-43. Gallagher, Charles A. 1999. Researching race, reproducing racism. Review of Education / Pedagogy / Cultural Studies 21.2: 165-91. Garcia, J. L. A. 2001. Racism and racial discourse. Philosophical Forum 32.2: 125-45. Giroux, Henry A. 2000. Racial politics, pedagogy, and the crisis of representation in academic multiculturalism. Social Identities 6.4: 493-510. Hanchard, Michael. 1996. Cultural politics and Black public intellectuals. Social Text, no. 48: 95-108. Harrison, Faye V. 1995. The persistent power of “race” in the cultural and political economy of racism. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 47-74. Henderson, Mae G. 1996. “Where, by the way, is this train going?” A case for Black (cultural) studies. Callaloo 19.1: 60-67. Herr, Kathryn. 1999. Private power and privileged education: de/constructing institutionalized racism. International Journal of Inclusive Education 3.2: 111-29. Holt, Thomas C. 1995. Marking: Race, race-making, and the writing of history. American Historical Review 100.1: 1-20. Kleinpenning, Gerard, and Louk Hagendoorn. 1993. Forms of racism and the cumulative dimension of ethnic attitudes. Social Psychology Quarterly 56.1: 21-36. Koshy, Susan. 2001. Morphing race into ethnicity: Asian Americans and critical transformations of Whiteness. Boundary 2 28.1: 153-94. Lentin, Alana. 2000. “Race,” racism and anti-racism: Challenging contemporary classifications. Social Identities 6.1: 91-106. Lubiano, Wahneema. 1996. Mapping the interstices between Afro-American cultural discourse and cultural studies. Callaloo 19.1: 68-77. Luke, Carmen, and Vicki Carrington. 2000. Race matters. Journal of Intercultural Studies 21.1: 5-24. Massad, Joseph. 1993. Palestinians and the limits of racialized discourse. Social Text, no. 34: 94-114. Merelman, Richard M. 1992. Cultural imagery and racial conflict in the United States: The case of African-Americans. British Journal of Political Science 22.3: 315-42. Rowley, Stephanie, and Julie A. Moore. 2002. When who I am impacts how I am represented. Roper Review 24.2: 63-67. Smith, Valerie. 1994. Reading the intersection of race and gender in narratives of passing. Diacritics 24.2-3: 43-57. Spivak, Gayatry Chakravorty. 1998. Race before racism: The disappearance of the American. Boundary 2 25.2: 35-53. Sundstrom, Ronald R. 2001. Being and being mixed race. Social Theory and Practice 27.2: 285-307. Taylor, Henry Louis, Jr. 1995. The hidden face of racism. American Quarterly 47.3: 395-408. †Taylor, Paul C. 2000. Appiah’s uncompleted argument: W.E.B. DuBois and the reality of race. Social Theory & Practice 26.1: 103-28. Teo, Peter. 2000. Racism in the news: A critical discourse analysis of news reporting in two Australian newspapers. Discourse & Society 11.1: 7-49. Thomas, Deborah A. 2002. Modern Blackness: “What we are and what we hope to be.” Small Axe 6.2: 25-48. Trucios-Haynes, Enid. 2000. Why “race matters”: Latcrit theory and Latina/o racial identity. La Raza Law Journal 11/12.2/1: 1-42. Ware, Vron. 1992. Moments of danger: Race, gender, and memories of empire. History and Theory 31.4: 116-37. West, Cornel, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 1995. Affirmative reaction. Transition, no. 68: 173-86. U 3.16 Transnationalim Bader, Veit. 1997. The cultural conditions of transnational citizenship: On the interpenetration of political and ethnic cultures. Political Theory 25.6: 771-813. Birch, David. 2000. Transnational cultural studies: What price globalization? Social Semiotics 10.2: 141-56. Brosius, J. Peter. 1999. On the practice of transnational cultural critique. Identities 6.2/3: 179-200. Cazdyn, Eric. 1995. Uses and abuses of the nation: Toward a theory of the transnational cultural exchange industry. Social Text, no. 44: 135-59. Howe, Stephen. 2002. Transnationalisms good, bad, real, imagined, thick and thin. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 4.1: 79-88. Lionnet, Françoise. 2000. Transnationalism, postcolonialism or transcolonization? Reflections on Los Angeles, geography, and the uses of theory. Emergences: Journal for the Study of Media & Composite Culture 10.1: 25-35. †Nonimi, Donald M. 2002. Transnational migrants, globalization processes, and regimes of power and knowledge. Critical Asian Studies 34.1: 317. †Vertovec, Steven. 1999. Conceiving and researching transnationalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies 22.2: 447-62. ----------. 2001. Transnationalism and identity. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies 27.4: 573-82. See also 1: Rigney; 1.1: Chabram-Dernersesian; 2.2: Charlesworth; Staeheli; 3.3: Kearney; 3.6: Hall; Takacs; Threadgold; 3.8: Sun Ppppppppppppp 4.6 Michel Foucault †Allen, Amy. 1998. Foucault’s debt to Hegel. Philosophy Today 42.1: 71-78. ----------. 2000. The anti-subjective hypothesis: Michel Foucault and the death of the subject. Philosophical Forum 31.2: 113-30. Auxier, Randall E. 2002. Foucault, Dewey, and the history of the present. Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16.2: 75-102. Bevir, Mark. 1999. Foucault, power, and institutions. Political Studies 47: 345-59. Brigg, Morgan. 2002. Post-development, Foucault and the colonization metaphor. Third World Quarterly 23.3: 421-36. Butin, Dan W. 2001. If this is resistance I would hate to see domination. Retrieving Foucault’s notion of resistance within educational research. Educational Studies 32.2: 157-76. Campillo, Antonio. 2000. Foucault and Derrida: The history of a debate on history/ Angelaki 5.2: 113-35. †Chambers, Samuel A. 2001. Foucault’s evasive maneuvers: Nietzsche, interpretation, critique. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6.3: 101-23. Connolly, William E. 1993. Beyond good and evil: The ethical sensibility of Michel Foucault. Political Theory 21.3: 365-89. †Deacon, Roger. 2002. Truth, power and pedagogy: Michel Foucault on the rises of the disciplines. Educational Philosophy & Theory 34.4: 435-58. Dean, Carolyn J. 1994. The productive hypothesis: Foucault, gender, and the history of sexuality. History and Theory 33.3: 271-96. Fisher, Jacob S. 1999. What is an oeuvre? Foucault and literature. Configurations 7.2: 279-90. Flynn, Thomas R. 1999. The philosopher-historian as cartographer: Mapping history with Michel Foucault. Research in Phenomenology 23: 31-50. Flyvbjerg, Bent. 1998. Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for civil society. British Hournal of Sociology. 49.2: 210-33. Fox, Nick J. 1998. Foucault, Foucauldians and sociology. British Journal of Sociology 49.3: 415-33. Freundlieb, Dieter. 1995. Foucault and the study of literature. Poetics Today 16.2: 301-44. Gearhart, Suzanne. 1997. The taming of Michel Foucault: New historicism, psychoanalysis, and the subversion of power. New Literary History 28.3: 457-80. †Gross, Daniel M. 2001. Foucault’s analogies, or how to be a historian of the present without being a presentist. Clio 31.1: 57-82. Gutting, Gary. 2002. Foucault’s philosophy of experience. Boundary 2 29.2: 69-85. †Hendricks, Christina. 2002. The author[’s] remains: Foucault and the demise of the “author functions.” Philosophy Today 46.2: 152-69. Huijer, Marli. 1999. The aesthetics of existence in the work of Michel Foucault. Philosophy & Social Criticism 25.2: 61-85. †Lynch, Richard A. 1998. Is power all there is? Philosophy Today 42.1: 65-70. Marks, John. 1999. Certeau & Foucault: The other and pluralism. Paragraph 22.2: 118-32. †Marshall, James D. 2002. Michel Foucault: Liberation, freedom, education. Educational Philosophy & Theory 34.4: 413-18. Megill, Allan. 1987. The reception of Foucault by historians. Journal of the History of Ideas 48.1: 117-41. †Melville, Peter. 2002. Kant’s dinner party: Anthropology from a Foucauldian point of view. Mosaic 35.2: 93-109. †Mottier, Véronique. 2001. Foucault revisited: Recent assessments of the legacy. Acta Sociologica 44.4: 329-36. †Muckelbauer, John. 2000. On reading differently: Through Foucault’s resistance. College English 63.1: 71-94. Neubauer, John. 1999. Foucault’s voices. Configurations 7.2: 137-51. †Neve, Gordon. 1999. Foucault’s subject: An ontological reading. Polity 31.3: 395-414. Palmeri, Frank. 1999. History of narrative genres after Foucault. Configurations 7.2: 267-77. Pickett, Brent L. 2000. Foucaultian rights? Social Science Journal 37.3: 403-21. Plamper, Jan. 2002. Foucault’s Gulag. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 3.2: 255-80. Rajan, Tilottama. 2000. The masks of death: Foucault, Derrida, and the human sciences and literature. Angelaki 5.2: 211-21. Said, Edward W. 1972. Michel Foucault as an intellectual imagination. Boundary 2 1.1: 1-36. Santini, Sylvano. 2002. Michel Foucault: Literature and the arts. SubStance 31.1: 77-84. Schrag, Francis. 1999. Why Foucault now? Journal of Curriculum Studies 31.4: 375-83. Schwartz, Thomas. 2000. Ancient frankness: Foucault’s aesthetics of existence and the question of free speech. Pretexts: Literary and Cultural Studies 9.1: 125-31. Seals, Greg. 1998. Objectively yours, Michel Foucault. Educational Theory 48: 59-66. Simons, Jon. 2000. Modernist misapprehensions of Foucault’s aesthetics. Cultural Values 4.1: 40-57. Sprinker, Michael. 1980. Textual politics: Foucault and Derrida. Boundary 2 8.3: 75-98. †Strenski, Ivan. 1998. Religion, power, and final Foucault. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 66.2: 345-67. Tamboukou, Maria. 1999. Writing genealogies: An exploration of Foucault’s strategies for doing research. Discourse 20.2: 201-17. Thiele, Leslie Paul. 1990. The agony of politics: The Nietzschean roots of Foucault’s thought. American Political Science Review 84.3: 907-25. Touey, Daniel. 1998. Foucault’s apology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28.1: 83-106. Weberman, David. 2000. Are freedom and anti-humanism compatible? The case of Foucault and Butler. Constellations 7.2: 255-71. Pp 4.4 Jacques Derrida Bearn, Gordon C. F. 1995. Derrida dry: Iterating iterability analytically. Diacritics 35.3: 2-25. ----------. 1995. The possibility of puns: A defense of Derrida. Philosophy and Literature 19.2: 330-35. Calarco, Matthew R. 2000. Derrida on identity and difference: A radical democratic reading of The other heading. Critical Horizons 1.1: 51-69. Critchley, Simon. 1998. Metaphysics in the dark: A response to Richard Rorty and Ernesto Laclau. Political Theory 26.6: 803-17. Lamont, Michele. 1987. How to become a dominant French philosopher: The case of Jacques Derrida. American Journal of Sociology 93.3: 584-622. Payne, Michael. 2000. The survival of truth after Derrida. Cultural Values 4.1: 127-34. Rorty, Richard. 1978. Philosophy as a kind of writing: An essay on Derrida. New Literary History 10.1: 141-60. Searle, John R. 1994. Literary theory and its discontents. New Literary History 25.3: 637-67. Spivak, Gayatry Chakravorty. 1994. Ghostwriting. Diacritics 25.2: 64-84. ----------. 1994. Responsibility. Boundary 2 21.3: 19-64. Trifonas, Peter. 2000. Jacques Derrida as a philosopher of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory 32.3: 271-81. Wortham, Simon. 2000. Anthologizing Derrida. Symploke 8.1/2: 151-63. Pp 4.3 Judith Butler Allen, Amy. 1998. Power trouble: Performativity as critical theory. Constellations 5.4: 457-72. Diamond, Elin. 2000. Re: Blau, Butler, Beckett, and the politics of seeming. The Drama Review 44.4: 31-43. Kerin, Jacinta. 1999. The matter at hand: Butler, ontology and the natural sciences. Australian Feminist Studies 14: 91-104. Meijer. Irene Costera, and Baukje Prins. 1998. How bodies come to matter: An interview with Judith Butler. Signs 23.2: 275-86. Mills, Catherine. 2000. Efficacy and vulnerability: Judith Butler on reiteration and resistance. Australian Feminist Studies 15: 265-79. Parsons, Susan F. 2000. The boundaries of desire: A consideration of Judith Butler and Carter Heyward. Feminist Theology, no. 23: 90-104. Sawyer, Deborah F. 2001. Dressing up/dressing down: Power, performance and identity in the Book of Judith. Theology & Sexuality 15: 23-31. Schwartzman, Lisa H. 2002. Hate speech, illocution, and social context: A critique of Judith Butler. Journal of Social Philosophy 33.3: 421-41. Smith, Anna Marie. 2001. Words that matter: Butler’s Excitable speech. Constellations 8.3: 390-99. Stern, David. 2000. The return of the subject? Power, reflexivity and agency. Philosophy & Social Criticism 26.5: 109-22. Vasterling, Veronica. 1999. Butler’s sophisticated constructivism: A critical assessment. Hypatia 14.3: 17-38. †White, Stephen K. 1999. As the world turns: Ontology and politics in Judith Butler. Polity 32.2: 155-77. Pp 4.10 Edward W. Said Khalidi, Rashid I. 1998. Edward W. Said and the American public sphere: Speaking truth to power. Boundary 2 25.2, Edward W. Said Issue: 161-77. Merod, Jim. 1998. The sublime lyrical abstractions of Edward W. Said. Boundary 2 25.2, Edward W. Said issue: 117-43. Mitchell, W. J. T., and Edward W. Said. 1998. The panic of the visual: A conversation with Edward W. Said. Boundary 2 25.2, Edward W. Said issue: 11-33. Mufti, Aamir. 1998. Auerbach in Istanbul: Edward Said, secular criticism, and the question of minority culture. Critical Inquiry 25: 95-125. Porter, Roger J. 2001. Autobiography, exile, home: The Egyptian memoirs of Gini Alhadeff, André Aciman, and Edward Said. Biography 24.1: 302-13. Robbins, Bruce. 1994. Secularism, elitism, progress, and other transgressions: On Edward Said’s “voyage in.”Social Text, no. 40: 25-37. ----------, et al. 1994. Edward Said’s Culture and imperialism: A symposium. Social Text, no. 40: 1-24. Pp 4.8 Fredric Jameson McCallum, Pamela. 2001. The success and failure of Fredric Jameson. Symploke 9.1/2: 169-72. Pp 4.7 Antonio Gramsci Buttigieg, Joseph A. 1983. The exemplary worldliness of Antonio Gramsci’s literary criticism. Boundary 2 11.1/2: 21-39. ----------. 1994. Philology and politics: Returning to the text of Antonio Gramsci’s Prison notebooks. Boundary 2 21.1: 98-138. ----------. 1995. Gramsci on civil society. Boundary 2 22.3: 1-32. Haug, Wolfgang Fritz. 1999. Rethinking Gramsci’s philosophy of praxis from one century to the next. Boundary 2 26.2: 101-17. Landy, Marcia. 1986. Culture and politics in the work of Antonio Gramsci. Boundary 2 14.3: 49-70. ----------. 1994. “Gramsci beyond Gramsci”: The writings of Toni Negri. Boundary 2 21.2: 63-97. Pp 4.5 Frantz Fanon Fairchild, Halford H. 1994. Frantz Fanon’s The wretched of the earth in contemporary perspective. Journal of Black Studies 25.2: 191-99. Fuss, Diana. 1994. Interior colonies: Frantz Fanon and the politics of identification. Diacritics 24.2-3: 19-42. †Gauch, Suzanne. 2002. Fanon on the surface. Parallax 8.2: 116-28. Gibson, Nigel. 1999. Beyond manicheanism: Dialectics in the thought of Frantz Fanon. Journal of Political Ideologies 4.3: 337-64. ----------. 1999. Thoughts about doing Fanonism in the 1990s. College Literature 26.2: 96-117. †Harrison, Nicholas. 1998. Positioning (Fanon). Paragraph 21.1: 57-68. Lackey, Michael. 2002. Frantz Fanon on the theology of colonization. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 3.2: np. †Seshadri-Crooks, Kalpana. 2002. I am a master: Terrorism, masculinity, and political violence in Frantz Fanon. Parallax 8.2: 84-98. †Turner, Lou. 2002. (E)racing the ego: Sartre, modernity, and Fanon’s theory of consciousness. Parallax 8.2: 46-53. †Ziarek, Ewa Plonowska. 2002. Introduction: Fanon’s counterculture of modernity. Parallax 8.2: 1-9. Pp 4.11 Raymond Williams Aronowitz, Stenley. 1992. On Catherine Gallagher’s critique of Raymond Williams. Social Text, no. 30: 90-97. Gallagher, Catherine. 1992. Raymond Williams and cultural studies. Social Text, no. 30: 79-89. †Handler, Richard. 1998. Raymond Williams, George Stocking, and fin-de-siecle U.S. anthropology. Cultural Anthropology 13.4: 447-63. Higgins, Michael D. 1997. The migrant’s return—a personal reflection on the importance of Raymond Williams. Critical Quarterly 39.4: 9-24. Moriarty, Michael. 1992. The longest cultural journey: Raymond Williams and French theory. Social Text, no 30: 57-77. San Juan, E., Jr. 1999. Raymond Williams and the idea of cultural revolution. College Literature 26.2: 118-36. West, Cornel. 1992. The legacy of Raymond Williams. Social Text, no. 30: 6-8. Pp 4.2 Roland Barthes †Atack, Margaret. 1998. Barthes and Utopia. French Cultural Studies 9: 249-56. Brooks, Peter, and Naomi Schor. 2001. Roland Barthes—twenty years after. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 433-37. Calhoon, Kenneth S. 1998. Personal effects: Rilke, Barthes, and the matter of photography. MLN 113.3: 612-34. Culler, Jonathan. 2001. Barthes, theorist. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 439-46. Jay, Martin. 2001. Roland Barthes and the tricks of experience. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 469-76. Keefer, Donald. 1995. Reports of the death of the author. Philosophy and Literature 19.1: 78-84. †Kelly, Michael. 2000. Demystification: A Dialogue between Barthes and Lefebvre. Yale French Studies, no. 98: 79-97. †Nickel, Douglas. 2000. Roland Barthes and the snapshot. History of Photography 24.3: 232-35. †Pagan, Nicholas O. 2000. Roland Barthes and the syllogisms of literary criticism. Mosac 33.1: 95-112. Perrone-Moïses, Leyla. 2001. Leçon: testament and prophecy. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 463-68. Polan, Dana. 2001. Inexact science: Complexity and contradiction in Roland Barthes’s “classic semiology.” Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 453-62. Reid, Martine. 2001. S/Z revisited. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 447-52. Saint-Amand, Pierre. 2001. Barthess laziness. Translated by Jennifer Curtiss Gage. Yale Journal of Criticism 14.2: 519-26. †Scheie, Timothy. 2000. Performing degree zero: Barthes, body, theatre. Theatre Journal 52.2: 161-81. Stivale, Charles J. 2002. Mythologies revisited: Roland Barthes and the Left. Cultural Studies 16.3: 457-84. 457-84. Williams, James S. 1998. At the reader’s discretion: On Barthes and cinema. Paragraph 21.1: 45-56.
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