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磁共振报告模板磁共振报告模板 头 颅 颅内未见明显异常 双侧大脑半球对称,灰白质对比正常,未见局灶性信号异常,各脑室、脑池大小形态正常,中线结构居中,幕下小脑、脑干无异常,矢状面扫描示垂体大小形态正常。 脑部MRA未见明显异常。 颅脑MRA示脑基底动脉环完整,双侧大脑中动脉、颈内动脉、大脑前动脉及大脑后动脉及其分支走行正常,无明显局灶性增粗或变细。 鞍内及鞍上占位性病变,性质考虑为垂体腺瘤 冠状面及矢状面扫描示垂体窝扩大,鞍内及鞍上可见实性占位性病变,大小约为: X X cm,边界清楚,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI为...

磁共振 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 头 颅 颅内未见明显异常 双侧大脑半球对称,灰白质对比正常,未见局灶性信号异常,各脑室、脑池大小形态正常,中线结构居中,幕下小脑、脑干无异常,矢状面扫描示垂体大小形态正常。 脑部MRA未见明显异常。 颅脑MRA示脑基底动脉环完整,双侧大脑中动脉、颈内动脉、大脑前动脉及大脑后动脉及其分支走行正常,无明显局灶性增粗或变细。 鞍内及鞍上占位性病变,性质考虑为垂体腺瘤 冠状面及矢状面扫描示垂体窝扩大,鞍内及鞍上可见实性占位性病变,大小约为: X X cm,边界清楚,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI为略高信号,增强扫描后有轻中度强化,信号均匀,病灶呈"花生米"状,在鞍隔平面受阻变窄,垂体柄受压显示不清,视交叉受压,第三脑室及双侧脑室对称性扩大积水。 垂体内小信号异常,符合垂体微腺瘤。 垂体冠状及矢状面示垂体上下径为 cm,上缘膨隆,垂体信号欠均匀,于垂体左/右侧/底部见一T1WI小低信号异常影,直径约为 cm,垂体柄向左/右侧偏移,动态增强扫描示正常垂体明显均匀强化,垂体内病灶呈低信号,鞍底骨质下陷,鞍旁及鞍上其它结构未见异常。 颅内多发占位性病变,性质考虑为脑转移瘤。 于脑内双侧大脑半球灰白质交界区可见多发大小不等类圆形病变,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI高信号,中央有坏死,显示更长T1及更长T2信号,病灶周围大片状水肿,增强扫描后病灶呈不规则环状强化,周围水肿无强化,中线结构向左/右侧偏移。 鞍内及鞍上占位性病变,性质考虑为颅咽管瘤。 矢状及冠状面扫描示鞍内及鞍上占位性病变,大小约为: X X cm, T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明显高信号,水抑制序列仍呈高信号,肿块边界清楚,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶呈环形强化,三脑室前下部受压,三脑室后部及侧脑室扩张积水,垂体受压变扁位于肿块下方。 左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶占位性病变,性质考虑为?-?级星形细(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 胞瘤。 平扫示左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶见一类圆形占位性病变,大小约为 X X cm,形状规则/不规则,边界清楚/欠清楚,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号均匀/略不均匀,周围无水肿/水肿较轻, Gd-DTPA增强扫描肿瘤轻度强化/无强化,水肿不强化。中线结构居中无偏移/偏向左侧/偏向右侧,邻近脑沟变浅。 左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶占位性病变,性质考虑为?-?级星形细胞瘤。 平扫示左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶见一形状不规则的占位性病变,大小约为 X X cm,边缘不清楚,T1WI呈不均匀低信号,T2WI呈不均匀高信号,周围脑组织呈指状水肿,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后肿瘤呈不规则斑片状强化/不规则环形强化,周围水肿不强化。中线结构明显右/左移,左/右侧侧脑室变形移位,局部脑沟变浅。 脑干(桥/延/中脑)占位性病变,性质考虑为胶质瘤。 梗阻性脑积水。 矢状面及横断面扫描示脑干体积增大,以桥脑为明显,可见大小约为 X X cm 信号异常,T1WI等/低信号,T2WI高信号,水抑制序列仍呈高信号,周围脑组织少量水肿,第四脑室向后移位并受压变形,幕上脑室系统对称性扩大积水,增强扫描后病变呈轻度强化。 左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶/大脑凸面/镰旁/蝶骨嵴/桥脑小脑角部占位性病变,性质考虑为脑膜瘤。 于颅内左/右侧额/颞/顶/枕叶/大脑凸面/镰旁/蝶骨嵴/桥脑小脑角/小脑幕见一类圆形占位性病变,大小约为: X X cm,边界清楚,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI为等/略高信号,信号均匀,病灶呈宽基底,与大脑镰/颅骨内板相连,周围可见低信号环,周围水肿较轻,增强扫描后病变呈均匀明显强化,可见脑膜尾征,水肿不强化,中线结构左/右偏。 左/右侧额/颞叶占位性病变,性质考虑为少突胶质细胞瘤。 于左/右侧额/颞叶见一占位性病变,大小约为 X X cm,边界欠清,T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号,其中可见T1及T2像均为低信号斑块状影,考虑为钙化灶,病灶周围有轻度水肿,占位征象较轻,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶轻度强化。中线结构居中/轻度向对侧偏移。 小脑上/下蚓部占位性病变,性质考虑为髓母细胞瘤。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 梗阻性脑积水。 矢状面示小脑蚓部有一类圆形占位性病变,大小约为: X X cm,T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号,病灶突入第四脑室,边界清楚,病灶周围可见少量水肿,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶明显强化,第四脑室向前移位,幕上脑室明显扩张积水。 左/右侧桥脑小脑角区占位性病变,性质考虑为听神经鞘瘤。 梗阻性脑积水 于左/右侧桥脑小脑角区见一类圆形占位性病变,病变以内听道为中心生长,大小约为: X X cm,边界清楚,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI高信号,其内信号欠均匀,可见更长T1、T2信号影,考虑为内部囊变所致,增强扫描后病变呈明显强化,囊变部分不强化,同侧桥脑小脑角池扩大,四脑室受压变形,向对侧移位,幕上脑室系统呈对称性扩张积水。 右/左侧小脑半球占位性病变,性质考虑为小脑星形细胞瘤。 于右/左侧小脑半球见一类圆形占位性病变,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,周围轻度水肿,病灶边界尚清楚,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后肿瘤实性部分明显强化/囊壁环形强化,第四脑室受压移位,幕上脑室扩大积水,脑干受压前移,桥脑小脑角池闭塞。 左/右侧基底节区/颞/顶/额/枕叶内病变,性质考虑为亚急性期脑出血。 于左/右侧基底节区/颞/顶/额/枕叶内见一不规则形信号异常,大小约为: X X cm, T1WI呈高信号,T2WI亦为高信号,病灶边界清楚,周围脑组织轻度水肿,中线结构向左/右偏移, 左/右侧基底节区/颞/顶/额/枕叶脑出血并破溃入脑室。 于左/右侧基底节区/颞/顶/额/枕叶内见一不规则形信号异常,T1WI呈高信号,T2WI亦为高信号,病灶边界清楚,周围脑组织轻度水肿,中线结构向左/右偏移,T1WI双侧侧脑室/三脑室/四脑室内亦可见高信号液平, 左/右颞/顶/额叶异常信号,性质考虑为脑动静脉畸形(AVM)。 于左/右颞/顶/额叶可见一异常信号区,T1WI及T2WI均呈混杂信号,其内可见条状或蚯蚓状流空信号改变,T1WI及T2WI均为低信号,病灶位置较 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 浅,占位征象不明显,中线结构居中,脑室及脑池系统未见异常。Gd-DTPA增强扫描见迂曲的强化血管影,MRA示该部位异常血管团,可见粗大的供血动脉及引流静脉。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 大脑前/中/后动脉 段病变,性质考虑为动脉瘤。 于脑基底动脉环区可见一类圆形病灶,直径约为 X cm,病灶边界清楚,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI亦为低信号,增强扫描后明显强化,MRA示大脑中/前/后/交通动脉局限性梭形扩张。余颅内未见明显异常。 左/右侧叶颞/顶/额/枕叶信号异常,性质考虑为脑梗塞。 扫描示于大脑半球左/右侧颞/顶/额/枕叶见一片状信号异常,呈长方形/扇形,病灶同时累及皮层及皮层下区,T1WI为略低信号,T2WI为高信号,水抑制序列为高信号,轻度占位表现,中线结构轻度左/右移。MRA示大脑中动脉分支变细/闭塞。 左/右侧颞/顶/额/枕叶信号异常,性质考虑为陈旧性脑梗塞。 扫描示于大脑半球左/右侧颞/顶/额/枕叶内见一片状信号异常,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI为高信号,病灶呈矩形,同时累及灰质及白质,局部脑沟增宽,同侧侧脑室增大,中线结构向同侧移位, 双侧基底节区多发腔隙性脑梗塞 于双侧基底节区可见多发条形、圆点状、斑片状信号异常,T1WI低信号,T2WI高信号,水抑制序列呈高/低信号,病变边界清楚,周围无水肿,无占位表现。 双侧侧脑室旁斑片状信号异常,性质考虑为多发性硬化。 于双侧侧脑室前角及后角/两旁脑白质内可见斑片状信号异常,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI高信号,边界清楚,水抑制序列仍为高信号,中线结构居中,双侧侧脑室对称性轻度扩大,脑沟略宽,增强扫描部分病灶呈斑片状强化,部分病灶无强化。 脑白质变性/脑白质疏松。 于双侧侧脑室旁、半卵圆中心可见多发斑点/片状信号,T1WI等/低信号,水抑制序列及T2WI呈稍高信号,边界部分清楚,双侧侧脑室、三脑室轻度对称扩大,中结结构居中。脑沟扩大,脑池增宽。 左/右侧颞/顶/额叶一/多发占位性病变,性质考虑为脑脓肿。 于左/右颞/顶/额叶内可见一/多发占位性病变,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈环形等信号,中央为低信号,周围脑组织水肿呈低信号,T2WI中央高信号,环呈等信号,周围水肿高信号,增强扫描后呈均匀环形强化,环内壁光滑,厚薄均匀一致,周围水肿无强化,中线结构向左/右侧偏移。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 脑萎缩 双侧大脑半球对称,脑实质内未见明显局灶性信号异常,幕上脑室系统轻/中度扩大,中线结构居中,脑沟、脑池蛛网膜下腔稍增宽,脑回变小。 左/右侧颞/顶/额叶斑片状信号异常,性质多考虑为炎症。 于左/右侧颞/顶/额叶可见斑片状信号异常,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,水抑制序列仍为高信号,中线结构居中/向左/右侧轻度偏移,各脑室、脑池大小形态尚正常。 五 官 眼球及眼眶未见明显异常。 扫描示双侧眼眶对称,双侧眼球对称,大小形态正常,球内玻璃体、晶状体信号正常,眼球均匀光滑,球后脂肪信号均匀,眼外肌无明显增粗,泪腺无增大,视神经及视交叉走行正常,信号均匀,边界清楚,眶尖眶周未见明显异常。 左/右侧眼眶外上象限泪腺窝占位性病变,性质考虑为泪腺混合瘤。 于左/右侧眼眶外上象限泪腺窝内可见一椭圆形占位性病变,大小约为 X cm,T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号,增强扫描病灶中度强化,眼球向内下方移位、突出,泪腺窝扩大,骨质结构未见明显破坏。 左/右侧眼球内占位性病变,性质考虑为脉络膜黑色素细胞瘤 于左/右侧眼球内眼环后部见一隆起性病变,呈团块状,大小约为 X cm,与眼环相比,T1WI呈高信号,T2WI等/低信号,Gd-DTPA(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 增强扫描后病灶呈轻中度强化,该眼球轻度肿大,局部眼环增厚,球后未见明显异常,颅内结构无异常。对侧眼球及球后结构正常。 左/右侧眼球内占位性病变,性质考虑为视网膜母细胞瘤。 于左/右侧眼球内眼环后部局部增厚,并可见一隆起性病变,呈团块状,大小约为 X cm,与眼环相比,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI高信号,但较房水信号为低,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶呈轻中度强化,该眼球轻度肿大,球后未见明显异常,颅内结构无异常。对侧眼球及球后结构正常。 左/右侧眼眶内球后肌圆锥内占位性病变,性质考虑为眼眶血管瘤。 于左/右侧眼眶内球后肌圆锥内可见一类圆形占位性病变,边界清楚,大小约为 X cm,与眼环相比,T1WI为等信号,T2WI为高信号,信号尚均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶强化明显,延迟扫描病灶仍明显强化,视神经受压移位,眼外肌亦受压移位。眼眶未见明显破坏。 鼻、鼻窦及鼻咽部未见明显异常。 扫描双侧鼻甲及鼻道对称、正常,鼻中隔居中,双侧上颌窦、筛窦、额窦及蝶窦内气化正常呈低信号,粘膜无明显增厚,鼻咽腔对称,双侧耳咽管咽口、咽隐窝基本对称,双侧咽旁间隙对称无狭窄,颅底骨质未见明显破坏。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 左/右侧上颌窦占位性病变,性质考虑为上颌窦癌。 左/右侧上颌窦窦腔增大,其内可见一占位性病变,大小约为 X cm,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号不均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶不均匀强化,病灶向后外侵犯翼腭窝,向前侵犯面部软组织,向后外侵犯颞下窝,窦壁骨质破坏。 左/右/双侧上颌窦/筛窦/额窦/蝶窦炎症。 扫描示双侧鼻甲明显肥大,左/右/双侧上颌窦/筛窦/额窦/蝶窦粘膜增厚,T2WI呈高信号;窦腔内积液,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,并可见气液平面。 左/右侧上颌窦/筛窦粘膜囊肿。 左/右侧上颌窦/筛窦内可见半圆形信号异常,大小约为 X cm,位于上颌窦下壁,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI高信号,信号均匀,窦腔未见明显扩大,窦壁骨质未见明显破坏。 左/右侧上颌窦/筛窦粘液囊肿。 左/右侧上颌窦/筛窦窦腔扩大,其内可见液性分泌物,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI高信号,其内信号均匀,窦壁骨未见明显破坏。 左/右侧鼻腔内占位性病变,性质考虑为鼻腔癌。 于左/右侧鼻腔内可见一团块状软组织病灶,T1WI等信号,T2WI高信号,信号欠均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶有强化,同(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 侧鼻道变窄,肿块向前生长入鼻前庭,向后长入后鼻孔区,鼻甲/鼻中隔骨质有破坏。 鼻咽癌 扫描示鼻咽腔不对称,轻/重度狭窄/闭塞,左/右侧咽隐窝变浅/消失,局部软组织肿块,鼻咽左/右侧壁增厚形成肿块,突入鼻咽腔,肿块T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后轻中度强化,肿块向深部侵润,左/右侧翼内外肌受侵,左/右侧咽旁间隙变窄/闭塞;向后生长,头长肌界线欠清,向后上生长侵犯同侧颈动脉鞘区,斜坡/岩骨/蝶骨翼板松质骨信号变低,骨皮质不连续。 鼻咽癌并颈深上组淋巴结转移。 扫描示鼻咽腔不对称,轻/重度狭窄/闭塞,左/右侧咽隐窝变浅/消失,局部软组织肿块,鼻咽左/右侧壁增厚形成肿块,突入鼻咽腔,肿块T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,增强扫描后轻中度强化,肿块向深部侵润,左/右侧翼内外肌受侵,左/右侧咽旁间隙变窄/闭塞;向后生长,头长肌界线欠清,向后上生长侵犯同侧颈动脉鞘区,局部可见类圆形病灶,颈静脉周围可见类圆形病灶,T1WI等信号,T2WI高信号,增强扫描后轻度强化。 鼻咽癌并颅底骨质破坏。 扫描示鼻咽腔不对称,轻/重度狭窄/闭塞,左/右侧咽隐窝变浅/消失,局部软组织肿块,鼻咽左/右侧壁增厚形成肿块,突入(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 鼻咽腔,肿块T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,增强扫描后轻中度强化,肿块向深部侵润,左/右侧翼内外肌受侵,左/右侧咽旁间隙变窄/闭塞;向后生长,头长肌界线欠清,向后上生长侵犯同侧颈动脉鞘区,斜坡/岩骨/蝶骨翼板松质骨信号变低,骨皮质不连续。 鼻咽癌并颅内侵犯(左/右/双侧海绵窦)。 扫描示鼻咽腔不对称,轻/重度狭窄/闭塞,左/右侧咽隐窝变浅/消失,局部软组织肿块,鼻咽左/右侧壁增厚形成肿块,突入鼻咽腔,肿块T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,增强扫描后轻中度强化,肿块向深部侵润,左/右侧翼内外肌受侵,左/右侧咽旁间隙变窄/闭塞;向后生长,头长肌界线欠清,向后上生长侵犯同侧颈动脉鞘区。冠状面见左/右/双侧海绵窦增宽,内见软组织影与鼻咽部肿块相连,增强扫描后明显强化。 左/右侧颈动脉鞘区占位性病变,性质考虑为淋巴结转移。 于左/右侧胸锁乳肌深面,颈动脉鞘区、颈内静脉前/后/外侧可见类圆形软组织肿块,大小约为 X cm,T1WI等信号,T2WI高信号,增强扫描轻中度强化,与血管对比清楚,冠状面扫描见肿块位于胸锁乳头肌深面,颈内静脉外侧。 左/右侧颈动脉鞘后方占位性病变,性质考虑为神经鞘瘤。 于左/右侧胸锁乳头肌深面,颈动脉鞘区,颈内静脉后/外/内方见一类圆形肿块,大小约为 X cm,T1WI等信号,T2WI高信(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 号,增强扫描强化较明显,与血管对比清楚,冠状面扫描见肿块位于胸锁乳头肌深面,颈内静脉外侧。 胸 部 后纵隔神经鞘瘤――T12椎体平面椎体左/右旁占位性病变,性质考虑为神经鞘瘤。 于后纵隔相当于T12椎体平面,椎体左/右旁见一类圆形占位性病变,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号尚均匀,边界清楚,增强扫描后病灶呈明显强化,纵隔结构向前推移。 前上纵隔占位性病变,性质考虑为胸腺瘤。 于前上纵隔胸腺位置可见软组织肿块,边界清楚,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI为等信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号尚均匀,增强扫描后病灶呈中度强化,肿块与纵隔内血管影分界清楚,纵隔内其它结构未见异常。 主动脉夹层。 扫描示主动脉管径增粗,其内可见线样影(内膜片)将动脉腔分成两个腔,真腔小,假腔较粗。于主动脉起始部/升主动脉内膜片近端不连续形成破口,胸主动脉/腹腔动脉内膜远端撕裂形成再破口,SET1WI真腔呈低信号,假腔呈不均匀高信号,GRE及Cine-MRI真腔血流呈高信号,假腔血流呈低等高混杂信号,假腔内可见边缘SET1WI高信号,GRE/Cine MRI较低信号影,考(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 虑为血栓形成, CineMRI可显示血液从真腔经破口向假腔喷射。增强后真假腔血流均有强化,血栓不强化。 前中纵隔占位性病变,性质考虑为纵隔淋巴瘤。 于前、中纵隔可见多发结节影,主要位于肺门及支气管隆突下方,部分病灶相互融合,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈高信号,增强扫描后病灶呈轻中度强化,部分血管受压,双侧肺内未见明显肿块影。 腹 部 MRCP肝内外胆管未见明显异常。 MRCCP示肝内胆管走行正常,未见明显扩张,胆总管及左右肝管显影良好,管径无增粗,胆囊不大,胰管显影良好,未见明显扩张。 肝、胆、脾、胰未见明显异常 肝脏大小、形态正常,肝内信号均匀,未见局灶性信号异常,肝内血管走行正常,肝内外胆管无扩张,脾不大,胆囊不大,胰腺大小形态正常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结,增强扫描后未见异常强化。 肝左叶/肝门区占位性病变,性质考虑为胆管细胞癌并胆管扩张。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 于肝左叶/肝门区见一片状占位性病变,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,病灶边界欠清,大小约为 X X cm,肝门区及肝左叶胆管扩张,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病灶强化不明显,静脉期病灶有不规则强化,胆囊不大,胰腺大小形态正常,脾不大,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 肝右/左叶占位性病变,性质考虑为原发性结节型肝癌。肝硬化,脾大,腹水。 横断面及冠状面扫描示肝右/左叶见结节病变,边界尚清楚,有一包膜,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,信号均匀/略不均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病灶有强化,静脉期强化程度下降,延迟扫描病灶呈低信号,肝内胆管无扩张,脾大,肝周可见液性信号影,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 1.肝右/左叶占位性病变,性质考虑为原发性巨块型肝癌并门静脉癌栓/肝内子灶/腹膜后淋巴结转移 2.肝硬化,脾大,腹水。 横断面及冠状面扫描示肝右/左叶见一巨大占位性病变,边界欠清楚,形状不规则,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,信号不均匀,其内可见裂隙状液化坏死,呈长T1及长T2表现,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病灶有强化,静脉期强化程度下降,延迟扫描病灶呈低信号,邻近血管受压推移呈(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 抱球状,门静脉主干/左/右支可见充盈缺损,肝内胆管无扩张,脾大,肝周可见液性信号影,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 1.肝右,左叶占位性病变,性质考虑为弥漫型肝癌并门静脉癌栓/肝内子灶/腹膜后淋巴结转移。 2.肝硬化,脾大,腹水。 扫描示肝右/左叶弥漫性信号异常,T1WI呈不均匀低信号,T2WI呈不均匀略高信号,其内可见少许正常残留肝组织,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病灶有强化,静脉期强化程度下降,延迟扫描病灶呈低信号,门静脉主干/左/右支可见充盈缺损,肝内胆管无扩张,脾大,肝周可见液性信号影,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后可见直径为 cm的肿大淋巴结。 肝右/左叶占位性病变,性质考虑为海绵状血管瘤。 横断面及冠状面扫描示肝右/左叶见一类圆形病变,边界尚清楚,大小约为 X cm,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病灶边缘呈结节状强化,随时间推移,病灶强化范围扩大,延迟扫描病灶基本充填,余肝内信号无异常,血管影走行正常,肝内胆管无扩张,脾不大,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 肝内多发占位性病变,性质考虑为多发海绵状血管瘤。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 横断面及冠状面扫描示肝内多发类圆形病变,边界尚清楚,最大者约为 X cm,T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描动脉期病变边缘呈结节状强化,随时间推移,病灶强化范围扩大,延迟扫描病灶基本充填,肝内胆管无扩张,脾不大,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 肝右/左叶肝囊肿。 横断面及冠状面扫描示肝右/左叶见一类圆形病变,边界清楚,大小约为 X cm,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描扫描病变无强化,边界更清楚,余肝内信号无异常,血管影走行正常,肝内胆管无扩张,脾不大,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 肝内多发囊肿。 横断面及冠状扫描于肝内见多发大小不等类圆形病变,边界清楚,最大者大小约为 X cm,T1WI低信号,T2WI明亮高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病变无强化,边界更清楚,余肝内信号无异常,血管影走行正常,肝内胆管无扩张,脾不大,胆囊大小及形态正常,胰腺无异常,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 肝硬化,脾大,腹水。 肝脏体积较小,边缘呈波浪状改变,肝各叶比例失调,左叶明显增大,右叶缩小,肝内信号欠均匀,呈多发小结节状,但未(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 见明显局灶性信号异常,Gd-DTPA增强扫描肝脏信号尚均匀,未见明显异常强化。脾大 个肋单元,肝脏外缘可见弧形液性信号影。 肝内多发占位性病变,性质考虑为肝转移癌。 于肝左右叶可见多发大小不等病灶,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,边界欠清,病灶信号不均匀,中央可见液化坏死区呈长T1、长T2信号,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶周边强化,中央坏死区不强化。脾不大,胰腺大小形态正常。 梗阻性胆管扩张,梗阻平面在胆总管下段,性质考虑为炎症可能性大(纤维缩窄性乳头炎)。 扫描示肝内胆管扩张,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,呈不均匀性扩张,部分呈跳跃性,呈枯枝状,肝门区肝总管及左右肝管亦扩张,胆总管扩张并呈渐进性,胰头段胆总管仍见扩张,胆囊明显扩大。胰头不大,腹膜后未见明显占位性病变。MRCP见肝内胆管呈枯枝状扩张,肝外胆管亦见扩张,胆总管下段呈渐进性扩张。Gd-DTPA增强扫描未见明显异常强化影。 梗阻性胆管扩张,梗阻平面在胆总管下段,性质考虑为壶腹癌可能。 扫描示肝内胆管明显扩张呈圆形,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,呈均匀性明显扩张,呈软藤征,肝门区肝总管及左右肝管亦扩张呈管状形,胆总管扩张并在胰头/下段突然中断,胆囊明(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 显扩大。胰头不大,腹膜后未见明显占位性病变。MRCP可见肝内外胆管明显扩张,胆总管下段突然中断。 胰头/体部占位性病变,性质考虑为胰腺癌并腹膜后淋巴结转移。 梗阻性胆管扩张,炎症 胰腺体积不规则增大,以胰头/体部明显突出增大,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,信号欠均匀,病灶与周围正常胰腺组织分界欠清,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶呈不规则强化,胰周围组织界面不清楚,腹膜后可见结节状软组织影。 泌 尿 MRU双侧肾盂、输尿管及膀胱未见明显异常。 泌尿系水成像示双侧肾脏显影良好,双侧输尿管显示尚可,双侧肾盂、输尿管未见明显扩张及狭窄。 双侧肾上腺未见明显异常。 扫描示双侧肾上腺形态正常,其大小属正常范围,未超过同平面膈肌脚厚度,冠状面示双侧肾上腺位于肾上方肾被膜内,双侧肾上腺区未见异常占位性肿块,腹膜后未见肿大淋巴结。 双侧肾脏未见明显异常。 扫描示双侧肾脏对称,位于脊柱两侧,大小正常,皮髓质分辨清楚,肾实质内未见明显局灶性信号异常,双侧肾盂、输尿管(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 未见明显扩张,肾周脂肪囊清楚,肾旁结构未见明显异常。冠状面双侧肾脏轮廓正常。 左/右肾内肾囊肿。 于左/右侧肾上/中/下极肾实质内可见一类圆形小病灶,直径约为 cm,边界清楚,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶无强化,正常肾脏明显强化,对比明显,病灶边界更清楚。 左/右/双侧肾脏多发肾囊肿。 于左/右/双侧肾实质内可见多发大小不等类圆形病灶,最大者约为 X X cm,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,边界清楚,信号均匀,增强扫描后病灶无强化,肾旁及肾周组织未见明显异常。 左/右侧肾上腺区占位性病变,性质考虑为肾上腺腺瘤。 于左/右侧肾上腺区可见一直径约 cm类圆形肿块,边缘光滑,界线清楚,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI为略高信号,信号均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶呈中度均匀强化,同侧正常肾上腺显示不清。对侧肾上腺未见明显异常。 左/右侧肾上腺小结节影,性质考虑为肾上腺皮质腺瘤。 左/右侧肾上腺内/外侧枝/结合部可见一小结节影,直径约为 cm,边缘清楚,表面光滑,T1WI等信号,T2WI稍高信号,信号(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 均匀,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后结节呈中度均匀强化,结节与正常肾上腺相/不连,正常肾上腺尚可见。 左/右侧肾上腺区占位性病变,性质考虑为嗜铬细胞瘤。 于左/右侧肾上腺区可见一直径约 cm类圆形较大肿块,边界尚清楚,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI为高信号,信号欠均匀,其内可见长T1及长T2液化坏死区,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶呈明显强化,液化区不强化。同侧正常肾上腺显示不清。冠状面示同侧肾脏受压,对侧肾上腺未见明显异常。 左/右/双侧肾上腺增粗,结合临床考虑为肾上腺增生。 扫描示左/右/双侧肾上腺内/外枝/结合部增粗,超过同平面膈肌脚角厚度,信号尚正常,未见明显结节影。肾上腺区未见其它异常。 左/右/双侧肾上腺区占位性病变,性质考虑为肾上腺转移瘤。 于左/右侧/双侧肾上腺区可见结节/肿块影,边界尚清楚,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI为高信号,信号欠均匀,其内可见长T1及长T2液化坏死区,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶呈明显强化,液化区不强化。同侧正常肾上腺显示不清。冠状面示同侧肾脏受压,对侧肾上腺未见明显异常。 于左/右肾实质内占位性病变,性质考虑为肾细胞癌。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 于左/右侧肾实质内可见一类圆形占位性病变,边界欠清,大小约为 X X cm,病灶不规则,信号欠均匀,其内可长T1、长T2信号囊变坏死区,增强扫描后病灶呈中度强化,正常肾脏明显强化,病灶与正常肾脏对比明显。 盆 部 盆腔各脏器未见明显异常(男性)。 扫描示膀胱充盈良好,膀胱壁光滑,均匀,前列腺大小形态属于正常范围,外周带及中央区信号正常,未见局灶性信号异常,双侧精囊腺对称,大小形态正常,直肠周围脂肪间隙正常。盆壁结构正常,未见肿大淋巴结。 盆腔各结构未见异常(女性)。 扫描示膀胱充盈良好,膀胱壁光滑,均匀,子宫大小形态正常,宫腔内膜厚度正常,矢状面T2WI示子宫三层结构信号正常,宫颈大小形态及信号正常,双侧卵巢形态正常,T2WI呈高信号,子宫直肠窝未见异常信号影,盆壁结构正常,盆腔内未见肿大淋巴结。 前列腺形状不规则,其外周带小结节影,性质考虑为前列腺癌。 扫描示前列腺形态不规则,局部隆起,于前列腺外周带见一小结节影,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈等/略低信号,T2WI呈高(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 信号,增强扫描后结节呈中度强化,左/右侧膀胱精囊角变浅/消失,盆腔内可见一直径约为1cm左右的淋巴结,左/右侧髂骨骨质破坏。 前列腺体积增大,考虑为前列腺良性增生。 扫描示前腺列体积增大,大小为:左右径 cm,上下径 cm,前后径 cm,前列腺外形尚正常,边界清楚,失状面T2WI示前列腺中央腺体明显均匀增大,外周带受压变窄呈环状,双侧膀胱精囊角对称、正常,失状面及冠状面见耻骨联合上20cm处仍可见前列腺,部分突入膀胱内,盆腔内未见肿大淋巴结。 1.左/右侧附件区囊实性占位性病变,性质考虑为卵巢癌。 2.腹水及盆腔积液。 于左/右侧附件区可见一不规则形病灶,大小约为 X X cm,其内信号不均匀,可见T1WI为低信号、T2WI呈高信号的囊性部分,亦可见T1WI为等信号、T2WI呈稍高信号的实性部分,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶呈不均匀强化,病灶与周围组织分界不清楚,子宫、膀胱明显受压移位,信号无异常,盆腔内及下腹部可见少/大量积液。 左/右侧附件区囊性占位性病变,性质考虑为卵巢囊腺瘤。 于左/右侧附件区可见一类圆形病灶,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,其内信号尚均匀/欠均匀,可见(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 分隔,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后包膜及其内分隔有强化,边界尚光滑,与周围组织分界清楚,对侧附件区未见异常,子宫大小形态正常,信号无异常,盆腔其它结构未见明显异常。 左/右侧附件区囊性病灶,性质考虑为卵巢囊肿。 于左/右侧附件区可见一类圆形病灶,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈明亮高信号,Gd-DTPA增强扫描后病灶无明显强化,信号尚均匀,边界光滑,与周围组织分界清楚,对侧附件区未见异常,子宫大小形态正常,信号无异常,盆腔其它结构未见明显异常。 子宫内占位性病变,性质考虑为子宫肌瘤 子宫体积增大,外形不规则,局部隆起,于子宫前壁/后壁可见一类圆形影,与子宫肌层相比,T1WI为等/略低信号,T2WI为稍高信号,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶明显强化,与子宫肌层强化程度接近,双侧卵巢T2WI呈高信号,膀胱充盈良好,壁光滑,盆腔内其它结构未见异常。 子宫颈所见,符合宫颈癌改变。 扫描示子宫颈体积增大,超过3.5cm,宫颈信号异常,T2WI可见宫颈三层结构不清楚,局部软组织肿块隆起,与宫颈肌层信号相比,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈略高信号,T2WI宫颈内膜增厚,结合带不完整,浆膜面不光滑,子宫未见受累/受累,双侧附件区未见明显异常,盆腔内可见一1cm直径小淋巴结。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 子宫内膜增厚,结合临床考虑为子宫内膜腺癌 矢状面示子宫体积稍增大,T2WI子宫内膜增厚,约为 cm,结合带完整/部分不完整,子宫肌层界线尚清楚/不清楚,双侧卵巢大小形态尚正常,未见明显受侵,盆壁未见肿大淋巴结。 左/右侧附件区占位性病变,性质考虑为子宫内膜异位囊肿。 于左/右侧附件区可见一类圆形病灶,大小约为 X X cm,T1WI呈高信号,T2WI亦呈高信号,其内信号欠均匀,病灶边缘光滑,与周围组织分界清楚,对侧附件区未见异常,子宫大小形态正常,信号无异常,盆腔其它结构未见明显异常。 脊 柱 颈椎及椎管内未见明显异常。 矢状面示颈椎生理曲度正常,椎体形态及信号均正常,椎间隙正常,椎间盘T1WI等信号,T2WI呈高信号,椎管通畅无梗阻,蛛网膜下腔无明显受压,黄韧带无明显增厚。脊髓信号及形态正常,无增粗或变细。 腰骶椎及椎管内未见明显异常。 矢状面示腰骶椎生理曲度正常,椎体形态及信号均正常,椎间隙正常,椎间盘T1WI等信号,T2WI呈高信号,椎管通畅无梗阻,蛛网膜下腔无明显受压,黄韧带无明显增厚。脊髓下段及马尾信号及形态正常,无增粗或变细。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 颈椎病(颈椎退行性改变)。C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7间盘膨隆。 矢状面示颈椎生理曲度变直/消失/后凸,椎体轻度变扁,边缘毛糙、变尖,信号正常,T2WI示多个椎间盘信号减低,C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7椎间隙平面蛛网膜下腔轻度弧形压迹,T1WI示C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7间盘信号正常,横断面示C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7间盘后缘轻度均匀后膨,硬膜囊无明显/轻度受压,脊髓形态及信号尚正常。黄韧带略增厚。 C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7椎间盘突出。颈椎病(颈椎退行性改变)。 矢状面示颈椎生理曲度变直/消失/后凸,椎体轻度变扁,边缘毛糙、变尖,信号正常,T2WI示多个椎间盘信号减低,C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7椎间隙变窄,相应平面蛛网膜下腔受压,形成弧形压迹,T1WI示C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7间盘后缘呈锤样突出,压迫脊髓,横断面示C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7间盘后缘局限向正中/左外侧/右外侧突出压迫硬膜囊,脊髓信号尚正常。 L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1椎间盘突出。腰椎退行性变。 矢状面示腰骶椎生理曲度变直/消失,椎体边缘毛糙、变尖,信号正常,T2WI示多个椎间盘信号减低,L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1椎间隙变窄,相应平面蛛网膜下腔受压,形成弧形压迹,T1WI示L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1间盘后缘呈锤样突出,压迫脊髓,横断面示(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1间盘后缘局限向正中/左外侧/右外侧突出压迫硬膜囊,终丝马尾信号正常。 腰椎退行性变。L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1间盘膨隆。 矢状面示腰椎生理曲度变直/消失,椎体轻度边缘毛糙、变尖,信号正常,T2WI示多个椎间盘信号减低,L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1椎间隙平面蛛网膜下腔轻度弧形压迹,T1WI示L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1间盘信号正常,横断面示L3/4,L4/5,L5/S1间盘后缘轻度均匀后膨,硬膜囊无明显/轻度受压,终丝马尾形态及信号尚正常。黄韧带略增厚。 C5/T12/L1椎体平面脊髓内占位性病变,性质考虑为星形细胞瘤/室管膜瘤。 矢状面于C5/T12/L1椎体平面椎管内可见脊髓增粗,T1WI信号减低,T2WI呈略高信号,病灶累及范围较长,与正常脊髓分界不清,Gd-DTPA增强扫描病灶呈不均匀强化,蛛网膜下腔对称性变窄,横断面示此节段脊髓明显增粗,病灶与正常脊髓不能区分。骨性椎管及椎旁结构未见异常。 C5/T12/L1椎体平面椎管内髓外硬膜内占位性病变,性质考虑为神经鞘瘤。 矢状面示C5/T12/L1椎体平面椎管内占位性病变,病灶T1WI呈等/略低信号,T2WI呈高信号,病灶中央液化呈T1WI低信号,T2WI高信号,增强扫描后病灶呈明显强化,中央液化区无强化,(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 病灶与正常脊髓分界清楚,位于硬脊膜内,脊髓的左/右侧,脊髓向对侧移位,左/右侧蛛网膜下腔增宽,对侧蛛网膜下腔变窄。横断面及冠状面示左/右侧椎间孔增宽,病灶呈亚铃形自椎管跨椎管内外。 C5/T12/L1多发椎体信号异常,性质考虑为椎体转移瘤。 矢状面扫描示C5/T12/L1椎体形态不正常,呈膨胀性改变,T1WI信号减低,T2WI信号增高,相应椎管内受累,可见软组织影,横断面可见该椎体体积增大并椎旁软组织影,椎管继发性变窄,脊髓及蛛网膜下腔受压。 C2/T12/L1椎体压缩性骨折并脊髓软化。 颈/胸/腰/椎序列不正常,C5/T12/L1椎体变扁,前后径增宽,椎体边缘变尖,骨皮质断裂,相应平面脊髓受压变细,局部T2WI呈高信号,T1WI低信号,横断面示椎体骨皮质断裂,脊髓前缘受压,C2/T12/L1椎体平面脊髓T2WI呈高信号。 C2/T12/L1椎体结核。 颈/胸/腰/椎序列不正常,C5/T12/L1椎体呈楔形变,局部成角畸形后突入椎管内,椎间隙变窄,间盘信号异常,椎体T1WI信号减低,T2WI信号增高,相应脊髓受压变细,余椎体及椎管未见明显异常。 C2/T12/L1椎体结核并椎旁冷脓肿形成。 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 颈/胸/腰/椎序列不正常,C5/T12/L1椎体呈楔形变,局部成角畸形后突入椎管内,椎间隙变窄,间盘信号异常,椎体T1WI信号减低,T2WI信号增高,相应脊髓受压变细,冠状及横断面开椎旁左/右/双侧腰大肌内侧可见长条状软组织影,有较厚的等信号环壁,其内T1WI呈低信号,T2WI高信号,Gd-DTPA增强扫描呈环形强化。 C2/T12/L1椎体压缩性骨折并脊髓挫伤。 颈/胸/腰椎序列不正常,C5/T12/L1椎体变扁,前后径增宽,椎体边缘变尖,骨皮质断裂,相应平面脊髓受压变细,局部T2WI呈高信号,横断面示椎体骨皮质断裂,脊髓前缘受压。C2/T12/L1椎体平面脊髓T2WI呈高信号,T1WI等/略低信号。 四 肢 正常膝关节 膝关节冠状及矢状面扫描示双侧关节间隙正常,无明显狭窄及增宽,关节面光滑,关节腔内无积液,双侧内、外侧前后半月板形态及信号正常,边缘规整,周围肌肉无异常,矢状面示前后交叉韧带形态及信号未见异常。 左/右膝内/外侧半月板前/后角水平/斜形撕裂。 扫描示左/右膝内/外侧半月板前/后角失去正常三角形结构,呈结节形/豆点形,边缘不规则,呈波浪状,内见线条状/(3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack 片状异常高信号,但不与关节面相连/与关节面相通,关节间隙/尚正常/变窄,关节腔内积液,T1WI低信号,T2WI高信号。 左/右/双侧股骨头缺血坏死。 扫描示双侧股骨头不对称,T1WI左/右侧股骨头边缘见线样低信号,T2WI呈高信号或"双边征"。?期:股骨头形态正常,其内见新月形不均匀异常信号区。?期:股骨头变形,软骨下塌陷,T1WI上见环状及带状低信号,T2WI上呈高信号?期:股骨头明显塌陷,碎裂伴关节间隙变窄,斑片状或新月状异常信号影 (3) trash Rack Installation installation requirements. 1) trash rack should be installed in line with installation drawings and DL/T5018-provisions of section 9.2. 2) trash rack when the gate leaf for more structure, the connections between sections, apart from the framework side columns should be aligned, and grid should be aligned. Grid in the left and shall have a maximum displacement of the front gate thickness of less than 0.5 times. (4) trash rack test. 1) movable trash racks gate hanging man gate slot should the lifting test, check the running of gate in the slot, the sections should be no obstruction and reliable connection. 2) automatically hangs off beam lifting activities-through DTH trash should hang off the hole-by-hole test, ensure that hangs off 100% qualified. 3) use cleaner cleaning up trash, cleaning tests should be installed according to the construction drawings, tests cleaning machine operation in the process should be no exception. (5) gate and trash rack installed gates and trash rack installed 25T truck crane manual transfer directly to tank tops, opening and closing devices that are installed after the gate hoisting in turn, hoist installed after the gate opening and closing test and trash rack
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