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教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment)


教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment)教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment) 教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment) Teachers' moral quality - "modern teachers introduction" Nie Tingsheng in Zibo six Niets@yeah.net The "national long-term education reform and development plan" * strengthening te...

教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment)
教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment) 教师道德素养(Teacher moral accomplishment) Teachers' moral quality - "modern teachers introduction" Nie Tingsheng in Zibo six Niets@yeah.net The "national long-term education reform and development plan" * strengthening teachers' occupation ideal and occupation moral education, strengthen the teachers' sense of responsibility and mission. Teachers should care for students, rigorous Duxue, fame, self-esteem and self-discipline, influence students with personality and knowledge charm education, make the healthy growth of the students and the guider. Ethics performance as teacher assessment and appointment (employment) and the main content of evaluation. Take comprehensive measures to establish long-term mechanism to form a good academic morality and academic atmosphere, overcome the impetuous, punish academic misconduct. The basic view of ethics * strengthen teachers' moral cultivation, is always the basic work of the construction of teachers. * the main construction of teachers' occupation moral is not the principal, secretary, but our teachers themselves; the biggest beneficiaries of the construction of teachers' occupation moral is not others, are our teachers. * on the relationship between professional ethics and teaching ability, we must always adhere to the quality of the teachers to view, to promote the teacher to teacher morality, morality can show. The moral essence is to maximize the benefits of human behavior, morality construction is to make every teacher's educational behaviors will produce the greatest benefit. The main content of this chapter The first part of the connotation and the significance of teachers' Moral Cultivation * a teacher's moral accomplishment and connotation * 1, main content: Teachers' moral literacy, refers to teachers in the occupation and in their daily lives, regulate and deal with the basic norms of conduct or code of conduct and others, and social relations, and the collective, and occupation work should follow, and consciousness on the basis of this show and behavior quality. * 2, explain the connotation * (1) reveals the uniqueness of teachers moral cultivation * (2) reveals the objective restriction, external teachers moral cultivation * (3) to reveal the inner consciousness, teachers' moral self-discipline Two, teachers' basic functions of moral quality * (1) on the guiding function of teachers' behavior * 1, guide the direction of teachers' self cultivation * 2, guide teachers to evaluate themselves correctly * 3, provide power for teachers and * (two) on the regulating function of the teachers * 1, the teachers and the occupation * 2, adjust the relationship of teachers and students * 3, the teachers and other members of the society The basic functions of teachers' moral quality * (three) education function to the education object * 1, teacher personality foundation for students' personality Ushinski stressed: "in education, everything should be educated personality basis. Because the power of education, only from the human personality is the headspring of the. Any of the rules and guidelines, any institution to be set up, no matter how clever ideas, are not a substitute for the education of personality...... there is no education for personal education directly affects the real education, there will not be a deep human nature. Only personality can influence the development of personality and stereotypes, only to develop character character. " * sohomlinsky stressed: "do not forget to help others, in understanding the world around, we are as an important component of the world around and appear in other people's wisdom and spiritual presence. People know the world, we could not know. We taught him knowledge, and not what personality separate things, but the feeling and experience of the world together. " * sohomlinsky: you think students more deeply in love with what you teach, you the teacher is more outstanding, in your personal education researchers and teachers will be more organically. Cultivation of ability, ambition, talent, not directly affect the teacher's personality of students' personality, it is not possible to achieve. The ability to develop only by ability, ambition has always been only by Chi culture, only by the ability to cultivate talents. * 2, teachers for students' moral education role Marley Dion * beeger * 3 teachers, speech and deportment of the behavior of the students with correct demonstration * Li Zhenxi penalty sweep * 4, improve teachers' good psychological quality on students psychological quality formation The basic function of teachers' professional ethics. * (four) to promote the function of social development * the teacher occupation morality promotion function, is refers to the teacher occupation morality to teachers' minds, will constantly regulate all aspects of teachers' behavior and personality, vivid ways to play the exemplary role of social civilization, has become a model for all sectors of society, to learn to follow and promote the progress of social civilization the development of. * "Chinese Youth Daily" social survey center and Sohu cooperation education channel according to a survey, more than 20000 people participated in the survey, 79% of people think that teachers should be better than the other occupation person responsible for more morally. This fully shows that the teachers should become a model and example of social morality, the teachers themselves are given more responsibility. Three, the current main problems of teachers morality exist * education is relatively weak sense. * two is to improve the professional skills. * three is corporal punishment still exists * indicates that the 8000 sampling survey of education experts Laokai sound and Sun Yunxiao in 2002 in the 10 areas: 40.3% of the students had standing by the teacher or run off, 29% of the students in detention after school, 26.7% was the teacher's sarcasm, and scold, 12.1% teachers were prohibited to enter the classroom lectures, 37.8% copy the text or do homework many times, 15.4% hit. * a Canadian scholars have corporal punishment for children's future impact on physical and mental health have done a survey of the world's largest. The investigation shows: the possibility of penalty of adult children of drug and alcohol abuse is two times of normal children, and the probability of suffering from anxiety disorders, antisocial behavior and depression increased significantly. * four is the degree of occupation burnout * five is personality problems * six is paid tutor repeated Four, strengthen teachers' moral significance * (1) ethics is the direction of development for teachers. * if a teacher is not backward in the modern process of the teacher, he will feel they are an active and active member institutions to overcome human ignorance and habits of the past, is the history of all noble and great character with a new generation of the intermediary between people, who is saved for the truth and happiness of the people the sacred teachings of the people. He felt himself between the past and the future is a live link, his career on the surface looks ordinary, one of the greatest cause is history. - Ushinski * "teachers" * (two) to enhance the strength of education ethics training for teachers. * a is inspiring moral education to the students' academic development. * two is the morality of students' emotion cultivation function optimization. * three is demonstration of the role of ethics on students' moral sublimation. * four is to promote the role of students will strengthen the self-cultivation. * (three) to enhance the moral realm of life for teachers Maslow: self realization and the value of life Maslow believes that the basic human needs are divided into higher demand and lower demand. The physiological and security needs to lower demand, is shared by human and animal; perhaps love needs advanced apes; and self realization is unique to human. Self realization is the growing demand for realizing the value of life, its purpose is to expand our experience and enrich our life, and not our lack of compensation. It is pulled us to grand vision. * but not every adult to self realization. Self realization is very small, only one percent. The vast majority of people are not self realization, the main reason is: (1) the real self is very weak, it is easy to be depressed, control, change and disappear; (2) many people dare not to face the kind of knowledge needed about their own self realization, The lack of self-knowledge that knowledge, make yourself in a state of uncertainty; (3) culture impose norms, block one's self realization; (4) self realization is growth requires not lack of demand to promote its development, and sustainable growth depends on their potential. Maslow through the study of some of his friends and some were still alive and the death of the famous figures such as Einstein, Beethoven, Adams, Roosevelt, Huxley and other 49 people, describes 15 kinds of personality characteristics of self actualization. The 15 kinds of personality characteristics of self actualization * 1, can be accurately perceived reality. * 2 and accept them, and others around the world. * 3, can naturally express their emotions and thoughts. * 4, beyond the self centred and problem centered. * 5, with independent personality. * 6, the autonomy of the natural conditions and cultural environment. * 7, ordinary things to feel tired, the daily life of permanent fresh. * 8, with peak experience. * 9, love man and has a sincere desire to help people. * 10, there is a deep mine, have an intimate, warm family. * 11, democratic character, respect other people's personality. * 12, moral standards, can distinguish between means and purpose; never use unscrupulous divisive tactics to accomplish a purpose. * 13, with the philosophy and good humor. * 14, with a strong creativity, not stereotypes. * 15, more of the existing cultural criticism. Maslow "self realization and the way" (1967) * (1) self realization means to experience life fully, energetic and selfless, devotes herself to one thing and forget everything; means less self consciousness and into the realm of completely become a person. * (2) to make every choice become a growth rather than choose back. * (3) to listen to your inner life impulse call. * (4) when there is doubt, to boldly honest about your doubts and don't hide. * (5) to meet the moment of choice, to combine the above four points. * (6) should do their best to. * (7) peak is the moment of self realization. * (8) to identify what is their psychological defense, and have the courage to give up the defense. [1] * [1] fiich Li Xiuwei "Teachers: seek self transcendence", Shandong Education Press, 2009, page twenty-fifth, Who built the Pyramid * in 1560, a man named Booker, the Swiss watch maker in Egyptian pyramids, made an amazing prophecy: Pyramid builders are not slaves, but a group of happy people of freedom. In 2003 the Supreme Council of antiquities through archaeological research, Pyramid is the time with free identity of the peasants and handicraftsmen built, rather than Ciro Dodd in the "history" in the records, built by 300 thousand slaves. * why a watchmaker at a glance the mystery of Pyramid? According to records, Booker who was jailed, where the loss of freedom, he found that no matter what kind of means can not make the clock error is less than 1/10 seconds. At first, the Booker attributed it to the change of working environment, and later, he was released from prison back to Geneva, only to find the real impact of watch making precision is not the environment, but when creating mood. In anger and dissatisfaction, a watchmaker is impossible to accomplish the 1200 processes; in the confrontation and hatred, to be built in Pyramid so magnificent and delicate, so each link is unable to imagine a seamless heavenly robe. * so we can think of Education: if teachers lack of joy and happiness in the work, the lack of love and responsibility, stifle creativity and initiative, filled with burnout and anxiety...... how they will build education in this magnificent and delicate "Pyramid"? Teachers should be a group full of religious meaning, but also the heart of the sun, "sky" and "free people". The second part: Interpretation of occupation ethics of Teachers * occupation ethics teachers in primary and secondary schools (revised in 2008) * a, patriotic and law-abiding. Love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support socialism. Fully implement the national education policy, consciously abide by the educational laws and regulations, perform their duties rights according to law. There shall be no violation of Party and national policies and actions. * two, dedication. Loyal to the people's education, ambitious, diligent, ladder, dedication. Highly responsible for work, careful preparation class, serious Pigaizuoye, tutoring students. Can not explain away. * three, care for students. Take care of all the students, respect students' personality, equality and fair treatment of students. Combination of student student strike, good teachers and helpful friends. Protect the safety of students, care for students' health, protect the rights and interests of students. No sarcasm, and discrimination against students, not corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised form. * four, teaching. Follow the law of education, the implementation of quality education. Good at giving systematic guidance and tireless in teaching others, students. To cultivate students' good conduct, to stimulate students' spirit of innovation, to promote the all-round development of students. Do not score as the sole criteria for evaluating students. * five, teacher. Stick to the noble sentiments, honor, strict with oneself, set an example. Dress, language specification, manners. Concerned about the collective, solidarity and cooperation, respect for colleagues, respect their parents. Decent, honest. Consciously resist the paid tutor, do not use his position for personal gain. * six, lifelong learning. Advocating the spirit of science, the concept of lifelong learning, broaden the horizons of knowledge updating, knowledge structure. Delving into the business, the courage to explore innovation, and constantly improve the level of teaching and professional literacy education. The basic duty of a modern citizen, patriotic and law-abiding * the love of the motherland, as a contemporary teacher, patriotism is loyalty to our country and we always love, have a firm and correct political position, fulfill its duties of citizens, keep in mind the teacher mission, do a good job seriously. At the same time, still adhere to the teaching in education of patriotism education for students, guide them to foster the deep emotion of the motherland, to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, to lay the good foundation of moral become a qualified citizen. * the first is abide by the law, abide by the Constitution and laws, the second is to comply with the laws and administrative regulations and countries in the region, finally also contains the village regulations and abide by established technical norms of labor discipline, and some autonomous organizations of the masses about etc.. Teachers as the advanced elements of society, in the whole society to go in the forefront of the ideological and moral construction. From the current situation of education, teachers also need to pay special attention to teaching in accordance with the law, in their own teaching activities always adhere to the "Education Law" and the "Teacher Law" protection of Minors Act "primary and middle school teachers' occupation moral standards", bound by the laws and regulations and regulate their own words and deeds. Two, the essence of dedication of teachers occupation requirements First, from the perspective of occupation realm. Dedication is conducive to further stimulate our deep understanding of their own occupation, identity in spirit, sentiment of joy and happiness in the growth of the occupation. * reduce the really good teaching not to the technical level, really good teaching from the teachers' identity and self integrity. Parke Palmer "courage to teach"? * secondly, from the specific point of view. Teachers' dedication is mainly reflected in preparing lessons, tutoring students, correcting homework, students talk, specific aspects of communication between parents and so on the trivial. * third, from the view of working attitude. Consciousness of freedom, the occupation attitude is a remarkable feature of the teacher's occupation, education in the teachers with responsibilities and obligations at the same time, also give teachers educational activities with considerable free space. In many cases, dedicated, conscientious, or explain away to cope with trouble, depends entirely on the teachers' attitude and intention. No morality of freedom is likely to evolve into abuse and anomie of the right to freedom of teachers. The core of the soul three, care for students -- Ethics * students is the starting point of education, is the aim of education. Based on the students, is the basic value orientation of modern education. * for all the same. * respect and equality is the basic principle of modern social communication, respect for the students, the basic orientation of modern education is fair. "Occupation moral standards" Canadian teachers in Ontario Province on the four quality teachers must possess is: love, respect, trust and integrity. * protect the safety of health care. Date of secondary school principals Ye Zhiping * Yanci relief phase, teaching in accordance with the law. While strict, strict and rational, strict and well "Conversation death" to give us what kind of warning? The fundamental mission four, teaching teachers occupation education * sohomlinsky discussion I think the ideal of education is to make all the children happy people make their hearts because of work happiness and full of happiness. * Don't let the class, score become people's spiritual life only, all consuming activities. If a person just behave yourself in the scores, it is no exaggeration to say that he is no himself, and our education in the people of this one-sided performance, it is not education -- we only see a petal, but did not see the flowers. A person to show his field more narrow, all teachers care more is limited in knowledge, so instead of knowledge is more harmful to their success in school is more cold, his desire to learn more. * if there is no genuine and heartfelt emotion in the teaching, if he can only grasp the material level for students to experience something that he knew, then the hearts of the students for the knowledge of the feeling is dull, but in the heart not involved in spiritual life in place, there is no faith. Marked five, teacher - teacher cultivation Ye Shengtao said: "all the work of educators is a teacher. " * paid tutor questions * in 2006 seven in Wenzhou Two days of the girls Wu Wenwen Lake case * "American National Education Association Education occupation ethics" * educators bear comply with the highest ethical standards of the * responsibility, * "should not be used with the students' occupation relations to seek personal interests, * should not accept any possible damage or affect the decision or occupation * behavior in fees, gifts or benefits Six, the inexhaustible power of lifelong learning -- teacher development * lifelong learning as a virtue of consciousness, is to ask the teachers to arouse the consciousness of learning. * lifelong learning as a learning process, continuous learning requires teachers to pay attention to. * lifelong learning as a kind of Dexin effect, is to ask the teachers to strengthen the effectiveness of learning. The third part to strengthen the teachers' basic strategy of moral quality * a, strengthen moral training, your life consciously. * "life consciousness" basic characteristics First, have the self-consciousness of life, namely "self". * second, have on the lives of others consciously, namely "others". Again, with external environmental consciousness, namely "environment". * fourth, have to education occupation consciousness, namely "occupation". * Li Zhengtao East China Normal University "education call" life consciousness "of people's education in 2010 23 * initiative is the essential feature of life activities. Independence consciousness * never what a savior, not by God Emperor, all belong to all workers, all by ourselves. * Deng Xiaoping: self consciousness development is the hard truth, no development without reason * from consciousness: why Russell left behind Two, strengthen self-cultivation, one is reading. * sohomlinsky on reading * real teachers must be reading enthusiasts. Let reading become a kind of responsibility, a kind of feeling, a kind of pursuit. * to reading, reading, reading! This is the quality of education of teachers quality needs. To read, To read like hunger and thirst to reading, as the first need of spirit. * the teacher read, can cultivate their teacher's confidence". * the teacher read, can cultivate their life in "". Zhang Daqian: "if you want to teach students and tacky, wash floating gas, in addition to Jiang Qi, the first is reading, second more books, third is to systematically reading selectively. " Three, strengthen self-cultivation, in introspection. * first, when in the learning control. * second chord correction in the transposition thinking. Empathy * help me increase my education wisdom three words * if I were a student * if I were the parents (if the student is my child) * if I were the other (if I were) * six principles of empathy 1. how do I treat others, how others treat me. I want to * 2. others understand, we must first understand others. You will only be understood. * 3. other people in the eyes of their own, is the real existence. Learn to look at problems in the view of others, and thus improve themselves in their eyes. * 4. can only fix yourself, others can not correct. To successfully get along with others, to respect their own ideas, only to change their own. * 5. honest person is trustworthy. * 6. the true feelings of the people, in order to get the truth of return. Four, strengthen self-cultivation, practice experience. * first, to implement the morality in the course of the implementation of the conventional teaching in. The teaching routine, the work is routine, and the basic requirements of work norms in educating and teaching, is everyone should do, everyone can do the bottom line". Therefore, the conventional teaching implementation is not in place not problem, but the problems of virtue. * second, to reflect in the process to improve the teaching results of the. Love students, love education, is responsible for the quality of teaching, which is the most important embodiment about ethics. From years of teaching, the teaching result is seriously lagging behind, backward, Wurenzidi, not the level of the problem, but the problem, because the cause of this phenomenon is the result of years of hard. * third, to show in the process of daily life and the implementation of educational management in. The teacher's words and deeds, not style and manner, but the problems of virtue. High school teacher, who is a fan, teachers should do more to be teachers, teachers, teachers have a subtle influence on the students in every act and every move. Improper education, criticism and excesses, is essentially self moral cultivation is not doing enough, must not be at the starting point is good to explain. * fourth, to strengthen the morality in the process against the second occupation, paid tutor in opposition. Second teachers engage in occupation, paid tutor, not economic problems, but the problems of virtue. In second, occupation paid tutor, although only a handful of people, but it is the corruption of collective teacher, the school's reputation. The American excellent teachers conduct 26 * 1. to remember the names of the students. * 2. note reference to previous evaluations of the students of the school, but without prejudice, and counselor contact. * 3. exercise ability to deal with the problem of confidence, love students, sincere, humorous, honest. * 4. carefully prepared, don't let the teaching plan limit you. * 5. reasonable arrangements for teaching lectures, sought to be clear, clear, highlighting the focus of teaching. Emphasize the students to understand the intention of teaching, homework not most probably it did not actually happen on the blackboard, and should. * 6. familiar lectures do not require students to master all you taught. Good at studying how to carry out classroom teaching according to students' needs and level. * 7. classroom should have good teaching atmosphere, teachers should dress neatly, students should be greeted at the door before class, stop them frolic sound. * 8. should be fully prepared before class, in case of emergency. * 9. strictly abide by the rules and regulations. The school rules posted in the classroom, and explanation, let the students know the school rules. * 10. keep step with. On the same mistake, Today, tomorrow take strictly deal with attitude will cause students confused, disgust. * 11. do not use can not be carried out by the threat of words and language, otherwise it will be invalid. * 12. not because of a few student misconduct and the blame. * 13. don't get angry. In rennaibuzhu allows students to leave the classroom until then let them in class in a calm mood. Teachers should master some basic principles, not in front of parents say never to speak in front of the students. * 14. in a public occasion under the students face, not successful form of education. * 15. regularly for the class to do something good. To decorate the classroom, make full use of bulletin boards to convey information. Listen to the students' different reflect, but should be assertive, do not follow the crowd. * 16. requires students to respect teachers, teachers also need to with due respect. * 17. not too friendly to students, but the attitude is friendly, remember to respect, but not too casually. * 18. do not make learning become students' mental burden. * 19. bold use of the phone, this is an effective method to deal with the naughty students and reward outstanding students. Keep in touch with students parents and teachers. * 20. in dealing with students' problems such as deviation, should dare to admit the mistakes. You will receive honor, rather than the other. * 21. to avoid public debate and students, individual should exchange views. * 22. students and extensive contact, talk to each other. * 23. avoid to intervene or understand every detail of the students. * 24. keep any behavior will in fine fig, teachers influence students' behavior. * 25. brains, with less force. * 26. dealing with students' problems, should keep in contact with the administrative department, when you are at the end of my rope, will get their help.
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