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固体压强计算题 2


固体压强计算题 2固体压强计算题 2 随堂 练习 1(小明同学在探究“压力的作用效果与压力 大小的关系”时,做了如下图甲、乙所 示的实验。 (1)实验能够得到的结论 是 。 (2)若想继续探究“压力的作用效果与受 力面积大小的关系”,应再做图 _______(填“丙”或“丁”)所示实 验。 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear b...

固体压强计算题 2
固体压强计算 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 2 随堂 练习 1(小明同学在探究“压力的作用效果与压力 大小的关系”时,做了如下图甲、乙所 示的实验。 (1)实验能够得到的结论 是 。 (2)若想继续探究“压力的作用效果与受 力面积大小的关系”,应再做图 _______(填“丙”或“丁”)所示实 验。 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 2(置于水平地面上的石柱,高为0.4m,横截 2面积为0.15m,质量为150kg,g取 10N/kg(求: (1)石柱的重力; (2)石柱的密 度; (3)石柱对水平地面的压强( 3(如图2所示的事例中,属于减小压强的是( ) 图2 4(下列事例能减小压强的是( ) Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 35.一头质量为6×10kg的大象,每只脚掌的 2面积为600cm,它的重力为 N,它四脚着地时对地面的压强为 Pa.若大 象抬起一条腿,如图所 示,它对地面的压力 ------------------(选填“变 大”、“变小”或“不变”)。 (g取10N/kg) 6.纪念郑和七下西洋将华夏文明传扬于世,闽江口屹立起国内最大最高的一尊石雕像,如图8所示。石雕像和基座的总质量为7× 5210kg,基座底部呈正方形,面积约为50m,则石雕像和基座总重力是 N,对水平地面的压强是 Pa。(g取10N/kg) Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 第14章 第1节《压强》补充练习 一、填空 1、压力的效果与 和 两个因素有关,为了 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示压力所产生的效 果,物理学引入了压强这个物理量,压强 P= ; 22、一个质量为100Kg,底面积为0.5m的的 箱子放在水平地面上,此时箱子对地面产 生的压力为 N,对地面的压强 是 ; 3、推土机具有宽大的履带,目的为了 ____________________________,斧头、 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 菜刀具有很窄的刃,目的是为了 ____________________________. 4、用刀切菜时,刀钝了切不动,这时可以使 劲切,这是利用_____ 的方法 来_____ ;或者在磨刀石上把 刀磨一磨就容易切了,这是利用_____ 的方法来____ _. 25、用5 N的压力作用在1 cm的面积上产生 Pa;若保持压力不变,的压强为_____ 4要产生2×10 Pa的压强,受力面积应变 2为_____ m. 6、将一个重力等于100 N,边长20 cm的均 匀正方体,放在水平方桌面的中央,桌子 的边长是50 cm,则正方体对桌面的压强 是 _____; 27、已知图钉帽的面积是1 cm,图钉尖的面 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, -42积是5×10 cm,手指对图钉帽的压力是 20 N,那么图钉尖对墙的压强p是_____ 2 Pa,手对图钉帽的压强p是_____ Pa; 1 二、选择题 1、以下措施中,能增大 压强的是( ) A.铁路的铁轨要铺在枕木上 B.汽车的轮胎表面有凹凸花纹 C.刀刃要磨得很薄 D.在坦克的轮子上安装履带 2、人坐在沙发上比坐在椅子上舒服,这是因 为( ) A.沙发有弹性把人拖住了 B.沙发对人的压力比椅子对人的压力小一些 C.沙发对人的压强比椅子对人的压强小 一些 D.以上解释都不对 3、下列对实例的解释正确的是( )A.雪 上飞机的轮子上装有雪橇主要是为了增 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 加飞机在雪地上滑行的速度 B.图钉的 钉帽的作用是为了减小钉帽对手的压强 C.铁轨铺放在枕木上是为了减小列车对 地面的压力 D.溜冰时如果发现冰面 有断裂的迹象应立即快速翘脚跑开 4、下列说法正确的是( ) A.在压力一定的情况下,物体的受力面积越大,产生的压强就越大 B.在物体受力面积一定的情况下,物体受到的压力越大,压强就越大 C.压强一定时,物体的受力面积越大压力就越小 D.要减小压强可以在增大压力的同时减小物体的受力面积 5、正方体金属块放在水平桌面 上,若从高度的一半处将它沿水 平方向切开,如图所示,并将上 半部分拿走,则剩余部分对桌面Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 的压力、压强与原来相比( ) A.压力减半,压强减半 B.压力不变,压强减半 C.压力减半,压强不变 D.压力、压强都不变 6、一个质量是60 kg的人,若他的每只鞋底 2的面积是100 cm,想站立或走过最大承 4受压强为6×10 Pa的冰面时,以下叙述 中正确的是( ) A.他能站立在冰面上 B.他不能站立在冰面上 C.他不能走过 冰面 D.若要站力或走过还必须增加 条件 27、底面积为0.2 m,重为400 N的铝块放在 2面积为400 cm的水平桌面上,铝块对桌面产生的压强为( ) A.2000 Pa B.4000 Pa C.10000 Pa D.1 Pa 三、计算题 1、质量是20Kg的自行车放Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 置在水平地面上,如果轮子与地面的接 2触面积为10 cm,求: 1)自行车对地面产生了多大的压力, 2)自行车对地面产生的压强为多大, 3)如果一个质量为45Kg的同学骑着自行车,自行车对地面的压力和压强分别为多大, 2(提高)、在封冻的冰面上,若人的每只鞋 2底面积是125 cm,体重为500 N的人恰好可以通过,求: 1)冰面最多可以承受多大的压强,2)如果要把600Kg的木箱推过冰面,那么木箱底面积至少需要多大, 23)如果每只鞋底面积是175 cm,体重为500 N的人最多可以负重多少通过冰面, 压强计算题练习 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 1( 有一棱长为10厘米、重为12牛的正方 2 体,放在面积为1米的水平桌面中央,求物块对桌面的压强。 2、池塘水结了一层冰,能够承受的最大压强 4 为2×10帕,问体重为500牛顿、每只脚 2 跟冰接触面积为2分米的人能否在冰上步 行? 2 3、图钉尖端的面积是0.3毫米(钉帽的面 2 积是1.5厘米。用9牛顿的力垂直于墙壁按这只图钉(试求:(1)钉帽受到的压力和压强;(2)墙壁受到的压力和压强。 4、一种砖质量为2千克,大小规格为长20 厘米,宽10厘米,厚5厘米,放置于水 平地面,则: (1)如何放置时,对水平地面压强最大,压强值多少, (2)如何放置时,对水平地面压强最小,Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 其压强值是多少, 5.滑雪运动员所用的滑雪板每块长2米、宽10厘米,如果运动员的质量为50千克,每块滑雪板的质量为2千克,求他对水平雪地的压力和压强各为多大。 6(一只大象重为600千克,每只脚掌与地的 2接触面积为600厘米,则这只大象四脚着 地站在地面时,对地面压强多大,抬起两 只脚时,大象对地面的压强又多大, 7(沙漠之舟的骆驼站立在水平沙面上,它的质量为40千克,每只脚掌的面积为0.02平方米,问(1)骆驼对地面的压力,压强为多少?(2)骆驼的脚掌是马的3倍,这样大的脚掌有什么好处? 8.小明同学的质量为50kg,他站在水平地面 2 上时双脚与地面的接触面积为400cm。 请Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 你算出: (1)小明同学站在水平地面上时对地面的压力; (2)若小明同学背着重为50N的书包行走,他对水平地面的压强。(g取10N,kg) 9.冰面上最大承受压强是900Pa,一个60kg 2的人,利用木板站在冰面上.已知木板1m的质量是10kg,问人在木板上要安全需至少多大面积的木板铺在冰面上.(g,10N/kg) 10(河面结冰后,冰面能承受的最大压强为4 4 ×10帕,质量为60千克的学生想携带货物通过冰面,他每只脚与冰面的接触面积是 2 175厘米,如果他要安全通过冰面,最多能携带多少千克的货物?(g取10牛,千克) 11(双休日,小段一 家人去动物园游玩 时(小段给妈妈和小Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 图10-15 象拍了一张合影(如图10-15所示(在拍摄现场的沙地上留下了小象和妈妈的脚印,小段发现小象的脚印还没有妈妈的脚印深(如果小象的质量是2t(此时小象的触地面积约 2 为2500cm;妈妈的体重为500N,所穿的“远 2 征牌”皮鞋每只触地面积为20cm,请你通过计算解释这个现象((g取10N,kg) 12(云南素有动物王国之称,该省特有的野牛属于国家一级保护动物。动物保护组织成员测出野牛在水平沙地上站立时留下的一个脚印面积为0.025平方米,深度为1.8厘米,并对该地进行抬压实验发现使沙地达到相同 5 深度的压强为2×10Pa,请你根据以上数据推算(1)野牛对该沙地的压力为多大?(假设四只脚印面积相等)(2)野牛的质量为多 少?(g取10N,kg) Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 13.200,年3月,大型国宝 珍品——秦始皇兵马俑在 浙江省博物馆展出。小红参 观时发现,秦俑脚下都踏踩 着一块正方形或长方形的 踏板,如图16所示。为了 弄清这种制作的好处,她收 集了一尊站立姿态兵马俑 的有关数据:体重(含踏板) 1600N,踏板面积1.6× -22 10m。问: (1)这尊兵马俑(含踏板)的质量是多少?(g取10N,kg) (2)这尊兵马俑竖放在水平地面上时,对地面的压强是多少? (3)踏板面积比双脚面积大,这样制作有什么好处?请简要说明理由。 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, ,4、一块长方体花岗岩纪念碑高、宽、厚分 33别为10m、3m、2m,密度为2.5×10kg/m。 5地面所能承受的最大压强为1.2×10Pa,为使地面能承受纪念碑,现把纪念碑立在高1m、 33 密度为2×10kg/m的长方体基石上。(g取10N/kg) (1) 纪念碑的质量是多少, (2)若纪念碑直接矗立在地面上,它对地面的压强多大, (3)基石的底面积至少要多大, 15.A、B立方体,A边长Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 为1分米,重分别为50牛和100牛,如图甲、乙放置在水平桌面上,问 (1)甲、乙图中桌面受到的压力之比F:F甲多大? 乙 (2)图甲A受到的压强p多大? 甲 (3)若图乙桌面受到的压强p=3750帕,B乙 边长多大? Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,
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