首页 精品课程网站后台操作说明



精品课程网站后台操作说明精品课程网站后台操作说明 精品课程网站 网站后台使用说明 look full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cable into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sortin...

精品课程网站后台操作说明 精品课程网站 网站后台使用说明 look full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cable into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, from 网站首页截图: hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab2 目录 前言................................................................................................................................. 4 1.内容信息管理 ................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.内容类别管理 ...................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1类别增加.................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2类别修改.................................................................................................... 6 1.1.3内容类别删除............................................................................................. 7 1.1.4信息类别排序............................................................................................. 8 1.1.5子类别管理 ....................................................................................................... 8 1.2内容信息管理 ...................................................................................................... 9 1.2.1添加信息.................................................................................................. 10添加文字信息…………………………………………………………….……10添加图片信息…………………………………………………………….……11添加附件……………………………………………………………………….12添加flash动画……………………………………………………….……..…14添加视频…………………………………………………………………..…...16 1.2.2信息修改.................................................................................................. 18 1.2.3审核......................................................................................................... 18 1.2.4排序......................................................................................................... 18 1.2.5删除......................................................................................................... 19 2.系统设置 ..................................................................................................................... 19 2.1网站设置 ........................................................................................................... 19 2.2更新缓存 ........................................................................................................... 21 3.添加首页导航栏栏目 ................................................................................................... 21 3.1添加首页导航栏栏目下的二级下拉菜单……………………………..………………….25 4.退出系统 ..................................................................................................................... 30 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab3 前言 后台管理地址:给定的后台网址/admin 初始用户名为:admin 初始密码为:246135 在一下界面中输入用户名,密码,以及验证码,如图1所示: 图1 点击确定登录后台,进入后台管理界面如下,如图2所示: 图2 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab4 后台管理界面分两部分: (1)上边部分为主导航条,左边部分为管理的主项目菜单; (2)右边为管理操作界面和详细信息操作区域。 下面根据主导航上的主项目从主到次依次讲解各个操作。 1.内容信息管理 内容信息是网站的主要信息管理,内容信息下分内容类别管理、内容信息管理两部分。内容类别管理是对网站信息栏目的管理,支持多级分类。 内容信息管理是具体信息的管理。 1.1.内容类别管理 内容信息的类别管理。界面如图1-1所示: 图1-1 左上角有“增加”、“修改”、“删除”、“审核”、“排序”按钮和搜索框,右边是单条信息的修改和删除的按钮。 1.1.1类别增加 点击增加按钮,即添加新类别,界面如图1-2所示: of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab5 图1-2 填写类别名称后,点增加按钮即可完成增加按钮。点“取消”按钮返回管理页面。 1.1.2类别修改 选中勾选项点左上角“修改”或者直接点右边“修改”,如图1-3所示: 图1-3 即进入“修改”界面如图1-4所示: hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab6 图1-4 点击“修改”按钮即可完成修改。点“取消”按钮返回管理页面。 1.1.3内容类别删除 批量删除:选中需要删除的选项,点左上角“删除”按钮,即可完成批量删除; 单个删除:点需要删除项的右后方的“删除”按钮,即可删除该条信息。如图1-5所示: 图1-5 注:内容项一般管理员不用去管理,该内容适合开发人员使用,特别是删除和增加功能慎用。 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab7 1.1.4信息类别排序 勾选需要排序的项,设置排序值,点“排序”按钮,即可。如图1-6所示: 图1-6 1.1.5子类别管理 点击某一内容类别进入该内容类别下的子类别管理界面如图1-7所示: 如点击“新闻中心”: 图1-7 进入“新闻中心”的子栏目列表,如图1-8所示: hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab8 图1-8 以上是“新闻中心”下的子类别列表。点“添加”,“修改”,“删除”,“审核”,“排序”等按钮,进行子类别管理。 子类别下还可以继续添加子类别。 1.2内容信息管理 内容信息管理是对具体信息的管理,主要功能有:添加,修改,删除,排序,审核。如 -9所示: 图1 图1-9 通过查询栏过滤需要管理的类别下的信息。如,选择“新闻中心”,显示所有“新闻中心”下的信息,如图1-10所示: of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab9 图1-10 如果选择了栏目,再点“添加”按钮,则默认添加到选中的栏目下。 1.2.1添加信息 点击“添加”按钮进入添加界面如图1-11所示: 图1-11 选择好类别之后把必须的内容填写完成,点“添加”按钮即可完成。 正文信息在编辑器中添加,可以是各种类型的资料,文字、动画、视频等多种形式,详 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab10 细使用说明查看在线编辑器使用说明。 链接图片:可以上传或者链接地址,如果是图片,则仅仅做链接用,在内容中不显示,如果是视频文件,则在内容中显示。 附件:是对于有需要的文章进一补说明,推荐使用 zip格式上传。支持多附件。 添加文字信息 例添加一则资讯:1)选择相应的栏目,如下图: 进入添加界面,分对内容标题进行填写、以及内容正文,点添加按钮即完成。 此时,该栏目下的内容就会增加一个刚添加的那条信息,但此信息还未发布,必需发布后才可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) 1.2.1(2 添加图片信息 例添加一则图片资讯:1)选择相应的栏目,如下图: of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab11 进入添加界面,对内容标题进行填写,选择在线添加编辑器,点击 该图片(“插入或修改图片”图标按钮),进行图片添加 在添加图片对话框中,选择“浏览”按钮,选择所要添加的图片,确定,即完成添加 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab12 此时,该栏目下的内容就会增加一个刚添加的那条信息,但此信息还未发布,必需发布后才可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) 1.2.1(3 添加附件信息 例添加一则附件资讯:1)选择相应的栏目,如下图: 进入添加界面,对内容标题进行填写,选择在线添加编辑器,点击该图片(“插入其他文件”图标按钮),进行附件添加 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab13 在添加附件对话框中,选择“浏览”按钮,选择所要添加的文档,确定,即完成添加 此时,该栏目下的内容就会增加一个刚添加的那条信息,但此信息还未发布,必需发布后才可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab14 1.2.1(4 添加Flash动画信息 例添加一则Flash动画资讯:1)选择相应的栏目,如下图: 进入添加界面,对内容标题进行填写,选择在线添加编辑器,点击该图片(“插入Flash动画”图标按钮),进行flash动画添加, 在添加Flash动画对话框中,选择“浏览”按钮,选择所要添加的文档,确定,即完成添加 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab15 此时,该栏目下的内容就会增加一个刚添加的那条信息,但此信息还未发布,必需发布后才 可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab16 1.2.1(5 添加视频信息 例添加一则视频资讯:1)选择相应的栏目,如下图: 进入添加界面,对内容标题进行填写,选择在线添加编辑器,点击该图片(“插入自动播放媒体”图标按钮),进行视频添加 在添加Flash动画对话框中,选择“浏览”按钮,选择所要添加的文档,确定,即完成添加 此时,该栏目下的内容就会增加一个刚添加的那条信息,但此信息还未发布,必需发布后才可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab17 1.2.2信息修改 勾选修改信息,点左上角“修改” 按钮,即可进入修改界面。界面如同添加界面 1.2.3审核 单个审核:可以对单条信息点后面的“发布”按钮即可在审核通过和未通过之间切换。 批量审核:选中所有需要审核的信息,点左上角“全部发布”、“全不发布”按钮一至处理。 1.2.4排序 对信息进行手动排序。前台显示,按手动排序为第一显示顺序,并从小到大排序。 (1)勾选中所有需要排序的项 (2)在排序列中,输入排序值,可以是负值,负值比正值和零都要优先显示; (3)点左上角“排序”按钮, 三步即可完成排序,灵活应用排序可以达到一些想要的效果。如图3-13所示: 图1-12 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab18 1.2.5删除 批量删除:钩选需要删除的项,点左上角的“删除”按钮,即可全部删除 单个删除:点击信息后面的“删除”栏中的删除按钮,即可。 2.系统设置 2.1网站设置 主要是网站域名,关键字,联系方式等的设置。如图5-5 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab19 图5-5 主要对网站名称,域名,意见联系人都在这里设置; 主要是对网站关键字和描述进行设置,以便搜素引擎搜到我们的网站。 离线设置是为了在网站维护等情况下,设置的提示文字。 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab20 2.2更新缓存 更新缓存是为了页面生成静态和设置一下常用数据生成静态,以便系统更快的运行。 界面如图5-6所示: 图5-6 点击“更新缓存”按钮之后,界面如图5-7所示: 图5-7 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab21 3(添加首页导航栏栏目,如导航栏目如下图,在“联系我们“栏目前增加一个栏目“报名 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ” 操作如下:如下图三个步骤进行选择进入“导航栏栏目”增加界面, 在该添加界面中,输入导航栏栏目名称,点添加按钮,如下图,即完成添加 完成添加后的界面如下: 此添加完成,就可以在后台进行信息管理,如添加信息,以便在前台上显示,这里我就 先添加一则信息,添加步骤请参考前面的相关步骤,如下图 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab22 注:以上步骤完成后,信息在首页还不能显示,还需进行以下添加才可在首页导航栏目上显示出来。操作步骤如下: 进入添加界面后,如下图,选择“内容项“(注:‘内容项’表示‘首页导航栏的栏目’,‘内容类别’表示‘首页导航栏的栏目的子栏目’), 选择‘内容项’后出现第二个选框中选择‘报名计划’,如下图 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab23 完成选择界面后,如下图,最后点击添加即可完成 完成后的界面,如下图 在‘添加前‘我们是要求把报名计划增加到“联系我们”栏目前的(如下图1),所以要进行一下排序,把‘报名计划’排在‘联系我们’前,如(下图2)。 图1 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab24 图2 排序完成后,对所添加的内容进行更新,如下图 按以上步骤即可完成首页导航栏栏目的添加(如下图),“修改”导航栏栏目的步骤与“添加”步骤一样,只是一个是进行添加,一个是对添加后的进行修改。 3.1在首页导航栏栏目“报名计划”中添加下拉菜单“报名需知”和“报名要求”,添加后的效果如下图(步骤与添加‘导航栏栏目’相似) 具体操作如下:选择进入“报名计划”大类别中,如下图 of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab25 进入之后,进入如下图的界面,再点击‘添加‘按钮进行添加 在添加界面中,真好‘内容类别’名称,以及‘导入内容’的方式,如下图 注: ?信息列表:内容以一条一条该内容的标题发信息的形式显示(如‘报名需知’栏目的内容有2条及以上的信息时,选择该项,效果如下图); hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab26 ?图片列表:内容以一张张图片和该内容的标题组成的图片形式显示(选择该项,在添加‘报名需知’内容时一定要在添加该内容界面中,(网址ming-yu.cn)选择内容正文框下的图片传,进行图片上传<如下图1>,选择该项后,页面显示的效果如下图2); 图1 图2 ?信息详细:把一个文档的所有内容全部显示在一个页面中(表‘报名需知’栏目只有一则详细信息,效果如下图); of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab27 ?信息转向:当鼠标点击‘报名需知’时,页面直接跳转到你所设的地址(选择此项,要在‘现添中页面中’最下面位置“备注”备注选项中输入对应的链接地<如下图>)。 添加完成后的界面,(这两条都是刚添加的)必需发布后才可在网站中显示。如下图(表未发布,表已发布) 网站首页显示如下图,大家有没有注意,我们想添加的是导航栏栏目“报名计划”的下拉菜单,但它并不是我们想要的结果(内容而是显示在网页左侧的导航上的,这是因为还有一步没有添加完成,就如前面添加首页导航栏栏目时的情况一样),如果你不要二级下拉菜单,但是想在网页左面添加二级菜单的话,就操作到此步骤为止即可。 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab28 完成以上操作后,选择‘系统设置’管理栏目,选择‘菜单管理’,再用鼠标点击‘报名计划’并进入报名计划界面中,操作如下图 点击‘添加’按钮(如下图)进行添加 进行添加选择,选择‘内容类别’如下图 ‘’ of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, frombetween horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables should be a reasonable amount le into cable (bridgelook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab29 选择‘一级栏目’,再选择“二级栏目”(因为我们要在首页的导航栏栏目“报名计划”下添加下拉的二级菜单“报名需知”),为此进行如下选择,如下图,最后点击‘添加’。 添加完成后如下界面,切记添加或修改等改动时一定要点击“更新菜单”进行更新,否者前面的操作等于没操作。 完成所有操作后,效果如下图 ’ 4.退出系统 操作完成之后,点左边或者界面上面部分的“退出”系统,安全的退出系统,以防他人使用您的帐号,进行非法操作。 hould be a reasonable amount of JAG, requested terminal layout position, from "top to bottom, fromle into cable (bridge between horizontal and vertical position) by the wiring is responsible for sorting, all cables slook full, complete accessories and parts, well insulated and firmly fixed. Cable arrangement before 6.1 6.1.1 before the cab30
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