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有关淘宝的英语作文2篇有关淘宝的英语作文2篇 以下是网友分享的关于有关淘宝的英语作文的资料2篇,希望对您有所帮助,就爱阅读感谢您的支持。 有关淘宝的英语作文篇1 关于淘宝的作文一:淘宝 漫漫人生路,转眼十余载。淘尽多少浮华,淀下多少生命的珍宝,才懂得,原来,人的一生不过是在反反复复、一次次的“淘宝”中成长的。 “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。淘宝的过程不仅是十分艰难的,更需要的是不断的求索、探究,在原有的“宝”的基础上再“淘”,让“宝”更具有价值。 钱学森,面对美国的优厚的生活条件和工作条件,毅然展转回国。 在金钱的优...

有关淘宝的英语作文2篇 以下是网友分享的关于有关淘宝的英语作文的资料2篇,希望对您有所帮助,就爱阅读感谢您的支持。 有关淘宝的英语作文篇1 关于淘宝的作文一:淘宝 漫漫人生路,转眼十余载。淘尽多少浮华,淀下多少生命的珍宝,才懂得,原来,人的一生不过是在反反复复、一次次的“淘宝”中成长的。 “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。淘宝的过程不仅是十分艰难的,更需要的是不断的求索、探究,在原有的“宝”的基础上再“淘”,让“宝”更具有价值。 钱学森,面对美国的优厚的生活条件和工作条件,毅然展转回国。 在金钱的优待与一颗装着祖国的心之间,他选择淘去丰厚的金钱。这在当时,对于普通人来说简直是不可能的事,但 1 他,钱学森,毅然选择淘去金钱,而留下自己一颗赤诚的中国心为宝。 相较于物质上的“宝”,他放弃了,却把一刻爱国之心“淘”了出来,让国人为之骄傲。钱学森这一“淘宝”,无疑是意义非凡的。 淘宝,淘的不只是宝,更是在淘一份敢于抉择的勇气。 徐霞客一生只走一条路,一部《游记》映千古;司马迁一生只写一部书,《史记》一书绝唱人间;李时珍一生只种草采草写草,甘为“草民”,《本草》一书令世人敬仰。 回首历史,这些在历史上举足轻重的人物,只专注于做一件事。他们的成就不是朝夕间便可得的,而是不断的“淘”,在已有的“宝”上精益求精的“淘”,才获得了最终的功成名就不是吗, 淘宝,淘的不只是宝,更是在淘一份持之以恒的毅力。 14世纪,地心说被人们当作至宝,是真理。但经哥白尼的一番质疑的“淘”,发现地球是围绕太阳转的,太阳系是以太阳为中心的。而如今,他“淘”出的日心说成为了我们的至宝。 在人们认为的“真理”面前,哥白尼大胆质疑的去“淘”,终于创新的“淘”出了“日心说”这一珍宝。 淘宝,淘的不只是宝,更是在淘一份勇于质疑的创新。 “千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始到金”。人生在世,就是要不断的淘宝。取其精华,去其糟粕。淘宝,需要一份勇气; 2 淘宝,需要一份毅力;淘宝,需要一份创新。仅有如此才能淘得真正适合于自己的真正的宝吧。 关于淘宝的作文二:快乐的淘宝活动 盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼到了这一天。要问我为什么那么地期盼这一天,那是因为今天下我们就要举行有趣的淘宝活动了。 那一天,我们带了好多玩具,准备好好地玩一回。 为什么还不到下午呢,时间过得好慢哪~哈哈~终于熬到下午了,淘宝活动开始啦~ 我拎着装玩具的大袋子,费力地走出了教室,来到了402班,桌上的玩具琳琅满目。我挑来挑去,选中了一只蓝色的毛绒玩具,却怎么也没有勇气去和她交换。因为……因为我是一个害羞的小姑娘。终于,我鼓起了勇气,走到她桌前,轻轻地对她说:“我可以用这一只毛绒小狗换你的……”我指了指桌上的那个玩具“这一个吗,”她点了点头,于是,我快速地把小狗玩具放在了她的桌上,把那个毛绒玩具拿了过来。 ,刚拿过毛绒玩具,我便迅速地走出了402班。啊~吓坏我了~我又在其他 班级 班级管理量化考核细则初中班级管理量化细则班级心理健康教育计划班级建设班级德育计划 中走了走,打算去403班淘宝。走进403班,我东挑西拣,看中了一只肥嘟嘟的胖乎乎的小熊,便拿出肯德鸡玩具,对她说:“我能用这只肯德鸡换你的小熊吗,”她摇了摇头。我顿时脸红得像个大苹果,走出了403 3 班。 半路上,遇见了我的好朋友——舒洁,我向她倾诉着我的苦恼,于是她向我推荐了陆志安的毛绒玩具,我见了,爱不释手就用我的飞盘换来了他的毛绒玩具。刚离开了舒洁他们,又遇上了吴映余,十分成功地用一只长手长脚的毛绒猴子和她换了一只会唱歌的……噢,不对,是会哼歌的小乌龟。 接着我又将我剩余的一些玩具换来了不少其他的玩具。当 江 老师在广播里宣布淘宝活动结束时,我们还有些恋恋不舍呢~ 啊~多么快乐的一次淘宝活动呀~真希望天天都举行啊~ 关于淘宝的作文三:淘宝会 广场上传来了一阵阵欢呼声、鼓掌声,淘宝会正式开始啦~ 我们迅速地摆好摊,等待着顾客的到来。开始别的摊上的顾客把物品一扫而光,我们的摊上却始终冷冷清清。最后我发现了同学们都喜欢漫画书、小玩具,于是我买了许多来充实自己的货摊。过了一会儿,这些物品都被顾客们买光了,我赚了许多钱。我用这些钱买了一些小挂件摆在了自己的摊位上,这些物品大受女同学们的喜爱。 最后,东西都卖完了,我用自己辛苦赚来的钱买了一本书,和同学一起分享了书中的快乐。我还把剩余的钱放进了捐款箱,和贫困地区的儿童分享了劳动果实~ 淘宝会真好,它不仅培养了我们的经济意识,还学会了如 4 何用自己辛苦劳动赚钱。最富有价值的是买到了自己喜爱的书和同学们分享了这份快乐,用自己剩余的钱捐献了贫困地区的儿童,让他们一道分享了我的劳动成果,真希望这样的活动多举行几次~ 关于淘宝的作文四:淘宝的快乐 在一个秋高气爽、阳光明媚的下午,同学们终于盼来了学校第二届淘宝节活动。我们把自己平时看完的书和玩过的玩具拿去卖,也可以买我们所需要的书和玩具。通过做“生意”来锻炼自己,还可以把卖出的钱捐给需要帮助的小朋友。 淘宝活动开始了,同学们按班级一字排开,一、二、四年级的同学是买家,三、五年级的同学是卖家。我把玩具和书摆在地垫上,为了吸引买主,我把玩具和书都举行买一赠一的促销活动,并把卖的书的价格写在标签上。陆陆续续有许多老师,家长和学生来买书,可是看过之后还是说书有些贵,于是我就把书压价。并喊到“走过路过,千万不要错过。”这叫声还真管用,一、二年级的好几个同学买了不少的书,就连英语老师也买了我三本《大个子老鼠和小个子猫》。有很多同学对我一个玩具杯子和小勺很感兴趣,但由于再去学校的路上勺子震断了,所以没卖出去,但我已经非常知足了,毕竟这是我第一次卖东西,并且一口气卖了将近三十元钱。同学们在一片热火朝天的叫卖声中,各自推销着自己的商品,我就去淘自己喜欢的物美价廉的东西。突然,我看到一 5 本《赛尔号》的书,非常感兴趣,但这位同学不降价,我和他讨价还价了许久,以十元买回《赛尔号》这本书。最后学校还举行了爱心捐款,我捐了一元钱,希望能帮到更多的同学。 通过这次淘宝活动,我很开心,因为增长了许多知识,并且献出了一份爱心。 关于淘宝的作文五:欢乐淘宝节 “买漫画啦,好看的漫画,走过路过不要错过......”操场上,随处都能够听到这样的声音。这是我们学校正在举行欢乐淘宝节呢~ 我们班还在布置场地时,很多班已经布置好了。只见13班在两棵树只间拉了一条长幅,上面写着”不到长城非好汉不来六十三班淘宝真遗憾“。15班的派了几名同学,拿着牌子,在人群中做着 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 。我们班也不甘示弱,在桌前贴上”低价格高品质就属我们六十四“十三个大字。我们将自己带来的物品一一摆放在桌上,便开始了各自的淘宝之旅。 我从学校的最南面开始看起,一路上,讨价、还价的声音彼此起伏,与推销员的吆喝声混在一起,形成了一首”买卖交响曲。 我一路走,一边看。玩具、饰品、文具、书......五花八门的商品让我眼花缭乱。瞧瞧这只毛绒小狗,身上是淡黄色的卷毛,两只耳朵向下拉着,脸上露出笑容,显得十分可爱。栽 6 看看这个发卡,银色的身子,上面镶嵌着一颗颗钻石,在阳光的映照下,折射出璀璨的光芒......望着这琳琅满目的商品我都不知该买什么好了。忽然,一本《王子与贫儿》映入了我的眼帘。我随意地翻了翻,里面彩色的插图和精典的语句便吸引了我,我问售货员:这本书要多少元,那售货员见来了生意,立刻走过来说道;这本书只要五元。;五元有点贵了,三元行不行,我还价道。不行三元太便宜了,最低4元。售货员说道。行成交~;我一锤定音。我付了钱,拿着低价买来的书,心里美滋滋的。 买完书后,我有买了一条白色的珍珠手链,虽然没有彩色的花纹,但是做工十分精巧。惹人喜爱。淘宝活动结束后,我们班共赚到了306.5元。老师说,这些钱将会全部捐给贫困山区。 这次淘宝节不仅让我们淘到了自己喜欢的东西,更让我们奉献出自己的一份爱心,是个一举两得的活动。 有关淘宝的英语作文篇2 HENAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 河南工业大学 Bachelor of Business Administration Assignment Cover 7 工商管理学士学位课程 作业封面 MODULE CODE AND NAME 科目代码及名称 Module Code 科目代码: ___ Module Name科目名称: ____________ Lecturer 讲师: ______ Section Code专业班级: __ Student ID 学生证号码: ___ Student Name学生姓名: _______ Announcement: I declare that this assignment is ENTIRELY my independent work except where referenced. I have marked any Reference sources and am aware of programme regulations concerning plagiarism and referencing. 声明:除了标明出处的引用资料之外,此作业是我独立调 查完成的。文内所有引用的资料已经详细标明出处,并且我 了解课程中有关抄袭及引用方面的规定。 Signature 签名: 8 TITLE OUTLIN 1:The introduction of Tao bao 1.1 The situation about taobao market 1.2 The detail information about taobao 2:The clean out treasure” storm about Tao bao in 2011 10.10 2.1 What taobao have done cause the storm? 2.2 How people do to resist this change ? 2.3 How government and taobao treat this things. 2.4 What do other people think? and what taobao have done? 3:My opinion and my suggestion 3.1 My opinion 3.2 My suggestion 3.21 About taobao 3.22 About small and medium-sized sellers 3.23 About customer 4: Conclusion 5:Reference 9 Summary With the rapid development of the technology ,shopping online is now very popular,so selling goods on line is also very popular. then taobao become popular little by little who give a platform for these sellers.now when it become strong enough it raise up its price suddenly which let a lot of small and medium -sized sellers end up their business. so all of them organized a huge attack towards taobao on October 10,2011,which has a big influence on the society. they have no choice but in this way to express their angry, because taobao is too strong now their leaders don’t listen to their ideas and their objects. so they gather together to express their feelings to the society hoping that it will get the attention of the society and the government who will help them fight their rights. we all know the influence of the internet ,so only in few days it have spread all over the world ,most people are having a sympathy for them and criticize the taobao. And The ministry of commerce also said hoping the taobao will take these small and medium -sized 10 sellers benefit into consideration and build a good order in the net society .so under the society pressure the leader of taobao Mayun finally comes to terms of these small and medium -sized sellers who have promised that it will provide 1.8 billion RMB to support these seller’s development. Thus , this attack come to a conclusion. however ,this event leave people a lot of things to think. Taobao works to bring order to booming e-market The taobao’s right and wrong and the future 一:The introduction of Tao bao 1.1 Th e situation of the taobao market With the increasing development of the network , shopping on the internet is becoming more popular ,so ,the online shopping makes the taobao very popular , therefore ,a lot of website have appeared ,the competition between them is very fierce. however ,what most people like is taobao , from the chart we can see taobao has a bigger share in the market.But not all people know what the detail information about taobao . now let me tell you 11 something about it . 1.2 The detail information about Alibaba group established Taobao in May 10, 2005. At present, the results show that Tao bao is the first big network in Asia retail business circle, it’s goal is to create a global preferred network retail business circle. By combining the community,sociality,and other ways to increase the people viscosity who shopping on line.besides it adopts the latest group e-commerce mode to let people who shopping online don’t want to return during shopping time.Results show that taobao’s current Business across C2C (Consumer come with an e-business website integrated with, Consumer to Consumer), B2C (Business-to-Consumer Business to Consumer) two parts. After developping for six years, by the end of 2009, taobao has 170 million registered members,the registered users are still growing,according to the statistics, the transaction volume in 2009 for taobao is about 208.3 billion RMB, 2010 is even about 400 billion yuan RMB,taobao is the Asian largest network retail business circle. Taobao mall combines thousands of house 12 brands,producers to provide one-stop solution Between consumers and businesses, they promise that they will provide 100% of quality guarantee products, and they say you can return their products withine seven days for no reason and let you feel the high service of them.the taobao advocates the good faith, active, fast network business culture,what faith they always have is “goods could not be bought ,but reputation can’t lost”.At the same time of building up more members in safe and effective network business platform, but also to provide more employment opportunities for Internet users. Taobao tries their best to create and advocate mutual help, relaxed and lively family atmosphere. Each people who shopping in taobao not only buy things more quickly and efficiently,but still can make more friends. In October 2005, taobao announced that in the next 5 years they will create 1 million job opportunities for the society, By the end of 2009, more than 800000 people have already set up shop in taobao and realized the employment 二:The clean out treasure” storm about Tao bao in 2011 10.10 2.1 13 What taobao have done cause the storm? On October 10, 2011, tao bao mall announced it’s business management system has changed .it planned to improve mall stores costs. The measure maintain two things The first thing is the technology service fee will be improved to 30000 or 6000 yuan every year two class whose original price is only 6000 yuan. The second things is that the earnest money that the the detail information about taobao . now let me tell you something about it . 1.2 The detail information about Alibaba group established Taobao in May 10, 2005. At present, the results show that Tao bao is the first big network in Asia retail business circle, it’s goal is to create a global preferred network retail business circle. By combining the community,sociality,and other ways to increase the people viscosity who shopping on line.besides it adopts the latest group e-commerce mode to let people who shopping online don’t want to return during shopping time.Results show that taobao’s current Business across 14 C2C (Consumer come with an e-business website integrated with, Consumer to Consumer), B2C (Business-to-Consumer Business to Consumer) two parts. After developping for six years, by the end of 2009, taobao has 170 million registered members,the registered users are still growing,according to the statistics, the transaction volume in 2009 for taobao is about 208.3 billion RMB, 2010 is even about 400 billion yuan RMB,taobao is the Asian largest network retail business circle. Taobao mall combines thousands of house brands,producers to provide one-stop solution Between consumers and businesses, they promise that they will provide 100% of quality guarantee products, and they say you can return their products withine seven days for no reason and let you feel the high service of them.the taobao advocates the good faith, active, fast network business culture,what faith they always have is “goods could not be bought ,but reputation can’t lost”.At the same time of building up more members in safe and effective network business platform, but also to provide more employment opportunities for Internet users. Taobao tries their best to create and advocate mutual help, relaxed and lively family atmosphere. Each people who shopping in taobao not only 15 buy things more quickly and efficiently,but still can make more friends. In October 2005, taobao announced that in the next 5 years they will create 1 million job opportunities for the society, By the end of 2009, more than 800000 people have already set up shop in taobao and realized the employment 二:The clean out treasure” storm about Tao bao in 2011 10.10 2.1 What taobao have done cause the storm? On October 10, 2011, tao bao mall announced it’s business management system has changed .it planned to improve mall stores costs. The measure maintain two things The first thing is the technology service fee will be improved to 30000 or 6000 yuan every year two class whose original price is only 6000 yuan. The second things is that the earnest money that the businessmen give will be adjust to 10000 to 150000 yuan every year. 2.2 What sellers do to resist this change ? 16 Although taobao mall have said, the purpose of improving the fee is not for the benefit of themselves or prevent some small shop from coming into the taobao mall ,the main purpose is to let the taobao mall have a more normal order and give customer a better shopping experience. Only in this way can customer enjoy the convenience of shopping on taobao mall and without the concern of being cheated .however, the new rules are strongly objected by small and medium-sized sellers .”one year the charge of 210000, the clean out treasure fundamentally force we to shut up our shop” The sellers said. At 11 pm in the evening, the first batch of nearly 3000 against the new rule of clean out treasure through the QQ and YY voice chat, then small and medium-sized sellers established the tao bao alliance “. Later, these small and medium-sized sellers on tao bao mall started a large-scale attack towards including Korea all clothing shed,.on October 12, 2011 .the total number attack towards the Sally home has reached 19420 times in a few days , Korea is up to 13985 times Seven space space is 4695 times. On October 12, 2011 at 11am ,after 17 having attacked together seven stores of taobao mall, the clean out treasure alliance change their attack goal to taobao straight train,which ,as a result ,made the women’s clothing brand of seven gege all off the shelves. At the same time, the clean out treasure alliance have gathered the YY channel online people which has exceeded 12000. In October 2011, 12 1:30, the number of the clean out treasure alliance have broken through over twenty thousand. 2.3 How government and taobao treat this things. On october 15,2011, in view of the public “taobao mall storm”, the ministry of commerce statement hoped taobao mall to take action to respond to the related businesses, especially to these small and medium-sized businesse’s reasonable requirements, at the same time,they hoped the the clean out treasure alliance and medium-sized sellers “must follow a legal way to express their appeal. And what they always emphasized was that no matter the company or the sellers they must express their appeal by legal means.Then at the moring on 17, the clean out treasure alliance announced that they will stop some of the action. 2.4 18 What do other people think?and what taobao have done? From this event ,we can know that it has a very big influence in society ,different people hold different ideas who have nothing with it.but unquestionably ,it has a bad effect on taobao mall .so it is urgent that the relative responsible person of taobao should take some measures to clam the waters .on October 17, taobao mall announced five new policies ,they say they will delay the action of the news and promise to decrease the guaranteen fee half,and mayun has put 1.8 billion to adjust the new rules.what they say is “we policy idea is good, but the method need more perfect, need to communicate”.from this policy we can learn that Ma yun has given up a little .but it will not solve the problem fundamentably. 三:My opinion and my suggestion 3.1 My opinion As far as i’m concerned ,every coin has two sides ,this adjustment indeed hurt many small and medium-sized sellers.becaues it happened too suddenly that many people can’t accept. as we all know it is the internet that contribute to the development of the online shopping, but the system of 19 the internet market is not so perfect .however , some people think that as a businessman ,it is not necessary for mayun to help these small and medium sellars developing, words return,it is just these small and medium sellers that help the taobao develop little by little, so I think that it is necessary for mayun to carry this responsibility. why taobao become so popular in sociality and become the biggest platform of Electronic business, the reason is that many people support and promote it’s webset. In my opinion , the most important thing is to think up a perfect action which can take all people’s benefit into consideration. The new five published policies still arose many people’s angry, so taobao should continue to think a better solution. And I am sure that taobao will handle this thing well. 3.2 My suggestion 3.21 : About taobao I think that taobao should build a platform for those small and medium-sized sellers .as we all know ,not all cheap goods don’t have a good quality . in the society , there are many common people who haven’t enough money to buy 20 the expensive clothes, so they prefer some cheap clohes .it is these small and medium-sized sellers who let the taobao mall become booming.so ,when it become successful ,it should not forget these sellers.so on the one hand taobao mall can raise up it’s price appropriately which can absolutely decrease some fake goods and let people buy things without concern of being cheated, therefore it can give taobao mall a good reputation. what’s more, on the other hand when it win the benefit it also should give a platform for small and medium-sized sellers to develop, this also tell customer that the things in taobao mall is true ,or else ,it is fake. I think that if taobao can do this ,the problem will have a good end .. 3.22 About small and medium-sized sellers It is a common sense that everything should be ordered or else the world will become disordered .things always change so we should keep in touch with the development rules and obey these roles .these small and medium-sized sellers should try their best to provide good service and goods .if taobao give you a fair platform to continue your career ,you should let them believe that you can make this market 21 booming .only in this way can you have a mutual benefit . 3.23 About customer In terms of this event, it seems has northing with the customer, while in fact, it indeed make a difference between customer. As we know, after buying goods, we are required to give a evaluation , this is very important for these sellers ,however ,some buyers give some bad evaluation even the service is very good ,which will contribute to some shop closing doors. So as a responsible customer we should judge a thing fairly , may be your little mistake will cause others big lose. 四:conclusion Everything has its reason to being , when the problem happened, what we should do is to take some measures to solve the problems. From the taobao event we can learn that no matter what decision you make ,you should think before act ,you should take other’s feeling into consideration especially those who have a big contribution to your career. Thus , on the one hand taobao really should give these small and medium-sized sellers an access to the taobao mall, and make some market rules for them to obey in order to have a 22 ordered market .on the other hand taobao can set a higher door for these branded products shop, only in this way can people let their money worthy and get satisfied food .i am sure that if taobao take measures like what I have said, it will get a good reputation in the society which ,of course, is good for its development. As we all know, network will the main trend in the future , and Electronic business is now very popular ,so if taobao wants to have a further development,it must get more support from these internet users now who are very important.it is certain that if taobao have a big reputation in society ,but what they should do is to get good reputation,so if it can handle this things appropriately ,it will become more wonderful! REFERENCE 1: 2: 3 : 4: 5: 23 6: 7: 8: 9 10: 11 24
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